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Non-neoplastic salivary gland diseases 
Infections of the salivary gland 
Viral & bacterial infection are the the most common infectious disorders of the salivary glands, 
although very rarely other infectious agents can be involved. In addition, the salivary glands may be 
the site of asymptomatic viral infection- particularly some of the herpes group( human herpes 6, 
CMV & human herpes 8,while saliva can be a vehicle for a wide range of infectious agents including 
hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C, Humane herpes virus-8, & HIV. 
Infections of the salivary glands. 
Common Uncommon 
Acute suppurative sialadenititis 
Human immunodeficiency virus associated 
salivary gland disease; 
Hepatitis C virus-associated sialoadenitis 
Human T-lymphocytic virus 1(HTLV-1) 
Epstein-Barr virus 
Mycobacteria tuberculosis 
Non-tuberculous mycobacteria 
Haemophilus infleuenzae 
Treponema pallidum 
Candidia sp. 
Mumps (epidemic parotitis) 
Mumps is an acute generalized paramyxovirus infection of children & young adults. Mumps typically 
affects the major salivary glands, although involvement of the other structures can occur including 
the pancrease, testes , ovaries, brain, breast, liver, joints, &heart. 
Mumps is transmitted via the droplet route & has an incubation time of approximately 14-18 days.
Clinical features 
Patient with initial pyrexia, chills 7 facial pain. The parotid is typically bilateral enlarged, although 
this may be unilateral. There is often swelling of the submandibular glands together with 
lymphadenopathy, giving rise to profound facial & neck swelling. 
Orchitis may develop approximately four to five days ofter the onset of parotitis, typically one testis 
but both testis can be involved. Orchitis tends to arise in post-pubertal boys. 
Mumps can give rise to a viral meningitis(lymphocytic). Other neurological manifestation include 
retrobulbar neuritis& encephalitis. Likewise cardiac hepatic & joint can occur. 
Diagnosis of mumps is typically based on clinical picture; it may be confirmed by detection of viral 
IgG &IgA 
Analgesic & appropriate fluid intake is tha main stay of treatment. 
Corticosteroids may be effective for severe parotitis & other organ involvement like orchitis. 
Mumps can be prevented with vaccination (Mumps/measles/rubella(MMR)). 
HIV salivary gland disease 
HIV salivary gland disease is a distinct disorder characterized by recurrent or persistent major 
salivary gland enlargement & xerostomia, tends to arise late in HIV infection, although can be first 
manifestation. A variety of lesions can underlie the salivary gland disease of HIV infection includes 
bacterial sialadenitis, intraparotid lymphadenopathy, primary or metastatic non-Hodgkin’s 
lymphoma or Kaposi’s sarcoma. 
Salivary gland disease in HIV infection. 
Disease Clinical features 
HIV salivary gland disease 
Kaposi’s sarcoma 
No-Hodgkin lymphoma 
Acute suppurative sialadenitis 
Salivary gland enlargement 
HIV salivary gland disease more generalized termed diffuse infiltrated lymphocytosis syndrome 
characterized by CD8 T cell infiltration of the lungs ,salivary glands, & lacrimal glands. 
Clinical picture mimics that of Sjogren’s syndrome however, there are distinct histopathological & 
serological differences between two disorders. Patient with HIV do not have anti-Ro & anti-La 
antibodies but do have hypergammaglobulinaemia.
Histologically ; perivascular, periacinar & periductal lymphocytic infiltration. Majority CD8 T cells. 
Multicystic lymphoepithelial lesions may also occur due to intraductal obstruction by 
hyperplastic/infiltrating lymphoid tissue. 
FNAC to exclude malignancy; 
Similar to Sjogren’s syndrome. 
Antiretroviral therapy may cause at least some short-term resolution of the swelling. 
Others therapies are repeared aspiration, tetracycline sclerosis or surgical removal of an enlarged 
External beam radiation (8-10 Gy) can cause transient improvement, although higher dose (24Gy) 
can cause resolution of the disease for at least for 24 months- without causing severe xerostomia. 
