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The Axial Skeleton
    The Skull
General Features of Skull:
♣ The expanded upper part of axial skeleton lodging the brain and covering meninges.

♣ Consists of 22 bones, the mandible being the only mobile bone forming the TMJ.

♣ Descriptively divided into a globular upper part called cranium consisting of 8 bones, and an
  irregular anterior lower part called facial skeleton forming of 14 bones.

♣ The cranium has cranial cavity for the brain & meninges, and formed by:
   ♠ Single frontal bone      ♠ right & left parietal bones       ♠ Right & left temporal bones
   ♠ Single occipital bone       ♠ Single sphenoid bone        ♠ Single ethmoid bone

♣ The facial bones include:
   ♠ Two nasal bones                    ♠ Two lacrimal bones            ♠ Two maxillae
   ♠ Two inferior nasal conchae         ♠ Two palatine bones            ♠ Two zygomatic bone
   ♠ Single vomer                       ♠ Single mandible

♣ The cranial vault (cranial cap or calva) is formed by frontal, right & left parietals and occipital

♣ Except the mandible, all other bones of skull are connected together by immobile suture
  which at birth allows slight sliding on each other to decrease the size of fetal skull and
  help in labor.

♣ All bones of skull are made of inner & outer solid plates separated by a spongy bone called
  the diploë which is active in blood formation throughout the life.

♣ The bones of skull are perforated by foramens, fissures or canals which transmit blood
  vessels and cranial nerves.

♣ Emissary foramens are small openings in certain skull bones which transmit emissary veins
  that connect extracranial and intracranial veins, and are the site for intracranial spread of
  infection (meningitis & encephalitis).

♣ Developmentally, the bones of vault of cranium are developed from ossification into
  membranes (desmocranium), while the rest of skull bones are developed from ossification
  of hyaline cartilages (chondrocranium).
♣ The easiest way of learning skull features is via the ways you are viewing it:
  ♠ Norma Frontalis (anterior view)      ♠ Norma Verticalis (superior view)
  ♠ Norma Lateralis (lateral niew)       ♠ Norma Occipitalis (posterior view)
  ♠ Norma Basalis (inferior view)        ♠ Interior of Skull (cranial cavity)
Norma Frontalis
Norma Verticalis
Norma Lateralis
Norma Occipitalis
Norma Basalis
Norma Basalis
Interior of Skull
Internal Features of Cranial Cap (Calva)
Features of the Skull of New Born:
♣ The sutures are still membranous
♣ The anterior fontanelle is about 5 cm in diameter lying at the junction of sagittal & coronal
  suture. It usually ossifies & disappears at 18-24 months of age.
♣ The posterior fontanelle is usually very small or abscent lying at the junction of sagittal &
  lumbdoid suture. If present, it usually ossifies & disappears at 2-6 months of age.
Hyoid Bone
Vertebral Column:
♣ Consists of 33 vertebrae divided into 7 cervical, 12 thoracic. 5 lumbar, 5 fused sacral and 4 fused
♣ the vertebral column has 4 curvatures:
   ♠ Cervical curvature convex forward
   ♠ Thoracic curvature concave forward
   ♠ Lumbar curvature convex forward
   ♠ Sacral curvature concave forward
♣ Their bodies from 2nd cervical to 1st sacral vertebrae are joined together by fibrocartilaginous
  intervertebral discs to increase flexibility.
♣ Each disc consists of central gelatinous part called nucleus pulposus and peripheral fibrous part
  called annulus fibrosus.
♣ Prolapsed disc is a common clinical condition due to degenerative changes leading to the
  herniation of nucleus pulposus through ruptured annulus fibrosus and pressing on the spinal
  cord or spinal nerve roots causing muscular and neurological symptoms and signs.
♣ The prolapsed disc may occurs any where in vertebral column but, the most common sites are
  between L4-L5 & between L5 & sacrum.
♣ The deformities in the shape of vertebral column are developmental or acquired degenerative
  and include:
  Kyphosis: increased backward curvature of vertebral column.
  Lordosis: increased forward curvature of vertebral column.
  Scoliosis: an increase in lateral bending of vertebral column.
Cervical Vertebrae
7 in number, all are small in size with quadrangular-shaped vertebral body and triangular-
shaped vertebral foramen. They have foramens in their transverse processes for the vertebral
vessels ) vertebral veins ascends fron 7th, while the artery from the 6th

Features of Typical Cervical Vertebrae (3-6):
♣   The body small & quadrangular
♣   The vertebral foramen is large & triangular in shape
♣   The transverse processes are broad and short
♣   The spine is bifid

Feature of Atypical Vertebrae (1st atlas, 2nd Axis & 7th Cervica Prominence):
♣ Has no vertebral body
♣ The vertebral foramen is large constricted in middle, divided by transverse ligament into
  smaller anterior part occupied by dens of axis vertebra, and posterior larger part occupied
  by spinal cord and meninges.
♣ It is modified to fit the base of skull at atlanto-occipital joint.
Has all features of typical cervical vertebrae except
that its body superiorly has a bony projection called
dens or odontoid process which articulate with atlas
vertebra in atlanto-axial joint for the rotation of head.

7th Cervical Vertenra:
♣ Has all feature of typical vertebrae except that its spinous process is long, prominent and not
♣ In a developmental anomaly called Cervical Rib, the transverse processes of the 7th vertebra
  are long and connected to the first rib by a fibrous cord. This will result in the traction of
  lower trunk of brachial plexus (C8,T1) causing muscular & neurological symptoms.
The Scalp:
Extension: superior nuchal line, auricles & eyebrows

Layers: skin, connective tissue, aponeurosis of occipitofrontalis muscle, loose subaponeurotic
          connective tissue, periosteum.

 Occipitofrontalis Muscle:
  Attachment: highest nuchal line & skin of eyebrows.
  Action: moves the scalp to raise or depress the eyebrows in facial expression.
  Nerve supply: temporal and posterior auricular branches of facial nerve.

Sensory Nerve Supply of Scalp:
1. Supratrochlear & supraorbital nerves from the ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve.
2. Zygomaticotemporal nerve from maxillary division of trigeminal nerve.
3. Auriculotemporal nerve from mandibular division of trigeminal nerve.
4. Greater occipital nerve a branch of dorsal ramus of C2
5. lesser occipital nerve (C2) from cervical plexus.
Arterial Supply of Scalp:
1. Supraorbital & supratrochlear branches of ophthalmic artery (internal carotid artery)
2. Zygomaticotemporal branch of maxillary artery (external carotid artery)
3. Superficial temporal artery (external carotid artery)
4. Occipital artery (external carotid artery)
5. Posterior auricular artery (external carotid artery)

Veins of Scalp:
1. Supratrochlear & supraorbital veins forming the facial vein
2. Superficial temporal vein             3. Occipital vein        4. Posterior auricular vein

Lymph Drainage of Scalp:
Submandibular & submental nodes → deep cervical nodes.

Clinical Notes:
♣ Cutting wounds            ♣ Subaponeurotic hematoma             ♣ Subperiosteal hematoma
♣ Dermoid cyst              ♣ Sebaceous cysts
The Face
Muscles of Facial Expression:
♣ Located in the superficial fascia, attached to bones of skull and the skin of face.
♣ Exert sphincteric action around the orbit, mouth and nasal apertures.
♣ Change the expression of face.
♣ No need to memorize their attachments but be familiar with their names and location.
♣ They include;
 ♠ Muscles Around Orbital Cavity (orbicularis oculi, corrugator supercilii, procerus).
 ♠ Muscles Around the Nasal Openings (compressor nasi & dilator naris, levator labii superioris
   alaeque nasi).
 ♠ Muscles of Lip and the Angle of Mouth (orbicularis oris, levator labii superioris, levator
   anguli oris, zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor, depressor labii inferioris, depressor
   anguli oris, mentalis, risorius, buccinator, platyama).
Orbicularis oculi:
♣ The orbital part is the outermost part, its fibers arise from medial palpebral ligament make a
  complete circle around orbital opening and insert into the same area of origin. It forcibly
  closes the opening of eye during the reflex protection of eyes when exposed to foreign bodies
  or truama.
♣ The palpebral part in the eyelids and its fibers take origin from the medial palpebral
  ligament and insert into the lateral palpebral ligament. It lightly closes the eyelids as in
  blinking or during sleep. It also directs the tears medially toward dilated lacrimal sac.
♣ The lacrimal part is small deep part encircle the lacrimal sac and help to evacuate the sac
  from tears into the nasolacrimal duct.
♣ It is supplied by temporal & zygomatic branches of facial nerve.
Orbicularis oris:
♣ Forms the upper and lower lips.
♣ It takes origin from the outer surface of maxilla and body of mandible
♣ It consists of peripheral & marginal fibers which intermingles with other facial muscles
  (zygomaticus major & minor, risorius, buccinator and the levators and depressors of lips and
   angle of mouth) at the angle of mouth forming the modiolus.
♣ Supplied by buccal branch of facial nerve
♣ It controls the movements of lips in drinking, eating, suckling, whispering, whistling, and
♣ Muscle of the cheek, has the buccal pad of fat on it, and
  it is pierced by the parotid duct.
♣ Originates from alveolar part of maxilla & mandible
  and inserts into the pterygomandibular raphe.
♣ Supplied by buccal branches of facial nerve.
♣ It balloons and compresses the cheek.

♣ Broad, sheet-like muscle, and the most superficial muscle.
♣ Arises from the deep fascia over the deltoid and pectoralis
  major muscles, and inserts into the mandible and the
  fascia at the angle of mouth.
♣ Supplied by the cervical branch of facial nerve.
♣ It tenses the skin over the side of neck especially in shaving,
  and depresses the mandible and angle of mouth.
Motor Nerve Supply of Facial Muscles:
♣ All are supplied by the facial nerve through its 5 terminal branches emerging from the
  substance of parotid gland ( temporal, zygomatic, buccal, marginal mandibular &
♣ Temporary paralysis of facial nerve (Bell’s Palsy) is common clinical condition affecting
  young adults and characterized by inability of closing the eye and drop of the angle of
  mouth on the affected side with passage of fluid out of mouth.
Sensory Nerves of Face:
1) From Ophthalmic Division of Trigeminal Nerve:
  supraorbital & supratrochlear branches of frontal nerve.
  infratrochlear and external nasal branches of nasociliary nerve.
  palpebral branch of lacrimal nerve.
2) From Maxillary Division of Trigeminal Nerve:
  infraorbital & zygomaticofacial nerves
3) From Mandibular Division of Trigeminal Nerve:
   auriculotemporal, buccal & mental nerves
4) From Cervical Plexus:
  great auricular nerve (C2 & C3) which supplies the skin over parotid gland and part of auricle.
Arteries of Face:
1) Branches of facial artery:
   inferior labial, superior labial, lateral nasal arteries.
2) Branches of ophthalmic artery:
   supratrochlear, supraorbital, infratrochlear , external
   nasal and palpebral arteries
3) Branches of maxillary artery:
   infraorbital, mental, buccal and zygomaticofacial
4) Branches of superficial temporal artery:
   transverse facial and zygomatico-orbital arteries

Veins of Face:
Facial, superficial temporal and maxillary veins

Lymph Drainage of Face:
Into the submental & submandibular lymph nodes which
eventually are drained into the deep cervical nodes.
Muscles of Mastication:
♣ They include, masseter, temporalis,
   lateral pterygoid & medial pterygoid.
♣ All are supplied by mandibular division
  of trigeminal nerve.
♣ They originate from the skull bones and
   insert on to the mandible.
♣ They act on temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
  during mastication and speech.
♣ Originates from zygomatic arch & inserts on the outer surface of angle and ramus of mandible.
♣ It elevates, retracts & protracts the mandible.

♣ Originates from the parietal bone & squamous part of temporal bone (floor of temporal fossa)
  and from the temporal fascia.
♣ Inserts into the coronoid process of mandible.
♣ It elevates and retracts the mandible.

Lateral pterygoid:
♣ Its upper head arises from infratemporal crest of greater wing of sphenoid while the lower
  head arises from lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate.
♣ It inserts into the neck of mandible and articular disc of TMJ.
♣ It depresses the mandible & opens the mouth.

Medial pterygoid:
♣ It has superficial & deep heads surrounding the lower heads of lateral pterygoid.
♣ The deep head arises from medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate, while the superficial head
  arises from the tuberosity of maxilla.
♣ Inserts into the inner surface of angle of mandible opposite the insertion of masseter.
♣ It elevates the mandible and closes the mouth
The Temporal Fossa:
♣ It lies deep to scalp at the side of skull.
♣ Extends from superior temporal line to zygomatic arch.
♣ It contains
  ♠ temporalis,
  ♠ temporal fascia,
  ♠ deep temporal vessels of maxillary vessels
  ♠ deep temporal nerves from mandibular division
    which supply temporalis
  ♠ zygomaticotemporal nerve and vessels
    (branches of maxillary nerve and vessels).
♣ The superficial temporal artery & vein, auriculotemporal
  nerve, and temporal branch of facial nerve are
  superficial to temporal fascia.
The Infra-Temporal Fossa:
♣ It lies below and deep to zygomatic arch between the side of skull & the ramus of mandible.
♣ It is communications are:
  ♠ with temporal fossa deep to zygomatic arch.
  ♠ with middle cranial fossa through foramen ovale and foramen spinosum
  ♠ with pterygopalatine fossa at the base of skull through pterygomaxillary fissure.
♣ It contains:
  ♠ lateral & medial pterygoid muscles
  ♠ maxillary artery and its branches (mainly, inferior alveolar, middle & accessory middle
    meningeal arteries & others).
  ♠ pterygoid venous plexus, maxillary vein and lymphatic vessels
  ♠ otic parasympathetic ganglion & lesser petrosal nerve.
  ♠ mandibular nerve, its divisions and branches.
  ♠ chorda tympani nerve joining the lingual nerve.
Maxillary Artery:
♣ Terminal branch of external carotid artery, arises behind the neck of mandible within the
   parotid gland.
♣ Descriptively divided into three parts; 1st, 2nd & 3rd parts.
♣ The First Part extends from the origin to lower border of lateral pterygoid muscle and gives
  the following branches:
       1. Deep auricular artery to external auditory meatus
       2. Anterior tympanic to tympanic membrane
   3 & 4. Middle meningeal & accessory middle meningeal arteries to meninges
       5. Inferior alveolar artery to mandible which gives (6.) mylohyoid artery to
           mylohyoid muscle
♣ The Second Part usually runs superficial to lateral pterygoid muscle and gives:
   7. Muscular branches to masseter and pterygoid muscles
   8. Two deep temporal arteries to temporalis
   9. Buccal artery
♣ The Third part at the pteygomaxillary fissure gives the (10.) posterior superior alveolar
  artery to maxilla and (11.) the infraorbital artery. Then it continues into the pteygopalatine
  fossa and gives the following branches:
   12 & 13. Greater & lesser palatine arteries to palate & nasopharynx
   13. Pharyngeal artery to nasopharynx
   14. Artery of pterygoid canal
   15. Sphenopalatine artery (termination of maxillary artery) to palate
The Pterygo-Palatine Fossa:
♣ Very small and deep pyramidal-shaped fossa, located
  immediately below the apex of orbital cavity.
♣ It lies between the maxilla, pterygoid and palatine bones.
♣ It is communicated with:
  ♠ infratemporal fossa through pterygomaxillary fissure.
  ♠ middle cranial fossa through foramen rotundum and
    pterygoid canal.
  ♠ nasal cavity through sphenopalatine foramen.
  ♠ Orbital cavity through inferior orbital fissure.
♣ It contains:
  ♠ Maxillary nerve and its branches.
  ♠ Pterygopalatine parasympathetic ganglion & its
     branches, and the nerve of pterygoid canal
    (formed by greater petrosal & deep petrosal nerves).
  ♠ Terminal part of maxillary artery & its branches with
    accompanying veins and lymphatic vessels.
Deep Fascia of Neck:
The deep fascia of neck include four parts; the investing deep fascia, the carotid sheath, the
pretracheal fascia and the prevertebral fascia.

1) Investing deep Fascia:
 ♣ Attached superiorly to base of mandible, mastoid process & superior nuchal line.
 ♣ Attached inferiorly to acromion process of scapula, clavicle and manubrium sterni.
 ♣ Superiorly it provides fascial sheaths for submandibular & parotid salivary glands.
  ♣ It thickens between parotid and submandibular glands forming the stylomandibular
 ♣ It invests sternomastoid, inferior belly of omohyoid, trapezius and extends posteriorly to
   reach the ligamentum nuchae.
 ♣ It is thin over the roof of posterior triangle and above the manubrium sterni, where the
   inflammatory pus usually points out to the skin.
 ♣ In the middle and above the manubrium sterni, it splits into two layers which are attaches to
inner and outer margins of manubrium forming the suprasternal space.
 ♣ The suprasternal space contains:
   ♠ the sternal heads of sternomastoid muscles       ♠ lower parts of anterior jugular veins
   ♠ the jugular venous arches                        ♠ a small lymph node
2) Carotid sheath:
♣ Tubular sheath investing the common carotid artery then internal carotid artery, internal
   jugular vein, deep cervical lymph nodes, vagus nerve and the ansa cervicalis nerve.
♣ Extends from base of skull to superior mediastinum where it continues with adventitia of
  great vessels.

3) Pretracheal Fascia:
♣ Invests thyroid and parathyroid glands
♣ Attached to hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage.
♣ It moves the thyroid gland with deglutition

4) Prevertebral Fascia Fascia:
♣ Covers the prevertebral muscle
♣ Extends from base of skull to 3rd thoracic vertebra.
♣ In the root of neck, it gives tubular sheath called axillary sheath which invests axillary
  vessels and cords of brachial plexus.
Triangles of Neck:
The neck is best studied by dividing it into anterior & posterior triangles using sternomastoid as a
The Posterior Triangle:
♣ Bounded anteriorly by posterior border of sternomastoid, posteriorly by the anterior border of
  trapezius and inferiorly by the middle third of clavicle.
♣ It roof is formed by investing deep fascia, superficial fascia, platysma, cutaneous branches of
  cervical plexus and skin.
♣ Its floor is formed by muscles lined by prevertebral fascia, which include from above
  downward, semispinalis capitis, splenius capitis, levator scapulae, scalenus medius,
  scalenus anterior and 1st digitation of serratus anterior.
♣ It is divided by the inferior belly of omohyoid into an upper larger occipital triangle and a
  smaller lower supraclavicular or subclavian triangle.
Occipital Triangle: it contains:
♠ Occipital artery.
♠ Cutaneous branches of cervical plexus (great auricular
  nerve, lesser occipital nerve, transverse cutaneous
  nerve of neck & supraclavicular nerve).
♠ Spinal accessory nerve which supplies trapezius &
♠ Dorsal scapular nerve which supplies levator scapulae
  and rhomboideus major & minor muscles.
♠ Sensory nerves to trapezius, levator scapulae,
  rhomboideus muscles from cervical plexus.
♠ Transverse cervical, suprascapular arteries & external jugular vein
♠ Upper & middle trunks of brachial plexus.

Subclavian Triangle: it contains:
♠ 3rd part of subclavian artery                         ♠ Lower trunk of brachial plexus
♠ Transverse cervical & suprascapular arteries            ♠ Phrenic nerve
♠ Suprascapular nerve to supraspinatus & infraspinatus muscles, and suprascapular vessels.
♠ Inferior thyroid artery                   ♠ Long thoracic nerve to serratus anterior muscle.
The Anterior Triangle & Its Subdivisions:
♣ It is bounded by the midline anteriorly, anterior border of sternomastoid posteriorly, and by
  the inferior border of mandible superiorly.
♣ It is subdivided into submental, digastric or submandibular, carotid and muscular triangles,
The Submental Triangle:
♣ Bounded by midline anterioerly, hyoid bone inferiorly, and the anterior belly of digastric
♣ The roof is formed by skin superficial fascia, platysma & investing deep fascia.
♣ The floor is formed by mylohyoid muscle.
♣ It contains:
  1. Submental lymph node
  2. Submental vessels
  3. Anterior jugular vein
The Digastric (Submandibular) Triangle:
♣ Bounded anteriorly by anterior belly of digastric, posterior belly of digastric & stylohyoid
  muscles posteriorly and the inferior border of mandible superiorly.
♣ The roof is formed by skin superficial fascia, platysma and deep investing fascia.
♣ The floor is formed by mylohyoid, hyoglossus and superior constrictor muscles.
♣ It contains:
  1. Submandibular lymph nodes
  2. Submandibular salivary gland
  3. Facial artery & vein
  4. Submental vessels
  5. Mylohyoid nerve & vessels
  6. Hypoglossal nerve
  7. More posteriorly are the internal & external
      carotid arteries & vagus nerve.
The Muscular Triangle:
♣ Bounded anteriorly by the midline, superiorly by posterior border of superior belly of
  omohyoid, and inferiorly by sternomastoid.
♣ Its roof is formed by skin superficial fascia, platysma & investing deep fascia.
♣ Its floor is formed by the inferior belly of omohyoid, sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles
  which are supplied by ansa cervicalis
The Carotid Triangle:
♣ Bounded superiorly by posterior belly of digastric,
  inferiorly by superior belly of omohyoid, and
  posteriorly by sternomastoid.
♣ Its roof is formed by skin, superficial fascia,
  platysma and investing deep fascia.
♣ Its floor is formed by thyrohyoid, hyoglossus,
  middle and inferior constrictor muscles.

