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Aggression as an Adaptive

Describe + Evaluate 2 evolutionary explanations of
               1.Infidelity & jealousy
            2.The Evolution of murder
Infidelity and jealousy
• Daly + Wilson claim men evolved mate-retention
  strategies to deter their mate from leaving or
  cheating b/c W/o a mate, the chance of passing his
  genes on is reduced.
• So these strategies enhance reproductive fitness
  (surviving + passing genes).
Mate retention strategies
Range from: - vigilance (e.g.
mate ‘guarding’) and violence to
deter infidelity.

1 strategy is ‘direct guarding’-
restricting her freedom to
prevent males gaining access.
E.g. stopping partners
speaking/interacting with
w/other men.

Other forms might include
snooping through personal
belongings to look for signs of
• Different vigilance
  strategies are used in
  diff cultures e.g. veiling
  of women / female
  [infibulation] / chastity
  belts / popping home
Cuckoldry and sexual jealousy
• Cuckoldry occurs when a woman deceives her
  partner into investing in another man’s
• Why are the risks of cuckoldry even higher for
  men than women?
• Cuckolded men risk losing invested resources &
  reproductive opportunity.(Platek and Shackleford-
• Males evolved mate-retention strategies to prevent
  being cuckolded.
• These are driven by sexual jealousy, an adaptation
  evolved in males to deal w/paternal uncertainty.
• Sexual jealousy prevents the female mating
  w/others, so it is an adaptive response.
The ‘cuckoldry risk hypothesis’
           (Camilleri 2004)
• predicts males may use sexually
  coercive tactics
• e.g. partner rape when risk of
  cuckoldry is high e.g. suspecting
• Lalumiere et al (2005) argues
  some men carry out partner rape
  to decrease paternal uncertainty.
• Thornhill + Thornhill (1992) argue a
  woman who resists sex w/her
  partner may signal infidelity, thus
  increasing the male’s sexual
  jealousy and fear of cuckoldry.
Mate retention and violence
• Buss & Shackleton (1997) examined mate-
  retention tactics in married couples + found:
• men used more debasement (e.g. giving in to
  her every wish) + intra-sexual threats
  (threatening to beat other man).
• But women used verbal possession “he’s
  taken” & threats of punishing infidelity
  ‘leaving her man if unfaithful’.
Read key research: Shackleford et
          al (2005) p149
• What were the findings?
• Do they support the Mate retention and
  violence hypothesis?
• What were the limitations of this study?
Mate retention + violence against
• Shackelford studied 461 men and 560 women from
  US unis – all Ps in committed, heterosexual
They found in study 1 that:
• men’s 2 types of mate-
  retention strategies
  positively correlated w/their
  violence scores.
• ‘intersexual negative
  inducements’ (e.g. shouting
  at her for looking at another
• ‘direct guarding’ (e.g.
  controlling her time at a
In study 2 they found that:
• results confirmed the validity of findings from study
  1, w/reports of ‘intersexual -ive inducements’ +
  ‘direct guarding’ associated w/female-directed
• - women also stated partners who used emotional
  manipulation were more likely to have used violence
  against them.
• A limitation is data was correlational,
  they did not establish a causal link
  between the use of mate-retention
  strategies and violence against women.
• Lack of information – another limitation
  of research is it does not control for
  actual relationship threats (e.g. a man’s
  suspicion or knowledge of his partner’s
A02-Evaluation of infidelity + jealousy
   as explanations for aggression
• Use of mate-retention tactics

• Research on sexual coercion

• Practical applications of research
A02-Use of mate-retention tactics
 Sexual jealousy is
supported by studies of
battered women, where
victims cite extreme
sexual jealousy of
partners as the major
cause of violence against
them.(Dobash & Dobash
• Wilson’s study found
  evidence of direct
  guarding as mate-
  retention: in women
  reporting partners used
  this tactic (e.g. not
  allowing to talk to other
  men) 72% required
  medical attention after
  an assault by their
AO2 Research supports sexual
• Of females by male partners -is an adaptive
  response to the risk of infidelity.
• Camilleri ‘04 found: the risk of a partner’s
  infidelity predicted the chance of sexual
  coercion in men but not women.
• Does this support the adaptive explanation
  and why?
• Supports the adaptive explanation, as it is
  men at risk of cuckoldry, not women.
AO2 Goetz also found :

• men who sexually
  coerced their partners
  were more likely to
  report thinking partners
  were unfaithful.
• women reporting
  coercion were more
  likely to admit
AO2 Practical applications of research
• Mate-retention tactics may be early indicators of potential violence against a partner.
• The use of tactics can alert friends + family of potential future violence in relationships.
• So relationship counselling may be used before the situation escalates into physical violence.
  Dobash & Dobash (1984)
AO2: However: the link between jealousy &
   violence is probably a complex one
• Holtzworth–Monroe & Anglin (1991) – suggest that
  violence in males may not be directly due to
• But it may be that violent males lack ways of
  mediating & responding effectively in
  situations of jealousy compared to non-violent
IDA -Gender Bias:
• Majority of studies have focused on male
  mate retention strategies BUT women also
  engage in tactics to retain their mate. Archer
  (2002) studied family conflict & found equal
  rates of assault by men & women
The evolution of murder.
• The UK defines murder as:
• ‘Taking a life with the intention to
   kill or do serious harm.’
• Recent murder statistics are as follows: 1 in
  15000 are murdered in the US (Stolinksy &
  Stolinksy 2000).
• This equates to 1 in 200 chance of being
  murdered in our lifetime (75 year lifespan).
• Risk- less in UK- 1:100 000
• Other countries- SA and Columbia- 1:20
Murder as an adaptive response
Buss & Duntley propose:
•humans have adaptations (i.e. characs for survival)
that evolved by natural selection to produce murder.
•The activation of these evolved adaptations is
determined by factors such as:
1. degree of genetic relatedness between killer and victim
2. relative status of killer and victim
3. sex of killer and victim
4. size and strength of ‘killers’ and ‘victims’ families and social
Buss & Duntley ‘06
• Claim that for our ancestors, murder solved
  adaptive problems such as:
• preventing harm – e.g. injury, rape or killing
  of the person, their family, mates by others.
• Reputation management – e.g. avoiding
  being seen as easily injured, raped or killed.
• Protecting resources – e.g. shelter + food
Predisposing factors for murder
• Daly + Wilson noted males + females murder for diff
• What are these?
• Men more likely to kill men seen as sexual
  rivals or who challenge their position in the
  dominance hierarchy.
• But women are likelier to kill in self-defence
  e.g. murdering abusive male sexual partners.
• They also found that murders were age
  related, peaking for males early 20s – peak
  years of reproductive competition.
Predisposing factors for murder.
             Daly & Wilson (1988).
Nature of murder                   Frequency

