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Research - FMP
Olivia Waller
Research Introduction
• Over the next 2 weeks, I will be researching a variety of different methods which will hopefully help me
get a clearer perspective on what I need to include throughout my final products. The research I will be
conducting includes existing products and online surveys. I have chosen these forms of research because I
have worked with them frequently throughout previous projects. This research can be conducted online
For example, I can complete the existing products online because with it being a portfolio you mainly see
these product online as it is a way of showing all photos at once so this makes it easy for me to find and
use for research.
• However I can do both of my methods of research both online and offline. For example, surveys can be
taken by class mates and also anonymously through the use of websites such as Survey Monkey. Existing
products can also be reviewed online and offline. For example, you can use different websites including my
project by searching different photographers and getting examples of their work and background on them.
I can also use photography books I have at home from when I was younger and was focused the most on
photography or use the college or local library for books and magazines about photography. The research I
am going to achieve over the next 2 weeks will be gained through several existing products. For example, I
am going to research different photography magazine that fit with Fine Art and look into the different
types of photography and edits used. I would also like to research into different exhibits and how artists
show off their work to the public. I am also expecting to access information from several websites, which
includes Survey Monkey seeing what peoples views and intrests to photography is and what people would
like to see the most.
Audience Research
York Art Gallery
• As my product is based on Art and Photography, I thought it would be good to look
into some galleries and exhibitions and see how they show off the work and
attract an audience. Being in the York area I thought it would be a good idea to
look into local gallery so I have decided to look into York Art Gallery.
• This will help me when creating my product as the core focus of my FMP is Art,
looking into ways they are shown and seen by an audience will help me to
promote my work.
York Art Gallery
I have decided to look at York Art Gallery’s website, as making my own website is a product I am planning on working
on. From this screenshot you can see straight away that it is very bright, they have used blue and pink which are
colours that contrast each other making it very eye catching and easily grabs the audiences attention.
From what I have seen from this website it implies with the colour scheme that the product is targeted to both
genders, women and men as the blue and the pink balance each other out.
”A widely held but fixed and oversimplified
image or idea of a particular type of person
or thing.”
- Google Dictionary
• Carrying on from my previous slide, it has given me the opportunity to talk about
stereotypes. With the websites main colours being pink and blue this shows the
contrast between men and women.
• A prime example to this stereotype is baby clothes and gender reveals as this is
where the 2 colours are used the most. When watching or attending a gender
reveal they use Pink when revealing the baby is a girl and Blue if the baby is a boy.
The colours are very obvious and not neutral and stand out very brightly.
• Carrying on with the baby idea, baby clothes are included as most likely you will
see a baby in pink clothes if it is a girl and blue if it is a boy. However they do also
have more neutral colours such as creams, yellows and whites, this is a good
example of how our modern is evolving in the 21st century.
Stereotype – Babies
• I chose stationary as another example as I think it’s a good example at showing
how stereotypes change through generations. When talking about babies they
don’t have a choice on their appearance as this is dictated (most commonly) by
their parents. When you are a child your mind is more influenced due to
surroundings with linking back to my previous point with stationary.
• When stationary shopping in places such as Whsmiths, most typically the options
for girls are clear pencil cases with pink zips, pink bags and pink pencils and pens.
Whereas with boys its opposite; blue water bottles, blue calculators and blue
rulers… you start to see the point here.
Stereotype – Stationary
Stereotype – Personal
• The point I am going to talk about is a personal experience where it has proven
subconsciously that even as a adult you still stereotype boys and girls.
• When at work and I am serving kids, if I know that the child is a girl or a boy I will
instinctively give a boy a blue cup and a girl a pink cup.
Harry Styles
• In today’s society gender is a strong opinion to some people, as there is a wide
range of genders that people like to go by.
• I am using Harry Styles as an example of Feminine Masculinity. Throughout the
years Harry Styles has developed his style and personality. In December 2020
Harry Styles did a vogue Photoshoot and was dressed in a dress, this is was a big
step in feminine masculinity.
• This is seen as feminine masculinity as a dress is seen as a feminine piece of
clothing and for it to be seen on a man puts gender stereotypes to a holt as this is
the complete opposite to the stereotype.
