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Existing Product Research
Existing Product- Website ‘Liverpool Echo’
Product 1 analysis
The first part of the website I am going to analyse focuses on their logo and font choice. Obviously the first thing that stands out to me is
the red background, I think this works well for multiple reasons, firstly it is quite bright and eye catching so therefore it stands out, however
it also has connotations of passion and love, as well as being a very emotionally intense colour. This works well with Liverpool particularly
as they are renowned for how passionate their fans are for the club and the connection they have with the team. The target audience are
clearly going to be Liverpool fans so this will sub consciously appeal to them as well. Also Liverpool wear red and it is the colour associated
with the team, hence the nickname ‘The Reds’. This appeals to the audience of Liverpool fans as they will always have positive
connotations when they think of the colour red, and they will subconsciously associate the good thoughts they have with the red of
Liverpool with the style on this website. This can benefit me for creating my actual project as the positive effects it has on their product is
something I can try emulate myself in my own product, and I will try use the same shade as red as I personally think it is a good shade as it
is not too bright but also it stands out well and it gives connotations of the type of thing I ideally would like people to think.
Another strong aspect of this logo is their choice of sans serif font, this font choice is very popular when creating design and it is often used
for titles and headlines. Sans Serif fonts are easier to read as they are more legible from a distance. As it is their brand’s name it is
important that it is distinctive and it attracts attention and I think they do this well with this font as it clear and stands out well. The use of
it being a bold font also contributes to it’s high quality as it highlights how that text is important because it emphases it and shows a form
of hierarchy compared to other pieces of text on the page, which is key as it shows that this is the brand name and that is what that want
people to remember. Another way it can be perceived is that although there is a fairly strong female representation amongst the fan base,
the vast majority of them are male, and the bold style can stereotypically be seen to appear to men as they tend to find simple and short
things appealing and they take things in more that are direct and simple. Considering we will have a very similar target audience I plan to
have a similar style with my font as I will use a fairly bold sans serif type font as I think it is effective and emphasises the most important
part of text well and gives the page a sense of hierarchy in terms of being able to tell which pieces of text are more important.
Lastly on the logo, I would like to focus on the actual logo of the liver bird. I firstly think it is really clever how they have used a very iconic
image associated with both the city of Liverpool and the football club, but not only that they have included a newspaper in it’s mouth
which combines both the club but also their brand. The creative meaning behind the liver bird can be considered more when the history
behind them is revealed. Local legend also holds that the birds face away from each other as, if were they to mate and fly away, the city
would cease to exist. Another popular story told about them is that they are chained down, as if they were to fly away the River Mersey
would burst its banks and flood the city of Liverpool. When this is considered it could be thought that their use of the liver bird can give
connotations of the paper being the most credible in the city and that without their paper, there would be a lack of credible information,
similar to the myth of if the bird flew away, the city would be under threat. In my product I would also like to include something iconic to
do with either the club or city however I do not want to completely rip this off so I will probably choose something else. The reason I want
to do this is because I think having an iconic logo alongside the text makes it stand out much more and it would make me want to click on
something more and it also gives something that people can associate with your brand.
Existing product 1 continued
• In a more general sense, the website design also is of a high standard. In terms of the layout of the page I think it is set out
very well from a viewer’s point of view. Their use of space is a particular highlight to me as they manage to highlight multiple
stories without making the page look overcrowded. Their use of space in-between each articles is also a strong point
because it allows me as someone looking at the website to look at each article title slowly and it is more a strong point
when you compare it to other sites where you don’t really know where to look and it seems as if it is all over the place,
however with this it gives it a much stronger sense of clarity and as if it is organised. I also think the use of having three main
articles on this home page looks good because in the system they have used It demonstrates a sense of hierarchy, where the
most important article is the main body of the page and is the size of the two smaller articles suggests that they are slightly
less important/ relevant articles. Their use of doing this will impact me in my own work as I am going to follow a similar style
by having three suggested articles on my home page, with one article being the biggest and also positioned in the center to
highlight it’s relevance. I also think that the side columns with smaller articles works well because it conveys how they are
not as important but also shows the variety in their articles, in this circumstance this obviously depends on context, for
example during the summer or January transfer windows, credible transfer rumours/ big name transfers are likely to be the
main headlines, however at this current time there are rumours that aren't being seen as a priority visually on here because
the clubs manager has rubbished any rumours of Liverpool making any transfers, so in this current context they appear to be
less important as the majority of the audience already knows that any rumour has very little truth in it, this explains why a
transfer related article is on the side column.
• Another quality of this home page is their use of images and the ratio of image to text. I think using big images and have
short simple headlines as is very affective and not only is it the most aesthetically pleasing but it makes me want to look at
something more, whereas if it was just a huge chunk of text I would probably lose attention quickly. The types of colours
used on the images are also fairly bright so that they stand out and they are appealing and they also draw my attention to
the article title. I also think that the short sentences for the titles work well and they try avoid making it complex as it is
more direct and straight to the point, this also can bring me back to my point about how it appeals to a male target audience
as they generally find it appealing when something is straight to the point. When creating my own website, I am going to
keep the article titles sort as I think it is effective and influences my decision on whether to click on the link.
Existing Product – Website ‘LFCTransferRoom’
Existing Product – Website ‘LFCTransferRoom’ (
bottom of home page)
Existing Product analysis
I have to chose to research this product because like the ‘ Liverpool echo, it’s sole focus here is one club and specifically the club I am going to
base my product around, therefore unlike in previous research tasks it will help pinpoint certain things and highlight in detail what conventions
work/ don’t work. The above image is of the website’s navigation menu. Although I do like the website and lots of areas of this I think there are
quite a few areas of it which can be criticised more compared to the Echo, although as the Echo is a huge company and will have spent a lot more
time and resources on a website developer etc.. One of the first thing that stands out to me is how big the space between the menu options and
the top of the page is, I feel like this is quite unnecessary and it is a lot of wasted space. I also think even though it is quite a small site and the vast
majority of it’s viewers will be aware of who they are as they will have searched for the site, that instead of just a logo they should have added the
name in text along that top empty space. Also I just think conventionally on a website and just generally, the navigation menu should be much
closer to the top of the page, and that is something I will make sure of when I create my own website. Although I wouldn’t have such a large
banner above the navigation menu, I think the design of the lines is aesthetically pleasing and from a design point of view in comparison to the
Echo it looks more complex, however I don’t think that is really necessary in a news related website and conveying simplicity is the best way
forward in these types of products.
One of the features in this that was not in the Echo which I liked and is something I will aim to implement into my own website is the ‘latest
banner’ and on the actual website it is moving across like a moving news banner. Not only is this generally just a good thing but also the colour
and font for it were cleverly chose. The black and bold makes the text clear and stand out while the gold highlight over the text infers the
importance of it and literally highlights that it is relevant information and it is one of the first things that my attention was drawn to, which Is
obviously a positive thing as that is the effect that a news reporting outlet should be creating.
The weakest aspect of the above screenshot to me is definitely the navigation menu's colour. I previously also mentioned I think it would work
better closer to the top of the page and below the news banner. In terms of the colour it is far too dark and a considerable effort has to be made
in order to work out what the text actually says, this is not only aesthetically dissatisfying but also just inconvenient and is quite a key factor in
which could result in someone opting to favour a different outlet. I would probably have made the colour of the text white as it would make the
text stand out clearly, and there would be no difficulty in reading it, when I create my own product I will make sure I use colours that contrast well
with each other and are not difficult to read. Despite these criticisms it is worth pointing out that when you scroll to the bottom of the page it
shows as if the navigation menu is still at the top, and when your mouse hovers over the menu items they turn red.
Existing Product continued analysis
• Aside from the top bar I also want to look at the rest of the home page as a whole. I think the home page is quite
aesthetically pleasing, and is also technically better than the Echo's home page, while also maintaining quite a simple style,
allowing your attention to still easily focus on what is importance. I like how it shows a variety of articles, with the most
relevant being the top article, I also like how it is dynamic and it does not just show one article but after a few seconds each
article changes and shows another relevant article. This is a feature I would quite like to add to my own work as when you
see something move it quickly draws your attention to it and keeps you engaged with the page. The bold fonts combined
with the white colour choice work really well for the article headlines as they are clear and the main job of the headline is to
grab the viewers attention and that's exactly what this does.
• Another feature of this that is really appealing is the premier league table graphic on the side. It is a good way for fans to
keep updated with the current affairs, but there is also multiple options to also view things such as latest scores and future
fixtures. I think I will also implement this feature into my own website.
