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Lung function
Pulmonary function tests
• Pulmonary function testing is a valuable
tool for evaluating the respiratory system
• comparing the measured values for
pulmonary function tests obtained on a
patient at any particular point with normal
values derived from population studies.
• The percentage of predicted normal is
used to grade the severity of the
Pulmonary Function
•Evaluates 1 or more major
aspects of the respiratory
•Four lung components include :
The airways (large and small),
Lung parenchyma (alveoli,
Pulmonary vasculature, and
The bellows-pump mechanism
PFTs• PFTs can include:
simple screening spirometry, Flow Volume Loop
Formal lung volume measurement,
Bronchoprovocation testing
Diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide, and
Arterial blood gases. Measurement of maximal
respiratory pressures
• These studies may collectively be referred to as a
complete pulmonary function survey.
•Measurement of the pattern of air
movement into and out of the lungs
during controlled ventilatory
•Often done as a maximal expiratory
• Patients and physicians have inaccurate
perceptions of severity of airflow
obstruction and/or severity of lung disease
by physical exam
• Provides objective evidence in identifying
patterns of disease
 Simple, office-based
 Measures flow, volumes
 Volume vs. Time
 Can determine:
- Forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1)
- Forced vital capacity (FVC)
- Forced expiratory flow 25%-75% (FEF25-75)
The most readily available most useful
pulmonary function test
It takes ten to 15 minutes
carries no risk
• Spirometry is the most commonly used lung function
screening study.
• should be the clinician's first option
• other studies being reserved for specific indications
• easily performed
• in the ambulatory setting, physician's office, emergency
department, or inpatient setting.
Patient care/preparations
• Two choices are available with respect to bronchodilator and
medication use prior to testing. Patients may withhold oral
and inhaled bronchodilators to establish baseline lung
function and evaluate maximum bronchodilator response, or
they may continue taking medication as prescribed. If
medications are withheld, a risk of exacerbation of bronchial
spasm exists.
• The slow vital capacity (SVC) can also be measured with
collect data for at least 30 seconds
when airways obstruction is present, the forced vital capacity
(FVC) is reduced and
slow vital capacity (SVC) may be normal
• When the slow or forced vital capacity is within the normal
range: No significant restrictive
disorder .
No need to measure static lung volumes (residual volume and
total lung capacity).
Indications — Diagnosis
 Evaluation of signs and symptoms
- SOB, exertional dyspnea, chronic cough
 Screening at-risk populations
 Monitoring pulmonary drug toxicity
 Abnormal study
- CXR, EKG, ABG, hemoglobin
 Preoperative assessment
Indications — Diagnosis
 Evaluation of signs and symptoms
- SOB, exertional dyspnea, chronic cough
 Screening at-risk populations
 Monitoring pulmonary drug toxicity
 Abnormal study
- CXR, EKG, ABG, hemoglobin
 Preoperative assessment
Smokers > 45yo
(former & current)
Indications — Diagnosis
 Evaluation of signs and symptoms
- SOB, exertional dyspnea, chronic cough
 Screening at-risk populations
 Evaluation of occupational symptoms
 Monitoring pulmonary drug toxicity
 Abnormal study
- CXR, EKG, ABG, hemoglobin
 Preoperative assessment
Indications — Prognostic
■ Assess severity
■ Follow response to therapy
■ Determine further treatment goals
■ Referral for surgery
■ Disability
Contraindications for
• Relative contraindications for spirometry include hemoptysis
of unknown origin, pneumothorax, unstable angina pectoris,
recent myocardial infarction, thoracic aneurysms, abdominal
aneurysms, cerebral aneurysms, recent eye surgery (increased
intraocular pressure during forced expiration), recent
abdominal or thoracic surgical procedures, and patients with a
history of syncope associated with forced exhalation
• Spirometry requires a voluntary maneuver in which a seated
patient inhales maximally from tidal respiration to total lung
capacity and then rapidly exhales to the fullest extent until no
further volume is exhaled at residual volume
• The maneuver may be performed in a forceful manner to
generate a forced vital capacity (FVC) or in a more relaxed
manner to generate a slow vital capacity (SVC).