♣ It contains.
  1. Common carotid artery & its bifurcation
  2. Internal carotid artery & internal jugular nerve
  3. External carotid artery & its branches
      (superior thyroid, ascending pharyngeal,
      lingual, facial & occipital)
  4. Deep cervical lymph node
  5. Hypoglossal nerve
  6. Accessory nerve
  7. Loop of ansa cervicalis (C1,2&3 superior root from C1, inferior root from C2 & C3.
Vessels of the Head & Neck
Brachiocephalic Trunk:
● Arises from arch of aorta, ascends upward, laterally and to right side.
● Divides into right common carotid and right subclavian arteries behind the
  sternoclavicular joint.
● Crossed anteriorly by left brachiocephalic vein.
● The right brachiocephalic vein lies anterolateral, and the right vagus descends
Common Carotid Arteries:
● The right artery arises from brachiocephalic trunk behind right sternoclavicular joint.
● The left artery arises from the arch of aorta, ascends lateral to trachea and enters the neck
  behind left sternoclavicular joint.
● Both ascends in the neck overlapped by the lower part of sternomastoid, sternohyoid,
  sternothyroid & superior belly of omohyoid.
● Enclosed by carotid sheath together with internal jugular vein (anterolateral), vagus nerve
  (posterolateral) and ansa cervicalis (anterior).
● The lower cervical transverse processes, prevertebral muscles, vertebral vessels, inferior
  thyroid artery and cervical sympathetic trunk lies behind it.
● The trachea, esophagus, recurrent laryngeal nerve, larynx, pharynx & thyroid gland lies
  medial to it
● Divides at the level of upper border of thyroid cartilage into internal & external carotid
● It dilates at its bifurcation forming carotid sinus (baroreceptor).
● In the posterior wall of carotid sinus lies the carotid body (chemoreceptor for O2 & CO2
External Carotid artery
● Arises from common carotid artery lateral to upper border of thyroid cartilage, and ends
   within the parotid gland behind the neck of mandible into maxillary & superficial
   temporal arteries.

● Ascends anteromedial, anterior, and lateral to internal carotid artery.

● Overlapped by sternomastoid muscle and crossed anteriorly by the posterior belly of
   digastric, stylohyoid muscle & ligament and hypoglossal nerve.

● Within the parotid gland, the facial nerve and retromandibular vein are anterior to it.

● The styloid process, stylopharyngeus and styloglossus muscles, glossopharyngeal nerve
   and pharyngeal branch of vagus lie behind it (between external & internal carotid

● it branches are:
   1. Superior thyroid .          2. Ascending pharyngeal.             3. Lingual
   4. Facial                      5. Occipital                        6. Posterior auricular
   7. maxillary                   8. Superficial temporal
1. Superior Thyroid Artery:
 ● Descends to thyroid lobe accompanied by external laryngeal nerve.
 ● Gives infrahyoid, superior laryngeal, sternomastoid & cricothyroid
2. Ascending Pharyngeal Artery:
 ● Ascends on the lateral wall of pharynx.
 ● Gives branches to palatine tonsil and pharyngeal wall.

3. Lingual Artery:
 ● Ascends to the tongue passing deep to hyoglossus muscle.
 ● Gives sublingual, dorsal lingual and deep lingual arteries.
4. Fascial Artery:
 ● Ascends medially grooving submandibular gland.
 ● Crosses the lower border of body of mandible at the
   anterior border of masseter muscle where its
   pulsations are easily felt.
 ● Enters the face having a tortuous course, terminates
    as angular artery at the medial angle of orbit.
 ● Gives: ascending palatine, tonsilar, submandibular,
    submental branches in the neck, and inferior labial,
    superior labial and lateral nasal in the face.
5. Occipital Artery:
● Ascends to the scalp along the lower border of posterior belly of digastric muscle.
● Accompanies the greater occipital nerve.
● Gives muscular branches, stylomastoid artery and branches to posterior part of scalp.
6. Posterior Auricular Artery:
● Ascends behind the auricle and supplies auricle and scalp.
7. Maxillary Artery:
● Arises as terminal branch within the parotid gland
  behind the neck of mandible.
● Ascends into infratemporal fossa and then to
  pterygopalataine fossa where it terminates with the branches
  of pterygopalatine ganglion.
● Gives: deep auricular, anterior tympanic, inferior alveolar,
  middle meningeal & accessory middle meningeal, deep
  temporal, masseteric, pterygoid, buccal, superior alveolar,
  zygomatic, infraorbital, greater palatine, pharyngeal,
  sphenopalatine arteries and the artery of pterygoid canal.
8. Superficial Temporal Artery:
● Terminal branch arises within parotid gland and ascends to
  the side of scalp.
● Gives transverse facial, zygomatico-orbital, middle temporal
  arteries and breaks down into anterior and posterior
  branches to the scalp.
Internal Carotid Artery:
●   Arises as terminal branch of common carotid artery.
●   Ascends to the base of skull and enters into cranium through carotid canal.
●   Gives no extra-cranial branches.
●   Its intracranial course and branches will be discussed in the neuro-anatomy
Subclavian Artery
● The right artery arises from brachiocephalic trunk behind the sternoclavicular joint.
● The left artery arises from arch of aorta and ascends lateral to trachea.
● The right & left arteries arch into the root of neck anterior to cervical pleura and over the
  superior surface of 1st rib.
● The corresponding subclavian vein is anterolateral to it.
● Continues as axillary artery at the outer border of 1st rib
● The scalenus anterior, phrenic nerve and vagus nerve lie anterior to it.
● The scalenus medius, right recurrent laryngeal nerve lie posterior to it.
● Divided by scalenus anterior into three parts:
   I. First Part: medial to scalenus anterior and gives:
      1. Vertebral Artery (gives muscular & spinal branches & forms basilar artery inside skull)
      2. Internal Thoracic Artery (anterior intercostal arteries to upper 6 spaces, perforating
         branches, mammary branches, pericardiophrenic artery, musculophrenic and superior
         epigastric ateries.
      3. Thyrocervical Trunk (gives transverse cervical artery, suprascapular artery
         & inferior thyroid artery) .
 II. Second Part: posterior to scalenus anterior and gives costocervical trunk which divides into
                  deep cervical artery and superior (highest) intercostal artery.
 III. Third Part: lateral to scalenus anterior and gives no branches.
Veins of Head & Neck
Internal Jugular Vein
● Begins in the jugular foramen as a continuation of sigmoid sinus and ends into the
  corresponding brachiocephalic vein.
● Has superior bulb in the jugular foramen and inferior bulb near its termination.
● Descends in the carotid sheath lateral to internal carotid artery and then to the common
  carotid artery with the vagus nerve postero-intermediate.
● Related anteriorly to sternomastoid, sternohyoid, sternothyroid, superior belly of
● Posteriorly are the cervical transverse processes, prevertebral muscles, sympathetic
● Receives; inferior petrosal sinus, occipital vein, pharyngeal veins, facial vein,
            lingual vein, superior & middle thyroid veins.
External Jugular Vein
● Begins behind the angle of mandible by union of posterior auricular vein and
  posterior division of retromandibular vein.
  (The retromandibular vein id formed with in parotid gland by union of superficial
  temporal vein & maxillary vein. It divides into anterior & posterior divisions. The
  anterior division joins the facial vein forming common facial vein which opens
  into internal jugular vein. The posterior division units with posterior auricular vein
  to form external jugular vein)
● Descends superficial & in lower part of neck pierces the deep fascia to end into
  corresponding subclavian vein.
● It receives: posterior external jugular, transverse cervical vein, suprascapular
  vein, anterior jugular vein & some times, the occipital vein.

Anterior Jugular Vein:
● Formed in the superficial fascia of submental area and descends lateral to midline.
● The two veins above sternum are connected by jugular arch.
● It receives blood from skin & fascia, and ends into corresponding external
  jugular vein.
Subclavian Vein:
● The continuation of axillary vein at the outer
  border of 1st rib.
● Receives the external jugular vein.
● Joins the internal jugular vein behind
  sternoclavicular forming brachiocephalic vein.
Salivary Glands
Three pairs; parotid, submandibular and sublingual , located in the region of head & neck around
oral cavity. They secret saliva into oral cavity via their ducts. Additional small salivary glands
exist in the mucosa & submucosa of palate, mouth cavity and nasopharynx. The saliva contains water,
electrolytes, mucus, amylase and IgA produced by the plasma cells of connective tissue. The IgA
taken by secretory cells will be secreted combined to their product.

Parotid Gland
● The largest one located anterior and below the auricle on the ramus of
● Extends from external auditory meatus above to the upper part of the
  side of neck on the sternomastoid muscle.
● Has a fibrous capsule and a fascial sheath derived from the investing
  layer of deep fascia of neck.
● Its shape is irregular, wedged between the ramus of mandible, masseter anteriorly and mastoid
  process and sternomastoid posteriorly.
● The facial nerve passes within the gland and divides it into superficial and deep parts.
● The parotid duct (Stensen’s duct) emerges from the superficial part, crosses over masseter,
   pierces buccinator muscle and overlying fat & fascia to open into mouth vestibule opposite the 2 nd
  upper molar tooth.
● The parotid gland has 4 extensions or processes which include;
  ♣ glenoid process behind the temporomandibular joint.
  ♣ pterygoid process between medial pterygoid muscle and
  ♣ facial process over the masseter muscle.
  ♣ accessory parotid gland (detached part of the gland over the
● Strucures passing within the gland from superficial to deep are:
  ♣ Facial nerve and its terminal branches
  ♣ Retromandibular vein with its tributaries and divisions
    (maxillary and superficial temporal veins, anterior &
     posterior divisions)
  ♣ External carotid artery and its two terminal branches
    (maxillary & superficial temporal arteries).
  ♣ Also lying within the gland are the deep parotid lymph nodes.
Relations of Parotid Gland:
 temporomandibular joint and external auditory meatus.
 parotid fascia, parotid lymph nodes & great auricular nerve.
 temporomandibular joint, ramus of mandible, masseter &
 medial pterygoid muscle
 mastoid process, sternomastoid, posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid muscles, carotid
 sheath containing internal carotid artery, internal jugular vein & vagus nerve, and the facial,
 glossopharyngeal, accessory and hypoglossal nerves.

Nerve Supply of Parotid Gland:
● The skin & fascial sheath of parotid gland are supplied by great auricular nerve from cervical
● Postganglionic parasympathetic nerves are derived from the otic ganglion and reach the gland
  via auriculotemporal nerve. The preganglionic parasympathetic nerves to otic ganglion is
  from lesser petrosal nerve of glossopharyngeal nerve.
● Postganglionic secretomotor sympathetic nerves are from the superior cervical sympathetic
  ganglion via plexus on external carotid artery. Preganglionic sympathetic fibers to superior cervical
  sympathetic ganglion are derived from lateral gray mater of upper four thoracic spinal segments.
Blood Supply & Lymphatic Drainage of Parotid Gland
Arteries: branches from external carotid, maxillary & superficial temporal arteries.
Veins: retromandibular vein.
Lymph drainage: parotid lymph nodes & deep
                cervical lymph nodes.
Submandibular Gland
● The 2nd largest salivary gland located in the neck, deep to the body of mandible (in the
  submandibular fossa), and separated from parotid gland by the stylomandibular ligament.
● Has fibrous capsule and invested by a sheath of fascia from investing deep fascia of neck.
● It consists of a large superficial part and a smaller deep part which are continuous with each
  other at the posterior border of mylohyoid muscle.
● The submandibular duct (Wharton’s duct) emerges from the deep part and runs anteriorly
  on hyoglossus muscle and then between sublingual gland and genioglossus muscle to open in
  the floor of mouth cavity proper by a small papilla at the side of the frenulum of tongue.
Relations of Superficial Part:
Anteriorly: anterior belly of digastric muscle.
Posteriorly: posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid muscles.
Laterally:    superiorly is the medial surface of body of
              mandible, while inferiorly are the investing
              deep fascia of neck, submandibular lymph
              nodes, platysma muscle, cervical branch of facial nerve and the facial vein.
              The facial artery indents the posterosuperior part of gland.
Medially:      mylohyoid and hyoglossus muscles, deep part of submandibular gland, and the
              lingual and hypoglossal nerves.

Relations of Deep Part:
Anteriorly: sublingual gland.
Posteriorly: posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid muscles.
Medially:     hyoglossus and styloglossus muscles.
Laterally:    superiorly is the body of mandible, inferiorly are
              the mylohyoid muscle & superficial part of gland.
Superiorly: lingual nerve, submandibular ganglion and mucus membrane of mouth.
Inferiorly:   hypoglossal nerve.
Nerve Supply of Submandibular Gland
● Sensory nerves are derived from lingual nerve
● Postganglionic parasympathetic nerves are from submandibular ganglion via branches of
  lingual nerve. The preganglionic parasympathetic of submandibular ganglion are derived
  from the facial nerve via chorda tympani
● Postganglionic sympathetic nerves are from superior cervical sympathetic ganglion from
  the plexus on facial & lingual arteries.

Blood Supply & Lymph Drainage of Submandibular Gland
● Arteries: from facial & lingual arteries.
● Veins: into the corresponding veins.
● Lymph drainage: to submandibular and deep cervical lymph nodes.
Sublingual Gland
● The smallest pair of salivary glands located in the floor of mouth cavity under the tongue.
● It raises a transverse sublingual fold of mucosa in the floor mouth, and its ducts are 8-20 in
  number and open on the summit of sublingual papilla.
● A major sublingual duct (Bartholin duct) also joins the submandibular duct.

Relations of Sublingual Gland:
Anteriorly: the opposite sublingual gland.
Posteriorly: the deep part of submandibular gland
Laterally: body of mandible (sublingual fossa of
Medially: genioglossus, submandibular duct &
          lingual nerve
Superiorly: mucus membrane of mouth.
Inferiorly: mylohyoid muscle.
Blood Supply of Sublingual Gland:
Arteries: branches from facial & lingual arteries.
Veins:      into the corresponding veins.

Lymph Drainage of Sublingual Gland:
Into the submandibular & deep cervical lymph nodes.

Nerve supply of Sublingual Gland:
● Sensory nerves are derived from lingual nerve.
● Postganglionic parasympathetic from submandibular ganglion via lingual nerve.
  The preganglionic to submansibular gaglion are from chorda tympani of facial nerve.
● Postganglionic sympathetic nerves are from superior cervical sympathetic ganglion via plexus
  on the arterial supply.
The Mouth Opening & Oral Cavity
● The mouth opening (labial or oral fissure) lies between the two lips & leads into the oral
● The oral or buccal cavity is divided into a small vestibule
  and a larger oral cavity proper which are continuous
  with each other behind the last molar teeth when the jaws
  are closed.

The Vestibule
● The vestibule lies anterior to dental arch and bounded by the lips and cheeks.
● Each lip consists of skin, superficial fascia, orbicularis oris muscle & facial muscles at the
  angle of mouth and mucus membrane. The mucus membrane is moist lined by non-keratinized
  stratified squamous epithelium and contains labial mucus gland. In the middle of upper lip skin
  there is a depression called philtrum. The inner epithelium of each lip is reflected on the gums and
  in the middle, there is upper & lower labial frenulum (if tight and thick, they interfere with
  speech during childhood).
● Each cheek is formed by the skin, superficial fascia, buccal pad of fat, buccinator muscle and
  mucus membrane lined by non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and contains buccal
  mucus glands.
● The parotid duct pierces buccinator muscle and opens into the vestibule by a small papilla
  opposite 2nd upper molar tooth. This area is the site where the first vesicular eruption of measles
  is found (Koplic spot).

● The sensory nerve supply of upper lip is by infraorbital nerve of maxillary division of trigeminal
  nerve (5th cranial nerve) and the buccal nerve of mandibular division of trigeminal nerve. The
  mucus membrane of upper gum is supplied by superior alveolar branch of maxillary nerve.
● The sensory nerve supply of lower lip is by the mental and buccal nerves from mandibular
   division of trigeminal nerve. The mucus membrane of lower gum is supplied by inferior
   alveolar branch of mandibular nerve.
● The muscles of both lips are supplied by branches of facial nerve.

● The sensory supply of the skin and mucus membrane of cheeks is by buccal nerve from
  mandibular nerve. The motor supply is by facial nerve.

● The blood supply of lips and cheeks is by branches of facial and maxillary vessels, and their
  lymphatic vessels are drained into submandibular lymph nodes.
Mouth Cavity Proper
● Much larger than the vestibule, bounded anteriorly and
  laterally by dental arches of maxillae and mandible,
  superiorly (roof) by the palate, and inferiorly (floor) by
  the anterior two thirds of tongue & mucus membrane
  reflected from sides & inferior surface of tongue to lower jaw.
● Continuous posteriorly with oropharynx at oropharyngeal
  isthmus or isthmus of Fauces bounded by the two
  palatoglossal arches.
● On the under surface of tongue there is a median mucosal
  fold called frenulum of tongue (if thick and short it
  interferes with normal speech and requires surgical
  Lateral to frenulum, the lingual artery, lingual nerve and
  deep lingual vein are located under mucosa in order from
  medial to lateral. The deep lingual vein can be seen through
  the illuminated mouth cavity. Just lateral to the vein there is
  a fold of mucosa called plica fimbriata.
● Lateral to the root of frenulum of tongue, there are two horizontal sublingual mucosal folds
  formed by sublingual glands. The multiple openings of sublingual ducts are located along the
  sublingual folds. The openings of submandibular ducts lie on the sides of the root of lingual
● The mucosa of oral cavity proper is lined by non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
  and contains small salivary glands which open directly into oral cavity.
● The sensory nerve supply of mucus membrane of hard palate is by greater palatine and
  nasopalatine nerves from maxillary division of trigeminal nerve. The sensory nerve supply of
  soft palate is by lessor palatine branch of maxillary nerve & the glossopharyngeal nerve.
● The sensory nerve supply of floor of mouth is by lingual branch of mandibular division of
  trigeminal nerve.
● The arterial supply of palate is by the branches of maxillary artery (greater palatine, lesser
  palatine & sphenopalatine arteries), ascending palatine branch of facial artery & palatine branch
  of ascending pharyngeal artery. The floor of mouth cavity is supplied by branches of lingual
● The venous drainage is into corresponding veins
● The lymphatic drainage is into the deep cervical nodes via submandibular lymph nodes.
The Teeth
● The deciduous teeth of childhood are 20; 4 incisors, 2 canines,
  and 4 molars in each jaw. The first eruption starts at 6 months
  usually in lower jaw and are completed by the age of 2 years.

● The permanent teeth are 32: 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 premolars
  and 6 molars in each jaw. The last molar teeth are usually
  erupted by the age 17-30.

● Each permanent tooth consists of root and crown which join
  together at the cervix of tooth.

● The root or roots are embedded in their sockets in alveolar part of mandible and maxilla
  covered by mucus membrane (gingiva or gum). The root centrally has the pulp connected
  below with the root canal for nerves and vessels and immediately surrounded by hard dentin.
  External to dentine is much harder cementum which is bounded to alveolar bone by strong
  periodontal ligament .

● The crown projects from the root into mouth cavity and consists of inner dentin and outer
The Tongue
● A mass of skeletal muscles covered by mucus membrane,
  located in oral cavity and oropharynx, and attached by its
  muscles to the styloid process of skull, mandible & hyoid
  bone. The right & left halves of tongue are connected
  together by a median fibrous septum.

● Divided by the V-shaped sulcus terminalis into the anterior
  2/3 located in mouth cavity proper, and posterior 1/3 located
  in oropharynx. The apex of sulcus terminalis points
  posteriorly and has a pit representing the embryonic foramen
  cecum, the site where thyroglossal duct descends with thyroid
  gland from pharynx to the neck.

