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                                                Past Continuous Tense     
               English Alphabetic     
                   Parts of Speech    
                                             Future Continuous Tense      
                       Sentences      
                      “ Verb to BE    
                                                 Present Perfect Tense    
                      “ Verb to DO    
                    “ Verb to HAVE    
                              Nouns   
                                                   Past Perfect Tense     

           Countable Nouns                     Future Perfect Tense      
   Spelling Rules for Plurals             Present Perfect Continuous     

          Uncountable Nouns                                  Imperatives       
Definite & Indefinite Articles   
                                                                   Modals       

                        Pronouns                    Comparing Adjectives       
            Object Pronouns                                     Adverbs        
         Reflexive Pronouns                            Active & Passive        
         Relative Pronouns     
                Making Questions          Transitive & Intransitive Verbs      
                       How                           ...
                    any/   some/                            Prepositions       
                Making Negative       
                                                            Question-Tags       
                          TENSES      
       Present Simple Tense    
                                                           Conditional “if” ”   

          Past Simple Tense                              Reported Speech       
         Future Simple Tense                  Countries and Nationalities      
    Present Continuous Tense 
English Alphabet

                        Capital Letters                                                               .1

    A           B           C           D           E         F           G           H           I         J       K       L   M
    N           O           P           Q           R         S           T           U           V        W        X       Y   Z

                        Small Letters                                                                 .2

    a           b           c           d           e         f           g           h           i         j           k   l   m
    n           o           p           q           r         s           t           u           v        w            x   y   z

                                Consonant Letters                                                     

b       c   d       f   g       h   j       k   l       m n       p   q       r   s       t   v       w x       y   z

                                    Vowels Letters                                                    

a       e   i       o   u
Parts of Speech

   Noun                        Ahmed, book

 Pronoun                  I, he, she, it, etc. ……..

   Verb                   Play, played, will play

Adjective                            rich man

  Adverb                  Ahmed writes quickly.
Parts of Speech

Preposition                Ahmed goes to school.

                           They traveled by plane.

Conjunction                Ali and Ahmad visited us

Interjection               Alas! She died.
Parts of Speech


                a, an, the
                      a           This is a book.

                 an              This is an apple.

                             This is the book I bought
Ali doctor.

Ali is a doctor.

 Simple Sentences

Compound Sentences

 Complex Sentences
Simple Sentences

                  I saw a boy.    (1

  The boy was riding a bicycle.   (2

      I saw a boy riding a bicycle.
Compound Sentences

             and/ but /or

Ahmed did his homework yesterday. Anas
            helped him.

Ahmed did his homework yesterday and
        Anas helped him.
Compound Sentences

         Khaled is rich.   He is unhappy.

        Khaled is rich but he is unhappy.

We can play football. We can watch TV.

We can play football or we can watch TV.
Complex Sentences

           Main Clause

     Subordinate Clause

  Noun Clause
Adjectival Clause
Adverbial Clause
Clause & Phrase

A clause is a combination of words containing a verb
and has a complete meaning.

I saw the man who was carrying a stick.

A phrase is a combination of words forming part of
the sentence but without a verb.

I saw the man carrying a stick.
“Verb to BE

It is used as a principal and a helping verb.

      Subject      Present      Past       Past participle

         I           am          was            been

    He, She, It      is          was            been

    We, They,        are        were            been
Verb to BE “

     I am a pupil.

    They are boys.
Negative Sentences with the verb to

We make negative statements with the verb
to BE by using the word not after the verb
to be.

           Affirmative                 Negative

           I am at home.         I am not at home.
            You are tall.         You are not tall.
Making Questions with the
                                 verb to BE

               “Yes” or “No” questions and short answers

  “Yes” or “No” questions                       Short Answers

                                  Affirmative               Negative

 Be    +Subject   + Complement   Yes + Subject + Be   No + Subject + Be + not

Are      you       a teacher?       Yes, I am.            No, I am not.

Were   the boys    at school?     Yes, they were.       No, they were not.
Verb to DO “

It is used as a principal and a helping verb.

          Subject      Present      Past          Past

         I, you, we,      do        did           done

         He, She, It     does       did           done
Verb to HAVE “

It is used as a principal and a helping verb.

   Subject      Present   Past   Past participle

  I, you, we,    have     had         had

  He, She, It     has     had         had
Negative Sentences with verb to HAVE
                       as a main verb

Subject        +        + not   + have     + Complement

  I           do        not     have               a car.

  He         does       not     have        a new watch.

 They         did       not     have       breakfast this
Making Questions with the verb to HAVE as a main verb

        “Yes” or “No” questions                      Short Answers

                                                Affirmative        Negative

Do/Does/   +Subject   +have   + Complement     Yes + Subject    No + Subject +
   Did                                               +           do/does/did
                                               do/does/did           +not

  Do         you      have        a car?         Yes, I do.      No, I do not.

 Does         he      have    a new watch?     Yes, he does.    No, he does not

  Did        they     have    Breakfast this   Yes, they did.    No, they did
                                morning?                             not.
Verb to HAVE as a helping verb

Verb to have is used as a helping verb to form the
perfect tense.

They have lived here for two years.
Adel has just finished his work.
Negative Sentences with verb to HAVE as a helping verb


    I have lived here for a long time.
 I have not lived here for a long time.
Making Questions with verb to HAVE as a helping verb

“Yes” or “No” questions and short answers

           They have lived here for a long time.
           Have they lived here for a long time?
         Yes, they have.       No, they have not.
Other Uses of Verb to HAVE

To express necessity in the present and past have to, has   
                        to, had to.

                I have to leave now.

                With some modal auxiliaries.

              You had better see a doctor.
  To show that something is caused by another person.

           I have my shoes cleaned every week.

           Nouns are words we use to name:

People      man, father, teacher, neighbor, …
Things         book, table, sugar, fruit, …
Places       school, street, city, house, …..
 Ideas        freedom, honesty, truth, ….
Feelings   happiness, anger, boredom, joy, ….
Countable & Uncountable Nouns

  Countable Nouns: are things that are
counted as one, two, three, and so on.

Uncountable Nouns: cannot be counted.
Countable Nouns

     These nouns have singular and plural forms.   

Before singular countable nouns you can use a/an.


  You cannot use singular countable nouns alone
            without words such as:
          a, an, one, my, your, his, etc.
Spelling Rules for Plurals

We form plurals of most nouns by adding
      “s” to the singular noun.

     Singular               Plural

     one book            two books
     one horse          many horses
Spelling Rules for Plurals

         es     sh, ch, z, x, s

Singular               Plural
 match               matches
  bus                  buses
  dish                dishes
  box                  boxes
Spelling Rules for Plurals

  ies          y        y
    Singular                Plural
        city                cities
        baby                babies
               s            y
Singular                Plural
  boy                    boys
  key                    keys
Spelling Rules for Plurals

     es               o

 Singular                 Plural
  potato              potatoes
  tomato              tomatoes

           s           o
 Singular                 Plural
   radio               radios
   zoo                    zoos
Spelling Rules for Plurals

 es           v    fe   f

   Singular                 Plural
      knife                 knives
      shelf             shelves

Singular                     Plural
classroom               classrooms
policeman               policemen
Spelling Rules for Plurals

  Singular              Plural
   man                   men
  woman                women
   child               children
  person                people
    foot                 feet
   tooth                teeth
   goose                geese
   mouse                mice
Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable nouns cannot be counted.
                    es , s

salt, coffee, tea, food, meat, gold, music, blood.

                        an        a
Uncountable Nouns

   flour            salt          meat
information        coffee    knowledge

  butter           food            tea
  sugar            gold           blood
   news            glass       cheese
   milk            paper          bread
   rice            wood       furniture
   rain            steel          grass
   cloth           music      marble
Uncountable Nouns

Coffee is a traditional drink in Saudi Arabia.
          Milk has many minerals.

   Two cups of tea are not enough for me.
Five liters of oil do not operate this machine.
Definite & Indefinite Articles

     are used as indefinite articles.

       is used as definite articles.

We put “a” before a noun starting with a constant sound.

We put “an” before a noun starting with a vowel sound.
Indefinite Articles “a” & “an”

We put “a” before a noun starting with a constant
We put “an” before a noun starting with a vowel

              a    e    i   o   u
Indefinite Articles “a” & “an”

                             We use a/an
    Before a singular                          a table
    countable noun.
                                               an egg
Before a job, a particular                Saleh is a doctor
  group of people or a
      nationality.                        He is an engineer.
                                          She is an English

With numbers that mean                     He washes his
        every.                            hands ten times a
                                         day. (means every
Indefinite Articles “a” & “an”

                We DO NOT use a/an
No article is used with               Love, beauty,
 abstract nouns and                   hatred, wood,
the names of metals.                   silver, gold

  No article is used                 There are books
   before plural or                   on the table.
 uncountable nouns.
                                     Milk is good for
The Definite Article “The”

                            The is used before:

 A noun that is the                    The river Nile
only one of its kind.
                                         The Ka’aba
 Names of rivers,                     The Arabian Gulf
seas, oceans, etc….
                                        The Red Sea
A noun which is the                   Umar answered
    object of a                        the question.
   The names of                       Can you play the
      musical                              piano?
The Definite Article “The”

                 The is used before:

 Names of some                         The United Kingdom The
   countries.                                   U.S.A.