• In normal persons, the inspiratory vital capacity, the
expiratory SVC, and expiratory FVC are essentially equal.
However, in patients with obstructive airways disease, the
expiratory SVC is generally higher than the FVC.
Interpretation of spirometry
•should begin with an
assessment of test quality.
to inspect the graphic data
(the volume-time curve and
the flow-volume loop)
Interpretation of
spirometry results(2)
•to ascertain whether the study
meets certain well-defined
acceptability and
reproducibility standards
acceptable spirometry
• 1) minimal hesitation at the start of the forced expiration
(extrapolated volume (EV) <5% of the FVC or 0.15 L,
whichever is larger
• Time to PEF is <120 ms (optional until further information is
(2) no cough in the first second of forced exhalation,
• 3) meets 1 of 3 criteria that define a valid end-of-test
Valid end-of-test
• (a) smooth curvilinear rise of the volume-time tracing to a
plateau of at least 1-second duration;
(b) if a test fails to exhibit an expiratory
plateau, a forced expiratory time (FET) of 15 seconds; or
(c) when the patient
cannot or should not continue forced exhalation for valid
medical reasons.
• If both of these criteria are not met, continue testing until:
Both of the criteria are met with analysis of additional
acceptable spirograms or
• A total of eight tests have been performed or
• Save a minimum of three best maneuvers
Acceptability Criteria
• Good start of test
• No coughing
• No variable flow
• No early termination
• Reproducibility
The volume-time tracing
• The volume-time tracing is most useful in assessing whether
the end-of-test criteria have been met
Flow-volume loop
•the flow-volume loop is
most valuable in evaluating
the start-of-test criteria.
Flow-Volume Loop
Ruppel GL. Manual of Pulmonary Function Testing, 8th
Mosby 2003
Repeatability Criteria
• After three acceptable spirograms have been obtained, apply
the following tests. Are the two largest FVCs within
0.2 L of each other?
• Are the two largest FEV1s within 0.2 L of each other?
• If both of these criteria are met, the test session may be
Lung Volumes
Lung Volumes
• 4 Volumes
• 4 Capacities
• Sum of 2 or more
lung volumes
Lung Factors Affecting
• Mechanical properties
• Resistive elements
Mechanical Properties
• Compliance
• Describes the stiffness of the lungs
• Change in volume over the change in pressure
• Elastic recoil
• The tendency of the lung to return to it’s resting state
• A lung that is fully stretched has more elastic recoil and thus
larger maximal flows
Resistive Properties
• Determined by airway caliber
• Affected by
• Lung volume
• Bronchial smooth muscles
• Airway collapsibility
Factors That Affect Lung Volumes
• Age
• Sex
• Height
• Weight
• Race
• Disease
• Have patient seated comfortably
• Closed-circuit technique
• Place nose clip on
• Have patient breathe on mouthpiece
• Have patient take a deep breath as fast as possible
• Blow out as hard as they can until you tell them to stop
• Forced vital capacity (FVC):
• Total volume of air that can be
exhaled forcefully from TLC
• The majority of FVC can be
exhaled in <3 seconds in
normal people, but often is
much more prolonged in
obstructive diseases
• Measured in liters (L)
• Interpretation of % predicted:
• 80-120% Normal
• 70-79% Mild reduction
• 50%-69%Moderate reduction
• <50% Severe reduction
• Forced expiratory volume
in 1 second: (FEV1)
• Volume of air forcefully
expired from full inflation
(TLC) in the first second
• Measured in liters (L)
• Normal people can exhale
more than 75-80% of their
FVC in the first second; thus
