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        September 2012

                              Brands We've Helped
                              Our Methodology
                              Process Samples
                              Success Stories
                              Leadership Bios

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.         2

                      At Pull, we help businesses develop highly
                      effective digital products and services.

                      We combine research and creativity to design
                      powerful applications people love to use.

                      We work on projects large and small from
                      desktop software to websites and mobile apps.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.                           3
Brands We've Helped

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.   4

                      Digital Brand Strategy
                      Generative Studies / User Research
                      Persona and Mental Models Development
                      User Experience (UX) Strategy
                      Information Architecture
                      Content Development
                      Interaction Design (Features and Behavior)
                      User Interface (UI) Design (Detailed Visual Design)
                      Animation, Video Design and Production
                      Rapid Prototyping and User Testing
                      UI Architecture - HTML/CSS, HTML5/CSS3, Ajax, Js, iOS, Android.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.                                             5
Our Methodology
                      At Pull we use our
                      generative research
                      process to gather unique

                      We then synthesize our
                      findings through our
                      creative process to design
                      highly effective interactive
                      media that connects with
                      users in relevant and
                      powerful ways.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.          6
Audit and Research   Concept Development

                                 Gather Insights        Synthesize Findings

                                 Assessment              Interaction Design

                                 Test and Measure      Align Design with User

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.                                     7
Audit and Research
                      After gathering detailed requirements        ■   Requirements Gathering
                      from business stakeholders, we conduct       ■   Stakeholder Interviews
                      generative studies to gather insights from   ■   Design Audit
                      your customers or end-users.                 ■   Technology Audit

                      This step is crucial in designing            ■   Customer Journey Mapping
                      applications that are relevant, intuitive    ■   Generative Research
                      and inviting to your users.                  ■   Non-Directed User
                      However, if you have already conducted       ■   Contextual Observations
                      your own research. No problem, we'll
                      simply validate your findings and
                      promptly move on to the next phase.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.                                                       8
UX Concept Development
                      Simply put, your UX strategy is your            ■   UX Strategy Brief
                      digital brand.                                  ■   Conceptual Development
                                                                      ■   Mental Models
                      Your UX strategy is defined by what             ■   Technology Brief
                      users can do, how they do it and what it        ■   Information Architecture
                      feels like to them.                             ■   Content Development
                                                                      ■   Concept Boards
                      We synthesize our research findings to
                      develop innovative solutions that engage
                      users to more quickly adopt, more readily
                      convert, more frequently use your
                      application, as well as find it intuitive and
                      easy to use.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.                                                          9
Interaction Design
                      A great idea, poorly executed, becomes      ■   Interaction Design
                      a poor experience for the user, no matter   ■   Animation and Video Design
                      how well targeted the strategy.             ■   User Interface Design
                                                                  ■   Touch Interface Design
                      At Pull we excel at translating concepts    ■   Graphic Design
                      into expertly executed digital products     ■   High Fidelity Prototyping
                      that are polished and beautiful.            ■   UI Technical Architecture
                      Applications that fulfill the strategic
                      promise of a better user experience.

                      Our extensive knowledge of interaction
                      design best practices, principles and
                      techniques produces highly inviting and
                      intuitive applications.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.                                                        10
                      Our user testing keeps us honest.            ■   Heuristic Analysis
                      (And on our toes.)                           ■   Stakeholder Walk-Throughs
                                                                   ■   User Walk-Throughs
                      We do on occasion miss the mark.             ■   Observation
                      Design is not a perfect science. When        ■   Quantitative Testing
                      that happens we're lucky we've built a
                      highly flexible process that allows us to
                      adjust the design easily and with minimal
                      disruption to the production process.

                      This is why we are proponents of the
                      "test early and test often" approach, also
                      referred to as agile design.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.                                                        11
Process Samples
                      At Pull we adapt and
                      customize our process to
                      fit your needs.

                      While some projects
                      require an extensive
                      technical design process
                      combined with a rather
                      succinct creative
                      exercise, others are just
                      the opposite.

                      In addition our work flow
                      is agile and enables fast
                      design sprints that are
                      well suited to a rapid
                      application development

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.       12
Non-Directed Interviews
                      Our user interview process is
                      based on generative research
                      that focuses on what users
                      actually do.

                      Our open-ended yet moderated
                      interview model enables us to
                      discover unarticulated needs.

