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• At the start of this project, I started my research on the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT). I think the
best thing to start off with when starting a new project is creating an audience profile. YWT
supplied a brief audience profile, this was extremely helpful. I explored these audience profiles
more, I chose Karen and Phoebe. Karen was a single mum of two, this was an audience which was
extremely interesting for me. I think this audience profile suited the idea I had in mind. I think
researching the correct target audience was vital for my project, this was a main strength of my
research. I used the website to find out about Karen, this is like her socio-
economic status, Lifestyle and Characterisation. This was generally quite difficult as I didn't have a
postcode to where Karen lives only the fact that she lives in hull, I took an educated guess with the
fact that she was a single mother who has barely any spare income. My third slide was from a
website called This was a website which can show the map areas on different subjects.
It backed up that where Karen lives it is in a town which is financially unstainable, this gave me an
idea for my production. I thought that it would be a good idea to research another audience
profile this is, so I can determine which profile is best for the product which I am going to create. I
think the profile for Phoebe was harder to create than Karen’s profile mainly because I was set on
this idea from the first profile, however I tried my best. I used the exact same routine with the first
profile, using the same websites. This helped me decide what I was going to create. I think the only
thing which could have been better in this part of my research would be to research a children's
profile- I think this could have been more beneficial as I would understand what the children would
have wanted. This wasn't the end of my research, I wanted to research more of the YWT. I didn't
know much about the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust as it is, I wanted to know why it was so popular and I
wanted to know more about Askham Bog. To understand YWT I wanted to compare another
wildlife charity to the YWT, I chose the RSPB. I think this was beneficial as looking back as it helped
me understand YWT more than I did before. Overall, I think my research was very strong especially
When I started my ideas and planning I wanted to start the way I wanted to carry on,
with the brief kept in my mind. This was my main aim throughout my planning and
production. I started to plan my ideas, I came up with three ideas which I thought
fulfilled the brief. The first idea was the magazine for kids focusing on Askham Bog. I
thought about the gender, the age range and the different colour schemes. Looking at
this now, it is the same colour scheme, and audience. My second idea was a
photography brochure capturing the different wildlife at Askham Bog, this was going
to be generally quite hard because I would have needed a week or so to go to
Askham Bog and it was going to be rather unlikely for me to catch the wildlife which I
wanted to see as well as it not be a rainy day. This was a very unreliable idea, but I
thought it was still a good idea because I've never made a photography brochure. My
third idea was similar to the first, but the age of the reader was different. I wanted to
create some type of print product, so I decided to change the audience for my first
idea and do an adult’s magazine. I think this was quite sensible as I was trying to play
at my strengths to make this project the best for my client. This was probably the
weakness of my planning and ideas, I still feel as though I could have developed my
ideas further and create more ideas which would be stronger. I think if I developed my
ideas further I might have created a better product. However, because of a timescale I
had to carry on planning for my product. I started off with developing my first idea, I
started off with a colour theme, then text. I wanted the typography to be childlike but
not as though it was too childish for it to be uncool. I got a couple of fonts from and starting to change them, I went onto photoshop to find a different
way of making the text stand out, even though I didn’t use this I still found it one of
my strengths because I could experiment and develop my skills more throughout this
• Next, I researched the different wildlife which you see during the seasons, I used a mood board
to present this as I felt it showed off the colours which I could use in my product. This was a
really effective of doing some research in my planning, I also found illustrations of the wildlife
to refer back to when I create my own illustrations in the magazine. After completing the 4
mood boards I looked at fact files, this was for ideas for my fact files, I chose the ones I thought
the audience would like as well as what looked professional, this was crucial as it helped me
when I had a brain block on how I wanted to design the fact file. I enjoyed this bit of planning
as I could start to think about the design elements of my magazine. I think my weakness for this
section of planning was the fact that I didn't evaluate why I did this planning throughout the
development, if I did this it might have concluded in a more developed production because I
would know why I designed this page to be like that, instead of not developing my plans
enough through this section. After a long day of writing I wanted to do some production
experiments which might have contributed to my main product. These worked out really well,
at first, I drew a Kingfisher as you can see in my development diary I enjoyed creating this, but
it was quite difficult. I think this was a very good way of separating my day, I had a full day of
planning and I felt I needed a little break. To finish my development I created a pagination for
this developed idea, creating a pagination always helps me imagine my product. Throughout
the production period I kept referring back to this bit of planning, so I could decide what was
going where and to help with my design of the contents page. This idea was the most planned I
felt as I knew that I wanted to create this idea, so the second idea wasn't that developed. The
second idea was the older audience magazine, I kept the colour themes the same and explored
different fonts- one of the fonts which I really liked I ended up using it in the children's
magazine. After looking at different typography I started creating a pagination, this was only a
small magazine compared to the child's magazine but throughout the planning of this idea I
realised what my weaknesses would be creating this type of magazine, this is why I chose the
children's magazine. I think if I put more effort into creating the second developed idea it
would have been a harder decision to make between the first and second developed idea.
• Throughout production I felt as though it was all going well. I planned to have four
full weeks of production. Looking back at my development diary I feel as though I
achieved a lot through this process. Throughout this production I had to keep my
concentration as a maximum, I would say the hardest thing which I did in this
production was the illustrations. I am not an arty person at all so creating these
detailed animals was completely out of my comfort zone. However, when I started
drawing I learnt so much, I learnt how to add textures, I have shown this process in
my development diary, I think this was the most useful thing I learnt throughout this
project. I think my main strength was creating a 24-page magazine with 20
illustrations and articles in four weeks. Its sounds like a lot of time but really, I had a
lot of content to create, I had to find the facts about the wildlife, I had to illustrate
the wildlife and find different articles to publish into this magazine. I would say the
first two weeks were devoted to the research and the designing of the magazine
and the two weeks after that were putting it all onto the template, making sure all
the sizes of pages were the same and also making sure I had enough content
without the fanzine looking bare. I would say the last two weeks were the hardest as
I didn’t realise how much I had to do, I kept writing lists of what I needed to do in
the weeks and with my mind creating different concepts it became a big list.
However, I love how my product has turned out, I have used the colours which I said
I would use in my planning, I have kept the same idea from my research and also, I
feel like I have created something that the audience which I have appealed it to will
interact with it and really enjoy it.
