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Pediatrics Clinical
Pediatrics involves both intrauterine
& extra uterine periods
• Legal definition: A human being below the age
of 18 years unless under the law applicable to
the child, majority is attained earlier.
• Biological definition: Anyone in the
developmental stage of childhood, between
infancy and adulthood.
- Neonate: newborn up to first 28 days of life
- Infant: comprises neonatal period up to 12
- Toddler: 1-3 years
- Pre-school: 3-5 years
- School-age: 6-10 years
- Adolescent: 11-14 years
Some pediatrics clinical
chemistry reference intervals
- Laboratory evaluation starts from the
prenatal period.

- The most important clinical conditions are:
1) Evaluation of maturity.
2) Diagnosis of congenital abnormalities
Intrauterine Growth Retardation
AGA (Appropriate for Gestational Age):
Birth weight is between 10th and 90th percentile for
infant’s gestational age (GA).
SGA (Small for Gestational Age):
Birth weight <10th percentile for GA.
IUGR (Intra Uterine Growth Retardation):
Deviation and reduction in expected fetal growth

Not all IUGR infants are SGA
- Most growth retarded infants have
asymmetric growth restriction. First there is
restriction of weight and then length, with a
relative “head sparing” effect.
- This asymmetric growth is more commonly due
to extrinsic influences that affect the fetus
later in gestation, such as preeclampsia,
chronic hypertension, and uterine anomalies.
- In the human brain, most neurons develop
prior to the 18th week of gestation. Early
gestational growth retardation would be
expected to affect the fetus in a symmetric
- Examples of etiologies for symmetric growth
retardation include genetic or chromosomal
infections (TORCH) and maternal alcohol use.
A. Maternal
• Low pre-pregnancy weight
• Recent pregnancy and/or high parity
• Chronic illness - such as malabsorption,
diabetes, renal disease
• Inadequate or poorly balanced dietary intake
• Decreased O2 availability to fetus (e.g., high
altitude, severe maternal anemia)
B. Uterine and placental factors:
Inadequate placental growth, uterine
malformations, decreased utero-placental blood
flow (e.g., toxemias of pregnancy, diabetic
vasculopathy) and multiple gestations
C. Fetal causes:
Include Chromosomal abnormalities and
intrauterine infections (i.e., TORCH)
The most important organ we are after for
maturity is the lung

Assessment of Fetal Lung Maturity:
-Fetal lung maturation is marked by production
of a detergent-like material, surfactant, which
forms a film on the alveolar surfaces.
-Prior to 35th week of gestation, the major
component of surfactant is α-palmitic β-myristic
- After
predominates and phosphatidyl glycerol (PG)
appears about a week later.
- Minor phospholipid components of surfactant
include phosphatidyl inositol, phosphatidyl
ethanolamine, phosphatidyl serine, and
-Since sphingomyelin (S) concentration in AF is
constant during the third trimester, it serves as a
reference material against which surfactant
lecithin (L) can be compared.
- Measurement of L/S ratio avoids problems
associated with variability in chemical extraction
and inaccuracy in estimates of absolute
concentration per AF volume
1) Quantification of Pulmonary Surfactant: L/S
Ratio (Lecithin / sphingomyelin):
-It is the most valuable assay for the assessment
of fetal pulmonary maturity.
-At 32 weeks the L/S ratio reaches 1. Lecithin
then rises rapidly, and an L/S ratio of 2.0 is
observed at 35 weeks.

- A ratio of 2.0 or greater has repeatedly been
associated with pulmonary maturity.
-A mature L/S ratio predicted the absence of RDS in
98 percent of neonates. With a ratio of 1.5 to 1.9,
approximately 50 percent of infants will develop RDS.
Below 1.5, the risk of subsequent RDS increases to 73
Other tests to evaluate surfactant:
- Evaluation of Amniotic Fluid Turbidity visually
- Shake Test
- Foam Stability Index
- Tap Test
2) Test for PG: Amniostat-FLM:
-A rapid immunologic semiquantitative
agglutination test that can be used to determine
the presence of Phosphatidylglycerol (PG)
- Results are reported as:
Low- positive (PG 0.5-2ug/ml)
High -positive (PG ≥2ug/ml)
- RDS rarely develops if PG is ≥2ug/ml
3) Fluorescent Polarization FLM Tests:
- The TDx analyzer is an automated fluorescence
polarimeter that determines surfactant albumin
- The test requires 1 ml of uncentrifuged amniotic
fluid and can be run in less than 1 hour.
- The surfactant albumin ratio (SAR) is determined
with amniotic fluid albumin used as an internal
-A ratio of 50 to 70 mg surfactant per gram of
albumin is considered mature.
- Correlates with L/S and has a better precision.
4) Lamellar Body Counts:
- Lamellar bodies are the storage form of
- They scatter light & can be counted directly
using the platelet channel of most cell counters
- A lamellar body count >30,000/μl
uncentrifuged AF is highly predictive of
pulmonary maturity, while a count <10,000/μl
suggests a risk for RDS.
- Neither meconium nor lysed blood has an
effect on the lamellar body count.
Assessment of Premature Rupture of

- Pre mature rupture of the membranes is the most
common cause for pre maturity.
- Diagnosing premature rupture of membranes is
done by:
1) PH assessment of vaginal discharge:
Unlike vaginal secretions whose pH is acidic, AF is
alkaline. The vaginal pool aspirate of a gravida with
watery discharge can be tested with nitrazine
paper to estimate pH visually.
2) An aliquot of the aspirated fluid can also be
applied to a glass microscope slide, dried for 5
minutes and examined microscopically for a
‘fern' pattern, which indicates the presence of
AF in the vaginal fluid pool.
3) Fetal fibronectin in maternal plasma or AF:
- Fetal fibronectin is a chorionic trophoblast
- If fetal fibronectin is increased in maternal
plasma or AF or cervicovaginal secretions
between 22-34 weeks gestation, it denotes loss
of integrity of the fetal membranes.
- A POC device is available at the obstetrician
office for measuring fetal fibronectin.
- It has a high predictive value for impending
early delivery of the baby & RDS
Sampling in pediatrics
Sampling in pediatrics
Pre analytical considerations:
- Difficult sampling (Capillary; heal, thumb):
needs an expert
- Small patient’s size, number of times for blood
to be drawn for repeat analysis.
- Different sizes of tubes.
Recommended blood draw volumes for
pediatric patients
Choice of the analyzer:
- Dead volume? The smaller, the better
- Clot detector
- Sample cubs & primary tubes
Point of care analysis:

Portable testing devices that are easy to use
Small sample volume
No sample preparation is required
Provide rapid bed side results
Can be connected to the hospital LIS
Mainly used for: bilirubin, glucose, Hb, electrolytes
& blood gases
Point of care analysis:
• High cost, so its use should be rationalized for tests
that needs short TAT
• Neither their performance nor their dynamic ranges
are as good as the tradition lab equipments.
• Should be properly validated using appropriate
quality assurance procedures
• Very low or very high results should be checked in
the main laboratory
The most important items that need
evaluation in pediatrics are:
1. Regulation of blood gases & pH.
2. Kidney function with regulation of water &
3. Liver function: physiologic jaundice & energy
4. Calcium and bone metabolism
5. Endocrine functions
6. Genetic diseases & neonatal screening
-Requires fully mature lungs & kidneys after
- Immature lungs or surfactant may result in
respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), where
there is failure in excreting CO2 resulting in
respiratory acidosis. (Plasma bicarbonate is not
affected early, before renal compensation takes
- The trauma & relative anoxia during delivery
causes an increase in lactic acid production &
accordingly, metabolic acidosis. (Reduced
bicarbonate level, supplying bicarbonate
reverses the condition)
-Persistent acidosis that is not corrected by
bicarbonate administration is an indication for
possible inborn errors of metabolism.
-Alkalosis is uncommon in pediatric patients,
most common causes:
1) Hyperammonemia: Secondary to
diseases & inborn errors of metabolism
2) Pyloric stenosis & loss of gastric acids
3) Hypokalemia

- From the 35th week of gestation, rapid kidney
development takes place in preparation for extra
uterine life

- At birth, GFR is about 25 % of its value in older
- Tubular function shows a similar pattern,
where the concentrating power of the kidney
in the early months of life is only about 78 %
of its value in the adult kidney.

