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Healing minds and Healing Hearts
Please Silence Your Cell Phone
Presented by:
Manager & Head of Quality Assurance
Silva Pharmaceuticals Limited
Date of Training: March 20, 2023
Good Manufacturing
Practice (GMP) for
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Quality Policy
Silva Pharmaceuticals Limited is
committed to deliver Quality, Safe &
Effective Medicines to its valued
customers through continuous
improvement in process, technology
& human resources complying with
the guidelines of current Good
Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) and
the requirements of ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management System (QMS)
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Company Vision
We continually strive to improve
our core capabilities to address
the unmet medical needs of the
patients and to deliver
outstanding results for our
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Company Mission
We are committed to
enhancing human health and
well-being by providing
contemporary and affordable
medicines, manufactured in
full compliance with global
quality standards.
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Company Values
Quality & Safety
Honesty, Integrity &Transparency
Innovation & Diversification
Commitment to Excellence
Respect for humanity
Think Differently
Never Give up
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Quality & Quality Medicine
• Quality: Quality is the totality feature of the
characteristics of product.
-Fit for use
-Meets the predetermined specification
-Fulfill the customer requirements
• Quality Medicine:
A product that has good therapeutic efficacy and safe
for the patients/consumers
Attributes of quality medicine:
-Efficacy, Safety, Stability, Potency, Purity, Regulatory
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Attributes of Qualified
• Good knowledge about GMP
• Proper Training
• Have academic qualification
• Good Behavior /Good Conduct
• Time Management
• Fair & Impartial
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
The PDCA cycle can be briefly described as
• Plan: establish the objectives of the system and
its processes, and the resources needed to
deliver results in accordance with customers'
requirements and the organization's policies, and
identify and address risks and opportunities;
• Do: implement what was planned;
• Check: monitor and (where applicable) measure
processes and the resulting products and services
against policies, objectives, requirements and
planned activities, and report the results;
• Act: take actions to improve performance, as
What is GMP?
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
GMP: (Good Manufacturing Practice)
GMP is the part of Quality Management which ensures
that the products are consistently produced and
controlled to the quality standard appropriate to their
intended use as required by the marketing authorization
and product specification. (Ref: WHO)
―GMP is the bundle of common sense‖
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
GMP: (Basic Principles) GMP
GMP Training Components: Ref.
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 908, Annex 4
1. Quality Management System
2. Good Manufacturing Practice for pharmaceutical products
3. Sanitation and Hygiene
4. Qualification and Validation
5. Complaints
6. Product Recalls
7. Contract production, analysis and other activities
8. Self-inspection, quality audits and suppliers’ audits and approval
9. Personnel
10. Introduction to the Training programs
11. Personal Hygiene
12. Premises
13. Equipment
14. Materials
15. Documentation
16. Good Practices in Production and
17. Good Practices in Quality Control
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
GxP & ‗c‘of GMP
 The concept of GXP in Pharmaceuticals was
established by the United States Food and Drug
 GXP is a general term for Good Practice
Quality guidelines and regulations.
The G stands for "Good" and the P stands for
"Practice". The 'X' in the middle is a variable that can
be substituted with any word that appropriately
completes the acronym. For example, 'X' is replaced by
'M' to make it GMP which represents ‗Good
Manufacturing Practice‘.
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
GxP & ‗c‘of GMP
 A ―c‖ is sometimes added to the front of the
acronym,. The preceding ―c‖ stands for
―current‖. For example, cGMP is an acronym
for ―current Good Manufacturing Practice.‖
 The ‗C‘ before the GMP is indicative of the
constantly changing technologies and systems
which are up-to-date in order to comply with the
regulations. These the dynamic changes in Good
Manufacturing Practice to make Pharmaceuticals
manufacture foul proof; assuring a high level of
confidence in the safety and efficacy of the product
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
For GxP
 GMP = Good Manufacturing Practice
 GLP = Good Laboratory Practice
 GCP = Good Clinical Practice
 GAP = Good Auditing Practice
 GAMP = Good Automated Manufacturing Practice.
 GRP=Good Regulatory Practice
 GDocP = Good Documentation Practice
 GDP = Good Distribution Practice
 GHP = Good Hygiene Practice
 GEP= Good Engineering Practice
 GSP = Good Safety Practice
 GMiP = Good Microbiological Practice.
Basically the purpose of the GxP QUALITY GUIDELINES is to ensure a
product is safe and meets its specification for intended use. GxP guidelines
guide quality manufacture in regulated industries including Food. Drugs,
Medical devices and Cosmetics.
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
 A- 1
 T- 20
 T- 20
 I- 9
 T- 20
 U- 21
 D- 4
 E- 5
= 100
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
• Every problem has a solution, only if we
perhaps change our ATTITUDE.
• ATTITUDE is everything.
• It is our ATTITUDE towards LIFE and
WORK that makes our life 100%
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Excellent Facilities Negative Attitude Poor Quality
Excellent Facilities Positive Attitude Good Quality
Limited Facilities Positive Attitude Maximizing
Efforts Good Quality
So in conclusion can say, Good quality can‘t be achieved
without positive attitude
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
1. I have a problem
2. I can‘t do it…..
3. I‘m so hungover (―really tired‖ or ―kind of sick‖)
4.Don‘t swear in front of your boss
5.I need a raise
6.I don‘t like working with
7.That‘s not my job
Some Things To Never Say
In Front of Your Supervisor /
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
 Show respect for each others workspace. Knock before
 Don‘t take & see any documents from the desk or room of
any body without seeking prior permission
 Don‘t talk with mobile in front of your superior without
seeking prior permission ‗Mute‘ your cell phone in the office.
No fancy ring tones
 Do not cough or sneeze in anyone's direction. Use a tissue/
handkerchief, if possible, to contain the germs and then say
"Excuse me"
 Wear appropriate office attire, for example correct footwear, not
thongs (flip flops) - they are strictly casual or beachwear.
Office Manners
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Never blame someone else if it is your mistake
Don‘t gossip about any co-worker‘s private life
Make new employees feel welcome and comfortable
around you. Don't be a busy-body
Don‘t hover around while waiting for a co-worker/
superior to get off the phone. Leave a note for them to call
you or return later
Do not dominate the meeting. All communication must take
place through the Chairperson
One Should not be so rigid on his opinion/decision, it
should be remember that over confidence turns into
Office Manners
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Keep your work area tidy. Try not to be messy
Be considerate of others
Be patient with other
Learn, remember and use people‘s names
Be courteous, kind, polite, and fair
Always act with honesty and dignity
We are put off by smelly people. So, be sure to shower
regularly and use a suitable deodorant .
Be helpful and co-operative with each other
Speak clearly without shouting. Loud people are a
Be discreet and compassionate in your criticism of a co-
Never blame someone else if it is your mistake
Office Manners
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
As responses to tragic circumstances and to prevent future
 Use of Diethylene Glycol as solvent in sulfanilamide
(antiinfective) in the 1937s. 107 people died.
 Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (1938)
 Sulfathiazole tablets contaminated with Phenobarbital
(sedative) in 1941. 300 people were killed.
