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Author : Sriman Namacarya das
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Date Produced : August 2006
Editor : HH RP Bhakti Raghava Swami
Serial No : 52 of 54
Srila Prabhupada Uvaca
 Thus as soon as Mahäräja Parékñit saw that a lower-
class man in the dress of a king was hurting the legs of
a cow and a bull, at once he arrested and punished
him. The king cannot tolerate insults to the most
important animal, the cow, nor can he tolerate
disrespect for the most important man, the brähmaëa.
Human civilization means to advance the cause of
brahminical culture, and to maintain it, cow protection
is essential. There is a miracle in milk, for it contains all
the necessary vitamins to sustain human physiological
conditions for higher achievements. Brahminical
culture can advance only when man is educated to
develop the quality of goodness, and for this there is a
prime necessity of food prepared with milk, fruits and
Krishna Consciousness
and Health
 Thakur Bhaktivinod Says......
sädhana-käle ye paryanta hådaya käma äche se
paryanta varëäçramädi dharmera apekñä thäke
 At the time of practicing sädhana-bhakti, so long
as there is material desire within the heart, one
should remain within the confines of the
varëäçrama system.
 The relationship between the aforementioned
varëäçrama-dharma and vaidhi-bhakti ought to be
examined. The question is, is the varëäçrama
institution negated, or should it be abandoned when
one takes to the process of bhakti, or should the rules
and regulations of varëäçrama be followed in order to
properly cultivate vaidhi- bhakti?
 As we have said, the main reason for the cultivation of
varëäçrama is that maintaining the body in good
health, improving the faculty of the mind, promoting
social well-being, and learning the science of the Self
are all conducive to the practice of pure devotional
 Who can deny the necessity of the varëäçrama institution as
long as the living being is bound up in the human body? If it
is abandoned, and the above-mentioned four principles are
lacking, the jiva will go astray and no good whatsoever will
accrue to him. One should, therefore, strictly adhere to the
rules governing varëäçrama for the sake of the mind,
society, and one's advancement in Kåñëa consciousness.
 But the observance of varëäçrama-dharma is not the sole
business of the jiva. Therefore, with the assistance of
varëäçrama-dharma, one must cultivate pure devotional
service. The purpose of the varëäçrama institution is to
facilitate the practice of devotional service.
 The question may arise that since the practice of
varëäçrama is a dilatory affair, what will one's duty be
if a conflict arises with one's devotional practice? The
answer is that if one does not maintain and nourish the
healthy condition of the body, mind, society, and the
pursuit of self-realization, how will it be possible to
cultivate the higher endeavor, devotional service? If,
abandoning the varëäçrama institution, one acts
independently, then the demands of the body and
mind will cause one to become intoxicated with
material desire and no sign of devotion will manifest
Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur:Varëäçrama and Vaidhi-
Other References
śarīramādyaṃkhalu dharmasādhanam
This body is surely the foremost instrument of doing
[good] deeds
Kalidasa in Kumarasambhavam 5.33
Dharma Artha Kama Mokshanam
Arogyam Mulam Uttamam
Charak Samhita Sutrasthana 1.15
The Science of Life
सोऽयमायुर्वेदःशाश्र्वतोनिर्दिश्यते, अिार्दत्र्वात ्,
स्र्वभार्वसंससद्धलक्षणत्र्वात ्, भार्वस्र्वभार्वनित्यत्र्वाच्च|
so’yamāyurvedaḥśāśvato nirdiśyate,
anāditvāt, svabhāvasaṃsiddhalakṣaṇatvāt, bhāvasvabhāvanityatvācca
Ayurveda or the science of life is eternal because of the following:
Anaditvaat – Ayurveda has no beginning
svabhava samsidda lakshanatvaat – It deals with things that are inherent in Nature; and
Bhave svabhava nityatvaat – Such natural manifestations are eternal
Disciplic Succession
 Lord Krishna >>>>> Lord Brahma
 Prajapat >>>>> Ashvinikumaras
 Indra >>>>> Bharadvaja & Dhanvantar
Other Rishis
 Punarvasu Atreya, Agnivesha, Bhel Jatukarna,
Parashar, Harita, Ksharpaani, Charaka, Sushruta,
प्रयोजिं चास्य स्र्वस्थस्य स्र्वास््यरक्षणमातुरस्य वर्वकार
prayojanaṃcāsya svasthasya
svāsthyarakṣaṇamāturasya vikārapraśamanaṃca||26||
The utility of this science is to help maintain the health
of a healthy individual and cure the disease of the
patient. [25-26]
Purpose (continued)
Dharmartham Nartha Kamartham Aayurvedo
Prakashito Dharma parair ichchadbhihi sthanam
The Sages, who were vigilant in following Dharma &
who were always desired for the Lotus Feet of Lord,
propagated this Ayurveda only for following Dharma
but not for fulfilling the desire of gaining material
Charaka Chikitsa Sthana 1-4.57-58
Protection of the Body
Tray upastambha iti – aharah
svapno bramhacharyam iti
Three pillars:
1- Food (aharah)
2- Sleep (svapnah)
3- Celibacy (bramhacharyam)
Root Cause of Disease
Dhi Dhruti Smriti Vibhrashtah karma
yat kurute shubham pradnya
aparadham tam vidyat
A Person does bad act due to corruption of
Intelligence, Patience & Remembrance of Duty.
