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 The Kidneys depend on systemic blood pressure (SBP) to maintain
adequate renal blood flow , adequate GFR, tubular function and overall
salt and water balance.
 This explains the vulnerability of kidneys to diseases involving the renal
 Vascular injury to kidneys is usually a manifestation of generalized
vascular pathology.
Classification of RVD according to anatomic
location of vasculopathy:
Renal Arteries
 Thromboembolic occlusion
 Renal Artery Stenosis (RAS),
and Ischemic renal disease
Renal Arterioles
and Microvasculature
 Atheroembolic Disease
(cholesterol embolism
syndrome CES)
 Thrombotic
 Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
 Thrombotic
Thrombocytopenic Purpura
 Scleroderma
 Sickle cell nephropathy
Renal Veins
 Renal Vein Thrombosis (RVT)
Thrombotic Microangiopathies
 1. Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS)
 2.Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)
 In both conditions, there is:
 Microangiopathic hemolytic Anemia (MAHA), with anemia, RBCs
fragmentation, schistocytes, intravascular PLT clumping and hence
 Typical renal histological lesions include intraglomerular platelet and fibrin
thrombi, with ischemia and arteriolar lesions
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS)
 Commonest cause of AKI in children
 Children (< 4 years) ------> 90 % of cases
 It is loosely defined as presence of microangiopathic hemolytic angiopathy
and renal impairment.
Forms of HUS
 1. Typical, or Diarrhea-associated (D+ HUS):
 Onset is explosive, with AKI
 Most cases below 5 years
 Diarrohea, often bloody preceeds MAHA within 1 week in 80% cases
 Abdominal pain, cramping and vomiting frequent whereas fever is typically absent.
 Neurologic symptoms including dysphagia, hyperreflexia, blurred vision, memory
deficit, encephalopathy, preservation and agraphia may often develop.
 SEIZURE and cerebral infarction may develop in severe cases.
 Shiga toxin(Stx1 and Stx2) are referred as verotoxin. They are produced by E.coli and
shigella dysenteriae
 Verotoxin-producing E.Coli O157:H7 (VTEC), with damage to the vascular
endothelium(largely confined to kidneys)
 After entry into circulation Shiga toxin binds to glycolipid surface receptor
globotriaosylceramide (gb3) which is richly expressed in renal vasculature.
 Upon entering into cell it induces inflammatory cytokines (IL-8), monocyte chemotactic
protein 1 and stromal cell derived factor 1 and chemokines (cxcr4 and cxcr7) this action
results in platelet aggregation and microangiopathic process.
 2. Atypical, or (D-HUS) :
 It results from complement deregulation, may be congenital or acquired
 Patient may have low C3 and a normal C4 characteristics of alternating pathway activation.
 Factor H deficiency most common defect. Factor H competes with Factor B to prevent formation
of Cb3
 A familial varient of aHUS -DEAP HUS ( Deficiency of CFHR plasma proteins and CFH AutoAb
Positve) when autoantibody to factor H is formed.
 Older children and adults, most of them have no diarrhea
 Familial, associated with factor H deficiency which limit cleavage of unusual large von Willebrand;
leading to continuing platelet activation
 Poorer prognosis, death in > 50 % of cases
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic
Purpura (TTP)
 Tradiationally, TTP is characterized by the pentad: MAHA, Thrombocytopenia,
neurologic symptoms, fever and renal failure.
 Pathophysiology involves accumulation of ultra-large multimers of Von
willebard factor as a result of absence or markedly decreased activity of
plasma protease ADAMTS 13,
 These ultra large multimers forms clots and shear erythrocytes resulting in
 TTP is now defined as large MAHA associated with ADAMTS13 activity (less
then 5-10%), however only absence of ADAMTS13 alone may not produce TTP; often
triggering factors (infection, surgery, pancreatitis or pregnancy) is required to induce
clinical TTP
 If untreated TTP has mortality rate exceeding 90 %, even with modern therapy 20 % die
within 1st month from complication of microvascular thrombosis.
 In idiopathic TTP, the formation of an autoantibody to ADAMTS13 (IgG or IgM) either increases
its clearance or inhibits its activity.
 Upshaw-Schülman syndrome is a hereditary condition characterized by congenital deficiency
of ADAMTS13.
 TTP in these patients can start within the first weeks of life but in some instances may not
present until adulthood, especially during pregnancy.
 Both environmental and genetic factors are thought to influence the development of TTP.
Plasma transfusion is an effective strategy for prevention and treatment.
 Drug-induced TMA is a recognized complication of treatment with some chemotherapeutic
agents, immunosuppressive agents, and quinine.
 Treatment should be based on pathophysiology.