 With some time                            at the weekend
  expressions.                             in the evening
   With dates.                         On the first day of every
With some general                      Listen to the radio/news.
   expressions.                        Go to the market/desert.
The Definite Article “The”

  Use article with the               I saw a man. The man
 name that is repeated.                   was young.

 No article is used with            I do not like science. My
the names of studies of                favorite subject is
       subjects.                          mathematics.
No article is used before             I am going to school.
 such words as school,              I always go to bed early.
home, bed, work, etc.

No article is used before              on Monday, in June
such words such as day               in summer (sometimes
  and month names.                       in the summer).
                                        before breakfast.
         A pronoun replaces a noun.

 Subject        Object    Possessive   Possessive    Reflexive
Pronouns       Pronouns   Adjectives    Pronouns     Pronouns

   I              me         my          mine         myself
  you             you       your         yours       yourself
   he             him        his          his        himself
  she             her        her         hers        herself
   it              it        its          its         itself
  we              us         our         ours       ourselves
  you             you       your         yours      yourselves
  they           them       their        theirs     themselves
We use a pronouns instead of a noun when it is
 clear who or what we are talking about .


  Ali is a good student. He has passed all his
Object Pronouns

     We use an object pronoun

        After a preposition.

               Do you live near them?
               Send the box directly to me.

After to and for with verbs like make, give, send, lend,
                  pass, take, show.

               The little boy made it for her.
Reflexive Pronouns

 Reflexive pronouns are used:                     

     for emphasis                             

      Did you do the decorations yourself ?
      I did the painting myself.

With some special expressions                 

       Help yourself .
       Enjoy yourself.
       Behave yourself.
       I live by myself. (I live alone)
Relative Pronouns

The relative pronouns are used to join
        sentences together.


Relative Pronouns



   Here is the man. The man is a doctor.
       who                      The man

     Here is the man who is a doctor.

1) The man came here. The man is a doctor.
   The man who came here is a doctor
   2) My friend swims well. He lives here.
  My friend who lives here swims well.
Relative Pronouns



               The man came here. I visited him.
                 whom                  him
             The man whom I visited came here.

 1) The man was working with me. I paid him.
The man whom I paid was working with me.
   2) This is the girl. You gave her a flower.
  This is the girl whom you gave a flower.
Relative Pronouns



           He found his book. He lost it yesterday.
  which               his book          him

       He found his book which he lost yesterday.

     1) This is the house. I live in it.
   This is the house which I live in.
 2) This book is cheap. It is very useful.
This book which is very useful is cheap.
Relative Pronouns



     This is the boy. You met her.
This is the boy that (whom) you met.

       I have a bird. It sings.
  I have a bird that (which) sings.
Relative Pronouns



  This is the man. His car hit the boy.
This is the man whose car hit the boy.

            the man           car
    car               whose
Making Questions

                  Helping Verbs
am – is – are – was – were – have – has –     
had – will – would – shall – should – can –
 could – may – might – must – ought to

   Are they doctors? They are doctors.
   Can they help us? Can she help us?
        Will you go to the market?
Making Questions

                    do           s

   They play tennis. Do they play tennis?
    I write books. Do you write books?

                 does        s

Ahmed plays tennis. Does Ahmed play tennis?
  Huda watches TV. Does Huda watch TV?
Making Questions


 They watched TV last night.     
 Did they watch TV last night?
  I played football yesterday. 
Did you play football yesterday?

              No    Yes
Making Questions

          Wh Questions






Making Questions

            Wh Questions (Cont.)



How many?

How much?

How long?

How old?

 How far?
Steps for Making a Question

             When, Where, Why………..etc
             helping verb

              do             s
           does          s
Steps for Making a Question

      They are going to eat meat.
      What are they going to eat?
      meat                     they         are

     They played tennis at school.
      Where did they play tennis?
ed                                    did
             at school
Steps for Making a Question

         I      you                           you       I
                  we        my         you           your

                        what                        who

  Who broke the window?        Ahmed broke the window.
What describes accidents?   The book describes accidents.

He was very pleased when he met his
How was he when he met his friend?
    Thirty boys are in this class.      many
  How many boys are in this class?
       I am twenty years old.          How old
          How old are you?

 You paid five pounds for this coat.    How
How much did you pay for this coat?     much

It is 450 KM from Dammam to Riyadh.    How far
     How far is it from Dammam to

    This rope is two meters long.       How
       How long is this rope?           long

   This fence is four meters high.      How
      How high is this fence?           high

  Sami is one meter and a half tall.   How tall
          How tall is Sami?
                       some / any


1) We have some books.           2) Somebody was there.
                   3) He is somewhere.


1) Do you have any books?         2) Is anybody at home?
                     3) Is he anywhere?

1) We do not have any books.       2) I did not see anybody.
                    3) He is not anywhere.
Making Negative


   Helping Verbs are:
am – is – are – was – were – have – has – had – will
 – would – shall – should – can – could – may –
             might – must – ought to

      They are happy. They are not happy.
       He can help us. He can not help us.
Making Negative

       Long forms & Short forms of Verb to be
      (Affirmative)             (Negative)
Long Forms   Short Forms   Long Forms     Short Forms
 (written)      (spoken)     (written)       (spoken)
   I am           I’m        I am not         I’m not
   He is          He’s       He is not       He’s not
  She is         She’s      She is not       She’s not
   It is          It’s       It is not        It’s not
  You are        You’re     You are not    You’re not

  We are         We’re      We are not       We’re not

 They are       They’re    They are not   They’re not
Making Negative

               not    (do, does, did)

 Affirmative                      Negative
    some                                no, any
both……and                      neither………….nor
 either…..or                   neither………….nor
 sometimes                              never
 as………as                        not so…………
     all                                not all
    every                         no, not every

   1. Present Simple Tense
               (What always happens?)

   every            always                 usually

generally            often               sometimes

  rarely              never             from time to time

             1. Present Simple Tense
                      (What always happens?)

I go to school everyday.
They usually sleep at 11.00 p.m.
We often drink coffee in the morning.
She is never late to school.
Ali drinks milk every morning.
A cow gives us milk.

      2. Past Simple Tense
        (What happened yesterday?)

                 Irregular verbs

yesterday         last               ago
   in 1988 AD, in 1415 AH:
 2.   Past Simple Tense
 (What happened yesterday, last night…?)

     was                      I, He, She, it
  were                    They, We, You

   I watched television last night.
 They visited their uncle yesterday.
We went to Makkah two months ago.
 3. Future Simple Tense                               (What
 will happen tomorrow, next week, in the future?)

                                         shall will
                                  will    we I            shall
               will                                      shall

tomorrow              next               in the future

    in 2010 AD, in 1430 AH :
3. Future Simple Tense                        (What will
happen tomorrow, next week, in the future?)

       I will go to school tomorrow.
     They will play football next Friday.
     He will join the army in the future.

   am , is , are                      going to

4. Present Continuous Tense
       (What is happening now?)

       am / is / are    + ing
      I                am + verb + ing
  He, she, it               is + verb + ing
They, we, you                are + verb + ing

now               at the moment              look

at the present time                      listen

            4. Present Continuous Tense
(What is happening at the moment?)

        I am reading at the moment.
      They are watching television now.
          Look! The bus is coming.

     4. Present Continuous Tense

  like          love           want         prefer

 wish           hate           dislike          feel

 hope           hear           think            seem

appear          fear         consider                  fit

believe          trust             understand

       5. Past Continuous Tense
             (What was happening?…)

             was / were    + ing

when           while        as        because

       5.   Past Continuous Tense

While I was sleeping, a thief entered my room.

       When we were eating, my father came.

5. Past Continuous Tense

   A thief entered while I was sleeping .

   My father came when we were eating .

5. Past Continuous Tense


6. Future Continuous Tense
         (What will be happening?)

       ( will + be         ing )

        at                     by    in

      from…to                all     after

 6. Future Continuous Tense

By 7.30 tomorrow, I will be flying to Cairo.

