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Executive Summary
The following report has been prepared for Management 351 course and requested by Mr.
Faisol Chowdhury, faculty member of the school of business department of North South
University on 6th August 2012. The report involved very little primary data which was in
entirety our (group members) own judgement and experience on the topic. The report is a
compilation of secondary data collected over the internet and our own writing, although the
weight of secondary writings are higher and appropriate citations have been done according to
the APA format of referencing; accordingly a bibliography has been added at the end of the
The report tries to explore the various problems faced by both the interviewer and the
interviewee during an interview session and it also analyses a sum of 10 questions designed for
recruiting an HR faculty.
The first segment of our project consists of discussion on how to become and effective
interviewer where we have discussed on concepts and guidelines that would help any manager
on becoming an effective interviewer such as making an outline of the interview before-hand,
deciding on job description and such activities and interview checklists and so on. We have
also discussed on matters that the interviewer should be careful about such as discriminating
acts, etiquette, and equal employment opportunities.
The next segment of our project consists of suggestions on how to become an effective
interviewee and the problems that one might face and how to cope with them and prepare
themselves for an interview.
In the third and final phrase of the project we have included 10 questions aimed at designing
an interview for recruiting an HR faculty for an academic institution, and an in-depth analysis
of each question.
Furthermore we have included recommendations, limitations and findings and a conclusion at
the end of the project.
1. Introduction
This report has been prepared as a component of the course composition of MGT351 (Human
Resource Management) necessary for completion of the course. This report was requested by
Mr.Faisol Chowdhury, faculty member of the school of business department of North South
University on 6th
August 2012. The report concerns the various aspects of and interview for a
job; how to be an effective interviewer, how to be an effective interviewee and finally ten
questions designed for a professional interview conducted by the HR department of an
University aiming to employ a HR faculty. The aim of the report is to analyze and describe
certain elements that make for an effective interviewer and an effective interviewee and how
each may achieve success in their respective fields. The ten questions regarding the hire of an
HR faculty aims to exemplify a typical interview question pattern for the respective field.
In the report the findings describe how the two sides of an interview; the interviewer and the
interviewee react to situations, the problems they face and how interviews are carried out.
Following these findings, conclusions are drawn and a number of recommendations are made
as to how these interview methods might be improved.
1.1 Objective
The objective of this report is describing the process of an interview in brief and focus mainly
on the ordeals faced by the interviewer and the interviewee during the interview process, how
best to overcome them and how to improve the methods and skills needed for a successful
interview. It is important to achieve effectiveness in both conducting and giving an interview
because from the interviewer’s perspective the HR personnel may end up giving the job to the
wrong or unqualified person or reject a perfectly suitable candidate which is known as Type 1
and Type 2 error respectively. From the perspective of the interviewee he/she may be qualified
but because of lacking in interview skills they might end up getting rejected. How these
situations may be avoided is further described in the report.
1.2 Scopes
Many fresh graduates have no idea about the various techniques that make an interview
effective, instead, unknowingly the take a leap of faith, learning through trial and error and
through what their predecessors have said. Though the process of stumbling and learning is a
natural way of attaining perfection, in this day and age the unparalleled competition in the job
market calls for swifter moves and cunning strategies to stand out in the crowd. It is therefore
the scope of this report to ease the process of learning both for the interviewer and the
interviewee and save them precious time, effort and money. Of course this is just a guideline
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and not the ultimate way of doing things but this report has the potential to enlighten the greater
amount of managers and interview candidates in this country on the fundamentals of an
effective interview. Furthermore the report also includes ten questions structured to hire an HR
faculty for and academic institution. These questions would act as an example to those
candidates attending similar interviews.
1.3 Methodology
The entire report has been prepared based on secondary data collected from books, websites,
and online journals and articles. The research methodology is wholly qualitative meaning there
are minimal quantitative analysis.
1.4 Limitations
The basic limitations faced whilst preparing the report was a time constraint which would not
have been a problem had there been increased pressure due to shortening of the semester.
However the given time was adequate to the needs of completing the report. There was an
inherent gap in the capabilities of the group members which created higher massing of
responsibilities on the members with relatively higher capabilities.
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5 Literature review
 Strategies of Effective Interviewing
“In the broad sense, interviewing is the process whereby individuals (usually two) exchange
information. The individuals may be concerned with a job opening, a promotion, a special
assignment, a product sale, information for intelligence purposes, a proposed merger, or other
questions. The information exchanged need not be limited to facts. In business, particularly,
such products of an interview as meaning and understanding are oftentimes more significant
than objective factual statements.
Interviewing in the contemporary business setting invariably takes place in an atmosphere
filled with a sense of urgency. The time allocated to the interview is necessarily limited.
Consequently, a nondirective approach finds little application; it is necessary to use the guided
interview in the vast majority of situations.” ~ (Trull, 2012)
 Ask Right to Hire Right: Effective Interview Questions
“Looking for a simple, yet effective way to immediately improve your interviewing and staff
selection process? Define the qualities, talents and skills you’d most like to have in a new
employee. Then, devise a series of interview questions that allow your applicant to demonstrate
she has the desired qualities, talents and skills.
Many organizations are spending a great deal of time defining competencies for each position.
You can, if you have the time and resources to do so. You don’t have to embark on a lengthy
process, however.
Use a simple job description with a set of behaviourally-based interview questions to pinpoint
the people you want in your organization. When your interview questions ask the applicant to
tell you about behaviours and actions she has actually demonstrated in the past, your selection
process will improve”.