Then it gives rise to Mental & Bodily doshas which in
turn inspires one to do Paapa –Pradnya Aparadha.
Panchamahabhuta &
1. Earth (1 + 2) >> Kapha >>> Ahamkarah
2. Water
3. Air (2 + 4)>> Pitta >>> Buddhi
4. Fire
5. Ether (3 + 5) Vaata >>> Manah
Panchagavya &
1. Gaumutra << >> Vaayu or Air
2. Gobara << >> Pruthvi or Earth
3. Dugdha << >> Jala or Water
4. Takra << >> Aakash or Ether
5. Ghrita << >> Agni or Fire
Need of Panchagavya
• Disadvantages of allopathic treatment
• Medicines give rise to new diseases
• Increasing cesarean delivery
• ICU or I see you last time…
• X-Ray machines or blood cancer producer..
• Incinerator for dead or the living...
Need of Panchagavya
• Virus natural or artificial
• Politics behind national relief schemes
• So called Green Revolution & the Genetical
• Jersey cows
• Refined oils, salts, etc.
• Meat eating, pollution, etc.
Universally Accepted Reason for
Disease & Solution by Gomutra
• Bacteria’s attack on internal organs
• Imbalance of Tri doshas
• Reduction in resistance power
• Insufficiency of minerals
• Mental tension
• Excess intake of antibiotics
Universally Accepted Reason for
Disease & Solution by Gomutra
• Previous birth bad karma
• Due to ghost
• Hereditary
• It kills all kinds of bacteria
• It balances Tri doshas
• It improves liver so that pure blood is formed
Universally Accepted Reason for
Disease & Solution by Gomutra
• It contains lots of minerals specially, copper & gold
• Mental tension attacks nervous system. Gomutra
gives strength to Brain and Heart
• It has anti poisonous property
• Ganga resides in Gomutra, which is considered
Universally Accepted Reason for
Disease & Solution by Gomutra
• As Ganges resides in gomutra and she is being held
by Lord Shiva who is the Lord of all ghosts.
• If taken prior to disease, creates tremendous
resistance against disease.
Symptoms of Kapha Vikruti
 Increase in laziness
- Loosing interest in work
- Leaving all tasks for future
 Heaviness
- In body, stomach, in joints, in mind
 Rigid
- Rigid in thoughts, problem in accepting or learning
new thoughts and work. Increase in sleep
Symptoms of Kapha Vikruti
 Slow speed
- All things get slow like thinking, digestion, speed of
any work
 Stickiness
- Skin becomes sticky.
- When stickiness comes in the blood then impurities
in the blood sticks to various organs, joints, vessels,
and creates problems.
Symptoms of Kapha Vikruti
 Nausea
- Again and again getting sensation to vomit is also a
symptom of imbalance in kapha.
 Thickness
- In stomach, buttocks, or in whole body.
 Sore throat, spitting kapha all the time.
Symptoms of Kapha Vikruti
 Whiteness
- Because of kapha vikruti one can see whiteness in
the eyes, stool, urine etc.
- Reduction in thirst
 Less sweat
 Feeling cold
Methods to Balance Kapha
 Kapha is related to EGO. When the EGO is near to
the soul then the person shows love, compassion,
faith, surrender, bhakti, kindness, etc.
 But when the EGO is away from the real self then a
person becomes rigid and narrow minded.
 There are least number of diseases caused by kapha.
They are counted to be total 20.
Methods to Balance Kapha
 In the beginning sore throat, vomiting, difficulty in
breathing, more sleep, thickness or fatness,
decrease in the digestion power.
 Later on ashtama, heart related disorders, water
getting filled in the joints, cataract, prameha rog
प्रमेह रोग, mucus आँर्व, hopelessness.
 Result of increase in kapha – attachment takes place
of love, greed takes place of contentment, and one
gets caught in ones own made boundaries.
Methods to Balance Kapha
 Spring season, childhood, day and night, the kapha
remains high.
 During this period the diseases occurring happen
due to kapha vikruti.
 Lazily sitting in front of TV, eating cold refrigerated
items, sitting in the cold stale air of AC disturbs kafa.
 One should do exercises.
Methods to Balance Kapha
 Drinking hot water.
 Vomiting र्वमि
 Bitter- spicy foods, vegetables, solid, buttermilk
(made by taking out the butter from the curd)
should be consumed.