• This defends my argument in the previous slides about when you are grown up
you have your own personality and gender roles do not matter.
Castle Fine Art
• Another place I am going to research is Castle Fine Art. I have chosen to research
this as I am planning on doing Fine Art in my project so looking into a gallery that
showcases a similar style will make it easier for me to show off my work and how I
can make it effective for the audience.
• Again this place is local gallery situated in York which is helpful and easier for me
to research and relate to.
Castle Fine Art
• I have looked into their website also as I think it shows straight away what sort of theme the
gallery is going to be. From this screenshot it shows that it is quite simple, as the main colour is
white, however they have used a big photo in the middle of the page, this gives the website a
main focus. When scrolling further down the website, they have just used photos to fill out the
website. It shows the outside of the gallery this is helpful for the audience to show them where
the gallery is and how to find it.
• Showing some of the artwork on the front page helps to show what sort of products they have
and can show to the audience whether it is going to appeal to them.
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched products have?
Something my research has in common is that they are both websites that
link to art. This was the main focus of my research as I am doing my project
based on Fine Art so it showed me ideas on how to present my work and how
the audience will like it best.
• What aspects of the research will you include within your work?
An aspect of research I will use in my FMP is the website layout, I think this is
important as this makes it look professional and effective for the audience.
Survey Monkey
I started the research by making a survey as I feel this takes the most time was you have to make
and wait for responses. I started off with a multiple choice question as I felt this would help my
audience get into the rhythm and get an understanding on how it all works. This was my first
question “ what is your age?” on my survey as it helps me get an idea of the target audience for
my product. From this I am able to see that the majority of people how did the questionnaire
were 18-24 years old, meaning this would be my main target audience for my product. I had 20%
response of under 18 meaning that I can also make the product enjoyable for anyone under the
primary age. 80% of responses were for 18-24 meaning this is my primary audience and the main
people I am creating my product for. However I had zero responses for 25-34 which gives me a
disadvantage as I can’t see any of their responses throughout the survey therefore I will have to
hope that they have the same views and opinions as the 18-24 responses.
The next question I asked for my survey was gender, as I feel this is something that helps with target
audience of the project. This again was a multiple choice question, making it nice and simple for the
audience taking the survey. From this we are able to see that majority of people are female, meaning
this will be my main target audience. The secondary audience will be male making sure my products
still appeal to men. 60% of answers were for female and 40% was male. With being a female myself it
makes it easier for me to make something that is going to appeal most to them, however I think my
overall products are very unisex helping it appeal to the all round target audience. Having 2 different
genders respond to the survey gives me a range of different answers meaning I can include all of the
ideas making it suitable for everyone.
The next question asked on the survey was “do you like photography?” overall I think this was the mist
important question to ask as this is the main focus of my project so asking this question gives me an
idea of how much of my target audience will enjoy it. Again this is a multiple choice question keeping it
nice and easy for the audience to answer the questions. 93.33% answered the question with yes
meaning the majority of my audience will enjoy the overall project and theme. 6.67% answered no,
with this only being a small amount of people I don’t think it will really effect my project as 15 people
answered the survey and it was only 1 person who doesn’t enjoy it. However I will take this into
consideration as I need to make it suitable for everyone in the target audience so I make products that
are less focused on photography as I feel they will enjoy it more.
The fourth question for my survey was “do you like more edited photos or simple photos?” for my
project I am planning on taking my own photos and editing them on photoshop so asking my audience if
they will enjoy this content is good as it was my original plan. 53.33% of my answers were for edited
photos and 46.67% answered with simple. Having quite a similar split means I will create a mixture of
edited photos and more simple photos as I think this will suit my audience the best. There was 3 options
for this question “edited”, “simple” and “none” none of the audience chose the option “none” meaning
that it helps me to come up with ideas that is going to suit everyone.
The next question in the survey was “do you prefer black and white photos or colour?” when planning
my products I had planned to do a mixture of black and white and colour so asking this question was to
help me see what the majority of my audience would prefer to see more. From this you can see that
most people answered colour. 86.67% of people answered colour and 13.33% answered black and
white. Straight away you can see that coloured photos are the top winners meaning I will include more
colour photos throughout my products and my audience will enjoy it more. With a few answers for
black and white I will also include photos like this as it will make my product be suitable for everyone.