 Autoantibody-mediated TTP and DEAP HUS respond to the
combination of plasma exchange and prednisone. In addition to
removing the autoantibodies, plasma exchange with fresh-frozen
plasma replaces ADAMTS13.
 Plasma infusion is usually sufficient to replace the ADAMTS13 in
Upshaw-Schülman syndrome.
 Drug-induced TMA secondary to endothelial damage typically does not
respond to plasma exchange and is treated primarily by discontinuing
use of the agent and providing supportive care.
 Plasma infusion/exchange is effective in certain types of aHUS as it
replaces complement-regulatory proteins.
 Either local or total body irradiation can produce microangiopathic injury.
 The kidney is one of the most radiosensitive organs, and injury can result with as
little as 4–5 Gy.
 Such injury is characterized by renal insufficiency, proteinuria, and hypertension
usually developing ≥6 months after radiation exposure.
 Renal biopsy reveals classic TMA with damage to glomerular, tubular, and
vascular cells, but systemic evidence of MAHA is uncommon.
 No specific therapy is available.
 HIV-related TMA is a complication encountered mainly before widespread use of
highly active antiretroviral therapy. It is seen in patients with advanced AIDS and
low CD4+ T cell counts although it can be the first manifestation of HIV infection.
 The presence of MAHA, thrombocytopenia, and renal failure are suggestive, but
renal biopsy is required for diagnosis since other renal diseases are also
associated with HIV infection.
 The mechanism of injury is unclear, although HIV can induce apoptosis in
endothelial cells. ADAMTS13 activity is not reduced in these patients.
 Cytomegalovirus co-infection may also be a risk factor. Effective antiviral therapy
is key, while plasma exchange should be limited to patients who have evidence of
 Kidney involvement is common (up to 52%) in patients with widespread scleroderma,
with 20% of cases resulting directly from scleroderma renal crisis.
 Other renal manifestations in scleroderma include transient (prerenal) or medication-
related forms of acute kidney injury (e.g., associated with D-penicillamine, nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs, or cyclosporine).
 Salt and water retention with microvascular injury can lead to pulmonary edema.
 Cardiac manifestations, including myocarditis, pericarditis, and arrhythmias, denote an
especially poor prognosis.
 Glomerulonephritis and vasculitis associated with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies and
systemic lupus erythematosus have been described in patients with scleroderma. Anti-U3-RNP
may identify young patients at risk for scleroderma renal crisis.
 Anticentromere antibody, in contrast, is a negative predictor of this disorder. Because of the
overlap between scleroderma renal crisis and other autoimmune disorders, a renal biopsy is
recommended for patients with atypical renal involvement, especially if hypertension is absent.
 Scleroderma renal crisis occurs in 12% of patients with diffuse systemic sclerosis but in only 2%
of those with limited systemic sclerosis Mild proteinuria is usually present ± HTN
 Sclerodermal renal crisis is most severe form characterized by-
 Accelerated HTN ( Ratinopathy and Encephalopathy may follow Htn)
 Rapid decline in renal function
 Nephrotic range proteinuria
 Hematuria
Systemic Sclerosis
 Pathology:
 Intimal proliferation of interlobular arteries, with deposition of mucoplysaccharides: Onion-Skin
 Fibrinoid necrosis of afferent arterioles
 Treatment:
 Treatment with ACE inhibition is the first-line therapy unless contraindicated.
 The goal of therapy is to reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 20 mmHg and 10
mmHg, respectively, every 24 h until blood pressure is normal. Additional antihypertensive
therapy may be given once the dose of drug for ACE inhibition is maximized.
 Both ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists are effective.
 Poor prognosis; Before the availability of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors,
the mortality rate for scleroderma renal crisis was >90% at 1 month. Introduction of renin-
angiotensin system blockade has lowered the mortality rate to 30% at 3 years.
 Nearly two-thirds of patients with scleroderma renal crisis may require dialysis support, with
recovery of renal function in 50% (median time, 1 year). because of other organ
involvement, especially restrictive cardiomyopathy
 Antiphospholipid syndrome can be either primary or secondary to systemic
lupus erythematosus and is mediated by antiphospholipid antibodies—
mainly anticardiolipin antibodies , lupus anticoagulant, or anti-β-2
glycoprotein I antibodies (antiβ2GPI).
 TMA is commonly present in renal biopsies, although signs of MAHA and
platelet consumption are usually absent.
 Hypertension is common.
 Treatment
 lifelong anticoagulation.
 Glucocorticoids may be beneficial in accelerated hypertension.
 Immunosuppression and plasma exchange may be helpful for catastrophic
episodes of antiphospholipid syndrome but by themselves do not reduce
recurrent thrombosis.
 HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low
platelets) syndrome is a dangerous complication of
pregnancy associated with microvascular injury.
