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Mucous Membrane:
Moist lining of the gastrointestinal tract, nasal passages
and other body cavities that communicates with the
exterior of the body .
( In the oral cavity the lining is called as oral mucous
membrane or oral mucosa)
Function :
MAINLY: protection( physical barrier,immunological
defence )
 Secretion: minor glands, lubrication .
 Sensation: Temperature (heat and cold), touch, pain,
taste .
 Proprioception
Skin : Epidermis + Dermis .
Oral Mucosa :
1-Epithelium (keratinized /non keratinized
stratified squamous epithelium ).
2- C.T ( lamina propria ) .
3- Submucosa ( not always present )
How is the oral mucosa different from skin?
1. Color :more deeply coloured .
2- Moist surface
3. Absence of hair follicles .
4- Presence of minor salivary glands in oral mucosa .
5. Texture of surface: Oral mucosa is smoother than the skin
6 .Firmness: Oral mucosa varies in its firmness.
Lining 60%
Lining Mucosa:
60% of total mucosa.
Covers the floor of
mouth,ventral(underside)tongue, alveolar
mucosa, cheeks, lips and soft palate.
Does not function in mastication and therefore
has minimal attrition.
Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. soft,
moist, ability to stretch and compress .
Masticatory Mucosa:
25% of total mucosa.
Primary mucosa to be in contact with food
Gingiva (free, attached and interdental) and hard palate.
Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
rubbery, resilient.
Specialized :
Dorsum of tongue ( anterior 2/3 )surface associated with the lingual
Vermilion zone of the lips
There are mainly 2 components :
Oral epithelium ( stratified squamous )
C.T ( L. propria ) / submucosa (loose C.T contains
vessels,nerves ,muscles) .
Distinct B.M between epith./C.T
Indistinct between L.p / submucosa.
Stratum basale(
spinosum(prickle )
Stratum granulosum
Stratum corneum
Stratum basale
Startum spinosum
Stratum Intermedium
Stratum Superficiale
 Single cuboidal cell layer
 Adjacent to lamina propria
 The only layer where mitosis occurs
 Are all stem cells?
 Least differentiated cells
 Non-keratinocytes cell present
 Several cells thick
 Round or Ovoid cells
 Larger and more mature than those of startum
 Contain
- Tonofilaments & involucrin
- Phospholipid granules (Odland bodies) in the
upper part of spinosum
-Increased desmosomes (shrinkage during
preparation gives the spiny appearance)
 Cells of further increase in maturation
 Cells larger and flatter
 Contain
- Tonofilaments & tonofibrils that occupy the
-Keratohyline granules (contain profilaggrin)
 In keratinized epithelium
- Highly mature epithelial cells (squames)
-All cellular organelles and nucleus lost
- In gingiva, nuclei may be retained
- cells are packed with Keratin
 Keratin consist of
- Tonofilaments surrounded by Filaggrin (matrix
 Desmosomes are weak to allow for shedding
 Involulcrin is cross-linked to form a cornified envelop
beneath plasma membrane
 In non-keratinized epithelium
- No Keratin
- Tonofilaments are less and under-developed
- lack keratohyline granules
- this layer is less distinct
- the outer layers of non-keratinized epithelium
may be termed stratum superficiale
- The layers below may be termed startum
Cells have keratohyline
granules (contain
profilaggrin essential to
stabilize keratin
Cells of superficial layers
1-loss of nuclei
completely (
partially (para
2-No organelles at all
Non -keratinized
Cells lack keratohyaline
Cells of superficial
layers have nuclei,
Only Involuricin protein
is produced
No filaggrin or loricin so
tonofilaments are less
developed and
CK : intermediate filaments that show high
specificity for epithelial cells .at least
22main CK polypeptides are known.
Function : component of cell cytoskeleton.
component of desmosmes and
hemidesmosomes.(E.bullosa mutant CK14 )
2 CK types :
Basic, high Mwt CK type 2 ( numbers 1-8)
Acidic,low Mwt type 1 ( numbers 9-22)
Each epith.cell express at least one pair
(component of type 1 + component of type 2
Masticatory mucosa CK (1,10) (2,11)
Lining mucosa (4,13)
Basal cell keratinocytes for all SSE (5,14)
Hyperproliferative epith.(6,16)
Basal cell Ca.(17)
Odontogenic epith. CK 19
Ventral of tongue (5,6,14 )
Soft palate (7,8,18) high level of 19
Alteration of CK profile indicates dysplastic changes or
pathologic changes e.g masticatory mucosa shows
production of CK 4 indicates gingival inflamation.
Cells have
Cytokeratin(type of
Not related to
epithelial maturation
Cells lack
tonofilaments( called
Clear cells ) halo
around nuclei when
stained for CK.
No desmosomes
Melanocytes: Produce the pigment melanin using the enzyme
tyrosinasedendritic (long process that extend through
upper layer), packed with granules (melanosomes),
located in stratum germinativum, derived from neural
crest cell
Langerhans: Dendritic, contain birbeck granules, located in
the layer above stratum germinativum, derived from bone
marrow precursors, antigen-presenting cells, involved in
contact-hypersensetivity reaction, antitumour immunity
and graft rejection.
Merckle cells: Not dendritic, located in stratum
germinativum of masticatory epithelium, absent in lining
epithelium, closed apposed to nerve fibers, thought to act
as a receptor, derived from neural crest cell, posess
keratin filaments and desmosomes, small membrane
bounded vesicle may liberate neurotransmitter.
Superficial papillary layer (associated with epthelial rete
Collagen fibers are thin and loosely arranged.
deeper reticular layer :
netlike arrangement of dense collagen fibers (nothing to do
reticulin fibers)
Papillary layer has thin and loose collagen fibers with many
capillary loops
Reticular layer has collagen fibers arranged in thick bundles
that are parellel to surface
Lamina propria also contains various cells, blood vessels,
nerves and fibers
(collagen and elastic) embedded in an amorphous ground
Structure of L.P :
Collagen fibers (80% type 1, 18 % type 3 ) run in
Elastin fibers ( for flexibility ) run singly not in
bundles .
Hydrated gel og proteoglycans and glycoproteins
CELLS : main cells FIBROBLASTS ( turn over of fibers
and synthesis of ground substance )
Basement membrane
Network of type 4 collagen ( non-fibrillar
Proteoglycans , glycoproteins
Synthesized by epithelial cells.
Hemidesmosomal attachment.(MMP
autoantibodies agst transmembrane
molecules bullous pemphigoids antigen
Under E.M lamina lucida (directly under
epith) , lamina densa
Surfaces exposed to
shear compressive
forces during
epithelium :Thick
lamina P. :Thick dense
Numerous elongated
Rete pegs.
No submucosa
Hard palate.gingiva
epith :
Epithelial junction
with C.T (papillae)
L.P is thinner with
fewer collagen
,more irregular
course,more elastin
Thick submucosa
of Hard
Thick orthokeratinized (or parakeratinized in areas) epithelium showing
ridges (rugae)
Lamina propria shows long papillae with thick dense connective tissue
In central area NO submucosa is present
Butwhere it joins alveolus submucosa is present since it contains
neurovascular bundle, also fattu zone anteriorly, glandular zone ( minor
salivary glands) posteriorly
Soft palate
A: Hard Palate
B; Soft palate
C: Nasal
1. Nonkeratinized
2. Highly vascularized so more pink
than hard palate
2. Lamina propria and submucosa
present (unlike hard palate when
only lamina propria is noted –
3. Submucosa contains salivary
glands and muscle soft palate
Similar to lips and soft palate
Nonkeratinized stratified squamous
epithelium, lamina propria and submucosa
Submucosa of cheeks contain fat cells along
with lobules of minor salivary
glands and muscle fibers
Cheeks (Buccal Mucosa)
Ventral surface of tongue Floor of mouth
Nonkeratinized stratified squamous
epithelium, lamina propria and
Extremely dense muscle fibers
interlacing connective tissue fibers
in submucosa
Nonkeratinized stratified
epithelium, lamina propria
and submucosa
Epithelium is loosely
attached to
lamina propria
No muscle
Anterior 2/3 of the tongue (masticatory but
with taste buds )
Filiform papillae (hair like ) dorsum of
Fungiform ( mushroom like) non-keratinized,at
tongue tip
Foliate (leaflike ) of tongue.
Cicumvallate : non keratinized,taste buds
present in epithelium of trench surrounding
1. Filiform papilla: Makes up majority of the papillae and covers the
anterior part
of the tongue. They appear as slender, threadlike keratinized
(~ 2 to 3 mm) of the surface epithelial cells. These papillae facilitate
(by compressing and breaking food when tongue is apposed to the
hard palate)
and movement of the food on the surface of the tongue. The papillae
is directed
towards the throat and assist in movement of food towards that
2. Fungiform papilla: (Fungus-like) These are interspersed between the
filiform papilla.
More numerous near the tip of the tongue. Smooth, round structures
that appear
red because of their highly vascular connective tissue core, seen
through a thin,
nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium. Taste buds are usually
seen within
the epithelium.
3. Foliate Papilla: (Leaf-like). Present on the lateral margins of
the posterior tongue.
Consist of 4 to 11 parallel ridges that alternate with deep
grooves in the mucosa,
and a few taste buds are present in the epithelium. They
contain serous glands
underlying the taste buds which cleanse the grooves.
4. Circumvallate papilla: (Walled papilla). 10 to 14 in
number these are seen along
the V-shaped sulcus between the base and the body of
the tongue. Large, ~ 3 mm
in diameter with a deep surrounding groove. Ducts of
von Ebner glands (serous
salivary glands) open into the grooves. Taste buds are
seen lining the walls of
the papillae.
Microscopically visible barrel-shaped bodies found in the oral
Usually associated with papillae of the tongue (circumvallate,
foliate and
fungiform). Also seen in soft palate, epiglottis, larynx, and
Referred to as NEUROEPITHELIAL STRUCTURES. But most correctly
as epithelial cells closely associated with clib-shaped sensory nerve
endings. These
nerves arise from the chorda tympani in anterior tongue and
glossopharyngeal in
posterior tongue and come to lie among the taste cells. Each taste
bud has ~ 10 to
14 cells. Majority are taste cells with elongated microvilli that
project into the
taste pore. (Epiglottis and larynx – Vagus nerve
Taste Buds: Unique sense organs that contain the chemical
sense for taste
Taste Buds in the Human Adult
Location Number
Tongue 10,000
Soft palate 2,500
Epiglottis 900
Larynx/pharynx 600
Oropharynx 250
4 taste sensations: Sweet, salty, sour and
Sweet and salt: ant tongue
Sour: lateral tongue
Bitter: region of circumvallate papilla
Junction between skin and labial mucosa.
Red zone ( thin and translucent,C.T
contains capillary loop)
Thin keratinized epith. Papillae are long and
narrow no sweat glands
Few sebacous glands`
A: Skin
B: Vermillion zone
C: Oral (labial) mucosa
D: Minor salivary glands
junction of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity with
the skin of the lip (A). Skin is to the right (B) and is
composed of the epidermis (epithelial layer) and the
dermis (dense connective tissue layer).
-Mucosa (C) on the left, is composed of epithelium and
lamina propria (dense connective tissue layer).
-mucocutaneous junction (A) - the epithelium of the
mucosa is continuous with that of the skin and the lamina
propria is continuous with the dermis.
Turnover time :
Estimated time necessary to replace all the cells in the
Skin: 52 to 75 days
Gut: 4 to 14 days
Gingiva: 41 to 57 days
Cheek: 25 day
Junctional epithelium of gingiva : 5-6 days
Nonkeratinized epithelium e.g buccal mucosa turns over
faster than keratininzed epithelium hard palate
Clinical correlation: Oral ulcers during cancer
chemotherapeutic treatment ( growth factors )
The gingiva is the part of the oral mucosa that
covers the alveolar processes of the jaws and surrounds the necks
of the teeth.75% parakeratinized,10% non- keratinized
• The gingiva is divided anatomically into:
1. Marginal
2. Attached
3. and Interdental areas
Sulcular epith + junctional epithelium.
Sulcular epith.:non-keratinazed SS.
If exposed turned into keratinized SS.
Junctional epithelium is non keratinized SS
Enamel Epith. Rather than being from oral
mucosa (cytokeratin profile CK 19)
Highest rate of turn-over ( 5-6days)
Has 2 basal laminae(internal with enamel
,external with L.p) Hemidesmosomes present
Protective role (wide intercellular spaces for
passage of crevicular fluids)
1- Dentogingival : from Cementum above alveolar crest to gingiva
2- longitudunal : extends within free gingiva along whole arch.
3- circular : encircle tooth with interdental gingiva and marginal
gingiva .some attach to cementum, bone,adjacent tooth.
4- Alveogingival : crest of alveolar bone ,interseptal bone coronal to
5-Dentoperiosteal : only in labial & ling.gingiva from cementum to
Periosteum (pass over alv.crest )
6-Transseptal : horizontally from root of one tooth to the root of
adjacent one.
7-Semicircular : from cementum of one side of tooth to the opposite
side of same tooth.
8- Transgingival : from cervical cementum to marginal G of adjacent
9- Interdental : connect buccal & ling. Interdental papillae
10-Vertical : attached gingiva coronally to MG or ID gingva.

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Oral mucosa

  • 1.
  • 2. Mucous Membrane: Moist lining of the gastrointestinal tract, nasal passages and other body cavities that communicates with the exterior of the body . ( In the oral cavity the lining is called as oral mucous membrane or oral mucosa) Function : MAINLY: protection( physical barrier,immunological defence )  Secretion: minor glands, lubrication .  Sensation: Temperature (heat and cold), touch, pain, taste .  Proprioception
  • 3. Skin : Epidermis + Dermis . Oral Mucosa : 1-Epithelium (keratinized /non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium ). 2- C.T ( lamina propria ) . 3- Submucosa ( not always present )
  • 4. How is the oral mucosa different from skin? 1. Color :more deeply coloured . 2- Moist surface 3. Absence of hair follicles . 4- Presence of minor salivary glands in oral mucosa . 5. Texture of surface: Oral mucosa is smoother than the skin 6 .Firmness: Oral mucosa varies in its firmness.
  • 5.
  • 7. Lining Mucosa: 60% of total mucosa. Covers the floor of mouth,ventral(underside)tongue, alveolar mucosa, cheeks, lips and soft palate. Does not function in mastication and therefore has minimal attrition. Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. soft, moist, ability to stretch and compress .
  • 8. Masticatory Mucosa: 25% of total mucosa. Primary mucosa to be in contact with food Gingiva (free, attached and interdental) and hard palate. Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium rubbery, resilient. Specialized : Dorsum of tongue ( anterior 2/3 )surface associated with the lingual papillae Vermilion zone of the lips
  • 9. There are mainly 2 components : Oral epithelium ( stratified squamous ) C.T ( L. propria ) / submucosa (loose C.T contains vessels,nerves ,muscles) . Distinct B.M between epith./C.T Indistinct between L.p / submucosa.
  • 10.
  • 11. . … … Keratinized Stratum basale( germinativum) Startum spinosum(prickle ) Stratum granulosum Stratum corneum Non-keratinized Stratum basale Startum spinosum Stratum Intermedium Stratum Superficiale
  • 12.  Single cuboidal cell layer  Adjacent to lamina propria  The only layer where mitosis occurs  Are all stem cells?  Least differentiated cells  Non-keratinocytes cell present
  • 13.  Several cells thick  Round or Ovoid cells  Larger and more mature than those of startum basale  Contain - Tonofilaments & involucrin - Phospholipid granules (Odland bodies) in the upper part of spinosum -Increased desmosomes (shrinkage during preparation gives the spiny appearance)
  • 14.  Cells of further increase in maturation  Cells larger and flatter  Contain - Tonofilaments & tonofibrils that occupy the cytoplasm -Keratohyline granules (contain profilaggrin)
  • 15.  In keratinized epithelium - Highly mature epithelial cells (squames) -All cellular organelles and nucleus lost (orthokeratinization) - In gingiva, nuclei may be retained (parakeratinization) - cells are packed with Keratin  Keratin consist of - Tonofilaments surrounded by Filaggrin (matrix protein)  Desmosomes are weak to allow for shedding (desquamation)  Involulcrin is cross-linked to form a cornified envelop beneath plasma membrane
  • 16.  In non-keratinized epithelium - No Keratin - Tonofilaments are less and under-developed - lack keratohyline granules - this layer is less distinct - the outer layers of non-keratinized epithelium may be termed stratum superficiale - The layers below may be termed startum intermedium
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  • 22. keratinized Cells have keratohyline granules (contain profilaggrin essential to stabilize keratin filaments). Cells of superficial layers 1-loss of nuclei completely ( orthokeratinized)or partially (para keratinized) 2-No organelles at all Non -keratinized Cells lack keratohyaline granules. Cells of superficial layers have nuclei, organelles. Only Involuricin protein is produced No filaggrin or loricin so tonofilaments are less developed and dispersede
  • 23.
  • 24. CK : intermediate filaments that show high specificity for epithelial cells .at least 22main CK polypeptides are known. Function : component of cell cytoskeleton. component of desmosmes and hemidesmosomes.(E.bullosa mutant CK14 ) 2 CK types : Basic, high Mwt CK type 2 ( numbers 1-8) Acidic,low Mwt type 1 ( numbers 9-22) Each epith.cell express at least one pair (component of type 1 + component of type 2
  • 25. Masticatory mucosa CK (1,10) (2,11) Lining mucosa (4,13) Basal cell keratinocytes for all SSE (5,14) Hyperproliferative epith.(6,16) Basal cell Ca.(17) Odontogenic epith. CK 19 Ventral of tongue (5,6,14 ) Soft palate (7,8,18) high level of 19 Alteration of CK profile indicates dysplastic changes or pathologic changes e.g masticatory mucosa shows production of CK 4 indicates gingival inflamation.
  • 26. Keratinocytes 90% Cells have tonofilaments Cytokeratin(type of intermediate filaments) desmosomes Non-keratinocytes Not related to epithelial maturation Cells lack tonofilaments( called Clear cells ) halo around nuclei when stained for CK. No desmosomes EXCEPT MERCKLE CELLS
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. Melanocytes: Produce the pigment melanin using the enzyme tyrosinasedendritic (long process that extend through upper layer), packed with granules (melanosomes), located in stratum germinativum, derived from neural crest cell Langerhans: Dendritic, contain birbeck granules, located in the layer above stratum germinativum, derived from bone marrow precursors, antigen-presenting cells, involved in contact-hypersensetivity reaction, antitumour immunity and graft rejection. Merckle cells: Not dendritic, located in stratum germinativum of masticatory epithelium, absent in lining epithelium, closed apposed to nerve fibers, thought to act as a receptor, derived from neural crest cell, posess keratin filaments and desmosomes, small membrane bounded vesicle may liberate neurotransmitter.
  • 30. Superficial papillary layer (associated with epthelial rete ridges) Collagen fibers are thin and loosely arranged. deeper reticular layer : netlike arrangement of dense collagen fibers (nothing to do with reticulin fibers) Papillary layer has thin and loose collagen fibers with many capillary loops Reticular layer has collagen fibers arranged in thick bundles that are parellel to surface Lamina propria also contains various cells, blood vessels, nerves and fibers (collagen and elastic) embedded in an amorphous ground substance
  • 31. Structure of L.P : FIBRES : Collagen fibers (80% type 1, 18 % type 3 ) run in bundles Elastin fibers ( for flexibility ) run singly not in bundles . Oxytalan. GROUND SUBSTANCE : Hydrated gel og proteoglycans and glycoproteins CELLS : main cells FIBROBLASTS ( turn over of fibers and synthesis of ground substance )
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. Basement membrane Network of type 4 collagen ( non-fibrillar ) Proteoglycans , glycoproteins Synthesized by epithelial cells. Hemidesmosomal attachment.(MMP autoantibodies agst transmembrane molecules bullous pemphigoids antigen BP180,230) Under E.M lamina lucida (directly under epith) , lamina densa
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  • 36.
  • 37. Surfaces exposed to shear compressive forces during mastication epithelium :Thick keratinized lamina P. :Thick dense Numerous elongated Rete pegs. No submucosa Hard palate.gingiva epith : Non-keratinized Epithelial junction with C.T (papillae) smoother,short /flexibility L.P is thinner with fewer collagen ,more irregular course,more elastin Thick submucosa
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40. Histology of Hard Palate Thick orthokeratinized (or parakeratinized in areas) epithelium showing ridges (rugae) Lamina propria shows long papillae with thick dense connective tissue In central area NO submucosa is present Butwhere it joins alveolus submucosa is present since it contains neurovascular bundle, also fattu zone anteriorly, glandular zone ( minor salivary glands) posteriorly
  • 41. Soft palate A: Hard Palate B; Soft palate C: Nasal cavity 1. Nonkeratinized 2. Highly vascularized so more pink than hard palate 2. Lamina propria and submucosa present (unlike hard palate when only lamina propria is noted – mucoperiosteum) 3. Submucosa contains salivary glands and muscle soft palate
  • 42. Similar to lips and soft palate Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium, lamina propria and submucosa Submucosa of cheeks contain fat cells along with lobules of minor salivary glands and muscle fibers Cheeks (Buccal Mucosa)
  • 43. Ventral surface of tongue Floor of mouth Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium, lamina propria and submucosa Extremely dense muscle fibers interlacing connective tissue fibers in submucosa Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium, lamina propria and submucosa Epithelium is loosely attached to lamina propria No muscle
  • 44. Anterior 2/3 of the tongue (masticatory but with taste buds ) Filiform papillae (hair like ) dorsum of tonge,keratinized Fungiform ( mushroom like) non-keratinized,at tongue tip Foliate (leaflike ) of tongue. Non-keratinized Cicumvallate : non keratinized,taste buds present in epithelium of trench surrounding it.
  • 45.
  • 46. 1. Filiform papilla: Makes up majority of the papillae and covers the anterior part of the tongue. They appear as slender, threadlike keratinized projections (~ 2 to 3 mm) of the surface epithelial cells. These papillae facilitate mastication (by compressing and breaking food when tongue is apposed to the hard palate) and movement of the food on the surface of the tongue. The papillae is directed towards the throat and assist in movement of food towards that direction. NO TASTE BUDS.
  • 47. 2. Fungiform papilla: (Fungus-like) These are interspersed between the filiform papilla. More numerous near the tip of the tongue. Smooth, round structures that appear red because of their highly vascular connective tissue core, seen through a thin, nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium. Taste buds are usually seen within the epithelium.
  • 48. 3. Foliate Papilla: (Leaf-like). Present on the lateral margins of the posterior tongue. Consist of 4 to 11 parallel ridges that alternate with deep grooves in the mucosa, and a few taste buds are present in the epithelium. They contain serous glands underlying the taste buds which cleanse the grooves.
  • 49. 4. Circumvallate papilla: (Walled papilla). 10 to 14 in number these are seen along the V-shaped sulcus between the base and the body of the tongue. Large, ~ 3 mm in diameter with a deep surrounding groove. Ducts of von Ebner glands (serous salivary glands) open into the grooves. Taste buds are seen lining the walls of the papillae.
  • 50.
  • 51. Microscopically visible barrel-shaped bodies found in the oral epithelium. Usually associated with papillae of the tongue (circumvallate, foliate and fungiform). Also seen in soft palate, epiglottis, larynx, and pharynx. Referred to as NEUROEPITHELIAL STRUCTURES. But most correctly referred as epithelial cells closely associated with clib-shaped sensory nerve endings. These nerves arise from the chorda tympani in anterior tongue and glossopharyngeal in posterior tongue and come to lie among the taste cells. Each taste bud has ~ 10 to 14 cells. Majority are taste cells with elongated microvilli that project into the taste pore. (Epiglottis and larynx – Vagus nerve Taste Buds: Unique sense organs that contain the chemical sense for taste
  • 52. Taste Buds in the Human Adult Location Number Tongue 10,000 Soft palate 2,500 Epiglottis 900 Larynx/pharynx 600 Oropharynx 250 4 taste sensations: Sweet, salty, sour and bitter Sweet and salt: ant tongue Sour: lateral tongue Bitter: region of circumvallate papilla
  • 53. Junction between skin and labial mucosa. Red zone ( thin and translucent,C.T contains capillary loop) Thin keratinized epith. Papillae are long and narrow no sweat glands Few sebacous glands`
  • 54. A: Skin B: Vermillion zone C: Oral (labial) mucosa D: Minor salivary glands
  • 55. junction of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity with the skin of the lip (A). Skin is to the right (B) and is composed of the epidermis (epithelial layer) and the dermis (dense connective tissue layer). -Mucosa (C) on the left, is composed of epithelium and lamina propria (dense connective tissue layer). -mucocutaneous junction (A) - the epithelium of the mucosa is continuous with that of the skin and the lamina propria is continuous with the dermis. .
  • 56. Turnover time : Estimated time necessary to replace all the cells in the epithelium: Skin: 52 to 75 days Gut: 4 to 14 days Gingiva: 41 to 57 days Cheek: 25 day Junctional epithelium of gingiva : 5-6 days Nonkeratinized epithelium e.g buccal mucosa turns over faster than keratininzed epithelium hard palate Clinical correlation: Oral ulcers during cancer chemotherapeutic treatment ( growth factors )
  • 57.
  • 58. The gingiva is the part of the oral mucosa that covers the alveolar processes of the jaws and surrounds the necks of the teeth.75% parakeratinized,10% non- keratinized ,orthokeratinized. • The gingiva is divided anatomically into: 1. Marginal 2. Attached 3. and Interdental areas
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  • 65. Sulcular epith + junctional epithelium. Sulcular epith.:non-keratinazed SS. If exposed turned into keratinized SS. Junctional epithelium is non keratinized SS BUT IT IS ODONTOGENIC from Reduced Enamel Epith. Rather than being from oral mucosa (cytokeratin profile CK 19) Highest rate of turn-over ( 5-6days) Has 2 basal laminae(internal with enamel ,external with L.p) Hemidesmosomes present Protective role (wide intercellular spaces for passage of crevicular fluids)
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  • 72. 1- Dentogingival : from Cementum above alveolar crest to gingiva 2- longitudunal : extends within free gingiva along whole arch. 3- circular : encircle tooth with interdental gingiva and marginal gingiva .some attach to cementum, bone,adjacent tooth. 4- Alveogingival : crest of alveolar bone ,interseptal bone coronal to gingiva. 5-Dentoperiosteal : only in labial & ling.gingiva from cementum to Periosteum (pass over alv.crest ) 6-Transseptal : horizontally from root of one tooth to the root of adjacent one. 7-Semicircular : from cementum of one side of tooth to the opposite side of same tooth. 8- Transgingival : from cervical cementum to marginal G of adjacent tooth 9- Interdental : connect buccal & ling. Interdental papillae 10-Vertical : attached gingiva coronally to MG or ID gingva.
  • 73.