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     Designing The Player Journey

Amy Jo Kim, Ph.D.                     © 2011 All Rights Reserved
Gamification is…
A Loyalty Program on Steroids
using game techniches to turbo-charge
         products & services
Using Levels, Rewards & Unlocks to drive behavior
Turning real-world activities into games
… currently experiencing a Hype cycle 
Let’s Cut Through the Hype
Gamification Glossary
Gamification   using game techniques to make activities more engaging & fun
Game Techniques ≠ Core Experience
Intrinsic value > extrinsic rewards

                                           Threats             Quests
                                 Sex                        Leaderboards

Meaning                      Love                            Rewards

  Belonging                Fun
                                           Punishments     Levels
                                           Loss of Power
Extrinsic Motivators completing tasks
Intrinsic Motivators  long-term engagement
Gamification Glossary
Gamification   using game techniques to make activities more engaging & fun

Player         the person playing your game (AKA user, consumer, customer)
Good Games balance Skill &Challenge to
       keep players engaged
Gamification Glossary
Gamification   using game techniques to make activities more engaging & fun

Player         the person playing your game (AKA user, consumer)

Journey         a player’s experience/progression over time (AKA lifecycle)
Journey = Lifecycle + Progression
Journey = Lifecycle + Progression




Good games give the player something to master
Think Like a Game Designer

              Dynamics                Mechanics



Use game techniques to guide and motivate the players journey
Gamification Glossary
Gamification   using game techniques to make activities more engaging & fun

Player         the person playing your game (AKA user, consumer)

Journey         a player’s experience/progression over time (AKA lifecycle)

Dynamics        the time-based patterns & systems in your game
Game Dynamics = patterns over time

     Unlocks     Reward
Patterns are programmed into game systems

Reward Schedules  Habits, Surprise, Addiction
Gamification Glossary
Gamification   using game techniques to make activities more engaging & fun

Player         the person playing your game (AKA user, consumer)

Journey         a player’s experience/progression over time (AKA lifecycle)

Dynamics        the time-based patterns & systems in your game

Mechanics       the systems & features that make progress visible
Game Mechanics make progress visible

               Points     Levels
                Player        Badges
               Journey      Missions
Mechanics “light the way” in a player’s journey
Gamification Glossary
Gamification   using game techniques to make activities more engaging & fun

Player         the person playing your game (AKA user, consumer)

Journey         a player’s experience/progression over time (AKA lifecycle)

Dynamics        the time-based patterns & systems in your game

Mechanics       the systems & features that make progress visible

Aesthetics      the overall experience that yields emotional engagement
Game Aesthetics evoke emotion

        Curiosity Satisfaction
         Fun     Envy   Pride

Emotion drives action & engagement

 A good game takes the player on an emotional journey over time
Gamification Glossary
Gamification     using game techniques to make activities more engaging & fun

Player           the person playing your game (AKA user, consumer)

Journey           a player’s experience/progression over time (AKA lifecycle)

Dynamics          the time-based patterns & systems in your game

Mechanics         the systems & features that make progress visible

Aesthetics        the overall experience that yields emotional engagement

Social Actions    how players engage with each other in your game
Social Actions  Building Blocks of Social Engagement


 WHO am I playing with? HOW are we engaging? WHAT are we engaging around?
Know Your Players

   Design for the right PlayStyle
Who’s playing? What’s their style?

 Why are they playing? What problem are they solving?
What Game Are They Already Playing?

        What are they optimizing?
What are your business/revenue goals?

   Who’s funding this project? Why? What’s the payoff?
Find the overlap

Player     Smart        Business
Needs    Gamification   Goals
Elevator Pitch
Goal:         create a short, compelling elevator pitch
Purpose:      clarify and articulate your project vision
#Players:     1-8
Duration:     20-30 min
Rules:        Fill in the boxes below, with these caveats:
               1) this pitch is directed at people who can greenlight & join your project
              2) your secret sauce CANNOT reference game mechanics

        My company (company name)is
        developing (a defined offering) to help
        (target player)(solve a problem)using
        (secret sauce / unique differentiator)
Design Over Time

As they progress, Players have different needs
Novice needs onboarding
(welcome + goals + progress + achieveable rewards)
Expert needs fresh content/activities/people
       (also status/customization/powertools)
Masters need exclusive access, activities, unlocks
Your Community has a Lifecycle, too

