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Auxiliary verb adalah kata kerja yang muncul sebelum main/lexical verb (kata kerja utama) di dalam suatu kalimat untuk memodifikasi makna dari kata kerja utama tersebut. Tidak seperti kata kerja utama, helping atau auxiliary verb tidak mempunyai arti sendiri. Kata kerja pembantu ini terdiri dari primary (be, do, have) dan modal auxiliary verb (can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, ought to).
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Auxiliary verb sangat penting untuk membuat kalimat : 
1. Negative 
a. The girl can put it on the table 
b. The girl cannot put it on the table 
c. They could see as far as the mountains 
d. They could not see as far as the mountains 
e. He ought to work so had 
f. He ought not to work so hard 
Apabila di dalam kalimat yang bersangkutan tidak ada Auxiliary verbnya harus diberi tambahan Auxiliary verb DO, DOES, DID tergantung pada bentuk kata kerjanya. 
a. The man cleans the hall everyday 
b. They eat potatoes 
c. We bought some magazines just now 
d. We didn’t buy any magazines just now
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* ( ? ) MODAL + S + V1 
Ex : a. Can she do the test? b. Will we go to the hospital? 
* ( + ) S + MODAL + V1 
Ex : a. She can do the test. b. We will go to the hospital 
* ( – ) S + MODAL NOT + V1 
Ex : a. She can’t do the test. b. We will not go to the hospital. 
* ( ? ) MODAL + S + V1 
Ex : a. Can she do the test? b. Will we go to the hospital? 
Contoh kalimat : 
1. Will a. Expressing a certainty (Mengungkapkan kepastian) Contoh : We will come to her party. I promise. b. Expressing a Willingness (Mengungkapkan Keinginan) Contoh : There’s a knock on the door. I will open it. c. Expressing a request (Mengungkapkan permintaan) Contoh : Will you help me? 
2. Must a. Expressing a necessity (Mengungkapkan keharusan) Contoh : You must do everything I say. b. Expressing a Prohibition (Mengungkapkan larangan) Contoh : You must not break the school rules. c. Expressing a Certainty (Mengukapkan kepastian) Contoh : John must be upset. He failed in the final test. 
3. Should a. Expressing an advisability (Mengungkapkan saran) Contoh : We should do something now. b. Expressing a Future Certainty (Mengukapkan kepastian di masa depan) Contoh : They should be there tomorrow. 
4. Can a. Expressing an Ability (Mengungkapkan Kemampuan) Contoh : I can do the test. b. Expressing a Possibility (Mengungkapkan Kemungkinan) Contoh : He can be in the class now. c. Expressing a Permission (Mengungkapkan ijin) Contoh : You can leave me no.
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The modals include : PRESENT TENSE PAST TENSE 
Must ( have to ) 
Would ( used to ) 
Should ( ought to ) ( had better ) 
( Had to ) 
Negation Of Modals 
To make a modal negative, add the particle not after the modal 
 John would like to leave 
 John would not like to leave 
Questions With Modals 
To make a question, place the modal at the beginning of the sentence. 
Would John like to leave? 
Notes : A modal is always directly followed by the simple form ( verb word ). This is infinitive without to. INFINITIVE SIMPLE FORM 
To be 
To go 
To have 
This means that after a modal there can NEVER be ( verb + ing ), verb + s, past tense, or infinitive. 
There are two ways that a modal can occur : 
1) Modal + simple form of the verb 
Would be – could go – will have 
2) Modal + have + verb in past participle 
Would have been + could have gone + will have had 
Note : the word have, of course, must always be in the simple 
form after a modal, it can never be has or had
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Contoh Modal dalam kalimat : 
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Berikut ini contoh dari Mand Mapping Modal :
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Passive voice adalah suatu grammatical construction (bentuk gramatikal) dimana subject pada sentence (kalimat) atau clause (klausa) tidak melakukan aksi, melainkan menerima aksi atau ditindaklanjuti (receiver of action) oleh agent lain (doer of action) baik disebutkan ataupun tidak. Sebaliknya, pada konstruksi active, subject pada sentence atau clause berhubungan langsung dengan verb dengan bertindak sebagai pelaku aksi. Kalimat aktif dapat ditransformasi menjadi pasif, namun hanya transitive verb (mempunyai direct object) yang dapat diberlakukan demikian. 