 Occurring in 0.2–0.9% of all pregnancies and in 10–20% of
women with severe preeclampsia, this syndrome carries a
mortality rate of 7.4–34%.
 Most commonly developing in the third trimester, 10% of
cases occur before week 27 and 30% post-partum.
 Renal failure occurs in half of patients with HELLP
 Although renal failure is common, the organ that defines this syndrome is the liver.
Subcapsular hepatic hematomas sometimes produce spontaneous rupture of the liver
and can be life-threatening.
 Neurologic complications such as cerebral infarction, cerebral and brainstem
hemorrhage, and cerebral edema are other potentially life-threatening complications.
 Nonfatal complications include placental abruption, permanent vision loss due to
Purtscher-like (hemorrhagic and vaso-occlusive vasculopathy) retinopathy, pulmonary
edema, bleeding, and fetal demise.
 A history of MAHA before pregnancy is of diagnostic value.
 Serum levels of ADAMTS13 activity are reduced (by 30–60%) in HELLP syndrome but not
to the levels seen in TTP (<5%).
 HELLP syndrome usually resolves spontaneously after delivery, although a small
percentage of HELLP cases occur post-partum. Plasma exchange should be considered if
hemolysis is refractory to glucocortcoids and/or delivery, especially if TTP has not been
ruled out.
POEMS Syndrome
 POEMS syndrome is a systemic disease characterized by polyneuropathy,
organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal gammopathy, and skin changes.
 Peripheral neuropathy with severe motor sensory deficit is the hallmark of the disease.
 Another characteristic is that >95% of monoclonal light chain is of the lambda isotype.
IgA also makes up about 50% of the monoclonal protein.
 Organomegaly can involve any organ and often presents as lymphadenopathy. In the
kidney, the hypertrophy frequently is unilateral.
 Most patients present with mild to moderate renal impairment and low grade
 Progression to end stage renal ds may occur.
 Renal complications in sickle cell disease result from occlusion of the vasa recta in the renal
 The low partial pressure of oxygen and high osmolarity predispose to hemoglobin S
polymerization and erythrocyte sickling.
 Sequelae include hyposthenuria, hematuria, and papillary necrosis (which can also occur in
sickle trait).
 The kidney responds by increases in blood flow and glomerular filtration rate mediated by
 Proteinuria is present in 20–30%, and nephrotic-range proteinuria is associated with
progression to renal failure.
 Chronic kidney disease is present in 12–20% of patients.
 Despite the frequency of renal disease, hypertension is uncommon in patients with sickle cell
 Renal Artery Stenosis
 Ischemic Renal Disease
Renal Artery Stenosis (RAS) and
Ischemic Renal Disease:
 Prevalence:
 2-4 % in general population
 30-40 % in accelerated HTN and
renal insufficiency
 Causes:
 Atherosclerosis:(ARV D)
 90 %
 Elderly
 Fibromuscular Dysplasia:
 5-10 %
 Young
Ischemic Renal Disease
 Atherosclerosis of 1 or both renal
 Elderly male
 ± HTN
 Often with atherosclerotic PVD (68%)
 IHD (45%)
 CHF (33%)
 History of stroke (28%)
 Progressive loss of renal function
Atherosclerotic Reno-vascular
 It accounts for >90% of all RVD, in patients > 55, or < 30 Years of age
 Lesions of RAS are 90% ostial (within the1st one cm of renal artery origin)
 It can be demonstrated in:
 >10% of patients undergoing coronary angiography
 >40% with peripheral vascular disease (PVD), with > 5 vessels
 involvement
 30% with congestive cardiac failure (CCF), aged >70 years
 15-20 % with ESRD
 It is increased with aging and is associated with common atherogenic risk factors:
 Hypertension
 Hypercholesterolemia
 Smoking
 Diabetes
Clinical Presentations:
 Hypertension (HTN), with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), a pro-atherogenic state
make the incidental finding of ARVD, rather than being the cause of it..
 Epi-gastric bruit
 Hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis
 Flash pulmonary edema(5%):
 Sudden onset of acute heart failure in absence of myocardial ischemic event
 Commonly at night(due to posture-related redistribution of fluid or may be due to diurnal
variations of vasoactive peptides)
 Mechanism may be due to reduced natriuretic ability, coupled with LVH and severe HTN in
patients with severe bilateral RAS
 Acute Kidney Injury (AKI), due to arterial occlusion
Prognosis of ARVD:
 Renal outcome is determined by the presence of parenchymal disease
giving the picture of ischemic nephropathy (intrarenal atheroma, or
cholesterol embolization)
 The correlation between the severity of proximal lesions(degree of
stenosis or occlusion) and renal function is poor.
