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                                  Arousal and Attention

       Arousal is the establishment and maintenance of an awake state.

       It appears to require at least three brain regions:

          Within the brainstem: the ascending reticular activating system
          (ARAS). The ARAS projects to the intralaminar nuclei of the
          thalamus, and these nuclei in turn project to the cortex.

       During wakefulness, the ARAS stimulates the thalamic intralaminar
       nuclei, which in turn coordinate the oscillations of different cortical
       regions. The greater the synchronization, the higher the level of

       The absence of arousal produces stupor and coma.

       In general, small discrete lesions of the ARAS can produce a stuporous
       state, whereas at the hemispheric level, large bilateral lesions are required
       to cause the same depression in alertness.

       N.B: The vegetative state persists in extensive bilateral cortical
       dysfunction i.e. Sleep-wake cycles may be preserved, and the eyes may
       appear to gaze; but the external world does not register and no evidence of
       conscious thought exists. This condition represents the expression of the
       isolated actions of the ARAS and the thalamus.

       The maintenance of attention requires an intact right frontal lobe.

       Healthy persons can usually maintain performance of such a task for
       several minutes, but in patients with right frontal lobe dysfunction, this
       capacity is severely curtailed.

       One widely diagnosed disorder of attention is (ADHD). No pathological
       findings have been consistently associated with this disorder.

        Functional neuroimaging studies, however, have variously documented
       either frontal lobe or right hemisphere hypometabolism in patients
       with ADHD, compared with normal controls. These findings strengthen
       the notion that the right frontal lobe is essential to the maintenance of


Emotion derives from basic drives, such as feeding, sex, reproduction,
pleasure, pain, fear, and aggression, which all animals share. These
drives appears to be centered in the limbic system.

Distinctly, human emotions, such as affection, pride, guilt, pity, envy,
and resentment, are largely learned and most likely are represented in
the cortex.

The regulation of drives requires an intact frontal cortex.

Several studies suggested that within the cortex exists a hemispheric
dichotomy of emotional representation.

The left hemisphere houses the analytical mind but may have a limited
emotional repertoire. The right hemisphere appears dominant for affect,
socialization, and body image.

Damage to the left hemisphere produces intellectual disorder and loss of
the narrative aspect of dreams. Damage to the right hemisphere produces
affective disorders, loss of the visual aspects of dreams, and a failure to
respond to humor, and connotations. Hemisensory changes representing
conversion disorders have been repeatedly noted to involve the left half
of the body more often than the right, an observation that suggests an
origin in the right hemisphere.

Within the hemispheres, the temporal and frontal lobes play a prominent
role in emotion.

The temporal lobe exhibits a high frequency of epileptic foci. Patients
with temporal lobe seizures (TLE) often manifest bizarre behavior
without the classic grand mal shaking movements caused by seizures in
the motor cortex.

A proposed TLE personality is characterized by hyposexuality,
emotional intensity, and a perseverative approach to interactions, termed
Patients with left TLE may generate references to personal destiny and
philosophical themes and display a humorless approach to life. In
contrast, patients with right TLE may display excessive emotionality,
ranging from elation to sadness.

The inverse of a TLE personality appears in persons with bilateral injury
to the temporal lobes after head trauma, cardiac arrest, herpes simplex
encephalitis, or Pick's disease. This lesion resembles the one described
in the Kluver-Bucy syndrome. Behavior in this syndrome is
characterized by hypersexuality, placidity, a tendency to explore the
environment with the mouth, inability to recognize the emotional
significance of visual stimuli, and constantly shifting attention, called

The prefrontal cortices influence mood in a complementary way:

Whereas activation of the left prefrontal cortex appears to lift the mood,
activation of the right prefrontal cortex causes depression.

A lesion to the left prefrontal area abolishes the normal mood-elevating
influences and produces depression.

Moreover, Functional neuroimaging documented left prefrontal
hypoperfusion during depressive states, which normalized after the
depression was treated successfully.

In contrast, a lesion to the right prefrontal area may produce laughter,
euphoria, and witzelsucht, a tendency to joke and make puns.
Frontal Lobe Function
   The frontal lobe is the region that determines how the brain acts on its

     The massive size of the frontal lobes is the main feature that
distinguishes the human brain from other primates and that lends it uniquely
human qualities.

    There are four subdivisions of the frontal lobes:

         • The first three: (the motor strip, the supplemental motor area,
     and Broca's area) are concerned with the motor system and language.
         • The fourth: is the prefrontal cortex which contains three regions
     in which lesions produce distinct syndromes: the orbitofrontal, the
     dorsolateral, and the medial.

    Dye-tracing studies have defined dense reciprocal connections between
the prefrontal cortex and all other brain regions. Indeed, frontal lobe injury
usually impairs the executive functions: motivation, attention, and
sequencing of actions. However, bilateral lesions of the frontal lobes are
characterized by changes in personality "how persons interact with the

    The frontal lobe syndrome:

          • most commonly produced by trauma, infarcts, tumors, lobotomy,
     multiple sclerosis, or Pick's disease.
          • consists of slowed thinking, poor judgment, decreased curiosity,
     social withdrawal, and irritability.
          • Patients typically display apathetic indifference to experience that
     can progress to impulsive disinhibition.
          • Unilateral frontal lobe lesions may be largely unnoticed because
     the intact lobe can compensate with high efficiency.

    Frontal lobe dysfunction may be difficult to detect by means of highly
structured, formal neuropsychological tests. I.Q. " Adult Intelligence Scale-
Revised (WAIS-R)" may be normal, and neuroimaging studies have shown
that the IQ seems to require mostly parietal lobe activation. In contrast,
frontal lobe pathology may become apparent only under unstructured,
stressful, real-life situations.