 Sleeping pill Thalidomide caused serious deformities in
developing fetuses in the 1960s in Europe (about 10,000
estiamted cases)
History of the GMPs
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Thalidomid Tragedy
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
 1962: Kefauver-Harris Amendments to the
FD&C Act:
 FDA given authority to establish GMPs
 Failure to follow GMP = Drug Adulteration
 Late 1960‘s through 1970‘s contaminated
IVs produced
 Validation required for sterile products, then all drug products
 1981: Tylenol package tampering – pills were laced
with cyanide, 7 people died
 Tamper-resistant packaging requirements for OTC drugs
History of the GMPs
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
 In 1963, FDA in USA prepared the
guide-lines for GMP.
 In 1975, WHO issued the guide-lines
for GMP.
 In 1979, cGMP guidelines were
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
History of the GMPs
Evolution of GMP: At a Glance
1500 Ebers Papyrus, Egyptian manuscript pertaining to pharmacy and therapy.
1546 The Nuremberg Pharmacopoeia (Dispensatory of Valerius Cordus) is perhaps the first to become ―official‖.
1618 First London pharmacopoeia is published.
1736 First law related to pharmacy in America is enacted in Virginia.
1821 Philadelphia College of Pharmacy is founded as the first local association and school of pharmacy in the United States.
1848 First American code of pharmaceutical ethics prepared by Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. First drug import law enacted by congress to
curt adulterations.
1852 American Pharmaceutical Association is founded as the first national organization.
1865 First international pharmaceutical conference is held in Brunswick, Germany.
1888 First National Formulary issued by American Pharmaceutical Association.
1902 First International Pharmacopeial Conference held at Brussels, Belgium.
1906 Federal Food and Drugs Act passed in the US.
1912 First Assembly of International Pharmaceutical Federation (The Hague, Netherlands).
1938 Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act
Tragedy: Sulphanilamide made with poisonous solvent causes 107 deaths. Result: manufactures to prove the safety of products before
1941 Two unrelated events
Insulin Amendment requires FDA to test and certify purity and potency of insulin. Tragedy: nearly 300 deaths and injuries from distribution
of sulfathiazole tablets tainted with phenobarbital. Result: FDA revises manufacturing and quality controls drastically, the beginning of what
will later be called GMPs.
1962 Kefauver-Harris Drug Amendments (Important amendments of the US Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act). Tragedy: Thalidomide causes birth
defects in thousands of European babies. Result: Manufactures must prove efficacy of products before marketing them and ensure stricter
control over drug testing.
1975 Official drug standardization program is unified by Us Pharmacopeia absorbing National Formulary.
1978 CGMPs Final rules for drugs and devices (21 CFR 210-211 and 820)
Establishes minimum current good manufacturing practices for manufacturing, processing, packaging, or holding drug products and
medical devices.
1979 GLPs Final Rule (21 CFR 58)
Establishes good laboratory practices for conducting nonclinical laboratory studies that support application for research or marketing
permits for human and animal drugs, medical devices for human use, and biological products.
1982 Tamper-resistant Packing Regulations issued by FDA to prevent poisonings such as deaths from cyanide placed in Tylenol capsules. The
Federal Anti-Tampering Act passed in 1983 makes it a crime to tamper with packaged consumer products
2005 Formation of the Drug Safety Board is announced, consisting of FDA staff and representatives from the National Institutes of Health and the
Veterans Administration.
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
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To prevent –
 Contamination
 Cross-Contamination
 Mix–up
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
10 Golden rules of GMP (PICS)
1.Get the facility design right from the starting
2.Validate Process
3.Write good procedures and follow them
4.Keep good records
5.Identify who does what
6.Train and develop staff
7.Practice good hygiene
8. Maintain facilities and equipment
9.Build quality into the whole product lifecycle
10.Perform regular audit 32 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Organization &
Building &
Control of Components,
Containers & Closures
Returned & Salvaged
Records & Reports
Laboratory Controls
Holding & Distribution
Production &
Process Control
Packaging & Leveling
Sub-Parts of the cGMP
21 CFR-Part-211
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Subpart A-General Provisions
 Definitions
 Scope
Subpart B-Organization and Personnel
 Responsibilities of quality control unit
 Personnel qualifications
 Personnel responsibilities
 Consultants
Subpart C-Buildings and Facilities
 Design and construction features
 Lighting
 Ventilation, air filtration, air heating and cooling
 Plumbing
 Washing and toilet facilities
 Sanitation
 Maintenance 35 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
• Subpart- D - Equipment
 Equipment design, size and location
 Equipment construction
 Equipment cleaning and maintenance
 Automatic, mechanical and electronic equipment
 Filters
• Sub part E- Control, Components and Drug
product containers and closers
 General requirements
 Receipt and storage of untested components, drug product
containers and closures
 Testing and approval or rejection of components, drug
product containers and closures
 Use of approved components, drug product containers and
 Retesting of approved components, drug product containers
and closures
 Rejected components, drug product containers and closures
 Drug product containers and closures
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
• Subpart F- Production and Process Controls
 Written procedures; deviations
 Charge-in of components
 Equipment identification
 Sampling and testing of in-process materials and drug
 Time limitations on production
 Control of microbiological contamination
 Reprocessing
Subpart G-Packaging Labeling Control
 Materials examination and usage criteria
 Labeling issuance
 Packaging and labeling operations
 Tamper- evident packaging requirements for over the
counter (OTC) human drug products
 Drug product inspection
 Expiration dating
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Subpart H- Holding and Distribution
 Warehousing procedures
 Distribution procedures
Subpart I - Laboratory Controls
 General requirements
 Testing and release for distribution
 Stability testing
 Special testing requirements
 Reserve samples
 Laboratory animals
 Penicillin contamination
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Subpart J-Records and Reports
 General requirements
 Equipment cleaning and use log
 Component, drug product container, closure and labeling
 Master production and control records
 Batch production and control records
 Production record review
 Laboratory records
 Distribution records
 Complaint files
Subpart K- Returned and Salvaged Drug Products
 Returned drug products
 Drug product salvaging
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Why GMP ?
GMP is for
Quality product
Higher quality attainment
Uniformity & consistency of the quality
Reduce Batch failure
Reduce rejection cost
Safety & Security
Good traceability
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Quality Products
Market Acceptability Regulatory Compliance
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
CFRs – Code of Federal
Regulations (USA)
• There are basically 5 Standards in the Food, Drug
and Cosmetic Act and the CFR
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Basic Requirements of GMP
► Suitable Premises & Equipment
► Adequate Cleaning procedures.
► Correct Materials, Labels & Containers
► Clearly Documented & Approved procedures
► Consistent Manufacturing procedures
► Practices regularly monitoring by Auditing
► Good Traceability.
► Accurate Testing methods
► Ability to Investigate & solve problems
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
– Clearly defined and systematically
reviewed processes
– Validation of processes
– Appropriate resources
– Clearly written procedures
– Trained operators/personnel
Basic Requirements for GMP
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
– Good documentation, complete
– Failure investigations
– Proper storage and Distribution
– Recall system
– Complaint handling
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Basic Requirements for GMP
Different GMP Guidelines
GMP guidelines are named in different ways in different countries based on
WHO-GMP and US FDA guideline.