 Poor prognosis (5-year survival<20 %)
Treatment of RAS:
 Conservative medical management:
 Cessation of smoking/weight loss/exercise
 Strict Control of HTN
 Lipid lowering agents
 Aspirin
 Revascularization, especially successful in significant RAS associated
AKI, or with flash pulmonary edema:
 Percutaneous Transluminal Renal Angioplasty (PTRA), with stenting (PTRAS), in
>95% of cases
 Surgical reconstruction: celiac, or mesenteric –to- Renal Bypass, in remainder of
 Balloon angioplasty:
 Uncontrolled HTN
 Success rate: 82-100 %
 Recurrence rate: 10 % (follow-up with duplex U/S)
Fibromuscular Dysplasia (FMD):
 It accounts for 10% of all RVD
 Most commonly in young women (20-35 Ys)
 The stenotic lesions are distal and appear like “string of beads”, at angiography
 Clinically, presented with severe HTN, but renal failure is unusual
 It is usually associated with other arterial lesions (carotid stenosis in 10% of
 Revascularization cure the HTN and restores the kidney function completely;
because the kidney beyond the FMD, is usually healthy
 Fibromuscular dysplasia of the renal artery, medial type (elastic tissue stain)
 The media shows marked fibrous thickening, and the lumen is stenotic
Atheroembolic RVD:
 Cholesterol embolisation syndrome (CES) is occurring in:
 Elderly patients with widespread atherosclerosis (almost exclusively)
 As complication of abdominal aorta/renal artery manipulation or surgery
 As a consequence of angiography
 Clinically:
 Renal insufficiency &/or HTN
 Livideo reticularis
 Evidence of embolisation in other organs: Cerebrovascular events, retinal artery
occlusion, acute pancreatitis, ischemic bowels, gangrene of extremities
 Urine analysis:
 Cholesterol crystals (not usually present)
 Increased cellularity
 Proteinuria (mild)
 Eosinophiluria
Treatment of CES
 Control HTN (avoid hypotension)
 Adequate hydration
 Anticoagulants may delay healing of ulcerated atherosclerotic lesions
 Dialysis may be needed
Thromboembolic Occlusion of
Renal Arteries
 Causes:
 Intrinsic pathology in renal vessels:{In situ thrombosis}
 Post-traumatic.. Young patients (blunt trauma, deceleration injury,..)
 Atherosclerotic.. Old patients
 Dissection/Aneurysm/Arteriography
 Inflammatory: Takayasau, syphilis, systemic vasculitis, thrombangitis obliterans
 Embolization: {originating in distant vessels}; much more common
(90%) and usually unilateral
 Tumor/Fat emboli
 Emboli from left heart (most common), as left mural thrombus following MI or AF, or bacterial
endocarditis, septic/aseptic valvular vegetations..
 Paradoxical emboli, passing through patent foramen ovale or ASD
Clinical Manifestations Of
 Difficult to diagnose, require high index of suspicion
 Variable, depend on: extent/time course of occlusion and state of pre-
existing renal circulation
 Acute renal thrombosis/infarction
 Sudden onset of flank pain/tenderness (absent in 55 %)
 Fever/nausea/vomiting
 Hematuria (microscopic)
 Deteriorated renal function: transient (unilateral), or severe (bilateral)
 Hypertension, usually transient (renin release in peri-infarction zone)
 Elevated TLC, AST, LDH, ALP (renal enzymes in infarction)
Clinical Manifestations Of
 Gradual unilateral occlusion --> may go undetected
 Patients with RAS & established collateral circulation have no symptoms
(little/no infarction)
 Thus, the spectrum of clinical manifestations lies between some extremes
in different occasions:
 Unexplained Progressive Azotemia (old patient ± refractory HTN)
 HTN + Azotemia (renal transplant)
Renal Vein Thrombosis (RVT)
Clinical Manifestations of RVT
 Depend on extent and rapidity of occlusion:
 1. Acute:
 Nausea/vomiting
 Flank Pain
 Hematuria
 Leucocytosis
 Compromised renal functions
 Increased renal size on U/S
 2. Chronic:
 Dramatic ↑ of proteinuria
 Tubular Dysfunction: Glucosuria, aminoaciduria, phosphaturia and impaired
urinary acidification
Diagnosis of RVT
 Investigations:
 Doppler U/S: more sensitive then USG alone
 CT Angiogram- 100% sensitive
 Magnetic Resonance Angiography is another good option but is more expensive.
 Treatment:
 Anticoagulation Therapy and treatment of underlying cause
 Endovascular Thrombolysis may be considered in severe cases
 Occasionally, neprectomy may be undertaken for life-threatning complication
 Vena caval filters may be used to prevent migration of thrombi
1. Davidsons_Principles_and_Practice_of_Medicine_22ed

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Renovascular disorder final shivaom

  • 2. INTRODUCTION:  The Kidneys depend on systemic blood pressure (SBP) to maintain adequate renal blood flow , adequate GFR, tubular function and overall salt and water balance.  This explains the vulnerability of kidneys to diseases involving the renal vasculature.  Vascular injury to kidneys is usually a manifestation of generalized vascular pathology.
  • 3. Classification of RVD according to anatomic location of vasculopathy: Renal Arteries  Thromboembolic occlusion  Renal Artery Stenosis (RAS), and Ischemic renal disease Renal Arterioles and Microvasculature  Atheroembolic Disease (cholesterol embolism syndrome CES)  Thrombotic Microangiopathies:  Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS)  Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)  Scleroderma  Sickle cell nephropathy Renal Veins  Renal Vein Thrombosis (RVT)
  • 4. Thrombotic Microangiopathies  1. Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS)  2.Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)  In both conditions, there is:  Microangiopathic hemolytic Anemia (MAHA), with anemia, RBCs fragmentation, schistocytes, intravascular PLT clumping and hence thrombocytopenia  Typical renal histological lesions include intraglomerular platelet and fibrin thrombi, with ischemia and arteriolar lesions
  • 5. Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS)  Commonest cause of AKI in children  Children (< 4 years) ------> 90 % of cases  It is loosely defined as presence of microangiopathic hemolytic angiopathy and renal impairment.
  • 6. Forms of HUS  1. Typical, or Diarrhea-associated (D+ HUS):  Onset is explosive, with AKI  Most cases below 5 years  Diarrohea, often bloody preceeds MAHA within 1 week in 80% cases  Abdominal pain, cramping and vomiting frequent whereas fever is typically absent.  Neurologic symptoms including dysphagia, hyperreflexia, blurred vision, memory deficit, encephalopathy, preservation and agraphia may often develop.  SEIZURE and cerebral infarction may develop in severe cases.
  • 7. PATHOGENESIS  Shiga toxin(Stx1 and Stx2) are referred as verotoxin. They are produced by E.coli and shigella dysenteriae  Verotoxin-producing E.Coli O157:H7 (VTEC), with damage to the vascular endothelium(largely confined to kidneys)  After entry into circulation Shiga toxin binds to glycolipid surface receptor globotriaosylceramide (gb3) which is richly expressed in renal vasculature.  Upon entering into cell it induces inflammatory cytokines (IL-8), monocyte chemotactic protein 1 and stromal cell derived factor 1 and chemokines (cxcr4 and cxcr7) this action results in platelet aggregation and microangiopathic process.
  • 8.  2. Atypical, or (D-HUS) :  It results from complement deregulation, may be congenital or acquired  Patient may have low C3 and a normal C4 characteristics of alternating pathway activation.  Factor H deficiency most common defect. Factor H competes with Factor B to prevent formation of Cb3  A familial varient of aHUS -DEAP HUS ( Deficiency of CFHR plasma proteins and CFH AutoAb Positve) when autoantibody to factor H is formed.  Older children and adults, most of them have no diarrhea  Familial, associated with factor H deficiency which limit cleavage of unusual large von Willebrand; leading to continuing platelet activation  Poorer prognosis, death in > 50 % of cases
  • 9. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)  Tradiationally, TTP is characterized by the pentad: MAHA, Thrombocytopenia, neurologic symptoms, fever and renal failure.  Pathophysiology involves accumulation of ultra-large multimers of Von willebard factor as a result of absence or markedly decreased activity of plasma protease ADAMTS 13,  These ultra large multimers forms clots and shear erythrocytes resulting in MAHA;TTP  TTP is now defined as large MAHA associated with ADAMTS13 activity (less then 5-10%), however only absence of ADAMTS13 alone may not produce TTP; often triggering factors (infection, surgery, pancreatitis or pregnancy) is required to induce clinical TTP  If untreated TTP has mortality rate exceeding 90 %, even with modern therapy 20 % die within 1st month from complication of microvascular thrombosis.
  • 10.  In idiopathic TTP, the formation of an autoantibody to ADAMTS13 (IgG or IgM) either increases its clearance or inhibits its activity.  Upshaw-Schülman syndrome is a hereditary condition characterized by congenital deficiency of ADAMTS13.  TTP in these patients can start within the first weeks of life but in some instances may not present until adulthood, especially during pregnancy.  Both environmental and genetic factors are thought to influence the development of TTP. Plasma transfusion is an effective strategy for prevention and treatment.  Drug-induced TMA is a recognized complication of treatment with some chemotherapeutic agents, immunosuppressive agents, and quinine.