Male offender/male                 65.3%
Male offender/female               22.7%
Female offender/male               9.6%
Female                             2.4%
offender/female victim
Source: FBI supplementary homicide reports 1976-2005
Research suggests there are common factors in
the competition for reproductive status:
 Sexual jealousy – cause of same-sex
  aggression+ murder.
• B/c of infidelity and cuckoldry, men are both
  killers + victims.
• Daly + Wilson got data from 8 studies of
  same-sex killings involving ‘love triangles’
• They found 92% of murders involved males
  killing males & only 8% of females killing
  another female.
Lack of resources –
• (research on sexual selection shows females
  prefer males w/resources.)
• Daly + Wilson suggest
• a lack of resources increases male-male
  competition and risk of murder.
• They cite murder statistics in Detroit, showing
   43% of male victims and 41% male killers
  were unemployed, although the overall
  unemployment rate for adult males was 11%.
Threats to male status –
•    the biggest factor related to murder is maleness, second is youth.
•    In addition to sexual jealousy and lack of resources, threats to status
    appear an important determinant of murder among young men.
•    Daly + Wilson argue females prefer males who are dominant over
    others, so men are shaped by evolution to seek status. During
    competition for scarce resources (e.g. territory, mates) this status is more
    likely to be threatened.. they cite a strong correlation between degree of
    income inadequacy + murder rates – countries w/more income
    inequality tend to have higher murder rates.
•    According to evolution, loss of male status harmed survival +
    reproduction of our ancestors, & mechanisms to prevent loss of status
    still operate today when triggered by threatening events.
Evaluation of evolutionary
  explanation of murder
Comparative evidence –
•    The ‘murder as adaptation’ hypothesis is supported by
    studies of other species.
•   Many cases of mammals killing other mammals-conspecific.
•   E.g. Male lions + cheetahs kill offspring of rival males
•   This benefits the killer’s reproductive fitness, as the mothers
    of killed infants will go into oestrus sooner, allowing the killer
    to impregnate them w/his own offspring.
•    Among primates, the killing of rival adult males also
    documented among mountain gorillas (Fossey ‘84) and
    chimpanzees (Wrangham & Peterson ‘96).
An alternative explanation –

• Evolved Goal Hypothesis – of murder argues
  humans evolved motivations for certain
  GOALS (e.g. strive for status, or ‘acquire a
  mate’) that were, among our ancestors,
  associated w/greater reproductive success.
• Goals could be reached by using evolved
  problem-solving mechanisms.
• Hrdy (‘99)claims early ancestors calculated
  costs + benefits + future consequences, of
  actions, which may conclude murder as the
  best solution to achieve a certain goal.
• Read Implications of an evolved adaptation
  for murder p153
Evaluation of evolutionary
explanations of aggression
• an evolutionary approach for aggression does not
  explain why people react in diff ways to the same
  adaptive problem.
• Buss + Shackelford show diff men react v.
  differently about wife’s infidelity,
• e.g. violence (toward other man) - debasement (e.g.
  granting her every wish to keep her) or avoiding the
  issue, by getting drunk.
IDA: Cultural differences –
• Also, an evolutionary view doesn’t explain
  why some cultures (e.g. in south America)
  require male violence to attain social status,
  whereas in others (peaceful !Kung San of
  Kalahari) aggression damages the aggressors
• Evolutionary theories are also reductionist as
  they fail to offer a complete explanation of
  displays of aggression in human reproductive
  behaviour; it reduces it to simple
  predisposition (nature). Aggression could be
  determined by other factors (previous
  relationship history, the availability of
  alternatives, the role of social learning
• Evolutionary explanations are also
  Deterministic, as they imply that we are slaves
  to our inborn aggressive instincts and unable
  to exercise free will
• Another problem is that evolutionary theory is
  post-hoc (after the fact) theory. This means
  that it only explains aggressive behaviour after
  it has happened rather than making
  predictions about what is going to happen via
  testing. Evolutionary theory could only be
  tested if we isolated a large number of
  humans and for a very long time to see if
  particular genes persisted in the populations
  (never going to happen.....ETHICS!!!!).
Research into infidelity is gender
• The evolutionary argument for infidelity states
  that it is something a man must prevent a
  woman from doing, and does not really
  acknowledge the fact that men may be just as
  unfaithful as women. This is heavily gender
  biased and does not reveal the true nature of
  male and female infidelity.
Nature nurture debate
• Evolutionary explanations argue that behaviour has evolved
  through gene selection and is therefore biological. If jealousy
  and uxoricide were really evolved responses to female
  infidelity and determined by genes, then we would expect all
  men to behave violently to women, but clearly they do not.
• There must, therefore, be an alternative explanation that
  takes into account the fact that men may have naturally
  aggressive responses to female infidelity, but that also
  explains why many men do not behave violently and others
• Social learning theory may account for this as violent men
  may have grown up with violent role models, and have
  learned to be violent by observing them.
AO3: Much research makes use of
      questionnaires and surveys to collect data
• Surveys are a self report method and therefore has inherent
  difficulties with collecting reliable and valid data. If a man is asked
  to complete a questionnaire asking how violent he is towards his
  partner, then it is most likely that he will distort the truth due to
  his desire to appear more socially desirable than he actually is
  (social desirability bias).
• Similarly, a woman may be less likely to accurately report her
  partner as abusive if she fears recriminations from him, or she
  may even choose to deny the truth about his behaviour because
  acknowledging it could mean the end of her relationship with
• Questionnaires and surveys may not therefore reveal the true
  extent and nature of male jealousy
Answering exam questions (PSYA3
     AQA A specification)
• Outline and evaluate research into sexual
  jealousy and infidelity as a cause of human
  aggression (24 marks)
•   8 AO1 marks come from outlining the evolutionary debate in terms of
    men never being able to be certain that they are the father of a child, and
    needing to ensure that they are not subject to cuckoldry. Outline male
    behaviours to control women. Outline uxoricide as an accidental killing
    when control has gone too far. Also explain that men may kill other men
    because of social competition including competition for a mate.