● The mucus membrane on the dorsum of anterior 2/3 of
  tongue is rough due to the projections of lamina propria
  under the epithelium forming many papillae.
● The mucous membrane on the dorsum of posterior 1/3 has
  many elevations produced by lymphatic follicles (lingual
  tonsil). The mucus membrane on the inferior surface of
  whole tongue is smooth and continuous with mucus
  membrane of lower gum and oropharynx.
● The epithelium covering the tongue is non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, below it
  lies the lamina propria. The lamina propria tightly binds the underlying muscles to surface
  epithelium. The submucosa contains several small mucus and serous glands whose ducts open on
  the surface of tongue. The skeletal muscles form the bulk of tongue and run in different directions.
● The papillae of the dorsum of anterior 2/3 of tongue are
  of three types; filliform, fungiform and circumvallate.
  The foliate papillae are not present in human tongue.
● The filliform papillae are elongated conical-shaped
  widespread on the dorsolateral areas, and contain no
  taste buds.
● The fungiform papillae are large mushroom-shaped
  with narrow stalk and contain taste buds.
● The circumvallate papillae are large circular-shaped, 7-11
  in number located anterior to sulcus terminalis and contain
  taste buds. They are surrounded by circular groove which
  has the openings of the ducts of small lingual serous glands
  (Von Ebner’s glands) whose secretion help to dissolve the
  tastants which stimulate the taste buds. Also these glands
  secret lipase enzyme which prevents the formation of hydrophobic lipid substances on the
  surface of taste buds which interfere with action of taste buds and it also helps to digest fat in the
● Each taste bud is an onion-shaped collection of about 50-100 cells, connected to the surface
  through the taste pore. The cells rest on a basement membrane and consists of taste cells,
  supporting cells and basal proliferative cells. The apices of taste cells have microvilli
  projecting into the taste pore and have receptors for the tastants (sour and sweet tastants) or
  open ion channels (bitter and salt tastants) which eventually leads to depolarization of taste cells
  and the release of neurotransmitters. These events will stimulate special taste sensory nerve
  endings and the sensation is carried to special neurons in the brain.
Muscles of Tongue:
● Are intrinsic and extrinsic skeletal muscles.
● The intrinsic muscles run in different directions and include; vertical, transverse and
  longitudinal. They originate from tongue connective tissue and median fibrous septum
  and insert into the mucosa. They are supplied by hypoglossal nerve (12th cranial nerve),
  and help in changing the shape of tongue.
● The extrinsic muscles include; genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus and palatoglossus.
  Their origin, insertion and action is shown in the following table:
Nerve Supply of Tongue:
● All intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of tongue except palatoglossus are supplied by hypoglossal
  nerve. The palatoglossus is supplied by pharyngeal plexus (cranial accessory nerve).

● The sensory nerve supply is as follow:
   Anterior 2/3:
   General sensations (touch, pressure, pain & temperature) by lingual nerve from V3 of
   trigeminal nerve.
   Special taste sensation excluding the taste sensations from the circumvallate papillae is by the
   chorda tympani branch of facial nerve.

   Posterior 1/3:
   General sensation is by glossopharyngeal nerve and a small posterior area near epiglottis is
   by internal laryngeal branch of vagus nerve.
   Special taste sensation including the circumvallate taste buds is by glossopharyngeal nerve.

● The lingual glands are supplied by autonomic nerves. The postganglionic parasympathetic
  nerves is from submandibular ganglion via lingual nerve (preganglionic are from chorda
  tympani of facial nerve.
  The postganglionic sympathetic nerves is from superior cervical sympathetic ganglion along
  the arteries (preganglionic is from upper thoracic sympathetic ganglia) .
Movements of Tongue:
●   The intrinsic muscles change the shape of tongue
●   Protrusion of tongue out of mouth is by genioglossus and hyoglossus of both sides.
●   Depression is by hyoglossus muscle
●   Retraction and elevation is by styloglossus and palatoglossus muscles.

Blood supply and Lymph Drainage of Tongue
● Arteries of tongue:
   lingual artery, tonsillar branch of facial artery, ascending pharyngeal artery.
● Veins of tongue:
   corresponding veins to internal jugular vein
● Lymph drainage:
   Anterior 2/3: from tip of tongue to submental lymph nodes
                from the rest to submandibular lymph nodes and upper deep cervical nodes
                (jugulodigastric) of both sides.

    Posterior 1/3: upper deep cervical nodes on both sides, some vessels are drained posteriorly
                   into retropharyngeal nodes.
The Palate
● It lies between nasal cavity and nasopharynx above and the oral cavity below. It consists of
  anterior hard palate and posterior soft palate.

● The hard palate is formed by palatine processes of maxillae and horizontal plates of palatine
  bones strictly covered by mucus membrane which has few small mucus glands. The mucus
  membrane is respiratory one on its upper surface while of oral type inferiorly

● The soft palate is a soft mass arises from the posterior border of hard palate and has a free
  posterior border which projects into the oropharynx with a small muscular projection at its
  middle called uvula.
● The soft palate consists of; mucus membrane, palatine aponeurosis, glands, muscles with
  nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels.

● The epithelium is respiratory on the upper surface while oral on lower surface.

● The mucosa and submucosa contains mucus and serous glands.

● The palatine aponeurosis is a sheet of dense fibrous tissue and is formed by the extension
  of the tendons of tensor palati muscles.

● The muscles of soft palate are; levator palati, tensor palati, palatoglossus, palatopharyngeus
  and musculus uvulae. Their attachment, nerve supply and action is shown in the following
Muscles of Soft Palate
Muscle                 Origin                Insertion              Action                        Nerve Supply
                                                                                                  Nerve to medial
                       Spine of sphenoid &   Form palatine
Tensor Veli Palatini                                                Tenses soft palate            pterygoid from
                       auditory tube         aponeurosis
                                                                                                  mandibular nerve
                       Petrous part of
                                                                                                  pharyngeal plexus
Levator Veli Platini   temporal bone &       Palatine aponeurosis   Raises soft palate
                       auditory tube
                                                                    Pulls root of tongue upward
Palatoglossus                                Side of tongue         & backward, narrows           pharyngeal plexus
                                                                    oropharyngeal isthmus
                       Palatine              Posterior border of
Palatopharyngeus                                                    Elevates wall of pharynx      pharyngeal plexus
                       aponeurosis           thyroid cartilage
                       Posterior border of   Mucus membrane of
Musculus Uvulae                                                     Elevates uvula                pharyngeal plexus
                       hard palate           uvula
Nerve Supply of Palate:
● Sensory nerve supply of hard palate is by the lesser palatine,and nasopalatine branches of
  maxillary nerve, while that of soft palate is by branches of glossopharyngeal nerve.
● The motor supply of all palatine muscles except tensor palati is by pharyngeal plexus (from
  cranial accessory nerve via vagus). The tensor palati is supplied by nerve to medial pterygoid
  from mandibular nerve.
● The pharyngeal plexus lies on posterior pharyngeal wall and formed by:
  pharyngeal branch of vagus (its motor content is derived from cranial accessory nerve)
  pharyngeal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve
  pharyngeal branches of superior cervical sympathetic ganglion

Blood Supply of Palate:
Arteries: branches of maxillary artery (greater palatine, lesser palatine & sphenopalatine)
          ascending palatine branch of facial artery
          palatine branch of ascending pharyngeal artery
Veins: corresponding veins into maxillary, facial & pharyngeal veins

Lymph Drainage: into deep cervical lymph nodes.
The Pharynx
● Muscular tube lies behind oral, nasal and laryngeal cavities.

● 12-13 cm long extends from base of skull to the level of
  lower border of 6th cervical vertebra (lower border of cricoid
  cartilage) where it continues with esophagus.

● Its wall is formed by mucosa, submucosa, skeletal muscles and
  fibrous tissue. The mucosa epithelium is non-keratinized
  stratified squamous in oro- and laryngopharynx, while it is
  columnar ciliated in nasopharynx. The submucosa contains
  mucus glands and lymph follicles.

● The muscles of pharynx are skeletal muscles and include:
  superior, middle and inferior constrictors, cricopharyngeus,
  stylopharyngeus, palatopharyngeus and salpingopharyngeus.
  Their attachment, nerve supply and action is listed in the following table:
Muscles of Pharynx                 Origin                       Insertion              Action         Nerve Supply
Superior constrictor       Medial pterygoid plate,        Pharyngeal tubercle of     Swallowing     Pharyngeal plexus
                             pterygoid hamulus,            skull and pharyngeal
                         pterygomandibular raphe,                  raphe
                       posterior part of mylohyoid line
                                 of mandlble
Middle constrictor         Lower part of stylohyoid         Pharyngeal raphe         Swallowing     Pharyngeal plexus
                        ligament, greater and lesser
                             cornu of hyoid bone
Inferior constrictor    Thyroid and cricoid cartilages      Pharyngeal raphe         Swallowing     Pharyngeal plexus,
                                                                                                      branches from
                                                                                                    external laryngeal
                                                                                                       and recurrent
                                                                                                     laryngeal nerves

 Cricopharyngeus           Lowest part of inferior          Closes the inlet of    Sphincter of the Pharyngeal plexus,
                               constrictor                     esophagus           end of pharynx       recurrent
                                                                                                     laryngeal nerve

 Stylopharyngeus           Styloid process of skull        Posterior border of     Elevates pharynx Glossopharyngeal
                                                            thyroid cartilage                             nerve

 Palatopharyngeus           Palatine aponeurosis           Posterior border of     Elevates pharynx Pharyngeal plexus
                                                            thyroid cartilage

Salpingopharyngeus        Catilage of Auditory tube       Blends with muscles of   Elevates pharynx Pharyngeal plexus
Parts of Pharynx
● The upper part of pharynx lies behind the nasal cavity
  and below the body of sphenoid and basilar part of
  occipital bone.

● It extends from the posterior nasal openings (choanae)
  to palatopharyngeal isthmus.
● The pharyngeal tonsil is a collection of lymphoid tissue
  in its upper posterior part.
● The auditory tube opening lies in its lateral wall and its
  posterior margin is raised by the tubal tonsil forming
  tubal ridge or elevation.
● The salpingopharyngeal mucosal fold contains
  salpingopharyngeal muscle and descends behind the
  tubal ridge. The pharyngeal recess is a depressed area
  behind the tubal ridge.
● Lies behind the oral cavity and begins at the
  oropharyngeal isthmus bounded by the two
  palatoglossal arches.
● Its lateral wall has the palatglossal and
  palatopharyngeal arches which encircle
  the tonsillar fossa or sinus occupied by the tonsil.
● Its floor has three mucus folds between the tongue
  and epiglottis (one median glossoepiglottic fold
  and two lateral glossoepiglottic folds. Valeculla is
  the space between each lateral glossoepiglottic fold
  and median glossoepiglottic fold

● Lies behind the larynx and it is connected anteriorly with
  the cavity of larynx through the inlet of larynx.
● Anteriorly and on each side of inlet of larynx, the
   laryngopharynx has a dead space called piriform recess
  or fossa which is the site for stagnation of food stuff &
  foreign bodies.
● Inferiorly, it is continuous with the esophagus.
Nerve Supply of Pharynx
Sensory supply:
● Nasopharynx by lesser & greater palatine branches of maxillary nerve
● Oropharynx and laryngopharynx by glossopharyngeal nerve
● A small areas around the inlet of larynx by internal laryngeal branch of vagus nerve.

Motor supply
● Glossopharyngeal nerve (stylopharyngeus muscle)
● Cranial accessory nerve via vagus (all other muscles of pharynx)

Autonomic supply:
● Postganglionic sympathetic fibers from superior cervical sympathetic ganglion along the
● Postganglionic parasympathetic from pterygopalatine ganglion via lesser & greater palatine nerve.

Blood Supply & Lymph Drainage of Pharynx
Arteries:  ascending pharyngeal artery, ascending palatine branch of facial artery, branches of
          maxillary artery, branches of lingual artery
Veins: into the corresponding veins

Lymph Drainage: into deep cervical lymph nodes directly and via retropharyngeal and
                paratracheal lymph nodes.
The Esophagus
● 25 cm long muscular tube continues from lower
   end of pharynx at the lower border of cricoid
  cartilage opposite the body of 6th cervical vertebra.
● Descends in the neck (cervical part), superior and
  posterior mediastinum (thoracic part), pierces the
  right crus of diaphragm at the level of 10th thoracic
  vertebra to enter the abdomen and joins the cardiac
  end of stomach (abdominal part ~ 1.25cm).

Relations of Cervical Part
Posteriorly: the 6th & 7th cervical vertebrae and
             pre-vertebral muscles & fascia.
Anteriorly: the trachea & recurrent laryngeal nerve
Laterally: the thyroid gland, carotid sheath and its
           contents, and the thoracic duct on the left.
Relations of Thoracic Part:
Posteriorly: thoracic vertebrae & prevertebral muscles,
 thoracic duct, posterior vagal trunk (right vagus), azygos
 vein, descending thoracic aorta, and the right posterior
 intercostal arteries.
Anteriorly: trachea, left recurrent laryngeal nerve,
 left principle bronchus, left atrium and anterior vagal
 trunk (left vagus).
Laterally to Right: mediastinal pleura, lung, &
 azygos vein.
Laterally to Left: mediastinal pleura & lung, arch of
 aorta, left subclavian artery, and thoracic duct.

Relations of Abdominal Part:
Posteriorly: posterior vagal trunk & left crus of diaphragm.
Anteriorly:      anterior vagal trunk & left lobe of liver.
Blood Supply of Esophagus
Cervical part: inferior thyroid artery & vein.
Thoracic part: arterial supply from descending thoracic
  aorta & left gastric artery. venous drainage into azygos,
  hemiazygos & left gastric vein.
Abdominal part: left gastric artery & vein.

Lymph Drainage of Esophagus
Cervical part: deep cervical lymph node.
Thoracic part: mediastinal, left gastric and celiac
              lymph nodes.
Abdominal part: left gastric and celiac lymph nodes.
Nerve Supply of Esophagus
Cervical part: recurrent laryngeal nerves & branches of middle cervical sympathetic ganglion.
Thoracic part: esophageal plexus formed by branches of anterior & posterior vagal trunks and
               branches of thoracic sympathetic ganglia.
Abdominal part: anterior & posterior gastric nerves of vagal trunks, and branches of thoracic
                sympathetic ganglia.
Thyroid Gland
■ Brownish-red in clor, highly vascular and butterfly-shaped gland, located in the
anterior part of lower neck.
■ Consists of the right and left lobes connected by a small median isthmus.
■ Has a fibrous capsule and is invested by the pretracheal layer of the deep cervical
fascia, which moves the gland with swallowing.
■ Each thyroid lobe is conical in shape, extends from the oblique line of
thyroid cartilage superiorly, to the level of fourth or sixth tracheal ring
■ Each lobe has three surfaces; antero-lateral, posterolateral, and medial.
■ Its anterolateral or superficial surface is covered by the sternothyroid,
sternohyoid, superior belly of omohyoid, deep fascia, superficial fascia,
platysma and the skin.
■ The medial surface is related to the larynx, trachea, esophagus, inferior
constricter, cricothyroid, inferior thyroid artery, and the external and recurrent
laryngeal nerves.
■ The posterolateral surface is related to carotid sheath containing common
carotid artery, internal jugular vein and vagus nerve.

■ The superior and inferior parathyroid glands are embedded in the fascial
sheath at the posterior border of the thyroid lobe.

■ The isthmus is small lies over the 2nd, 3rd and 4th tracheal rings, and is
covered by the deep fascia, superficial fascia and skin.

■ Occasionally, a small conical projection from the left part of isthmus extends up as
a pyramidal lobe which may be connected to hyoid bone by a fibrous cord called
levator glandulae thyroidae.

■ Levator glandulae thyroidae represents the remains of thyroglossal duct which is
the embryonic pathway for the descent of thyroid gland from the floor of primitive
■ It is supplied by the superior thyroid arteries from the external carotid arteries and
the inferior thyroid arteries from the thyrocervical trunks of the 1 st part of subclavian
arteries. Occasionally, a small single artery (thyroidae ima artery) ascends to the
isthmus commonly arising from arch of aorta or brachiocephalic trunk. The thyroid
gland receives minor arterial supply from tracheal and esophageal arteries.

■ Each lobe has superior, middle and inferior thyroid veins. The superior and middle
veins open into the internal jugular vein, while the inferior thyroid vein usually joins
its fellow on the trachea and usually drains into the left brachiocephalic vein.

■ The nerves are derived from the superior, middle and inferior cervical sympathetic

■ Its lymphatic drainage is into the deep cervical lymph nodes.
Clinical Anatomy of ThyroidGland:
■ The thyroid gland consists of thyroid follicles separated by the stroma and
blood vessels.
■ The cells of thyroid follicles synthesize
thyroxine hormones (tri-iodothyronin, T3 and tetra-iodothyronin,T4),
which are stored in follicular colloid. The parafollicular cells or C cells are
located between the follicles and produce calcitonin.
■ Physiological or pathological enlargment of the thyroid gland is called
During thyroid surgery, attention must be paid to the safety of the recurrent
laryngeal nerves and parathyroid glands.
■ Overproduction of throxines in adult, results in hyperthyroidism, a
condition manifested by incr-eased metabolic rate, anxiety, restlessness,
sweating, tremor, increased appetite, heat intolerance and palpitation.
■ A special form of autoimmune thyrotoxicosis is called Grave’s disease,
which is manifested by exophthalmus and peripheral osteoarthropathy.
■ Decreased production of throxines due to iodine deficiency, tumors, or post
thyroidectomy, results in hypothyroidism or myxoedema, a condition
manifested by lowerted metabolism, weakness, cold skin, slowness of
thought, action and speech and edema.
■ Decreased production of thyroxines in children results in the retardation of
growth, a condition called cretinism.
Parathyroid Gland
■ Small, yellowish-brown, oval organs, located in the fascial sheath of the thyroid
gland at its posterior borders.
■ Include superior and inferior pairs. The superior parathyroid pair is derived from
the fourth pharyngeal pouch, while the inferior pair is derived with the thymus from
the third pouch.
■ The glands are formed of cords of chief cells, separated by the blood sinusoids, and
secrete parathormone, which regulates the serum calcium level. The secretion of
parathormone is regulated by the serum calcium level.
■ The blood vessels of the gland are derived from the superior and inferior thyroid
vessels, and the lymph vessels are drained into deep cervical lymph nodes.
■ The nerve supply is derived from the superior and middle cervical sympathetic
■ Overproduction of parathormone due to adenoma produces hypercalcemia with
deposition of calcium in the body tissues are in the kidney tubules (renal stones).
■ Decreased production of parathormone due to infection, postthyroidectomy or
tumor, results in hypocalcemia and tetany, a condition manifested by sever muscular
Cervical Sympathetic Trunk
■ Continuation of thoracic trunk to the base of skull, and has three pairs of
sympathetic ganglia; superior, middle and inferior.
■ The superior ganglion is large, lies on longus coli muscle deep to prevertebral
fascia, and represents the fused upper four cervical ganglia, the middle represents the
fused 5th and 6tth ganglia and lies at the level of cricoid cartilage, and the inferior is
the smallest and represents the fused 7th and 8th ganglia.
■ The inferior ganglion may fuse with the 1st thoracic ganglion forming
cervicothoracic or stellate ganglion.
■ The cervical ganglia receive pregan-glionic fibers from the upper thoracic
segments, which ascend through the sympathetic trunk.
■ The postganglionic fibers from the cervical ganglia enter the cervical spinal trunks
via the grey rami communicantes, and distribute to the head, neck and upper limb
regions through their ventral and dorsal rami.
Branches of superior ganglion:
1. postganglionic fibers from the superior cervical ganglia (internal carotid nerve), form
plexuses around the internal carotid arteries,

2. Post ganglionic fibers extend to form plexuses around the common and external
carotid arteries, which distribute with their branches to the head and neck region.

3. Communicating postganglionic fibers to the upper four cervical ventral rami,

4. Communicating postganglionic fibers to the glossopharyngeal, vagus and hypoglossal
nerves via the jugular nerve.

5. Pharyngeal branches to pharyngeal plexus.

6. Superior cardiac branch to cardiac plexus in the thorax.
Branches of middle ganglion:
1. Gray rami communicantes to 5th and 6th cervical spinal nerves.
2. Branches to inferior thyroid artery.
3. Middle cardiac branch to cardiac plexus in the thorax.
4. Connecting loops to inferior cervical or stellate ganglion. One of these loops
crosses anterior to subclavian artery and called ansa subclavia.

Branches of inferior ganglion:
1. Gray rami communicantes to 7th and 8th cervical spinal nerves.
2. Postganglionic branches to subclavian and vertebral arteries.
3. Inferior cardiac branch to cardiac plexus in the thorax.
Orbital Cavity
Pyramidal-shaped cavity formed by skull bones with an apex directed posterior & formed by optic
canal and a quadrangular orbital opening facing anterior.

