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Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Tommy Löfstedt
Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
October 22, 2019
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Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning
Decomposition of the AI field
Deep learning
Representation learning
Machine learning
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Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Fundamental idea:
Intelligent agent (brain)
Perceives inputs from environment (environment)
Maps inputs to actions (body)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a huge field
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Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning
Machine learning
“Machine learning is the subfield of computer
science that gives computers the ability to learn
without being explicitly programmed.”
— Arthur Samuel, 1959
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Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning
Machine learning
A computer program is said to learn from experience E with
respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P,
if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves
with experience E.
— Mitchell (1997). “Machine Learning”.
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Machine learning
Traditional computer programming:
Inputs Program Computer Outputs
Machine learning:
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Machine learning
Take-home idea: Learn from data
Use case: When manually programming something is not
Autonomous vehicles
Speech recognition
Natural language processing
Computer vision
How then? Use some data to achieve some maximal score
on some task!
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Machine learning
T: Classify a tumour as malignant or benign
P: Fraction of correctly classified tumours (accuracy)
E: Set of training data and ground truth outputs
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Machine Learning
Two main types of learning
Supervised learning
Labelled/annotated data
Example input-output pairs, {(xi , yi )}, i = 1, . . . , n
Learn to predict output from input, H 3 h ≈ f : X → Y
Unsupervised learning
No labels
Only “input” data, {xi }, i = 1, . . . , n
Find underlying latent structure in the input data
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Machine Learning
Two (four) main types of learning
Dimensionality reduction
(And many more . . . )
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Machine Learning
What is required?
Define an hypothesis space, H
Formulate loss function (cost, error, objective, risk, etc.)
to evaluate choices:
` : P → R
Collect data
Input: independent variable, variable, feature, covariate,
predictor, factor, etc.
Output: dependent variable, outcome, target, etc.
Minimise the loss function over the hypothesis space
using the data
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Machine Learning
Example: Regression
Relationship between input and output: f : X → Y
In most cases Y = R
Linear regression has
H 3 h(x; β) =
xj βj + β0
Linear regression uses the mean squared error loss:
`(β) =
yi − h(xi ; β)
We thus attempt
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Machine Learning
Example: Regression
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Machine Learning
Example: Classification
Relationship between input and output: f : X → C
In most cases C is a finite set of categories
Example: Logistic regression
Two classes: C = {0, 1}
Denote: pi = P(yi = 1)
Assume: log pi
j=1 xij βj + β0
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Machine Learning
Example: Classification
Straight-forward algebra gives:
P(yi = 1) = pi =
1 + e−
j=1 xij βj +β0
=: σ
xij βj + β0
−10.0 −7.5 −5.0 −2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0
The Logistic Sigmoid Function
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Machine Learning
Example: Classification
Family of hypotheses:
H 3 h(xi ; β) = σ
xij βj + β0
Logistic regression uses the binary cross-entropy loss:
`(β) = −
yi log(h(xi ; β)) + (1 − yi ) log(1 − h(xi ; β))
We again seek
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Machine Learning
Example: Classification
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Machine Learning
Example: Clustering
Relationships amongst the inputs: f : X → C
In most cases C is a finite set of cluster indices
Input: objects with associated distance function
Output: a cluster, or likelihood to belong to each cluster
Example: K-means clustering (Lloyd’s algorithm)
Assume K clusters: C = {1, . . . , K}
The clusters have means µk for k = 1, . . . , K
Let h(x; µ1, . . . , µK ) = arg mink∈C kx − µkk2
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Machine Learning
Example: Clustering
Family of hypotheses:
H 3 h(x; µ1, . . . , µK ) = arg min
kx − µkk2
K-means clustering minimises the within-cluster sum of
`(µ1, . . . , µK , C1, . . . , CK ) =
kx − µkk2
We seek to
µ1,...,µK ∈X
`(µ1, . . . , µK , C1, . . . , CK )
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Machine Learning
Example: Clustering
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Machine Learning
Example: Dimensionality Reduction
Reducing the input space: f : X → b
X, with b
X ⊂ X
Feature selection
Feature extraction
Example: Principal Component Analysis
Assumption: The data are well-approximated by a
d-dimensional linear subspace, d  p
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Machine Learning
Example: Dimensionality Reduction
Family of hypotheses: H 3 h(x; P) = PT
Principal component analysis maximises variance:
`(P) = −Var(h(x; P))
We seek
subject to pT
i pj = 0, i 6= j
kpi k2
2 = 1 ∀i = 1, . . . , d
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Machine Learning
Example: Dimensionality Reduction
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Machine Learning
What have we learned?