    16 AO2 marks come from evaluating and discussing the research. Describe
    studies supporting the argument that men need to control women and
    the sort of behaviours they use to do so. Illustrate the link between male
    jealousy, mate retention and violence using research studies (e.g.
    Shackleton et al). Discuss the alternative argument to the accidental
    nature of uxoricide and state why it may be an intentional act. Discuss the
    problem for the evolutionary argument in that not all men act the same
    way in the same situation. Remember to build in synoptic links including
    the problem with questionnaire and survey research, and the gender
    biased nature of research into infidelity.
Explanations of group display in
• Describe and evaluate at least two
  evolutionary reasons for displays of aggressive
  group behaviour
1) lynch mobs – a group illegally kill a person for
  a presumed offence.
2) Self-directed aggression during religious +
  cultural displays – signals commitment in a gp.
Adaptive explanations for lynch mobs

• At least 2805 lynched from 1882 – 1930 in US
  southern states by a hate-driven white mob
  (Tolnay + Beck).
• Most African-American males.
• Obscure reasons included ‘demanding
  respect’ & ‘being disreputable.’
Evolutionary explanations for the behaviour of
                lynch mobs are:
• the power-threat hypothesis
• dehumanization of the victim
The power-threat hypothesis
• Blalock suggests as minority groups grow,
  majority gps try harder to maintain dominance.
• ‘Power-threat’ is a fear of the minority’s
   POLITICAL power, E.g. Tolnay + Beck found reasons
   for lynchings included ‘trying to vote’ & ‘voting wrong party’.
• This fear of ‘Negro’ power meant White mobs used ‘LYNCH
  LAW’ as social control, E.g. after slavery was abolished, when
  the social transition left the White community feeling at risk.
• Ridley suggests group displays of discrimination against
  outsiders are more likely when groups feel at risk.
Lynch mobs and dehumanization
• Hyatt argues that by defiling the Black
  body in lynching + burnings, the mob
  reduced it to a form unrecognizable as
  a human.
• Tolnay suggested PROPOGANDA reduced Blacks to
  simplistic animalistic stereotypes to whites, that
  dehumanized victims to a worthless hated object.
• encouraging lynch mob’s actions b/c they were
  ‘defending their community from black brutality’.
• So lynching can be seen as an evolved adaptation to
  perceived threats
Lynch mobs & deindividuation
• However, Mullen analysed 60
   newspaper reports of lynchings +
• As the mob size increased, lynchers became
  more violent.
• Consistent w/deindividuation, the increases
  in mob size broke down normal self-
  regulation processes, increasing violence
  against the victim.
Evaluation of adaptive explanations for lynch

• The power-threat hypothesis –
• Clark studied lynch mob murders
   in Brazil, evidence contradicted power-threat
• Main victim Afro-Brazilians, were NOT SEEN
  as threats, political or economic, to the
  dominant community.
• Consequently, ‘fear of minority’ was not a
  causal factor in these ritual murders.
• The power-threat hypothesis itself can be argued to
  be a reductionist approach and not fully consider
  other possibilities for such behaviour beyond fear
  and feeling threatened.
• Clark et al found evidence suggesting the power-
  threat hypothesis may not provide a complete
  picture and be universal; Victims of lynching’s in Sao
  Paulo were majority Afro-Caribbean but posed no
  threat politically or economically.
• This suggests other possible reasons behind group
  aggression that the Power-Threat hypothesis cannot
Evidence of Dehumanization
• In Guatemala, lynch mob violence became
  common in recent yrs.
• Rothenberg observes although most cases
  are for crimes like murder, some are for minor
  offences like stealing chickens/pickpocketing.
• Consistent w/dehumanization,
  enraged crowds burn corpses,
  further degrading a dead
• makes it easier to kill by
  removing moral constraints on
  killing humans.
• By reducing victims to status of
  animals, killing rivals becomes
  easier, ultimately beneficial to
  group members –by allowing for
  the elimination of rivals which is
  consistent with the evolutionary
  theory of group aggression.
• Evolutionary approach
  – increased intragroup
  solidarity may lead to
  increased intergroup
  confl ict.
The role of deindividuation
• There’s support for claim that lynching:
  may be a group display of extreme discrimination made more
  likely through deindividuation.
• Rothenberg says however, although some lynchings were - at
  night, (where violence obscured by darkness) most occurred
  in the day.
• In some cases only a few angry citizens present, whereas in
  others there were 1000s.
• Although some aspects of deindividuation (e.g. large mob
  size) in the majority of cases, there appears to be no clear
  relationship between deindividuating factors + the ferocity
  of violence.
• By reducing the status of potential threats to the status of
  animals; killing itself becomes easier and
IDA-Cultural Diffs
• Evolutionary theory-not all cultures display
  such forms of aggression- Not universal
• The Kung San tribe of the Kalahari view
  aggression in a completely negative light and
  therefore aggressive behaviour in any form is
  extremely rare.
• Suggests such behaviour may in fact be learnt
  rather than an evolutionary response
Free will/determinism
• It is also unclear whether such group behaviour is
  unconscious and deterministic as evolutionary
  theories propose or whether it is regulated by the
  individuals own free will.
Group Displays:
   Religion/cultural displays

• Aggression during
• This behaviour
  signals commitment
  to the group.
• I.e. Self-flagellation