There was a third option to this question which was “none” no one who took the survey chose this
answers meaning they are happy overall with the other two selctions.
The next question was “what do you think the best way to show off photos is?” I gave the audience a
wide range of answers, there was a multiple choice part but also a specify section so if the audience
didn’t agree with the multiple choice or had other ideas they could say in this section. The choices
were Portfolio, Magazine and Website. 60% of people choice portfolio, this is the theme of my FMP so
its good that most people chose this option. Magazine has 0% meaning my audience would not be
interested in having a magazine as one of the final products. 26.67% of answers were for Website and
13.33% are specify answers, someone has written scrapbook and another answer is social media. I like
the specify answer box as I feel it helps to see what the audience would prefer to see.
The seventh question on my survey is “do you take photos on a professional camera or phone?” 80% of
my audience take photos on their phones, 20% use a camera for photos. From this feedback I can see
that there is a mixture in feedback, to suit all of my audience I will include a mixture of photos as this
will please the audience the most and can make it appeal to all the audience. This gives me the
impression that the audience will enjoy phone photos but also professional photos used in the project.
The next question is “do you edit any photos?” with my plan of my project I am planning to turn plain
photos into edited, fun looking photos. I wanted to get the audiences view on edited photos as this
would determine how I was going to make my project. When asking if they edit their photos it helped
me see who would prefer unedited photos or edited. 78.57% of people who answered do edit their
photos and 21.43% of people don’t edit their photos. There is a varied response in answers to the
question but with the majority of people saying they edit their photos, I feel they will enjoy my photos
and project the most. However I will take into consideration that some of the audience don’t edit their
photos so I will create less edited and more simpler photos for these people as I want my project to be
as appealing to everyone as possible.
This question has many responses as it is a question that everyone had to input their own answer. The
question was “what do you take photos of the most?” I asked this question as it will help me to get a
overall view on what photos everyone would be interested in and whether I can include some of them
into my project. 4 people answered with “me” meaning they like to take photos of themselves, this gave
me the idea to include portrait photos as it is similar to a ‘selfie’ meaning me audience would enjoy it. 3
people said their dogs, when looking at fine art work most of the photos are using a model so I don’t
think a dog photo would match with the theme, however with it being one of the highest answers I think
it is something I should explore as it would definitely grab the audiences attention. The rest of the
answers include friends and nature, I think this theme of photo could work well for my project as one of
my original ideas was to do nature photos so I could do this idea but edit it into something that would fit
my project and it would also appeal to my audience as I’ve included something they enjoy.
The last question on my survey was “do you know what fine art photography is?” I finished off the
survey with a quick multiple choice question. Fine art is a unusual piece of art that usually has some
sort of meaning to it. I found out what it was by googling different art styles and came across fine art as
it looked interesting. I asked this question to see how many people would know the theme of the
project. 57.14% of people said yes to knowing what fine art is and 42.86% said no, there isn’t much
between the two answers and they are both very close however only by a few people the highest
answer was yes which was good as this was final idea and I wanted people to know what it was going
to be. Even though some people don’t know what fine art I think from looking at the photos at the end
will make it easy to get the final idea and have some sort of understanding.
1. Have you ever visited an art exhibit or
2. If answered yes, how did you find out about
3. Do you prefer to look at art digitally or in
4. Would you consider attending a
Photographers exhibit?
Answer 1
1. Yes.
2. Online or because they’re famous.
3. In person.
4. Yes.
Answer 2
1. Yes.
2. Online.
3. In person.
4. Yes definitely.
Answer 3
1. Yes I have been to an art gallery.
2. I found out about it because a lady came into
my sixith form during my A-level
3. During COVID, I would prefer to look at digital
4. I would definitely go to a photographers
Answer 4
1. Yes
2. Flyers
3. Digital
4. Yes
Answer 5
1. Yes I have.
2. Family members.
3. I like both but I prefer digitally more.
4. Yes I would attend a Photographers exhibit.
Questionaire Analysis
• From all the answers I received, I can see the everyone who answered
have visited a art exhibit or gallery. This is good as with my project being
based on art, it shows that the majority of my audience will enjoy this
• I have a mixture of answers on how they found out about the exhibits 2/5
people have answered with online, 2/5 said they have heard about the
exhibit or gallery from other people and one person said they found out
from Flyers in different stores. This gives me an idea on how I could
advertise any of my products.