• Time management has always been crucial to me, because I was working for a
client it became even more important to set myself deadlines. You can see from
my ideas and planning PowerPoint I knew what needed to be completed and by
when, I like to keep to my deadlines and with this project I did that. My
production weeks were set accordingly, week one was aimed at my illustrations,
week two my articles and designs, week three the template layout and week four
if needed to be could be for my production or evaluation. From previous
projects I knew how to set up a production schedule realistically, when I created
the schedule I knew how fast I was at creating the illustrations from the
production experiments so I put a week aside to complete it. I think because I
kept week four to be an insurance week, if I needed it I could use it. I only had a
few finishing touches to make in this week, so I feel as though my product
couldn’t have been improved with additional time as I did have additional time
and I tried to make it the best it could be. However, this being said I do think
with additional time I would have been able to get feedback off my client, due to
the time scale unfortunately my client didn’t get back to me with feedback so
instead I took my instinct and asked Dave if I could improve on anything. I think
even if I did have more time to produce my work I wouldn’t have added any
more features in instead I would most likely make the illustrations look better.
Design elements are similar- the
name, scientific name, threats
etc are all laid out quite similarly.
I wanted to add loads of colour
into my fact file, I think this is
the main difference.
My fact file could have included
a photo but it would have been
extremely difficult to catch a
siskin on the day when I went to
take the photo- hence the
drawing of the bird in the post it
I think my fact file looks more
appealing as the example looks
very boring and isn’t very eye-
I would say the main similarity is
the font of the Yorkshire Wildlife
Trust, however the images are
very high quality and both look
very professional.
Looking at a professional cover
compared to my children's
cover, my magazine looks very
bare- there isn’t any mastheads
or anything which does look
very plain compared to this one.
Moreover, i think my front cover
looks brighter and colourful
compared to the pre exciting
cover- this might work in my
favour as most children are
drawn to a colourful
• Looking at my project I think my work looks creative and bright. I think for the
target audience which it is aimed at it fits perfectly, with the bright colours and the
content I think this is a really good product. I think throughout my magazine the
best thing I like is the illustrations especially the Kingfisher and the Roe Deer, these
were my first illustrations which I designed, and I think they look so similar to the
real wildlife as well as being detailed enough. When flicking through my finished
project I realised that I learnt so much, as I've previously stated I've learn how to add
textures but I've also learnt how to adapt to my target audience, I'm used to
creating projects for adults or teenagers but doing a children’s magazine was
completely different to me but I enjoyed it a lot, it took a lot of research into what
children's magazines looked like but I am really happy with what I have created.
Even though I think some of my illustrations which are good there are one or two
designs which I would have loved to improve on, due to my dedication with my
deadlines I rushed the dragonfly, this is something which in my opinions looks
messy and nothing like the real creature it is, there are a few illustrations which were
rushed but this is the one which I would have improved on. I think this could be
something which I could get better at with time which might be something that I
could look at doing in my FMP.
• As I have previously discussed throughout this whole project I have thought about
two things throughout the process- whether it would attract the audience as well as
if it would be good enough for the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. I think I have successfully
done it. The colours in my magazine are bright so it attracts the reader but also, I
think the main thing which appeals to my audience is the typography. I think the
text of the font is perfect, so the reader can still read it without being incredibly big
it makes them feel like a young child, the font is spaced out and clear which can also
make them feel more mature. The contents inside of the magazine is very basic with
a few pages which could excite the reader, I think the secret mission article could be
the feature which the reader identifies with and thinks it is a real mission, so they
have to carry it out. Although at times the pages look plain because of not having a
colourful background I have substituted it with more colourful text. The clients brief
was to create something which would interest more people in wildlife as well as get
people to contact their local MPs to get more recognition for this new wildlife law, I
think I have achieved this as I made something which will keep the audience
interested and then write at the end there is a little mission which tells them about
how to contact their local MP as well as what to do after you’ve found your MP. I
personally think I have appealed to my audience and the clients brief.
This week was the start of my research for this project. Monday was a training day, so we weren’t in on that day but on
Wednesday I began to create a clientele for this project. Over the past month or so I have been messaging companies to
see if they want to be involved in this project. At first, I chose a café who at the beginning where extremely keen to be
involved, unfortunately when it came to the time of my project their replies were slower and it seemed as though the
interest was gone- this was extremely hard as I was starting the project immediately. I didn’t want to waste a day waiting
for my client to answer questions about their audience for their business. I decided that I would choose the Yorkshire
Wildlife Trust instead, I emailed the business owner explaining that I couldn’t do her business anymore and then set on
with creating my client’s audience. Luckily, the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust had sent some profiles over to help with our
audience research. I had already wasted quite a lot of time, so it was increasingly helpful that I already had the profiles of
the audience. I started reading every profile thoroughly, when doing this I was thinking about what product I would want
to create and which audience that would appeal to the most. One of the profiles which I chose was Karen. “Karen is a 33-
year-old single Mum living in Hull. Her children, James (5) and Sophie (7) are the centre of her life. She works in retail and
is always up against the clock with managing her family life. She rents a small house with a small garden that consists of
grass and a small area of paving surrounded by unpainted wooden fences that the neighbours can easily see into. She
doesn’t feel particularly empowered, and it’s been a long time since she really asked herself what she wants from life.
Karen voted for Brexit. It was more empowering to vote for change than to keep things the same. She also wanted to
ensure that the NHS was well funded for her children. Karen is oblivious to YWT and is unaware of how it could be relevant
for her or her children.” I thought that I could create something for this profile, as seen as she is a single mother on a low-
income salary she could take the kids to a nature reserve where the kids could have a product which will keep them
interested in the day- this would also get Karen out the house and might give her a new lease of life. I used the website
‘Cameo dynamic’ to help with the demographics for this profile. I used a postcode which is based in Hull to figure out the
socio-economic status as well as the category which she falls under. I also went onto the ‘Acorn’ site and found a
deprivation map for Hull- this shows the areas of Hull which are wealthier than other parts. A larger amount of the map is
coloured in a red/pink colour this represents a ‘financially stretched’ or ‘Urban Adversity’, considering what we know about
Karen being a single mum and with a retail job she probably lives in one of these areas. This would help my product at a
later date as if I want to aim my product at this audience I need to the cost as well as the location of the nature reserve
which I am promoting. Once I got my head round the different websites which I used it started to become easier as I was
getting used to what I was researching for.
