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Toxic effects of ethyl parathion and polluted
 seawater on the polychaete Ophryotrocha
           diadent a (Dorvilleidae)

                                 M.Sc. Thesis

                         Markus Talintukan Lasut


International M.Sc. Programme in Marine Sciences
Institute of Biological Sciences
at University of Aarhus, Denmark, 1996.
University of Aarhus
                            Institute of Biological Sciences
                 rnternational Programme in Marine sciences

  Toxic effects of ethyl parathion and polluted
   seawater on the polychaete ophryotrocha
             diaderua (Dorvilleidae)

                                           .r-r cr _ ,Ttl_ - _! ,
                                           Ivl.Dc. tltgsls

                                Markus Thlintukan Lasut

Institute of Biological Sciences
Department of Ecology and Genetics
University of Aarhus
DK-8000 Arhus C

Permanent address:
Fakultas Perikanan
Universitas Sam Ratulangi
JL. Kampus Bahu
Manado 95115

Defended at Department of Ecoldiy and Genetics,Institute of Biological Sciences, University of
Aarhus, 23 January 1996, 09.00 AM.

Cover illustration: Larvae of Ophryotrocha diadema, and egg mass.
Practical Research education (PRE)

PRE (Practical Research Education) concludes the last 9 months of the curriculum
(second year) of the M.Sc. Programme in Marine Sciences at University of Aarhus.

PRE constitutes the implementation of the research proposal submitted at the end
of the preceding three months course (Theoretical Research Education referred to as

PRE encompasses two courses (1-2) and submission of a thesis (3):

1. Scientific Drawing Techniques
Teacher: Dr. Tomas Cedhagen. Literature: Compendium written specifically for the
course. fime: 12 hours.

2.Application of the Internet in research
Teacher: Dr. Tomas Cedhagen. Literature: Compendium written specifically for the
course. Time: 12 hours.

3. Submission of a thesis describing independent and original research carried out
during a 6 months study period. The printed thesis must be submitted as a manu-
script prepared according to guidelines in international journals, e.g., Ophelia. The
contents of the thesis must be presented in the form of a public lecture. The length
of this lecture must be 20 minutes in accordance with the time generally available
for presentations at international meetings. Examination (questions from the board
of examiners and the audience) concludes the PRE.
      With the exception of language corrections and technical guidance, the contri-
butions appear in print as when they were handed over to the M.Sc. programme for
evaluation. The research work has been carried out by the student and has not
previously formed the basis for the award of degree, diploma or other similar titles.
      I wish to acknowledge the staffof the Institute of Biological Sciences, the Geo-
logical Institute, and the International M.Sc. Programme at University ofAarhus
for guidance of individual students.


                                  Course Director
             The International Masters Programme in Marine Sciences,
                           University of Aarhus, Denmark

                               by Markus Talintukan lasut

                               '      ABSTRACT
  The dorvilleid polychaete , Ophryotocha diadema,including
                                                               its egg-eating behaviour
  was..used to study the toxic effects of ethyl parathion *C poffiirO
                                                                         sea;yater. The
  studies were conducted in experiments of acuti (lethal) exposure
                                                                    for 96 hours (short-
 term) and chronic (sublethal) for 2A and 30 days (long+erm). The
                                                                    lethal and
 sublethal aspects studied were mortality, growth ani reproduction.
                                                                    The larval
 development was also studied and described.

 The observations g-n         developmcni showed that iiie eggs grew from irochophore
 through meratrochophore to tarvar sage-inside the eggliuri io
 results of the toxicity tests showeo ttrat the LCro ror id hours,
                                                                       t; tl;ys.      The
                                                                     for both tarvae and
 adults, were 1.23 and 4.47 mgll, respectively.- Obuiously, the larvae
                                                                              were more
 susce'ptible than the adults. In the sublethal tests, mortality OiO
                                                                      not occur ir,
 replicate' and the parameter used gave a very incomplete picture                   "u"ry
                                                                        of the eifects of
 ethyl parathion. Growth retardation was signihcant at a concentration
                                                                           of 0,g t gll (p

                           9.8 rren (l) < 0.05). The estimated naarc values mostly
 concentrations of a,.2 tg
 ranged between 0.1 a1d 0.8 pgll. The water quality test
                                                          showed that the warer from
 Aarhus harbor was of better quality than the    *.tofrom off Aakrogen village.

I discovered egg-eating behaviour in o. diadema. This aspet may influence the
inteqpreation of previous tests made with this species.

Y alorfu: Polychaeta (Dorvilleidae), Ophryotrocha diadema,polychaete
larval development,     (lethal)
                      acute        toxicity, ihronic (sublethal)'t*irity, short- and
long-term tests, mortality, growth and reproduction, Ltrtyr p*utttion,
                                                         r             water quality,
MATC, egg-eating     behaviour.

Many environmental contaminants have a toxic effect on marine
                                                                organisms. They
diminish the number of survivors, influence metabolism, breeding
                                                                 efficiency,    alter
behavioural patterns, and affect structure and form (Reish 1974;
                                                                       Rosenthal &
Alderdice 1976). Since the concern of this study is the deleterious
                                                                          effects of
contaminants on marine organisms, the first step was to find
                                                             a method for measuring
such effects. Hitherto, biological methods provide the most
                                                            appropriate way of

assessing   toxicity effects (Stebbing et al. 1930). One of these methods is the
bioassay, also called the aquatic toxicity test. In this test, by using some parameters,

the relative potency of a substance is evaluated by comparing living organisms
exposed to the substance with unexposed organisms          of the same type (Bliss 1957;
Stebbing 1979; Chapman        & Iong    1983; Rand     & Petrocelli 1985; Govindarajulu

In the bioassay procedure, the selection of test species is a significant problem,
because the test species should be representative of the ecosystem to which the
consequential parameters are applied. Therefore, they should be selected with regard

to their sensitivity, availability, ild position in the food chain (Anderson &
D'Apollonia 1978). Several authors 1e.g. Akesson 1970, 1975a,1980; Reish rg73,
1984; Stebbing et    al.   1980; Rand   & Petrocelli   1985; Pocklington    & Wells    1992)
have discussed the properties of good test species for a laboratory bioassay. They
agreed that the use of easily cultivated laboratory animals has many advantages.

Polychaete bioassays are among the most sensitive tools for acquiring data on short-

term (acute) and long-term (chronic) effects of pollutants in marine environments
(water and sediment) when using lethal and sublethal response parameters (applied
to  mortality, growth and reproduction), but particularly when applied to
reproduction, which is a parameter of direct ecological importance (Brown &
Ahsanullah   l97l;   Reish 1974; Rossi  & Anderson 1976, 1978; Hooftman & vink
1980; Roed 1980; carr        &   curran 1986; Moore & Dillon 1993; Harrison &
Anderson 1994).

Dorvilleid polychaetes of the genus Ophryotrochahave been found to be among the
most useful invertebrate species for bioassay purposes. In this bioassay, O. diodema

was selected because        it is sensitive to environmental perturbations, it            is
hermaphroditic with litfle intra-specific aggression,      ild   because   its reproductive
events can be easily recorded lAkesson 1975b; 1980). The species                  is   small
(maximum length, 4.6 mm), easily cultivated, and has a high reproductive capacity.

The transparent egg masses contain a fairly low number of eggs, which facilitate the
study of the fate of individual eggs. The short life cycle of about 4 weeks at room
temperature (Hooftman     & Vink 1980) is also advantageous. Furthermore, O.
diadzma has been used for determining the toxic effects of some pollutants, including
heavy metals (Klockner 1979; Reish      & carr    1978; Hooftman   & vink 1980; Reish
1978, 1984; Parker 1984).

The chronic toxicity test is a kind of bioassay that permits the evaluation of any
adverse effects of a chemical after long-term exposure at sublethal concentrations.
In this test, the organism is exposed for an entire reproductive life-cycle period to
at least five concentrations of the test substance (Rand      &   Petrocelli 1985). The
results often are considered to predict the potential environmental effects            of   a
pollutant better than those of an 'acute-lethal' bioassay. By using such a test, the
'safe' environmental concentration of the toxicant     (MATC: Maximum Acceptable
Toxicant Concentration) can be established;       this value will be found between the
values of NOEC (No Observed Effect Concentration) and LOEC (Lowest Observed
Effect Concentration) (Rand & Petrocelli 1985).

The chemical substance (ethyl parathion) used in the present study is an
organophosphorous insecticide. Like other organophosphorous insecticides, it
inactivates the enzyme cholinesterase (ChE) and can break down the neurotransmitter

acetylcholine (ACh) in a synapse of the nervous system and thereby disrupt the
nervous coordination. It may cause deleterious effects by way of increasing mortality

and inhibiting growth and reproduction in marine invertebrates (Persoone et al.
1985; Rompas et   al. 1989; Kobayashi   et   a|.1990; Monserrat et al. 199I; Rodr(guez
& Pisand 1993; connel & Miller 1984, p. 199). rn 1982, ethyl parathion was found
in concentration of 0.2to0.7 p,gll in water from a glasshouse in the Netherlands
(Iristra et al. 1984).

The effects of the dangerous contaminant ethyl parathion in aquatic ecosystem can
be found in the entire ecosystem which is indicated by changes                 in   species

composition and population number. Typically, these changes follow a sequence of
dynamic events as outlined below (Pimentel t971,; Pimentel         & Goodman 7974;     and
Brown 1978 in Connel & Miller 1984).

1.       If   lethal   or sublethal concentrations of pesticides are dispersed in      an
         ecosystem, the number of species in the ecosystem becomes reduced.

2.       If the reduction in number of species is sufficient, this may lead to instability
         of the ecosystem and subsequently to population outbreaks in some nontarget
         species. Outbreaks result from a breakdown in the normal feed-back of the

3.       When a pesticide disappears from the affected ecosystemn species in the
         lower trophic levels usually increase to outbreak levels.

4.       Predators and parasites existing         at the higher trophic levels    become
         susceptible to loss   of a   species   or large scale fluctuations in numbers of
         species in the lower parts of the food chain upon which they depend.

The aims of this study, from a general point of view, were to study the lethal
(mortality) and sublethal (growth and reproduction) aspects of O. diadema, andtheir
use in marine ecotoxicological studies. Particularly, to determine the toxic effects   of
ethyl parathion in very low concentrations, to establish its MATC value for a marine
environment, and to apply the method used to water quality testing.