                      This approach also provides a
                      much better window into how
                      users understand their goals on
                      their own terms.

                                                        Sample of a prompts sheet for a non-directed interview.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                       13
Mental Models
                      We develop mental models
                      from the data we gathered
                      during our user interviews.

                      Mental model towers are used
                      to prioritize and later align user
                      defined tasks, with the
                      application's functionality.

                      This is a powerful tool to help
                      define user-centric content or
                      functionality maps and begin
                      the tasks analysis process from
                      the user's angle.

                                                           Sample of a mental space sheet with mental model towers as part of a
                                                           customer service application user study.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                       14
Conceptual and Creative Development
                      At Pull the word creative has a
                      broad meaning. When we say
                      creative we don't just mean
                      content creation and visual

                      Our creative process is also
                      about inventing new forms,
                      features or functionality in
                      direct response to our research

                                                        Concepts and user experience ideas from sketch to polished concept boards.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                          15
Content Development
                      Sometimes a good story needs
                      to be told.

                      At Pull we have multiple years
                      of agency experience and
                      know-how to craft the right
                      message, use the right tonality
                      and thread a captivating
                      interactive story together.

                      In addition, our copywriters
                      know how to make dry and
                      verbose technical content
                      consumable on digital devices.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.             16
Application or Site Maps
                      Application or site maps offer a
                      holistic view of the content and
                      hierarchy with simple boxes
                      representing individual
                      screens/pages or chunks of

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.              17
Use Case Flow Diagrams
                      Mapping out use case flows with
                      descriptive diagrams that tie the
                      user interface elements to
                      specific functions is a great way
                      to quickly and efficiently
                      communicate design solutions
                      to stakeholders.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.               18
High Fidelity Prototyping
                      Our prototyping process starts
                      with sketched diagrams that are
                      intentionally unpolished so we
                      can more quickly test layouts
                      and flows.

                      These sketches actually are
                      interactive digital prototypes
                      that allow for early testing.

                      We then move on to applying
                      the style and detailed design for
                      further user acceptance and
                      performance testing.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.               19
UI Technical Architecture
                      Interaction design begets a
                      deep knowledge of technology.

                      Our design approach
                      incorporates UI architecture
                      best practices early in the
                      process and follows through
                      with expert and pixel accurate
                      code development.

                      Front-end code development
                      can happen in parallel to our
                      prototyping process so there is
                      no loss of time.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.             20
Success Stories
                      Whether it's a sales increase of
                      80% with an Ecommerce
                      website, creating a viral
                      sensation, or registering
                      momentous user adoption for a
                      desktop application, we have
                      often produced results beyond

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.              21
                      Social Commerce Platform POC
                      Social media as
                      commerce enabler.

                      We designed a fully
                      defined POC for the
                      integration of social
                      media and
                      entertainment into an
                      e-commerce platform.

                      A digital customer
                      experience concept
                      for one of Europe's
                      largest loyalty
                      program groups. The
                      board unanimously
                      approved the concept
                      for production.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.          22
Southwest Airlines
                      Customer Experience Communication Microsite
                      Southwest Airlines
                      needed to effectively
                      communicate their
                      new boarding

                      We created a
                      microsite full of fun
                      interactions that
                      “dummied” down the
                      dry subject matter and
                      executed it in pure
                      Southwest style.

                      The program was so
                      successful, it created
                      a customer buzz on
                      Southwest's blog and
                      fan letters were sent
                      specifically praising
                      this effort.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.                         23
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
                      RecruitU Smartphone App
                      We created a series of
                      mobile apps for
                      JPMC's Human
                      Resources division
                      specifically targeted to
                      a collegiate audience.

                      The apps have been
                      well received within
                      JPMC's recruitment
                      community as a
                      positive step forward
                      to position JPMC as a
                      technology leader in
                      addition to helping
                      with their recruiting

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.      24
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
                      Campus Recruiting iPad App
                      This iPad app was
                      designed to be used
                      by recruiters while
                      interacting with

                      The recruiters have all
                      been very enthusiastic
                      about the approach
                      and welcomed having
                      such an engaging tool
                      to help accelerate
                      their recruitment

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.        25
                      Definity Lenses B2B Marketing Mobile App
                      Essilor wanted a
                      creative tool to help
                      eye care professionals
                      educate their patients
                      in the unique features
                      of its Definity lens.