~ (Heathfield)
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 Effective Interview Tips
“Interviews are not limited to face-to-face discussions. When distance or time constraints are
a factor, interviews are conducted over the phone. With the advent of the Internet, some
interviews are conducted via computer on a web cam. Interviews can be structured or
unstructured, and can include multiple interviewers. When a job consists of quick thinking or
reacting to situations, the interview often involves evaluating how the candidate responds to a
variety of circumstances. A screening interview assesses basic qualifications, while a stress
interview attempts to learn how you handle uncomfortable situations, reports the Connecticut
Department of Labour.”
~ (Jean, 2012)
 6 ways not to blow your interview
“Once you land a job interview, every word and every move counts.
Present yourself as the solution to a problem, says Charles Purdy, senior editor of Monster Hot
"Employers create jobs and fill jobs because they have problems to solve. It's up to you to
analyse what those problems are by analysing the job ad or by just using what you know about
the company or the industry and present yourself as someone who is ready and equipped to
solve the problems that the open job indicates."
Don't say, "I really need this job." It goes without saying and quite frankly, there are millions
of people who have likely been out of work longer than you. Jobs aren't filled based on need
and you certainly don't want the hiring manager to think you've been passed over again and
again by other companies. Downplay the gap on the resume by making sure it is filled with
volunteer work, computer or continuing education classes or freelance work and focus on the
skills you can bring to the job.”
~ (Romans, 2011)
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2. Analysis & Description
2.1 How to be a successful interviewer
If the right people are chosen and placed in the right suit, then success is logical result for an
organization. Hiring and keeping good workers begins with the job interview. If an interviewer
can ask the right questions, he is more likely to select a candidate who’s right for the job.
Without good interviewing skills, however, an offer could be extended to someone who’s
ultimately not the right fit for the company.
Therefore conducting a successful interview requires preparation and techniques. It does not
happen randomly. It demands planning, analyzing the job and applicants; moreover asking the
right question in the right way.
Some things are really necessary to be an effective interviewer some of them are listed below
as general guidance.
a. Taking preparation to conduct the interview
 Determine the qualification that is required to perform the job. Determine what
educational background candidate should have, whether he must have any experience,
verbal or technical skills etc.
 Look over the resume at least one day before the interview. It will help to determine
what question to be asked during the interview.
 Specific questions should be written otherwise interviewer might forget it.
 There should be multiple interviewers who can ask questions from different viewpoint.
 Note-taking materials should be prepared before actual interview.
 Planning is required. Who will ask what question and at what sequence should be
planned prior to interview.
b. Conducting the interview
Use rating scales for answers
Prepare 3 to 5 ideal answers for each question and set scales like excellent, fair & poor then
rate candidate’s answers against this scale.
Develop a rapport
Have a conversation, develop rapport. Forget about the questions and just have a comfortable
Questions on actual job duties
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Ask questions related to job knowledge, situational and behavior. Better command over job
related knowledge and ability to manage adverse situation smartly is very important criteria for
selecting the right candidate.
Let interviewee speak
Many people have been interviewed many times and they know the questions they are most
likely to be asked, so their answers are practiced and canned. If you want to get a little bit more
out of them or something original, wait for five seconds after they finish their last sentence and
do not say anything. More often than not, that moment of silence will get them thinking and
they’ll start speaking from their heart (and with a whole other perspective than their standard
canned answers).
Don’t stick to your agenda
To make matters worse, most interviewers follow the questions that they have lined up in the
order they wrote them, instead of letting it flow based on what the subject is saying. Great
follow-up conversations and side-tracks may be lost because the interviewer was following
their flow instead of the flow of the conversation.
Ask open ended questions
Always start your questions or commentary with words like “how” and “why”. Those two
words can never be responded to with the words, “yes” or “no”. If you want something more
than one or two word answers, use words like “how” and “why”.
Avoid asking simple questions
Ask questions related to job knowledge, situational and behavior. Better command over job
related knowledge and ability to manage adverse situation smartly is very important criteria for
selecting the right candidate.
c. When the interview is conducted
Once the interview is done the interviewer should do the following things:
Give interviewee time to ask you questions:
Ask the candidate if he or she has any questions about the job requirements, working
conditions, prospective co-workers, supervisors, subordinates or other considerations. Let the
candidate know that you and the Personnel Office will be available to answer any questions
that might arise after the interview. For example, “if I give my best effort then what is my
standing in the organization after ten years?” may asked by the interviewee.
Make any notes on your written notes:
Most of the time interviewer makes notes during the interview. So after the interview the
interviewer should check their written notes and take corrective actions if it is necessary. For
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example, clarify any scratching; ensure pages are numbered, filled out any notes that don’t
make senses etc.
Write down any observations made during the interview
During the interview there may some candidates who seems to be nervous or shows different
attitude or any candidate who performs outstandingly good, so at this point the interviewer can
write down their observations if they didn’t write during the interview. Note your observations
right away, so you can assess each candidate more objectively against the requirements of the
job and not subjectively against the preceding or succeeding candidates.
Verify if the tape recorder, if used
An interviewer should review the tape recorder after the interview if it is used during the
interview. There may be some certain questions asked by the interviewer and at the time of
asking the questions, the interviewee didn’t understand it and gave the wrong answer. So, at
the time of reviewing the tape recorder, the interviewee might understand the questions and
give the right answer. This tape recorder can also used to avoid any kind of discrimination
cases. For example, if the candidate makes any discrimination case against the interviewer then
the interviewer can use this tape recorder as prove to avoid the discrimination case.