The studies were also made in order to improve the polychaete bioassay method, and
were motivated by the fact that still very little is known about the toxic effects of
similar chemicals on marine invertebrates. Furthermore, the studies were             also
motivated by the fact that ethyl parathion is still widely used as a biocide (Haskoning

Therefore, the studies were designed to answer the two questions:

 1.      If ethyl parathion, in a very low concentrations, and mildly polluted   seawater

       has sublethal effects on the growth and reproduction    of O. diadema.

 2.    Can the egg-eating behaviour of adults affect the results of the toxicity tests.

       In the present report, I first figure out the larval development of O. diadema
in order to have a reference point. Then I investigate the sublethal effects of ethyl
parathion on O. diadema in terms of mortality, growth and reproduction. I also test

the effects of polluted seawater on O. diodema. Finally,    I describe the egg-eating
behaviour of O. diadema as a factor that can affect the results of the toxicity tests.

                      MATERIALS AND METHODS
Animsfu and compounds tested
The marine polychaete Ophryotrocha diadema (Dorvilleidae: Polychaeta) was used
as test species. The animals were supplied by Prof. B. Akesson (Department of
ZooIogy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden) in May 1995.

The two kinds of seawater solutions used were:
- Seawater containing etlryl parathion. Ethyl parathion (0,O-diethyl 0-4-nitrophenyl
phosphorothioate) (NIOSH 1990; Haskoning 1994),an organophosphorus insecticide,

was used. The water solubility and persistence in water of ethyl parathion are 24
mg/l at 25 "C and 108 days (at pH7.4 and20 "C) and 2 to 6 days (under natural
conditions), respectively (Haskoning 1994).
- Polluted seawater. Water   samples were collecteA at three selected sites   in Aarhus
Bay, Denmark (Fig. 1), and tested. The first sample was taken off the Aakrogen
village, the second within the Aarhus harbor, and the third off the Moesgaard forest.

Cultivation procedures
The stock and test animals were cultivated in the laboratory at the Department of
Genetics and Ecology, Institute    of   Biological Sciences, University   of   Aarhus,
Denmark. The procedures for cultivation were integrated from those of the American
Public Health Association (1980), Hooftman & Vink (1980), Ward & Parrish (1982),
Akesson (1983), and Parker (1984). The animals were kept in 80 ml and20 ml glass
bowls, respectively. The volume of the water medium for the tests was 10 ml in

each bowl.
The bowls were placed in a bucket with water and lid to prevent evaporation.

Water culture and food
All water   used for cultivation, including dilutions and controls, was collected from

Gullmarsfiorden, Sweden. It was filtered (0.45 pm) and heated (to 80"C) before use.
Distilled water was used to dilute the water to obtain the salinity needed. The
animals, both larvae and adults, were fed with a seawater suspension of frozen and
fragmented spinach.

Figure 1. Sampling localities. (1) off the Aakrogen village, (2) inside the Aarhus
harbor, (3) off the Moesgaard forest.

Environmental conditions
The environmental conditions in the laboratory (temperature, salinity, and pH) were
controlled.   All   experiments were conducted at a water temperature of 24.4   + 0.2
oC (except
           Experiment C, which was conducted at     2I.0 + 0.1 "C). The salinity and
pH were 32.7        + 0.1%o and 8.0 + 0.0 (mean J I   S.E.), respectively.


Larval development
Adult animals from a single stock culture were kept in a 80 ml glass bowl until they
had produced egg masses. The development of the egg masses and the eggs were
observed daily until the larval stage. The various stages were documented with a
photographic microscope.

A living egg mass was placed onto a modified object     glass (see Appendix 1). The

object glass was constructed so that   it allowed me to observe the egg masses    and
eggs alive under a microscope.

Tests    of toxicity

L e t h a I t o x i c i t y. Five concentrations of ethyl parathion were tested: 0.01,
0.L, 1, 10, and 100 mg/l and compared with the control. They were chosen on the
basis of the results of a preliminary study that showed no effects of ethyl parathion

on the mortality of O. diadema in concentrations less than 0.01 mg/l after 96 hours
of exposure.

For both larvae and adults, four 20 ml semispherical glass bowls, each containing
seven animals and 10 ml of prepared seawater of each concentration, were used. The

water and the bowls were renewed every 24 hours, and dead animals were
simultaneously counted. The tests were terminated after         96 hours and LCro

S   ub   leth a1 toxicity.        Theparameters measured werethoseof Klockner
(1977) and Hooftman & Vink (1980) viz., growth (using the count of setigers (setae-

carrying segments)), mortality, time of the first egg mass deposit, number of egg
masses per animal, number    of eggs per egg mass, number of larvae per egg mass,
mortality in the egg masses, and reproductive potential. (The reproductive potential
was calculated by dividing the final number of larvae of each concentration by the
final number of larvae in the control, and is expressed as a percentage of the control
value (Hooftman & Vink 1980).

The tests were ilrranged in two parallel series (one beginning with larvae and the
other with adults) according to Akesson (1983).

Experiment A: larvae
Larvae of the same age were used Q to 3 days, starting to feed). Five concentrations
of the test solution were chosen (0.05, 0J,A.2,0.4, and 0.8 pgll) on thebasis of
the allowed concentration proposed by the European Community (0.1, p,g/I) for fresh
and marine water (Haskoning 1994).

Four 20 ml semispherical glass bowls, each containing ten animals and 10 ml
prepared seawater of each concentration, were used. The time of exposure was 30
days. Every third day, the animals were fed (with suspended spinach during the first
two weeks and thereafter with fragmented frozen spinach), the water solution and the
bowls were renewed, and the parameters were observed.

Experiment B: adults

F   0   I e v e I (E x   p. B - I). A11 the adult animals   were 4 weeks. The preparations,
concentrations, time intervals of renewals of solutions, and times of duration of the
experiments were as described in Exp. A.

F1      level (Exp. B-II).              Thetestanimalswerepreparedbyexposing two
couples of l-week-old juveniles from the same F0 stock culture in each concentration
until they reached the adult stage of the first generation (F1). The experiment started
with 4-week-old adults of       Fl   animals, and ran for 20 days. The test was carried out
in the same way as in the F0 Exp. (B-I), except that 4 animals were used in            each

Experiment C: polluted seawater
Seawater samples from three selected sites of Aarhus Bay were used. The test
animals (2 to 3 days old larvae, starting to feed) were exposed for 30 days.
Preparations     of water, the number of          test animals, renewals, and observed
parameters were as described for Exp. A.

Egg-eating behaviour
A11 experiments   ran for 48 hours, and the number of missing eggs were counted.
Four 20 ml cylindrical plastic bowls containing 10 ml seawater and ten adult animals
(Exp. 1), different numbers of adult couples (Exp. 2),      and one couple   (Exp. 3) in
each were used     for four kinds of experiment arrangements, viz.: 1) eggs,         no
animals, no food; 2) eggs, no animals, food; 3) eggs, animals, no food; and 4) eggs,
animals, food.

Analyses of data
The median lethal concentrations (LCr) of ethyl parathion after 96 hours of exposure
were calculated by using probit analysis according to Finney (197I). One-way
ANOVA (Analyses of variance) and Tukey test were applied to test whether the
concentrations   of ethyl parathion and water of bad quality affect the mortality,
growth and reproduction. The Mann-Whitney U-test and the two-way ANOVA were
applied   in the behavioural studies. The tests were computed using the Minitab@
computer program and the manual for the Tukey test (Fowler & Cohen 1990; Sokal
& Rohlf 1981), respectively.


Larval development
The study of larval development of O. diadema verified the results of Akesson
(1976) and was used as         a reference point. O. diodema is a         simultaneous
hermaphrodite with internal fertilization. It produced egg masses about 15 days after
hatching. The eggs are yellow and oval-shaped, and deposited in mucous masses that
are attached to the wall of the culture bowls. The egg mass is contained           in a
transparent fusiform membrane; the eggs and the fate of the individual egg can be
easily observed through the membrane. The total number of eggs per egg mass
ranged from 16 to 18 in a water temperature of 24.4 + 0.2 oC, & salinity of 32.7
+   0.1%o, and a pH of 8.0     +   0.0 (mean   +   1 S.E). The time from incipient egg
development to released larvae is about 7 to 9 days under the conditions.

s                                            s

ffi                                         &


                                                                                  ;"" :.$

 Figure 2. Larval development of O. diadema. (1-8) The development of larvae in
 the egg mass from the first to the eighth day. (Scale bar : 1 prm).

Table 1. Experiment A: effects of ethyl parathion on growth, mortality
and reproduction of O. diadema. The experiment started with2- to 3-day-old larvae;
duration 30 days. The values show mean and standard emor (S.E.).

                                                 ETHYL PARATHION
                                                 CONCENTRATIONS (p,ell)
                                      0,00.   ::0i05   ii:lO:iiil0   .t.:..i0.i'90            0.i:80

      Growth (number of                r6.6    16.0      15.9           16.1          15.9    15.5
       setiger, 30 days)               0.1     0.2        0.2            0.2          0.2      0.2
      First egg deposit                 15      t6         t6             17          18       19
        (day after start)              0.0      0.8       0.6             t.3         1.0      1.5
      Mortality                        o-o     2.5        0.0            5.0          5.0     28.0
        (%, after 30 days)
      Mean number of eggs             16.2     12.6      16.5           t6.6         t2.7     12.6
       per egg mass                    0.9      1.3       0.5            1.0          1,.4    1.0
      Mean number of egg               1.6      1..7      r.2            t.3          1.4      1.4
       masses per animal               0.2     0.2        0.2            0.2          0.2      0.1
      Mean number of larvae            8.6     4.9        6.3            5.5          4.4      3.9
       per egg mass                    0.9     0.5        t.2            1,.2         1.5      1.0
      Mortality in egg                 44      60          59             66          68       66
        masses (%)                     4.3     4.5        7.0            6.6          8.0      6.0
      Reproductive potential           100      66        51            67            50       37
        (%, control :       100)       0.0     18.8       9.4          26.4          2t.4      6.3

In the egg mass, the eggs developed to trochophore larvae in the fourth day after
hatching (Fig. 2). The trochophores have a ciliary band for locomotion around the
body and swim by rotation. The trochophores were yolky and non-feeding, so-called
'lecithotrophic' (see also Barnes (1987, p. 305); Brusca & Brusca (1990, p. a2fl).
They reached the metatrochophore stage in the sixth day. The first pair of parapodia
with   setae developed on the      first setigerous segment at this stage, and continued until
it   reached four pairs as a complete larva on the eighth day. At this time, the larvae

broke the egg mass and escaped. The larvae started to feed 2 to 3 days after release.

If the development failed, dead        eggs were found among alive               in the same egg   mass.

They were distinguished from the life ones by their white opaque colour.