Liverpool Echo article analysis
• Firstly I'd like to reference the structure of the article, the title introduces us to the article but it also lets the reader know
the angle the article is taking, instead of a generic piece on a transfer rumour or a high profile player, it takes the angle of
why Liverpool are in a positive position rather than spinning it in a negative way and making it seem like Liverpool have
missed out on something. I thought this was a good thing because most articles would use this as a chance to be negative in
order to seem controversial and gain more clicks but this technique was much better and engaging for me personally. The
beginning of the article provides context and explains the background on both the player and the club's related history to
that player. I also like the style of how it is similar to an opinion piece however everything that is stated is completely factual
and not controversial, as well as this it uses quite a professional and formal mode of address while also seeming fairly
colloquial. This is a key strength of the article as it doesn't come across as too boring but it also remains professional. It also
makes the brand of the Echo appear more credible due to its professionalism and then it gives the lasting effect of a source
that I would want to use for news in the future, this is the exact effect that they would be aiming to give off and therefore it
is a style I would try to follow fairly similarly.
• The article then goes on to make the point about the subject of the article while, using evidence to solidify their argument.
This gives the article more credibility also as it does not come across in the style of someone throwing out a wild opinion but
a well thought about argument. The mode of address is fairly formal which infers they are probably trying to appeal to an
older target audience of people likely to be over the age of 18, and I think my target audience will be fairly similar so I also
will use a similar mode of address. Another area of this article I thought was really good was the interactive question they
asked, not only does this keep the reader engaged with the subject so they don’t lose attention but also it makes them likely
to interact with the echo across multiple social platforms. One of the frequent patterns I have noticed during this article is
how when someone is first introduced, they are named as their full name, however when they are mentioned again they are
often described in a different way, for example as "The Swiss Attacker". This keeps the article more interesting as it helps
the article avoid repetition.
• The layout of the article is also a strong point as everything is cut into very small paragraphs, this looks fairly good
aesthetically on the paper but also it is convinient for a reader, in my case espescially I much prefer to read an article that
appears spread out and is not just a large chunk of text. Their use of very short sentences is also appealing because it keeps
my attention and makes the sentences flow easier. It also keeps things quite simple and does not unneccesarily over
complicate things, this also makes things easy to understand which can appeal to a variety of age groups and audiences.
Liverpool Echo article continued analyis
• The article was written by James Pearce, a well known journalist who is a full time Liverpool FC reporter. He has worked in
the industry for over ten years and has very close connections with the football world, and is very reliable with his
information, his high quality standard of journalism has lead to him being one of the most credible journalists in Britain, and
his commitment to the club and being so close to them off the pitch through following them home and away makes nobody
more reliable than him when it comes to reporting about Liverpool. He studied politics at university, which allowed him to
pursure a career in broadcast journalism, he was also the BBC's olympic correspondant during the 2012 games, futher
highlighting his impressive career in journalism, proving why he is a good example of someone to try look up to and follow in
terms of his writing style. On his own reddit account when asked questions he mentioned "I never write anything unless I'm
convinced that it's true. You get information from many different sources, including agents you trust, other players, other
reporters you trust and contacts you have at LFC." Which even further conveys his credibility and shows why he is so
Article image
Article image (text the same as above)
Article image
Article image
Article image
Article image
Article image
Article analysis
• The first thing I have noticed about this is that the website domain used is WordPress, this is useful to me as this is probably going to
be the site I use when I create my own website. This is mainly because I do not like the alternatives like Wix. I followed a link straight to
the article and one of the things I noticed was how heavily centered around just this article it is, rather than promoting other articles
around it, for this piece I quite liked that as I found it an interesting read and specifically wanted to read this article and didn’t have an
interest in the website in general. This article was a very unique style of article, and rather than focusing purely on football, it makes a
lot of historical references to a very well known figure of history, the angle the article takes is clear from the title, and as somebody
who knew very little about napoleon, the opening paragraph gives really good context and understanding of what he was like, and
anyone who intentionally clicks on this article is already going to have a strong idea on Mourinho, so it provides good context and gives
people who maybe have less knowledge on Napoleon a brief understanding. The article also has an element of humour to it, and that
combined with the unique angle of the piece makes the reader want to continue reading. This highlights to me how important not
having a generic article can be, and it is something I will try avoid when creating my own articles.
• The sentence types and language used is very different to that of the Echo article, obviously this makes sense as the Echo is a news
reporting outlet and their aim is to report something as simply as possible, and they may have a much broader target audience. With
this article the sentences are very complex and the language is far more articulate. The frequent use of adjectives and present and past
participles conveys the writer's intelligence, and his awareness that the majority of people reading this article are likely to be fairly well
educated and be a fairly older age group. The writer frequently uses fairly advanced language devices which gives more detail to the
subject, however it requires being more focused. This article has made me see a different side of journalism and an entirely different
way of presenting a piece of writing. This is a positive thing for me as the articles I create don’t necessarily have to all follow the same
writing style, as they could completely vary on subject, so this different side of writing could also be used if I have a different style of
• Despite the use of more advanced devices, there is also an element of colloquialsm, and humour. This is highlighted through " (as
isolated as St Helena only with the added nightmare of Richard Keys)". Richard Keys is a well known individual in the football punditry
world, and is renowned for his often stupid comments, this article probably already appeals to the more intelligent side of football
fans, who will disagree with the majority of what comes out of Key's mouth, hence why they would find small lines like that fairly
funny. This use of humour is a strong point because it breaks the wall between the writer and the reader and it helps them remain
engaged with the article without getting bored and stop concentrating. The target audience for this is likely to not concern gender,
however it is probably aimed at educated people around the ages of 20-30+. I think it appeals to this audience as it uses complex
language devices as well as refers to a subject that will appeal to people that have a fairly good education and an interest in histroy,
which In all likliehood is going to be an older audience.
Context of the article and writer
• In terms of the context of the article, it is fairly well explained throughout, however in short, Napoleon was known for at first
rising up to notoriety 'against the backdrop of the French revolution'. He was also famed for his revolutionary tactics in
battle. Jose Mourinho on the hand was similarly famed for his revolutionary tactics, which were so successful, for a time.
However the main comparison being made is how high they climbed, while also both falling so dramatically. I know the
writer of this article to a small extent and after conversations as well as regularly seeing his very pro Corbyn tweets, he is
very left wing and prides himself on his socialist beliefs. This shows how he is hugely an advocate for people being looked
after and shows how highly he values equality and is not a big fan of arrogance and egos, this explains why the angle of the
article appears to come across sin a negative way, with the main focus generally being on Mourinho. A man famed for his
selfishness and arrogance, hence why the writer focuses on the negative of Mourinho's career and how he is no longer a
threat or successful. The writer is also a huge Liverpool supporter, further justifying his socialist beliefs due to the cities
largely socialist background. Being a Liverpool fan is also a potential reason as to why the article is so negative towards
Mourinho, as he is a manager who has always had a rivalry with the club.
That Peter
Existing product- That Peter Crouch Podcast
• Before analysing the podcast itself and talking about the conventions of it, I am going to analyse the logo for it, as I will also be making
my own graphics for my own podcast. The most eye catching and appealing thing about this cover to me is the text. The size of the font
is large and takes up the majority of the image so the name of the podcast immediately stands out and is also easy to read. They chose
a bold font which I think was a good choice, not only for the obvious reasons but also because it will appeal to their target audience
who will largely be for men, this is because stereotypically bold fonts can be associated with masculinity and also it shows it as being
very direct and this appeals to men as they like a message to be conveyed quickly. I will consider this for my own project as the vast
majority of my own target audience is male and therefore choosing a bold font will be the best choice for my own product, I also think
just in general they are the most aesthetically pleasing. I also think choosing a bold font, particularly for the title works well because it
emphasises which piece of text is the most important. A sense of hierarchy is also created with the size of different pieces of text, the
'BBC Radio...' Text/logo is much smaller than the actual text promoting the podcast, to highlight which is more important. However it
can also be looked at in the sense that as that is on the top, the company providing the podcast seem themselves as ultimately the most
important and quite literally ' above' the podcast. Another interesting thing about the text of the title is how the words of the title
descend in order of smallest to biggest. This may be something they considered as it is aesthetically pleasing, so when creating a title for
the podcast they considered a title which would be able to be made to look good when turned into a graphic. My own podcast will be
called 'The Kop Online podcast' so I could follow a similar style for my own graphic as the words at the start are smaller. Lastly on the
text, the addition of the stroke further creates a bold impact on the text and highlights the font better as well as also fitting well with
the colour scheme and being aesthetically pleasing.
