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Jeffrey A. Verona MD
Department of Internal Medicine
Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center
• In all societies, STIs rank among the most common of all infectious
diseases, with >30 infections now classified as predominantly sexually
transmitted or as frequently sexually transmissible
• Certain STIs, such as syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV infection, hepatitis B,
and chancroid, are most concentrated within "core populations"
characterized by high rates of partner change, multiple concurrent
partners, or "dense," highly connected sexual networks—e.g.,
involving sex workers and their clients, some men who have sex with
men (MSM), and persons involved in the use of illicit drugs,
particularly crack cocaine and methamphetamine
• a chronic systemic infection caused by Treponema pallidum subspecies
pallidum, is usually sexually transmitted and is characterized by episodes
of active disease interrupted by periods of latency
• After an incubation period averaging 2–6 weeks, a primary lesion appears,
often associated with regional lymphadenopathy
• secondary stage, associated with generalized mucocutaneous lesions and
generalized lymphadenopathy, is followed by a latent period of subclinical
infection lasting years or decades
• In about one-third of untreated cases, the tertiary stage appears,
characterized by progressive destructive mucocutaneous, musculoskeletal,
or parenchymal lesions; aortitis; or late CNS manifestations.
Primary Syphilis
The typical primary chancre usually begins as a single painless papule that rapidly
becomes eroded and usually becomes indurated, with a characteristic cartilaginous
consistency on palpation of the edge and base of the ulcer. Multiple primary lesions
are seen in a minority of patients
Regional (usually inguinal) lymphadenopathy accompanies the primary syphilitic
lesion, appearing within 1 week of lesion onset. The nodes are firm,
nonsuppurative, and painless. Inguinal lymphadenopathy is bilateral and may
occur with anal as well as with external genital chancres. The chancre generally
heals within 4–6 weeks (range, 2–12 weeks), but lymphadenopathy may persist
for months.
Secondary Syphilis
• The protean manifestations of the secondary stage usually include
mucocutaneous lesions and generalized nontender lymphadenopathy
• The skin rash consists of macular, papular, papulosquamous, and
occasionally pustular syphilides; often more than one form is present
simultaneously. Initial lesions are pale red or pink, nonpruritic, discrete
macules distributed on the trunk and proximal extremities; these macules
progress to papular lesions that are distributed widely and that frequently
involve the palms and soles
• Constitutional symptoms that may accompany or precede secondary syphilis
include sore throat (15–30%), fever (5–8%), weight loss (2–20%), malaise (25%),
anorexia (2–10%), headache (10%), and meningismus (5%).
• Acute meningitis occurs in only 1–2% of cases, but CSF cell and protein
concentrations are increased in up to 40% of cases, and T. pallidum has been
recovered from CSF during primary and secondary syphilis in 30% of cases; the
latter finding is often but not always associated with other CSF abnormalities.
• Less common complications of secondary syphilis include hepatitis, nephropathy,
gastrointestinal involvement (hypertrophic gastritis, patchy proctitis, or a
rectosigmoid mass), arthritis, and periostitis. Ocular findings that suggest
secondary syphilis include pupillary abnormalities and optic neuritis as well as
the classic iritis or uveitis.
Latent Syphilis
Early latent syphilis is limited to the first year after infection,
whereas Late latent syphilis is defined as that of 1 year's (or
unknown) duration.
T. pallidum may still seed the bloodstream intermittently during the
latent stage, and pregnant women with latent syphilis may infect
the fetus in utero. Moreover, syphilis has been transmitted through
blood transfusion or organ donation from patients with latent
• The diagnosis of asymptomatic neurosyphilis is made in patients
who lack neurologic symptoms and signs but who have CSF
abnormalities including mononuclear pleocytosis, increased protein
concentrations, or CSF reactivity in the Venereal Disease Research
Laboratory test.
• Although the prognostic implications of these findings in early
syphilis are uncertain, it may be appropriate to conclude that even
patients with early syphilis who have such findings do indeed have
asymptomatic neurosyphilis and should be treated for neurosyphilis;
such treatment is particularly important in patients with concurrent
HIV infection
• The major clinical categories of symptomatic neurosyphilis include meningeal,
meningovascular, and parenchymatous syphilis
• Meningeal syphilis may present as headache, nausea, vomiting, neck stiffness,
cranial nerve involvement, seizures, and changes in mental status.
• Meningovascular syphilis reflects meningitis together with inflammatory
vasculitis of small, medium, or large vessels. The most common presentation is
a stroke syndrome involving the middle cerebral artery of a relatively young
• manifestations of general paresis reflect widespread late parenchymal damage
Tabes dorsalis is a late manifestation of syphilis that presents as
symptoms and signs of demyelination of the posterior columns,
dorsal roots, and dorsal root ganglia.
• Symptoms include ataxic wide-based gait and foot drop;
paresthesia; bladder disturbances; impotence; areflexia; and
loss of positional, deep-pain, and temperature sensations
• Cardiovascular manifestations, usually appearing 10–40 years after
infection, are attributable to endarteritis obliterans of the vasa vasorum,
which provide the blood supply to large vessels
• Cardiovascular involvement results in uncomplicated aortitis, aortic
regurgitation, saccular aneurysm (usually of the ascending aorta), or
coronary ostial stenosis.
• Gummas are usually solitary lesions ranging from microscopic to several
centimeters in diameter. Histologic examination shows a granulomatous
inflammation, with a central area of necrosis due to endarteritis obliterans
• Common sites include the skin and skeletal system; however, any organ (including
the brain) may be involved.
• Gummas of the skin produce indolent, painless, indurated nodular or ulcerative
lesions that may resemble other chronic granulomatous conditions, including
tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, leprosy, and deep fungal infections.