They will be waiting for you at 5 o'clock .
  7. Present Perfect Tense
          (What has happened?)
                       Past participle

       has / have + past participle      I

 since                       for             just
 yet                        ever              never
recently                 already

  7. Present Perfect Tense

   I have lived in Riyadh for six years.
    I have not visited him since 1995.
Ahmed has already finished his homework.
  She has written three letters just now.
                             Since & For
Since means “from some definite point or period n the past up to    •

              For means “a definite period of time”        •

             since                             for
               2 o’clock                       a moment
                Monday                         3 minutes
               yesterday                        an hour
               last night                     many hours
    last week/ last month/ last year   3 days/ 5 weeks / 4 months
                 1996                            a year
              last century                      10 years
            he came…………                        a century
8. Past Perfect Tense
           (What had happened?)
                   Past participle

       had +past participle                 I

           after                      before

           when                      as soon as

       8.   Past Perfect Tense

I had washed before I prayed.
They went home after they had finished their work.
Ahmed had done his homework before he went to school.
As soon as they had bought a car, they drove to Makkah.
  9. Future Perfect Tense
      (What will have happened by…?)
                     Past paticiple

will + have   past participle          I

     by                          at

        9. Future Perfect Tense

By 2.00 this afternoon, I will have finished my work.

At 10.00 tonight, she will have written five letters.
. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
             (What has been happening?)

     has / have + been       + ing        I

           for                  since

         . Present Perfect Continuous Tense

I have been studying English for six years.   (I am still studying English)

She has been sleeping since 2 o’clock.        (She is still sleeping)

    . Present Perfect Continuous Tense

         Present Perfect Cont.
                        Present Perfect

Maha started making cakes three hours ago. There are
now one hundred cakes on the table.

                            Present Perfect Continuous Tense
She has been making cakes for three hours.
                                     Present Perfect Tense
She has made 100 cakes..
Imperatives are verbs used at the beginning
of sentences either in the affirmative or
    negative to indicate instructions,
 invitations, signs and notices or telling
           someone what to do.

   The Imperatives uses the simple form of the   •
         verb such as: walk, read, open,….etc.

              Give Instructions
Mix the flour and the sugar.       (Affirmative)
Take two tablets every four hours. (Affirmative)

              Make Invitations
Come in; make yourselves at home. (Affirmative)
                    Please start; do not wait    (Negative)   f
                                            or me.
 Tell someone what to do open your book.
   (Negative)          Do not forget to post the letter.

      Give Warnings
    (Affirmative)   Keep out! Danger.
Make Signs & Notices
      (Affirmative) Push.
   (Affirmative)    Insert 2 X 50 SR.
    (Affirmative) Keep off the grass..

        Make Requests
  Please open the door (Affirmative)
A modal has only one form of the verb for all persons, but
   it can have several meanings and time frames,
     depending on the context in which it is used.

 shall, should, will would, may, might, can, could,      must,
                 ought to +

       Modals have no infinitives or past participles.
Modals         Expresses:                     Example

shall                                 You shall take a reward.

           Determination             He does not want to obey
                                         me: but he shall.
             Threat                 You shall be punished if you
                                             come late.
should                                 You should obey your
            Advice or opinion        You should stop smoking.

 will    The simple future tense.    He will visit us tomorrow.

         Determination or promise     I will travel when I like.
                                      We will do as you wish.
   Modals           Expresses:                           Example

    might            Possibility         I hoped that I might succeed.
                                         I thought that the weather might change

can, am/is/are          Ability          He can do it carefully.
    able to                              He is able to solve the problem.

shall be able,   Ability in the future   I shall be able to help you.
 will be able

    could          Past, present or      Fahad could drive his car a year ago.
                  future possibility     Ali is not in class today. He could be sick.
                                         Do not leave now. It could rain now.

    must              Necessity          You must listen to your teachers.

    had to        The past form of       Faisal could not come to our dinner
                    must: past           party. He had to stay home to study.
  Modals       Expresses:              Example

ought to +       Advice        You ought to help the poor.

  ought to     Actions that    You ought to have studied.
have + past   were advisable     (You did not. That was a
 participle    in the past               mistake)
Affirmative       Negative         Question            Short Answers

                                                   Affirmative   Negative
They should      They should    Should they eat    Yes, they      No, they
 eat now.        not eat now.       now?            should.      should not.

He will leave.    He will not    Will he leave?     Yes, he      No, he will
                    leave.                           will.          not.

 He would        He would not   Would he leave?     Yes, he       No, he
 succeed.          succeed.                         would.       would not.

   I might       I might not    Might I succeed?
  succeed.         succeed.

I may sleep.      I may not       May I sleep?
  Affirmative        Negative       Question             Short Answers

                                                   Affirmative       Negative

   I can do it.     I cannot do    Can I do it?   Yes, you can.    No, you can
                         it.                                           not.
  He could talk.    He could not    Could he      Yes, he could.   No, he could
                        talk.        talk?                             not.
We could have a      We could       Could we        Yes, you       No, he could
test tomorrow.      not have a     have a test       could.            not.
                       test        tomorrow?
You must go now.     You must      Must you go    Yes, I must.     No, I must
                    not go now.      now?                             not.
You ought to help   You ought      Ought you      Yes, I ought     No, I ought
      them.         not to help     to help            to.             not.
                      them.         them?
Comparing Adjectives

1. Comparing Short Adjectives

than            er
                             Ali is older than Ahmed.     •
                           My Car is faster than yours.   •

                                 r           e
                        safer than safe                   •
                     simpler than simple                  •

                er         i     y           y
                       easier than   easy                 •
                     heavier than    heavy                •
Comparing Adjectives

1. Comparing Short Adjectives

               est                                 the
                         Everest is the highest mountain.      •
                     This is the biggest building in Riyadh.   •

                                     e              e
                               the safest   safe               •

         est              i          y              y
                              the easiest   easy               •
Comparing         Adjectives

2. Comparing Long Adjectives

       beautiful          difficult
       dangerous          correct
       important            fluent
                            est       er
           than      more
         Jeddah is more beautiful than Riyadh.
          French is more difficult than English.
Comparing Adjectives

2. Comparing Long Adjectives

         the most

     Amal is the most beautiful girl in her class.

   This is the most important subject in this book.
Comparing Adjectives

2. Comparing Long Adjectives

            good      better than      the best
            bad       worse than      the worst
            many      more than        the most

            little     less than       the least

             far     farther than    the farthest

      Adel is better than his brother at school.
       This girl is the worst one in her class.
                      not as….as


   Ali is as tall as his brother.
  This bag is as big as my bag.

      not as……

 Ali is not as tall as his brother.
This bag is not as big as my bag.

An Adverb always modifies a verb.

 Most adverbs are formed by adding   ly to the

nice         nicely slow                 slowly
                  happy                happily
       careful             carefully
                There are many kinds of adverbs:

     Adverbs of manner: express how an action was done.

                 I closed the window carefully.
                   The soldier fought bravely.

Adverbs of time express the time when an action is or was done.

             I’m going to leave for Cairo tomorrow.
                  What’s going to happen next?
      Adverbs of place: express when an action is done.

                       I shall stand here.
            I’ve looked everywhere for my lost pen.

Some words that end in ly can be both adjectives or adverbs. Most of
                      them refer to time.

                        daily                 weekly
                       monthly                yearly

             A daily newspaper is published daily.
            We get up early to catch an early train.
Adverbs of frequency tell how often we do something

         always              often
         usually          sometimes
         seldom            rarely
          never         occasionally

   Verb to BE:
           Ali is always on time.
Other Verbs:
       Ali sometimes reads a book.
Adverbial Clause of Time

  when, whenever, as, as soon as, while, after,
           before, until, since

These words (conjunctions) link the adverbial clause of
         time with the main sentence.

   I found a watch. I was walking in the street.
I found a watch while I was walking in the street.
Adverbial Clause of Place

              where, wherever

These words (conjunctions) link the adverbial
 clause of place with the main sentence.

   Wherever he goes his brother follows him.
Adverbial Clause of Cause

               because, since, as
These words (conjunctions) link the adverbial clause    •
         of cause with the main sentence.

   I stayed at home yesterday because it was raining.
Adverbial Clause of Manner

           As, as if, as though
These words (conjunctions) link the adverbial     •
    clause of manner with the main sentence.

                                         as if

       He speaks as if he were a king.
                               was         were
         It looks as if it would rain.
                             will        would
Adverbial Clause of Purpose

                       that, so that, in order that

 These words (conjunctions) link the adverbial clause of purpose
                 with the main sentence.

a) We use (may + infinitive) when the main verb is in the present or future.

            He works hard. He wishes to succeed.
  He works hard so that (that or in order that) he may succeed.

  b) We use (might + infinitive) when the main verb is in the simple past.

    He was walking quickly in order that he might not be late.
Adverbial Clause of Result

We use: to link the main sentence with the adverbial clause of

  so   adjective or adverb + that      such + noun that

         The man is so weak that he cannot walk.
 The student walked so slowly that he reached school late.
    He wrote such good answers that he got he marks.
It was such a good performance that everybody applauded.
Adverbial Clause of Contrast

             though, although
These words (conjunctions) link the adverbial
clause of contrast with the main sentence.