• Another area of this logo which I like is the image they have used. They have used an iconic image which the player is most famously
associated with, this gives people a sense of nostalgia and in general a feeling of positivity, which they will associate with the podcast
and this will lead to them wanting to actually listen to the podcast. However they have also edited the image and given it a cartoon
effect, which worked well with the theme already used, as if it was an image of a real life scene it would not have fit in well with the
• The main colour scheme of this podcast is blue, this is quite a neutral colour which works well as Crouch is a player who is loved by all
sets of fans rivalries aside, also it can be seen as a colour which has connotations of loyalty, confidence and wisdom. This may have
been chosen intentionally as Crouch has shown characteristics similar to this throughout his career and they are a good portrayal of
Existing product- That Peter Crouch Podcast
analysis- context and content
• As this is a podcast it is much harder to analyse the content in detail, so I will mainly refer to how it is structured. Firstly
though, the context of the podcast is fairly important to understand why it is so likable. The subject is obviously about Peter
Crouch, a player who's career has included playing for some of the biggest names in football, and has played as well as
scored in some of footballs biggest events, such as an appearance in the Champions League final and scoring in a world cup.
One of his most famous moments is when he did the ' robot' celebration after scoring for England, hence why that is the
image used on the front cover. Crouch is also a very likable person and seems very down to earth and gives the audience an
insight into the life of a footballer/ celebrity which the typical viewer is unaware of and doesn't usually get to hear about.
The style of the podcast is very much just like friends talking, and appears to be fairly lightly scripted. This appeals to me as it
sounds as if the people are genuinely happy to be there and their happiness transcends to the listeners. I think a more
formal podcast, talking about more generic things would have been far more boring, so when I create my own podcast I am
going to try keep it fairly lightly scripted so it has some sort of structure to it, but mainly for it to come across as a flowing
conversation. One of the things I most dislike about the podcast is the other presenters alongside Crouch, I think often they
interrupt in the middle of a good story or change the subject as it is getting interesting which can be really frustrating as a
listener, I also personally did not find them that funny and thought they were trying too hard, however obviously humour is
very subjective and I understand how other people would find them funny. This makes me think that from my own podcast I
would like to let the guest speak as much as possible and try avoid making it all about me. I think it is quite hard to
demonstrate technical quality in a podcast, however I think this is done fairly well in this podcast, one of the ways this is
shown is in the way they have created their own jingle, this noisewill have been created themselves purely for the podcast
such as when it is startng or during short breaks. One of the ways the jingle is used is when they change subjects, and rather
than the listeners hear the transition, it cuts to the jingle and then smoothly transitions into the next subject of
conversation. I am going to create my own jingle and use it to a similar effect. I briefly just mentioned it, however I also think
that the use of editing in small areas is a technically good aspect of the podcast. Although I like this part of the podcast, I am
not going to edit my own version to heavily as I think that to an extent, a natural conversation also appeals to to quite a lot
of listeners.
Happy Hour
Existing product analysis- Jaackmaate's happy
hour podcast
• Firstly I am going to analyse the logo for the podcast. I think this is a really strong logo and is aesthetically
pleasing, however the creative meaning behind it is also clever. I think it works really well because firstly
the font used for the main body of text, as well as the colour really emphaise how this piece of text is the
most important as it stands out as well as being fairly bold. This effect is futher reinforced by the use of
the black stroke which highlights the text and makes it even more outstanding. Although I like it and I think
it works well, if I was to change anything about this I would probably have chosen a slightly bolder font,
although that is not a major concern. Similarly to other existing products, this logo creates a good sense of
hierarchy with the text and demonstrates which pieces of text are most important. For example, although
the ' Happy Hour' text is what is first noticed and is the largest, the host and creator of the podcast, '
JaackMaate' has his name placed at the top, inferring that he is the host and the main part of the podcast.
This is also highlighted as the co- hosts of the podcast have their names placed at the bottom of the
graphic. The graphic overall itself is very cleverly made and was clearly considered well before being
constructed. There is a lot of juxtaposition with the title and the logo immediately, with the key word in
the title being ' happy'. However, the ' o' in ' hour' has been used as a sad face, contrasting this title.
Further confusion can be added when the colour of the text is considered. Yellow often gives off positive
connotations, such as optimism and happiness, which relates to the title, however again contrasts the sad
face. One of the reasons this has been done is because anyone who is a fan of JaackMaate's content, as
well as co-host Alex's is aware of there satirical twist on topics, and how their content is known for usually
being fairly negative and using humour to make light of either other creators or topical events. Therefore
as fans of their original content, the name ' Happy Hour' is quite swiftly laughed off and the expectations
of the podcast aren't for it to actually be a positive happy chat show, but instead similar to their content of
having more of a laugh and making fun of events. One last improvement on this I would say however is the
font used for the names of the hosts, I don’t think it stands out too well, and a bold font would probably
have stood out better.
Existing product analysis- Jaackmaate's happy
hour podcast- continued
• Like I said about the previous existing product, it is quite hard to analyse the content of a podcast,
however there are some aspects of it which I feel like I can consider and that will have an impact on my on
podcast. One of the aspects of this I think is the strongest is the jingle they use, it is fairly upbeat and
simple, and sets a good tone for the podcast. It also a good way to introduce the podcast before it
properly begins. It is also used when they want to go to an advert break and then on the return. I will
make my own jingle using something like the app GarageBand while at college. The style of the podcast is
very friendly and seems quite lightly scripted so it isnt just a random conversation that quickly fizzes out.
The friendly style is a good dynamic as it puts the listener at ease and comes across in a positive way and
makes the hosts likable, which also makes the listener want to continue to listen. When I create my own
podcast I am going to script it so I have lots of things to keep conversations flowing, however I won't try
keep it too strict to the schedule as I think a flowing conversation which seems natural is the most
Existing Products summary
• In summary of existing websites I have learned that the layout is highly important, and I think it is aesthetically pleasing to follow
the conventions already in place which you would typically see on a website, such as regarding the navigation menu and the
positioning of it, as I think it should be placed on top. When I create my own website I will make sure to place it at the top. I also
think the colour schemes on a website are very important. I think this because on one of the existing products, the colours used
for the website in general did not really reflect the club the website is about, and also are not too aesthetically pleasing, I also
think that the colours used on the text for the navigation menu need to be either white or black, as they are simple and bold
which is important for such key text. I also learned a lot about the layout of a website and how to make good use of space. I think
the website where there was a lot of blank space in between article links and it was not overcrowded looked the best, so I will try
to make sure to use space well in my own work. The feature I liked the most from the other websites was the moving baner
graphic, highlighting the latest news. I aim to include something similar in my own work.
• The next part of my existing product research was looking at existing articles. I firstly looked at an article from a news outlet, I
liked the way this was set out and one of the strongest aspects of this was the way it was structured. It gave context and a clear
introduction for people who wouldn't initally undertsand the articl. The use of short and simple sentences was also a strong point,
this was because it got the points across clearly, but also this would make it appeal to a variety of audiences as younger people
would understand it also. I will use this type of writing style when writing a news article type piece, as the important part for that
is to get the news across simply and quickly in order to keep people reading. The other product I researched contrasted vastly, and
was a much more unique style of article. It demonstarted a much more sophisticasted vocabulary and was a much longer article
as well as the fact it used much longer and complex sentences. This would appeal to an older audience but I also liked the article.
One of the strong points of this article was it's use of small lines of humour in order to retain the reader's attention. I thought this
was a strong point as without it the article may have became quite draining.
• I found the podcast part the hardest products to research as they were difficult to analyse in detail and to gain an undertanding of
what works well in a podcast, this was mainly because I think it is very subjective and it largely comes down to finding the hosts
personalities appealing. Despite this, one of they key things I realised from this research was that the use of your own jingle is
effective and it is a good way of both introducing the podcast and cutting between the clips such as when there is a change in
conversation. I also think that the host making sure they don't interrupt and try overtake the guest is important so that is
something I will be conscious of when recording my own podcast. Both podcasts appeared to be lightly scripted in order to give
some structure to the podcast, however they were just like foundations for the conversation to start. I will script my podcast in the
form of writing some notes as reminders for conversation topics but I do not want to script my responses as I think the podcast
will be better if they are natural and reflect my current opinion at the time.