  • 11. HUS/TTP TREATMENT  Treatment should be based on pathophysiology.  Autoantibody-mediated TTP and DEAP HUS respond to the combination of plasma exchange and prednisone. In addition to removing the autoantibodies, plasma exchange with fresh-frozen plasma replaces ADAMTS13.  Plasma infusion is usually sufficient to replace the ADAMTS13 in Upshaw-Schülman syndrome.  Drug-induced TMA secondary to endothelial damage typically does not respond to plasma exchange and is treated primarily by discontinuing use of the agent and providing supportive care.  Plasma infusion/exchange is effective in certain types of aHUS as it replaces complement-regulatory proteins.
  • 12. RADIATION NEPHROPATHY  Either local or total body irradiation can produce microangiopathic injury.  The kidney is one of the most radiosensitive organs, and injury can result with as little as 4–5 Gy.  Such injury is characterized by renal insufficiency, proteinuria, and hypertension usually developing ≥6 months after radiation exposure.  Renal biopsy reveals classic TMA with damage to glomerular, tubular, and vascular cells, but systemic evidence of MAHA is uncommon.  No specific therapy is available.
  • 13. HIV RELATED TMA  HIV-related TMA is a complication encountered mainly before widespread use of highly active antiretroviral therapy. It is seen in patients with advanced AIDS and low CD4+ T cell counts although it can be the first manifestation of HIV infection.  The presence of MAHA, thrombocytopenia, and renal failure are suggestive, but renal biopsy is required for diagnosis since other renal diseases are also associated with HIV infection.  The mechanism of injury is unclear, although HIV can induce apoptosis in endothelial cells. ADAMTS13 activity is not reduced in these patients.  Cytomegalovirus co-infection may also be a risk factor. Effective antiviral therapy is key, while plasma exchange should be limited to patients who have evidence of TTP.
  • 14. SCLERODERMA (PROGRESSIVE SYSTEMIC SCLEROSIS)  Kidney involvement is common (up to 52%) in patients with widespread scleroderma, with 20% of cases resulting directly from scleroderma renal crisis.  Other renal manifestations in scleroderma include transient (prerenal) or medication- related forms of acute kidney injury (e.g., associated with D-penicillamine, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or cyclosporine).  Salt and water retention with microvascular injury can lead to pulmonary edema.  Cardiac manifestations, including myocarditis, pericarditis, and arrhythmias, denote an especially poor prognosis.
  • 15.  Glomerulonephritis and vasculitis associated with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies and systemic lupus erythematosus have been described in patients with scleroderma. Anti-U3-RNP may identify young patients at risk for scleroderma renal crisis.  Anticentromere antibody, in contrast, is a negative predictor of this disorder. Because of the overlap between scleroderma renal crisis and other autoimmune disorders, a renal biopsy is recommended for patients with atypical renal involvement, especially if hypertension is absent.  Scleroderma renal crisis occurs in 12% of patients with diffuse systemic sclerosis but in only 2% of those with limited systemic sclerosis Mild proteinuria is usually present ± HTN  Sclerodermal renal crisis is most severe form characterized by-  Accelerated HTN ( Ratinopathy and Encephalopathy may follow Htn)  Rapid decline in renal function  Nephrotic range proteinuria  Hematuria
  • 16. Systemic Sclerosis  Pathology:  Intimal proliferation of interlobular arteries, with deposition of mucoplysaccharides: Onion-Skin appearance  Fibrinoid necrosis of afferent arterioles  Treatment:  Treatment with ACE inhibition is the first-line therapy unless contraindicated.  The goal of therapy is to reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 20 mmHg and 10 mmHg, respectively, every 24 h until blood pressure is normal. Additional antihypertensive therapy may be given once the dose of drug for ACE inhibition is maximized.  Both ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists are effective.  Poor prognosis; Before the availability of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, the mortality rate for scleroderma renal crisis was >90% at 1 month. Introduction of renin- angiotensin system blockade has lowered the mortality rate to 30% at 3 years.  Nearly two-thirds of patients with scleroderma renal crisis may require dialysis support, with recovery of renal function in 50% (median time, 1 year). because of other organ involvement, especially restrictive cardiomyopathy
  • 17. ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID SYNDROME  Antiphospholipid syndrome can be either primary or secondary to systemic lupus erythematosus and is mediated by antiphospholipid antibodies— mainly anticardiolipin antibodies , lupus anticoagulant, or anti-β-2 glycoprotein I antibodies (antiβ2GPI).  TMA is commonly present in renal biopsies, although signs of MAHA and platelet consumption are usually absent.  Hypertension is common.  Treatment  lifelong anticoagulation.  Glucocorticoids may be beneficial in accelerated hypertension.  Immunosuppression and plasma exchange may be helpful for catastrophic episodes of antiphospholipid syndrome but by themselves do not reduce recurrent thrombosis.