We have some problem that we cannot solve manually
We have some data ({(xi , yi )})
Select a machine learning method (H)
Select a loss function (`)
Minimise the loss over the hypothesis space
Ok, easy! Are we done?
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Machine Learning
The Variance-Bias Trade-Off and Model Selection
Example: Polynomial regression
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Machine Learning
The Variance-Bias Trade-Off and Model Selection
Problem: We have
P(|`(h) − EX [`(h)]|  ε) ≤ 2De−2ε2n
for D ∝ p
What can we do?
Collect more data (increase n)
Ask less of your model (increase ε)
Reduce the input space (dim. reduction, decrease p)
Constrain/regularise the hypothesis space (decrease D)
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Machine Learning
The Variance-Bias Trade-Off and Model Selection
Constrain/regularise the hypothesis space
subject to ϕ(β) ≤ C
`(β) + λϕ(β)
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Machine Learning
The Variance-Bias Trade-Off and Model Selection
Example: Polynomial ridge regression
ky − Xβk2
2 + λkβk2
where Xi = [1, xi , x2
i , . . . , xp−1
i ].
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Machine Learning
The Variance-Bias Trade-Off and Model Selection
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Short break?
Next Up: Deep Learning
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Deep Learning
Wang and Raj (2017)
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Deep Learning
1940–1970: Cybernetics
Biological learning
Mimicking the brain
The perceptron (1 neuron)
1980–1995: Connectionism
Back-propagation algorithm
Up to a couple of hidden layers
2006–Now: Deep learning
Pre-training using restricted Boltzmann machines
Deep belief networks
Tens or hundreds (thousands!) of hidden layers
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Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Traditionally, a human provided the features (6=data)
Machine learning method maximised the score on the task
Now, “the machine” discovers the mapping from data to
features, and the mapping from features to output
End-to-end system
Deep Learning
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Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning
Deep Learning
What is it?
Basic idea:
Features are learned from raw data
Features are learned from features
A hierarchy of features
Lower layers in the hierarchy contains
“simpler” features
Higher layers in the hierarchy contains
“complex” features
Lines and blobs in images combines to
form objects
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Deep Learning
Neural Networks: Inspiration from Neuroscience
Original idea: Recreate the building
blocks of the brain
Your brain:
1011 neurons
1014 synapses
1017 ops./sec.
Dendrites receive information
Soma “processes” the information
Action potential if enough signal
from other neurons
Sends processed information
through axon
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Deep Learning
An Artificial Neural Network
Fundamental idea:
“Artificial neurons” receive
Sums the inputs
Sends inputs through “activation
function”, φ
Outputs processed information
y = φ β0 +
xj βj
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Deep Learning
An Artificial Neural Network
y1 = φ(XW0 + b0)
yi+1 = φ(yi Wi + bi ), i = 1, 2, . . . , L
ŷ = ϕ(yLWL + bL)
ŷ = ϕ(φ(· · · (φ(φ(XW0 + b0)W1 + b1) · · · )WL−1 + bL−1)WL + bL)
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Deep Learning
Example: A Shallow Artificial Neural Network for Regression
One hidden layer: y1 = φ(xW1 + b1)
ŷ = ϕ(y1W2 + b2)
Rectified linear unit: Let φ(x) = max(0, x)
“Linear” output activation: Let ϕ(x) = x
Family of hypotheses:
H 3 h(x; W1, b1, W2, b2) = ϕ(φ(xW1 + b1)W2 + b2)
We then minimise the mean squared error loss:
`(W1, b1, W2, b2) =
yi − h(xi ; W1, b1, W2, b2)
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Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Example: A Shallow Artificial Neural Network for Regression
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Nodes: 0, MSE: 0.030
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Nodes: 1, MSE: 0.019
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Nodes: 2, MSE: 0.014
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Nodes: 3, MSE: 0.008
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Nodes: 10, MSE: 0.006
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Nodes: 1000, MSE: 0.004
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Deep Learning
Example: Artificial Neural Networks for Classification
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Linear, Accuracy: 0.51
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Nodes: 2, Accuracy: 0.66
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Nodes: 3, Accuracy: 0.91
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Nodes: 6-2, Accuracy: 0.91
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Last hidden layer
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Deep Learning
Example: Artificial Neural Networks for Classification
What’s really going on here?