                      We developed an
                      engaging and fun
                      smartphone app to
                      powerfully illustrate
                      the Definity Lens
                      advantage. The app
                      has garnered very
                      positive response
                      from its target

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.                      26
                      Optical Lab Management Application
                      Essilor needed to
                      overhaul their outdated
                      green-screen lab
                      management software.

                      We conducted extensive
                      user research that
                      uncovered great
                      opportunities for
                      significant UX

                      The application is
                      garnering major support
                      from the user community
                      and has been
                      unanimously approved by
                      Essilor's advisory board.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.                27
QRS Music
                      QRS Music's online retail
                      platform handles a large
                      variety of product

                      From electronics, to
                      piano parts and music
                      CDs with more than
                      10,000 individual product

                      Our design improved
                      online merchandising
                      dramatically and our
                      improved UX with
                      streamlined shopping
                      and optimized checkout
                      yielded an 80%+
                      increase in conversions.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.       28
                      HeartOne Heart Health Promotion and Education
                      A heart health outreach
                      effort developed for the
                      HCA group of nine
                      Dallas area hospitals.

                      The website focuses on
                      a highly engaging and
                      entertaining approach to
                      heart health education
                      with the use of
                      interactive video hosts
                      who respond to user
                      input during online
                      surveys and fun

                      The website received a
                      75% highest score
                      approval through an
                      independent study.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.                           29
HCA / Medical Center of Plano
                      Scoliosis Center Informational Website
                      Medical Center of Plano
                      needed to effectively
                      position their new
                      Scoliosis Center back
                      surgery practice.

                      We developed a highly
                      engaging and
                      interactive website with
                      many educational

                      The website was
                      extremely effective at
                      generating interest as
                      hundreds of phone
                      inquiries came through
                      during the initial launch

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.                    30
Alpheus Communications
                      Corporate Website
                      Alpheus needed to
                      update their online
                      presence with a more
                      engaging website that
                      reflected their stature
                      in the marketplace.

                      Our conversion-driven
                      user experience
                      approach has resulted
                      in a sharp increase in
                      web generated

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.     31
Design Leadership
                      David Moskovic
                      David, Pull's Design Director and Principal is a
                      recognized and published digital customer
                      experience and UX thought leader.

                      A creative technologist with a keen sense for
                      design solutions that deliver on strategy, David
                      has close to two decades experience designing
                      and producing innovative applications.

                      Over the years, David has accumulated a long
                      track record of successful and award-winning
                      digital media programs for some of the world’s
                      largest organizations.

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.                              32
Client Services Leadership
                      Kelly Moskovic
                      Kelly, Pull's Client Development Director and
                      Principal is a seasoned media professional with
                      a passion for superior client relationships.

                      With a background in traditional media Kelly has
                      worked for some of the world's largest multi-
                      media conglomerates in their radio and cable
                      television divisions (AT&T, CBS, Gannett, Time
                      Warner) creating media marketing solutions for
                      some of the world's biggest brands (Anheuser-
                      Busch, Coca-Cola, Macy's, McDonald's and
                      Oscar Meyer) as well as regional and local

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.                              33

                       David Moskovic
                       214 228 7655

                       Pull Media LLC / PULL Experience Design
                       6060 N Central Expy Ste 560
                       Dallas TX 75206

© 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved.                      34

