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Renaissance and Reformation ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Chapter Outline ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
1. The Renaissance Brings Change ,[object Object]
a. Interest in classical learning inspires the Renaissance -The word  renaissance  in French for  “rebirth”. -Originally referred to a new interest in the learning of ancient  Greece and Rome,  which began in 1300’s. The Renaissance differed from the Middle Ages in several ways 1. a renewed appreciation for the arts and learning of ancient  Greece and Rome. 2. a new interest in worldly matters, accompanied by a growing  emphasis on  human life and accomplishment. b. Scholars study the humanities -Renaissance scholars’ interest in Greek and Roman learning  developed into the study of the humanities-Latin and  Greek  language and literature, composition,  rhetoric, history, and  philosophy. -Renaissance scholars found the literature of the ancients  exciting to read and beautiful to hear. -Scholars who took part in the intellectual movement that grew  out of the study  of the humanities were called  humanists .
c. Renaissance begins in Italy -The Renaissance began about 1350 in the northern Italian city- states, which had grown prosperous from the revival of trade in  the Middle Ages. Italian merchants and bankers had the wealth to  acquire libraries and fine works of art.  d. Petrarch leads the rediscovery of classical literature - Francesco Petrarch  - an Italian poet born in 1304, led the early  development of Renaissance humanism. -He studied Roman literature and philosophy and  encourage others to become interested. -In the process of collecting ancient manuscript, he  rediscovered a number of Roman authors whose work  had been forgotten during the Middle Ages. -He loved writing so much that he often worked all night  long at his desk. -When a worried friend urged him to relax, he replied,  “nothing weighs less than a pen, and nothing gives more  pleasure; it is useful not only to the writer but to the  others far away, perhaps even those who will be born a  thousand years from now.”  -On July 19, 1374, Petrarch was found dead in his  library, his head resting on an open book, his pen fallen  from his hand.
e. The Renaissance emphasizes life on earth -Renaissance humanists tried to understand the entire civilization of  the ancient  world, not just selected ideas. They looked on the  literature of the ancient  Greeks and Romans as guide to a joyous,  successful way of life. -the people of the Renaissance emphasized living life on earth as fully  as possible. -They took ancient literature as their guide to understanding human  nature, the conduct of statesmen, the duty of the citizens, and the  meaning of duty.  f. Renaissance thinkers study history critically -the study of history was important for Renaissance humanists. They  believed  that history, like classical literature and philosophy, would  help them understand  their own times. In their efforts to learn more  about ancient Greece and Rome, they carefully examined  and  compared copies of ancient manuscript.  -Medieval thinkers had tended to accept Aristotle’s writings as  unquestioned  truth. Renaissance humanists, however, said that  Aristotle’s works should be seen as a product of the time in which he  wrote.
g. Politics are important in the Renaissance -Many Renaissance humanists were leaders of society and were  active in the politics of their cities. -They valued public service and praise those who were useful to  society. -The skills of humanists sought to cultivate  - eloquence in  communicating ideas, effective public speaking, polished manners, an  elegant writing style – were valuable ones for social and political  leaders.   h. Machiavelli takes a practical view of politics -Political rivalry was intense among the Italian city-states and their  rulers. -Renaissance political thinkers were ambitious for fame and power. As  a guide,  they looked back to Roman history rather than to medieval  ideals. -They also turned to the advice given in guidebooks on how rulers  could become more successful and skilful in politics.
Niccolo Machiavelli-write a famous guidebooks -a diplomat and student of politics -he drew on Roman history to set up guidelines for rulers of  his time. -was a cynical about human behaviour and believed that a  ruler should  do whatever was necessary to gain and keep  power The Prince-(the title of his book) written about 1513 -he pointed out that successful rulers often lied, broke  treaties, and killed in order to gain power. -he said, politics must be judged only by their result i. Wealthy patrons support the Renaissance  -Renaissance life centered on the society, commerce, and politics of  the bustling, prosperous cities. In wealthy cities such as Florence,  Milan, and Venice, the rulers, noble families, and high-ranking clergy  became patrons, or supporters, of the art. Most Renaissance artists  came to depend for their livelihoods on wealthy patrons.   Florence-The cultural center of Renaissance Italy, was dominated by the Medici  family. -Medici-were bankers who had branch offices in cities throughout  Western  Europe. -Platonic Academy in Florence-Founded by Cosimo de’ Medici in  1450, it became the center of studies in Greek philosophy.
Lorenzo(1449-1492)-(Cosimo’s grandson) best-known member of the Medici -Known as  “the Magnificent” -was a classical scholar, a skilled architect, and a talented  poet who wrote In the style of Petrarch -he hired painters and sculpture to create works of art for his  palace, and invited artists, painters, and philosophers to his  court.   Women of the wealthy and noble Italian families also played important roles  as patrons of the arts. Isabella d’Este(1474-1539)-one of the most remarkable women in  Renaissance Italy. -as a child she and her sister Beatrice studied the humanities  and learned to read and speak Latin and Greek. -married to  Francisco Gonzaga  ruler of a small state in  northern Italy -She collected many of the books just the beginning to come  from Italian printers. Her own learning and her  encouragement of the arts made Isabella known in her time  as  “The first women of the world.”
j. The Renaissance encourages the development of talents -The Renaissance was characterized by an intense appreciation of  individualism. -The people of this time were interested in the unique qualities that  made one person stand from the others -these attitudes encouraged a spirit of curiosity and adventure -the men and women of the upper classes benefited most from the  wealth and leisure to develop the many talents expected in the ideal  Renaissance individual. k. Printing spreads Renaissance ideas -The Renaissance was the time of change in technology as well as in  culture -Printing press-one of the new developments 1450’s-European first used movable metal type to print a book Johann Gutenberg  - credited with printing the first book, a copy of  the Bible
l. Renaissance ideas spread to Northern Europe  -Printing helped spread the spirit and ideas of the Renaissance  northward from Italy to France, England, Germany, and the  Netherlands(Holland and Belgium).  Desiderius Erasmus-was born about 1466in Rotterdam, Holland. -the most respected and influential humanist of the Northern  Renaissance -Ordained a Catholic priest, he carefully studied both the  humanities and Christian doctrines.   -He wanted the church to return to the simple religious  devotion of early Christianity, but did not agree with the  leaders of the Reformation who were breaking away from the  Church.  -He felt that the study of the humanities was more valuable  than the  study of science.     In the Praise of Folly (1509)-He criticized scholars, scientists,  philosophers, and clergy of his own time for being narrow- minded. -The new craft of printing made Erasmus’s books available  throughout Europe; he was one of the first authors whose  books were read by thousands of people.