• Skeletal gummas most frequently involve the long bones, although any bone may be
affected. Upper respiratory gummas can lead to perforation of the nasal septum or
Demonstration of the Organism
• T. pallidum cannot be detected by culture
• Dark-field microscopy and immunofluorescence antibody staining
have been used to identify this spirochete in samples from moist
lesions such as chancres or condylomata lata
• Tissue treponemes can be demonstrated more reliably in research
laboratories by PCR or by immunofluorescence or
immunohistochemical methods using specific monoclonal or
polyclonal antibodies to T. pallidum
• two types of serologic test for syphilis: nontreponemal and
• most widely used nontreponemal antibody tests for syphilis are
the rapid plasma reagin (RPR) and Venereal Disease Research
Laboratory (VDRL) tests, which measure IgG and IgM directed
against a cardiolipin-lecithin-cholesterol antigen complex
• The RPR test is easier to perform and uses unheated serum; it is
the test of choice for rapid serologic diagnosis in a clinical setting
and can be automated
• The VDRL test remains the standard for examining CSF
• Treponemal tests: fluorescent treponemal antibody–absorbed (FTA-ABS) test
and the T. pallidum particle agglutination (TPPA) test.
• Treponemal immunochromatographic strip (ICS) tests and enzyme
immunoassays (EIAs)
• Most clinicians need to be familiar with three uses of serologic tests for syphilis:
• (1) screening or diagnosis (RPR or VDRL)
• (2) quantitative measurement of antibody to assess clinical syphilis activity
or to monitor response to therapy (RPR or VDRL)
• (3) confirmation of a syphilis diagnosis in a patient with a reactive RPR or
• Penicillin G is the drug of choice for all stages of syphilis
• T. pallidum is killed by very low concentrations of penicillin G,
although a long period of exposure to penicillin is required
because of the unusually slow rate of multiplication of the
• Other antibiotics: tetracyclines; cephalosporins;
aminoglycosides; spectinomycin; azithromycin
is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) of epithelium
and commonly manifests as cervicitis, urethritis,
proctitis, and conjunctivitis
• Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a gram-negative, nonmotile,
non-spore-forming organism that grows singly and in
• are distinguished from other neisseriae by their ability to
grow on selective media and to utilize glucose but not
maltose, sucrose, or lactose.
• Gonorrhea is transmitted from males to females
more efficiently than in the opposite direction
• Acute urethritis is the most common clinical
manifestation of gonorrhea in males
• usual incubation period after exposure is 2–7 days
• Urethral discharge and dysuria, usually without
urinary frequency or urgency, are the major
Local complications of gonococcal urethritis
 edema of the penis due to dorsal lymphangitis or
 submucous inflammatory "soft" infiltration of the urethral wall
 periurethral abscess or fistula
 inflammation or abscess of Cowper's gland seminal
Gonococcal Cervicitis
Mucopurulent cervicitis is the most common STI diagnosis in
American women
(caused by N. gonorrhoeae, C. trachomatis,
and other organisms)
symptoms usually develop within 10 days of infection and are more
acute and intense than those of chlamydial cervicitis
• N. gonorrhoeae may be recovered from the
urethra and rectum of women with cervicitis, but
these are rarely the only infected sites
• a mucopurulent discharge (mucopus) issuing from
the cervical os
• Edematous and friable cervical ectopy as well as
endocervical bleeding induced by gentle swabbing
are more often seen in chlamydial infection
• Gonococcal infection may extend deep enough to
produce dyspareunia and lower abdominal or back
• gonococcal vaginitis can occur in anestrogenic women
(e.g. Prepubertal girls and postmenopausal women)
• vaginal mucosa is red and edematous, and an abundant
purulent discharge is present
• Because the female anatomy permits the spread
of cervical exudate to the rectum, N. gonorrhoeae
is sometimes recovered from the rectum of women
with uncomplicated gonococcal cervicitis.
• mode of acquisition is oral-genital sexual
exposure, with fellatio being a more efficient
means of transmission than cunnilingus
• Most cases resolve spontaneously, and
transmission from the pharynx to sexual contacts
is rare
• Infection may result in a markedly swollen eyelid,
severe hyperemia and chemosis, and a profuse
purulent discharge
• usually results from autoinoculation from an
infected genital site
• results from gonococcal bacteremia
• DGI strains resist the bactericidal action of human serum
and generally do not incite inflammation at genital sites,
probably because of limited generation of chemotactic
• Menstruation is a risk factor for dissemination, and
approximately two-thirds of cases of DGI are in women. In
about half of affected women, symptoms of DGI begin
within 7 days of onset of menses.
• Complement deficiencies, especially of the components
involved in the assembly of the membrane attack complex
(C5 through C9), predispose to neisserial bacteremia
• clinical manifestations of DGI have sometimes been classified into
two stages:
• a bacteremic stage, which is less common today
• a joint-localized stage with suppurative arthritis
• Patients in the bacteremic stage have higher temperatures, and
chills more frequently accompany their fever. Painful joints are
common and often occur together with tenosynovitis and skin
lesions. Polyarthralgias usually include the knees, elbows, and
more distal joints; the axial skeleton is generally spared.
• Oculogenital infections due to C. trachomatis serovars D–K
are transmitted during sexual contact or from mother to
baby during childbirth and are associated with many
cervicitis, salpingitis, acute urethral syndrome,
endometritis, ectopic pregnancy, infertility, and PID in female
urethritis, proctitis, and epididymitis in male patients
conjunctivitis and pneumonia in infants
• the LGV serovars (L1, L2, and L3) cause LGV, an invasive sexually
transmitted disease (STD) characterized by acute lymphadenitis with bubo
formation and/or acute hemorrhagic proctitis
• C. trachomatis is the most common cause of nongonococcal
urethritis (NGU) and postgonococcal urethritis (PGU)
• The cause of most of the remaining cases of NGU is uncertain, but
recent evidence suggests that Ureaplasma urealyticum, Mycoplasma
genitalium,Trichomonas vaginalis, and herpes simplex virus (HSV)
cause some cases
• NGU is diagnosed by documentation of a leukocytic urethral exudate
and by exclusion of gonorrhea by Gram—s staining or culture
• Chlamydial urethritis may be followed by acute epididymitis, but
this condition is rare, generally occurring in sexually active
patients <35 years of age
• The possibility of testicular tumor or chronic infection (e.g.,
tuberculosis) should be excluded when a patient with unilateral
intrascrotal pain and swelling does not respond to appropriate
antimicrobial therapy
• Reactive arthritis (formerly known as Reiter—s syndrome) consists of conjunctivitis,
urethritis (or, in female patients, cervicitis), arthritis, and characteristic mucocutaneous
• most common type of peripheral inflammatory arthritis in young men
• Antibodies to C. trachomatis have also been detected in 46–67% of patients with
reactive arthritis, and Chlamydia-specific cell-mediated immunity has been
documented in 72%
• NGU is the initial manifestation of reactive arthritis in 80% of patients, typically
occurring within 14 days after sexual exposure. The urethritis may be mild and may
even go unnoticed by the patient
• The knees are most frequently involved; next most commonly affected are the ankles
and small joints of the feet. Sacroiliitis, either symmetrical or asymmetrical, is
documented in two-thirds of patients
• Cervicitis is usually characterized by the presence of a mucopurulent
discharge, with >20 neutrophils per microscopic field visible in strands
of cervical mucus in a thinly smeared, gram-stained preparation of
endocervical exudate.