Production Research
Production Research- logo
• I have looked at a 'hipster logo' tutorial on YouTube, I chose to do this as firstly
it seemed fairly more complex technically as well as the fact it has the name
which could appeal to the age of my target audience of around 18-25. Although
it is fairly technical it does not seem too difficult and when I create some
experiments I am going to try follow this tutorial but with my own varients of
images and colours etc. Once I have added the image, I then would use the
shape tool and create a black rectangle covering the canvas and the image, but
place it a layer beneath the image. The image can also use a gaussian blur filter
effect to it. Once this has been done I would then go onto reducing the opactiy
to around about 75% of the image, so the blended effect starts to happen.
Multiple adjustment layers were added, the first one would be the adjustment
layer ' black and white'. Although I will probably not use this myself as I don't
want to create a black and white style. A 'gradient map' adjustment layer is also
used and then the opacity is reduced, I may use these things but I would adjust
the colours to be colours that fit my product. Then a ' colour fill' adjustment
layer is used to add a colour which I'd ideally want to blend into the image
discreetly, this is done by changing the blend mode to multiply. There were a
few more added, however I would ignore these and not use them in my
experiment, however the tutorial did show a curves adjustment layer, which I
would likely use and adjust. Once on the curves section I would adjust the
curves up the line in a way that would work well for the effect I would be trying
to create. These adjustments are for the background image and change the
image quite heavily and convey a darker tone to what I plan to do, and because
of this it is unlikely I'll follow these steps as closely for the background.
• When the actual logo is created, I would go to the shape tool and use two
sqaures, the first square would be tilted to an angle, while the other would go in
the middle to create a similar effect that can be seen on the side. The middle
square would need a stroke also. Then in the center of the logo I will either
write the text of a brand or use an image with the text.
Production Research-Podcast
Cost of potential things needed/ items needed
• Price of website domain - £15 p/y
• Mic/ mic stand for podcast - £13/ borrow from college if available
• Editing software – free at college
• Photoshop – free at college
• Laptop/phone to record podcast – already owned
• Headphones- Can use ones already available
• Audacity – free download
Audience Research
Survey Analysis
• The main age range for my target audience is people around the age of 18-25. Research on this age group
shows me "Research also shows that 18-25 year olds value their peers’ opinions. This means that they’re
more likely to research and eventually purchase a product if it’s been recommended by someone of a
similar age – and not someone older, and less relatable. " This quote came from a website called 'PMYB'.
The impact this knowledge has on my product is that I will try promote it across social media/ make a
social media page for it, as the majority of social media users following football outlets tend to be a
younger audience, and if a group of younger people start to interact with it, their peers may also like it I
also think one of the key ways to appealing to this age group is using star quality and talking about
someone they will look up to and idolise. This can benefit me as I will create content based on players who
are highly idolised and this will make people want to look at the content.
• The gender of my target audience is largely going to be for men, there isn't really a way of appealing to a
male target audience specifically, however some small aspects I can appeal to men. For exmaple in terms
of the graphics I create, the use of bold fonts appeal to mean generally as they are direct and get the
message across quickly.
Survey Analysis
• This answer suggests that the most popular style of a podcast is a general discussion on the teams current
situation in the form of a friendly conversation. This would also appeal to me the most, I think the reasons
for this is because obviously people would be listening for information on the club, but also because the
style of a friendly conversation is appealing as it makes the listener feel more at ease and it also makes the
people they are listening to sound more relatable. I intend to create quite a friendly vibr around my
podcast and I don't want it too appear to be too scripted and I want to make it have a natural feel to it as I
think that is what the audience would like and I also think that when I listen to a podcast that is the type of
style that appeals to me also, and I am a fairly good example of my target audinece.
Q: What type of articles are you most interested
in reading?
Survey Analysis
This was just one of the responses I received as an example, however, I think it was a good answer and is the
type of content I think would be enjoyable to produce and I also agree with the response. It was also a fairly
good represnetation of the type of answer I received that were serious responses. Firstly as a football fan I also
find it interesting to hear about others fans opinions, however only provided that what they are trying to say
has some credibility to it and they can use evidence to back up these points. I think if somebody writes
something, and then has no evidence to support their opinion, not only does it make the writer look less
credible, but it also means the person reading the opinion is not going to want to read that writer's content in
the futre. When writing my articles I am always going to carefully research beforehand and fact check what I
write. However it is also a good thing to have a fairly controversial opinion as that can lead to futher interaction
and make people want to engage with the article.
Survey Analysis
• This answer was not very conclusive and gave me quite a broad response, so it does not massively help me
in creating my product. In order to improve this, I should have worded the question in relation to specific
types of articles. Because for a news piece, people are going to want to see a much shorter and easier to
understand article. However with some other types of articles, such as based on opinions, it may be more
appealing if the sentences are slightly more sophisticated. Another reason for the slightly inconclusive
response could be that different people answering the question could be completely different ages or be
less educated for example. Also the sample size was fairly small, so although there is a majority of votes
for one option, it may not be a huge difference in the number of votes. When I create my product, I will
have a variety of writing styles, depending on the article. For example, when it is news related, it will be
much shorter sentences and be easy for anyone to comprehend.
Survey Analysis
The first thing I noticed was how the vast majority of people are much more likely to follow a social media
account, rather than regularly check a website. To me this suggests that I will have to create a social media
account for my product and keep it regularly updated, from here I can then promote the website from the
social media page. One of the reasons a Twitter account for example may be popular among people is because
it allows the audience to interact with the article and other reader's and they can then engage in a debate and
put their own thoughts across.
The other quesiton here gave fairly inconclusive answers, this could be due to the sample size being fairly
small, so the numbers will be closer together, one of the reasons I had such a small sample size was because I
sent my survey out towards people who I knew were football fans and would be able to give proper responses,
therefore it wasn't as easy as just sending it out publicly for anyone to do. The response suggested that more
people are likely to click a link to something if there is a video attached, however it was only marginally more in
favour, despite this I will still send links out to video clips of things which I think are the most interesting and
clips that are most likely going to make people click on the link. Doing this may make more people to checkout
the website and social media account in more detail if they enjoy the video.
Survey Analysis
• This infers that having bright colours will influence some people's decision in regards to looking at my
website or article in more detail. Despite this, the votes are again not really hugely conclusive, and a large
amount of people don't see it as a key aspect towards their decision. Due to this it is something I will
consider when creating my product, as clearly bright colours will have a positive impact, however it is not
something that I need to think massively about as it clearly isn't a huge deal. I will probably use fairly
bright colours anyway as they are aesthetically pleasing and also the colour red is going to massively
feature in my products, although I do intend on using a fairly darker shade of red, as I think if it is too
bright it can be strenuous on the eyes and be off putting.
Survey Research Summary
• Conclusively, I think that this survey research has helped to me an extent and it will benefit me when it
comes to creating my products. With that being said, I also think that overall it could have been more
effective for multiple reasons, because as you can see, I asked over 15 questions in total, however only the
ones above had any use to them, which is an error on my part. One of the reasons I only used the few I did
was because some questions I feel like I asked for the sake of it without realising, and the answers did not
really benefit me too much, however this is a mistake I had also made in the past so I did carefully consider
this when creating my questions, another one of the reasons why I did not use as many to analyse is
because of the poor responses, where I left the question too open so people would either misinterpret the
question or just answer it poorly with one word. I wish I had made the questions far more specific and
probably asked for more detailed answers, also as I gave them to my friends a lot I would get unreliable
and jokey responses which would mean I would just have to count them out. I also did not get a large
sample of people respond to my survey so some of the responses were fairly inconclusive, or they would
be portrayed to look like there's a majority, when in reality there would only be a small number of people
in difference. In
• Anon. (unknown). Echo home page. Available: Last accessed 28th Jan 2019.
• anon. . LFC Transfer Room home page. Available: Last accessed 2nd Feb 2019.
• James Pearce. (2019). Why Liverpool didn't sign Christian Pulisic - and the player who convinced Jurgen Klopp it wasn't smart
business.Available: Last
accessed 4th Feb 2019.
• Tristan Nelson. (January 2016). Hipster Logo Design - Photoshop CC Tutorial. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2019.
• Tayla. (2018). How to Easily Target the 18-25 year old Demographic, Locally, Nationally and Globally!. Available: Last accessed 7th February 2019
• BBC Radio 5 Live (2019). That Team Bus Episode. [podcast] That Peter Crouch Podcast. Available at: [Accessed 10 Feb. 2019].