 USFDA = United States Food & Drug Administration
 MHRA = Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency- UK
 PMDA = Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency
 TGA = Therapeutic Good Administration- Australia
 KFDA = Korea Food and Drug Administration-Korea.
 MCC = Medicine Control Council -South Africa
 ANVISA = Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria-Brazil.
 EMEA = European Medicines Agency.
 TPD = Therapeutic Product Directorate—Canada.
 ICH = International Conference on Harmonization.
 PIC/S = Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention &
Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
 Q1A--Stability testing of new drug substances and products.
 Q1B—Stability testing: Photo stability testing of new drug
substances and products.
 Q2---Validation of Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology.
 Q3A—Impurities in new drug substances.
 Q3B---Impurities in New Drug Products
 Q4B---Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmaceutical Texts for
use in the ICH region on Residue on Ignition/Sulphated Ash
 Q5A---Viral Safety Evaluation of Biotechnology Products
 Q6A---Specifications : Test procedures and acceptance criteria for
new drug substances and new drug products.
 Q6B—Specifications: Test procedures and acceptance criteria for
Biotechnological / Biological products.
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
ICH-Guidelines: Contd..
 Q7 ---- GMP Guide for API.
 Q8 ---- Pharmaceutical development.
 Q9 --- Quality Risk Management.
 Q10 --- Pharmaceutical Quality System‘
 Q11 --- Development and Manufacture of Drug Substances
 Q12 --- Lifecycle Management
 Q13 --- Continuous Manufacturing of Drug Substances and Drug
 Q14 --- Analytical Procedure Development
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Quality Risk Management
Basic Risk Management Facilitation Methods
• FMEA = Failure Mode Effects Analysis
• FMECA=Failure Mode Effects Criticality Analysis
• FTA = Fault Tree Analysis.
• HACCP= Hazard Analysis on Critical Control
• HAZOP=Hazard Operability Analysis
• PHA =Preliminary Hazard Analysis
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Medicines and Healthcare Products
Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
• MHRA: MHRA is a UK government agency which
is responsible for ensuring that medicines and
medical devices work and are acceptably safe.
• MHRA was formed in 2003 with the merger of the
Medicines Control Agency (MCA) and the Medical
Devices Agency (MDA). In April 2013, it merged
with the National Institute for Biological Standards
and Control (NIBSC) and was rebranded, with the
MHRA identity being used for the parent
organization and one of the centres within the
group. It is an executive agency of the department
of health.
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
1.Q- Quality Management
3.P-Premises & Equipment
6.Q-Quality Control
7.C-Contract Manufacture & Analysis
8.C-Complaint & Product Recall
9.S-Self Inspection
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
United States Food and Drug
Administration (US-FDA)
FDA: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or
USFDA) is a regulatory agency of the United States
Department of Health and Human Services, one of the
United States federal executive departments. The FDA
is responsible for protecting and promoting public
health through the regulation and supervision of food
safety, tobacco products, dietary supplements,
prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceutical
drugs (medications), vaccines, biopharmaceuticals,
blood transfusions, medical devices, electromagnetic
radiation emitting devices (ERED), cosmetics and
veterinary products.
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
US FDA: SUB Part 11
1.G- General Structure
2.O-Organization Structure
3.B-Building & Facility
4.E-Equipment & Machineries
5.C-Control of Compliant
6.P-Production & Process Control
7.P-Packaging & Labeling
8.H-Holding & Distribution
9.L-Laboratory Control
10.R-Record & Report
11.R-Return & Service
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
International Organization for Standardization
ISO has come from Greek word ISOS. The
meaning of ISOS is unique. Later the word
ISOS has changed into English word ISO.
It is an international body involved in
developing standards in various
industries, including the Pharmaceuticals.
ISO is an independent contractors who
inspect organizations for compliance with ISO
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
International Organization for Standardization
• In 1946, 65 delegates from 25 countries gathered in London
for the future of world standardization.
• In 1947, Feb 23 ISO Head office was established in Geneva
Switzerland. Now the total member countries are 162.
• Till now it has published 19,500 standards. First ISO Standard
is ISO 1:1951. This standard is for Geometrical Product
• The current standard for Quality Management System
(QMS) is ISO 9001:2015, and previously it was ISO
• The ISO 9000 family of quality management systems (QMS)
is a set of standards that helps organizations to ensure they
meet customer and other stakeholder needs within
statutory and regulatory requirements related to a product
or service.
• First version: ISO 9001:1987
• Second version: ISO 9001:1994
• Third version: ISO 9001:2000
• Fourth version: ISO 9001:2008
• Fifth version: ISO 9001:2015
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
ISO 9001:2015 is an international standard dedicated to Quality
Management Systems (QMS).
It outlines a framework for improving quality and a vocabulary of
understanding for any organization looking to provide products and
services that consistently meet the requirements and expectations of
customers and other relevant interested parties in the most efficient
manner possible.
ISO 9001:2015
A new version of ISO 9001 appears about every seven years. ISO
9001:2015 was published on 23 September 2015.
ISO 9001:2015 has ten (10) clauses instead of eight.
2.Normative references
3.Terms and definitions
4.Context of the organization
9.Performance operation
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
How can we implement the GMP in the
Manufacturing Plant?
Ø To appoint Trained personnel
Ø To appoint Qualified personnel
Ø To clean Premises and equipment
Ø To implement the Change-over activities properly
Ø To use correct Materials, Containers, and Labels
Ø To follow approved SOP
Ø To control Contamination & Cross-contamination
Ø To monitor the practices regularly by Auditing
Ø To follow accurate testing Methods
Ø To Investigate and identify the problems and positive actions for error
cause removal
Ø To eliminate the risk of Mix up‘s
Ø To establish proper batch Documentation
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Safety: First,
Last & Always
Read the material safety data sheets for all
materials that everyone works with.
Always wear safety glasses, safety shoes,
respirators, and personal protective
Avoid situation that look potentially
dangerous and inform supervisors.
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Contamination & Cross-contamination
Contamination is presence of any external substances
in a product that was not intended to be part of it. A
contaminant could harm the process, the product and
YOU! also.
The term cross-contamination refers to product-to-
product contamination. It can be through careless
sharing of the manufacturing equipment & utensils,
sharing of space without proper cleaning, poor
production planning and particularly inadequate dust
Types of
► Particulate Contamination
► Chemical Contamination
► Microbial Contamination
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Source of Contamination
Main Source
► Personnel
► Premises
► Raw material and Packaging material
► Equipment
► Air, Water and Gas
► Garments
► Operational Systems
► Cleaning agents
► Control System
*Of above mention sources,
people are the single largest
source of contaminant
► Skin cells
► Dandruff, scalp flakes, hair
► Respiratory bacterial aerosols
► Coughs, colds, sneezes and Boils and wounds
► Splashes of saline droplets released while blinking
Other contaminants are Extrinsic
and which humans help carry.