Sir Thomas More- One of the most important scholar in northern Renaissance -an English statesman -close friend of Erasmus -a devout catholic and a student of both Church doctrine and  the humanities -His book  Utopia , published in Latin in 1516, described an  ideal, peaceful society, and so conveyed More’s criticism of  the Politics, society, and religion of his time.
2. The Renaissance Spirit Is Reflected in Literature and Art The Renaissance spirit and the renewed interest in ancient Greece and Rome were the inspiration of a brilliant creative period in literature and art. Writers and artist used stories from ancient history and classical mythology as their subjects. They also adapted styles used by the Greek and Roman authors, artists, and architects. Most important, they portrayed people with greet realism, bringing out the subject’s individuality. Human beings were the focus of the arts of the Renaissance.   Renaissance Literature a.  Rabelais  and  Montaigne  express the Renaissance spirit in France -The emphasis on individuality was reflected in very different  ways in the works of two great French Renaissance writers.
1 . Francois Rabelais -was born in France -encouraged the Renaissance ideal of living a full, busy life -was a monk, a scholar, and a physician, who also studied  plants and Roman archaeological sites.    Gargantua and Pantagruel-a five-volume work, that made fun of those  who did not take the humanists point of view. The books  combined humour, lively imagination, and exciting  adventures with scholarship.
2. Michel de Montaigne - a writer lived quietly and wrote short, thoughtful  essays that reflected his personal thoughts and interests.  -He drew on his own observations, experience, and travels -He wrote in a conversational style, exploring ideas about  friendship, education, and many other subjects that interest him
b. Cervantes mocks medieval ideals Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra(known as Cervantes 1547- 1616)-the greatest writer in the Renaissance in Spain -served as a soldier against the Turks and was imprisoned  for five years by pirates in North Africa. -became a tax collector   Don Quixote-published first in 1605 -in this book Cervantes mocked the way medieval  codes of chivalry distorted reality. -Do Quixote is a kind, elderly gentleman who  spends so much time reading medieval tales that he  loses his sense of reality. He decides to become a  knight and sets out to do heroic deeds. Blind  to the  real world, Don Quixote sees a herd of sheep as an  army and thinks windmills are giants. He idealizes a  servant on a nearby farm, describing her in the  terms of courtly love rather than seeing her as a  sturdy peasant she really is.
c. Shakespeare provides insight into human behaviour William Shakespeare(1564-1616)- many people regarded him as the  world’s finest dramatist and the greatest writer in the English  language. -was an actor and playwright, not a classical scholar -he shared the humanist interest in other times and places,  particularly the ancient world. Several plays- such as Julius  Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra- Greek and Roman  history. -In the play Hamlet, he wrote: “What a piece of work is man!  How noble in reason! action how like an angel!!”  Shakespeare’s plays portrayed the whole range of human  feelings – joy, love, greed, jealousy, ambition, range, sorrow.
Renaissance Art and Architecture a. Renaissance artists portray individual -like the writers of the Renaissance, the artists of the time looked back  to the ancient Greeks and Romans for their themes and Ideas  -they used ancient works of arts as their models in depicting a variety  of subjects stories from Greek mythology, scenes from Roman history,  incidents in the Bible and Church history  -Renaissance artists tried to capture each individual’s character and to  show that person’s feelings and personality in a lifelike way. b. Artists strive for balance and proportion -renaissance architects saw nature as beautiful because it was  balanced and well proportioned. They hope to achieve these same  qualities in their own work so that it would appear more realistic. -architects admired Greek and Roman buildings and strove for the  same kind of balance and proportion in the buildings they designed. -they tried to make all the parts of a building appear perfectly balanced  in size and shape.
c. The use of perspective adds realism to painting -Another step toward realism was the discovery of how to  achieve  perspective -the impression of depth  and distance on the flat surface of  painting   Giotto -first used this technique in about 1300.    Filippo Brunelleschi-(Florentine architect) discovered that  painters could used mathematical laws in painting their  pictures and thus show perspective  accurately.      Massaccio-applied these laws in his paintings. By making it  seem that a system of lines met at a certain focal point in the  painting, he created an illusion of space and distance.
d. Renaissance artists use new materials -many medieval paintings were frescoes, paintings on freshly  plastered walls. This technique had been used since ancient times -medieval painters also commonly used a kind of paint called tempera.  It too dried so quickly that painters could not change or correct what  they had painted    Oil Painting -new technique developed by the Flemish painter Jan van  Eyck -let the artists work more slowly and allowed them to obtain  more lifelike effects -they could show realistically the look and texture of different  fabrics-the smoothness of silk, the intricacy of lace, the  coarseness of wool, the softness of fur. Jan van Eyck(ike) - who lived from about 1380 to about 1440.
e. Raphael is a master of design   Raphael Santi -became famous for his paintings of Madonna’s, picture of  Mary the mother of Jesus -he painted a human, loving woman. -was a master of designed and skilled architect f. Michelangelo creates lasting masterpieces   Michelangelo Bounarroti -was the greatest sculpture of the Renaissance -he was also immensely skilled as a painter, poet, and architect,  Michelangelo called sculpture “the first of arts” -in sculpture, he said, “each act, each limb, each bone is given life  and, love, man’s body  is raised breathing, alive, in wax or clay or  stone.”    -Pieta (pyay-tah)-statue which shows Mary holding the body of Jesus  after the Crucifixion. He made this when he was 23 years old. -this work won instant fame. One of his contemporaries wrote, “It  would be impossible for any craftsman or sculptor, no matter how  brilliant, ever to surpass the grace or design of this work or try to cut  and polish the marble with the skill that Michelangelo displayed.”