 Dry massage
Methods to Balance Kapha
 Steam bath बाष्प स्िाि
 Dry food
- Green vegetables, mixture made from roasted
millets laahi (जैसे ज्र्वारी-बाजारी-मकके की लाही), puffed
rice, jou ki dhani जाऊ की धािी, sattu सत्तू
 Fasting– weekly – remain by taking hot water
 Remaining awake in the night
Symptoms of Pitta Vikruti
 Mental
- Increase in the feelings of anger, enviousness, fear,
lamentation, etc.
 Burning
- In eyes, palms, under the feet, while passing urine and clearing
 Bad smell
- In sweat, stool, urine, breathe, burp or belch, fart
Symptoms of Pitta Vikruti
 Redness
- In eyes, face, throat, redness on swollen areas, red skin disease
 Blackness
- Dark circles under eyes due to the vikruti of both vata and pitta.
- Black spots on the skin and black stool.
- Blackness in front of eyes, symptoms of weakness.
Symptoms of Pitta Vikruti
 White flow
- When pitta- kapha gets imbalanced, prameha प्रमेह in
male, aav आँर्व, white blood flow in the ladies.
 Cold जुकाम
- Because of high pitta the dhatu melts and flows out
of the nose.
Symptoms of Pitta Vikruti
 Reduction in sleep and hunger
 Wounds
- Skin diseases like ulcers, boils, pimples, etc.
 Infection संक्रमण
- Infection in throat, in the blood, etc.
Methods of Balancing Pitta
 Increases in afternoon, summers, young age, in pitta
dominant people, wrong habits of eating, in more
light, in AC. Eating food from the refrigerator, in the
atmosphere of violence, fear, doubt the pitta gets
 There are total 40 various diseases calculated in the
category of pitta.
 In the beginning boils, pimples, skin diseases mouth
ulcers, loose motions, cold and cough, baldness
गंजापि, menstrual flow imbalance, season wise
infectious diseases.
Methods of Balancing Pitta
 After that pyria, piles, भगंदर, migraine, serious
infectious diseases, pneumonia, jaundice, typhoid,
malaria, diabetes, ulcers, eye disease, nose bleeding,
pus flow from the ears, hole in the heart valve, lack
of blood, hernia, liver disorder, vikruti in uterus and
related organs, cancer, nodes गाँठ, TB etc.
 Pitta is connected to intelligence. Pitta imbalance
results into vikruti in the intelligence and vikruti in
intelligence results into pitta disorder.
Methods of Balancing Pitta
 Seeing negative things in all situations, unnecessary
negative arguments, misunderstanding, thinking
friend as enemy and enemy as friend.
 Because of pitta vikruti the capability of the senses
to gratify gets depleted, because of which the
person does not like the things he used to like
before. Like loosing interest in the taste, loosing
interest in Sex life, but in actuality this all happens
because of imbalance in the intelligence, but the
person starts considering this as his spiritual
Methods of Balancing Pitta
 Before letting the pitta cross the limit, cool down the
- 40 minutes after getting up drink half liter to 1 liter of
water. Lack of water in the body increases pitta.
- Consuming cold things before pitta gets aggravated
(water in radiator), morning coconut water is very
helpful, afternoon coconut headache and cold cough.
- In summers lemon water, coconut water, sandal, khaas,
kevda, rose sharbat, fruit juice, etc., can be consumed.
When the sun starts getting down, then don’t consume.
Beneficial before going in sun, and harmful for before
going in AC.
Methods of Balancing Pitta
- Amala, Bel ka Murabba, Gulkand
- Drink most of the water in the morning time. Before
12 noon 60 % and by evening 80%.
- Use bhringraj, brahmi coconut oil massage, which
helps restricting pitta to enter in head.
- Bath before sunrise.
- Use angrag instead of soap.
- Water before going in sun.
Methods of Balancing Pitta
 Take out heat from the body & bring it under limits.
- Most of the pitta disease happen due to lack of
- Break the fever by excess sweating.
- If the boil increases then allow it ripen and burst.
 Before sleeping put ghee in hot water and drink.
 Doing workout/exercise in AC disturbs pitta.
Methods of Balancing Pitta
 Don’t drink tea and coffee.
 Not to eat garlic.
 Not to remain hungry for long time.
 During dark moon night the pitta increases, so avoid
taking any decisions during that period. Eat sweet
 Eat sweet rice when suffering from malaria.
Symptoms of Vata Vikruti
 Irregularity
- Sleep
- Hunger
- Schedule
- Menstruation cycle
 Extremity
- Mood, Sudden Changes in Nature
- Too thin or too fat
- Daydreaming
Symptoms of Vata Vikruti
 Instability
- Posture
- Thinking
- Uneasiness
- Hurry
Symptoms of Vata Vikruti
 Dryness
- Skin
- Dry itching
- Thirst, dry mouth
- Constipation
- Joints
- Dry wax in ears
- Rough behavior
Symptoms of Vata Vikruti
 Forgetfullness
 Pain
 Gases
Symptoms of Vata Vikruti
 Suddenness
- Sudden pain
- Fits, Epilepsy
- Sudden change in behavior
 Shivering
 Fatigue , unenthusiastic
Methods to Balance Vata
 Maximum diseases occur by vata vikruti. Number of
diseases estimated = 80.