Lint and fluff from clothing
Dirt under finger nails
►Street dust and Cross contamination through contact
-- Cosmetics
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Cleaning & House-keeping
Seiri Clearing up Sort out
Seiton Organizing Systematize
Seisu Cleaning Sweep
Seiketsu Standardizing SOP
Shitsuke Training & Discipline Self discipline
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
 One of the first things that investigators or
visitors notice when they visit plant is the
facility’s general cleanliness.
 Keep surfaces and equipment clean.
 Follow approved cleaning
procedures, and use approved
cleaning solutions.
 If possible, open the equipment and look
inside to make sure that no rinse water was
accidentally left behind. 63 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
 Caution and warning
signs which are located in
plant should be printed in
all languages spoken in the
manufacturing area.
 All labels and signs.
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Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Break time
GMP and safety violations occur most often
right before break times, before lunch, during
shift change, when it’s time to go home.
Be especially careful around breaks.
65 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
 Because most common injuries in
pharmaceutical manufacturing area seem to
be hand and back injuries.
 Use proper lifting techniques, and think
about what you are about to do before
putting your hands or back at risk.
Lifting Products
66 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
 Some types of jewelry are not allowed
in certain areas.
 Wear only appropriate clothing (such
as sterile gowning).
 One common GMP error is not
wearing your lab coat while you are in
the laboratory.
 Another common error is wearing lab
coat or plant uniform outside the
67 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
68 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
69 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
70 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
71 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
72 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Personal Hygiene
 Wash your hands Properly.
 Most pharmaceutical plants have signs in the
Bathrooms reminding employee to wash their
hands before returning to the plant.
 Disinfect hands by pressing the dispenser
containing disinfectant solution.
73 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Your illness may contaminate product as well
as other colleagues of you. So, it is a matter of
Report an illness.
It is a GMP requirement that employees and
temporary employee do this.
74 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
About released
 A common error is to store expired materials
with current materials. So, be aware of it.
 Use only released raw materials, packaging
materials and labels.
 Use no expired materials.
 Under GMP only released materials can be used
in all clinical and commercial lots of product.
75 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Slow & Steady
 Every time anyone allowed himself/
herself to be rushed, he/she made a critical
 The pace in our industry is fast and
everyone has more to do than they can
possible get done; everyone deserves the
time to think through.
76 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
•If pages or sections of forms are not
applicable, line through them, write N/A, your
initials and the date.
•Always fill in the blanks.
• Record all requested information.
• If it’s truly not applicable, write
N/A; your initials and the date.
77 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Proper Record
 One common GMP error is to speed through
documents at the end of the day or at the end
of your shift, filling in all the blanks at one
time. But we all know that it is impossible to
remember what we did five minutes ago.
 Record results as you get them.
Never backdate or falsify records. Always use
today’s date when documenting your work.
78 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Proper record
 Do not write original data on a scrap
paper, napkins or paper towels and transfer
the information to the appropriate form or
 Record data directly on the
appropriate form or notebook.
79 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Use of ink
 Pencil is unacceptable because it
smears easily and can be erased.
 Use indelible ink.
 The industry standard is
blue/black indelible ink
80 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
 Be the responsible employee who picks the
piece of paper from the floor rather than
steps over it.
 Take actions to make things
81 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
 Check to make sure that your equipment is
within calibration before you use it. Otherwise
your results or measurements could be
 Ensure that equipment
is calibrated before using
 Equipment that must be calibrated in a
manufacturing or laboratory environment
typically has an equipment calibration tag.
82 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
No Food
 Smoking, eating, and drinking are
prohibited in a GMP area.
 Do not bring food, gum, and tobacco into
production and laboratory areas.
 A common GMP error is bringing drinks
into a laboratory.
83 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Check !!!!!
 In industry, a signature is a
legal and ethical responsibility.
While sign-
1. Check for accuracy.
2. Review it thoroughly and completely.
3. Make sure that all calculations are correct.
 Never sign something that you know to be
wrong. Get it correct and then sign it. 84 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Double check !!
GMPs require that you have sufficient staff
to do this.
Double check is required in
every critical step.
A double check means that
one person performs the work
while another person observes
and makes any suggestions or
corrections. (4 eyes principle)
Individuals then sign or initial the batch
record where indicated.
85 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
• The truth is that we are all human
and human being make mistakes
as a Supervisor encourage your
people to tell the actual things.
• Report mistakes or suspected
mistakes as soon as possible to
your Supervisor.
86 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
 You must know your SOPs. If an
SOP needs to be revised, tell your
supervisor and offer to help revise it
and get it approved.
 Read and become familiar with all
SOPs, STPs and other documents that
relate to your work.
87 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
No analytical to be performed with
approved STP (Standard Operation
Record keeping
 So when filling out a batch record or recording
your results, record equipment status, document
and revision numbers.
 Record ID, lot, document,
revision, and other control
 The GMP require that-
 you assign and use unique numbers on each
lot of your raw materials, reagents, documents,
and all lots of produced product to permit
88 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
 Fill out all logs and other documents
completely. Handwriting must be clear and
 Print clearly in logs, and
fill them out completely.
89 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Change control
 Out of specification (OOS)
Deviation management
Market complaints handling
Product recall handling
 Corrective & Preventive action (CAPA)
 Risk Management
 Quality Audit
Quality Management
System (QMS)
90 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
91 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Good Documentation
Practices (GDocP)
C.L.I.D.E Method:
a) Correct
b) Line through the complete erroneous
entry (single line)
c) Initial
d) Date
e) Explain
Remarks: Recording error
92 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Good Documentation
Practices (GDocP)
Good Documentation Practices
(for Test scripts)
• Do‘s
Do cross out any mistakes with a single
Do explain, initial and date where an
entry was crossed out (must be one
person who is making the change)
Do provide references to test procedures
if a long procedure is applied
Do sign and date on testing documents.