The human species has engaged in ritual behavior for at
least 100,000 years, and every known culture has some
form of painful or uncomfortable religious ritual. It is difficult
to explain how rituals resulting in harm (a form of
aggression) may be of benefit to humans. Yet many
examples occur across the world.
E.g. Australian aborigines perform a ritual operation on
adolescent boys in which a bone or a stone is inserted into
the penis. Jews and Muslims submit their sons to
circumcision, and in some Muslim societies daughters are
also subject to circumcision or other forms of genital
mutilation. Initiation ceremonies are often brutal. Among
Native Americans, Apache boys were forced to bathe in
icy water and Tukuna girls had their hair plucked out. ….
Religious/cultural displays
•   Self inflicted violence is not uncommon-
    self flagellation during Ashura. A
    recreation of the suffering of Hussein
    -grandson to Mohammed the prophet.
•   Some Shia Muslims symbolically recreate the
    suffering of Hussein by cutting their foreheads
    until blood streams from their bodies
•   A committed member of the group is a
    cooperative member. By engaging in
    these rituals an individual is cooperating
    and being committed.
•   Extreme displays such as this appears to
    contradict the principle of natural selection.
•   Why?
• A Pakistani Shiite Muslim performs ritual self-
  flagellation during a religious procession on
  the holy day of Ashura.
Kurdish Sufis (An Islamic sect)
Filipino Christians (Catholics)
• Because the patterns of behaviour are very
  similar & occur in so many racial groups,
  evolutionary psychologists conclude that they
  must have some adaptive advantage (or they
  would not have been passed on)
Religious displays and
              cooperative gains
• William Irons (2001) argues that these group
  displays promote cooperation between
• We have much to gain from living in gps i.e.
  food sharing, hunting, protection from
  outside threats etc & so have to earn our
  place in the gp.
• Irons argues that the primary adaptive
  benefit of religion is its ability to facilitate
  cooperation within a group.
• Religion works like a mechanism. The key is that
  religious rituals are a form of communication.
• By engaging in the ritual, the member effectively
  says, “I identify with the group and I believe in
  what the group stands for.”
• Painful rituals show commitment to the group
  and a committed group member is likely to be a
  cooperative & successful one.
• The costs (e.g. to physical health) of cultural and religious
   displays deter potential free riders who’ll exploit gp
   membership w/o contributing.
• Zahavi says ‘costly signalling’ rituals indicate status +
   breeding potential b/c they’re too costly for
  ‘low quality’ individuals to perform.
   Sosi exemplifies Ultra-Orthodox Jews
   (Haredim) who overdress in summer in
    their thick beards long black coats &
   heavy hats
• Haredi men spend days sweating as they sing
  praises to God in the desert sun.
• Thus, the ‘quality’ these men signal is their
  level of commitment to their religious gp.
• So the adaptive benefit of religious displays
  appears to be promoting cooperation within
  a gp, while deterring ‘free riders’ who may
  exploit the gp.
Evaluation of the adaptive explanation of
            religious/cultural displays
• Religious displays –
• Ruffle + Sosis studied Israeli communes and found religious
  males sig more cooperative w/gp members
  than females.

• Perhaps b/c Males do highly visible rituals
  e.g. public prayer 3 times daily.
• They found synagogue attendance positively correlated
  w/cooperative behaviour in males.
• And no correlation between s. attendance
  and cooperation from females, who it’s
  OPTIONAL for, so it is not a sign of
  commitment to the gp.
• more displays of commitment positively
  relate w/higher cooperation within the gp.
Evaluation of the adaptive explanation of
             religious/cultural displays

The evolutionary approach –
• The adaptive value of religious
  displays explains the success of
  some religions.
• By making membership ‘costly’, they
  increase intragp solidarity and deter
  outsiders from exploiting benefits of
• However, this view also suggests a
  disadvantage is it accentuates intergroup
• Sosis claims the big benefit of
  intragroup solidarity is:
• unified gps can defend & compete against
  other gps.
• E.g. societies w/stricter religious displays
  endure more intergroup conflict. (Roes &
Cultural rituals –
• Sosis had data from 60
  diff societies on costs
  of gp rituals and
  frequency of warfare.
• freq. of warfare was
  the strongest predictor
  of the costliness of the
  society’s male ritual
• & type of displays
  favoured, depended on
  the warfare common in
  the society.
• In societies where extreme
  warfare was more common
  (i.e. war against other
  societies) gps focused on
  uniting males into the
  largest combat gp possible.
• For these societies,
  permanent, costly displays
  of gp commitment (e.g.
  scars, tattoos) reduce the
  chance of males escaping
  to another group.
•An analysis of the adaptive advantages of religious ritual and commitment to
religious practices helps us to understand the success of religion from a
purely evolutionary perspective.

•However, there is also a dark side to this understanding. If the intragroup
solidarity that religion promotes is its significant adaptive advantage,then its
disadvantage for a peaceful world must be its role in intergroup conflict.

•As Sosis (2000) points out, one of the benefits of intragroup solidarity is the
ability of unified groups to defend and compete against other groups.

• Roes and Raymond (2003) found that societies with stricter religious
practices tend to have higher levels of intergroup conflict.

•They argued that societies only attained large size if they were bound
together by a religiously inspired morality, reducing internal conflict and
promoting group cooperation in the face of external enemies.
•IDA : Nature / Nurture debate

•(P)The evolutionary approach focuses on the ‘nature’
side of the debate only and does not consider the role
of other factors
•(E)Social psychologists would probably focus on the
effects of ‘nurture’ and of conformity. They would
explain the behaviour in terms of conformity to group
norms in order to be accepted by the group (i.e.
normative conformity)
•(E) A more ‘rounded’ explanation would take account
of both inherited / evolved factors as well as the social
influences which are likely to affect how an individual
Explanations of Group Display in Humans
• Men  only willing to fight as
part of coalition if confident
of victory.
• In Yanomamo of Amazon
rainforest, frequent fighting
between villages over
abduction of women.
(Chagnon 1968)
• Success in battle > high
• Successful warriors had
more wives and children
• Young men who had not
killed were rarely married.
• Pinker (1997) – In WW2, Germans raped women in
  concentration camps.
• More than 20,000 Muslim girls and women raped as part of
  genocide programme in Bosnia.
• Aim was to make the women pregnant and raise the children as
  Serbs, or terrorise them into fleeing the land (Allen 1996)
• Evolutionary theory can explain tribal warfare where
  casualties are few and rewards, great.
• But in recent human history, prolonged warfare results
  in significant losses on both sides.
• Wrangham (1999) – military incompetence is result of
  adaptive self-deception.
• Positive illusions about winning will improve cohesion
  and co-operation and may bluff the opposition BUT
  may also lead to inaccurate assessment of own and
  opponents’ abilities.
Explanations of Group Display in


• Ritualised form of aggression – benefits of success
  available to competitors with reduced risk of physical
  harm / death.
• Winning team hold high status , team members seen as
  desirable mates.
• In certain games (eg, rugby union) a level of aggression
  is sanctioned but some players still break the rules.
• Maxwell & Viscek (2009) – questioned 144 rugby union
  players about their aggression in the game.
• Those high in professionalism placed more emphasis
  on winning and were more likely to use unsanctioned
• Cheating (and not getting caught) is adaptive.

                   What’s wrong with self
                   report as a method ?
• Victory in matches also brings status to fans
• Cialdini et al (1976) ‘basking in reflected glory’ – after a
  university football team had performed well, students
  more likely to wear university scarves and sweaters.
Football hooliganism
• Marsh (1978) – football hooliganism is human
  equivalent of ‘ceremonial conflict’ in animals.
• Exclusively male, ritualised symbolic aggression
  restrained by desire to minimise harm and death.
• Intention is to humiliate opposition and secure
             Is this a realistic       For A02 marks, you
         interpretation though?        could offer
      Research instances of football
       hooliganism to criticise this   deindividuation theory as
                   view.               an alternative explanation
                                       for both types of group

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Evolutionary explanations of human aggression (2)

  • 1. Aggression as an Adaptive Response Describe + Evaluate 2 evolutionary explanations of aggression: 1.Infidelity & jealousy 2.The Evolution of murder
  • 2. Infidelity and jealousy • Daly + Wilson claim men evolved mate-retention strategies to deter their mate from leaving or cheating b/c W/o a mate, the chance of passing his genes on is reduced. • So these strategies enhance reproductive fitness (surviving + passing genes).
  • 3. Mate retention strategies Range from: - vigilance (e.g. mate ‘guarding’) and violence to deter infidelity. 1 strategy is ‘direct guarding’- restricting her freedom to prevent males gaining access. E.g. stopping partners speaking/interacting with w/other men. Other forms might include snooping through personal belongings to look for signs of infidelity
  • 4. OTHER STRATEGIES • Different vigilance strategies are used in diff cultures e.g. veiling of women / female circumcision [infibulation] / chastity belts / popping home unexpectedly
  • 5. Cuckoldry and sexual jealousy • Cuckoldry occurs when a woman deceives her partner into investing in another man’s offspring. • Why are the risks of cuckoldry even higher for men than women?
  • 6. • Cuckolded men risk losing invested resources & reproductive opportunity.(Platek and Shackleford- 2006) • Males evolved mate-retention strategies to prevent being cuckolded. • These are driven by sexual jealousy, an adaptation evolved in males to deal w/paternal uncertainty. • Sexual jealousy prevents the female mating w/others, so it is an adaptive response. •
  • 7. The ‘cuckoldry risk hypothesis’ (Camilleri 2004) • predicts males may use sexually coercive tactics • e.g. partner rape when risk of cuckoldry is high e.g. suspecting infidelity. • Lalumiere et al (2005) argues some men carry out partner rape to decrease paternal uncertainty. • Thornhill + Thornhill (1992) argue a woman who resists sex w/her partner may signal infidelity, thus increasing the male’s sexual jealousy and fear of cuckoldry.
  • 8. Mate retention and violence • Buss & Shackleton (1997) examined mate- retention tactics in married couples + found: • men used more debasement (e.g. giving in to her every wish) + intra-sexual threats (threatening to beat other man). • But women used verbal possession “he’s taken” & threats of punishing infidelity ‘leaving her man if unfaithful’.
  • 9. Read key research: Shackleford et al (2005) p149 • What were the findings? • Do they support the Mate retention and violence hypothesis? • What were the limitations of this study?
  • 10. Mate retention + violence against women • Shackelford studied 461 men and 560 women from US unis – all Ps in committed, heterosexual relationships.
  • 11. They found in study 1 that: • men’s 2 types of mate- retention strategies positively correlated w/their violence scores. • ‘intersexual negative inducements’ (e.g. shouting at her for looking at another man) • ‘direct guarding’ (e.g. controlling her time at a party)
  • 12. In study 2 they found that: • results confirmed the validity of findings from study 1, w/reports of ‘intersexual -ive inducements’ + ‘direct guarding’ associated w/female-directed violence. • - women also stated partners who used emotional manipulation were more likely to have used violence against them. •
  • 13. A02-Evaluation • A limitation is data was correlational, they did not establish a causal link between the use of mate-retention strategies and violence against women. • Lack of information – another limitation of research is it does not control for actual relationship threats (e.g. a man’s suspicion or knowledge of his partner’s infidelities).
  • 14. A02-Evaluation of infidelity + jealousy as explanations for aggression • Use of mate-retention tactics • Research on sexual coercion • Practical applications of research
  • 15. A02-Use of mate-retention tactics Sexual jealousy is supported by studies of battered women, where victims cite extreme sexual jealousy of partners as the major cause of violence against them.(Dobash & Dobash ‘84)
  • 16. AO2 • Wilson’s study found evidence of direct guarding as mate- retention: in women reporting partners used this tactic (e.g. not allowing to talk to other men) 72% required medical attention after an assault by their partner.
  • 17. AO2 Research supports sexual coercion • Of females by male partners -is an adaptive response to the risk of infidelity. • Camilleri ‘04 found: the risk of a partner’s infidelity predicted the chance of sexual coercion in men but not women. • Does this support the adaptive explanation and why?
  • 18. • Supports the adaptive explanation, as it is men at risk of cuckoldry, not women.
  • 19. AO2 Goetz also found : • men who sexually coerced their partners were more likely to report thinking partners were unfaithful. • women reporting coercion were more likely to admit infidelity.
  • 20. AO2 Practical applications of research • Mate-retention tactics may be early indicators of potential violence against a partner. • The use of tactics can alert friends + family of potential future violence in relationships. • So relationship counselling may be used before the situation escalates into physical violence. Dobash & Dobash (1984) •
  • 21. AO2: However: the link between jealousy & violence is probably a complex one • Holtzworth–Monroe & Anglin (1991) – suggest that violence in males may not be directly due to jealousy • But it may be that violent males lack ways of mediating & responding effectively in situations of jealousy compared to non-violent males.
  • 22. IDA -Gender Bias: • Majority of studies have focused on male mate retention strategies BUT women also engage in tactics to retain their mate. Archer (2002) studied family conflict & found equal rates of assault by men & women
  • 23. The evolution of murder. • The UK defines murder as: • ‘Taking a life with the intention to kill or do serious harm.’ • Recent murder statistics are as follows: 1 in 15000 are murdered in the US (Stolinksy & Stolinksy 2000). • This equates to 1 in 200 chance of being murdered in our lifetime (75 year lifespan). • Risk- less in UK- 1:100 000 • Other countries- SA and Columbia- 1:20
  • 24. Murder as an adaptive response Buss & Duntley propose: •humans have adaptations (i.e. characs for survival) that evolved by natural selection to produce murder. •The activation of these evolved adaptations is determined by factors such as: 1. degree of genetic relatedness between killer and victim 2. relative status of killer and victim 3. sex of killer and victim 4. size and strength of ‘killers’ and ‘victims’ families and social allies
  • 25. Buss & Duntley ‘06 • Claim that for our ancestors, murder solved adaptive problems such as: • preventing harm – e.g. injury, rape or killing of the person, their family, mates by others. • Reputation management – e.g. avoiding being seen as easily injured, raped or killed. • Protecting resources – e.g. shelter + food
  • 26. Predisposing factors for murder • Daly + Wilson noted males + females murder for diff reasons. • What are these?
  • 27. • Men more likely to kill men seen as sexual rivals or who challenge their position in the dominance hierarchy. • But women are likelier to kill in self-defence e.g. murdering abusive male sexual partners. • They also found that murders were age related, peaking for males early 20s – peak years of reproductive competition.
  • 28. Predisposing factors for murder. Daly & Wilson (1988). Nature of murder Frequency Male offender/male 65.3% victim Male offender/female 22.7% victim Female offender/male 9.6% victim Female 2.4% offender/female victim Source: FBI supplementary homicide reports 1976-2005
  • 29. Research suggests there are common factors in the competition for reproductive status: Sexual jealousy – cause of same-sex aggression+ murder. • B/c of infidelity and cuckoldry, men are both killers + victims. • Daly + Wilson got data from 8 studies of same-sex killings involving ‘love triangles’ • They found 92% of murders involved males killing males & only 8% of females killing another female.
  • 30. Lack of resources – • (research on sexual selection shows females prefer males w/resources.) • Daly + Wilson suggest • a lack of resources increases male-male competition and risk of murder. • They cite murder statistics in Detroit, showing 43% of male victims and 41% male killers were unemployed, although the overall unemployment rate for adult males was 11%. •
  • 31. Threats to male status – • the biggest factor related to murder is maleness, second is youth. • In addition to sexual jealousy and lack of resources, threats to status appear an important determinant of murder among young men. • Daly + Wilson argue females prefer males who are dominant over others, so men are shaped by evolution to seek status. During competition for scarce resources (e.g. territory, mates) this status is more likely to be threatened.. they cite a strong correlation between degree of income inadequacy + murder rates – countries w/more income inequality tend to have higher murder rates. • According to evolution, loss of male status harmed survival + reproduction of our ancestors, & mechanisms to prevent loss of status still operate today when triggered by threatening events.
  • 32. Evaluation of evolutionary explanation of murder
  • 33. Comparative evidence – • The ‘murder as adaptation’ hypothesis is supported by studies of other species. • Many cases of mammals killing other mammals-conspecific. • E.g. Male lions + cheetahs kill offspring of rival males (Ghiglieri). • This benefits the killer’s reproductive fitness, as the mothers of killed infants will go into oestrus sooner, allowing the killer to impregnate them w/his own offspring. • Among primates, the killing of rival adult males also documented among mountain gorillas (Fossey ‘84) and chimpanzees (Wrangham & Peterson ‘96).
  • 34. An alternative explanation – • Evolved Goal Hypothesis – of murder argues humans evolved motivations for certain GOALS (e.g. strive for status, or ‘acquire a mate’) that were, among our ancestors, associated w/greater reproductive success. • Goals could be reached by using evolved problem-solving mechanisms.
  • 35. • Hrdy (‘99)claims early ancestors calculated costs + benefits + future consequences, of actions, which may conclude murder as the best solution to achieve a certain goal. • Read Implications of an evolved adaptation for murder p153
  • 37. Limitations • an evolutionary approach for aggression does not explain why people react in diff ways to the same adaptive problem. • Buss + Shackelford show diff men react v. differently about wife’s infidelity, • e.g. violence (toward other man) - debasement (e.g. granting her every wish to keep her) or avoiding the issue, by getting drunk.
  • 38. IDA: Cultural differences – • Also, an evolutionary view doesn’t explain why some cultures (e.g. in south America) require male violence to attain social status, whereas in others (peaceful !Kung San of Kalahari) aggression damages the aggressors reputation.
  • 39. IDA: REDUCTIONIST • Evolutionary theories are also reductionist as they fail to offer a complete explanation of displays of aggression in human reproductive behaviour; it reduces it to simple predisposition (nature). Aggression could be determined by other factors (previous relationship history, the availability of alternatives, the role of social learning (nurture).
  • 40. Deterministic • Evolutionary explanations are also Deterministic, as they imply that we are slaves to our inborn aggressive instincts and unable to exercise free will
  • 41. POST HOC • Another problem is that evolutionary theory is post-hoc (after the fact) theory. This means that it only explains aggressive behaviour after it has happened rather than making predictions about what is going to happen via testing. Evolutionary theory could only be tested if we isolated a large number of humans and for a very long time to see if particular genes persisted in the populations (never going to happen.....ETHICS!!!!).
  • 42. Research into infidelity is gender biased • The evolutionary argument for infidelity states that it is something a man must prevent a woman from doing, and does not really acknowledge the fact that men may be just as unfaithful as women. This is heavily gender biased and does not reveal the true nature of male and female infidelity.
  • 43. Nature nurture debate • Evolutionary explanations argue that behaviour has evolved through gene selection and is therefore biological. If jealousy and uxoricide were really evolved responses to female infidelity and determined by genes, then we would expect all men to behave violently to women, but clearly they do not. • There must, therefore, be an alternative explanation that takes into account the fact that men may have naturally aggressive responses to female infidelity, but that also explains why many men do not behave violently and others do. • Social learning theory may account for this as violent men may have grown up with violent role models, and have learned to be violent by observing them.
  • 44. AO3: Much research makes use of questionnaires and surveys to collect data • Surveys are a self report method and therefore has inherent difficulties with collecting reliable and valid data. If a man is asked to complete a questionnaire asking how violent he is towards his partner, then it is most likely that he will distort the truth due to his desire to appear more socially desirable than he actually is (social desirability bias). • Similarly, a woman may be less likely to accurately report her partner as abusive if she fears recriminations from him, or she may even choose to deny the truth about his behaviour because acknowledging it could mean the end of her relationship with him. • Questionnaires and surveys may not therefore reveal the true extent and nature of male jealousy
  • 45. Answering exam questions (PSYA3 AQA A specification) • Outline and evaluate research into sexual jealousy and infidelity as a cause of human aggression (24 marks)