    Some studies revealed the clearest known association of higher cortical
functional lateralization with the subjects' dominant hand and suggested a
remarkable complexity of functional localization within the prefrontal
cortex. These studies may also help understand of psychiatric diseases in
which prefrontal pathology has been postulated, such as schizophrenia and
mood disorders.

     The heavy innervation of the frontal lobes by dopamine-containing
nerve fibers is of interest because of the action of antipsychotics. At the
clinical level, antipsychotics may help to organize the rambling associations
of a patient with schizophrenia. At the neurochemical level, most typical
antipsychotics block the actions of dopamine at the dopamine D2 receptors.
The frontal lobes, therefore, may be a major therapeutic site of action for
antipsychotic medications.
    The clearest known example of hemispheric lateralization is the
localization of language functions to the left hemisphere.

    Prosody, the emotional and affective components of language, or "body
language" appears to be localized in a mirror set of brain units in the right

     Among the earliest models of cortical localization of function were
Broca's 1865 description of a loss of fluent speech caused by a lesion in the
left inferior frontal lobe and Wernicke's 1874 localization of language
comprehension to the left superior temporal lobe.

    In most persons, the hemisphere dominant for language also directs the
dominant hand. Ninety percent of the population is right-handed, and 99
percent of right-handers have left hemispheric dominance for language. Of
the 10 percent who are left-handers, 67 percent also have left hemispheric
language dominance.

Language comprehension is processed at three levels:

    First, in phonological processing, individual sounds are recognized in
the inferior gyrus of the frontal lobes. Phonological processing improves if
lip reading is allowed, if speech is slowed, or if contextual clues are

    Second, lexical processing matches the phonological input with
recognized words or sounds in the individual's memory. Lexical processing
determines whether a sound is a word or not. Recent evidence has localized
lexical processing to the left temporal lobe.

    Third, semantic processing connects the words to their meaning.
Semantic processing activates the middle and superior gyri of the left
temporal lobe, whereas the representation of the conceptual content of words
is widely distributed in the cortex.

    Language production proceeds in the opposite direction, from the
cortical semantic representations through the left temporal lexical nodes to
either the oromotor phonological processing area (for speech) or the
graphomotor system (for writing).

    Developmental dyslexia is defined as an unexpected difficulty with
learning in the context of adequate intelligence, motivation, and education.

    Whereas speech consists of the logical combination of 44 basic
phonemes of sounds, reading requires a broader set of brain functions and,
thus, is more susceptible to disruption.

    The awareness of specific phonemes develops about the age of 4 to 6
years which is prerequisite to acquisition of reading skills. Inability to
recognize distinct phonemes is the best predictor of a reading disability.

     Functional neuroimaging studies have localized the identification of
letters to the occipital lobe adjacent to the primary visual cortex.
Phonological processing occurs in the inferior frontal lobe, and semantic
processing requires the superior and middle gyri of the left temporal lobe. A
recent finding of uncertain significance is that phonological processing in
men activates only the left inferior frontal gyrus, whereas phonological
processing in women activates the inferior frontal gyrus bilaterally.

    In children, developmental nonverbal learning disorder results from
right hemisphere dysfunction. It is characterized by poor fine-motor control
in the left hand, deficits in visuoperceptual organization, problems with
mathematics, and incomplete or disturbed socialization.

   Patients with nonfluent aphasia, who cannot complete a simple sentence,
may be able to sing an entire song, apparently because many aspects of
music production are localized to the right hemisphere.
Limbic System Function
  The limbic system was delineated by James Papez in 1937.

   The Papez circuit consists of the hippocampus, the fornix, the mamillary
bodies, the anterior nucleus of the thalamus, and the cingulate gyrus. The
limbic system were subsequently expanded to include the amygdala, septum,
basal forebrain, nucleus accumbens, and orbitofrontal cortex.

   The amygdala ia a critically important gate through which internal and
external stimuli are integrated. Information from the primary senses is
interwoven with internal drives, such as hunger and thirst, to assign
emotional significance to sensory experiences. The amygdala may mediate
learned fear responses, such as anxiety and panic, and may direct the
expression of certain emotions by producing a particular affect.

   Damage to the amygdala ablates the ability to distinguish fear and anger
in other persons' voices and facial expressions.

   Pathways from the sensory thalamic relay stations separately send sensory
data to the amygdala and the cortex, but the subsequent effect of the
amygdala on the cortex is the more potent of the two reciprocal connections.

  So, the limbic system appears to house the emotional association areas,
which direct the hypothalamus to express the motor and endocrine
components of the emotional state.

  Fear and Aggression

   Electrical stimulation of the limbic system produces rage reactions (e.g.,
growling, spitting, arching of the back). Whether the animal flees or attacks
depends on the intensity of the stimulation.

  Limbic System and Schizophrenia

   Eugen Bleuler's well-known four As of schizophrenia "affect,
associations, ambivalence, and autism" refer to brain functions served by
limbic structures.
Several studies found a reduction in the brain weight of the gray matter
but not of the white matter in persons with schizophrenia.

  In pathological as well as MRI reports, persons with schizophrenia may
have reduced volume of the hippocampus, amygdala, and parahippocampal

  Schizophrenia may be a late sequela of a temporal epileptic focus, with
some studies reporting an association in 7 percent of patients with TLE.

   Neuroimaging studies demonstrated decreased activation of the frontal
lobes in many patients with schizophrenia.