Hepatitis c virus infection 
Unlike other hepatotropic hepatitis viruses, hepatitis C virus (HCV) gives rise to a wide spectrum of 
extrahepatic manifestation that include salivary gland. Hepatitis C virus-associated salivary gland 
disease arises as many as 80% of the infected patients. 
Xerostomia is the predominant symptom of HCV-associated salivary gland disease. 
The histopathological features of HCV-associated sialoadenitis not identical to Sjogren’s syndrome. 
In HCV-associated sialoadenitis, there is a pericapillary lymphocytic infiltration within salivary gland. 
Occasionally HCV infection give rise to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma but not Sjogren’s syndrome. 
Suppurative sialadenitis (suppurative parotitis) 
Acute suppurative sialadenitis is an uncommon disorder, usually of childhood, characterized by 
recurrent or persistent enlargement of one major salivary gland. The parotid are more commonly 
affected than the submadibular glands. Patient can have episodes of disease akin to acute 
suppurative sialoadenitis. Affected patients are generally well & have no disease likely to cause 
sialoadenitis, although they may have a history of recurrent parotitis of childhood or previous 
In most instances, chronic non-specific sialoadenitis reflects abnormalities of the ductal system- the 
recurrent infection having caused or worsen any ductal strictures. Primary cause of this disorder are 
small stone sialoliths, less commonly denture induced ductal defect, congenital ductal edfects, 
radiotherapy-induced salivary gand damage. 
Sialography & ultrasonogrphy are the principal investigation.
Sialography will reveal stricture & distortion of the major ducts. There can be variable sialectasis. 
Clinical feature of the chronic non-specific sialoadenitis is highly varied, about 50% of the patients 
have eventual spontaneous resulotion of symptoms after upto 5years & 40 % needs surgical 
-management of acute infection with chronic non-specific sialoadenitis follows that of acute 
suppurative disease.(hydration & appropriate antibiotics). 
-in addition, sialagogues such as chewing gum, duct& glandular massage, improved oral 
hygiene,& therapeutic sialography have been suggested to be useful. 
- unless the cause is likely to be a sialolith, subtotal or total surgical removal of the affected 
gland may be the only useful treatment.( chronic , non-infected state unless calculi can be 
Recurrent parotitis of childhood(juvenile recurrent parotitis) 
Recurrent parotitis of childhood is characterized by recurrent parotid inflammation usually 
associated with non-obstructive sialectasis of the parotid gland. 
Recurrent parotitis can occur at any age but usually occur at 3 to 6 years of age. Childhood onset 
usually in male but adult onset in female. 
The disease is characterized by localized pain & swelling that may last upto 14days. Fever & 
overlying erythema are common. Occasionally white mucopus can express from the duct. Usually 
unilateral but may be bilateral. The number of attack vary from one to five episodes per year but 
may be upto 20 episodes. 
The frequency of recurrence tends to peak between 5 to 7 years of age & about 90% of the patients 
have resolution of the disease by puberty. 
Sialography & ultrasonography reveal sialectasis( this feature can be observed in the non-affected 
gland of the opposite side. 
Analgesic is the mainstay of therapy. Antibiotic do not shorten attacks. In general , disease tends to 
resolve and there is no need for surgical intervention. 
Clinical features 
Sialolithiasis is a common disorder characterized by the formation of a calculus usually within the 
ductal system of a gland. Sialoliths can arise in both the major & minor salivary glands. 
Sialolith are more common in the submandular glands 83%, parotid 10%, sublingual 7%. More 
common in female,& much more likely in adult than children. 
Sialolithiasis presents as pain & swelling, typically in the submandibular gland with gestation or 
eating. The swelling is diffuse, develops rapidly & is often associated with a burning-like local pain. 
The swelling is nontender & gradually resolves over a few hours. 