                                                                          Walls of orbital cavity:
                                                        Roof: formed by orbital plate of frontal bone.
                                 Lateral wall: formed by zygomatic bone & greater wing of sphenoid.
                                                       Floor: formed by the orbital surface of maxilla.
     Medial wall: anteroposterior formed by frontal process of maxilla, lacrimal bone, orbital plate of
                                 ethmoid, orbital process of palatine bone & lesser wing of sphenoid.
Foramens & fissures of orbital cavity:
Optic canal: located between the roots of lesser wing of sphenoid & transmits optic nerve & its
              covering meninges, ophthalmic artery & central retinal vein.

Superior orbital fissure: located between the roof & lateral wall & transmits superior & inferior
                            division of oculomotor nerve, abducent nerve, nasociliary, frontal &
                            lacrimal branches of ophthalmic nerve, trochlear nerve, superior

                           ophthalmic veins (occasionally inferior ophthalmic vein) .
Infrerior orbital fissure: located between lateral wall & floor and transmits infraorbital nerve &
                             vessels, zygomatic nerve & vessels & inferior ophthalmic vein.
Infraorbital canal: lies in the floor of orbit & transmits corresponding nerve & vessels.
Opening of nasolacrimal duct: for nasolacrimal duct, located in the anterior part of medial wall
                                and opens in the inferior meatus of nasal cavity.
Supraorbital foramen: transmits supraorbital nerves & vessels.
Zygomaticofacial & zygomaticotemporal foramens: transmit corresponding nerve & vessels.
Anterior ethmoidal foramen: transmits corresponding nerve & vessels
Contents of orbital cavity:
                                                                                     1. Eyeball
                                                                         2. Ocular fascia & fat
                     3. Extraocular muscles (levator palpebrae superioris, 4 recti & 2 oblique)
4. Nerves (optic, oculomotor & ciliary ganglion, ophthalmic nerve & its branches (nasociliary,
           frontal & lacrimal), trochlear, abducent and infraorbital and zygomatic branches of
                                                                              maxillary nerve
                                                          5. Ophthalmic artery & its branches
                          6. Veins (central retinal vein, superior & inferior ophthalmic veins)
                                                       7. Lacrimal gland & lacrimal apparatus
                                                                       8. Eyelids & conjuctiva
The eyeball
     ♣ Located in the anterior part of orbital cavity, and separated from the orbital fat by fascial
          ♣ The fascial sheath of eye ball is pierced by the tendons of extraocular muscles which
                                                   provides a tubular sheath around each of them.
The fascial sheaths of medial & lateral recti are attached to the medial and lateral wall of orbit
                                                         forming medial & lateral check ligaments.
 The fascial sheath below the eyeball is thickened to form suspensory ligament of eyeball which
      is attached to both check ligaments. These ligaments together with orbital fat suspend the
                                                                                eyeball in position.
                                                   ♣ It is slightly oval in shape due to the anterior
                                                                             convexity of the cornea.
                                                                            ♣ Its wall is formed by:
                                                 1. outer fibrous layer formed by sclera and cornea
2. middle pigmented vascular layer called uveal
   tract consisting of choroid, ciliary body and
                                                         3. inner neural layer formed by the retina.
                                                           The optic nerve arises from retina at the
                                                     optic disc and enters the middle cranial fossa
                                                                                 through optic canal.
Outer Fibrous Layer:
1. Sclera
♣ Opaque, white layer form 5/6 of outer fibrous layer of eyeball and continuous with the cornea
  at the corneo-scleral junction or limbus.
♣ The limbus contains canal of Schlemm which drains the aquous humour into the veins. Its
  closure increases intraocular pressure, a condition called glaucoma. If untreated, the increase
  in pressure will be reflected on vitreous humour and retina and results in blindness.
♣ It gives attachment to all extraocular muscles.
♣ Posteriorly, it is continuous with the dura mater
  surrounding the optic nerve and pierced 3 mm
  medial to posterior pole of eyeball by optic nerve
  and central retinal vessels. This part of sclera is the
  weakest and called lamina cribrosa which is also
  pierced by short and long ciliary nerves and
  posterior ciliary arteries.
♣ Immediately behind the equator of eyeball, the
  sclera is pierces by four to five veins called venae vorticosae, which drain blood from all parts
  of eyeball except the retina.
♣ The anterior ciliary arteries pierces the anterior part of sclera behind the sclero-corneal junction.
2. Cornea
♣ Avascular, transparent, slightly convex, covered by conjuctiva, and forms anterior one sixth
  (1/6) of the outer fibrous coat.
♣ Consists of stroma made of collagen fibers type I covered externally by stratified squamous
  epithelium and by simple squamous epithelium internally.
♣ Has no blood supply and it is nourished by diffusion from aqueous humour of anterior
♣ The cornea is immunologically inert and can be safely transplanted between individuals.
♣ Sever injuries to the cornea result in the corneal opacities which interfere with the normal
Middle Layer (Uvea or Uveal Tract):
1. Choroid
♣ The choroid is a highly vascular and pigmented layer forming posterior part of middle layer.
♣ It is continuous anteriorly with the ciliary bodies at the ora serrata which is the anterior
  non-neural part of retina
♣ The external surface of the choroid is loosely attached to the sclera, while its internal surface
  is firmly attached to the pigmented layer of the retina.
♣ The choroid at optic disc continues with the arachnoid and pia maters around the optic
♣ The choroidal cells contain dark brown melanin
  pigments which absorb the light traversing
  the retina.
2. Ciliary body
        ♣ It lies between the choroid posteriorly & iris anteriorly and formed of ciliary ring, ciliary
                                                                          stroma & ciliary processes.
              ♣ The ciliary ring is the posterior part which has shallow grooves called ciliary striae
          ♣ The ciliary processes, which are connected to the margin of the lens by the suspensory
        ♣ The ciliary stroma lies between the two epithelial layers and consists of collagen fibers,
     numerous ciliary vessels and ciliary muscles. The anterior surface of the ciliary body is lined
                          by columnar cells, while its posterior surface is lined by cuboidal cells.
                                             ♣ The ciliary smooth muscles are located peripherally,
                                                and include abundant meridianal and fewer circular
♣ The ciliary muscles are supplied by parasympathetic
  component of short ciliary nerves from ciliary
  ganglion,and change the shape of lense in
  accomodation reflex. Stimulation of myridianal
  muscle fibers relaxes the suspensory ligament and
  increaes the convexity of lens, while stimulation of
  circular muscles tenses the suspensory ligament &
  elongates the lens.
                                                    ♣ The ciliary body also secrets aqueous humour.
3. Iris
  ♣ A colored diaphragm, suspended in the aqueous humor between
the cornea and the lens, with its margin attached to the ciliary body.
          ♣ It has a central round opening called pupil which allows
                                          light to enter into the eye.
     ♣ The stroma of the iris consists of collagen fibers, fibroblasts,
         melanocytes, blood vessels and pupillary smooth muscles.
  ♣ It is lined posteriorly by double-layered, pigmented epithelium.
♣ The pupillary muscles consists of radially and circularly arranged
       fibers, which upon stimulation, change the size of the pupil.
         ♣ The radial muscles or dilator pupillae are supplied by the
        sympathetic nerves of superior cervical ganglion via short &
       long ciliary nerves. They dilate the pupil in the distant vision
                                                        and dim light.
      ♣ The circular muscles, or sphincter pupillae, are supplied by
    parasympathetic nerves of ciliary ganglion through short ciliary
              nerves and they constrict the pupil in close vision and
                                          in response to bright light.
♣ The retina is the inner sensory vascular layer of eyeball, lies between the choroid and
  hyaloid membrane of vitreous humour.
♣ It extends from optic disc posteriorly to ora serrata anteriorly, and consists of six layers of
  nerve cells.
♣ The layers from outward inward include the pigmented cells, rods & cones, outer nuclear
  cells, inner nuclear cells and ganglionic cells.
♣ The axons of ganglionic cells form optic nerve which
  leaves the retina at the optic disc.
♣ The optic disc lies 3-4 mm medial to posterior pole of
  eye ball, and when examined by the ophthalmoscope
  appears as a round pink area from which retinal blood
  vessels radiate peripherally. It lacks the rods and cones,
  and forms the blind spot of the retina.
♣ The macula is the most sensitive area of retina containing
  only cones which produces sharpest vision. It is located
  lateral to optic disc at the posterior pole of eyeball.
  It has central depression called central fovea.
Interior of Eyeball
The interior of the eyeball contains the lens, the anterior aqueous and posterior vitreous

1. Lens
♣ Transparent, flexible, biconvex, avascular body, located between the iris and the vitreous
  body, and held in position by the suspensory ligaments of the ciliary body.
♣ Invested by elastic, transparent fibrous capsule, and consists of the lens epithelium and lens
♣ The epithelium is confined to anterior surface of lens and is
  made of a single thin layer of cuboidal cells.
♣ The fibers form the bulk of lens and are made of crystalline
♣ During ageing and in diabetes mellitus, the fibers are
  hardened and clumped due to inadequate nutrition, and
  the lens become opaque and the vision is distorted, a
  condition called cataract. Complete cataract is usually
  treated by surgical removal of the lens and implantation of
  an artificial lens.
2. Aqueous Segment
♣ It lies anterior to lens, filled with aqueous humor, and divided by the iris into anterior and
  posterior chambers.
♣ The anterior chamber lies between the cornea and iris, while the posterior chamber lies
  between the iris and the lens. The two chambers are continuous with each other through
  the pupil.
♣ The aqueous humor is a clear fluid, secreted by the ciliary body, and is absorbed into the
  veins at the corneoscleral junction by a minute canal called canal of Schlemm, or scleral
  sinus venosus.
♣ The aqueous humor provides nutrition to the cornea and lens, supports the structures, and
  produces the normal intraocular pressure (16 mm Hg). In glaucoma, obstruction to
  drainage of aqueous humor, or increase in the production of aqueous and leads to an
  increase of intraocular pressure which causes ocular pain and visual disturbances.
♣ Sever untreated cases of glaucoma usually end with loss of vision.
Vitreous Segment:
♣ It occupies most of the interior of the eyeball, lined by hyaloid membrane, and is filled
  by a clear vitreous humour.
♣ Produced by certain retinal cells and possibly from non-pigmented cells of ciliary body, and
  unlike aqueous humour, it is not reproducible.
♣ The vitreous humor is colorless, transparent gel, consists of water, electrolytes, glycoproteins
  and few collagen fibers.
♣ A narrow hyaloid canal runs in the middle of vitreous segment from optic disc to posterior
  surface of the lens, and represents the remnant of embryonic hyaloid artery of the lens.
♣ It slightly contributes to magnifying power of eye, support the back of lens and assists in
  holding the pigmented layer against neural layer of retina.
Blood supply of eyeball
♣ The arterial supply of the eyeball with exception of retina is through the anterior & posterior
  ciliary branches of ophthalmic artery.
♣ The retina is supplied by central retinal artery arising from the ophthalmic artery in the optic
♣ The venous drainage of retina is by central retinal vein which ends into cavernous sinus, while
  the other layers of eyeball are drained by venae verticosae drained by superior and inferior
  ophthalmic veins.
♣ The superior & inferior ophthalmic vein joins the cavernous sinus through the superior orbital
  fissure. The inferior ophthalmic vein also joins the pterygoid venous plexus through the
  inferior orbital fissure.

Nerve Supply of Eyeball
♣ The nerve supply of the eyeball except the retina, is by the long and short ciliary nerves.
♣ The long sensory nerves are branches of the nasociliary branch of the ophthalmic nerve, and
  convey sensory and postganglionic sympathetic fibers to the ciliary body, iris, sclera & cornea.
♣ The short ciliary nerves are branches of ciliary ganglion, and convey postganglionic
  parasympathetic, postganglionic sympathetic and sensory fibers to the ciliary body and the iris.
Muscles of Orbital Cavity
1. Levator palpebrae superioris
♣ Thin triangular muscle, lies above superior rectus with frontal nerve crossing its upper surface.
♣ Originates from the lesser wing of the sphenoid anterosuperior to optic canal, narrow posteriorly
  and wide anteriorly.
♣ Its aponeurosis splits into upper & lower lamellae which pierce the orbital septum and extends
  into upper eyelid undercover of orbicularis oculi.
♣ It inserts into the superior tarsus and the skin of the upper eye lid.
♣ The upper lamella is formed by skeletal muscle fibers supplied by superior division of
  oculomotor nerve.
♣ The lower lamella is formed by smooth muscle fibers (Muller muscle) and supplied by
  sympathetic nerves from superior cervical ganglion.
♣ It elevates the upper eye lid, and its paralysis results in
2. Extraocular muscles
♣ They include four recti (superior, inferior, medial
  and lateral), and superior and inferior oblique muscles.
♣ The four recti are originated from a common tendinous
  ring which is attached to the margin of optic canal
  and bridges the medial end of superior orbital fissure.
♣ The tendinous ring contains ophthalmic artery, optic nerve
  & covering meninges, superior and inferior divisions of
  oculomotor nerve, nasociliary nerve and abducent nerve.
♣ The recti muscles insert into the sclera 6 mm behind the
  corneoscleral junction.
♣ The superior rectus is supplied by superior division of
  oculomotor nerve, the medial & inferior recti are
  supplied by inferior division of oculomotor nerve, and
  lateral rectus is supplied by abducent nerve.
♣ The superior oblique arises from the sphenoid bone above and medial to optic canal while
  inferior oblique arises from the anterior part of the floor of orbit. They insert into the sclera
  behind the transverse equator of eyeball. The superior oblique is supplied by trochlear nerve,
  while the inferior oblique is supplied by inferior division of oculomotor nerve.
♣ The medial rectus muscle moves the eyeball medially.
  The lateral rectus muscle moves the eyeball laterally.
  The superior rectus moves the eyeball upward while the inferior rectus moves the eyeball
  The superior oblique rotates the eyeball downward when pulled laterally by the lateral rectus.
  The inferior oblique rotates the eyeball upward when pulled laterally by the lateral rectus.
Arteries of Orbital Cavity
                                                                             Ophthalmic artery:

  ♣ Arises from internal carotid artery after it emerges from cavernous sinus, enters the orbital
                                                    cavity via optic canal inferior to optic nerve.
♣ It continues forward lateral to optic nerve, cross anterior to optic nerve toward medial part of
                                                                                   orbital cavity.
                                                                                       ♣ It gives:
                                                                        1. Central retinal artery
                                                                              2. Lacrimal artery,
                                                          3. Posterior & anterior ciliary arteries
                                                                           4. Supraorbital artery
                                                                   5. Posterior ethmoidal artery
                                                                    6. Anterior ethmoidal artery
                                                     Terminates dividing into: supratrochlear (7)
                                                                     & dorsal nasal arteries (8).
Veins of Orbital Cavities:
♣ The orbital cavity is drained by superior ophthalmic, inferior ophthalmic and central retinal
♣ The superior and inferior ophthalmic veins drain all the structures in the orbital cavity except the
♣ The superior ophthalmic vein terminates in the cavernous sinus through the superior orbital
  fissure, while the inferior ophthalmic vein terminates in the pterygoid venous plexus through
  inferior orbital fissure.
♣ The central retinal vein drains the retina and terminates in the corresponding cavernous sinus
  through the superior orbital fissure.
The Eyelids
♣ The upper & lower eyelids cover & protect the eyeball, and
  attach to superior & inferior orbital margins.
♣ They are separated by palpebral fissure and meet at the
  medial and lateral angles of the eye.
♣ Their free margins carry long hairs called eyelashes.
♣ The medial end of their free border has no hair and
  enlarge forming small lacrimal papilla. In the
  center of each lacrimal papilla is lacrimal punctum
  leading to corresponding lacrimal canaliculus.
♣ Each eyelid consists of thin skin, loose subcutaneous
  tissue, orbicularis oculi & levator palpebrae superioris,
  hard fibrous layer called tarsal plate & conjuctiva.
♣ The two tarsal plates are joined together and the angles
  of eye by medial & lateral palpebral ligaments.
  Superiorly are continuous with orbital septum.
♣ The upper tarsal plate gives attachment to the orbicularis oculi
  and levator palpebrae superioris, while the lower plate
  gives attachment to the lower fibers of the orbicularis oculi.
♣ The eyelids have three types of glands
   1. Sebaceous glands of Zeis open into the eyelashes.
   2. Ciliary glands of Moll which are modified sweat glands open between the eyelashes.
   3. Tarsal glands or Meibomian glands which are modified sebaceous gland, secret oily substance
      via ducts open behind the eyelashes.

♣ The conjuctiva is thin mucus membrane covers the inner surface of the eyelids (palpebral
  conjuctiva) and the anterior surface of sclera and cornea (ocular conjuctiva). The site of
  reflection between ocular & palpebral conjuctivae is called fornix (superior & inferior fornices).
  When the eye is closed, the space between the palpebral and ocular conjuctivae, is called
  conjuctival sac.
Lacrimal Apparatus
♣ It consists of the lacrimal gland, lacrimal ducts, lacrimal puncta, lacrimal canaliculli, lacrimal
  sac and nasolacrimal duct.
♣ The lacrimal gland is serous compound tubuloacinar in form located in the superolateral
  part of orbital cavity.
♣ It consists of a larger orbital part and a smaller palbebral
  part continuous with each other at lateral border of
  levator papebrae superioris.
♣ The lacrimal ducts are 12 in number, pierce superior
  conjuctival fornix and open in the conjuctival sac.
♣ The lacrimal puncta are small openings at the medial ends
  of the free border of upper and lower eyelids. The lacrimal
  puncta lead into the lacrimal canaliculli which open in the
  lacrimal sac.
♣ The lacrimal sac is small, lies on the lacrimal bone and continues as the nasolacrimal duct.
♣ The nasolacrimal duct is 13 mm long and opens in the middle of inferior meatus of nasal
♣ The lacrimal fluid contains mucus, electrolytes, immunoglobulins and lysozymes, and it
  moists, lubricates and prortects the cornea.
♣ The lacrimal gland is supplied by the lacrimal branch of the ophthalmic artery, and its venous
  drainage is into the ophthalmic veins. The lymphatic vessels are drained into the parotid
♣ The sensory nerve supply is by the lacrimal branch of the ophthalmic nerve which also
  conveys postganglionic sympathetic nerves are derived from the superior cervical ganglion,
  and the postganglionic parasympathetic nerves are derived from the pterygopalatine ganglion.
The Ear
The ear is the organ of hearing and equilibrium, consisting of external, middle and internal parts.

External ear
It consists of the auricle and external auditory
♣ The auricle is a fibrocartilagenous structure
  responsible for collection of sound waves and
  directing them into the external auditory meatus.
♣ It consists of elastic cartilages covered by the
  auricular muscles and skin. Its lower part
  (lobule) has no cartilage and consists of firm
  fibrous fatty tissue.
♣ The blood supply of the auricle is through the branches of the posterior auricular and
  superficial temporal vessels.
♣ The auricular muscles are supplied by branches of facial nerve (temporal & posterior auricular),
  while its sensory supply is by the lesser occipital, great auricular, auriculotemporal nerves, and
  the auricular branch of vagus.
♣ The lymphatic drainage is into the deep cervical nodes.
External Auditory (Acoustic) Meatus:
              ♣ Extends between the auricle & tympanic membrane (2.5 cm long from concha).
                       ♣ Its lateral third is cartilagenous, while its medial two-thirds is osseous.
♣ It is lined by skin containing long hairs, sebaceous glands, and modified sweat glands called
  ceruminous glands. The ceruminous glands secret ear wax or cerumen.
  ♣ The medial end of the meatus is wider than the lateral end, and its anterior wall and floor are
         longer than the posterior wall and roof as the tympanic membrane is placed obliquely.
 ♣ The meatus in the adult forms an S-shaped curve directed at first forward, medially & slightly
         upward, then posteromedially, and lastly forward, medially and downward toward the
            tympanic membrane. In infants and children, the meatus is shorter and straighter.
♣ During otoscopic examination, the external auditory meatus is straightened by pulling the
                  auricle backward and upward in adults, while straight backward in children.

        ♣ The meatal arteries are derived from the posterior auricular, maxillary and superficial
                                             temporal branches of the external carotid arteries.

 ♣ The venous drainage is into the corresponding veins, and the lymphatic are drained into deep
                                                                               cervical nodes.

