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Leadership in a connected age: 
Change, challenge and productive chaos! 
Judy O’Connell 
Knowledge networks & digital innovation
A printing press for evenly printing 
ink onto a print medium such as 
paper or cloth.
The internet is a good thing. 
Look what happened in 25 years! 
Voices of the people
productive chaos 
The Web at 25 
Overall verdict: 
The internet has been a plus for society and an 
especially good thing for individual users
what does it really mean for 
in a connected age?
not just a 
about selfies 
digital footprint 
Robert Cornelius in 1839, believed to be the world's first selfie. Photograph: Library of Congress
not just about what we 
want to buy
drone pilot locates missing 82-year-old man after three day search 
chirp! a plant watering alarm 
not just a 
about our 
man accused of murder asked Siri where to hide the body
It’s about what we grow! 
Douglas Adams! 
“I've come up with a set of rules that describe our reactions to 
1. Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal 
and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world 
2. Anything that's invented between when you’re fifteen and 
thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can 
probably get a career in it.! 
3. Anything invented after you're thirty-five is against the 
natural order of things.” 
creative commons licensed (BY-NC-ND) flickr photo by JR_Paris:
Steve Jobs 
Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have 
a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, 
and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things 
with them.
Leadership in a connected age 
embrace change 
welcome innovation 
meet the challenges of our global connected future 
creative commons licensed (BY) flickr photo by AlicePopkorn: 
John Seely Brown
We have a digital 
information ecology 
which demands a new knowledge 
flow between content and 
“Information absorption is a cultural 
and social process of engaging with 
the constantly changing world 
around us”. p47 
Thomas, D., & Brown, J. S. (2011). A new culture of learning: Cultivating the imagination for a world of constant 
change (Vol. 219). Lexington, KY: CreateSpace.
“The current learning landscape is constantly changing in 
terms of what is learned, the context in which learning takes 
place, and who is learning.”(Paas, 2011, p. 2) 
The following aspects impact on the learner or his/her learning: 
oEvolving needs of learners! 
oDeveloping knowledge building environments! 
oFocusing on personalisation! 
oEvolving spaces for learning 
oEvolving learning devices or hardware! 
oEvolving pedagogy 
Paas, F Van Merrienboer, J and Van Gog, T 2011, ‘Designing instruction for the contemporary learning landscape’, in K R 
Harris, S Graham & T Urdan (eds.), APA Educational Psychology Handbook: Vol. 3. Application to Learning and Teaching, 
Washington: American Psychological Association, pp. 335-357, viewed 14 May 2012,
Assessment and teaching of 21C skills 
o Ways of thinking. Creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, 
decision-making and learning 
o Ways of working. Communication and collaboration 
o Tools for working. Information and communications technology 
(ICT) and information literacy 
o Skills for living in the world. Citizenship, life and career, and 
personal and social responsibility (ATC21s 2012). 
ATC21s (Assessment and Teaching of 21st C skills – Melbourne University) 250 researchers across 60 institutions 
What more do we really 
need to know?
The urgent dimensions of learning 
The mechanisms for engaging with information and processes of learning in 
the acquisition of new knowledge has become a deeper process of individual 
and collaborative learning activities, problem solving and artefact 
development, occurring through an integration of face-to-face and online 
interactions within a community, involving absorption, integration and 
systemisation of the information received by the receiver in their own pre-existing 
cognitive structure, which are the result of personal experience, and 
earlier knowledge transactions. 
Trentin, G., (2011). Technology and knowledge flows : the power of networks. Chandos Pub, Oxford.
The urgent dimensions of learning 
find, fold, bend, shape, make…
The Fab Lab Network 
covers more than 40 
countries in more than 
200 labs in the world. 
Every Fab Lab is a 
potential classroom for 
the Fab Academy.
Makerspace or Fab Lab in your 
Think smarter. Be new. 
Be creative 
cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by Pete Prodoehl:
empowered learning
The great challenge of a digital learning is meeting the 
connected creative needs of students who have grown 
up in the digital era, while at the same time meeting the 
expectations of teachers and parents who haven’t!
information access 
and sharing 
creative commons licensed (BY-NC-SA) flickr photo by Ed Yourdon:
learning today requires that teachers 
understand reading and information 
seeking in a connected world....