On Thursday, I started on my other profile who was called Phoebe- “Phoebe is aged 39 and lives in Hebden bridge.
She identifies herself as an activist and has what many would consider an alternative lifestyle. No fitting into the
regular 9-5, she is a-self-employed artisan who creates pottery. Her small terraced house is eclectically furnished and
usually has some incense burning. She has interests in yoga and meditation and is a vegetarian. Phoebe doesn’t feel
that YWT represents her passion and interests. To her it is a very safe, fuddy duddy organisation that doesn’t put its
neck on the line for the big issues that really matter. No word on fox hunting or badger culling! She uses Facebook
and Twitter and is always sharing climate and environmental information and campaigns.”. I chose Phoebe because
she seemed like someone who wants a change and she might benefit from this new law which MPs can enforce.
Maybe if she knew more about the YWT she would go to the nature reserves and be thankful that an organisation is
trying to save wildlife which is going extinct.
After reading through all of the profiles I concluded that I would target Karen’s profile as people in deprived areas
might not know what they can get for free. After collecting evidence of Phoebe and her living demographics, I
started to research the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. I found out some really interesting facts which I didn’t know- Askham
Bog which is just down the road from college was the first ever nature reserve to be built, they have 825,000
members. I also compared the YWT to RSPB. This would be helpful when I start my production.
Overall, I feel as though this research PowerPoint went really well, when I look back at previous projects I notice that I
don’t think about what I am going to create until after my audience- this time I made sure I had different products
which I could create for the different profiles which I looked at. I feel confident that I have enough research which will
help me when I start to plan as well as start my production.
• This week was dedicated to exploring my ideas and developing them further. I started off by rereading my brief a few times so it was
clear in my mind what I had to create for the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. I started with thinking of the skills which I am confident in, this
was creating articles and creating a magazine format. My first idea was for a children's fanzine of Askham Bog, I want it to include
puzzles, quizzes and various fact file about the different wildlife which you see at Askham Bog. This idea was something which as I
child I would have liked to see at nature reserves which I went to, otherwise it can get quite boring and tiring. My second idea was a
photography brochure, this would be a concept which I have never done before so it would be interesting to see how it goes.
Looking at this idea now I think it would be much harder to create a photography brochure as you can’t set a day to go take photos
of Askham Bog- it would either be raining or the day you go you won’t see any wildlife at all. Taking this into consideration I
decided for my last idea to create a match of different things. Seen as though it is nearly Christmas time I was going to create little
gifts which would promote the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. I was going to plan different social media posts as well as create infographics
to promote the brief which was set. This was going to be a very busy few weeks if I was going to choose this idea. However, I chose
to go with the children's fanzine as I believe it is one of my strengths as well as the fact that the generation who dote on nature soon
aren’t going to be here anymore so we need to try get the younger generation more involved. After I thought about my ideas I
started creating my colour theme for the fanzine- this will mainly be browns, greens, blues and oranges but they will all be bright
colours to engage the audience. I then started with my typography. I think typography is very important when it comes to a
magazine, it sets the tone for the whole fanzine. This is why I spent a lot of time looking at different fonts and thinking whether it
would appeal to my audience. I wanted something which would stand out and look mature for the audience. I also wanted to add a
little bit of colour into the font so it didn’t look boring. This worked really well and I came up with a few fonts which would suit the
type of magazine which I am creating. Next, I created a mood board of some of the YWT magazines, this was to give me a general
idea of how the structure the magazine and what type of images would be on the front of the children's magazine. I then started to
look at the different wildlife which you could see at Askham Bog. I was unsure at whether I would do a seasonal fanzine or whether
to do a magazine for the whole year. So instead I decided to research the wildlife for all year round- I collected some illustrations
which I could refer back to when I create my own illustrations. To add more detail into my planning stage I created a pagination. This
is where I can sort all the features which I have into my magazine and decide which is going where. This will be extremely useful
when it comes to my production. In this week I feel as though I have completely a lot of information which is going to be useful
when I start production, I have been on time with everything which I wanted to create. For next week, I have to create another
At the start of this week, I wanted to create a animal illustration as a little production experiment, I wanted to see how
hard it would be and how long it would take so I could schedule how many days it would take. I had done a lot of writing
over the past few weeks and I felt like I needed a break. I illustrated a Kingfisher and I loved it. I loved creating it, the
details were hard to do in places but after I completed it I loved it! The colours were lovely and I really wanted to add it in
somewhere in my magazine because I was so proud of it. After I had done this then I started to develop mu second idea.
This was around the same idea but aimed at a different target audience. I would have more mature articles and features
inside the magazine. I would have the same colour theme as my first idea- this is because it would still stand out. The
typography would be different- it would be bolder and mature. I then started a pagination plan, this is something which
is extremely useful when it comes to my production. For my contents page I created my own ‘welcome’ headline. I found
a font which had font on the top of each letter, I added a inner shadow and a colour overlay so it stands out against the
background and looks very effective. I wanted to add some icicles underneath the font so it looks professional and cool.
This worked out really well, at first I couldn’t find a set of icicles which I liked but then I came across this icicle design the
first thing which I changed was the colour, I added a colour overlay to it matched the colour of the font. I really enjoyed
creating another developed idea because I could explore so many different ways for my idea. This took me just over two
days, but these two days were filled with research on different fonts, article ideas as well as image ideas. I looked at
different wildlife magazines on issuu and they just filled me with ideas. I think this was the best part of my planning
because I got to look at existing products which will help me so much during my production. After, I had completed my
developed idea I started to assess the rest of my ideas and planning. This was just to reflect on everything which I have
planned, I thought about if the audience would engage in something like my product and if they wouldn’t what I could
change about it to make it appeal. At the start of this project, the client gave me a brief, I feel as though I have kept with
the brief throughout planning, this is something which I also reflected on. In the time which I have, it is going to be very
hard to complete everything by my final deadline. I have set my self a task which will take a lot of detail but I hope to
finish it. To finish off my ideas and planning, I started to sort my deadlines out as well as my production schedule. I find
production schedules very useful as it gives me a aim to what I need to complete. I finished my ideas and planning on
Thursday and I am very ready to start my production on Monday.
This week I focused on my illustrations for my fact files, I didn't know exactly what fact files I was going
to do, so I decided that the best thing to do was to create all of the illustrations . This took me a while
to complete, after a brief chat with Dave I started to try new textures out on my illustrations so they
weren’t so generic and similar to other illustrations that there might be. Over the next two days, I had
created 12 illustrations- this took me a while to complete as I wanted to add as much detail as possible.
