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Getting Ready to Return to Work:
Problem Solving
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Getting Ready to Return to Work:
Problem Solving
We deal with problems almost every day. Problems can be large or small, and occur in
all aspects of our lives – in our personal lives and at work. Some problems are easily
solved, while others are not so easily fixed. If we don’t focus on resolving problems,
they may become bigger. Even problems that seem to go away sometimes come back to
haunt us later. Over time, unsolved problems create stress in our lives and take a toll
on our health and well being.
We solve problems all the time using various strategies and approaches. How did we
learn to do this? Did anyone every sit down and teach us how to problem solve? Most
people would say no – most people learn how to solve problems though experience and
using strategies that worked for them in the past.
But we’re not all good at solving problems. Most of us can handle the smaller day-to-
day problems, but the bigger and more complicated problems are much harder to deal
with. And many people find that when they feel stressed or overwhelmed, their
problem solving skills seem to suffer. In fact, when people feel overwhelmed, they
often avoid the bigger problems (which, unfortunately, does not make them go away).
Problem solving is a set of skills. This means that it is something you can learn and
develop – and get better at. Working on improving your problem solving skills can help
you function better in all aspects of your life, including at your job. Not only will it help
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you solve your problems more effectively, but it may even reduce your stress level and
help you feel more confident.
There are many different ways to solve a problem. All of them involve a series of steps.
In this booklet we are going to focus on a 7-step problem solving model.
Seven steps to solve a problem may seem like overkill, especially for smaller problems.
However, it is worth giving this process a try – getting practice going through this step-
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by-step approach to coming up with solutions to problems can be really useful
preparation for the bigger problems you may face in the future. The more you practice
this, the easier it will be to move through the steps efficiently and effectively.
STEP 1: Identify the Problem
Sounds easy, right? Not always. Sometimes you may not be clear on what the specific
problem is, or you may see a collection of specific problems as just one huge problem.
In order to solve a problem, you need to figure out exactly what the problem is.
Start by making a list of problems you need to fix. These can be related to any part of
your life.
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Review your list and decide on ONE problem you want to focus on. In the space below,
describe your problem – be as specific as possible. If your description of your problem is
too vague, it will be hard to know where your solution should start. For example, if you
identify your problem as “My kids are driving me crazy”, it is a lot harder to know
where to start than it would be if you managed to be more specific – “My kids are
disorganized and don’t listen to me when I ask them to get ready for school, and as a
result they are often late”.
To help you narrow down the problem, it can be helpful to ask yourself some
 What is the situation right now?
 What is making me feel upset?
 What would I like the situation to be?
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STEP 2. Explore the
Once you are clear
on what exactly the problem is, you can start to think about it from different angles.
Here is a list of questions you can ask yourself that may help you think about your
problem in different ways. This process can help you in coming up with ideas for
effective solutions.
How is this problem affecting me?
How is this problem affecting others?
Is this a problem for anyone else?
If so, what are other people doing about this?
Are there any obstacles in the way of solving this – what is standing in my way?
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Step 3: Set Goals
Isn’t it time to start thinking about solutions? Not quite yet! Before you decide how you
are going to solve the problem, it is important to think carefully about what it is –
exactly – that you want to achieve. This is especially true for bigger, more complicated
Think about your problem, and what it is that you want to achieve – it is time to start
narrowing down your goals. If one of your problems is “my job is very stressful”, you
may be tempted to say your goal is to “reduce my stress at work”. This is probably
very true – but not very helpful in terms of really setting a goal because it is quite vague
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and general. How would you reduce the stress at work? Setting goals can be a lot more
effective you use the SMART principle.
The SMART principle is a technique for goal setting that can help you set goals you can
actually achieve. Here is how it works:
When you are setting a goal, try to make it
Specific. “Reduce my stress at work” is general. “Improve my time
management skills so that I can be organized and schedule my work tasks every
day” is specific, and provides a much better starting point for coming up with
Measureable. Finding way to measure the goal will help you know when have
achieved it. For example, a goal that is hard to measure is “being more
organized”. A measurable goal could be “Each morning, use the calendar on my
computer to schedule my day and include time to respond to emails and work on
my important projects”. It should be clear whether you are meeting the goal or
not. To determine whether your goal is measureable, ask yourself questions such
as: What exactly do I need to do? When? How much? How many times? How
will I know when I have achieved this goal?
Action-oriented. It is a lot easier to achieve goals when they involve you doing
something. Even if your problem is a situation or another person’s behaviour,
think about what you might be able to do to help solve the problem.
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Realistic. It is important that your goal is realistic! Think about whether your
goal is manageable for you, right now.
Time-limited. Give yourself a time frame. Commitment to a deadline will help
you focus your efforts and get started.
This can be harder than you think! Use the box below to start working on your
goal. There is lots of space provided so that you can rework your goal to meet
all of the SMART criteria.
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Think about how you will know when you have reached your goal, and record it in the
space below. If you have trouble answering this question, you may want to keep
working on defining your SMART goal so that you feel clear on how you will know when
you have achieved it.
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Using the SMART principle can be useful to determining what it is that you want to
achieve. It is also a helpful tool to use later on when you are planning your specific
Step 4: Look at Alternatives
Finally, time to start thinking about solutions! This is a time for brainstorming – the
more possible solutions you find, the more likely it is that you will find the most
effective solutions. There is space in the box below to start writing down possible
solutions to your problem. If you need more space, use extra paper.
Here are a few brainstorming tips:
 It’s easier to find a good solution when you have lots of different solutions to choose from.
 It doesn’t matter whether the ideas are useful or practical at this stage – just write down
any idea as it comes to you. This may help “get the juices flowing” and lead you to new
and creative solutions. You can discard the bad ideas later.
 You can also seek ideas about possible solutions by talking to others.
 Some solutions that seem silly at first can work when combined with other ideas.
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Step 5: Select a Possible Solution
Review your list of possible solutions. Think about which of these are most likely to
give you the outcome you want. Which ones are most relevant to your situation?
Which ones are most manageable? What are the pros and cons of the possible solutions?
If you think it might be helpful, review your possible solutions with a friend or family
member, and talk about the possible outcomes for your solutions, and about which ones
might be the most practical or easy to implement.
Going through the process of thinking about possible outcomes and the advantages and
disadvantages of your possible solutions will help you identify the solution that will
probably work best for you.
You can use the following questions as a guide to choosing the best solution.
 Will this help me reach my goal and solve the problem?
 How good or bad will I feel if I choose this solution? Sometimes solutions can solve the
problem but end up making you feel unhappy.
 How much time and effort does this solution involve? Is this practical for me right now?
 Does this solution have more benefits than costs? Think about how your possible solution
will affect you and others.
Remember that a perfect solution rarely exists. There may be possible negative
consequences to all of your possible solutions. Your job is to pick a solution that is the
best for you right now, with the most benefits and the least costs.
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Record the solution you think will work the best for you in the box below.
Step 6:
Implement Your Solution
After you’ve picked your solution, it is time to make a plan of action! Think about the
SMART principle – make sure your plan is specific, measurable, action-oriented,
realistic, and time-limited. Write down all the steps it will take to carry out your
solution. You will be much more likely to take action if you know exactly what you
need to do, step by step.
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Now it’s time to get started! Plan when – exactly – you are going to begin to implement
you plan.
Step 7: Evaluate Effectiveness
So – did your solution work? Once you have implemented your plan, you can determine
whether you were successful in solving your problem. If the answer is yes, then pat
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yourself on the back! If things didn’t go as planned, then you may need to figure out
what went wrong or got in the way. You may need to revamp your plan, or perhaps go
back and choose a different solution, and make a new step-by-step plan. You can use
the space below to map out your revised plan, or if you decide on a different solution, a
new step-by-step plan.
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discouraged if you have to go through these steps more than once. Finding the right
solution can be challenging, especially for more complicated problems.
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Let’s run through an example of this seven step process.
Step 1: Identify the Problem
Megan has been back at work for two weeks after a six month leave
due to problems she was having with lower back pain and depression.
She is finding her return to work to be pretty tough; she is having
trouble staying focused and finds multi-tasking leaves her feeling
anxious and frantic. She feels overwhelmed by her job tasks and
worries that she is falling behind. Her back pain seems to be getting
worse from sitting in her office chair for so long. She is exhausted
after work and finds that she is irritable with her husband and kids.
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Megan made a list of the problems she was facing:
Megan reviewed her problem list, and decided to focus on #2 – “I’m disorganized”. She
worked on narrowing down the problem a little bit more:
1. I’m overwhelmed and stressed at work
2. I’m disorganized
3. I am behind in my emails
4. I’m having trouble focusing – I’m trying to keep track of
several things at once and don’t get anything done
5. I’m forgetting to do things
6. My back is really sore by the afternoon which makes it
even harder to focus and get anything done
7. I’m grumpy with Dave and the kids – it’s not fair to them
8. I can’t sleep because my back hurts and I’m worried I’ll
get fired
I’m disorganized.
 My disorganization results in me having trouble focusing (because I
am trying to do to many things at once, or I switch tasks before
completing what I’m doing) and forgetting things (I’m forgetting
things because I don’t keep track of the things I need to do)
 Being disorganized leads to me feeling stressed and overwhelmed
 I want to have a tidy desk, and a clear plan for each day, with time
to spend on the important things I need to do
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When Megan started thinking more carefully about her problem, she realized that
several of the problems on her original list were related to the problems she was having
with disorganization. It also helped her to start thinking about how she would like
things to change.
Step 2: Explore the Problem
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Megan used these questions to help her look at her problem from different angles:
This process helped Megan start thinking about the negative effects this problem was
having on her and those around her, but also helped her see that she is not the only one
struggling with disorganization. It also helped her starting thinking about ways that
others deal with being disorganized (and that she knew some of these strategies already
– she was teaching them to her son!)
Step 3: Set Goals
Megan used the SMART (specific, manageable, action-oriented, realistic, and time-
limited) principle to develop a goal:
I want to improve my time management skills so that
I can feel more in control of my work tasks and
environment. I would like to have a practical plan
ready by Friday so that I can start making changes on
How is this problem affecting me?
It is making me less productive at work.
I am feeling stressed and overwhelmed.
It’s affecting my mood and sleep.
How is it affecting others?
My coworkers have to do some of my work.
I’m grumpy with my family.
Who else experiences this problem?
Elsie (coworker) has problems being disorganized.
My son is very disorganized.
What do they do about it?
Elsie has learned how to use her work email/calendar more effectively to
help her organize her day. I could ask her about that.
I try to help my son be more organized – for example, getting him to use his
smartphone to keep a calendar for events and deadlines.
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This helped Megan come up with an overall goal for what she wanted to achieve. There
were still details to work out (like the plan!) but she could use the SMART principle
again later to help her work out more detailed, specific action-oriented goals.
Step 4: Look at Alternatives
Megan made a list of things she might be able to do to help her be more organized at
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 Use my computer calendar/email system to plan and
schedule my work tasks – this will also give me reminders so
I’m less likely to forget things
 Make a list at the end of each day of the things I want to
work on the next day – prioritize the list, and keep it by my
keyboard so I can see it
 Clean up my desk!
 Take breaks so I can relax a bit and organize my thoughts
(this might also help with my back pain!)
 Turn off my email notifications so I can stay focused on what
I’m doing (instead of switching to my email)
 Schedule time to catch up on emails
 Keep a notepad on my desk so I can make notes and lists
 Ask coworkers to help with some of my work tasks for the
next week or two until I feel more on top of things
 Stay late for a few nights so that I can get caught up
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Step 5: Select a Possible Solution
Megan reviewed her list of possible solutions, and thought about how realistic and
manageable they were, as well as the possible outcomes. She decided a few of her
solutions were not such great ideas for her at this point of time. For example, staying
late might result in her feeling more stressed and overwhelmed, and evengrumpier
when she got home. It also might not be manageable, given that her back pain was
worse at the end of the day. She decided that there were a few possible solutions
that were worth focusing on because she believed they were most likely to be of
benefit, and had the least amount of risk.
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However, these seemed like a lot to do at once. Megan decided it would be most
manageable for her to work on implementing one possible solution at a time. She
decided to choose one solution and work on implementing it over a period of one week.
If that went well, she would try to start on one of the other solutions the following
 Use my computer calendar/email system to plan
and schedule my work tasks – this will also give me
reminders so I’m less likely to forget things
 Make a list at the end of each day of the things I
want to work on the next day – prioritize the list,
and keep it by my keyboard so I can see it
 Clean up my desk!
 Take breaks so I can relax a bit and organize my
thoughts (this might also help with my back pain!)
 Turn off my email notifications so I can stay focused
on what I’m doing (instead of switching to my
 Schedule time to catch up on emails
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She decided to start with:
Step 6: Implement your Solution
Looking back at the SMART principle, Megan decided to get even more specific and focus
on being time-limited. Here was her plan:
Use my computer calendar/email system to plan and
schedule my work tasks – this will also give me
reminders so I’m less likely to forget things
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Step 7. Evaluate Effectiveness of Solution.
At the end of the week, Megan was pleased with how using her computer
email/calendar system was helping her be more organized. However, she identified a
few problems.
 Spend five minutes each morning reviewing and
organizing my calendar
 Allow extra time for each task
 Leave a 30 minute block empty in the morning and
afternoon for unexpected tasks (I can fill these with
things on my to-do list if nothing comes up)
 Stick to the schedule! Try not to get distracted by
other tasks
 Start using the calendar on Monday
 Stick to it for one week and then evaluate how it’s
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Megan made a few tweaks to her original plan:
 I didn’t schedule enough time to finish tasks
 I didn’t leave any time in my schedule for
unexpected (but important) tasks – this led me to
fall behind in my “plan” which made me feel
 Spend five minutes each morning reviewing and organizing my
 Stick to the schedule! Try not to get distracted by other tasks
 Start using the calendar on Monday
 Stick to it for one week and then evaluate how it’s going
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After a few weeks of working on her first solution, Megan was satisfied she was on the
right track, but she felt that she still having some problems with disorganization. She
decided to start implementing some of the other possible solutions on her list.
You can use Megan’s example to help you work through this process using your own
problems. Remember that effective problem-solving is a process that takes time and
practice. It doesn’t always go right the first time – that’s okay! Remind yourself to be
flexible, and to keep trying. Learn from what didn’t work and move forward!

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Problem solving

  • 1. Back in Motion Rehab Inc. January | 2014 Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem Solving
  • 2. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 2 Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem Solving We deal with problems almost every day. Problems can be large or small, and occur in all aspects of our lives – in our personal lives and at work. Some problems are easily solved, while others are not so easily fixed. If we don’t focus on resolving problems, they may become bigger. Even problems that seem to go away sometimes come back to haunt us later. Over time, unsolved problems create stress in our lives and take a toll on our health and well being. We solve problems all the time using various strategies and approaches. How did we learn to do this? Did anyone every sit down and teach us how to problem solve? Most people would say no – most people learn how to solve problems though experience and using strategies that worked for them in the past. But we’re not all good at solving problems. Most of us can handle the smaller day-to- day problems, but the bigger and more complicated problems are much harder to deal with. And many people find that when they feel stressed or overwhelmed, their problem solving skills seem to suffer. In fact, when people feel overwhelmed, they often avoid the bigger problems (which, unfortunately, does not make them go away). Problem solving is a set of skills. This means that it is something you can learn and develop – and get better at. Working on improving your problem solving skills can help you function better in all aspects of your life, including at your job. Not only will it help
  • 3. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 3 you solve your problems more effectively, but it may even reduce your stress level and help you feel more confident. There are many different ways to solve a problem. All of them involve a series of steps. In this booklet we are going to focus on a 7-step problem solving model. Seven steps to solve a problem may seem like overkill, especially for smaller problems. However, it is worth giving this process a try – getting practice going through this step-
  • 4. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 4 by-step approach to coming up with solutions to problems can be really useful preparation for the bigger problems you may face in the future. The more you practice this, the easier it will be to move through the steps efficiently and effectively. STEP 1: Identify the Problem Sounds easy, right? Not always. Sometimes you may not be clear on what the specific problem is, or you may see a collection of specific problems as just one huge problem. In order to solve a problem, you need to figure out exactly what the problem is. Start by making a list of problems you need to fix. These can be related to any part of your life.
  • 5. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 5 Review your list and decide on ONE problem you want to focus on. In the space below, describe your problem – be as specific as possible. If your description of your problem is too vague, it will be hard to know where your solution should start. For example, if you identify your problem as “My kids are driving me crazy”, it is a lot harder to know where to start than it would be if you managed to be more specific – “My kids are disorganized and don’t listen to me when I ask them to get ready for school, and as a result they are often late”. To help you narrow down the problem, it can be helpful to ask yourself some questions:  What is the situation right now?  What is making me feel upset?  What would I like the situation to be?
  • 6. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 6 STEP 2. Explore the Problem Once you are clear on what exactly the problem is, you can start to think about it from different angles. Here is a list of questions you can ask yourself that may help you think about your problem in different ways. This process can help you in coming up with ideas for effective solutions. How is this problem affecting me? How is this problem affecting others? Is this a problem for anyone else? If so, what are other people doing about this? Are there any obstacles in the way of solving this – what is standing in my way?
  • 7. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 7 Step 3: Set Goals Isn’t it time to start thinking about solutions? Not quite yet! Before you decide how you are going to solve the problem, it is important to think carefully about what it is – exactly – that you want to achieve. This is especially true for bigger, more complicated problems. Think about your problem, and what it is that you want to achieve – it is time to start narrowing down your goals. If one of your problems is “my job is very stressful”, you may be tempted to say your goal is to “reduce my stress at work”. This is probably very true – but not very helpful in terms of really setting a goal because it is quite vague
  • 8. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 8 and general. How would you reduce the stress at work? Setting goals can be a lot more effective you use the SMART principle. The SMART principle is a technique for goal setting that can help you set goals you can actually achieve. Here is how it works: When you are setting a goal, try to make it Specific. “Reduce my stress at work” is general. “Improve my time management skills so that I can be organized and schedule my work tasks every day” is specific, and provides a much better starting point for coming up with solutions. Measureable. Finding way to measure the goal will help you know when have achieved it. For example, a goal that is hard to measure is “being more organized”. A measurable goal could be “Each morning, use the calendar on my computer to schedule my day and include time to respond to emails and work on my important projects”. It should be clear whether you are meeting the goal or not. To determine whether your goal is measureable, ask yourself questions such as: What exactly do I need to do? When? How much? How many times? How will I know when I have achieved this goal? Action-oriented. It is a lot easier to achieve goals when they involve you doing something. Even if your problem is a situation or another person’s behaviour, think about what you might be able to do to help solve the problem.
  • 9. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 9 Realistic. It is important that your goal is realistic! Think about whether your goal is manageable for you, right now. Time-limited. Give yourself a time frame. Commitment to a deadline will help you focus your efforts and get started. This can be harder than you think! Use the box below to start working on your goal. There is lots of space provided so that you can rework your goal to meet all of the SMART criteria.
  • 10. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 10 Think about how you will know when you have reached your goal, and record it in the space below. If you have trouble answering this question, you may want to keep working on defining your SMART goal so that you feel clear on how you will know when you have achieved it.
  • 11. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 11 Using the SMART principle can be useful to determining what it is that you want to achieve. It is also a helpful tool to use later on when you are planning your specific solutions. Step 4: Look at Alternatives Finally, time to start thinking about solutions! This is a time for brainstorming – the more possible solutions you find, the more likely it is that you will find the most effective solutions. There is space in the box below to start writing down possible solutions to your problem. If you need more space, use extra paper. Here are a few brainstorming tips:  It’s easier to find a good solution when you have lots of different solutions to choose from.  It doesn’t matter whether the ideas are useful or practical at this stage – just write down any idea as it comes to you. This may help “get the juices flowing” and lead you to new and creative solutions. You can discard the bad ideas later.  You can also seek ideas about possible solutions by talking to others.  Some solutions that seem silly at first can work when combined with other ideas.
  • 12. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 12
  • 13. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 13 Step 5: Select a Possible Solution Review your list of possible solutions. Think about which of these are most likely to give you the outcome you want. Which ones are most relevant to your situation? Which ones are most manageable? What are the pros and cons of the possible solutions? If you think it might be helpful, review your possible solutions with a friend or family member, and talk about the possible outcomes for your solutions, and about which ones might be the most practical or easy to implement. Going through the process of thinking about possible outcomes and the advantages and disadvantages of your possible solutions will help you identify the solution that will probably work best for you. You can use the following questions as a guide to choosing the best solution.  Will this help me reach my goal and solve the problem?  How good or bad will I feel if I choose this solution? Sometimes solutions can solve the problem but end up making you feel unhappy.  How much time and effort does this solution involve? Is this practical for me right now?  Does this solution have more benefits than costs? Think about how your possible solution will affect you and others. Remember that a perfect solution rarely exists. There may be possible negative consequences to all of your possible solutions. Your job is to pick a solution that is the best for you right now, with the most benefits and the least costs.
  • 14. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 14 Record the solution you think will work the best for you in the box below. Step 6: Implement Your Solution After you’ve picked your solution, it is time to make a plan of action! Think about the SMART principle – make sure your plan is specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and time-limited. Write down all the steps it will take to carry out your solution. You will be much more likely to take action if you know exactly what you need to do, step by step.
  • 15. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 15 Now it’s time to get started! Plan when – exactly – you are going to begin to implement you plan. Step 7: Evaluate Effectiveness So – did your solution work? Once you have implemented your plan, you can determine whether you were successful in solving your problem. If the answer is yes, then pat
  • 16. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 16 yourself on the back! If things didn’t go as planned, then you may need to figure out what went wrong or got in the way. You may need to revamp your plan, or perhaps go back and choose a different solution, and make a new step-by-step plan. You can use the space below to map out your revised plan, or if you decide on a different solution, a new step-by-step plan. Don’t get
  • 17. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 17 discouraged if you have to go through these steps more than once. Finding the right solution can be challenging, especially for more complicated problems.
  • 18. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 18 Let’s run through an example of this seven step process. Step 1: Identify the Problem Megan has been back at work for two weeks after a six month leave due to problems she was having with lower back pain and depression. She is finding her return to work to be pretty tough; she is having trouble staying focused and finds multi-tasking leaves her feeling anxious and frantic. She feels overwhelmed by her job tasks and worries that she is falling behind. Her back pain seems to be getting worse from sitting in her office chair for so long. She is exhausted after work and finds that she is irritable with her husband and kids.
  • 19. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 19 Megan made a list of the problems she was facing: Megan reviewed her problem list, and decided to focus on #2 – “I’m disorganized”. She worked on narrowing down the problem a little bit more: 1. I’m overwhelmed and stressed at work 2. I’m disorganized 3. I am behind in my emails 4. I’m having trouble focusing – I’m trying to keep track of several things at once and don’t get anything done 5. I’m forgetting to do things 6. My back is really sore by the afternoon which makes it even harder to focus and get anything done 7. I’m grumpy with Dave and the kids – it’s not fair to them 8. I can’t sleep because my back hurts and I’m worried I’ll get fired I’m disorganized.  My disorganization results in me having trouble focusing (because I am trying to do to many things at once, or I switch tasks before completing what I’m doing) and forgetting things (I’m forgetting things because I don’t keep track of the things I need to do)  Being disorganized leads to me feeling stressed and overwhelmed  I want to have a tidy desk, and a clear plan for each day, with time to spend on the important things I need to do
  • 20. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 20 When Megan started thinking more carefully about her problem, she realized that several of the problems on her original list were related to the problems she was having with disorganization. It also helped her to start thinking about how she would like things to change. Step 2: Explore the Problem
  • 21. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 21 Megan used these questions to help her look at her problem from different angles: This process helped Megan start thinking about the negative effects this problem was having on her and those around her, but also helped her see that she is not the only one struggling with disorganization. It also helped her starting thinking about ways that others deal with being disorganized (and that she knew some of these strategies already – she was teaching them to her son!) Step 3: Set Goals Megan used the SMART (specific, manageable, action-oriented, realistic, and time- limited) principle to develop a goal: SMART Goal I want to improve my time management skills so that I can feel more in control of my work tasks and environment. I would like to have a practical plan ready by Friday so that I can start making changes on Monday. How is this problem affecting me? It is making me less productive at work. I am feeling stressed and overwhelmed. It’s affecting my mood and sleep. How is it affecting others? My coworkers have to do some of my work. I’m grumpy with my family. Who else experiences this problem? Elsie (coworker) has problems being disorganized. My son is very disorganized. What do they do about it? Elsie has learned how to use her work email/calendar more effectively to help her organize her day. I could ask her about that. I try to help my son be more organized – for example, getting him to use his smartphone to keep a calendar for events and deadlines.
  • 22. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 22 This helped Megan come up with an overall goal for what she wanted to achieve. There were still details to work out (like the plan!) but she could use the SMART principle again later to help her work out more detailed, specific action-oriented goals. Step 4: Look at Alternatives Megan made a list of things she might be able to do to help her be more organized at work.
  • 23. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 23  Use my computer calendar/email system to plan and schedule my work tasks – this will also give me reminders so I’m less likely to forget things  Make a list at the end of each day of the things I want to work on the next day – prioritize the list, and keep it by my keyboard so I can see it  Clean up my desk!  Take breaks so I can relax a bit and organize my thoughts (this might also help with my back pain!)  Turn off my email notifications so I can stay focused on what I’m doing (instead of switching to my email)  Schedule time to catch up on emails  Keep a notepad on my desk so I can make notes and lists  Ask coworkers to help with some of my work tasks for the next week or two until I feel more on top of things  Stay late for a few nights so that I can get caught up
  • 24. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 24 Step 5: Select a Possible Solution Megan reviewed her list of possible solutions, and thought about how realistic and manageable they were, as well as the possible outcomes. She decided a few of her solutions were not such great ideas for her at this point of time. For example, staying late might result in her feeling more stressed and overwhelmed, and evengrumpier when she got home. It also might not be manageable, given that her back pain was worse at the end of the day. She decided that there were a few possible solutions that were worth focusing on because she believed they were most likely to be of benefit, and had the least amount of risk.
  • 25. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 25 However, these seemed like a lot to do at once. Megan decided it would be most manageable for her to work on implementing one possible solution at a time. She decided to choose one solution and work on implementing it over a period of one week. If that went well, she would try to start on one of the other solutions the following week.  Use my computer calendar/email system to plan and schedule my work tasks – this will also give me reminders so I’m less likely to forget things  Make a list at the end of each day of the things I want to work on the next day – prioritize the list, and keep it by my keyboard so I can see it  Clean up my desk!  Take breaks so I can relax a bit and organize my thoughts (this might also help with my back pain!)  Turn off my email notifications so I can stay focused on what I’m doing (instead of switching to my email)  Schedule time to catch up on emails
  • 26. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 26 She decided to start with: Step 6: Implement your Solution Looking back at the SMART principle, Megan decided to get even more specific and focus on being time-limited. Here was her plan: Use my computer calendar/email system to plan and schedule my work tasks – this will also give me reminders so I’m less likely to forget things
  • 27. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 27 Step 7. Evaluate Effectiveness of Solution. At the end of the week, Megan was pleased with how using her computer email/calendar system was helping her be more organized. However, she identified a few problems.  Spend five minutes each morning reviewing and organizing my calendar  Allow extra time for each task  Leave a 30 minute block empty in the morning and afternoon for unexpected tasks (I can fill these with things on my to-do list if nothing comes up)  Stick to the schedule! Try not to get distracted by other tasks  Start using the calendar on Monday  Stick to it for one week and then evaluate how it’s going
  • 28. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 28 Megan made a few tweaks to her original plan:  I didn’t schedule enough time to finish tasks  I didn’t leave any time in my schedule for unexpected (but important) tasks – this led me to fall behind in my “plan” which made me feel stressed  Spend five minutes each morning reviewing and organizing my calendar  Stick to the schedule! Try not to get distracted by other tasks  Start using the calendar on Monday  Stick to it for one week and then evaluate how it’s going
  • 29. Getting Ready to Return to Work: Problem-Solving | 2014 Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Page | 29 After a few weeks of working on her first solution, Megan was satisfied she was on the right track, but she felt that she still having some problems with disorganization. She decided to start implementing some of the other possible solutions on her list. You can use Megan’s example to help you work through this process using your own problems. Remember that effective problem-solving is a process that takes time and practice. It doesn’t always go right the first time – that’s okay! Remind yourself to be flexible, and to keep trying. Learn from what didn’t work and move forward!