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P.A.Manoj Business Analyst
Search Engine
 How Search Engines Works?
 What is SEO?
 SEO Process
On-page Optimization
Off-page Optimization
 SEO Points
 SEO Remainder
How Search Engines Works
 Crawling ----Indexing----Searching--- Results
Crawler is ROBOT software that scans the documents like
Web pages, PDF, Word files etc
A copy of newly found pages is stored in its database.
Search Engine searches (queries) from the database when a
user enters a keyword and clicks on the search button
Web pages from the database are ranked in accordance
with the search engine algorithms
 A methodological approach used by search engines to
determine the importance of web page. The most important
page is ranked at the top.
 An Algorithm takes into account many factors in determining
the importance of web page. But two important factors are:
• KEYWORD on the page
• Keyword DENSITY
• BACKLINKS of the pages
Algorithm Changes
In order to provide the best search results,
Google and other Search Engines make
regular changes to their Algorithms. These
changes affect ranks of many websites.
Whenever there is a change in the
algorithm, web pages have to be realigned
in order to retain their ranks on search
Keyword Research
 Keywords are the most common search words used to find
information on any product or service. It could be single or
 Keyword Density is the number of times a keyword appears
on a web page. It also takes into account the position of a
keyword on the page.
 Keyword research process:
1) Client Intake
2) Brainstorming
3) Target List
4) Google Keyword Tool
5) Final Keywords Report
Competitor Analysis
 Identifying broad and niche competitors to analyze
 Onsite competitive analysis (keywords, content and technical
 Offsite competitive analysis (backlinks, link building strategy)
 Competitor surveillance (keeping tabs on their SEO strategy)
 Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving
visibility of the site or in simple words make your website
SEO Process
1. ON-Page Optimization
2. OFF-Page Optimization
 In SEO, ON-Page optimization refers to factors that have an
effect on your Web site or Web page listing in natural
search results. These factors are controlled by you or by
coding on your page. Examples of on-page optimization
include actual HTML code, meta tags, keyword placement
and keyword density etc.
 In SEO, OFF-Page Optimization is work that you undertake
outside of your website to improve your seo rankings and
visibility for your customer. Off Page Optimization is more
focused on digital marketing of your website over internet.
SEO Process
ON-Page Optimization
OFF-Page Optimization
ON-Page Optimization
1. Content is a KING
Having good, well-produced content on your website is your
first priority.
2. Keywords are QUEEN
Well-written content and carefully selected keywords are
the keys of a balanced on-page strategy.
• Meta Description tag
• ALT tags
• H1 tags
• URL structure
• Internal linking strategy
• Content
• Keyword density
• Site maps, both XML and user facing
• Usability and accessibility
• Track target keywords
ON-Page Optimization
 The HTML title tag isn't really a meta tag, but it's worth
discussing in relation to them. Whatever text you place
in the title tag (between the <TITLE> and </TITLE>
portions as shown in the example) will appear in the
reverse bar of someone's browser when they view the
web page.
ON-Page Optimization
• They are information inserted into the "head" area of
your web pages.
• Other than the TITLE Tag (explained below), information
in the head area of your web pages is not seen by those
viewing your pages in browsers.
• Instead, meta information in this area is used to
communicate information that a human visitor may not
be concerned with.
• Meta tags, for example, can tell a browser what
"character set" to use or whether a web page has self-
rated itself in terms of adult content.
ON-Page Optimization
This is a typical layout of the head section of a web page:
<TITLE>This is the Web Page Title.  This will appear on your Listing</TITLE>
<META name="description" content="This is where you
place your web page's description.  This will appear on your listing.">
<META name="keywords" content="place, your, keywords,
here, separated, by, commas">
ON-Page Optimization
• The tag is designed to allow you to tell a search engine when
you do not want it to index your page, and/or when you do
not want the search engine to look at or evaluate any of the
links on your page.
• Not all search engines obey this metatag at this point. The
basic format of the metatag is:
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
ON-Page Optimization
Common Usage for the Robots META Tag
• The Robots META Tag is used for excluding content. By using
the ROBOTS meta tag correctly to exclude information from
search engine indexes and services.
• A ROBOTS term of noindex allows the links on that page to
be followed, even though the page is not to be indexed.
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
• A robots term of nofollow allows the page to be indexed,
but no links from the page are followed.
<meta name="robots" content="nofollow">
• A robots terms of noindex, nofollow neither the page or the
links on that page will be followed or indexed.
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
ON-Page Optimization
 Recommended Tags
Meta Content Language (non-US English ONLY) Meta
Content Type
Meta Description
Meta Language (non-US English ONLY)
 Optional Tags
Meta Abstract
Meta Author
Meta Copyright
Meta Designer
Meta Google
Meta Keywords
Meta MSN (No ODP)
Meta Title
ON-Page Optimization
 Not Recommended Tags
Meta Content Script Type
Meta Content Style Type
Meta Distribution
Meta Expires
Meta Generator
Meta MS Smart Tags
Meta Pragma No-Cache
Meta Publisher
Meta Rating
Meta Refresh
Meta Reply-To
Meta Resource Type
Meta Revisit After
Meta Set Cookie
Meta Subject
Meta VW96.ObjectType
ON-Page Optimization
 Anchor Text Optimization
• Anchor text can significantly improve your page relevance.
Optimized Anchor text can boost your site ranking and
targeted search engine traffic.
The HTML code
<a href=””>SEO Analyst</a>
 ALT Tag Optimization
• It is also important that you optimize your images for
indexing by the search engines and optimize them so that
they will load quickly.
The HTML Code
<img src=“http://www.yoursite/images/manojseo.jpeg"
alt=“SEO Professional in Chennai">
ON-Page Optimization
 SITE Map
• A site map (or sitemap) is a list of pages of a web site
accessible to crawlers or users.
• It can be either a document in any form used as a planning
tool for web design, or a web page that lists the pages on a
web site, typically organized in hierarchical fashion.
• This helps visitors and search engine bots find pages on the
ON-Page Optimization
 Link Structure of a SITE
• This is probably the most obvious, but certainly one of the
most overlooked aspects of search engine optimization. This
helps to make sure that search engine spiders can actually
find (crawl) all of your site’s pages. But if they can not find
them, then they won’t get spidered, and this means that
they won’t get indexed. In fact, no amount of search engine
optimization you try will help.
OFF-Page Optimization
• Off Page Optimization is work that you undertake outside of
your website to improve your seo rankings and visibility for
your customer. Off Page Optimization is more focused on
digital marketing of your website over internet.
• Off Page Optimization is more focused on link building work
and Social Media Marketing. Website should have more and
more backlinks from various quality website for seo ranking.
Similarly Social Media is very important tool to market
website over the internet.
OFF-Page Optimization
 Directory Submissions
• Submitting the website to selected niche directories is one
of the most effective ways to promote web site.
• Though traffic from web directories are negligible, however
backlink boost resulting from directories will increase a site's
search engine ranking significantly.
OFF-Page Optimization
 Social Bookmarking
• Social bookmarking or social websites are communities
based on broad or niche specific topics like Social
Community of Webmasters, Social Community of Video sites
• User in these sites tags or bookmark the websites if they like
the website or story submitted by you! More people
bookmark your website, more organic traffic you get as well
as get more importance by Google and other Search Engines
for your website.
• When someone third person bookmark your website, it
means you are great and in this way he is telling to others!
OFF-Page Optimization
Blog Posting
• A blog (a blend of the term web log)is a type of website or
part of a website.
• Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular
entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other
material such as graphics or video.
• Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological
order. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain
or add content to a blog.
OFF-Page Optimization
Article Submission
• Among all the SEO techniques, article submission can be one
of the most successful. Article submission generally refers to
the writing of articles that are relevant to your online
business and then getting them added to the popular article
submission directories.
OFF-Page Optimization
 Press Release
• A press release also known as press statement, news
release or media release, is simply written statement which
is used to announce a range of news such as scheduled
events, awards, personnel promotion, sales
accomplishments moreover, new products and services to
the media.
OFF-Page Optimization
 Forum Posting
• An Internet forum, or message board, is an online
discussion site where people can hold conversations in the
form of posted messages.
• Forums have a specific set of jargon associated with them;
e.g. A single conversation is called a "thread".
OFF-Page Optimization
 Affiliate Marketing
• Affiliate marketing is a marketing practice in which a business
rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer
brought about by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.
• Examples include rewards sites, where users are rewarded
with cash or gifts, for the completion of an offer, and the
referral of others to the site.
OFF-Page Optimization
 RSS Feed Submission
• When you publish a blog, RSS feeds are great ways to get
your message out and connect with readers in your target
• RSS feeds allow you to broadcast out your messages, bring in
new readers to your blog with an interest in your chosen
topic, and build-up a committed reader-base, all at the same
• In addition, RSS feeds are a great choice of a variety of tools
which can help with your SEO linking campaign.
OFF-Page Optimization
 Video Submission
• Similar to bookmarking any other type of content on a social
media site which produces great results in SEO, video
bookmarking has proven success in online video promotion.
• Bookmarking the video using relevant and authority
bookmarking accounts, the videos will be open to a world of
sharing and voting that can bring in countless views,
especially if they are well liked by the community.
OFF-Page Optimization
 Social Networking
• The popularity of social networking sites on the Internet
offers not only opportunities for friends to meet again online,
or get in touch with your old classmates and office mates,
but a new opportunity in the field of search engine
optimization strategy.
• Many SEO professionals can use social networking to
increase rankings, build trust and authority within a selected
OFF-Page Optimization
 Link Wheel Strategy
• Link wheel strategy is where you’ll be creating web 2.0
websites like wordpress, blogspot, squidoo, and other web
2.0 websites that will link to your money site.
• In the old days, they just link their web 2.0 websites to their
money site which is not a good idea.
OFF-Page Optimization
 Link Bait
• Link bait is the practice of creating useful or compelling
content that will lure links naturally to a website. It’s fun, it’s
trendy, and it can produce very big SEO results.
• Contrary to most interactive marketing goals, link bait’s
primary goal is increasing the quantity of external links
rather than visits and sales. These links will improve the site’s
search-engine rankings and result in increased organic search
visits and sales over time.
SEO Black Hat's
 SAPM Indexing
• In computing, spamdexing (also known as search spam,
search engine spam or web spam) is the deliberate
manipulation of search engine indexes.
• It involves a number of methods, such as repeating
unrelated phrases, to manipulate the relevance or
prominence of resources indexed in a manner inconsistent
with the purpose of the indexing system.
1. Content SPAM
2. Keyword Stuffing and Clocking
3. Hidden or Invisible Text
4. Meta-Tag Stuffing and Mirror sites
5. Doorway Pages and Cookie Stuffing
6. Scraper Sites and Page Hijacking
7. Article Spinning and Sybil Attack
8. Link Farms and SPAMS
 SPAM Indexing Examples
Content spam
• These techniques involve altering the logical view that a
search engine has over the page's contents. They all aim at
variants of the vector space model for information retrieval
on text collections.
Keyword stuffing
• Keyword stuffing involves the calculated placement of
keywords within a page to raise the keyword count, variety,
and density of the page. This is useful to make a page appear
to be relevant for a web crawler in a way that makes it more
likely to be found.
SEO Discussions
 Hidden or invisible text
• Unrelated hidden text is disguised by making it the same color
as the background, using a tiny font size, or hiding it within
HTML code such as "no frame" sections, alt attributes, zero-
sized DIVs, and "no script" sections.
• People screening websites for a search-engine company might
temporarily or permanently block an entire website for having
invisible text on some of its pages.
SEO Discussions
 Meta-tag stuffing
• This involves repeating keywords in the Meta tags, and using
meta keywords that are unrelated to the site's content. This
tactic has been ineffective since 2005.
SEO Discussions
 Doorway pages
• "Gateway" or doorway pages are low-quality web pages
created with very little content but are instead stuffed with
very similar keywords and phrases.
• They are designed to rank highly within the search results, but
serve no purpose to visitors looking for information.
• A doorway page will generally have "click here to enter" on
the page.
SEO Discussions
 Scraper sites
• The content on these sites is unique, but is merely an
amalgamation of content taken from other sources, often
without permission. Such websites are generally full of
advertising (such as pay-per-click ads), or they redirect the
user to other sites. It is even feasible for scraper sites to
outrank original websites for their own information and
organization names.
SEO Discussions
 Article spinning
• Article spinning involves rewriting existing articles, as opposed
to merely scraping content from other sites, to avoid penalties
imposed by search engines for duplicate content.
• This process is undertaken by hired writers or automated
using a thesaurus database or a neural network.
SEO Discussions
 Link spam
• Link spam is defined as links between pages that are present
for reasons other than merit.
• Link spam takes advantage of link-based ranking algorithms,
which gives websites higher rankings the more other highly
ranked websites link to it.
• link connecting two web pages that exists solely for the
purpose of boosting up search engine rank.
SEO Discussions
 Link farms
• Link farms are tightly-knit communities of pages referencing
each other, also known humorously as mutual admiration
SEO Discussions
 Hidden links
• Putting hyperlinks where visitors will not see them to increase
link popularity. Highlighted link text can help rank a webpage
higher for matching that phrase.
SEO Discussions
 Sybil attack
• A Sybil attack is the forging of multiple identities for malicious
intent, named after the famous multiple personality disorder
patient "Sybil" (Shirley Ardell Mason).
• A spammer may create multiple web sites at different domain
names that all link to each other, such as fake blogs (known as
spam blogs).
SEO Discussions
 Page hijacking
• Page hijacking is achieved by creating a rogue copy of a
popular website which shows contents similar to the original
to a web crawler but redirects web surfers to unrelated or
malicious websites.
SEO Discussions
 Cookie stuffing
• Cookie stuffing involves placing an affiliate tracking cookie on
a website visitor's computer without their knowledge, which
will then generate revenue for the person doing the cookie
• This not only generates fraudulent affiliate sales, but also has
the potential to overwrite other affiliates' cookies, essentially
stealing their legitimately earned commissions.
SEO Discussions
 Mirror websites
• A mirror site is the hosting of multiple websites with
conceptually similar content but using different URLs.
• Some search engines give a higher rank to results where the
keyword searched for appears in the URL.
SEO Discussions
 Cloaking
• Cloaking refers to any of several means to serve a page to the
search-engine spider that is different from that seen by
human users.
• It can be an attempt to mislead search engines regarding the
content on a particular web site.
• Cloaking, however, can also be used to ethically increase
accessibility of a site to users with disabilities or provide
human users with content that search engines aren't able to
process or parse.
• It is also used to deliver content based on a user's location;
Google itself uses IP delivery, a form of cloaking, to deliver
• Another form of cloaking is code swapping, i.e., optimizing a
page for top ranking and then swapping another page in its
place once a top ranking is achieved.
SEO DiscussionsP.A.MANOJ
SEO Points
 Google has two types of robots out spidering.
• One is Fresh bot and the other is Deep bot.
• Freshbot can grab new pages and update your SERP's.
• Deepbot will usually hammer a site over a period of a few
days then leave.
• It is the results of those crawls that ends up in the monthly
Google update.
• Google may use Freshbot results in a more aggressive form to
feed SERP's.
SEO Points
 Google DANCE
• Google Dance is period when Google is rebuilding its rankings,
and results fluctuate.These major Google Index update
occured on average every 10 or any days or any times per
• It was easiest be identified by significant changes in search
results, and by an updating of Google's cache of all indexed
• The update did not proceed as a switch from one index to
another like the flip of a switch. In fact, it took several days to
finish the complete update of the index.
SEO Points
Heat Map to Boost Website Usability!
• It's been proven that websites have specific areas where
human eyes always spend the most time. "Heat maps" have
been created with this data, and they help you choose the
best place to stick your PPC & affiliate ads.
• Through years of research in web marketing, patterns have
been seen in the ways that people not only navigate the web,
but web sites and even web pages. All of this data was
compiled by marketing firms and used to create a heat map.
• Heat maps are charts that show us where most people look
when they open a web site or page, by human instinct. The
map displays regions colored yellow, orange and red - the
darker the color, the more high-profile the spot is.
• What it all means to you: simply look at a heap map before
you design your next web site, plan to remodel your existing
one, or are planning on remodeling your online advertising
campaign, and make sure the ads are placed in the "hot
SEO Points
Example Heat Map
SEO Points
 Word Separators (Google)
• When searching with Google, you obviously enter the search
terms into the search box. Google will then search for these
very specific words in the billions of pages of its index.
• Consequently it is important to make sure that a word in a
page, a title or an address (URL) is recognizable by Google.
• Lower-case or upper-case letters
• Google does not make any difference between lower-case
and upper-case letters.
Example : Directory = DIRECTORY = directory = dIReCtORY
• Singular or plural
• With Google, as far as the search algorithm is concerned, if
one letter is different, the results of the search will be
different. Thus a singular word will be different from the
same word in the plural.
Example : engine is different from engines
SEO Points
 Word Separators (Google)
 Word separators in the texts and titles
•  In the titles and the text, one can obviously validly separate
two words by a space, the end of a line or by means of other
• One can also use all the usual punctuation marks, like the
point (.), the comma (), the square brackets, the parentheses
and the braces ([ ] () {}),… and symbols, like “@”, “$”, “%”,
“#”, “+”, “/”, “=”, etc.
• The alphanumeric characters are not separators they are
--the English small and capital letters (a A b B c C … x X y Y z Z) ;
--the foreign accentuated small capital letters (à À é É è È ê Ê
…) ;
– the ampersand (&) ;
– the decimal digits (0 1 2 … 7 8 9) ;
– the underscore (_).
SEO Points
 Word Separators (Google)
• If you put side by side a word and an underscore (_) or an
ampersand (&) or decimal digits, Google will see all these
characters side by side as a unique “word”!
• Examples (text and title)
• In Directory for search engine optimization (SEO-friendly),
Google recognizes the words: directory, for, search, engine,
optimization, seo and friendly.
• In super_dir, directory of directories (free&effective),
Google recognizes the words: super_dir, directory, of,
directories and free&effective. It does not recognize the
words super, dir, free and effective.
• In LIST99, directory n°1, Google recognizes the words: list99,
directory, N and 1. It does not recognize the words list and
SEO Points
 Word Separators (Google)
 Word separators in the address of a page (URL)
• Special care must be taken in the application of these rules
within the address of a page. The ampersand (&), the slash (/)
and the percent character (%) play special roles in a URL and
their use should be restricted to these special functions. I
strongly advise against using spaces and accentuated or
special characters in the URL.
• Google has confirmed that the point (.), the comma (,) and
the hyphen (-) are valid word separators in URL’s.
• The recommended alphanumeric characters are :
– the English small and capital letters (a A b B c C … x X y Y z Z) ;
– the decimal digits (0 1 2 … 7 8 9) ;
– the underscore (_).
SEO Points
 Word Separators (Google)
 Examples (address of a page or URL)
• In,
Google recognizes the words : www, internetofficer, com,
google, separator and html. It does not recognize the words
internet and officer.
• In RICH, which can also be
written, Google
recognizes the words : www, example, com, get and 20rich. It
does not recognize the word rich, although “%20″ is
supposed to represent a space.
SEO Points
 Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)
• Is an indexing and retrieval method that uses a mathematical
technique called Singular value decomposition (SVD) to
identify patterns in the relationships between the terms and
concepts contained in an unstructured collection of text.
• LSI is based on the principle that words that are used in the
same contexts tend to have similar meanings.
• A key feature of LSI is its ability to extract the conceptual
content of a body of text by establishing associations
between those terms that occur in similar contexts.
• One great advantage of LSI is that it is a strictly mathematical
approach, with no insight into the meaning of the documents
or words it analyzes.
• LSI looks at patterns of word distribution (specifically, word
co-occurence) across a set of documents.
SEO Points
 Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)
• Natural language is full of redundancies, and not every word
that appears in a document carries semantic meaning.
• In fact, the most frequently used words in English are words
that don't carry content at all: functional words,
conjunctions, prepositions, auxilliary verbs and others.
SEO Points
 Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)
• The first step in doing LSI is culling all those extraeous words
from a document, leaving only content words likely to have
semantic meaning.
 Here is one recipe for generating a list of content words from
a document collection:
• Make a complete list of all the words that appear anywhere
in the collection
• Discard articles, prepositions, and conjunctions
• Discard common verbs (know, see, do, be)
• Discard pronouns
• Discard common adjectives (big, late, high)
• Discard frilly words (therefore, thus, however, albeit, etc.)
• Discard any words that appear in every document
• Discard any words that appear in only one document
SEO Points
 Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)
• LSA assumes that words that are close in meaning will occur
close together in text
SEO Points
 GOOGLE Panda
• Panda is a new ranking factor. Panda is a filter that Google
has designed to spot what it believes are low-quality pages.
• Have too many low-quality pages, and Panda effectively
flags your entire site.
• Being Pandified, Pandification — your site carry a penalty
designed to help ensure only the better ones make it into
Google’s top results.
SEO Points
 GOOGLE Sandbox effect
• The Google Sandbox effect is an alleged restriction placed on
new websites.
• The result is that a new site does not receive good rankings
for its most important keywords and keyword phrases for few
• Even with good content, many inbound links, a new website
may still adversely affected by the Sandbox effect.
• The Google Sandbox acts as a probation for new sites,
probably to discourage spam sites from rising quickly, getting
banned, and repeating the process.
• Google created the Sandbox filter for a new sites to stop
spam sites that purchase numerous inbound links, and rank
highly for their keywords from the date of launch.
SEO Points
 GOOGLE Sandbox effect
• Not all SEO experts agree that Google Sandbox exists as a
separate filter from other alleged Google filters.
• Many of them do not even agree that Google uses a system
of filters at all.
• Stays in the Google Sandbox can vary from one to six
months, with three to four months being the average time
• Less competitive searches will be given the much shorter stay
in the sandbox, while hyper-competitive keywords will often
spend six months in the sandbox.
• If a site is punished from a Google penalty, the site would not
appear in the Google search engine results pages (SERPs) for
even the less important keyword searches.
• The site would also show no PageRank or even a grey bar on
the Google Toolbar in case of Google penalty.
SEO Reminder
 As a reminder, here is a quick SEO rundown, that if followed
is all but guaranteed to provide great results
 A solid SEO foundation for websites:
•  Plenty of good separate pages of content. The more content
you have, the better your chances of receiving loads of
• Site Map that links to all pages. This will help not only your
human visitors, but the search engine spiders find their way
around your site faster.
• A site map that is friendly to people as well as bots. It doesn’t
have to be fancy, a simple list is more than enough
• Optimized Page Title + H1 text can go a long towards getting
you to the top of the list
• Use CSS instead of font tags and stick your JavaScript into
external files. Smaller pages equal faster page loads and
search engine spiders like to go fast.
SEO Reminder
 A solid SEO foundation for websites:
• The anchor text in links pointing to your site is important.
Remember this when making link requests and have an
appropriate TITLE for your link handy to provide.
• The Google tool bar is an important tool, it will let you know
your page rank which measures how well your page is doing.
• Page rank is important, but like all other aspects there is no
'magic bullet' where one thing will rocket you to the top.
Using moderate amounts of SEO technique on all your pages
is better than trying to vault one page to the top.
• Page Rank should be a SECONDARY consideration when
requesting links or allowing links. Your primary concern
should be the type of site that is linking to you.
• Backlinks with a PR4 and above will show in Google’s
Backlinks on toolbar or '' but links
from lower PR sites still count, so the more the merrier!
SEO Reminder
 A solid SEO foundation for websites:
• Use to check back links to see all links
regardless of PR.
• Remember and use these useful queries
"", "" and
"allinanchor:word or phrase". They will help you determine
which sites are linking to you and what you have in the search
• Buying a text link or any sort of link just for PR is bad and
Google is giving those domains PR0's which defeats the
• While Page Rank in the Google Toolbar shows as round
numbers, Google itself calculates it to fractional numbers.
Meaning, even if you show as a PR5 the websites above you
who are a PR5 may actually be a PR 5.9
SEO Reminder
 A solid SEO foundation for websites:
• PR is not the end all be all of SERP's and a lower PR page can
beat a higher PR page. Remember, content is king. If you
build it, they will come.
• Google updates their index on a loose average of once per
• The Google Dance is when all the SERP's mix around, PR is
handed out...upgraded, downgraded, penalties are seen, re-
inclusion requests are seen and basically your website’s life is
on the line. This is why you should not place all your eggs in
one search engine
• It can take a couple days for the index to filter though the
different data centers (collection of Google servers) before it
hit the main index, or just as easily, it can take hours.
• It takes 2-3 days or thereabouts for PR and SERP's to settle.
So be patient.
SEO Reminder
 A solid SEO foundation for websites:
• Google doesn't care if your website ranks highly regardless of
whether you feel you have the best offerings for that search
• As long as Google serves relevant results normal people have
no idea that they are 'missing you'.
• Utilize ROBOTS.TXT files and META TAGS to save bandwidth
on your image directory.
• Stuffing all the keywords you can in the META TAG won't
help you. Search engines rarely count these anymore.
• It can take a few indexes for Google to catch up with all your
backlinks. Again, it’s all about patience.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this PPT, and more importantly,
learned something!
SEO Conclusion
• I hope that this guide has shown you budding or even expert
webmasters learn the importance of Search Engine
Optimization (SEO).
• Search engines are going to be your primary source of visitors
and you can
-- make friends with the search engine,
-- make an enemy of the search engine or
-- just simply ignore the search engine and hope for the best.
• SEO takes time, planning and patience in order to successfully
obtain decent rankings but it is not as difficult as you might
have been lead to believe, hopefully you learned that reading
this PPT
Name: P.A.Manoj
Email ID:

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  • 1. P.A.Manoj Business Analyst Search Engine Optimization
  • 2. Objectives  How Search Engines Works?  What is SEO?  SEO Process On-page Optimization Off-page Optimization  SEO Points  SEO Remainder
  • 3. How Search Engines Works  Crawling ----Indexing----Searching--- Results Crawling Crawler is ROBOT software that scans the documents like Web pages, PDF, Word files etc Indexing A copy of newly found pages is stored in its database. Searching Search Engine searches (queries) from the database when a user enters a keyword and clicks on the search button Results Web pages from the database are ranked in accordance with the search engine algorithms P.A.MANOJ
  • 4. Algorithm  A methodological approach used by search engines to determine the importance of web page. The most important page is ranked at the top.  An Algorithm takes into account many factors in determining the importance of web page. But two important factors are: • KEYWORD on the page • Keyword DENSITY • BACKLINKS of the pages Algorithm Changes In order to provide the best search results, Google and other Search Engines make regular changes to their Algorithms. These changes affect ranks of many websites. Whenever there is a change in the algorithm, web pages have to be realigned in order to retain their ranks on search engines. P.A.MANOJ
  • 5. Keyword Research  Keywords are the most common search words used to find information on any product or service. It could be single or phrase.  Keyword Density is the number of times a keyword appears on a web page. It also takes into account the position of a keyword on the page.  Keyword research process: 1) Client Intake 2) Brainstorming 3) Target List 4) Google Keyword Tool 5) Final Keywords Report P.A.MANOJ
  • 6. Competitor Analysis  Identifying broad and niche competitors to analyze  Onsite competitive analysis (keywords, content and technical analysis)  Offsite competitive analysis (backlinks, link building strategy)  Competitor surveillance (keeping tabs on their SEO strategy) P.A.MANOJ
  • 7. SEO  Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving visibility of the site or in simple words make your website popular. P.A.MANOJ
  • 8. SEO Process 1. ON-Page Optimization 2. OFF-Page Optimization  In SEO, ON-Page optimization refers to factors that have an effect on your Web site or Web page listing in natural search results. These factors are controlled by you or by coding on your page. Examples of on-page optimization include actual HTML code, meta tags, keyword placement and keyword density etc.  In SEO, OFF-Page Optimization is work that you undertake outside of your website to improve your seo rankings and visibility for your customer. Off Page Optimization is more focused on digital marketing of your website over internet. P.A.MANOJ
  • 10. ON-Page Optimization 1. Content is a KING Having good, well-produced content on your website is your first priority. 2. Keywords are QUEEN Well-written content and carefully selected keywords are the keys of a balanced on-page strategy. • Meta Description tag • ALT tags • H1 tags • URL structure • Internal linking strategy • Content • Keyword density • Site maps, both XML and user facing • Usability and accessibility • Track target keywords P.A.MANOJ
  • 11. ON-Page Optimization Title  The HTML title tag isn't really a meta tag, but it's worth discussing in relation to them. Whatever text you place in the title tag (between the <TITLE> and </TITLE> portions as shown in the example) will appear in the reverse bar of someone's browser when they view the web page. P.A.MANOJ
  • 12. ON-Page Optimization Meta • They are information inserted into the "head" area of your web pages. • Other than the TITLE Tag (explained below), information in the head area of your web pages is not seen by those viewing your pages in browsers. • Instead, meta information in this area is used to communicate information that a human visitor may not be concerned with. • Meta tags, for example, can tell a browser what "character set" to use or whether a web page has self- rated itself in terms of adult content. P.A.MANOJ
  • 13. ON-Page Optimization Meta This is a typical layout of the head section of a web page: <HEAD> <TITLE>This is the Web Page Title.  This will appear on your Listing</TITLE> <META name="description" content="This is where you place your web page's description.  This will appear on your listing."> <META name="keywords" content="place, your, keywords, here, separated, by, commas"> </HEAD> P.A.MANOJ
  • 14. ON-Page Optimization ROBOT Meta • The tag is designed to allow you to tell a search engine when you do not want it to index your page, and/or when you do not want the search engine to look at or evaluate any of the links on your page. • Not all search engines obey this metatag at this point. The basic format of the metatag is: <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"> P.A.MANOJ
  • 15. ON-Page Optimization Meta Common Usage for the Robots META Tag • The Robots META Tag is used for excluding content. By using the ROBOTS meta tag correctly to exclude information from search engine indexes and services. • A ROBOTS term of noindex allows the links on that page to be followed, even though the page is not to be indexed. <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> • A robots term of nofollow allows the page to be indexed, but no links from the page are followed. <meta name="robots" content="nofollow"> • A robots terms of noindex, nofollow neither the page or the links on that page will be followed or indexed. <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"> P.A.MANOJ
  • 16. ON-Page Optimization Meta  Recommended Tags Meta Content Language (non-US English ONLY) Meta Content Type Meta Description Meta Language (non-US English ONLY)  Optional Tags Meta Abstract Meta Author Meta Copyright Meta Designer Meta Google Meta Keywords Meta MSN (No ODP) Meta Title P.A.MANOJ
  • 17. ON-Page Optimization Meta  Not Recommended Tags Meta Content Script Type Meta Content Style Type Meta Distribution Meta Expires Meta Generator Meta MS Smart Tags Meta Pragma No-Cache Meta Publisher Meta Rating Meta Refresh Meta Reply-To Meta Resource Type Meta Revisit After Meta Set Cookie Meta Subject Meta VW96.ObjectType P.A.MANOJ
  • 18. ON-Page Optimization  Anchor Text Optimization • Anchor text can significantly improve your page relevance. Optimized Anchor text can boost your site ranking and targeted search engine traffic. The HTML code <a href=””>SEO Analyst</a>  ALT Tag Optimization • It is also important that you optimize your images for indexing by the search engines and optimize them so that they will load quickly. The HTML Code <img src=“http://www.yoursite/images/manojseo.jpeg" alt=“SEO Professional in Chennai"> P.A.MANOJ
  • 19. ON-Page Optimization  SITE Map • A site map (or sitemap) is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. • It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for web design, or a web page that lists the pages on a web site, typically organized in hierarchical fashion. • This helps visitors and search engine bots find pages on the site. P.A.MANOJ
  • 20. ON-Page Optimization  Link Structure of a SITE • This is probably the most obvious, but certainly one of the most overlooked aspects of search engine optimization. This helps to make sure that search engine spiders can actually find (crawl) all of your site’s pages. But if they can not find them, then they won’t get spidered, and this means that they won’t get indexed. In fact, no amount of search engine optimization you try will help. P.A.MANOJ
  • 21. OFF-Page Optimization • Off Page Optimization is work that you undertake outside of your website to improve your seo rankings and visibility for your customer. Off Page Optimization is more focused on digital marketing of your website over internet. • Off Page Optimization is more focused on link building work and Social Media Marketing. Website should have more and more backlinks from various quality website for seo ranking. Similarly Social Media is very important tool to market website over the internet. P.A.MANOJ
  • 22. OFF-Page Optimization  Directory Submissions • Submitting the website to selected niche directories is one of the most effective ways to promote web site. • Though traffic from web directories are negligible, however backlink boost resulting from directories will increase a site's search engine ranking significantly. P.A.MANOJ
  • 23. OFF-Page Optimization  Social Bookmarking • Social bookmarking or social websites are communities based on broad or niche specific topics like Social Community of Webmasters, Social Community of Video sites etc. • User in these sites tags or bookmark the websites if they like the website or story submitted by you! More people bookmark your website, more organic traffic you get as well as get more importance by Google and other Search Engines for your website. • When someone third person bookmark your website, it means you are great and in this way he is telling to others! P.A.MANOJ
  • 24. OFF-Page Optimization Blog Posting • A blog (a blend of the term web log)is a type of website or part of a website. • Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. • Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog. P.A.MANOJ
  • 25. OFF-Page Optimization Article Submission • Among all the SEO techniques, article submission can be one of the most successful. Article submission generally refers to the writing of articles that are relevant to your online business and then getting them added to the popular article submission directories. P.A.MANOJ
  • 26. OFF-Page Optimization  Press Release • A press release also known as press statement, news release or media release, is simply written statement which is used to announce a range of news such as scheduled events, awards, personnel promotion, sales accomplishments moreover, new products and services to the media. P.A.MANOJ
  • 27. OFF-Page Optimization  Forum Posting • An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. • Forums have a specific set of jargon associated with them; e.g. A single conversation is called a "thread". P.A.MANOJ
  • 28. OFF-Page Optimization  Affiliate Marketing • Affiliate marketing is a marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's own marketing efforts. • Examples include rewards sites, where users are rewarded with cash or gifts, for the completion of an offer, and the referral of others to the site. P.A.MANOJ
  • 29. OFF-Page Optimization  RSS Feed Submission • When you publish a blog, RSS feeds are great ways to get your message out and connect with readers in your target market. • RSS feeds allow you to broadcast out your messages, bring in new readers to your blog with an interest in your chosen topic, and build-up a committed reader-base, all at the same time. • In addition, RSS feeds are a great choice of a variety of tools which can help with your SEO linking campaign. P.A.MANOJ
  • 30. OFF-Page Optimization  Video Submission • Similar to bookmarking any other type of content on a social media site which produces great results in SEO, video bookmarking has proven success in online video promotion. • Bookmarking the video using relevant and authority bookmarking accounts, the videos will be open to a world of sharing and voting that can bring in countless views, especially if they are well liked by the community. P.A.MANOJ
  • 31. OFF-Page Optimization  Social Networking • The popularity of social networking sites on the Internet offers not only opportunities for friends to meet again online, or get in touch with your old classmates and office mates, but a new opportunity in the field of search engine optimization strategy. • Many SEO professionals can use social networking to increase rankings, build trust and authority within a selected niche. P.A.MANOJ
  • 32. OFF-Page Optimization  Link Wheel Strategy • Link wheel strategy is where you’ll be creating web 2.0 websites like wordpress, blogspot, squidoo, and other web 2.0 websites that will link to your money site. • In the old days, they just link their web 2.0 websites to their money site which is not a good idea. P.A.MANOJ
  • 33. OFF-Page Optimization  Link Bait • Link bait is the practice of creating useful or compelling content that will lure links naturally to a website. It’s fun, it’s trendy, and it can produce very big SEO results. • Contrary to most interactive marketing goals, link bait’s primary goal is increasing the quantity of external links rather than visits and sales. These links will improve the site’s search-engine rankings and result in increased organic search visits and sales over time. P.A.MANOJ
  • 34. SEO Black Hat's  SAPM Indexing • In computing, spamdexing (also known as search spam, search engine spam or web spam) is the deliberate manipulation of search engine indexes. • It involves a number of methods, such as repeating unrelated phrases, to manipulate the relevance or prominence of resources indexed in a manner inconsistent with the purpose of the indexing system. 1. Content SPAM 2. Keyword Stuffing and Clocking 3. Hidden or Invisible Text 4. Meta-Tag Stuffing and Mirror sites 5. Doorway Pages and Cookie Stuffing 6. Scraper Sites and Page Hijacking 7. Article Spinning and Sybil Attack 8. Link Farms and SPAMS P.A.MANOJ
  • 35. SEO SPAM  SPAM Indexing Examples Content spam • These techniques involve altering the logical view that a search engine has over the page's contents. They all aim at variants of the vector space model for information retrieval on text collections. Keyword stuffing • Keyword stuffing involves the calculated placement of keywords within a page to raise the keyword count, variety, and density of the page. This is useful to make a page appear to be relevant for a web crawler in a way that makes it more likely to be found. P.A.MANOJ
  • 36. SEO Discussions  Hidden or invisible text • Unrelated hidden text is disguised by making it the same color as the background, using a tiny font size, or hiding it within HTML code such as "no frame" sections, alt attributes, zero- sized DIVs, and "no script" sections. • People screening websites for a search-engine company might temporarily or permanently block an entire website for having invisible text on some of its pages. P.A.MANOJ
  • 37. SEO Discussions  Meta-tag stuffing • This involves repeating keywords in the Meta tags, and using meta keywords that are unrelated to the site's content. This tactic has been ineffective since 2005. P.A.MANOJ
  • 38. SEO Discussions  Doorway pages • "Gateway" or doorway pages are low-quality web pages created with very little content but are instead stuffed with very similar keywords and phrases. • They are designed to rank highly within the search results, but serve no purpose to visitors looking for information. • A doorway page will generally have "click here to enter" on the page. P.A.MANOJ
  • 39. SEO Discussions  Scraper sites • The content on these sites is unique, but is merely an amalgamation of content taken from other sources, often without permission. Such websites are generally full of advertising (such as pay-per-click ads), or they redirect the user to other sites. It is even feasible for scraper sites to outrank original websites for their own information and organization names. P.A.MANOJ
  • 40. SEO Discussions  Article spinning • Article spinning involves rewriting existing articles, as opposed to merely scraping content from other sites, to avoid penalties imposed by search engines for duplicate content. • This process is undertaken by hired writers or automated using a thesaurus database or a neural network. P.A.MANOJ
  • 41. SEO Discussions  Link spam • Link spam is defined as links between pages that are present for reasons other than merit. • Link spam takes advantage of link-based ranking algorithms, which gives websites higher rankings the more other highly ranked websites link to it. • link connecting two web pages that exists solely for the purpose of boosting up search engine rank. P.A.MANOJ
  • 42. SEO Discussions  Link farms • Link farms are tightly-knit communities of pages referencing each other, also known humorously as mutual admiration societies P.A.MANOJ
  • 43. SEO Discussions  Hidden links • Putting hyperlinks where visitors will not see them to increase link popularity. Highlighted link text can help rank a webpage higher for matching that phrase. P.A.MANOJ
  • 44. SEO Discussions  Sybil attack • A Sybil attack is the forging of multiple identities for malicious intent, named after the famous multiple personality disorder patient "Sybil" (Shirley Ardell Mason). • A spammer may create multiple web sites at different domain names that all link to each other, such as fake blogs (known as spam blogs). P.A.MANOJ
  • 45. SEO Discussions  Page hijacking • Page hijacking is achieved by creating a rogue copy of a popular website which shows contents similar to the original to a web crawler but redirects web surfers to unrelated or malicious websites. P.A.MANOJ
  • 46. SEO Discussions  Cookie stuffing • Cookie stuffing involves placing an affiliate tracking cookie on a website visitor's computer without their knowledge, which will then generate revenue for the person doing the cookie stuffing. • This not only generates fraudulent affiliate sales, but also has the potential to overwrite other affiliates' cookies, essentially stealing their legitimately earned commissions. P.A.MANOJ
  • 47. SEO Discussions  Mirror websites • A mirror site is the hosting of multiple websites with conceptually similar content but using different URLs. • Some search engines give a higher rank to results where the keyword searched for appears in the URL. P.A.MANOJ
  • 48. SEO Discussions  Cloaking • Cloaking refers to any of several means to serve a page to the search-engine spider that is different from that seen by human users. • It can be an attempt to mislead search engines regarding the content on a particular web site. • Cloaking, however, can also be used to ethically increase accessibility of a site to users with disabilities or provide human users with content that search engines aren't able to process or parse. • It is also used to deliver content based on a user's location; Google itself uses IP delivery, a form of cloaking, to deliver results. • Another form of cloaking is code swapping, i.e., optimizing a page for top ranking and then swapping another page in its place once a top ranking is achieved. P.A.MANOJ
  • 50. SEO Points  Google has two types of robots out spidering. • One is Fresh bot and the other is Deep bot. • Freshbot can grab new pages and update your SERP's. • Deepbot will usually hammer a site over a period of a few days then leave. • It is the results of those crawls that ends up in the monthly Google update. • Google may use Freshbot results in a more aggressive form to feed SERP's. P.A.MANOJ
  • 51. SEO Points  Google DANCE • Google Dance is period when Google is rebuilding its rankings, and results fluctuate.These major Google Index update occured on average every 10 or any days or any times per year. • It was easiest be identified by significant changes in search results, and by an updating of Google's cache of all indexed pages. • The update did not proceed as a switch from one index to another like the flip of a switch. In fact, it took several days to finish the complete update of the index. P.A.MANOJ
  • 52. SEO Points Heat Map to Boost Website Usability! • It's been proven that websites have specific areas where human eyes always spend the most time. "Heat maps" have been created with this data, and they help you choose the best place to stick your PPC & affiliate ads. • Through years of research in web marketing, patterns have been seen in the ways that people not only navigate the web, but web sites and even web pages. All of this data was compiled by marketing firms and used to create a heat map. • Heat maps are charts that show us where most people look when they open a web site or page, by human instinct. The map displays regions colored yellow, orange and red - the darker the color, the more high-profile the spot is. • What it all means to you: simply look at a heap map before you design your next web site, plan to remodel your existing one, or are planning on remodeling your online advertising campaign, and make sure the ads are placed in the "hot spots!" P.A.MANOJ
  • 53. SEO Points Example Heat Map P.A.MANOJ
  • 54. SEO Points  Word Separators (Google) • When searching with Google, you obviously enter the search terms into the search box. Google will then search for these very specific words in the billions of pages of its index. • Consequently it is important to make sure that a word in a page, a title or an address (URL) is recognizable by Google. • Lower-case or upper-case letters • Google does not make any difference between lower-case and upper-case letters. Example : Directory = DIRECTORY = directory = dIReCtORY • Singular or plural • With Google, as far as the search algorithm is concerned, if one letter is different, the results of the search will be different. Thus a singular word will be different from the same word in the plural. Example : engine is different from engines P.A.MANOJ
  • 55. SEO Points  Word Separators (Google)  Word separators in the texts and titles •  In the titles and the text, one can obviously validly separate two words by a space, the end of a line or by means of other page-settings. • One can also use all the usual punctuation marks, like the point (.), the comma (), the square brackets, the parentheses and the braces ([ ] () {}),… and symbols, like “@”, “$”, “%”, “#”, “+”, “/”, “=”, etc. • The alphanumeric characters are not separators they are --the English small and capital letters (a A b B c C … x X y Y z Z) ; --the foreign accentuated small capital letters (à À é É è È ê Ê …) ; – the ampersand (&) ; – the decimal digits (0 1 2 … 7 8 9) ; – the underscore (_). P.A.MANOJ
  • 56. SEO Points  Word Separators (Google) • If you put side by side a word and an underscore (_) or an ampersand (&) or decimal digits, Google will see all these characters side by side as a unique “word”! • Examples (text and title) • In Directory for search engine optimization (SEO-friendly), Google recognizes the words: directory, for, search, engine, optimization, seo and friendly. • In super_dir, directory of directories (free&effective), Google recognizes the words: super_dir, directory, of, directories and free&effective. It does not recognize the words super, dir, free and effective. • In LIST99, directory n°1, Google recognizes the words: list99, directory, N and 1. It does not recognize the words list and 99. P.A.MANOJ
  • 57. SEO Points  Word Separators (Google)  Word separators in the address of a page (URL) • Special care must be taken in the application of these rules within the address of a page. The ampersand (&), the slash (/) and the percent character (%) play special roles in a URL and their use should be restricted to these special functions. I strongly advise against using spaces and accentuated or special characters in the URL. • Google has confirmed that the point (.), the comma (,) and the hyphen (-) are valid word separators in URL’s. • The recommended alphanumeric characters are : – the English small and capital letters (a A b B c C … x X y Y z Z) ; – the decimal digits (0 1 2 … 7 8 9) ; – the underscore (_). P.A.MANOJ
  • 58. SEO Points  Word Separators (Google)  Examples (address of a page or URL) • In, Google recognizes the words : www, internetofficer, com, google, separator and html. It does not recognize the words internet and officer. • In RICH, which can also be written, Google recognizes the words : www, example, com, get and 20rich. It does not recognize the word rich, although “%20″ is supposed to represent a space. P.A.MANOJ
  • 59. SEO Points  Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) • Is an indexing and retrieval method that uses a mathematical technique called Singular value decomposition (SVD) to identify patterns in the relationships between the terms and concepts contained in an unstructured collection of text. • LSI is based on the principle that words that are used in the same contexts tend to have similar meanings. • A key feature of LSI is its ability to extract the conceptual content of a body of text by establishing associations between those terms that occur in similar contexts. • One great advantage of LSI is that it is a strictly mathematical approach, with no insight into the meaning of the documents or words it analyzes. • LSI looks at patterns of word distribution (specifically, word co-occurence) across a set of documents. P.A.MANOJ
  • 60. SEO Points  Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) • Natural language is full of redundancies, and not every word that appears in a document carries semantic meaning. • In fact, the most frequently used words in English are words that don't carry content at all: functional words, conjunctions, prepositions, auxilliary verbs and others. P.A.MANOJ
  • 61. SEO Points  Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) • The first step in doing LSI is culling all those extraeous words from a document, leaving only content words likely to have semantic meaning.  Here is one recipe for generating a list of content words from a document collection: • Make a complete list of all the words that appear anywhere in the collection • Discard articles, prepositions, and conjunctions • Discard common verbs (know, see, do, be) • Discard pronouns • Discard common adjectives (big, late, high) • Discard frilly words (therefore, thus, however, albeit, etc.) • Discard any words that appear in every document • Discard any words that appear in only one document P.A.MANOJ
  • 62. SEO Points  Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) • LSA assumes that words that are close in meaning will occur close together in text P.A.MANOJ
  • 63. SEO Points  GOOGLE Panda • Panda is a new ranking factor. Panda is a filter that Google has designed to spot what it believes are low-quality pages. • Have too many low-quality pages, and Panda effectively flags your entire site. • Being Pandified, Pandification — your site carry a penalty designed to help ensure only the better ones make it into Google’s top results. P.A.MANOJ
  • 64. SEO Points  GOOGLE Sandbox effect • The Google Sandbox effect is an alleged restriction placed on new websites. • The result is that a new site does not receive good rankings for its most important keywords and keyword phrases for few months. • Even with good content, many inbound links, a new website may still adversely affected by the Sandbox effect. • The Google Sandbox acts as a probation for new sites, probably to discourage spam sites from rising quickly, getting banned, and repeating the process. • Google created the Sandbox filter for a new sites to stop spam sites that purchase numerous inbound links, and rank highly for their keywords from the date of launch. P.A.MANOJ
  • 65. SEO Points  GOOGLE Sandbox effect • Not all SEO experts agree that Google Sandbox exists as a separate filter from other alleged Google filters. • Many of them do not even agree that Google uses a system of filters at all. • Stays in the Google Sandbox can vary from one to six months, with three to four months being the average time frame. • Less competitive searches will be given the much shorter stay in the sandbox, while hyper-competitive keywords will often spend six months in the sandbox. • If a site is punished from a Google penalty, the site would not appear in the Google search engine results pages (SERPs) for even the less important keyword searches. • The site would also show no PageRank or even a grey bar on the Google Toolbar in case of Google penalty. P.A.MANOJ
  • 66. SEO Reminder  As a reminder, here is a quick SEO rundown, that if followed is all but guaranteed to provide great results  A solid SEO foundation for websites: •  Plenty of good separate pages of content. The more content you have, the better your chances of receiving loads of visitors. • Site Map that links to all pages. This will help not only your human visitors, but the search engine spiders find their way around your site faster. • A site map that is friendly to people as well as bots. It doesn’t have to be fancy, a simple list is more than enough • Optimized Page Title + H1 text can go a long towards getting you to the top of the list • Use CSS instead of font tags and stick your JavaScript into external files. Smaller pages equal faster page loads and search engine spiders like to go fast. P.A.MANOJ
  • 67. SEO Reminder  A solid SEO foundation for websites: • The anchor text in links pointing to your site is important. Remember this when making link requests and have an appropriate TITLE for your link handy to provide. • The Google tool bar is an important tool, it will let you know your page rank which measures how well your page is doing. • Page rank is important, but like all other aspects there is no 'magic bullet' where one thing will rocket you to the top. Using moderate amounts of SEO technique on all your pages is better than trying to vault one page to the top. • Page Rank should be a SECONDARY consideration when requesting links or allowing links. Your primary concern should be the type of site that is linking to you. • Backlinks with a PR4 and above will show in Google’s Backlinks on toolbar or '' but links from lower PR sites still count, so the more the merrier! P.A.MANOJ
  • 68. SEO Reminder  A solid SEO foundation for websites: • Use to check back links to see all links regardless of PR. • Remember and use these useful queries "", "" and "allinanchor:word or phrase". They will help you determine which sites are linking to you and what you have in the search engine. • Buying a text link or any sort of link just for PR is bad and Google is giving those domains PR0's which defeats the purpose. • While Page Rank in the Google Toolbar shows as round numbers, Google itself calculates it to fractional numbers. Meaning, even if you show as a PR5 the websites above you who are a PR5 may actually be a PR 5.9 P.A.MANOJ
  • 69. SEO Reminder  A solid SEO foundation for websites: • PR is not the end all be all of SERP's and a lower PR page can beat a higher PR page. Remember, content is king. If you build it, they will come. • Google updates their index on a loose average of once per month. • The Google Dance is when all the SERP's mix around, PR is handed out...upgraded, downgraded, penalties are seen, re- inclusion requests are seen and basically your website’s life is on the line. This is why you should not place all your eggs in one search engine • It can take a couple days for the index to filter though the different data centers (collection of Google servers) before it hit the main index, or just as easily, it can take hours. • It takes 2-3 days or thereabouts for PR and SERP's to settle. So be patient. P.A.MANOJ
  • 70. SEO Reminder  A solid SEO foundation for websites: • Google doesn't care if your website ranks highly regardless of whether you feel you have the best offerings for that search phrase. • As long as Google serves relevant results normal people have no idea that they are 'missing you'. • Utilize ROBOTS.TXT files and META TAGS to save bandwidth on your image directory. • Stuffing all the keywords you can in the META TAG won't help you. Search engines rarely count these anymore. • It can take a few indexes for Google to catch up with all your backlinks. Again, it’s all about patience. Well, I hope you enjoyed this PPT, and more importantly, learned something! P.A.MANOJ
  • 71. SEO Conclusion • I hope that this guide has shown you budding or even expert webmasters learn the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). • Search engines are going to be your primary source of visitors and you can -- make friends with the search engine, -- make an enemy of the search engine or -- just simply ignore the search engine and hope for the best. • SEO takes time, planning and patience in order to successfully obtain decent rankings but it is not as difficult as you might have been lead to believe, hopefully you learned that reading this PPT P.A.MANOJ
  • 72. Contact Name: P.A.Manoj Email ID: Blog: P.A.MANOJ