Long-standing sialolithiasis may give rise to acute suppurative sialolithiasis or chronic non-specific 
The cause of sialolithiasis ; defect migration of autophaogsomes through the ductal system or the 
calcification of the mucous plugs. Sialolithiasis may be associated with DM,HTN,& chronic liver 
disease & possibly nephrolithiasis but not to water hardness. 
Plain x-ray may reveal a sialolith- provided it is large & radiopague. 
Ultrasonography can detect both radiopaque & radiolucent sialoliths while sialography may also be 
helpful. Panoral tomograms are not helpful. 
When small & accessible, it may be possible to express a sialolith from the submandibular duct by 
manual palpation. Or surgically, this carry a risk of stricture formation. 
Surgical removal of an affected gland may often be only effective treatment for calculi in the 
posterior aspect of the duct or within the gland. 
Lithotripsy is most effective for calculi less than 7mm in diameter. 
Drug-associated salivary gland disease 
A wide range of drug-related salivary disorders can arise, these predominantly comprise salivary 
gland swelling, xerostomia, salivary gland pain. 
1.Salivary gland swelling 
Painless, usually bilateral, salivary gland enlargement may be an occasional side effect 
phenylbutazone, chlorhexidine, iodine, radioactive iodine usage. Mild acute sialoadenitis( iodine 
mumps) can arise in response to iodine based contrast media for angioplasty. Insulin & interferon & 
sulphonamides also causes salivary gland enlargement. 
Over 500 drugs can cause dry mouth, common complaints of many elderly people.
Principal mechanism of action to cause xerostomia is anticholinergic & sympathomimetic. Therefore, 
tricylic , benzodiapines, atropine, betablockers & antihstamin are the most common culprits. 
3.Salivary gland pain 
Salivary gland enlargement due to sialosis may be associated with DM, hypothyroidism, 
malnutrition, hepatic cirrhosis puberty, menopause& antihypertensive drugs. 
Treatment of often difficult with endocrine & hepatic causes if sialosis being particularly resistant 
even if the underlying disorder is addressed. 
Sialosis is an uncommon nonneoplastic & non-inflammatory disorder giving rise to bilateral non-painful 
enlargement of the major salivary glands. Sialosis tends to arise in middle to late life with 
peak incidence in the fifth & sixth decades. There is a slight female predominace. The parotid glands 
are typically affected, indeed often the enlargement is profound. The enlargement develops slowly 
& there may be some decrease in salivary flow. 
Aetiology is unknown, but may be neuropathy. There is association with DM, 
hypothyroidism,malnutrition, alcoholic, & hepatic cirrohsis. Puberty , menopause, reaction to anti 
hypertensive drugs. 
Sialosis is histopathologically chacterized by acinar cel hypertrophy, atrophy of striated ducts with 
oedema of the interstitial connective tissue. Ultimately , widespread fatty replacement of acini. 
Treatment of the underlying cause. 
Rarely surgical reduction of the parotids glands may be necessary. 
Pilocarpine successfully resolving sialosis associated with bulimia nervosa. 
Bulimia nervosa 
Salivary gland enlargement can occur with bulimia nervosa. Functional hypertrophy of the salivary 
glands.(autonomic neuropathy, endocrine disease or past alcohol) with high level of serum amylase. 
Treatment local application of heat, salivary substitutes & use of pilocarpine may result in reduction 
in the size of the parotid gland. Superficial parotidectomy may rarely required.
Principal mechanism of action to cause xerostomia is anticholinergic & sympathomimetic. Therefore, 
tricylic , benzodiapines, atropine, betablockers & antihstamin are the most common culprits. 
3.Salivary gland pain 
Salivary gland enlargement due to sialosis may be associated with DM, hypothyroidism, 
malnutrition, hepatic cirrhosis puberty, menopause& antihypertensive drugs. 
Treatment of often difficult with endocrine & hepatic causes if sialosis being particularly resistant 
even if the underlying disorder is addressed. 