        He is poor. He is happy.
Although (though) he is poor, he is happy.
Adverbial Clause of Contrast

              as….as, so……as

These words (conjunctions) link the adverbial     •
   clause of contrast with the main sentence.

    Nabeel is as clever as his father.    •
  Sami is not so strong as his brother.       •
Adverbial Clause of Condition


                          if, unless (if not)
 These words (conjunctions) link the adverbial clause of condition
                  with the main sentence.

If we are ill, we go to bed. (conditional if type 1)
If we work hard, we will succeed. (conditional if type 1)
If we worked hard, we would succeed. (conditional if type 2)
If he had fallen, he would have hurt himself. (conditional if type 3)
Unless the rain falls, the crops will not grow. (conditional if type 1)
                              not as….as


    Ahmed drives as dangerously as his brother.

               not as……

Hamad does not drive as dangerously as his brother.
Active & Passive

Active & Passive

             A. Statements

        Ahmed broke the window yesterday.
    Ahmed                     Active

         The window was broken yesterday.
The window was broken (by Ahmed) yesterday.
  Ahmed                      Passive
Active & Passive

  A. Statements

Passive               Active

                               to be
  (Past participle)
Active & Passive

                 A. Statements

     Active                            Passive

   Ali writes letters.           Letters are written (by Ali).

 Huda wrote the lesson.       The lesson was written (by Huda).

  Saleh will buy a car.        A car will be bought (by Saleh).

Khaled is helping Ahmed.       Ahmed is being helped (by Ali).

She has eaten the apple.      The apple has been eaten (by her).
Active & Passive

               A. Statements

                                               to be
                 am, is, are
                 was, were
              shall be, will be
        am being, is being, are being
           was being, were being
            has been, have been
                 had been
can be, could be, may be, might be, must be,
                 ought to be
Active & Passive

     B. Questions

Passive              Active

                               to be

Active & Passive

                    B. Questions

     Active                          Passive

Does Ahmed write letters?      Are letters written (by Ali)?

  Did he eat the cake?.       Was the cake eaten (by him)?

 Will Ali buy a new car?    Will a new car be bought (by Ali)?

 Why is he using a pen?      Ahmed is being helped (by Ali).

 Who broke the window?      By whom the window was broken?
Active & Passive

      C. Command

Passive              Active


           be                 to be
Active & Passive

              C. Command

     Active                    Passive

     Do the work.           Let the work be done.

    Open the door.         Let the door be opened.

Send this letter to your   Let this letter be sent to
        friend.                   your friend.
Active & Passive

       Active                           Passive
   Ali does not write letters     Letters are not written (by Ali).
Dickens wrote those novels,       Those novels were written by
        didn’t he?                   Dickens, weren’t they?
Dickens didn’t write that play,    That play wasn’t written by
           did he?                      Dickens, was it?

  A preposition shows the relation between the
subject and the object. There are also prepositions
         of time and prepositions of place.
Use of Prepositions

Prepositions        Use                    Example

    on              Days                    On Monday

               Day + morning, night     On Friday morning

                Afternoon, evening,   My birthday is on June
                     date                      10.
                Special days            I will travel on the
                                           National Day.
               To mean above          The tea is on the table.
Use of Prepositions

Prepositions       Use                Example

    in              Season          The trees grow in
                     Year          I was born in 1968.

                    Month           The test is in May.

                 The morning       I go to work in the
                  The evening       I go home in the
               To mean inside      He is in the masjid.
Use of Prepositions

Prepositions         Use                 Example

    at               Time           I will come back at 2
               Festival            I will meat you at the
                                      school festival.
               Meal times          I will talk to my father
                                           at lunch.
               The weekend          We will travel at the
                    Noon              We pray at noon
                    Night            We sleep at night.

               To mean place        He is at the grocer’s.
Use of Prepositions

               Prepositions of Place
Prepositions           Use                    Example

    at          at an exact            He lives at number 5, King
                place                         Fahad Street.

                   at work                 Ahmed is at work.

                at the table            They are standing at the
                                              dinner table

  under                                The cat is under the table.

in front of                            The teacher is in front of
                                               the class.

    to                                  I go to school everyday.
Use of Prepositions

         Prepositions of Place

Prepositions         Use               Example

    in         To mean            Put this book in the
               inside                     box.
                 In a country     I live in Saudi Arabia.
               In a                I live in Al-Madina.
                  in bed           The baby is in bed.

               In a               You were in the club
               building or area       last night.
                In a chair         Ali is sitting in his
Use of Prepositions

          Prepositions of Place

Prepositions      Use                        Example

   with                                  I write with a pen.

   from                                  I am from Riyadh.

 behind                             The wall is behind the class.

between                           Samah is sitting between Fatma
                                            and Salwa.

    on                            Ali watches football on TV every
                     TV                      Saturday.
                                        He arrives on time.
Use of Prepositions

                 More Examples
  Prepositions                       Example

      in                   The medicine is in the bottle.
   on                        The knife is on the table.
 at                           Someone is at the door.
near                     Ahmed is sitting near the window.
 between             The house is between the school and the
opposite              The bank is opposite to the post office.
into               The electrician is putting his hand into the TV.
 onto                   The water is spilling onto the floor.
Use of Prepositions

              More Examples
   Prepositions                  Example

    off                  The man is falling off the chair.
  out of              The child is falling out of the window.
 across                The carpenter cut across the wood.
over/above             The light is over (above) the table.
                      The fire is under (below) the stairs.
 through             The ball is going through the window.
   among                The teacher is sitting among the
Use of Prepositions

                More Examples
 Prepositions                     Example

     in                  The medicine is in the bottle.
     on                    The knife is on the table.
at                          Someone is at the door.
near                  Ahmed is sitting near the window.
between             The house is between the school and
                                the mosque.
opposite            The bank is opposite to the post office.
into                The electrician is putting his hand into
                                     the TV.
 onto                 The water is spilling onto the floor.
Use of Prepositions

                  More Examples
   Prepositions                       Example

    round                  The car is going round the tree.
  in front of            The child is sitting in front of the TV.
 behind              The headmaster is sitting behind the pupils.
on top of                The sweets are on top of the table.
at the side of          The garage is at the side of the house.
  along                  The man is walking along the street.
   next to                 The bank is next to the baker’s.

   Questions that we expect the answer “Yes”

* There’s a supermarket near here, isn’t there?
                     Yes , there is.


  * You come from the United States, don’t you?
                       Yes, I do.

 Questions that we expect the answer “No”

1) You don’t come from Saudi Arabia, do you?
                   No, I don’t.
 2) It doesn’t take long time by car, does it?
                  No, it doesn’t.


   3) You didn’t travel last year, did you?
                  No, I didn’t.

Conditional “if”

)        if + present             will

            If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.

    If you eat too much, you will become fat.
Conditional “if”

       2)       if + past                would

If Shakespeare lived today, he would use different English.

     if + subject + past          subject+ would
             was                         were       be

        If I were you, I would buy a new car.
Conditional “if”

    3)      if + had +            would have

   If he had lived in Taif, he would have been happy.

If he had visited Makkah, he would have seen the Ka’aba.
Conditional “if”

               0)       if + present                    present

                                 If you boil water, it becomes steam.

              0)        if + present                    instructions
If the radio is too loud, turn it off.   Or Turn the radio off if it is too loud.

 If you are under 17, don’t drive a car. Or Don’t drive a car if you are
                              under 17.
Reported Speech

              Indirect Speech

There are four kinds of direct and Indirect Speech.

         1) Statement
         2) Question
         3) Command
         4) Exclamation
Reported Speech

            Direct                               Indirect
          “I live in Riyadh”              He said that he lived in Riyadh.
           “We are happy”                 They said that they were happy.
  She said: "I have not been in the      She said that she had not been to
      school library recently”.             the school library recently.
   He said to me: "I shall see you       He told me that he would see me
             tomorrow”.                           the next day.

 They said to him: “We shall see you     They told him that they would see
  tomorrow. We shall visit Ahmed”.        him the next day and added that
                and added that                they would visit Ahmed.
                                                      say, says

   She says: “I will cook the food        She says that she will cook the
            tomorrow”.                           food tomorrow.
We say: “We are playing football now”.      We say that we are playing
                                                  football now.
Reported Speech


Reported           Direct

                          asked   -
        Present         Past
   Past       Past Perfect

Reported Speech

             Direct                                  Indirect

    “What is your name?”           He asked me what my name was.
      “Why are you late?”          The teacher asked me why I was
    “Where is your book?”          He asked me where my book was.