The first illustration which I made was my deer (this is my favourite one) however the dragonflies and
butterfly was incredibly difficult to create. The little details like the shape of the wings were so tricky to
draw. In the end, I tried my best but I was running out of time so I had to stop with the illustrations. The
next thing which I started to do was research Askham Bog to create my article, I wanted to find different
quotes from when Sir David Attenborough visited Askham Bog. To start of my magazine I wanted to
have a little article for the kids to understand how important the nature is, I also wanted to create a map
of Askham bog so the children can find fun in guiding their families around the nature reserve. I used
the photo from the Askham Bog TripAdvisor to give me a rough guide of the sizes of the different fields
and what order they went in. I think referring back to the map was extremely helpful because I wanted
to make it as real as possible so the audience would enjoy it. I created this on Photoshop, it started off
to be quite difficult to create because I wanted to add as much detail as possible as well as to make it
very realistic. I think this week was quite tough to get the all the details which I wanted to include
perfectly. Overall, I think this week went very well, I was quite slow with getting some of my work done
so next week I need to crack on and try get my fact files done as well as my ‘How to’ articles.
This week was my second week of production. This was a very productive week- I focused on articles. I wanted to create a
few how to articles, I wanted something which would interest the reader and make them go adventure. I started to
research how to make butterfly homes and how to do art and crafty wildlife and came across a few tutorials. After writing
the essential article I then laid it out on a photoshop document and added my own little touch. I added a rectangle box
which would bring the readers attention and I also added bold typography into the bits which were important. I really
liked the layout but I felt it looked really bare at the bottom, to add some more colour onto the page I drew a butterfly
and transformed it so it fit perfectly with the text. I then decided to move onto the arts and craft how to- this article was
called ‘How to create a 3D Dragonfly’. This was an incredibly easy tutorial with only 4 steps, I kept the layout the same with
the orange box, the blue title and the drawing at the bottom. The only thing which I felt that needed to be improved was
the background but with all the different colours I had included on the two articles no background looked nice, I just hope
when I print off the magazine these pages don’t look too plain. The next step which I had to do was the fact files, after
researching what a few looked like in my planning I decided to go with a old school look, with a lined paper background
and a paperclip which I made it started to all come together. I chose two colours a light blue and a light green these were
to be used for the text, they would alternate which colour is which throughout the fact files, for example the Siskin fact file
had a blue title where as the roe deer had the title in green. I did this because the background was always the same so
instead of it looking repetitive I changed it up a bit. Another thing which added a little more colour onto the page was the
yellow post it note which had a fun little fact on, I addressed the fact with a little illustration which would represent the
fact. I think this was a really good way of adding more information in as well as adding more colour to the pages. When I
was creating the fact files, I had to research on the go, this meant that every fact file I was doing in the middle of that I
would be on google trying to find the answers to the topics. I think I could have done this research in my ideas and
planning section as I just felt as though I was wasting time. Next week, I need to start making my contents page as well as
my puzzles page.
• This week I started on creating my contents page, I added a blue background to make the features stand out. I decided
to use the same font which I had used throughout the magazine to show structure. I created this design on InDesign as
I thought it was easier because I could see the two pages next to each other, I wanted to include a photo from the
feature so I decided to use a circle and add images into it. This turned out to be more work than I thought it would be,
with the David Attenborough, the Dragonfly and the butterfly I had to create new photoshop documents so that the
drawings were by themselves and not in one of the features. Even though this only took a few minutes I hadn’t planned
on doing this so I was quite behind on schedule. The other dilemma with the contents page is the fact that at that stage
I hadn't created the ‘How you can help article’ so I didn’t have an image to add on there, so for the time being I used a
photo off the Yorkshire Wildlife Trusts website. I already spent a day creating the contents page so really I need to be
on with the puzzles. I used various websites to create puzzles but I didn’t like the layout of them, until I came across a
word search creator, this was so easy to do, you could create anything you wanted and have it in any layout. I enjoyed
making the puzzles because it meant that I had to create the topic of the word search, so for a few hours I was routing
around different websites looking for wildlife facts. I put aside two pages for the puzzles so I ended up finding a
butterfly dot to dot and a maze. This was so easy to do and fun as well. The next thing I had to do was to create the
competition entries for this I didn’t have enough time to make any more illustrations so I used some illustrations which I
hadn’t added into the magazine yet, on a separate page I then revealed the new competitions- this is where I added my
beloved Kingfisher in to brighten up the page! This is my favourite page throughout the whole magazine because the
illustration looks really good. At the end of the week I realised that I hadn’t created a front cover and I had no time to
go to Askham Bog and take images. Instead I decided to go onto flickr and search the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, if I found
an image I really liked I would message the owner and ask them if they wouldn’t find if I used it for my front cover and
luckily I found the perfect image! I asked Robin Denton and he seemed thrilled to be on my front cover, so after a few
alterations in the font my front cover was perfect! Next week I need to hurry along as it is the last possible week for my
• This week was my insurance week, I had to have my production completed by Thursday so next week I could get
started with my evaluation. Firstly, I started creating my ‘How can you help’ however it looked boring so I started to
think more out of the box and thought what would appeal to the audience. I decided to create a top secret mission at
the back of the magazine, I create different steps for the children to follow. I thought this was a good way of keeping
the reader interested as well as it matching the brief which YWT sent me. I think the trickiest part of creating this page
was trying to draw a circle free hand. However, I had to move on as I still had a lot of things to be completed by the
end of the week. I started with my back cover, again I used one of Robin Denton’s images again for the background
and added some text in advertising the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, I used the colours from the King fisher for the
background for the text. This looks really good. After I had done this, I had successfully completed my magazine. I
exported this into a PDF format and emailed it over to Dave so he could print it off. I then asked if he could give me
some feedback seen as though my client still hadn’t responded, he went through and brought to my attention things
which could be improved. There wasn’t many things but by the end of Wednesday I had completed my magazine. I
corrected the free photo page to a page of Robin Denton’s because the first photograph was very low resolution, I
then corrected the contents page adding two new photos in as well as correcting the ‘confidential front page’. I was
incredibly happy with my finishing touches. I printed out of the new magazine which I created and I started with my
Evaluation/Development Diary

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Evaluation/Development Diary