- This gradual process of renal development
results in serum electrolytes level shift seen in
the neonatal period.
- The kidney primarily maintains water
- Other causes of water loss in the neonatal
1) Insensible water loss through the skin
2) The use of radiant heaters (radiated heat) to
maintain body temperature.
3) Insensible water loss from the lungs in RDS
Disorders affecting electrolytes and
water balance
3) Liver function
Physiologic Jaundice:
- The processing of many normal metabolic
pathways and the metabolism of exogenous
compounds proceed slower in neonates.
- The most striking effect of an immature liver, even
in a full term baby, is the failure to adequately
metabolize bilirubin.
- Fetal blood is produced first by the embryonic
yolk sac, then by the liver, and finally by the fetal
bone marrow.
- With the switch of erythropoiesis to the fetal liver,
fetal hemoglobin production begins.
- HbF consists of two α- and two γ-chains.
- As the fetal bone marrow begins red cell
production, HbA production increases.
- At birth fetal blood contains 75% HbF and 25%
HbA. HbF production rapidly diminishes during the
first year of postnatal life. In normal adults, less
than 1% of hemoglobin is HbF.
-HbF has a higher affinity for oxygen than does
HbA. Thus in the placenta, oxygen is released from
the maternal HbA, diffuses into the chorionic villi,
and binds to the fetal HbF.
-Bilirubin accumulates as fetal hemoglobin is
rapidly destroyed and replaced by adult
- At birth, UDP - glucuronoyltransferase, the
enzyme responsible for conjugating bilirubin, is
immature. This results in the accumulation of
unconjugated bilirubin and the development of
physiologic jaundice.
-A normal baby may have a serum bilirubin up to
15 mg / dl, most of it unconjugated. This level
should fall to the base line by the age of 10 days.
-If severe and passes the immature BBB, it might
lead to kernicterus (Bilirubin encephalopathy).
- Complete absence of the bilirubin conjugating
enzyme results in severe persistent jaundice
(Crigler – Najjar syndrome)
Carbohydrate metabolism:
-At birth, a full term baby has sufficient glycogen
stores to provide glucose as an energy source.
-If the delivery is stressful, these energy reserves
may become depleted prematurely.
- At that time, the normal physiologic rule of the
gluconeogenesis pathway becomes essential
where there is conversion of alanine into
-The later pathway is not always mature at birth
which may result in what is termed “physiologic
- This condition usually corrects quickly as the
enzyme system matures.
-Persistent and severe hypoglycemia should
alert the physician towards a possible inborn
error of metabolism, such a galactosemia.
- Galactosemia is due to failure of conversion of
galactose to glucose as a result of genetic
deficiency in any of the following enzymes:
galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase (GALT),
galactokinase (GALK) or uridine diphosphate
galactose-4-epimerase (GALE)
Nitrogen metabolism:
-The liver is involved in the metabolic inter
conversions of amino acids and in the synthesis
of non-essential amino acids.
- The liver synthesis most of the plasma proteins
including albumin, transferrin, complements and
coagulation factors.
-Important in nitrogen metabolism through the
Urea cycle.
-Owing to the immaturity of urea cycle enzymes
early in life, the level of ammonia in the plasma
of neonates is highly elevated than its level in a
one year old child.

- Persistently elevated ammonia level, should
alert the investigator to possible liver damage.
- Normal bone growth requires integration of
calcium, phosphate and magnesium metabolism
with endocrine regulation from vitamin D,
parathyroid hormone & calcitonin.

-The active metabolite of vitamin D is 1,25
dihydroxy vitamin D.
-Hydroxylation of Vitamin D from diet takes
place in liver and kidneys and requires normal
functioning of these organs.
- Absorption of vitamin D from the
gastrointestinal tract, conversion to its active
form in the kidney, and incorporation of
calcium and phosphate into the growing bone
requires normally active PTH.

- Secretion of PTH is in turn modulated by serum
calcium & magnesium levels, where low level
of both divalent cations inhibits PTH secretion.
- Rapid bone growth occurring in infancy and
puberty requires optimal coordination of
mineral absorption, transport and endocrinecontrolled incorporation of the minerals into
growing bone.