• JaackMaate’s Happy Hour with ImAllexx (2019). True Geordie Reveals All. [podcast] JaackMaate’s Happy Hour with ImAllexx. Available
at: [Accessed 10 Feb. 2019].
• Redbeard. (2019). Jose Mourinho rose like Bonaparte – and fell like him too. Available: Last accessed 6th
February 2019.
• anon. (.). LFC Transfer Room home page. Available: Last accessed 8th Feb 2019.

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Fmp Research

  • 3. Existing Product- Website ‘Liverpool Echo’
  • 4. Product 1 analysis The first part of the website I am going to analyse focuses on their logo and font choice. Obviously the first thing that stands out to me is the red background, I think this works well for multiple reasons, firstly it is quite bright and eye catching so therefore it stands out, however it also has connotations of passion and love, as well as being a very emotionally intense colour. This works well with Liverpool particularly as they are renowned for how passionate their fans are for the club and the connection they have with the team. The target audience are clearly going to be Liverpool fans so this will sub consciously appeal to them as well. Also Liverpool wear red and it is the colour associated with the team, hence the nickname ‘The Reds’. This appeals to the audience of Liverpool fans as they will always have positive connotations when they think of the colour red, and they will subconsciously associate the good thoughts they have with the red of Liverpool with the style on this website. This can benefit me for creating my actual project as the positive effects it has on their product is something I can try emulate myself in my own product, and I will try use the same shade as red as I personally think it is a good shade as it is not too bright but also it stands out well and it gives connotations of the type of thing I ideally would like people to think. Another strong aspect of this logo is their choice of sans serif font, this font choice is very popular when creating design and it is often used for titles and headlines. Sans Serif fonts are easier to read as they are more legible from a distance. As it is their brand’s name it is important that it is distinctive and it attracts attention and I think they do this well with this font as it clear and stands out well. The use of it being a bold font also contributes to it’s high quality as it highlights how that text is important because it emphases it and shows a form of hierarchy compared to other pieces of text on the page, which is key as it shows that this is the brand name and that is what that want people to remember. Another way it can be perceived is that although there is a fairly strong female representation amongst the fan base, the vast majority of them are male, and the bold style can stereotypically be seen to appear to men as they tend to find simple and short things appealing and they take things in more that are direct and simple. Considering we will have a very similar target audience I plan to have a similar style with my font as I will use a fairly bold sans serif type font as I think it is effective and emphasises the most important part of text well and gives the page a sense of hierarchy in terms of being able to tell which pieces of text are more important. Lastly on the logo, I would like to focus on the actual logo of the liver bird. I firstly think it is really clever how they have used a very iconic image associated with both the city of Liverpool and the football club, but not only that they have included a newspaper in it’s mouth which combines both the club but also their brand. The creative meaning behind the liver bird can be considered more when the history behind them is revealed. Local legend also holds that the birds face away from each other as, if were they to mate and fly away, the city would cease to exist. Another popular story told about them is that they are chained down, as if they were to fly away the River Mersey would burst its banks and flood the city of Liverpool. When this is considered it could be thought that their use of the liver bird can give connotations of the paper being the most credible in the city and that without their paper, there would be a lack of credible information, similar to the myth of if the bird flew away, the city would be under threat. In my product I would also like to include something iconic to do with either the club or city however I do not want to completely rip this off so I will probably choose something else. The reason I want to do this is because I think having an iconic logo alongside the text makes it stand out much more and it would make me want to click on something more and it also gives something that people can associate with your brand.
  • 5. Existing product 1 continued • In a more general sense, the website design also is of a high standard. In terms of the layout of the page I think it is set out very well from a viewer’s point of view. Their use of space is a particular highlight to me as they manage to highlight multiple stories without making the page look overcrowded. Their use of space in-between each articles is also a strong point because it allows me as someone looking at the website to look at each article title slowly and it is more a strong point when you compare it to other sites where you don’t really know where to look and it seems as if it is all over the place, however with this it gives it a much stronger sense of clarity and as if it is organised. I also think the use of having three main articles on this home page looks good because in the system they have used It demonstrates a sense of hierarchy, where the most important article is the main body of the page and is the size of the two smaller articles suggests that they are slightly less important/ relevant articles. Their use of doing this will impact me in my own work as I am going to follow a similar style by having three suggested articles on my home page, with one article being the biggest and also positioned in the center to highlight it’s relevance. I also think that the side columns with smaller articles works well because it conveys how they are not as important but also shows the variety in their articles, in this circumstance this obviously depends on context, for example during the summer or January transfer windows, credible transfer rumours/ big name transfers are likely to be the main headlines, however at this current time there are rumours that aren't being seen as a priority visually on here because the clubs manager has rubbished any rumours of Liverpool making any transfers, so in this current context they appear to be less important as the majority of the audience already knows that any rumour has very little truth in it, this explains why a transfer related article is on the side column. • Another quality of this home page is their use of images and the ratio of image to text. I think using big images and have short simple headlines as is very affective and not only is it the most aesthetically pleasing but it makes me want to look at something more, whereas if it was just a huge chunk of text I would probably lose attention quickly. The types of colours used on the images are also fairly bright so that they stand out and they are appealing and they also draw my attention to the article title. I also think that the short sentences for the titles work well and they try avoid making it complex as it is more direct and straight to the point, this also can bring me back to my point about how it appeals to a male target audience as they generally find it appealing when something is straight to the point. When creating my own website, I am going to keep the article titles sort as I think it is effective and influences my decision on whether to click on the link.
  • 6. Existing Product – Website ‘LFCTransferRoom’
  • 7. Existing Product – Website ‘LFCTransferRoom’ ( bottom of home page)
  • 8. Existing Product analysis I have to chose to research this product because like the ‘ Liverpool echo, it’s sole focus here is one club and specifically the club I am going to base my product around, therefore unlike in previous research tasks it will help pinpoint certain things and highlight in detail what conventions work/ don’t work. The above image is of the website’s navigation menu. Although I do like the website and lots of areas of this I think there are quite a few areas of it which can be criticised more compared to the Echo, although as the Echo is a huge company and will have spent a lot more time and resources on a website developer etc.. One of the first thing that stands out to me is how big the space between the menu options and the top of the page is, I feel like this is quite unnecessary and it is a lot of wasted space. I also think even though it is quite a small site and the vast majority of it’s viewers will be aware of who they are as they will have searched for the site, that instead of just a logo they should have added the name in text along that top empty space. Also I just think conventionally on a website and just generally, the navigation menu should be much closer to the top of the page, and that is something I will make sure of when I create my own website. Although I wouldn’t have such a large banner above the navigation menu, I think the design of the lines is aesthetically pleasing and from a design point of view in comparison to the Echo it looks more complex, however I don’t think that is really necessary in a news related website and conveying simplicity is the best way forward in these types of products. One of the features in this that was not in the Echo which I liked and is something I will aim to implement into my own website is the ‘latest banner’ and on the actual website it is moving across like a moving news banner. Not only is this generally just a good thing but also the colour and font for it were cleverly chose. The black and bold makes the text clear and stand out while the gold highlight over the text infers the importance of it and literally highlights that it is relevant information and it is one of the first things that my attention was drawn to, which Is obviously a positive thing as that is the effect that a news reporting outlet should be creating. The weakest aspect of the above screenshot to me is definitely the navigation menu's colour. I previously also mentioned I think it would work better closer to the top of the page and below the news banner. In terms of the colour it is far too dark and a considerable effort has to be made in order to work out what the text actually says, this is not only aesthetically dissatisfying but also just inconvenient and is quite a key factor in which could result in someone opting to favour a different outlet. I would probably have made the colour of the text white as it would make the text stand out clearly, and there would be no difficulty in reading it, when I create my own product I will make sure I use colours that contrast well with each other and are not difficult to read. Despite these criticisms it is worth pointing out that when you scroll to the bottom of the page it shows as if the navigation menu is still at the top, and when your mouse hovers over the menu items they turn red.
  • 9. Existing Product continued analysis • Aside from the top bar I also want to look at the rest of the home page as a whole. I think the home page is quite aesthetically pleasing, and is also technically better than the Echo's home page, while also maintaining quite a simple style, allowing your attention to still easily focus on what is importance. I like how it shows a variety of articles, with the most relevant being the top article, I also like how it is dynamic and it does not just show one article but after a few seconds each article changes and shows another relevant article. This is a feature I would quite like to add to my own work as when you see something move it quickly draws your attention to it and keeps you engaged with the page. The bold fonts combined with the white colour choice work really well for the article headlines as they are clear and the main job of the headline is to grab the viewers attention and that's exactly what this does. • Another feature of this that is really appealing is the premier league table graphic on the side. It is a good way for fans to keep updated with the current affairs, but there is also multiple options to also view things such as latest scores and future fixtures. I think I will also implement this feature into my own website.
  • 13. Liverpool Echo article analysis • Firstly I'd like to reference the structure of the article, the title introduces us to the article but it also lets the reader know the angle the article is taking, instead of a generic piece on a transfer rumour or a high profile player, it takes the angle of why Liverpool are in a positive position rather than spinning it in a negative way and making it seem like Liverpool have missed out on something. I thought this was a good thing because most articles would use this as a chance to be negative in order to seem controversial and gain more clicks but this technique was much better and engaging for me personally. The beginning of the article provides context and explains the background on both the player and the club's related history to that player. I also like the style of how it is similar to an opinion piece however everything that is stated is completely factual and not controversial, as well as this it uses quite a professional and formal mode of address while also seeming fairly colloquial. This is a key strength of the article as it doesn't come across as too boring but it also remains professional. It also makes the brand of the Echo appear more credible due to its professionalism and then it gives the lasting effect of a source that I would want to use for news in the future, this is the exact effect that they would be aiming to give off and therefore it is a style I would try to follow fairly similarly. • The article then goes on to make the point about the subject of the article while, using evidence to solidify their argument. This gives the article more credibility also as it does not come across in the style of someone throwing out a wild opinion but a well thought about argument. The mode of address is fairly formal which infers they are probably trying to appeal to an older target audience of people likely to be over the age of 18, and I think my target audience will be fairly similar so I also will use a similar mode of address. Another area of this article I thought was really good was the interactive question they asked, not only does this keep the reader engaged with the subject so they don’t lose attention but also it makes them likely to interact with the echo across multiple social platforms. One of the frequent patterns I have noticed during this article is how when someone is first introduced, they are named as their full name, however when they are mentioned again they are often described in a different way, for example as "The Swiss Attacker". This keeps the article more interesting as it helps the article avoid repetition. • The layout of the article is also a strong point as everything is cut into very small paragraphs, this looks fairly good aesthetically on the paper but also it is convinient for a reader, in my case espescially I much prefer to read an article that appears spread out and is not just a large chunk of text. Their use of very short sentences is also appealing because it keeps my attention and makes the sentences flow easier. It also keeps things quite simple and does not unneccesarily over complicate things, this also makes things easy to understand which can appeal to a variety of age groups and audiences.
  • 14. Liverpool Echo article continued analyis • The article was written by James Pearce, a well known journalist who is a full time Liverpool FC reporter. He has worked in the industry for over ten years and has very close connections with the football world, and is very reliable with his information, his high quality standard of journalism has lead to him being one of the most credible journalists in Britain, and his commitment to the club and being so close to them off the pitch through following them home and away makes nobody more reliable than him when it comes to reporting about Liverpool. He studied politics at university, which allowed him to pursure a career in broadcast journalism, he was also the BBC's olympic correspondant during the 2012 games, futher highlighting his impressive career in journalism, proving why he is a good example of someone to try look up to and follow in terms of his writing style. On his own reddit account when asked questions he mentioned "I never write anything unless I'm convinced that it's true. You get information from many different sources, including agents you trust, other players, other reporters you trust and contacts you have at LFC." Which even further conveys his credibility and shows why he is so respected.
  • 16. Article image (text the same as above)
  • 22. Article analysis • The first thing I have noticed about this is that the website domain used is WordPress, this is useful to me as this is probably going to be the site I use when I create my own website. This is mainly because I do not like the alternatives like Wix. I followed a link straight to the article and one of the things I noticed was how heavily centered around just this article it is, rather than promoting other articles around it, for this piece I quite liked that as I found it an interesting read and specifically wanted to read this article and didn’t have an interest in the website in general. This article was a very unique style of article, and rather than focusing purely on football, it makes a lot of historical references to a very well known figure of history, the angle the article takes is clear from the title, and as somebody who knew very little about napoleon, the opening paragraph gives really good context and understanding of what he was like, and anyone who intentionally clicks on this article is already going to have a strong idea on Mourinho, so it provides good context and gives people who maybe have less knowledge on Napoleon a brief understanding. The article also has an element of humour to it, and that combined with the unique angle of the piece makes the reader want to continue reading. This highlights to me how important not having a generic article can be, and it is something I will try avoid when creating my own articles. • The sentence types and language used is very different to that of the Echo article, obviously this makes sense as the Echo is a news reporting outlet and their aim is to report something as simply as possible, and they may have a much broader target audience. With this article the sentences are very complex and the language is far more articulate. The frequent use of adjectives and present and past participles conveys the writer's intelligence, and his awareness that the majority of people reading this article are likely to be fairly well educated and be a fairly older age group. The writer frequently uses fairly advanced language devices which gives more detail to the subject, however it requires being more focused. This article has made me see a different side of journalism and an entirely different way of presenting a piece of writing. This is a positive thing for me as the articles I create don’t necessarily have to all follow the same writing style, as they could completely vary on subject, so this different side of writing could also be used if I have a different style of article. • Despite the use of more advanced devices, there is also an element of colloquialsm, and humour. This is highlighted through " (as isolated as St Helena only with the added nightmare of Richard Keys)". Richard Keys is a well known individual in the football punditry world, and is renowned for his often stupid comments, this article probably already appeals to the more intelligent side of football fans, who will disagree with the majority of what comes out of Key's mouth, hence why they would find small lines like that fairly funny. This use of humour is a strong point because it breaks the wall between the writer and the reader and it helps them remain engaged with the article without getting bored and stop concentrating. The target audience for this is likely to not concern gender, however it is probably aimed at educated people around the ages of 20-30+. I think it appeals to this audience as it uses complex language devices as well as refers to a subject that will appeal to people that have a fairly good education and an interest in histroy, which In all likliehood is going to be an older audience.
  • 23. Context of the article and writer • In terms of the context of the article, it is fairly well explained throughout, however in short, Napoleon was known for at first rising up to notoriety 'against the backdrop of the French revolution'. He was also famed for his revolutionary tactics in battle. Jose Mourinho on the hand was similarly famed for his revolutionary tactics, which were so successful, for a time. However the main comparison being made is how high they climbed, while also both falling so dramatically. I know the writer of this article to a small extent and after conversations as well as regularly seeing his very pro Corbyn tweets, he is very left wing and prides himself on his socialist beliefs. This shows how he is hugely an advocate for people being looked after and shows how highly he values equality and is not a big fan of arrogance and egos, this explains why the angle of the article appears to come across sin a negative way, with the main focus generally being on Mourinho. A man famed for his selfishness and arrogance, hence why the writer focuses on the negative of Mourinho's career and how he is no longer a threat or successful. The writer is also a huge Liverpool supporter, further justifying his socialist beliefs due to the cities largely socialist background. Being a Liverpool fan is also a potential reason as to why the article is so negative towards Mourinho, as he is a manager who has always had a rivalry with the club.
  • 25. Existing product- That Peter Crouch Podcast analysis • Before analysing the podcast itself and talking about the conventions of it, I am going to analyse the logo for it, as I will also be making my own graphics for my own podcast. The most eye catching and appealing thing about this cover to me is the text. The size of the font is large and takes up the majority of the image so the name of the podcast immediately stands out and is also easy to read. They chose a bold font which I think was a good choice, not only for the obvious reasons but also because it will appeal to their target audience who will largely be for men, this is because stereotypically bold fonts can be associated with masculinity and also it shows it as being very direct and this appeals to men as they like a message to be conveyed quickly. I will consider this for my own project as the vast majority of my own target audience is male and therefore choosing a bold font will be the best choice for my own product, I also think just in general they are the most aesthetically pleasing. I also think choosing a bold font, particularly for the title works well because it emphasises which piece of text is the most important. A sense of hierarchy is also created with the size of different pieces of text, the 'BBC Radio...' Text/logo is much smaller than the actual text promoting the podcast, to highlight which is more important. However it can also be looked at in the sense that as that is on the top, the company providing the podcast seem themselves as ultimately the most important and quite literally ' above' the podcast. Another interesting thing about the text of the title is how the words of the title descend in order of smallest to biggest. This may be something they considered as it is aesthetically pleasing, so when creating a title for the podcast they considered a title which would be able to be made to look good when turned into a graphic. My own podcast will be called 'The Kop Online podcast' so I could follow a similar style for my own graphic as the words at the start are smaller. Lastly on the text, the addition of the stroke further creates a bold impact on the text and highlights the font better as well as also fitting well with the colour scheme and being aesthetically pleasing. • Another area of this logo which I like is the image they have used. They have used an iconic image which the player is most famously associated with, this gives people a sense of nostalgia and in general a feeling of positivity, which they will associate with the podcast and this will lead to them wanting to actually listen to the podcast. However they have also edited the image and given it a cartoon effect, which worked well with the theme already used, as if it was an image of a real life scene it would not have fit in well with the graphic. • The main colour scheme of this podcast is blue, this is quite a neutral colour which works well as Crouch is a player who is loved by all sets of fans rivalries aside, also it can be seen as a colour which has connotations of loyalty, confidence and wisdom. This may have been chosen intentionally as Crouch has shown characteristics similar to this throughout his career and they are a good portrayal of him.