Do report numbers exactly (no ranges)
93 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
• Don'ts
– Do Not type in results (write in ink)
– Do Not obliterate underlying results when
making changes
– Do Not leave any empty result boxes
– Do Not forget to initial and date results when
you write them down (for each line)
– Do Not report results as ―as expected‖ or
– Do Not use ditto marks
– Do Not record entries on scraps of paper or
other non-permanent media
94 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
Good Documentation Practices
(for Test scripts)
Documents & Record-keeping
• Two fundamental rules for recordkeeping in GxPs:
Rule #1
“ If it’s not documented, it wasn’t
done. ”
Rule #2
“ If it’s not signed and dated, it’s not
documented. ”
95 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
96 of 96
Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA

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  • 1. 1 of 96 GMP Healing minds and Healing Hearts Please Silence Your Cell Phone
  • 2. TRAINING ON Presented by: MD. ZAKARIA FARUKI Manager & Head of Quality Assurance Silva Pharmaceuticals Limited Date of Training: March 20, 2023 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) for Pharmaceutical Products 2 of 96 GMP
  • 3. Quality Policy Silva Pharmaceuticals Limited is committed to deliver Quality, Safe & Effective Medicines to its valued customers through continuous improvement in process, technology & human resources complying with the guidelines of current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) and the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) 3 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 4. Company Vision We continually strive to improve our core capabilities to address the unmet medical needs of the patients and to deliver outstanding results for our shareholders. 4 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 5. Company Mission We are committed to enhancing human health and well-being by providing contemporary and affordable medicines, manufactured in full compliance with global quality standards. 5 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 6. Company Values Quality & Safety Honesty, Integrity &Transparency Innovation & Diversification Commitment to Excellence Respect for humanity Think Differently Never Give up 6 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 7. Quality & Quality Medicine • Quality: Quality is the totality feature of the characteristics of product. -Fit for use -Meets the predetermined specification -Fulfill the customer requirements • Quality Medicine: A product that has good therapeutic efficacy and safe for the patients/consumers Attributes of quality medicine: -Efficacy, Safety, Stability, Potency, Purity, Regulatory compliance 7 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 8. Attributes of Qualified Person • Good knowledge about GMP • Proper Training • Have academic qualification • Good Behavior /Good Conduct • Time Management • Fair & Impartial 8 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 9. 9 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 10. 10 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 11. 11 of 96 cGMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA The PDCA cycle can be briefly described as follows: • Plan: establish the objectives of the system and its processes, and the resources needed to deliver results in accordance with customers' requirements and the organization's policies, and identify and address risks and opportunities; • Do: implement what was planned; • Check: monitor and (where applicable) measure processes and the resulting products and services against policies, objectives, requirements and planned activities, and report the results; • Act: take actions to improve performance, as necessary.
  • 12. What is GMP? 12 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 13. GMP: (Good Manufacturing Practice) GMP is the part of Quality Management which ensures that the products are consistently produced and controlled to the quality standard appropriate to their intended use as required by the marketing authorization and product specification. (Ref: WHO) ―GMP is the bundle of common sense‖ 13 13 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 14. GMP: (Basic Principles) GMP GMP Training Components: Ref. WHO Technical Report Series, No. 908, Annex 4 1. Quality Management System 2. Good Manufacturing Practice for pharmaceutical products 3. Sanitation and Hygiene 4. Qualification and Validation 5. Complaints 6. Product Recalls 7. Contract production, analysis and other activities 8. Self-inspection, quality audits and suppliers’ audits and approval 9. Personnel 10. Introduction to the Training programs 11. Personal Hygiene 12. Premises 13. Equipment 14. Materials 15. Documentation 16. Good Practices in Production and 17. Good Practices in Quality Control 14 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 15. GxP & ‗c‘of GMP  The concept of GXP in Pharmaceuticals was established by the United States Food and Drug Administration.  GXP is a general term for Good Practice Quality guidelines and regulations. The G stands for "Good" and the P stands for "Practice". The 'X' in the middle is a variable that can be substituted with any word that appropriately completes the acronym. For example, 'X' is replaced by 'M' to make it GMP which represents ‗Good Manufacturing Practice‘. 15 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 16. GxP & ‗c‘of GMP  A ―c‖ is sometimes added to the front of the acronym,. The preceding ―c‖ stands for ―current‖. For example, cGMP is an acronym for ―current Good Manufacturing Practice.‖  The ‗C‘ before the GMP is indicative of the constantly changing technologies and systems which are up-to-date in order to comply with the regulations. These the dynamic changes in Good Manufacturing Practice to make Pharmaceuticals manufacture foul proof; assuring a high level of confidence in the safety and efficacy of the product 16 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 17. For GxP  GMP = Good Manufacturing Practice  GLP = Good Laboratory Practice  GCP = Good Clinical Practice  GAP = Good Auditing Practice  GAMP = Good Automated Manufacturing Practice.  GRP=Good Regulatory Practice  GDocP = Good Documentation Practice  GDP = Good Distribution Practice  GHP = Good Hygiene Practice  GEP= Good Engineering Practice  GSP = Good Safety Practice  GMiP = Good Microbiological Practice. Basically the purpose of the GxP QUALITY GUIDELINES is to ensure a product is safe and meets its specification for intended use. GxP guidelines guide quality manufacture in regulated industries including Food. Drugs, Medical devices and Cosmetics. 17 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 18. ATTITUDE  A- 1  T- 20  T- 20  I- 9  T- 20  U- 21  D- 4  E- 5 = 100 18 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 19. ATTITUDE • Every problem has a solution, only if we perhaps change our ATTITUDE. • ATTITUDE is everything. • It is our ATTITUDE towards LIFE and WORK that makes our life 100% 19 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 20. Excellent Facilities Negative Attitude Poor Quality Excellent Facilities Positive Attitude Good Quality Limited Facilities Positive Attitude Maximizing Efforts Good Quality So in conclusion can say, Good quality can‘t be achieved without positive attitude ATTITUDE 20 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 21. 21 1. I have a problem 2. I can‘t do it….. 3. I‘m so hungover (―really tired‖ or ―kind of sick‖) 4.Don‘t swear in front of your boss 5.I need a raise 6.I don‘t like working with 7.That‘s not my job Some Things To Never Say In Front of Your Supervisor / Boss 21 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 22.  Show respect for each others workspace. Knock before entering  Don‘t take & see any documents from the desk or room of any body without seeking prior permission  Don‘t talk with mobile in front of your superior without seeking prior permission ‗Mute‘ your cell phone in the office. No fancy ring tones  Do not cough or sneeze in anyone's direction. Use a tissue/ handkerchief, if possible, to contain the germs and then say "Excuse me"  Wear appropriate office attire, for example correct footwear, not thongs (flip flops) - they are strictly casual or beachwear. Office Manners 22 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 23. Never blame someone else if it is your mistake Don‘t gossip about any co-worker‘s private life Make new employees feel welcome and comfortable around you. Don't be a busy-body Don‘t hover around while waiting for a co-worker/ superior to get off the phone. Leave a note for them to call you or return later Do not dominate the meeting. All communication must take place through the Chairperson One Should not be so rigid on his opinion/decision, it should be remember that over confidence turns into haughtiness Office Manners 23 of 96 cGMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 24. Keep your work area tidy. Try not to be messy Be considerate of others Be patient with other Learn, remember and use people‘s names Be courteous, kind, polite, and fair Always act with honesty and dignity We are put off by smelly people. So, be sure to shower regularly and use a suitable deodorant . Be helpful and co-operative with each other Speak clearly without shouting. Loud people are a vexation Be discreet and compassionate in your criticism of a co- worker Never blame someone else if it is your mistake Office Manners 24 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 25. 25 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 26. As responses to tragic circumstances and to prevent future tragedies:  Use of Diethylene Glycol as solvent in sulfanilamide (antiinfective) in the 1937s. 107 people died.  Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (1938)  Sulfathiazole tablets contaminated with Phenobarbital (sedative) in 1941. 300 people were killed.  Sleeping pill Thalidomide caused serious deformities in developing fetuses in the 1960s in Europe (about 10,000 estiamted cases) History of the GMPs 26 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 27. Thalidomid Tragedy 27 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 28.  1962: Kefauver-Harris Amendments to the FD&C Act:  FDA given authority to establish GMPs  Failure to follow GMP = Drug Adulteration  Late 1960‘s through 1970‘s contaminated IVs produced  Validation required for sterile products, then all drug products  1981: Tylenol package tampering – pills were laced with cyanide, 7 people died  Tamper-resistant packaging requirements for OTC drugs History of the GMPs 28 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 29.  In 1963, FDA in USA prepared the guide-lines for GMP.  In 1975, WHO issued the guide-lines for GMP.  In 1979, cGMP guidelines were prevailed. 29 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA History of the GMPs
  • 30. Evolution of GMP: At a Glance 1500 Ebers Papyrus, Egyptian manuscript pertaining to pharmacy and therapy. 1546 The Nuremberg Pharmacopoeia (Dispensatory of Valerius Cordus) is perhaps the first to become ―official‖. 1618 First London pharmacopoeia is published. 1736 First law related to pharmacy in America is enacted in Virginia. 1821 Philadelphia College of Pharmacy is founded as the first local association and school of pharmacy in the United States. 1848 First American code of pharmaceutical ethics prepared by Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. First drug import law enacted by congress to curt adulterations. 1852 American Pharmaceutical Association is founded as the first national organization. 1865 First international pharmaceutical conference is held in Brunswick, Germany. 1888 First National Formulary issued by American Pharmaceutical Association. 1902 First International Pharmacopeial Conference held at Brussels, Belgium. 1906 Federal Food and Drugs Act passed in the US. 1912 First Assembly of International Pharmaceutical Federation (The Hague, Netherlands). 1938 Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act Tragedy: Sulphanilamide made with poisonous solvent causes 107 deaths. Result: manufactures to prove the safety of products before marketing. 1941 Two unrelated events Insulin Amendment requires FDA to test and certify purity and potency of insulin. Tragedy: nearly 300 deaths and injuries from distribution of sulfathiazole tablets tainted with phenobarbital. Result: FDA revises manufacturing and quality controls drastically, the beginning of what will later be called GMPs. 1962 Kefauver-Harris Drug Amendments (Important amendments of the US Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act). Tragedy: Thalidomide causes birth defects in thousands of European babies. Result: Manufactures must prove efficacy of products before marketing them and ensure stricter control over drug testing. 1975 Official drug standardization program is unified by Us Pharmacopeia absorbing National Formulary. 1978 CGMPs Final rules for drugs and devices (21 CFR 210-211 and 820) Establishes minimum current good manufacturing practices for manufacturing, processing, packaging, or holding drug products and medical devices. 1979 GLPs Final Rule (21 CFR 58) Establishes good laboratory practices for conducting nonclinical laboratory studies that support application for research or marketing permits for human and animal drugs, medical devices for human use, and biological products. 1982 Tamper-resistant Packing Regulations issued by FDA to prevent poisonings such as deaths from cyanide placed in Tylenol capsules. The Federal Anti-Tampering Act passed in 1983 makes it a crime to tamper with packaged consumer products 2005 Formation of the Drug Safety Board is announced, consisting of FDA staff and representatives from the National Institutes of Health and the Veterans Administration. Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA cGMP
  • 31. 31 of 96 OBECTIVES OF GMP To prevent –  Contamination  Cross-Contamination  Mix–up Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 32. 10 Golden rules of GMP (PICS) 1.Get the facility design right from the starting 2.Validate Process 3.Write good procedures and follow them 4.Keep good records 5.Identify who does what 6.Train and develop staff 7.Practice good hygiene 8. Maintain facilities and equipment 9.Build quality into the whole product lifecycle 10.Perform regular audit 32 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 33. GMP General Provision Organization & Personnel Building & Facilities Equipment Control of Components, Containers & Closures Returned & Salvaged Drug Products Records & Reports Laboratory Controls Holding & Distribution Production & Process Control Packaging & Leveling Control Sub-Parts of the cGMP 21 CFR-Part-211 33 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 34. 34 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 35. Subpart A-General Provisions  Definitions  Scope Subpart B-Organization and Personnel  Responsibilities of quality control unit  Personnel qualifications  Personnel responsibilities  Consultants Subpart C-Buildings and Facilities  Design and construction features  Lighting  Ventilation, air filtration, air heating and cooling  Plumbing  Washing and toilet facilities  Sanitation  Maintenance 35 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 36. • Subpart- D - Equipment  Equipment design, size and location  Equipment construction  Equipment cleaning and maintenance  Automatic, mechanical and electronic equipment  Filters • Sub part E- Control, Components and Drug product containers and closers  General requirements  Receipt and storage of untested components, drug product containers and closures  Testing and approval or rejection of components, drug product containers and closures  Use of approved components, drug product containers and closures  Retesting of approved components, drug product containers and closures  Rejected components, drug product containers and closures  Drug product containers and closures 36 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 37. • Subpart F- Production and Process Controls  Written procedures; deviations  Charge-in of components  Equipment identification  Sampling and testing of in-process materials and drug products  Time limitations on production  Control of microbiological contamination  Reprocessing Subpart G-Packaging Labeling Control  Materials examination and usage criteria  Labeling issuance  Packaging and labeling operations  Tamper- evident packaging requirements for over the counter (OTC) human drug products  Drug product inspection  Expiration dating 37 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 38. Subpart H- Holding and Distribution  Warehousing procedures  Distribution procedures Subpart I - Laboratory Controls  General requirements  Testing and release for