  • 2. RESEARCH • At the start of this project, I started my research on the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT). I think the best thing to start off with when starting a new project is creating an audience profile. YWT supplied a brief audience profile, this was extremely helpful. I explored these audience profiles more, I chose Karen and Phoebe. Karen was a single mum of two, this was an audience which was extremely interesting for me. I think this audience profile suited the idea I had in mind. I think researching the correct target audience was vital for my project, this was a main strength of my research. I used the website to find out about Karen, this is like her socio- economic status, Lifestyle and Characterisation. This was generally quite difficult as I didn't have a postcode to where Karen lives only the fact that she lives in hull, I took an educated guess with the fact that she was a single mother who has barely any spare income. My third slide was from a website called This was a website which can show the map areas on different subjects. It backed up that where Karen lives it is in a town which is financially unstainable, this gave me an idea for my production. I thought that it would be a good idea to research another audience profile this is, so I can determine which profile is best for the product which I am going to create. I think the profile for Phoebe was harder to create than Karen’s profile mainly because I was set on this idea from the first profile, however I tried my best. I used the exact same routine with the first profile, using the same websites. This helped me decide what I was going to create. I think the only thing which could have been better in this part of my research would be to research a children's profile- I think this could have been more beneficial as I would understand what the children would have wanted. This wasn't the end of my research, I wanted to research more of the YWT. I didn't know much about the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust as it is, I wanted to know why it was so popular and I wanted to know more about Askham Bog. To understand YWT I wanted to compare another wildlife charity to the YWT, I chose the RSPB. I think this was beneficial as looking back as it helped me understand YWT more than I did before. Overall, I think my research was very strong especially
  • 3. PLANNING When I started my ideas and planning I wanted to start the way I wanted to carry on, with the brief kept in my mind. This was my main aim throughout my planning and production. I started to plan my ideas, I came up with three ideas which I thought fulfilled the brief. The first idea was the magazine for kids focusing on Askham Bog. I thought about the gender, the age range and the different colour schemes. Looking at this now, it is the same colour scheme, and audience. My second idea was a photography brochure capturing the different wildlife at Askham Bog, this was going to be generally quite hard because I would have needed a week or so to go to Askham Bog and it was going to be rather unlikely for me to catch the wildlife which I wanted to see as well as it not be a rainy day. This was a very unreliable idea, but I thought it was still a good idea because I've never made a photography brochure. My third idea was similar to the first, but the age of the reader was different. I wanted to create some type of print product, so I decided to change the audience for my first idea and do an adult’s magazine. I think this was quite sensible as I was trying to play at my strengths to make this project the best for my client. This was probably the weakness of my planning and ideas, I still feel as though I could have developed my ideas further and create more ideas which would be stronger. I think if I developed my ideas further I might have created a better product. However, because of a timescale I had to carry on planning for my product. I started off with developing my first idea, I started off with a colour theme, then text. I wanted the typography to be childlike but not as though it was too childish for it to be uncool. I got a couple of fonts from and starting to change them, I went onto photoshop to find a different way of making the text stand out, even though I didn’t use this I still found it one of my strengths because I could experiment and develop my skills more throughout this
  • 4. • Next, I researched the different wildlife which you see during the seasons, I used a mood board to present this as I felt it showed off the colours which I could use in my product. This was a really effective of doing some research in my planning, I also found illustrations of the wildlife to refer back to when I create my own illustrations in the magazine. After completing the 4 mood boards I looked at fact files, this was for ideas for my fact files, I chose the ones I thought the audience would like as well as what looked professional, this was crucial as it helped me when I had a brain block on how I wanted to design the fact file. I enjoyed this bit of planning as I could start to think about the design elements of my magazine. I think my weakness for this section of planning was the fact that I didn't evaluate why I did this planning throughout the development, if I did this it might have concluded in a more developed production because I would know why I designed this page to be like that, instead of not developing my plans enough through this section. After a long day of writing I wanted to do some production experiments which might have contributed to my main product. These worked out really well, at first, I drew a Kingfisher as you can see in my development diary I enjoyed creating this, but it was quite difficult. I think this was a very good way of separating my day, I had a full day of planning and I felt I needed a little break. To finish my development I created a pagination for this developed idea, creating a pagination always helps me imagine my product. Throughout the production period I kept referring back to this bit of planning, so I could decide what was going where and to help with my design of the contents page. This idea was the most planned I felt as I knew that I wanted to create this idea, so the second idea wasn't that developed. The second idea was the older audience magazine, I kept the colour themes the same and explored different fonts- one of the fonts which I really liked I ended up using it in the children's magazine. After looking at different typography I started creating a pagination, this was only a small magazine compared to the child's magazine but throughout the planning of this idea I realised what my weaknesses would be creating this type of magazine, this is why I chose the children's magazine. I think if I put more effort into creating the second developed idea it would have been a harder decision to make between the first and second developed idea. PLANNING
  • 5. • Throughout production I felt as though it was all going well. I planned to have four full weeks of production. Looking back at my development diary I feel as though I achieved a lot through this process. Throughout this production I had to keep my concentration as a maximum, I would say the hardest thing which I did in this production was the illustrations. I am not an arty person at all so creating these detailed animals was completely out of my comfort zone. However, when I started drawing I learnt so much, I learnt how to add textures, I have shown this process in my development diary, I think this was the most useful thing I learnt throughout this project. I think my main strength was creating a 24-page magazine with 20 illustrations and articles in four weeks. Its sounds like a lot of time but really, I had a lot of content to create, I had to find the facts about the wildlife, I had to illustrate the wildlife and find different articles to publish into this magazine. I would say the first two weeks were devoted to the research and the designing of the magazine and the two weeks after that were putting it all onto the template, making sure all the sizes of pages were the same and also making sure I had enough content without the fanzine looking bare. I would say the last two weeks were the hardest as I didn’t realise how much I had to do, I kept writing lists of what I needed to do in the weeks and with my mind creating different concepts it became a big list. However, I love how my product has turned out, I have used the colours which I said I would use in my planning, I have kept the same idea from my research and also, I feel like I have created something that the audience which I have appealed it to will interact with it and really enjoy it. PRODUCTION
  • 6. TIME MANAGEMENT • Time management has always been crucial to me, because I was working for a client it became even more important to set myself deadlines. You can see from my ideas and planning PowerPoint I knew what needed to be completed and by when, I like to keep to my deadlines and with this project I did that. My production weeks were set accordingly, week one was aimed at my illustrations, week two my articles and designs, week three the template layout and week four if needed to be could be for my production or evaluation. From previous projects I knew how to set up a production schedule realistically, when I created the schedule I knew how fast I was at creating the illustrations from the production experiments so I put a week aside to complete it. I think because I kept week four to be an insurance week, if I needed it I could use it. I only had a few finishing touches to make in this week, so I feel as though my product couldn’t have been improved with additional time as I did have additional time and I tried to make it the best it could be. However, this being said I do think with additional time I would have been able to get feedback off my client, due to the time scale unfortunately my client didn’t get back to me with feedback so instead I took my instinct and asked Dave if I could improve on anything. I think even if I did have more time to produce my work I wouldn’t have added any more features in instead I would most likely make the illustrations look better.