“   Is your school very large?”        He asked me if my school was
                                              very large..
                                       do     does

      “   Where do you live?”               He asked me where I lived.
     “Does he go to school?”           I asked him if he went to school.
Reported Speech


         Direct                                      Indirect

                       had   past participle

“Where did you go yesterday?”      Sami asked me where I had gone
                                           the day before.
 “Did Ahmed buy a new car?”       Ali asked me if Ahmed had bought
                                              a new car.
                                             ask, asks
“Who is your English teacher?”        They ask me who my English
                                              teacher is.
   “What are your marks?”           He asks me what my marks are.
Reported Speech


Reported        Direct

                         ordered      -

                to                    -
                         Please, do   -
Reported Speech


            Direct                          Indirect
He said to the servant: “bring me      He ordered the servant to
        a glass of water”.             bring him a glass of water.
The son said to his father: “please   The son begged his father to
     give me some money”.                give him some money.
The doctor said to me: “Drink a lot    The doctor advised me to
            of water”.                   drink a lot of water.
 He said to me: “Do not go to the     He told me not to go to the
         market tonight”.                 market that night.
Reported Speech


    Reported               Direct
      with regret                   with anger
      with joy                with admiration
                    with sadness

                             that                -2
how, what

                      Alas, Hurrah, Oh
Reported Speech


         Direct                       Indirect
He said : “Alas! I will not find He said with sorrow that he
         my money”.               would not find his money.
He said : “How foolish I have   He said with regret that he
            been”.                  had been foolish.
Countries and Nationalities

                    i, n, ian, ish, ese

  Country       Nationality        Country     Nationality
Saudi Arabia      Saudi             Britain      British
                                    Turkey      Turkish
   Oman           Omani
                                    China       Chinese
  Algeria        Algerian
                                   Lebanon     Lebanese
   Libya          Libyan
                                    France       French
 Palestine      Palestinian
                                 Switzerland     Swiss
   Syria          Syrian

Prepared by: Mulla (2002) 
Reference: “Grammar For All Levels” by Adnan Naim   

Edited by: Dr Saif H. Al-Ansari   
تعلم . قواعد الغة الانجليزية Learn english grammar

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تعلم . قواعد الغة الانجليزية Learn english grammar