  • 26. Existing product- That Peter Crouch Podcast analysis- context and content • As this is a podcast it is much harder to analyse the content in detail, so I will mainly refer to how it is structured. Firstly though, the context of the podcast is fairly important to understand why it is so likable. The subject is obviously about Peter Crouch, a player who's career has included playing for some of the biggest names in football, and has played as well as scored in some of footballs biggest events, such as an appearance in the Champions League final and scoring in a world cup. One of his most famous moments is when he did the ' robot' celebration after scoring for England, hence why that is the image used on the front cover. Crouch is also a very likable person and seems very down to earth and gives the audience an insight into the life of a footballer/ celebrity which the typical viewer is unaware of and doesn't usually get to hear about. The style of the podcast is very much just like friends talking, and appears to be fairly lightly scripted. This appeals to me as it sounds as if the people are genuinely happy to be there and their happiness transcends to the listeners. I think a more formal podcast, talking about more generic things would have been far more boring, so when I create my own podcast I am going to try keep it fairly lightly scripted so it has some sort of structure to it, but mainly for it to come across as a flowing conversation. One of the things I most dislike about the podcast is the other presenters alongside Crouch, I think often they interrupt in the middle of a good story or change the subject as it is getting interesting which can be really frustrating as a listener, I also personally did not find them that funny and thought they were trying too hard, however obviously humour is very subjective and I understand how other people would find them funny. This makes me think that from my own podcast I would like to let the guest speak as much as possible and try avoid making it all about me. I think it is quite hard to demonstrate technical quality in a podcast, however I think this is done fairly well in this podcast, one of the ways this is shown is in the way they have created their own jingle, this noisewill have been created themselves purely for the podcast such as when it is startng or during short breaks. One of the ways the jingle is used is when they change subjects, and rather than the listeners hear the transition, it cuts to the jingle and then smoothly transitions into the next subject of conversation. I am going to create my own jingle and use it to a similar effect. I briefly just mentioned it, however I also think that the use of editing in small areas is a technically good aspect of the podcast. Although I like this part of the podcast, I am not going to edit my own version to heavily as I think that to an extent, a natural conversation also appeals to to quite a lot of listeners.
  • 28. Existing product analysis- Jaackmaate's happy hour podcast • Firstly I am going to analyse the logo for the podcast. I think this is a really strong logo and is aesthetically pleasing, however the creative meaning behind it is also clever. I think it works really well because firstly the font used for the main body of text, as well as the colour really emphaise how this piece of text is the most important as it stands out as well as being fairly bold. This effect is futher reinforced by the use of the black stroke which highlights the text and makes it even more outstanding. Although I like it and I think it works well, if I was to change anything about this I would probably have chosen a slightly bolder font, although that is not a major concern. Similarly to other existing products, this logo creates a good sense of hierarchy with the text and demonstrates which pieces of text are most important. For example, although the ' Happy Hour' text is what is first noticed and is the largest, the host and creator of the podcast, ' JaackMaate' has his name placed at the top, inferring that he is the host and the main part of the podcast. This is also highlighted as the co- hosts of the podcast have their names placed at the bottom of the graphic. The graphic overall itself is very cleverly made and was clearly considered well before being constructed. There is a lot of juxtaposition with the title and the logo immediately, with the key word in the title being ' happy'. However, the ' o' in ' hour' has been used as a sad face, contrasting this title. Further confusion can be added when the colour of the text is considered. Yellow often gives off positive connotations, such as optimism and happiness, which relates to the title, however again contrasts the sad face. One of the reasons this has been done is because anyone who is a fan of JaackMaate's content, as well as co-host Alex's is aware of there satirical twist on topics, and how their content is known for usually being fairly negative and using humour to make light of either other creators or topical events. Therefore as fans of their original content, the name ' Happy Hour' is quite swiftly laughed off and the expectations of the podcast aren't for it to actually be a positive happy chat show, but instead similar to their content of having more of a laugh and making fun of events. One last improvement on this I would say however is the font used for the names of the hosts, I don’t think it stands out too well, and a bold font would probably have stood out better.
  • 29. Existing product analysis- Jaackmaate's happy hour podcast- continued • Like I said about the previous existing product, it is quite hard to analyse the content of a podcast, however there are some aspects of it which I feel like I can consider and that will have an impact on my on podcast. One of the aspects of this I think is the strongest is the jingle they use, it is fairly upbeat and simple, and sets a good tone for the podcast. It also a good way to introduce the podcast before it properly begins. It is also used when they want to go to an advert break and then on the return. I will make my own jingle using something like the app GarageBand while at college. The style of the podcast is very friendly and seems quite lightly scripted so it isnt just a random conversation that quickly fizzes out. The friendly style is a good dynamic as it puts the listener at ease and comes across in a positive way and makes the hosts likable, which also makes the listener want to continue to listen. When I create my own podcast I am going to script it so I have lots of things to keep conversations flowing, however I won't try keep it too strict to the schedule as I think a flowing conversation which seems natural is the most appealing.
  • 30. Existing Products summary • In summary of existing websites I have learned that the layout is highly important, and I think it is aesthetically pleasing to follow the conventions already in place which you would typically see on a website, such as regarding the navigation menu and the positioning of it, as I think it should be placed on top. When I create my own website I will make sure to place it at the top. I also think the colour schemes on a website are very important. I think this because on one of the existing products, the colours used for the website in general did not really reflect the club the website is about, and also are not too aesthetically pleasing, I also think that the colours used on the text for the navigation menu need to be either white or black, as they are simple and bold which is important for such key text. I also learned a lot about the layout of a website and how to make good use of space. I think the website where there was a lot of blank space in between article links and it was not overcrowded looked the best, so I will try to make sure to use space well in my own work. The feature I liked the most from the other websites was the moving baner graphic, highlighting the latest news. I aim to include something similar in my own work. • The next part of my existing product research was looking at existing articles. I firstly looked at an article from a news outlet, I liked the way this was set out and one of the strongest aspects of this was the way it was structured. It gave context and a clear introduction for people who wouldn't initally undertsand the articl. The use of short and simple sentences was also a strong point, this was because it got the points across clearly, but also this would make it appeal to a variety of audiences as younger people would understand it also. I will use this type of writing style when writing a news article type piece, as the important part for that is to get the news across simply and quickly in order to keep people reading. The other product I researched contrasted vastly, and was a much more unique style of article. It demonstarted a much more sophisticasted vocabulary and was a much longer article as well as the fact it used much longer and complex sentences. This would appeal to an older audience but I also liked the article. One of the strong points of this article was it's use of small lines of humour in order to retain the reader's attention. I thought this was a strong point as without it the article may have became quite draining. • I found the podcast part the hardest products to research as they were difficult to analyse in detail and to gain an undertanding of what works well in a podcast, this was mainly because I think it is very subjective and it largely comes down to finding the hosts personalities appealing. Despite this, one of they key things I realised from this research was that the use of your own jingle is effective and it is a good way of both introducing the podcast and cutting between the clips such as when there is a change in conversation. I also think that the host making sure they don't interrupt and try overtake the guest is important so that is something I will be conscious of when recording my own podcast. Both podcasts appeared to be lightly scripted in order to give some structure to the podcast, however they were just like foundations for the conversation to start. I will script my podcast in the form of writing some notes as reminders for conversation topics but I do not want to script my responses as I think the podcast will be better if they are natural and reflect my current opinion at the time.
  • 32. Production Research- logo tutorial • I have looked at a 'hipster logo' tutorial on YouTube, I chose to do this as firstly it seemed fairly more complex technically as well as the fact it has the name which could appeal to the age of my target audience of around 18-25. Although it is fairly technical it does not seem too difficult and when I create some experiments I am going to try follow this tutorial but with my own varients of images and colours etc. Once I have added the image, I then would use the shape tool and create a black rectangle covering the canvas and the image, but place it a layer beneath the image. The image can also use a gaussian blur filter effect to it. Once this has been done I would then go onto reducing the opactiy to around about 75% of the image, so the blended effect starts to happen. Multiple adjustment layers were added, the first one would be the adjustment layer ' black and white'. Although I will probably not use this myself as I don't want to create a black and white style. A 'gradient map' adjustment layer is also used and then the opacity is reduced, I may use these things but I would adjust the colours to be colours that fit my product. Then a ' colour fill' adjustment layer is used to add a colour which I'd ideally want to blend into the image discreetly, this is done by changing the blend mode to multiply. There were a few more added, however I would ignore these and not use them in my experiment, however the tutorial did show a curves adjustment layer, which I would likely use and adjust. Once on the curves section I would adjust the curves up the line in a way that would work well for the effect I would be trying to create. These adjustments are for the background image and change the image quite heavily and convey a darker tone to what I plan to do, and because of this it is unlikely I'll follow these steps as closely for the background. • When the actual logo is created, I would go to the shape tool and use two sqaures, the first square would be tilted to an angle, while the other would go in the middle to create a similar effect that can be seen on the side. The middle square would need a stroke also. Then in the center of the logo I will either write the text of a brand or use an image with the text.
  • 34. Cost of potential things needed/ items needed • Price of website domain - £15 p/y • Mic/ mic stand for podcast - £13/ borrow from college if available • Editing software – free at college • Photoshop – free at college • Laptop/phone to record podcast – already owned • Headphones- Can use ones already available • Audacity – free download
  • 36.
  • 37. Survey Analysis • The main age range for my target audience is people around the age of 18-25. Research on this age group shows me "Research also shows that 18-25 year olds value their peers’ opinions. This means that they’re more likely to research and eventually purchase a product if it’s been recommended by someone of a similar age – and not someone older, and less relatable. " This quote came from a website called 'PMYB'. The impact this knowledge has on my product is that I will try promote it across social media/ make a social media page for it, as the majority of social media users following football outlets tend to be a younger audience, and if a group of younger people start to interact with it, their peers may also like it I also think one of the key ways to appealing to this age group is using star quality and talking about someone they will look up to and idolise. This can benefit me as I will create content based on players who are highly idolised and this will make people want to look at the content. • The gender of my target audience is largely going to be for men, there isn't really a way of appealing to a male target audience specifically, however some small aspects I can appeal to men. For exmaple in terms of the graphics I create, the use of bold fonts appeal to mean generally as they are direct and get the message across quickly.
  • 38.
  • 39. Survey Analysis • This answer suggests that the most popular style of a podcast is a general discussion on the teams current situation in the form of a friendly conversation. This would also appeal to me the most, I think the reasons for this is because obviously people would be listening for information on the club, but also because the style of a friendly conversation is appealing as it makes the listener feel more at ease and it also makes the people they are listening to sound more relatable. I intend to create quite a friendly vibr around my podcast and I don't want it too appear to be too scripted and I want to make it have a natural feel to it as I think that is what the audience would like and I also think that when I listen to a podcast that is the type of style that appeals to me also, and I am a fairly good example of my target audinece.
  • 40. Q: What type of articles are you most interested in reading?
  • 41. Survey Analysis This was just one of the responses I received as an example, however, I think it was a good answer and is the type of content I think would be enjoyable to produce and I also agree with the response. It was also a fairly good represnetation of the type of answer I received that were serious responses. Firstly as a football fan I also find it interesting to hear about others fans opinions, however only provided that what they are trying to say has some credibility to it and they can use evidence to back up these points. I think if somebody writes something, and then has no evidence to support their opinion, not only does it make the writer look less credible, but it also means the person reading the opinion is not going to want to read that writer's content in the futre. When writing my articles I am always going to carefully research beforehand and fact check what I write. However it is also a good thing to have a fairly controversial opinion as that can lead to futher interaction and make people want to engage with the article.
  • 42.
  • 43. Survey Analysis • This answer was not very conclusive and gave me quite a broad response, so it does not massively help me in creating my product. In order to improve this, I should have worded the question in relation to specific types of articles. Because for a news piece, people are going to want to see a much shorter and easier to understand article. However with some other types of articles, such as based on opinions, it may be more appealing if the sentences are slightly more sophisticated. Another reason for the slightly inconclusive response could be that different people answering the question could be completely different ages or be less educated for example. Also the sample size was fairly small, so although there is a majority of votes for one option, it may not be a huge difference in the number of votes. When I create my product, I will have a variety of writing styles, depending on the article. For example, when it is news related, it will be much shorter sentences and be easy for anyone to comprehend.
  • 44.
  • 45. Survey Analysis The first thing I noticed was how the vast majority of people are much more likely to follow a social media account, rather than regularly check a website. To me this suggests that I will have to create a social media account for my product and keep it regularly updated, from here I can then promote the website from the social media page. One of the reasons a Twitter account for example may be popular among people is because it allows the audience to interact with the article and other reader's and they can then engage in a debate and put their own thoughts across. The other quesiton here gave fairly inconclusive answers, this could be due to the sample size being fairly small, so the numbers will be closer together, one of the reasons I had such a small sample size was because I sent my survey out towards people who I knew were football fans and would be able to give proper responses, therefore it wasn't as easy as just sending it out publicly for anyone to do. The response suggested that more people are likely to click a link to something if there is a video attached, however it was only marginally more in favour, despite this I will still send links out to video clips of things which I think are the most interesting and clips that are most likely going to make people click on the link. Doing this may make more people to checkout the website and social media account in more detail if they enjoy the video.
  • 46.
  • 47. Survey Analysis • This infers that having bright colours will influence some people's decision in regards to looking at my website or article in more detail. Despite this, the votes are again not really hugely conclusive, and a large amount of people don't see it as a key aspect towards their decision. Due to this it is something I will consider when creating my product, as clearly bright colours will have a positive impact, however it is not something that I need to think massively about as it clearly isn't a huge deal. I will probably use fairly bright colours anyway as they are aesthetically pleasing and also the colour red is going to massively feature in my products, although I do intend on using a fairly darker shade of red, as I think if it is too bright it can be strenuous on the eyes and be off putting.
  • 48. Survey Research Summary • Conclusively, I think that this survey research has helped to me an extent and it will benefit me when it comes to creating my products. With that being said, I also think that overall it could have been more effective for multiple reasons, because as you can see, I asked over 15 questions in total, however only the ones above had any use to them, which is an error on my part. One of the reasons I only used the few I did was because some questions I feel like I asked for the sake of it without realising, and the answers did not really benefit me too much, however this is a mistake I had also made in the past so I did carefully consider this when creating my questions, another one of the reasons why I did not use as many to analyse is because of the poor responses, where I left the question too open so people would either misinterpret the question or just answer it poorly with one word. I wish I had made the questions far more specific and probably asked for more detailed answers, also as I gave them to my friends a lot I would get unreliable and jokey responses which would mean I would just have to count them out. I also did not get a large sample of people respond to my survey so some of the responses were fairly inconclusive, or they would be portrayed to look like there's a majority, when in reality there would only be a small number of people in difference. In
  • 49. Bibliography • Anon. (unknown). Echo home page. Available: Last accessed 28th Jan 2019. • anon. . LFC Transfer Room home page. Available: Last accessed 2nd Feb 2019. • James Pearce. (2019). Why Liverpool didn't sign Christian Pulisic - and the player who convinced Jurgen Klopp it wasn't smart business.Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2019. • Tristan Nelson. (January 2016). Hipster Logo Design - Photoshop CC Tutorial. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2019. • Tayla. (2018). How to Easily Target the 18-25 year old Demographic, Locally, Nationally and Globally!. Available: Last accessed 7th February 2019 • BBC Radio 5 Live (2019). That Team Bus Episode. [podcast] That Peter Crouch Podcast. Available at: [Accessed 10 Feb. 2019]. • JaackMaate’s Happy Hour with ImAllexx (2019). True Geordie Reveals All. [podcast] JaackMaate’s Happy Hour with ImAllexx. Available at: [Accessed 10 Feb. 2019]. • Redbeard. (2019). Jose Mourinho rose like Bonaparte – and fell like him too. Available: Last accessed 6th February 2019. • anon. (.). LFC Transfer Room home page. Available: Last accessed 8th Feb 2019.