the FEV1/FVC can be utilized
to characterize lung disease
• Interpretation of % predicted:
• >75% Normal
• 60%-75%Mild obstruction
• 50-59% Moderate obstruction
• <49% Severe obstruction
• Forced expiratory flow 25-
75% (FEF25-75)
• Mean forced expiratory flow
during middle half of FVC
• Measured in L/sec
• May reflect effort independent
expiration and the status of the
small airways
• Highly variable
• Depends heavily on FVC
• Interpretation of % predicted:
• >60% Normal
• 40-60% Mild obstruction
• 20-40% Moderate obstruction
• <10% Severe obstruction
Flow-Volume Loop
• Illustrates maximum
expiratory and
inspiratory flow-volume
• Useful to help
characterize disease
states (e.g. obstructive
vs. restrictive)
Ruppel GL. Manual of Pulmonary Function Testing, 8th
Mosby 2003
Categories of Disease
• Obstructive
• Restrictive
• Mixed
Obstructive Disorders
• Characterized by a
limitation of expiratory
• Examples: asthma, COPD
• Decreased: FEV1, FEF25-75,
FEV1/FVC ratio (<0.8)
• Increased or Normal:
Spirometry in Obstructive
• Slow rise in upstroke
• May not reach plateau
Restrictive Lung Disease
• Characterized by diminished lung
volume due to:
• change in alteration in lung
parenchyma (interstitial lung
• disease of pleura, chest wall (e.g.
scoliosis), or neuromuscular
apparatus (e.g. muscular dystrophy)
• Decreased TLC, FVC
• Normal or increased: FEV1/FVC ratio
Restrictive Disease
• Rapid upstroke as in
normal spirometry
• Plateau volume is
Large Airway Obstruction
• Characterized by a
truncated inspiratory
or expiratory loop
Normal Spirometry
Obstructive Pattern
■ Decreased FEV1
■ Decreased FVC
■ Decreased FEV1/FVC
- <70% predicted
■ FEV1 used to follow severity in COPD
Obstructive Lung Disease —
Differential Diagnosis
 Asthma
- chronic bronchitis
- emphysema
 Bronchiectasis
 Bronchiolitis
 Upper airway obstruction
Restrictive Pattern
 Decreased FEV1
 Decreased FVC
 FEV1/FVC normal or increased
Restrictive Lung Disease —
Differential Diagnosis
 Pleural
 Parenchymal
 Chest wall
 Neuromuscular
Spirometry Patterns
Bronchodilator Response
 Degree to which FEV1 improves with inhaled
 Documents reversible airflow obstruction
 Significant response if:
- FEV1 increases by 12% and >200ml
 Request if obstructive pattern on spirometry
Flow Volume Loop
 “Spirogram”
 Measures forced inspiratory and expiratory flow rate
 Augments spirometry results
 Indications: evaluation of upper airway obstruction (stridor,
unexplained dyspnea)
Flow Volume Loop
Upper Airway Obstruction
 Variable intrathoracic obstruction
 Variable extrathoracic obstruction
 Fixed obstruction
Upper Airway Obstruction
Lung Volumes
 Measurement:
- helium
- nitrogen washout
- body plethsmography
 Indications:
- Diagnose restrictive component
- Differentiate chronic bronchitis from
Pulmonary Function Testing
The Basics of Interpretation
Lung Volumes – Patterns
 Obstructive
- TLC > 120% predicted
- RV > 120% predicted
 Restrictive
- TLC < 80% predicted
- RV < 80% predicted
Diffusing Capacity
 Diffusing capacity of lungs for CO
 Measures ability of lungs to transport inhaled gas
from alveoli to pulmonary capillaries
 Depends on:
- alveolar—capillary membrane
- hemoglobin concentration
- cardiac output
Diffusing Capacity
 Decreased DLCO
(<80% predicted)
 Obstructive lung disease
 Parenchymal disease
 Pulmonary vascular disease
 Anemia
 Increased DLCO
(>120-140% predicted)
 Asthma (or normal)
 Pulmonary hemorrhage
 Polycythemia
 Left to right shunt
DLCO — Indications
 Differentiate asthma from emphysema
 Evaluation and severity of restrictive lung disease
 Early stages of pulmonary hypertension
 Expensive!