• Hypertrophic ectopy of the cervix may also be evident as an edematous
area near the cervical os that is congested and bleeds easily on minor
trauma (e.g., when a specimen is collected with a swab).
• A Papanicolaou smear shows increased numbers of neutrophils as well
as a characteristic pattern of mononuclear inflammatory cells including
plasma cells, transformed lymphocytes, and histiocytes.
• Inflammation of sections of the fallopian tube is often referred to as
salpingitis or PID
• PID occurs via ascending intraluminal spread of C. trachomatis or
N.gonorrhoeae from the lower genital tract. Mucopurulent cervicitis is
often followed by endometritis, endosalpingitis, and finally pelvic
• Chronic untreated endometrial and tubal inflammation can result in
tubal scarring, impaired tubal function, tubal occlusion, and infertility
even among women who report no prior treatment for PID
• C. trachomatis serovars L1, L2, and L3 cause LGV, an invasive systemic STD.
• The peak incidence of LGV corresponds with the age of greatest sexual activity:
the second and third decades of life.
• LGV was described in association with a concurrent increase in heterosexual
infection with HIV. Reports of outbreaks with the newly identified variant L2b in
Europe, Australia, and the United States indicate that LGV is becoming more
prevalent among MSM. These cases have usually presented as hemorrhagic
proctocolitis in HIV-positive men.
• LGV begins as a small painless papule that tends to ulcerate at the site of
inoculation, often escaping attention
• The most common presenting picture in heterosexual men and women
is the inguinal syndrome, which is characterized by painful inguinal
lymphadenopathy beginning 2–6 weeks after presumed exposure;
• inguinal adenopathy is unilateral in two-thirds of cases, and palpable
enlargement of the iliac and femoral nodes is often evident on the
same side as the enlarged inguinal nodes.
• Constitutional symptoms are common during the stage of regional
lymphadenopathy and, in cases of proctitis, may include fever, chills,
headache, meningismus, anorexia, myalgias, and arthralgias
• A 7-day course of tetracycline (500 mg four times daily), doxycycline (100 mg
twice daily), erythromycin (500 mg four times daily), or a fluoroquinolone
(ofloxacin, 300 mg twice daily; or levofloxacin, 500 mg/d) can be used for
treatment of uncomplicated chlamydial infections
• Amoxicillin (500 mg three times daily for 7 days) can also be given to
pregnant women. The fluoroquinolones are contraindicated in pregnancy.
• A 2-week course of treatment is recommended for complicated chlamydial
infections (e.g., PID, epididymitis) and at least a 3-week course of
doxycycline (100 mg orally twice daily) or erythromycin base (500 mg orally
four times daily) for LGV.
• Causes include Neisseria gonorrhoeae, C. trachomatis, Mycoplasma genitalium,
Ureaplasma urealyticum, Trichomonas vaginalis, HSV, and adenovirus.
• Establish the presence of urethritis
• If proximal-to-distal "milking" of the urethra does not express a purulent or
mucopurulent discharge, even after the patient has not voided for several hours
(or preferably overnight), a Gram's-stained smear of overt discharge or of an
anterior urethral specimen obtained by passage of a small urethrogenital swab 2–
3 cm into the urethra usually reveals 5 neutrophils per 1000x field in areas
containing cells;
• in gonococcal infection, such a smear usually reveals gram-negative intracellular
diplococci as well.
• Acute epididymitis, almost always unilateral, produces pain, swelling,
and tenderness of the epididymis, with or without symptoms or signs
of urethritis
• In sexually active men under age 35, acute epididymitis is caused
most frequently by C. trachomatis and less commonly by N.
gonorrhoeae and is usually associated with overt or subclinical
• Acute epididymitis occurring in older men or following urinary tract
instrumentation is usually caused by urinary pathogens.
• Ceftriaxone (250 mg as a single dose IM) followed by doxycycline
(100 mg by mouth twice daily for 10 days) constitutes effective
treatment for epididymitis caused by N. gonorrhoeae or C.
• Fluoroquinolones are no longer recommended for treatment of
gonorrhea in the United States because of the emergence of resistant
strains of N. gonorrhoeae, especially (but not only) among MSM
• refers to infection that ascends from the cervix or vagina to involve the
endometrium and/or fallopian tubes
• Infection can extend beyond the reproductive tract to cause pelvic
peritonitis, generalized peritonitis, perihepatitis, perisplenitis, or pelvic
• agents most often implicated in acute PID include the primary causes
of endocervicitis (e.g., N. gonorrhoeae and C. trachomatis)
• PID is most often caused byN. Gonorrhoeae where there is a high
incidence of gonorrhea
• Important risk factors for acute PID include the presence of
endocervical infection or bacterial vaginosis, a history of
salpingitis or of recent vaginal douching, and recent insertion of
an IUD.
• Certain other iatrogenic factors, such as dilatation and curettage
or cesarean section, can increase the risk of PID, especially
among women with endocervical gonococcal or chlamydial
infection or bacterial vaginosis

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Sexually transmitted infections comp

  • 1. Jeffrey A. Verona MD Department of Internal Medicine Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS
  • 2.