Sialosis is an uncommon nonneoplastic & non-inflammatory disorder giving rise to bilateral non-painful 
enlargement of the major salivary glands. Sialosis tends to arise in middle to late life with 
peak incidence in the fifth & sixth decades. There is a slight female predominace. The parotid glands 
are typically affected, indeed often the enlargement is profound. The enlargement develops slowly 
& there may be some decrease in salivary flow. 
Aetiology is unknown, but may be neuropathy. There is association with DM, 
hypothyroidism,malnutrition, alcoholic, & hepatic cirrohsis. Puberty , menopause, reaction to anti 
hypertensive drugs. 
Sialosis is histopathologically chacterized by acinar cel hypertrophy, atrophy of striated ducts with 
oedema of the interstitial connective tissue. Ultimately , widespread fatty replacement of acini. 
Treatment of the underlying cause. 
Rarely surgical reduction of the parotids glands may be necessary. 
Pilocarpine successfully resolving sialosis associated with bulimia nervosa. 
Bulimia nervosa 
Salivary gland enlargement can occur with bulimia nervosa. Functional hypertrophy of the salivary 
glands.(autonomic neuropathy, endocrine disease or past alcohol) with high level of serum amylase. 
Treatment local application of heat, salivary substitutes & use of pilocarpine may result in reduction 
in the size of the parotid gland. Superficial parotidectomy may rarely required.

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Obstuctive sleep apnoea in children
Obstuctive sleep apnoea in childrenObstuctive sleep apnoea in children
Obstuctive sleep apnoea in children
Diseases of the tonsils 2
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Diseases of the tonsils 2
Disease of tonsils
Disease of tonsilsDisease of tonsils
Disease of tonsils
Corticosteroid in otolaryngology
Corticosteroid in otolaryngologyCorticosteroid in otolaryngology
Corticosteroid in otolaryngology
Viruses & antiviral agents
Viruses & antiviral agentsViruses & antiviral agents
Viruses & antiviral agents
Tumours of the head & neck in the childhood
Tumours of the head & neck in the childhoodTumours of the head & neck in the childhood
Tumours of the head & neck in the childhood
The adenoid & adenoidectomy
The adenoid & adenoidectomyThe adenoid & adenoidectomy
The adenoid & adenoidectomy
Otitis media with effusion
Otitis media with effusionOtitis media with effusion
Otitis media with effusion
Gastro oesophageal reflux & aspiration
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Gastro oesophageal reflux & aspiration
Fungi( all fungal sinusitis & candidiasis)
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Fungi( all fungal sinusitis & candidiasis)
Diseases of the tonsil
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Diseases of the tonsil
Chronic otitis media in childhood
Chronic otitis media in childhoodChronic otitis media in childhood
Chronic otitis media in childhood
Branchial arch fistulae, thyroglossal duct anomalies& lymphangioma
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Branchial arch fistulae, thyroglossal duct anomalies& lymphangioma
Antimicrobial therapy
Antimicrobial therapyAntimicrobial therapy
Antimicrobial therapy
Acute otitis media in children
Acute otitis media in childrenAcute otitis media in children
Acute otitis media in children
Physiology of swallowing
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Physiology of swallowing

@ Non neoplasitc salivary gland diseases

  • 1. Non-neoplastic salivary gland diseases Infections of the salivary gland Viral & bacterial infection are the the most common infectious disorders of the salivary glands, although very rarely other infectious agents can be involved. In addition, the salivary glands may be the site of asymptomatic viral infection- particularly some of the herpes group( human herpes 6, CMV & human herpes 8,while saliva can be a vehicle for a wide range of infectious agents including hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C, Humane herpes virus-8, & HIV. Infections of the salivary glands. Common Uncommon Acute suppurative sialadenititis Mumps Human immunodeficiency virus associated salivary gland disease; Hepatitis C virus-associated sialoadenitis Human T-lymphocytic virus 1(HTLV-1) Epstein-Barr virus CMV Mycobacteria tuberculosis Non-tuberculous mycobacteria Haemophilus infleuenzae E.coli Treponema pallidum Actionmycosis Salmonella Histoplasma Candidia sp. Cysticercosis Mumps (epidemic parotitis) Mumps is an acute generalized paramyxovirus infection of children & young adults. Mumps typically affects the major salivary glands, although involvement of the other structures can occur including the pancrease, testes , ovaries, brain, breast, liver, joints, &heart. Mumps is transmitted via the droplet route & has an incubation time of approximately 14-18 days.
  • 2. Clinical features Patient with initial pyrexia, chills 7 facial pain. The parotid is typically bilateral enlarged, although this may be unilateral. There is often swelling of the submandibular glands together with lymphadenopathy, giving rise to profound facial & neck swelling. Orchitis may develop approximately four to five days ofter the onset of parotitis, typically one testis but both testis can be involved. Orchitis tends to arise in post-pubertal boys. Mumps can give rise to a viral meningitis(lymphocytic). Other neurological manifestation include retrobulbar neuritis& encephalitis. Likewise cardiac hepatic & joint can occur. Diagnosis of mumps is typically based on clinical picture; it may be confirmed by detection of viral IgG &IgA Treatment: Analgesic & appropriate fluid intake is tha main stay of treatment. Corticosteroids may be effective for severe parotitis & other organ involvement like orchitis. Mumps can be prevented with vaccination (Mumps/measles/rubella(MMR)). HIV salivary gland disease HIV salivary gland disease is a distinct disorder characterized by recurrent or persistent major salivary gland enlargement & xerostomia, tends to arise late in HIV infection, although can be first manifestation. A variety of lesions can underlie the salivary gland disease of HIV infection includes bacterial sialadenitis, intraparotid lymphadenopathy, primary or metastatic non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma or Kaposi’s sarcoma. Salivary gland disease in HIV infection. Disease Clinical features HIV salivary gland disease Kaposi’s sarcoma No-Hodgkin lymphoma Lymphadenopathy Acute suppurative sialadenitis Xerostomia Salivary gland enlargement HIV salivary gland disease more generalized termed diffuse infiltrated lymphocytosis syndrome characterized by CD8 T cell infiltration of the lungs ,salivary glands, & lacrimal glands. Clinical picture mimics that of Sjogren’s syndrome however, there are distinct histopathological & serological differences between two disorders. Patient with HIV do not have anti-Ro & anti-La antibodies but do have hypergammaglobulinaemia.
  • 3. Histologically ; perivascular, periacinar & periductal lymphocytic infiltration. Majority CD8 T cells. Multicystic lymphoepithelial lesions may also occur due to intraductal obstruction by hyperplastic/infiltrating lymphoid tissue. Diagnosis FNAC to exclude malignancy; Similar to Sjogren’s syndrome. Treatment Antiretroviral therapy may cause at least some short-term resolution of the swelling. Others therapies are repeared aspiration, tetracycline sclerosis or surgical removal of an enlarged gland. External beam radiation (8-10 Gy) can cause transient improvement, although higher dose (24Gy) can cause resolution of the disease for at least for 24 months- without causing severe xerostomia. Hepatitis c virus infection Unlike other hepatotropic hepatitis viruses, hepatitis C virus (HCV) gives rise to a wide spectrum of extrahepatic manifestation that include salivary gland. Hepatitis C virus-associated salivary gland disease arises as many as 80% of the infected patients. Xerostomia is the predominant symptom of HCV-associated salivary gland disease. The histopathological features of HCV-associated sialoadenitis not identical to Sjogren’s syndrome. In HCV-associated sialoadenitis, there is a pericapillary lymphocytic infiltration within salivary gland. Occasionally HCV infection give rise to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma but not Sjogren’s syndrome. Suppurative sialadenitis (suppurative parotitis) Acute suppurative sialadenitis is an uncommon disorder, usually of childhood, characterized by recurrent or persistent enlargement of one major salivary gland. The parotid are more commonly affected than the submadibular glands. Patient can have episodes of disease akin to acute suppurative sialoadenitis. Affected patients are generally well & have no disease likely to cause sialoadenitis, although they may have a history of recurrent parotitis of childhood or previous sialolithiasis. In most instances, chronic non-specific sialoadenitis reflects abnormalities of the ductal system- the recurrent infection having caused or worsen any ductal strictures. Primary cause of this disorder are small stone sialoliths, less commonly denture induced ductal defect, congenital ductal edfects, radiotherapy-induced salivary gand damage. Investigations Sialography & ultrasonogrphy are the principal investigation.