   Neuropathological studies showed a decreased density of neuropil, the
intertwined axons and dendrites of the neurons, in the frontal lobes of these

    One hypothesis of the appearance of schizophrenia in the late teenage
years is that excessive adolescent synaptic pruning occurs and results in too
little frontolimbic activity. Some experts have suggested that
hypometabolism and paucity of interneuronal connections in the prefrontal
cortex may reflect inefficiencies in working memory leading to loosening of
associations that characterizes schizophrenia.

   Other neurodevelopmental surveys found an increased incidence of subtle
neurological abnormalities before the appearance of the thought disorder in
persons with schizophrenia.

   In one intriguing study, (PET) scanning was used to identify the brain
regions that are activated when a person hears spoken language.

   A consistent set of cortical and subcortical structures demonstrated
increased metabolism when speech was processed. During the
hallucinations, the same cortical and subcortical structures were activated as
were activated by the actual sounds, including the primary auditory cortex.

   This study raises the questions of what brain structure is activating the
hallucinations and by what mechanism do neuroleptics suppress the

The clinical assessment of memory should test three periods, which have
distinct anatomical correlates.

Immediate memory "functions over a period of seconds":

It is the ability to follow a train of thought. This ability has been divided
into phonological and visuospatial components which are localized to
the left and right hemispheres, respectively.

Recent memory applies on the scale of minutes to days.

Remote memory encompasses months to years.

A related concept, incorporating immediate and recent memory, is
working memory.

Working memory: is the ability to store information for several
seconds, whereas other related cognitive operations take place on this

Recent studies have shown that single neurons in the dorsolateral
prefrontal cortex record features necessary for working memory. Some
neurons fire rapidly for an item that is eagerly awaited, but may cease
firing if hopes are dashed unexpectedly. The encoding of the emotional
value of an item contained in the working memory may be of great
usefulness in determining goal-directed behavior.

Some researchers localize working memory predominantly to the left
frontal cortex. However, bilateral prefrontal cortex lesions are required
for severe impairment of working memory.

Other types of memory have been described: episodic, semantic, and
Table 3.1-4 Categories of Memory
  Memory             Major           Length of       Type of         Examples
  System          Anatomical        Storage of     Awareness
                  Structures         Memory
  Episodic    Medial temporal Minutes to Explicit,             Remembering a short
  memory      lobes,      anterior years        declarative    story, what you had for
              thalamic nucleus,                                dinner last night
              mamillary body,
              fornix, prefrontal
  Semantic    Inferolateral         Minutes to Explicit,      Knowing who was the
  memory      temporal lobes        years       declarative   first president of the
                                                              Egypt or the color of a
 Procedural   Basal      ganglia, Minutes to Explicit      or Driving a car with a
  memory      cerebellum,         years      implicit,        standard transmission
              supplementary                  nondeclarative   (explicit) and learning
              motor area                                      the      sequence    of
                                                              numbers on a touch tone
                                                              phone without trying

Three brain structures are critical to the formation of memories: the
medial temporal lobe, certain diencephalic nuclei, and the basal

The medial temporal lobe houses the hippocampus which is a
significant site for formation and storage of immediate and recent

 The amygdala is adjacent to the hippocampus. The amygdala rates the
emotional importance of an experience and to activate the level of
hippocampal activity accordingly. Thus, an emotionally intense
experience is indelibly etched in memory, but indifferent stimuli are
quickly disregarded.

Animal studies have defined a hippocampal place code, a pattern of
cellular activation in the hippocampus that corresponds to the animal's
location in space. When the animal is introduced to a novel environment,
the hippocampus is activated. As the animal explores, the firing of
certain hippocampal regions begins to correspond to specific locations in
the environment. In about 1 hour, a highly detailed internal
representation of the external space (a cognitive map) appears in the
form of specific firing patterns of the hippocampal cells. If the animal is
removed from the environment for several days and then returned, the
previously registered hippocampal place code is immediately

Data from targeted genetic mutations in mice have implicated both the
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptors and the calcium-
calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII) in the proper formation of hippocampal
place fields.

Although no data yet support the notion, it is conceivable that the
hippocampal cognitive map is inappropriately reactivated during a deja
vu experience.

The declarative or factual memory may be separate within the brain
from procedural or skill-related memory. A complementary deficit in
procedural memory with preservation of declarative memory may be
seen in persons with Parkinson's disease, in whom dopaminergic
neurons of the nigrostriatal tract degenerate which can be ameliorated
with levodopa.

Lesional studies have also suggested a mild lateralization of
hippocampal function in which the left hippocampus is more efficient at
verbal memories and the right hippocampus in the nonverbal memories.

Medical causes of amnesia include alcoholism, seizures, migraine,
drugs, vitamin deficiencies, trauma, strokes, tumors, infections, and
degenerative diseases.

The motor system within the cortex receives directives from the
association areas. The performance of a novel act requires constant
feedback from the sensory and association areas for completion.

Memorized motor acts initially require activation of the medial temporal
lobe. However, the performance of ever-larger segments of an act
necessary to achieve a goal become encoded within discrete areas of the
premotor and parietal cortices, particularly the left parietal cortex, with
the result that a much more limited activation of the cortex is seen
during highly skilled acts, and the medial temporal lobe is bypassed.
This process is called the corticalization of motor commands.

Within the diencephalon, the dorsal medial nucleus of the thalamus and
the mamillary bodies appear necessary for memory formation. These
two structures are damaged in thiamine deficiency states usually seen in
chronic alcoholics, and their inactivation is associated with Korsakoff's
syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by severe inability to form
new memories and to recall remote memories.

The most common clinical disorder of memory is Alzheimer's disease
which characterized pathologically by the degeneration of neurons and
their replacement by senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles.