♣ The nerve supply is by the auriculotemporal branch of mandibular nerve and auricular branch
                                                                                 of the vagus.
Tympanic Membrane (Eardrum)
   ♣ Oval, thin, semitransparent, obliquely placed membrane lying between external and middle
  ♣ Its margin is thickened by a fibro-cartilagenous ring which is attached to the tympanic sulcus
   of tympanic part of temporal bone. The sulcus is deficient superiorly between the anterior and
  posterior malleolar folds which extend from lateral process of malleus to the margin of
                                                                            tympanic membrane.
                                                ♣ The small triangular area of tympanic membrane
                                                       between these malleolar folds forms flaccid
                                                     part or pars flaccida of tympanic membrane.
                                                    The rest of tympanic membrane forms the pars
♣ It is formed by thin layer of dens fibrous tissue
  covered externally by skin and internally by
  simple low columnar ciliated epithelium.
♣ The external surface of tympanic membrane is
  concave as it is pull by the attachment of the
  handle of malleus. The central point of maximum concavity is called umbo.
♣ During inspection of tympanic membrane, a zone of bright light reflects from a small triangular
  area below the tip of malleus, this triangle is called cone of light.
♣ The sound waves vibrate the tympanic membrane, which in turn transmits them to the middle ear
  ossicles via the malleus.
♣ The arterial supply is derived from the maxillary, occipital and posterior auricular arteries, while
  the venous drainage is into the external and internal jugular veins.
♣ The lymphatic drainage passes into the parotid and upper deep cervical nodes.
♣ The nerve supply is by auriclotemporal nerve, auricular branch of the vagus and tympanic branch
  of the glossopharyngeal nerve.
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Head & neck