Build social systems that identify & leverage high-value players
Case Study: GetGlue
“the easiest way to find your next favorite thing”
Onboarding: Rate content to build taste profile
Explore content & other people
Lightweight quests suggest what to do next
Like/comment/review content to earn points
Earn Stickers for exploring, rating, socializing
Discover ―neighbors‖ who share your tastes
Become a Guru by interacting with content
(Some folks have lots of time on their hands…)
Leaderboards showcase active, engaged players
Player Journey
Goal:                  describe key stages of your player’s lifecycle / journey
Purpose:               design a game that will attract and support Newbies, Regulars AND Enthusiasts

Step 1: create a Persona (AKA Player Story) for a canonical early-adopter Player
Description can include gender, age, socio-economic status, gaming experience, aspirations, fears, daily
technology or shopping habits – whatever is most relevant for your product

Step 2: fill in the boxes with “day in the life” scenarios for each key stage


Design for Social
    Friends   Families

Who are players engaging with?
What’s their preferred social style?
Bragging, Taunting, Challenging
Sharing, Helping, Gifting, Greeting
customizing, selecting, designing, creating
Bartles Player Types (1996)

        Killers     Achievers

Social Actions (2010)
          Challenge Create

Social Actions (2010)
                        Challenge Create


          Give       Greet
Social Actions (2010)
                     Challenge Create

            Like         View
 Help                              Explore
      Socializers         Explorers
Comment                  Vote
        Give Greet Curate Review
Social Actions (2010)

              Hack          Win
                      Challenge Create
        Killers           Achievers
 Heckle           Taunt
            Like         View
 Help                              Explore
      Socializers         Explorers
Comment                  Vote
        Give Greet Curate Review
Which Social Actions do YOU enable?

              Hack          Win
                      Challenge Create
        Killers           Achievers
  Heckle          Taunt
            Like         View
 Help                              Explore
      Socializers         Explorers
Comment                  Vote
        Give Greet Curate Review
Which social
Now add these SOCIAL ACTIONS to your player journey



Design for Progress

Progress Mechanics ―light the way‖ along a player’s journey
Keeping Score
Points & Progression in the Player’s Journey

 Anytime you make numbers visible, you’ve enabled a game
Points track & define progress
Experience Points (XP)
  earned directly via players’ actions - used to track & reward certain activities
  uni-directional metric – only goes UP (reflects persistence + skill)

Redeemable Points (credits, coins)
  earned directly via player actions – used to track & reward certain activities
  bi-directional metric - can ―cash in‖ points to purchase goods or services

Currency (bucks, $$)
  bi-directional metric - purchased with real money to acquire (often exclusive) goods & services

Skill Points (Score, Rank)
  earned via interacting with the game or system – reflects mastery of the activity or game

Social Points (Social XP, Reputation, Ratings)
  earned via the actions of OTHER players – can be a proxy for quality/reputation/influence
  lets you track & reward socially valuable contributions & actions
Experience Points (XP)
Experience Points (WOW)
Redeemable Points
Redeemable Points (Stardoll)
SkillRedeemable Points
      Points (Brain Buddies)
Social Points (Amazon reviews)
Social Points (Amazon reviews)
Social Points (Flickr “interestingness”)
Social Points (Flickr interestingness)
Social Points (Flickr “interestingness”)
Social Points (Stack Overflow Reputation)
Game Pacing  Flow
                                                                      Expected Actions per

                                                                           0        20           40   60
                                                                                   expected actions

                                                                               Leveling Rate

                                         levels per action
                                                                           0       20            40   60

The better you get, the harder you need to work to earn rewards
Levels give you Pacing, Status, Unlocks
Global Leaderboards showcase your
 most skilled and devoted players

 Hint: let players earn the right to view this list
Social Leaderboards enable Social Actions
How to Play
Rules, Hints, Missions, Tutorial
Missions Guide & Motivate the Player
Tutorial provides Newbie Onboarding

Guide players through actions that will advance their progress
Badges = goals + progress + collecting
Collections = goals + completion + surprise
Case Study: CityVille
Onboarding starts with greeting & goal
Goal-driven tutorial introduces
key actions, systems & rewards
Gameplay designed around
Collaborative/Expressive PlayStyle
New goals unlocked as player progresses
Rewards & reminders encourage
     you to checkin daily
Levels punctuate the action and
  unlock buying opportunities
Collections add semi-random element
Collections add semi-random element
Franchises add social/economic interaction
Progress Mechanics
Goal:                choose and rank-order your top-5 Progress Mechanics
Purpose:             identify the core system and features to guide and support your player journey
#Players:            1-8
Duration:            20-30 min