  • 2. Main Menu Past Continuous Tense  English Alphabetic  Parts of Speech  Future Continuous Tense  Sentences  “ Verb to BE  Present Perfect Tense  “ Verb to DO  “ Verb to HAVE  Nouns  Past Perfect Tense  Countable Nouns  Future Perfect Tense  Spelling Rules for Plurals  Present Perfect Continuous  Uncountable Nouns  Imperatives  Definite & Indefinite Articles  Modals  Pronouns  Comparing Adjectives  Object Pronouns  Adverbs  Reflexive Pronouns  Active & Passive  Relative Pronouns  Making Questions  Transitive & Intransitive Verbs  How  ... any/ some/  Prepositions  Making Negative  Question-Tags  TENSES  Present Simple Tense  Conditional “if” ”  Past Simple Tense  Reported Speech  Future Simple Tense  Countries and Nationalities  Present Continuous Tense 
  • 3. English Alphabet Capital Letters .1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Small Letters .2 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Consonant Letters  b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z Vowels Letters  a e i o u
  • 4. Parts of Speech Noun Ahmed, book Pronoun I, he, she, it, etc. …….. Verb Play, played, will play Adjective rich man Adverb Ahmed writes quickly.
  • 5. Parts of Speech Preposition Ahmed goes to school. They traveled by plane. Conjunction Ali and Ahmad visited us yesterday. Interjection Alas! She died.
  • 6. Parts of Speech Article a, an, the a This is a book. an This is an apple. This is the book I bought the yesterday.
  • 7. Ali doctor. Ali is a doctor.
  • 8. Sentences Simple Sentences Compound Sentences Complex Sentences
  • 9. Simple Sentences I saw a boy. (1 The boy was riding a bicycle. (2 I saw a boy riding a bicycle.
  • 10. Compound Sentences and/ but /or and: Ahmed did his homework yesterday. Anas helped him. Ahmed did his homework yesterday and Anas helped him.
  • 11. Compound Sentences but: Khaled is rich. He is unhappy. Khaled is rich but he is unhappy. or: We can play football. We can watch TV. We can play football or we can watch TV.
  • 12. Complex Sentences Main Clause Subordinate Clause Noun Clause Adjectival Clause Adverbial Clause
  • 13. Clause & Phrase A clause is a combination of words containing a verb and has a complete meaning. I saw the man who was carrying a stick. A phrase is a combination of words forming part of the sentence but without a verb. I saw the man carrying a stick.
  • 14. “Verb to BE It is used as a principal and a helping verb. Subject Present Past Past participle I am was been He, She, It is was been We, They, are were been You
  • 15. Verb to BE “ :Examples I am a pupil. They are boys.
  • 16. Negative Sentences with the verb to BE We make negative statements with the verb to BE by using the word not after the verb to be. (not) Affirmative Negative I am at home. I am not at home. You are tall. You are not tall.
  • 17. Making Questions with the verb to BE “Yes” or “No” questions and short answers “Yes” or “No” questions Short Answers Affirmative Negative Be +Subject + Complement Yes + Subject + Be No + Subject + Be + not Are you a teacher? Yes, I am. No, I am not. Were the boys at school? Yes, they were. No, they were not.
  • 18. Verb to DO “ It is used as a principal and a helping verb. Subject Present Past Past participle I, you, we, do did done they He, She, It does did done
  • 19. Verb to HAVE “ It is used as a principal and a helping verb. Subject Present Past Past participle I, you, we, have had had they He, She, It has had had
  • 20. Negative Sentences with verb to HAVE as a main verb Subject + + not + have + Complement do/does/did I do not have a car. He does not have a new watch. They did not have breakfast this morning.
  • 21. Making Questions with the verb to HAVE as a main verb “Yes” or “No” questions Short Answers Affirmative Negative Do/Does/ +Subject +have + Complement Yes + Subject No + Subject + Did + do/does/did do/does/did +not Do you have a car? Yes, I do. No, I do not. Does he have a new watch? Yes, he does. No, he does not Did they have Breakfast this Yes, they did. No, they did morning? not.
  • 22. Verb to HAVE as a helping verb Verb to have is used as a helping verb to form the perfect tense. They have lived here for two years. Adel has just finished his work.
  • 23. Negative Sentences with verb to HAVE as a helping verb not I have lived here for a long time. I have not lived here for a long time.
  • 24. Making Questions with verb to HAVE as a helping verb “Yes” or “No” questions and short answers They have lived here for a long time. Have they lived here for a long time? Yes, they have. No, they have not.
  • 25. Other Uses of Verb to HAVE To express necessity in the present and past have to, has  to, had to. I have to leave now. ________________________________________________ With some modal auxiliaries. You had better see a doctor. ________________________________________________ ____ To show that something is caused by another person. I have my shoes cleaned every week.
  • 26. Nouns Nouns are words we use to name: People man, father, teacher, neighbor, … Things book, table, sugar, fruit, … Places school, street, city, house, ….. Ideas freedom, honesty, truth, …. Feelings happiness, anger, boredom, joy, ….
  • 27. Countable & Uncountable Nouns Countable Nouns: are things that are counted as one, two, three, and so on. Uncountable Nouns: cannot be counted.
  • 28. Countable Nouns These nouns have singular and plural forms.  Before singular countable nouns you can use a/an. (a/an) You cannot use singular countable nouns alone without words such as: a, an, one, my, your, his, etc.
  • 29. Spelling Rules for Plurals We form plurals of most nouns by adding “s” to the singular noun. “s” Singular Plural one book two books one horse many horses
  • 30. Spelling Rules for Plurals es sh, ch, z, x, s Singular Plural match matches bus buses dish dishes box boxes
  • 31. Spelling Rules for Plurals ies y y Singular Plural city cities baby babies s y Singular Plural boy boys key keys
  • 32. Spelling Rules for Plurals es o Singular Plural potato potatoes tomato tomatoes s o Singular Plural radio radios zoo zoos
  • 33. Spelling Rules for Plurals es v fe f Singular Plural knife knives shelf shelves Singular Plural classroom classrooms policeman policemen
  • 34. Spelling Rules for Plurals Singular Plural man men woman women child children person people foot feet tooth teeth goose geese mouse mice
  • 35. Uncountable Nouns Uncountable nouns cannot be counted. es , s salt, coffee, tea, food, meat, gold, music, blood. an a
  • 36. Uncountable Nouns flour salt meat information coffee knowledge butter food tea sugar gold blood news glass cheese milk paper bread rice wood furniture rain steel grass cloth music marble
  • 37. Uncountable Nouns Coffee is a traditional drink in Saudi Arabia. Milk has many minerals. Two cups of tea are not enough for me. Five liters of oil do not operate this machine.
  • 38. Definite & Indefinite Articles a/an are used as indefinite articles. The is used as definite articles. We put “a” before a noun starting with a constant sound. a We put “an” before a noun starting with a vowel sound. an
  • 39. Indefinite Articles “a” & “an” We put “a” before a noun starting with a constant sound. a We put “an” before a noun starting with a vowel sound. an Vowels a e i o u
  • 40. Indefinite Articles “a” & “an” We use a/an Before a singular a table countable noun. an egg Before a job, a particular Saleh is a doctor group of people or a nationality. He is an engineer. She is an English woman. With numbers that mean He washes his every. hands ten times a day. (means every day).
  • 41. Indefinite Articles “a” & “an” We DO NOT use a/an No article is used with Love, beauty, abstract nouns and hatred, wood, the names of metals. silver, gold No article is used There are books before plural or on the table. uncountable nouns. Milk is good for you.
  • 42. The Definite Article “The” The is used before: A noun that is the The river Nile only one of its kind. The Ka’aba Names of rivers, The Arabian Gulf seas, oceans, etc…. The Red Sea A noun which is the Umar answered object of a the question. sentence. The names of Can you play the musical piano? instruments.
  • 43. The Definite Article “The” The is used before: Names of some The United Kingdom The countries. U.S.A. With some time at the weekend expressions. in the evening With dates. On the first day of every month. With some general Listen to the radio/news. expressions. Go to the market/desert.
  • 44. The Definite Article “The” Use article with the I saw a man. The man name that is repeated. was young. No article is used with I do not like science. My the names of studies of favorite subject is subjects. mathematics. No article is used before I am going to school. such words as school, I always go to bed early. home, bed, work, etc. No article is used before on Monday, in June such words such as day in summer (sometimes and month names. in the summer). before breakfast.
  • 45. Pronouns A pronoun replaces a noun. Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns Pronouns I me my mine myself you you your yours yourself he him his his himself she her her hers herself it it its its itself we us our ours ourselves you you your yours yourselves they them their theirs themselves
  • 46. Pronouns We use a pronouns instead of a noun when it is clear who or what we are talking about . Examples Ali is a good student. He has passed all his tests.
  • 47. Object Pronouns We use an object pronoun After a preposition. Do you live near them? Send the box directly to me. After to and for with verbs like make, give, send, lend, pass, take, show. The little boy made it for her.
  • 48. Reflexive Pronouns Reflexive pronouns are used:  for emphasis  Did you do the decorations yourself ? I did the painting myself. With some special expressions  Help yourself . Enjoy yourself. Behave yourself. I live by myself. (I live alone)
  • 49. Relative Pronouns The relative pronouns are used to join sentences together. - who which that whose -
  • 50. Relative Pronouns Who who Here is the man. The man is a doctor. who The man Here is the man who is a doctor. 1) The man came here. The man is a doctor. The man who came here is a doctor 2) My friend swims well. He lives here. My friend who lives here swims well.
  • 51. Relative Pronouns Whom whom The man came here. I visited him. whom him The man whom I visited came here. 1) The man was working with me. I paid him. The man whom I paid was working with me. 2) This is the girl. You gave her a flower. This is the girl whom you gave a flower.
  • 52. Relative Pronouns Which which He found his book. He lost it yesterday. which his book him He found his book which he lost yesterday. 1) This is the house. I live in it. This is the house which I live in. 2) This book is cheap. It is very useful. This book which is very useful is cheap.
  • 53. Relative Pronouns That that This is the boy. You met her. This is the boy that (whom) you met. I have a bird. It sings. I have a bird that (which) sings.
  • 54. Relative Pronouns Whose whose This is the man. His car hit the boy. This is the man whose car hit the boy. the man car car whose
  • 55. Making Questions Helping Verbs am – is – are – was – were – have – has –  had – will – would – shall – should – can – could – may – might – must – ought to Are they doctors? They are doctors. Can they help us? Can she help us? Will you go to the market?
  • 56. Making Questions do s They play tennis. Do they play tennis? I write books. Do you write books? does s Ahmed plays tennis. Does Ahmed play tennis? Huda watches TV. Does Huda watch TV?
  • 57. Making Questions did They watched TV last night.  Did they watch TV last night? I played football yesterday.  Did you play football yesterday? No Yes
  • 58. Making Questions Wh Questions Where? When? Why? What? Which? Who? Whom?
  • 59. Making Questions Wh Questions (Cont.) Whose? How? How many? How much? How long? How old? How far?
  • 60. Steps for Making a Question When, Where, Why………..etc helping verb do s does s did
  • 61. Steps for Making a Question They are going to eat meat. What are they going to eat? meat they are They played tennis at school. Where did they play tennis? ed did at school
  • 62. Steps for Making a Question I you you I we my you your what who Who broke the window? Ahmed broke the window. What describes accidents? The book describes accidents.
  • 63. How How He was very pleased when he met his friend. How was he when he met his friend? How Thirty boys are in this class. many How many boys are in this class? I am twenty years old. How old How old are you? You paid five pounds for this coat. How How much did you pay for this coat? much
  • 64. How It is 450 KM from Dammam to Riyadh. How far How far is it from Dammam to Riyadh? This rope is two meters long. How How long is this rope? long This fence is four meters high. How How high is this fence? high Sami is one meter and a half tall. How tall How tall is Sami?
  • 65. / some / any some 1) We have some books. 2) Somebody was there. 3) He is somewhere. any 1) Do you have any books? 2) Is anybody at home? 3) Is he anywhere? 1) We do not have any books. 2) I did not see anybody. 3) He is not anywhere.
  • 66. Making Negative not Helping Verbs are: am – is – are – was – were – have – has – had – will – would – shall – should – can – could – may – might – must – ought to They are happy. They are not happy. He can help us. He can not help us.
  • 67. Making Negative Long forms & Short forms of Verb to be (Affirmative) (Negative) Long Forms Short Forms Long Forms Short Forms (written) (spoken) (written) (spoken) I am I’m I am not I’m not He is He’s He is not He’s not She is She’s She is not She’s not It is It’s It is not It’s not You are You’re You are not You’re not We are We’re We are not We’re not They are They’re They are not They’re not
  • 68. Making Negative not (do, does, did) Affirmative Negative some no, any both……and neither………….nor either…..or neither………….nor sometimes never as………as not so………… all not all every no, not every
  • 69. TENSES 1. Present Simple Tense (What always happens?) every always usually generally often sometimes rarely never from time to time
  • 70. TENSES 1. Present Simple Tense (What always happens?) I go to school everyday. They usually sleep at 11.00 p.m. We often drink coffee in the morning. She is never late to school. s Ali drinks milk every morning. A cow gives us milk.
  • 71. TENSES 2. Past Simple Tense (What happened yesterday?) ed Irregular verbs yesterday last ago in 1988 AD, in 1415 AH:
  • 72. TENSES 2. Past Simple Tense (What happened yesterday, last night…?) was I, He, She, it were They, We, You I watched television last night. They visited their uncle yesterday. We went to Makkah two months ago.
  • 73. TENSES 3. Future Simple Tense (What will happen tomorrow, next week, in the future?) 3. shall will will we I shall will shall tomorrow next in the future in 2010 AD, in 1430 AH :
  • 74. TENSES 3. Future Simple Tense (What will happen tomorrow, next week, in the future?) I will go to school tomorrow. They will play football next Friday. He will join the army in the future. am , is , are going to
  • 75. TENSES 4. Present Continuous Tense (What is happening now?) am / is / are + ing I am + verb + ing He, she, it is + verb + ing They, we, you are + verb + ing now at the moment look at the present time listen
  • 76. TENSES 4. Present Continuous Tense (What is happening at the moment?) I am reading at the moment. They are watching television now. Look! The bus is coming.
  • 77. TENSES 4. Present Continuous Tense like love want prefer wish hate dislike feel hope hear think seem appear fear consider fit believe trust understand
  • 78. TENSES 5. Past Continuous Tense (What was happening?…) was / were + ing when while as because
  • 79. TENSES 5. Past Continuous Tense While I was sleeping, a thief entered my room. When we were eating, my father came.
  • 80. TENSES 5. Past Continuous Tense A thief entered while I was sleeping . My father came when we were eating .
  • 81. TENSES 5. Past Continuous Tense while while
  • 82. TENSES 6. Future Continuous Tense (What will be happening?) ( will + be ing ) at by in from…to all after
  • 83. TENSES 6. Future Continuous Tense By 7.30 tomorrow, I will be flying to Cairo. They will be waiting for you at 5 o'clock .
  • 84. TENSES 7. Present Perfect Tense (What has happened?) Past participle has / have + past participle I since for just yet ever never recently already
  • 85. TENSES 7. Present Perfect Tense I have lived in Riyadh for six years. I have not visited him since 1995. Ahmed has already finished his homework. She has written three letters just now.
  • 86. TENSES Since & For Since means “from some definite point or period n the past up to • now” For means “a definite period of time” • since for 2 o’clock a moment Monday 3 minutes yesterday an hour last night many hours last week/ last month/ last year 3 days/ 5 weeks / 4 months 1996 a year last century 10 years he came………… a century
  • 87. TENSES 8. Past Perfect Tense (What had happened?) Past participle had +past participle I after before when as soon as
  • 88. TENSES 8. Past Perfect Tense I had washed before I prayed. They went home after they had finished their work. Ahmed had done his homework before he went to school. As soon as they had bought a car, they drove to Makkah.
  • 89. TENSES 9. Future Perfect Tense (What will have happened by…?) Past paticiple will + have past participle I by at
  • 90. TENSES 9. Future Perfect Tense By 2.00 this afternoon, I will have finished my work. At 10.00 tonight, she will have written five letters.
  • 91. TENSES . Present Perfect Continuous Tense (What has been happening?) has / have + been + ing I for since
  • 92. TENSES . Present Perfect Continuous Tense I have been studying English for six years. (I am still studying English) She has been sleeping since 2 o’clock. (She is still sleeping)
  • 93. TENSES . Present Perfect Continuous Tense Present Perfect Cont. Present Perfect Maha started making cakes three hours ago. There are now one hundred cakes on the table. Present Perfect Continuous Tense She has been making cakes for three hours. Present Perfect Tense She has made 100 cakes..
  • 94. Imperatives Imperatives are verbs used at the beginning of sentences either in the affirmative or negative to indicate instructions, invitations, signs and notices or telling someone what to do. The Imperatives uses the simple form of the • verb such as: walk, read, open,….etc.
  • 95. Imperatives Give Instructions Mix the flour and the sugar. (Affirmative) Take two tablets every four hours. (Affirmative) Make Invitations Come in; make yourselves at home. (Affirmative) Please start; do not wait (Negative) f or me. Tell someone what to do open your book. (Affirmative) (Negative) Do not forget to post the letter.
  • 96. Imperatives Give Warnings (Affirmative) Keep out! Danger. Make Signs & Notices (Affirmative) Push. (Affirmative) Insert 2 X 50 SR. (Affirmative) Keep off the grass.. Make Requests Please open the door (Affirmative)
  • 97. Modals A modal has only one form of the verb for all persons, but it can have several meanings and time frames, depending on the context in which it is used. Form shall, should, will would, may, might, can, could, must, ought to + Modals have no infinitives or past participles.
  • 98. Modals Modals Expresses: Example Promise shall You shall take a reward. Determination He does not want to obey me: but he shall. Threat You shall be punished if you come late. Duty should You should obey your teachers. Advice or opinion You should stop smoking. will The simple future tense. He will visit us tomorrow. Determination or promise I will travel when I like. We will do as you wish.
  • 99. Modals Modals Expresses: Example might Possibility I hoped that I might succeed. I thought that the weather might change can, am/is/are Ability He can do it carefully. able to He is able to solve the problem. shall be able, Ability in the future I shall be able to help you. will be able could Past, present or Fahad could drive his car a year ago. future possibility Ali is not in class today. He could be sick. Do not leave now. It could rain now. must Necessity You must listen to your teachers. had to The past form of Faisal could not come to our dinner must: past party. He had to stay home to study. necessity
  • 100. Modals Modals Expresses: Example ought to + Advice You ought to help the poor. infinitive ought to Actions that You ought to have studied. have + past were advisable (You did not. That was a participle in the past mistake)
  • 101. Modals Affirmative Negative Question Short Answers Affirmative Negative They should They should Should they eat Yes, they No, they eat now. not eat now. now? should. should not. He will leave. He will not Will he leave? Yes, he No, he will leave. will. not. He would He would not Would he leave? Yes, he No, he succeed. succeed. would. would not. I might I might not Might I succeed? succeed. succeed. I may sleep. I may not May I sleep? sleep.
  • 102. Modals Affirmative Negative Question Short Answers Affirmative Negative I can do it. I cannot do Can I do it? Yes, you can. No, you can it. not. He could talk. He could not Could he Yes, he could. No, he could talk. talk? not. We could have a We could Could we Yes, you No, he could test tomorrow. not have a have a test could. not. test tomorrow? tomorrow. You must go now. You must Must you go Yes, I must. No, I must not go now. now? not. You ought to help You ought Ought you Yes, I ought No, I ought them. not to help to help to. not. them. them?
  • 103. Comparing Adjectives 1. Comparing Short Adjectives than er Ali is older than Ahmed. • My Car is faster than yours. • r e safer than safe • simpler than simple • er i y y easier than easy • heavier than heavy •
  • 104. Comparing Adjectives 1. Comparing Short Adjectives est the Everest is the highest mountain. • This is the biggest building in Riyadh. • e e the safest safe • est i y y the easiest easy •
  • 105. Comparing Adjectives 2. Comparing Long Adjectives beautiful difficult dangerous correct important fluent est er than more Jeddah is more beautiful than Riyadh. French is more difficult than English.
  • 106. Comparing Adjectives 2. Comparing Long Adjectives the most Amal is the most beautiful girl in her class. This is the most important subject in this book.
  • 107. Comparing Adjectives 2. Comparing Long Adjectives good better than the best bad worse than the worst many more than the most much little less than the least far farther than the farthest Adel is better than his brother at school. This girl is the worst one in her class.
  • 108. as…… not as….as as…… Ali is as tall as his brother. This bag is as big as my bag. not as…… Ali is not as tall as his brother. This bag is not as big as my bag.
  • 109. Adverbs An Adverb always modifies a verb. Most adverbs are formed by adding ly to the adjectives. ly nice nicely slow slowly happy happily careful carefully
  • 110. Adverbs There are many kinds of adverbs: Adverbs of manner: express how an action was done. I closed the window carefully. The soldier fought bravely. Adverbs of time express the time when an action is or was done. I’m going to leave for Cairo tomorrow. What’s going to happen next?
  • 111. Adverbs Adverbs of place: express when an action is done. I shall stand here. I’ve looked everywhere for my lost pen. Some words that end in ly can be both adjectives or adverbs. Most of them refer to time. ly daily weekly monthly yearly A daily newspaper is published daily. We get up early to catch an early train.
  • 112. Adverbs Adverbs of frequency tell how often we do something always often usually sometimes seldom rarely never occasionally Verb to BE: Ali is always on time. Other Verbs: Ali sometimes reads a book.
  • 113. Adverbial Clause of Time Conjunctions when, whenever, as, as soon as, while, after, before, until, since These words (conjunctions) link the adverbial clause of time with the main sentence. I found a watch. I was walking in the street. I found a watch while I was walking in the street.
  • 114. Adverbial Clause of Place Conjunctions: where, wherever These words (conjunctions) link the adverbial clause of place with the main sentence. Wherever he goes his brother follows him.
  • 115. Adverbial Clause of Cause Conjunctions: because, since, as These words (conjunctions) link the adverbial clause • of cause with the main sentence. I stayed at home yesterday because it was raining.
  • 116. Adverbial Clause of Manner Conjunctions: As, as if, as though These words (conjunctions) link the adverbial • clause of manner with the main sentence. as if He speaks as if he were a king. was were It looks as if it would rain. will would
  • 117. Adverbial Clause of Purpose Conjunctions: that, so that, in order that These words (conjunctions) link the adverbial clause of purpose with the main sentence. a) We use (may + infinitive) when the main verb is in the present or future. He works hard. He wishes to succeed. He works hard so that (that or in order that) he may succeed. b) We use (might + infinitive) when the main verb is in the simple past. He was walking quickly in order that he might not be late.
  • 118. Adverbial Clause of Result We use: to link the main sentence with the adverbial clause of result. so adjective or adverb + that such + noun that The man is so weak that he cannot walk. The student walked so slowly that he reached school late. He wrote such good answers that he got he marks. It was such a good performance that everybody applauded.
  • 119. Adverbial Clause of Contrast Conjunctions: though, although These words (conjunctions) link the adverbial clause of contrast with the main sentence. He is poor. He is happy. Although (though) he is poor, he is happy.
  • 120. Adverbial Clause of Contrast Conjunctions: as….as, so……as These words (conjunctions) link the adverbial • clause of contrast with the main sentence. Nabeel is as clever as his father. • Sami is not so strong as his brother. •
  • 121. Adverbial Clause of Condition Conjunctions: if, unless (if not) These words (conjunctions) link the adverbial clause of condition with the main sentence. If we are ill, we go to bed. (conditional if type 1) If we work hard, we will succeed. (conditional if type 1) If we worked hard, we would succeed. (conditional if type 2) If he had fallen, he would have hurt himself. (conditional if type 3) Unless the rain falls, the crops will not grow. (conditional if type 1)
  • 122. as…… not as….as as…… Ahmed drives as dangerously as his brother. not as…… Hamad does not drive as dangerously as his brother.
  • 123. Active & Passive Statements Questions Command
  • 124. Active & Passive A. Statements Ahmed broke the window yesterday. Ahmed Active The window was broken yesterday. The window was broken (by Ahmed) yesterday. Ahmed Passive by
  • 125. Active & Passive A. Statements Passive Active to be (Past participle) by
  • 126. Active & Passive A. Statements Active Passive Ali writes letters. Letters are written (by Ali). Huda wrote the lesson. The lesson was written (by Huda). Saleh will buy a car. A car will be bought (by Saleh). Khaled is helping Ahmed. Ahmed is being helped (by Ali). She has eaten the apple. The apple has been eaten (by her).
  • 127. Active & Passive A. Statements to be am, is, are was, were shall be, will be am being, is being, are being was being, were being has been, have been had been can be, could be, may be, might be, must be, ought to be
  • 128. Active & Passive B. Questions Passive Active to be by
  • 129. Active & Passive B. Questions Active Passive Does Ahmed write letters? Are letters written (by Ali)? Did he eat the cake?. Was the cake eaten (by him)? Will Ali buy a new car? Will a new car be bought (by Ali)? Why is he using a pen? Ahmed is being helped (by Ali). Who broke the window? By whom the window was broken?
  • 130. Active & Passive C. Command Passive Active let be to be
  • 131. Active & Passive C. Command Active Passive Do the work. Let the work be done. Open the door. Let the door be opened. Send this letter to your Let this letter be sent to friend. your friend.
  • 132. Active & Passive Active Passive Ali does not write letters Letters are not written (by Ali). Dickens wrote those novels, Those novels were written by didn’t he? Dickens, weren’t they? Dickens didn’t write that play, That play wasn’t written by did he? Dickens, was it?
  • 133. Prepositions A preposition shows the relation between the subject and the object. There are also prepositions of time and prepositions of place.
  • 134. Use of Prepositions Prepositions Use Example on Days On Monday Day + morning, night On Friday morning Afternoon, evening, My birthday is on June date 10. Special days I will travel on the National Day. To mean above The tea is on the table.
  • 135. Use of Prepositions Prepositions Use Example in Season The trees grow in spring. Year I was born in 1968. Month The test is in May. The morning I go to work in the morning. The evening I go home in the evening To mean inside He is in the masjid.
  • 136. Use of Prepositions Prepositions Use Example at Time I will come back at 2 o’clock. Festival I will meat you at the school festival. Meal times I will talk to my father at lunch. The weekend We will travel at the weekend. Noon We pray at noon everyday. Night We sleep at night. To mean place He is at the grocer’s.
  • 137. Use of Prepositions Prepositions of Place Prepositions Use Example at at an exact He lives at number 5, King place Fahad Street. at work Ahmed is at work. at the table They are standing at the dinner table under The cat is under the table. in front of The teacher is in front of the class. to I go to school everyday. direction/place
  • 138. Use of Prepositions Prepositions of Place Prepositions Use Example in To mean Put this book in the inside box. In a country I live in Saudi Arabia. In a I live in Al-Madina. town/street in bed The baby is in bed. In a You were in the club building or area last night. In a chair Ali is sitting in his chair.
  • 139. Use of Prepositions Prepositions of Place Prepositions Use Example with I write with a pen. from I am from Riyadh. behind The wall is behind the class. between Samah is sitting between Fatma and Salwa. on Ali watches football on TV every TV Saturday. He arrives on time. Time
  • 140. Use of Prepositions More Examples Prepositions Example in The medicine is in the bottle. on The knife is on the table. at Someone is at the door. near Ahmed is sitting near the window. between The house is between the school and the masjid. opposite The bank is opposite to the post office. into The electrician is putting his hand into the TV. onto The water is spilling onto the floor.
  • 141. Use of Prepositions More Examples Prepositions Example off The man is falling off the chair. out of The child is falling out of the window. across The carpenter cut across the wood. over/above The light is over (above) the table. The fire is under (below) the stairs. under/below through The ball is going through the window. among The teacher is sitting among the students.
  • 142. Use of Prepositions More Examples Prepositions Example in The medicine is in the bottle. on The knife is on the table. at Someone is at the door. near Ahmed is sitting near the window. between The house is between the school and the mosque. opposite The bank is opposite to the post office. into The electrician is putting his hand into the TV. onto The water is spilling onto the floor.
  • 143. Use of Prepositions More Examples Prepositions Example round The car is going round the tree. in front of The child is sitting in front of the TV. behind The headmaster is sitting behind the pupils. on top of The sweets are on top of the table. at the side of The garage is at the side of the house. along The man is walking along the street. next to The bank is next to the baker’s.
  • 145. Question-Tags Questions that we expect the answer “Yes” * There’s a supermarket near here, isn’t there? Yes , there is. Yes not * You come from the United States, don’t you? Yes, I do. do
  • 146. Question-Tags Questions that we expect the answer “No” 1) You don’t come from Saudi Arabia, do you? No, I don’t. 2) It doesn’t take long time by car, does it? No, it doesn’t. do/does 3) You didn’t travel last year, did you? No, I didn’t. did
  • 147. Conditional “if” ) if + present will If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home. If you eat too much, you will become fat.
  • 148. Conditional “if” 2) if + past would If Shakespeare lived today, he would use different English. would if + subject + past subject+ would was were be If I were you, I would buy a new car.
  • 149. Conditional “if” 3) if + had + would have If he had lived in Taif, he would have been happy. If he had visited Makkah, he would have seen the Ka’aba.
  • 150. Conditional “if” 0) if + present present If you boil water, it becomes steam. becomes 0) if + present instructions If the radio is too loud, turn it off. Or Turn the radio off if it is too loud. If you are under 17, don’t drive a car. Or Don’t drive a car if you are under 17.
  • 151. Reported Speech Indirect Speech There are four kinds of direct and Indirect Speech. 1) Statement 2) Question 3) Command 4) Exclamation
  • 152. Reported Speech Statement Direct Indirect “I live in Riyadh” He said that he lived in Riyadh. “We are happy” They said that they were happy. She said: "I have not been in the She said that she had not been to school library recently”. the school library recently. He said to me: "I shall see you He told me that he would see me tomorrow”. the next day. They said to him: “We shall see you They told him that they would see tomorrow. We shall visit Ahmed”. him the next day and added that and added that they would visit Ahmed. say, says She says: “I will cook the food She says that she will cook the tomorrow”. food tomorrow. We say: “We are playing football now”. We say that we are playing football now.
  • 153. Reported Speech Question Reported Direct asked - Present Past Past Past Perfect - - -
  • 154. Reported Speech Question Direct Indirect “What is your name?” He asked me what my name was. “Why are you late?” The teacher asked me why I was late. “Where is your book?” He asked me where my book was. if if “ Is your school very large?” He asked me if my school was very large.. do does “ Where do you live?” He asked me where I lived. “Does he go to school?” I asked him if he went to school.
  • 155. Reported Speech Question Direct Indirect did had past participle “Where did you go yesterday?” Sami asked me where I had gone the day before. “Did Ahmed buy a new car?” Ali asked me if Ahmed had bought a new car. ask, asks “Who is your English teacher?” They ask me who my English teacher is. “What are your marks?” He asks me what my marks are.
  • 156. Reported Speech Command Reported Direct ordered - begged advised told to - Please, do - -
  • 157. Reported Speech Command Direct Indirect He said to the servant: “bring me He ordered the servant to a glass of water”. bring him a glass of water. The son said to his father: “please The son begged his father to give me some money”. give him some money. The doctor said to me: “Drink a lot The doctor advised me to of water”. drink a lot of water. He said to me: “Do not go to the He told me not to go to the market tonight”. market that night.
  • 158. Reported Speech Exclamation Reported Direct -1 with regret with anger with joy with admiration with sadness that -2 -3 how, what Alas, Hurrah, Oh
  • 159. Reported Speech Exclamation Direct Indirect He said : “Alas! I will not find He said with sorrow that he my money”. would not find his money. He said : “How foolish I have He said with regret that he been”. had been foolish.
  • 160. Countries and Nationalities i, n, ian, ish, ese Country Nationality Country Nationality Saudi Arabia Saudi Britain British Turkey Turkish Oman Omani China Chinese Algeria Algerian Lebanon Lebanese Libya Libyan France French Palestine Palestinian Switzerland Swiss Syria Syrian
  • 161. ENGLISH GRAMMAR Prepared by: Mulla (2002)  Reference: “Grammar For All Levels” by Adnan Naim  Edited by: Dr Saif H. Al-Ansari 