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Pull | Experience Design

  • 2. Contents Introduction Brands We've Helped Services Our Methodology Process Samples Success Stories Leadership Bios © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 2
  • 3. Introduction At Pull, we help businesses develop highly effective digital products and services. We combine research and creativity to design powerful applications people love to use. We work on projects large and small from desktop software to websites and mobile apps. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 3
  • 4. Brands We've Helped © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 4
  • 5. Services Digital Brand Strategy Generative Studies / User Research Persona and Mental Models Development User Experience (UX) Strategy Information Architecture Content Development Interaction Design (Features and Behavior) User Interface (UI) Design (Detailed Visual Design) Animation, Video Design and Production Rapid Prototyping and User Testing UI Architecture - HTML/CSS, HTML5/CSS3, Ajax, Js, iOS, Android. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 5
  • 6. Our Methodology At Pull we use our generative research process to gather unique insights. We then synthesize our findings through our creative process to design highly effective interactive media that connects with users in relevant and powerful ways. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 6
  • 7. Audit and Research Concept Development Gather Insights Synthesize Findings Assessment Interaction Design Test and Measure Align Design with User © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 7
  • 8. Audit and Research After gathering detailed requirements ■ Requirements Gathering from business stakeholders, we conduct ■ Stakeholder Interviews generative studies to gather insights from ■ Design Audit your customers or end-users. ■ Technology Audit This step is crucial in designing ■ Customer Journey Mapping applications that are relevant, intuitive ■ Generative Research and inviting to your users. ■ Non-Directed User Interviews However, if you have already conducted ■ Contextual Observations your own research. No problem, we'll simply validate your findings and promptly move on to the next phase. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 8
  • 9. UX Concept Development Simply put, your UX strategy is your ■ UX Strategy Brief digital brand. ■ Conceptual Development ■ Mental Models Your UX strategy is defined by what ■ Technology Brief users can do, how they do it and what it ■ Information Architecture feels like to them. ■ Content Development ■ Concept Boards We synthesize our research findings to develop innovative solutions that engage users to more quickly adopt, more readily convert, more frequently use your application, as well as find it intuitive and easy to use. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 9
  • 10. Interaction Design A great idea, poorly executed, becomes ■ Interaction Design a poor experience for the user, no matter ■ Animation and Video Design how well targeted the strategy. ■ User Interface Design ■ Touch Interface Design At Pull we excel at translating concepts ■ Graphic Design into expertly executed digital products ■ High Fidelity Prototyping that are polished and beautiful. ■ UI Technical Architecture Applications that fulfill the strategic promise of a better user experience. Our extensive knowledge of interaction design best practices, principles and techniques produces highly inviting and intuitive applications. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 10
  • 11. Assessment Our user testing keeps us honest. ■ Heuristic Analysis (And on our toes.) ■ Stakeholder Walk-Throughs ■ User Walk-Throughs We do on occasion miss the mark. ■ Observation Design is not a perfect science. When ■ Quantitative Testing that happens we're lucky we've built a highly flexible process that allows us to adjust the design easily and with minimal disruption to the production process. This is why we are proponents of the "test early and test often" approach, also referred to as agile design. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 11
  • 12. Process Samples At Pull we adapt and customize our process to fit your needs. While some projects require an extensive technical design process combined with a rather succinct creative exercise, others are just the opposite. In addition our work flow is agile and enables fast design sprints that are well suited to a rapid application development environment. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 12
  • 13. Non-Directed Interviews Our user interview process is based on generative research that focuses on what users actually do. Our open-ended yet moderated interview model enables us to discover unarticulated needs. This approach also provides a much better window into how users understand their goals on their own terms. Sample of a prompts sheet for a non-directed interview. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 13
  • 14. Mental Models We develop mental models from the data we gathered during our user interviews. Mental model towers are used to prioritize and later align user defined tasks, with the application's functionality. This is a powerful tool to help define user-centric content or functionality maps and begin the tasks analysis process from the user's angle. Sample of a mental space sheet with mental model towers as part of a customer service application user study. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 14
  • 15. Conceptual and Creative Development At Pull the word creative has a broad meaning. When we say creative we don't just mean content creation and visual design. Our creative process is also about inventing new forms, features or functionality in direct response to our research findings. Concepts and user experience ideas from sketch to polished concept boards. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 15
  • 16. Content Development Sometimes a good story needs to be told. At Pull we have multiple years of agency experience and know-how to craft the right message, use the right tonality and thread a captivating interactive story together. In addition, our copywriters know how to make dry and verbose technical content consumable on digital devices. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 16
  • 17. Application or Site Maps Application or site maps offer a holistic view of the content and hierarchy with simple boxes representing individual screens/pages or chunks of content. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 17
  • 18. Use Case Flow Diagrams Mapping out use case flows with descriptive diagrams that tie the user interface elements to specific functions is a great way to quickly and efficiently communicate design solutions to stakeholders. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 18