-In 1508 Pope Julius II, a leading patron of the arts, called Michelangelo  to Rome to paint religious scenes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.  The paintings were to show Biblical events from the Creation to the  great flood of Noah’s time.  For four years Michelangelo worked on the  ceiling,  stretched out on his back atop a high platform. The sun’s heat  beat down on him through the roof of the chapel, and paint dripped  into his eyes. When darkness came, he worked by candlelight. He suffered  from cramps in his legs; his eyesight began to fail. “I have been here a  thousand years” he wrote to his father. “I am more exhausted than man ever  was.” Despite his agony, Michelangelo created a masterpiece. The Sistine  Chapel paintings made his reputation as Rome’s greatest artist.  -When he was in his 70’s, he began to complete the plans for building St.  Peter’s Church in Rome. He worked at designing the interior and the huge  dome until his death in 1564.
g. Leonardo fulfils the Renaissance ideal   Leonardo da Vinci -less famous in his time than Michelangelo, is now  regarded as a universal genius, the ideal admired by the  people of the Renaissance. -He left few competed paintings, but they include such  famous works as  The Last Supper  and the  Mona Lisa -like other artists of the time, he also depended on his  patrons.  They included Duke Ludovico Sforza of Milan, the  duke ’ s wife Beatrice d ’  Este, and King Francis I of France. -The proof of Leonardo ’ s genius is found in the many  notebooks  he left. He drew objects and people as he saw  them with his own eyes. To find out more about human  body, he dissected corpses and made careful drawings of the  structure of muscles and bones.  -his notebooks recorded designs for inventions such as flying  machines, submarines, and machine guns. These drawings  are so precise that modern engineers have used them to  build working models.
h. Northern Renaissance artists emphasize realistic detail -the center of the Northern Renaissance in art was the Netherlands,  especially the region of Flanders. It was a Flemish artists, van Eyck  who won the first  master of oil painting.    Pieter Brueghel (Broy-gul) The Elder  (1525-1569)-the greatest painter of  realistic  contemporary scenes. -using a wealth of detail and often sly humor, he created  latge, dramatic paintings of farm workers and crowds of  towns-people at  work and play.   Jan Vermeer  and  Jacob van Ruisdael (roys-dahl)-continued the tradition of  painting  carefully detailed landscapes and interior scenes.  -1600’s- Dutch art reached its height in paintings Albrecht Durer - The leading German artist of the Renaissance -who was equally skilled in creating paintings, woodcuts, and  engravings.   Hans Holbein the Younger  (1497-1543)-another German painter -the most famous portrait painter of his time -he created portraits that vividly show his subjects’ personalities as  well as the realistic details of their clothing and the objects around  them -Erasmus and Sir Thomas More-two of Holbein's most famous  portraits
3. The Reformation Ends Religious Unity in Western and Central Europe Another kind of break with medieval times came as reformers  challenged the authority of the Church, whose political influence had weakened  in the late Middle Ages. By the fourteenth century, reforms within the Church  were being demanded in many countries of Europe. a.  Wycliffe  calls for changes in church doctrine -late 1300’s  JOHN WYCLIFFE (wik-lif)-a scholar at oxford university in  England, questioned the teaching that a person could gain salvation only  through the Church. -He said that the Bible, not the Church, should be regarded  as the supreme source of authority -He denounced bishops and other clergy for amassing wealth  and neglecting their religious duties -He and his followers made the first translation of the Bible in  English. -His followers known as “the Poor Preachers”, were trained  to teach in the language of the people instead of the Latin of  the Church.
b. Huss criticizes the church -JOHN HUSS-head of the University of Prague in Bohemia (a state in  the Holy  Roman Empire)  - Like Wycliffe, he challenges the authority of Pope and criticized the  Church wealth. -In 1410 he was excommunicated. Nevertheless, he travelled to  Germany to attend a Church council that was trying to end the Great  Schism. Although the Holy Roman Emperor had promised that Huss  would be safe at the council, he was arrested, found guilty of heresy,  and burned at the stake in 1415. -In 1420 some of Huss’s followers, called Hussites, began a rebellion  against the Church and Emperor. The called together an army for a  crusade against the rebels -Peace was finally made in 1434, but many Hussites went on with  their efforts to secure the Church reform
  c. Martin Luther adopts new beliefs -MARTIN LUTHER (1483-1546)-he taught Biblical  studies at the University of Wittenberg -He led a strict and pious life but was troubled by a  feeling of sin and feared that would never enter  heaven. After an intense emotional  struggle, he  came to believe that men and women could be save  only by the grace of God, which would grant them  faith in Christ.   d. Luther challenges the church -The Church taught that most sins would be forgiven if a person  confessed to a priest, regretted the action and ask forgiveness, and  did penance, such as fasting or prayer.   Indulgence-another way of being pardon for sins -special service to the church such as crusade -obtain in return for a money contribution to the Church -The sale of indulgence was widely criticized    October 31, 1517-Luther challenge this practice publicly. On a church door  in Wittenberg he nailed 95 theses, or arguments, attacking the sale of  indulgences and inviting a debate.
e. Luther defies the pope and the emperor -the Pope ordered Luther to give up his beliefs, but Luther burned the  Papal order before a crowd of cheering students, professor and  townspeople. Early in 1521 the Pope excommunicated him. -May 1521, Charles V, the holy Roman Emperor, summoned Luther to  appear before the imperial assembly, which met in the city of Worms.  He refused to go against his own conscience and change his views,  reportedly saying, “Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise.” - He took refuge in the castle of Frederick of Saxony, a German  prince. While Luther was in hiding, he translated the New Testament  into German, making it possible for more people to read the Bible.  f. The protestant movement spreads -Neither Church officials nor the Holy Roman Emperor could keep the  reform movement from spreading among those who were dissatisfied  with Church practices.  -Luther’s teaching were not the only reason why many Germans  became  Lutherans, as his followers were called. Many people  resented the fact that their  money flowed from Germany to Rome to  pay Church taxes and buy Church offices. Other Germans were  annoyed that Italians controlled the most important offices in the  Church.  -The Emperor tried to suppress the growing strength of the Lutheran  movement. In 1529 several Lutheran princes met and issued a formal  protest against these efforts. Because of this they became known as  Protestants .