X XW1 φ(XW1)
φ(XW1)W2 φ(φ(XW1)W2)
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Deep Learning
Stochastic Gradient Descent—The power-house of deep learning
Compute network output
Determine how each parameter
affected the error
Update each parameter such that
the error is reduced
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Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Stochastic Gradient Descent—The power-house of deep learning
= β(k)
− α(k)
∇f (β(k)
Gradient, ∇f , computed by back-propagation
Expensive to compute ∇f for large data sets
∇f (β|X) ≈
∇f (β | xi ), n  1
→ E[∇f (β)], when n → ∞
Insight: E[∇f (β)] = E[∇f (β|xi )]
Mini-batches to reduce noise
Results indicate it is part of the success of deep learning!
Provides a regulariser for the solution
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Deep Learning
The success
Amount of available training data
Computer hardware (GPUs)
Computer software (tensor/graph libraries)
Improved regularisation techniques
Batch normalisation
Data augmentation
Small perturbations of the data
Scaling, translations, rotations, reflections, etc.
Cropping, noise, linear combinations of samples, etc.
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Deep Learning
The success
Deeper models
Transfer learning
Better initialisation
Better training algorithms
Better models
Residual Networks
Densely Connected
Skip connections!
Li et al. (2017)
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Deep Learning
Convolutional Neural Networks
Introduced by LeCun et al. (1989)
ILSVRC2012: Krizhevsky et al. (2012)
Revolutionised image analysis
Also in speech recognition, synthesis, etc.
Very similar to fully connected layers
y1j = φ

b0j +
Xi ∗ W0ij

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Deep Learning
Convolutional Neural Networks
The Convolution Operator
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Deep Learning
Convolutional Neural Networks
Gabor-like filters found in mammals (e.g. in cats)
Gabor-like filters appear in the first layers of CNNs
Combined to detect complex shapes
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Deep Learning
Convolutional Neural Networks
Zeiler and Fergus (2013)
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Deep Learning
Convolutional Neural Networks
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Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Convolutional Neural Networks
Ren et al. (2016):
Choi et al. (2017):
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Deep Learning
Convolutional Neural Networks
Nvidia (2015):
Kontschieder et al. (2017):
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Deep Learning
Convolutional Neural Networks
Karpathy and Fei-Fei (2015):
Gatys et al. (2015):
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Deep Learning
Convolutional Neural Networks in Medical Imaging
Roughly a 2.2 times increase of papers per year since 2011
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Deep Learning
Generative adversarial networks (GANs)
Two networks play a min-max game
A generator network outputs samples
A discriminator network distinguishes generated samples
from real samples
z xfake
x real?
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Deep Learning
Progressive GANs
A recent development of GANs (Karras et al., 2018)
The generator and discriminator are grown progressively
Provides fast and stable training of GANs
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Deep Learning
State of the art for human face synthesis
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Deep Learning
Image Synthesis using the StyleGAN
Random example images generated using the StyleGAN model
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Deep Learning
Image Synthesis using the StyleGAN
Example images generated from the MR and CT parts of the
disentangled space (W)
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Deep Learning
Reinforcement Learning
Multi-agent hide and seek by OpenAI (2019)
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Deep Learning
Reinforcement Learning
Robot hand solving Rubik’s cube by OpenAI (2019)
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The end
Thank you for your attention!
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This training material is part of the FogGuru project that has received funding
from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 765452. The information
and views set out in this material are those of the author(s) and do not
necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the
European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf
may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information
contained therein.

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Introduction to Machine Learning

  • 1. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Introduction to Machine Learning Machine Learning and Deep Learning Tommy Löfstedt Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden October 22, 2019 Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 1/62
  • 2. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Introduction Decomposition of the AI field Deep learning Representation learning Machine learning AI Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 2/62
  • 3. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Introduction Artificial Intelligence Fundamental idea: Intelligent agent (brain) Perceives inputs from environment (environment) Maps inputs to actions (body) Artificial intelligence (AI) is a huge field Logic Probability Reasoning Planning Action Philosophy Perception Learning Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 3/62
  • 4. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Introduction Machine learning “Machine learning is the subfield of computer science that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.” — Arthur Samuel, 1959 Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 4/62
  • 5. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Introduction Machine learning Definition A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E. — Mitchell (1997). “Machine Learning”. Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 5/62
  • 6. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Introduction Machine learning Traditional computer programming: Inputs Program Computer Outputs Machine learning: Computer Inputs Outputs Program Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 6/62
  • 7. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Introduction Machine learning Take-home idea: Learn from data Use case: When manually programming something is not feasible Autonomous vehicles Speech recognition Natural language processing Computer vision etc. How then? Use some data to achieve some maximal score on some task! Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 7/62
  • 8. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Introduction Machine learning Example: T: Classify a tumour as malignant or benign P: Fraction of correctly classified tumours (accuracy) E: Set of training data and ground truth outputs Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 8/62
  • 9. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning Two main types of learning Supervised learning Labelled/annotated data Example input-output pairs, {(xi , yi )}, i = 1, . . . , n Learn to predict output from input, H 3 h ≈ f : X → Y Unsupervised learning No labels Only “input” data, {xi }, i = 1, . . . , n Find underlying latent structure in the input data Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 9/62
  • 10. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning Two (four) main types of learning Supervised Regression Classification Unsupervised Clustering Dimensionality reduction (And many more . . . ) Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 10/62
  • 11. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning What is required? Define an hypothesis space, H Formulate loss function (cost, error, objective, risk, etc.) to evaluate choices: ` : P → R Collect data Input: independent variable, variable, feature, covariate, predictor, factor, etc. Output: dependent variable, outcome, target, etc. Minimise the loss function over the hypothesis space using the data Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 11/62
  • 12. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning Example: Regression Relationship between input and output: f : X → Y In most cases Y = R Linear regression has H 3 h(x; β) = p X j=1 xj βj + β0 Linear regression uses the mean squared error loss: `(β) = 1 n n X i=1 yi − h(xi ; β) 2 We thus attempt minimise β∈Rp,β0∈R `(β) Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 12/62
  • 13. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning Example: Regression Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 13/62
  • 14. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning Example: Classification Relationship between input and output: f : X → C In most cases C is a finite set of categories Example: Logistic regression Two classes: C = {0, 1} Denote: pi = P(yi = 1) Assume: log pi 1−pi = Pp j=1 xij βj + β0 Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 14/62
  • 15. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning Example: Classification Straight-forward algebra gives: P(yi = 1) = pi = 1 1 + e− Pp j=1 xij βj +β0 =: σ p X j=1 xij βj + β0 ! −10.0 −7.5 −5.0 −2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 logits 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 σ(logits) The Logistic Sigmoid Function Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 15/62
  • 16. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning Example: Classification Family of hypotheses: H 3 h(xi ; β) = σ p X j=1 xij βj + β0 ! Logistic regression uses the binary cross-entropy loss: `(β) = − 1 n n X i=1 yi log(h(xi ; β)) + (1 − yi ) log(1 − h(xi ; β)) We again seek minimise β∈Rp,β0∈R `(β) Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 16/62
  • 17. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning Example: Classification Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 17/62
  • 18. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning Example: Clustering Relationships amongst the inputs: f : X → C In most cases C is a finite set of cluster indices Input: objects with associated distance function Output: a cluster, or likelihood to belong to each cluster Example: K-means clustering (Lloyd’s algorithm) Assume K clusters: C = {1, . . . , K} The clusters have means µk for k = 1, . . . , K Let h(x; µ1, . . . , µK ) = arg mink∈C kx − µkk2 Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 18/62
  • 19. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning Example: Clustering Family of hypotheses: H 3 h(x; µ1, . . . , µK ) = arg min k∈C kx − µkk2 K-means clustering minimises the within-cluster sum of squares: `(µ1, . . . , µK , C1, . . . , CK ) = K X k=1 X x∈Ck kx − µkk2 2 We seek to minimise µ1,...,µK ∈X `(µ1, . . . , µK , C1, . . . , CK ) Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 19/62
  • 20. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning Example: Clustering Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 20/62
  • 21. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning Example: Dimensionality Reduction Reducing the input space: f : X → b X, with b X ⊂ X Feature selection Feature extraction Example: Principal Component Analysis Assumption: The data are well-approximated by a d-dimensional linear subspace, d p Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 21/62
  • 22. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning Example: Dimensionality Reduction Family of hypotheses: H 3 h(x; P) = PT x Principal component analysis maximises variance: `(P) = −Var(h(x; P)) We seek minimise P `(P) subject to pT i pj = 0, i 6= j kpi k2 2 = 1 ∀i = 1, . . . , d Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 22/62
  • 23. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning Example: Dimensionality Reduction Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 23/62
  • 24. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning What have we learned? We have some problem that we cannot solve manually We have some data ({(xi , yi )}) Select a machine learning method (H) Select a loss function (`) Minimise the loss over the hypothesis space Ok, easy! Are we done? Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 24/62
  • 25. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning The Variance-Bias Trade-Off and Model Selection Example: Polynomial regression Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 25/62
  • 26. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning The Variance-Bias Trade-Off and Model Selection Problem: We have P(|`(h) − EX [`(h)]| ε) ≤ 2De−2ε2n for D ∝ p What can we do? Collect more data (increase n) Ask less of your model (increase ε) Reduce the input space (dim. reduction, decrease p) Constrain/regularise the hypothesis space (decrease D) Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 26/62
  • 27. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning The Variance-Bias Trade-Off and Model Selection Constrain/regularise the hypothesis space minimise β∈P `(β) subject to ϕ(β) ≤ C ⇐⇒ minimise β∈P `(β) + λϕ(β) Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 27/62
  • 28. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning The Variance-Bias Trade-Off and Model Selection Example: Polynomial ridge regression minimise β∈Rp 1 n ky − Xβk2 2 + λkβk2 2 where Xi = [1, xi , x2 i , . . . , xp−1 i ]. Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 28/62
  • 29. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Machine Learning The Variance-Bias Trade-Off and Model Selection Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 29/62
  • 30. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Short break? Next Up: Deep Learning Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 30/62
  • 31. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning History Wang and Raj (2017) Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 31/62
  • 32. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning History 1940–1970: Cybernetics Biological learning Mimicking the brain The perceptron (1 neuron) 1980–1995: Connectionism Back-propagation algorithm Up to a couple of hidden layers 2006–Now: Deep learning Pre-training using restricted Boltzmann machines Deep belief networks Tens or hundreds (thousands!) of hidden layers Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 32/62
  • 33. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Introduction Traditionally, a human provided the features (6=data) Machine learning method maximised the score on the task Now, “the machine” discovers the mapping from data to features, and the mapping from features to output End-to-end system Data Feature Extractor Machine Learning Outputs Data Feature Learning Machine Learning Outputs Deep Learning Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 33/62
  • 34. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning What is it? Basic idea: Features are learned from raw data Features are learned from features A hierarchy of features Lower layers in the hierarchy contains “simpler” features Higher layers in the hierarchy contains “complex” features Lines and blobs in images combines to form objects Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 34/62
  • 35. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Neural Networks: Inspiration from Neuroscience Original idea: Recreate the building blocks of the brain Your brain: 1011 neurons 1014 synapses 1017 ops./sec. Dendrites receive information Soma “processes” the information Action potential if enough signal from other neurons Sends processed information through axon Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 35/62
  • 36. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning An Artificial Neural Network Fundamental idea: “Artificial neurons” receive information Sums the inputs Sends inputs through “activation function”, φ Outputs processed information y = φ β0 + p X j=1 xj βj ! Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 36/62
  • 37. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning An Artificial Neural Network y1 = φ(XW0 + b0) yi+1 = φ(yi Wi + bi ), i = 1, 2, . . . , L ŷ = ϕ(yLWL + bL) ŷ = ϕ(φ(· · · (φ(φ(XW0 + b0)W1 + b1) · · · )WL−1 + bL−1)WL + bL) Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 37/62
  • 38. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Example: A Shallow Artificial Neural Network for Regression One hidden layer: y1 = φ(xW1 + b1) ŷ = ϕ(y1W2 + b2) Rectified linear unit: Let φ(x) = max(0, x) “Linear” output activation: Let ϕ(x) = x Family of hypotheses: H 3 h(x; W1, b1, W2, b2) = ϕ(φ(xW1 + b1)W2 + b2) We then minimise the mean squared error loss: `(W1, b1, W2, b2) = 1 n n X i=1 yi − h(xi ; W1, b1, W2, b2) 2 Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 38/62
  • 39. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Example: A Shallow Artificial Neural Network for Regression −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Nodes: 0, MSE: 0.030 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Nodes: 1, MSE: 0.019 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Nodes: 2, MSE: 0.014 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Nodes: 3, MSE: 0.008 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Nodes: 10, MSE: 0.006 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Nodes: 1000, MSE: 0.004 Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 39/62
  • 40. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Example: Artificial Neural Networks for Classification −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Linear, Accuracy: 0.51 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Nodes: 2, Accuracy: 0.66 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Nodes: 3, Accuracy: 0.91 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Nodes: 6-2, Accuracy: 0.91 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 −1.00 −0.75 −0.50 −0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Last hidden layer Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 40/62
  • 41. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Example: Artificial Neural Networks for Classification What’s really going on here? X XW1 φ(XW1) φ(XW1)W2 φ(φ(XW1)W2) Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 41/62
  • 42. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Stochastic Gradient Descent—The power-house of deep learning Intuition: Compute network output Determine how each parameter affected the error Update each parameter such that the error is reduced Repeat Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 42/62
  • 43. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Stochastic Gradient Descent—The power-house of deep learning β(k+1) = β(k) − α(k) ∇f (β(k) ) Gradient, ∇f , computed by back-propagation Expensive to compute ∇f for large data sets ∇f (β|X) ≈ 1 n n X i=1 ∇f (β | xi ), n 1 → E[∇f (β)], when n → ∞ Insight: E[∇f (β)] = E[∇f (β|xi )] Mini-batches to reduce noise Results indicate it is part of the success of deep learning! Provides a regulariser for the solution Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 43/62
  • 44. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning The success Amount of available training data Computer hardware (GPUs) Computer software (tensor/graph libraries) Improved regularisation techniques Dropout Batch normalisation Data augmentation Small perturbations of the data Scaling, translations, rotations, reflections, etc. Cropping, noise, linear combinations of samples, etc. Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 44/62
  • 45. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning The success Deeper models Transfer learning Better initialisation Better training algorithms Better models Residual Networks Densely Connected Networks U-Net Skip connections! Li et al. (2017) Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 45/62
  • 46. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks Introduced by LeCun et al. (1989) ILSVRC2012: Krizhevsky et al. (2012) Revolutionised image analysis Also in speech recognition, synthesis, etc. Very similar to fully connected layers y1j = φ b0j + X i Xi ∗ W0ij Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 46/62
  • 47. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks The Convolution Operator Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 47/62
  • 48. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks Gabor-like filters found in mammals (e.g. in cats) Gabor-like filters appear in the first layers of CNNs Combined to detect complex shapes Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 48/62
  • 49. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks Zeiler and Fergus (2013) Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 49/62
  • 50. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 50/62
  • 51. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks Ren et al. (2016): Choi et al. (2017): Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 51/62
  • 52. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks Nvidia (2015): Kontschieder et al. (2017): Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 52/62
  • 53. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks Karpathy and Fei-Fei (2015): Gatys et al. (2015): Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 53/62
  • 54. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks in Medical Imaging Roughly a 2.2 times increase of papers per year since 2011 Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 54/62
  • 55. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Generative adversarial networks (GANs) Two networks play a min-max game A generator network outputs samples A discriminator network distinguishes generated samples from real samples z xfake G(z) pθ(z) xreal pdata(x) x real? D(x) Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 55/62
  • 56. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Progressive GANs A recent development of GANs (Karras et al., 2018) The generator and discriminator are grown progressively Provides fast and stable training of GANs Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 56/62
  • 57. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning StyleGAN State of the art for human face synthesis Examples: Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 57/62
  • 58. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Image Synthesis using the StyleGAN Random example images generated using the StyleGAN model Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 58/62
  • 59. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Image Synthesis using the StyleGAN Example images generated from the MR and CT parts of the disentangled space (W) Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 59/62
  • 60. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Reinforcement Learning Multi-agent hide and seek by OpenAI (2019) Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 60/62
  • 61. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning Deep Learning Reinforcement Learning Robot hand solving Rubik’s cube by OpenAI (2019) Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 61/62
  • 62. Presentation Introduction Machine Learning Deep Learning The end Thank you for your attention! Questions? Tommy Löfstedt — Introduction to Machine Learning 62/62
  • 63. This training material is part of the FogGuru project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 765452. The information and views set out in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.