  • 3. STI • In all societies, STIs rank among the most common of all infectious diseases, with >30 infections now classified as predominantly sexually transmitted or as frequently sexually transmissible • Certain STIs, such as syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV infection, hepatitis B, and chancroid, are most concentrated within "core populations" characterized by high rates of partner change, multiple concurrent partners, or "dense," highly connected sexual networks—e.g., involving sex workers and their clients, some men who have sex with men (MSM), and persons involved in the use of illicit drugs, particularly crack cocaine and methamphetamine
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  • 6. SYPHILIS • a chronic systemic infection caused by Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum, is usually sexually transmitted and is characterized by episodes of active disease interrupted by periods of latency • After an incubation period averaging 2–6 weeks, a primary lesion appears, often associated with regional lymphadenopathy • secondary stage, associated with generalized mucocutaneous lesions and generalized lymphadenopathy, is followed by a latent period of subclinical infection lasting years or decades • In about one-third of untreated cases, the tertiary stage appears, characterized by progressive destructive mucocutaneous, musculoskeletal, or parenchymal lesions; aortitis; or late CNS manifestations.
  • 7. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION Primary Syphilis The typical primary chancre usually begins as a single painless papule that rapidly becomes eroded and usually becomes indurated, with a characteristic cartilaginous consistency on palpation of the edge and base of the ulcer. Multiple primary lesions are seen in a minority of patients
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  • 10. Regional (usually inguinal) lymphadenopathy accompanies the primary syphilitic lesion, appearing within 1 week of lesion onset. The nodes are firm, nonsuppurative, and painless. Inguinal lymphadenopathy is bilateral and may occur with anal as well as with external genital chancres. The chancre generally heals within 4–6 weeks (range, 2–12 weeks), but lymphadenopathy may persist for months.
  • 11. Secondary Syphilis • The protean manifestations of the secondary stage usually include mucocutaneous lesions and generalized nontender lymphadenopathy • The skin rash consists of macular, papular, papulosquamous, and occasionally pustular syphilides; often more than one form is present simultaneously. Initial lesions are pale red or pink, nonpruritic, discrete macules distributed on the trunk and proximal extremities; these macules progress to papular lesions that are distributed widely and that frequently involve the palms and soles
  • 12. • Constitutional symptoms that may accompany or precede secondary syphilis include sore throat (15–30%), fever (5–8%), weight loss (2–20%), malaise (25%), anorexia (2–10%), headache (10%), and meningismus (5%). • Acute meningitis occurs in only 1–2% of cases, but CSF cell and protein concentrations are increased in up to 40% of cases, and T. pallidum has been recovered from CSF during primary and secondary syphilis in 30% of cases; the latter finding is often but not always associated with other CSF abnormalities. • Less common complications of secondary syphilis include hepatitis, nephropathy, gastrointestinal involvement (hypertrophic gastritis, patchy proctitis, or a rectosigmoid mass), arthritis, and periostitis. Ocular findings that suggest secondary syphilis include pupillary abnormalities and optic neuritis as well as the classic iritis or uveitis.
  • 13. Latent Syphilis Early latent syphilis is limited to the first year after infection, whereas Late latent syphilis is defined as that of 1 year's (or unknown) duration. T. pallidum may still seed the bloodstream intermittently during the latent stage, and pregnant women with latent syphilis may infect the fetus in utero. Moreover, syphilis has been transmitted through blood transfusion or organ donation from patients with latent syphilis
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  • 15. ASYMPTOMATIC NEUROSYPHILIS • The diagnosis of asymptomatic neurosyphilis is made in patients who lack neurologic symptoms and signs but who have CSF abnormalities including mononuclear pleocytosis, increased protein concentrations, or CSF reactivity in the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test. • Although the prognostic implications of these findings in early syphilis are uncertain, it may be appropriate to conclude that even patients with early syphilis who have such findings do indeed have asymptomatic neurosyphilis and should be treated for neurosyphilis; such treatment is particularly important in patients with concurrent HIV infection
  • 16. SYMPTOMATIC NEUROSYPHILIS • The major clinical categories of symptomatic neurosyphilis include meningeal, meningovascular, and parenchymatous syphilis • Meningeal syphilis may present as headache, nausea, vomiting, neck stiffness, cranial nerve involvement, seizures, and changes in mental status. • Meningovascular syphilis reflects meningitis together with inflammatory vasculitis of small, medium, or large vessels. The most common presentation is a stroke syndrome involving the middle cerebral artery of a relatively young adult. • manifestations of general paresis reflect widespread late parenchymal damage
  • 17. Tabes dorsalis is a late manifestation of syphilis that presents as symptoms and signs of demyelination of the posterior columns, dorsal roots, and dorsal root ganglia. • Symptoms include ataxic wide-based gait and foot drop; paresthesia; bladder disturbances; impotence; areflexia; and loss of positional, deep-pain, and temperature sensations
  • 18. CARDIOVASCULAR SYPHILIS • Cardiovascular manifestations, usually appearing 10–40 years after infection, are attributable to endarteritis obliterans of the vasa vasorum, which provide the blood supply to large vessels • Cardiovascular involvement results in uncomplicated aortitis, aortic regurgitation, saccular aneurysm (usually of the ascending aorta), or coronary ostial stenosis.
  • 19. LATE BENIGN SYPHILIS (GUMMA) • Gummas are usually solitary lesions ranging from microscopic to several centimeters in diameter. Histologic examination shows a granulomatous inflammation, with a central area of necrosis due to endarteritis obliterans • Common sites include the skin and skeletal system; however, any organ (including the brain) may be involved. • Gummas of the skin produce indolent, painless, indurated nodular or ulcerative lesions that may resemble other chronic granulomatous conditions, including tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, leprosy, and deep fungal infections. • Skeletal gummas most frequently involve the long bones, although any bone may be affected. Upper respiratory gummas can lead to perforation of the nasal septum or palate
  • 20. LABORATORY EXAMINATIONS Demonstration of the Organism • T. pallidum cannot be detected by culture • Dark-field microscopy and immunofluorescence antibody staining have been used to identify this spirochete in samples from moist lesions such as chancres or condylomata lata • Tissue treponemes can be demonstrated more reliably in research laboratories by PCR or by immunofluorescence or immunohistochemical methods using specific monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies to T. pallidum
  • 21. SEROLOGIC TEST FOR SYPHILIS • two types of serologic test for syphilis: nontreponemal and treponemal • most widely used nontreponemal antibody tests for syphilis are the rapid plasma reagin (RPR) and Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) tests, which measure IgG and IgM directed against a cardiolipin-lecithin-cholesterol antigen complex • The RPR test is easier to perform and uses unheated serum; it is the test of choice for rapid serologic diagnosis in a clinical setting and can be automated • The VDRL test remains the standard for examining CSF
  • 22. • Treponemal tests: fluorescent treponemal antibody–absorbed (FTA-ABS) test and the T. pallidum particle agglutination (TPPA) test. • Treponemal immunochromatographic strip (ICS) tests and enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) • Most clinicians need to be familiar with three uses of serologic tests for syphilis: • (1) screening or diagnosis (RPR or VDRL) • (2) quantitative measurement of antibody to assess clinical syphilis activity or to monitor response to therapy (RPR or VDRL) • (3) confirmation of a syphilis diagnosis in a patient with a reactive RPR or VDRL test (FTA-ABS, TPPA, EIA)
  • 23. TREATMENT • Penicillin G is the drug of choice for all stages of syphilis • T. pallidum is killed by very low concentrations of penicillin G, although a long period of exposure to penicillin is required because of the unusually slow rate of multiplication of the organism. • Other antibiotics: tetracyclines; cephalosporins; aminoglycosides; spectinomycin; azithromycin
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  • 27. is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) of epithelium and commonly manifests as cervicitis, urethritis, proctitis, and conjunctivitis
  • 28. • Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a gram-negative, nonmotile, non-spore-forming organism that grows singly and in pairs • are distinguished from other neisseriae by their ability to grow on selective media and to utilize glucose but not maltose, sucrose, or lactose.
  • 29. • Gonorrhea is transmitted from males to females more efficiently than in the opposite direction
  • 30. GONOCOCCAL INFECTIONS IN MALES • Acute urethritis is the most common clinical manifestation of gonorrhea in males • usual incubation period after exposure is 2–7 days • Urethral discharge and dysuria, usually without urinary frequency or urgency, are the major symptoms
  • 31. Local complications of gonococcal urethritis  edema of the penis due to dorsal lymphangitis or thrombophlebitis  submucous inflammatory "soft" infiltration of the urethral wall  periurethral abscess or fistula  inflammation or abscess of Cowper's gland seminal vesiculitis
  • 32. GONOCOCCAL INFECTIONS IN FEMALES Gonococcal Cervicitis Mucopurulent cervicitis is the most common STI diagnosis in American women (caused by N. gonorrhoeae, C. trachomatis, and other organisms) symptoms usually develop within 10 days of infection and are more acute and intense than those of chlamydial cervicitis
  • 33. • N. gonorrhoeae may be recovered from the urethra and rectum of women with cervicitis, but these are rarely the only infected sites
  • 34. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION • a mucopurulent discharge (mucopus) issuing from the cervical os • Edematous and friable cervical ectopy as well as endocervical bleeding induced by gentle swabbing are more often seen in chlamydial infection • Gonococcal infection may extend deep enough to produce dyspareunia and lower abdominal or back pain
  • 35. GONOCOCCAL VAGINITIS • gonococcal vaginitis can occur in anestrogenic women (e.g. Prepubertal girls and postmenopausal women) • vaginal mucosa is red and edematous, and an abundant purulent discharge is present
  • 36. ANORECTAL GONORRHEA • Because the female anatomy permits the spread of cervical exudate to the rectum, N. gonorrhoeae is sometimes recovered from the rectum of women with uncomplicated gonococcal cervicitis.
  • 37. PHARYNGEAL GONORRHEA • mode of acquisition is oral-genital sexual exposure, with fellatio being a more efficient means of transmission than cunnilingus • Most cases resolve spontaneously, and transmission from the pharynx to sexual contacts is rare
  • 38. OCULAR GONORRHEA IN ADULTS • Infection may result in a markedly swollen eyelid, severe hyperemia and chemosis, and a profuse purulent discharge • usually results from autoinoculation from an infected genital site
  • 39.
  • 40. GONOCOCCAL ARTHRITIS • results from gonococcal bacteremia • DGI strains resist the bactericidal action of human serum and generally do not incite inflammation at genital sites, probably because of limited generation of chemotactic factors
  • 41. • Menstruation is a risk factor for dissemination, and approximately two-thirds of cases of DGI are in women. In about half of affected women, symptoms of DGI begin within 7 days of onset of menses. • Complement deficiencies, especially of the components involved in the assembly of the membrane attack complex (C5 through C9), predispose to neisserial bacteremia
  • 42. • clinical manifestations of DGI have sometimes been classified into two stages: • a bacteremic stage, which is less common today • a joint-localized stage with suppurative arthritis • Patients in the bacteremic stage have higher temperatures, and chills more frequently accompany their fever. Painful joints are common and often occur together with tenosynovitis and skin lesions. Polyarthralgias usually include the knees, elbows, and more distal joints; the axial skeleton is generally spared.