 Useful for diagnosis of asthma in the setting of normal
pulmonary function tests
 Common agents:
- Methacholine, Histamine, others
 Diagnostic if: ≥20% decrease in FEV1
No Obstruction?
Other Diagnosis
↓ ↓
↓ ↓
PFT Interpretation Strategy
 What is the clinical question?
 What is “normal”?
 Did the test meet American Thoracic Society (ATS) criteria?
 Don’t forget (or ignore) the flow volume loop!
Obstructive Pattern — Evaluation
 Spirometry
 FEV1, FVC: decreased
 FEV1/FVC: decreased (<70% predicted)
 FV Loop “scooped”
 Lung Volumes
 TLC, RV: increased
 Bronchodilator responsiveness
Restrictive Pattern –
 Spirometry
 FVC, FEV1: decreased
 FEV1/FVC: normal or increased
 FV Loop “witch’s hat”
 DLCO decreased
 Lung Volumes
 TLC, RV: decreased
 Muscle pressures may be important
PFT Patterns
 Emphysema
 FEV1/FVC <70%
 “Scooped” FV curve
 TLC increased
 Increased compliance
 DLCO decreased
 Chronic Bronchitis
 FEV1/FVC <70%
 “Scooped” FV curve
 TLC normal
 Normal compliance
 DLCO usually normal
PFT Patterns
 Asthma
 FEV1/FVC normal or decreased
 DLCO normal or increased
But PFTs may be normal  bronchoprovocation
Thank you

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Lung function tests

  • 2. Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) • Pulmonary function testing is a valuable tool for evaluating the respiratory system • comparing the measured values for pulmonary function tests obtained on a patient at any particular point with normal values derived from population studies. • The percentage of predicted normal is used to grade the severity of the abnormality.
  • 3. Pulmonary Function Tests •Evaluates 1 or more major aspects of the respiratory system
  • 4. PFTs •Four lung components include : The airways (large and small), Lung parenchyma (alveoli, interstitium), Pulmonary vasculature, and The bellows-pump mechanism
  • 5. PFTs• PFTs can include: simple screening spirometry, Flow Volume Loop Formal lung volume measurement, Bronchoprovocation testing Diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide, and Arterial blood gases. Measurement of maximal respiratory pressures • These studies may collectively be referred to as a complete pulmonary function survey.
  • 6. Spirometry •Measurement of the pattern of air movement into and out of the lungs during controlled ventilatory maneuvers. •Often done as a maximal expiratory maneuver
  • 7. Importance • Patients and physicians have inaccurate perceptions of severity of airflow obstruction and/or severity of lung disease by physical exam • Provides objective evidence in identifying patterns of disease
  • 8. Spirometry  Simple, office-based  Measures flow, volumes  Volume vs. Time  Can determine: - Forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) - Forced vital capacity (FVC) - FEV1/FVC - Forced expiratory flow 25%-75% (FEF25-75)
  • 9. Spirometry The most readily available most useful pulmonary function test It takes ten to 15 minutes carries no risk
  • 10. Spirometry • Spirometry is the most commonly used lung function screening study. • should be the clinician's first option • other studies being reserved for specific indications • easily performed • in the ambulatory setting, physician's office, emergency department, or inpatient setting.
  • 11. Patient care/preparations • Two choices are available with respect to bronchodilator and medication use prior to testing. Patients may withhold oral and inhaled bronchodilators to establish baseline lung function and evaluate maximum bronchodilator response, or they may continue taking medication as prescribed. If medications are withheld, a risk of exacerbation of bronchial spasm exists.
  • 12. Spirometry • The slow vital capacity (SVC) can also be measured with spirometers collect data for at least 30 seconds when airways obstruction is present, the forced vital capacity (FVC) is reduced and slow vital capacity (SVC) may be normal
  • 13. Spirometry • When the slow or forced vital capacity is within the normal range: No significant restrictive disorder . No need to measure static lung volumes (residual volume and total lung capacity).
  • 14. Indications — Diagnosis  Evaluation of signs and symptoms - SOB, exertional dyspnea, chronic cough  Screening at-risk populations  Monitoring pulmonary drug toxicity  Abnormal study - CXR, EKG, ABG, hemoglobin  Preoperative assessment
  • 15. Indications — Diagnosis  Evaluation of signs and symptoms - SOB, exertional dyspnea, chronic cough  Screening at-risk populations  Monitoring pulmonary drug toxicity  Abnormal study - CXR, EKG, ABG, hemoglobin  Preoperative assessment Smokers > 45yo (former & current)
  • 16. Indications — Diagnosis  Evaluation of signs and symptoms - SOB, exertional dyspnea, chronic cough  Screening at-risk populations  Evaluation of occupational symptoms  Monitoring pulmonary drug toxicity  Abnormal study - CXR, EKG, ABG, hemoglobin  Preoperative assessment
  • 17. Indications — Prognostic ■ Assess severity ■ Follow response to therapy ■ Determine further treatment goals ■ Referral for surgery ■ Disability
  • 18. Contraindications for spirometry • Relative contraindications for spirometry include hemoptysis of unknown origin, pneumothorax, unstable angina pectoris, recent myocardial infarction, thoracic aneurysms, abdominal aneurysms, cerebral aneurysms, recent eye surgery (increased intraocular pressure during forced expiration), recent abdominal or thoracic surgical procedures, and patients with a history of syncope associated with forced exhalation
  • 19. Spirometry • Spirometry requires a voluntary maneuver in which a seated patient inhales maximally from tidal respiration to total lung capacity and then rapidly exhales to the fullest extent until no further volume is exhaled at residual volume
  • 20. Spirometry • The maneuver may be performed in a forceful manner to generate a forced vital capacity (FVC) or in a more relaxed manner to generate a slow vital capacity (SVC).
  • 21. • In normal persons, the inspiratory vital capacity, the expiratory SVC, and expiratory FVC are essentially equal. However, in patients with obstructive airways disease, the expiratory SVC is generally higher than the FVC.
  • 22. Interpretation of spirometry results(1) •should begin with an assessment of test quality. to inspect the graphic data (the volume-time curve and the flow-volume loop)
  • 23. Interpretation of spirometry results(2) •to ascertain whether the study meets certain well-defined acceptability and reproducibility standards
  • 24. acceptable spirometry (ATS) • 1) minimal hesitation at the start of the forced expiration (extrapolated volume (EV) <5% of the FVC or 0.15 L, whichever is larger • Time to PEF is <120 ms (optional until further information is available) (2) no cough in the first second of forced exhalation, • 3) meets 1 of 3 criteria that define a valid end-of-test
  • 25. Valid end-of-test • (a) smooth curvilinear rise of the volume-time tracing to a plateau of at least 1-second duration; (b) if a test fails to exhibit an expiratory plateau, a forced expiratory time (FET) of 15 seconds; or (c) when the patient cannot or should not continue forced exhalation for valid medical reasons.
  • 26. • If both of these criteria are not met, continue testing until: Both of the criteria are met with analysis of additional acceptable spirograms or • A total of eight tests have been performed or • Save a minimum of three best maneuvers
  • 27. Acceptability Criteria • Good start of test • No coughing • No variable flow • No early termination • Reproducibility
  • 28. The volume-time tracing • The volume-time tracing is most useful in assessing whether the end-of-test criteria have been met
  • 30. Flow-volume loop •the flow-volume loop is most valuable in evaluating the start-of-test criteria.
  • 31. Flow-Volume Loop • Ruppel GL. Manual of Pulmonary Function Testing, 8th ed., Mosby 2003
  • 32. Repeatability Criteria • After three acceptable spirograms have been obtained, apply the following tests. Are the two largest FVCs within 0.2 L of each other? • Are the two largest FEV1s within 0.2 L of each other? • If both of these criteria are met, the test session may be concluded
  • 34. Lung Volumes • 4 Volumes • 4 Capacities • Sum of 2 or more lung volumes IRV TV ERV RV IC FRC VC TLC RV
  • 36. Lung Factors Affecting Spirometry • Mechanical properties • Resistive elements
  • 37. Mechanical Properties • Compliance • Describes the stiffness of the lungs • Change in volume over the change in pressure • Elastic recoil • The tendency of the lung to return to it’s resting state • A lung that is fully stretched has more elastic recoil and thus larger maximal flows
  • 38. Resistive Properties • Determined by airway caliber • Affected by • Lung volume • Bronchial smooth muscles • Airway collapsibility
  • 39. Factors That Affect Lung Volumes • Age • Sex • Height • Weight • Race • Disease
  • 40. Technique • Have patient seated comfortably • Closed-circuit technique • Place nose clip on • Have patient breathe on mouthpiece • Have patient take a deep breath as fast as possible • Blow out as hard as they can until you tell them to stop
  • 41. Terminology • Forced vital capacity (FVC): • Total volume of air that can be exhaled forcefully from TLC • The majority of FVC can be exhaled in <3 seconds in normal people, but often is much more prolonged in obstructive diseases • Measured in liters (L)
  • 42. FVC • Interpretation of % predicted: • 80-120% Normal • 70-79% Mild reduction • 50%-69%Moderate reduction • <50% Severe reduction FV
  • 43. Terminology • Forced expiratory volume in 1 second: (FEV1) • Volume of air forcefully expired from full inflation (TLC) in the first second • Measured in liters (L) • Normal people can exhale more than 75-80% of their FVC in the first second; thus the FEV1/FVC can be utilized to characterize lung disease
  • 44. FEV1 • Interpretation of % predicted: • >75% Normal • 60%-75%Mild obstruction • 50-59% Moderate obstruction • <49% Severe obstruction FE F
  • 45. Terminology • Forced expiratory flow 25- 75% (FEF25-75) • Mean forced expiratory flow during middle half of FVC • Measured in L/sec • May reflect effort independent expiration and the status of the small airways • Highly variable • Depends heavily on FVC
  • 46. FEF25-75 • Interpretation of % predicted: • >60% Normal • 40-60% Mild obstruction • 20-40% Moderate obstruction • <10% Severe obstruction
  • 47. Flow-Volume Loop • Illustrates maximum expiratory and inspiratory flow-volume curves • Useful to help characterize disease states (e.g. obstructive vs. restrictive) Ruppel GL. Manual of Pulmonary Function Testing, 8th ed., Mosby 2003
  • 48. Categories of Disease • Obstructive • Restrictive • Mixed
  • 49. Obstructive Disorders • Characterized by a limitation of expiratory airflow • Examples: asthma, COPD • Decreased: FEV1, FEF25-75, FEV1/FVC ratio (<0.8) • Increased or Normal: TLC
  • 50. Spirometry in Obstructive Disease • Slow rise in upstroke • May not reach plateau
  • 51. Restrictive Lung Disease • Characterized by diminished lung volume due to: • change in alteration in lung parenchyma (interstitial lung disease) • disease of pleura, chest wall (e.g. scoliosis), or neuromuscular apparatus (e.g. muscular dystrophy) • Decreased TLC, FVC • Normal or increased: FEV1/FVC ratio
  • 52. Restrictive Disease • Rapid upstroke as in normal spirometry • Plateau volume is low
  • 53. Large Airway Obstruction • Characterized by a truncated inspiratory or expiratory loop
  • 55. Obstructive Pattern ■ Decreased FEV1 ■ Decreased FVC ■ Decreased FEV1/FVC - <70% predicted ■ FEV1 used to follow severity in COPD
  • 56. Obstructive Lung Disease — Differential Diagnosis  Asthma  COPD - chronic bronchitis - emphysema  Bronchiectasis  Bronchiolitis  Upper airway obstruction
  • 57. Restrictive Pattern  Decreased FEV1  Decreased FVC  FEV1/FVC normal or increased
  • 58. Restrictive Lung Disease — Differential Diagnosis  Pleural  Parenchymal  Chest wall  Neuromuscular
  • 60. Bronchodilator Response  Degree to which FEV1 improves with inhaled bronchodilator  Documents reversible airflow obstruction  Significant response if: - FEV1 increases by 12% and >200ml  Request if obstructive pattern on spirometry
  • 61. Flow Volume Loop  “Spirogram”  Measures forced inspiratory and expiratory flow rate  Augments spirometry results  Indications: evaluation of upper airway obstruction (stridor, unexplained dyspnea)
  • 63. Upper Airway Obstruction  Variable intrathoracic obstruction  Variable extrathoracic obstruction  Fixed obstruction
  • 65. Lung Volumes  Measurement: - helium - nitrogen washout - body plethsmography  Indications: - Diagnose restrictive component - Differentiate chronic bronchitis from emphysema
  • 66. Pulmonary Function Testing The Basics of Interpretation
  • 67. Lung Volumes – Patterns  Obstructive - TLC > 120% predicted - RV > 120% predicted  Restrictive - TLC < 80% predicted - RV < 80% predicted
  • 68. Diffusing Capacity  Diffusing capacity of lungs for CO  Measures ability of lungs to transport inhaled gas from alveoli to pulmonary capillaries  Depends on: - alveolar—capillary membrane - hemoglobin concentration - cardiac output
  • 69. Diffusing Capacity  Decreased DLCO (<80% predicted)  Obstructive lung disease  Parenchymal disease  Pulmonary vascular disease  Anemia  Increased DLCO (>120-140% predicted)  Asthma (or normal)  Pulmonary hemorrhage  Polycythemia  Left to right shunt
  • 70. DLCO — Indications  Differentiate asthma from emphysema  Evaluation and severity of restrictive lung disease  Early stages of pulmonary hypertension  Expensive!
  • 71. Bronchoprovocation  Useful for diagnosis of asthma in the setting of normal pulmonary function tests  Common agents: - Methacholine, Histamine, others  Diagnostic if: ≥20% decrease in FEV1
  • 73. PFT Interpretation Strategy  What is the clinical question?  What is “normal”?  Did the test meet American Thoracic Society (ATS) criteria?  Don’t forget (or ignore) the flow volume loop!
  • 74. Obstructive Pattern — Evaluation  Spirometry  FEV1, FVC: decreased  FEV1/FVC: decreased (<70% predicted)  FV Loop “scooped”  Lung Volumes  TLC, RV: increased  Bronchodilator responsiveness
  • 75. Restrictive Pattern – Evaluation  Spirometry  FVC, FEV1: decreased  FEV1/FVC: normal or increased  FV Loop “witch’s hat”  DLCO decreased  Lung Volumes  TLC, RV: decreased  Muscle pressures may be important
  • 76. PFT Patterns  Emphysema  FEV1/FVC <70%  “Scooped” FV curve  TLC increased  Increased compliance  DLCO decreased  Chronic Bronchitis  FEV1/FVC <70%  “Scooped” FV curve  TLC normal  Normal compliance  DLCO usually normal
  • 77. PFT Patterns  Asthma  FEV1/FVC normal or decreased  DLCO normal or increased But PFTs may be normal  bronchoprovocation

Editor's Notes

  1. Significant CXR findings include hyperinflation, increased interstitial markings, enlarged pulmonary arteries. Significant ECG findings include evidence of pulmonary HTN or COPD (What might ECG show in a COPD patient? MAT, WAP, others) Significant findings on ABG are hypoxemia or hypercapnia; elevated Hb may also be evident on CBC.