g. Religious wars break out   -The Lutherans princess continued their open rebellion against the  Church and the Roman Emperor. In 1530 many of them signed the  Augsburg Confession, a written statement of their belief. The rebellion  eventually led to series of wars.  -In 1555 a treaty called the Peace of Augsburg ended the religious  wars in Germany. The treaty allowed the German princess to decide  which religion would be followed in their lands. Most of the southern  German rulers remained Catholic; most of those in the north chose to  become Lutheran. The division into  Protestant and Catholic states  became a major barrier to German unity.
h. Calvinism develops in Geneva -The Swiss city of Geneva was an important center of Protestant  thinking. The earliest Swiss reformer, Ulrich Zwingli, had taught at the  same time as Luther. In 1536 a French scholar and theologian, John  Calvin, joined the reformers in Geneva and developed the form of  Protestant belief called  Calvinism . -Calvin like Luther regarded the Bible as the supreme authority in  matters of faith, attacked abuses by the clergy, and emphasized the  importance of faith in salvation. -the central ideas of Calvin’s philosophy, however, were  predestination, the belief that certain people were chosen by God for  salvation. -According to Calvin, those who had not been chosen could never  enter heaven no matter how good a life they lived on earth. -Calvin and his followers tried to make Geneva a holy city. The  Calvinist supervised people’s lives to make certain they lived strictly  and solemnly. Laws punished those who gambled, made noise during  church services, drank at certain hours, sang “outrageous songs”, and  did not know their prayers. While those who challenged Calvinist  teachings faced persecution or exile from Geneva, the city at the  same time a refuge for Protestants persecuted from other countries.
i. Calvinism spreads in Europe -Calvinist teaching was carried to other countries by dedicated  missionaries. -Calvinism appealed too many French people. French Calvinists  became known as Huguenots (hyoo-guh-nots)   John Knox - Scottish Protestant who carried many Calvinist ideas to  Scotland in the 1550’s, lying the foundation for the  Presbyterian Church.
j. The English king breaks with Pope -the Reformation in England, however, became closely connected with  a struggle for political power.  Tudor King Henry VIII (1527 )- ruled England from 1509 to 1547. -sought to divorce his wife Catherine of Aragon (Spanish princess) -Henry feared that only surviving child Mary, would not be accepted as  heir to the English throne.  -Henry wanted to marry  Anne Boleyn -Henry asked the Pope to annul (because the church prohibited divorce) his marriage to  Catherine. Catherine bitterly objected and called for the aid from her nephew  Charles V , the Holy Roman Emperor. -Henry and his advisers began to take steps to remove England from  the authority of the Pope.   Thomas Cranmer - a churchman who agreed with some protestant ideas,  to be archbishop of Canterbury, the highest church office in  England. He approved the annulment of the marriage with  Catherine, and Henry married Anne Boleyn early in 1533. -English Parliament next was persuaded to approve a break with the  church in Rome.   The Parliament passed the  “Act of Supremacy”  in 1534 Act of Supremacy - making the monarch head of what was now  called the  Church of England . Two years later Henry closed  the English monasteries and convents, seizing their rich lands and properties  and selling them to loyal subjects.  -The Reformation in England was carried forward by Cranmer and others. They  urged a new English translation of the Bible and began to prepare  the Book of Common Prayer for use in the Church of England.
k. England becomes a protestant nation Edward VI  – only son of Henry VIII who married six times, -was only nine (9) years old when Henry VIII died (his father)  in 1547 -had been taught by Protestant tutors, including Cranmer -Protestant became more establish during his reign -ruled England for only six years after his death in 1553 and the crown  went to his half-sister Mary I, the daughter of Catherine of Aragon.  Mary I - daughter of Catherine of Aragon -a devout Roman Catholic -she ordered the Persecution of English protestant who refused to  become Catholics again -married to  Philip II , the Catholic king of Spain -died on 1558 and was succeeded by her half-sister Elizabeth I Elizabeth I - daughter of  Anne Boleyn -turned England back to Protestantism 1571 - Parliament gave official approval to the Thirty-nine articles, a  statement setting forth the doctrines of the Church of England
l. The Counter-Reformation makes changes within the Church -reforms and other actions that were intended to strengthen  and spread Catholicism   The council of Trent (1545-1563) Catholics were to continue to accept the principles that a. only the church could explain the Bible b. both faith and good works were necessary for salvation c. the pope was the highest and final authority in the Church Important reforms a. banned the sale of indulgences and tightened discipline for  the clergy b. insisted that only worthy people should enter the clergy c. ordered the establishment of seminaries to train the clergy d. encouraged reform of monasteries and convents
m. The Catholic Church takes action against Protestantism -Church took other steps as part of the Counter-Reformation - The inquisition expanded its activities (to the  Catholic countries), threatening  Protestants in those country with imprisonment or death Inquisition - judicial institution, established by the papacy in the Middle Age, charged  with seeking out, trying, and sentencing persons guilty of heresy. Index - List of books that Catholics were forbidden to read, own, or sell Society of Jesus - (Commonly known as Jesuits) a new religious order set up to  serve the Church and spread Catholic teaching -Founded by a young Spanish nobleman named Ignatius Loyola -Approved by  Pope Paul III  in 1540, the order sought to keep Catholics  from leaving the Church, to persuade Protestant to return to the  Church,  and to win converts to Catholicism
n. The reformation has lasting effects The reformation had a profound influence on later history -In both Catholic and Protestant countries, the Reformation strengthened the  state at the expense of the churches. Protestant rulers rejected the  authority of the Pope, while Catholic rulers allowed the Church fewer  privileges and less say in political matters -Reformation and Counter-Reformation both encouraged the spread of  education.  The protestant reformers insisted that the individuals should read the bible  themselves; it became important for men and women to be able to  read The Jesuits played an important role in education by establishing Catholic  schools  and universities

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  • 4. a. Interest in classical learning inspires the Renaissance -The word renaissance in French for “rebirth”. -Originally referred to a new interest in the learning of ancient Greece and Rome, which began in 1300’s. The Renaissance differed from the Middle Ages in several ways 1. a renewed appreciation for the arts and learning of ancient Greece and Rome. 2. a new interest in worldly matters, accompanied by a growing emphasis on human life and accomplishment. b. Scholars study the humanities -Renaissance scholars’ interest in Greek and Roman learning developed into the study of the humanities-Latin and Greek language and literature, composition, rhetoric, history, and philosophy. -Renaissance scholars found the literature of the ancients exciting to read and beautiful to hear. -Scholars who took part in the intellectual movement that grew out of the study of the humanities were called humanists .