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  • 46. • Oculogenital infections due to C. trachomatis serovars D–K are transmitted during sexual contact or from mother to baby during childbirth and are associated with many syndromes: cervicitis, salpingitis, acute urethral syndrome, endometritis, ectopic pregnancy, infertility, and PID in female patients urethritis, proctitis, and epididymitis in male patients conjunctivitis and pneumonia in infants
  • 47. • the LGV serovars (L1, L2, and L3) cause LGV, an invasive sexually transmitted disease (STD) characterized by acute lymphadenitis with bubo formation and/or acute hemorrhagic proctitis
  • 48. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS: NON GONOCCOCAL AND POST GONOCOCCAL URETHRITIS • C. trachomatis is the most common cause of nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) and postgonococcal urethritis (PGU) • The cause of most of the remaining cases of NGU is uncertain, but recent evidence suggests that Ureaplasma urealyticum, Mycoplasma genitalium,Trichomonas vaginalis, and herpes simplex virus (HSV) cause some cases • NGU is diagnosed by documentation of a leukocytic urethral exudate and by exclusion of gonorrhea by Gram—s staining or culture
  • 49. EPIDIDYMITIS • Chlamydial urethritis may be followed by acute epididymitis, but this condition is rare, generally occurring in sexually active patients <35 years of age • The possibility of testicular tumor or chronic infection (e.g., tuberculosis) should be excluded when a patient with unilateral intrascrotal pain and swelling does not respond to appropriate antimicrobial therapy
  • 50. REACTIVE ARTHRITIS • Reactive arthritis (formerly known as Reiter—s syndrome) consists of conjunctivitis, urethritis (or, in female patients, cervicitis), arthritis, and characteristic mucocutaneous lesions • most common type of peripheral inflammatory arthritis in young men • Antibodies to C. trachomatis have also been detected in 46–67% of patients with reactive arthritis, and Chlamydia-specific cell-mediated immunity has been documented in 72% • NGU is the initial manifestation of reactive arthritis in 80% of patients, typically occurring within 14 days after sexual exposure. The urethritis may be mild and may even go unnoticed by the patient • The knees are most frequently involved; next most commonly affected are the ankles and small joints of the feet. Sacroiliitis, either symmetrical or asymmetrical, is documented in two-thirds of patients
  • 51. MUCOPURULENT CERVICITIS • Cervicitis is usually characterized by the presence of a mucopurulent discharge, with >20 neutrophils per microscopic field visible in strands of cervical mucus in a thinly smeared, gram-stained preparation of endocervical exudate. • Hypertrophic ectopy of the cervix may also be evident as an edematous area near the cervical os that is congested and bleeds easily on minor trauma (e.g., when a specimen is collected with a swab). • A Papanicolaou smear shows increased numbers of neutrophils as well as a characteristic pattern of mononuclear inflammatory cells including plasma cells, transformed lymphocytes, and histiocytes.
  • 52.
  • 53. PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE • Inflammation of sections of the fallopian tube is often referred to as salpingitis or PID • PID occurs via ascending intraluminal spread of C. trachomatis or N.gonorrhoeae from the lower genital tract. Mucopurulent cervicitis is often followed by endometritis, endosalpingitis, and finally pelvic peritonitis • Chronic untreated endometrial and tubal inflammation can result in tubal scarring, impaired tubal function, tubal occlusion, and infertility even among women who report no prior treatment for PID
  • 54. LYMPHOGRANULOMA VENEREUM • C. trachomatis serovars L1, L2, and L3 cause LGV, an invasive systemic STD. • The peak incidence of LGV corresponds with the age of greatest sexual activity: the second and third decades of life. • LGV was described in association with a concurrent increase in heterosexual infection with HIV. Reports of outbreaks with the newly identified variant L2b in Europe, Australia, and the United States indicate that LGV is becoming more prevalent among MSM. These cases have usually presented as hemorrhagic proctocolitis in HIV-positive men. • LGV begins as a small painless papule that tends to ulcerate at the site of inoculation, often escaping attention
  • 55. • The most common presenting picture in heterosexual men and women is the inguinal syndrome, which is characterized by painful inguinal lymphadenopathy beginning 2–6 weeks after presumed exposure; • inguinal adenopathy is unilateral in two-thirds of cases, and palpable enlargement of the iliac and femoral nodes is often evident on the same side as the enlarged inguinal nodes. • Constitutional symptoms are common during the stage of regional lymphadenopathy and, in cases of proctitis, may include fever, chills, headache, meningismus, anorexia, myalgias, and arthralgias
  • 56. • A 7-day course of tetracycline (500 mg four times daily), doxycycline (100 mg twice daily), erythromycin (500 mg four times daily), or a fluoroquinolone (ofloxacin, 300 mg twice daily; or levofloxacin, 500 mg/d) can be used for treatment of uncomplicated chlamydial infections • Amoxicillin (500 mg three times daily for 7 days) can also be given to pregnant women. The fluoroquinolones are contraindicated in pregnancy. • A 2-week course of treatment is recommended for complicated chlamydial infections (e.g., PID, epididymitis) and at least a 3-week course of doxycycline (100 mg orally twice daily) or erythromycin base (500 mg orally four times daily) for LGV.
  • 57. URETHRITIS IN MEN • Causes include Neisseria gonorrhoeae, C. trachomatis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Trichomonas vaginalis, HSV, and adenovirus. • Establish the presence of urethritis • If proximal-to-distal "milking" of the urethra does not express a purulent or mucopurulent discharge, even after the patient has not voided for several hours (or preferably overnight), a Gram's-stained smear of overt discharge or of an anterior urethral specimen obtained by passage of a small urethrogenital swab 2– 3 cm into the urethra usually reveals 5 neutrophils per 1000x field in areas containing cells; • in gonococcal infection, such a smear usually reveals gram-negative intracellular diplococci as well.
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  • 59. EPIDIDYMITIS • Acute epididymitis, almost always unilateral, produces pain, swelling, and tenderness of the epididymis, with or without symptoms or signs of urethritis • In sexually active men under age 35, acute epididymitis is caused most frequently by C. trachomatis and less commonly by N. gonorrhoeae and is usually associated with overt or subclinical urethritis. • Acute epididymitis occurring in older men or following urinary tract instrumentation is usually caused by urinary pathogens.