• Do you prefer to look at art digitally or in person? Was the next question,
the majority of people said digitally, this is good as the products I am
planning making for my FMP would be looked at digitally, so this helps to
make what is more suitable for my audience.
• Everyone answered the same for the last question about attending a
photographers exhibit, they all said yes. This is good as my project is based
off Fine Art Photography so have a small amount of my audience enjoying
photography is good for them so they can enjoy my product.
Exhibit Research
• What is the real purpose of an Art Exhibition? In essence, art is the way of expressing emotions in a
non-generic way, however, a technique is no good until admirers can actually see and understand it.
Art has always been a source of earning for talent heads over the years. This is why art historians,
artists and critics for art have always found art exhibitions as a way to discuss and know more about a
particular art form.
• Simply placing artwork into a corner of an art gallery won’t bring the attention it needs. Art
exhibitions help you learn more about the art of where is best for installation and presentation. This
is something you should learn. The form of an exhibition helps you to show how different forms of
artistic expressions are installed.
• An art exhibition is essentially the best way to establish branding, self-understanding , fundraising,
future development, public awareness, breaking ground.
• Exhibitions offer a wide platform for brands to showcase their products, services and communicate
their key message to a more receptive audience.
• Face to face interaction – Nothing can beat connecting with your audience personally, this makes a
huge difference. Standing out from the mass and getting your voice heard is challenging but with
the right approach, you can make the most of it.
Why are art exhibitions important?
Existing Products
In this section of the
article it is talking about
what to focus on. When
taking a portrait the first
place people look is the
eyes so you need to
make sure they are in
focus and are attention
grabbing. This is
something I will take
into consideration when
taking my photos.
Although this article is
talking about taking
photos of babies, I will use
the advice just on my
photos. I will be taking my
photos on my phone,
there is a feature on
IPhone camera called
burst which lets you hold
the camera button down
and it takes loads of
photos. This will help me
to not miss any moments
which could be good for
my project.
Some of the photos I am
planning on taking will
be standing photos
meaning there will be
more detail seen, this is
something to think
about when taking
photos as I want it to
look professional and
detailed for my project.
Reading this shows me
what details to pick up
on to make it look
This is helpful as it
gives tips on how to
get good photos in any
situation. I think I am
going to try action
photos as it could look
effective in my final
product. Using this tip
will help me get
sharper images.
I think this point is good to
mention as taking photos
throughout the shoot that
are unplanned could turn
out to be good and could
be used in your project.
Being spontaneous and
creative will help with this
and can definitely lead to
unfolded moments which
could work.
From these 2 photos
you can see the
different personalities
these twins have but I
think it gives good
contrast. Capturing
different moments
makes the shoot look
more effective and you
can use the different
moods throughout the
project and put them
together. I will use this
technique for my
project as I think its
This is helpful for
when I am taking my
portraits as it tells
me a technique to
use if I am wanted to
isolate my photo
from the
background. This
gives the photo
more of a focus and
is eye catching for
the audience.
This page of the book explains to the audience about becoming a portrait photography, this is useful to
me as it will help me with taking photos and making sure I get the right angles and I’m capturing my
photos in the right light and getting all the details I need to make it look effective. With this book being a
book for beginners it is easy and simple to read and can be followed by anyone reading. I have read
through this section of the book and will be using this information for when I am taking my own photos
as it will make them look professional and effective.
Castle Fine Art . (2012). Home. Available: Last
accessed 29th April 2021
Tranter, M. (2020). What is the purpose and importance of an art
exhibition?. Available:
importance-of-an-art-exhibition. Last accessed 29th April 2021.
Macasev, A. (N/A). Genders...Why that colour?. Available:
blog/why-that-color-gender/. Last accessed 29th April 2021.
Manning, E (2007). Portrait and Candid Photography. N/A: Wiley . 164.
Manning, E (2007). Portrait and Candid Photography. N/A: Wiley . 162.
York Museum Trust. (N/A). N/A. Available: Last
accessed 29th April 2021.

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Research 1

  • 2. Research Introduction • Over the next 2 weeks, I will be researching a variety of different methods which will hopefully help me get a clearer perspective on what I need to include throughout my final products. The research I will be conducting includes existing products and online surveys. I have chosen these forms of research because I have worked with them frequently throughout previous projects. This research can be conducted online For example, I can complete the existing products online because with it being a portfolio you mainly see these product online as it is a way of showing all photos at once so this makes it easy for me to find and use for research. • However I can do both of my methods of research both online and offline. For example, surveys can be taken by class mates and also anonymously through the use of websites such as Survey Monkey. Existing products can also be reviewed online and offline. For example, you can use different websites including my project by searching different photographers and getting examples of their work and background on them. I can also use photography books I have at home from when I was younger and was focused the most on photography or use the college or local library for books and magazines about photography. The research I am going to achieve over the next 2 weeks will be gained through several existing products. For example, I am going to research different photography magazine that fit with Fine Art and look into the different types of photography and edits used. I would also like to research into different exhibits and how artists show off their work to the public. I am also expecting to access information from several websites, which includes Survey Monkey seeing what peoples views and intrests to photography is and what people would like to see the most.
  • 4. York Art Gallery • As my product is based on Art and Photography, I thought it would be good to look into some galleries and exhibitions and see how they show off the work and attract an audience. Being in the York area I thought it would be a good idea to look into local gallery so I have decided to look into York Art Gallery. • This will help me when creating my product as the core focus of my FMP is Art, looking into ways they are shown and seen by an audience will help me to promote my work.
  • 5. York Art Gallery I have decided to look at York Art Gallery’s website, as making my own website is a product I am planning on working on. From this screenshot you can see straight away that it is very bright, they have used blue and pink which are colours that contrast each other making it very eye catching and easily grabs the audiences attention. From what I have seen from this website it implies with the colour scheme that the product is targeted to both genders, women and men as the blue and the pink balance each other out.
  • 6. Stereotype ”A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.” - Google Dictionary
  • 7. • Carrying on from my previous slide, it has given me the opportunity to talk about stereotypes. With the websites main colours being pink and blue this shows the contrast between men and women. • A prime example to this stereotype is baby clothes and gender reveals as this is where the 2 colours are used the most. When watching or attending a gender reveal they use Pink when revealing the baby is a girl and Blue if the baby is a boy. The colours are very obvious and not neutral and stand out very brightly. • Carrying on with the baby idea, baby clothes are included as most likely you will see a baby in pink clothes if it is a girl and blue if it is a boy. However they do also have more neutral colours such as creams, yellows and whites, this is a good example of how our modern is evolving in the 21st century. Stereotype – Babies
  • 8. • I chose stationary as another example as I think it’s a good example at showing how stereotypes change through generations. When talking about babies they don’t have a choice on their appearance as this is dictated (most commonly) by their parents. When you are a child your mind is more influenced due to surroundings with linking back to my previous point with stationary. • When stationary shopping in places such as Whsmiths, most typically the options for girls are clear pencil cases with pink zips, pink bags and pink pencils and pens. Whereas with boys its opposite; blue water bottles, blue calculators and blue rulers… you start to see the point here. Stereotype – Stationary
  • 9. Stereotype – Personal • The point I am going to talk about is a personal experience where it has proven subconsciously that even as a adult you still stereotype boys and girls. • When at work and I am serving kids, if I know that the child is a girl or a boy I will instinctively give a boy a blue cup and a girl a pink cup.
  • 10. Harry Styles • In today’s society gender is a strong opinion to some people, as there is a wide range of genders that people like to go by. • I am using Harry Styles as an example of Feminine Masculinity. Throughout the years Harry Styles has developed his style and personality. In December 2020 Harry Styles did a vogue Photoshoot and was dressed in a dress, this is was a big step in feminine masculinity. • This is seen as feminine masculinity as a dress is seen as a feminine piece of clothing and for it to be seen on a man puts gender stereotypes to a holt as this is the complete opposite to the stereotype. • This defends my argument in the previous slides about when you are grown up you have your own personality and gender roles do not matter.
  • 11. Castle Fine Art • Another place I am going to research is Castle Fine Art. I have chosen to research this as I am planning on doing Fine Art in my project so looking into a gallery that showcases a similar style will make it easier for me to show off my work and how I can make it effective for the audience. • Again this place is local gallery situated in York which is helpful and easier for me to research and relate to.
  • 12. Castle Fine Art • I have looked into their website also as I think it shows straight away what sort of theme the gallery is going to be. From this screenshot it shows that it is quite simple, as the main colour is white, however they have used a big photo in the middle of the page, this gives the website a main focus. When scrolling further down the website, they have just used photos to fill out the website. It shows the outside of the gallery this is helpful for the audience to show them where the gallery is and how to find it. • Showing some of the artwork on the front page helps to show what sort of products they have and can show to the audience whether it is going to appeal to them.
  • 13. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? Something my research has in common is that they are both websites that link to art. This was the main focus of my research as I am doing my project based on Fine Art so it showed me ideas on how to present my work and how the audience will like it best. • What aspects of the research will you include within your work? An aspect of research I will use in my FMP is the website layout, I think this is important as this makes it look professional and effective for the audience.
  • 15. I started the research by making a survey as I feel this takes the most time was you have to make and wait for responses. I started off with a multiple choice question as I felt this would help my audience get into the rhythm and get an understanding on how it all works. This was my first question “ what is your age?” on my survey as it helps me get an idea of the target audience for my product. From this I am able to see that the majority of people how did the questionnaire were 18-24 years old, meaning this would be my main target audience for my product. I had 20% response of under 18 meaning that I can also make the product enjoyable for anyone under the primary age. 80% of responses were for 18-24 meaning this is my primary audience and the main people I am creating my product for. However I had zero responses for 25-34 which gives me a disadvantage as I can’t see any of their responses throughout the survey therefore I will have to hope that they have the same views and opinions as the 18-24 responses.
  • 16. The next question I asked for my survey was gender, as I feel this is something that helps with target audience of the project. This again was a multiple choice question, making it nice and simple for the audience taking the survey. From this we are able to see that majority of people are female, meaning this will be my main target audience. The secondary audience will be male making sure my products still appeal to men. 60% of answers were for female and 40% was male. With being a female myself it makes it easier for me to make something that is going to appeal most to them, however I think my overall products are very unisex helping it appeal to the all round target audience. Having 2 different genders respond to the survey gives me a range of different answers meaning I can include all of the ideas making it suitable for everyone.
  • 17. The next question asked on the survey was “do you like photography?” overall I think this was the mist important question to ask as this is the main focus of my project so asking this question gives me an idea of how much of my target audience will enjoy it. Again this is a multiple choice question keeping it nice and easy for the audience to answer the questions. 93.33% answered the question with yes meaning the majority of my audience will enjoy the overall project and theme. 6.67% answered no, with this only being a small amount of people I don’t think it will really effect my project as 15 people answered the survey and it was only 1 person who doesn’t enjoy it. However I will take this into consideration as I need to make it suitable for everyone in the target audience so I make products that are less focused on photography as I feel they will enjoy it more.
  • 18. The fourth question for my survey was “do you like more edited photos or simple photos?” for my project I am planning on taking my own photos and editing them on photoshop so asking my audience if they will enjoy this content is good as it was my original plan. 53.33% of my answers were for edited photos and 46.67% answered with simple. Having quite a similar split means I will create a mixture of edited photos and more simple photos as I think this will suit my audience the best. There was 3 options for this question “edited”, “simple” and “none” none of the audience chose the option “none” meaning that it helps me to come up with ideas that is going to suit everyone.
  • 19. The next question in the survey was “do you prefer black and white photos or colour?” when planning my products I had planned to do a mixture of black and white and colour so asking this question was to help me see what the majority of my audience would prefer to see more. From this you can see that most people answered colour. 86.67% of people answered colour and 13.33% answered black and white. Straight away you can see that coloured photos are the top winners meaning I will include more colour photos throughout my products and my audience will enjoy it more. With a few answers for black and white I will also include photos like this as it will make my product be suitable for everyone. There was a third option to this question which was “none” no one who took the survey chose this answers meaning they are happy overall with the other two selctions.
  • 20. The next question was “what do you think the best way to show off photos is?” I gave the audience a wide range of answers, there was a multiple choice part but also a specify section so if the audience didn’t agree with the multiple choice or had other ideas they could say in this section. The choices were Portfolio, Magazine and Website. 60% of people choice portfolio, this is the theme of my FMP so its good that most people chose this option. Magazine has 0% meaning my audience would not be interested in having a magazine as one of the final products. 26.67% of answers were for Website and 13.33% are specify answers, someone has written scrapbook and another answer is social media. I like the specify answer box as I feel it helps to see what the audience would prefer to see.
  • 21. The seventh question on my survey is “do you take photos on a professional camera or phone?” 80% of my audience take photos on their phones, 20% use a camera for photos. From this feedback I can see that there is a mixture in feedback, to suit all of my audience I will include a mixture of photos as this will please the audience the most and can make it appeal to all the audience. This gives me the impression that the audience will enjoy phone photos but also professional photos used in the project.
  • 22. The next question is “do you edit any photos?” with my plan of my project I am planning to turn plain photos into edited, fun looking photos. I wanted to get the audiences view on edited photos as this would determine how I was going to make my project. When asking if they edit their photos it helped me see who would prefer unedited photos or edited. 78.57% of people who answered do edit their photos and 21.43% of people don’t edit their photos. There is a varied response in answers to the question but with the majority of people saying they edit their photos, I feel they will enjoy my photos and project the most. However I will take into consideration that some of the audience don’t edit their photos so I will create less edited and more simpler photos for these people as I want my project to be as appealing to everyone as possible.
  • 23. This question has many responses as it is a question that everyone had to input their own answer. The question was “what do you take photos of the most?” I asked this question as it will help me to get a overall view on what photos everyone would be interested in and whether I can include some of them into my project. 4 people answered with “me” meaning they like to take photos of themselves, this gave me the idea to include portrait photos as it is similar to a ‘selfie’ meaning me audience would enjoy it. 3 people said their dogs, when looking at fine art work most of the photos are using a model so I don’t think a dog photo would match with the theme, however with it being one of the highest answers I think it is something I should explore as it would definitely grab the audiences attention. The rest of the answers include friends and nature, I think this theme of photo could work well for my project as one of my original ideas was to do nature photos so I could do this idea but edit it into something that would fit my project and it would also appeal to my audience as I’ve included something they enjoy.
  • 24. The last question on my survey was “do you know what fine art photography is?” I finished off the survey with a quick multiple choice question. Fine art is a unusual piece of art that usually has some sort of meaning to it. I found out what it was by googling different art styles and came across fine art as it looked interesting. I asked this question to see how many people would know the theme of the project. 57.14% of people said yes to knowing what fine art is and 42.86% said no, there isn’t much between the two answers and they are both very close however only by a few people the highest answer was yes which was good as this was final idea and I wanted people to know what it was going to be. Even though some people don’t know what fine art I think from looking at the photos at the end will make it easy to get the final idea and have some sort of understanding.
  • 26. Questions 1. Have you ever visited an art exhibit or gallery? 2. If answered yes, how did you find out about this? 3. Do you prefer to look at art digitally or in person? 4. Would you consider attending a Photographers exhibit?
  • 27. Answer 1 1. Yes. 2. Online or because they’re famous. 3. In person. 4. Yes.
  • 28. Answer 2 1. Yes. 2. Online. 3. In person. 4. Yes definitely.
  • 29. Answer 3 1. Yes I have been to an art gallery. 2. I found out about it because a lady came into my sixith form during my A-level photography. 3. During COVID, I would prefer to look at digital art. 4. I would definitely go to a photographers exhibit.
  • 30. Answer 4 1. Yes 2. Flyers 3. Digital 4. Yes
  • 31. Answer 5 1. Yes I have. 2. Family members. 3. I like both but I prefer digitally more. 4. Yes I would attend a Photographers exhibit.
  • 32. Questionaire Analysis • From all the answers I received, I can see the everyone who answered have visited a art exhibit or gallery. This is good as with my project being based on art, it shows that the majority of my audience will enjoy this project. • I have a mixture of answers on how they found out about the exhibits 2/5 people have answered with online, 2/5 said they have heard about the exhibit or gallery from other people and one person said they found out from Flyers in different stores. This gives me an idea on how I could advertise any of my products. • Do you prefer to look at art digitally or in person? Was the next question, the majority of people said digitally, this is good as the products I am planning making for my FMP would be looked at digitally, so this helps to make what is more suitable for my audience. • Everyone answered the same for the last question about attending a photographers exhibit, they all said yes. This is good as my project is based off Fine Art Photography so have a small amount of my audience enjoying photography is good for them so they can enjoy my product.
  • 34. • What is the real purpose of an Art Exhibition? In essence, art is the way of expressing emotions in a non-generic way, however, a technique is no good until admirers can actually see and understand it. Art has always been a source of earning for talent heads over the years. This is why art historians, artists and critics for art have always found art exhibitions as a way to discuss and know more about a particular art form. • Simply placing artwork into a corner of an art gallery won’t bring the attention it needs. Art exhibitions help you learn more about the art of where is best for installation and presentation. This is something you should learn. The form of an exhibition helps you to show how different forms of artistic expressions are installed. • An art exhibition is essentially the best way to establish branding, self-understanding , fundraising, future development, public awareness, breaking ground. • Exhibitions offer a wide platform for brands to showcase their products, services and communicate their key message to a more receptive audience. • Face to face interaction – Nothing can beat connecting with your audience personally, this makes a huge difference. Standing out from the mass and getting your voice heard is challenging but with the right approach, you can make the most of it. Why are art exhibitions important?
  • 36. In this section of the article it is talking about what to focus on. When taking a portrait the first place people look is the eyes so you need to make sure they are in focus and are attention grabbing. This is something I will take into consideration when taking my photos. Although this article is talking about taking photos of babies, I will use the advice just on my photos. I will be taking my photos on my phone, there is a feature on IPhone camera called burst which lets you hold the camera button down and it takes loads of photos. This will help me to not miss any moments which could be good for my project. Some of the photos I am planning on taking will be standing photos meaning there will be more detail seen, this is something to think about when taking photos as I want it to look professional and detailed for my project. Reading this shows me what details to pick up on to make it look effective.
  • 37. This is helpful as it gives tips on how to get good photos in any situation. I think I am going to try action photos as it could look effective in my final product. Using this tip will help me get sharper images. I think this point is good to mention as taking photos throughout the shoot that are unplanned could turn out to be good and could be used in your project. Being spontaneous and creative will help with this and can definitely lead to unfolded moments which could work. From these 2 photos you can see the different personalities these twins have but I think it gives good contrast. Capturing different moments makes the shoot look more effective and you can use the different moods throughout the project and put them together. I will use this technique for my project as I think its effective. This is helpful for when I am taking my portraits as it tells me a technique to use if I am wanted to isolate my photo from the background. This gives the photo more of a focus and is eye catching for the audience.
  • 38. This page of the book explains to the audience about becoming a portrait photography, this is useful to me as it will help me with taking photos and making sure I get the right angles and I’m capturing my photos in the right light and getting all the details I need to make it look effective. With this book being a book for beginners it is easy and simple to read and can be followed by anyone reading. I have read through this section of the book and will be using this information for when I am taking my own photos as it will make them look professional and effective.
  • 39. Bibliography Castle Fine Art . (2012). Home. Available: Last accessed 29th April 2021 Tranter, M. (2020). What is the purpose and importance of an art exhibition?. Available: importance-of-an-art-exhibition. Last accessed 29th April 2021. Macasev, A. (N/A). Genders...Why that colour?. Available: blog/why-that-color-gender/. Last accessed 29th April 2021. Manning, E (2007). Portrait and Candid Photography. N/A: Wiley . 164. Manning, E (2007). Portrait and Candid Photography. N/A: Wiley . 162. York Museum Trust. (N/A). N/A. Available: Last accessed 29th April 2021.