  • 46. 8 AO1 marks come from outlining the evolutionary debate in terms of men never being able to be certain that they are the father of a child, and needing to ensure that they are not subject to cuckoldry. Outline male behaviours to control women. Outline uxoricide as an accidental killing when control has gone too far. Also explain that men may kill other men because of social competition including competition for a mate. 16 AO2 marks come from evaluating and discussing the research. Describe studies supporting the argument that men need to control women and the sort of behaviours they use to do so. Illustrate the link between male jealousy, mate retention and violence using research studies (e.g. Shackleton et al). Discuss the alternative argument to the accidental nature of uxoricide and state why it may be an intentional act. Discuss the problem for the evolutionary argument in that not all men act the same way in the same situation. Remember to build in synoptic links including the problem with questionnaire and survey research, and the gender biased nature of research into infidelity. •
  • 47. Explanations of group display in humans • Describe and evaluate at least two evolutionary reasons for displays of aggressive group behaviour 1) lynch mobs – a group illegally kill a person for a presumed offence. 2) Self-directed aggression during religious + cultural displays – signals commitment in a gp.
  • 48. Adaptive explanations for lynch mobs • At least 2805 lynched from 1882 – 1930 in US southern states by a hate-driven white mob (Tolnay + Beck). • Most African-American males. • Obscure reasons included ‘demanding respect’ & ‘being disreputable.’
  • 49. Evolutionary explanations for the behaviour of lynch mobs are: • the power-threat hypothesis • dehumanization of the victim
  • 50. The power-threat hypothesis • Blalock suggests as minority groups grow, majority gps try harder to maintain dominance. • ‘Power-threat’ is a fear of the minority’s POLITICAL power, E.g. Tolnay + Beck found reasons for lynchings included ‘trying to vote’ & ‘voting wrong party’. • This fear of ‘Negro’ power meant White mobs used ‘LYNCH LAW’ as social control, E.g. after slavery was abolished, when the social transition left the White community feeling at risk. • Ridley suggests group displays of discrimination against outsiders are more likely when groups feel at risk.
  • 51. Lynch mobs and dehumanization • Hyatt argues that by defiling the Black body in lynching + burnings, the mob reduced it to a form unrecognizable as a human.
  • 52. • Tolnay suggested PROPOGANDA reduced Blacks to simplistic animalistic stereotypes to whites, that dehumanized victims to a worthless hated object. • encouraging lynch mob’s actions b/c they were ‘defending their community from black brutality’. • So lynching can be seen as an evolved adaptation to perceived threats
  • 53. Lynch mobs & deindividuation • However, Mullen analysed 60 newspaper reports of lynchings + found: • As the mob size increased, lynchers became more violent. • Consistent w/deindividuation, the increases in mob size broke down normal self- regulation processes, increasing violence against the victim.
  • 54. Evaluation of adaptive explanations for lynch mobs • The power-threat hypothesis – • Clark studied lynch mob murders in Brazil, evidence contradicted power-threat hypothesis. • Main victim Afro-Brazilians, were NOT SEEN as threats, political or economic, to the dominant community. • Consequently, ‘fear of minority’ was not a causal factor in these ritual murders.
  • 55. Reductionist • The power-threat hypothesis itself can be argued to be a reductionist approach and not fully consider other possibilities for such behaviour beyond fear and feeling threatened. • Clark et al found evidence suggesting the power- threat hypothesis may not provide a complete picture and be universal; Victims of lynching’s in Sao Paulo were majority Afro-Caribbean but posed no threat politically or economically. • This suggests other possible reasons behind group aggression that the Power-Threat hypothesis cannot explain.
  • 56. Evidence of Dehumanization • In Guatemala, lynch mob violence became common in recent yrs. • Rothenberg observes although most cases are for crimes like murder, some are for minor offences like stealing chickens/pickpocketing.
  • 57. • Consistent w/dehumanization, enraged crowds burn corpses, further degrading a dead victim. • makes it easier to kill by removing moral constraints on killing humans. • By reducing victims to status of animals, killing rivals becomes easier, ultimately beneficial to group members –by allowing for the elimination of rivals which is consistent with the evolutionary theory of group aggression.
  • 58. • Evolutionary approach – increased intragroup solidarity may lead to increased intergroup confl ict.
  • 59. The role of deindividuation • There’s support for claim that lynching: may be a group display of extreme discrimination made more likely through deindividuation. • Rothenberg says however, although some lynchings were - at night, (where violence obscured by darkness) most occurred in the day. • In some cases only a few angry citizens present, whereas in others there were 1000s. • Although some aspects of deindividuation (e.g. large mob size) in the majority of cases, there appears to be no clear relationship between deindividuating factors + the ferocity of violence. • By reducing the status of potential threats to the status of animals; killing itself becomes easier and
  • 60. IDA-Cultural Diffs • Evolutionary theory-not all cultures display such forms of aggression- Not universal • The Kung San tribe of the Kalahari view aggression in a completely negative light and therefore aggressive behaviour in any form is extremely rare. • Suggests such behaviour may in fact be learnt rather than an evolutionary response
  • 61. Free will/determinism • It is also unclear whether such group behaviour is unconscious and deterministic as evolutionary theories propose or whether it is regulated by the individuals own free will.
  • 62. Group Displays: Religion/cultural displays • Aggression during religious/cultural displays. • This behaviour signals commitment to the group. • I.e. Self-flagellation VIRTUALPSYCHOLOGY.CO.UK
  • 63. The human species has engaged in ritual behavior for at least 100,000 years, and every known culture has some form of painful or uncomfortable religious ritual. It is difficult to explain how rituals resulting in harm (a form of aggression) may be of benefit to humans. Yet many examples occur across the world. E.g. Australian aborigines perform a ritual operation on adolescent boys in which a bone or a stone is inserted into the penis. Jews and Muslims submit their sons to circumcision, and in some Muslim societies daughters are also subject to circumcision or other forms of genital mutilation. Initiation ceremonies are often brutal. Among Native Americans, Apache boys were forced to bathe in icy water and Tukuna girls had their hair plucked out. ….
  • 64. Religious/cultural displays • Self inflicted violence is not uncommon- self flagellation during Ashura. A recreation of the suffering of Hussein -grandson to Mohammed the prophet. • Some Shia Muslims symbolically recreate the suffering of Hussein by cutting their foreheads until blood streams from their bodies • A committed member of the group is a cooperative member. By engaging in these rituals an individual is cooperating and being committed. • Extreme displays such as this appears to contradict the principle of natural selection. • Why?
  • 65. • A Pakistani Shiite Muslim performs ritual self- flagellation during a religious procession on the holy day of Ashura.
  • 66. Kurdish Sufis (An Islamic sect)
  • 68. • Because the patterns of behaviour are very similar & occur in so many racial groups, evolutionary psychologists conclude that they must have some adaptive advantage (or they would not have been passed on)
  • 69. Religious displays and cooperative gains • William Irons (2001) argues that these group displays promote cooperation between members. • We have much to gain from living in gps i.e. food sharing, hunting, protection from outside threats etc & so have to earn our place in the gp. • Irons argues that the primary adaptive benefit of religion is its ability to facilitate cooperation within a group.
  • 70. • Religion works like a mechanism. The key is that religious rituals are a form of communication. • By engaging in the ritual, the member effectively says, “I identify with the group and I believe in what the group stands for.” • Painful rituals show commitment to the group and a committed group member is likely to be a cooperative & successful one.
  • 71. COSTLY SIGNALLING to deter free riders • The costs (e.g. to physical health) of cultural and religious displays deter potential free riders who’ll exploit gp membership w/o contributing. • Zahavi says ‘costly signalling’ rituals indicate status + breeding potential b/c they’re too costly for ‘low quality’ individuals to perform. Sosi exemplifies Ultra-Orthodox Jews (Haredim) who overdress in summer in their thick beards long black coats & heavy hats
  • 72. • Haredi men spend days sweating as they sing praises to God in the desert sun. • Thus, the ‘quality’ these men signal is their level of commitment to their religious gp. • So the adaptive benefit of religious displays appears to be promoting cooperation within a gp, while deterring ‘free riders’ who may exploit the gp.
  • 73. Evaluation of the adaptive explanation of religious/cultural displays • Religious displays – • Ruffle + Sosis studied Israeli communes and found religious males sig more cooperative w/gp members than females. • Perhaps b/c Males do highly visible rituals e.g. public prayer 3 times daily. • They found synagogue attendance positively correlated w/cooperative behaviour in males.
  • 74. • And no correlation between s. attendance and cooperation from females, who it’s OPTIONAL for, so it is not a sign of commitment to the gp. • These RESULTS AGREE w/COSTLY SIGNALLING THEORY: • more displays of commitment positively relate w/higher cooperation within the gp.
  • 75. Evaluation of the adaptive explanation of religious/cultural displays The evolutionary approach – • The adaptive value of religious displays explains the success of some religions. • By making membership ‘costly’, they increase intragp solidarity and deter outsiders from exploiting benefits of membership.
  • 76. • However, this view also suggests a disadvantage is it accentuates intergroup conflict. • Sosis claims the big benefit of intragroup solidarity is: • unified gps can defend & compete against other gps. • E.g. societies w/stricter religious displays endure more intergroup conflict. (Roes & Raymond).
  • 77. Cultural rituals – • Sosis had data from 60 diff societies on costs of gp rituals and frequency of warfare. • freq. of warfare was the strongest predictor of the costliness of the society’s male ritual displays. • & type of displays favoured, depended on the warfare common in the society.
  • 78. • In societies where extreme warfare was more common (i.e. war against other societies) gps focused on uniting males into the largest combat gp possible. • For these societies, permanent, costly displays of gp commitment (e.g. scars, tattoos) reduce the chance of males escaping to another group.
  • 79.
  • 80. AN EVOLUTIONARY APPROACH •An analysis of the adaptive advantages of religious ritual and commitment to religious practices helps us to understand the success of religion from a purely evolutionary perspective. •However, there is also a dark side to this understanding. If the intragroup solidarity that religion promotes is its significant adaptive advantage,then its disadvantage for a peaceful world must be its role in intergroup conflict. •As Sosis (2000) points out, one of the benefits of intragroup solidarity is the ability of unified groups to defend and compete against other groups. • Roes and Raymond (2003) found that societies with stricter religious practices tend to have higher levels of intergroup conflict. •They argued that societies only attained large size if they were bound together by a religiously inspired morality, reducing internal conflict and promoting group cooperation in the face of external enemies.
  • 81. •IDA : Nature / Nurture debate •(P)The evolutionary approach focuses on the ‘nature’ side of the debate only and does not consider the role of other factors •(E)Social psychologists would probably focus on the effects of ‘nurture’ and of conformity. They would explain the behaviour in terms of conformity to group norms in order to be accepted by the group (i.e. normative conformity) •(E) A more ‘rounded’ explanation would take account of both inherited / evolved factors as well as the social influences which are likely to affect how an individual behaves
  • 82. Explanations of Group Display in Humans 1.WAR • Men only willing to fight as part of coalition if confident of victory. • In Yanomamo of Amazon rainforest, frequent fighting between villages over abduction of women. (Chagnon 1968) • Success in battle > high status • Successful warriors had more wives and children • Young men who had not killed were rarely married.
  • 83. • Pinker (1997) – In WW2, Germans raped women in concentration camps. • More than 20,000 Muslim girls and women raped as part of genocide programme in Bosnia. • Aim was to make the women pregnant and raise the children as Serbs, or terrorise them into fleeing the land (Allen 1996)
  • 84. • Evolutionary theory can explain tribal warfare where casualties are few and rewards, great. • But in recent human history, prolonged warfare results in significant losses on both sides. • Wrangham (1999) – military incompetence is result of adaptive self-deception. • Positive illusions about winning will improve cohesion and co-operation and may bluff the opposition BUT may also lead to inaccurate assessment of own and opponents’ abilities.
  • 85. Explanations of Group Display in Humans 2. SPORTS EVENTS • v=tdMCAV6Yd0Y&NR=1 • Ritualised form of aggression – benefits of success available to competitors with reduced risk of physical harm / death. • Winning team hold high status , team members seen as desirable mates.
  • 86. • In certain games (eg, rugby union) a level of aggression is sanctioned but some players still break the rules. • Maxwell & Viscek (2009) – questioned 144 rugby union players about their aggression in the game. • Those high in professionalism placed more emphasis on winning and were more likely to use unsanctioned aggression. • Cheating (and not getting caught) is adaptive. What’s wrong with self report as a method ?
  • 87. • Victory in matches also brings status to fans • Cialdini et al (1976) ‘basking in reflected glory’ – after a university football team had performed well, students more likely to wear university scarves and sweaters.
  • 88. Football hooliganism • Marsh (1978) – football hooliganism is human equivalent of ‘ceremonial conflict’ in animals. • Exclusively male, ritualised symbolic aggression restrained by desire to minimise harm and death. • Intention is to humiliate opposition and secure submission. Is this a realistic For A02 marks, you interpretation though? could offer Research instances of football hooliganism to criticise this deindividuation theory as view. an alternative explanation for both types of group display.