Narrow the Field
After you have interviewed all the scheduled candidates and before you make your final hiring
decision, narrow the field to those you would consider hiring for the position. Don’t center all
consideration on one person and exclude all others from contention, because if your first choice
turns down the position, you may have trouble remembering the merits of the other candidates.
Make the Hiring Decision
Review all the information you have obtained on the candidates. Consider the following factors
in arriving at your final decision:
• Ability to do the work.
• Interest in doing the job.
• Potential for growth.
• Ability to adjust to the job environment.
After careful thought, make the decision to hire or not to hire. A valid selection occurs when
the “merit and fitness” of the candidate are the primary determining factors in the decision.
Inform the Personnel Officer of your choice.
Finally, you find the best employee for you.
Notify Selected Candidate
Follow your agency procedures with respect to notifying selected candidates. Typically, the
Personnel Office notifies the selected candidate by telephone to ensure that he or she is willing
and able to accept appointment, and follows up with a written confirmation.
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Notify Unselected Candidates
Good personnel practice, common courtesy and the New York State Civil Service Law require
that the Personnel Office inform candidates not selected of your decision and thank them for
their interest. When possible, each candidate should be sent a personal letter. When large
numbers are involved, a form letter may be sent.
After all candidates have been notified, the interview process is concluded.
2.2 How to be a successful interviewee
A candidate who goes through becomes successful not when he is selected for the job but when
he is actually satisfied with his performance. To have a successful interview a candidate should
put in extra effort to perform Thus to be at the top involves loads of steps from giving the right
answers to all the questions that has been asked during the interview to the positive professional
attitude. The following is some of essential things that an interviewee needs to follow.
a. Taking preparation for the interview
Before an interview a candidate should always take care of certain things which the interviewer
will observe during the interview. Thus to be a potential candidate he or she needs to follow a
planned and step by step process which not only ranges from giving the right answers to all
questions that has been asked during the interview but also demonstrate a positive professional
Interview roles
Before someone faces an interview the first thing that underlies any preparation is to rule out
the purpose of the interview and individuals specific goals. In a job interview both the
interviewer and the interviewee share a common purpose which is finding out if the candidate
and the job matches or not.
Gaining prior knowledge about the company
Before a candidate faces an interview it is very essential that he/she is well prepared about the
necessary company information like the company’s products and services that it offers, its
vision and objective. Therefore the interviewee should do research about the company. For
instance valuable information regarding the company is available in the website which could
be a great source of valuable information. The candidate can also find out what the employer
is looking for by networking with current and former employees.
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Accumulate important documents
Before the interview, also compile all documents you will need for your interview, such as a
notepad and paper, copies of your resume and cover letter, names, addresses, and phone
numbers for your professional references, and college transcripts.
b. Necessary thing to do during the interview
Be on time
Time has immense importance especially in the corporate world .this is the right time to show
the right attitude never be late on the day of interview as this will do nothing good with your
Dress tips
When interviewing for an office job, both men and women should choose a conservative, dark-
colored suit, ideally one that is black, navy blue or dark gray. Men should wear a white button-
down shirt underneath their suit and choose a complementing tie with a subtle pattern.
Check yourself
After reaching at the place of interview early you have loads of time to give yourself a look .go
to the washroom and give yourself a detail look and do check the knot of your tie, make up and
dressing .nothing should mess up at that time.
Ability to Learn Quickly
The interviewee could discuss any training/school achievements; commitment to continuing
education (Joan Lloyd). The interviewee can show that he/she has the ability to learn new things
very quickly and can adapt to abrupt changes efficiently. Discuss self-taught skills e.g.,
computer programs. This will help create a favorable image on the employer and will reflect
that the interviewee can learn things easily and can be taught new skills if needed.
Ask questions
Asking questions creates an impression that the interviewee has researched about the company
and has prepared himself well for the interview. For instance, he should ask about the
company’s objectives and where the company wants to be in the next couple of years. In the
first interview session, the interviewee should avoid queries about the job requirements and the
salary which could be dealt later.
2.3 Ten Interview questions for HR faculty Recruitment
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It is a very difficult job to select only 10 question for selecting a HRM lecturer for NSU because
only 10 questions may not sufficient for judging a candidate properly. We have tried our best
to select most appropriate questions for hiring a HR teacher. For selecting a HR lecturer we
have made some assumptions about the candidates. They are
 The candidates have received minimum an MBA degree from a reputed university
situated abroad.
 The candidates have completed internship from a corporate organization under HRM
 The candidates have superior presentation skills.
According to us the 10 questions are following questions.
1.Describe yourself with three adjectives that make you suitable for this job.
This is a bit tricky question. The objective of this question is to judge the word selection of
the candidates and reasons behind selecting the words. Most of the candidates will choose
irrelevant words regarding their applied job. The interviewer will see who selects most
relevant words.
2. Why do you prefer NSU as your first choice over other private universities?
The objective of asking this question is to know about the career objective of the candidates.
Some candidates may choose NSU because of its brand value. Those candidates will not
be devoted to NSU as their objective will only making a good start of their career and add
value to their resume. They will not stay for a long time in NSU. By asking this question
the interviewer will also be able to about knowledge of the candidates about NSU and other
private universities in Bangladesh. The question will further clarify about the knowledge
of the candidates regarding current education system of Bangladesh.