  • 7. TECHNICAL QUALITIES SIMILARITIES Design elements are similar- the name, scientific name, threats etc are all laid out quite similarly. DIFFERENCES I wanted to add loads of colour into my fact file, I think this is the main difference. My fact file could have included a photo but it would have been extremely difficult to catch a siskin on the day when I went to take the photo- hence the drawing of the bird in the post it note. I think my fact file looks more appealing as the example looks very boring and isn’t very eye- catching.
  • 8. TECHNICAL QUALITIES SIMILARITIES I would say the main similarity is the font of the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, however the images are very high quality and both look very professional. DIFFERENCES Looking at a professional cover compared to my children's cover, my magazine looks very bare- there isn’t any mastheads or anything which does look very plain compared to this one. Moreover, i think my front cover looks brighter and colourful compared to the pre exciting cover- this might work in my favour as most children are drawn to a colourful background..
  • 9. AESTHETIC QUALITIES • Looking at my project I think my work looks creative and bright. I think for the target audience which it is aimed at it fits perfectly, with the bright colours and the content I think this is a really good product. I think throughout my magazine the best thing I like is the illustrations especially the Kingfisher and the Roe Deer, these were my first illustrations which I designed, and I think they look so similar to the real wildlife as well as being detailed enough. When flicking through my finished project I realised that I learnt so much, as I've previously stated I've learn how to add textures but I've also learnt how to adapt to my target audience, I'm used to creating projects for adults or teenagers but doing a children’s magazine was completely different to me but I enjoyed it a lot, it took a lot of research into what children's magazines looked like but I am really happy with what I have created. Even though I think some of my illustrations which are good there are one or two designs which I would have loved to improve on, due to my dedication with my deadlines I rushed the dragonfly, this is something which in my opinions looks messy and nothing like the real creature it is, there are a few illustrations which were rushed but this is the one which I would have improved on. I think this could be something which I could get better at with time which might be something that I could look at doing in my FMP.
  • 10. HOW DOES MY WORK APPEAL? • As I have previously discussed throughout this whole project I have thought about two things throughout the process- whether it would attract the audience as well as if it would be good enough for the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. I think I have successfully done it. The colours in my magazine are bright so it attracts the reader but also, I think the main thing which appeals to my audience is the typography. I think the text of the font is perfect, so the reader can still read it without being incredibly big it makes them feel like a young child, the font is spaced out and clear which can also make them feel more mature. The contents inside of the magazine is very basic with a few pages which could excite the reader, I think the secret mission article could be the feature which the reader identifies with and thinks it is a real mission, so they have to carry it out. Although at times the pages look plain because of not having a colourful background I have substituted it with more colourful text. The clients brief was to create something which would interest more people in wildlife as well as get people to contact their local MPs to get more recognition for this new wildlife law, I think I have achieved this as I made something which will keep the audience interested and then write at the end there is a little mission which tells them about how to contact their local MP as well as what to do after you’ve found your MP. I personally think I have appealed to my audience and the clients brief.
  • 12. WEEK ONE This week was the start of my research for this project. Monday was a training day, so we weren’t in on that day but on Wednesday I began to create a clientele for this project. Over the past month or so I have been messaging companies to see if they want to be involved in this project. At first, I chose a café who at the beginning where extremely keen to be involved, unfortunately when it came to the time of my project their replies were slower and it seemed as though the interest was gone- this was extremely hard as I was starting the project immediately. I didn’t want to waste a day waiting for my client to answer questions about their audience for their business. I decided that I would choose the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust instead, I emailed the business owner explaining that I couldn’t do her business anymore and then set on with creating my client’s audience. Luckily, the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust had sent some profiles over to help with our audience research. I had already wasted quite a lot of time, so it was increasingly helpful that I already had the profiles of the audience. I started reading every profile thoroughly, when doing this I was thinking about what product I would want to create and which audience that would appeal to the most. One of the profiles which I chose was Karen. “Karen is a 33- year-old single Mum living in Hull. Her children, James (5) and Sophie (7) are the centre of her life. She works in retail and is always up against the clock with managing her family life. She rents a small house with a small garden that consists of grass and a small area of paving surrounded by unpainted wooden fences that the neighbours can easily see into. She doesn’t feel particularly empowered, and it’s been a long time since she really asked herself what she wants from life. Karen voted for Brexit. It was more empowering to vote for change than to keep things the same. She also wanted to ensure that the NHS was well funded for her children. Karen is oblivious to YWT and is unaware of how it could be relevant for her or her children.” I thought that I could create something for this profile, as seen as she is a single mother on a low- income salary she could take the kids to a nature reserve where the kids could have a product which will keep them interested in the day- this would also get Karen out the house and might give her a new lease of life. I used the website ‘Cameo dynamic’ to help with the demographics for this profile. I used a postcode which is based in Hull to figure out the socio-economic status as well as the category which she falls under. I also went onto the ‘Acorn’ site and found a deprivation map for Hull- this shows the areas of Hull which are wealthier than other parts. A larger amount of the map is coloured in a red/pink colour this represents a ‘financially stretched’ or ‘Urban Adversity’, considering what we know about Karen being a single mum and with a retail job she probably lives in one of these areas. This would help my product at a later date as if I want to aim my product at this audience I need to the cost as well as the location of the nature reserve which I am promoting. Once I got my head round the different websites which I used it started to become easier as I was getting used to what I was researching for.