  • 5. c. Renaissance begins in Italy -The Renaissance began about 1350 in the northern Italian city- states, which had grown prosperous from the revival of trade in the Middle Ages. Italian merchants and bankers had the wealth to acquire libraries and fine works of art. d. Petrarch leads the rediscovery of classical literature - Francesco Petrarch - an Italian poet born in 1304, led the early development of Renaissance humanism. -He studied Roman literature and philosophy and encourage others to become interested. -In the process of collecting ancient manuscript, he rediscovered a number of Roman authors whose work had been forgotten during the Middle Ages. -He loved writing so much that he often worked all night long at his desk. -When a worried friend urged him to relax, he replied, “nothing weighs less than a pen, and nothing gives more pleasure; it is useful not only to the writer but to the others far away, perhaps even those who will be born a thousand years from now.” -On July 19, 1374, Petrarch was found dead in his library, his head resting on an open book, his pen fallen from his hand.
  • 6. e. The Renaissance emphasizes life on earth -Renaissance humanists tried to understand the entire civilization of the ancient world, not just selected ideas. They looked on the literature of the ancient Greeks and Romans as guide to a joyous, successful way of life. -the people of the Renaissance emphasized living life on earth as fully as possible. -They took ancient literature as their guide to understanding human nature, the conduct of statesmen, the duty of the citizens, and the meaning of duty. f. Renaissance thinkers study history critically -the study of history was important for Renaissance humanists. They believed that history, like classical literature and philosophy, would help them understand their own times. In their efforts to learn more about ancient Greece and Rome, they carefully examined and compared copies of ancient manuscript. -Medieval thinkers had tended to accept Aristotle’s writings as unquestioned truth. Renaissance humanists, however, said that Aristotle’s works should be seen as a product of the time in which he wrote.
  • 7. g. Politics are important in the Renaissance -Many Renaissance humanists were leaders of society and were active in the politics of their cities. -They valued public service and praise those who were useful to society. -The skills of humanists sought to cultivate - eloquence in communicating ideas, effective public speaking, polished manners, an elegant writing style – were valuable ones for social and political leaders. h. Machiavelli takes a practical view of politics -Political rivalry was intense among the Italian city-states and their rulers. -Renaissance political thinkers were ambitious for fame and power. As a guide, they looked back to Roman history rather than to medieval ideals. -They also turned to the advice given in guidebooks on how rulers could become more successful and skilful in politics.
  • 8. Niccolo Machiavelli-write a famous guidebooks -a diplomat and student of politics -he drew on Roman history to set up guidelines for rulers of his time. -was a cynical about human behaviour and believed that a ruler should do whatever was necessary to gain and keep power The Prince-(the title of his book) written about 1513 -he pointed out that successful rulers often lied, broke treaties, and killed in order to gain power. -he said, politics must be judged only by their result i. Wealthy patrons support the Renaissance -Renaissance life centered on the society, commerce, and politics of the bustling, prosperous cities. In wealthy cities such as Florence, Milan, and Venice, the rulers, noble families, and high-ranking clergy became patrons, or supporters, of the art. Most Renaissance artists came to depend for their livelihoods on wealthy patrons. Florence-The cultural center of Renaissance Italy, was dominated by the Medici family. -Medici-were bankers who had branch offices in cities throughout Western Europe. -Platonic Academy in Florence-Founded by Cosimo de’ Medici in 1450, it became the center of studies in Greek philosophy.
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  • 10. Lorenzo(1449-1492)-(Cosimo’s grandson) best-known member of the Medici -Known as “the Magnificent” -was a classical scholar, a skilled architect, and a talented poet who wrote In the style of Petrarch -he hired painters and sculpture to create works of art for his palace, and invited artists, painters, and philosophers to his court. Women of the wealthy and noble Italian families also played important roles as patrons of the arts. Isabella d’Este(1474-1539)-one of the most remarkable women in Renaissance Italy. -as a child she and her sister Beatrice studied the humanities and learned to read and speak Latin and Greek. -married to Francisco Gonzaga ruler of a small state in northern Italy -She collected many of the books just the beginning to come from Italian printers. Her own learning and her encouragement of the arts made Isabella known in her time as “The first women of the world.”