3. Do you think university teachers should be managed under the X theory or Y
This question will help the interviewer to get an idea about the candidates’understanding about
the Human Resources Management. This will also clarify the mentality of the candidates in
their personal life regarding ego issues and their personal ethics. This question will further
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clarify the attitude of the candidates to work under the authority. Last but not the least this
question will help the interviewer to know about personal motivation level of the candidates.
4. Why are you interested in this “boring” job of a teacher instead of the challenging
job you had during internship?
The main purpose of this question is to test the reaction of the candidates after hearing a
negative word about their prospective job. Another purpose is to check the mentality of the
candidates regarding getting the job whether they offend the interviewer or agrees with the
interviewer for getting the job. This question will also clarify the interviewer about the
choosing purpose of their career path.
5. Where do you see yourself in next five years?
This is an open ended question. The purpose of this question is to know about the
candidates’ career ambition, devotion, desire, expectation, planning etc. this will give the
interviewer a clear understanding about the candidates that how much realistic and practical
they are about their future.
6. Do you think CGPA is more important than personal skills? Do you agree with the
so-called but practiced “20% A” policy of NSU? Why or why not?
There are actually two portions of this question. First portion is to know about the view
point of the candidates about CGPA knowing the fact that they all have a very good CGPA.
The second portion will clarify that how the candidates will give grades to their prospective
students and what the logic behind that is. The interviewer will come to know about the
logic building capabilities of the candidates by asking this question.
7. How do you deal with the biasness factor that most teachers are accused of by
This question will clarify the attitude of the candidates towards biasness and the view point
of them regarding biasness. It is expected that candidates will oppose biasness. So, non
verbal communication will be more important than verbal communication for the
interviewer to judge the candidates.
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8. Don’t you think hiring you for this post would be biased decision as you are NSU
Alumni?( IF the candidate is NSU Alumni )
It is actually the counter question of the previous question. This is the opportunity given to
the candidates to show their uniqueness. This will also determine the intelligence level of
the candidates to support their view points by not going against their interest. The best
answer will be showing their capabilities and worthiness compare to other candidates
telling that being NSU alumni is an extra qualification of them differentiating from others
applied for the post.
9. Why did you not pursue your career abroad where there is a better scope of
financial freedom, luxury and career opportunities?
The main purpose of this question is to get an idea about the candidates about their
motherland. Are they devoted to their prospective job? The interviewer will get a clear idea
about the candidates’ attitude towards the job compare to an abroad job.
10. From your experience while studying abroad, what improvements do you think
are necessary to make the faculties of Bangladesh more efficient and effective in
This is another question to test their knowledge about NSU and current education system
of Bangladesh. Their recommendation will prove the depth of their knowledge regarding
those issues. The interviewer will also get an idea about the candidates’ analytical abilities
for comparing two different cultures, facilities and situations etc practically.
3. Recommendations & Findings
We furthermore give the following recommendations:
 A candidate should always try to stay on track and not try to confuse the interviewer by
random bombardment of unnecessary information.
 An interviewee should not reveal his/her weaknesses unless asked to do so and they
should always be careful during behavioural interviews because that is where they are
most vulnerable.
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 Maintaining etiquette is very important for both the interviewer and the interviewee as
much of the interview process is heavily reliant on non-verbal communication.
Impression of both the parties is important.
 Interviewees should always prepare themselves before an interview; they should always
“do their homework”. Following the guidelines we have given in the project should be
 An interviewer should always prepare an outline of the whole selection process to avoid
deviating from the planned path and avoid misconceptions.
 In the present day and age ethical issues are a big factor and the interviewers should
always be stringent about their ethical standards in hiring new employees.
 HR managers should always study the job market and the internal specifications of the
company about the respective job and the supply and demand of available compatible
 Interviewees should make it a good habit to ask questions to the employer at the end of
the interview; this creates a good impression and the interviewer then knows that the
candidate has good knowledge about the company and is eager to work.
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4. Conclusion
Interviews are an intricate part of our professional career; one might be a very good in studies
but without the much needed interview skills finding a job may be very difficult. The
suggestions and guidelines we provided in this project should suffice for most interviews and
help the candidate to achieve success. Most importantly candidates should be confident in
upholding their talents and impression and playing the game. It is pretty much a difficult
position for the employers sitting at the other side of the table. An interviewer must always
remember to keep in mind the various ethical issues faced in a hiring process and maintain
standards such as affirmative action and equal employment opportunity. Employers must also
plan their interviews by making an outline beforehand; this helps in keeping the interview in
track and making the interview more structured and effective. The ten questions are not
something of strict accordance but a sort of guideline to what employers should follow when
designing questions for academic interviews such as the one mentioned in the project.
Heathfield, S. M. (n.d.). Ask Right to Hire Right: Effective Interview Questions. Retrieved
August 4, 2012, from Guide:
Jean, E. (2012, July 24). Effective Job Interview Tips. Retrieved August 4, 2012, from
Romans, C. (2011, January 10). 6 ways not to blow your interview. CNN Living, p. 1.
Trull, S. G. (2012). Strategies of Effective Interviewing. Harvard Business Review, 1.
Bridgewater’s Effective Interviewing. (n.d.). Retrieved
Carrier’s Hot to Interview effectively. (n.d.). Retrieved
Siop’s Effective Interviews. (n.d.). Retrieved
Ctdol’s The Interview. (n.d.). Retrieved
Dandb’s How to Conduct an Effective Employee Interview. (n.d.). Retrieved
Careersportal’s Effective Interview Skills. (n.d.). Retrieved
Alison Doyle. (n.d.). Effective Interviewing. Retrieved

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  • 1. Executive Summary The following report has been prepared for Management 351 course and requested by Mr. Faisol Chowdhury, faculty member of the school of business department of North South University on 6th August 2012. The report involved very little primary data which was in entirety our (group members) own judgement and experience on the topic. The report is a compilation of secondary data collected over the internet and our own writing, although the weight of secondary writings are higher and appropriate citations have been done according to the APA format of referencing; accordingly a bibliography has been added at the end of the report. The report tries to explore the various problems faced by both the interviewer and the interviewee during an interview session and it also analyses a sum of 10 questions designed for recruiting an HR faculty. The first segment of our project consists of discussion on how to become and effective interviewer where we have discussed on concepts and guidelines that would help any manager on becoming an effective interviewer such as making an outline of the interview before-hand, deciding on job description and such activities and interview checklists and so on. We have also discussed on matters that the interviewer should be careful about such as discriminating acts, etiquette, and equal employment opportunities. The next segment of our project consists of suggestions on how to become an effective interviewee and the problems that one might face and how to cope with them and prepare themselves for an interview. In the third and final phrase of the project we have included 10 questions aimed at designing an interview for recruiting an HR faculty for an academic institution, and an in-depth analysis of each question. Furthermore we have included recommendations, limitations and findings and a conclusion at the end of the project.
  • 2. 1. Introduction This report has been prepared as a component of the course composition of MGT351 (Human Resource Management) necessary for completion of the course. This report was requested by Mr.Faisol Chowdhury, faculty member of the school of business department of North South University on 6th August 2012. The report concerns the various aspects of and interview for a job; how to be an effective interviewer, how to be an effective interviewee and finally ten questions designed for a professional interview conducted by the HR department of an University aiming to employ a HR faculty. The aim of the report is to analyze and describe certain elements that make for an effective interviewer and an effective interviewee and how each may achieve success in their respective fields. The ten questions regarding the hire of an HR faculty aims to exemplify a typical interview question pattern for the respective field. In the report the findings describe how the two sides of an interview; the interviewer and the interviewee react to situations, the problems they face and how interviews are carried out. Following these findings, conclusions are drawn and a number of recommendations are made as to how these interview methods might be improved. 1.1 Objective The objective of this report is describing the process of an interview in brief and focus mainly on the ordeals faced by the interviewer and the interviewee during the interview process, how best to overcome them and how to improve the methods and skills needed for a successful interview. It is important to achieve effectiveness in both conducting and giving an interview because from the interviewer’s perspective the HR personnel may end up giving the job to the wrong or unqualified person or reject a perfectly suitable candidate which is known as Type 1 and Type 2 error respectively. From the perspective of the interviewee he/she may be qualified but because of lacking in interview skills they might end up getting rejected. How these situations may be avoided is further described in the report. 1.2 Scopes Many fresh graduates have no idea about the various techniques that make an interview effective, instead, unknowingly the take a leap of faith, learning through trial and error and through what their predecessors have said. Though the process of stumbling and learning is a natural way of attaining perfection, in this day and age the unparalleled competition in the job market calls for swifter moves and cunning strategies to stand out in the crowd. It is therefore the scope of this report to ease the process of learning both for the interviewer and the interviewee and save them precious time, effort and money. Of course this is just a guideline
  • 3. Page | 3 and not the ultimate way of doing things but this report has the potential to enlighten the greater amount of managers and interview candidates in this country on the fundamentals of an effective interview. Furthermore the report also includes ten questions structured to hire an HR faculty for and academic institution. These questions would act as an example to those candidates attending similar interviews. 1.3 Methodology The entire report has been prepared based on secondary data collected from books, websites, and online journals and articles. The research methodology is wholly qualitative meaning there are minimal quantitative analysis. 1.4 Limitations The basic limitations faced whilst preparing the report was a time constraint which would not have been a problem had there been increased pressure due to shortening of the semester. However the given time was adequate to the needs of completing the report. There was an inherent gap in the capabilities of the group members which created higher massing of responsibilities on the members with relatively higher capabilities.
  • 4. Page | 4 5 Literature review  Strategies of Effective Interviewing “In the broad sense, interviewing is the process whereby individuals (usually two) exchange information. The individuals may be concerned with a job opening, a promotion, a special assignment, a product sale, information for intelligence purposes, a proposed merger, or other questions. The information exchanged need not be limited to facts. In business, particularly, such products of an interview as meaning and understanding are oftentimes more significant than objective factual statements. Interviewing in the contemporary business setting invariably takes place in an atmosphere filled with a sense of urgency. The time allocated to the interview is necessarily limited. Consequently, a nondirective approach finds little application; it is necessary to use the guided interview in the vast majority of situations.” ~ (Trull, 2012)  Ask Right to Hire Right: Effective Interview Questions “Looking for a simple, yet effective way to immediately improve your interviewing and staff selection process? Define the qualities, talents and skills you’d most like to have in a new employee. Then, devise a series of interview questions that allow your applicant to demonstrate she has the desired qualities, talents and skills. Many organizations are spending a great deal of time defining competencies for each position. You can, if you have the time and resources to do so. You don’t have to embark on a lengthy process, however. Use a simple job description with a set of behaviourally-based interview questions to pinpoint the people you want in your organization. When your interview questions ask the applicant to tell you about behaviours and actions she has actually demonstrated in the past, your selection process will improve”. ~ (Heathfield)
  • 5. Page | 5  Effective Interview Tips “Interviews are not limited to face-to-face discussions. When distance or time constraints are a factor, interviews are conducted over the phone. With the advent of the Internet, some interviews are conducted via computer on a web cam. Interviews can be structured or unstructured, and can include multiple interviewers. When a job consists of quick thinking or reacting to situations, the interview often involves evaluating how the candidate responds to a variety of circumstances. A screening interview assesses basic qualifications, while a stress interview attempts to learn how you handle uncomfortable situations, reports the Connecticut Department of Labour.” ~ (Jean, 2012)  6 ways not to blow your interview “Once you land a job interview, every word and every move counts. Present yourself as the solution to a problem, says Charles Purdy, senior editor of Monster Hot Jobs. "Employers create jobs and fill jobs because they have problems to solve. It's up to you to analyse what those problems are by analysing the job ad or by just using what you know about the company or the industry and present yourself as someone who is ready and equipped to solve the problems that the open job indicates." Don't say, "I really need this job." It goes without saying and quite frankly, there are millions of people who have likely been out of work longer than you. Jobs aren't filled based on need and you certainly don't want the hiring manager to think you've been passed over again and again by other companies. Downplay the gap on the resume by making sure it is filled with volunteer work, computer or continuing education classes or freelance work and focus on the skills you can bring to the job.” ~ (Romans, 2011)
  • 6. Page | 6 2. Analysis & Description 2.1 How to be a successful interviewer If the right people are chosen and placed in the right suit, then success is logical result for an organization. Hiring and keeping good workers begins with the job interview. If an interviewer can ask the right questions, he is more likely to select a candidate who’s right for the job. Without good interviewing skills, however, an offer could be extended to someone who’s ultimately not the right fit for the company. Therefore conducting a successful interview requires preparation and techniques. It does not happen randomly. It demands planning, analyzing the job and applicants; moreover asking the right question in the right way. Some things are really necessary to be an effective interviewer some of them are listed below as general guidance. a. Taking preparation to conduct the interview  Determine the qualification that is required to perform the job. Determine what educational background candidate should have, whether he must have any experience, verbal or technical skills etc.  Look over the resume at least one day before the interview. It will help to determine what question to be asked during the interview.  Specific questions should be written otherwise interviewer might forget it.  There should be multiple interviewers who can ask questions from different viewpoint.  Note-taking materials should be prepared before actual interview.  Planning is required. Who will ask what question and at what sequence should be planned prior to interview. b. Conducting the interview Use rating scales for answers Prepare 3 to 5 ideal answers for each question and set scales like excellent, fair & poor then rate candidate’s answers against this scale. Develop a rapport Have a conversation, develop rapport. Forget about the questions and just have a comfortable conversation. Questions on actual job duties
  • 7. Page | 7 Ask questions related to job knowledge, situational and behavior. Better command over job related knowledge and ability to manage adverse situation smartly is very important criteria for selecting the right candidate. Let interviewee speak Many people have been interviewed many times and they know the questions they are most likely to be asked, so their answers are practiced and canned. If you want to get a little bit more out of them or something original, wait for five seconds after they finish their last sentence and do not say anything. More often than not, that moment of silence will get them thinking and they’ll start speaking from their heart (and with a whole other perspective than their standard canned answers). Don’t stick to your agenda To make matters worse, most interviewers follow the questions that they have lined up in the order they wrote them, instead of letting it flow based on what the subject is saying. Great follow-up conversations and side-tracks may be lost because the interviewer was following their flow instead of the flow of the conversation. Ask open ended questions Always start your questions or commentary with words like “how” and “why”. Those two words can never be responded to with the words, “yes” or “no”. If you want something more than one or two word answers, use words like “how” and “why”. Avoid asking simple questions Ask questions related to job knowledge, situational and behavior. Better command over job related knowledge and ability to manage adverse situation smartly is very important criteria for selecting the right candidate. c. When the interview is conducted Once the interview is done the interviewer should do the following things: Give interviewee time to ask you questions: Ask the candidate if he or she has any questions about the job requirements, working conditions, prospective co-workers, supervisors, subordinates or other considerations. Let the candidate know that you and the Personnel Office will be available to answer any questions that might arise after the interview. For example, “if I give my best effort then what is my standing in the organization after ten years?” may asked by the interviewee. Make any notes on your written notes: Most of the time interviewer makes notes during the interview. So after the interview the interviewer should check their written notes and take corrective actions if it is necessary. For
  • 8. Page | 8 example, clarify any scratching; ensure pages are numbered, filled out any notes that don’t make senses etc. Write down any observations made during the interview During the interview there may some candidates who seems to be nervous or shows different attitude or any candidate who performs outstandingly good, so at this point the interviewer can write down their observations if they didn’t write during the interview. Note your observations right away, so you can assess each candidate more objectively against the requirements of the job and not subjectively against the preceding or succeeding candidates. Verify if the tape recorder, if used An interviewer should review the tape recorder after the interview if it is used during the interview. There may be some certain questions asked by the interviewer and at the time of asking the questions, the interviewee didn’t understand it and gave the wrong answer. So, at the time of reviewing the tape recorder, the interviewee might understand the questions and give the right answer. This tape recorder can also used to avoid any kind of discrimination cases. For example, if the candidate makes any discrimination case against the interviewer then the interviewer can use this tape recorder as prove to avoid the discrimination case. Narrow the Field After you have interviewed all the scheduled candidates and before you make your final hiring decision, narrow the field to those you would consider hiring for the position. Don’t center all consideration on one person and exclude all others from contention, because if your first choice turns down the position, you may have trouble remembering the merits of the other candidates. Make the Hiring Decision Review all the information you have obtained on the candidates. Consider the following factors in arriving at your final decision: • Ability to do the work. • Interest in doing the job. • Potential for growth. • Ability to adjust to the job environment. After careful thought, make the decision to hire or not to hire. A valid selection occurs when the “merit and fitness” of the candidate are the primary determining factors in the decision. Inform the Personnel Officer of your choice. Finally, you find the best employee for you. Notify Selected Candidate Follow your agency procedures with respect to notifying selected candidates. Typically, the Personnel Office notifies the selected candidate by telephone to ensure that he or she is willing and able to accept appointment, and follows up with a written confirmation.