  • 18. HELLP SYNDROME  HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets) syndrome is a dangerous complication of pregnancy associated with microvascular injury.  Occurring in 0.2–0.9% of all pregnancies and in 10–20% of women with severe preeclampsia, this syndrome carries a mortality rate of 7.4–34%.  Most commonly developing in the third trimester, 10% of cases occur before week 27 and 30% post-partum.  Renal failure occurs in half of patients with HELLP syndrome,.
  • 19.  Although renal failure is common, the organ that defines this syndrome is the liver. Subcapsular hepatic hematomas sometimes produce spontaneous rupture of the liver and can be life-threatening.  Neurologic complications such as cerebral infarction, cerebral and brainstem hemorrhage, and cerebral edema are other potentially life-threatening complications.  Nonfatal complications include placental abruption, permanent vision loss due to Purtscher-like (hemorrhagic and vaso-occlusive vasculopathy) retinopathy, pulmonary edema, bleeding, and fetal demise.  A history of MAHA before pregnancy is of diagnostic value.  Serum levels of ADAMTS13 activity are reduced (by 30–60%) in HELLP syndrome but not to the levels seen in TTP (<5%).  HELLP syndrome usually resolves spontaneously after delivery, although a small percentage of HELLP cases occur post-partum. Plasma exchange should be considered if hemolysis is refractory to glucocortcoids and/or delivery, especially if TTP has not been ruled out.
  • 20. POEMS Syndrome  POEMS syndrome is a systemic disease characterized by polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal gammopathy, and skin changes.  Peripheral neuropathy with severe motor sensory deficit is the hallmark of the disease.  Another characteristic is that >95% of monoclonal light chain is of the lambda isotype. IgA also makes up about 50% of the monoclonal protein.  Organomegaly can involve any organ and often presents as lymphadenopathy. In the kidney, the hypertrophy frequently is unilateral.  Most patients present with mild to moderate renal impairment and low grade proteinuria.  Progression to end stage renal ds may occur.
  • 21. SICKLE CELL NEPHROPATHY  Renal complications in sickle cell disease result from occlusion of the vasa recta in the renal medulla.  The low partial pressure of oxygen and high osmolarity predispose to hemoglobin S polymerization and erythrocyte sickling.  Sequelae include hyposthenuria, hematuria, and papillary necrosis (which can also occur in sickle trait).  The kidney responds by increases in blood flow and glomerular filtration rate mediated by prostaglandins.  Proteinuria is present in 20–30%, and nephrotic-range proteinuria is associated with progression to renal failure.  Chronic kidney disease is present in 12–20% of patients.  Despite the frequency of renal disease, hypertension is uncommon in patients with sickle cell disease.
  • 22. MACROVASCULAR DISEASE:  Renal Artery Stenosis  Ischemic Renal Disease
  • 23. Renal Artery Stenosis (RAS) and Ischemic Renal Disease: RAS  Prevalence:  2-4 % in general population  30-40 % in accelerated HTN and renal insufficiency  Causes:  Atherosclerosis:(ARV D)  90 %  Elderly  Fibromuscular Dysplasia:  5-10 %  Young Ischemic Renal Disease  Atherosclerosis of 1 or both renal Artery  Elderly male  ± HTN  Often with atherosclerotic PVD (68%)  IHD (45%)  CHF (33%)  History of stroke (28%)  Progressive loss of renal function
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  • 26. Atherosclerotic Reno-vascular disease:  It accounts for >90% of all RVD, in patients > 55, or < 30 Years of age  Lesions of RAS are 90% ostial (within the1st one cm of renal artery origin)  It can be demonstrated in:  >10% of patients undergoing coronary angiography  >40% with peripheral vascular disease (PVD), with > 5 vessels  involvement  30% with congestive cardiac failure (CCF), aged >70 years  15-20 % with ESRD  It is increased with aging and is associated with common atherogenic risk factors:  Hypertension  Hypercholesterolemia  Smoking  Diabetes
  • 27. Clinical Presentations:  Hypertension (HTN), with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), a pro-atherogenic state make the incidental finding of ARVD, rather than being the cause of it..  Epi-gastric bruit  Hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis  Flash pulmonary edema(5%):  Sudden onset of acute heart failure in absence of myocardial ischemic event  Commonly at night(due to posture-related redistribution of fluid or may be due to diurnal variations of vasoactive peptides)  Mechanism may be due to reduced natriuretic ability, coupled with LVH and severe HTN in patients with severe bilateral RAS  Acute Kidney Injury (AKI), due to arterial occlusion