  • 11. j. The Renaissance encourages the development of talents -The Renaissance was characterized by an intense appreciation of individualism. -The people of this time were interested in the unique qualities that made one person stand from the others -these attitudes encouraged a spirit of curiosity and adventure -the men and women of the upper classes benefited most from the wealth and leisure to develop the many talents expected in the ideal Renaissance individual. k. Printing spreads Renaissance ideas -The Renaissance was the time of change in technology as well as in culture -Printing press-one of the new developments 1450’s-European first used movable metal type to print a book Johann Gutenberg - credited with printing the first book, a copy of the Bible
  • 12. l. Renaissance ideas spread to Northern Europe -Printing helped spread the spirit and ideas of the Renaissance northward from Italy to France, England, Germany, and the Netherlands(Holland and Belgium). Desiderius Erasmus-was born about 1466in Rotterdam, Holland. -the most respected and influential humanist of the Northern Renaissance -Ordained a Catholic priest, he carefully studied both the humanities and Christian doctrines. -He wanted the church to return to the simple religious devotion of early Christianity, but did not agree with the leaders of the Reformation who were breaking away from the Church. -He felt that the study of the humanities was more valuable than the study of science. In the Praise of Folly (1509)-He criticized scholars, scientists, philosophers, and clergy of his own time for being narrow- minded. -The new craft of printing made Erasmus’s books available throughout Europe; he was one of the first authors whose books were read by thousands of people.
  • 13. Sir Thomas More- One of the most important scholar in northern Renaissance -an English statesman -close friend of Erasmus -a devout catholic and a student of both Church doctrine and the humanities -His book Utopia , published in Latin in 1516, described an ideal, peaceful society, and so conveyed More’s criticism of the Politics, society, and religion of his time.
  • 14. 2. The Renaissance Spirit Is Reflected in Literature and Art The Renaissance spirit and the renewed interest in ancient Greece and Rome were the inspiration of a brilliant creative period in literature and art. Writers and artist used stories from ancient history and classical mythology as their subjects. They also adapted styles used by the Greek and Roman authors, artists, and architects. Most important, they portrayed people with greet realism, bringing out the subject’s individuality. Human beings were the focus of the arts of the Renaissance. Renaissance Literature a. Rabelais and Montaigne express the Renaissance spirit in France -The emphasis on individuality was reflected in very different ways in the works of two great French Renaissance writers.
  • 15. 1 . Francois Rabelais -was born in France -encouraged the Renaissance ideal of living a full, busy life -was a monk, a scholar, and a physician, who also studied plants and Roman archaeological sites. Gargantua and Pantagruel-a five-volume work, that made fun of those who did not take the humanists point of view. The books combined humour, lively imagination, and exciting adventures with scholarship.
  • 16. 2. Michel de Montaigne - a writer lived quietly and wrote short, thoughtful essays that reflected his personal thoughts and interests. -He drew on his own observations, experience, and travels -He wrote in a conversational style, exploring ideas about friendship, education, and many other subjects that interest him
  • 17. b. Cervantes mocks medieval ideals Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra(known as Cervantes 1547- 1616)-the greatest writer in the Renaissance in Spain -served as a soldier against the Turks and was imprisoned for five years by pirates in North Africa. -became a tax collector Don Quixote-published first in 1605 -in this book Cervantes mocked the way medieval codes of chivalry distorted reality. -Do Quixote is a kind, elderly gentleman who spends so much time reading medieval tales that he loses his sense of reality. He decides to become a knight and sets out to do heroic deeds. Blind to the real world, Don Quixote sees a herd of sheep as an army and thinks windmills are giants. He idealizes a servant on a nearby farm, describing her in the terms of courtly love rather than seeing her as a sturdy peasant she really is.
  • 18. c. Shakespeare provides insight into human behaviour William Shakespeare(1564-1616)- many people regarded him as the world’s finest dramatist and the greatest writer in the English language. -was an actor and playwright, not a classical scholar -he shared the humanist interest in other times and places, particularly the ancient world. Several plays- such as Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra- Greek and Roman history. -In the play Hamlet, he wrote: “What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! action how like an angel!!” Shakespeare’s plays portrayed the whole range of human feelings – joy, love, greed, jealousy, ambition, range, sorrow.
  • 19. Renaissance Art and Architecture a. Renaissance artists portray individual -like the writers of the Renaissance, the artists of the time looked back to the ancient Greeks and Romans for their themes and Ideas -they used ancient works of arts as their models in depicting a variety of subjects stories from Greek mythology, scenes from Roman history, incidents in the Bible and Church history -Renaissance artists tried to capture each individual’s character and to show that person’s feelings and personality in a lifelike way. b. Artists strive for balance and proportion -renaissance architects saw nature as beautiful because it was balanced and well proportioned. They hope to achieve these same qualities in their own work so that it would appear more realistic. -architects admired Greek and Roman buildings and strove for the same kind of balance and proportion in the buildings they designed. -they tried to make all the parts of a building appear perfectly balanced in size and shape.
  • 20. c. The use of perspective adds realism to painting -Another step toward realism was the discovery of how to achieve perspective -the impression of depth and distance on the flat surface of painting Giotto -first used this technique in about 1300. Filippo Brunelleschi-(Florentine architect) discovered that painters could used mathematical laws in painting their pictures and thus show perspective accurately. Massaccio-applied these laws in his paintings. By making it seem that a system of lines met at a certain focal point in the painting, he created an illusion of space and distance.
  • 21. d. Renaissance artists use new materials -many medieval paintings were frescoes, paintings on freshly plastered walls. This technique had been used since ancient times -medieval painters also commonly used a kind of paint called tempera. It too dried so quickly that painters could not change or correct what they had painted Oil Painting -new technique developed by the Flemish painter Jan van Eyck -let the artists work more slowly and allowed them to obtain more lifelike effects -they could show realistically the look and texture of different fabrics-the smoothness of silk, the intricacy of lace, the coarseness of wool, the softness of fur. Jan van Eyck(ike) - who lived from about 1380 to about 1440.
  • 22. e. Raphael is a master of design Raphael Santi -became famous for his paintings of Madonna’s, picture of Mary the mother of Jesus -he painted a human, loving woman. -was a master of designed and skilled architect f. Michelangelo creates lasting masterpieces Michelangelo Bounarroti -was the greatest sculpture of the Renaissance -he was also immensely skilled as a painter, poet, and architect, Michelangelo called sculpture “the first of arts” -in sculpture, he said, “each act, each limb, each bone is given life and, love, man’s body is raised breathing, alive, in wax or clay or stone.” -Pieta (pyay-tah)-statue which shows Mary holding the body of Jesus after the Crucifixion. He made this when he was 23 years old. -this work won instant fame. One of his contemporaries wrote, “It would be impossible for any craftsman or sculptor, no matter how brilliant, ever to surpass the grace or design of this work or try to cut and polish the marble with the skill that Michelangelo displayed.”
  • 23. -In 1508 Pope Julius II, a leading patron of the arts, called Michelangelo to Rome to paint religious scenes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. The paintings were to show Biblical events from the Creation to the great flood of Noah’s time. For four years Michelangelo worked on the ceiling, stretched out on his back atop a high platform. The sun’s heat beat down on him through the roof of the chapel, and paint dripped into his eyes. When darkness came, he worked by candlelight. He suffered from cramps in his legs; his eyesight began to fail. “I have been here a thousand years” he wrote to his father. “I am more exhausted than man ever was.” Despite his agony, Michelangelo created a masterpiece. The Sistine Chapel paintings made his reputation as Rome’s greatest artist. -When he was in his 70’s, he began to complete the plans for building St. Peter’s Church in Rome. He worked at designing the interior and the huge dome until his death in 1564.
  • 24. g. Leonardo fulfils the Renaissance ideal Leonardo da Vinci -less famous in his time than Michelangelo, is now regarded as a universal genius, the ideal admired by the people of the Renaissance. -He left few competed paintings, but they include such famous works as The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa -like other artists of the time, he also depended on his patrons. They included Duke Ludovico Sforza of Milan, the duke ’ s wife Beatrice d ’ Este, and King Francis I of France. -The proof of Leonardo ’ s genius is found in the many notebooks he left. He drew objects and people as he saw them with his own eyes. To find out more about human body, he dissected corpses and made careful drawings of the structure of muscles and bones. -his notebooks recorded designs for inventions such as flying machines, submarines, and machine guns. These drawings are so precise that modern engineers have used them to build working models.
  • 25. h. Northern Renaissance artists emphasize realistic detail -the center of the Northern Renaissance in art was the Netherlands, especially the region of Flanders. It was a Flemish artists, van Eyck who won the first master of oil painting. Pieter Brueghel (Broy-gul) The Elder (1525-1569)-the greatest painter of realistic contemporary scenes. -using a wealth of detail and often sly humor, he created latge, dramatic paintings of farm workers and crowds of towns-people at work and play. Jan Vermeer and Jacob van Ruisdael (roys-dahl)-continued the tradition of painting carefully detailed landscapes and interior scenes. -1600’s- Dutch art reached its height in paintings Albrecht Durer - The leading German artist of the Renaissance -who was equally skilled in creating paintings, woodcuts, and engravings. Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543)-another German painter -the most famous portrait painter of his time -he created portraits that vividly show his subjects’ personalities as well as the realistic details of their clothing and the objects around them -Erasmus and Sir Thomas More-two of Holbein's most famous portraits
  • 26. 3. The Reformation Ends Religious Unity in Western and Central Europe Another kind of break with medieval times came as reformers challenged the authority of the Church, whose political influence had weakened in the late Middle Ages. By the fourteenth century, reforms within the Church were being demanded in many countries of Europe. a. Wycliffe calls for changes in church doctrine -late 1300’s JOHN WYCLIFFE (wik-lif)-a scholar at oxford university in England, questioned the teaching that a person could gain salvation only through the Church. -He said that the Bible, not the Church, should be regarded as the supreme source of authority -He denounced bishops and other clergy for amassing wealth and neglecting their religious duties -He and his followers made the first translation of the Bible in English. -His followers known as “the Poor Preachers”, were trained to teach in the language of the people instead of the Latin of the Church.
  • 27. b. Huss criticizes the church -JOHN HUSS-head of the University of Prague in Bohemia (a state in the Holy Roman Empire) - Like Wycliffe, he challenges the authority of Pope and criticized the Church wealth. -In 1410 he was excommunicated. Nevertheless, he travelled to Germany to attend a Church council that was trying to end the Great Schism. Although the Holy Roman Emperor had promised that Huss would be safe at the council, he was arrested, found guilty of heresy, and burned at the stake in 1415. -In 1420 some of Huss’s followers, called Hussites, began a rebellion against the Church and Emperor. The called together an army for a crusade against the rebels -Peace was finally made in 1434, but many Hussites went on with their efforts to secure the Church reform
  • 28. c. Martin Luther adopts new beliefs -MARTIN LUTHER (1483-1546)-he taught Biblical studies at the University of Wittenberg -He led a strict and pious life but was troubled by a feeling of sin and feared that would never enter heaven. After an intense emotional struggle, he came to believe that men and women could be save only by the grace of God, which would grant them faith in Christ. d. Luther challenges the church -The Church taught that most sins would be forgiven if a person confessed to a priest, regretted the action and ask forgiveness, and did penance, such as fasting or prayer. Indulgence-another way of being pardon for sins -special service to the church such as crusade -obtain in return for a money contribution to the Church -The sale of indulgence was widely criticized October 31, 1517-Luther challenge this practice publicly. On a church door in Wittenberg he nailed 95 theses, or arguments, attacking the sale of indulgences and inviting a debate.
  • 29. e. Luther defies the pope and the emperor -the Pope ordered Luther to give up his beliefs, but Luther burned the Papal order before a crowd of cheering students, professor and townspeople. Early in 1521 the Pope excommunicated him. -May 1521, Charles V, the holy Roman Emperor, summoned Luther to appear before the imperial assembly, which met in the city of Worms. He refused to go against his own conscience and change his views, reportedly saying, “Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise.” - He took refuge in the castle of Frederick of Saxony, a German prince. While Luther was in hiding, he translated the New Testament into German, making it possible for more people to read the Bible. f. The protestant movement spreads -Neither Church officials nor the Holy Roman Emperor could keep the reform movement from spreading among those who were dissatisfied with Church practices. -Luther’s teaching were not the only reason why many Germans became Lutherans, as his followers were called. Many people resented the fact that their money flowed from Germany to Rome to pay Church taxes and buy Church offices. Other Germans were annoyed that Italians controlled the most important offices in the Church. -The Emperor tried to suppress the growing strength of the Lutheran movement. In 1529 several Lutheran princes met and issued a formal protest against these efforts. Because of this they became known as Protestants .
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  • 31. g. Religious wars break out -The Lutherans princess continued their open rebellion against the Church and the Roman Emperor. In 1530 many of them signed the Augsburg Confession, a written statement of their belief. The rebellion eventually led to series of wars. -In 1555 a treaty called the Peace of Augsburg ended the religious wars in Germany. The treaty allowed the German princess to decide which religion would be followed in their lands. Most of the southern German rulers remained Catholic; most of those in the north chose to become Lutheran. The division into Protestant and Catholic states became a major barrier to German unity.
  • 32. h. Calvinism develops in Geneva -The Swiss city of Geneva was an important center of Protestant thinking. The earliest Swiss reformer, Ulrich Zwingli, had taught at the same time as Luther. In 1536 a French scholar and theologian, John Calvin, joined the reformers in Geneva and developed the form of Protestant belief called Calvinism . -Calvin like Luther regarded the Bible as the supreme authority in matters of faith, attacked abuses by the clergy, and emphasized the importance of faith in salvation. -the central ideas of Calvin’s philosophy, however, were predestination, the belief that certain people were chosen by God for salvation. -According to Calvin, those who had not been chosen could never enter heaven no matter how good a life they lived on earth. -Calvin and his followers tried to make Geneva a holy city. The Calvinist supervised people’s lives to make certain they lived strictly and solemnly. Laws punished those who gambled, made noise during church services, drank at certain hours, sang “outrageous songs”, and did not know their prayers. While those who challenged Calvinist teachings faced persecution or exile from Geneva, the city at the same time a refuge for Protestants persecuted from other countries.
  • 33. i. Calvinism spreads in Europe -Calvinist teaching was carried to other countries by dedicated missionaries. -Calvinism appealed too many French people. French Calvinists became known as Huguenots (hyoo-guh-nots) John Knox - Scottish Protestant who carried many Calvinist ideas to Scotland in the 1550’s, lying the foundation for the Presbyterian Church.
  • 34. j. The English king breaks with Pope -the Reformation in England, however, became closely connected with a struggle for political power. Tudor King Henry VIII (1527 )- ruled England from 1509 to 1547. -sought to divorce his wife Catherine of Aragon (Spanish princess) -Henry feared that only surviving child Mary, would not be accepted as heir to the English throne. -Henry wanted to marry Anne Boleyn -Henry asked the Pope to annul (because the church prohibited divorce) his marriage to Catherine. Catherine bitterly objected and called for the aid from her nephew Charles V , the Holy Roman Emperor. -Henry and his advisers began to take steps to remove England from the authority of the Pope. Thomas Cranmer - a churchman who agreed with some protestant ideas, to be archbishop of Canterbury, the highest church office in England. He approved the annulment of the marriage with Catherine, and Henry married Anne Boleyn early in 1533. -English Parliament next was persuaded to approve a break with the church in Rome. The Parliament passed the “Act of Supremacy” in 1534 Act of Supremacy - making the monarch head of what was now called the Church of England . Two years later Henry closed the English monasteries and convents, seizing their rich lands and properties and selling them to loyal subjects. -The Reformation in England was carried forward by Cranmer and others. They urged a new English translation of the Bible and began to prepare the Book of Common Prayer for use in the Church of England.
  • 35. k. England becomes a protestant nation Edward VI – only son of Henry VIII who married six times, -was only nine (9) years old when Henry VIII died (his father) in 1547 -had been taught by Protestant tutors, including Cranmer -Protestant became more establish during his reign -ruled England for only six years after his death in 1553 and the crown went to his half-sister Mary I, the daughter of Catherine of Aragon. Mary I - daughter of Catherine of Aragon -a devout Roman Catholic -she ordered the Persecution of English protestant who refused to become Catholics again -married to Philip II , the Catholic king of Spain -died on 1558 and was succeeded by her half-sister Elizabeth I Elizabeth I - daughter of Anne Boleyn -turned England back to Protestantism 1571 - Parliament gave official approval to the Thirty-nine articles, a statement setting forth the doctrines of the Church of England
  • 36. l. The Counter-Reformation makes changes within the Church -reforms and other actions that were intended to strengthen and spread Catholicism The council of Trent (1545-1563) Catholics were to continue to accept the principles that a. only the church could explain the Bible b. both faith and good works were necessary for salvation c. the pope was the highest and final authority in the Church Important reforms a. banned the sale of indulgences and tightened discipline for the clergy b. insisted that only worthy people should enter the clergy c. ordered the establishment of seminaries to train the clergy d. encouraged reform of monasteries and convents
  • 37. m. The Catholic Church takes action against Protestantism -Church took other steps as part of the Counter-Reformation - The inquisition expanded its activities (to the Catholic countries), threatening Protestants in those country with imprisonment or death Inquisition - judicial institution, established by the papacy in the Middle Age, charged with seeking out, trying, and sentencing persons guilty of heresy. Index - List of books that Catholics were forbidden to read, own, or sell Society of Jesus - (Commonly known as Jesuits) a new religious order set up to serve the Church and spread Catholic teaching -Founded by a young Spanish nobleman named Ignatius Loyola -Approved by Pope Paul III in 1540, the order sought to keep Catholics from leaving the Church, to persuade Protestant to return to the Church, and to win converts to Catholicism
  • 38. n. The reformation has lasting effects The reformation had a profound influence on later history -In both Catholic and Protestant countries, the Reformation strengthened the state at the expense of the churches. Protestant rulers rejected the authority of the Pope, while Catholic rulers allowed the Church fewer privileges and less say in political matters -Reformation and Counter-Reformation both encouraged the spread of education. The protestant reformers insisted that the individuals should read the bible themselves; it became important for men and women to be able to read The Jesuits played an important role in education by establishing Catholic schools and universities