  • 9. Page | 9 Notify Unselected Candidates Good personnel practice, common courtesy and the New York State Civil Service Law require that the Personnel Office inform candidates not selected of your decision and thank them for their interest. When possible, each candidate should be sent a personal letter. When large numbers are involved, a form letter may be sent. After all candidates have been notified, the interview process is concluded. 2.2 How to be a successful interviewee A candidate who goes through becomes successful not when he is selected for the job but when he is actually satisfied with his performance. To have a successful interview a candidate should put in extra effort to perform Thus to be at the top involves loads of steps from giving the right answers to all the questions that has been asked during the interview to the positive professional attitude. The following is some of essential things that an interviewee needs to follow. a. Taking preparation for the interview Before an interview a candidate should always take care of certain things which the interviewer will observe during the interview. Thus to be a potential candidate he or she needs to follow a planned and step by step process which not only ranges from giving the right answers to all questions that has been asked during the interview but also demonstrate a positive professional attitude Interview roles Before someone faces an interview the first thing that underlies any preparation is to rule out the purpose of the interview and individuals specific goals. In a job interview both the interviewer and the interviewee share a common purpose which is finding out if the candidate and the job matches or not. Gaining prior knowledge about the company Before a candidate faces an interview it is very essential that he/she is well prepared about the necessary company information like the company’s products and services that it offers, its vision and objective. Therefore the interviewee should do research about the company. For instance valuable information regarding the company is available in the website which could be a great source of valuable information. The candidate can also find out what the employer is looking for by networking with current and former employees.
  • 10. Page | 10 Accumulate important documents Before the interview, also compile all documents you will need for your interview, such as a notepad and paper, copies of your resume and cover letter, names, addresses, and phone numbers for your professional references, and college transcripts. b. Necessary thing to do during the interview Be on time Time has immense importance especially in the corporate world .this is the right time to show the right attitude never be late on the day of interview as this will do nothing good with your future. Dress tips When interviewing for an office job, both men and women should choose a conservative, dark- colored suit, ideally one that is black, navy blue or dark gray. Men should wear a white button- down shirt underneath their suit and choose a complementing tie with a subtle pattern. Check yourself After reaching at the place of interview early you have loads of time to give yourself a look .go to the washroom and give yourself a detail look and do check the knot of your tie, make up and dressing .nothing should mess up at that time. Ability to Learn Quickly The interviewee could discuss any training/school achievements; commitment to continuing education (Joan Lloyd). The interviewee can show that he/she has the ability to learn new things very quickly and can adapt to abrupt changes efficiently. Discuss self-taught skills e.g., computer programs. This will help create a favorable image on the employer and will reflect that the interviewee can learn things easily and can be taught new skills if needed. Ask questions Asking questions creates an impression that the interviewee has researched about the company and has prepared himself well for the interview. For instance, he should ask about the company’s objectives and where the company wants to be in the next couple of years. In the first interview session, the interviewee should avoid queries about the job requirements and the salary which could be dealt later. 2.3 Ten Interview questions for HR faculty Recruitment
  • 11. Page | 11 It is a very difficult job to select only 10 question for selecting a HRM lecturer for NSU because only 10 questions may not sufficient for judging a candidate properly. We have tried our best to select most appropriate questions for hiring a HR teacher. For selecting a HR lecturer we have made some assumptions about the candidates. They are  The candidates have received minimum an MBA degree from a reputed university situated abroad.  The candidates have completed internship from a corporate organization under HRM department.  The candidates have superior presentation skills. According to us the 10 questions are following questions. 1.Describe yourself with three adjectives that make you suitable for this job. This is a bit tricky question. The objective of this question is to judge the word selection of the candidates and reasons behind selecting the words. Most of the candidates will choose irrelevant words regarding their applied job. The interviewer will see who selects most relevant words. 2. Why do you prefer NSU as your first choice over other private universities? The objective of asking this question is to know about the career objective of the candidates. Some candidates may choose NSU because of its brand value. Those candidates will not be devoted to NSU as their objective will only making a good start of their career and add value to their resume. They will not stay for a long time in NSU. By asking this question the interviewer will also be able to about knowledge of the candidates about NSU and other private universities in Bangladesh. The question will further clarify about the knowledge of the candidates regarding current education system of Bangladesh. 3. Do you think university teachers should be managed under the X theory or Y theory? This question will help the interviewer to get an idea about the candidates’understanding about the Human Resources Management. This will also clarify the mentality of the candidates in their personal life regarding ego issues and their personal ethics. This question will further
  • 12. Page | 12 clarify the attitude of the candidates to work under the authority. Last but not the least this question will help the interviewer to know about personal motivation level of the candidates. 4. Why are you interested in this “boring” job of a teacher instead of the challenging job you had during internship? The main purpose of this question is to test the reaction of the candidates after hearing a negative word about their prospective job. Another purpose is to check the mentality of the candidates regarding getting the job whether they offend the interviewer or agrees with the interviewer for getting the job. This question will also clarify the interviewer about the choosing purpose of their career path. 5. Where do you see yourself in next five years? This is an open ended question. The purpose of this question is to know about the candidates’ career ambition, devotion, desire, expectation, planning etc. this will give the interviewer a clear understanding about the candidates that how much realistic and practical they are about their future. 6. Do you think CGPA is more important than personal skills? Do you agree with the so-called but practiced “20% A” policy of NSU? Why or why not? There are actually two portions of this question. First portion is to know about the view point of the candidates about CGPA knowing the fact that they all have a very good CGPA. The second portion will clarify that how the candidates will give grades to their prospective students and what the logic behind that is. The interviewer will come to know about the logic building capabilities of the candidates by asking this question. 7. How do you deal with the biasness factor that most teachers are accused of by students? This question will clarify the attitude of the candidates towards biasness and the view point of them regarding biasness. It is expected that candidates will oppose biasness. So, non verbal communication will be more important than verbal communication for the interviewer to judge the candidates.
  • 13. Page | 13 8. Don’t you think hiring you for this post would be biased decision as you are NSU Alumni?( IF the candidate is NSU Alumni ) It is actually the counter question of the previous question. This is the opportunity given to the candidates to show their uniqueness. This will also determine the intelligence level of the candidates to support their view points by not going against their interest. The best answer will be showing their capabilities and worthiness compare to other candidates telling that being NSU alumni is an extra qualification of them differentiating from others applied for the post. 9. Why did you not pursue your career abroad where there is a better scope of financial freedom, luxury and career opportunities? The main purpose of this question is to get an idea about the candidates about their motherland. Are they devoted to their prospective job? The interviewer will get a clear idea about the candidates’ attitude towards the job compare to an abroad job. 10. From your experience while studying abroad, what improvements do you think are necessary to make the faculties of Bangladesh more efficient and effective in teaching? This is another question to test their knowledge about NSU and current education system of Bangladesh. Their recommendation will prove the depth of their knowledge regarding those issues. The interviewer will also get an idea about the candidates’ analytical abilities for comparing two different cultures, facilities and situations etc practically. 3. Recommendations & Findings We furthermore give the following recommendations:  A candidate should always try to stay on track and not try to confuse the interviewer by random bombardment of unnecessary information.  An interviewee should not reveal his/her weaknesses unless asked to do so and they should always be careful during behavioural interviews because that is where they are most vulnerable.
  • 14. Page | 14  Maintaining etiquette is very important for both the interviewer and the interviewee as much of the interview process is heavily reliant on non-verbal communication. Impression of both the parties is important.  Interviewees should always prepare themselves before an interview; they should always “do their homework”. Following the guidelines we have given in the project should be enough.  An interviewer should always prepare an outline of the whole selection process to avoid deviating from the planned path and avoid misconceptions.  In the present day and age ethical issues are a big factor and the interviewers should always be stringent about their ethical standards in hiring new employees.  HR managers should always study the job market and the internal specifications of the company about the respective job and the supply and demand of available compatible candidates.  Interviewees should make it a good habit to ask questions to the employer at the end of the interview; this creates a good impression and the interviewer then knows that the candidate has good knowledge about the company and is eager to work.
  • 15. Page | 15 4. Conclusion Interviews are an intricate part of our professional career; one might be a very good in studies but without the much needed interview skills finding a job may be very difficult. The suggestions and guidelines we provided in this project should suffice for most interviews and help the candidate to achieve success. Most importantly candidates should be confident in upholding their talents and impression and playing the game. It is pretty much a difficult position for the employers sitting at the other side of the table. An interviewer must always remember to keep in mind the various ethical issues faced in a hiring process and maintain standards such as affirmative action and equal employment opportunity. Employers must also plan their interviews by making an outline beforehand; this helps in keeping the interview in track and making the interview more structured and effective. The ten questions are not something of strict accordance but a sort of guideline to what employers should follow when designing questions for academic interviews such as the one mentioned in the project.
  • 16. References Heathfield, S. M. (n.d.). Ask Right to Hire Right: Effective Interview Questions. Retrieved August 4, 2012, from Guide: Jean, E. (2012, July 24). Effective Job Interview Tips. Retrieved August 4, 2012, from tips/ Romans, C. (2011, January 10). 6 ways not to blow your interview. CNN Living, p. 1. Trull, S. G. (2012). Strategies of Effective Interviewing. Harvard Business Review, 1. Bridgewater’s Effective Interviewing. (n.d.). Retrieved from Carrier’s Hot to Interview effectively. (n.d.). Retrieved from Siop’s Effective Interviews. (n.d.). Retrieved from Ctdol’s The Interview. (n.d.). Retrieved from Dandb’s How to Conduct an Effective Employee Interview. (n.d.). Retrieved from effectively-as-an-employer/ Careersportal’s Effective Interview Skills. (n.d.). Retrieved from Alison Doyle. (n.d.). Effective Interviewing. Retrieved from