  • 13. On Thursday, I started on my other profile who was called Phoebe- “Phoebe is aged 39 and lives in Hebden bridge. She identifies herself as an activist and has what many would consider an alternative lifestyle. No fitting into the regular 9-5, she is a-self-employed artisan who creates pottery. Her small terraced house is eclectically furnished and usually has some incense burning. She has interests in yoga and meditation and is a vegetarian. Phoebe doesn’t feel that YWT represents her passion and interests. To her it is a very safe, fuddy duddy organisation that doesn’t put its neck on the line for the big issues that really matter. No word on fox hunting or badger culling! She uses Facebook and Twitter and is always sharing climate and environmental information and campaigns.”. I chose Phoebe because she seemed like someone who wants a change and she might benefit from this new law which MPs can enforce. Maybe if she knew more about the YWT she would go to the nature reserves and be thankful that an organisation is trying to save wildlife which is going extinct. After reading through all of the profiles I concluded that I would target Karen’s profile as people in deprived areas might not know what they can get for free. After collecting evidence of Phoebe and her living demographics, I started to research the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. I found out some really interesting facts which I didn’t know- Askham Bog which is just down the road from college was the first ever nature reserve to be built, they have 825,000 members. I also compared the YWT to RSPB. This would be helpful when I start my production. Overall, I feel as though this research PowerPoint went really well, when I look back at previous projects I notice that I don’t think about what I am going to create until after my audience- this time I made sure I had different products which I could create for the different profiles which I looked at. I feel confident that I have enough research which will help me when I start to plan as well as start my production. WEEK ONE
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  • 15. WEEK TWO • This week was dedicated to exploring my ideas and developing them further. I started off by rereading my brief a few times so it was clear in my mind what I had to create for the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. I started with thinking of the skills which I am confident in, this was creating articles and creating a magazine format. My first idea was for a children's fanzine of Askham Bog, I want it to include puzzles, quizzes and various fact file about the different wildlife which you see at Askham Bog. This idea was something which as I child I would have liked to see at nature reserves which I went to, otherwise it can get quite boring and tiring. My second idea was a photography brochure, this would be a concept which I have never done before so it would be interesting to see how it goes. Looking at this idea now I think it would be much harder to create a photography brochure as you can’t set a day to go take photos of Askham Bog- it would either be raining or the day you go you won’t see any wildlife at all. Taking this into consideration I decided for my last idea to create a match of different things. Seen as though it is nearly Christmas time I was going to create little gifts which would promote the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. I was going to plan different social media posts as well as create infographics to promote the brief which was set. This was going to be a very busy few weeks if I was going to choose this idea. However, I chose to go with the children's fanzine as I believe it is one of my strengths as well as the fact that the generation who dote on nature soon aren’t going to be here anymore so we need to try get the younger generation more involved. After I thought about my ideas I started creating my colour theme for the fanzine- this will mainly be browns, greens, blues and oranges but they will all be bright colours to engage the audience. I then started with my typography. I think typography is very important when it comes to a magazine, it sets the tone for the whole fanzine. This is why I spent a lot of time looking at different fonts and thinking whether it would appeal to my audience. I wanted something which would stand out and look mature for the audience. I also wanted to add a little bit of colour into the font so it didn’t look boring. This worked really well and I came up with a few fonts which would suit the type of magazine which I am creating. Next, I created a mood board of some of the YWT magazines, this was to give me a general idea of how the structure the magazine and what type of images would be on the front of the children's magazine. I then started to look at the different wildlife which you could see at Askham Bog. I was unsure at whether I would do a seasonal fanzine or whether to do a magazine for the whole year. So instead I decided to research the wildlife for all year round- I collected some illustrations which I could refer back to when I create my own illustrations. To add more detail into my planning stage I created a pagination. This is where I can sort all the features which I have into my magazine and decide which is going where. This will be extremely useful when it comes to my production. In this week I feel as though I have completely a lot of information which is going to be useful when I start production, I have been on time with everything which I wanted to create. For next week, I have to create another
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  • 17. WEEK THREE At the start of this week, I wanted to create a animal illustration as a little production experiment, I wanted to see how hard it would be and how long it would take so I could schedule how many days it would take. I had done a lot of writing over the past few weeks and I felt like I needed a break. I illustrated a Kingfisher and I loved it. I loved creating it, the details were hard to do in places but after I completed it I loved it! The colours were lovely and I really wanted to add it in somewhere in my magazine because I was so proud of it. After I had done this then I started to develop mu second idea. This was around the same idea but aimed at a different target audience. I would have more mature articles and features inside the magazine. I would have the same colour theme as my first idea- this is because it would still stand out. The typography would be different- it would be bolder and mature. I then started a pagination plan, this is something which is extremely useful when it comes to my production. For my contents page I created my own ‘welcome’ headline. I found a font which had font on the top of each letter, I added a inner shadow and a colour overlay so it stands out against the background and looks very effective. I wanted to add some icicles underneath the font so it looks professional and cool. This worked out really well, at first I couldn’t find a set of icicles which I liked but then I came across this icicle design the first thing which I changed was the colour, I added a colour overlay to it matched the colour of the font. I really enjoyed creating another developed idea because I could explore so many different ways for my idea. This took me just over two days, but these two days were filled with research on different fonts, article ideas as well as image ideas. I looked at different wildlife magazines on issuu and they just filled me with ideas. I think this was the best part of my planning because I got to look at existing products which will help me so much during my production. After, I had completed my developed idea I started to assess the rest of my ideas and planning. This was just to reflect on everything which I have planned, I thought about if the audience would engage in something like my product and if they wouldn’t what I could change about it to make it appeal. At the start of this project, the client gave me a brief, I feel as though I have kept with the brief throughout planning, this is something which I also reflected on. In the time which I have, it is going to be very hard to complete everything by my final deadline. I have set my self a task which will take a lot of detail but I hope to finish it. To finish off my ideas and planning, I started to sort my deadlines out as well as my production schedule. I find production schedules very useful as it gives me a aim to what I need to complete. I finished my ideas and planning on Thursday and I am very ready to start my production on Monday.
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  • 19. This week I focused on my illustrations for my fact files, I didn't know exactly what fact files I was going to do, so I decided that the best thing to do was to create all of the illustrations . This took me a while to complete, after a brief chat with Dave I started to try new textures out on my illustrations so they weren’t so generic and similar to other illustrations that there might be. Over the next two days, I had created 12 illustrations- this took me a while to complete as I wanted to add as much detail as possible. The first illustration which I made was my deer (this is my favourite one) however the dragonflies and butterfly was incredibly difficult to create. The little details like the shape of the wings were so tricky to draw. In the end, I tried my best but I was running out of time so I had to stop with the illustrations. The next thing which I started to do was research Askham Bog to create my article, I wanted to find different quotes from when Sir David Attenborough visited Askham Bog. To start of my magazine I wanted to have a little article for the kids to understand how important the nature is, I also wanted to create a map of Askham bog so the children can find fun in guiding their families around the nature reserve. I used the photo from the Askham Bog TripAdvisor to give me a rough guide of the sizes of the different fields and what order they went in. I think referring back to the map was extremely helpful because I wanted to make it as real as possible so the audience would enjoy it. I created this on Photoshop, it started off to be quite difficult to create because I wanted to add as much detail as possible as well as to make it very realistic. I think this week was quite tough to get the all the details which I wanted to include perfectly. Overall, I think this week went very well, I was quite slow with getting some of my work done so next week I need to crack on and try get my fact files done as well as my ‘How to’ articles. WEEK FOUR- FIRST PRODUCTION WEEK
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  • 21. WEEK FIVE- PRODUCTION WEEK This week was my second week of production. This was a very productive week- I focused on articles. I wanted to create a few how to articles, I wanted something which would interest the reader and make them go adventure. I started to research how to make butterfly homes and how to do art and crafty wildlife and came across a few tutorials. After writing the essential article I then laid it out on a photoshop document and added my own little touch. I added a rectangle box which would bring the readers attention and I also added bold typography into the bits which were important. I really liked the layout but I felt it looked really bare at the bottom, to add some more colour onto the page I drew a butterfly and transformed it so it fit perfectly with the text. I then decided to move onto the arts and craft how to- this article was called ‘How to create a 3D Dragonfly’. This was an incredibly easy tutorial with only 4 steps, I kept the layout the same with the orange box, the blue title and the drawing at the bottom. The only thing which I felt that needed to be improved was the background but with all the different colours I had included on the two articles no background looked nice, I just hope when I print off the magazine these pages don’t look too plain. The next step which I had to do was the fact files, after researching what a few looked like in my planning I decided to go with a old school look, with a lined paper background and a paperclip which I made it started to all come together. I chose two colours a light blue and a light green these were to be used for the text, they would alternate which colour is which throughout the fact files, for example the Siskin fact file had a blue title where as the roe deer had the title in green. I did this because the background was always the same so instead of it looking repetitive I changed it up a bit. Another thing which added a little more colour onto the page was the yellow post it note which had a fun little fact on, I addressed the fact with a little illustration which would represent the fact. I think this was a really good way of adding more information in as well as adding more colour to the pages. When I was creating the fact files, I had to research on the go, this meant that every fact file I was doing in the middle of that I would be on google trying to find the answers to the topics. I think I could have done this research in my ideas and planning section as I just felt as though I was wasting time. Next week, I need to start making my contents page as well as my puzzles page.
  • 22.
  • 23. • This week I started on creating my contents page, I added a blue background to make the features stand out. I decided to use the same font which I had used throughout the magazine to show structure. I created this design on InDesign as I thought it was easier because I could see the two pages next to each other, I wanted to include a photo from the feature so I decided to use a circle and add images into it. This turned out to be more work than I thought it would be, with the David Attenborough, the Dragonfly and the butterfly I had to create new photoshop documents so that the drawings were by themselves and not in one of the features. Even though this only took a few minutes I hadn’t planned on doing this so I was quite behind on schedule. The other dilemma with the contents page is the fact that at that stage I hadn't created the ‘How you can help article’ so I didn’t have an image to add on there, so for the time being I used a photo off the Yorkshire Wildlife Trusts website. I already spent a day creating the contents page so really I need to be on with the puzzles. I used various websites to create puzzles but I didn’t like the layout of them, until I came across a word search creator, this was so easy to do, you could create anything you wanted and have it in any layout. I enjoyed making the puzzles because it meant that I had to create the topic of the word search, so for a few hours I was routing around different websites looking for wildlife facts. I put aside two pages for the puzzles so I ended up finding a butterfly dot to dot and a maze. This was so easy to do and fun as well. The next thing I had to do was to create the competition entries for this I didn’t have enough time to make any more illustrations so I used some illustrations which I hadn’t added into the magazine yet, on a separate page I then revealed the new competitions- this is where I added my beloved Kingfisher in to brighten up the page! This is my favourite page throughout the whole magazine because the illustration looks really good. At the end of the week I realised that I hadn’t created a front cover and I had no time to go to Askham Bog and take images. Instead I decided to go onto flickr and search the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, if I found an image I really liked I would message the owner and ask them if they wouldn’t find if I used it for my front cover and luckily I found the perfect image! I asked Robin Denton and he seemed thrilled to be on my front cover, so after a few alterations in the font my front cover was perfect! Next week I need to hurry along as it is the last possible week for my production. WEEK SIX- PRODUCTION WEEK
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  • 25. • This week was my insurance week, I had to have my production completed by Thursday so next week I could get started with my evaluation. Firstly, I started creating my ‘How can you help’ however it looked boring so I started to think more out of the box and thought what would appeal to the audience. I decided to create a top secret mission at the back of the magazine, I create different steps for the children to follow. I thought this was a good way of keeping the reader interested as well as it matching the brief which YWT sent me. I think the trickiest part of creating this page was trying to draw a circle free hand. However, I had to move on as I still had a lot of things to be completed by the end of the week. I started with my back cover, again I used one of Robin Denton’s images again for the background and added some text in advertising the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, I used the colours from the King fisher for the background for the text. This looks really good. After I had done this, I had successfully completed my magazine. I exported this into a PDF format and emailed it over to Dave so he could print it off. I then asked if he could give me some feedback seen as though my client still hadn’t responded, he went through and brought to my attention things which could be improved. There wasn’t many things but by the end of Wednesday I had completed my magazine. I corrected the free photo page to a page of Robin Denton’s because the first photograph was very low resolution, I then corrected the contents page adding two new photos in as well as correcting the ‘confidential front page’. I was incredibly happy with my finishing touches. I printed out of the new magazine which I created and I started with my evaluation. WEEK SEVEN- PRODUCTION WEEK/EVALUATION

Editor's Notes

  1. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  2. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  3. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  4. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  5. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows