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Presentation Skills
             By : Gihan Aboueleish
Gihan aboueleish
Learning Objectives
         What is Communication ?
         The Communication Cycle
         Impact of a message
         Styles of Communication
         Body Language.
         What is a skill?
         Listening Skills.
         Designing Effective PowerPoint Presentation.
         Types of Instructional Tools.
         Some “Presentation” as application.
         Some Final Words
Gihan aboueleish
Why Communication ..?

   Communication
   Miss-communication
   Communication Skills.

Gihan aboueleish
What is Communication?

The dictionary defines communication as
             a process by which information is
      exchanged between individuals through a
      common system of symbols, signs or

Gihan aboueleish
Functions of Communication

   Control
   Motivation
   Emotional Expression
   Information

    Gihan aboueleish
Communication Process ;municatio

Gihan aboueleish
Communication Cycle


 Sender            Channel    Receiver


Gihan aboueleish
Cultural Difference “video”
Types of Communication

         Verbal                              Non - Verbal

                                     Postures &         Facial
     Words Voice
                                     movements          expressions

                        Clear Linguistics



Gihan aboueleish        Rate
Barriers to Effective Communication

    Filtering
    Selective Perception
    Emotions
    Language
    Culture

 Gihan aboueleish
Cultural Misunderstanding “Video”
Key Communication Skills

   Listening Skills

   Feedback Skills

   Presentation skills

    Gihan aboueleish
Verbal Communication

          Words

            Use  Simple Language (avoid
            Grammatically correct
            Avoid slang
            Be precise (avoid redundancy)

 Gihan aboueleish
Don’t                                            Do
         I can’t do this…                        I’ll check it for you…
         I can’t help you…
         I don’t know…

         You don’t understand…                   Let me explain…
         You are wrong…

         I think…                                I suggest…

         Please listen to me..                   I recommend…

         You will have to…                       In order to complete the process we will need to…

         Just a second…                          May I place you on hold…
         Hold on…
         “No” in the beginning of the sentence   I am afraid...
                                                 I would love to do it however…

         What? What did u say?                   Pardon Me…
                                                 Could you please repeat…

         But                                     However
         We can’t do…                            What we can do is…

Gihan aboueleish
Non – Verbal Communication
            Facial Expressions

            Eye Communication
                  90% of our personal communication calls for
                  Look at people for 5 to 10 seconds before looking away,
                   it shows involvement.

                  Smile

                  It improves your face value !!

Gihan aboueleish
Non – Verbal Communication
                  Gestures

                  Are you aware how you look to others?

                  Find out your habits

                  Find your nervous gestures

Gihan aboueleish
Non – Verbal Communication
      Posture And Movement

      Stand Tall.

      The difference between towering and cowering is
      totally a matter of inner posture.

      It’s got nothing to do with height, it costs nothing and
      its more fun.

Gihan aboueleish
Impact of a Message

 Gihan aboueleish
Impact of a Message


    Gihan aboueleish
Gihan aboueleish
How Does Body Speak?

                   -   Like any spoken language,
                       body language has words,
                       sentences and punctuation.

                   -   Each gesture is like a single
                       word and one word may have
                       several different meanings.

Gihan aboueleish
Let’s Examine How Body Communicates,
from head to toes

 Gihan aboueleish
-   Nodding the head
    -   “Yes” in most societies
    -   “No” in some parts of Greece, Yugoslavia,
        Bulgaria, and Turkey
-   Tossing the head backward
    -   “yes” in Thailand, the Philippines, India, Laos
-   Rocking head slowly, back and forth
    -   “yes, I’m listening” in most Asian cultures
    Gihan aboueleish

Gihan aboueleish
*   Eye contacts
    -   Encouraged in America, Canada, Europe
    -   Rude in most Asian countries and in Africa
*   Raising eyebrows
    -   “Yes” in Thailand and some Asian countries
    -   “Hello” in the Philippines
*   Winking eye
    -   Sharing secret in America and Europe
    -   flirtatious gesture in other countries
    Gihan aboueleish
*   Ear grasp
    -   “I’m sorry.” in parts of India

*   Cupping the ear
    -   “I can’t hear you.” in all societies

*   Pulling ear
    -   “You are in my heart” for Indians
    Gihan aboueleish
*   Holding the nose
    -   “Something smells bad.” universal

*   Nose tap
    -   “It’s confidential.” England
    -   “Watch out!” or "Be careful.” Italy

    Gihan aboueleish
*   Pointing to nose
     -   “It’s me.” Japan

*   Blowing nose
     -   In most Asian countries, blowing the
         nose at social gathering is
    Gihan aboueleish
Whistle, yawn, smile, bite, point, sneeze, spit, kiss..
*   Kiss. In parts of Asia, kissing is considered an intimate sexual
    act and not permissible in public, even as a social greeting.

*   Kissing sound. To attract attention in the Philippines, to beckon
    a waiter in Mexico.

*   Finger tip kiss. In France, it conveys several messages, “That’s
    good!” “That’s great!” “That’s beautiful!.”

    Gihan aboueleish
Cultural Shock “Video”
   Lip pointing (a substitute for pointing
    with the hand or finger) is common
    among Filipinos, Native Americans and
    many Latin Americans.

   Open mouth. Any display of the open
    mouth is considered very rude in most

    Gihan aboueleish
   Some cultures, like the Italians, use the arms
    freely. Others, like the Japanese, are more
    reserved; it is considered impolite for broad
    movements of the arms.

   Folding arms are interpreted by some social
    observers as a form of excluding self, “I am
    taking a defensive posture,” or “I disagree with
    what I am hearing.”
    Gihan aboueleish
   Of all the body parts, the hands are
    probably used most for
    communicating non-verbally.

   Hand waves are used for greetings,
    beckoning, or farewells.

    Gihan aboueleish
  The   Italian “good-bye” wave can be
    interpreted by Americans as the gesture
    of “come here.”

  The   American “good-bye” wave can be
    interpreted in many parts of Europe and
    Latin America as the signal for “no.”

Gihan aboueleish
HANDS                  (Cont’d)

   Beckoning.
     The   American way of getting attention (raising
        a hand with the index finger raised above
        head) could be considered rude in Japan, and
        also means “two” in Germany.

     The   American “come here” gesture could be
        seen as an insult in most Asian countries.
     In  China, to beckon a waiter to refill your tea,
        simply turn your empty cup upside down.
    Gihan aboueleish
HANDS                  (Cont’d)

   Right hand. The right hand has special
    significance in many societies. In certain
    countries in the Middle East and in Asia, it is best
    to present business cards or gifts, or to pass
    dishes of food, to get an attention, using only the
    right hand or both.

   Left hand is considered unclean in much of the
    Middle East and in parts of Indonesia.

    Gihan aboueleish
   The “O.K.” signal. (the thumb and
    forefinger form a circle) means
        “fine,” or “O.K.” in most cultures,
     “zero” or “worthless” in some parts of
     “money”          in Japan
     an  insult in Greece, Brazil, Italy, Turkey,
        Russia and some other countries
    Gihan aboueleish
FINGERS                 (Cont’d)

   Pointing.
     Pointingwith the index finger
      is common in North America
      and Europe.
     But it is considered impolite in
      Japan and China where they
      favor using the whole open
     Malaysians  prefer pointing
      with the thumb.
     Gihan aboueleish
   In Asia, do not point with your toes.
   In Asia and some European countries, putting
    feet up on a desk or any other piece of
    furniture is very disrespectful.
   Sitting cross-legged, while common in North
    America and some European countries, is
    very impolite in other parts of the world.

    Gihan aboueleish
   Walking can reflect many characteristics of a
    culture. For example,
     In parts of Asia and some of the Middle Eastern
       countries, men who are friends may walk holding
       each other’s hand.
     In  Japan and Korea, older women commonly walk
       a pace or two behind male companion.
     Asians often regard Western women as bold and
       aggressive, for they walk with a longer gait.

Gihan aboueleish
Thank you
Communication &
presentation Skills
Presented by :   gihan aboueleish
   Feedback skills
   Developing feedback skills.
   Communication types.
   Application.
   Skills Definition.
   Listening skills.
   Listening types.
   Effective Listening.
   Barrier to effective listening.

    Gihan aboueleish
Feedback Skills
Positive vs. Negative Feedback

   Positive feedback is more readily and accurately
    perceived than negative feedback.

   Positive feedback fits what most people wish to hear
    and already believe about themselves.

   Negative feedback is most likely to be accepted when it
    comes from a credible source if it is objective in form.

   Subjective impressions carry weight only when they
    come from a person with high status and credibility

 Gihan aboueleish
Developing Effective Feedback Skills

   Focus on specific behaviors.
   Keep feedback impersonal
   Keep feedback goal oriented
   Make feedback well timed
   Ensure understanding
   Direct feedback toward behavior that is
    controllable by the recipient

    Gihan aboueleish
Group Think

   Phenomena in which the norm for
    consensus overrides the realistic
    appraisal of alternative course of action

    Gihan aboueleish
Styles Of Communication

         Aggressive communication

        Submissive communication

        Assertive communication

Gihan aboueleish
Aggressive communication

  Those who communicate in an aggressive manner
   are generally perceived as selfish and unwilling to
   compromise. This style is usually linked to a desire
   to hurt others or exact revenge, or may reflect poor
   emotional development.
It usually attacks the other person instead of

 expressing a need:
Ex; "You never spend any time with me“
 versus

             "I need to spend more time with you".

Gihan aboueleish
Passive Communication

      Passive communication is based on
       compliance and hopes to avoid confrontation
       at all costs. In this mode we don't talk much,
       question even less, and actually do very little.
       We just don't want to rock the boat. Passives
       have learned that it is safer not to react and
       better to disappear than to stand up and be

Gihan aboueleish
Assertive communication
   The most effective and healthiest form of communication. It's how
    we naturally express ourselves when our self-esteem is intact,
    giving us the confidence to communicate without games and

   When we are being assertive, we work hard to create mutually
    satisfying solutions. We communicate our needs clearly. We care
    about the relationship and insist for a win/win situation. We know
    our limits and refuse to be pushed beyond them just because
    someone else wants or needs something from us. Surprisingly,
    assertive is the style most people use least.

Gihan aboueleish

      Have a look at these situations and decide
       how... aggressive person would react

      Situation # 01.

      Situation # 02.
Gihan aboueleish

    You are trying to concentrate on some important
    work. However, a few of your co-workers are
    laughing and horsing around. What do you do?

   You are the head of your department. A young lady
    who works for you has started coming to work late
    everyday and is extremely moody. What do you do?

Gihan aboueleish
What is a Skill?

               Skill is defined as a
               learned power of doing
               something competently.

                   It is a developed
                   aptitude or ability.

Gihan aboueleish
Listening Skills

An open ear is the only
believable sign
of an open heart.
                    David Augsburger

 Gihan aboueleish
Types of Listening

          Listening are of 3 types:

           Hearing

           Passive listening

           Active listening

Gihan aboueleish
Barriers to Active Listening

   Environmental barriers
   Physiological barriers
   Psychological barriers
   Selective Listening
   Negative Listening Attitudes
   Personal Reactions
   Poor Motivation

 Gihan aboueleish
Ineffective listening “Video”
Pseudo listening
                               pretending to listen
Stage hogging
                            the receiver is more concerned with
making his own point than understanding the speaker

Insulated Listening
                                        this listener fails to hear or
acknowledge the speaker when they don't want to discuss a topic
and the speaker starts talking about the subject anyway
Defensive Listening -
                                       this listener thinks the speaker
is out to get them and reads into every word that is being said to try
to decipher if they feel it is a personal insult
                              gathering information to use against you
when you finish speaking
Insensitive Listening
                                         the speaker is communicating
more than the words that are actually spoken
How to Be an Effective Listener

              What You Think about Listening ?

              Understand the complexities of listening
              Prepare to listen
              Adjust to the situation
              Focus on ideas or key points
              Capitalize on the speed differential
              Organize material for learning

               Gihan aboueleish
How to Be an Effective Listener (cont.)

 What You Feel about Listening ?
 Want to listen
 Delay judgment
 Admit your biases
 Don’t tune out “dry” subjects
 Accept responsibility for understanding
 Encourage others to talk

 Gihan aboueleish
How to Be an Effective Listener (cont.)

 What You Do about Listening ?

 Establish eye contact with the speaker
 Take notes effectively
 Be a physically involved listener
 Avoid negative mannerisms
 Exercise your listening muscles
 Follow the Golden Rule
 Gihan aboueleish
Important Details
      Be calm and collected at all times

      Be loud enough to be easily heard

      Use words with accurate diction & correct

      Speak slowly and make use of pauses to stress
      important ideas.

 Gihan aboueleish
Important Details

   Use a confident tone and a level clear vocabulary.

   Be vibrant and enthusiastic – avoid a dull, monotonous

   Know what you are talking about and accept the
   limitations of your knowledge.

Gihan aboueleish
Finally, remember that
   interpersonal communication is a
   multitude of skills. Also remember
   that skills can be learned and
   practiced. It is our hope that you are
   on your way to mastering the


Gihan aboueleish
    Create a presentation about ;
     - Motivating people in boring jobs

     - Media Influence on Egyptian.

     - How social network influenced every person in society .

     - Steve Jobs ; Personality traits and their effects on the overall personality.

     - Arabian Facebook !

     - Deforestation and its negative impact for the future

     - Movies and their impact on mindsets

     - Advertising may influence the consumer behavior.

     - Ethics in science …is a barrier or helper ?

     - Current lifestyle evil.

     - Technology impact.

     - HSCB think global & act local.

     - The Bermuda Triangle Is A Myth.

     - Persuade the audience to elect you “President of Egypt”

     - CRM – holy grail or holy smoke

                                                                    Your presentation should not exceed 15 Min with Maximum 20 slides.

Gihan aboueleish
Designing Effective
“PowerPoint Presentations”

         By : Gihan aboueleish
Contents ;
   Presentation skills.
   Preparation/ Planning & audience analysis.
   Structure the presentation.
    preparing closing.
   Effective delivery
   Handling questions
   Tips for public presentations.
   Discussing the assigned presentation & Finalizing the
    Gihan aboueleish
Presentation Skills

  Ideas, concepts or issues talked about or spoken to
  a group or audience

  Public speaking is one of the most feared things
        “I could make such a fool of myself”

  Skills required to give a good presentation can be
  developed “ Preparation is the Key”

 Gihan aboueleish
Presentation Skills
*   Preparation/ Planning is the first step on the ladder to

*   Aspects in the development of a good presentation
      *   Self Centered (Self)
      *   Audience Centered (Audience)
      *   Subject Centered (Material)

*   “I want (who) to (what) (where, when and how) because
      Gihan aboueleish
Presentation Skills

   Helpers

What do you want to present (content)?
Why do you want to present (purpose)?
Where will you be presenting (place)?
How do you want to present (words to be used or not,
slides to be used)
Who is your audience?

    Gihan aboueleish
Presentation Skills
   Preparation: Audience Analysis
   What is the audience interested in
   What does the audience want
   What does the audience already know and needs to
   What are their needs, expectations from this
   How will the audience benefit from this presentation

     Gihan aboueleish
Presentation Skills

   Structuring the presentation

                  Middle section
                  5 min. , Questions

    Gihan aboueleish
Presentation Skills

   The Beginning
    - Should be carefully designed.

   Get attention
     - shock, humor, question, story, facts &figures

   Motivate audience to listen
     - listen to their needs
      Gihan aboueleish
Presentation Skills

   Preparation – Structure
   Sequence should be logical &
   Summaries- Recaps
   Value of visual aids-flip charts, handouts etc.

     Gihan aboueleish
Presentation Skills

    Prepare            Closing;

   Last 2 to 2.5 minutes are as critical as the
    first five minutes for a successful
   Summarize- highlight important points
   Suggest action- what to do and when,
    where and how to do it
     Gihan aboueleish
Presentation Skills
   Effective Delivery
   Be active - move
   Be purposeful - controlled gestures
   Variations – vocal (pitch, volume, rate)
   Be natural
   Be direct – don’t just talk in front of the
    audience talk to them
    Gihan aboueleish
Presentation Skills

Handling Questions

   Do not get confused
   You are not supposed to know everything
   Anticipate and keep answers ready
   Sometime questions themselves give you a lead
    to highlight your point of view
     Gihan aboueleish
Presentation Skills
    Visual             Aids;
   While using an over head projector face the
    audience while talking
   Point with a pen
   Appropriate lighting
   Watch the colors
   Ensure clear visibility
   06 lines, 07 words per line
     Gihan aboueleish
Presentation Skills

So to conclude :

                      Always prepare & practice.
                      Control your fear.
                      Interact with your audience

   Gihan aboueleish
Tips for public presentation “Video”
Discussing the assigned presentations.

Gihan aboueleish
Thank you
Communication &
presentation Skills
Presented by :   gihan aboueleish
   Designing effective PowerPoint
   In summery.
   When presenting.
   Closing remarks.
   Discussing the assigned presentations.
   Finalizing the course.
Designing Effective PowerPoint Presentation

                   Big           Progressiv

     Consistent                     Simple

                         Clear          Summary

Gihan aboueleish
Make It   Big
Gihan aboueleish
Make it Big (Text)
      This is Arial 12

      This is Arial 18

      This is Arial 24
      This is Arial 32
      This is Arial 36
      This is Arial 44

Gihan aboueleish
Make it Big (Text)
    This is Arial 12

    This is Arial 18
                        Too Small
    This is Arial 24
    This is Arial 32
    This is Arial 36
    This is Arial 44

Gihan aboueleish
Make It Big (How to Estimate)

                      Look at it from 2 metres away

Gihan aboueleish
Keep It Simple
Gihan aboueleish
Keep It Simple (Text)
     Too many colours
     Too Many Fonts and Styles
     The 6 x 7 rule
       No         more than 6 lines per slide
       No         more than 7 words per line

Gihan aboueleish
Keep It Simple (Text)
Instructional Technology:
A complex integrated process involving people,
procedures, ideas, devices, and organization, for
analyzing problems and devising, implementing,
evaluating, and managing solutions to those
problems in situations in which learning is
                    Too detailed !
purposive and controlled
(HMRS 5th ed.)

 Gihan aboueleish
Keep It Simple (Text)

 Instructional Technology:
   A process involving people, procedures &
   for solutions
              Much Simpler
   to problems in learning
   (HMRS 5th ed.)

Gihan aboueleish
Falling Leaves Observed

                        Delhi        Mumbai       Goa
         January        11,532,234 14,123,654     3,034,564
         February        1,078,456 12,345,567    16,128,234
         March          17,234,778   6,567,123   16,034,786
         April          16,098,897 10,870,954     7,940,096
                    Too detailed !
                         8,036,897 10,345,394    14,856,456
         June           16,184,345    678,095     4,123,656
         July            8,890,345 15,347,934    18,885,786
         August          8,674,234 18,107,110    17,230,095
         September       4,032,045 18,923,239     9,950,498
         October         2,608,096   9,945,890    5,596,096
         November        5,864,034    478,023     6,678,125
Gihan aboueleish        12,234,123   9,532,111    3,045,654
Falling Leaves in Millions

             In 106         Delhi   Mumbai   Goa
             January          11        14     3
             February          1        12    16
             March            17         6    16
             April            16        10     7

                         Much Simpler
             May               8        10    14
             June             16         0     4
             July              8        15    18
             August            8        18    17
             September         4        18     9
             October           2         9     5
             November          5         0     6
             December         12         9     3
Gihan aboueleish
Falling Leaves

                   Too detailed !

Gihan aboueleish
Falling Leaves

                   Much Simpler

Gihan aboueleish
Keep It Simple (Picture)

           Art work may distract your audience
        Artistry does not substitute for content

Gihan aboueleish
Keep It Simple (Sound)
    Sound effects may distract too

  Use sound only when necessary

Gihan aboueleish
Keep It Simple (Transition)
   This transition is annoying, not enhancing

    "Appear" and "Disappear" are better

    Gihan aboueleish
Keep It Simple (Animation)


                   Simple & to the

Gihan aboueleish
Make It Clear
Gihan aboueleish
Make It Clear (Capitalisation)


      Upper and lower case letters are easier

Gihan aboueleish
Make It Clear (Fonts)

 Times/Arial           Z           Z
                   clear   Serif
Gihan aboueleish
Make It Clear (Fonts)
        Serif or Script fonts are difficult to read on
        Arial or Times fonts are clearer
        Italics are difficult to read on screen
        Normal or bold fonts are clearer
        Underlines may signify hyperlinks
        Instead, use colours to emphasise

Gihan aboueleish
Make It Clear (Numbers)
  Use numbers for lists with sequence
  For example:

  How to put an elephant into a fridge?

  1. Open the door of the fridge
  2. Put the elephant in
  3. Close the door

Gihan aboueleish
Make It Clear (Numbers)
How to put a giraffe into a fridge?

1. Open the door of the fridge
2. Take out the elephant
3. Put the giraffe in
4. Close the door

Gihan aboueleish
Make It Clear (Bullets)
Use bullets to show a list without

   Priority
   Sequence
   Hierarchy, …..

 Gihan aboueleish
Make It Clear (Colours)

    Use contrasting colours
    Light on dark vs. dark on light
    Use complementary colours

Gihan aboueleish
Make It Clear (Contrast)
    Use contrasting colours
    Light on dark vs dark on light
    Use complementary colours
                             high contrast

                                 low contrast

Gihan aboueleish
Make It Clear (Contrast)
   Use contrasting colours
   Light on dark vs dark on light
   Use complementary colours

    This is light on dark

Gihan aboueleish
Make It Clear (Contrast)
   Use contrasting colours
   Light on dark vs dark on light
   Use complementary colours

          This is dark on light

    Gihan aboueleish
Make It Clear (Complement)

     Use contrasting colours
      Light on dark vs dark on light
      Use complementary colours

These colours do not complement

 Gihan aboueleish
Make It Clear (Complement)

   Use contrasting colours
    Light on dark vs dark on light
    Use complementary colours

       These colours complement

Gihan aboueleish
Make It Clear (Size)
      Size implies importance

Gihan aboueleish
Make It Clear (Size)

   Size implies importance

Gihan aboueleish
Make It Clear (Focal Points)
      Focal points direct attention

Gihan aboueleish
Make It Clear (Focal Points)
      Focal points direct attention

Gihan aboueleish
Be Progressive
Gihan aboueleish
Types of Instructional Tools

                                             Individual                  Social
                                            Constructive              Constructive
Mode of Instruction

                                               Tools                     Tools

                                   Too many in one go!
                          Inquiry                      Informational Tools

                                              Individual                Social
                                             Instructive             Communicative
                                                Tools                   Tools

                                         Individual          Pair            Group

                Gihan aboueleish                 Complexity of Interactions
Types of Instructional Tools

                                       Individual                   Social
                                      Constructive               Constructive
Mode of Instruction

                                         Tools                      Tools


                                      Progressive &
                          Inquiry                Informational Tools

                                      thus focused
                                         Individual                Social
                                        Instructive             Communicative
                                           Tools                   Tools

                                    Individual         Pair            Group

    Gihan aboueleish                       Complexity of Interactions
Understanding Technology

Mouse                              I/O Error

Main Storage                       CPU

Function key         Too many &User interface
Software             not focusedDebugger

Floppy disk                       Backup system

  Gihan aboueleish
Understanding Technology

Mouse                              I/O Error

Main Storage                       CPU

Function key         Progressive & interface

Software              thus focused

Floppy disk                       Backup system

  Gihan aboueleish
Be Consistent
Gihan aboueleish
Be Consistent
   Differences draw attention

   Differences may imply importance

   Use surprises to attract not distract

Gihan aboueleish
Be Consistent

Differences draw attention
   Differences may imply importance
   Use surprises to attract not distract

     This tick draws attention

Gihan aboueleish
Be Consistent
Differences draw attention
 Differences may imply importance
o    Use surprises to attract not distract

        These differences distract!

Gihan aboueleish
Be Consistent
     Differences draw attention
     Differences may imply importance
     Use surprises to attract not distract

                   This implies importance

Gihan aboueleish
Be Consistent
   Differences draw attention
   Differences may imply importance
   Use surprises to attract not distract

                       Confusing differences!
    Gihan aboueleish
Be Consistent
   Differences draw attention
   Differences may imply importance
   Use surprises to attract not distract

                               This surprise attracts

Gihan aboueleish
Be Consistent
   Differences draw attention
   Differences may imply importance
   Use surprises to attract not distract

                       These distract!

Gihan aboueleish
In Summary
   Big
   Simple
   Clear
   Progressive
   Consistent

    Gihan aboueleish
When Creating
   Text to support the communication
   Pictures to simplify complex concepts
   Animations for complex relationships
   Visuals to support, not to distract
   Sounds only when absolutely necessary
   Think about the people in the back of the
    room when creating slides
Gihan aboueleish
When Presenting

      Speak loudly and clearly with fluctuation

      Direct your words to all aspects of the room

      Maintain eye contact with your audience

      Ask questions of your audience (if applicable)

      Don’t read the slides word-for-word, use them for

Gihan aboueleish
Closing Remarks
   Practice your presentation before a neutral
   Ask for feedback
   Be particular about the time allotted for
   Leave time for questions

Gihan aboueleish
Discussing the assigned presentations &
          finalize the course.

Gihan aboueleish
Thank You !

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Presentation communication skills_universal

  • 1. Presentation Skills By : Gihan Aboueleish
  • 3. Learning Objectives  What is Communication ?  The Communication Cycle  Impact of a message  Styles of Communication  Body Language.  What is a skill?  Listening Skills.  Designing Effective PowerPoint Presentation.  Types of Instructional Tools.  Some “Presentation” as application.  Some Final Words Gihan aboueleish
  • 4. Why Communication ..?  Communication  Miss-communication  Communication Skills. Gihan aboueleish
  • 5. What is Communication? The dictionary defines communication as a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behaviors. Gihan aboueleish
  • 6. Functions of Communication  Control  Motivation  Emotional Expression  Information Gihan aboueleish
  • 8. Communication Cycle Message Various Sender Channel Receiver Feedback Gihan aboueleish
  • 10. Types of Communication Types Verbal Non - Verbal Postures & Facial Words Voice movements expressions Modulation Diction Gestures Clear Linguistics Tone Volume Gihan aboueleish Rate
  • 11. Barriers to Effective Communication  Filtering  Selective Perception  Emotions  Language  Culture Gihan aboueleish
  • 13. Key Communication Skills  Listening Skills  Feedback Skills  Presentation skills Gihan aboueleish
  • 14. Verbal Communication  Words  Use Simple Language (avoid jargon)  Grammatically correct  Avoid slang  Be precise (avoid redundancy) Gihan aboueleish
  • 15. Don’t Do I can’t do this… I’ll check it for you… I can’t help you… I don’t know… You don’t understand… Let me explain… You are wrong… I think… I suggest… Please listen to me.. I recommend… You will have to… In order to complete the process we will need to… Just a second… May I place you on hold… Hold on… “No” in the beginning of the sentence I am afraid... I would love to do it however… What? What did u say? Pardon Me… Could you please repeat… But However We can’t do… What we can do is… Gihan aboueleish
  • 16. Non – Verbal Communication  Facial Expressions  Eye Communication  90% of our personal communication calls for involvement.  Look at people for 5 to 10 seconds before looking away, it shows involvement.  Smile  It improves your face value !! Gihan aboueleish
  • 17. Non – Verbal Communication  Gestures  Are you aware how you look to others?  Find out your habits  Find your nervous gestures Gihan aboueleish
  • 18. Non – Verbal Communication  Posture And Movement  Stand Tall.  The difference between towering and cowering is totally a matter of inner posture.  It’s got nothing to do with height, it costs nothing and its more fun. Gihan aboueleish
  • 19. Impact of a Message Gihan aboueleish
  • 20. Impact of a Message - Gihan aboueleish
  • 21.
  • 23. How Does Body Speak? - Like any spoken language, body language has words, sentences and punctuation. - - Each gesture is like a single word and one word may have several different meanings. Gihan aboueleish
  • 24. Let’s Examine How Body Communicates, from head to toes Gihan aboueleish
  • 25. HEAD - Nodding the head - “Yes” in most societies - “No” in some parts of Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Turkey - Tossing the head backward - “yes” in Thailand, the Philippines, India, Laos - Rocking head slowly, back and forth - “yes, I’m listening” in most Asian cultures Gihan aboueleish
  • 27. EYES * Eye contacts - Encouraged in America, Canada, Europe - Rude in most Asian countries and in Africa * Raising eyebrows - “Yes” in Thailand and some Asian countries - “Hello” in the Philippines * Winking eye - Sharing secret in America and Europe - flirtatious gesture in other countries Gihan aboueleish
  • 28. EARS * Ear grasp - “I’m sorry.” in parts of India * Cupping the ear - “I can’t hear you.” in all societies * Pulling ear - “You are in my heart” for Indians Gihan aboueleish
  • 29. NOSE * Holding the nose - “Something smells bad.” universal * Nose tap - “It’s confidential.” England - “Watch out!” or "Be careful.” Italy Gihan aboueleish
  • 30. NOSE * Pointing to nose - “It’s me.” Japan * Blowing nose - In most Asian countries, blowing the nose at social gathering is ‘disgusting.’ Gihan aboueleish
  • 31. LIPS AND MOUTH Whistle, yawn, smile, bite, point, sneeze, spit, kiss.. * Kiss. In parts of Asia, kissing is considered an intimate sexual act and not permissible in public, even as a social greeting. * Kissing sound. To attract attention in the Philippines, to beckon a waiter in Mexico. * Finger tip kiss. In France, it conveys several messages, “That’s good!” “That’s great!” “That’s beautiful!.” Gihan aboueleish
  • 33. THE LIP POINTING  Lip pointing (a substitute for pointing with the hand or finger) is common among Filipinos, Native Americans and many Latin Americans.  Open mouth. Any display of the open mouth is considered very rude in most countries. Gihan aboueleish
  • 34. ARMS  Some cultures, like the Italians, use the arms freely. Others, like the Japanese, are more reserved; it is considered impolite for broad movements of the arms.  Folding arms are interpreted by some social observers as a form of excluding self, “I am taking a defensive posture,” or “I disagree with what I am hearing.” Gihan aboueleish
  • 35. HANDS  Of all the body parts, the hands are probably used most for communicating non-verbally.  Hand waves are used for greetings, beckoning, or farewells. Gihan aboueleish
  • 36. HANDS  The Italian “good-bye” wave can be interpreted by Americans as the gesture of “come here.”  The American “good-bye” wave can be interpreted in many parts of Europe and Latin America as the signal for “no.” Gihan aboueleish
  • 37. HANDS (Cont’d)  Beckoning.  The American way of getting attention (raising a hand with the index finger raised above head) could be considered rude in Japan, and also means “two” in Germany.  The American “come here” gesture could be seen as an insult in most Asian countries.  In China, to beckon a waiter to refill your tea, simply turn your empty cup upside down. Gihan aboueleish
  • 38. HANDS (Cont’d)  Right hand. The right hand has special significance in many societies. In certain countries in the Middle East and in Asia, it is best to present business cards or gifts, or to pass dishes of food, to get an attention, using only the right hand or both.  Left hand is considered unclean in much of the Middle East and in parts of Indonesia. Gihan aboueleish
  • 39. FINGERS  The “O.K.” signal. (the thumb and forefinger form a circle) means  “fine,” or “O.K.” in most cultures,  “zero” or “worthless” in some parts of Europe  “money” in Japan  an insult in Greece, Brazil, Italy, Turkey, Russia and some other countries Gihan aboueleish
  • 40. FINGERS (Cont’d)  Pointing.  Pointingwith the index finger is common in North America and Europe.  But it is considered impolite in Japan and China where they favor using the whole open hand.  Malaysians prefer pointing with the thumb. Gihan aboueleish
  • 41. LEGS AND FEET  In Asia, do not point with your toes.  In Asia and some European countries, putting feet up on a desk or any other piece of furniture is very disrespectful.  Sitting cross-legged, while common in North America and some European countries, is very impolite in other parts of the world. Gihan aboueleish
  • 42. WALKING  Walking can reflect many characteristics of a culture. For example,  In parts of Asia and some of the Middle Eastern countries, men who are friends may walk holding each other’s hand.  In Japan and Korea, older women commonly walk a pace or two behind male companion.  Asians often regard Western women as bold and aggressive, for they walk with a longer gait. Gihan aboueleish
  • 45. Contents;  Feedback skills  Developing feedback skills.  Communication types.  Application.  Skills Definition.  Listening skills.  Listening types.  Effective Listening.  Barrier to effective listening. Gihan aboueleish
  • 46. Feedback Skills Positive vs. Negative Feedback  Positive feedback is more readily and accurately perceived than negative feedback.  Positive feedback fits what most people wish to hear and already believe about themselves.  Negative feedback is most likely to be accepted when it comes from a credible source if it is objective in form.  Subjective impressions carry weight only when they come from a person with high status and credibility Gihan aboueleish
  • 47. Developing Effective Feedback Skills  Focus on specific behaviors.  Keep feedback impersonal  Keep feedback goal oriented  Make feedback well timed  Ensure understanding  Direct feedback toward behavior that is controllable by the recipient Gihan aboueleish
  • 48. Group Think  Phenomena in which the norm for consensus overrides the realistic appraisal of alternative course of action Gihan aboueleish
  • 49. Styles Of Communication  Aggressive communication  Submissive communication  Assertive communication Gihan aboueleish
  • 50. Aggressive communication  Those who communicate in an aggressive manner are generally perceived as selfish and unwilling to compromise. This style is usually linked to a desire to hurt others or exact revenge, or may reflect poor emotional development. It usually attacks the other person instead of expressing a need:  Ex; "You never spend any time with me“  versus "I need to spend more time with you". Gihan aboueleish
  • 51. Passive Communication  Passive communication is based on compliance and hopes to avoid confrontation at all costs. In this mode we don't talk much, question even less, and actually do very little. We just don't want to rock the boat. Passives have learned that it is safer not to react and better to disappear than to stand up and be noticed. Gihan aboueleish
  • 52. Assertive communication  The most effective and healthiest form of communication. It's how we naturally express ourselves when our self-esteem is intact, giving us the confidence to communicate without games and manipulation.  When we are being assertive, we work hard to create mutually satisfying solutions. We communicate our needs clearly. We care about the relationship and insist for a win/win situation. We know our limits and refuse to be pushed beyond them just because someone else wants or needs something from us. Surprisingly, assertive is the style most people use least. Gihan aboueleish
  • 53. Situations  Have a look at these situations and decide how... aggressive person would react  Situation # 01.  Situation # 02. Gihan aboueleish
  • 54. Situations  You are trying to concentrate on some important work. However, a few of your co-workers are laughing and horsing around. What do you do?  You are the head of your department. A young lady who works for you has started coming to work late everyday and is extremely moody. What do you do? Gihan aboueleish
  • 55. What is a Skill?  Skill is defined as a learned power of doing something competently.  It is a developed aptitude or ability. Gihan aboueleish
  • 56. Listening Skills An open ear is the only believable sign of an open heart. David Augsburger Gihan aboueleish
  • 57. Types of Listening Listening are of 3 types:  Hearing  Passive listening  Active listening Gihan aboueleish
  • 58. Barriers to Active Listening  Environmental barriers  Physiological barriers  Psychological barriers  Selective Listening  Negative Listening Attitudes  Personal Reactions  Poor Motivation Gihan aboueleish
  • 60. Pseudo listening  pretending to listen Stage hogging  the receiver is more concerned with making his own point than understanding the speaker Insulated Listening  this listener fails to hear or acknowledge the speaker when they don't want to discuss a topic and the speaker starts talking about the subject anyway Defensive Listening -  this listener thinks the speaker is out to get them and reads into every word that is being said to try to decipher if they feel it is a personal insult Ambushing  gathering information to use against you when you finish speaking Insensitive Listening  the speaker is communicating more than the words that are actually spoken
  • 61. How to Be an Effective Listener What You Think about Listening ? Understand the complexities of listening Prepare to listen Adjust to the situation Focus on ideas or key points Capitalize on the speed differential Organize material for learning Gihan aboueleish
  • 62. How to Be an Effective Listener (cont.) What You Feel about Listening ? Want to listen Delay judgment Admit your biases Don’t tune out “dry” subjects Accept responsibility for understanding Encourage others to talk Gihan aboueleish
  • 63. How to Be an Effective Listener (cont.) What You Do about Listening ? Establish eye contact with the speaker Take notes effectively Be a physically involved listener Avoid negative mannerisms Exercise your listening muscles Follow the Golden Rule Gihan aboueleish
  • 64. Important Details  Be calm and collected at all times  Be loud enough to be easily heard  Use words with accurate diction & correct pronunciation  Speak slowly and make use of pauses to stress important ideas. Gihan aboueleish
  • 65. Important Details  Use a confident tone and a level clear vocabulary.  Be vibrant and enthusiastic – avoid a dull, monotonous tone.  Know what you are talking about and accept the limitations of your knowledge. Gihan aboueleish
  • 66. Finally, remember that interpersonal communication is a multitude of skills. Also remember that skills can be learned and practiced. It is our hope that you are on your way to mastering the ART OF COMMUNICATION. Gihan aboueleish
  • 67. Assignment Create a presentation about ; - Motivating people in boring jobs - Media Influence on Egyptian. - How social network influenced every person in society . - Steve Jobs ; Personality traits and their effects on the overall personality. - Arabian Facebook ! - Deforestation and its negative impact for the future - Movies and their impact on mindsets - Advertising may influence the consumer behavior. - Ethics in science …is a barrier or helper ? - Current lifestyle evil. - Technology impact. - HSCB think global & act local. - The Bermuda Triangle Is A Myth. - Persuade the audience to elect you “President of Egypt” - CRM – holy grail or holy smoke Your presentation should not exceed 15 Min with Maximum 20 slides. Gihan aboueleish
  • 69. Contents ;  Presentation skills.  Preparation/ Planning & audience analysis.  Structure the presentation.  preparing closing.  Effective delivery  Handling questions  Tips for public presentations.  Discussing the assigned presentation & Finalizing the course. Gihan aboueleish
  • 70. Presentation Skills Ideas, concepts or issues talked about or spoken to a group or audience Public speaking is one of the most feared things “I could make such a fool of myself” Skills required to give a good presentation can be developed “ Preparation is the Key” Gihan aboueleish
  • 71. Presentation Skills * Preparation/ Planning is the first step on the ladder to success * Aspects in the development of a good presentation * Self Centered (Self) * Audience Centered (Audience) * Subject Centered (Material) * “I want (who) to (what) (where, when and how) because (why)” Gihan aboueleish
  • 72. Presentation Skills  Helpers What do you want to present (content)? Why do you want to present (purpose)? Where will you be presenting (place)? How do you want to present (words to be used or not, slides to be used) Who is your audience? Gihan aboueleish
  • 73. Presentation Skills  Preparation: Audience Analysis  What is the audience interested in  What does the audience want  What does the audience already know and needs to know  What are their needs, expectations from this presentation  How will the audience benefit from this presentation Gihan aboueleish
  • 74. Presentation Skills  Structuring the presentation Opening/Beginning Middle section Closing/End 5 min. , Questions Gihan aboueleish
  • 75. Presentation Skills  The Beginning - Should be carefully designed.  Get attention - shock, humor, question, story, facts &figures  Motivate audience to listen - listen to their needs Gihan aboueleish
  • 76. Presentation Skills  Preparation – Structure  Sequence should be logical & understandable  Summaries- Recaps  Value of visual aids-flip charts, handouts etc. Gihan aboueleish
  • 77. Presentation Skills Prepare Closing;  Last 2 to 2.5 minutes are as critical as the first five minutes for a successful presentation  Summarize- highlight important points  Suggest action- what to do and when, where and how to do it Gihan aboueleish
  • 78. Presentation Skills  Effective Delivery  Be active - move  Be purposeful - controlled gestures  Variations – vocal (pitch, volume, rate)  Be natural  Be direct – don’t just talk in front of the audience talk to them Gihan aboueleish
  • 79. Presentation Skills Handling Questions  Do not get confused  You are not supposed to know everything  Anticipate and keep answers ready  Sometime questions themselves give you a lead to highlight your point of view Gihan aboueleish
  • 80. Presentation Skills Visual Aids;  While using an over head projector face the audience while talking  Point with a pen  Appropriate lighting  Watch the colors  Ensure clear visibility  06 lines, 07 words per line Gihan aboueleish
  • 81. Presentation Skills So to conclude : Always prepare & practice. Control your fear. Interact with your audience Gihan aboueleish
  • 82. Tips for public presentation “Video”
  • 83. Discussing the assigned presentations. Gihan aboueleish
  • 86. Contents;  Designing effective PowerPoint presentation.  In summery.  When presenting.  Closing remarks.  Discussing the assigned presentations.  Finalizing the course.
  • 87. Designing Effective PowerPoint Presentation Big Progressiv e Consistent Simple Clear Summary Gihan aboueleish
  • 88. Make It Big Gihan aboueleish
  • 89. Make it Big (Text)  This is Arial 12  This is Arial 18  This is Arial 24  This is Arial 32  This is Arial 36  This is Arial 44 Gihan aboueleish
  • 90. Make it Big (Text)  This is Arial 12  This is Arial 18 Too Small  This is Arial 24  This is Arial 32  This is Arial 36  This is Arial 44 Gihan aboueleish
  • 91. Make It Big (How to Estimate)  Look at it from 2 metres away 2m Gihan aboueleish
  • 92. Keep It Simple Gihan aboueleish
  • 93. Keep It Simple (Text)  Too many colours  Too Many Fonts and Styles  The 6 x 7 rule No more than 6 lines per slide No more than 7 words per line Gihan aboueleish
  • 94. Keep It Simple (Text) Instructional Technology: A complex integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, devices, and organization, for analyzing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating, and managing solutions to those problems in situations in which learning is Too detailed ! purposive and controlled (HMRS 5th ed.) Gihan aboueleish
  • 95. Keep It Simple (Text) Instructional Technology: A process involving people, procedures & tools for solutions Much Simpler to problems in learning (HMRS 5th ed.) Gihan aboueleish