  2. Preop assessment is rarely to tell surgeon not to operate, but to prepare for pulmonary complications such as pneumonia, prolonged mechanical ventilation, etc. Also for screening: this includes all current and former smokers &amp;gt;45yoa, known COPD or asthma pts, also those scheduled for thoracic or upper abdominal surgery. If mod-severe obstruction identified and surgery can be delayed, can start prophylactic program of pulmonary hygiene, stop smoking, give inhaled bronchodilators or steroids, etc.
  3. Image source:
  4. Image source:
  5. Image source:
  6. Image source:
  7. Image source: FEV1 is decreased out of proportion to FVC, which causes the ratio to decrease as well.
  8. This is not a complete list, just some of the most common diseases that should be on your differential for obstructive lung disease.
  9. Image source: FEV1 decreases in proportion to decrease in FVC, so ratio remains normal or even slightly increased
  10. Restrictive lung disease is made up of intrinsic lung disease (causes inflammation and scarring (interstitial lung diseases) or fill the airspaces w/ debris, inflammation (exudate); extrinsic causes are chest wall or pleural diseases that mechanically compress the lung and prevent expansion. Neuromuscular causes decreases ability of respiratory muscles to inflate and deflate the lungs.
  11. Lack of observed response to bronchodilator does not preclude use, b/c patients may have symptomatic benefit. Can give 6-8wk trial of bronchodilator and/or inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) and reassess clinically, can also obtain FEV1 at that time. HOLD MDI THE MORNING PRIOR TO TESTING.
  12. Have patient breath out at max effort, then breath in quickly at max effort, creates a loop w/ differing patterns. Upper airway = pharynx, larynx, trachea.
  13. Image source: Vocal cord dysfunction: variable extrathoracic obstruction. Tracheal stenosis: fixed obstruction (hx frequent intubations). Rapid rise to peak flow rate, followed by fall in flow as pt exhales toward residual volume. Inspiratory curve is symmetrical.
  14. Example of someone grabbing trachea—causes problems w/ inspiration and expiration = fixed obstruction Vocal cord dysfunction: variable extrathoracic obstruction. Endobronchial carcinoma: variable intrathoracic obstruction. (Rare to diagnose this on flow volume loop).
  15. FVC is decreased in both obstructive and restrictive disease, so usually need to obtain lung volumes to see if restrictive component present (increased TLC).
  16. Measure of gas exchange at alveolar-capillary membrane. Changes in DLCO are one of the earliest signs of interstitial lung disease (ILD).
  17. Pulmonary vascular disease = pulmonary emboli, pulmonary HTN. Low DLCO is also a major predictor of desaturation during exercise.
  18. So you have restrictive disease by spirometry and lung volumes. You get a DLCO and see it is normal. Thinking back to your differential diagnosis of restrictive lung disease (what are the four things on your differential?), what can you probably rule out? Answer = Interstitial lung disease. This is where you would order max respiratory pressures, to evaluate for NM disease. Max inspiratory pressures are recorded as patientt is breathing through a blocked tube, also done for expiration. Should be decreased in NM disease.
  19. Can always send patient home and tell them to come back when having symptoms, but this delays diagnosis. Another alternative is measure peak flow variability at home. If suspected asthma but has not responded to therapy, think of obtaining flow volume loop to see if there is vocal cord dysfunction = variable extrathoracic obstruction.
  20. Now we’re going to put it all together…
  21. Don’t need a DLCO, but if were decreased would make you think emphysema, if normal then chronic bronchitis.
  22. IF restrictive pattern, you’re going to want to get DLCO b/c it tells you whether the restriction is due to parenchymal disease (which will change your management), or NM, pleural or CW disease
  23. Remember that DLCO should be normal in chronic bronchitis because it affects the more proximal airways which is not where your gas exchange takes place.