Table 2. Experiment B-I: Long-term effects of ethyl parathion on mortality and
reproductionof O. diadema. The experiment started with 4-week-old adults; duration
30 days. The values show mean and standard error (S.E).

                                             ETIIYL PARATHION
       P.t          T,ERS
                                            CONCENTRATIONS (pell)
                                 0,,.OCI   0:05   i

     Mortality                       0.0   0.0           2.5                ,:       5.0    5.0
       (%, after 30 days)
     Mean number of eggs         1,8.7     16.5         T7.T               t4.9      13.9   t4.9
      per egg mass                   1.0   t.2           0.8                0.9      0.5    0.8
     Mean number of egg              3.4   4.8           3.9                4.0      3.9    3.1
      masses per animal              0.4   0.2           0.2                0.1      0.2    0.2
     Mean number of larvae       13.8      TI.4         11.8                9.1,     7.6    6.9
      per egg mass                   0.9   0.9           0.8                0.8      1.1    0.7
     Mortality in egg                26    30             31                40       49     52
      masses (%)                     2.9   0.7           3.5                1.3      5.2    4.2
     Reproductive potential          100   118           101                79        67    46
      (Vo, eontrol  :100)            0.0   t3.7         16.0               12.8      17.0   5.1

I   also observed that the larval stage, especially the trochophore, was critical. Most
of the larvae that failed to survive did it at this stage.

Tests of toxicity

Efficts of etlryl parathion

Lethal to xicity.             The mortalityin theacute (lethal) exposure for96hours
was 7, 39, 43, and l00Vo for the experiment with larvae, and 4, 29, 36, and lNVo

for the experiment with adults at concentrations of 0.01, 0.1, 1, and 10 mg/l. In both
tests, no mortality was observed at the lowest concentration (0.01 mg/l), but it was
1,A0% at the highest (10    mg/l).
The LCro at 96 hours for larvae and adults, were I.23 and 4.47 mgll, respectively.
The larvae were more susceptible than adults. Unfortunately, because of the
restricted duration of these tests, threshold values for constant LC5o could not be

Table 3. Experiment B-II: Long-term effects of ethyl parathion on mortality and
reproduction of O. diadema. The experiment started with 4-week-old adults F1-
generation; exposed to ethyl parathion at l-week-old juveniles (F0-generation);
duration 20 days. The values show mean and standard enor (S.E.).

                                                          ETTTYL PARATIIION
                                                          CONCENTRATIONS (pell)
                                    .,.,,,.,0.::00              .0l,.1,0       0120.....,.     ......0.i.40   0;.80....,..l

    Mortality                            o-o             0.0     0.0            0.0               0.0         12.5
     (Vo, after 30 days)

    Mean number of eggs                 18.1            T6.I    17.4            14.8              14.2        t2.5
     per egg mass                        0.8             t.9    1.1             2.3               1.7          0.6
    Mean number of egg                   4.3             4.5     4.0            3.6               3.3          3.7
    masses per animal                    0.4             0.4     0.5            0.4               0.7          4.4
    Mean number of larvae               10.9             9.6     8.7            7.4               4.7          3.4
     per egg mass                        0.8             t.3     1.1            2.6               1.2          0.6
    Mortality in egg                      39             42       51             55                6I          73
     masses (%)                          5.5             2.0     6.2            9.9               4.5          6.3

    Reproductive potential               1m              103      93             51                37          26
     (%, control :       100)            0.0            30.8    38.s            15.0              11.5         2.5

S   ub lethal           tox icity.                   Thelong-termeffectsof ethylparathion onthe
growth of O. diadema (Exp. A) along a complete life-cycle (30 days) are shown in
Table 1. There were small temporary growth retardations at concentrations of 0.05
to 0.4 p,gll, bnt the big permanent retardation occurred at the highest concentration,
0.8 1tglI, P < 0.05 (Fig.         3).

The reproductive potential decreased at concentrations from 0.05 to 0.8 p,gl (Exp.
A) in Table 1 , 0.2 to    0. 8   pgll (Exp. B-I) in Table 2,               and 0. 1 to       0.8 lt glI (Exp. B-II)
in Table 3. It was caused mainly by a reduced number of larvae, in combination with
a relatively high mortality in egg masses in all experiments, and also a delayed time
of hatching. However, such effects were not significant (P                      >     0.05) in larvae and F0-
adults, but   it   was in experiments with Fl-adults (P                <     0.05).

      U 14
      (9                                                                 --€-
                                                                         O.OO ppb

                                                                         O.O5 ppb
      b     10                                                           -+K-
      d                                                                  O.1   O ppb
      m                                                                  --*-
                                                                         O.2O ppb
                                                                         O.4O ppb
                                                                         O.AO ppb

                                     12      15          16    21   24   27         50
                                       TIME (DAY)

Figure 3. Growth of O. diad.emd exposed to ethyl parathion in different concentra-
tions tested for 30 days (ppb : trgll). Each point represents 20 animals.

Table 4. Results of estimated MATC of ethyl parathion on long-term tests with O.
diadema. ) The values are NOEC and LOEC, and the MATC value is lying between
those values, *) No significant effect of treatment. NSD) No significant difference
between the control with the other treatments.

                                       ESTIMATED MATC (pg/l)"

       First egg deposit
       Mean number of eggs
          per egg mass                    NSD 0.1-0.2                          :r

       Mean number of egg masses
          per animal                       *NSD*
       Mean number of larvae
          per egg mass                    :r.                 0.1-0.2    0.4-0.8
       Mortality in egg masses            'rc                 0.2-0.4    0.4-0.8
       Growth                          0.4-0.8
       Reproductive potential             *                    NSD       0.1-0.2

Table 5. Experiment C: Growth, mortality and reproduction of O. diademc exposed
to polluted seawater from different locations. The experiment started with 2- to 3-
day-old larvae; duration 30 days. The values show mean and standard error (S.E.).

                                             WATER SAMPLES
                              i.iCO"N.TROL         x

  Growth (number of               15.15         14.85         15.15          14.85
   setiger, 30 days)              0.13          0.23           0.2s          0.15
  Mortality                        o-o           ,:            5.0           10.0
    (%, after 30 days)
  Mean number of eggs              7.6            6.2          7.1           7.4
  per egg mass                    0.62           0.54          0.44          0.66
  Mean number of egg               1.2            1.3           1.4           1.2
  masses per animal               0.10           0.08          0.09          0.26
  Mean number of larvae            5.4            2.8          4.7            5.1
   per egg mass                   0.52           0.41          0.34          0.30
  Mortality in egg                 31             58           38               29
   masses (%)                     5.29           5.62          6.70          4.46
  Reproductive potential           100            59           104            96
    (%, control :    100)                       13.8          23.52          24.2

The mortality increased clearly only at the highest concentration (0.8 pgll) for all
the tests, while no mortality was observed in the control. This high mortality
occurred mostly during the first week (larval-juvenile stage) of the experiments. No
statistical tests were carried out for this parameter, because it did not even occur in
every replicate. It was therefore considered as a slightly sensitive parameter in the
sublethal toxicity tests.

The mortality of eggs in egg masses tended to increase at the highest concentration
(0.8 pgll) in all experiments. It mostly occurred at 3 to 4 days (trochophore stage)
after hatching. This parameter is therefore considered as a susceptible test.

Maximum Acceptable Toxicant Concentration (MATC)
The estimated MATC values, including NOEC and LOEC, of ethyl parathion using

O. diadema were mostly between 0.1 and 0.8 pgll (Table 4).

Effects of polluted seawater
Animals cultured in water from off Aakrogen village have a markedly reduced
number of larvae per egg mass and a high mortality in the egg masses (Table 5).
The effects were followed by those in the water from the harbor and off Moesgaard
forest, respectively.

Table 6. Egg-eating behaviour of O. diadema; duration 48 hours.

                         EXP.   1:               (food & no food)
              Eggs   & no animals                     0&0
              Eggs   & animals                     22.8   &    54.8

                         EXP. 2:                 (food & no food)
              1 Couple                              r9.0 & 36.3
              2 Couples                             30.3 & 50.0
              3 Couples                             23.3 & 46.3
                       EXP. 3:                      (no food)
              The eggs did not belong
                to the animals                            11
              The eggs belonged to
                the animals                            33.8

Egg-eating behaviour

Statistically, no significant differences were observed in three behavioural (egg-
eating) experiments on O. diadema. The eggs were eaten by the adults and the egg-
eating was not influenced by food supply and/or animal densities (Exp. 1 & 2). They

ate not only their own eggs, but also from other parents (Exp. 3) (Table 6).


Susceptibility of O. diodcma
O. diadema has been proven as a sensitive test species to a range of chemicals

(Parker 1984). Its sublethal responses used in the present study were found to
thoroughly reflect the toxicity of ethyl parathion. Previously Hooftman       & Vink
(1980) reported that the effects of pesticides (Pentachlorophenol       (PCP),       3,4-
Dichloroaniline (DCA), Dieldrinn and I ,1,2-Tichloroethane) on the mortality of O.
diadema provided only a very limited picture of toxic actions. They pointed out that

O. diadema is a moderately or slightly sensitive test species. However,         if    the
reproductive potential and all other life-cycle stages are studied, O. diadema appe*lr
to be very     sensitive. This as found occurred     in the present   tests with low
concentrations of ethyl parathion.

Hooftman     & Vink   (1980) further pointed out that the reproductive potential of O.
diadema was the most sensitive parameter. This parameter was also significant (see
Exp. Fl-adults) in my study. Ehrenstrom (1979) reported that the reproductive
potential   of larvae and adults decreased when exposed to a      'second generation'
dispersant, BP 1100 WD alone and mixed with diesel oil.

Hooftman & Vink (1980) showed that there was no significant suppression of growth
of O. diadema by the pesticides tested. My        study shows that the growth was
significantly suppressed. It therefore provides a good picture of the toxic action of
ethyl parathion (Exp. FO-adults), and it can also be used to establish the estimated
MATC values (Table 4).

Gametes, embryos and larvae are generally the most critical stages in an organism's
life cycle (Akesson 1983). When pollution occurs at levels which are lethal to adult
animals, the larvae may have little chance to survive. Pollution at sublethal levels
may leave the adults seemingly unaffected but nevertheless this stress can cause
complete inhibition of the reproduction. Ehrenstrom (1979) and Hooftman       & Vink
(1980) have used O. diadema in toxicity tests and they showed that larvae were more

susceptible than adults.

Most of the larvae that died failed to develop after the trochophore stage. This is
probably the most critical stage for larvae to survive. Seemingly, once they can pass
through this stage, they can probably succeed to survive to other stages in their life
cycle. Thus, mortality in egg masses could be considered as one of the most
sensitive parameters. The parameter was statistically significant with ethyl parathion
(Exp. B-I & B-II). Hooftman & Vink (1980) pointed out that the early larval stages
of O.     diadema were affected at lower PCB and Dieldrin concentrations than the

Effects of ethyl parathion in aquatic ecosystems.
Mulla et al. (1981, p. 4l); Connel & Miller (1984, p. 2W) reported that the effects
of   insecticides can be followed from   a single individual organism to an entire
ecosystem,     and the effects are always found in non target species, like marine
invertebrate populations. Lethal and sublethal concentrations of the chemicals affect
growth and reproduction of an organism and may directly or indirectly lead to
reduced survival, and changes in abundance, composition, and productivity of the
populations in marine ecosystems (Ken    & Vass   1973 in Mulla et   al. t98l).

Regarding the effects on the invertebrates (especially on polychaetes), few relevant
comparative studies have been done. The comparison of those data must be handled
with caution because of the variability of exposure periods, test conditions, as well
as response differences between the species used.

Ethyl parathion in concentrations of 0.01 to 0.1 mg/l (acute exposure) did not cause
any mortality of the two oligochaetes, Tubifex sp. and Limnodrilus sp., while
complete mortality was obtained at 5.2 mg/l (Whitten    & Goodnight    1966 in Mulla

et al. 1981). Persoone et al. (1985) have shown that LCn (24-96 hrs) of this
substance     on   crustaceans and mollusks are 0.00004-5.6 and 0.8-10 mgll,
respectively. In my study, 1.23 and 4.47 mgll, the LCro 96-hrs values for larvae and
adults are of the same order of magnitude.

In low concentrations and chronic exposure, ethyl parathion inhibited growth and

reproduction   of O.   diadema (Exp.     A, B-I, & B-II). Rodriguez & Pisan6 (1993)
reported that this substance reduced the number of larvae hatched per female of the
crab, Chasmagnathus granulata (Decapoda: Brachyura),               ild at L p,gll it causes
morphological abnormalities (hydropsy and atrophy of eyes)              in the larvae. Also
Persoone et al. (1985) reported that the NOEC for crustaceans and mollusks of such

chemical is 0.@004-0.0025 and > 0.2 mglI, respectively. Rodriguez                   & Pisan6
(1993) have calculated ECro   (EC:     concentration required to immobilize 50% of test
animals) values for clutch loss in egg incubations and hatching larvae of the crab,
C. granulata. They found      it to be 34 p,glI. The estimated that MATC of ethyl
parathion on O. diadema, fall within the interval 0.1 - 0.8 p,gllby using larvae and
adults (Table 4).

My results show that the LOEC value of ethyl parathion is around 0.8 p,glI, and its
solubility limit in water is 24 mglI, as well as its partition coefficient (K*) is 6,430
(Haque et   al. 1977 in Mulla et al. l98l);      this coefficient is directly correlated with
its bioaccumulation in the food chain. These clearly indicate that ethyl parathion is
highly dangerous to marine organisms.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to generalize for all invertebrates or even polychaetes.
This is due to differences in the sensitivity of responses to the pesticides between
different species or even individuals (Connel          & Miller 1984). This variation       in
response means that     a   pesticides can eliminate susceptible individuals from a
population or an entire susceptible species from a community of organisms (Pimentel

& Goodman, 1974 inMulla        et   al. l98l).
Water quality study
It was strikingly surprising that the water from the harbor had a higher quality than
the water from off Aakrogen village. However, no obvious reason was found to
explain these results. It may be a normal reaction of O. diademc when transferred
to water from uncustomary sources, and is not necessarily attributable to                  the
presence of unnatural contaminants. But,         it can also be interpreted   as an indication

on a reduced water quality.

Egg-eating behaviour of O. diadema
The influence of the egg-eating behaviour on the results was recorded by the
behaviour experiments (Exp. C). This behaviour occurred regularly when the eggs
were 1 to 2 days old (pers. obs.). According to B. Akesson (pers. comm.), non-
developing eggs are often eaten by the parents in order to clean out the egg mass
because they can otherwise poison the viable ones. But,                 it was surprising to observe
that some egg masses were found empty after two days. Moreover, no                             eggs

disappeared later in the sequence of development.             It   seems that the animals did not

select the un-developing eggs only. This behaviour may particularly cause a bias on

the results of the sublethal toxicity tests.      It   may further affect final conclusions.
Therefore,   I   suggest that the parents and their egg masses should be separated as a
precaution when toxic effects are measured using O. diadema.I have not found any
published reports about the egg-eating behaviour in dorvilleids, especially not in
relation to toxicity tests. However, S. Mattson (pers. comm.) frequently found an
Ophryotrocha species in egg masses of other polychaetes from Gullmars{orden, and
he believes that they may be egg-eaters in the nature.


I have used the polychaete O. diademc in bioassay where I                     studied the lethal and
sublethal effects of a biocide, ethyl parathion.        I   also applied     it in the determination
of polluted seawater. My conclusions are that the method is sensitive and useful in
marine ecotoxicological studies.      It   can be used             to   determine toxic effects of
chemicals at low concentrations, and to investigate the quality of seawater (Table 5).
The method can also be used to find out the LCro and the MATC values (Table 4)
of chemicals such as biocides.

The present studies have shown several long-term (chronic) effects of ethyl parathion

on O. diadema. The deleterious effects may cause not only growth retardation, but
also inhibition of reproduction (Tables      l,    2,   and 3). Because          of these effects, I
conclude that ethyl parathion is highly dangerous to the marine environment.

I   also conclude that the egg-eating behaviour of O. diadcma may affect the results
of toxicity tests. So I suggest that precautions are made in future investigations to
avoid bias caused by this behaviour.

I   am very indebted to DANIDA for scholarship and Aarhus University through the
Faculty   of Natural Sciences and the Institute of Biological Sciences for study
facilities. I am particularly grateful to my supervisors Prof. J. Hylleberg and Ass.
Prof. T. Cedhagen for help and advice. I also want to thank Prof. B. Akesson from
Gothenborg University, Sweden, for supplying the brood stock of O. diodema and
as a good contact person.   I benefited from Dr. S. Mattson who gave comments on
my manuscript. I am particularly grateful to Mr. H. Jalk who always help and solve
practical problems during my work. I am grateful to laboran Mrs. A. H. Jensen who
provided the laboratory equipments, and Mrs.       K.   Petersen who provided the
chemical solution.


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                       APPENDIX   1
  PREPARATIONS. (A) Modified object glass, (B) Cover glass.

                      APPENDX 2

     TESTS                                                               t::r:!:::::
                             .....A     .......B    c      D      E      F.............
                                                                                          ,, ,,tjI

                             6.25     7.94         7.68   7.58   3.48   2.92              17.71
  TEST          .i'.lrH      62.0     62.4         62.0   62.0   62.0   3.94              62.W

                 iiig.x"OS    H*         H*        H*      H*    H*     H*                H*
                iiii.F       1.86     3.95         1.33   2.51   2.42   3.26                t.72

  ANOVA          F*l         2.77     2.77         2.77   2.77   2.77   2.30                2.77

                ..,..CEGS     NS          s*       NS      NS    NS     s*                NS

                                      4.7t                              0.81

  TEST                                                                  SD-
                                      NSD                               0.8

NOTE:      A. Time of first egg deposit
           B. Mean number of eggs per egg mass
           C. Mean number of egg masses per animal
           D. Mean number of larvae per egg mass
           E. mortality in egg masses
           F. Growth
           G. Reproductive potential

           CLCS           Conclusion
           H              Homogeny
           NS             Non significant
           S              Significant (95% Confidence)
           HS             Highly significant (99Vo Confidence)
           SD             Signif. different, compared to Control (0.00 pgll).
           NSD            Non significant different
                          95/o confrdence
           cal.           Calculation
           tab.           table

                       APPENDIX 3

                                          .,...                              tl....E

                  *4....              4.95         16.10    3.03    55.67    1   1.18
                                       62.0       62.0      62.0    62.4     62.0
        TEST      ',F6,,;..,

                  cLgs                 H*          H*        H-      H-       H*
                  ru:i:ii:i:lil       4.27        5.82      9.38    10.2     4.41

                  F,''l*....,,.','.   4.25        4.25      4.25    4.25     4.25
                  c[€s.                HS          HS        HS      HS       HS

                  T;                  3.85         1.03     3.93     t5.23   55.58

                  T;:I                4.49        4.49      4.49    4.49     4.49
         TEST                          SD-         SD-      sD-     sD-
                                      with        with     with     with
                                      0.2,0.      0.05     0.2,     0.4,&    NSD
                                      4r&         ttgll    0.4,&    0.8
                                      0.8                  0.8      ttgll
                                      p,gll                tr,glI

NOTE:      A. Mean number of eggs per egg                  mass
           B. Mean number of egg masses per animal
           C. Mean number of larvae per egg mass
           D. mortality in egg masses
           E. Reproductive potential

           CLCS          Conclusion
           H             Homogeny
           NS            Non significant
           S             Significant (95 % Conftdence)
           HS            Highly significant (99Vo Confidence)
           SD            Signif. different, compared to Control (0.00 pgll).
           NSD           Non significant different
           *             95Vo confrdence
           cal.          Calculation
           tab.          table

                      APPEIIDX 4

                                    A       B::::::::l

                 rr,::F$.'.,.',,   14.42   3.12           20.r2    23.92    29.27
                   ix1'$           62.0    62.0           62.0    62.0      62.O
                   cLcs            H*      H*              H"      H*        H"
                   ru              t.9t    0.92           4.21    4.05      43.58
                                   2.77    2.77           2.77    2.77     4.25
                                   NS      NS               s       S        HS

                                                          6.32    27.86    0.51

                                                          4.49    4.49     4.49
     TEST                                                 sD-      sD.      SD-
                                                         with     with     with
                                                         0.8      0.8      0.05,
                                                         ttEll    pglr     0.2,0.4

NOW:      A. Mean number of eggs per egg                  mass
          B. Mean number of egg masses per animal
          C. Mean number of larvae per egg mass
          D. mortality in egg masses
          E. Reproductive potential

          CLCS            Conclusion
          H               Homogeny
          NS              Non significant
          s               Significant (95 Vo Confrdence)
          HS              Highly significant (99Vo Confidence)
          SD              Signif. different, compared to Control (0.00 pgll)
          NSD             Non significant different
          *               95% confidence
          cal.            Calculation
          tab.            table
          T               Logarithmic transformation

                      APPFAIDD( 5

                                                                   :ii:l::u    F::..,

               F*..'.t         2.2r     0.53     3.22     2.04     3.25       3.10
               F.m              39.2     39.2    39.2     39.2     39.43      39.2
           .....CLGS             H-      H-       H*       H*        H*       H-
            :.:iFan..r.r.r      1.11     0.26    8.72     5.47     0.76       1.27

                                3.49     3.49    5.95     3.49     2.74       3.49
                                 NS       NS      HS        S         NS      NS

                                                 t.70     23.48

                                                 4.20     4.20
   TEST                                          SD-       SD-
                                                 Contr.   Contr.
               GL€S.                             +2,      *2,
                                                 2+3,     2+4
NOTE:      A. Mean number of eggs per egg mass
           B. Mean number of egg masses per animal
           C. Mean number of larvae per egg mass
           D. Mortality in egg masses
           E. Growth
           F. Reproductive potential

           CLCS              Conclusion
           H                 Homogeny
           NS                Non significant
           S                 Significant (95 Vo Confidence)
           HS                Highly significant (99% Confidence)
           SD                Signif. different.
           NSD               Non significant different
           *                 95% conftdence
           cal.              Calculation
           tab.              table

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Mt lasut 1996-tesis-aarhus univ-dk

  • 1. Toxic effects of ethyl parathion and polluted seawater on the polychaete Ophryotrocha diadent a (Dorvilleidae) M.Sc. Thesis Markus Talintukan Lasut tl ilr 1! '. International M.Sc. Programme in Marine Sciences Institute of Biological Sciences at University of Aarhus, Denmark, 1996.
  • 2. University of Aarhus Institute of Biological Sciences rnternational Programme in Marine sciences Toxic effects of ethyl parathion and polluted seawater on the polychaete ophryotrocha diaderua (Dorvilleidae) .r-r cr _ ,Ttl_ - _! , - Ivl.Dc. tltgsls Markus Thlintukan Lasut Institute of Biological Sciences Department of Ecology and Genetics University of Aarhus DK-8000 Arhus C Denmark Permanent address: Fakultas Perikanan Universitas Sam Ratulangi JL. Kampus Bahu Manado 95115 Indonesia Defended at Department of Ecoldiy and Genetics,Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Aarhus, 23 January 1996, 09.00 AM. Cover illustration: Larvae of Ophryotrocha diadema, and egg mass.
  • 3. Practical Research education (PRE) PRE (Practical Research Education) concludes the last 9 months of the curriculum (second year) of the M.Sc. Programme in Marine Sciences at University of Aarhus. PRE constitutes the implementation of the research proposal submitted at the end of the preceding three months course (Theoretical Research Education referred to as TRE). PRE encompasses two courses (1-2) and submission of a thesis (3): 1. Scientific Drawing Techniques Teacher: Dr. Tomas Cedhagen. Literature: Compendium written specifically for the course. fime: 12 hours. 2.Application of the Internet in research Teacher: Dr. Tomas Cedhagen. Literature: Compendium written specifically for the course. Time: 12 hours. 3. Submission of a thesis describing independent and original research carried out during a 6 months study period. The printed thesis must be submitted as a manu- script prepared according to guidelines in international journals, e.g., Ophelia. The contents of the thesis must be presented in the form of a public lecture. The length of this lecture must be 20 minutes in accordance with the time generally available for presentations at international meetings. Examination (questions from the board of examiners and the audience) concludes the PRE. With the exception of language corrections and technical guidance, the contri- butions appear in print as when they were handed over to the M.Sc. programme for evaluation. The research work has been carried out by the student and has not previously formed the basis for the award of degree, diploma or other similar titles. I wish to acknowledge the staffof the Institute of Biological Sciences, the Geo- logical Institute, and the International M.Sc. Programme at University ofAarhus for guidance of individual students. 1.Rt'lrr Hylleberg Course Director The International Masters Programme in Marine Sciences, University of Aarhus, Denmark
  • 4. 1 TOXIC EFFECTS OF ETHYL PARATHION AND POLLUTED SEAWATER ON THE POLYCHAETB OPHRYOTROCHA DADEMA (DORVILLEIDAE) by Markus Talintukan lasut ' ABSTRACT The dorvilleid polychaete , Ophryotocha diadema,including its egg-eating behaviour was..used to study the toxic effects of ethyl parathion *C poffiirO sea;yater. The studies were conducted in experiments of acuti (lethal) exposure for 96 hours (short- term) and chronic (sublethal) for 2A and 30 days (long+erm). The lethal and sublethal aspects studied were mortality, growth ani reproduction. The larval development was also studied and described. The observations g-n developmcni showed that iiie eggs grew from irochophore larval through meratrochophore to tarvar sage-inside the eggliuri io results of the toxicity tests showeo ttrat the LCro ror id hours, t; tl;ys. The for both tarvae and adults, were 1.23 and 4.47 mgll, respectively.- Obuiously, the larvae were more susce'ptible than the adults. In the sublethal tests, mortality OiO not occur ir, replicate' and the parameter used gave a very incomplete picture "u"ry of the eifects of ethyl parathion. Growth retardation was signihcant at a concentration of 0,g t gll (p 9.8 rren (l) < 0.05). The estimated naarc values mostly concentrations of a,.2 tg ranged between 0.1 a1d 0.8 pgll. The water quality test showed that the warer from Aarhus harbor was of better quality than the *.tofrom off Aakrogen village. I discovered egg-eating behaviour in o. diadema. This aspet may influence the inteqpreation of previous tests made with this species. Y alorfu: Polychaeta (Dorvilleidae), Ophryotrocha diadema,polychaete larval development, (lethal) bioassay, acute toxicity, ihronic (sublethal)'t*irity, short- and long-term tests, mortality, growth and reproduction, Ltrtyr p*utttion, r water quality, MATC, egg-eating behaviour. INTRODUCTION Many environmental contaminants have a toxic effect on marine organisms. They diminish the number of survivors, influence metabolism, breeding efficiency, alter behavioural patterns, and affect structure and form (Reish 1974; Rosenthal & Alderdice 1976). Since the concern of this study is the deleterious effects of contaminants on marine organisms, the first step was to find a method for measuring such effects. Hitherto, biological methods provide the most appropriate way of
  • 5. 2 assessing toxicity effects (Stebbing et al. 1930). One of these methods is the bioassay, also called the aquatic toxicity test. In this test, by using some parameters, the relative potency of a substance is evaluated by comparing living organisms exposed to the substance with unexposed organisms of the same type (Bliss 1957; Stebbing 1979; Chapman & Iong 1983; Rand & Petrocelli 1985; Govindarajulu 1988). In the bioassay procedure, the selection of test species is a significant problem, because the test species should be representative of the ecosystem to which the consequential parameters are applied. Therefore, they should be selected with regard to their sensitivity, availability, ild position in the food chain (Anderson & D'Apollonia 1978). Several authors 1e.g. Akesson 1970, 1975a,1980; Reish rg73, 1984; Stebbing et al. 1980; Rand & Petrocelli 1985; Pocklington & Wells 1992) have discussed the properties of good test species for a laboratory bioassay. They agreed that the use of easily cultivated laboratory animals has many advantages. Polychaete bioassays are among the most sensitive tools for acquiring data on short- term (acute) and long-term (chronic) effects of pollutants in marine environments (water and sediment) when using lethal and sublethal response parameters (applied to mortality, growth and reproduction), but particularly when applied to reproduction, which is a parameter of direct ecological importance (Brown & Ahsanullah l97l; Reish 1974; Rossi & Anderson 1976, 1978; Hooftman & vink 1980; Roed 1980; carr & curran 1986; Moore & Dillon 1993; Harrison & Anderson 1994). Dorvilleid polychaetes of the genus Ophryotrochahave been found to be among the most useful invertebrate species for bioassay purposes. In this bioassay, O. diodema was selected because it is sensitive to environmental perturbations, it is hermaphroditic with litfle intra-specific aggression, ild because its reproductive events can be easily recorded lAkesson 1975b; 1980). The species is small (maximum length, 4.6 mm), easily cultivated, and has a high reproductive capacity.
  • 6. 3 The transparent egg masses contain a fairly low number of eggs, which facilitate the study of the fate of individual eggs. The short life cycle of about 4 weeks at room temperature (Hooftman & Vink 1980) is also advantageous. Furthermore, O. diadzma has been used for determining the toxic effects of some pollutants, including heavy metals (Klockner 1979; Reish & carr 1978; Hooftman & vink 1980; Reish 1978, 1984; Parker 1984). The chronic toxicity test is a kind of bioassay that permits the evaluation of any adverse effects of a chemical after long-term exposure at sublethal concentrations. In this test, the organism is exposed for an entire reproductive life-cycle period to at least five concentrations of the test substance (Rand & Petrocelli 1985). The results often are considered to predict the potential environmental effects of a pollutant better than those of an 'acute-lethal' bioassay. By using such a test, the 'safe' environmental concentration of the toxicant (MATC: Maximum Acceptable Toxicant Concentration) can be established; this value will be found between the values of NOEC (No Observed Effect Concentration) and LOEC (Lowest Observed Effect Concentration) (Rand & Petrocelli 1985). The chemical substance (ethyl parathion) used in the present study is an organophosphorous insecticide. Like other organophosphorous insecticides, it inactivates the enzyme cholinesterase (ChE) and can break down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) in a synapse of the nervous system and thereby disrupt the nervous coordination. It may cause deleterious effects by way of increasing mortality and inhibiting growth and reproduction in marine invertebrates (Persoone et al. 1985; Rompas et al. 1989; Kobayashi et a|.1990; Monserrat et al. 199I; Rodr(guez & Pisand 1993; connel & Miller 1984, p. 199). rn 1982, ethyl parathion was found in concentration of 0.2to0.7 p,gll in water from a glasshouse in the Netherlands (Iristra et al. 1984). . The effects of the dangerous contaminant ethyl parathion in aquatic ecosystem can be found in the entire ecosystem which is indicated by changes in species
  • 7. 4 composition and population number. Typically, these changes follow a sequence of dynamic events as outlined below (Pimentel t971,; Pimentel & Goodman 7974; and Brown 1978 in Connel & Miller 1984). 1. If lethal or sublethal concentrations of pesticides are dispersed in an ecosystem, the number of species in the ecosystem becomes reduced. 2. If the reduction in number of species is sufficient, this may lead to instability of the ecosystem and subsequently to population outbreaks in some nontarget species. Outbreaks result from a breakdown in the normal feed-back of the system. 3. When a pesticide disappears from the affected ecosystemn species in the lower trophic levels usually increase to outbreak levels. 4. Predators and parasites existing at the higher trophic levels become susceptible to loss of a species or large scale fluctuations in numbers of species in the lower parts of the food chain upon which they depend. The aims of this study, from a general point of view, were to study the lethal (mortality) and sublethal (growth and reproduction) aspects of O. diadema, andtheir use in marine ecotoxicological studies. Particularly, to determine the toxic effects of ethyl parathion in very low concentrations, to establish its MATC value for a marine environment, and to apply the method used to water quality testing. The studies were also made in order to improve the polychaete bioassay method, and were motivated by the fact that still very little is known about the toxic effects of similar chemicals on marine invertebrates. Furthermore, the studies were also motivated by the fact that ethyl parathion is still widely used as a biocide (Haskoning t994). Therefore, the studies were designed to answer the two questions: 1. If ethyl parathion, in a very low concentrations, and mildly polluted seawater
  • 8. 5 has sublethal effects on the growth and reproduction of O. diadema. 2. Can the egg-eating behaviour of adults affect the results of the toxicity tests. In the present report, I first figure out the larval development of O. diadema in order to have a reference point. Then I investigate the sublethal effects of ethyl parathion on O. diadema in terms of mortality, growth and reproduction. I also test the effects of polluted seawater on O. diodema. Finally, I describe the egg-eating behaviour of O. diadema as a factor that can affect the results of the toxicity tests. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animsfu and compounds tested The marine polychaete Ophryotrocha diadema (Dorvilleidae: Polychaeta) was used as test species. The animals were supplied by Prof. B. Akesson (Department of ZooIogy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden) in May 1995. The two kinds of seawater solutions used were: - Seawater containing etlryl parathion. Ethyl parathion (0,O-diethyl 0-4-nitrophenyl phosphorothioate) (NIOSH 1990; Haskoning 1994),an organophosphorus insecticide, was used. The water solubility and persistence in water of ethyl parathion are 24 mg/l at 25 "C and 108 days (at pH7.4 and20 "C) and 2 to 6 days (under natural conditions), respectively (Haskoning 1994). - Polluted seawater. Water samples were collecteA at three selected sites in Aarhus Bay, Denmark (Fig. 1), and tested. The first sample was taken off the Aakrogen village, the second within the Aarhus harbor, and the third off the Moesgaard forest. Cultivation procedures The stock and test animals were cultivated in the laboratory at the Department of Genetics and Ecology, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Aarhus, Denmark. The procedures for cultivation were integrated from those of the American Public Health Association (1980), Hooftman & Vink (1980), Ward & Parrish (1982), Akesson (1983), and Parker (1984). The animals were kept in 80 ml and20 ml glass bowls, respectively. The volume of the water medium for the tests was 10 ml in
  • 9. 6 each bowl. The bowls were placed in a bucket with water and lid to prevent evaporation. Water culture and food All water used for cultivation, including dilutions and controls, was collected from Gullmarsfiorden, Sweden. It was filtered (0.45 pm) and heated (to 80"C) before use. Distilled water was used to dilute the water to obtain the salinity needed. The animals, both larvae and adults, were fed with a seawater suspension of frozen and fragmented spinach. Figure 1. Sampling localities. (1) off the Aakrogen village, (2) inside the Aarhus harbor, (3) off the Moesgaard forest. Environmental conditions The environmental conditions in the laboratory (temperature, salinity, and pH) were controlled. All experiments were conducted at a water temperature of 24.4 + 0.2 oC (except Experiment C, which was conducted at 2I.0 + 0.1 "C). The salinity and pH were 32.7 + 0.1%o and 8.0 + 0.0 (mean J I S.E.), respectively.
  • 10. 7 Experiments Larval development Adult animals from a single stock culture were kept in a 80 ml glass bowl until they had produced egg masses. The development of the egg masses and the eggs were observed daily until the larval stage. The various stages were documented with a photographic microscope. A living egg mass was placed onto a modified object glass (see Appendix 1). The object glass was constructed so that it allowed me to observe the egg masses and eggs alive under a microscope. Tests of toxicity L e t h a I t o x i c i t y. Five concentrations of ethyl parathion were tested: 0.01, 0.L, 1, 10, and 100 mg/l and compared with the control. They were chosen on the basis of the results of a preliminary study that showed no effects of ethyl parathion on the mortality of O. diadema in concentrations less than 0.01 mg/l after 96 hours of exposure. For both larvae and adults, four 20 ml semispherical glass bowls, each containing seven animals and 10 ml of prepared seawater of each concentration, were used. The water and the bowls were renewed every 24 hours, and dead animals were simultaneously counted. The tests were terminated after 96 hours and LCro calculated. S ub leth a1 toxicity. Theparameters measured werethoseof Klockner (1977) and Hooftman & Vink (1980) viz., growth (using the count of setigers (setae- carrying segments)), mortality, time of the first egg mass deposit, number of egg masses per animal, number of eggs per egg mass, number of larvae per egg mass, mortality in the egg masses, and reproductive potential. (The reproductive potential was calculated by dividing the final number of larvae of each concentration by the final number of larvae in the control, and is expressed as a percentage of the control value (Hooftman & Vink 1980).
  • 11. 8 The tests were ilrranged in two parallel series (one beginning with larvae and the other with adults) according to Akesson (1983). Experiment A: larvae Larvae of the same age were used Q to 3 days, starting to feed). Five concentrations of the test solution were chosen (0.05, 0J,A.2,0.4, and 0.8 pgll) on thebasis of the allowed concentration proposed by the European Community (0.1, p,g/I) for fresh and marine water (Haskoning 1994). Four 20 ml semispherical glass bowls, each containing ten animals and 10 ml prepared seawater of each concentration, were used. The time of exposure was 30 days. Every third day, the animals were fed (with suspended spinach during the first two weeks and thereafter with fragmented frozen spinach), the water solution and the bowls were renewed, and the parameters were observed. Experiment B: adults F 0 I e v e I (E x p. B - I). A11 the adult animals were 4 weeks. The preparations, concentrations, time intervals of renewals of solutions, and times of duration of the experiments were as described in Exp. A. F1 level (Exp. B-II). Thetestanimalswerepreparedbyexposing two couples of l-week-old juveniles from the same F0 stock culture in each concentration until they reached the adult stage of the first generation (F1). The experiment started with 4-week-old adults of Fl animals, and ran for 20 days. The test was carried out in the same way as in the F0 Exp. (B-I), except that 4 animals were used in each bowl. Experiment C: polluted seawater Seawater samples from three selected sites of Aarhus Bay were used. The test animals (2 to 3 days old larvae, starting to feed) were exposed for 30 days. Preparations of water, the number of test animals, renewals, and observed parameters were as described for Exp. A.
  • 12. 9 Egg-eating behaviour A11 experiments ran for 48 hours, and the number of missing eggs were counted. Four 20 ml cylindrical plastic bowls containing 10 ml seawater and ten adult animals (Exp. 1), different numbers of adult couples (Exp. 2), and one couple (Exp. 3) in each were used for four kinds of experiment arrangements, viz.: 1) eggs, no animals, no food; 2) eggs, no animals, food; 3) eggs, animals, no food; and 4) eggs, animals, food. Analyses of data The median lethal concentrations (LCr) of ethyl parathion after 96 hours of exposure were calculated by using probit analysis according to Finney (197I). One-way ANOVA (Analyses of variance) and Tukey test were applied to test whether the concentrations of ethyl parathion and water of bad quality affect the mortality, growth and reproduction. The Mann-Whitney U-test and the two-way ANOVA were applied in the behavioural studies. The tests were computed using the Minitab@ computer program and the manual for the Tukey test (Fowler & Cohen 1990; Sokal & Rohlf 1981), respectively. REST]LTS Larval development The study of larval development of O. diadema verified the results of Akesson (1976) and was used as a reference point. O. diodema is a simultaneous hermaphrodite with internal fertilization. It produced egg masses about 15 days after hatching. The eggs are yellow and oval-shaped, and deposited in mucous masses that are attached to the wall of the culture bowls. The egg mass is contained in a transparent fusiform membrane; the eggs and the fate of the individual egg can be easily observed through the membrane. The total number of eggs per egg mass ranged from 16 to 18 in a water temperature of 24.4 + 0.2 oC, & salinity of 32.7 + 0.1%o, and a pH of 8.0 + 0.0 (mean + 1 S.E). The time from incipient egg development to released larvae is about 7 to 9 days under the conditions.
  • 13. l_o s s ffi & w ffi "": ;"" :.$ r' Figure 2. Larval development of O. diadema. (1-8) The development of larvae in the egg mass from the first to the eighth day. (Scale bar : 1 prm).
  • 14. 11 Table 1. Experiment A: effects of ethyl parathion on growth, mortality and reproduction of O. diadema. The experiment started with2- to 3-day-old larvae; duration 30 days. The values show mean and standard emor (S.E.). ETHYL PARATHION CONCENTRATIONS (p,ell) 0,00. ::0i05 ii:lO:iiil0 .t.:..i0.i'90 0.i:80 Growth (number of r6.6 16.0 15.9 16.1 15.9 15.5 setiger, 30 days) 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 First egg deposit 15 t6 t6 17 18 19 (day after start) 0.0 0.8 0.6 t.3 1.0 1.5 Mortality o-o 2.5 0.0 5.0 5.0 28.0 (%, after 30 days) Mean number of eggs 16.2 12.6 16.5 t6.6 t2.7 12.6 per egg mass 0.9 1.3 0.5 1.0 1,.4 1.0 Mean number of egg 1.6 1..7 r.2 t.3 1.4 1.4 masses per animal 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 Mean number of larvae 8.6 4.9 6.3 5.5 4.4 3.9 per egg mass 0.9 0.5 t.2 1,.2 1.5 1.0 Mortality in egg 44 60 59 66 68 66 masses (%) 4.3 4.5 7.0 6.6 8.0 6.0 Reproductive potential 100 66 51 67 50 37 (%, control : 100) 0.0 18.8 9.4 26.4 2t.4 6.3 In the egg mass, the eggs developed to trochophore larvae in the fourth day after hatching (Fig. 2). The trochophores have a ciliary band for locomotion around the body and swim by rotation. The trochophores were yolky and non-feeding, so-called 'lecithotrophic' (see also Barnes (1987, p. 305); Brusca & Brusca (1990, p. a2fl). They reached the metatrochophore stage in the sixth day. The first pair of parapodia with setae developed on the first setigerous segment at this stage, and continued until it reached four pairs as a complete larva on the eighth day. At this time, the larvae broke the egg mass and escaped. The larvae started to feed 2 to 3 days after release. If the development failed, dead eggs were found among alive in the same egg mass. They were distinguished from the life ones by their white opaque colour.
  • 15. L2 Table 2. Experiment B-I: Long-term effects of ethyl parathion on mortality and reproductionof O. diadema. The experiment started with 4-week-old adults; duration 30 days. The values show mean and standard error (S.E). ETIIYL PARATHION P.t T,ERS CONCENTRATIONS (pell) 0,,.OCI 0:05 i ,:$:i::'Ql;;,;';1 j0iii20 Mortality 0.0 0.0 2.5 ,: 5.0 5.0 (%, after 30 days) Mean number of eggs 1,8.7 16.5 T7.T t4.9 13.9 t4.9 per egg mass 1.0 t.2 0.8 0.9 0.5 0.8 Mean number of egg 3.4 4.8 3.9 4.0 3.9 3.1 masses per animal 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 Mean number of larvae 13.8 TI.4 11.8 9.1, 7.6 6.9 per egg mass 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 1.1 0.7 Mortality in egg 26 30 31 40 49 52 masses (%) 2.9 0.7 3.5 1.3 5.2 4.2 Reproductive potential 100 118 101 79 67 46 (Vo, eontrol :100) 0.0 t3.7 16.0 12.8 17.0 5.1 I also observed that the larval stage, especially the trochophore, was critical. Most of the larvae that failed to survive did it at this stage. Tests of toxicity Efficts of etlryl parathion Lethal to xicity. The mortalityin theacute (lethal) exposure for96hours was 7, 39, 43, and l00Vo for the experiment with larvae, and 4, 29, 36, and lNVo for the experiment with adults at concentrations of 0.01, 0.1, 1, and 10 mg/l. In both tests, no mortality was observed at the lowest concentration (0.01 mg/l), but it was 1,A0% at the highest (10 mg/l). The LCro at 96 hours for larvae and adults, were I.23 and 4.47 mgll, respectively. The larvae were more susceptible than adults. Unfortunately, because of the restricted duration of these tests, threshold values for constant LC5o could not be derived.
  • 16. l_3 Table 3. Experiment B-II: Long-term effects of ethyl parathion on mortality and reproduction of O. diadema. The experiment started with 4-week-old adults F1- generation; exposed to ethyl parathion at l-week-old juveniles (F0-generation); duration 20 days. The values show mean and standard enor (S.E.). ETTTYL PARATIIION CONCENTRATIONS (pell) .,.,,,.,0.::00 .0l,.1,0 0120.....,. ......0.i.40 0;.80....,..l Mortality o-o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.5 (Vo, after 30 days) Mean number of eggs 18.1 T6.I 17.4 14.8 14.2 t2.5 per egg mass 0.8 t.9 1.1 2.3 1.7 0.6 Mean number of egg 4.3 4.5 4.0 3.6 3.3 3.7 masses per animal 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.7 4.4 Mean number of larvae 10.9 9.6 8.7 7.4 4.7 3.4 per egg mass 0.8 t.3 1.1 2.6 1.2 0.6 Mortality in egg 39 42 51 55 6I 73 masses (%) 5.5 2.0 6.2 9.9 4.5 6.3 Reproductive potential 1m 103 93 51 37 26 (%, control : 100) 0.0 30.8 38.s 15.0 11.5 2.5 S ub lethal tox icity. Thelong-termeffectsof ethylparathion onthe growth of O. diadema (Exp. A) along a complete life-cycle (30 days) are shown in Table 1. There were small temporary growth retardations at concentrations of 0.05 to 0.4 p,gll, bnt the big permanent retardation occurred at the highest concentration, 0.8 1tglI, P < 0.05 (Fig. 3). The reproductive potential decreased at concentrations from 0.05 to 0.8 p,gl (Exp. A) in Table 1 , 0.2 to 0. 8 pgll (Exp. B-I) in Table 2, and 0. 1 to 0.8 lt glI (Exp. B-II) in Table 3. It was caused mainly by a reduced number of larvae, in combination with a relatively high mortality in egg masses in all experiments, and also a delayed time of hatching. However, such effects were not significant (P > 0.05) in larvae and F0- adults, but it was in experiments with Fl-adults (P < 0.05).
  • 17. L4 20 1a 16 t U 14 (9 --€- fr't2 a O.OO ppb O.O5 ppb b 10 -+K- d O.1 O ppb UA m --*- O.2O ppb = Zt) O.4O ppb -+<- O.AO ppb 12 15 16 21 24 27 50 TIME (DAY) Figure 3. Growth of O. diad.emd exposed to ethyl parathion in different concentra- tions tested for 30 days (ppb : trgll). Each point represents 20 animals. Table 4. Results of estimated MATC of ethyl parathion on long-term tests with O. diadema. ) The values are NOEC and LOEC, and the MATC value is lying between those values, *) No significant effect of treatment. NSD) No significant difference between the control with the other treatments. ESTIMATED MATC (pg/l)" ,'.EXP.i.'..,fi First egg deposit Mean number of eggs per egg mass NSD 0.1-0.2 :r Mean number of egg masses per animal *NSD* Mean number of larvae per egg mass :r. 0.1-0.2 0.4-0.8 Mortality in egg masses 'rc 0.2-0.4 0.4-0.8 Growth 0.4-0.8 Reproductive potential * NSD 0.1-0.2
  • 18. 15 Table 5. Experiment C: Growth, mortality and reproduction of O. diademc exposed to polluted seawater from different locations. The experiment started with 2- to 3- day-old larvae; duration 30 days. The values show mean and standard error (S.E.). WATER SAMPLES LOCATIONS a, i.iCO"N.TROL x Growth (number of 15.15 14.85 15.15 14.85 setiger, 30 days) 0.13 0.23 0.2s 0.15 Mortality o-o ,: 5.0 10.0 (%, after 30 days) Mean number of eggs 7.6 6.2 7.1 7.4 per egg mass 0.62 0.54 0.44 0.66 Mean number of egg 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.2 masses per animal 0.10 0.08 0.09 0.26 Mean number of larvae 5.4 2.8 4.7 5.1 per egg mass 0.52 0.41 0.34 0.30 Mortality in egg 31 58 38 29 masses (%) 5.29 5.62 6.70 4.46 Reproductive potential 100 59 104 96 (%, control : 100) 13.8 23.52 24.2 The mortality increased clearly only at the highest concentration (0.8 pgll) for all the tests, while no mortality was observed in the control. This high mortality occurred mostly during the first week (larval-juvenile stage) of the experiments. No statistical tests were carried out for this parameter, because it did not even occur in every replicate. It was therefore considered as a slightly sensitive parameter in the sublethal toxicity tests. The mortality of eggs in egg masses tended to increase at the highest concentration (0.8 pgll) in all experiments. It mostly occurred at 3 to 4 days (trochophore stage) after hatching. This parameter is therefore considered as a susceptible test. Maximum Acceptable Toxicant Concentration (MATC) The estimated MATC values, including NOEC and LOEC, of ethyl parathion using
  • 19. 16 O. diadema were mostly between 0.1 and 0.8 pgll (Table 4). Effects of polluted seawater Animals cultured in water from off Aakrogen village have a markedly reduced number of larvae per egg mass and a high mortality in the egg masses (Table 5). The effects were followed by those in the water from the harbor and off Moesgaard forest, respectively. Table 6. Egg-eating behaviour of O. diadema; duration 48 hours. EXP. 1: (food & no food) Eggs & no animals 0&0 Eggs & animals 22.8 & 54.8 EXP. 2: (food & no food) 1 Couple r9.0 & 36.3 2 Couples 30.3 & 50.0 3 Couples 23.3 & 46.3 EXP. 3: (no food) The eggs did not belong to the animals 11 The eggs belonged to the animals 33.8 Egg-eating behaviour Statistically, no significant differences were observed in three behavioural (egg- eating) experiments on O. diadema. The eggs were eaten by the adults and the egg- eating was not influenced by food supply and/or animal densities (Exp. 1 & 2). They ate not only their own eggs, but also from other parents (Exp. 3) (Table 6). DISCUSSION Susceptibility of O. diodcma O. diadema has been proven as a sensitive test species to a range of chemicals
  • 20. L7 (Parker 1984). Its sublethal responses used in the present study were found to thoroughly reflect the toxicity of ethyl parathion. Previously Hooftman & Vink (1980) reported that the effects of pesticides (Pentachlorophenol (PCP), 3,4- Dichloroaniline (DCA), Dieldrinn and I ,1,2-Tichloroethane) on the mortality of O. diadema provided only a very limited picture of toxic actions. They pointed out that O. diadema is a moderately or slightly sensitive test species. However, if the reproductive potential and all other life-cycle stages are studied, O. diadema appe*lr to be very sensitive. This as found occurred in the present tests with low concentrations of ethyl parathion. Hooftman & Vink (1980) further pointed out that the reproductive potential of O. diadema was the most sensitive parameter. This parameter was also significant (see Exp. Fl-adults) in my study. Ehrenstrom (1979) reported that the reproductive potential of larvae and adults decreased when exposed to a 'second generation' dispersant, BP 1100 WD alone and mixed with diesel oil. Hooftman & Vink (1980) showed that there was no significant suppression of growth of O. diadema by the pesticides tested. My study shows that the growth was significantly suppressed. It therefore provides a good picture of the toxic action of ethyl parathion (Exp. FO-adults), and it can also be used to establish the estimated MATC values (Table 4). Gametes, embryos and larvae are generally the most critical stages in an organism's life cycle (Akesson 1983). When pollution occurs at levels which are lethal to adult animals, the larvae may have little chance to survive. Pollution at sublethal levels may leave the adults seemingly unaffected but nevertheless this stress can cause complete inhibition of the reproduction. Ehrenstrom (1979) and Hooftman & Vink (1980) have used O. diadema in toxicity tests and they showed that larvae were more susceptible than adults.
  • 21. L8 Most of the larvae that died failed to develop after the trochophore stage. This is probably the most critical stage for larvae to survive. Seemingly, once they can pass through this stage, they can probably succeed to survive to other stages in their life cycle. Thus, mortality in egg masses could be considered as one of the most sensitive parameters. The parameter was statistically significant with ethyl parathion (Exp. B-I & B-II). Hooftman & Vink (1980) pointed out that the early larval stages of O. diadema were affected at lower PCB and Dieldrin concentrations than the adults. Effects of ethyl parathion in aquatic ecosystems. Mulla et al. (1981, p. 4l); Connel & Miller (1984, p. 2W) reported that the effects of insecticides can be followed from a single individual organism to an entire ecosystem, and the effects are always found in non target species, like marine invertebrate populations. Lethal and sublethal concentrations of the chemicals affect growth and reproduction of an organism and may directly or indirectly lead to reduced survival, and changes in abundance, composition, and productivity of the populations in marine ecosystems (Ken & Vass 1973 in Mulla et al. t98l). Regarding the effects on the invertebrates (especially on polychaetes), few relevant comparative studies have been done. The comparison of those data must be handled with caution because of the variability of exposure periods, test conditions, as well as response differences between the species used. Ethyl parathion in concentrations of 0.01 to 0.1 mg/l (acute exposure) did not cause any mortality of the two oligochaetes, Tubifex sp. and Limnodrilus sp., while complete mortality was obtained at 5.2 mg/l (Whitten & Goodnight 1966 in Mulla et al. 1981). Persoone et al. (1985) have shown that LCn (24-96 hrs) of this substance on crustaceans and mollusks are 0.00004-5.6 and 0.8-10 mgll, respectively. In my study, 1.23 and 4.47 mgll, the LCro 96-hrs values for larvae and adults are of the same order of magnitude. In low concentrations and chronic exposure, ethyl parathion inhibited growth and
  • 22. 19 reproduction of O. diadema (Exp. A, B-I, & B-II). Rodriguez & Pisan6 (1993) reported that this substance reduced the number of larvae hatched per female of the crab, Chasmagnathus granulata (Decapoda: Brachyura), ild at L p,gll it causes morphological abnormalities (hydropsy and atrophy of eyes) in the larvae. Also Persoone et al. (1985) reported that the NOEC for crustaceans and mollusks of such chemical is 0.@004-0.0025 and > 0.2 mglI, respectively. Rodriguez & Pisan6 (1993) have calculated ECro (EC: concentration required to immobilize 50% of test animals) values for clutch loss in egg incubations and hatching larvae of the crab, C. granulata. They found it to be 34 p,glI. The estimated that MATC of ethyl parathion on O. diadema, fall within the interval 0.1 - 0.8 p,gllby using larvae and adults (Table 4). My results show that the LOEC value of ethyl parathion is around 0.8 p,glI, and its solubility limit in water is 24 mglI, as well as its partition coefficient (K*) is 6,430 (Haque et al. 1977 in Mulla et al. l98l); this coefficient is directly correlated with its bioaccumulation in the food chain. These clearly indicate that ethyl parathion is highly dangerous to marine organisms. Unfortunately, it is difficult to generalize for all invertebrates or even polychaetes. This is due to differences in the sensitivity of responses to the pesticides between different species or even individuals (Connel & Miller 1984). This variation in response means that a pesticides can eliminate susceptible individuals from a population or an entire susceptible species from a community of organisms (Pimentel & Goodman, 1974 inMulla et al. l98l). Water quality study It was strikingly surprising that the water from the harbor had a higher quality than the water from off Aakrogen village. However, no obvious reason was found to explain these results. It may be a normal reaction of O. diademc when transferred to water from uncustomary sources, and is not necessarily attributable to the presence of unnatural contaminants. But, it can also be interpreted as an indication on a reduced water quality.
  • 23. 20 Egg-eating behaviour of O. diadema The influence of the egg-eating behaviour on the results was recorded by the behaviour experiments (Exp. C). This behaviour occurred regularly when the eggs were 1 to 2 days old (pers. obs.). According to B. Akesson (pers. comm.), non- developing eggs are often eaten by the parents in order to clean out the egg mass because they can otherwise poison the viable ones. But, it was surprising to observe that some egg masses were found empty after two days. Moreover, no eggs disappeared later in the sequence of development. It seems that the animals did not select the un-developing eggs only. This behaviour may particularly cause a bias on the results of the sublethal toxicity tests. It may further affect final conclusions. Therefore, I suggest that the parents and their egg masses should be separated as a precaution when toxic effects are measured using O. diadema.I have not found any published reports about the egg-eating behaviour in dorvilleids, especially not in relation to toxicity tests. However, S. Mattson (pers. comm.) frequently found an Ophryotrocha species in egg masses of other polychaetes from Gullmars{orden, and he believes that they may be egg-eaters in the nature. CONCLUSIONS I have used the polychaete O. diademc in bioassay where I studied the lethal and sublethal effects of a biocide, ethyl parathion. I also applied it in the determination of polluted seawater. My conclusions are that the method is sensitive and useful in marine ecotoxicological studies. It can be used to determine toxic effects of chemicals at low concentrations, and to investigate the quality of seawater (Table 5). The method can also be used to find out the LCro and the MATC values (Table 4) of chemicals such as biocides. The present studies have shown several long-term (chronic) effects of ethyl parathion on O. diadema. The deleterious effects may cause not only growth retardation, but also inhibition of reproduction (Tables l, 2, and 3). Because of these effects, I conclude that ethyl parathion is highly dangerous to the marine environment.
  • 24. 2L I also conclude that the egg-eating behaviour of O. diadcma may affect the results of toxicity tests. So I suggest that precautions are made in future investigations to avoid bias caused by this behaviour. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am very indebted to DANIDA for scholarship and Aarhus University through the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Institute of Biological Sciences for study facilities. I am particularly grateful to my supervisors Prof. J. Hylleberg and Ass. Prof. T. Cedhagen for help and advice. I also want to thank Prof. B. Akesson from Gothenborg University, Sweden, for supplying the brood stock of O. diodema and as a good contact person. I benefited from Dr. S. Mattson who gave comments on my manuscript. I am particularly grateful to Mr. H. Jalk who always help and solve practical problems during my work. I am grateful to laboran Mrs. A. H. Jensen who provided the laboratory equipments, and Mrs. K. Petersen who provided the chemical solution.
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  • 29. 26 APPENDX 2 HOMOGENEITY (F-MAX), ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE (ONE-WAY), AND TUKEY TESTS OF THE DATA IN EXPERIMENT A PARAMETERS TESTS t::r:!::::: .....A .......B c D E F............. '::::'6. ,, ,,tjI 6.25 7.94 7.68 7.58 3.48 2.92 17.71 F-max TEST .i'.lrH 62.0 62.4 62.0 62.0 62.0 3.94 62.W iiig.x"OS H* H* H* H* H* H* H* iiii.F 1.86 3.95 1.33 2.51 2.42 3.26 t.72 ANOVA F*l 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.30 2.77 ..,..CEGS NS s* NS NS NS s* NS 4.7t 0.81 4.49 TTJKEY TEST SD- with NSD 0.8 ttgll NOTE: A. Time of first egg deposit B. Mean number of eggs per egg mass C. Mean number of egg masses per animal D. Mean number of larvae per egg mass E. mortality in egg masses F. Growth G. Reproductive potential CLCS Conclusion H Homogeny NS Non significant S Significant (95% Confidence) HS Highly significant (99Vo Confidence) SD Signif. different, compared to Control (0.00 pgll). NSD Non significant different :F 95/o confrdence cal. Calculation tab. table
  • 30. 27 APPENDIX 3 HOMOGENEITY (F-MAX), ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE (ONE-WAY), AND TUKEY TESTS OF THE DATA IN EXPERIMENT B-I PARAMETERS TESTS .,... tl....E E..', *4.... 4.95 16.10 3.03 55.67 1 1.18 F-max 62.0 62.0 62.0 62.4 62.0 TEST ',F6,,;.., cLgs H* H* H- H- H* ru:i:ii:i:lil 4.27 5.82 9.38 10.2 4.41 F,''l*....,,.','. 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 ANOVA c[€s. HS HS HS HS HS T; 3.85 1.03 3.93 t5.23 55.58 T;:I 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 TTJKEY TEST SD- SD- sD- sD- with with with with 0.2,0. 0.05 0.2, 0.4,& NSD 4r& ttgll 0.4,& 0.8 0.8 0.8 ttgll p,gll tr,glI NOTE: A. Mean number of eggs per egg mass B. Mean number of egg masses per animal C. Mean number of larvae per egg mass D. mortality in egg masses E. Reproductive potential CLCS Conclusion H Homogeny NS Non significant S Significant (95 % Conftdence) HS Highly significant (99Vo Confidence) SD Signif. different, compared to Control (0.00 pgll). NSD Non significant different * 95Vo confrdence cal. Calculation tab. table
  • 31. 28 APPEIIDX 4 HOMOGENETTY (F-MAX), ANALYSTS OF VARTANCE (ONE-WAY), AND TUKEY TESTS OF THE DATA IN EXPERIMENT B-II PARAMETERS TESTS A B::::::::l rr,::F$.'.,.',, 14.42 3.12 20.r2 23.92 29.27 F-max ix1'$ 62.0 62.0 62.0 62.0 62.O TEST cLcs H* H* H" H* H" ru t.9t 0.92 4.21 4.05 43.58 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 4.25 ANOVA NS NS s S HS 6.32 27.86 0.51 4.49 4.49 4.49 TI,JKEY TEST sD- sD. SD- with with with 0.8 0.8 0.05, ttEll pglr 0.2,0.4 0.8prg/1 NOW: A. Mean number of eggs per egg mass B. Mean number of egg masses per animal C. Mean number of larvae per egg mass D. mortality in egg masses E. Reproductive potential CLCS Conclusion H Homogeny NS Non significant s Significant (95 Vo Confrdence) HS Highly significant (99Vo Confidence) SD Signif. different, compared to Control (0.00 pgll) NSD Non significant different * 95% confidence cal. Calculation tab. table T Logarithmic transformation
  • 32. 29 APPFAIDD( 5 HOMOGENEITY (F-MAX), ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE (ONE-WAY), AND TUKEY TESTS OF THE DATA IN EXPERIMENT C PARAMETERS TESTS :ii:l::u F::.., F*..'.t 2.2r 0.53 3.22 2.04 3.25 3.10 F-max F.m 39.2 39.2 39.2 39.2 39.43 39.2 TEST .....CLGS H- H- H* H* H* H- :.:iFan..r.r.r 1.11 0.26 8.72 5.47 0.76 1.27 3.49 3.49 5.95 3.49 2.74 3.49 AIOYA NS NS HS S NS NS t.70 23.48 4.20 4.20 TIJKEY TEST SD- SD- Contr. Contr. GL€S. +2, *2, 2+3, 2+4 2+4 NOTE: A. Mean number of eggs per egg mass B. Mean number of egg masses per animal C. Mean number of larvae per egg mass D. Mortality in egg masses E. Growth F. Reproductive potential CLCS Conclusion H Homogeny NS Non significant S Significant (95 Vo Confidence) HS Highly significant (99% Confidence) SD Signif. different. NSD Non significant different * 95% conftdence cal. Calculation tab. table