  • 96. Falling Leaves Observed Delhi Mumbai Goa January 11,532,234 14,123,654 3,034,564 February 1,078,456 12,345,567 16,128,234 March 17,234,778 6,567,123 16,034,786 April 16,098,897 10,870,954 7,940,096 May Too detailed ! 8,036,897 10,345,394 14,856,456 June 16,184,345 678,095 4,123,656 July 8,890,345 15,347,934 18,885,786 August 8,674,234 18,107,110 17,230,095 September 4,032,045 18,923,239 9,950,498 October 2,608,096 9,945,890 5,596,096 November 5,864,034 478,023 6,678,125 December Gihan aboueleish 12,234,123 9,532,111 3,045,654
  • 97. Falling Leaves in Millions In 106 Delhi Mumbai Goa January 11 14 3 February 1 12 16 March 17 6 16 April 16 10 7 Much Simpler May 8 10 14 June 16 0 4 July 8 15 18 August 8 18 17 September 4 18 9 October 2 9 5 November 5 0 6 December 12 9 3 Gihan aboueleish
  • 98. Falling Leaves Too detailed ! Gihan aboueleish
  • 99. Falling Leaves Much Simpler Gihan aboueleish
  • 100. Keep It Simple (Picture)  Art work may distract your audience Artistry does not substitute for content Gihan aboueleish
  • 101. Keep It Simple (Sound)  Sound effects may distract too Use sound only when necessary Gihan aboueleish
  • 102. Keep It Simple (Transition)  This transition is annoying, not enhancing "Appear" and "Disappear" are better Gihan aboueleish
  • 103. Keep It Simple (Animation) 2m Simple & to the point Gihan aboueleish
  • 104. Make It Clear Gihan aboueleish
  • 105. Make It Clear (Capitalisation)  ALL CAPITAL LETTERS ARE DIFFICULT TO READ  Upper and lower case letters are easier Gihan aboueleish
  • 106. Make It Clear (Fonts) Times/Arial Z Z clear Serif busy Gihan aboueleish
  • 107. Make It Clear (Fonts)  Serif or Script fonts are difficult to read on screen  Arial or Times fonts are clearer  Italics are difficult to read on screen  Normal or bold fonts are clearer  Underlines may signify hyperlinks  Instead, use colours to emphasise Gihan aboueleish
  • 108. Make It Clear (Numbers) Use numbers for lists with sequence For example: How to put an elephant into a fridge? 1. Open the door of the fridge 2. Put the elephant in 3. Close the door Gihan aboueleish
  • 109. Make It Clear (Numbers) How to put a giraffe into a fridge? 1. Open the door of the fridge 2. Take out the elephant 3. Put the giraffe in 4. Close the door Gihan aboueleish
  • 110. Make It Clear (Bullets) Use bullets to show a list without  Priority  Sequence  Hierarchy, ….. Gihan aboueleish
  • 111. Make It Clear (Colours)  Use contrasting colours  Light on dark vs. dark on light  Use complementary colours Gihan aboueleish
  • 112. Make It Clear (Contrast)  Use contrasting colours  Light on dark vs dark on light  Use complementary colours high contrast low contrast Gihan aboueleish
  • 113. Make It Clear (Contrast)  Use contrasting colours  Light on dark vs dark on light  Use complementary colours This is light on dark Gihan aboueleish
  • 114. Make It Clear (Contrast)  Use contrasting colours  Light on dark vs dark on light  Use complementary colours This is dark on light Gihan aboueleish
  • 115. Make It Clear (Complement)  Use contrasting colours Light on dark vs dark on light Use complementary colours These colours do not complement Gihan aboueleish
  • 116. Make It Clear (Complement)  Use contrasting colours Light on dark vs dark on light Use complementary colours These colours complement Gihan aboueleish
  • 117. Make It Clear (Size)  Size implies importance Gihan aboueleish
  • 118. Make It Clear (Size)  Size implies importance Gihan aboueleish
  • 119. Make It Clear (Focal Points)  Focal points direct attention Gihan aboueleish
  • 120. Make It Clear (Focal Points)  Focal points direct attention Gihan aboueleish
  • 122. Types of Instructional Tools Discovery Learning Individual Social Constructive Constructive Mode of Instruction Tools Tools Too many in one go! Guided Inquiry Informational Tools Individual Social Instructive Communicative Tools Tools Direct Instruction Individual Pair Group Gihan aboueleish Complexity of Interactions
  • 123. Types of Instructional Tools Discovery Learning Individual Social Constructive Constructive Mode of Instruction Tools Tools Guided Progressive & Inquiry Informational Tools thus focused Individual Social Instructive Communicative Tools Tools Direct Instruction Individual Pair Group Gihan aboueleish Complexity of Interactions
  • 124. Understanding Technology Mouse I/O Error Main Storage CPU Function key Too many &User interface Software not focusedDebugger Floppy disk Backup system Gihan aboueleish
  • 125. Understanding Technology Mouse I/O Error Main Storage CPU Function key Progressive & interface User Software thus focused Debugger Floppy disk Backup system Gihan aboueleish
  • 127. Be Consistent  Differences draw attention  Differences may imply importance  Use surprises to attract not distract Gihan aboueleish
  • 128. Be Consistent Differences draw attention  Differences may imply importance  Use surprises to attract not distract This tick draws attention Gihan aboueleish
  • 129. Be Consistent Differences draw attention  Differences may imply importance o Use surprises to attract not distract These differences distract! Gihan aboueleish
  • 130. Be Consistent  Differences draw attention  Differences may imply importance  Use surprises to attract not distract This implies importance Gihan aboueleish
  • 131. Be Consistent  Differences draw attention  Differences may imply importance  Use surprises to attract not distract Confusing differences! Gihan aboueleish
  • 132. Be Consistent  Differences draw attention  Differences may imply importance  Use surprises to attract not distract This surprise attracts Gihan aboueleish
  • 133. Be Consistent  Differences draw attention  Differences may imply importance  Use surprises to attract not distract These distract! Gihan aboueleish
  • 134. In Summary  Big  Simple  Clear  Progressive  Consistent Gihan aboueleish
  • 135. When Creating  Text to support the communication  Pictures to simplify complex concepts  Animations for complex relationships  Visuals to support, not to distract  Sounds only when absolutely necessary  Think about the people in the back of the room when creating slides Gihan aboueleish
  • 136. When Presenting  Speak loudly and clearly with fluctuation  Direct your words to all aspects of the room  Maintain eye contact with your audience  Ask questions of your audience (if applicable)  Don’t read the slides word-for-word, use them for reference Gihan aboueleish
  • 137. Closing Remarks  Practice your presentation before a neutral audience  Ask for feedback  Be particular about the time allotted for presentation  Leave time for questions Gihan aboueleish
  • 138. Discussing the assigned presentations & finalize the course. Gihan aboueleish