  • 4. Sialography will reveal stricture & distortion of the major ducts. There can be variable sialectasis. Clinical feature of the chronic non-specific sialoadenitis is highly varied, about 50% of the patients have eventual spontaneous resulotion of symptoms after upto 5years & 40 % needs surgical intervention. Treatment -management of acute infection with chronic non-specific sialoadenitis follows that of acute suppurative disease.(hydration & appropriate antibiotics). -in addition, sialagogues such as chewing gum, duct& glandular massage, improved oral hygiene,& therapeutic sialography have been suggested to be useful. - unless the cause is likely to be a sialolith, subtotal or total surgical removal of the affected gland may be the only useful treatment.( chronic , non-infected state unless calculi can be identified.) Recurrent parotitis of childhood(juvenile recurrent parotitis) Recurrent parotitis of childhood is characterized by recurrent parotid inflammation usually associated with non-obstructive sialectasis of the parotid gland. Recurrent parotitis can occur at any age but usually occur at 3 to 6 years of age. Childhood onset usually in male but adult onset in female. The disease is characterized by localized pain & swelling that may last upto 14days. Fever & overlying erythema are common. Occasionally white mucopus can express from the duct. Usually unilateral but may be bilateral. The number of attack vary from one to five episodes per year but may be upto 20 episodes. The frequency of recurrence tends to peak between 5 to 7 years of age & about 90% of the patients have resolution of the disease by puberty. Sialography & ultrasonography reveal sialectasis( this feature can be observed in the non-affected gland of the opposite side. Treatment Analgesic is the mainstay of therapy. Antibiotic do not shorten attacks. In general , disease tends to resolve and there is no need for surgical intervention. Sialolithiasis
  • 5. Clinical features Sialolithiasis is a common disorder characterized by the formation of a calculus usually within the ductal system of a gland. Sialoliths can arise in both the major & minor salivary glands. Sialolith are more common in the submandular glands 83%, parotid 10%, sublingual 7%. More common in female,& much more likely in adult than children. Sialolithiasis presents as pain & swelling, typically in the submandibular gland with gestation or eating. The swelling is diffuse, develops rapidly & is often associated with a burning-like local pain. The swelling is nontender & gradually resolves over a few hours. Long-standing sialolithiasis may give rise to acute suppurative sialolithiasis or chronic non-specific sialolithiasis. The cause of sialolithiasis ; defect migration of autophaogsomes through the ductal system or the calcification of the mucous plugs. Sialolithiasis may be associated with DM,HTN,& chronic liver disease & possibly nephrolithiasis but not to water hardness. Investigations Plain x-ray may reveal a sialolith- provided it is large & radiopague. Ultrasonography can detect both radiopaque & radiolucent sialoliths while sialography may also be helpful. Panoral tomograms are not helpful. Treatment When small & accessible, it may be possible to express a sialolith from the submandibular duct by manual palpation. Or surgically, this carry a risk of stricture formation. Surgical removal of an affected gland may often be only effective treatment for calculi in the posterior aspect of the duct or within the gland. Lithotripsy is most effective for calculi less than 7mm in diameter. Drug-associated salivary gland disease A wide range of drug-related salivary disorders can arise, these predominantly comprise salivary gland swelling, xerostomia, salivary gland pain. 1.Salivary gland swelling Painless, usually bilateral, salivary gland enlargement may be an occasional side effect phenylbutazone, chlorhexidine, iodine, radioactive iodine usage. Mild acute sialoadenitis( iodine mumps) can arise in response to iodine based contrast media for angioplasty. Insulin & interferon & sulphonamides also causes salivary gland enlargement. 2.Xerostomia Over 500 drugs can cause dry mouth, common complaints of many elderly people.