  • 60. • Ceftriaxone (250 mg as a single dose IM) followed by doxycycline (100 mg by mouth twice daily for 10 days) constitutes effective treatment for epididymitis caused by N. gonorrhoeae or C. trachomatis • Fluoroquinolones are no longer recommended for treatment of gonorrhea in the United States because of the emergence of resistant strains of N. gonorrhoeae, especially (but not only) among MSM
  • 61. PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE • refers to infection that ascends from the cervix or vagina to involve the endometrium and/or fallopian tubes • Infection can extend beyond the reproductive tract to cause pelvic peritonitis, generalized peritonitis, perihepatitis, perisplenitis, or pelvic abscess • agents most often implicated in acute PID include the primary causes of endocervicitis (e.g., N. gonorrhoeae and C. trachomatis) • PID is most often caused byN. Gonorrhoeae where there is a high incidence of gonorrhea
  • 62. • Important risk factors for acute PID include the presence of endocervical infection or bacterial vaginosis, a history of salpingitis or of recent vaginal douching, and recent insertion of an IUD. • Certain other iatrogenic factors, such as dilatation and curettage or cesarean section, can increase the risk of PID, especially among women with endocervical gonococcal or chlamydial infection or bacterial vaginosis
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Editor's Notes

  1. T. pallidum subspecies pallidum (referred to hereafter as T. pallidum), a thin spiral organism, has a cell body surrounded by a trilaminar cytoplasmic membrane, a delicate peptidoglycan layer providing some structural rigidity, and a lipid-rich outer membrane containing relatively few integral membrane proteins. Endoflagella wind around the cell body in the periplasmic space and are responsible for motility
  2. In heterosexual men the chancre is usually located on the penis, whereas in homosexual men it may be found in the anal canal or rectum, in the mouth, or on the external genitalia. In women, common primary sites are the cervix and labia. Consequently, primary syphilis goes unrecognized in women and homosexual men more often than in heterosexual men.The clinical appearance depends on the number of treponemes inoculated and on the immunologic status of the patient. A large inoculum produces a dark-field-positive ulcerative lesion in nonimmune volunteers but may produce a small dark-field-negative papule, an asymptomatic but seropositive latent infection, or no response at all in some individuals with a history of syphilis. A small inoculum may produce only a papular lesion, even in nonimmune individuals. Therefore, syphilis should be considered even in the evaluation of trivial or atypical dark-field-negative genital lesions.
  3. The eruption may be very subtle, and 25% of patients with a discernible rash may be unaware that they have dermatologic manifestations.In warm, moist, intertriginous areas (commonly the perianal region, vulva, and scrotum), papules can enlarge to produce broad, moist, pink or gray-white, highly infectious lesions [condylomatalata (see Fig. e7-20)] in 10% of patients with secondary syphilis. Superficial mucosal erosions (mucous patches) occur in 10–15% of patients and commonly involve the oral or genital mucosa
  4. Positive serologic tests for syphilis, together with a normal CSF examination and the absence of clinical manifestations of syphilis, indicate a diagnosis of latent syphilis in an untreated person. The diagnosis is often suspected on the basis of a history of primary or secondary lesions, a history of exposure to syphilis, or the delivery of an infant with congenital syphilis
  5. Benign nodular tertiary syphilis
  6. Most experts agree that neurosyphilis is more common in HIV-infected persons, while immunocompetent patients with untreated latent syphilis and normal CSF probably run a very low risk of subsequent neurosyphilis. In several recent studies, neurosyphilis was associated with a rapid plasma reagin titer of 1:32, regardless of clinical stage or HIV infection status.
  7. The last category includes general paresis and tabesdorsalis. The onset of symptoms usually occurs &lt;1 year after infection for meningeal syphilis, up to 10 years after infection for meningovascular syphilis, at 20 years for general paresis, and at 25–30 years for tabesdorsalis.personality, affect, reflexes (hyperactive), eye (e.g., Argyll Robertson pupils), sensorium (illusions, delusions, hallucinations), intellect (a decrease in recent memory and in the capacity for orientation, calculations, judgment, and insight), and speech
  8. Trophic joint degeneration (Charcot&apos;s joints) and perforating ulceration of the feet can result from loss of pain sensation. The small, irregular Argyll Robertson pupil, a feature of both tabesdorsalis and paresis, reacts to accommodation but not to light. Optic atrophy also occurs frequently in association with tabes.
  9. Linear calcification of the ascending aorta on chest x-ray films suggests asymptomatic syphilitic aortitis, as arteriosclerosis seldom produces this sign. Syphilitic aneurysms—usually saccular, occasionally fusiform—do not lead to dissection. Only 1 in 10 aortic aneurysms of syphilitic origin involves the abdominal aorta.
  10. The RPR and VDRL tests are recommended for screening or for quantitation of serum antibody. The titer reflects disease activity, rising during the evolution of early syphilis and often exceeding 1:32 in secondary syphilis. After therapy for early syphilis, a persistent fall by fourfold or more (e.g., a decline from 1:32 to 1:8) is considered an adequate response
  11. Treponemal tests measure antibodies to native or recombinant T. pallidum antigens both of which are more sensitive for primary syphilis than the previously used hemagglutination testsWhen used to confirm positive nontreponemal test results, treponemal tests have a very high positive predictive value for diagnosis of syphilisbased largely on reactivity to recombinant antigens, have also been developed. Treponemal EIAs have been approved as confirmatory tests and, because of their ease of automation, are now used for screening purposes by some large laboratories.For practical purposes, most clinicians need to be familiar with three uses of serologic tests for syphilis: (1) screening or diagnosis (RPR or VDRL), (2) quantitative measurement of antibody to assess clinical syphilis activity or to monitor response to therapy (RPR or VDRL), and (3) confirmation of a syphilis diagnosis in a patient with a reactive RPR or VDRL test (FTA-ABS, TPPA, EIA
  12. The efficacy of penicillin against syphilis remains undiminished after60 years of use, and there is no evidence of penicillin resistance in T. pallidum. Other antibiotics effective in syphilis include the tetracyclines and the cephalosporins. Aminoglycosides and spectinomycin inhibit T. pallidum only in very large doses, and the sulfonamides and the quinolones are inactive. Azithromycin has shown significant promise as an effective oral agent against T pallidum
  13. If untreated, infections at these sites can lead to local complications such as endometritis, salpingitis, tuboovarian abscess, bartholinitis, peritonitis, and perihepatitis in female patients; periurethritis and epididymitis in male patients; and ophthalmianeonatorum in newborns.