 Constipation, gas, acidity, joint pain, pain in the
bones, headache, gases in the stomach, dry itching,
dry skin disease, weakness, to feel vertigo.
 Arthiritis, slip disk, spondylitis, sciatica, insomnia,
high blood pressure, heart diseases, stone, cataract,
paralysis, Parkinsons, asthama, psoriasis, madness,
hearing defects.
Methods to Balance Vata
 Vata is connected to mind. By not paying attention
on time, the bodily disorder gets converted into
mental diseases and the mental diseases gets
converted into terrific bodily disorders.
 Due to vata vikruti the person looks elder in
comparison to his normal age.
 In rainy season, in winters, in weak people, in old
age, improper eating habits, fast life, living in AC,
also by eating old refrigerated food and by watching
TV serials the vata gets disturbed.
Methods to Balance Vata
 Controlling the motion
- Keeping away from direct hitting air
- Gomutra in the ears, ghee in the nasals
- Light exercises, yogasanas
- Drink water by sitting and touching the mouth to the
- “Jol Khaabo”
- Keep oneself busy with proper planning
Methods to Balance Vata
 Keeping safe from cold
- Drinking water after 90 minutes, 1.5 hours of after
taking food
- One can drink hot water after the food
- Say no to refrigerated foods
- Eating hot foodstuff in the winters
- Not to keep bare foot on the marble floors
- Consuming hot water
Methods to Balance Vata
 Maintaining the smoothness
- Oil massage
- Consuming more ghee
- Consuming oil from Ghaani
- Ghee nasal drops before sleeping
Methods to Balance Vata
 Restricting the air to enter inside the body
- Don’t sleep directly under the fan
- Keep the waist tightened
- During fasting drinking hot water, and avoiding tea
- Passing urine in sitting posture
- Keeping cotton swabs in the ears
Methods to Balance Vata
 Never neglect change
- Don’t drink water immediately after waking up, toilet,
clearing bowels, bath, food
- “Usha Paan” after waking up
- After accident consume hot water instead of cold water
- Drinking water immediately after coming from sun to
shadow dark cool place should be strictly avoided,
however one can consume water while being in the sun
- After donating blood they suggest to drink tea instead of
drinking Juice.
Methods to Balance Vata
- During periods it is advised not to take cold food, instead
hot eatables should be consumed, she is advise to take
rest, also bathing should be avoided. Sanitary napkins
invite bladder infections.
- After sex don’t drink water instead consume hot milk
with ghee in it.
- During marriage times cold things are very harmful eg-
cold drinks, Ice-cream.
- During pregnancy keep the body warm.
- Being very careful during season change and vata
imbalance. Rainy season is the time for vata imbalance.
Methods to Balance Vata
 Don’t think or read books, newspapers etc., while passing
 Don’t give strain or pressure on the rectum, intestines
while passing stool.
 Don’t eat again and again.
 Don’t eat dry, cold, stinking food.
 Potato, onions, cauliflower, salad, dahl (grams, peas and
pulses) without skin, chickpea flour, white flour (maida),
bitter and astringent food should be avoided when the
vata is increased.
Methods to Balance Vata
 Never eat onions.
 Hard work, exercise and sex after food increases
 Do not use glucose or saline.
 When vata is disturbed one can take rest but don’t
be lazy.
 Keeping awake whole night disturbs vata. It also
decreases the intelligence and memory power.
Methods to Balance Vata
 Natural forces like clearing bowels, urine, semen,
fart, burp, sneezing, yawn, vomit, sweat, tears,
sleep, hunger, thirst should never be suppressed.
 During rainy season viral infection spreads, during
that period the vata gets disturbed because of cold.
During that period the vata can be controlled by
eating hot pakodas. Never eat onion pakoda. Don’t
drink normal water after pakoda, instead consume
 By massaging the feet and by love vata is controlled.
Om Sri Surabhyai Namah !
Sriman Namacarya das
 Name Sriman Namacarya das
 Age and Gender 29, Male
 Country/Province of Origin India, Maharashtra
 Educational Degree and Year B.Tech/Chemical Engineering 2009
 Educational Institution SV National Institute of Technology
Surat, Gujarat
 Professional Work/Experience Panchagavya Ayurveda Practitioner
 Affiliation with ISKCON Since 2006
 Present Service in ISKCON Consultant
Panchagavya Therapy

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Panchagavya Therapy

  • 1.