  • 28. Prognosis of ARVD:  Renal outcome is determined by the presence of parenchymal disease giving the picture of ischemic nephropathy (intrarenal atheroma, or cholesterol embolization)  The correlation between the severity of proximal lesions(degree of stenosis or occlusion) and renal function is poor.  Poor prognosis (5-year survival<20 %)
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  • 31. Treatment of RAS:  Conservative medical management:  Cessation of smoking/weight loss/exercise  Strict Control of HTN  Lipid lowering agents  Aspirin  Revascularization, especially successful in significant RAS associated AKI, or with flash pulmonary edema:  Percutaneous Transluminal Renal Angioplasty (PTRA), with stenting (PTRAS), in >95% of cases  Surgical reconstruction: celiac, or mesenteric –to- Renal Bypass, in remainder of cases  Balloon angioplasty:  Uncontrolled HTN  Success rate: 82-100 %  Recurrence rate: 10 % (follow-up with duplex U/S)
  • 32. Fibromuscular Dysplasia (FMD):  It accounts for 10% of all RVD  Most commonly in young women (20-35 Ys)  The stenotic lesions are distal and appear like “string of beads”, at angiography  Clinically, presented with severe HTN, but renal failure is unusual  It is usually associated with other arterial lesions (carotid stenosis in 10% of cases)  Revascularization cure the HTN and restores the kidney function completely; because the kidney beyond the FMD, is usually healthy  Fibromuscular dysplasia of the renal artery, medial type (elastic tissue stain)  The media shows marked fibrous thickening, and the lumen is stenotic
  • 33. Atheroembolic RVD:  Cholesterol embolisation syndrome (CES) is occurring in:  Elderly patients with widespread atherosclerosis (almost exclusively)  As complication of abdominal aorta/renal artery manipulation or surgery  As a consequence of angiography  Clinically:  Renal insufficiency &/or HTN  Livideo reticularis  Evidence of embolisation in other organs: Cerebrovascular events, retinal artery occlusion, acute pancreatitis, ischemic bowels, gangrene of extremities  Urine analysis:  Cholesterol crystals (not usually present)  Increased cellularity  Proteinuria (mild)  Eosinophiluria
  • 34.
  • 35. Treatment of CES  Control HTN (avoid hypotension)  Adequate hydration  Anticoagulants may delay healing of ulcerated atherosclerotic lesions  Dialysis may be needed
  • 36. Thromboembolic Occlusion of Renal Arteries  Causes:  Intrinsic pathology in renal vessels:{In situ thrombosis}  Post-traumatic.. Young patients (blunt trauma, deceleration injury,..)  Atherosclerotic.. Old patients  Dissection/Aneurysm/Arteriography  Inflammatory: Takayasau, syphilis, systemic vasculitis, thrombangitis obliterans  Embolization: {originating in distant vessels}; much more common (90%) and usually unilateral  Tumor/Fat emboli  Emboli from left heart (most common), as left mural thrombus following MI or AF, or bacterial endocarditis, septic/aseptic valvular vegetations..  Paradoxical emboli, passing through patent foramen ovale or ASD
  • 37. Clinical Manifestations Of Thromboembolism  Difficult to diagnose, require high index of suspicion  Variable, depend on: extent/time course of occlusion and state of pre- existing renal circulation  Acute renal thrombosis/infarction  Sudden onset of flank pain/tenderness (absent in 55 %)  Fever/nausea/vomiting  Hematuria (microscopic)  Deteriorated renal function: transient (unilateral), or severe (bilateral)  Hypertension, usually transient (renin release in peri-infarction zone)  Elevated TLC, AST, LDH, ALP (renal enzymes in infarction)
  • 38. Clinical Manifestations Of Thromboembolism  Gradual unilateral occlusion --> may go undetected  Patients with RAS & established collateral circulation have no symptoms (little/no infarction)  Thus, the spectrum of clinical manifestations lies between some extremes in different occasions:  ARF  Unexplained Progressive Azotemia (old patient ± refractory HTN)  HTN + Azotemia (renal transplant)
  • 40. Clinical Manifestations of RVT  Depend on extent and rapidity of occlusion:  1. Acute:  Nausea/vomiting  Flank Pain  Hematuria  Leucocytosis  Compromised renal functions  Increased renal size on U/S  2. Chronic:  Dramatic ↑ of proteinuria  Tubular Dysfunction: Glucosuria, aminoaciduria, phosphaturia and impaired urinary acidification
  • 41. Diagnosis of RVT  Investigations:  Doppler U/S: more sensitive then USG alone  CT Angiogram- 100% sensitive  Magnetic Resonance Angiography is another good option but is more expensive.  Treatment:  Anticoagulation Therapy and treatment of underlying cause  Endovascular Thrombolysis may be considered in severe cases  Occasionally, neprectomy may be undertaken for life-threatning complication  Vena caval filters may be used to prevent migration of thrombi