Our students, voracious social media users, may be 
hiding some of their story, faking perfection through their 
perfect-only final product. But, there is no “faking out” 
innovative educators – their teachers. Teachers know that 
the process of getting there is less than a perfect road 
and where the learning happens. The imperfect road 
becomes the strength of the lesson. 
Measure a 
21st century 
c. 1970
Pocket-sized moleskin notebook 
Evernote integrates with 
FastPencil so you can 
publish your notes as a 
c. 2010 everywhere! 
“We have a romantic attachment to skills from the 
past. Longhand multiplication of numbers using paper 
and pencil is considered a worthy intellectual 
achievement. Using a mobile phone to multiply is not. 
But to the people who invented it, longhand 
multiplication was just a convenient technology.” 
Sugata Mitra is professor of educational technology at 
Newcastle University, and the winner of the $1m TED 
Prize 2013. He devised the Hole in the Wall experiment, 
where a computer was embedded in a wall in a slum in 
Delhi for children to use freely.
Once the usefulness of simulation models became 
clear, the Asian Development Bank dropped its 
opposition to a centuries-old water management 
practice when Lansing’s computer model of the 
complex Balinese irrigation system showed the 
functional role of traditional water temples bore a 
“close resemblance to computer simulations of 
optimal solutions” 
Juarrero, A. (2010). Complex dynamical systems theory. Cognitive Edge Network. 
creative commons licensed (BY-NC-ND) flickr photo by Paul D'Ambra - Australia:
creative commons licensed (BY-NC-SA) flickr photo by colemama:
"Gutenberg Parenthesis”
Eisenstadt (a Gutenberg scholar): the book did not take 
on its own form until 50 years after it was invented by 
Gutenberg. Printing was originally called "automatic 
handwriting." [horseless carriage]
Blueprint for successful leadership! 
Knowing the trends in knowledge 
construction and participatory culture.! 
Knowing how to leverage social media.! 
Is the “Gutenberg Parenthesis” a way 
of understanding the introduction of 
the flipped classroom and its 
epistemological conundrums? 
creative commons licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by Atos International:
It’s Monday morning, 
and as I sit down for 
my morning cup of 
tea and toast, I open 
my iPhone to see 
what’s in my email, 
and what items in 
my calendar will 
need my attention.
It’s Monday morning, 
and as I sit down for 
my morning cup of 
tea and toast, I open 
my iPhone to see 
what’s in my email, 
and what items in 
my calendar will 
need my attention.
In just a couple of minutes of my twitter feed (never mind all the 
hours I was asleep) I found: 
• Founders Online – a new online History resources from the 
• Information about the new Dr Who episodes I must review! 
• Google’s efforts to build a system to help eradicate Child Porn 
on the web 
• A good post about the new learning organisation 
• A commentary article from the ABC that asks if Big Data is all 
that it’s cracked up to be 
• A post speculating on MOOCs as slowly deflating bubbles 
• A little piece of historical memorabilia about to happen – last 
telegram in the world 
• A new Project Tomorrow research report which confirms that 
teachers’ unsophisticated use of tech is creating the second 
level digital divide
Microlearning: hungry for knowledge nuggets 
Microlearning ticks all the teaching boxes: bite-sized 
nuggets of content are easy to digest, understand 
and remember. Often mobile-friendly, visual and 
sharable, the short bursts of information leave you 
sufficiently satisfied and likely to come back for more. 
At the BI Norwegian School of Business, through a number of pilot programmes, they 
have been adapting fragmented content to mobile devices, finding that the right mix of 
mobile learning makes courses more engaging and also helps part-time students stay up-to- 
Project Tomorrow: Empowering opportunities 
Project Tomorrow
2014 K-12 Horizon Project 
Significant challenges in technology adoption:! 
Creating authentic learning opportunities 
Integrating personalised learning 
Complex thinking and communication 
Safety of student data 
competition from new models of education 
keeping formal education relevant 
Leadership in a 
connected age 
You could try ..... 
creative commons licensed (BY-ND) flickr photo by CaparolSverige:
You could try .....
SearchReSearch blog 
What’s the story 
with the yellow 
You could try .....
What if all Pixar 
Movies were part 
of the same 
Or you could try ..... 