  • 1. The Axial Skeleton The Skull
  • 2. General Features of Skull: ♣ The expanded upper part of axial skeleton lodging the brain and covering meninges. ♣ Consists of 22 bones, the mandible being the only mobile bone forming the TMJ. ♣ Descriptively divided into a globular upper part called cranium consisting of 8 bones, and an irregular anterior lower part called facial skeleton forming of 14 bones. ♣ The cranium has cranial cavity for the brain & meninges, and formed by: ♠ Single frontal bone ♠ right & left parietal bones ♠ Right & left temporal bones ♠ Single occipital bone ♠ Single sphenoid bone ♠ Single ethmoid bone ♣ The facial bones include: ♠ Two nasal bones ♠ Two lacrimal bones ♠ Two maxillae ♠ Two inferior nasal conchae ♠ Two palatine bones ♠ Two zygomatic bone ♠ Single vomer ♠ Single mandible ♣ The cranial vault (cranial cap or calva) is formed by frontal, right & left parietals and occipital bones. (Cont.)
  • 3. ♣ Except the mandible, all other bones of skull are connected together by immobile suture which at birth allows slight sliding on each other to decrease the size of fetal skull and help in labor. ♣ All bones of skull are made of inner & outer solid plates separated by a spongy bone called the diploë which is active in blood formation throughout the life. ♣ The bones of skull are perforated by foramens, fissures or canals which transmit blood vessels and cranial nerves. ♣ Emissary foramens are small openings in certain skull bones which transmit emissary veins that connect extracranial and intracranial veins, and are the site for intracranial spread of infection (meningitis & encephalitis). ♣ Developmentally, the bones of vault of cranium are developed from ossification into membranes (desmocranium), while the rest of skull bones are developed from ossification of hyaline cartilages (chondrocranium). ♣ The easiest way of learning skull features is via the ways you are viewing it: ♠ Norma Frontalis (anterior view) ♠ Norma Verticalis (superior view) ♠ Norma Lateralis (lateral niew) ♠ Norma Occipitalis (posterior view) ♠ Norma Basalis (inferior view) ♠ Interior of Skull (cranial cavity)
  • 5.
  • 7.
  • 11.
  • 14.
  • 15. Internal Features of Cranial Cap (Calva)
  • 16. Features of the Skull of New Born: ♣ The sutures are still membranous ♣ The anterior fontanelle is about 5 cm in diameter lying at the junction of sagittal & coronal suture. It usually ossifies & disappears at 18-24 months of age. ♣ The posterior fontanelle is usually very small or abscent lying at the junction of sagittal & lumbdoid suture. If present, it usually ossifies & disappears at 2-6 months of age.
  • 17.
  • 20. Vertebral Column: ♣ Consists of 33 vertebrae divided into 7 cervical, 12 thoracic. 5 lumbar, 5 fused sacral and 4 fused coccygeal. ♣ the vertebral column has 4 curvatures: ♠ Cervical curvature convex forward ♠ Thoracic curvature concave forward ♠ Lumbar curvature convex forward ♠ Sacral curvature concave forward
  • 21. ♣ Their bodies from 2nd cervical to 1st sacral vertebrae are joined together by fibrocartilaginous intervertebral discs to increase flexibility. ♣ Each disc consists of central gelatinous part called nucleus pulposus and peripheral fibrous part called annulus fibrosus. ♣ Prolapsed disc is a common clinical condition due to degenerative changes leading to the herniation of nucleus pulposus through ruptured annulus fibrosus and pressing on the spinal cord or spinal nerve roots causing muscular and neurological symptoms and signs. ♣ The prolapsed disc may occurs any where in vertebral column but, the most common sites are between L4-L5 & between L5 & sacrum. ♣ The deformities in the shape of vertebral column are developmental or acquired degenerative and include: Kyphosis: increased backward curvature of vertebral column. Lordosis: increased forward curvature of vertebral column. Scoliosis: an increase in lateral bending of vertebral column.
  • 22. Cervical Vertebrae 7 in number, all are small in size with quadrangular-shaped vertebral body and triangular- shaped vertebral foramen. They have foramens in their transverse processes for the vertebral vessels ) vertebral veins ascends fron 7th, while the artery from the 6th Features of Typical Cervical Vertebrae (3-6): ♣ The body small & quadrangular ♣ The vertebral foramen is large & triangular in shape ♣ The transverse processes are broad and short ♣ The spine is bifid Feature of Atypical Vertebrae (1st atlas, 2nd Axis & 7th Cervica Prominence): Atlas: ♣ Has no vertebral body ♣ The vertebral foramen is large constricted in middle, divided by transverse ligament into smaller anterior part occupied by dens of axis vertebra, and posterior larger part occupied by spinal cord and meninges. ♣ It is modified to fit the base of skull at atlanto-occipital joint.
  • 23. Axis: Has all features of typical cervical vertebrae except that its body superiorly has a bony projection called dens or odontoid process which articulate with atlas vertebra in atlanto-axial joint for the rotation of head. 7th Cervical Vertenra: ♣ Has all feature of typical vertebrae except that its spinous process is long, prominent and not bifid. ♣ In a developmental anomaly called Cervical Rib, the transverse processes of the 7th vertebra are long and connected to the first rib by a fibrous cord. This will result in the traction of lower trunk of brachial plexus (C8,T1) causing muscular & neurological symptoms.
  • 24. The Scalp: Extension: superior nuchal line, auricles & eyebrows Layers: skin, connective tissue, aponeurosis of occipitofrontalis muscle, loose subaponeurotic connective tissue, periosteum. Occipitofrontalis Muscle: Attachment: highest nuchal line & skin of eyebrows. Action: moves the scalp to raise or depress the eyebrows in facial expression. Nerve supply: temporal and posterior auricular branches of facial nerve. Sensory Nerve Supply of Scalp: 1. Supratrochlear & supraorbital nerves from the ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve. 2. Zygomaticotemporal nerve from maxillary division of trigeminal nerve. 3. Auriculotemporal nerve from mandibular division of trigeminal nerve. 4. Greater occipital nerve a branch of dorsal ramus of C2 5. lesser occipital nerve (C2) from cervical plexus.
  • 25.
  • 26. Arterial Supply of Scalp: 1. Supraorbital & supratrochlear branches of ophthalmic artery (internal carotid artery) 2. Zygomaticotemporal branch of maxillary artery (external carotid artery) 3. Superficial temporal artery (external carotid artery) 4. Occipital artery (external carotid artery) 5. Posterior auricular artery (external carotid artery) Veins of Scalp: 1. Supratrochlear & supraorbital veins forming the facial vein 2. Superficial temporal vein 3. Occipital vein 4. Posterior auricular vein Lymph Drainage of Scalp: Submandibular & submental nodes → deep cervical nodes. Clinical Notes: ♣ Cutting wounds ♣ Subaponeurotic hematoma ♣ Subperiosteal hematoma ♣ Dermoid cyst ♣ Sebaceous cysts
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. The Face Muscles of Facial Expression: ♣ Located in the superficial fascia, attached to bones of skull and the skin of face. ♣ Exert sphincteric action around the orbit, mouth and nasal apertures. ♣ Change the expression of face. ♣ No need to memorize their attachments but be familiar with their names and location. ♣ They include; ♠ Muscles Around Orbital Cavity (orbicularis oculi, corrugator supercilii, procerus). ♠ Muscles Around the Nasal Openings (compressor nasi & dilator naris, levator labii superioris alaeque nasi). ♠ Muscles of Lip and the Angle of Mouth (orbicularis oris, levator labii superioris, levator anguli oris, zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor, depressor labii inferioris, depressor anguli oris, mentalis, risorius, buccinator, platyama).
  • 30.
  • 31. Orbicularis oculi: ♣ The orbital part is the outermost part, its fibers arise from medial palpebral ligament make a complete circle around orbital opening and insert into the same area of origin. It forcibly closes the opening of eye during the reflex protection of eyes when exposed to foreign bodies or truama. ♣ The palpebral part in the eyelids and its fibers take origin from the medial palpebral ligament and insert into the lateral palpebral ligament. It lightly closes the eyelids as in blinking or during sleep. It also directs the tears medially toward dilated lacrimal sac. ♣ The lacrimal part is small deep part encircle the lacrimal sac and help to evacuate the sac from tears into the nasolacrimal duct. ♣ It is supplied by temporal & zygomatic branches of facial nerve.
  • 32. Orbicularis oris: ♣ Forms the upper and lower lips. ♣ It takes origin from the outer surface of maxilla and body of mandible ♣ It consists of peripheral & marginal fibers which intermingles with other facial muscles (zygomaticus major & minor, risorius, buccinator and the levators and depressors of lips and angle of mouth) at the angle of mouth forming the modiolus. ♣ Supplied by buccal branch of facial nerve ♣ It controls the movements of lips in drinking, eating, suckling, whispering, whistling, and talking.
  • 33. Buccinator: ♣ Muscle of the cheek, has the buccal pad of fat on it, and it is pierced by the parotid duct. ♣ Originates from alveolar part of maxilla & mandible and inserts into the pterygomandibular raphe. ♣ Supplied by buccal branches of facial nerve. ♣ It balloons and compresses the cheek. Platysma: ♣ Broad, sheet-like muscle, and the most superficial muscle. ♣ Arises from the deep fascia over the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles, and inserts into the mandible and the fascia at the angle of mouth. ♣ Supplied by the cervical branch of facial nerve. ♣ It tenses the skin over the side of neck especially in shaving, and depresses the mandible and angle of mouth.
  • 34. Motor Nerve Supply of Facial Muscles: ♣ All are supplied by the facial nerve through its 5 terminal branches emerging from the substance of parotid gland ( temporal, zygomatic, buccal, marginal mandibular & cervical). ♣ Temporary paralysis of facial nerve (Bell’s Palsy) is common clinical condition affecting young adults and characterized by inability of closing the eye and drop of the angle of mouth on the affected side with passage of fluid out of mouth.
  • 35. Sensory Nerves of Face: 1) From Ophthalmic Division of Trigeminal Nerve: supraorbital & supratrochlear branches of frontal nerve. infratrochlear and external nasal branches of nasociliary nerve. palpebral branch of lacrimal nerve. 2) From Maxillary Division of Trigeminal Nerve: infraorbital & zygomaticofacial nerves 3) From Mandibular Division of Trigeminal Nerve: auriculotemporal, buccal & mental nerves 4) From Cervical Plexus: great auricular nerve (C2 & C3) which supplies the skin over parotid gland and part of auricle.
  • 36.
  • 37. Arteries of Face: 1) Branches of facial artery: inferior labial, superior labial, lateral nasal arteries. 2) Branches of ophthalmic artery: supratrochlear, supraorbital, infratrochlear , external nasal and palpebral arteries 3) Branches of maxillary artery: infraorbital, mental, buccal and zygomaticofacial arteries. 4) Branches of superficial temporal artery: transverse facial and zygomatico-orbital arteries Veins of Face: Facial, superficial temporal and maxillary veins Lymph Drainage of Face: Into the submental & submandibular lymph nodes which eventually are drained into the deep cervical nodes.
  • 38. Muscles of Mastication: ♣ They include, masseter, temporalis, lateral pterygoid & medial pterygoid. ♣ All are supplied by mandibular division of trigeminal nerve. ♣ They originate from the skull bones and insert on to the mandible. ♣ They act on temporomandibular joint (TMJ) during mastication and speech.
  • 39. Masseter: ♣ Originates from zygomatic arch & inserts on the outer surface of angle and ramus of mandible. ♣ It elevates, retracts & protracts the mandible. Temporalis: ♣ Originates from the parietal bone & squamous part of temporal bone (floor of temporal fossa) and from the temporal fascia. ♣ Inserts into the coronoid process of mandible. ♣ It elevates and retracts the mandible. Lateral pterygoid: ♣ Its upper head arises from infratemporal crest of greater wing of sphenoid while the lower head arises from lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate. ♣ It inserts into the neck of mandible and articular disc of TMJ. ♣ It depresses the mandible & opens the mouth. Medial pterygoid: ♣ It has superficial & deep heads surrounding the lower heads of lateral pterygoid. ♣ The deep head arises from medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate, while the superficial head arises from the tuberosity of maxilla. ♣ Inserts into the inner surface of angle of mandible opposite the insertion of masseter. ♣ It elevates the mandible and closes the mouth
  • 40. The Temporal Fossa: ♣ It lies deep to scalp at the side of skull. ♣ Extends from superior temporal line to zygomatic arch. ♣ It contains ♠ temporalis, ♠ temporal fascia, ♠ deep temporal vessels of maxillary vessels ♠ deep temporal nerves from mandibular division which supply temporalis ♠ zygomaticotemporal nerve and vessels (branches of maxillary nerve and vessels). ♣ The superficial temporal artery & vein, auriculotemporal nerve, and temporal branch of facial nerve are superficial to temporal fascia.
  • 41. The Infra-Temporal Fossa: ♣ It lies below and deep to zygomatic arch between the side of skull & the ramus of mandible. ♣ It is communications are: ♠ with temporal fossa deep to zygomatic arch. ♠ with middle cranial fossa through foramen ovale and foramen spinosum ♠ with pterygopalatine fossa at the base of skull through pterygomaxillary fissure. ♣ It contains: ♠ lateral & medial pterygoid muscles ♠ maxillary artery and its branches (mainly, inferior alveolar, middle & accessory middle meningeal arteries & others). ♠ pterygoid venous plexus, maxillary vein and lymphatic vessels ♠ otic parasympathetic ganglion & lesser petrosal nerve. ♠ mandibular nerve, its divisions and branches. ♠ chorda tympani nerve joining the lingual nerve.
  • 42.
  • 43. Maxillary Artery: ♣ Terminal branch of external carotid artery, arises behind the neck of mandible within the parotid gland. ♣ Descriptively divided into three parts; 1st, 2nd & 3rd parts. ♣ The First Part extends from the origin to lower border of lateral pterygoid muscle and gives the following branches: 1. Deep auricular artery to external auditory meatus 2. Anterior tympanic to tympanic membrane 3 & 4. Middle meningeal & accessory middle meningeal arteries to meninges 5. Inferior alveolar artery to mandible which gives (6.) mylohyoid artery to mylohyoid muscle ♣ The Second Part usually runs superficial to lateral pterygoid muscle and gives: 7. Muscular branches to masseter and pterygoid muscles 8. Two deep temporal arteries to temporalis 9. Buccal artery ♣ The Third part at the pteygomaxillary fissure gives the (10.) posterior superior alveolar artery to maxilla and (11.) the infraorbital artery. Then it continues into the pteygopalatine fossa and gives the following branches: 12 & 13. Greater & lesser palatine arteries to palate & nasopharynx 13. Pharyngeal artery to nasopharynx 14. Artery of pterygoid canal 15. Sphenopalatine artery (termination of maxillary artery) to palate
  • 44.
  • 45. The Pterygo-Palatine Fossa: ♣ Very small and deep pyramidal-shaped fossa, located immediately below the apex of orbital cavity. ♣ It lies between the maxilla, pterygoid and palatine bones. ♣ It is communicated with: ♠ infratemporal fossa through pterygomaxillary fissure. ♠ middle cranial fossa through foramen rotundum and pterygoid canal. ♠ nasal cavity through sphenopalatine foramen. ♠ Orbital cavity through inferior orbital fissure. ♣ It contains: ♠ Maxillary nerve and its branches. ♠ Pterygopalatine parasympathetic ganglion & its branches, and the nerve of pterygoid canal (formed by greater petrosal & deep petrosal nerves). ♠ Terminal part of maxillary artery & its branches with accompanying veins and lymphatic vessels.
  • 46. Deep Fascia of Neck: The deep fascia of neck include four parts; the investing deep fascia, the carotid sheath, the pretracheal fascia and the prevertebral fascia. 1) Investing deep Fascia: ♣ Attached superiorly to base of mandible, mastoid process & superior nuchal line. ♣ Attached inferiorly to acromion process of scapula, clavicle and manubrium sterni. ♣ Superiorly it provides fascial sheaths for submandibular & parotid salivary glands. ♣ It thickens between parotid and submandibular glands forming the stylomandibular ligament. ♣ It invests sternomastoid, inferior belly of omohyoid, trapezius and extends posteriorly to reach the ligamentum nuchae. ♣ It is thin over the roof of posterior triangle and above the manubrium sterni, where the inflammatory pus usually points out to the skin. ♣ In the middle and above the manubrium sterni, it splits into two layers which are attaches to inner and outer margins of manubrium forming the suprasternal space. ♣ The suprasternal space contains: ♠ the sternal heads of sternomastoid muscles ♠ lower parts of anterior jugular veins ♠ the jugular venous arches ♠ a small lymph node
  • 47.
  • 48. 2) Carotid sheath: ♣ Tubular sheath investing the common carotid artery then internal carotid artery, internal jugular vein, deep cervical lymph nodes, vagus nerve and the ansa cervicalis nerve. ♣ Extends from base of skull to superior mediastinum where it continues with adventitia of great vessels. 3) Pretracheal Fascia: ♣ Invests thyroid and parathyroid glands ♣ Attached to hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage. ♣ It moves the thyroid gland with deglutition 4) Prevertebral Fascia Fascia: ♣ Covers the prevertebral muscle ♣ Extends from base of skull to 3rd thoracic vertebra. ♣ In the root of neck, it gives tubular sheath called axillary sheath which invests axillary vessels and cords of brachial plexus.
  • 49. Triangles of Neck: The neck is best studied by dividing it into anterior & posterior triangles using sternomastoid as a landmark.
  • 50. The Posterior Triangle: ♣ Bounded anteriorly by posterior border of sternomastoid, posteriorly by the anterior border of trapezius and inferiorly by the middle third of clavicle. ♣ It roof is formed by investing deep fascia, superficial fascia, platysma, cutaneous branches of cervical plexus and skin. ♣ Its floor is formed by muscles lined by prevertebral fascia, which include from above downward, semispinalis capitis, splenius capitis, levator scapulae, scalenus medius, scalenus anterior and 1st digitation of serratus anterior. ♣ It is divided by the inferior belly of omohyoid into an upper larger occipital triangle and a smaller lower supraclavicular or subclavian triangle.
  • 51. Occipital Triangle: it contains: ♠ Occipital artery. ♠ Cutaneous branches of cervical plexus (great auricular nerve, lesser occipital nerve, transverse cutaneous nerve of neck & supraclavicular nerve). ♠ Spinal accessory nerve which supplies trapezius & sternomastoid. ♠ Dorsal scapular nerve which supplies levator scapulae and rhomboideus major & minor muscles. ♠ Sensory nerves to trapezius, levator scapulae, rhomboideus muscles from cervical plexus. ♠ Transverse cervical, suprascapular arteries & external jugular vein ♠ Upper & middle trunks of brachial plexus. Subclavian Triangle: it contains: ♠ 3rd part of subclavian artery ♠ Lower trunk of brachial plexus ♠ Transverse cervical & suprascapular arteries ♠ Phrenic nerve ♠ Suprascapular nerve to supraspinatus & infraspinatus muscles, and suprascapular vessels. ♠ Inferior thyroid artery ♠ Long thoracic nerve to serratus anterior muscle.
  • 52. The Anterior Triangle & Its Subdivisions: ♣ It is bounded by the midline anteriorly, anterior border of sternomastoid posteriorly, and by the inferior border of mandible superiorly. ♣ It is subdivided into submental, digastric or submandibular, carotid and muscular triangles,
  • 53. The Submental Triangle: ♣ Bounded by midline anterioerly, hyoid bone inferiorly, and the anterior belly of digastric posteriorly. ♣ The roof is formed by skin superficial fascia, platysma & investing deep fascia. ♣ The floor is formed by mylohyoid muscle. ♣ It contains: 1. Submental lymph node 2. Submental vessels 3. Anterior jugular vein
  • 54. The Digastric (Submandibular) Triangle: ♣ Bounded anteriorly by anterior belly of digastric, posterior belly of digastric & stylohyoid muscles posteriorly and the inferior border of mandible superiorly. ♣ The roof is formed by skin superficial fascia, platysma and deep investing fascia. ♣ The floor is formed by mylohyoid, hyoglossus and superior constrictor muscles. ♣ It contains: 1. Submandibular lymph nodes 2. Submandibular salivary gland 3. Facial artery & vein 4. Submental vessels 5. Mylohyoid nerve & vessels 6. Hypoglossal nerve 7. More posteriorly are the internal & external carotid arteries & vagus nerve.
  • 55. The Muscular Triangle: ♣ Bounded anteriorly by the midline, superiorly by posterior border of superior belly of omohyoid, and inferiorly by sternomastoid. ♣ Its roof is formed by skin superficial fascia, platysma & investing deep fascia. ♣ Its floor is formed by the inferior belly of omohyoid, sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles which are supplied by ansa cervicalis
  • 56. The Carotid Triangle: ♣ Bounded superiorly by posterior belly of digastric, inferiorly by superior belly of omohyoid, and posteriorly by sternomastoid. ♣ Its roof is formed by skin, superficial fascia, platysma and investing deep fascia. ♣ Its floor is formed by thyrohyoid, hyoglossus, middle and inferior constrictor muscles. ♣ It contains. 1. Common carotid artery & its bifurcation 2. Internal carotid artery & internal jugular nerve 3. External carotid artery & its branches (superior thyroid, ascending pharyngeal, lingual, facial & occipital) 4. Deep cervical lymph node 5. Hypoglossal nerve 6. Accessory nerve 7. Loop of ansa cervicalis (C1,2&3 superior root from C1, inferior root from C2 & C3.
  • 57. Vessels of the Head & Neck
  • 58. Brachiocephalic Trunk: ● Arises from arch of aorta, ascends upward, laterally and to right side. ● Divides into right common carotid and right subclavian arteries behind the sternoclavicular joint. ● Crossed anteriorly by left brachiocephalic vein. ● The right brachiocephalic vein lies anterolateral, and the right vagus descends posterolateral.
  • 59. Common Carotid Arteries: ● The right artery arises from brachiocephalic trunk behind right sternoclavicular joint. ● The left artery arises from the arch of aorta, ascends lateral to trachea and enters the neck behind left sternoclavicular joint. ● Both ascends in the neck overlapped by the lower part of sternomastoid, sternohyoid, sternothyroid & superior belly of omohyoid. ● Enclosed by carotid sheath together with internal jugular vein (anterolateral), vagus nerve (posterolateral) and ansa cervicalis (anterior). ● The lower cervical transverse processes, prevertebral muscles, vertebral vessels, inferior thyroid artery and cervical sympathetic trunk lies behind it. ● The trachea, esophagus, recurrent laryngeal nerve, larynx, pharynx & thyroid gland lies medial to it ● Divides at the level of upper border of thyroid cartilage into internal & external carotid arteries. ● It dilates at its bifurcation forming carotid sinus (baroreceptor). ● In the posterior wall of carotid sinus lies the carotid body (chemoreceptor for O2 & CO2 concentration).
  • 60.
  • 61. External Carotid artery ● Arises from common carotid artery lateral to upper border of thyroid cartilage, and ends within the parotid gland behind the neck of mandible into maxillary & superficial temporal arteries. ● Ascends anteromedial, anterior, and lateral to internal carotid artery. ● Overlapped by sternomastoid muscle and crossed anteriorly by the posterior belly of digastric, stylohyoid muscle & ligament and hypoglossal nerve. ● Within the parotid gland, the facial nerve and retromandibular vein are anterior to it. ● The styloid process, stylopharyngeus and styloglossus muscles, glossopharyngeal nerve and pharyngeal branch of vagus lie behind it (between external & internal carotid arteries). ● it branches are: 1. Superior thyroid . 2. Ascending pharyngeal. 3. Lingual 4. Facial 5. Occipital 6. Posterior auricular 7. maxillary 8. Superficial temporal
  • 62.
  • 63. 1. Superior Thyroid Artery: ● Descends to thyroid lobe accompanied by external laryngeal nerve. ● Gives infrahyoid, superior laryngeal, sternomastoid & cricothyroid arteries. 2. Ascending Pharyngeal Artery: ● Ascends on the lateral wall of pharynx. ● Gives branches to palatine tonsil and pharyngeal wall. 3. Lingual Artery: ● Ascends to the tongue passing deep to hyoglossus muscle. ● Gives sublingual, dorsal lingual and deep lingual arteries. 4. Fascial Artery: ● Ascends medially grooving submandibular gland. ● Crosses the lower border of body of mandible at the anterior border of masseter muscle where its pulsations are easily felt. ● Enters the face having a tortuous course, terminates as angular artery at the medial angle of orbit. ● Gives: ascending palatine, tonsilar, submandibular, submental branches in the neck, and inferior labial, superior labial and lateral nasal in the face.
  • 64. 5. Occipital Artery: ● Ascends to the scalp along the lower border of posterior belly of digastric muscle. ● Accompanies the greater occipital nerve. ● Gives muscular branches, stylomastoid artery and branches to posterior part of scalp. 6. Posterior Auricular Artery: ● Ascends behind the auricle and supplies auricle and scalp. 7. Maxillary Artery: ● Arises as terminal branch within the parotid gland behind the neck of mandible. ● Ascends into infratemporal fossa and then to pterygopalataine fossa where it terminates with the branches of pterygopalatine ganglion. ● Gives: deep auricular, anterior tympanic, inferior alveolar, middle meningeal & accessory middle meningeal, deep temporal, masseteric, pterygoid, buccal, superior alveolar, zygomatic, infraorbital, greater palatine, pharyngeal, sphenopalatine arteries and the artery of pterygoid canal. 8. Superficial Temporal Artery: ● Terminal branch arises within parotid gland and ascends to the side of scalp. ● Gives transverse facial, zygomatico-orbital, middle temporal arteries and breaks down into anterior and posterior branches to the scalp.
  • 65. Internal Carotid Artery: ● Arises as terminal branch of common carotid artery. ● Ascends to the base of skull and enters into cranium through carotid canal. ● Gives no extra-cranial branches. ● Its intracranial course and branches will be discussed in the neuro-anatomy module.
  • 66. Subclavian Artery ● The right artery arises from brachiocephalic trunk behind the sternoclavicular joint. ● The left artery arises from arch of aorta and ascends lateral to trachea. ● The right & left arteries arch into the root of neck anterior to cervical pleura and over the superior surface of 1st rib. ● The corresponding subclavian vein is anterolateral to it. ● Continues as axillary artery at the outer border of 1st rib ● The scalenus anterior, phrenic nerve and vagus nerve lie anterior to it. ● The scalenus medius, right recurrent laryngeal nerve lie posterior to it.
  • 67. ● Divided by scalenus anterior into three parts: I. First Part: medial to scalenus anterior and gives: 1. Vertebral Artery (gives muscular & spinal branches & forms basilar artery inside skull) 2. Internal Thoracic Artery (anterior intercostal arteries to upper 6 spaces, perforating branches, mammary branches, pericardiophrenic artery, musculophrenic and superior epigastric ateries. 3. Thyrocervical Trunk (gives transverse cervical artery, suprascapular artery & inferior thyroid artery) . II. Second Part: posterior to scalenus anterior and gives costocervical trunk which divides into deep cervical artery and superior (highest) intercostal artery. III. Third Part: lateral to scalenus anterior and gives no branches.
  • 68. Veins of Head & Neck Internal Jugular Vein ● Begins in the jugular foramen as a continuation of sigmoid sinus and ends into the corresponding brachiocephalic vein. ● Has superior bulb in the jugular foramen and inferior bulb near its termination. ● Descends in the carotid sheath lateral to internal carotid artery and then to the common carotid artery with the vagus nerve postero-intermediate. ● Related anteriorly to sternomastoid, sternohyoid, sternothyroid, superior belly of omohyoid. ● Posteriorly are the cervical transverse processes, prevertebral muscles, sympathetic trunk. ● Receives; inferior petrosal sinus, occipital vein, pharyngeal veins, facial vein, lingual vein, superior & middle thyroid veins.
  • 69.
  • 70. External Jugular Vein ● Begins behind the angle of mandible by union of posterior auricular vein and posterior division of retromandibular vein. (The retromandibular vein id formed with in parotid gland by union of superficial temporal vein & maxillary vein. It divides into anterior & posterior divisions. The anterior division joins the facial vein forming common facial vein which opens into internal jugular vein. The posterior division units with posterior auricular vein to form external jugular vein) ● Descends superficial & in lower part of neck pierces the deep fascia to end into corresponding subclavian vein. ● It receives: posterior external jugular, transverse cervical vein, suprascapular vein, anterior jugular vein & some times, the occipital vein. Anterior Jugular Vein: ● Formed in the superficial fascia of submental area and descends lateral to midline. ● The two veins above sternum are connected by jugular arch. ● It receives blood from skin & fascia, and ends into corresponding external jugular vein.
  • 71.
  • 72. Subclavian Vein: ● The continuation of axillary vein at the outer border of 1st rib. ● Receives the external jugular vein. ● Joins the internal jugular vein behind sternoclavicular forming brachiocephalic vein.
  • 73. Salivary Glands Three pairs; parotid, submandibular and sublingual , located in the region of head & neck around oral cavity. They secret saliva into oral cavity via their ducts. Additional small salivary glands exist in the mucosa & submucosa of palate, mouth cavity and nasopharynx. The saliva contains water, electrolytes, mucus, amylase and IgA produced by the plasma cells of connective tissue. The IgA taken by secretory cells will be secreted combined to their product. Parotid Gland ● The largest one located anterior and below the auricle on the ramus of mandible. ● Extends from external auditory meatus above to the upper part of the side of neck on the sternomastoid muscle. ● Has a fibrous capsule and a fascial sheath derived from the investing layer of deep fascia of neck. ● Its shape is irregular, wedged between the ramus of mandible, masseter anteriorly and mastoid process and sternomastoid posteriorly. ● The facial nerve passes within the gland and divides it into superficial and deep parts. ● The parotid duct (Stensen’s duct) emerges from the superficial part, crosses over masseter, pierces buccinator muscle and overlying fat & fascia to open into mouth vestibule opposite the 2 nd upper molar tooth.
  • 74. ● The parotid gland has 4 extensions or processes which include; ♣ glenoid process behind the temporomandibular joint. ♣ pterygoid process between medial pterygoid muscle and mandible. ♣ facial process over the masseter muscle. ♣ accessory parotid gland (detached part of the gland over the masseter). ● Strucures passing within the gland from superficial to deep are: ♣ Facial nerve and its terminal branches ♣ Retromandibular vein with its tributaries and divisions (maxillary and superficial temporal veins, anterior & posterior divisions) ♣ External carotid artery and its two terminal branches (maxillary & superficial temporal arteries). ♣ Also lying within the gland are the deep parotid lymph nodes.
  • 75. Relations of Parotid Gland: Superiorly: temporomandibular joint and external auditory meatus. Superficially: parotid fascia, parotid lymph nodes & great auricular nerve. Anteromedially: temporomandibular joint, ramus of mandible, masseter & medial pterygoid muscle Posteromedially: mastoid process, sternomastoid, posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid muscles, carotid sheath containing internal carotid artery, internal jugular vein & vagus nerve, and the facial, glossopharyngeal, accessory and hypoglossal nerves. Nerve Supply of Parotid Gland: ● The skin & fascial sheath of parotid gland are supplied by great auricular nerve from cervical plexus. ● Postganglionic parasympathetic nerves are derived from the otic ganglion and reach the gland via auriculotemporal nerve. The preganglionic parasympathetic nerves to otic ganglion is from lesser petrosal nerve of glossopharyngeal nerve. ● Postganglionic secretomotor sympathetic nerves are from the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion via plexus on external carotid artery. Preganglionic sympathetic fibers to superior cervical sympathetic ganglion are derived from lateral gray mater of upper four thoracic spinal segments.
  • 76. Blood Supply & Lymphatic Drainage of Parotid Gland Arteries: branches from external carotid, maxillary & superficial temporal arteries. Veins: retromandibular vein. Lymph drainage: parotid lymph nodes & deep cervical lymph nodes.
  • 77. Submandibular Gland ● The 2nd largest salivary gland located in the neck, deep to the body of mandible (in the submandibular fossa), and separated from parotid gland by the stylomandibular ligament. ● Has fibrous capsule and invested by a sheath of fascia from investing deep fascia of neck. ● It consists of a large superficial part and a smaller deep part which are continuous with each other at the posterior border of mylohyoid muscle. ● The submandibular duct (Wharton’s duct) emerges from the deep part and runs anteriorly on hyoglossus muscle and then between sublingual gland and genioglossus muscle to open in the floor of mouth cavity proper by a small papilla at the side of the frenulum of tongue.
  • 78. Relations of Superficial Part: Anteriorly: anterior belly of digastric muscle. Posteriorly: posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid muscles. Laterally: superiorly is the medial surface of body of mandible, while inferiorly are the investing deep fascia of neck, submandibular lymph nodes, platysma muscle, cervical branch of facial nerve and the facial vein. The facial artery indents the posterosuperior part of gland. Medially: mylohyoid and hyoglossus muscles, deep part of submandibular gland, and the lingual and hypoglossal nerves. Relations of Deep Part: Anteriorly: sublingual gland. Posteriorly: posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid muscles. Medially: hyoglossus and styloglossus muscles. Laterally: superiorly is the body of mandible, inferiorly are the mylohyoid muscle & superficial part of gland. Superiorly: lingual nerve, submandibular ganglion and mucus membrane of mouth. Inferiorly: hypoglossal nerve.
  • 79. Nerve Supply of Submandibular Gland ● Sensory nerves are derived from lingual nerve ● Postganglionic parasympathetic nerves are from submandibular ganglion via branches of lingual nerve. The preganglionic parasympathetic of submandibular ganglion are derived from the facial nerve via chorda tympani ● Postganglionic sympathetic nerves are from superior cervical sympathetic ganglion from the plexus on facial & lingual arteries. Blood Supply & Lymph Drainage of Submandibular Gland ● Arteries: from facial & lingual arteries. ● Veins: into the corresponding veins. ● Lymph drainage: to submandibular and deep cervical lymph nodes.
  • 80. Sublingual Gland ● The smallest pair of salivary glands located in the floor of mouth cavity under the tongue. ● It raises a transverse sublingual fold of mucosa in the floor mouth, and its ducts are 8-20 in number and open on the summit of sublingual papilla. ● A major sublingual duct (Bartholin duct) also joins the submandibular duct. Relations of Sublingual Gland: Anteriorly: the opposite sublingual gland. Posteriorly: the deep part of submandibular gland Laterally: body of mandible (sublingual fossa of mandible). Medially: genioglossus, submandibular duct & lingual nerve Superiorly: mucus membrane of mouth. Inferiorly: mylohyoid muscle.
  • 81. Blood Supply of Sublingual Gland: Arteries: branches from facial & lingual arteries. Veins: into the corresponding veins. Lymph Drainage of Sublingual Gland: Into the submandibular & deep cervical lymph nodes. Nerve supply of Sublingual Gland: ● Sensory nerves are derived from lingual nerve. ● Postganglionic parasympathetic from submandibular ganglion via lingual nerve. The preganglionic to submansibular gaglion are from chorda tympani of facial nerve. ● Postganglionic sympathetic nerves are from superior cervical sympathetic ganglion via plexus on the arterial supply.
  • 82. The Mouth Opening & Oral Cavity ● The mouth opening (labial or oral fissure) lies between the two lips & leads into the oral cavity. ● The oral or buccal cavity is divided into a small vestibule and a larger oral cavity proper which are continuous with each other behind the last molar teeth when the jaws are closed. The Vestibule ● The vestibule lies anterior to dental arch and bounded by the lips and cheeks. ● Each lip consists of skin, superficial fascia, orbicularis oris muscle & facial muscles at the angle of mouth and mucus membrane. The mucus membrane is moist lined by non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and contains labial mucus gland. In the middle of upper lip skin there is a depression called philtrum. The inner epithelium of each lip is reflected on the gums and in the middle, there is upper & lower labial frenulum (if tight and thick, they interfere with speech during childhood). ● Each cheek is formed by the skin, superficial fascia, buccal pad of fat, buccinator muscle and mucus membrane lined by non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and contains buccal mucus glands.
  • 83. ● The parotid duct pierces buccinator muscle and opens into the vestibule by a small papilla opposite 2nd upper molar tooth. This area is the site where the first vesicular eruption of measles is found (Koplic spot). ● The sensory nerve supply of upper lip is by infraorbital nerve of maxillary division of trigeminal nerve (5th cranial nerve) and the buccal nerve of mandibular division of trigeminal nerve. The mucus membrane of upper gum is supplied by superior alveolar branch of maxillary nerve. ● The sensory nerve supply of lower lip is by the mental and buccal nerves from mandibular division of trigeminal nerve. The mucus membrane of lower gum is supplied by inferior alveolar branch of mandibular nerve. ● The muscles of both lips are supplied by branches of facial nerve. ● The sensory supply of the skin and mucus membrane of cheeks is by buccal nerve from mandibular nerve. The motor supply is by facial nerve. ● The blood supply of lips and cheeks is by branches of facial and maxillary vessels, and their lymphatic vessels are drained into submandibular lymph nodes.
  • 84. Mouth Cavity Proper ● Much larger than the vestibule, bounded anteriorly and laterally by dental arches of maxillae and mandible, superiorly (roof) by the palate, and inferiorly (floor) by the anterior two thirds of tongue & mucus membrane reflected from sides & inferior surface of tongue to lower jaw. ● Continuous posteriorly with oropharynx at oropharyngeal isthmus or isthmus of Fauces bounded by the two palatoglossal arches. ● On the under surface of tongue there is a median mucosal fold called frenulum of tongue (if thick and short it interferes with normal speech and requires surgical excision). Lateral to frenulum, the lingual artery, lingual nerve and deep lingual vein are located under mucosa in order from medial to lateral. The deep lingual vein can be seen through the illuminated mouth cavity. Just lateral to the vein there is a fold of mucosa called plica fimbriata.
  • 85. ● Lateral to the root of frenulum of tongue, there are two horizontal sublingual mucosal folds formed by sublingual glands. The multiple openings of sublingual ducts are located along the sublingual folds. The openings of submandibular ducts lie on the sides of the root of lingual frenulum. ● The mucosa of oral cavity proper is lined by non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and contains small salivary glands which open directly into oral cavity. ● The sensory nerve supply of mucus membrane of hard palate is by greater palatine and nasopalatine nerves from maxillary division of trigeminal nerve. The sensory nerve supply of soft palate is by lessor palatine branch of maxillary nerve & the glossopharyngeal nerve. ● The sensory nerve supply of floor of mouth is by lingual branch of mandibular division of trigeminal nerve. ● The arterial supply of palate is by the branches of maxillary artery (greater palatine, lesser palatine & sphenopalatine arteries), ascending palatine branch of facial artery & palatine branch of ascending pharyngeal artery. The floor of mouth cavity is supplied by branches of lingual artery. ● The venous drainage is into corresponding veins ● The lymphatic drainage is into the deep cervical nodes via submandibular lymph nodes.
  • 86. The Teeth ● The deciduous teeth of childhood are 20; 4 incisors, 2 canines, and 4 molars in each jaw. The first eruption starts at 6 months usually in lower jaw and are completed by the age of 2 years. ● The permanent teeth are 32: 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 premolars and 6 molars in each jaw. The last molar teeth are usually erupted by the age 17-30. ● Each permanent tooth consists of root and crown which join together at the cervix of tooth. ● The root or roots are embedded in their sockets in alveolar part of mandible and maxilla covered by mucus membrane (gingiva or gum). The root centrally has the pulp connected below with the root canal for nerves and vessels and immediately surrounded by hard dentin. External to dentine is much harder cementum which is bounded to alveolar bone by strong periodontal ligament . ● The crown projects from the root into mouth cavity and consists of inner dentin and outer enamel.
  • 87. The Tongue ● A mass of skeletal muscles covered by mucus membrane, located in oral cavity and oropharynx, and attached by its muscles to the styloid process of skull, mandible & hyoid bone. The right & left halves of tongue are connected together by a median fibrous septum. ● Divided by the V-shaped sulcus terminalis into the anterior 2/3 located in mouth cavity proper, and posterior 1/3 located in oropharynx. The apex of sulcus terminalis points posteriorly and has a pit representing the embryonic foramen cecum, the site where thyroglossal duct descends with thyroid gland from pharynx to the neck. ● The mucus membrane on the dorsum of anterior 2/3 of tongue is rough due to the projections of lamina propria under the epithelium forming many papillae. ● The mucous membrane on the dorsum of posterior 1/3 has many elevations produced by lymphatic follicles (lingual tonsil). The mucus membrane on the inferior surface of whole tongue is smooth and continuous with mucus membrane of lower gum and oropharynx.
  • 88. ● The epithelium covering the tongue is non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, below it lies the lamina propria. The lamina propria tightly binds the underlying muscles to surface epithelium. The submucosa contains several small mucus and serous glands whose ducts open on the surface of tongue. The skeletal muscles form the bulk of tongue and run in different directions. ● The papillae of the dorsum of anterior 2/3 of tongue are of three types; filliform, fungiform and circumvallate. The foliate papillae are not present in human tongue. ● The filliform papillae are elongated conical-shaped widespread on the dorsolateral areas, and contain no taste buds. ● The fungiform papillae are large mushroom-shaped with narrow stalk and contain taste buds. ● The circumvallate papillae are large circular-shaped, 7-11 in number located anterior to sulcus terminalis and contain taste buds. They are surrounded by circular groove which has the openings of the ducts of small lingual serous glands (Von Ebner’s glands) whose secretion help to dissolve the tastants which stimulate the taste buds. Also these glands secret lipase enzyme which prevents the formation of hydrophobic lipid substances on the surface of taste buds which interfere with action of taste buds and it also helps to digest fat in the stomach.
  • 89. ● Each taste bud is an onion-shaped collection of about 50-100 cells, connected to the surface through the taste pore. The cells rest on a basement membrane and consists of taste cells, supporting cells and basal proliferative cells. The apices of taste cells have microvilli projecting into the taste pore and have receptors for the tastants (sour and sweet tastants) or open ion channels (bitter and salt tastants) which eventually leads to depolarization of taste cells and the release of neurotransmitters. These events will stimulate special taste sensory nerve endings and the sensation is carried to special neurons in the brain.
  • 90. Muscles of Tongue: ● Are intrinsic and extrinsic skeletal muscles. ● The intrinsic muscles run in different directions and include; vertical, transverse and longitudinal. They originate from tongue connective tissue and median fibrous septum and insert into the mucosa. They are supplied by hypoglossal nerve (12th cranial nerve), and help in changing the shape of tongue. ● The extrinsic muscles include; genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus and palatoglossus. Their origin, insertion and action is shown in the following table:
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  • 92. Nerve Supply of Tongue: ● All intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of tongue except palatoglossus are supplied by hypoglossal nerve. The palatoglossus is supplied by pharyngeal plexus (cranial accessory nerve). ● The sensory nerve supply is as follow: Anterior 2/3: General sensations (touch, pressure, pain & temperature) by lingual nerve from V3 of trigeminal nerve. Special taste sensation excluding the taste sensations from the circumvallate papillae is by the chorda tympani branch of facial nerve. Posterior 1/3: General sensation is by glossopharyngeal nerve and a small posterior area near epiglottis is by internal laryngeal branch of vagus nerve. Special taste sensation including the circumvallate taste buds is by glossopharyngeal nerve. ● The lingual glands are supplied by autonomic nerves. The postganglionic parasympathetic nerves is from submandibular ganglion via lingual nerve (preganglionic are from chorda tympani of facial nerve. The postganglionic sympathetic nerves is from superior cervical sympathetic ganglion along the arteries (preganglionic is from upper thoracic sympathetic ganglia) .
  • 93. Movements of Tongue: ● The intrinsic muscles change the shape of tongue ● Protrusion of tongue out of mouth is by genioglossus and hyoglossus of both sides. ● Depression is by hyoglossus muscle ● Retraction and elevation is by styloglossus and palatoglossus muscles. Blood supply and Lymph Drainage of Tongue ● Arteries of tongue: lingual artery, tonsillar branch of facial artery, ascending pharyngeal artery. ● Veins of tongue: corresponding veins to internal jugular vein ● Lymph drainage: Anterior 2/3: from tip of tongue to submental lymph nodes from the rest to submandibular lymph nodes and upper deep cervical nodes (jugulodigastric) of both sides. Posterior 1/3: upper deep cervical nodes on both sides, some vessels are drained posteriorly into retropharyngeal nodes.
  • 94. The Palate ● It lies between nasal cavity and nasopharynx above and the oral cavity below. It consists of anterior hard palate and posterior soft palate. ● The hard palate is formed by palatine processes of maxillae and horizontal plates of palatine bones strictly covered by mucus membrane which has few small mucus glands. The mucus membrane is respiratory one on its upper surface while of oral type inferiorly ● The soft palate is a soft mass arises from the posterior border of hard palate and has a free posterior border which projects into the oropharynx with a small muscular projection at its middle called uvula.
  • 95. ● The soft palate consists of; mucus membrane, palatine aponeurosis, glands, muscles with nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels. ● The epithelium is respiratory on the upper surface while oral on lower surface. ● The mucosa and submucosa contains mucus and serous glands. ● The palatine aponeurosis is a sheet of dense fibrous tissue and is formed by the extension of the tendons of tensor palati muscles. ● The muscles of soft palate are; levator palati, tensor palati, palatoglossus, palatopharyngeus and musculus uvulae. Their attachment, nerve supply and action is shown in the following table:
  • 96. Muscles of Soft Palate Muscle Origin Insertion Action Nerve Supply Nerve to medial Spine of sphenoid & Form palatine Tensor Veli Palatini Tenses soft palate pterygoid from auditory tube aponeurosis mandibular nerve Petrous part of pharyngeal plexus Levator Veli Platini temporal bone & Palatine aponeurosis Raises soft palate auditory tube Pulls root of tongue upward Palatine Palatoglossus Side of tongue & backward, narrows pharyngeal plexus aponeurosis oropharyngeal isthmus Palatine Posterior border of Palatopharyngeus Elevates wall of pharynx pharyngeal plexus aponeurosis thyroid cartilage Posterior border of Mucus membrane of Musculus Uvulae Elevates uvula pharyngeal plexus hard palate uvula
  • 97. Nerve Supply of Palate: ● Sensory nerve supply of hard palate is by the lesser palatine,and nasopalatine branches of maxillary nerve, while that of soft palate is by branches of glossopharyngeal nerve. ● The motor supply of all palatine muscles except tensor palati is by pharyngeal plexus (from cranial accessory nerve via vagus). The tensor palati is supplied by nerve to medial pterygoid from mandibular nerve. ● The pharyngeal plexus lies on posterior pharyngeal wall and formed by: pharyngeal branch of vagus (its motor content is derived from cranial accessory nerve) pharyngeal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve pharyngeal branches of superior cervical sympathetic ganglion Blood Supply of Palate: Arteries: branches of maxillary artery (greater palatine, lesser palatine & sphenopalatine) ascending palatine branch of facial artery palatine branch of ascending pharyngeal artery Veins: corresponding veins into maxillary, facial & pharyngeal veins Lymph Drainage: into deep cervical lymph nodes.
  • 98. The Pharynx ● Muscular tube lies behind oral, nasal and laryngeal cavities. ● 12-13 cm long extends from base of skull to the level of lower border of 6th cervical vertebra (lower border of cricoid cartilage) where it continues with esophagus. ● Its wall is formed by mucosa, submucosa, skeletal muscles and fibrous tissue. The mucosa epithelium is non-keratinized stratified squamous in oro- and laryngopharynx, while it is columnar ciliated in nasopharynx. The submucosa contains mucus glands and lymph follicles. ● The muscles of pharynx are skeletal muscles and include: superior, middle and inferior constrictors, cricopharyngeus, stylopharyngeus, palatopharyngeus and salpingopharyngeus. Their attachment, nerve supply and action is listed in the following table:
  • 99. Muscles of Pharynx Origin Insertion Action Nerve Supply Superior constrictor Medial pterygoid plate, Pharyngeal tubercle of Swallowing Pharyngeal plexus pterygoid hamulus, skull and pharyngeal pterygomandibular raphe, raphe posterior part of mylohyoid line of mandlble Middle constrictor Lower part of stylohyoid Pharyngeal raphe Swallowing Pharyngeal plexus ligament, greater and lesser cornu of hyoid bone Inferior constrictor Thyroid and cricoid cartilages Pharyngeal raphe Swallowing Pharyngeal plexus, branches from external laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal nerves Cricopharyngeus Lowest part of inferior Closes the inlet of Sphincter of the Pharyngeal plexus, constrictor esophagus end of pharynx recurrent laryngeal nerve Stylopharyngeus Styloid process of skull Posterior border of Elevates pharynx Glossopharyngeal thyroid cartilage nerve Palatopharyngeus Palatine aponeurosis Posterior border of Elevates pharynx Pharyngeal plexus thyroid cartilage Salpingopharyngeus Catilage of Auditory tube Blends with muscles of Elevates pharynx Pharyngeal plexus pharynx
  • 100.
  • 101. Parts of Pharynx Nasopharynx: ● The upper part of pharynx lies behind the nasal cavity and below the body of sphenoid and basilar part of occipital bone. ● It extends from the posterior nasal openings (choanae) to palatopharyngeal isthmus. ● The pharyngeal tonsil is a collection of lymphoid tissue in its upper posterior part. ● The auditory tube opening lies in its lateral wall and its posterior margin is raised by the tubal tonsil forming tubal ridge or elevation. ● The salpingopharyngeal mucosal fold contains salpingopharyngeal muscle and descends behind the tubal ridge. The pharyngeal recess is a depressed area behind the tubal ridge.
  • 102. Oropharynx ● Lies behind the oral cavity and begins at the oropharyngeal isthmus bounded by the two palatoglossal arches. ● Its lateral wall has the palatglossal and palatopharyngeal arches which encircle the tonsillar fossa or sinus occupied by the tonsil. ● Its floor has three mucus folds between the tongue and epiglottis (one median glossoepiglottic fold and two lateral glossoepiglottic folds. Valeculla is the space between each lateral glossoepiglottic fold and median glossoepiglottic fold Laryngopharynx: ● Lies behind the larynx and it is connected anteriorly with the cavity of larynx through the inlet of larynx. ● Anteriorly and on each side of inlet of larynx, the laryngopharynx has a dead space called piriform recess or fossa which is the site for stagnation of food stuff & foreign bodies. ● Inferiorly, it is continuous with the esophagus.
  • 103. Nerve Supply of Pharynx Sensory supply: ● Nasopharynx by lesser & greater palatine branches of maxillary nerve ● Oropharynx and laryngopharynx by glossopharyngeal nerve ● A small areas around the inlet of larynx by internal laryngeal branch of vagus nerve. Motor supply ● Glossopharyngeal nerve (stylopharyngeus muscle) ● Cranial accessory nerve via vagus (all other muscles of pharynx) Autonomic supply: ● Postganglionic sympathetic fibers from superior cervical sympathetic ganglion along the arteries. ● Postganglionic parasympathetic from pterygopalatine ganglion via lesser & greater palatine nerve. Blood Supply & Lymph Drainage of Pharynx Arteries: ascending pharyngeal artery, ascending palatine branch of facial artery, branches of maxillary artery, branches of lingual artery Veins: into the corresponding veins Lymph Drainage: into deep cervical lymph nodes directly and via retropharyngeal and paratracheal lymph nodes.
  • 104. The Esophagus ● 25 cm long muscular tube continues from lower end of pharynx at the lower border of cricoid cartilage opposite the body of 6th cervical vertebra. ● Descends in the neck (cervical part), superior and posterior mediastinum (thoracic part), pierces the right crus of diaphragm at the level of 10th thoracic vertebra to enter the abdomen and joins the cardiac end of stomach (abdominal part ~ 1.25cm). Relations of Cervical Part Posteriorly: the 6th & 7th cervical vertebrae and pre-vertebral muscles & fascia. Anteriorly: the trachea & recurrent laryngeal nerve Laterally: the thyroid gland, carotid sheath and its contents, and the thoracic duct on the left.
  • 105. Relations of Thoracic Part: Posteriorly: thoracic vertebrae & prevertebral muscles, thoracic duct, posterior vagal trunk (right vagus), azygos vein, descending thoracic aorta, and the right posterior intercostal arteries. Anteriorly: trachea, left recurrent laryngeal nerve, left principle bronchus, left atrium and anterior vagal trunk (left vagus). Laterally to Right: mediastinal pleura, lung, & azygos vein. Laterally to Left: mediastinal pleura & lung, arch of aorta, left subclavian artery, and thoracic duct. Relations of Abdominal Part: Posteriorly: posterior vagal trunk & left crus of diaphragm. Anteriorly: anterior vagal trunk & left lobe of liver.
  • 106. Blood Supply of Esophagus Cervical part: inferior thyroid artery & vein. Thoracic part: arterial supply from descending thoracic aorta & left gastric artery. venous drainage into azygos, hemiazygos & left gastric vein. Abdominal part: left gastric artery & vein. Lymph Drainage of Esophagus Cervical part: deep cervical lymph node. Thoracic part: mediastinal, left gastric and celiac lymph nodes. Abdominal part: left gastric and celiac lymph nodes.
  • 107. Nerve Supply of Esophagus Cervical part: recurrent laryngeal nerves & branches of middle cervical sympathetic ganglion. Thoracic part: esophageal plexus formed by branches of anterior & posterior vagal trunks and branches of thoracic sympathetic ganglia. Abdominal part: anterior & posterior gastric nerves of vagal trunks, and branches of thoracic sympathetic ganglia.
  • 108. Thyroid Gland ■ Brownish-red in clor, highly vascular and butterfly-shaped gland, located in the anterior part of lower neck. ■ Consists of the right and left lobes connected by a small median isthmus. ■ Has a fibrous capsule and is invested by the pretracheal layer of the deep cervical fascia, which moves the gland with swallowing. ■ Each thyroid lobe is conical in shape, extends from the oblique line of thyroid cartilage superiorly, to the level of fourth or sixth tracheal ring inferiorly. ■ Each lobe has three surfaces; antero-lateral, posterolateral, and medial. ■ Its anterolateral or superficial surface is covered by the sternothyroid, sternohyoid, superior belly of omohyoid, deep fascia, superficial fascia, platysma and the skin. ■ The medial surface is related to the larynx, trachea, esophagus, inferior constricter, cricothyroid, inferior thyroid artery, and the external and recurrent laryngeal nerves.
  • 109. ■ The posterolateral surface is related to carotid sheath containing common carotid artery, internal jugular vein and vagus nerve. ■ The superior and inferior parathyroid glands are embedded in the fascial sheath at the posterior border of the thyroid lobe. ■ The isthmus is small lies over the 2nd, 3rd and 4th tracheal rings, and is covered by the deep fascia, superficial fascia and skin. ■ Occasionally, a small conical projection from the left part of isthmus extends up as a pyramidal lobe which may be connected to hyoid bone by a fibrous cord called levator glandulae thyroidae. ■ Levator glandulae thyroidae represents the remains of thyroglossal duct which is the embryonic pathway for the descent of thyroid gland from the floor of primitive pharynx.
  • 110.
  • 111. ■ It is supplied by the superior thyroid arteries from the external carotid arteries and the inferior thyroid arteries from the thyrocervical trunks of the 1 st part of subclavian arteries. Occasionally, a small single artery (thyroidae ima artery) ascends to the isthmus commonly arising from arch of aorta or brachiocephalic trunk. The thyroid gland receives minor arterial supply from tracheal and esophageal arteries. ■ Each lobe has superior, middle and inferior thyroid veins. The superior and middle veins open into the internal jugular vein, while the inferior thyroid vein usually joins its fellow on the trachea and usually drains into the left brachiocephalic vein. ■ The nerves are derived from the superior, middle and inferior cervical sympathetic ganglia. ■ Its lymphatic drainage is into the deep cervical lymph nodes.
  • 112. Clinical Anatomy of ThyroidGland: ■ The thyroid gland consists of thyroid follicles separated by the stroma and blood vessels. ■ The cells of thyroid follicles synthesize thyroxine hormones (tri-iodothyronin, T3 and tetra-iodothyronin,T4), which are stored in follicular colloid. The parafollicular cells or C cells are located between the follicles and produce calcitonin. ■ Physiological or pathological enlargment of the thyroid gland is called goiter. During thyroid surgery, attention must be paid to the safety of the recurrent laryngeal nerves and parathyroid glands. ■ Overproduction of throxines in adult, results in hyperthyroidism, a condition manifested by incr-eased metabolic rate, anxiety, restlessness, sweating, tremor, increased appetite, heat intolerance and palpitation. ■ A special form of autoimmune thyrotoxicosis is called Grave’s disease, which is manifested by exophthalmus and peripheral osteoarthropathy. ■ Decreased production of throxines due to iodine deficiency, tumors, or post thyroidectomy, results in hypothyroidism or myxoedema, a condition manifested by lowerted metabolism, weakness, cold skin, slowness of thought, action and speech and edema. ■ Decreased production of thyroxines in children results in the retardation of growth, a condition called cretinism.
  • 113. Parathyroid Gland ■ Small, yellowish-brown, oval organs, located in the fascial sheath of the thyroid gland at its posterior borders. ■ Include superior and inferior pairs. The superior parathyroid pair is derived from the fourth pharyngeal pouch, while the inferior pair is derived with the thymus from the third pouch. ■ The glands are formed of cords of chief cells, separated by the blood sinusoids, and secrete parathormone, which regulates the serum calcium level. The secretion of parathormone is regulated by the serum calcium level. ■ The blood vessels of the gland are derived from the superior and inferior thyroid vessels, and the lymph vessels are drained into deep cervical lymph nodes. ■ The nerve supply is derived from the superior and middle cervical sympathetic ganglia. ■ Overproduction of parathormone due to adenoma produces hypercalcemia with deposition of calcium in the body tissues are in the kidney tubules (renal stones). ■ Decreased production of parathormone due to infection, postthyroidectomy or tumor, results in hypocalcemia and tetany, a condition manifested by sever muscular spasm.
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  • 115. Cervical Sympathetic Trunk ■ Continuation of thoracic trunk to the base of skull, and has three pairs of sympathetic ganglia; superior, middle and inferior. ■ The superior ganglion is large, lies on longus coli muscle deep to prevertebral fascia, and represents the fused upper four cervical ganglia, the middle represents the fused 5th and 6tth ganglia and lies at the level of cricoid cartilage, and the inferior is the smallest and represents the fused 7th and 8th ganglia. ■ The inferior ganglion may fuse with the 1st thoracic ganglion forming cervicothoracic or stellate ganglion. ■ The cervical ganglia receive pregan-glionic fibers from the upper thoracic segments, which ascend through the sympathetic trunk. ■ The postganglionic fibers from the cervical ganglia enter the cervical spinal trunks via the grey rami communicantes, and distribute to the head, neck and upper limb regions through their ventral and dorsal rami.
  • 116.
  • 117. Branches of superior ganglion: 1. postganglionic fibers from the superior cervical ganglia (internal carotid nerve), form plexuses around the internal carotid arteries, 2. Post ganglionic fibers extend to form plexuses around the common and external carotid arteries, which distribute with their branches to the head and neck region. 3. Communicating postganglionic fibers to the upper four cervical ventral rami, 4. Communicating postganglionic fibers to the glossopharyngeal, vagus and hypoglossal nerves via the jugular nerve. 5. Pharyngeal branches to pharyngeal plexus. 6. Superior cardiac branch to cardiac plexus in the thorax.
  • 118. Branches of middle ganglion: 1. Gray rami communicantes to 5th and 6th cervical spinal nerves. 2. Branches to inferior thyroid artery. 3. Middle cardiac branch to cardiac plexus in the thorax. 4. Connecting loops to inferior cervical or stellate ganglion. One of these loops crosses anterior to subclavian artery and called ansa subclavia. Branches of inferior ganglion: 1. Gray rami communicantes to 7th and 8th cervical spinal nerves. 2. Postganglionic branches to subclavian and vertebral arteries. 3. Inferior cardiac branch to cardiac plexus in the thorax.
  • 119. Orbital Cavity Pyramidal-shaped cavity formed by skull bones with an apex directed posterior & formed by optic canal and a quadrangular orbital opening facing anterior. Walls of orbital cavity: Roof: formed by orbital plate of frontal bone. Lateral wall: formed by zygomatic bone & greater wing of sphenoid. Floor: formed by the orbital surface of maxilla. Medial wall: anteroposterior formed by frontal process of maxilla, lacrimal bone, orbital plate of ethmoid, orbital process of palatine bone & lesser wing of sphenoid.
  • 120. Foramens & fissures of orbital cavity: Optic canal: located between the roots of lesser wing of sphenoid & transmits optic nerve & its covering meninges, ophthalmic artery & central retinal vein. Superior orbital fissure: located between the roof & lateral wall & transmits superior & inferior division of oculomotor nerve, abducent nerve, nasociliary, frontal & lacrimal branches of ophthalmic nerve, trochlear nerve, superior ophthalmic veins (occasionally inferior ophthalmic vein) . Infrerior orbital fissure: located between lateral wall & floor and transmits infraorbital nerve & vessels, zygomatic nerve & vessels & inferior ophthalmic vein. Infraorbital canal: lies in the floor of orbit & transmits corresponding nerve & vessels. Opening of nasolacrimal duct: for nasolacrimal duct, located in the anterior part of medial wall and opens in the inferior meatus of nasal cavity. Supraorbital foramen: transmits supraorbital nerves & vessels. Zygomaticofacial & zygomaticotemporal foramens: transmit corresponding nerve & vessels. Anterior ethmoidal foramen: transmits corresponding nerve & vessels
  • 121. Contents of orbital cavity: 1. Eyeball 2. Ocular fascia & fat 3. Extraocular muscles (levator palpebrae superioris, 4 recti & 2 oblique) 4. Nerves (optic, oculomotor & ciliary ganglion, ophthalmic nerve & its branches (nasociliary, frontal & lacrimal), trochlear, abducent and infraorbital and zygomatic branches of maxillary nerve 5. Ophthalmic artery & its branches 6. Veins (central retinal vein, superior & inferior ophthalmic veins) 7. Lacrimal gland & lacrimal apparatus 8. Eyelids & conjuctiva
  • 122. The eyeball ♣ Located in the anterior part of orbital cavity, and separated from the orbital fat by fascial sheath. ♣ The fascial sheath of eye ball is pierced by the tendons of extraocular muscles which provides a tubular sheath around each of them. The fascial sheaths of medial & lateral recti are attached to the medial and lateral wall of orbit forming medial & lateral check ligaments. The fascial sheath below the eyeball is thickened to form suspensory ligament of eyeball which is attached to both check ligaments. These ligaments together with orbital fat suspend the eyeball in position. ♣ It is slightly oval in shape due to the anterior convexity of the cornea. ♣ Its wall is formed by: 1. outer fibrous layer formed by sclera and cornea 2. middle pigmented vascular layer called uveal tract consisting of choroid, ciliary body and iris 3. inner neural layer formed by the retina. The optic nerve arises from retina at the optic disc and enters the middle cranial fossa through optic canal.
  • 123. Outer Fibrous Layer: 1. Sclera ♣ Opaque, white layer form 5/6 of outer fibrous layer of eyeball and continuous with the cornea at the corneo-scleral junction or limbus. ♣ The limbus contains canal of Schlemm which drains the aquous humour into the veins. Its closure increases intraocular pressure, a condition called glaucoma. If untreated, the increase in pressure will be reflected on vitreous humour and retina and results in blindness. ♣ It gives attachment to all extraocular muscles. ♣ Posteriorly, it is continuous with the dura mater surrounding the optic nerve and pierced 3 mm medial to posterior pole of eyeball by optic nerve and central retinal vessels. This part of sclera is the weakest and called lamina cribrosa which is also pierced by short and long ciliary nerves and posterior ciliary arteries. ♣ Immediately behind the equator of eyeball, the sclera is pierces by four to five veins called venae vorticosae, which drain blood from all parts of eyeball except the retina. ♣ The anterior ciliary arteries pierces the anterior part of sclera behind the sclero-corneal junction.
  • 124. 2. Cornea ♣ Avascular, transparent, slightly convex, covered by conjuctiva, and forms anterior one sixth (1/6) of the outer fibrous coat. ♣ Consists of stroma made of collagen fibers type I covered externally by stratified squamous epithelium and by simple squamous epithelium internally. ♣ Has no blood supply and it is nourished by diffusion from aqueous humour of anterior chamber. ♣ The cornea is immunologically inert and can be safely transplanted between individuals. ♣ Sever injuries to the cornea result in the corneal opacities which interfere with the normal vision.
  • 125. Middle Layer (Uvea or Uveal Tract): 1. Choroid ♣ The choroid is a highly vascular and pigmented layer forming posterior part of middle layer. ♣ It is continuous anteriorly with the ciliary bodies at the ora serrata which is the anterior non-neural part of retina ♣ The external surface of the choroid is loosely attached to the sclera, while its internal surface is firmly attached to the pigmented layer of the retina. ♣ The choroid at optic disc continues with the arachnoid and pia maters around the optic nerve. ♣ The choroidal cells contain dark brown melanin pigments which absorb the light traversing the retina.
  • 126. 2. Ciliary body ♣ It lies between the choroid posteriorly & iris anteriorly and formed of ciliary ring, ciliary stroma & ciliary processes. ♣ The ciliary ring is the posterior part which has shallow grooves called ciliary striae ♣ The ciliary processes, which are connected to the margin of the lens by the suspensory ligament. ♣ The ciliary stroma lies between the two epithelial layers and consists of collagen fibers, numerous ciliary vessels and ciliary muscles. The anterior surface of the ciliary body is lined by columnar cells, while its posterior surface is lined by cuboidal cells. ♣ The ciliary smooth muscles are located peripherally, and include abundant meridianal and fewer circular types. ♣ The ciliary muscles are supplied by parasympathetic component of short ciliary nerves from ciliary ganglion,and change the shape of lense in accomodation reflex. Stimulation of myridianal muscle fibers relaxes the suspensory ligament and increaes the convexity of lens, while stimulation of circular muscles tenses the suspensory ligament & elongates the lens. ♣ The ciliary body also secrets aqueous humour.
  • 127. 3. Iris ♣ A colored diaphragm, suspended in the aqueous humor between the cornea and the lens, with its margin attached to the ciliary body. ♣ It has a central round opening called pupil which allows light to enter into the eye. ♣ The stroma of the iris consists of collagen fibers, fibroblasts, melanocytes, blood vessels and pupillary smooth muscles. ♣ It is lined posteriorly by double-layered, pigmented epithelium. ♣ The pupillary muscles consists of radially and circularly arranged fibers, which upon stimulation, change the size of the pupil. ♣ The radial muscles or dilator pupillae are supplied by the sympathetic nerves of superior cervical ganglion via short & long ciliary nerves. They dilate the pupil in the distant vision and dim light. ♣ The circular muscles, or sphincter pupillae, are supplied by parasympathetic nerves of ciliary ganglion through short ciliary nerves and they constrict the pupil in close vision and in response to bright light.
  • 128. Retina ♣ The retina is the inner sensory vascular layer of eyeball, lies between the choroid and hyaloid membrane of vitreous humour. ♣ It extends from optic disc posteriorly to ora serrata anteriorly, and consists of six layers of nerve cells. ♣ The layers from outward inward include the pigmented cells, rods & cones, outer nuclear cells, inner nuclear cells and ganglionic cells. ♣ The axons of ganglionic cells form optic nerve which leaves the retina at the optic disc. ♣ The optic disc lies 3-4 mm medial to posterior pole of eye ball, and when examined by the ophthalmoscope appears as a round pink area from which retinal blood vessels radiate peripherally. It lacks the rods and cones, and forms the blind spot of the retina. ♣ The macula is the most sensitive area of retina containing only cones which produces sharpest vision. It is located lateral to optic disc at the posterior pole of eyeball. It has central depression called central fovea.
  • 129. Interior of Eyeball The interior of the eyeball contains the lens, the anterior aqueous and posterior vitreous segments. 1. Lens ♣ Transparent, flexible, biconvex, avascular body, located between the iris and the vitreous body, and held in position by the suspensory ligaments of the ciliary body. ♣ Invested by elastic, transparent fibrous capsule, and consists of the lens epithelium and lens fibers. ♣ The epithelium is confined to anterior surface of lens and is made of a single thin layer of cuboidal cells. ♣ The fibers form the bulk of lens and are made of crystalline proteins. ♣ During ageing and in diabetes mellitus, the fibers are hardened and clumped due to inadequate nutrition, and the lens become opaque and the vision is distorted, a condition called cataract. Complete cataract is usually treated by surgical removal of the lens and implantation of an artificial lens.
  • 130. 2. Aqueous Segment ♣ It lies anterior to lens, filled with aqueous humor, and divided by the iris into anterior and posterior chambers. ♣ The anterior chamber lies between the cornea and iris, while the posterior chamber lies between the iris and the lens. The two chambers are continuous with each other through the pupil. ♣ The aqueous humor is a clear fluid, secreted by the ciliary body, and is absorbed into the veins at the corneoscleral junction by a minute canal called canal of Schlemm, or scleral sinus venosus. ♣ The aqueous humor provides nutrition to the cornea and lens, supports the structures, and produces the normal intraocular pressure (16 mm Hg). In glaucoma, obstruction to drainage of aqueous humor, or increase in the production of aqueous and leads to an increase of intraocular pressure which causes ocular pain and visual disturbances. ♣ Sever untreated cases of glaucoma usually end with loss of vision.
  • 131. Vitreous Segment: ♣ It occupies most of the interior of the eyeball, lined by hyaloid membrane, and is filled by a clear vitreous humour. ♣ Produced by certain retinal cells and possibly from non-pigmented cells of ciliary body, and unlike aqueous humour, it is not reproducible. ♣ The vitreous humor is colorless, transparent gel, consists of water, electrolytes, glycoproteins and few collagen fibers. ♣ A narrow hyaloid canal runs in the middle of vitreous segment from optic disc to posterior surface of the lens, and represents the remnant of embryonic hyaloid artery of the lens. ♣ It slightly contributes to magnifying power of eye, support the back of lens and assists in holding the pigmented layer against neural layer of retina.
  • 132. Blood supply of eyeball ♣ The arterial supply of the eyeball with exception of retina is through the anterior & posterior ciliary branches of ophthalmic artery. ♣ The retina is supplied by central retinal artery arising from the ophthalmic artery in the optic canal. ♣ The venous drainage of retina is by central retinal vein which ends into cavernous sinus, while the other layers of eyeball are drained by venae verticosae drained by superior and inferior ophthalmic veins. ♣ The superior & inferior ophthalmic vein joins the cavernous sinus through the superior orbital fissure. The inferior ophthalmic vein also joins the pterygoid venous plexus through the inferior orbital fissure. Nerve Supply of Eyeball ♣ The nerve supply of the eyeball except the retina, is by the long and short ciliary nerves. ♣ The long sensory nerves are branches of the nasociliary branch of the ophthalmic nerve, and convey sensory and postganglionic sympathetic fibers to the ciliary body, iris, sclera & cornea. ♣ The short ciliary nerves are branches of ciliary ganglion, and convey postganglionic parasympathetic, postganglionic sympathetic and sensory fibers to the ciliary body and the iris.
  • 133. Muscles of Orbital Cavity 1. Levator palpebrae superioris ♣ Thin triangular muscle, lies above superior rectus with frontal nerve crossing its upper surface. ♣ Originates from the lesser wing of the sphenoid anterosuperior to optic canal, narrow posteriorly and wide anteriorly. ♣ Its aponeurosis splits into upper & lower lamellae which pierce the orbital septum and extends into upper eyelid undercover of orbicularis oculi. ♣ It inserts into the superior tarsus and the skin of the upper eye lid. ♣ The upper lamella is formed by skeletal muscle fibers supplied by superior division of oculomotor nerve. ♣ The lower lamella is formed by smooth muscle fibers (Muller muscle) and supplied by sympathetic nerves from superior cervical ganglion. ♣ It elevates the upper eye lid, and its paralysis results in ptosis.
  • 134. 2. Extraocular muscles ♣ They include four recti (superior, inferior, medial and lateral), and superior and inferior oblique muscles. ♣ The four recti are originated from a common tendinous ring which is attached to the margin of optic canal and bridges the medial end of superior orbital fissure. ♣ The tendinous ring contains ophthalmic artery, optic nerve & covering meninges, superior and inferior divisions of oculomotor nerve, nasociliary nerve and abducent nerve. ♣ The recti muscles insert into the sclera 6 mm behind the corneoscleral junction. ♣ The superior rectus is supplied by superior division of oculomotor nerve, the medial & inferior recti are supplied by inferior division of oculomotor nerve, and lateral rectus is supplied by abducent nerve.
  • 135. ♣ The superior oblique arises from the sphenoid bone above and medial to optic canal while inferior oblique arises from the anterior part of the floor of orbit. They insert into the sclera behind the transverse equator of eyeball. The superior oblique is supplied by trochlear nerve, while the inferior oblique is supplied by inferior division of oculomotor nerve. ♣ The medial rectus muscle moves the eyeball medially. The lateral rectus muscle moves the eyeball laterally. The superior rectus moves the eyeball upward while the inferior rectus moves the eyeball downward. The superior oblique rotates the eyeball downward when pulled laterally by the lateral rectus. The inferior oblique rotates the eyeball upward when pulled laterally by the lateral rectus.
  • 136. Arteries of Orbital Cavity Ophthalmic artery: : ♣ Arises from internal carotid artery after it emerges from cavernous sinus, enters the orbital cavity via optic canal inferior to optic nerve. ♣ It continues forward lateral to optic nerve, cross anterior to optic nerve toward medial part of orbital cavity. ♣ It gives: 1. Central retinal artery 2. Lacrimal artery, 3. Posterior & anterior ciliary arteries 4. Supraorbital artery 5. Posterior ethmoidal artery 6. Anterior ethmoidal artery Terminates dividing into: supratrochlear (7) & dorsal nasal arteries (8).
  • 137. Veins of Orbital Cavities: ♣ The orbital cavity is drained by superior ophthalmic, inferior ophthalmic and central retinal veins. ♣ The superior and inferior ophthalmic veins drain all the structures in the orbital cavity except the retina. ♣ The superior ophthalmic vein terminates in the cavernous sinus through the superior orbital fissure, while the inferior ophthalmic vein terminates in the pterygoid venous plexus through inferior orbital fissure. ♣ The central retinal vein drains the retina and terminates in the corresponding cavernous sinus through the superior orbital fissure.
  • 138. The Eyelids ♣ The upper & lower eyelids cover & protect the eyeball, and attach to superior & inferior orbital margins. ♣ They are separated by palpebral fissure and meet at the medial and lateral angles of the eye. ♣ Their free margins carry long hairs called eyelashes. ♣ The medial end of their free border has no hair and enlarge forming small lacrimal papilla. In the center of each lacrimal papilla is lacrimal punctum leading to corresponding lacrimal canaliculus. ♣ Each eyelid consists of thin skin, loose subcutaneous tissue, orbicularis oculi & levator palpebrae superioris, hard fibrous layer called tarsal plate & conjuctiva. ♣ The two tarsal plates are joined together and the angles of eye by medial & lateral palpebral ligaments. Superiorly are continuous with orbital septum. ♣ The upper tarsal plate gives attachment to the orbicularis oculi and levator palpebrae superioris, while the lower plate gives attachment to the lower fibers of the orbicularis oculi.
  • 139. ♣ The eyelids have three types of glands 1. Sebaceous glands of Zeis open into the eyelashes. 2. Ciliary glands of Moll which are modified sweat glands open between the eyelashes. 3. Tarsal glands or Meibomian glands which are modified sebaceous gland, secret oily substance via ducts open behind the eyelashes. ♣ The conjuctiva is thin mucus membrane covers the inner surface of the eyelids (palpebral conjuctiva) and the anterior surface of sclera and cornea (ocular conjuctiva). The site of reflection between ocular & palpebral conjuctivae is called fornix (superior & inferior fornices). When the eye is closed, the space between the palpebral and ocular conjuctivae, is called conjuctival sac.
  • 140. Lacrimal Apparatus ♣ It consists of the lacrimal gland, lacrimal ducts, lacrimal puncta, lacrimal canaliculli, lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct. ♣ The lacrimal gland is serous compound tubuloacinar in form located in the superolateral part of orbital cavity. ♣ It consists of a larger orbital part and a smaller palbebral part continuous with each other at lateral border of levator papebrae superioris. ♣ The lacrimal ducts are 12 in number, pierce superior conjuctival fornix and open in the conjuctival sac. ♣ The lacrimal puncta are small openings at the medial ends of the free border of upper and lower eyelids. The lacrimal puncta lead into the lacrimal canaliculli which open in the lacrimal sac. ♣ The lacrimal sac is small, lies on the lacrimal bone and continues as the nasolacrimal duct. ♣ The nasolacrimal duct is 13 mm long and opens in the middle of inferior meatus of nasal cavity.
  • 141. ♣ The lacrimal fluid contains mucus, electrolytes, immunoglobulins and lysozymes, and it moists, lubricates and prortects the cornea. ♣ The lacrimal gland is supplied by the lacrimal branch of the ophthalmic artery, and its venous drainage is into the ophthalmic veins. The lymphatic vessels are drained into the parotid nodes. ♣ The sensory nerve supply is by the lacrimal branch of the ophthalmic nerve which also conveys postganglionic sympathetic nerves are derived from the superior cervical ganglion, and the postganglionic parasympathetic nerves are derived from the pterygopalatine ganglion.
  • 142. The Ear The ear is the organ of hearing and equilibrium, consisting of external, middle and internal parts. External ear It consists of the auricle and external auditory meatus. Auricle ♣ The auricle is a fibrocartilagenous structure responsible for collection of sound waves and directing them into the external auditory meatus. ♣ It consists of elastic cartilages covered by the auricular muscles and skin. Its lower part (lobule) has no cartilage and consists of firm fibrous fatty tissue. ♣ The blood supply of the auricle is through the branches of the posterior auricular and superficial temporal vessels. ♣ The auricular muscles are supplied by branches of facial nerve (temporal & posterior auricular), while its sensory supply is by the lesser occipital, great auricular, auriculotemporal nerves, and the auricular branch of vagus. ♣ The lymphatic drainage is into the deep cervical nodes.
  • 143. External Auditory (Acoustic) Meatus: ♣ Extends between the auricle & tympanic membrane (2.5 cm long from concha). ♣ Its lateral third is cartilagenous, while its medial two-thirds is osseous. ♣ It is lined by skin containing long hairs, sebaceous glands, and modified sweat glands called ceruminous glands. The ceruminous glands secret ear wax or cerumen. ♣ The medial end of the meatus is wider than the lateral end, and its anterior wall and floor are longer than the posterior wall and roof as the tympanic membrane is placed obliquely. ♣ The meatus in the adult forms an S-shaped curve directed at first forward, medially & slightly upward, then posteromedially, and lastly forward, medially and downward toward the tympanic membrane. In infants and children, the meatus is shorter and straighter.
  • 144. ♣ During otoscopic examination, the external auditory meatus is straightened by pulling the auricle backward and upward in adults, while straight backward in children. ♣ The meatal arteries are derived from the posterior auricular, maxillary and superficial temporal branches of the external carotid arteries. ♣ The venous drainage is into the corresponding veins, and the lymphatic are drained into deep cervical nodes. ♣ The nerve supply is by the auriculotemporal branch of mandibular nerve and auricular branch of the vagus.
  • 145. Tympanic Membrane (Eardrum) ♣ Oval, thin, semitransparent, obliquely placed membrane lying between external and middle ears. ♣ Its margin is thickened by a fibro-cartilagenous ring which is attached to the tympanic sulcus of tympanic part of temporal bone. The sulcus is deficient superiorly between the anterior and posterior malleolar folds which extend from lateral process of malleus to the margin of tympanic membrane. ♣ The small triangular area of tympanic membrane between these malleolar folds forms flaccid part or pars flaccida of tympanic membrane. The rest of tympanic membrane forms the pars tensa. ♣ It is formed by thin layer of dens fibrous tissue covered externally by skin and internally by simple low columnar ciliated epithelium. ♣ The external surface of tympanic membrane is concave as it is pull by the attachment of the handle of malleus. The central point of maximum concavity is called umbo.
  • 146. ♣ During inspection of tympanic membrane, a zone of bright light reflects from a small triangular area below the tip of malleus, this triangle is called cone of light. ♣ The sound waves vibrate the tympanic membrane, which in turn transmits them to the middle ear ossicles via the malleus. ♣ The arterial supply is derived from the maxillary, occipital and posterior auricular arteries, while the venous drainage is into the external and internal jugular veins. ♣ The lymphatic drainage passes into the parotid and upper deep cervical nodes. ♣ The nerve supply is by auriclotemporal nerve, auricular branch of the vagus and tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve.

Editor's Notes

  1. Nerve Supply Of Tongue: