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                                                                            NHS Improvement

                                 First steps towards quality improvement:

                                       A simple guide to improving services


  4    Introduction
  6    Chapter 1      - Improvement models
  8    Chapter 2      - Defining the change idea and developing aims
  11 Chapter 3        - Managing a successful project
  14 Chapter 4        - Levers and drivers – framing the work for a wider audience
  16 Chapter 5        - Getting the right people involved
  18 Chapter 6        - Involving patients and carers in service redesign
  22 Chapter 7        - Communicating the right things to the right people
  24 Chapter 8        - Improvement Tool: Process mapping
  28 Chapter 9        - Improvement Tool: Plan Do Study Act Cycles
  30 Chapter 10 - Measuring your efforts
  34 Chapter 11 - Improvement Tool: Using statistical process control charts
  37 Chapter 12 - Human dimensions of change
  40 Chapter 13 - Sharing your success
  44 Resources
  44 Acknowledgements


      If you are involved at any level in improving health or                         Before implementing a solution and changing your service, it is
      social care, this resource will provide the information                         essential to understand your current system by mapping the
      you need for your first steps towards making quality                            process, collecting and analysing the service data, along with
      improvements, giving your improvement project the                               asking patients and staff for their views in order to determine
      best possible chance of success.                                                where improvements can be made. Don’t rush into
                                                                                      implementing whole system changes without testing and
      Whether you are experienced at running improvement                              measuring small incremental changes. Learn from experience
      projects or not, this blend of project management and                           and be prepared to be flexible as your first idea may not be the
      improvement tools, combined with practical know-how                             best or the right solution.
      and first hand experience gained from working with NHS
      teams, should prove invaluable.                                                 This resource is not intended as a complete guide but provides a
                                                                                      short overview with the most relevant tools and other resources
                                                                                      signposted for further exploration.

                                                                                      If you want to deliver sustainable improvements with greater
                                                                                      speed and confidence, this resource will help you take the first

“ Every system is
  perfectly designed
  to get the results it
  Paul Batalden


                                                                                                                         Do I really need a model to

CHAPTER 1                                                                                                                improve things?

                                                                                                                         Very often, it is clear that we need to
                                                                                                                         get on and improve things and you
Improvement models                                                                                                       may be tempted to leap in and do so.
                                                                                                                         However, a very high proportion of
There are many models which can support                     understanding what you are going to                          projects fail, and one way to increase
your improvement project; however, we                       accomplish, identifying a core team to                       the chances of your own project
promote two such models: a five step                        undertake the work and a team to support                     succeeding is to adopt a more
approach to successfully manage the                         the direction of the work along with                         systematic, tried and tested approach
change project from initial concept to                      identifying patients and carers to be                        such as those outlined on this page.
completion, and the Model for Improvement                   involved. Work should be aligned to both                     Quality improvement requires the will,
to provide a framework for developing,                      local and national objectives together with
                                                                                                                         the ideas and the execution of those
testing and implementing changes.                           structured plans to measure improvements.
                                                                                                                         ideas to succeed – very often, we have
Five step improvement approach                              The launch phase is the official start of the                the will to make things happen, but by
NHS Improvement has defined a five step                     project. The team should be formed; project                  using models such as these, we can
improvement approach to provide a                           plans, communication plans and data                          ensure we develop the best possible
systematic framework from the beginning                     collection plans should be in place and an                   change ideas and approach
to the end of your improvement project                      executive sponsor identified to support the                  implementation in a planned and
which will give your project a greater                      project.
                                                                                                                         systematic way to enhance our
chance of sustainable success.
                                                            The diagnosis phase is about                                 chances of success.
•   Preparation                                             understanding the current process,
•   Launch                                                  dispelling assumptions, using data to define
•   Diagnosis                                               the problem and to build upon the baseline
•   Implementation                                          data.
•   Evaluation
                                                            The implementation phase tests and                         The final phase is evaluation where
The preparation phase incorporates                          measures potential solutions using a Plan Do               achievements are celebrated, learning and
everything you need to do before the                        Study Act cycle (chapter 9), implements the                principles are captured and the improvement
official start of your project. This includes               best solution and introduces standard work                 becomes the norm.
defining your project aims and objectives,                  and mistake proofing for a quality
collecting baseline data for your service,                  sustainable process.

                                                            The sum of all of the change ideas that are                • Measure regularly during testing – what is
            Model for Improvement
                                                            tested and successfully implemented will be                  the impact immediately, and what is the
          What are we trying to accomplish?                 the effective redesign of processes or ways                  impact over a period of time?
              How will we know that a                       of working.                                                • Continue to measure after the
             change is an improvement?                                                                                   improvement is implemented, to ensure
        What changes can we make that will
                                                            The framework, which was developed by a                      that the change is sustained.
      result in the improvements that we seek?              team at the Institute for Healthcare
                                                            Improvement in the USA, includes three key                 What changes can we make that will
                                                            questions to ask before embarking on a                     result in improvement?
                                                            change programme, supported by a process                   • Many change ideas are generated at
                                                            for testing change ideas using Plan, Do,                     process mapping events (See Chapter 8)
                                                            Study, Act (PDSA) cycles.                                  • Use techniques of creative thinking and
                   ACT        PLAN                                                                                       innovation to generate ideas and to sort
                                                            What are we trying to accomplish?                            them into those to be tested
                                                            • Clear and focused goals that focus on                    • Learn from your colleagues – we know
                  STUDY         DO                            problems that cause concern for patients                   that there are many examples of good
                                                              and staff                                                  practice currently available.
                                                            • Consistent with local and national
                                                              outcomes, plans and frameworks                           The Model for Improvement is a tried and
                                                            • Bold and aspirational                                    tested approach for implementing any
                                                            • With clear numerical targets.                            aspect of change in health services. Address
                                                                                                                       the three questions before embarking on
                                                            How will we know if a change is an                         service redesign, to keep the work focused
The Model for Improvement                                   improvement?                                               and relevant and to ensure that you can
The model for improvement is incorporated                   • What can we measure that will change if                  measure the impact of changing the system.
into the five step approach and was                           the system is improved?                                  Use PDSA cycles (chapter 9) to test out ideas
designed to provide a framework for                         • How can we obtain this data? Is it                       on a small scale and to win commitment
developing, testing and implementing                          available in existing information systems,               before implementing changes across whole
changes that lead to improvement. To                          or will we need to collect this manually?                departments, processes and systems.
achieve improvements we need to take the                    • What is the best way to display the data
time to plan change and test it out and                       we collect so that we can decide whether                 Further explanation of the Five Step
resist the temptation to rush into wholesale                  we are improving the system and whether                  Approach and Model for Improvement is
changes to systems. This way, we will know                    the improvement is sustainable?                          detailed in later chapters.
what is working well, and what is not so                    • Measure the baseline – how is the process
successful. Small scale changes can be                        or system performing before the change
undone and replaced by alternative ideas.                     is made?


                                                                                                                         What is the purpose of a clear aim

CHAPTER 2                                                                                                                or objective?

                                                                                                                         To ensure everyone is working
                                                                                                                         towards the same goal and everyone
Defining the change idea and                                                                                             has the same expectations. It is
                                                                                                                         important to define this clearly, so
developing aims                                                                                                          that you can also identify what it is
                                                                                                                         relevant to measure and to help avoid
A clear and accurate project definition is one                                                                           project creep as your work progresses.
of the most important tasks to ensure the                                                                                A good aim statement can help to
success of any improvement project.                                                                                      motivate people about your project as
                                                                                                                         being something worthwhile,
When starting out, begin by focusing on the                                                                              measurable and achievable.
problem you are trying to solve, rather than
a solution you are trying to implement - no
one likes change for change sake!

Analyse the problem by talking and listening
to those involved, collect baseline data and
recognise the impact of not changing
anything at all. Once you have a clear
understanding of the problem, it is vital to
obtain agreement and support from those
                                                            Examples of poorly written project aims
                                                                                                                       “ If you don’t know where
involved as you will find that different
people have different knowledge based on
                                                            We will improve cancer services
                                                            This aim doesn’t clearly state what the                      you are going, you are
their past experiences. Agreement will also
increase team engagement and will provide
                                                            change will actually improve and who would
                                                            be responsible in improving the services. Are                likely to end up
                                                                                                                         somewhere else!”
a stable platform to take the next step in                  the improvements are for every cancer
developing the scope of your project with                   patient or just patients with certain types of
focused aims and objectives.                                cancer (e.g. breast cancer) or for all types of
                                                            cancers for a specific group of patients (e.g.               Yogi Berra

Project scope                                               children and young people)? The project
When defining your change idea, take time                   aim must stipulate how much the service is
to consider and clearly document what is                    going to be improved, when it is going to be
within the scope of your project as well as                 completed and what is the impact of the
what is out of scope.                                       improvement.

The scope should include information about                  We will achieve a 20% reduction in                         Ensure your scope and aim is clear to
the project boundaries and key deliverables,                emergency admissions for heart failure                     everyone involved. The language we use in
however be cautious of the size of the                      patients by July 2013                                      the NHS is sometimes ambiguous and can
project scope. A large wide ranging project                 This example does provide a clear a                        be interpreted in different ways by different
scope may mean the work does not have                       numerical target to aim for, but what is the               people, for example “Self Management
enough focus or detail, or may achieve very                 20% measured against? Is it 20% reduction                  Plan” - Is this a piece of paper with generic
little by trying to do too much; whereas a                  from the previous year? Is it realistic? Could             information given to all symptomatic
narrow focused scope may lead to a project                  it be achieved?                                            patients or a personalised care plan for each
that does not make a significant difference                                                                            patient? It is really important that you are
and cannot be transferable or able to scale                 All practices need to use a care planning                  clear in your aim and don’t leave anything to
up.                                                         approach for all patients with a long                      chance.
                                                            term condition
A well defined project scope is critical to                 ‘Need to’ is not an improvement aim. Is this
prevent a project creeping out of control.                  all practices across the country or all
‘Project Creep’ is when the scope of a                      practices in the consortia? Which care                       Why should I get consensus about
project grows from its original parameters                  planning approach should be used? When                       the problem before starting the
into something more or different from the                   should this be completed and what will it                    project?
original intention. Implications of a                       achieve?
changing scope could include project failure,                                                                            There are numerous reasons why you
unclear deliverables, confusion, increased                  A good aim may look like this                                should discuss the problem and
budgets and expanding timeframes.                           100% of patients on our list with a
                                                                                                                         achieve a consensus before starting
                                                            confirmed diagnosis of COPD will have a
Project aim                                                 comprehensive review and will have an                        your project. Different people will
A project aim should be aspirational,                       individualised care plan developed with the                  have different ideas about the
measureable and consistent with local and                   lead GP or practice nurse by March 2013.                     problem, so it is important that you
national priorities and plans.                              This will ensure that they are optimally cared               understand their perspective (as you
                                                            for and better able to manage their                          might learn something new) and for
A good aim statement should include:                        condition, thereby reducing the frequency                    others to understand your perspective.
• What we are trying to achieve                             and severity of exacerbations and the need
                                                                                                                         See the elephant analogy in chapter 3;
• For whom                                                  for possible future hospital admissions.
• How much                                                                                                               very few people will understand the
• By when                                                                                                                full story as their perspective is based
• Compared to what                                                                                                       on their own experiences. This process
• And why?                                                                                                               of gaining consensus, talking and
                                                                                                                         listening to the people involved in the
                                                                                                                         process will assist with engagement
                                                                                                                         and support for the project.

An adaptation of a Hindi proverb
   Five visually impaired people touch an elephant to learn
   what it is like. Each one feels a different part.

   "Hey, the elephant is like a tree trunk," said the
   first man who touched the elephant’s leg.
   "Oh, no! The elephant is like a snake" said the
   second man who felt the trunk.
   "Oh, no! It is like a rope," said the third man who
   touched the tail.
   "It is like a brush" said the fourth man who
   rubbed the elephant ear.
   And the fifth man said "It’s soft and mushy…"

   They began to argue about the elephant and they all
   insisted they were right. They all were right in what they
   were saying as they had all developed an understanding
   based on their own experiences and perspective. However,
   they did not have an understanding of the whole elephant.

   Imagine the elephant to be a patient. Different
   clinicians and health care staff see the patient in
   different ways, all of them correct, but by not seeing
   the whole patient pathway, their understanding is
   limited. Make sure you understand the entire
   process/patient pathway before starting any
   improvement project.


                                                                                                                         What makes successful projects?

CHAPTER 3                                                                                                                • Getting the right people
                                                                                                                           involved from the start of the
Managing a successful project                                                                                            • Having a clear aims statement
                                                                                                                         • Planning, monitoring and control
                                                                                                                         • Having a real understanding of
Starting out on any improvement project is                  • Collecting baseline data and having a                        the current issue or problem
an exciting time, and you are likely to be full               data collection plan (Chapter 10 and 11)                   • Measurable improvements
of enthusiasm and optimism. However,                        • Understanding your customer                                  which are achievements not just
things don’t always go entirely to plan and it                requirements (Chapter 6).                                    activities
can be hard to maintain impetus and                                                                                      • Having clear links to local and
progress with enthusiasm alone.                             A project plan is fundamental to the                           national objectives i.e. a clear
                                                            establishment of the project. It sets the                      reason to do it
For a project to be successful, it is important             contract for improvement and establishes                     • Involving patients and carers,
that an adequate amount of time is spent                    the mandate, priorities and resource                           (ideally) from the beginning
on managing the project.                                    availability. In other words, it spells out                  • Displaying effective
                                                            clearly what, how and when is to be done,                      communication.
Spending time getting the preparatory work                  so that everyone is aware of their
right first time will be beneficial later in the            commitments and how they will impact on
project. Preparatory work includes:                         the project’s success. It can be tempting to
                                                            ignore this element as “bureaucratic” or                   The plan is developed in the preparation
• Getting the right team (Chapter 5)                        “administrative” but it is an essential tool               phase of the project and enables decisions
• Having a good relationship with your                      for ensuring there is clarity about the project            to be made with regard to modifying or
  executive sponsor (Chapter 5)                             and that expectations are managed. This                    cancelling the initiative in situations where
• Having a solid project plan (Chapter 3)                   need not be an onerous process, but the                    the required support for the project either
• Having a robust communication plan                        plan does need to clearly spell out the key                changes or is lacking. The plan is used
  (Chapter 7)                                               areas.                                                     throughout the project for monitoring
• Understanding the current service                                                                                    and control.
  (Chapter 2 and 8)


                                                                                                                       Why do projects fail?

A project plan should specify:                                                                                         • Project aims and objectives not
• Aims and objectives                                                                                                    clearly defined or articulated
• Background to the project                                                                                            • Little or no top level support
• Scope of project                                                                                                       and leadership for the project
• Expected deliverables                                                                                                • Lack of effective engagement
• Timescale                                                                                                              with key players and patients
• Analysis of risk                                                                                                     • Poorly planned projects
• Resources                                                                                                            • Inadequately monitored,
• Budget                                                                                                                 controlled and managed
• Method/process                                                                                                       • Failure to take account of local
• Accountability                                                                                                         and national priorities e.g. QIPP
• Identification of the project sponsor                                                                                • Poor communication
• Data and measures                                                                                                    • Failure to divide the project into
• Dependencies (i.e. links between one                                                                                   small manageable tasks
  action and another)                                                                                                  • Unable to collect and analyse
• How the work is going to be sustained                                                                                  data.
  and spread to other areas.

Project plans come in many different styles, but
each should set out all the actions that have to
occur to achieve the improvement, as well as
clearly stating when these will happen and
who is responsible for doing them.

                                                               Does someone need to project
                                                               manage for a project to be
   Is my work a project?                                       Yes, within the project team, someone
   A project is a temporary piece of work                      needs to be responsible for the role.
   with a defined start and finish, and will                   Without someone to undertake this
   not continue indefinitely. Project work                     role, it is unlikely that even the smallest
   is also designed to deliver a defined                       project team will deliver what it sets
   outcome or benefit from doing the                           out to achieve within the agreed
   work.                                                       parameters.

   Isn’t project management just                               What is the difference between a
   unnecessary bureaucracy and                                 research and improvement project?
   administration?                                             An improvement project is about
   Good project management is not just                         testing ways to implement evidence
   bureaucracy. It is about ensuring there                     based care and find out the best way
   is consistent co-ordination, drive and                      for a service to be organised and
   evaluation of the project so that it                        delivered. It is about testing innovation
   remains focused and effective. Not                          or new ways of working and not about
   having someone to manage the                                testing whether treatments or
   project usually means that no one                           interventions actually work.
   takes overall responsibility for ensuring
   that all the components are being
   delivered – and the project may then
   falter or fail.

   What is the role of a project
   The role of a project manager is to
   have oversight of the entire project
   and take responsibility for controlling
   and monitoring each aspect, along
   with reporting the successes, learning
   and failures of the project. Not every
   project needs to a dedicated project
   manager, but every project requires
   someone to undertake the roles and
   responsibilities of a project manager
   (see chapter 5).


                                                                                                                       What is QIPP?

CHAPTER 4                                                                                                              QIPP stands for Quality, Innovation,
                                                                                                                       Productivity and Prevention and
                                                                                                                       originates from the White Paper
Levers and drivers - framing the                                                                                       ‘Equity and excellence: Liberating the
                                                                                                                       NHS’ which sets out the government’s
work for a wider audience                                                                                              vision for the future of the NHS. The
                                                                                                                       QIPP agenda is all about ensuring that
                                                                                                                       each pound spent is used to bring
Changing established systems of any kind is
difficult. It is particularly challenging within                                                                       maximum benefit and quality of care
healthcare because of the complex                                                                                      to patients. The QIPP initiative has
relationships between a wide range of                                                                                  been increasingly important in
organisations, professionals, patients and                                                                             healthcare and looks set to continue
                                                               What levers and drivers could be
carers.                                                        relevant to my work?                                    as the NHS needs to make savings
                                                               You might need to do some research                      because of increasing demand from an
Certain factors may help to foster an                          about local and national priorities. Quite
environment that is conducive to change                                                                                ageing population and the increasing
                                                               often these are obvious and you can
and improvement. An organisation where                                                                                 need for long term condition
                                                               begin to ‘frame’ your work to align to
there is strong leadership and everyone is                     these. For example, you might be                        management. The NHS needs to
focused on improving patient care is more                      undertaking a project in primary care to                achieve value for money and the best
likely to develop motivated staff with a                       reduce the number of emergency                          possible quality of care so that patients
desire for continuous quality improvement.                     admissions to hospital where the local                  get the greatest benefit.
However, barriers to changing established                      priority is to reduce bed days. There
practice may prevent or impede progress in                     would be a clear link to the local
all organisations, whatever the culture.                       initiative and the work you would then                  More information can be found on
Sometimes a great idea can be presented
with various barriers and challenges to
change. Often taking time to identify the
barriers in order to overcome these is                         How do I link my work to local priorities?
essential to securing engagement and                           Talk to the local stakeholders about the work you propose and understand how it fits in. A
sustainability of the work. It is also                         number of these stakeholders may already be part of your project steering group, so take
important to look at the context of work                       time to discuss and explore this further with them. Your local clinical network may also be
you may be undertaking in terms of                             able to help you link to local priorities.
understanding both the local and national
drivers for change and levers for improvement.

Drivers are those forces for change that are                There are a number of local and national
outside the projects scope of control.                      initiatives looking to improve local services              What is a clinical network?
Drivers derive from a variety of sources,                   including calls for case study examples of                 A clinical network is a local NHS
including policy, that will change the way in               good practice. It is worth spending some                   organisation made up of clinicians,
which the service may operate. Levers are                   time investigating what drivers are aligned                managers and commissioners who work
those forces for change and improvement                     to your work, similar work within your                     together to improve care. They provide a
that are within the projects scope of control.              organisation and opportunities to gain                     forum to share multi professional advice,
                                                            additional support where it may be                         influence and learning, to maximise
In parallel, linking with what is first seen as             appropriate.                                               knowledge and deliver better outcomes
primarily a small improvement project with                                                                             for patients. They do this by bringing
local and national drivers for change can                                                                              together primary care, secondary care,
enable a project to be further supported,                                                                              commissioners, patients, social care and
                                                               How can I get wider engagement to                       other stakeholders with a common
successful and sustainable. Quite often
                                                               support my work?                                        interest, to enable the local NHS to work
teams undertaking improvement projects
                                                               Raising the profile of the work,                        in a collaborative and co-ordinated way
focus purely on delivering isolated outcomes                                                                           for its population, to best meet local
                                                               particularly if the work is aligned to local
for their work areas. Levers such as                                                                                   needs and priorities.
                                                               priorities will increase the chances of
reducing admissions or length of stay may                      wider engagement and support for the
be a local priority for a number of                            work. Talk to the service stakeholders
organisations in your area. It will help raise                 and try to secure project sponsorship
the profile of your improvement work if the                    from the chief executive or board level                 How can a clinical network help?
work is aligned to such initiatives, however                   director within your organisation. Also                 Networks focus on solving problems for
small.                                                         discuss the work with other                             patients wherever they are in the system,
                                                               management and clinical colleagues but                  stepping outside organisational
Look for similar current work already                          remember that these individuals may                     boundaries and seeking instead a whole
underway within your organisation.                             span wider than your immediate project                  system approach to service
Consider framing your work to the National                     group and include, primary care, social                 improvement. Networks will also share
QIPP agenda in terms of quality                                care, acute care, commissioners and the                 information, best practice, guidelines,
improvement, innovation, productivity gains                    ambulance service where relevant. Your                  and clinical learning to achieve greater
and prevention work. You may be surprised                      local clinical network may also be able to              impact than would otherwise be
by how much difference your improvement                        assist with wider engagement and support                possible. They can also influence
work contributes towards reducing costs,                       for your work.                                          commissioning decisions about priorities,
                                                                                                                       availability and use of resources, to
enhancing productivity, enhancing quality
                                                                                                                       deliver optimum care to local people.
and increasing patient safety.
                                                                                                                       If your project demonstrates significant
                                                                                                                       scope to improve care, efficiency and
                                                                                                                       outcomes a network can help you
                                                                                                                       spread and sustain your work.


                                                                                                                       How do I keep colleagues

CHAPTER 5                                                                                                              engaged?

                                                                                                                       Once you have built the relationship
                                                                                                                       and engagement has been achieved,
Getting the right people                                                                                               continue to work at it by:

involved                                                                                                               • Staying in regular contact
                                                                                                                       • Keeping people involved and
Some of the biggest risks to any project can                                                                           • Having meetings with a
come from within the team. It is important                     Why do I need an executive sponsor?                       purpose, actions and outcomes
that the team has people with the right skills                 Executive sponsors should be chosen                     • Delivering what you have
and abilities to do the job and will be able to                from the top of your organisation, ideally                agreed to do.
give continued support to the improvement                      the chief executive or someone from the
initiative.                                                    executive team. This person will
                                                               champion your project, provide strategic
Having the right people involved from the                      support to the project, help to discuss
beginning with the right expertise will give                   and resolve issues, celebrate
                                                               achievement and provide access to HR,
your project the best chance of sustainable
                                                               Finance and IT teams when required.
success. If the right people are not involved
from the start, it will be much harder to
engage and involve these people at a later
date.                                                          Why is clinical and managerial
                                                               leadership important for my work?
A project sponsor and involvement from                         Clinicians and managers provide
the top of your organisation (Chief Executive                  different perspectives, experience and
or Executive Team) is necessary to champion                    support to your project. They will help
your project and provide strategic direction                   ensure that your project is appropriately
to the project. This type of involvement also                  targeted and relevant. Also they can
provides support to discuss issues, celebrate                  ensure that the changes you are testing
achievement and provide access to human                        are practically supported and promoted
resources, finance, analysts, communications,                  across different staff groups.
estates and IT teams when required.

Every project should have someone with an                   Involve all stakeholders and grades of staff
overview of the project who is responsible                  (clinical staff, GPs, porters, commissioners,
for the role of project manager. You                        reception staff, managers, pharmacists,
might be fortunate to have a dedicated                      clinical support staff, data analyst, medical
project manager to support your project,                    secretaries etc) as they will have different
however a project member may be required                    experiences, knowledge, skills, opinions,
to take on the responsibilities of this role                ideas and concerns.
where this is not possible. It is advisable for
just one person to be accountable and have                  The involvement of patients, carers and
ownership to lead the project, ensuring                     charities is vital as they will be able to give a
decisions are made, actions taken, and                      different perspective on your service and
measurable, timely progress is made.                        proposed improvement plans.

Within the project team it is necessary to
have a variety of individuals, some whose
role will be to make decisions and others to
carry out actions.

When establishing a project team, consider
individuals or groups who are interested and
enthusiastic about the work, and those who
are in a position of power and influence. It
is also worth involving people or groups
who do not have direct interest in your
project but have a key position of power or
authority to make decisions.


                                                                                                                          Why should I involve patients

CHAPTER 6                                                                                                                 when I know what I need to do?

                                                                                                                          Patients’ experience of what we say,
                                                                                                                          do or mean can be very different to
Involving patients and carers                                                                                             that which we intend. By actively
                                                                                                                          involving patients, we can find out
in service redesign                                                                                                       how what we do actually affects
                                                                                                                          them, what really happens day to day
                                                                                                                          and what we could do to improve
                                                                                                                          patients’ experience, reduce wasteful
                                                                                                                          processes and improve quality.
Patients and their carers are the reason
the health service exists and therefore
they should be at the heart of our

Service improvement and redesign
generates opportunities to involve users
and their carers who can provide a different
perspective to enable a better understanding
of whether our improvements make any

A patient’s experience of our service can be
very different to what we intend or assume
it to be and they can tell us what works,
what doesn’t and what could be done
better. We might ‘know’ we are doing a
good job, but it needs to meet the patient’s

Only when we understand a patient’s needs
– by asking them, not second guessing – can
we work in a way that meets those needs
and ensures they get maximum benefit from           
our service.

Why should patients and carers be                           Planning before involving                                  Where can I find patients and carers
involved in the improvement of                              Planning is imperative to ensure that the                  who may support my work?
services?                                                   healthcare provider fully understands what                 There are many ways in which you can
• Raised awareness of how the service really                they want from the interaction and how                     interact and contact patients and carers who
  runs from the patient point of view, not                  they are going to meaningfully involve                     would like to be involved in service
  just how the service providers think it runs              patients and carers.                                       improvement work. You can approach
• Different perspective on improvements                                                                                people in your clinic, through hospital
  and priorities                                            The following planning steps should be                     departments, nurse specialists and patient
• Opportunity to discover what really makes                 undertaken before interaction with patients                groups.
  a difference to a patient’s experience                    and carers:
• Understanding what makes it difficult or                  • Be clear about what you want from                        Some organisations which can support the
  easier for the patient to manage their                      interaction and what you are trying to                   placement of volunteer patients and carers
  condition effectively                                       achieve                                                  in service improvement work in the NHS
• Suggestions to make things quicker,                       • Address any staff concerns about patient                 include:
  cheaper, easier or better to improve                        involvement/engagement                                   • Local Involvement Networks (LINks) / Local
  services and experience for patients and                  • Consider what previous patient                             HealthWatch (
  carers                                                      involvement has taken place and if this
• Learning more about the patient’s actual                    was successful. If not, why not?
  experience and so providing a better                      • Decide on the type of patient – someone
  understanding of their needs and priorities                 who is well informed about their
• Improved service user relationships with                    condition, newly diagnosed patient,                        I want to know more, where can I
  healthcare professionals                                    recently discharged etc.                                   find detailed information?
• Opportunity to raise issues of importance                 • Decide where are you going to enlist this
  to patients, carers and the public                          type of patient?
                                                                                                                         NHS Improvement has years of
• Improved and increased staff morale from                  • Decide on the level and method of
  providing care to patients that they want,                  involvement you are going to use – i.e.                    experience in involving patients and
  in a way they want                                          direct, indirect questioning                               their carers. Information can be
                                                            • Ensure you have enough resources in                        found on our website:
                                                              place, e.g. time, finances, training                       (
                                                            • Consider any practical arrangements that                   along with information about
                                                              need to be made                                            Discovery Interviews™ which is an
                                                            • Test the method you propose to use, then
                                                                                                                         innovative technique designed to
                                                              amend where necessary
                                                            • Establish plans for evaluating your                        improve care by gaining insight into
                                                              approach.                                                  patient and carer needs and


• Charitable organisations such as the
  Stroke Association, MacMillan Cancer
  Support and Asthma UK (find local
  information on the charity websites)
• Local support groups
• Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).

You may also like to consider advertising
your improvement work and asking for
volunteers through:
• Posters in GP surgeries, outreach clinics,
  hospitals or other NHS settings
• Posters in libraries and pharmacies
• Social networking sites such as Facebook
  and My Space.

What are the considerations for
involving patients and carers?
Sensitivity – the patients actually suffer
from and live with their conditions / illnesses
and sometimes service redesign work may            
take a depersonalised approach. This should
be considered if patient representatives
attend meetings or improvement events.

Cost – undertaking some forms of patient                   Examples of techniques to involve patients and carers
involvement may incur a cost for the patient.
It is reasonable to expect that patients and                  Direct methods                                           Indirect methods
carers should receive reimbursement for the                   Interviews                                               Questionnaires
costs they incur – travel, parking etc.
                                                              Focus groups                                             Surveys
Representative sample – there is often a                      Workshops                                                Suggestion boxes
challenge in finding patients who are
                                                              Face to face meetings with individuals                   Analysis of complaints
representative of the service you are working
to improve. For example, if meetings are                      Patient reps on project groups                           Public meetings / open days
arranged during working hours it is highly                    Patients attending service improvement events            Social networking
unlikely that people of working age would
be able to attend because of other life
commitments such as work and children. If
you wish your patients to be truly                             Top tips for involving patients
representative you may have to consider a                      • Listen
number of methods.                                             • Find ways to involve the seldom heard groups, those who find it difficult
                                                                 to access health services or people who may not routinely get involved so
A range of opinions – patient engagement                         that you get a real understanding of different experiences
may elicit a different or even opposing                        • Take time to understand the issues, don’t assume you know the answer or
opinion to the work you are undertaking. It                      the solution
is important to know from the outset how                       • Use appropriate language, not jargon
to manage expectation realistically but also                   • Be clear about why you are undertaking involvement work and
to genuinely incorporate views and make                          how you will deal with what it reveals
change.                                                        • Be clear about any areas that can not be changed or are not for discussion
                                                                 (e.g. national guidance), this ensures that the valuable time is spent
                                                                 discussing what can be changed and that patients expectations are not
                                                                 unduly heightened
                                                               • Always provide feedback to the patient and what has happened as a


                                                                                                                             Why should I invest time to

CHAPTER 7                                                                                                                    communicate what I know?

                                                                                                                             Don’t assume that other people

Communicating the right things                                                                                               (including your staff and colleagues)
                                                                                                                             know what you know. Everyone

to the right people                                                                                                          connected to the service needs to
                                                                                                                             understand what you are doing and
                                                                                                                             why, and the impact it is having.

                                                                                                                             Keeping the improvement at the
                                                                                                                             forefront of people’s minds when
Communication not only keeps                                How often are you going to
everyone up-to-date on the project                          communicate?                                                     things are going well will ensure they
progress, but raises the profile of your                    • Daily, weekly, monthly.                                        remain engaged and committed
project and facilitates engagement and                                                                                       which will make it easier for you to
ownership of the vision and service                         Who is going to be responsible for the                           gain support when you need it.
changes. To ensure the success of a                         communication?
project, information including the aims,                    • Project manager
                                                                                                                             Don’t expect people to drop
objectives, expectations, deliverables,                     • Executive sponsor
                                                                                                                             everything to help you if they have
timescales, progress, risks, challenges and                 • Named people
achievements need to be communicated on                     • Everyone.                                                      heard nothing from you for the last
a regular basis.                                                                                                             six months! By communicating what
                                                                                                                             you are doing to others in your
Through two way communication, you
will probably find that the staff who work               “ You can have brilliant                                            department or organisation, you
                                                                                                                             might also find out information
in the area are fully aware of changes that
can improve the service. Through                            ideas but if you can't get                                       which you were not already aware of
                                                                                                                             that may have a positive or negative
involvement, empowerment and listening,
staff generated ideas and solutions are                     them across, your ideas                                          impact on your work.
generally most effective and sustainable.
Following meetings with staff, make sure                    won't get you anywhere.”
you take action and communicate the
                                                            Lee Lacocca
progress you have made. Small
improvements can ignite momentum for the
project and start to get people interested.

The first step to effective                                   Communication Plan
communication is to understand who                            Team:                                       Completed by:                                          Date:
you need to communicate with
                                                              Who are you going          What are you going            How are you         When are you           Who is responsible
• Who do you need to keep informed and
                                                              to communicate             to communicate to             going to            going to               for communicating
  obtain information from? Staff/patients/                    with?                      them?                         communicate?        communicate it?        the message?
  carers/executive board?                                     e.g. Project teams,        e.g. Improvements,            e.g. Weekly         e.g. Daily, weekly,    Name and role
• Who needs to know what is happening /                       exec sponsor, NHS          risks and issues,             meetings,           fortnightly,
  changing?                                                   Improvement, steering      measures, data,               presentations,      monthly, annually
• Who do you require support from?                            group, SHA lead,           project scope, news           events, email,
                                                              stakeholders, patients     etc.                          letters, handouts
• Who will be directly and indirectly                         etc.                                                     etc.

What do you need to tell or ask? What                       Communication plan
does your audience need to know?                            A communication plan is an easy way to
• What the current service looks like                       actively address the interests and concerns
• The vision, aim, deliverables                             of the key stakeholders and ensures this is
• The problems, issues, risks                               done in a timely manner.                                        What is the best way to
• Changes to the project                                                                                                    communicate the progress and
• The benefits.                                             In a changing environment with                                  outcomes of my work?
                                                            organisational structures being transformed
How are you going to communicate to                         and staff moving roles, a documented                            Remember that you will need to
all the relevant people?                                    communication plan will support the                             adopt different approaches and styles
• Regular meetings                                          progression of an improvement project.                          for different audiences and
• Internal and external newsletters
                                                                                                                            stakeholders. Try not to develop a
• Memo’s                                                    Example of how a team at Hinchingbrooke
• Local press                                               Hospital communicated their work in the
                                                                                                                            whole industry of reporting around
• Websites                                                  local press                                                     your project but use existing channels
• Emails                                                                                                                    wherever possible. Involve your local
• Letters                                                                                                                   communications team as they will be
• Reports                                                                                                                   able to suggest some possibilities.
• Presentations                                                                                                             Regular reports to your executive
• Support from the communications
                                                                                                                            sponsor, board or management
                                                                                                                            committee are useful at the higher
                                                                                                                            level, but make sure you also use
                                                                                                                            local newsletters, forums and
                                                                                                                            meetings to provide ongoing


Improvement tool: Process
A process is made up of series of actions or                People’s views about the process tend to                                                                   process is an important step in moving
steps taken to achieve a specific result.                   change and develop following a process                                                                     forward to redesign and developing a new
Process mapping is a technique used to                      mapping exercise as individuals have an idea                                                               process that will work better for patients
identify all the interconnected pathway steps               (a ‘mental map’) of the process, but as the                                                                and staff.
and decisions in a process and coverts this                 process map is developed, it becomes clear
information into a highly visual                            that their personal view is different from                                                                 What does a process map look like?
diagrammatic form.                                          that of others in the same process. The map                                                                The map below is of a diagnostic pathway
                                                            of the current process may differ from the                                                                 for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Process maps can cover a short and simple                   mental maps that individuals in that process                                                               (COPD) and asthma.
sequence of actions by one person (such as                  have always believed. Agreeing the current
point of care testing or phelbotomy) or it
could be a complex set of activities involving
many different people over time, (such as                                                                                                      COPD and Asthma Diagnosis
the End of Life patient pathway).
                                                                                         If referral doesn’t meet set standards,
                                                                                        more information is requested from GP
                                                                                        or if does not meet the triage standards,
What are the benefits of mapping                                                                     letter back to GP

the process?
                                                                                                                                  Patient contacted
• An overview of the complete process from                            GP referral to              Referral triaged by
                                                                                                                                by community team
                                                                                                                                    to arrange an
                                                                                                                                                           Communication              Community team                   Clinic referrals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Secondary care
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            manager (band 6)
                                                                    community nurse              community specialist                                       letter sent to          book secondary care              sent to secondary
  beginning to end, helping staff to                                 specialist team                     team
                                                                                                                                appointment which
                                                                                                                                 is close to patients
                                                                                                                                                           patient with PIL         to staff to run clinics                  care
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            arranges staff to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              cover clinics
  understand, often for the first time, how
  complicated the system can be for                                   Spirometry x3
                                                                    (which need to be               Measure oxygen                      Check                  Check                    Check height                   Patient called        Secondary care
                                                                   within 5%) by band                    sats                          medication           demographics                 and weight                      into clinic        attended for clinic
  patients                                                             2 or 6 staff

• Allows staff to see the pathway from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       If spirometry
  patient’s perspective                                             400mg salbutamol
                                                                                                    20 minute wait
                                                                                                    (for medication                 Repeat spirometry       Explain results
                                                                                                                                                                                       Results taken
                                                                                                                                                                                     back to secondary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    conducted by band
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2 staff results
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Indication and
                                                                      (via volumatic)                                                      x3                 to patient                                                                    documented and
• A starting point for your improvement                                                                 to work)                                                                            care                      interpreted by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           band 6

                                                                                                                                                           Write to GP and              Decisions for                                         Results sent to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Review and
                                                                                                                                                             patient for               treatment and                                        primary care nurse
                                                                                                                                                            management                  management                                            specialist team

• The opportunity to bring together people                  Once the above map was completed, the team could see that the process was over-
  from primary, secondary, tertiary and                     complicated, and included many unnecessary steps, bottlenecks, wasteful activities and
  social care from all roles and professions                avoidable delays. The process was redesigned following the mapping exercise the new
• Identifies problems, delays, areas for error              process below was created. As well as being simpler, the new process is much quicker for
  and confusion, blockages and bottlenecks                  the patient, takes less administrative and clinical time and costs less.
• A point to create a culture of ownership,
  responsibility and accountability for
  improving the process
                                                                                                                                               Community Spirometry Management
• An aid to help plan where to test ideas for
  improvements that are likely to have the                                                        If referral doesn’t
                                                                                                meet set standards,
  most impact on services                                                                        more information
                                                                                               is requested from GP                                                                                    Interpretation in

• Draws out ideas to help redesign the                                                          or if does not meet
                                                                                               the triage standards,
                                                                                                                                                                              Band 2 staff            secondary care by
                                                                                                                                                                                                       band 6 or above
                                                                                                  letter back to GP
  pathway – which particularly from
  members of staff who don’t normally have                                                                                     Patient contacted         Communication                                                   Indication and      Proactive approach
                                                                                                                              by community team            letter sent to           Spirometry with                        comments           to treatment and
  the opportunity to contribute to service                           GP referral to
                                                                   community nurse
                                                                                                Referral triaged by
                                                                                               community specialist
                                                                                                                                  to arrange an
                                                                                                                              appointment which
                                                                                                                                                          patient with a
                                                                                                                                                        patient information
                                                                                                                                                                                  reversablility, SpO2
                                                                                                                                                                                   by secondary care
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       documented and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        sent to primary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             management which
                                                                    specialist team                    team                                                                                                                                   may include tier 3
  planning, but who really know how                                                                                             is convenient in
                                                                                                                              proximity and time
                                                                                                                                                          and instruction
                                                                                                                                                                                         team                             care specialist
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           nurse team
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              clinic attendance,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MDT discussions

  things work
• An interactive event that gets people                                                                                                                                       Band 6 staff           Interpretation and
                                                                                                                                                                                 or above
  involved, motivated and talking to each                                                                                                                                                             results explained
                                                                                                                                                                                                         to patient

• An end product – the process map –
  documents who does what, when, and
  how long it takes, is highly visual and easy              How to organise an event and                                                                               • Meet with managerial, clinical and service
  to understand.                                            generate a process map                                                                                       leaders beforehand so that they feel
                                                                                                                                                                         involved in the process. Use these
                                                            Preparation                                                                                                  meetings to agree the scope that you will
                                                            • Define the objectives, scope (start and end                                                                work on and the three or four basic steps
                                                              points and level of detail) and the focus of                                                               that you will explore in detail at the
                                                              the process mapping workshop                                                                               workshop
                                                            • Start is with a process that involves high                                                               • If you have the opportunity, an
                                                              numbers of patients                                                                                        independent facilitator, not connected
                                                            • Organise a half day event to draw the                                                                      with the pathway, can be really useful.
                                                              map and a half day to analyse and look                                                                     Choose someone with service redesign
                                                              for improvement opportunities. You can                                                                     skills and experience.
                                                              run these together as a full day event or as
                                                              two half days but not more than two
                                                              weeks apart

First steps towards quality improvement: a simple guide to improving services
First steps towards quality improvement: a simple guide to improving services
First steps towards quality improvement: a simple guide to improving services
First steps towards quality improvement: a simple guide to improving services
First steps towards quality improvement: a simple guide to improving services
First steps towards quality improvement: a simple guide to improving services
First steps towards quality improvement: a simple guide to improving services
First steps towards quality improvement: a simple guide to improving services
First steps towards quality improvement: a simple guide to improving services
First steps towards quality improvement: a simple guide to improving services
First steps towards quality improvement: a simple guide to improving services
First steps towards quality improvement: a simple guide to improving services

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First steps towards quality improvement: a simple guide to improving services