  14. The discharge initially is scant and mucoid but becomes profuse and purulent within a day or two. Gram&apos;s stain of the urethral discharge may reveal PMNs and gram-negative intracellular monococci and diplococci. The clinical manifestations of gonococcalurethritis are usually more severe and overt than those of nongonococcalurethritis, including urethritis caused by Chlamydia trachomatis
  15. Because Gram&apos;s stain is not sensitive for the diagnosis of gonorrhea in women, specimens should be submitted for culture or a nonculture assay Gonococcal infection may extend deep enough to produce dyspareunia and lower abdominal or back pain. In such cases, it is imperative to consider a diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and to administer treatment for that disease
  16. The vaginal mucosa of healthy women is lined by stratified squamous epithelium and is rarely infected by N. gonorrhoeae. However, gonococcalvaginitis can occur in anestrogenic women (e.g., prepubertal girls and postmenopausal women), in whom the vaginal stratified squamous epithelium is often thinned down to the basilar layer, which can be infected by N. gonorrhoeae
  17. The rectum is the sole site of infection in only 5% of women with gonorrhea. Such women are usually asymptomatic but occasionally have acute proctitis manifested by anorectal pain or pruritus, tenesmus, purulent rectal discharge, and rectal bleedingAmong men who have sex with men (MSM), the frequency of gonococcal infection, including rectal infection, fell by 90% throughout the United States in the early 1980s, but a resurgence of gonorrhea among MSM has been documented in several cities since the 1990s. Gonococcal isolates from the rectum of MSM tend to be more resistant to antimicrobial agents than are gonococcal isolates from other sites.
  18. The designation PGU refers to NGU developing in men 2–3 weeks after treatment of gonococcal urethritis with single doses of agents such as penicillin or cephalosporins, which lack antimicrobial activity against chlamydiae. Since current treatment regimens for gonorrhea have evolved and now include combination therapy with tetracycline, doxycycline, or azithromycin—all of which are effective against concomitant chlamydial infection—both the incidence of PGU and the causative role of C. trachomatis in this syndrome have declined.C. trachomatis urethritis is generally less severe than gonococcal urethritis, although in any individual patient these two forms of urethritis cannot reliably be differentiated solely on clinical grounds. Symptoms include urethral discharge (often whitish and mucoid rather than frankly purulent), dysuria, and urethral itching. Physical examination may reveal meatal erythema and tenderness as well as a urethral exudate that is often demonstrable only by stripping of the urethra.
  19. The condition usually presents as unilateral scrotal pain with tenderness, swelling, and fever in a young man, often occurring in association with chlamydial urethritis
  20. C. trachomatis has been isolated from synovial biopsy samples from 15 of 29 patients in a number of small series and from a smaller proportion of synovial fluid specimens.Mild bilateral conjunctivitis, iritis, keratitis, or uveitis is sometimes present but lasts for only a few days. Finally, dermatologic manifestations occur in up to 50% of patients. The initial lesions—usually papules with a central yellow spot—most often involve the soles and palms and, in 25% of patients, eventually epithelialize and thicken to produce keratodermablenorrhagicum
  21. A Papanicolaou smear shows increased numbers of neutrophils as well as a characteristic pattern of mononuclear inflammatory cells including plasma cells, transformed lymphocytes, and histiocytes. Cervical biopsy shows a predominantly mononuclear cell infiltrate of the subepithelialstroma. Clinical experience and collaborative studies indicate that a cutoff of &gt;30 polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs)/1000x field in a gram-stained smear of cervical mucus correlates best with chlamydial or gonococcal cervicitis
  22. LGV strains of C. trachomatis have occasionally been recovered from genital ulcers and from the urethra of men and the endocervix of women who present with inguinal adenopathy; these areas may be the primary sites of infection in some cases. Proctitis is more common among people who practice receptive anal intercourse, and an elevated white blood cell count in anorectal smears may predict LGV in these patients. Ulcer formation may facilitate transmission of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted and blood-borne diseases
  23. The nodes are initially discrete, but progressive periadenitis results in a matted mass of nodes that becomes fluctuant and suppurative. The overlying skin becomes fixed, inflamed, and thin, and multiple draining fistulas finally develop. Extensive enlargement of chains of inguinal nodes above and below the inguinal ligament (&quot;the sign of the groove&quot;) is not specific and, although not uncommon, is documented in only a minority of casesMassive pelvic lymphadenopathy may lead to exploratory laparotomy
  24. A single 1-g oral dose of azithromycin is as effective as a 7-day course of doxycycline for the treatment of uncomplicated genital C. trachomatis infections in adults. Azithromycin causes fewer adverse gastrointestinal reactions than do older macrolides such as erythromycin. The single-dose regimen of azithromycin has great appeal for the treatment of patients with uncomplicated chlamydial infection (especially those without symptoms and those with a likelihood of poor compliance) and of the sexual partners of infected patients
  25. in gonococcal infection, such a smear usually reveals gram-negative intracellular diplococci as well. Alternatively, the centrifuged sediment of the first 20–30 mL of voided urine—ideally collected as the first morning specimen—can be examined for inflammatory cells, either by microscopy showing 10 leukocytes per high-power field or by the leukocyte esterase test. Patients with symptoms who lack objective evidence of urethritis may have functional rather than organic problems and generally do not benefit from repeated courses of antibiotics
  26. For hospitalized patients, the following two parenteral regimens have given nearly identical results in a multicenter randomized trial:Doxycycline (100 mg twice daily, given IV or PO) plus cefotetan (2 g IV every 12 h) or cefoxitin (2 g IV every6 h): Administration of these drugs should be continued by the IV route for at least 48 h after the patient&apos;s condition improves and then followed with oral doxycycline (100 mg twice daily) to complete 14 days of therapy.Clindamycin (900 mg IV every 8 h) plus gentamicin(2 mg/kg IV or IM, followed by 1.5 mg/kg every 8 h) in patients with normal renal function: Once-daily dosing of gentamicin (with combination of the total daily dose into a single daily dose) has not been evaluated in PID but has been efficacious in other serious infections and could be substituted. Treatment with these drugs should be continued for at least 48 h after the patient&apos;s condition improves and then followed with oral doxycycline (100 mg twice daily) or clindamycin (450 mg four times daily) to complete 14 days of therapy. In cases with tuboovarian abscess, clindamycin rather than doxycycline for continued therapy provides better coverage for anaerobic infection.