distribution  Stability testing  Special testing requirements  Reserve samples  Laboratory animals  Penicillin contamination 38 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 39. Subpart J-Records and Reports  General requirements  Equipment cleaning and use log  Component, drug product container, closure and labeling records  Master production and control records  Batch production and control records  Production record review  Laboratory records  Distribution records  Complaint files Subpart K- Returned and Salvaged Drug Products  Returned drug products  Drug product salvaging 39 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 40. Why GMP ? GMP is for Quality product Productivity Higher quality attainment Uniformity & consistency of the quality Reduce Batch failure Reduce rejection cost Safety & Security Good traceability 40 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 41. Quality Products Market Acceptability Regulatory Compliance Quality Products P O T E N C Y S T A B I L I T Y E F F I C A C Y S A F E T Y 41 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 42. CFRs – Code of Federal Regulations (USA) • There are basically 5 Standards in the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and the CFR Safety Quality Identity Purity Potency 42 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 43. Basic Requirements of GMP ► Suitable Premises & Equipment ► Adequate Cleaning procedures. ► Correct Materials, Labels & Containers ► Clearly Documented & Approved procedures ► Consistent Manufacturing procedures ► Practices regularly monitoring by Auditing ► Good Traceability. ► Accurate Testing methods ► Ability to Investigate & solve problems 43 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 44. – Clearly defined and systematically reviewed processes – Validation of processes – Appropriate resources – Clearly written procedures – Trained operators/personnel Basic Requirements for GMP 44 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 45. – Good documentation, complete records – Failure investigations – Proper storage and Distribution – Recall system – Complaint handling 45 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP Basic Requirements for GMP
  • 46. Different GMP Guidelines GMP guidelines are named in different ways in different countries based on WHO-GMP and US FDA guideline.  USFDA = United States Food & Drug Administration  MHRA = Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency- UK  PMDA = Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency  TGA = Therapeutic Good Administration- Australia  KFDA = Korea Food and Drug Administration-Korea.  MCC = Medicine Control Council -South Africa  ANVISA = Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria-Brazil.  EMEA = European Medicines Agency.  TPD = Therapeutic Product Directorate—Canada.  ICH = International Conference on Harmonization.  PIC/S = Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention & Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme 46 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 47. ICH-Guidelines  Q1A--Stability testing of new drug substances and products.  Q1B—Stability testing: Photo stability testing of new drug substances and products.  Q2---Validation of Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology.  Q3A—Impurities in new drug substances.  Q3B---Impurities in New Drug Products  Q4B---Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmaceutical Texts for use in the ICH region on Residue on Ignition/Sulphated Ash  Q5A---Viral Safety Evaluation of Biotechnology Products  Q6A---Specifications : Test procedures and acceptance criteria for new drug substances and new drug products.  Q6B—Specifications: Test procedures and acceptance criteria for Biotechnological / Biological products. 47 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 48. ICH-Guidelines: Contd..  Q7 ---- GMP Guide for API.  Q8 ---- Pharmaceutical development.  Q9 --- Quality Risk Management.  Q10 --- Pharmaceutical Quality System‘  Q11 --- Development and Manufacture of Drug Substances  Q12 --- Lifecycle Management  Q13 --- Continuous Manufacturing of Drug Substances and Drug Products  Q14 --- Analytical Procedure Development 48 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 49. Quality Risk Management ICH-Q9 Basic Risk Management Facilitation Methods • FMEA = Failure Mode Effects Analysis • FMECA=Failure Mode Effects Criticality Analysis • FTA = Fault Tree Analysis. • HACCP= Hazard Analysis on Critical Control Points. • HAZOP=Hazard Operability Analysis • PHA =Preliminary Hazard Analysis 49 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 50. Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) • MHRA: MHRA is a UK government agency which is responsible for ensuring that medicines and medical devices work and are acceptably safe. • MHRA was formed in 2003 with the merger of the Medicines Control Agency (MCA) and the Medical Devices Agency (MDA). In April 2013, it merged with the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) and was rebranded, with the MHRA identity being used for the parent organization and one of the centres within the group. It is an executive agency of the department of health. 50 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 51. MHRA: 9 Chapter/Appendixes 1.Q- Quality Management 2.P-Personnel 3.P-Premises & Equipment 4.D-Documentation 5.P-Production 6.Q-Quality Control 7.C-Contract Manufacture & Analysis 8.C-Complaint & Product Recall 9.S-Self Inspection 51 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 52. United States Food and Drug Administration (US-FDA) FDA: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or USFDA) is a regulatory agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, one of the United States federal executive departments. The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of food safety, tobacco products, dietary supplements, prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs (medications), vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, blood transfusions, medical devices, electromagnetic radiation emitting devices (ERED), cosmetics and veterinary products. 52 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 53. US FDA: SUB Part 11 1.G- General Structure 2.O-Organization Structure 3.B-Building & Facility 4.E-Equipment & Machineries 5.C-Control of Compliant 6.P-Production & Process Control 7.P-Packaging & Labeling 8.H-Holding & Distribution 9.L-Laboratory Control 10.R-Record & Report 11.R-Return & Service 53 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 54. ISO International Organization for Standardization ISO has come from Greek word ISOS. The meaning of ISOS is unique. Later the word ISOS has changed into English word ISO. It is an international body involved in developing standards in various industries, including the Pharmaceuticals. ISO is an independent contractors who inspect organizations for compliance with ISO standards. 54 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 55. 55 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP ISO International Organization for Standardization • In 1946, 65 delegates from 25 countries gathered in London for the future of world standardization. • In 1947, Feb 23 ISO Head office was established in Geneva Switzerland. Now the total member countries are 162. • Till now it has published 19,500 standards. First ISO Standard is ISO 1:1951. This standard is for Geometrical Product Specification. • The current standard for Quality Management System (QMS) is ISO 9001:2015, and previously it was ISO 9001:2005. • The ISO 9000 family of quality management systems (QMS) is a set of standards that helps organizations to ensure they meet customer and other stakeholder needs within statutory and regulatory requirements related to a product or service.
  • 56. ISO VERSIONS • First version: ISO 9001:1987 • Second version: ISO 9001:1994 • Third version: ISO 9001:2000 • Fourth version: ISO 9001:2008 • Fifth version: ISO 9001:2015 56 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP ISO 9001:2015 is an international standard dedicated to Quality Management Systems (QMS). It outlines a framework for improving quality and a vocabulary of understanding for any organization looking to provide products and services that consistently meet the requirements and expectations of customers and other relevant interested parties in the most efficient manner possible.