  • 2. Author : Sriman Namacarya das E-Mail : Date Produced : August 2006 Editor : HH RP Bhakti Raghava Swami Serial No : 52 of 54 PANCHAGAVYA THERAPY
  • 3.
  • 4. Srila Prabhupada Uvaca  Thus as soon as Mahäräja Parékñit saw that a lower- class man in the dress of a king was hurting the legs of a cow and a bull, at once he arrested and punished him. The king cannot tolerate insults to the most important animal, the cow, nor can he tolerate disrespect for the most important man, the brähmaëa. Human civilization means to advance the cause of brahminical culture, and to maintain it, cow protection is essential. There is a miracle in milk, for it contains all the necessary vitamins to sustain human physiological conditions for higher achievements. Brahminical culture can advance only when man is educated to develop the quality of goodness, and for this there is a prime necessity of food prepared with milk, fruits and grains.
  • 5. Krishna Consciousness and Health  Thakur Bhaktivinod Says...... sädhana-käle ye paryanta hådaya käma äche se paryanta varëäçramädi dharmera apekñä thäke  At the time of practicing sädhana-bhakti, so long as there is material desire within the heart, one should remain within the confines of the varëäçrama system.
  • 6. PURPORT  The relationship between the aforementioned varëäçrama-dharma and vaidhi-bhakti ought to be examined. The question is, is the varëäçrama institution negated, or should it be abandoned when one takes to the process of bhakti, or should the rules and regulations of varëäçrama be followed in order to properly cultivate vaidhi- bhakti?  As we have said, the main reason for the cultivation of varëäçrama is that maintaining the body in good health, improving the faculty of the mind, promoting social well-being, and learning the science of the Self are all conducive to the practice of pure devotional service.
  • 7. Continued…  Who can deny the necessity of the varëäçrama institution as long as the living being is bound up in the human body? If it is abandoned, and the above-mentioned four principles are lacking, the jiva will go astray and no good whatsoever will accrue to him. One should, therefore, strictly adhere to the rules governing varëäçrama for the sake of the mind, society, and one's advancement in Kåñëa consciousness.  But the observance of varëäçrama-dharma is not the sole business of the jiva. Therefore, with the assistance of varëäçrama-dharma, one must cultivate pure devotional service. The purpose of the varëäçrama institution is to facilitate the practice of devotional service.
  • 8. Continued…  The question may arise that since the practice of varëäçrama is a dilatory affair, what will one's duty be if a conflict arises with one's devotional practice? The answer is that if one does not maintain and nourish the healthy condition of the body, mind, society, and the pursuit of self-realization, how will it be possible to cultivate the higher endeavor, devotional service? If, abandoning the varëäçrama institution, one acts independently, then the demands of the body and mind will cause one to become intoxicated with material desire and no sign of devotion will manifest itself. Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur:Varëäçrama and Vaidhi- Bhakti
  • 9. Other References śarīramādyaṃkhalu dharmasādhanam This body is surely the foremost instrument of doing [good] deeds Kalidasa in Kumarasambhavam 5.33 Dharma Artha Kama Mokshanam Arogyam Mulam Uttamam Charak Samhita Sutrasthana 1.15
  • 11. Ayurveda सोऽयमायुर्वेदःशाश्र्वतोनिर्दिश्यते, अिार्दत्र्वात ्, स्र्वभार्वसंससद्धलक्षणत्र्वात ्, भार्वस्र्वभार्वनित्यत्र्वाच्च| so’yamāyurvedaḥśāśvato nirdiśyate, anāditvāt, svabhāvasaṃsiddhalakṣaṇatvāt, bhāvasvabhāvanityatvācca Ayurveda or the science of life is eternal because of the following: Anaditvaat – Ayurveda has no beginning svabhava samsidda lakshanatvaat – It deals with things that are inherent in Nature; and Bhave svabhava nityatvaat – Such natural manifestations are eternal
  • 12. Disciplic Succession  Lord Krishna >>>>> Lord Brahma  Prajapat >>>>> Ashvinikumaras  Indra >>>>> Bharadvaja & Dhanvantar Other Rishis  Punarvasu Atreya, Agnivesha, Bhel Jatukarna, Parashar, Harita, Ksharpaani, Charaka, Sushruta, Vagbhatta…
  • 13. Purpose प्रयोजिं चास्य स्र्वस्थस्य स्र्वास््यरक्षणमातुरस्य वर्वकार प्रशमिंच||२६|| prayojanaṃcāsya svasthasya svāsthyarakṣaṇamāturasya vikārapraśamanaṃca||26|| The utility of this science is to help maintain the health of a healthy individual and cure the disease of the patient. [25-26]
  • 14. Purpose (continued) Dharmartham Nartha Kamartham Aayurvedo Mahrshibhihi| Prakashito Dharma parair ichchadbhihi sthanam aksharam|| The Sages, who were vigilant in following Dharma & who were always desired for the Lotus Feet of Lord, propagated this Ayurveda only for following Dharma but not for fulfilling the desire of gaining material enjoyment. Charaka Chikitsa Sthana 1-4.57-58
  • 15. Protection of the Body Tray upastambha iti – aharah svapno bramhacharyam iti Three pillars: 1- Food (aharah) 2- Sleep (svapnah) 3- Celibacy (bramhacharyam)
  • 16. Root Cause of Disease Dhi Dhruti Smriti Vibhrashtah karma yat kurute shubham pradnya aparadham tam vidyat sarvadoshaprakopanam A Person does bad act due to corruption of Intelligence, Patience & Remembrance of Duty. Then it gives rise to Mental & Bodily doshas which in turn inspires one to do Paapa –Pradnya Aparadha.
  • 17. Panchamahabhuta & Tridosha 1. Earth (1 + 2) >> Kapha >>> Ahamkarah 2. Water 3. Air (2 + 4)>> Pitta >>> Buddhi 4. Fire 5. Ether (3 + 5) Vaata >>> Manah
  • 18. Panchagavya & Panchamahabhuta 1. Gaumutra << >> Vaayu or Air 2. Gobara << >> Pruthvi or Earth 3. Dugdha << >> Jala or Water 4. Takra << >> Aakash or Ether 5. Ghrita << >> Agni or Fire
  • 19. Need of Panchagavya • Disadvantages of allopathic treatment • Medicines give rise to new diseases • Increasing cesarean delivery • ICU or I see you last time… • X-Ray machines or blood cancer producer.. • Incinerator for dead or the living...
  • 20. Need of Panchagavya • Virus natural or artificial • Politics behind national relief schemes • So called Green Revolution & the Genetical Modification • Jersey cows • Refined oils, salts, etc. • Meat eating, pollution, etc.
  • 21. Universally Accepted Reason for Disease & Solution by Gomutra • Bacteria’s attack on internal organs • Imbalance of Tri doshas • Reduction in resistance power • Insufficiency of minerals • Mental tension • Excess intake of antibiotics
  • 22. Universally Accepted Reason for Disease & Solution by Gomutra • Previous birth bad karma • Due to ghost • Hereditary • It kills all kinds of bacteria • It balances Tri doshas • It improves liver so that pure blood is formed
  • 23. Universally Accepted Reason for Disease & Solution by Gomutra • It contains lots of minerals specially, copper & gold • Mental tension attacks nervous system. Gomutra gives strength to Brain and Heart • It has anti poisonous property • Ganga resides in Gomutra, which is considered Papanasini
  • 24. Universally Accepted Reason for Disease & Solution by Gomutra • As Ganges resides in gomutra and she is being held by Lord Shiva who is the Lord of all ghosts. • If taken prior to disease, creates tremendous resistance against disease.
  • 25. Symptoms of Kapha Vikruti  Increase in laziness - Loosing interest in work - Leaving all tasks for future  Heaviness - In body, stomach, in joints, in mind  Rigid - Rigid in thoughts, problem in accepting or learning new thoughts and work. Increase in sleep
  • 26. Symptoms of Kapha Vikruti  Slow speed - All things get slow like thinking, digestion, speed of any work  Stickiness - Skin becomes sticky. - When stickiness comes in the blood then impurities in the blood sticks to various organs, joints, vessels, and creates problems.
  • 27. Symptoms of Kapha Vikruti  Nausea - Again and again getting sensation to vomit is also a symptom of imbalance in kapha.  Thickness - In stomach, buttocks, or in whole body.  Sore throat, spitting kapha all the time.
  • 28. Symptoms of Kapha Vikruti  Whiteness - Because of kapha vikruti one can see whiteness in the eyes, stool, urine etc. - Reduction in thirst  Less sweat  Feeling cold
  • 29. Methods to Balance Kapha  Kapha is related to EGO. When the EGO is near to the soul then the person shows love, compassion, faith, surrender, bhakti, kindness, etc.  But when the EGO is away from the real self then a person becomes rigid and narrow minded.  There are least number of diseases caused by kapha. They are counted to be total 20.
  • 30. Methods to Balance Kapha  In the beginning sore throat, vomiting, difficulty in breathing, more sleep, thickness or fatness, decrease in the digestion power.  Later on ashtama, heart related disorders, water getting filled in the joints, cataract, prameha rog प्रमेह रोग, mucus आँर्व, hopelessness.  Result of increase in kapha – attachment takes place of love, greed takes place of contentment, and one gets caught in ones own made boundaries.
  • 31. Methods to Balance Kapha  Spring season, childhood, day and night, the kapha remains high.  During this period the diseases occurring happen due to kapha vikruti.  Lazily sitting in front of TV, eating cold refrigerated items, sitting in the cold stale air of AC disturbs kafa.  One should do exercises.