- Approximately 98% of total body calcium is
present in bone and less than 2 % is
measurable in blood.
- Hypocalcemia is defined as total serum calcium
below 7.0 mg / dl or ionized calcium below 3.0
mg / dl.
- In the newborn, particularly immature, these
levels may be commonly encountered with
few symptoms. However, hypocalcemia can
result in irritability, twitching and seizers.
Serum calcium is usually measured in children
with seizers of unknown etiology.
- Prolonged hypocalcemia can result in reduced
bone growth and rickets.
Causes of hypocalcemia:
• Prematurity
• Metabolic acidosis
• Vitamin D deficiency
• Liver diseases
• Kidney diseases
• Hypoparathyroidism
• Low calcium intake
• High phosphorus intake
• Hypomagnesemia (Inhibits PTH secretion)
- Disease caused by a
mineralization defect during
bone formation resulting in
increase in osteoid, the
unmineralized organic matrix
Of bone.
1. Vitamin D deficiency: inadequate exposure to
sun, poor vitamin D diet, malabsorption
2. End organ resistance to vitamin D
3. Phosphate depletion: e.g. Fanconi syndrome
Biochemical findings:
1. Low serum calcium & phosphates
2. High serum ALP (Due to increased osteoblastic
3. 25 (OH) D: to assess vitamin D status.
- Vitamin D-dependent rickets type I is an
inherited defect in 25(OH) D-1α hydroxylase
causing impaired formation of 1, 25(OH)
vitamin D.
- Vitamin D-dependent rickets type II is an
inherited disorder characterized by very high
serum concentration of 1, 25(OH) vitamin D.
This syndrome is due to resistance to 1,
25(OH) vitamin D, secondary to defects in the
1,25(OH) vitamin D receptor.
- Defined as total serum calcium > 11.0 mg / dl.
- This is unusual in pediatrics, but has
potentially severe clinical implications.
- Patients with hypercalcemia have poor muscle
tone, constipation, failure to thrive and may
develop kidney stones leading to renal failure.
Hypothalamic – pituitary – thyroid axis:
Primary hypothyroidism
(Congenital hypothyroidism):
- Results from any defect that causes failure of the
thyroid gland to synthesize and secrete thyroid
- Incidence: 1/4000 births
- Untreated patients with this condition have severe
mental retardation with unusual facial features.
- Treatment by thyroid replacement therapy is
usually successful when diagnosis is
- The best diagnostic test is to measure serum
TSH level which is high as a result of failure of
the long feedback loop (between pituitary &
thyroid gland). Thyroid hormone levels in
untreated patients are very low.
- The only neonatal screening program in Egypt.
Secondary hypothyroidism:
- It is a result of pituitary failure to secrete TSH
which results in lack of thyroid gland
stimulation and subsequent production of
thyroid hormones.
- Diagnosed by low TSH.
- It is important to study the other pituitary
pathways to determine whether this is an
isolated TSH defect or panhypopituitarism.
Neonatal Graves‘ disease:
-The fetal thyroid-pituitary axis functions
independently from the mother's axis in most
-However, if the mother has preexisting Graves'
disease, her auto antibodies can cross the
placenta and stimulate the fetal thyroid gland.
Thus the fetus can develop hyperthyroidism.
- Measurement of thyrotropin-binding inhibitory
immunoglobulins is useful for assessing risk of
fetal or neonatal Graves' disease.
Hypothalamic – pituitary – adrenal cortex axis:
- The most important disorder is congenital
adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
- CAH: Congenital absence of one or more of the
synthetic enzymes that lead to cortisol and
aldosterone biosynthesis. This leads to
compensatory increase in ACTH leading to
stimulation of steroids biosynthesis till the block
point causing:
1. Hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex
2. Accumulation of intermediate compounds
proximal to the block
3. Shunting of the substrate towards the
adrenal androgen pathway
- The most common disorder is 21-Hydroxylase
deficiency (1 / 5000 births)
Growth factors:
- G.H deficiency results in poor growth and
stunted growth.
- When G.H acts on its receptors on the liver,
the liver secretes IGF-1 & its binding protein
- Due to the diurnal and pulsatile pattern of G.H
secretion, a single measurement is not
sufficient to diagnose its deficiency.
- Insulin induced hypoglycemia & clonidine
induced hypotension are common stimulatory
tests used to detect G.H deficiency.
- Measuring IGF-1 & IGF-BP3 is considered an
effective tool for assessing G.H deficiency
1. Their basal levels do not have the great
variation that occurs for G.H
2. Infants with defects in IGF-1 & IGF-BP3
synthesis and secretion are unlikely to respond
to G.H replacement.
Screening for
diseases in
Screening for diseases in pediatrics:
I) Pre natal:
- Maternal screening
- Fetal screening:
amniocentesis, chorionic villi sampling & pre
implantation genetic diagnosis
II) Post natal
Multiple of the median (MoM):
- The MoM is now universally used as a common
currency for converting analyte values into an
interpretative unit and is also the starting
point for calculating risks for neural tube
defects, Down syndrome, and trisomy 18.
- For each analyte, each lab should develop a
set of median values for each week (or day) of
gestation using the laboratory’s own assay
values measured on the population to be
- Individual test results are then expressed as
MoM by dividing each individual test result by
the median for the relevant gestational week.
Screening for Down syndrome (trisomy 21) &
trisomy 18:
First trimester screening (Double test) –
[11th- 14th gestational weeks]
- Combining two serum markers (free beta HCG,
PAPP-A), with ultrasound nuchal translucency
- PAPP-A is lower in pregnancies complicated
with Down syndrome than in normal ones.
- HCG is higher & NT is thicker in Down
syndrome pregnancies.
Second trimester screening (Triple test)[15th – 18th gestational weeks]
A method combining measurements of 3
analytes, with maternal age into a single risk
• AFP (alpha fetoprotein )
• uE3 (unconjugated estriol )
• HCG (Human chorionic gonadotrophin)
In Down syndrome:
- AFP & uE3 are 25% lower than expected
- HCG is two folds higher than expected

- A 4th analyte, Dimeric Inhibin A (DIA), that is
elevated in cases of Down syndrome is added
and the test is called Quadruple test
Fetal trisomy 18:
- AFP and uE3 concentrations are low
- HCG concentrations are also very low
- No role for DIA
Women who test positive (or those who test
negative but aged above 35) should be offered
amniocentesis to obtain fetal cells for
karyotyping or other DNA based techniques;
the only way to confirm Down or trisomy 18
syndromes diagnosis.
Screening for Neural tube Defects (NTD):
- Optimal screening is between 16 and 18 weeks
of gestation.
- The most commonly used AFP MoM cutoffs are
between 2.0 and 2.5 MoM.
- A second sample is needed for moderately
elevated results (2.0 to 3.0 MoM)
- If the result for the second AFP test is not
elevated, the woman is considered to be
- If the result is still elevated:
• 4-D U/S is used to verify gestational age
• Identify other possible reasons for the
increased AFP (ex: multiple pregnancy,
abdominal hernias into the umbilical cord)
- Patients still having an unexplained ↑↑ AFP
test results amniocentesis for measurement
of amniotic fluid AFP and acetylcholinesterase.
- Ultrasound
diagnosis of open
neural tube defects
is now so reliable
that it is often used
for diagnosis in
women with
elevated maternal
serum AFP without
waiting for amniotic
fluid measurements.
I) Amniocentesis:
- Removal of amniotic fluid containing fetal cells,
via a needle puncture from the uterus.
- Any genetic analysis can be performed on
these cells.
- Performed 14-20th week of gestation.
I) Amniocentesis:
- Removal of amniotic
fluid containing fetal cells,
via a needle puncture
from the uterus.
- Any genetic analysis can
be performed on these
- Performed 14-20th week
of gestation.
Amniotic fluid testing is done for:
• Diagnosis of NTD (Confirming a screen positive
• Diagnosis of congenital diseases
• Diagnosis of Isoimmunisation disease
• Assessment of fetal lung maturity
1) Diagnosis of NTD:
- Patients with unexplained high maternal serum
AFP levels and normal ultrasonography should
be offered amniotic fluid testing
- AFP values greater than or equal to 2.0 MoM
are considered elevated.
- A frequent interference is contamination of the
fluid with fetal blood. Elevated amniotic fluid
AFP should be tested for fetal hemoglobin, a
sensitive marker of fetal blood contamination.
Acetylcholine Estrase (AChE):
- AChE is a neural enzyme present in cerebrospinal fluid
and fetal blood.
- It is not present in maternal blood and is not normally
detectable in amniotic fluid.
- The abnormal presence of acetylcholinesterase in
amniotic fluid is suggestive of an open fetal defect.
- When AChE is detected, the ratio of AChE to
cholinesterase normally found in amniotic fluid, may
help distinguish open neural tube defects from fetal
blood contaminated fluid.
2) Tests for isoimmunization disease:
- Isoimmunization disease is a fetal haemolytic
disorder caused by maternal antibodies
directed against antigens on fetal
- The amount of bilirubin in the amniotic fluid is
useful for determining the severity of the
- The most common cause of severe disease is
sensitization of Rh-negative woman to the D
antigen of the Rh system.
- An association exists between gestational age,
severity of the disease, and bilirubin
- The concentration of bilirubin is too low to be
measured by standard photometric
techniques (up to 0.03mgldL) but the
determination can be done by absorption
- The maximal absorbance of bilirubin is at 450
- In the absence of significant amounts
of bilirubin, the absorbance spectrum for
the amniotic fluid between 365 and 550
nm is nearly exponential.
-When plotted on a semi log scale (linear
curve), the degree to which the curve
deviates from a straight line at 450 nm is
linearly proportional to the concentration of
bilirubin (∆A 450)
- Results of (∆A 450) are established into
3 classification zones based on
gestational age “ Liley's zones”
- Chorionic villi are
precursors of the placenta
and a good source of fetal
- CVS can be performed
safely by 10th week both
transabdominally and

- Used for:
•Cell culture &
•Enzyme assays
•Direct gene analysis
III) Pre implantation
genetic diagnosis (PGD):
- For couples undergoing
- Fertilized eggs are checked
for the gene mutation and
only the unaffected embryos
are introduced into the
uterus in the hope of a
successful implantation.
- Cells are isolated from the
blastocyst (16 – 20 cells
embryo), where DNA is
extracted and tested for
common or expected genetic
- NBS is a process of early identification of health
conditions followed by their subsequent timely
treatment before the onset of disease processes
thereby minimizing the risk of long-term
- Key issues considered for NBS:
• What are the effects of each genetic disorder?
• What treatment is currently available for each
genetic disorder, and at what age does treatment
• Based on demographics, how many people
are likely to be affected by each genetic
• Should all newborn infants receive the same
screening tests? Why or why not?
• Can a test in question be performed on a large
scale in laboratories? Why or why not?
• What is the cost per test and the total for
• Will early identification of persons with the
genetic disorder lead to cost savings in
treatment or care? Why or why not?
Alpha-1-antitrypsin Deficiency:
Clinical description:
- Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency can lead to early
onset of emphysema and/or liver failure.
- These symptoms usually appear when a person
is in their 30’s or 40’s.
- Symptoms are more severe in smokers than in
- This disorder is caused by a mutation in the
proteinase inhibitor (PI) gene on chromosome 14.
- The normal protein coded for by this gene is
involved in tissue repair.
- Disorder symptoms depend on which type of
mutation an individual has in the PI gene.
- There are more than 70 different alleles of the PI
- The M allele is the wild variant. The mutant alleles
S and Z are the most common disease causing
Autosomal recessive
- This disorder can be detected by testing the
levels of alpha-1-antitrypsin in blood. If they are
abnormally low, the next step is to identify the
exact alpha-1-antitrypsin protein variants the
person carries.
- Abnormal forms of the alpha-1-antitrypsin
protein can be detected using dried blood as a
sample for gel electrophoresis.
Cystic Fibrosis:
- Cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations in the
cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR)
gene on chromosome 7 which codes for the
protein that controls ion transfer across cell
- Disruption of salt transfer results in abnormal
gland secretions and dehydration due to
increased loss of salt and water during sweating.
- CF affects almost all of the glands in the body
that secrete fluid, resulting in a variety of
- Secretions may be thick and cause blockage in
the pancreas, intestines and lungs.
- Mucus blockage also provides places for
bacteria to multiply, increasing the probability
of infection.
- CF children show poor digestion, dehydration,
coughing and vomiting.
approximately 100 mutations in the CFTR
gene. Different mutations determine the
severity of symptoms seen in CF patients.
- Mutation in the CFTR gene results in an
increase in an enzyme called trypsinogen. The
initial newborn screen tests for this enzyme
using a dried blood sample.
- There are hundreds of mutations in the
population, the most common is ∆F508.
- Testing all mutations is very difficult unless a
clinically accepted microchip technology is
- Measurement of chloride content in sweat
collected after pilocarpine iontophoresis, is
still the gold standard test for diagnosing CF
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Sweat Test2.flv
Huntington’s disease:
- Huntington’s disease is characterized by the
progressive death of certain neurons in the brain.
- Symptoms generally appear between the ages of 3540 years and include depression, mood swings,
amnesia, involuntary twitching and lack of
- As the disease progresses, involuntary movements
increase, memory declines, and walking, speaking
and swallowing ability gradually diminish.
- Death soon follows from choking, infections or heart
- Huntington’s is caused by excessive repeating of
the DNA bases CAG (trinucleotide repeats) in
the huntingtin gene on chromosome 4.
- The normal number of repeats is 10 – 35,
Huntington’s disease patients have 36 - 121
Autosomal dominant
The huntingtin gene is analyzed in a blood sample
to determine the number of CAG repeats.
Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD)
- Individuals with maple syrup urine disease
(MSUD) are unable to properly metabolize
three amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and
- The enzymes required to process these three
amino acids are absent, inactive or only
partially active.
- Because these amino acids do not get broken
down completely, high levels accumulate in
the blood, urine and sweat.
-The by-product of isoleucine has a
characteristic sweet smell which gives the
disorder its name.
- The three amino acids and their derivatives can
be toxic at high levels and can lead to brain
injury, mental retardation, seizures, vomiting,
coma and even death.
The most common type is classic MSUD which is
caused by a defect in the BCKDHA gene on
chromosome 19.
Autosomal recessive
- Newborn screening programs that test for
MSUD use the same blood sample collected
for PKU and galactosemia tests.
- Generally, blood is analyzed for elevated levels
of leucin
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
- PKU is caused by the lack of phenylalanine
hydroxylase , an enzyme that processes the
amino acid phenylalanine.
- Phenylalanine is not broken down and
accumulates in the blood & it is toxic to the
- Untreated individuals with PKU show
progressive developmental delay in the first
year of life, mental retardation, seizures,
autistic-like behavior and a peculiar body odor.
- In PKU individuals, the phenylalanine
hydroxylase gene on chromosome 12 is

Autosomal recessive
- The blood phenylalanine level can be measured
using a spot of dried blood.
- The PKU test (the Guthrie test) was the first
genetic screening test developed.
- Automated tests (MS / MS) are now used in some
screening programs.
- The timing of the test is important; the test should
be completed after the first day and before the
seventh day of life. If done too soon, low levels in
the newborn can be masked by the presence of
maternal phenylalanine.
Sickle Cell Disease:
- A group of inherited disorders of RBCs
- If the gene encoding hemoglobin is mutated, it
causes a change in the shape of the molecule.
- When the mutated hemoglobin delivers
oxygen to the tissues, the red blood cell
collapses, resulting in a long, flat sickle-shaped
cell. These cells clog blood flow, resulting in a
variety of symptoms including pain, increased
infections, lung blockage, kidney damage,
delayed growth and anemia
- The gene encoding the beta chain of the
chromosome 11, can be mutated in a variety
of ways that result in different types of sickle
cell disease.
- Some mutations are more common than
others. The three most common types of
sickle cell disease are hemoglobin SS (Hb SS),
hemoglobin SC (Hb SC), and hemoglobin sickle
beta thalassemia (HbS beta-thalassemia).
Autosomal recessive
- Most screening programs utilize thin-layer
isoelectric focusing (IEF) or high performance
liquid chromatography (HPLC) techniques
performed on capillary blood collected from a
heel stick and absorbed onto filter paper.
Newborn Screening Card Rejection.flv

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Pediatrics clinical chemistry

  • 2. Pediatrics involves both intrauterine & extra uterine periods
  • 3. Definitions Child: • Legal definition: A human being below the age of 18 years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier. • Biological definition: Anyone in the developmental stage of childhood, between infancy and adulthood.
  • 4. - Neonate: newborn up to first 28 days of life - Infant: comprises neonatal period up to 12 months - Toddler: 1-3 years - Pre-school: 3-5 years - School-age: 6-10 years - Adolescent: 11-14 years
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  • 15. - Laboratory evaluation starts from the prenatal period. - The most important clinical conditions are: 1) Evaluation of maturity. 2) Diagnosis of congenital abnormalities
  • 16. Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR) AGA (Appropriate for Gestational Age): Birth weight is between 10th and 90th percentile for infant’s gestational age (GA). SGA (Small for Gestational Age): Birth weight <10th percentile for GA. IUGR (Intra Uterine Growth Retardation): Deviation and reduction in expected fetal growth pattern. Not all IUGR infants are SGA
  • 17. ASYMMETRIC vs. SYMMETRIC GROWTH RETARDATION - Most growth retarded infants have asymmetric growth restriction. First there is restriction of weight and then length, with a relative “head sparing” effect. - This asymmetric growth is more commonly due to extrinsic influences that affect the fetus later in gestation, such as preeclampsia, chronic hypertension, and uterine anomalies.
  • 18. - In the human brain, most neurons develop prior to the 18th week of gestation. Early gestational growth retardation would be expected to affect the fetus in a symmetric manner. - Examples of etiologies for symmetric growth retardation include genetic or chromosomal causes, early gestational intrauterine infections (TORCH) and maternal alcohol use.
  • 19. CAUSES: A. Maternal • Low pre-pregnancy weight • Recent pregnancy and/or high parity • Chronic illness - such as malabsorption, diabetes, renal disease • Inadequate or poorly balanced dietary intake • Decreased O2 availability to fetus (e.g., high altitude, severe maternal anemia)
  • 20. B. Uterine and placental factors: Inadequate placental growth, uterine malformations, decreased utero-placental blood flow (e.g., toxemias of pregnancy, diabetic vasculopathy) and multiple gestations C. Fetal causes: Include Chromosomal abnormalities and intrauterine infections (i.e., TORCH)
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  • 22. The most important organ we are after for maturity is the lung Assessment of Fetal Lung Maturity: -Fetal lung maturation is marked by production of a detergent-like material, surfactant, which forms a film on the alveolar surfaces.
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  • 24. -Prior to 35th week of gestation, the major component of surfactant is α-palmitic β-myristic lecithin. - After that time, dipalmitic lecithin predominates and phosphatidyl glycerol (PG) appears about a week later. - Minor phospholipid components of surfactant include phosphatidyl inositol, phosphatidyl ethanolamine, phosphatidyl serine, and sphingomyelins.
  • 25. -Since sphingomyelin (S) concentration in AF is constant during the third trimester, it serves as a reference material against which surfactant lecithin (L) can be compared. - Measurement of L/S ratio avoids problems associated with variability in chemical extraction and inaccuracy in estimates of absolute concentration per AF volume
  • 26. 1) Quantification of Pulmonary Surfactant: L/S Ratio (Lecithin / sphingomyelin): -It is the most valuable assay for the assessment of fetal pulmonary maturity. -At 32 weeks the L/S ratio reaches 1. Lecithin then rises rapidly, and an L/S ratio of 2.0 is observed at 35 weeks. - A ratio of 2.0 or greater has repeatedly been associated with pulmonary maturity.
  • 27. -A mature L/S ratio predicted the absence of RDS in 98 percent of neonates. With a ratio of 1.5 to 1.9, approximately 50 percent of infants will develop RDS. Below 1.5, the risk of subsequent RDS increases to 73 percent. Other tests to evaluate surfactant: - Evaluation of Amniotic Fluid Turbidity visually - Shake Test - Foam Stability Index - Tap Test
  • 28. 2) Test for PG: Amniostat-FLM: -A rapid immunologic semiquantitative agglutination test that can be used to determine the presence of Phosphatidylglycerol (PG) - Results are reported as: Negative Low- positive (PG 0.5-2ug/ml) High -positive (PG ≥2ug/ml) - RDS rarely develops if PG is ≥2ug/ml
  • 29. 3) Fluorescent Polarization FLM Tests: - The TDx analyzer is an automated fluorescence polarimeter that determines surfactant albumin ratio. - The test requires 1 ml of uncentrifuged amniotic fluid and can be run in less than 1 hour. - The surfactant albumin ratio (SAR) is determined with amniotic fluid albumin used as an internal reference. -A ratio of 50 to 70 mg surfactant per gram of albumin is considered mature. - Correlates with L/S and has a better precision.
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  • 31. 4) Lamellar Body Counts: - Lamellar bodies are the storage form of surfactant. - They scatter light & can be counted directly using the platelet channel of most cell counters - A lamellar body count >30,000/μl uncentrifuged AF is highly predictive of pulmonary maturity, while a count <10,000/μl suggests a risk for RDS. - Neither meconium nor lysed blood has an effect on the lamellar body count.
  • 32. Assessment of Premature Rupture of Membranes - Pre mature rupture of the membranes is the most common cause for pre maturity. - Diagnosing premature rupture of membranes is done by: 1) PH assessment of vaginal discharge: Unlike vaginal secretions whose pH is acidic, AF is alkaline. The vaginal pool aspirate of a gravida with watery discharge can be tested with nitrazine paper to estimate pH visually.
  • 33. 2) An aliquot of the aspirated fluid can also be applied to a glass microscope slide, dried for 5 minutes and examined microscopically for a ‘fern' pattern, which indicates the presence of AF in the vaginal fluid pool.
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  • 36. 3) Fetal fibronectin in maternal plasma or AF: - Fetal fibronectin is a chorionic trophoblast protein. - If fetal fibronectin is increased in maternal plasma or AF or cervicovaginal secretions between 22-34 weeks gestation, it denotes loss of integrity of the fetal membranes. - A POC device is available at the obstetrician office for measuring fetal fibronectin. - It has a high predictive value for impending early delivery of the baby & RDS
  • 38. Sampling in pediatrics Pre analytical considerations: - Difficult sampling (Capillary; heal, thumb): needs an expert - Small patient’s size, number of times for blood to be drawn for repeat analysis. - Different sizes of tubes.
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  • 42. Recommended blood draw volumes for pediatric patients
  • 43. Choice of the analyzer: - Dead volume? The smaller, the better - Clot detector - Sample cubs & primary tubes
  • 44. Point of care analysis: • • • • • • Portable testing devices that are easy to use Small sample volume No sample preparation is required Provide rapid bed side results Can be connected to the hospital LIS Mainly used for: bilirubin, glucose, Hb, electrolytes & blood gases
  • 45. Point of care analysis: • High cost, so its use should be rationalized for tests that needs short TAT • Neither their performance nor their dynamic ranges are as good as the tradition lab equipments. • Should be properly validated using appropriate quality assurance procedures • Very low or very high results should be checked in the main laboratory
  • 46. The most important items that need evaluation in pediatrics are: 1. Regulation of blood gases & pH. 2. Kidney function with regulation of water & electrolytes 3. Liver function: physiologic jaundice & energy metabolism 4. Calcium and bone metabolism 5. Endocrine functions 6. Genetic diseases & neonatal screening
  • 47. 1) REGULATION OF BLOOD GASES &PH -Requires fully mature lungs & kidneys after birth. - Immature lungs or surfactant may result in respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), where there is failure in excreting CO2 resulting in respiratory acidosis. (Plasma bicarbonate is not affected early, before renal compensation takes place) -
  • 48. - The trauma & relative anoxia during delivery causes an increase in lactic acid production & accordingly, metabolic acidosis. (Reduced bicarbonate level, supplying bicarbonate reverses the condition) -Persistent acidosis that is not corrected by bicarbonate administration is an indication for possible inborn errors of metabolism.
  • 49. -Alkalosis is uncommon in pediatric patients, most common causes: 1) Hyperammonemia: Secondary to diseases & inborn errors of metabolism 2) Pyloric stenosis & loss of gastric acids 3) Hypokalemia liver
  • 50. 2) KIDNEY FUNCTION - From the 35th week of gestation, rapid kidney development takes place in preparation for extra uterine life GFR: - At birth, GFR is about 25 % of its value in older children.
  • 51. - Tubular function shows a similar pattern, where the concentrating power of the kidney in the early months of life is only about 78 % of its value in the adult kidney. - This gradual process of renal development results in serum electrolytes level shift seen in the neonatal period.
  • 52. - The kidney primarily maintains water homeostasis - Other causes of water loss in the neonatal period: 1) Insensible water loss through the skin 2) The use of radiant heaters (radiated heat) to maintain body temperature. 3) Insensible water loss from the lungs in RDS
  • 53. Disorders affecting electrolytes and water balance
  • 54. 3) Liver function Physiologic Jaundice: - The processing of many normal metabolic pathways and the metabolism of exogenous compounds proceed slower in neonates. - The most striking effect of an immature liver, even in a full term baby, is the failure to adequately metabolize bilirubin.
  • 55. - Fetal blood is produced first by the embryonic yolk sac, then by the liver, and finally by the fetal bone marrow. - With the switch of erythropoiesis to the fetal liver, fetal hemoglobin production begins. - HbF consists of two α- and two γ-chains. - As the fetal bone marrow begins red cell production, HbA production increases. - At birth fetal blood contains 75% HbF and 25% HbA. HbF production rapidly diminishes during the first year of postnatal life. In normal adults, less than 1% of hemoglobin is HbF.
  • 56. -HbF has a higher affinity for oxygen than does HbA. Thus in the placenta, oxygen is released from the maternal HbA, diffuses into the chorionic villi, and binds to the fetal HbF. -Bilirubin accumulates as fetal hemoglobin is rapidly destroyed and replaced by adult hemoglobin. - At birth, UDP - glucuronoyltransferase, the enzyme responsible for conjugating bilirubin, is immature. This results in the accumulation of unconjugated bilirubin and the development of physiologic jaundice.
  • 57. -A normal baby may have a serum bilirubin up to 15 mg / dl, most of it unconjugated. This level should fall to the base line by the age of 10 days. -If severe and passes the immature BBB, it might lead to kernicterus (Bilirubin encephalopathy). - Complete absence of the bilirubin conjugating enzyme results in severe persistent jaundice (Crigler – Najjar syndrome)
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  • 59. Carbohydrate metabolism: -At birth, a full term baby has sufficient glycogen stores to provide glucose as an energy source. -If the delivery is stressful, these energy reserves may become depleted prematurely. - At that time, the normal physiologic rule of the gluconeogenesis pathway becomes essential where there is conversion of alanine into glucose.
  • 60. -The later pathway is not always mature at birth which may result in what is termed “physiologic hypoglycemia”. - This condition usually corrects quickly as the enzyme system matures.
  • 61. -Persistent and severe hypoglycemia should alert the physician towards a possible inborn error of metabolism, such a galactosemia. - Galactosemia is due to failure of conversion of galactose to glucose as a result of genetic deficiency in any of the following enzymes: galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase (GALT), galactokinase (GALK) or uridine diphosphate galactose-4-epimerase (GALE)
  • 62. Nitrogen metabolism: -The liver is involved in the metabolic inter conversions of amino acids and in the synthesis of non-essential amino acids. - The liver synthesis most of the plasma proteins including albumin, transferrin, complements and coagulation factors.
  • 63. -Important in nitrogen metabolism through the Urea cycle. -Owing to the immaturity of urea cycle enzymes early in life, the level of ammonia in the plasma of neonates is highly elevated than its level in a one year old child. - Persistently elevated ammonia level, should alert the investigator to possible liver damage.
  • 64. 4) CALCIUM AND BONE METABOLISM - Normal bone growth requires integration of calcium, phosphate and magnesium metabolism with endocrine regulation from vitamin D, parathyroid hormone & calcitonin. -The active metabolite of vitamin D is 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D. -Hydroxylation of Vitamin D from diet takes place in liver and kidneys and requires normal functioning of these organs.
  • 65. - Absorption of vitamin D from the gastrointestinal tract, conversion to its active form in the kidney, and incorporation of calcium and phosphate into the growing bone requires normally active PTH. - Secretion of PTH is in turn modulated by serum calcium & magnesium levels, where low level of both divalent cations inhibits PTH secretion.
  • 66. - Rapid bone growth occurring in infancy and puberty requires optimal coordination of mineral absorption, transport and endocrinecontrolled incorporation of the minerals into growing bone. - Approximately 98% of total body calcium is present in bone and less than 2 % is measurable in blood.
  • 67. Hypocalcemia: - Hypocalcemia is defined as total serum calcium below 7.0 mg / dl or ionized calcium below 3.0 mg / dl. - In the newborn, particularly immature, these levels may be commonly encountered with few symptoms. However, hypocalcemia can result in irritability, twitching and seizers. Serum calcium is usually measured in children with seizers of unknown etiology. - Prolonged hypocalcemia can result in reduced bone growth and rickets.
  • 68. Causes of hypocalcemia: • Prematurity • Metabolic acidosis • Vitamin D deficiency • Liver diseases • Kidney diseases • Hypoparathyroidism • Low calcium intake • High phosphorus intake • Hypomagnesemia (Inhibits PTH secretion)
  • 69. Rickets: - Disease caused by a mineralization defect during bone formation resulting in increase in osteoid, the unmineralized organic matrix Of bone.
  • 70. Causes: 1. Vitamin D deficiency: inadequate exposure to sun, poor vitamin D diet, malabsorption 2. End organ resistance to vitamin D 3. Phosphate depletion: e.g. Fanconi syndrome Biochemical findings: 1. Low serum calcium & phosphates 2. High serum ALP (Due to increased osteoblastic activity) 3. 25 (OH) D: to assess vitamin D status.
  • 71. N.B: - Vitamin D-dependent rickets type I is an inherited defect in 25(OH) D-1α hydroxylase causing impaired formation of 1, 25(OH) vitamin D. - Vitamin D-dependent rickets type II is an inherited disorder characterized by very high serum concentration of 1, 25(OH) vitamin D. This syndrome is due to resistance to 1, 25(OH) vitamin D, secondary to defects in the 1,25(OH) vitamin D receptor.
  • 72. Hypercalcemia: - Defined as total serum calcium > 11.0 mg / dl. - This is unusual in pediatrics, but has potentially severe clinical implications. - Patients with hypercalcemia have poor muscle tone, constipation, failure to thrive and may develop kidney stones leading to renal failure.
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  • 74. 5) ENDOCRINE FUNCTION Hypothalamic – pituitary – thyroid axis: Primary hypothyroidism (Congenital hypothyroidism): - Results from any defect that causes failure of the thyroid gland to synthesize and secrete thyroid hormones. - Incidence: 1/4000 births - Untreated patients with this condition have severe mental retardation with unusual facial features.
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  • 76. - Treatment by thyroid replacement therapy is usually successful when diagnosis is established. - The best diagnostic test is to measure serum TSH level which is high as a result of failure of the long feedback loop (between pituitary & thyroid gland). Thyroid hormone levels in untreated patients are very low. - The only neonatal screening program in Egypt.
  • 77. Secondary hypothyroidism: - It is a result of pituitary failure to secrete TSH which results in lack of thyroid gland stimulation and subsequent production of thyroid hormones. - Diagnosed by low TSH. - It is important to study the other pituitary pathways to determine whether this is an isolated TSH defect or panhypopituitarism.
  • 78. Neonatal Graves‘ disease: -The fetal thyroid-pituitary axis functions independently from the mother's axis in most cases. -However, if the mother has preexisting Graves' disease, her auto antibodies can cross the placenta and stimulate the fetal thyroid gland. Thus the fetus can develop hyperthyroidism. - Measurement of thyrotropin-binding inhibitory immunoglobulins is useful for assessing risk of fetal or neonatal Graves' disease.
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  • 80. Hypothalamic – pituitary – adrenal cortex axis: - The most important disorder is congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) - CAH: Congenital absence of one or more of the synthetic enzymes that lead to cortisol and aldosterone biosynthesis. This leads to compensatory increase in ACTH leading to stimulation of steroids biosynthesis till the block point causing:
  • 81. 1. Hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex 2. Accumulation of intermediate compounds proximal to the block 3. Shunting of the substrate towards the adrenal androgen pathway - The most common disorder is 21-Hydroxylase deficiency (1 / 5000 births)
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  • 84. Growth factors: - G.H deficiency results in poor growth and stunted growth. - When G.H acts on its receptors on the liver, the liver secretes IGF-1 & its binding protein IGF-BP3 - Due to the diurnal and pulsatile pattern of G.H secretion, a single measurement is not sufficient to diagnose its deficiency.
  • 85. - Insulin induced hypoglycemia & clonidine induced hypotension are common stimulatory tests used to detect G.H deficiency. - Measuring IGF-1 & IGF-BP3 is considered an effective tool for assessing G.H deficiency because: 1. Their basal levels do not have the great variation that occurs for G.H 2. Infants with defects in IGF-1 & IGF-BP3 synthesis and secretion are unlikely to respond to G.H replacement.
  • 87. Screening for diseases in pediatrics: I) Pre natal: - Maternal screening - Fetal screening: amniocentesis, chorionic villi sampling & pre implantation genetic diagnosis II) Post natal
  • 88. MATERNAL SERUM SCREENING FOR FETAL DEFECTS: Multiple of the median (MoM): - The MoM is now universally used as a common currency for converting analyte values into an interpretative unit and is also the starting point for calculating risks for neural tube defects, Down syndrome, and trisomy 18.
  • 89. - For each analyte, each lab should develop a set of median values for each week (or day) of gestation using the laboratory’s own assay values measured on the population to be screened. - Individual test results are then expressed as MoM by dividing each individual test result by the median for the relevant gestational week.
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  • 91. Screening for Down syndrome (trisomy 21) & trisomy 18: First trimester screening (Double test) – [11th- 14th gestational weeks] - Combining two serum markers (free beta HCG, PAPP-A), with ultrasound nuchal translucency (NT) - PAPP-A is lower in pregnancies complicated with Down syndrome than in normal ones. - HCG is higher & NT is thicker in Down syndrome pregnancies.
  • 92. Second trimester screening (Triple test)[15th – 18th gestational weeks] A method combining measurements of 3 analytes, with maternal age into a single risk estimate. • AFP (alpha fetoprotein ) • uE3 (unconjugated estriol ) • HCG (Human chorionic gonadotrophin)
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  • 94. In Down syndrome: - AFP & uE3 are 25% lower than expected - HCG is two folds higher than expected - A 4th analyte, Dimeric Inhibin A (DIA), that is elevated in cases of Down syndrome is added and the test is called Quadruple test
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  • 96. Fetal trisomy 18: - AFP and uE3 concentrations are low - HCG concentrations are also very low - No role for DIA Women who test positive (or those who test negative but aged above 35) should be offered amniocentesis to obtain fetal cells for karyotyping or other DNA based techniques; the only way to confirm Down or trisomy 18 syndromes diagnosis.
  • 97. Screening for Neural tube Defects (NTD): - Optimal screening is between 16 and 18 weeks of gestation. - The most commonly used AFP MoM cutoffs are between 2.0 and 2.5 MoM. - A second sample is needed for moderately elevated results (2.0 to 3.0 MoM) - If the result for the second AFP test is not elevated, the woman is considered to be screen-negative.
  • 98. - If the result is still elevated: • 4-D U/S is used to verify gestational age • Identify other possible reasons for the increased AFP (ex: multiple pregnancy, abdominal hernias into the umbilical cord) - Patients still having an unexplained ↑↑ AFP test results amniocentesis for measurement of amniotic fluid AFP and acetylcholinesterase.
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  • 100. - Ultrasound diagnosis of open neural tube defects is now so reliable that it is often used for diagnosis in women with elevated maternal serum AFP without waiting for amniotic fluid measurements.
  • 101. FETAL SCREENING: I) Amniocentesis: - Removal of amniotic fluid containing fetal cells, via a needle puncture from the uterus. - Any genetic analysis can be performed on these cells. - Performed 14-20th week of gestation.
  • 102. FETAL SCREENING: I) Amniocentesis: - Removal of amniotic fluid containing fetal cells, via a needle puncture from the uterus. - Any genetic analysis can be performed on these cells. - Performed 14-20th week of gestation.
  • 103. Amniotic fluid testing is done for: • Diagnosis of NTD (Confirming a screen positive mother) • Diagnosis of congenital diseases • Diagnosis of Isoimmunisation disease • Assessment of fetal lung maturity
  • 104. 1) Diagnosis of NTD: AFP: - Patients with unexplained high maternal serum AFP levels and normal ultrasonography should be offered amniotic fluid testing - AFP values greater than or equal to 2.0 MoM are considered elevated. - A frequent interference is contamination of the fluid with fetal blood. Elevated amniotic fluid AFP should be tested for fetal hemoglobin, a sensitive marker of fetal blood contamination.
  • 105. Acetylcholine Estrase (AChE): - AChE is a neural enzyme present in cerebrospinal fluid and fetal blood. - It is not present in maternal blood and is not normally detectable in amniotic fluid. - The abnormal presence of acetylcholinesterase in amniotic fluid is suggestive of an open fetal defect. - When AChE is detected, the ratio of AChE to pseudocholinesterase (PChE), a non-specific cholinesterase normally found in amniotic fluid, may help distinguish open neural tube defects from fetal blood contaminated fluid.
  • 106. 2) Tests for isoimmunization disease: - Isoimmunization disease is a fetal haemolytic disorder caused by maternal antibodies directed against antigens on fetal erythrocytes. - The amount of bilirubin in the amniotic fluid is useful for determining the severity of the condition. - The most common cause of severe disease is sensitization of Rh-negative woman to the D antigen of the Rh system.
  • 107. - An association exists between gestational age, severity of the disease, and bilirubin concentration. - The concentration of bilirubin is too low to be measured by standard photometric techniques (up to 0.03mgldL) but the determination can be done by absorption spectrophotometry. - The maximal absorbance of bilirubin is at 450 nm.
  • 108. - In the absence of significant amounts of bilirubin, the absorbance spectrum for the amniotic fluid between 365 and 550 nm is nearly exponential.
  • 109. -When plotted on a semi log scale (linear curve), the degree to which the curve deviates from a straight line at 450 nm is linearly proportional to the concentration of bilirubin (∆A 450)
  • 110. - Results of (∆A 450) are established into 3 classification zones based on gestational age “ Liley's zones”
  • 111. II) CVS: - Chorionic villi are precursors of the placenta and a good source of fetal tissue. - CVS can be performed safely by 10th week both transabdominally and transvaginally - Used for: •Cell culture & karyotyping •Enzyme assays •Direct gene analysis
  • 112. III) Pre implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD): - For couples undergoing IVF. - Fertilized eggs are checked for the gene mutation and only the unaffected embryos are introduced into the uterus in the hope of a successful implantation. - Cells are isolated from the blastocyst (16 – 20 cells embryo), where DNA is extracted and tested for common or expected genetic mutations.
  • 113. POST NATAL NEW BORN SCREENING: - NBS is a process of early identification of health conditions followed by their subsequent timely treatment before the onset of disease processes thereby minimizing the risk of long-term sequelae. - Key issues considered for NBS: • What are the effects of each genetic disorder? • What treatment is currently available for each genetic disorder, and at what age does treatment begin?
  • 114. • Based on demographics, how many people are likely to be affected by each genetic disorder? • Should all newborn infants receive the same screening tests? Why or why not? • Can a test in question be performed on a large scale in laboratories? Why or why not? • What is the cost per test and the total for screening? • Will early identification of persons with the genetic disorder lead to cost savings in treatment or care? Why or why not?
  • 115. Alpha-1-antitrypsin Deficiency: Clinical description: - Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency can lead to early onset of emphysema and/or liver failure. - These symptoms usually appear when a person is in their 30’s or 40’s. - Symptoms are more severe in smokers than in nonsmokers.
  • 116. Genetics: - This disorder is caused by a mutation in the proteinase inhibitor (PI) gene on chromosome 14. - The normal protein coded for by this gene is involved in tissue repair. - Disorder symptoms depend on which type of mutation an individual has in the PI gene. - There are more than 70 different alleles of the PI gene. - The M allele is the wild variant. The mutant alleles S and Z are the most common disease causing variants.
  • 117. Inheritance: Autosomal recessive Testing: - This disorder can be detected by testing the levels of alpha-1-antitrypsin in blood. If they are abnormally low, the next step is to identify the exact alpha-1-antitrypsin protein variants the person carries. - Abnormal forms of the alpha-1-antitrypsin protein can be detected using dried blood as a sample for gel electrophoresis.
  • 118. Cystic Fibrosis: - Cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) gene on chromosome 7 which codes for the protein that controls ion transfer across cell membranes. - Disruption of salt transfer results in abnormal gland secretions and dehydration due to increased loss of salt and water during sweating. - CF affects almost all of the glands in the body that secrete fluid, resulting in a variety of symptoms.
  • 119. - Secretions may be thick and cause blockage in the pancreas, intestines and lungs. - Mucus blockage also provides places for bacteria to multiply, increasing the probability of infection. - CF children show poor digestion, dehydration, coughing and vomiting. Molecular analysis has identified approximately 100 mutations in the CFTR gene. Different mutations determine the severity of symptoms seen in CF patients.
  • 120. Testing: - Mutation in the CFTR gene results in an increase in an enzyme called trypsinogen. The initial newborn screen tests for this enzyme using a dried blood sample. - There are hundreds of mutations in the population, the most common is ∆F508. - Testing all mutations is very difficult unless a clinically accepted microchip technology is available.
  • 121. - Measurement of chloride content in sweat collected after pilocarpine iontophoresis, is still the gold standard test for diagnosing CF Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Sweat Test2.flv
  • 122. Huntington’s disease: - Huntington’s disease is characterized by the progressive death of certain neurons in the brain. - Symptoms generally appear between the ages of 3540 years and include depression, mood swings, amnesia, involuntary twitching and lack of coordination. - As the disease progresses, involuntary movements increase, memory declines, and walking, speaking and swallowing ability gradually diminish. - Death soon follows from choking, infections or heart failure.
  • 123. Genetics: - Huntington’s is caused by excessive repeating of the DNA bases CAG (trinucleotide repeats) in the huntingtin gene on chromosome 4. - The normal number of repeats is 10 – 35, Huntington’s disease patients have 36 - 121 repeats. Inheritance Autosomal dominant Testing The huntingtin gene is analyzed in a blood sample to determine the number of CAG repeats.
  • 124. Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD) - Individuals with maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) are unable to properly metabolize three amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. - The enzymes required to process these three amino acids are absent, inactive or only partially active. - Because these amino acids do not get broken down completely, high levels accumulate in the blood, urine and sweat.
  • 125. -The by-product of isoleucine has a characteristic sweet smell which gives the disorder its name. - The three amino acids and their derivatives can be toxic at high levels and can lead to brain injury, mental retardation, seizures, vomiting, coma and even death. Genetics: The most common type is classic MSUD which is caused by a defect in the BCKDHA gene on chromosome 19.
  • 126. Inheritance Autosomal recessive Testing - Newborn screening programs that test for MSUD use the same blood sample collected for PKU and galactosemia tests. - Generally, blood is analyzed for elevated levels of leucin
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  • 128. Phenylketonuria (PKU) - PKU is caused by the lack of phenylalanine hydroxylase , an enzyme that processes the amino acid phenylalanine. - Phenylalanine is not broken down and accumulates in the blood & it is toxic to the brain. - Untreated individuals with PKU show progressive developmental delay in the first year of life, mental retardation, seizures, autistic-like behavior and a peculiar body odor.
  • 129. Genetics - In PKU individuals, the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene on chromosome 12 is disrupted. Inheritance Autosomal recessive
  • 130. Testing - The blood phenylalanine level can be measured using a spot of dried blood. - The PKU test (the Guthrie test) was the first genetic screening test developed. - Automated tests (MS / MS) are now used in some screening programs. - The timing of the test is important; the test should be completed after the first day and before the seventh day of life. If done too soon, low levels in the newborn can be masked by the presence of maternal phenylalanine.
  • 131. Sickle Cell Disease: - A group of inherited disorders of RBCs - If the gene encoding hemoglobin is mutated, it causes a change in the shape of the molecule. - When the mutated hemoglobin delivers oxygen to the tissues, the red blood cell collapses, resulting in a long, flat sickle-shaped cell. These cells clog blood flow, resulting in a variety of symptoms including pain, increased infections, lung blockage, kidney damage, delayed growth and anemia
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  • 133. Genetics - The gene encoding the beta chain of the hemoglobin molecule, located on chromosome 11, can be mutated in a variety of ways that result in different types of sickle cell disease. - Some mutations are more common than others. The three most common types of sickle cell disease are hemoglobin SS (Hb SS), hemoglobin SC (Hb SC), and hemoglobin sickle beta thalassemia (HbS beta-thalassemia).
  • 134. Inheritance Autosomal recessive Testing: - Most screening programs utilize thin-layer isoelectric focusing (IEF) or high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) techniques performed on capillary blood collected from a heel stick and absorbed onto filter paper.
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  • 136. Newborn Screening Card Rejection.flv