Step 1: Choose Top 5 Progress Mechanics                        Step 2: Rank-order & Customize
            Global Leaderboards
            Social Leaderboards
            Progress Bar
            Personal Stats
            Population Stats
            Virtual Goods
Annotate the Journey


Design for Customization

Virtual Goods let players customize their experience & payments
Virtual Goods = Digital Items w/Contextual Meaning
Virtual Goods evoke real emotions
Virtual Economies drive ongoing use..
… and require ongoing production & service

                   To date, players have purchased
                   over 187 million pairs of shoes
                   and 1.7 billion apples in-game
What will your players Customize?
Customize Your Page/Dashboard
Customize Your Avatar
Customize Your Location
Case Study: Pogo
Play games, earn tokens, win prizes
Purchase gems to buy games & virtual goods
Customize your avatar’s outfit, background, etc.
Enter a weekly contest for best avatar
Premium items add status, visual interest
Locked items upsell players to premium service
Subscription service offers badges & more
Badge album shows off your collection
Rich profile includes stats, badges, guestbook
In-game chat facilitates meeting new people
Prize winners made visible (to motivate entries)
What to Customize?
Goal:                 define the core Social Object that your players will customize
Purpose:              focus your Customization/Virtual Goods strategy
Duration:             5-10 min

Step 1: Choose 1-3 Social Object(s) to Customize (fewer is better)
            Home Page
            Location (specify)

Step 2: Briefly describe how Customization will work at key stages of the Journey



Design for Engagement
Player Journey + Social Actions = Social Engagement Loops
Social Actions drive Social Engagement


WHO am I playing with? HOW are we playing together? WHAT are we playing with?
Social Actions drive Social Engagement

                 Hack          Win
                         Challenge Create
           Killers           Achievers
    Heckle           Taunt
               Like         View
    Help                              Explore
         Socializers         Explorers
   Comment                  Vote
           Give Greet Curate Review
Case Study: Foursquare
Core activity: the checkin
Checkin to venues to earn Points & Stats
Badges mark progress and suggest goals
Badges have personality, attitude, humour
Mayorship rewards loyalty, recency –
        drives competition
Sharing checkins and badges
promotes social engagement
Why does Foursquare work?

1. Core activity has intrinsic motivation
   checking into venues delivers lightweight fun, has both personal & social value
Why does Foursquare work?

1. Core activity has intrinsic motivation
   checking into venues delivers lightweight fun, has both personal & social value

2. Progress mechanics light the way
   badges guide players towards action & completion + have element of surprise
   mayorships mirror real-world dynamics, stimulate loyalty &competition
Why does Foursquare work?

1. Core activity has intrinsic motivation
   checking into venues delivers lightweight fun, has both personal & social value

2. Progress mechanics light the way
   badges guide players towards action & completion + have element of surprise
   mayorships mirror real-world dynamics, stimulate loyalty & competition

3. Social Actions aligned with Social Needs
   explore, showoff, share, compare, compete
Social Engagement Loop

Visible Progress / Reward               Motivating Emotion
 Pts / Stats / Awards / Messages   Fun / Delight / Trust / Pride / Curious

 Player Re-engagement                  (social) Call to Action
  Task / Mission / Game / Quiz     Customize / Share / Help / Compete
Newbie: Learn about CheckIns

Earn Pts, Compare w/friends   Curiousity / Competition

         Checkin                 Checkin Again to
                                explore & discover
Expert: Collect Badges

Earn Badge    Pride / Surprise / Delight

 Checkin     Share with friends/followers
Master: Earn/Defend Mayorship

 Earn/Defend Mayorship      Pride / Competition

       Checkin              Get Special Privileges
                         (discounts, access, prizes)
Engagement Loop 1
Goal:                   fill in the boxesup your core engagement loop
Purpose:                identify key systems & actions that drive repeat play
#Players:               1-8
Duration:               20-30 min

Step 1: Fill in the boxes with actions specific to your game

        Visible Progress / Reward                              Motivating Emotion
            Pts / Stats / Awards / Messages               Fun / Delight / Trust / Pride / Curious

            Player Re-engagement                              (social) Call to Action
             Task / Mission / Game / Quiz                  Customize / Share / Help / Compete

Engagement Loop 2
Step 2: create a Social Engagement Loop
        for each Stage of the Player’s Journey


Gamification Idol
Goal:              Define and communicate your project’s value prop and player journey
Purpose: Design a game that will attract/support newbies AND Enthusiasts
#Players:          1-8
Duration:          20-30 min

Step 1: Prepare your Game Pitch

                           +                                  +

Step 2: Pitch Your Game to the Judges & Audience – get feedback
Gamification Idol: Questions
   What’s our vision for this project? What’s the key benefit? Where’s the fun?
Gamification Idol: Questions
   What’s our vision for this project? What’s the key benefit? Where’s the fun?

   Who’s playing? Who are they playing WITH? What’s their primary playstyle?
   What social actions do they find engaging – and why?
Gamification Idol: Questions
   What’s our vision for this project? What’s the key benefit? Where’s the fun?

   Who’s playing? Who are they playing WITH? What’s their primary playstyle?
   What social actions do they find engaging – and why?

   What’s the core activity and feedback system? What are players optimizing? What
   skills are they learning and mastering? What journey are they on? What’s driving
   them to keep playing? What does it mean to ―play well?‖
Gamification Idol: Questions
   What’s our vision for this project? What’s the key benefit? Where’s the fun?

   Who’s playing? Who are they playing WITH? What’s their primary playstyle?
   What social actions do they find engaging – and why?

   What’s the core activity and feedback system? What are players optimizing? What
   skills are they learning and mastering? What journey are they on? What’s driving
   them to keep playing? What does it mean to ―play well‖?

   How will you ―light the way‖ towards mastery? How will players know how to get
   started, and what to do? How will they know if they’re playing well, or poorly?
Gamification Idol: Questions
   What’s our vision for this project? What’s the key benefit? Where’s the fun?

   Who’s playing? Who are they playing WITH? What’s their primary playstyle?
   What social actions do they find engaging – and why?

   What’s the core activity and feedback system? What are players optimizing? What
   skills are they learning and mastering? What journey are they on? What’s driving
   them to keep playing? What does it mean to ―play well‖?

   How will you ―light the way‖ towards mastery? How will players know how to get
   started, and what to do? How will they know if they’re playing well, or poorly?

   What activities and events will re-engage players throughout their lifecycle? How
   do these activities leverage core social actions?
Thank You!

Follow me on Twitter @amyjokim
Daniel Pink

              TWITTER SUMMARY
              Carrots & sticks are so last century. For 21st century
              work, we need to upgrade to autonomy, mastery & purpose.

              When it comes to motivation, there’s a gap between what
              science knows and what business does. Our current
              business operating system–which is built around
              external, carrot-and-stick motivators–doesn’t work and often
              does harm. We need an upgrade. And the science shows
              the way. This new approach has three essential elements:
              1. Autonomy – the desire to direct our own lives.
              2. Mastery — the urge to get better and better at something
              that matters.
              3. Purpose — the yearning to do what we do in the service
              of something larger than ourselves.
Tom Chatfield

                7 Lessons Learned From Games
                1) Progress: Bars, Levels, Points, Badges, Customization – we
                   like to see our progress
                2) Missions: Provide multiple long-and-short-term aims for
                   players to tackle
                3) Credit: track & reward effort, not just achievement
                4) Feedback: tangibly link actions to consequences
                5) Surprise: add the Element of Uncertainty to drive and
                   sustain interest
                6) People: we're most engaged by people – esp
                   collaborating in groups
                7) Engagement: games are perfectly tuned to dole out rewards
                   that engage the brain and keep us questing for more
Jesse Schell
Brian Reynolds Keynote - GDCOnine 2010


                    In practice, good game design (like all design)
                    = vision + iteration. Start with a good
                    idea, then iterate, experiment, learn & evolve.

                                          * Throw Sh*t in, Take Sh*t Out
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Gamification 101: Design the Player Journey

  • 1. GamificationWorkshop Designing The Player Journey Amy Jo Kim, Ph.D. © 2011 All Rights Reserved
  • 3. A Loyalty Program on Steroids
  • 4. using game techniches to turbo-charge products & services
  • 5. Using Levels, Rewards & Unlocks to drive behavior
  • 7. … currently experiencing a Hype cycle 
  • 9. Gamification Glossary Gamification using game techniques to make activities more engaging & fun
  • 10. Game Techniques ≠ Core Experience
  • 11. Intrinsic value > extrinsic rewards Threats Quests Mastery Autonomy Satisfaction Power Sex Leaderboards Meaning Love Rewards Belonging Fun Badges Learning Punishments Levels Loss of Power Points
  • 13. Intrinsic Motivators  long-term engagement
  • 14. Gamification Glossary Gamification using game techniques to make activities more engaging & fun Player the person playing your game (AKA user, consumer, customer)
  • 15. Good Games balance Skill &Challenge to keep players engaged
  • 16. Gamification Glossary Gamification using game techniques to make activities more engaging & fun Player the person playing your game (AKA user, consumer) Journey a player’s experience/progression over time (AKA lifecycle)
  • 17. Journey = Lifecycle + Progression
  • 18. Journey = Lifecycle + Progression Master Expert Novice Good games give the player something to master
  • 19. Think Like a Game Designer Dynamics Mechanics Player Journey Aesthetics Use game techniques to guide and motivate the players journey
  • 20. Gamification Glossary Gamification using game techniques to make activities more engaging & fun Player the person playing your game (AKA user, consumer) Journey a player’s experience/progression over time (AKA lifecycle) Dynamics the time-based patterns & systems in your game
  • 21. Game Dynamics = patterns over time Dynamics Pacing Appointments Progressive Unlocks Reward Schedules Dynamic Systems
  • 22. Patterns are programmed into game systems Reward Schedules  Habits, Surprise, Addiction
  • 23. Gamification Glossary Gamification using game techniques to make activities more engaging & fun Player the person playing your game (AKA user, consumer) Journey a player’s experience/progression over time (AKA lifecycle) Dynamics the time-based patterns & systems in your game Mechanics the systems & features that make progress visible
  • 24. Game Mechanics make progress visible Mechanics Points Levels Leaderboards Player Badges Journey Missions Virtual Goods
  • 25. Mechanics “light the way” in a player’s journey
  • 26. Gamification Glossary Gamification using game techniques to make activities more engaging & fun Player the person playing your game (AKA user, consumer) Journey a player’s experience/progression over time (AKA lifecycle) Dynamics the time-based patterns & systems in your game Mechanics the systems & features that make progress visible Aesthetics the overall experience that yields emotional engagement
  • 27. Game Aesthetics evoke emotion Aesthetics Curiosity Satisfaction Surprise Trust Delight Fun Envy Pride Connection
  • 28. Emotion drives action & engagement A good game takes the player on an emotional journey over time
  • 29. Gamification Glossary Gamification using game techniques to make activities more engaging & fun Player the person playing your game (AKA user, consumer) Journey a player’s experience/progression over time (AKA lifecycle) Dynamics the time-based patterns & systems in your game Mechanics the systems & features that make progress visible Aesthetics the overall experience that yields emotional engagement Social Actions how players engage with each other in your game
  • 30. Social Actions  Building Blocks of Social Engagement Player Journey WHO am I playing with? HOW are we engaging? WHAT are we engaging around?
  • 31. Know Your Players Design for the right PlayStyle
  • 32. Who’s playing? What’s their style? Why are they playing? What problem are they solving?
  • 33. What Game Are They Already Playing? What are they optimizing?
  • 34. What are your business/revenue goals? Who’s funding this project? Why? What’s the payoff?
  • 35. Find the overlap Player Smart Business Needs Gamification Goals
  • 36. Elevator Pitch Goal: create a short, compelling elevator pitch Purpose: clarify and articulate your project vision #Players: 1-8 Duration: 20-30 min Rules: Fill in the boxes below, with these caveats: 1) this pitch is directed at people who can greenlight & join your project 2) your secret sauce CANNOT reference game mechanics My company (company name)is developing (a defined offering) to help (target player)(solve a problem)using (secret sauce / unique differentiator)
  • 37. Design Over Time As they progress, Players have different needs
  • 38. Novice needs onboarding (welcome + goals + progress + achieveable rewards)
  • 39. Expert needs fresh content/activities/people (also status/customization/powertools)
  • 40. Masters need exclusive access, activities, unlocks
  • 41. Your Community has a Lifecycle, too Build social systems that identify & leverage high-value players
  • 42. Case Study: GetGlue “the easiest way to find your next favorite thing”
  • 43. Onboarding: Rate content to build taste profile
  • 44. Explore content & other people
  • 45. Lightweight quests suggest what to do next
  • 47. Earn Stickers for exploring, rating, socializing
  • 48. Discover ―neighbors‖ who share your tastes
  • 49. Become a Guru by interacting with content
  • 50. (Some folks have lots of time on their hands…)
  • 51. Leaderboards showcase active, engaged players
  • 52. Player Journey Goal: describe key stages of your player’s lifecycle / journey Purpose: design a game that will attract and support Newbies, Regulars AND Enthusiasts Step 1: create a Persona (AKA Player Story) for a canonical early-adopter Player Description can include gender, age, socio-economic status, gaming experience, aspirations, fears, daily technology or shopping habits – whatever is most relevant for your product Step 2: fill in the boxes with “day in the life” scenarios for each key stage Master Expert Novice
  • 53. Design for Social Friends Families Groups Crowds
  • 54. Who are players engaging with? What’s their preferred social style?
  • 58. Bartles Player Types (1996) Killers Achievers Socializers Explorers
  • 59. Social Actions (2010) Win Challenge Create Achievers Showoff Compare
  • 60. Social Actions (2010) Win Challenge Create Achievers Showoff Compare Express Like Help Share Socializers Comment Give Greet
  • 61. Social Actions (2010) Win Challenge Create Achievers Showoff Compare Express Like View Help Explore Share Socializers Explorers Rate Comment Vote Give Greet Curate Review
  • 62. Social Actions (2010) Hack Win Harass Challenge Create Cheat Killers Achievers Heckle Taunt Showoff Compare Tease Express Like View Help Explore Share Socializers Explorers Rate Comment Vote Give Greet Curate Review
  • 63. Which Social Actions do YOU enable? Hack Win Harass Challenge Create Cheat Killers Achievers Heckle Taunt Showoff Compare Tease Express Like View Help Explore Share Socializers Explorers Rate Comment Vote Give Greet Curate Review
  • 64. Which social Now add these SOCIAL ACTIONS to your player journey Master Enthusiast Expert Regular Novice Newbie
  • 65. Design for Progress Progress Mechanics ―light the way‖ along a player’s journey
  • 66. Keeping Score Points & Progression in the Player’s Journey Anytime you make numbers visible, you’ve enabled a game
  • 67. Points track & define progress Experience Points (XP) earned directly via players’ actions - used to track & reward certain activities uni-directional metric – only goes UP (reflects persistence + skill) Redeemable Points (credits, coins) earned directly via player actions – used to track & reward certain activities bi-directional metric - can ―cash in‖ points to purchase goods or services Currency (bucks, $$) bi-directional metric - purchased with real money to acquire (often exclusive) goods & services Skill Points (Score, Rank) earned via interacting with the game or system – reflects mastery of the activity or game Social Points (Social XP, Reputation, Ratings) earned via the actions of OTHER players – can be a proxy for quality/reputation/influence lets you track & reward socially valuable contributions & actions
  • 70. SkillRedeemable Points Points (Brain Buddies)
  • 71. Social Points (Amazon reviews) Social Points (Amazon reviews)
  • 72. Social Points (Flickr “interestingness”) Social Points (Flickr interestingness)
  • 73. Social Points (Flickr “interestingness”) Social Points (Stack Overflow Reputation)
  • 74. Game Pacing  Flow Expected Actions per Level 14 12 10 levels 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 expected actions Leveling Rate 0.4 0.35 levels per action 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 20 40 60 level The better you get, the harder you need to work to earn rewards
  • 75. Levels give you Pacing, Status, Unlocks
  • 76. Global Leaderboards showcase your most skilled and devoted players Hint: let players earn the right to view this list
  • 77. Social Leaderboards enable Social Actions
  • 78. How to Play Rules, Hints, Missions, Tutorial
  • 79. Missions Guide & Motivate the Player
  • 80. Tutorial provides Newbie Onboarding Guide players through actions that will advance their progress
  • 81. Badges = goals + progress + collecting
  • 82. Collections = goals + completion + surprise
  • 84. Onboarding starts with greeting & goal
  • 85. Goal-driven tutorial introduces key actions, systems & rewards
  • 87. New goals unlocked as player progresses
  • 88. Rewards & reminders encourage you to checkin daily
  • 89. Levels punctuate the action and unlock buying opportunities
  • 93. Progress Mechanics Goal: choose and rank-order your top-5 Progress Mechanics Purpose: identify the core system and features to guide and support your player journey #Players: 1-8 Duration: 20-30 min Step 1: Choose Top 5 Progress Mechanics Step 2: Rank-order & Customize Levels Global Leaderboards Social Leaderboards Badges Collections Progress Bar Missions Hints Tutorial Personal Stats Population Stats Virtual Goods Reputation Ratings
  • 94. Annotate the Journey Step 2: Add PROGRESS MECHANICS Master Enthusiast Expert Regular Novice Newbie
  • 95. Design for Customization Virtual Goods let players customize their experience & payments
  • 96. Virtual Goods = Digital Items w/Contextual Meaning
  • 97. Virtual Goods evoke real emotions
  • 98. Virtual Economies drive ongoing use..
  • 99. … and require ongoing production & service To date, players have purchased over 187 million pairs of shoes and 1.7 billion apples in-game
  • 100. What will your players Customize?
  • 105. Play games, earn tokens, win prizes
  • 106. Purchase gems to buy games & virtual goods
  • 107. Customize your avatar’s outfit, background, etc.
  • 108. Enter a weekly contest for best avatar
  • 109. Premium items add status, visual interest
  • 110. Locked items upsell players to premium service
  • 111. Subscription service offers badges & more
  • 112. Badge album shows off your collection
  • 113. Rich profile includes stats, badges, guestbook
  • 114. In-game chat facilitates meeting new people
  • 115. Prize winners made visible (to motivate entries)
  • 116. What to Customize? Goal: define the core Social Object that your players will customize Purpose: focus your Customization/Virtual Goods strategy Duration: 5-10 min Step 1: Choose 1-3 Social Object(s) to Customize (fewer is better) Profile Dashboard Home Page Blog Avatar Location (specify) Other Step 2: Briefly describe how Customization will work at key stages of the Journey Master Expert Novice
  • 117. Design for Engagement Player Journey + Social Actions = Social Engagement Loops
  • 118. Social Actions drive Social Engagement Player Journey WHO am I playing with? HOW are we playing together? WHAT are we playing with?
  • 119. Social Actions drive Social Engagement Hack Win Harass Challenge Create Cheat Killers Achievers Heckle Taunt Showoff Compare Tease Express Like View Help Explore Share Socializers Explorers Rate Comment Vote Give Greet Curate Review
  • 121. Core activity: the checkin
  • 122. Checkin to venues to earn Points & Stats
  • 123. Badges mark progress and suggest goals
  • 124. Badges have personality, attitude, humour
  • 125. Mayorship rewards loyalty, recency – drives competition
  • 126. Sharing checkins and badges promotes social engagement
  • 127. Why does Foursquare work? 1. Core activity has intrinsic motivation checking into venues delivers lightweight fun, has both personal & social value
  • 128. Why does Foursquare work? 1. Core activity has intrinsic motivation checking into venues delivers lightweight fun, has both personal & social value 2. Progress mechanics light the way badges guide players towards action & completion + have element of surprise mayorships mirror real-world dynamics, stimulate loyalty &competition
  • 129. Why does Foursquare work? 1. Core activity has intrinsic motivation checking into venues delivers lightweight fun, has both personal & social value 2. Progress mechanics light the way badges guide players towards action & completion + have element of surprise mayorships mirror real-world dynamics, stimulate loyalty & competition 3. Social Actions aligned with Social Needs explore, showoff, share, compare, compete
  • 130. Social Engagement Loop Visible Progress / Reward Motivating Emotion Pts / Stats / Awards / Messages Fun / Delight / Trust / Pride / Curious Player Re-engagement (social) Call to Action Task / Mission / Game / Quiz Customize / Share / Help / Compete
  • 131. Newbie: Learn about CheckIns Earn Pts, Compare w/friends Curiousity / Competition Checkin Checkin Again to explore & discover
  • 132. Expert: Collect Badges Earn Badge Pride / Surprise / Delight Checkin Share with friends/followers
  • 133. Master: Earn/Defend Mayorship Earn/Defend Mayorship Pride / Competition Checkin Get Special Privileges (discounts, access, prizes)
  • 134. Engagement Loop 1 Goal: fill in the boxesup your core engagement loop Purpose: identify key systems & actions that drive repeat play #Players: 1-8 Duration: 20-30 min Step 1: Fill in the boxes with actions specific to your game Visible Progress / Reward Motivating Emotion Pts / Stats / Awards / Messages Fun / Delight / Trust / Pride / Curious Player Re-engagement (social) Call to Action Task / Mission / Game / Quiz Customize / Share / Help / Compete Newbie Onboarding
  • 135. Engagement Loop 2 Step 2: create a Social Engagement Loop for each Stage of the Player’s Journey Master Enthusiast Expert Regular Novice Newbie
  • 136. Gamification Idol Goal: Define and communicate your project’s value prop and player journey Purpose: Design a game that will attract/support newbies AND Enthusiasts #Players: 1-8 Duration: 20-30 min Step 1: Prepare your Game Pitch + + Step 2: Pitch Your Game to the Judges & Audience – get feedback
  • 137. Gamification Idol: Questions 1) VISION What’s our vision for this project? What’s the key benefit? Where’s the fun?
  • 138. Gamification Idol: Questions 1) VISION What’s our vision for this project? What’s the key benefit? Where’s the fun? 2) PLAYSTYLE Who’s playing? Who are they playing WITH? What’s their primary playstyle? What social actions do they find engaging – and why?
  • 139. Gamification Idol: Questions 1) VISION What’s our vision for this project? What’s the key benefit? Where’s the fun? 2) PLAYSTYLE Who’s playing? Who are they playing WITH? What’s their primary playstyle? What social actions do they find engaging – and why? 1) MASTERY What’s the core activity and feedback system? What are players optimizing? What skills are they learning and mastering? What journey are they on? What’s driving them to keep playing? What does it mean to ―play well?‖
  • 140. Gamification Idol: Questions 1) VISION What’s our vision for this project? What’s the key benefit? Where’s the fun? 2) PLAYSTYLE Who’s playing? Who are they playing WITH? What’s their primary playstyle? What social actions do they find engaging – and why? 1) MASTERY What’s the core activity and feedback system? What are players optimizing? What skills are they learning and mastering? What journey are they on? What’s driving them to keep playing? What does it mean to ―play well‖? 2) PROGRESS How will you ―light the way‖ towards mastery? How will players know how to get started, and what to do? How will they know if they’re playing well, or poorly?
  • 141. Gamification Idol: Questions 1) VISION What’s our vision for this project? What’s the key benefit? Where’s the fun? 2) PLAYSTYLE Who’s playing? Who are they playing WITH? What’s their primary playstyle? What social actions do they find engaging – and why? 1) MASTERY What’s the core activity and feedback system? What are players optimizing? What skills are they learning and mastering? What journey are they on? What’s driving them to keep playing? What does it mean to ―play well‖? 2) PROGRESS How will you ―light the way‖ towards mastery? How will players know how to get started, and what to do? How will they know if they’re playing well, or poorly? 3) ENGAGEMENT What activities and events will re-engage players throughout their lifecycle? How do these activities leverage core social actions?
  • 142. Thank You! Follow me on Twitter @amyjokim
  • 144. Daniel Pink TWITTER SUMMARY Carrots & sticks are so last century. For 21st century work, we need to upgrade to autonomy, mastery & purpose. COCKTAIL PARTY SUMMARY When it comes to motivation, there’s a gap between what science knows and what business does. Our current business operating system–which is built around external, carrot-and-stick motivators–doesn’t work and often does harm. We need an upgrade. And the science shows the way. This new approach has three essential elements: 1. Autonomy – the desire to direct our own lives. 2. Mastery — the urge to get better and better at something that matters. 3. Purpose — the yearning to do what we do in the service of something larger than ourselves.
  • 145. Tom Chatfield 7 Lessons Learned From Games 1) Progress: Bars, Levels, Points, Badges, Customization – we like to see our progress 2) Missions: Provide multiple long-and-short-term aims for players to tackle 3) Credit: track & reward effort, not just achievement 4) Feedback: tangibly link actions to consequences 5) Surprise: add the Element of Uncertainty to drive and sustain interest 6) People: we're most engaged by people – esp collaborating in groups 7) Engagement: games are perfectly tuned to dole out rewards that engage the brain and keep us questing for more
  • 147. Brian Reynolds Keynote - GDCOnine 2010 TSI, TSO* In practice, good game design (like all design) = vision + iteration. Start with a good idea, then iterate, experiment, learn & evolve. * Throw Sh*t in, Take Sh*t Out
  • 148. Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades: Players Who Suit MUDs Richard Bartle, 1996 MDA Framework + 8 Kinds of Fun Marc LeBlanc, Robin Hunicke, Robert Zubeck Punished by Rewards Alfie Kohn Web Reputation Systems Randy Farmer