Rumus passive voice dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut di bawah ini. 
Keterangan : 
Auxiliary verb dapat berupa primary auxiliary verb be (is, are, am, was, were) maupun kombinasi antara dua primary (is/are being, was/were being, has/have been) maupun antara primary dan modal auxiliary verb (will be, will have been). Kombinasi auxiliary digunakan pada bentuk pasif pada tenses. Penjelasan lebih lengkap dapat dilihat di Bentuk Pasif pada Tenses, Infinitive, dan Gerund. 
Past participle yang digunakan berupa kata kerja transitive (memiliki direct object). 
1. Place the complement of the active sentences at the beginning of the passive sentence. 
2. If there are any auxiliaries in the active sentence, place them immediately after the new subject agreeing in number with the subject. 
3. Insert the verb be after the auxiliary or auxiliaries in the same form as the main verb in the active sentence. 
4. Place the main verb from the active sentence after the auxiliries and be in the past participle. 
5. Place the subject of the active sentence after the verb in the passive sentence preceded by the preposition by. This can be eliminated completely if it nit important or is understood. 
Study the following possible word orders for passive voice. 
Are + verb in past participle 
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1. Active : Hurricanes destroy a great deal of property each year. 
Subject : Hurricanes 
Persent : destroy 
Complement : a great deal of property 
2. Passive : A great deal of property is destroyed by hurricanes each year. 
Singular subject : A great deal of property 
Be past participle : is destroyed by hurricanes 
3. Active : The tornado destroyed thirty houses. 
Subejct : The tornado 
Past : destroyed 
Complement : thirty houses 
Are + being + verb in past participle 
4. Active : The committe is considering several new proposals. 
Subejct : The committe 
Present prog : is considering 
Complement : several new proposals 
5. Passive : Several new proposals are being considered by the committee. 
Plural subject : Several new proposals 
Auxiliary : are 
Be : being 
Past participle : considered by the committee 
6. Active : The committee was considering several new proposals. 
Subject : The committee 
Past prog : was considering 
Complement : several new proposals
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7. Passive : Several new proposals were being considered by the committee. 
Plural subject : Several new proposals 
Auxiliary : were 
Be : being 
Past participle : considered by the committee 
Have + been + verb in past participle 
8. Active : The company has ordered some new equipment. 
Subject : The company 
Present perfect : has ordered 
Complement : some new equipment 
9. Passive : Some new equipment has been ordered by the company. 
Singular subject : Some new equipment 
Auxiliary : has 
Be : been 
Past participle : ordered by the company 
10. Active : The company had ordered some new equipment before the strike began. 
Subject : The company 
Past [erfect : had ordered 
Complement : some new equipment 
11. Passive : Some new equipment had been ordered by the company before the strike began. 
Subject : Some new equipment 
Auxiliary : had 
Be : been 
Past participle : ordered by the company 
Modal + be + verb in past participle
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12. Active : The manager should sign these contracts today. 
Subject : The manager 
Modal + verb : should sign 
Complement : these contracts 
13. Passive : These contracts should be signed by the manager today. 
Subejct : These contracts 
Modal : should 
Be : be 
Past participle : signed by the manager today 
Modal + have + been + verb in past participle 
14. Active : Somebody should have called the president this morning. 
Subject : Somebody 
Modal + perfect : should have called 
Complement : the president 
15. Passive : The president should have been called this morning. 
Subject : The president 
Modal : should 
Have : have 
Past participle : called
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“Used to” digunakan untuk mengekspresikan suatu kebiasaan, aktifitas, atau situasi yang terjadi pada masa lampau (past) dan tidak lagi terjadi/ ada sampai saat ini (present). Silahkan perhatikan contoh kalimat di bawah ini: 
“Jack used to live in Chicago”. (Artinya: Jack dulu tinggal di Chicago) 
Makna kalimat di atas adalah: dulunya Jack tinggal di Chicago, tetapi sekarang dia tidak lagi tinggal di Chicago. Atau dengan kata lain “used to” memiliki arti/ makna “dulu”. 
“Be used to” memiliki arti yang sama dengan “be accustomed to”. Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan suatu situasi atau aktifitas yang sudah terbiasa dilakukan sejak masa lampau (past). Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut: 
“Hannah is used to cold weather”. 
“Hannah is accustomed to cold weather”. 
(Artinya: Hannah terbiasa dengan cuaca yang dingin.) 
Dua kalimat di atas memilki makna yang sama. Hidup dengan hawa yang dingin sudah biasa atau normal bagi Hannah. Baik cuaca dingin, salju, ataupun es bukanlah hal yang aneh bagi Hannah, “Hannah sudah terbiasa dengan semua itu sejak dulu”. Dengan kata lain “be used to” memiliki arti/ makna “sudah terbiasa (sejak dulu)”. 
Untuk lebih jelasnya mengenai makna dan penyusunan kalimatnya, mari kita bandingkan penggunaan dari keduanya. Silahkan perhatikan contoh kalimat di bawah ini: 
a. Jason used to live in Las Vegas. 
b. May is used to living in a cold climate. 
She is accustomed to living there. 
Untuk mengkespresikan “Habitual Past” (kebiasaan di masa lampau), “used” diikuti dengan infinitive, contohnya: ... to live seperti pada point (a). 
Sedangkan “Be used to” dan “be accustomed to” diikuti dengan gerund (Verb + -ing), seperti contoh kalimat pada point (b).
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Contoh lainnya: 
1. “Bob moved to Alaska. After a while he got used to/ got accustomed to living in a cold climate”. 
(Artinya: Bob berpindah ke Alaska. Sesaat kemudian dia menjadi terbiasa hidup/ tinggal di tempat yang beriklim/ bercuaca dingin.) 
Pada ekspresi serupa seperti “get used to” dan “get accustomed to”, kata “get” memiliki arti “become” (menjadi). 
Contoh Kalimat: 
2. I used to live in Finland, but now I live in France. 
(Artinya: Saya dulu tinggal di Finlandia, tetapi sekarang saya tinggal di Perancis) 
3. She is used to sitting at this desk. She sits here every day. 
(Artinya: Dia terbiasa duduk di bangku ini. Dia duduk disini setiap hari) 
4. I used to sit in the back of the classroom, but now I prefer to sit in the front now. 
(Artinya: Saya dulu duduk di bagian belakang kelas, tetapi sekarang saya lebih suka duduk di depan) 
5. You and I are from different cultures. You are used to having fish for breakfast. I am used to having cheese and bread for breakfast. 
(Artinya: Kamu dan saya memiliki budaya yang berbeda. Kamu terbiasa sarapan dengan ikan. Saya terbiasa sarapan dengan keju dan roti) 
6. When I was a child, I used to play football with my friends in a big field near my house after school every day. 
(Artinya: Ketika saya masih kecil, saya dulu bermain sepak bola dengan teman-teman saya di lapangan besar dekat rumah saya seusai dari sekolah setiap hari) 
Used to yang kita gunakan disini bukanlah bentuk Kata Kerja 2 dari Use, melainkan satu kesatuan kata yang berarti “biasanya”. Dalam Bahasa Inggris penggunaan kata tersebut banyak menghiasi percakapan. “Used to do” berbeda dengan “to be used to doing” dan “to get used to doing”.
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Used to do 
Kita pakai “used to” untuk sesuatu yang terjadi secara reguler di masa yang lampau namun kejadiannya tidak lama. 
 I used to smoke a packet a day but I stopped two years ago. (Saya biasanya merokok sebungkus per hari namun saya sudah berhenti 2 tahun yang lalu) 
 Tom used to greet us but when he became a boss, he has never done it anymore. (Tom biasanya menyapa kami tetapi ketika dia menjadi seorang bos, dia tidak pernah menyapa kami lagi) 
 I used to drive to work. (Dulu saya biasanya naik mobil ke tempat kerja) 
In this usage, the expression used to to means the same as would. Used to is alwyas in this form, it can NEVER be used to. Also, there are two grammar rules for used to. Notice the difference in meaning as well as in grammar. 
Example : 
When David was young, he used to swim once a day. ( past time habit ) 
a. John is used to swimming every day. 
( He is accustomed to swimming every day ) 
b. John got used to swimming every day. 
( He became accustomed to swimming every day ) 
So : Be used to means to be accustomed to, and get used to 
means to became accustomed to. 
c. The program director used to write his own letters. ( past time habit ) 
d. George is used to eating at 7 : 00 P.M ( is accustomed to ) 
e. We got used to cooking our own food when we had to live alone. ( become accustomed to ) 
f. Mary was used to driving to school. ( was accustomed to ) 
g. The goverment used to restrict these pills. ( past time habit ) 
h. The man is used to reading his newspaper in the morning. ( is accustomed to ) 
Subject + used to + ( verb in simple form ) ........... 
Subject + be / get + used to + verb + ing + ......
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Suppose yang sedang kita diskusikan sekarang bukan suppose yang berarti “mengira” melainkan suppose yang artinya “Andaikan/Seandainya. Fungsinya sama dengan apa yang kita pelajari dalam topik Conditional. 
 I suppose you’ll be meeting Danielle when you go to Paris? (Saya kira kamu akan menjumpai Daniel ketika kamu nanti pergi ke Paris?) 
 I suppose you two know each other? (Saya kira kamu berdua saling kenal?) 
‘suppose‘ tidak digunakan dalam bentuk Continuous. Kita tidak boleh mengucapkan ‘I am supposing‘. 
 Now I suppose we’ll have to do something else. (BUKAN Now, I am supposing…) (Sekarang saya kira kita harus melakukan hal yang lain) 
 At this moment I suppose it doesn’t matter. (Saat ini, saya kira hal itu tidak menjadi masalah) 
Ketika kita merespon sebuah pendapat dengan ‘suppose’, kita dapat menambahnya dengan ‘so‘ untuk menghindari pengulangan apa yang sudah diucapkan sebelumnya. 
 Is Susan coming to this meeting? – I suppose so. (Apakah Susan akan datang pada rapat itu? – Saya kira begitu) 
 I think, Chelsea will beat MU. – I don’t suppose so. (Saya kira Chelsea akan mengalahkan MU. – Saya rasa tidak begitu) 
‘Supposed to be‘ artinya ‘Katanya/Dipercaya’. 
 The new James Bond movie is supposed to be excellent. (Film James Bond yang baru katanya luar biasa) 
 He is supposed to have been kind to Martinus. (Dia katanya sudah baikan dengan Martinus.) 
 It is supposed to be the best cafe here. (Katanya itu adalah Cafe terbaik di sini) 
‘Supposed to be’ dapat juga digunakan untuk berbicara tentang sesuatu yang sudah disusun atau diharapkan. Artinya sama dengan ‘should’ (seharusnya). 
 I‘m supposed to get to the office by 7. (Saya seharusnya pergi kerja sebelum jam 8) 
 Arman is supposed to turn off all the lights before leaving. (Arman seharusnya mematikan semua lampu sebelum pergi) 
 I’m supposed to pay my debt last month. (Saya seharusnya membayar hutang saya bulan yang lalu)
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Be supposed to is used to talk about an activity or event that is ecpected to accour. 
Example : 
a. Mike is supposed to call me tomorrow. 
( idea : I expect Mike to call me tomorrow ) 
b. We are supposed to write a composition. 
( idea : The teacher expect us to write a composition ) 
c. It is supposed to rain today. 
( idea : people expect it to rain today ) 
d. Alice was supposed to be home at ten. 
( idea : someone expected Alice to be home at ten ) 
Example : 
a. John should study tonight. 
b. John had better study tonight. 
c. John ought to study tonight. 
d. John is supposed to study tonight. 
Had better 
Subject + Ought to + verb in simple form ....... 
Be supposed to
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English grammar secon edtion. Betty Schrampfer Azar. 
Test of English as a Foreign Language Preparation Guide. Jerry Bobrow, ph. D

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Grammar # MODAL AUXILIARIES # Passive voice # used to & be used to

  • 1. 1 | MODAL AUXILIARIES ( VERBA BENTUK MODAL ) Auxiliary verb adalah kata kerja yang muncul sebelum main/lexical verb (kata kerja utama) di dalam suatu kalimat untuk memodifikasi makna dari kata kerja utama tersebut. Tidak seperti kata kerja utama, helping atau auxiliary verb tidak mempunyai arti sendiri. Kata kerja pembantu ini terdiri dari primary (be, do, have) dan modal auxiliary verb (can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, ought to).
  • 2. 2 | Auxiliary verb sangat penting untuk membuat kalimat : 1. Negative a. The girl can put it on the table b. The girl cannot put it on the table c. They could see as far as the mountains d. They could not see as far as the mountains e. He ought to work so had f. He ought not to work so hard Apabila di dalam kalimat yang bersangkutan tidak ada Auxiliary verbnya harus diberi tambahan Auxiliary verb DO, DOES, DID tergantung pada bentuk kata kerjanya. a. The man cleans the hall everyday b. They eat potatoes c. We bought some magazines just now d. We didn’t buy any magazines just now
  • 3. 3 | POLA MODAL AUXILIARIES : * ( ? ) MODAL + S + V1 Ex : a. Can she do the test? b. Will we go to the hospital? * ( + ) S + MODAL + V1 Ex : a. She can do the test. b. We will go to the hospital * ( – ) S + MODAL NOT + V1 Ex : a. She can’t do the test. b. We will not go to the hospital. * ( ? ) MODAL + S + V1 Ex : a. Can she do the test? b. Will we go to the hospital? Contoh kalimat : 1. Will a. Expressing a certainty (Mengungkapkan kepastian) Contoh : We will come to her party. I promise. b. Expressing a Willingness (Mengungkapkan Keinginan) Contoh : There’s a knock on the door. I will open it. c. Expressing a request (Mengungkapkan permintaan) Contoh : Will you help me? 2. Must a. Expressing a necessity (Mengungkapkan keharusan) Contoh : You must do everything I say. b. Expressing a Prohibition (Mengungkapkan larangan) Contoh : You must not break the school rules. c. Expressing a Certainty (Mengukapkan kepastian) Contoh : John must be upset. He failed in the final test. 3. Should a. Expressing an advisability (Mengungkapkan saran) Contoh : We should do something now. b. Expressing a Future Certainty (Mengukapkan kepastian di masa depan) Contoh : They should be there tomorrow. 4. Can a. Expressing an Ability (Mengungkapkan Kemampuan) Contoh : I can do the test. b. Expressing a Possibility (Mengungkapkan Kemungkinan) Contoh : He can be in the class now. c. Expressing a Permission (Mengungkapkan ijin) Contoh : You can leave me no.
  • 4. 4 | The modals include : PRESENT TENSE PAST TENSE Will Can May Shall Must ( have to ) Would ( used to ) Could Might Should ( ought to ) ( had better ) ( Had to ) Negation Of Modals To make a modal negative, add the particle not after the modal  John would like to leave  John would not like to leave Questions With Modals To make a question, place the modal at the beginning of the sentence. Would John like to leave? Notes : A modal is always directly followed by the simple form ( verb word ). This is infinitive without to. INFINITIVE SIMPLE FORM To be To go To have Be Go have This means that after a modal there can NEVER be ( verb + ing ), verb + s, past tense, or infinitive. There are two ways that a modal can occur : 1) Modal + simple form of the verb Would be – could go – will have 2) Modal + have + verb in past participle Would have been + could have gone + will have had Note : the word have, of course, must always be in the simple form after a modal, it can never be has or had
  • 5. 5 | Contoh Modal dalam kalimat : EXAMPLE :
  • 6. 6 | Berikut ini contoh dari Mand Mapping Modal :
  • 7. 7 | Passive voice adalah suatu grammatical construction (bentuk gramatikal) dimana subject pada sentence (kalimat) atau clause (klausa) tidak melakukan aksi, melainkan menerima aksi atau ditindaklanjuti (receiver of action) oleh agent lain (doer of action) baik disebutkan ataupun tidak. Sebaliknya, pada konstruksi active, subject pada sentence atau clause berhubungan langsung dengan verb dengan bertindak sebagai pelaku aksi. Kalimat aktif dapat ditransformasi menjadi pasif, namun hanya transitive verb (mempunyai direct object) yang dapat diberlakukan demikian. Rumus passive voice dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut di bawah ini. Keterangan : Auxiliary verb dapat berupa primary auxiliary verb be (is, are, am, was, were) maupun kombinasi antara dua primary (is/are being, was/were being, has/have been) maupun antara primary dan modal auxiliary verb (will be, will have been). Kombinasi auxiliary digunakan pada bentuk pasif pada tenses. Penjelasan lebih lengkap dapat dilihat di Bentuk Pasif pada Tenses, Infinitive, dan Gerund. Past participle yang digunakan berupa kata kerja transitive (memiliki direct object). 1. Place the complement of the active sentences at the beginning of the passive sentence. 2. If there are any auxiliaries in the active sentence, place them immediately after the new subject agreeing in number with the subject. 3. Insert the verb be after the auxiliary or auxiliaries in the same form as the main verb in the active sentence. 4. Place the main verb from the active sentence after the auxiliries and be in the past participle. 5. Place the subject of the active sentence after the verb in the passive sentence preceded by the preposition by. This can be eliminated completely if it nit important or is understood. Study the following possible word orders for passive voice. SIMPLE PRESENT OR SIMPLE PAST Am Is Are + verb in past participle Was were
  • 8. 8 | 1. Active : Hurricanes destroy a great deal of property each year. Explanation Subject : Hurricanes Persent : destroy Complement : a great deal of property 2. Passive : A great deal of property is destroyed by hurricanes each year. Explanation Singular subject : A great deal of property Be past participle : is destroyed by hurricanes 3. Active : The tornado destroyed thirty houses. Explanation Subejct : The tornado Past : destroyed Complement : thirty houses PRESENT PROGRESSIVE OR PAST PROGRESSIVE Am Is Are + being + verb in past participle Was Were 4. Active : The committe is considering several new proposals. Explanation Subejct : The committe Present prog : is considering Complement : several new proposals 5. Passive : Several new proposals are being considered by the committee. Explanation Plural subject : Several new proposals Auxiliary : are Be : being Past participle : considered by the committee 6. Active : The committee was considering several new proposals. Explanation Subject : The committee Past prog : was considering Complement : several new proposals
  • 9. 9 | 7. Passive : Several new proposals were being considered by the committee. Explanation Plural subject : Several new proposals Auxiliary : were Be : being Past participle : considered by the committee PRESENT PERFECT OR PAST PERFECT Has Have + been + verb in past participle Had 8. Active : The company has ordered some new equipment. Explanation Subject : The company Present perfect : has ordered Complement : some new equipment 9. Passive : Some new equipment has been ordered by the company. Explanation Singular subject : Some new equipment Auxiliary : has Be : been Past participle : ordered by the company 10. Active : The company had ordered some new equipment before the strike began. Explanation Subject : The company Past [erfect : had ordered Complement : some new equipment 11. Passive : Some new equipment had been ordered by the company before the strike began. Explanation Subject : Some new equipment Auxiliary : had Be : been Past participle : ordered by the company MODALS Modal + be + verb in past participle
  • 10. 10 | 12. Active : The manager should sign these contracts today. Explanation Subject : The manager Modal + verb : should sign Complement : these contracts 13. Passive : These contracts should be signed by the manager today. Explanation Subejct : These contracts Modal : should Be : be Past participle : signed by the manager today MODALS + PERFECT Modal + have + been + verb in past participle 14. Active : Somebody should have called the president this morning. Explanation Subject : Somebody Modal + perfect : should have called Complement : the president 15. Passive : The president should have been called this morning. Explanation Subject : The president Modal : should Have : have Past participle : called
  • 11. 11 | “Used to” digunakan untuk mengekspresikan suatu kebiasaan, aktifitas, atau situasi yang terjadi pada masa lampau (past) dan tidak lagi terjadi/ ada sampai saat ini (present). Silahkan perhatikan contoh kalimat di bawah ini: “Jack used to live in Chicago”. (Artinya: Jack dulu tinggal di Chicago) Makna kalimat di atas adalah: dulunya Jack tinggal di Chicago, tetapi sekarang dia tidak lagi tinggal di Chicago. Atau dengan kata lain “used to” memiliki arti/ makna “dulu”. “Be used to” memiliki arti yang sama dengan “be accustomed to”. Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan suatu situasi atau aktifitas yang sudah terbiasa dilakukan sejak masa lampau (past). Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut: “Hannah is used to cold weather”. “Hannah is accustomed to cold weather”. (Artinya: Hannah terbiasa dengan cuaca yang dingin.) Dua kalimat di atas memilki makna yang sama. Hidup dengan hawa yang dingin sudah biasa atau normal bagi Hannah. Baik cuaca dingin, salju, ataupun es bukanlah hal yang aneh bagi Hannah, “Hannah sudah terbiasa dengan semua itu sejak dulu”. Dengan kata lain “be used to” memiliki arti/ makna “sudah terbiasa (sejak dulu)”. Untuk lebih jelasnya mengenai makna dan penyusunan kalimatnya, mari kita bandingkan penggunaan dari keduanya. Silahkan perhatikan contoh kalimat di bawah ini: a. Jason used to live in Las Vegas. b. May is used to living in a cold climate. She is accustomed to living there. Kesimpulan: Untuk mengkespresikan “Habitual Past” (kebiasaan di masa lampau), “used” diikuti dengan infinitive, contohnya: ... to live seperti pada point (a). Sedangkan “Be used to” dan “be accustomed to” diikuti dengan gerund (Verb + -ing), seperti contoh kalimat pada point (b).
  • 12. 12 | Contoh lainnya: 1. “Bob moved to Alaska. After a while he got used to/ got accustomed to living in a cold climate”. (Artinya: Bob berpindah ke Alaska. Sesaat kemudian dia menjadi terbiasa hidup/ tinggal di tempat yang beriklim/ bercuaca dingin.) Pada ekspresi serupa seperti “get used to” dan “get accustomed to”, kata “get” memiliki arti “become” (menjadi). Contoh Kalimat: 2. I used to live in Finland, but now I live in France. (Artinya: Saya dulu tinggal di Finlandia, tetapi sekarang saya tinggal di Perancis) 3. She is used to sitting at this desk. She sits here every day. (Artinya: Dia terbiasa duduk di bangku ini. Dia duduk disini setiap hari) 4. I used to sit in the back of the classroom, but now I prefer to sit in the front now. (Artinya: Saya dulu duduk di bagian belakang kelas, tetapi sekarang saya lebih suka duduk di depan) 5. You and I are from different cultures. You are used to having fish for breakfast. I am used to having cheese and bread for breakfast. (Artinya: Kamu dan saya memiliki budaya yang berbeda. Kamu terbiasa sarapan dengan ikan. Saya terbiasa sarapan dengan keju dan roti) 6. When I was a child, I used to play football with my friends in a big field near my house after school every day. (Artinya: Ketika saya masih kecil, saya dulu bermain sepak bola dengan teman-teman saya di lapangan besar dekat rumah saya seusai dari sekolah setiap hari) Used to yang kita gunakan disini bukanlah bentuk Kata Kerja 2 dari Use, melainkan satu kesatuan kata yang berarti “biasanya”. Dalam Bahasa Inggris penggunaan kata tersebut banyak menghiasi percakapan. “Used to do” berbeda dengan “to be used to doing” dan “to get used to doing”.
  • 13. 13 | Used to do Kita pakai “used to” untuk sesuatu yang terjadi secara reguler di masa yang lampau namun kejadiannya tidak lama.  I used to smoke a packet a day but I stopped two years ago. (Saya biasanya merokok sebungkus per hari namun saya sudah berhenti 2 tahun yang lalu)  Tom used to greet us but when he became a boss, he has never done it anymore. (Tom biasanya menyapa kami tetapi ketika dia menjadi seorang bos, dia tidak pernah menyapa kami lagi)  I used to drive to work. (Dulu saya biasanya naik mobil ke tempat kerja) In this usage, the expression used to to means the same as would. Used to is alwyas in this form, it can NEVER be used to. Also, there are two grammar rules for used to. Notice the difference in meaning as well as in grammar. Example : When David was young, he used to swim once a day. ( past time habit ) a. John is used to swimming every day. ( He is accustomed to swimming every day ) b. John got used to swimming every day. ( He became accustomed to swimming every day ) So : Be used to means to be accustomed to, and get used to means to became accustomed to. c. The program director used to write his own letters. ( past time habit ) d. George is used to eating at 7 : 00 P.M ( is accustomed to ) e. We got used to cooking our own food when we had to live alone. ( become accustomed to ) f. Mary was used to driving to school. ( was accustomed to ) g. The goverment used to restrict these pills. ( past time habit ) h. The man is used to reading his newspaper in the morning. ( is accustomed to ) Subject + used to + ( verb in simple form ) ........... Subject + be / get + used to + verb + ing + ......
  • 14. 14 | Suppose yang sedang kita diskusikan sekarang bukan suppose yang berarti “mengira” melainkan suppose yang artinya “Andaikan/Seandainya. Fungsinya sama dengan apa yang kita pelajari dalam topik Conditional. Mengira  I suppose you’ll be meeting Danielle when you go to Paris? (Saya kira kamu akan menjumpai Daniel ketika kamu nanti pergi ke Paris?)  I suppose you two know each other? (Saya kira kamu berdua saling kenal?) ‘suppose‘ tidak digunakan dalam bentuk Continuous. Kita tidak boleh mengucapkan ‘I am supposing‘. Contoh:  Now I suppose we’ll have to do something else. (BUKAN Now, I am supposing…) (Sekarang saya kira kita harus melakukan hal yang lain)  At this moment I suppose it doesn’t matter. (Saat ini, saya kira hal itu tidak menjadi masalah) Begitu Ketika kita merespon sebuah pendapat dengan ‘suppose’, kita dapat menambahnya dengan ‘so‘ untuk menghindari pengulangan apa yang sudah diucapkan sebelumnya.  Is Susan coming to this meeting? – I suppose so. (Apakah Susan akan datang pada rapat itu? – Saya kira begitu)  I think, Chelsea will beat MU. – I don’t suppose so. (Saya kira Chelsea akan mengalahkan MU. – Saya rasa tidak begitu) Katanya ‘Supposed to be‘ artinya ‘Katanya/Dipercaya’.  The new James Bond movie is supposed to be excellent. (Film James Bond yang baru katanya luar biasa)  He is supposed to have been kind to Martinus. (Dia katanya sudah baikan dengan Martinus.)  It is supposed to be the best cafe here. (Katanya itu adalah Cafe terbaik di sini)  ‘Supposed to be’ dapat juga digunakan untuk berbicara tentang sesuatu yang sudah disusun atau diharapkan. Artinya sama dengan ‘should’ (seharusnya).  I‘m supposed to get to the office by 7. (Saya seharusnya pergi kerja sebelum jam 8)  Arman is supposed to turn off all the lights before leaving. (Arman seharusnya mematikan semua lampu sebelum pergi)  I’m supposed to pay my debt last month. (Saya seharusnya membayar hutang saya bulan yang lalu)
  • 15. 15 | Be supposed to is used to talk about an activity or event that is ecpected to accour. Example : a. Mike is supposed to call me tomorrow. ( idea : I expect Mike to call me tomorrow ) b. We are supposed to write a composition. ( idea : The teacher expect us to write a composition ) c. It is supposed to rain today. ( idea : people expect it to rain today ) d. Alice was supposed to be home at ten. ( idea : someone expected Alice to be home at ten ) Example : a. John should study tonight. b. John had better study tonight. c. John ought to study tonight. d. John is supposed to study tonight. Had better Should Subject + Ought to + verb in simple form ....... Be supposed to
  • 16. 16 | DAFTAR PUSTAKA www. English grammar secon edtion. Betty Schrampfer Azar. www. Test of English as a Foreign Language Preparation Guide. Jerry Bobrow, ph. D