The step-by-step building of the Pixar 
map is basically show-how-much-you-know 
fun, the overall effort is perfect 
training in the research process.
You could try ..... 
Collection: INF530 Concept & Practices in a Digital Age
Knowledge as a Thing and a Flow 
read in all contexts and differentiate 
creative commons licensed (BY-NC) flickr photo by hjl:
More content, streams of data, 
topic structures, (theoretically) 
better quality - all of these in 
online environments 
require an equivalent shift in our 
online capabilities.
Seek Follow 
cc licensed flickr photo by assbach: 
The way you use a search engine, stream 
video from your phone, update your 
Facebook status, edit a wikipedia page, 
matters to you, to me, and to everyone, 
because the way people use a new 
medium in its early years can influence 
the way that medium is used and misused 
for centuries to come.
cc licensed flickr photo by Howard▼Gees: 
rapidly navigate information 
pathways to construct knowledge
How does search impact the way students think and 
the way we organise information access? 
Google creates the illusion of accessibility
Being personalised may be snake oil. 
..... because your knowledge and my knowledge, 
based on what search results we are served, may 
be very different from each other. 
Filter bubble! 
creative commons licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by Je.T.:
How much does 
Google really 
know about us, in 
practical terms, 
and — more 
importantly — 
how much should 
we care? 
One interesting 
place this comes 
up is at Netflix — 
the basic math 
behind the Netflix 
code tends to be 
Web browsing without prying eyes
The world's first microchip, handmade in 1958 by Jack Kilby. 
This piece of history won Kilby a Nobel Prize and represents 
one of the first steps leading to the modern computing era. 
Come from…
Come to… 
• Peer critiquing 
• User-generated content 
• Collective aggregation 
• Community formation 
• Digital personas 
• Digital Citizenship 
adding interactivity and connectivity to everyday things
Beyond digital 
A definitive guide to 
verifying digital content 
for emergency 
Make use of ! 
10: Verification Tools!
What more do we need 
to know?
The ‘back-story’ of the digital revolution – 
digitisation for information storage, retrieval, 
accessibility, and usage that has changed the 
face of the digital information ecology in the 
current era. 
creative commons licensed (BY-NC-SA) flickr photo by Tal Bright: 
Lost collection of Andy Warhol art 
recovered from floppy disks 
Doomsday Reloaded
Big Shift in 25 years 
creative commons licensed (BY-NC-ND) flickr photo by 144ben:
The Web is not the Internet 
creative commons licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by Ian Muttoo:!
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) 
The future
creative commons licensed (BY) flickr photo by dmje:
The semantic web, or web 3.0, 
is all about data integration. 
it is an infrastructure 
and an organised approach 
to metadata 
cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by Jason A. Samfield:
Web 3.0 
existing data reconnected for 
other and smarter uses
you won’t see a “Web 3.0 inside’ label 
new functionality that requires 
web linking, flexible 
representation, and external 
access APIs.
The semantic web 
allows a person or a 
computer to start off 
in one database, 
and then move 
through an 
unending set of 
databases which 
are connected, not 
by wires, but by 
being about the 
same thing. 
cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by woodleywonderworks:
Rather than just 
identifying keywords 
and expressions, the 
semantic web 
concentrates on 
identifying the 
meaning of content.
It is about common formats and 
metadata which allow for 
integration and combination of 
data drawn from diverse 
It is also about language, or ontology, for 
recording how the linked data relates to 
real world objects, allowing a ‘machine’ to 
‘understand’ the semantic meaning of 
Whereas traditional library 
metadata has always been focused 
on helping humans find and make use of 
information, linked data ontologies 
are focused on helping machines find and 
make use of information. 
This uri ‘ 
authorities/sh85042531’ has 
now become the globally 
available, machine and human 
readable, reliable source for 
the description for the subject 
heading of ‘Elephants’ 
containing links to its related 
terms (in a way that both 
machines and humans can 
The internet is the 
Ask questions on the 
web rather than 
perform searches. 
The intelligence is in 
the connections. 
cc licensed flickr photo by Mykl Roventine:
When you search, you’re not just looking for a webpage.! 
You’re looking to get answers, understand or explore. 
Google Knowledge Graph
Google Public Data Explorer
Google Flu Trends
Semantic Search Engines
Semantic Writing
Gapminder fact-based world view 
~ use the teacher tools in your classroom 
Europeana enables people to explore the 
digital resources of Europe's museums, libraries, 
archives and audio-visual collections. 
Linked Open Data on the Web. The site currently contains 
metadata on 3.5 million texts, images, videos and sounds.
Much more than just BIG DATA 
and cloud storage!
virtual and physical spaces 
learning approaches 
knowledge creation processes
Information Architecture
Making it possible to 
federate,query, browse 
gather and recommend 
information from disparate 
Think of the Web 3.0 environment as the portable, personal web, 
focused on the individual, on a life-stream, on consolidating 
content, and which is powered by widgets, drag & drop, and 
mashups of user engagement. 
This socially powered web is exploding, and is the new 
baseline for all our internet and technology empowered 
Your leadership context! 
.... old questions, new answers 
Metadata ~ what are the rules of engagement? 
Schema ~ what about controlled vocabularies? 
Users ~ what are their access needs 
Interface ~ how many access points? 
Data ~ what are the opportunities for user engagement? 
Media ~ what are the elements of interactivity? 
Access ~ what can we learn from the semantic web?
Your leadership context! 
.... what is your discovery interface 
Context aware:! 
• Points on the curriculum and the interest continuum 
Access aware:! 
•Interfaces to support searching and discovery 
Search aware:! 
• Natural, predictive, responsive 
Results aware:! 
• Multimodal, multi-depository, relevant, filtered 
How do you stack up?
Your leadership context! 
.... strategic directions for school libraries 
New skills 
New knowledge 
New metadata 
New open access 
New global connections 
New learning community 
Are you prepared?
At last we have a departure 
from information, access and 
artefacts as the focus. In the 
lens of conversation, artefacts 
and access are only useful in 
that they are used to build 
knowledge through active 
Lankes, D.R. (2011). The Atlas of New Librarianship. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 
creative commons licensed (BY) flickr photo by blprnt_van:
At last we are 
together in 
leading and in 
cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by ancawonka:
…if we draw on expertise for ways of 
supporting learning in the newly 
emerging Web 3.0 information ecology
Judy O’Connell 
Judy O’Connell

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Preparing our students for Web 3.0 learning
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Leadership in a connected age: Change, challenge and productive chaos!

  • 1. Leadership in a connected age: Change, challenge and productive chaos! Judy O’Connell JUDY O’CONNELL CHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY
  • 2. Knowledge networks & digital innovation
  • 3. change A printing press for evenly printing ink onto a print medium such as paper or cloth.
  • 4. challenge The internet is a good thing. Look what happened in 25 years!
  • 7. productive chaos The Web at 25 Overall verdict: The internet has been a plus for society and an especially good thing for individual users
  • 8. what does it really mean for leadership in a connected age?
  • 9. not just a discussion about selfies digital footprint Robert Cornelius in 1839, believed to be the world's first selfie. Photograph: Library of Congress
  • 10. not just about what we want to buy
  • 11. drone pilot locates missing 82-year-old man after three day search chirp! a plant watering alarm not just a about our technology man accused of murder asked Siri where to hide the body
  • 12. It’s about what we grow! 12
  • 13. Douglas Adams! ! “I've come up with a set of rules that describe our reactions to technologies:! ! 1. Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works.! ! 2. Anything that's invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it.! ! 3. Anything invented after you're thirty-five is against the natural order of things.” creative commons licensed (BY-NC-ND) flickr photo by JR_Paris:
  • 14. Steve Jobs ! ! ! ! ! ! Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them.
  • 15. ! Leadership in a connected age embrace change welcome innovation meet the challenges of our global connected future creative commons licensed (BY) flickr photo by AlicePopkorn: 5
  • 16. John Seely Brown
  • 17. We have a digital information ecology which demands a new knowledge flow between content and connections.
  • 18. “Information absorption is a cultural and social process of engaging with the constantly changing world around us”. p47 Thomas, D., & Brown, J. S. (2011). A new culture of learning: Cultivating the imagination for a world of constant change (Vol. 219). Lexington, KY: CreateSpace.
  • 19. “The current learning landscape is constantly changing in terms of what is learned, the context in which learning takes place, and who is learning.”(Paas, 2011, p. 2) ! The following aspects impact on the learner or his/her learning: ! oEvolving needs of learners! oDeveloping knowledge building environments! oFocusing on personalisation! oEvolving spaces for learning oEvolving learning devices or hardware! oEvolving pedagogy Paas, F Van Merrienboer, J and Van Gog, T 2011, ‘Designing instruction for the contemporary learning landscape’, in K R Harris, S Graham & T Urdan (eds.), APA Educational Psychology Handbook: Vol. 3. Application to Learning and Teaching, Washington: American Psychological Association, pp. 335-357, viewed 14 May 2012,
  • 20. Assessment and teaching of 21C skills ! o Ways of thinking. Creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making and learning o Ways of working. Communication and collaboration o Tools for working. Information and communications technology (ICT) and information literacy o Skills for living in the world. Citizenship, life and career, and personal and social responsibility (ATC21s 2012). ATC21s (Assessment and Teaching of 21st C skills – Melbourne University) 250 researchers across 60 institutions worldwide.
  • 21. What more do we really 21 need to know?
  • 22. The urgent dimensions of learning The mechanisms for engaging with information and processes of learning in the acquisition of new knowledge has become a deeper process of individual and collaborative learning activities, problem solving and artefact development, occurring through an integration of face-to-face and online interactions within a community, involving absorption, integration and systemisation of the information received by the receiver in their own pre-existing cognitive structure, which are the result of personal experience, and earlier knowledge transactions. Trentin, G., (2011). Technology and knowledge flows : the power of networks. Chandos Pub, Oxford.
  • 23. The urgent dimensions of learning find, fold, bend, shape, make…
  • 25. The Fab Lab Network covers more than 40 countries in more than 200 labs in the world. Every Fab Lab is a potential classroom for the Fab Academy.
  • 26. Makerspace or Fab Lab in your school! Think smarter. Be new. Be creative cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by Pete Prodoehl:
  • 28. The great challenge of a digital learning is meeting the connected creative needs of students who have grown up in the digital era, while at the same time meeting the expectations of teachers and parents who haven’t!
  • 29. information access and sharing creative commons licensed (BY-NC-SA) flickr photo by Ed Yourdon:
  • 30. learning today requires that teachers understand reading and information seeking in a connected world....
  • 31. Our students, voracious social media users, may be hiding some of their story, faking perfection through their perfect-only final product. But, there is no “faking out” innovative educators – their teachers. Teachers know that the process of getting there is less than a perfect road and where the learning happens. The imperfect road becomes the strength of the lesson. Edudemic
  • 32. Measure a 21st century leader?
  • 34. Pocket-sized moleskin notebook Evernote integrates with FastPencil so you can publish your notes as a Evernote c. 2010 everywhere! book!
  • 35. “We have a romantic attachment to skills from the past. Longhand multiplication of numbers using paper and pencil is considered a worthy intellectual achievement. Using a mobile phone to multiply is not. ! But to the people who invented it, longhand multiplication was just a convenient technology.” Sugata Mitra is professor of educational technology at Newcastle University, and the winner of the $1m TED Prize 2013. He devised the Hole in the Wall experiment, where a computer was embedded in a wall in a slum in Delhi for children to use freely.
  • 36. Once the usefulness of simulation models became clear, the Asian Development Bank dropped its opposition to a centuries-old water management practice when Lansing’s computer model of the complex Balinese irrigation system showed the functional role of traditional water temples bore a “close resemblance to computer simulations of optimal solutions” ! Juarrero, A. (2010). Complex dynamical systems theory. Cognitive Edge Network. creative commons licensed (BY-NC-ND) flickr photo by Paul D'Ambra - Australia:
  • 37. creative commons licensed (BY-NC-SA) flickr photo by colemama:
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 41. Eisenstadt (a Gutenberg scholar): the book did not take on its own form until 50 years after it was invented by Gutenberg. Printing was originally called "automatic handwriting." [horseless carriage]
  • 42. Blueprint for successful leadership! Knowing the trends in knowledge construction and participatory culture.! ! Knowing how to leverage social media.! ! Is the “Gutenberg Parenthesis” a way of understanding the introduction of the flipped classroom and its epistemological conundrums? creative commons licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by Atos International:
  • 43. It’s Monday morning, and as I sit down for my morning cup of tea and toast, I open my iPhone to see what’s in my email, and what items in my calendar will need my attention.
  • 44. It’s Monday morning, and as I sit down for my morning cup of tea and toast, I open my iPhone to see what’s in my email, and what items in my calendar will need my attention.
  • 45. In just a couple of minutes of my twitter feed (never mind all the hours I was asleep) I found: • Founders Online – a new online History resources from the US • Information about the new Dr Who episodes I must review! • Google’s efforts to build a system to help eradicate Child Porn on the web • A good post about the new learning organisation • A commentary article from the ABC that asks if Big Data is all that it’s cracked up to be • A post speculating on MOOCs as slowly deflating bubbles • A little piece of historical memorabilia about to happen – last telegram in the world • A new Project Tomorrow research report which confirms that teachers’ unsophisticated use of tech is creating the second level digital divide
  • 46. Microlearning: hungry for knowledge nuggets Microlearning ticks all the teaching boxes: bite-sized nuggets of content are easy to digest, understand and remember. Often mobile-friendly, visual and sharable, the short bursts of information leave you sufficiently satisfied and likely to come back for more. At the BI Norwegian School of Business, through a number of pilot programmes, they have been adapting fragmented content to mobile devices, finding that the right mix of mobile learning makes courses more engaging and also helps part-time students stay up-to- date.
  • 47. Project Tomorrow: Empowering opportunities Project Tomorrow
  • 48. 2014 K-12 Horizon Project Significant challenges in technology adoption:! ! Creating authentic learning opportunities Integrating personalised learning Complex thinking and communication Safety of student data competition from new models of education keeping formal education relevant !
  • 49.
  • 50. Leadership in a connected age
  • 51. You could try ..... creative commons licensed (BY-ND) flickr photo by CaparolSverige:
  • 52. 52 You could try .....
  • 53. SearchReSearch blog What’s the story with the yellow blotch? You could try .....
  • 54. What if all Pixar Movies were part of the same the-source/#_ timeline? Or you could try ..... The step-by-step building of the Pixar map is basically show-how-much-you-know fun, the overall effort is perfect training in the research process.
  • 55. You could try ..... Collection: INF530 Concept & Practices in a Digital Age
  • 56. Knowledge as a Thing and a Flow read in all contexts and differentiate ! understand creative commons licensed (BY-NC) flickr photo by hjl:
  • 57. More content, streams of data, topic structures, (theoretically) better quality - all of these in online environments require an equivalent shift in our online capabilities.
  • 58. Seek Follow cc licensed flickr photo by assbach: Gather Explore
  • 59. The way you use a search engine, stream video from your phone, update your Facebook status, edit a wikipedia page, matters to you, to me, and to everyone, because the way people use a new medium in its early years can influence the way that medium is used and misused for centuries to come.
  • 60. cc licensed flickr photo by Howard▼Gees: rapidly navigate information pathways to construct knowledge
  • 61. How does search impact the way students think and the way we organise information access? Google creates the illusion of accessibility
  • 62. Being personalised may be snake oil. ! ..... because your knowledge and my knowledge, based on what search results we are served, may be very different from each other. Siva Vaidhyanathan in The Googlization of Everything, Filter bubble! creative commons licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by Je.T.:
  • 63. How much does Google really know about us, in practical terms, and — more importantly — how much should we care? One interesting place this comes up is at Netflix — the basic math behind the Netflix code tends to be conservative.
  • 64. Web browsing without prying eyes
  • 65. The world's first microchip, handmade in 1958 by Jack Kilby. This piece of history won Kilby a Nobel Prize and represents one of the first steps leading to the modern computing era. Come from…
  • 66. Come to… • Peer critiquing • User-generated content • Collective aggregation • Community formation • Digital personas • Digital Citizenship adding interactivity and connectivity to everyday things
  • 67. Beyond digital citizenship A definitive guide to verifying digital content for emergency coverage Make use of ! 10: Verification Tools!
  • 69. What more do we need to know?
  • 70. The ‘back-story’ of the digital revolution – digitisation for information storage, retrieval, accessibility, and usage that has changed the face of the digital information ecology in the current era. creative commons licensed (BY-NC-SA) flickr photo by Tal Bright:
  • 73. Big Shift in 25 years creative commons licensed (BY-NC-ND) flickr photo by 144ben:
  • 74. The Web is not the Internet creative commons licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by Ian Muttoo:!
  • 75. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) The future
  • 76. creative commons licensed (BY) flickr photo by dmje:
  • 77. The semantic web, or web 3.0, is all about data integration. it is an infrastructure technology and an organised approach to metadata cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by Jason A. Samfield:
  • 78. Web 3.0 really means… existing data reconnected for other and smarter uses
  • 79. you won’t see a “Web 3.0 inside’ label new functionality that requires web linking, flexible representation, and external access APIs.
  • 80. The semantic web allows a person or a computer to start off in one database, and then move through an unending set of databases which are connected, not by wires, but by being about the same thing. cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by woodleywonderworks:
  • 81. Rather than just identifying keywords and expressions, the semantic web concentrates on identifying the meaning of content.
  • 82. It is about common formats and metadata which allow for integration and combination of data drawn from diverse sources.
  • 83. It is also about language, or ontology, for recording how the linked data relates to real world objects, allowing a ‘machine’ to ‘understand’ the semantic meaning of words.
  • 84. Whereas traditional library metadata has always been focused on helping humans find and make use of information, linked data ontologies are focused on helping machines find and make use of information. CHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY
  • 85. This uri ‘ authorities/sh85042531’ has now become the globally available, machine and human readable, reliable source for the description for the subject heading of ‘Elephants’ containing links to its related terms (in a way that both machines and humans can navigate).
  • 86. The internet is the database Ask questions on the web rather than perform searches. The intelligence is in the connections. cc licensed flickr photo by Mykl Roventine:
  • 87.
  • 88. When you search, you’re not just looking for a webpage.! You’re looking to get answers, understand or explore. Google Knowledge Graph
  • 89. Google Public Data Explorer
  • 90. Google Flu Trends
  • 93. Gapminder fact-based world view ~ use the teacher tools in your classroom
  • 95. Europeana enables people to explore the digital resources of Europe's museums, libraries, archives and audio-visual collections. Linked Open Data on the Web. The site currently contains metadata on 3.5 million texts, images, videos and sounds.
  • 96. MUCH Much more than just BIG DATA and cloud storage!
  • 97. virtual and physical spaces learning approaches knowledge creation processes
  • 99. Making it possible to federate,query, browse gather and recommend information from disparate sources.
  • 100. ! Think of the Web 3.0 environment as the portable, personal web, focused on the individual, on a life-stream, on consolidating content, and which is powered by widgets, drag & drop, and mashups of user engagement. ! This socially powered web is exploding, and is the new baseline for all our internet and technology empowered interactions.
  • 101. Your leadership context! .... old questions, new answers Metadata ~ what are the rules of engagement? Schema ~ what about controlled vocabularies? Users ~ what are their access needs Interface ~ how many access points? Data ~ what are the opportunities for user engagement? Media ~ what are the elements of interactivity? Access ~ what can we learn from the semantic web?
  • 102. Your leadership context! .... what is your discovery interface ! Context aware:! • Points on the curriculum and the interest continuum Access aware:! •Interfaces to support searching and discovery Search aware:! • Natural, predictive, responsive Results aware:! • Multimodal, multi-depository, relevant, filtered How do you stack up?
  • 103. Your leadership context! .... strategic directions for school libraries New skills New knowledge New metadata New open access New global connections New learning community ! Are you prepared?
  • 104. At last we have a departure from information, access and artefacts as the focus. In the lens of conversation, artefacts and access are only useful in that they are used to build knowledge through active learning. Lankes, D.R. (2011). The Atlas of New Librarianship. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. creative commons licensed (BY) flickr photo by blprnt_van:
  • 105. At last we are connected together in leading and in learning! cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by ancawonka:
  • 106. …if we draw on expertise for ways of supporting learning in the newly emerging Web 3.0 information ecology
  • 108. Thank you to our Sponsors
  • 109. heyjudeonline Judy O’Connell Judy O’Connell