  • 6. Principal mechanism of action to cause xerostomia is anticholinergic & sympathomimetic. Therefore, tricylic , benzodiapines, atropine, betablockers & antihstamin are the most common culprits. 3.Salivary gland pain Salivary gland enlargement due to sialosis may be associated with DM, hypothyroidism, malnutrition, hepatic cirrhosis puberty, menopause& antihypertensive drugs. Treatment of often difficult with endocrine & hepatic causes if sialosis being particularly resistant even if the underlying disorder is addressed. Sialosis Sialosis is an uncommon nonneoplastic & non-inflammatory disorder giving rise to bilateral non-painful enlargement of the major salivary glands. Sialosis tends to arise in middle to late life with peak incidence in the fifth & sixth decades. There is a slight female predominace. The parotid glands are typically affected, indeed often the enlargement is profound. The enlargement develops slowly & there may be some decrease in salivary flow. Aetiology is unknown, but may be neuropathy. There is association with DM, hypothyroidism,malnutrition, alcoholic, & hepatic cirrohsis. Puberty , menopause, reaction to anti hypertensive drugs. Sialosis is histopathologically chacterized by acinar cel hypertrophy, atrophy of striated ducts with oedema of the interstitial connective tissue. Ultimately , widespread fatty replacement of acini. Treatment Treatment of the underlying cause. Rarely surgical reduction of the parotids glands may be necessary. Pilocarpine successfully resolving sialosis associated with bulimia nervosa. Bulimia nervosa Salivary gland enlargement can occur with bulimia nervosa. Functional hypertrophy of the salivary glands.(autonomic neuropathy, endocrine disease or past alcohol) with high level of serum amylase. Treatment local application of heat, salivary substitutes & use of pilocarpine may result in reduction in the size of the parotid gland. Superficial parotidectomy may rarely required.
  • 7. Principal mechanism of action to cause xerostomia is anticholinergic & sympathomimetic. Therefore, tricylic , benzodiapines, atropine, betablockers & antihstamin are the most common culprits. 3.Salivary gland pain Salivary gland enlargement due to sialosis may be associated with DM, hypothyroidism, malnutrition, hepatic cirrhosis puberty, menopause& antihypertensive drugs. Treatment of often difficult with endocrine & hepatic causes if sialosis being particularly resistant even if the underlying disorder is addressed. Sialosis Sialosis is an uncommon nonneoplastic & non-inflammatory disorder giving rise to bilateral non-painful enlargement of the major salivary glands. Sialosis tends to arise in middle to late life with peak incidence in the fifth & sixth decades. There is a slight female predominace. The parotid glands are typically affected, indeed often the enlargement is profound. The enlargement develops slowly & there may be some decrease in salivary flow. Aetiology is unknown, but may be neuropathy. There is association with DM, hypothyroidism,malnutrition, alcoholic, & hepatic cirrohsis. Puberty , menopause, reaction to anti hypertensive drugs. Sialosis is histopathologically chacterized by acinar cel hypertrophy, atrophy of striated ducts with oedema of the interstitial connective tissue. Ultimately , widespread fatty replacement of acini. Treatment Treatment of the underlying cause. Rarely surgical reduction of the parotids glands may be necessary. Pilocarpine successfully resolving sialosis associated with bulimia nervosa. Bulimia nervosa Salivary gland enlargement can occur with bulimia nervosa. Functional hypertrophy of the salivary glands.(autonomic neuropathy, endocrine disease or past alcohol) with high level of serum amylase. Treatment local application of heat, salivary substitutes & use of pilocarpine may result in reduction in the size of the parotid gland. Superficial parotidectomy may rarely required.