  • 57. ISO 9001:2015 A new version of ISO 9001 appears about every seven years. ISO 9001:2015 was published on 23 September 2015. ISO 9001:2015 has ten (10) clauses instead of eight. 1.Scope 2.Normative references 3.Terms and definitions 4.Context of the organization 5.Leadership 6.Planning 7.Support 8.Operation 9.Performance operation 10.Improvement 57 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 58. How can we implement the GMP in the Manufacturing Plant? Ø To appoint Trained personnel Ø To appoint Qualified personnel Ø To clean Premises and equipment Ø To implement the Change-over activities properly Ø To use correct Materials, Containers, and Labels Ø To follow approved SOP Ø To control Contamination & Cross-contamination Ø To monitor the practices regularly by Auditing Ø To follow accurate testing Methods Ø To Investigate and identify the problems and positive actions for error cause removal Ø To eliminate the risk of Mix up‘s Ø To establish proper batch Documentation 58 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 59. Safety: First, Last & Always Read the material safety data sheets for all materials that everyone works with. Always wear safety glasses, safety shoes, respirators, and personal protective equipment. Avoid situation that look potentially dangerous and inform supervisors. 59 of 96 cGMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 60. Contamination & Cross-contamination Contamination Contamination is presence of any external substances in a product that was not intended to be part of it. A contaminant could harm the process, the product and YOU! also. Cross- Contamination The term cross-contamination refers to product-to- product contamination. It can be through careless sharing of the manufacturing equipment & utensils, sharing of space without proper cleaning, poor production planning and particularly inadequate dust control. Types of contamination ► Particulate Contamination ► Chemical Contamination ► Microbial Contamination 60 of 96 cGMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 61. Source of Contamination Main Source ► Personnel ► Premises ► Raw material and Packaging material ► Equipment ► Air, Water and Gas ► Garments ► Operational Systems ► Cleaning agents ► Control System *Of above mention sources, people are the single largest source of contaminant ► Skin cells ► Dandruff, scalp flakes, hair ► Respiratory bacterial aerosols ► Coughs, colds, sneezes and Boils and wounds ► Splashes of saline droplets released while blinking Other contaminants are Extrinsic and which humans help carry. Lint and fluff from clothing Dirt under finger nails ►Street dust and Cross contamination through contact -- Cosmetics 61 of 96 cGMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 62. Cleaning & House-keeping 5S Seiri Clearing up Sort out Seiton Organizing Systematize Seisu Cleaning Sweep Seiketsu Standardizing SOP Shitsuke Training & Discipline Self discipline 62 of 96 cGMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 63. Cleaning  One of the first things that investigators or visitors notice when they visit plant is the facility’s general cleanliness.  Keep surfaces and equipment clean.  Follow approved cleaning procedures, and use approved cleaning solutions.  If possible, open the equipment and look inside to make sure that no rinse water was accidentally left behind. 63 of 96 cGMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA
  • 64. Read & observe  Caution and warning signs which are located in plant should be printed in all languages spoken in the manufacturing area.  All labels and signs. 64 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA cGMP
  • 65. GMP During Break time GMP and safety violations occur most often right before break times, before lunch, during shift change, when it’s time to go home. Be especially careful around breaks. 65 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 66. lifting Products  Because most common injuries in pharmaceutical manufacturing area seem to be hand and back injuries.  Use proper lifting techniques, and think about what you are about to do before putting your hands or back at risk. Lifting Products 66 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 67. Clothing  Some types of jewelry are not allowed in certain areas.  Wear only appropriate clothing (such as sterile gowning).  One common GMP error is not wearing your lab coat while you are in the laboratory.  Another common error is wearing lab coat or plant uniform outside the building. 67 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 68. Clothing 68 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 69. 69 Clothing 69 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 70. 70 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 71. 71 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 72. 72 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 73. Personal Hygiene  Wash your hands Properly.  Most pharmaceutical plants have signs in the Bathrooms reminding employee to wash their hands before returning to the plant.  Disinfect hands by pressing the dispenser containing disinfectant solution. 73 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 74. Illness Your illness may contaminate product as well as other colleagues of you. So, it is a matter of concern. Report an illness. It is a GMP requirement that employees and temporary employee do this. 74 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 75. About released materials  A common error is to store expired materials with current materials. So, be aware of it.  Use only released raw materials, packaging materials and labels.  Use no expired materials.  Under GMP only released materials can be used in all clinical and commercial lots of product. 75 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 76. Slow & Steady  Every time anyone allowed himself/ herself to be rushed, he/she made a critical mistake.  The pace in our industry is fast and everyone has more to do than they can possible get done; everyone deserves the time to think through. 76 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 77. Complete the Paperwork •If pages or sections of forms are not applicable, line through them, write N/A, your initials and the date. •Always fill in the blanks. • Record all requested information. • If it’s truly not applicable, write N/A; your initials and the date. 77 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 78. Proper Record  One common GMP error is to speed through documents at the end of the day or at the end of your shift, filling in all the blanks at one time. But we all know that it is impossible to remember what we did five minutes ago.  Record results as you get them. Never backdate or falsify records. Always use today’s date when documenting your work. 78 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 79. Proper record (Contd.)  Do not write original data on a scrap paper, napkins or paper towels and transfer the information to the appropriate form or notebook.  Record data directly on the appropriate form or notebook. 79 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 80. Use of ink  Pencil is unacceptable because it smears easily and can be erased.  Use indelible ink.  The industry standard is blue/black indelible ink 80 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 81. Responsibility  Be the responsible employee who picks the piece of paper from the floor rather than steps over it.  Take actions to make things better. 81 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 82. Calibration  Check to make sure that your equipment is within calibration before you use it. Otherwise your results or measurements could be inaccurate.  Ensure that equipment is calibrated before using it.  Equipment that must be calibrated in a manufacturing or laboratory environment typically has an equipment calibration tag. 82 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA cMP
  • 83. Bring No Food  Smoking, eating, and drinking are prohibited in a GMP area.  Do not bring food, gum, and tobacco into production and laboratory areas.  A common GMP error is bringing drinks into a laboratory. 83 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 84. Check !!!!!  In industry, a signature is a legal and ethical responsibility. While sign- 1. Check for accuracy. 2. Review it thoroughly and completely. 3. Make sure that all calculations are correct.  Never sign something that you know to be wrong. Get it correct and then sign it. 84 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 85. Double check !! GMPs require that you have sufficient staff to do this. Double check is required in every critical step. A double check means that one person performs the work while another person observes and makes any suggestions or corrections. (4 eyes principle) Individuals then sign or initial the batch record where indicated. 85 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 86. Reporting • The truth is that we are all human and human being make mistakes as a Supervisor encourage your people to tell the actual things. • Report mistakes or suspected mistakes as soon as possible to your Supervisor. 86 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 87. SOPs & STPs ?????  You must know your SOPs. If an SOP needs to be revised, tell your supervisor and offer to help revise it and get it approved.  Read and become familiar with all SOPs, STPs and other documents that relate to your work. 87 of 96 MP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP No analytical to be performed with approved STP (Standard Operation Procedure)
  • 88. Record keeping  So when filling out a batch record or recording your results, record equipment status, document and revision numbers.  Record ID, lot, document, revision, and other control numbers.  The GMP require that-  you assign and use unique numbers on each lot of your raw materials, reagents, documents, and all lots of produced product to permit traceability. 88 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 89. Printing  Fill out all logs and other documents completely. Handwriting must be clear and legible.  Print clearly in logs, and fill them out completely. 89 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 90. Change control  Out of specification (OOS) Deviation management Market complaints handling Product recall handling  Corrective & Preventive action (CAPA) QMS  Risk Management  Quality Audit Quality Management System (QMS) 90 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 91. 91 91 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP Good Documentation Practices (GDocP)
  • 92. C.L.I.D.E Method: a) Correct b) Line through the complete erroneous entry (single line) c) Initial d) Date e) Explain 853.786 853.768 Remarks: Recording error 92 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP Good Documentation Practices (GDocP)
  • 93. Good Documentation Practices (for Test scripts) • Do‘s Do cross out any mistakes with a single line Do explain, initial and date where an entry was crossed out (must be one person who is making the change) Do provide references to test procedures if a long procedure is applied Do sign and date on testing documents. Do report numbers exactly (no ranges) 93 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 94. • Don'ts – Do Not type in results (write in ink) – Do Not obliterate underlying results when making changes – Do Not leave any empty result boxes – Do Not forget to initial and date results when you write them down (for each line) – Do Not report results as ―as expected‖ or ―conforms‖ – Do Not use ditto marks – Do Not record entries on scraps of paper or other non-permanent media 94 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP Good Documentation Practices (for Test scripts)
  • 95. Documents & Record-keeping • Two fundamental rules for recordkeeping in GxPs: Rule #1 “ If it’s not documented, it wasn’t done. ” Rule #2 “ If it’s not signed and dated, it’s not documented. ” 95 of 96 Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA GMP
  • 96. 96 of 96 GMP Trainer: Md. Zakaria Faruki, Manager & Head of QA