  • 1. NHS CANCER DIAGNOSTICS HEART LUNG STROKE NHS Improvement First steps towards quality improvement: A simple guide to improving services
  • 2. IMPROVEMENT. PEOPLE. QUALITY. STAFF. DATA. STEPS. LEAN. PATIENTS. PRODUCTIVITY. IDEAS. REDESIGN. MAPPING. SOLUTIONS. EXPERIENCE. SHARE. PROCESSES. TOOLS. MEASURES. INVOLVEMENT. STRENGTH. SUPPORT. LEARN. CHANGE. TEST. IMPLEMENT. PREPARATION. KNOW-HOW. SCOPE. INNOVATION. FOCUS. ENGAGEMENT. DELIVERY. DIAGNOSIS. LAUNCH. RESOURCES. EVALUATION. NHS. PLANNING. TECHNIQUES. FRAMEWORK. AGREEMENT. UNDERSTAND. IMPLEMENTATION. SUSTAIN. FIRST STEPS TO WA RD S Q U A L I T Y I M P RO VE M E N T: A S I M P L E G U I D E T O I M P RO VI N G S E R VI C E S CONTENTS 4 Introduction 6 Chapter 1 - Improvement models 8 Chapter 2 - Defining the change idea and developing aims 11 Chapter 3 - Managing a successful project 14 Chapter 4 - Levers and drivers – framing the work for a wider audience 16 Chapter 5 - Getting the right people involved 18 Chapter 6 - Involving patients and carers in service redesign 22 Chapter 7 - Communicating the right things to the right people 24 Chapter 8 - Improvement Tool: Process mapping 28 Chapter 9 - Improvement Tool: Plan Do Study Act Cycles 30 Chapter 10 - Measuring your efforts 34 Chapter 11 - Improvement Tool: Using statistical process control charts 37 Chapter 12 - Human dimensions of change 40 Chapter 13 - Sharing your success 44 Resources 44 Acknowledgements 2/3
  • 3. FIRST STEPS TO WA RD S Q U A L I T Y I M P RO VE M E N T: A S I M P L E G U I D E T O I M P RO VI N G S E R VI C E S INTRODUCTION If you are involved at any level in improving health or Before implementing a solution and changing your service, it is social care, this resource will provide the information essential to understand your current system by mapping the you need for your first steps towards making quality process, collecting and analysing the service data, along with improvements, giving your improvement project the asking patients and staff for their views in order to determine best possible chance of success. where improvements can be made. Don’t rush into implementing whole system changes without testing and Whether you are experienced at running improvement measuring small incremental changes. Learn from experience projects or not, this blend of project management and and be prepared to be flexible as your first idea may not be the improvement tools, combined with practical know-how best or the right solution. and first hand experience gained from working with NHS teams, should prove invaluable. This resource is not intended as a complete guide but provides a short overview with the most relevant tools and other resources signposted for further exploration. If you want to deliver sustainable improvements with greater speed and confidence, this resource will help you take the first steps. “ Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it achieves” Paul Batalden 4/5
  • 4. FIRST STEPS TO WA RD S Q U A L I T Y I M P RO VE M E N T: A S I M P L E G U I D E T O I M P RO VI N G S E R VI C E S Do I really need a model to CHAPTER 1 improve things? Very often, it is clear that we need to get on and improve things and you Improvement models may be tempted to leap in and do so. However, a very high proportion of There are many models which can support understanding what you are going to projects fail, and one way to increase your improvement project; however, we accomplish, identifying a core team to the chances of your own project promote two such models: a five step undertake the work and a team to support succeeding is to adopt a more approach to successfully manage the the direction of the work along with systematic, tried and tested approach change project from initial concept to identifying patients and carers to be such as those outlined on this page. completion, and the Model for Improvement involved. Work should be aligned to both Quality improvement requires the will, to provide a framework for developing, local and national objectives together with the ideas and the execution of those testing and implementing changes. structured plans to measure improvements. ideas to succeed – very often, we have Five step improvement approach The launch phase is the official start of the the will to make things happen, but by NHS Improvement has defined a five step project. The team should be formed; project using models such as these, we can improvement approach to provide a plans, communication plans and data ensure we develop the best possible systematic framework from the beginning collection plans should be in place and an change ideas and approach to the end of your improvement project executive sponsor identified to support the implementation in a planned and which will give your project a greater project. systematic way to enhance our chance of sustainable success. The diagnosis phase is about chances of success. • Preparation understanding the current process, • Launch dispelling assumptions, using data to define • Diagnosis the problem and to build upon the baseline • Implementation data. • Evaluation The implementation phase tests and The final phase is evaluation where The preparation phase incorporates measures potential solutions using a Plan Do achievements are celebrated, learning and everything you need to do before the Study Act cycle (chapter 9), implements the principles are captured and the improvement official start of your project. This includes best solution and introduces standard work becomes the norm. defining your project aims and objectives, and mistake proofing for a quality collecting baseline data for your service, sustainable process. The sum of all of the change ideas that are • Measure regularly during testing – what is Model for Improvement tested and successfully implemented will be the impact immediately, and what is the What are we trying to accomplish? the effective redesign of processes or ways impact over a period of time? How will we know that a of working. • Continue to measure after the change is an improvement? improvement is implemented, to ensure What changes can we make that will The framework, which was developed by a that the change is sustained. result in the improvements that we seek? team at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement in the USA, includes three key What changes can we make that will questions to ask before embarking on a result in improvement? change programme, supported by a process • Many change ideas are generated at for testing change ideas using Plan, Do, process mapping events (See Chapter 8) Study, Act (PDSA) cycles. • Use techniques of creative thinking and ACT PLAN innovation to generate ideas and to sort What are we trying to accomplish? them into those to be tested • Clear and focused goals that focus on • Learn from your colleagues – we know STUDY DO problems that cause concern for patients that there are many examples of good and staff practice currently available. • Consistent with local and national outcomes, plans and frameworks The Model for Improvement is a tried and • Bold and aspirational tested approach for implementing any • With clear numerical targets. aspect of change in health services. Address the three questions before embarking on How will we know if a change is an service redesign, to keep the work focused The Model for Improvement improvement? and relevant and to ensure that you can The model for improvement is incorporated • What can we measure that will change if measure the impact of changing the system. into the five step approach and was the system is improved? Use PDSA cycles (chapter 9) to test out ideas designed to provide a framework for • How can we obtain this data? Is it on a small scale and to win commitment developing, testing and implementing available in existing information systems, before implementing changes across whole changes that lead to improvement. To or will we need to collect this manually? departments, processes and systems. achieve improvements we need to take the • What is the best way to display the data time to plan change and test it out and we collect so that we can decide whether Further explanation of the Five Step resist the temptation to rush into wholesale we are improving the system and whether Approach and Model for Improvement is changes to systems. This way, we will know the improvement is sustainable? detailed in later chapters. what is working well, and what is not so • Measure the baseline – how is the process successful. Small scale changes can be or system performing before the change undone and replaced by alternative ideas. is made? 6/7
  • 5. FIRST STEPS TO WA RD S Q U A L I T Y I M P RO VE M E N T: A S I M P L E G U I D E T O I M P RO VI N G S E R VI C E S What is the purpose of a clear aim CHAPTER 2 or objective? To ensure everyone is working towards the same goal and everyone Defining the change idea and has the same expectations. It is important to define this clearly, so developing aims that you can also identify what it is relevant to measure and to help avoid A clear and accurate project definition is one project creep as your work progresses. of the most important tasks to ensure the A good aim statement can help to success of any improvement project. motivate people about your project as being something worthwhile, When starting out, begin by focusing on the measurable and achievable. problem you are trying to solve, rather than a solution you are trying to implement - no one likes change for change sake! Analyse the problem by talking and listening to those involved, collect baseline data and recognise the impact of not changing anything at all. Once you have a clear understanding of the problem, it is vital to obtain agreement and support from those Examples of poorly written project aims “ If you don’t know where involved as you will find that different people have different knowledge based on We will improve cancer services This aim doesn’t clearly state what the you are going, you are their past experiences. Agreement will also increase team engagement and will provide change will actually improve and who would be responsible in improving the services. Are likely to end up somewhere else!” a stable platform to take the next step in the improvements are for every cancer developing the scope of your project with patient or just patients with certain types of focused aims and objectives. cancer (e.g. breast cancer) or for all types of cancers for a specific group of patients (e.g. Yogi Berra Project scope children and young people)? The project When defining your change idea, take time aim must stipulate how much the service is to consider and clearly document what is going to be improved, when it is going to be within the scope of your project as well as completed and what is the impact of the what is out of scope. improvement. The scope should include information about We will achieve a 20% reduction in Ensure your scope and aim is clear to the project boundaries and key deliverables, emergency admissions for heart failure everyone involved. The language we use in however be cautious of the size of the patients by July 2013 the NHS is sometimes ambiguous and can project scope. A large wide ranging project This example does provide a clear a be interpreted in different ways by different scope may mean the work does not have numerical target to aim for, but what is the people, for example “Self Management enough focus or detail, or may achieve very 20% measured against? Is it 20% reduction Plan” - Is this a piece of paper with generic little by trying to do too much; whereas a from the previous year? Is it realistic? Could information given to all symptomatic narrow focused scope may lead to a project it be achieved? patients or a personalised care plan for each that does not make a significant difference patient? It is really important that you are and cannot be transferable or able to scale All practices need to use a care planning clear in your aim and don’t leave anything to up. approach for all patients with a long chance. term condition A well defined project scope is critical to ‘Need to’ is not an improvement aim. Is this prevent a project creeping out of control. all practices across the country or all ‘Project Creep’ is when the scope of a practices in the consortia? Which care Why should I get consensus about project grows from its original parameters planning approach should be used? When the problem before starting the into something more or different from the should this be completed and what will it project? original intention. Implications of a achieve? changing scope could include project failure, There are numerous reasons why you unclear deliverables, confusion, increased A good aim may look like this should discuss the problem and budgets and expanding timeframes. 100% of patients on our list with a achieve a consensus before starting confirmed diagnosis of COPD will have a Project aim comprehensive review and will have an your project. Different people will A project aim should be aspirational, individualised care plan developed with the have different ideas about the measureable and consistent with local and lead GP or practice nurse by March 2013. problem, so it is important that you national priorities and plans. This will ensure that they are optimally cared understand their perspective (as you for and better able to manage their might learn something new) and for A good aim statement should include: condition, thereby reducing the frequency others to understand your perspective. • What we are trying to achieve and severity of exacerbations and the need See the elephant analogy in chapter 3; • For whom for possible future hospital admissions. • How much very few people will understand the • By when full story as their perspective is based • Compared to what on their own experiences. This process • And why? of gaining consensus, talking and listening to the people involved in the process will assist with engagement and support for the project. 8/9
  • 6. An adaptation of a Hindi proverb Five visually impaired people touch an elephant to learn what it is like. Each one feels a different part. "Hey, the elephant is like a tree trunk," said the first man who touched the elephant’s leg. "Oh, no! The elephant is like a snake" said the second man who felt the trunk. "Oh, no! It is like a rope," said the third man who touched the tail. "It is like a brush" said the fourth man who rubbed the elephant ear. And the fifth man said "It’s soft and mushy…" They began to argue about the elephant and they all insisted they were right. They all were right in what they were saying as they had all developed an understanding based on their own experiences and perspective. However, they did not have an understanding of the whole elephant. Imagine the elephant to be a patient. Different clinicians and health care staff see the patient in different ways, all of them correct, but by not seeing the whole patient pathway, their understanding is limited. Make sure you understand the entire process/patient pathway before starting any improvement project. FIRST STEPS TO WA RD S Q U A L I T Y I M P RO VE M E N T: A S I M P L E G U I D E T O I M P RO VI N G S E R VI C E S What makes successful projects? CHAPTER 3 • Getting the right people involved from the start of the project Managing a successful project • Having a clear aims statement • Planning, monitoring and control • Having a real understanding of Starting out on any improvement project is • Collecting baseline data and having a the current issue or problem an exciting time, and you are likely to be full data collection plan (Chapter 10 and 11) • Measurable improvements of enthusiasm and optimism. However, • Understanding your customer which are achievements not just things don’t always go entirely to plan and it requirements (Chapter 6). activities can be hard to maintain impetus and • Having clear links to local and progress with enthusiasm alone. A project plan is fundamental to the national objectives i.e. a clear establishment of the project. It sets the reason to do it For a project to be successful, it is important contract for improvement and establishes • Involving patients and carers, that an adequate amount of time is spent the mandate, priorities and resource (ideally) from the beginning on managing the project. availability. In other words, it spells out • Displaying effective clearly what, how and when is to be done, communication. Spending time getting the preparatory work so that everyone is aware of their right first time will be beneficial later in the commitments and how they will impact on project. Preparatory work includes: the project’s success. It can be tempting to ignore this element as “bureaucratic” or The plan is developed in the preparation • Getting the right team (Chapter 5) “administrative” but it is an essential tool phase of the project and enables decisions • Having a good relationship with your for ensuring there is clarity about the project to be made with regard to modifying or executive sponsor (Chapter 5) and that expectations are managed. This cancelling the initiative in situations where • Having a solid project plan (Chapter 3) need not be an onerous process, but the the required support for the project either • Having a robust communication plan plan does need to clearly spell out the key changes or is lacking. The plan is used (Chapter 7) areas. throughout the project for monitoring • Understanding the current service and control. (Chapter 2 and 8) 10/11
  • 7. FIRST STEPS TO WA RD S Q U A L I T Y I M P RO VE M E N T: A S I M P L E G U I D E T O I M P RO VI N G S E R VI C E S Why do projects fail? A project plan should specify: • Project aims and objectives not • Aims and objectives clearly defined or articulated • Background to the project • Little or no top level support • Scope of project and leadership for the project • Expected deliverables • Lack of effective engagement • Timescale with key players and patients • Analysis of risk • Poorly planned projects • Resources • Inadequately monitored, • Budget controlled and managed • Method/process • Failure to take account of local • Accountability and national priorities e.g. QIPP • Identification of the project sponsor • Poor communication • Data and measures • Failure to divide the project into • Dependencies (i.e. links between one small manageable tasks action and another) • Unable to collect and analyse • How the work is going to be sustained data. and spread to other areas. Project plans come in many different styles, but each should set out all the actions that have to occur to achieve the improvement, as well as clearly stating when these will happen and who is responsible for doing them. Does someone need to project manage for a project to be successful? Is my work a project? Yes, within the project team, someone A project is a temporary piece of work needs to be responsible for the role. with a defined start and finish, and will Without someone to undertake this not continue indefinitely. Project work role, it is unlikely that even the smallest is also designed to deliver a defined project team will deliver what it sets outcome or benefit from doing the out to achieve within the agreed work. parameters. Isn’t project management just What is the difference between a unnecessary bureaucracy and research and improvement project? administration? An improvement project is about Good project management is not just testing ways to implement evidence bureaucracy. It is about ensuring there based care and find out the best way is consistent co-ordination, drive and for a service to be organised and evaluation of the project so that it delivered. It is about testing innovation remains focused and effective. Not or new ways of working and not about having someone to manage the testing whether treatments or project usually means that no one interventions actually work. takes overall responsibility for ensuring that all the components are being delivered – and the project may then falter or fail. What is the role of a project manager? The role of a project manager is to have oversight of the entire project and take responsibility for controlling and monitoring each aspect, along with reporting the successes, learning and failures of the project. Not every project needs to a dedicated project manager, but every project requires someone to undertake the roles and responsibilities of a project manager (see chapter 5). 12/13
  • 8. FIRST STEPS TO WA RD S Q U A L I T Y I M P RO VE M E N T: A S I M P L E G U I D E T O I M P RO VI N G S E R VI C E S What is QIPP? CHAPTER 4 QIPP stands for Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention and originates from the White Paper Levers and drivers - framing the ‘Equity and excellence: Liberating the NHS’ which sets out the government’s work for a wider audience vision for the future of the NHS. The QIPP agenda is all about ensuring that each pound spent is used to bring Changing established systems of any kind is difficult. It is particularly challenging within maximum benefit and quality of care healthcare because of the complex to patients. The QIPP initiative has relationships between a wide range of been increasingly important in organisations, professionals, patients and healthcare and looks set to continue What levers and drivers could be carers. relevant to my work? as the NHS needs to make savings You might need to do some research because of increasing demand from an Certain factors may help to foster an about local and national priorities. Quite environment that is conducive to change ageing population and the increasing often these are obvious and you can and improvement. An organisation where need for long term condition begin to ‘frame’ your work to align to there is strong leadership and everyone is these. For example, you might be management. The NHS needs to focused on improving patient care is more undertaking a project in primary care to achieve value for money and the best likely to develop motivated staff with a reduce the number of emergency possible quality of care so that patients desire for continuous quality improvement. admissions to hospital where the local get the greatest benefit. However, barriers to changing established priority is to reduce bed days. There practice may prevent or impede progress in would be a clear link to the local all organisations, whatever the culture. initiative and the work you would then More information can be found on undertake. Sometimes a great idea can be presented with various barriers and challenges to change. Often taking time to identify the barriers in order to overcome these is How do I link my work to local priorities? essential to securing engagement and Talk to the local stakeholders about the work you propose and understand how it fits in. A sustainability of the work. It is also number of these stakeholders may already be part of your project steering group, so take important to look at the context of work time to discuss and explore this further with them. Your local clinical network may also be you may be undertaking in terms of able to help you link to local priorities. understanding both the local and national drivers for change and levers for improvement. Drivers are those forces for change that are There are a number of local and national outside the projects scope of control. initiatives looking to improve local services What is a clinical network? Drivers derive from a variety of sources, including calls for case study examples of A clinical network is a local NHS including policy, that will change the way in good practice. It is worth spending some organisation made up of clinicians, which the service may operate. Levers are time investigating what drivers are aligned managers and commissioners who work those forces for change and improvement to your work, similar work within your together to improve care. They provide a that are within the projects scope of control. organisation and opportunities to gain forum to share multi professional advice, additional support where it may be influence and learning, to maximise In parallel, linking with what is first seen as appropriate. knowledge and deliver better outcomes primarily a small improvement project with for patients. They do this by bringing local and national drivers for change can together primary care, secondary care, enable a project to be further supported, commissioners, patients, social care and How can I get wider engagement to other stakeholders with a common successful and sustainable. Quite often support my work? interest, to enable the local NHS to work teams undertaking improvement projects Raising the profile of the work, in a collaborative and co-ordinated way focus purely on delivering isolated outcomes for its population, to best meet local particularly if the work is aligned to local for their work areas. Levers such as needs and priorities. priorities will increase the chances of reducing admissions or length of stay may wider engagement and support for the be a local priority for a number of work. Talk to the service stakeholders organisations in your area. It will help raise and try to secure project sponsorship the profile of your improvement work if the from the chief executive or board level How can a clinical network help? work is aligned to such initiatives, however director within your organisation. Also Networks focus on solving problems for small. discuss the work with other patients wherever they are in the system, management and clinical colleagues but stepping outside organisational Look for similar current work already remember that these individuals may boundaries and seeking instead a whole underway within your organisation. span wider than your immediate project system approach to service Consider framing your work to the National group and include, primary care, social improvement. Networks will also share QIPP agenda in terms of quality care, acute care, commissioners and the information, best practice, guidelines, improvement, innovation, productivity gains ambulance service where relevant. Your and clinical learning to achieve greater and prevention work. You may be surprised local clinical network may also be able to impact than would otherwise be by how much difference your improvement assist with wider engagement and support possible. They can also influence work contributes towards reducing costs, for your work. commissioning decisions about priorities, availability and use of resources, to enhancing productivity, enhancing quality deliver optimum care to local people. and increasing patient safety. If your project demonstrates significant scope to improve care, efficiency and outcomes a network can help you spread and sustain your work. 14/15
  • 9. FIRST STEPS TO WA RD S Q U A L I T Y I M P RO VE M E N T: A S I M P L E G U I D E T O I M P RO VI N G S E R VI C E S How do I keep colleagues CHAPTER 5 engaged? Once you have built the relationship and engagement has been achieved, Getting the right people continue to work at it by: involved • Staying in regular contact • Keeping people involved and updated Some of the biggest risks to any project can • Having meetings with a come from within the team. It is important Why do I need an executive sponsor? purpose, actions and outcomes that the team has people with the right skills Executive sponsors should be chosen • Delivering what you have and abilities to do the job and will be able to from the top of your organisation, ideally agreed to do. give continued support to the improvement the chief executive or someone from the initiative. executive team. This person will champion your project, provide strategic Having the right people involved from the support to the project, help to discuss beginning with the right expertise will give and resolve issues, celebrate achievement and provide access to HR, your project the best chance of sustainable Finance and IT teams when required. success. If the right people are not involved from the start, it will be much harder to engage and involve these people at a later date. Why is clinical and managerial leadership important for my work? A project sponsor and involvement from Clinicians and managers provide the top of your organisation (Chief Executive different perspectives, experience and or Executive Team) is necessary to champion support to your project. They will help your project and provide strategic direction ensure that your project is appropriately to the project. This type of involvement also targeted and relevant. Also they can provides support to discuss issues, celebrate ensure that the changes you are testing achievement and provide access to human are practically supported and promoted resources, finance, analysts, communications, across different staff groups. estates and IT teams when required. Every project should have someone with an Involve all stakeholders and grades of staff overview of the project who is responsible (clinical staff, GPs, porters, commissioners, for the role of project manager. You reception staff, managers, pharmacists, might be fortunate to have a dedicated clinical support staff, data analyst, medical project manager to support your project, secretaries etc) as they will have different however a project member may be required experiences, knowledge, skills, opinions, to take on the responsibilities of this role ideas and concerns. where this is not possible. It is advisable for just one person to be accountable and have The involvement of patients, carers and ownership to lead the project, ensuring charities is vital as they will be able to give a decisions are made, actions taken, and different perspective on your service and measurable, timely progress is made. proposed improvement plans. Within the project team it is necessary to have a variety of individuals, some whose role will be to make decisions and others to carry out actions. When establishing a project team, consider individuals or groups who are interested and enthusiastic about the work, and those who are in a position of power and influence. It is also worth involving people or groups who do not have direct interest in your project but have a key position of power or authority to make decisions. 16/17
  • 10. FIRST STEPS TO WA RD S Q U A L I T Y I M P RO VE M E N T: A S I M P L E G U I D E T O I M P RO VI N G S E R VI C E S Why should I involve patients CHAPTER 6 when I know what I need to do? Patients’ experience of what we say, do or mean can be very different to Involving patients and carers that which we intend. By actively involving patients, we can find out in service redesign how what we do actually affects them, what really happens day to day and what we could do to improve patients’ experience, reduce wasteful processes and improve quality. Patients and their carers are the reason the health service exists and therefore they should be at the heart of our services. Service improvement and redesign generates opportunities to involve users and their carers who can provide a different perspective to enable a better understanding of whether our improvements make any difference. A patient’s experience of our service can be very different to what we intend or assume it to be and they can tell us what works, what doesn’t and what could be done better. We might ‘know’ we are doing a good job, but it needs to meet the patient’s requirements. Only when we understand a patient’s needs – by asking them, not second guessing – can we work in a way that meets those needs and ensures they get maximum benefit from our service. Why should patients and carers be Planning before involving Where can I find patients and carers involved in the improvement of Planning is imperative to ensure that the who may support my work? services? healthcare provider fully understands what There are many ways in which you can • Raised awareness of how the service really they want from the interaction and how interact and contact patients and carers who runs from the patient point of view, not they are going to meaningfully involve would like to be involved in service just how the service providers think it runs patients and carers. improvement work. You can approach • Different perspective on improvements people in your clinic, through hospital and priorities The following planning steps should be departments, nurse specialists and patient • Opportunity to discover what really makes undertaken before interaction with patients groups. a difference to a patient’s experience and carers: • Understanding what makes it difficult or • Be clear about what you want from Some organisations which can support the easier for the patient to manage their interaction and what you are trying to placement of volunteer patients and carers condition effectively achieve in service improvement work in the NHS • Suggestions to make things quicker, • Address any staff concerns about patient include: cheaper, easier or better to improve involvement/engagement • Local Involvement Networks (LINks) / Local services and experience for patients and • Consider what previous patient HealthWatch ( carers involvement has taken place and if this • Learning more about the patient’s actual was successful. If not, why not? experience and so providing a better • Decide on the type of patient – someone understanding of their needs and priorities who is well informed about their • Improved service user relationships with condition, newly diagnosed patient, I want to know more, where can I healthcare professionals recently discharged etc. find detailed information? • Opportunity to raise issues of importance • Decide where are you going to enlist this to patients, carers and the public type of patient? NHS Improvement has years of • Improved and increased staff morale from • Decide on the level and method of providing care to patients that they want, involvement you are going to use – i.e. experience in involving patients and in a way they want direct, indirect questioning their carers. Information can be • Ensure you have enough resources in found on our website: place, e.g. time, finances, training ( • Consider any practical arrangements that along with information about need to be made Discovery Interviews™ which is an • Test the method you propose to use, then innovative technique designed to amend where necessary • Establish plans for evaluating your improve care by gaining insight into approach. patient and carer needs and experiences: discoveryinterviews. 18/19
  • 11. FIRST STEPS TO WA RD S Q U A L I T Y I M P RO VE M E N T: A S I M P L E G U I D E T O I M P RO VI N G S E R VI C E S • Charitable organisations such as the Stroke Association, MacMillan Cancer Support and Asthma UK (find local information on the charity websites) • Local support groups • Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). You may also like to consider advertising your improvement work and asking for volunteers through: • Posters in GP surgeries, outreach clinics, hospitals or other NHS settings • Posters in libraries and pharmacies • Social networking sites such as Facebook and My Space. What are the considerations for involving patients and carers? Sensitivity – the patients actually suffer from and live with their conditions / illnesses and sometimes service redesign work may take a depersonalised approach. This should be considered if patient representatives attend meetings or improvement events. Cost – undertaking some forms of patient Examples of techniques to involve patients and carers involvement may incur a cost for the patient. It is reasonable to expect that patients and Direct methods Indirect methods carers should receive reimbursement for the Interviews Questionnaires costs they incur – travel, parking etc. Focus groups Surveys Representative sample – there is often a Workshops Suggestion boxes challenge in finding patients who are Face to face meetings with individuals Analysis of complaints representative of the service you are working to improve. For example, if meetings are Patient reps on project groups Public meetings / open days arranged during working hours it is highly Patients attending service improvement events Social networking unlikely that people of working age would be able to attend because of other life commitments such as work and children. If you wish your patients to be truly Top tips for involving patients representative you may have to consider a • Listen number of methods. • Find ways to involve the seldom heard groups, those who find it difficult to access health services or people who may not routinely get involved so A range of opinions – patient engagement that you get a real understanding of different experiences may elicit a different or even opposing • Take time to understand the issues, don’t assume you know the answer or opinion to the work you are undertaking. It the solution is important to know from the outset how • Use appropriate language, not jargon to manage expectation realistically but also • Be clear about why you are undertaking involvement work and to genuinely incorporate views and make how you will deal with what it reveals change. • Be clear about any areas that can not be changed or are not for discussion (e.g. national guidance), this ensures that the valuable time is spent discussing what can be changed and that patients expectations are not unduly heightened • Always provide feedback to the patient and what has happened as a result? 20/21
  • 12. FIRST STEPS TO WA RD S Q U A L I T Y I M P RO VE M E N T: A S I M P L E G U I D E T O I M P RO VI N G S E R VI C E S Why should I invest time to CHAPTER 7 communicate what I know? Don’t assume that other people Communicating the right things (including your staff and colleagues) know what you know. Everyone to the right people connected to the service needs to understand what you are doing and why, and the impact it is having. Keeping the improvement at the forefront of people’s minds when Communication not only keeps How often are you going to everyone up-to-date on the project communicate? things are going well will ensure they progress, but raises the profile of your • Daily, weekly, monthly. remain engaged and committed project and facilitates engagement and which will make it easier for you to ownership of the vision and service Who is going to be responsible for the gain support when you need it. changes. To ensure the success of a communication? project, information including the aims, • Project manager Don’t expect people to drop objectives, expectations, deliverables, • Executive sponsor everything to help you if they have timescales, progress, risks, challenges and • Named people achievements need to be communicated on • Everyone. heard nothing from you for the last a regular basis. six months! By communicating what you are doing to others in your Through two way communication, you will probably find that the staff who work “ You can have brilliant department or organisation, you might also find out information in the area are fully aware of changes that can improve the service. Through ideas but if you can't get which you were not already aware of that may have a positive or negative involvement, empowerment and listening, staff generated ideas and solutions are them across, your ideas impact on your work. generally most effective and sustainable. Following meetings with staff, make sure won't get you anywhere.” you take action and communicate the Lee Lacocca progress you have made. Small improvements can ignite momentum for the project and start to get people interested. The first step to effective Communication Plan communication is to understand who Team: Completed by: Date: you need to communicate with Who are you going What are you going How are you When are you Who is responsible • Who do you need to keep informed and to communicate to communicate to going to going to for communicating obtain information from? Staff/patients/ with? them? communicate? communicate it? the message? carers/executive board? e.g. Project teams, e.g. Improvements, e.g. Weekly e.g. Daily, weekly, Name and role • Who needs to know what is happening / exec sponsor, NHS risks and issues, meetings, fortnightly, changing? Improvement, steering measures, data, presentations, monthly, annually • Who do you require support from? group, SHA lead, project scope, news events, email, stakeholders, patients etc. letters, handouts • Who will be directly and indirectly etc. etc. affected? What do you need to tell or ask? What Communication plan does your audience need to know? A communication plan is an easy way to • What the current service looks like actively address the interests and concerns • The vision, aim, deliverables of the key stakeholders and ensures this is • The problems, issues, risks done in a timely manner. What is the best way to • Changes to the project communicate the progress and • The benefits. In a changing environment with outcomes of my work? organisational structures being transformed How are you going to communicate to and staff moving roles, a documented Remember that you will need to all the relevant people? communication plan will support the adopt different approaches and styles • Regular meetings progression of an improvement project. for different audiences and • Internal and external newsletters stakeholders. Try not to develop a • Memo’s Example of how a team at Hinchingbrooke • Local press Hospital communicated their work in the whole industry of reporting around • Websites local press your project but use existing channels • Emails wherever possible. Involve your local • Letters communications team as they will be • Reports able to suggest some possibilities. • Presentations Regular reports to your executive • Support from the communications sponsor, board or management department? committee are useful at the higher level, but make sure you also use local newsletters, forums and meetings to provide ongoing updates. 22/23
  • 13. FIRST STEPS TO WA RD S Q U A L I T Y I M P RO VE M E N T: A S I M P L E G U I D E T O I M P RO VI N G S E R VI C E S CHAPTER 8 Improvement tool: Process mapping A process is made up of series of actions or People’s views about the process tend to process is an important step in moving steps taken to achieve a specific result. change and develop following a process forward to redesign and developing a new Process mapping is a technique used to mapping exercise as individuals have an idea process that will work better for patients identify all the interconnected pathway steps (a ‘mental map’) of the process, but as the and staff. and decisions in a process and coverts this process map is developed, it becomes clear information into a highly visual that their personal view is different from What does a process map look like? diagrammatic form. that of others in the same process. The map The map below is of a diagnostic pathway of the current process may differ from the for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Process maps can cover a short and simple mental maps that individuals in that process (COPD) and asthma. sequence of actions by one person (such as have always believed. Agreeing the current point of care testing or phelbotomy) or it could be a complex set of activities involving many different people over time, (such as COPD and Asthma Diagnosis the End of Life patient pathway). If referral doesn’t meet set standards, more information is requested from GP or if does not meet the triage standards, What are the benefits of mapping letter back to GP the process? Patient contacted • An overview of the complete process from GP referral to Referral triaged by by community team to arrange an Communication Community team Clinic referrals Secondary care manager (band 6) community nurse community specialist letter sent to book secondary care sent to secondary beginning to end, helping staff to specialist team team appointment which is close to patients patient with PIL to staff to run clinics care arranges staff to cover clinics home understand, often for the first time, how complicated the system can be for Spirometry x3 (which need to be Measure oxygen Check Check Check height Patient called Secondary care within 5%) by band sats medication demographics and weight into clinic attended for clinic patients 2 or 6 staff • Allows staff to see the pathway from the If spirometry patient’s perspective 400mg salbutamol 20 minute wait (for medication Repeat spirometry Explain results Results taken back to secondary conducted by band 2 staff results Indication and comments (via volumatic) x3 to patient documented and • A starting point for your improvement to work) care interpreted by band 6 printed project Write to GP and Decisions for Results sent to Review and patient for treatment and primary care nurse interpretation management management specialist team • The opportunity to bring together people Once the above map was completed, the team could see that the process was over- from primary, secondary, tertiary and complicated, and included many unnecessary steps, bottlenecks, wasteful activities and social care from all roles and professions avoidable delays. The process was redesigned following the mapping exercise the new • Identifies problems, delays, areas for error process below was created. As well as being simpler, the new process is much quicker for and confusion, blockages and bottlenecks the patient, takes less administrative and clinical time and costs less. • A point to create a culture of ownership, responsibility and accountability for improving the process Community Spirometry Management • An aid to help plan where to test ideas for improvements that are likely to have the If referral doesn’t meet set standards, most impact on services more information is requested from GP Interpretation in • Draws out ideas to help redesign the or if does not meet the triage standards, Band 2 staff secondary care by band 6 or above letter back to GP pathway – which particularly from members of staff who don’t normally have Patient contacted Communication Indication and Proactive approach by community team letter sent to Spirometry with comments to treatment and the opportunity to contribute to service GP referral to community nurse Referral triaged by community specialist to arrange an appointment which patient with a patient information reversablility, SpO2 by secondary care documented and sent to primary management which specialist team team may include tier 3 planning, but who really know how is convenient in proximity and time and instruction leaflet team care specialist nurse team clinic attendance, MDT discussions things work • An interactive event that gets people Band 6 staff Interpretation and or above involved, motivated and talking to each results explained to patient other • An end product – the process map – documents who does what, when, and how long it takes, is highly visual and easy How to organise an event and • Meet with managerial, clinical and service to understand. generate a process map leaders beforehand so that they feel involved in the process. Use these Preparation meetings to agree the scope that you will • Define the objectives, scope (start and end work on and the three or four basic steps points and level of detail) and the focus of that you will explore in detail at the the process mapping workshop workshop • Start is with a process that involves high • If you have the opportunity, an numbers of patients independent facilitator, not connected • Organise a half day event to draw the with the pathway, can be really useful. map and a half day to analyse and look Choose someone with service redesign for improvement opportunities. You can skills and experience. run these together as a full day event or as two half days but not more than two weeks apart 24/25