  • 19. High Fidelity Prototyping Our prototyping process starts with sketched diagrams that are intentionally unpolished so we can more quickly test layouts and flows. These sketches actually are interactive digital prototypes that allow for early testing. We then move on to applying the style and detailed design for further user acceptance and performance testing. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 19
  • 20. UI Technical Architecture Interaction design begets a deep knowledge of technology. Our design approach incorporates UI architecture best practices early in the process and follows through with expert and pixel accurate code development. Front-end code development can happen in parallel to our prototyping process so there is no loss of time. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 20
  • 21. Success Stories Whether it's a sales increase of 80% with an Ecommerce website, creating a viral sensation, or registering momentous user adoption for a desktop application, we have often produced results beyond expectations. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 21
  • 22. WAAW Social Commerce Platform POC Social media as commerce enabler. We designed a fully defined POC for the integration of social media and entertainment into an e-commerce platform. A digital customer experience concept for one of Europe's largest loyalty program groups. The board unanimously approved the concept for production. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 22
  • 23. Southwest Airlines Customer Experience Communication Microsite Southwest Airlines needed to effectively communicate their new boarding process. We created a microsite full of fun interactions that “dummied” down the dry subject matter and executed it in pure Southwest style. The program was so successful, it created a customer buzz on Southwest's blog and fan letters were sent specifically praising this effort. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 23
  • 24. JPMorgan Chase & Co. RecruitU Smartphone App We created a series of mobile apps for JPMC's Human Resources division specifically targeted to a collegiate audience. The apps have been well received within JPMC's recruitment stakeholder community as a positive step forward to position JPMC as a technology leader in addition to helping with their recruiting efforts. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 24
  • 25. JPMorgan Chase & Co. Campus Recruiting iPad App This iPad app was designed to be used by recruiters while interacting with prospects. The recruiters have all been very enthusiastic about the approach and welcomed having such an engaging tool to help accelerate their recruitment efforts. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 25
  • 26. Essilor Definity Lenses B2B Marketing Mobile App Essilor wanted a creative tool to help eye care professionals educate their patients in the unique features of its Definity lens. We developed an engaging and fun smartphone app to powerfully illustrate the Definity Lens competitive advantage. The app has garnered very positive response from its target audience. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 26
  • 27. Essilor Optical Lab Management Application Essilor needed to overhaul their outdated green-screen lab management software. We conducted extensive user research that uncovered great opportunities for significant UX advancements. The application is garnering major support from the user community and has been unanimously approved by Essilor's advisory board. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 27
  • 28. QRS Music E-Commerce QRS Music's online retail platform handles a large variety of product categories. From electronics, to piano parts and music CDs with more than 10,000 individual product SKUs. Our design improved online merchandising dramatically and our improved UX with streamlined shopping and optimized checkout yielded an 80%+ increase in conversions. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 28
  • 29. HCA HeartOne Heart Health Promotion and Education A heart health outreach effort developed for the HCA group of nine Dallas area hospitals. The website focuses on a highly engaging and entertaining approach to heart health education with the use of interactive video hosts who respond to user input during online surveys and fun quizzes. The website received a 75% highest score approval through an independent study. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 29
  • 30. HCA / Medical Center of Plano Scoliosis Center Informational Website Medical Center of Plano needed to effectively position their new Scoliosis Center back surgery practice. We developed a highly engaging and interactive website with many educational features. The website was extremely effective at generating interest as hundreds of phone inquiries came through during the initial launch period. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 30
  • 31. Alpheus Communications Corporate Website Alpheus needed to update their online presence with a more engaging website that reflected their stature in the marketplace. Our conversion-driven user experience approach has resulted in a sharp increase in web generated inquiries. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 31
  • 32. Design Leadership David Moskovic David, Pull's Design Director and Principal is a recognized and published digital customer experience and UX thought leader. A creative technologist with a keen sense for design solutions that deliver on strategy, David has close to two decades experience designing and producing innovative applications. Over the years, David has accumulated a long track record of successful and award-winning digital media programs for some of the world’s largest organizations. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 32
  • 33. Client Services Leadership Kelly Moskovic Kelly, Pull's Client Development Director and Principal is a seasoned media professional with a passion for superior client relationships. With a background in traditional media Kelly has worked for some of the world's largest multi- media conglomerates in their radio and cable television divisions (AT&T, CBS, Gannett, Time Warner) creating media marketing solutions for some of the world's biggest brands (Anheuser- Busch, Coca-Cola, Macy's, McDonald's and Oscar Meyer) as well as regional and local businesses. © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 33
  • 34. THANK YOU! David Moskovic 214 228 7655 Pull Media LLC / PULL Experience Design 6060 N Central Expy Ste 560 Dallas TX 75206 © 2012 Pull Media LLC. All rights reserved. 34