Initially, the parietal and temporal lobes are affected, with relative
sparing of the frontal lobes leading to early loss of memory, which is a
temporal lobe function and syntactical language comprehension and
visuospatial organization, functions that rely on the parietal lobe. In
contrast, personality changes, which reflect frontal lobe function, are
relatively late consequences of Alzheimer's disease.

In contrast, Pick's disease, first affects the frontal lobes while sparing
the temporal and parietal lobes. Disinhibition and impaired language
expression, which are signs of frontal dysfunction, appear early, with
relatively preserved language comprehension and memory.

Memory loss can also result from disorders of the subcortical gray
matter structures, specifically the basal ganglia and the brainstem nuclei,
from disease of the white matter, or from disorders that affect both.
   The nervous system is divided into the central and peripheral nervous
systems (CNS and PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord;
the PNS refers to all the sensory, motor, and autonomic fibers and ganglia
outside the CNS.

   During development, both divisions arise from a common precursor, the
neural tube, which in turn is formed through folding of the neural plate, a
specialization of the ectoderm, the outermost of the three layers of the
primitive embryo.

Neuronal Migration and Connections

The life cycle of a neuron consists of:

  •   cell birth and migration to the adult position
  •   extension of an axon & elaboration of dendrites
  •   synaptogenesis
  •   finally, the onset of chemical neurotransmission.

   Individual neurons are born in proliferative zones generally located
along the inner surface of the neural tube:

          At the peak of neuronal proliferation in the middle of the second
       trimester, 250,000 neurons are born each minute.
          Postmitotic neurons migrate to their adult locations in the cortex,
       guided by radially oriented astrocytic glial fibers.
          Glial-guided neuronal migration in the cerebral cortex occupies
       much of the first 6 months of gestation.
          Neuronal migration errors may occur in which neurons fail to
       reach the cortex and instead reside in ectopic positions. These
       neurons is called a heterotopia.
          Neuronal heterotopias may cause epilepsy and are highly
       associated with mental retardation.
          Recently, heterotopic neurons within the frontal lobe play a
       causal role in some cases of schizophrenia.
Neuroscientists are interested in the effect of experience on the
formation of brain circuitry in the first years of life:

      The impact of early sensory experience is clear on the wiring of
    cortical sensory processing areas. Similarly, early movement patterns
    reinforce neural connections in the supplemental motor area that drive
    specific motor acts.
      Neurons rapidly form a fivefold excess of synaptic connections; then,
    through a darwinian process of elimination, only those synapses that
    serve a relevant function persist, a process that reinforces repeatedly
    activated neural circuits.
      One molecular component which mediates synaptic reinforcement is
    the postsynaptic NMDA glutamate receptor.
      This receptor allows the influx of calcium ions only when activated
    by glutamate at the same time of the membrane depolarization. Thus,
    glutamate binding without membrane depolarization or membrane
    depolarization without glutamate binding fails to trigger calcium
      Calcium is a crucial intracellular messenger that initiates a cascade of
    events, including gene regulation and the release of trophic factors that
    strengthen synaptic connections.

Adult Neurogenesis

   A remarkable recent discovery showed that new neurons can be
generated in certain brain regions (particularly the dentate gyrus of the
hippocampus) in adult animals, including humans.

Neurological Basis of Development Theories

        In the realm of emotion, early childhood experiences were
     suspected to be at the root of psychopathology since the earliest
     theories of Sigmund Freud.
        Freud's psychoanalytic method aimed at tracing the threads of a
     patient's earliest childhood memories.
        Franz Alexander added the goal of allowing the patient to relive
     them in a less pathological environment, a process known as a
     corrective emotional experience.
Although neuroscientists have no data demonstrating that this
     method operates at the level of neurons, results reveal a profound
     effect of early caregivers on an adult individual's emotional
        If a baby's emotional expressions are reciprocated in a consistent
     and sensitive manner, certain emotional circuits are reinforced. These
     circuits include the limbic system, in particular, the amygdala, which
     serves as a gate to the hippocampal memory circuits for emotional
        It is reasonable to assume that the reactions of caregivers during a
     child's first 2 years of life are eventually internalized as distinct neural
     circuits, which may be only incompletely modified through
     subsequent experience.
        For example, axonal connections between the prefrontal cortex and
     the limbic system, which modulate basic drives, are established
     between the ages of 10 and 18 months. Recent work suggests that a
     terrifying experiences in infancy may flood the amygdala and drive
     memory circuits to be specifically alert to threatening stimuli, at the
     expense of circuits for language and other academic skills.
        Thus, infants raised in a chaotic and frightening home may be
     neurologically disadvantaged for the acquisition of complex cognitive
     skills in school.

  An adult similar correlate is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), in
which persons exposed to an intense trauma involving death or injury may
have feelings of fear and helplessness for years after the event:

     o A PET scanning study of patients with PTSD revealed abnormally
     high activity in the right amygdala while the patients were reliving
     their traumatic memories.
     o The researchers hypothesized that the stressful hormonal milieu
     present during the registration of the memories may serve to burn the
     memories into the brain and to prevent their erasure by the usual
     memory modulation circuits. As a result, the traumatic memories led
     to a state of constant vigilance, even in safe, familiar settings.
Workers in mathematics document the organizing effects of early
experiences on internal representations of the external world:

     • Since Pythagoras, music has been considered a branch of
     mathematics. Recent studies have shown that children given 8 months
     of intensive classical music lessons during preschool years had
     significantly better spatial and mathematical reasoning in school than
     a control group.
     • So, early exposure to music may be ideal preparation for later
     acquisition of complex mathematical and engineering skills.

   These observations suggest a neurological basis for the developmental
theories of Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, Margaret Mahler, John Bowlby,
Freud, and others.

   Erikson's epigenetic theory states that normal adult behavior results from
the successful, sequential completion of each of several infantile and
childhood stages. According to the epigenetic model, failure to complete an
early stage leads to subsequent physical, cognitive, social, or emotional

  Finally, these experimental data suggest that early experience primes the
basic circuitry for language, emotions, and other advanced behaviors.

  These findings support the vital need for adequate public financing of
Early Intervention and Head Start programs, programs that may be the
most cost-effective means of improving persons' mental health.

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  • 1. A-PDF Merger DEMO : Purchase from to remove the watermark Arousal and Attention Arousal is the establishment and maintenance of an awake state. It appears to require at least three brain regions: Within the brainstem: the ascending reticular activating system (ARAS). The ARAS projects to the intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus, and these nuclei in turn project to the cortex. During wakefulness, the ARAS stimulates the thalamic intralaminar nuclei, which in turn coordinate the oscillations of different cortical regions. The greater the synchronization, the higher the level of wakefulness. The absence of arousal produces stupor and coma. In general, small discrete lesions of the ARAS can produce a stuporous state, whereas at the hemispheric level, large bilateral lesions are required to cause the same depression in alertness. N.B: The vegetative state persists in extensive bilateral cortical dysfunction i.e. Sleep-wake cycles may be preserved, and the eyes may appear to gaze; but the external world does not register and no evidence of conscious thought exists. This condition represents the expression of the isolated actions of the ARAS and the thalamus. The maintenance of attention requires an intact right frontal lobe. Healthy persons can usually maintain performance of such a task for several minutes, but in patients with right frontal lobe dysfunction, this capacity is severely curtailed. One widely diagnosed disorder of attention is (ADHD). No pathological findings have been consistently associated with this disorder. Functional neuroimaging studies, however, have variously documented either frontal lobe or right hemisphere hypometabolism in patients with ADHD, compared with normal controls. These findings strengthen the notion that the right frontal lobe is essential to the maintenance of attention. 1
  • 2. Emotion Emotion derives from basic drives, such as feeding, sex, reproduction, pleasure, pain, fear, and aggression, which all animals share. These drives appears to be centered in the limbic system. Distinctly, human emotions, such as affection, pride, guilt, pity, envy, and resentment, are largely learned and most likely are represented in the cortex. The regulation of drives requires an intact frontal cortex. Several studies suggested that within the cortex exists a hemispheric dichotomy of emotional representation. The left hemisphere houses the analytical mind but may have a limited emotional repertoire. The right hemisphere appears dominant for affect, socialization, and body image. Damage to the left hemisphere produces intellectual disorder and loss of the narrative aspect of dreams. Damage to the right hemisphere produces affective disorders, loss of the visual aspects of dreams, and a failure to respond to humor, and connotations. Hemisensory changes representing conversion disorders have been repeatedly noted to involve the left half of the body more often than the right, an observation that suggests an origin in the right hemisphere. Within the hemispheres, the temporal and frontal lobes play a prominent role in emotion. The temporal lobe exhibits a high frequency of epileptic foci. Patients with temporal lobe seizures (TLE) often manifest bizarre behavior without the classic grand mal shaking movements caused by seizures in the motor cortex. A proposed TLE personality is characterized by hyposexuality, emotional intensity, and a perseverative approach to interactions, termed viscosity.
  • 3. Patients with left TLE may generate references to personal destiny and philosophical themes and display a humorless approach to life. In contrast, patients with right TLE may display excessive emotionality, ranging from elation to sadness. The inverse of a TLE personality appears in persons with bilateral injury to the temporal lobes after head trauma, cardiac arrest, herpes simplex encephalitis, or Pick's disease. This lesion resembles the one described in the Kluver-Bucy syndrome. Behavior in this syndrome is characterized by hypersexuality, placidity, a tendency to explore the environment with the mouth, inability to recognize the emotional significance of visual stimuli, and constantly shifting attention, called hypermetamorphosis. The prefrontal cortices influence mood in a complementary way: Whereas activation of the left prefrontal cortex appears to lift the mood, activation of the right prefrontal cortex causes depression. A lesion to the left prefrontal area abolishes the normal mood-elevating influences and produces depression. Moreover, Functional neuroimaging documented left prefrontal hypoperfusion during depressive states, which normalized after the depression was treated successfully. In contrast, a lesion to the right prefrontal area may produce laughter, euphoria, and witzelsucht, a tendency to joke and make puns.
  • 4. Frontal Lobe Function The frontal lobe is the region that determines how the brain acts on its knowledge. The massive size of the frontal lobes is the main feature that distinguishes the human brain from other primates and that lends it uniquely human qualities. There are four subdivisions of the frontal lobes: • The first three: (the motor strip, the supplemental motor area, and Broca's area) are concerned with the motor system and language. • The fourth: is the prefrontal cortex which contains three regions in which lesions produce distinct syndromes: the orbitofrontal, the dorsolateral, and the medial. Dye-tracing studies have defined dense reciprocal connections between the prefrontal cortex and all other brain regions. Indeed, frontal lobe injury usually impairs the executive functions: motivation, attention, and sequencing of actions. However, bilateral lesions of the frontal lobes are characterized by changes in personality "how persons interact with the world". The frontal lobe syndrome: • most commonly produced by trauma, infarcts, tumors, lobotomy, multiple sclerosis, or Pick's disease. • consists of slowed thinking, poor judgment, decreased curiosity, social withdrawal, and irritability. • Patients typically display apathetic indifference to experience that can progress to impulsive disinhibition. • Unilateral frontal lobe lesions may be largely unnoticed because the intact lobe can compensate with high efficiency. Frontal lobe dysfunction may be difficult to detect by means of highly structured, formal neuropsychological tests. I.Q. " Adult Intelligence Scale- Revised (WAIS-R)" may be normal, and neuroimaging studies have shown that the IQ seems to require mostly parietal lobe activation. In contrast,
  • 5. frontal lobe pathology may become apparent only under unstructured, stressful, real-life situations. Some studies revealed the clearest known association of higher cortical functional lateralization with the subjects' dominant hand and suggested a remarkable complexity of functional localization within the prefrontal cortex. These studies may also help understand of psychiatric diseases in which prefrontal pathology has been postulated, such as schizophrenia and mood disorders. The heavy innervation of the frontal lobes by dopamine-containing nerve fibers is of interest because of the action of antipsychotics. At the clinical level, antipsychotics may help to organize the rambling associations of a patient with schizophrenia. At the neurochemical level, most typical antipsychotics block the actions of dopamine at the dopamine D2 receptors. The frontal lobes, therefore, may be a major therapeutic site of action for antipsychotic medications.
  • 6. Language The clearest known example of hemispheric lateralization is the localization of language functions to the left hemisphere. Prosody, the emotional and affective components of language, or "body language" appears to be localized in a mirror set of brain units in the right hemisphere. Among the earliest models of cortical localization of function were Broca's 1865 description of a loss of fluent speech caused by a lesion in the left inferior frontal lobe and Wernicke's 1874 localization of language comprehension to the left superior temporal lobe. In most persons, the hemisphere dominant for language also directs the dominant hand. Ninety percent of the population is right-handed, and 99 percent of right-handers have left hemispheric dominance for language. Of the 10 percent who are left-handers, 67 percent also have left hemispheric language dominance. Language comprehension is processed at three levels: First, in phonological processing, individual sounds are recognized in the inferior gyrus of the frontal lobes. Phonological processing improves if lip reading is allowed, if speech is slowed, or if contextual clues are provided. Second, lexical processing matches the phonological input with recognized words or sounds in the individual's memory. Lexical processing determines whether a sound is a word or not. Recent evidence has localized lexical processing to the left temporal lobe. Third, semantic processing connects the words to their meaning. Semantic processing activates the middle and superior gyri of the left temporal lobe, whereas the representation of the conceptual content of words is widely distributed in the cortex. Language production proceeds in the opposite direction, from the cortical semantic representations through the left temporal lexical nodes to
  • 7. either the oromotor phonological processing area (for speech) or the graphomotor system (for writing). Developmental dyslexia is defined as an unexpected difficulty with learning in the context of adequate intelligence, motivation, and education. Whereas speech consists of the logical combination of 44 basic phonemes of sounds, reading requires a broader set of brain functions and, thus, is more susceptible to disruption. The awareness of specific phonemes develops about the age of 4 to 6 years which is prerequisite to acquisition of reading skills. Inability to recognize distinct phonemes is the best predictor of a reading disability. Functional neuroimaging studies have localized the identification of letters to the occipital lobe adjacent to the primary visual cortex. Phonological processing occurs in the inferior frontal lobe, and semantic processing requires the superior and middle gyri of the left temporal lobe. A recent finding of uncertain significance is that phonological processing in men activates only the left inferior frontal gyrus, whereas phonological processing in women activates the inferior frontal gyrus bilaterally. In children, developmental nonverbal learning disorder results from right hemisphere dysfunction. It is characterized by poor fine-motor control in the left hand, deficits in visuoperceptual organization, problems with mathematics, and incomplete or disturbed socialization. Patients with nonfluent aphasia, who cannot complete a simple sentence, may be able to sing an entire song, apparently because many aspects of music production are localized to the right hemisphere.
  • 8. Limbic System Function The limbic system was delineated by James Papez in 1937. The Papez circuit consists of the hippocampus, the fornix, the mamillary bodies, the anterior nucleus of the thalamus, and the cingulate gyrus. The limbic system were subsequently expanded to include the amygdala, septum, basal forebrain, nucleus accumbens, and orbitofrontal cortex. The amygdala ia a critically important gate through which internal and external stimuli are integrated. Information from the primary senses is interwoven with internal drives, such as hunger and thirst, to assign emotional significance to sensory experiences. The amygdala may mediate learned fear responses, such as anxiety and panic, and may direct the expression of certain emotions by producing a particular affect. Damage to the amygdala ablates the ability to distinguish fear and anger in other persons' voices and facial expressions. Pathways from the sensory thalamic relay stations separately send sensory data to the amygdala and the cortex, but the subsequent effect of the amygdala on the cortex is the more potent of the two reciprocal connections. So, the limbic system appears to house the emotional association areas, which direct the hypothalamus to express the motor and endocrine components of the emotional state. Fear and Aggression Electrical stimulation of the limbic system produces rage reactions (e.g., growling, spitting, arching of the back). Whether the animal flees or attacks depends on the intensity of the stimulation. Limbic System and Schizophrenia Eugen Bleuler's well-known four As of schizophrenia "affect, associations, ambivalence, and autism" refer to brain functions served by limbic structures.
  • 9. Several studies found a reduction in the brain weight of the gray matter but not of the white matter in persons with schizophrenia. In pathological as well as MRI reports, persons with schizophrenia may have reduced volume of the hippocampus, amygdala, and parahippocampal gyrus. Schizophrenia may be a late sequela of a temporal epileptic focus, with some studies reporting an association in 7 percent of patients with TLE. Neuroimaging studies demonstrated decreased activation of the frontal lobes in many patients with schizophrenia. Neuropathological studies showed a decreased density of neuropil, the intertwined axons and dendrites of the neurons, in the frontal lobes of these patients. One hypothesis of the appearance of schizophrenia in the late teenage years is that excessive adolescent synaptic pruning occurs and results in too little frontolimbic activity. Some experts have suggested that hypometabolism and paucity of interneuronal connections in the prefrontal cortex may reflect inefficiencies in working memory leading to loosening of associations that characterizes schizophrenia. Other neurodevelopmental surveys found an increased incidence of subtle neurological abnormalities before the appearance of the thought disorder in persons with schizophrenia. In one intriguing study, (PET) scanning was used to identify the brain regions that are activated when a person hears spoken language. A consistent set of cortical and subcortical structures demonstrated increased metabolism when speech was processed. During the hallucinations, the same cortical and subcortical structures were activated as were activated by the actual sounds, including the primary auditory cortex. This study raises the questions of what brain structure is activating the hallucinations and by what mechanism do neuroleptics suppress the hallucinations.
  • 10. Memory The clinical assessment of memory should test three periods, which have distinct anatomical correlates. Immediate memory "functions over a period of seconds": It is the ability to follow a train of thought. This ability has been divided into phonological and visuospatial components which are localized to the left and right hemispheres, respectively. Recent memory applies on the scale of minutes to days. Remote memory encompasses months to years. A related concept, incorporating immediate and recent memory, is working memory. Working memory: is the ability to store information for several seconds, whereas other related cognitive operations take place on this information. Recent studies have shown that single neurons in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex record features necessary for working memory. Some neurons fire rapidly for an item that is eagerly awaited, but may cease firing if hopes are dashed unexpectedly. The encoding of the emotional value of an item contained in the working memory may be of great usefulness in determining goal-directed behavior. Some researchers localize working memory predominantly to the left frontal cortex. However, bilateral prefrontal cortex lesions are required for severe impairment of working memory. Other types of memory have been described: episodic, semantic, and procedural
  • 11. Table 3.1-4 Categories of Memory Memory Major Length of Type of Examples System Anatomical Storage of Awareness Structures Memory Episodic Medial temporal Minutes to Explicit, Remembering a short memory lobes, anterior years declarative story, what you had for thalamic nucleus, dinner last night mamillary body, fornix, prefrontal cortex Semantic Inferolateral Minutes to Explicit, Knowing who was the memory temporal lobes years declarative first president of the Egypt or the color of a lion Procedural Basal ganglia, Minutes to Explicit or Driving a car with a memory cerebellum, years implicit, standard transmission supplementary nondeclarative (explicit) and learning motor area the sequence of numbers on a touch tone phone without trying (implicit) Three brain structures are critical to the formation of memories: the medial temporal lobe, certain diencephalic nuclei, and the basal forebrain. The medial temporal lobe houses the hippocampus which is a significant site for formation and storage of immediate and recent memories. The amygdala is adjacent to the hippocampus. The amygdala rates the emotional importance of an experience and to activate the level of hippocampal activity accordingly. Thus, an emotionally intense experience is indelibly etched in memory, but indifferent stimuli are quickly disregarded. Animal studies have defined a hippocampal place code, a pattern of cellular activation in the hippocampus that corresponds to the animal's location in space. When the animal is introduced to a novel environment, the hippocampus is activated. As the animal explores, the firing of certain hippocampal regions begins to correspond to specific locations in the environment. In about 1 hour, a highly detailed internal
  • 12. representation of the external space (a cognitive map) appears in the form of specific firing patterns of the hippocampal cells. If the animal is removed from the environment for several days and then returned, the previously registered hippocampal place code is immediately reactivated. Data from targeted genetic mutations in mice have implicated both the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptors and the calcium- calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII) in the proper formation of hippocampal place fields. Although no data yet support the notion, it is conceivable that the hippocampal cognitive map is inappropriately reactivated during a deja vu experience. The declarative or factual memory may be separate within the brain from procedural or skill-related memory. A complementary deficit in procedural memory with preservation of declarative memory may be seen in persons with Parkinson's disease, in whom dopaminergic neurons of the nigrostriatal tract degenerate which can be ameliorated with levodopa. Lesional studies have also suggested a mild lateralization of hippocampal function in which the left hippocampus is more efficient at verbal memories and the right hippocampus in the nonverbal memories. Medical causes of amnesia include alcoholism, seizures, migraine, drugs, vitamin deficiencies, trauma, strokes, tumors, infections, and degenerative diseases. The motor system within the cortex receives directives from the association areas. The performance of a novel act requires constant feedback from the sensory and association areas for completion. Memorized motor acts initially require activation of the medial temporal lobe. However, the performance of ever-larger segments of an act necessary to achieve a goal become encoded within discrete areas of the premotor and parietal cortices, particularly the left parietal cortex, with the result that a much more limited activation of the cortex is seen
  • 13. during highly skilled acts, and the medial temporal lobe is bypassed. This process is called the corticalization of motor commands. Within the diencephalon, the dorsal medial nucleus of the thalamus and the mamillary bodies appear necessary for memory formation. These two structures are damaged in thiamine deficiency states usually seen in chronic alcoholics, and their inactivation is associated with Korsakoff's syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by severe inability to form new memories and to recall remote memories. The most common clinical disorder of memory is Alzheimer's disease which characterized pathologically by the degeneration of neurons and their replacement by senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. Initially, the parietal and temporal lobes are affected, with relative sparing of the frontal lobes leading to early loss of memory, which is a temporal lobe function and syntactical language comprehension and visuospatial organization, functions that rely on the parietal lobe. In contrast, personality changes, which reflect frontal lobe function, are relatively late consequences of Alzheimer's disease. In contrast, Pick's disease, first affects the frontal lobes while sparing the temporal and parietal lobes. Disinhibition and impaired language expression, which are signs of frontal dysfunction, appear early, with relatively preserved language comprehension and memory. Memory loss can also result from disorders of the subcortical gray matter structures, specifically the basal ganglia and the brainstem nuclei, from disease of the white matter, or from disorders that affect both.
  • 14. Development The nervous system is divided into the central and peripheral nervous systems (CNS and PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord; the PNS refers to all the sensory, motor, and autonomic fibers and ganglia outside the CNS. During development, both divisions arise from a common precursor, the neural tube, which in turn is formed through folding of the neural plate, a specialization of the ectoderm, the outermost of the three layers of the primitive embryo. Neuronal Migration and Connections The life cycle of a neuron consists of: • cell birth and migration to the adult position • extension of an axon & elaboration of dendrites • synaptogenesis • finally, the onset of chemical neurotransmission. Individual neurons are born in proliferative zones generally located along the inner surface of the neural tube: At the peak of neuronal proliferation in the middle of the second trimester, 250,000 neurons are born each minute. Postmitotic neurons migrate to their adult locations in the cortex, guided by radially oriented astrocytic glial fibers. Glial-guided neuronal migration in the cerebral cortex occupies much of the first 6 months of gestation. Neuronal migration errors may occur in which neurons fail to reach the cortex and instead reside in ectopic positions. These neurons is called a heterotopia. Neuronal heterotopias may cause epilepsy and are highly associated with mental retardation. Recently, heterotopic neurons within the frontal lobe play a causal role in some cases of schizophrenia.
  • 15. Neuroscientists are interested in the effect of experience on the formation of brain circuitry in the first years of life: The impact of early sensory experience is clear on the wiring of cortical sensory processing areas. Similarly, early movement patterns reinforce neural connections in the supplemental motor area that drive specific motor acts. Neurons rapidly form a fivefold excess of synaptic connections; then, through a darwinian process of elimination, only those synapses that serve a relevant function persist, a process that reinforces repeatedly activated neural circuits. One molecular component which mediates synaptic reinforcement is the postsynaptic NMDA glutamate receptor. This receptor allows the influx of calcium ions only when activated by glutamate at the same time of the membrane depolarization. Thus, glutamate binding without membrane depolarization or membrane depolarization without glutamate binding fails to trigger calcium influx. Calcium is a crucial intracellular messenger that initiates a cascade of events, including gene regulation and the release of trophic factors that strengthen synaptic connections. Adult Neurogenesis A remarkable recent discovery showed that new neurons can be generated in certain brain regions (particularly the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus) in adult animals, including humans. Neurological Basis of Development Theories In the realm of emotion, early childhood experiences were suspected to be at the root of psychopathology since the earliest theories of Sigmund Freud. Freud's psychoanalytic method aimed at tracing the threads of a patient's earliest childhood memories. Franz Alexander added the goal of allowing the patient to relive them in a less pathological environment, a process known as a corrective emotional experience.
  • 16. Although neuroscientists have no data demonstrating that this method operates at the level of neurons, results reveal a profound effect of early caregivers on an adult individual's emotional repertoire. If a baby's emotional expressions are reciprocated in a consistent and sensitive manner, certain emotional circuits are reinforced. These circuits include the limbic system, in particular, the amygdala, which serves as a gate to the hippocampal memory circuits for emotional stimuli. It is reasonable to assume that the reactions of caregivers during a child's first 2 years of life are eventually internalized as distinct neural circuits, which may be only incompletely modified through subsequent experience. For example, axonal connections between the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system, which modulate basic drives, are established between the ages of 10 and 18 months. Recent work suggests that a terrifying experiences in infancy may flood the amygdala and drive memory circuits to be specifically alert to threatening stimuli, at the expense of circuits for language and other academic skills. Thus, infants raised in a chaotic and frightening home may be neurologically disadvantaged for the acquisition of complex cognitive skills in school. An adult similar correlate is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), in which persons exposed to an intense trauma involving death or injury may have feelings of fear and helplessness for years after the event: o A PET scanning study of patients with PTSD revealed abnormally high activity in the right amygdala while the patients were reliving their traumatic memories. o The researchers hypothesized that the stressful hormonal milieu present during the registration of the memories may serve to burn the memories into the brain and to prevent their erasure by the usual memory modulation circuits. As a result, the traumatic memories led to a state of constant vigilance, even in safe, familiar settings.
  • 17. Workers in mathematics document the organizing effects of early experiences on internal representations of the external world: • Since Pythagoras, music has been considered a branch of mathematics. Recent studies have shown that children given 8 months of intensive classical music lessons during preschool years had significantly better spatial and mathematical reasoning in school than a control group. • So, early exposure to music may be ideal preparation for later acquisition of complex mathematical and engineering skills. These observations suggest a neurological basis for the developmental theories of Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, Margaret Mahler, John Bowlby, Freud, and others. Erikson's epigenetic theory states that normal adult behavior results from the successful, sequential completion of each of several infantile and childhood stages. According to the epigenetic model, failure to complete an early stage leads to subsequent physical, cognitive, social, or emotional maladjustment. Finally, these experimental data suggest that early experience primes the basic circuitry for language, emotions, and other advanced behaviors. These findings support the vital need for adequate public financing of Early Intervention and Head Start programs, programs that may be the most cost-effective means of improving persons' mental health.