  • 32. Methods to Balance Kapha  Drinking hot water.  Vomiting र्वमि  Bitter- spicy foods, vegetables, solid, buttermilk (made by taking out the butter from the curd) should be consumed.  Dry massage
  • 33. Methods to Balance Kapha  Steam bath बाष्प स्िाि  Dry food - Green vegetables, mixture made from roasted millets laahi (जैसे ज्र्वारी-बाजारी-मकके की लाही), puffed rice, jou ki dhani जाऊ की धािी, sattu सत्तू  Fasting– weekly – remain by taking hot water  Remaining awake in the night
  • 34. Symptoms of Pitta Vikruti  Mental - Increase in the feelings of anger, enviousness, fear, lamentation, etc.  Burning - In eyes, palms, under the feet, while passing urine and clearing bowels  Bad smell - In sweat, stool, urine, breathe, burp or belch, fart
  • 35. Symptoms of Pitta Vikruti  Redness - In eyes, face, throat, redness on swollen areas, red skin disease  Blackness - Dark circles under eyes due to the vikruti of both vata and pitta. - Black spots on the skin and black stool. - Blackness in front of eyes, symptoms of weakness.
  • 36. Symptoms of Pitta Vikruti  White flow - When pitta- kapha gets imbalanced, prameha प्रमेह in male, aav आँर्व, white blood flow in the ladies.  Cold जुकाम - Because of high pitta the dhatu melts and flows out of the nose.
  • 37. Symptoms of Pitta Vikruti  Reduction in sleep and hunger  Wounds - Skin diseases like ulcers, boils, pimples, etc.  Infection संक्रमण - Infection in throat, in the blood, etc.
  • 38. Methods of Balancing Pitta  Increases in afternoon, summers, young age, in pitta dominant people, wrong habits of eating, in more light, in AC. Eating food from the refrigerator, in the atmosphere of violence, fear, doubt the pitta gets imbalanced.  There are total 40 various diseases calculated in the category of pitta.  In the beginning boils, pimples, skin diseases mouth ulcers, loose motions, cold and cough, baldness गंजापि, menstrual flow imbalance, season wise infectious diseases.
  • 39. Methods of Balancing Pitta  After that pyria, piles, भगंदर, migraine, serious infectious diseases, pneumonia, jaundice, typhoid, malaria, diabetes, ulcers, eye disease, nose bleeding, pus flow from the ears, hole in the heart valve, lack of blood, hernia, liver disorder, vikruti in uterus and related organs, cancer, nodes गाँठ, TB etc.  Pitta is connected to intelligence. Pitta imbalance results into vikruti in the intelligence and vikruti in intelligence results into pitta disorder.
  • 40. Methods of Balancing Pitta  Seeing negative things in all situations, unnecessary negative arguments, misunderstanding, thinking friend as enemy and enemy as friend.  Because of pitta vikruti the capability of the senses to gratify gets depleted, because of which the person does not like the things he used to like before. Like loosing interest in the taste, loosing interest in Sex life, but in actuality this all happens because of imbalance in the intelligence, but the person starts considering this as his spiritual advancement.
  • 41. Methods of Balancing Pitta  Before letting the pitta cross the limit, cool down the body - 40 minutes after getting up drink half liter to 1 liter of water. Lack of water in the body increases pitta. - Consuming cold things before pitta gets aggravated (water in radiator), morning coconut water is very helpful, afternoon coconut headache and cold cough. - In summers lemon water, coconut water, sandal, khaas, kevda, rose sharbat, fruit juice, etc., can be consumed. When the sun starts getting down, then don’t consume. Beneficial before going in sun, and harmful for before going in AC.
  • 42. Methods of Balancing Pitta - Amala, Bel ka Murabba, Gulkand - Drink most of the water in the morning time. Before 12 noon 60 % and by evening 80%. - Use bhringraj, brahmi coconut oil massage, which helps restricting pitta to enter in head. - Bath before sunrise. - Use angrag instead of soap. - Water before going in sun.
  • 43. Methods of Balancing Pitta  Take out heat from the body & bring it under limits. - Most of the pitta disease happen due to lack of sweat. - Break the fever by excess sweating. - If the boil increases then allow it ripen and burst.  Before sleeping put ghee in hot water and drink.  Doing workout/exercise in AC disturbs pitta.
  • 44. Methods of Balancing Pitta  Don’t drink tea and coffee.  Not to eat garlic.  Not to remain hungry for long time.  During dark moon night the pitta increases, so avoid taking any decisions during that period. Eat sweet rice.  Eat sweet rice when suffering from malaria.
  • 45. Symptoms of Vata Vikruti  Irregularity - Sleep - Hunger - Schedule - Menstruation cycle  Extremity - Mood, Sudden Changes in Nature - Too thin or too fat - Daydreaming
  • 46. Symptoms of Vata Vikruti  Instability - Posture - Thinking - Uneasiness - Hurry
  • 47. Symptoms of Vata Vikruti  Dryness - Skin - Dry itching - Thirst, dry mouth - Constipation - Joints - Dry wax in ears - Rough behavior
  • 48. Symptoms of Vata Vikruti  Forgetfullness  Pain  Gases
  • 49. Symptoms of Vata Vikruti  Suddenness - Sudden pain - Fits, Epilepsy - Sudden change in behavior  Shivering  Fatigue , unenthusiastic
  • 50. Methods to Balance Vata  Maximum diseases occur by vata vikruti. Number of diseases estimated = 80.  Constipation, gas, acidity, joint pain, pain in the bones, headache, gases in the stomach, dry itching, dry skin disease, weakness, to feel vertigo.  Arthiritis, slip disk, spondylitis, sciatica, insomnia, high blood pressure, heart diseases, stone, cataract, paralysis, Parkinsons, asthama, psoriasis, madness, hearing defects.
  • 51. Methods to Balance Vata  Vata is connected to mind. By not paying attention on time, the bodily disorder gets converted into mental diseases and the mental diseases gets converted into terrific bodily disorders.  Due to vata vikruti the person looks elder in comparison to his normal age.  In rainy season, in winters, in weak people, in old age, improper eating habits, fast life, living in AC, also by eating old refrigerated food and by watching TV serials the vata gets disturbed.
  • 52. Methods to Balance Vata  Controlling the motion - Keeping away from direct hitting air - Gomutra in the ears, ghee in the nasals - Light exercises, yogasanas - Drink water by sitting and touching the mouth to the glass - “Jol Khaabo” - Keep oneself busy with proper planning
  • 53. Methods to Balance Vata  Keeping safe from cold - Drinking water after 90 minutes, 1.5 hours of after taking food - One can drink hot water after the food - Say no to refrigerated foods - Eating hot foodstuff in the winters - Not to keep bare foot on the marble floors - Consuming hot water
  • 54. Methods to Balance Vata  Maintaining the smoothness - Oil massage - Consuming more ghee - Consuming oil from Ghaani - Ghee nasal drops before sleeping
  • 55. Methods to Balance Vata  Restricting the air to enter inside the body - Don’t sleep directly under the fan - Keep the waist tightened - During fasting drinking hot water, and avoiding tea completely - Passing urine in sitting posture - Keeping cotton swabs in the ears
  • 56. Methods to Balance Vata  Never neglect change - Don’t drink water immediately after waking up, toilet, clearing bowels, bath, food - “Usha Paan” after waking up - After accident consume hot water instead of cold water - Drinking water immediately after coming from sun to shadow dark cool place should be strictly avoided, however one can consume water while being in the sun - After donating blood they suggest to drink tea instead of drinking Juice.
  • 57. Methods to Balance Vata - During periods it is advised not to take cold food, instead hot eatables should be consumed, she is advise to take rest, also bathing should be avoided. Sanitary napkins invite bladder infections. - After sex don’t drink water instead consume hot milk with ghee in it. - During marriage times cold things are very harmful eg- cold drinks, Ice-cream. - During pregnancy keep the body warm. - Being very careful during season change and vata imbalance. Rainy season is the time for vata imbalance.
  • 58. Methods to Balance Vata  Don’t think or read books, newspapers etc., while passing stool.  Don’t give strain or pressure on the rectum, intestines while passing stool.  Don’t eat again and again.  Don’t eat dry, cold, stinking food.  Potato, onions, cauliflower, salad, dahl (grams, peas and pulses) without skin, chickpea flour, white flour (maida), bitter and astringent food should be avoided when the vata is increased.
  • 59. Methods to Balance Vata  Never eat onions.  Hard work, exercise and sex after food increases vata.  Do not use glucose or saline.  When vata is disturbed one can take rest but don’t be lazy.  Keeping awake whole night disturbs vata. It also decreases the intelligence and memory power.
  • 60. Methods to Balance Vata  Natural forces like clearing bowels, urine, semen, fart, burp, sneezing, yawn, vomit, sweat, tears, sleep, hunger, thirst should never be suppressed.  During rainy season viral infection spreads, during that period the vata gets disturbed because of cold. During that period the vata can be controlled by eating hot pakodas. Never eat onion pakoda. Don’t drink normal water after pakoda, instead consume kadhi.  By massaging the feet and by love vata is controlled.
  • 61. Om Sri Surabhyai Namah ! Sriman Namacarya das
  • 62. ABOUT THE AUTHOR  Name Sriman Namacarya das  Age and Gender 29, Male  Country/Province of Origin India, Maharashtra  Educational Degree and Year B.Tech/Chemical Engineering 2009  Educational Institution SV National Institute of Technology Surat, Gujarat  Professional Work/Experience Panchagavya Ayurveda Practitioner  Affiliation with ISKCON Since 2006  Present Service in ISKCON Consultant