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Question 1 - In what ways does your
media product use, develop or
challenge forms and conventions of
real media products?
Klaivert Lami
Front cover – Similarities
Cover lines
List of known
Rap artists
Both mastheads are
in red and look big and Bold; they both
are placed behind the main image. Both magazines share a
similar colour scheme of black, grey, red.
My magazine also contains a hint of white too
Main cover line
quote from the main artist and main artist’s
Additional cover lines
Similar cover lines top 40/50
Date line
Both are small font sized
Main image
Both of these magazines are in the same genre category : Rap; they both contain rap artists as the main image and they both present a
Intimidating look directly at the camera (direct address) with a serious straight face. In addition, they both are folding their arms which
shows they are in a bad mood which makes them look very aggressive and powerful. Moreover, they both have a watch on their wrist
which shows that they both are showing off their wealth and this shows they both have a similar character when they like to show off
and this can be very inspirational to the audience. Furthermore, both rap artists are wearing typical gangster fashion which most rap
artists wear and this clearly shows they are rappers and they were both brought up in a rough area and started at the bottom which is
Both are grey but my front cover is slightly different with a gradient
Front cover – Differences
Strap line & puff
This vibe magazine front cover has a strap line and a
puff, whereas, my magazine doesn’t have either. Puffs
are very attractive and eye- catching which can easily
make the reader see what you’re advertising, which
shows this is a good use of convention, but I never used
this because I thought it looks to appealing which
doesn’t really suit rap and suits another genre such as
pop. Also the strap line isn’t very effective because the
main focus is the bold masthead and is optional so I
didn’t chose to add that on my cover too.
Price & Barcode
My front cover contains two important conventions that
The vibe magazine hasn’t got featured on their front cover
Which is the price of the magazine as a whole and the barcode
Of the magazine. The price is mostly shown on front covers
On magazines, but it looks like vibe has their price on their
Back page instead because they haven’t got it on their front
Cover. I can understand why vibe hasn’t used these conventions
Because they are a huge company and they don’t need barcodes
And they are well known so people must know now how much
their magazine is.
Featured Website
Vibe have added on the bottom
Left corner their website “”
And this is placed in dead space and Is
very small which shows this isn’t As
important as all the other things
Featured on this magazine. I haven’t
added my website on my front cover Is
because that dead space is where I
paced my barcode and my website
Will be on my contents page instead.
Featured Page number
On the bottom right corner I have
Added “exclusive interview” which
Shows the audience there is an
Exclusive interview with my main
Artist and I added the page number
Where this exclusive interview is
Held in my magazine so that the
Audience can directly find this page.
Vibe hasn’t used this and the reason
Must be that they don’t need to
Persuade new readers because they
Are big and also contain good content.
In addition, some things on both magazines are
Positioned in different places which is expected
Because all magazines are different in their own
Way. For example, the masthead on the vibe
Front cover is slightly lower than my front cover
And that’s because the vibe magazine left space
At the top for the strap line and puff. Also, the
Font size, style and positioning is different too.
How I followed and developed codes and
Whilst creating my front cover for my magazine, I have followed codes
and conventions. I have placed the big, bright and bold masthead at the
top of the magazine which definitely conventional. I have added cover
lines, date line, price and barcode which all clearly follow codes and
conventions and I will add these in every issue for this magazine because
these things are found in almost every magazine published out there. In
addition, I have added my main image in the middle of the page and my
artist is wearing gangster-like clothing such as jewelry, snapback, and
hoodie; my main artist is also giving direct address. Furthermore, I have
added a main cover line and a quote which anchors the main image and
this shows that I have followed codes and conventions, also, one main
thing I used was mise en scene of a followed colour scheme, which helps
me represent the genre of the magazine I have produced. However, the
word ‘exclusive’ is in a red banner in white font which stands out a lot and
this is unique which shows I have developed on codes and conventions;
I’ve done this because this aimed at teenagers and most teenagers find it
difficult to concentrate when reading and these colours of red and white
will stand out which will catch the audience’s eye. In conclusion, whilst
creating my front cover, I have followed the code and conventions by
using the rule of thirds; this allowed me to fit things in carefully and
neatly so that it looks appealing and makes the audience want to
purchase it and the front cover also looks more structured due to this.
Front Cover and Drawn draft - similarities and
They both are placed on the top and I originally wanted the
colour to be red and the tittle to be big and bold; however,
my original idea was to have a strap line above the masthead
but I changed my mind because I didn’t like the look of it.
Main cover line & other Cover lines
My main cover line on my drawn draft is placed at
The bottom left but I changed that position because
I thought it would link more to the main image if it
Was right beside the main image, but I did keep the
Text the same. In addition, one similar thing I did was
The top left cover line, I positioned it the same as my
Draft but I changed the text a bit. Also, another difference
Was that on my draft I added more cover lines but I chose
Not to add them on my final piece because I thought that
would be too many cover lines which would make the
front cover look to crowded.
Main image
My draft draft and final cover both have something
That’s almost identical, and that’s the main image. I
drew the exact outfit but I didn’t add the headphones
on the final cover which isn’t a big deal; the clothing
is almost perfect and I drew the artist with direct
address too and I drew out the arms folded which is
the same as my final cover too, and the placement of
the main image is in the dead center and I kept the
main image as a mid shot.
List of artist names & interview
On my drawn draft, I planned that I
Would have a list of other rap artist’s
Names on the top right and I stuck
With my plan and did the list of
Other artist's names which are
Featured in my magazine. Also, I
planned to add ‘EXCLUSSIVE
INTERVIEW” on my cover and I stuck
with that idea because it’s persuasive
and the colour scheme I used were
white a red for the word exclusive
which makes the word stand out to
the audience.
Barcode, date line & price
On my drawn draft, I put the barcode
on the bottom right but on final
Cover I put the barcode on the bottom
Left because I had more space there.
I didn’t add the date on top of the
Barcode, instead I placed it under the
Masthead, however, I kept my price
On top of the barcode. In addition,
I planned to put the blazed website next
To the barcode, but I chose to put the
Website on my contents page instead.
Contents page – SimilaritiesMain image
The xxl magazine contents page and my contents page
Both have a main image which are positioned on the
Right side of the magazine. My magazine is focused on
One main artist and the xxl magazine is focused on two
Main artists but they have used the same positioning
And they have used both their main artists as their main
Image which is what I did too.
Both magazines have a
website on the bottom
Of the contents page
Photo details
Both magazines have a brief description of who shot the photos
On this magazine and when and where it was taken.
Masthead copied
Xxl have repeated their masthead and placed it on the top right corner
And I did the same thing but instead of the whole masthead I put the
Logo because the masthead is too long to fit in, however I did repeat
my masthead by placing it at the bottom right.
Features title
Both magazines have one other main convention
Which is the features title and they are positioned on
Top of all the page numbers and titles.
page numbers & titles
The xxl magazine has all the page numbers and page
title organized in a list on the left side of the contents
page and my contents page is identical to that too; the
page numbers are in bold in both magazines and the
page title too, also, they both have a brief description
underneath each title in smaller text and the text is
floating around the main image in both magazines
which looks very effective and creative.
I kept my background consistent
With my front cover and I kept the
Grey background and the Xxl magazine
Also has a grey background but a
Lighter tone and no gradient.
Colour scheme
The colour scheme on both
Magazines are similar and
They both are consistent
Throughout the magazine.
Page number
Both magazines have
A small font sized page
On the bottom.
Both small
Sized font and
Xxl have it at the top.
Contents page – Differences
Main title
Xxl have added a main title on the
top of their contents page in big,
black, bold font, but, I didn’t choose
to use a title because I put the word
‘contents’ at the top instead which is
what you typically see at the top of a
contents page.
Contents title
I have used a contents title in my own, creative
Structure. This is one of the main conventions
In a magazine and that’s why I chose to use this
Convention, but, Xxl hasn’t used this important
Convention which informs the reader where the
Contents is; Xxl is a big company so the readers
Must straight away know the common structure
Of the contents page.
3 images used
On my contents page I have
Used a range of images (1 main
Image and 2 other images), but
Xxl have only used one main
Image which is common with all
Mainstream magazines.
Social media
I have added the social
media icons and the
magazine’s username
For each separate social
media app.
mid shot
The Xxl magazine
Main image is a
mid shot whereas
My magazine has
Long-mid shot
Main image
Xxl has a black banner on the bottom of their
Page and at the top and they use banners
Throughout their magazine which is a consistent
Theme this specific magazine use and I didn’t
Think of the idea of using banners but I personally
Don’t like them.2 focused artists
In this Xxl magazine they are mainly focusing
On two rap artists (50 cent and Soulja Boy), so
These two appear as the main image of the
Contents page and appear a lot throughout
The magazine. But, I only chose one artist as
My main image and use that one artist
Throughout the magazine instead because
Nearly every other magazine I researched
Where mainly focused on one main artist.
How I followed and developed codes and
For my contents page, I have used many codes and conventions and
developed codes and conventions too. Firstly I added the obvious which
is the contents title, features, main image, masthead, page number and
page list. I have also followed the codes and convention by consistently
using mise en scene by keeping the same colour scheme throughout the
magazine and this colour scheme of red, black, grey and white clearly
represents my genre rap. Furthermore, I added social media icons and
links underneath the main image because my target audience are young
adults and teenagers, this generation is all about technology and all the
young adults and teenagers are on their phone and tablets which means
this feature is very useful for my target audience and this would allow
the audience to visit the social media page and sites for my magazine. In
addition, I have also developed on codes and conventions by making the
text wrap around the main image which also looks professional, creative
and well structured and I did this to be unique, this also shows that the
main image is connected with the text; I developed again on codes and
conventions because I made my own structure on the contents title by
splitting it into 3 sections which is also unique and it’s written in a bold
font and in a funky style which is significant as it identifies the
characteristics of my young audience. In conclusion, I have challenged
codes and conventions again because I also added 2 additional images
which isn’t usual on other magazines, but I wanted to be different with
my magazine and stand out to the other magazines and adding more
images of other rap artists will clearly identify the genre of my magazine.
Contents page and Drawn Draft - similarities and
Contents title & masthead
on my drawn draft, I placed the contents title on the
Top left and the blazed masthead on the top right,
But when it came to my final piece I decided to be
More creative and different by making the contents
Title very big and structured this special way, also, I
Couldn’t fit the whole blazed masthead so I replaced
It with the big logo ‘B’ which looks effective too.
Features – page numbers and titles
The similarities were that the features sub title was
Positioned the same as my drawn draft and all the
Featured pages were on the left in order too, with 6
Different pages. However, the differences are that
I changed are the page numbers and page titles
Because on my drawn draft the pages only went up
To 28, when normally magazines have around
50 – 100 pages.
I drew this puff on my draft, but on my
Final contents page I decided to not add
It because it doesn’t suit the genre and
It looked too eye-catching which looks
Very strange. I drew this in the first place
Because I only had a rough idea on
Rap magazines, but later on the process
Of making my magazine, I did research on
Rap magazines and how professional and
Neat they look so that’s why I left it.
Website & date
On my drawn draft, I drew
out the page
Number and I drew the date
and website
And added these on my final
Page but changed the
positioning up a bit.
Main image & other images
The main similarities are that I drew out the main
image perfectly (him looking to the left) and I drew
two other boxes out below the main image for two
extra images for two other rap artists; I did position
The main image well, but the difference with my
final piece and the drawn draft is that the images
On the bottom are in a different position and closer
Together and looks more organized and my drawing
Of my main image is a long shot but I decided to use
A long-mid shot instead.
Double page spread - similarities
Main image
Both magazine have a
Huge main image on the
First page (left page). The
Main images on both
Magazines show clearly
that that specific artist
relates to the text beside
it. Both magazines follow
the most important
convention which is
having a main image on
the double page spread.
Both images take up the
whole page.
Both magazines
Follow another
Key convention
Which is a title
For the story/
Interview. Both
Titles are huge
And take up a lot
Of the page, also,
They both clearly
Show what the
Description below
Is about.
Another convention
Followed by Vibe and
My magazine is that
They both have an
Intro before the story/
Interview. Both intros
Are very punctual and
They both persuade
The reader to keep
Reading which is what
Most magazines do.
Colour scheme
These two
Keep a consistent
Scheme black, red,
And grey which are
Exact same
Both of the magazines have
Kept their masthead and
Placed the masthead on the
double page spread, vibe
Have used their popular logo,
But I used my actual masthead
Because my magazine isn’t
As well known as vibe.
Descriptive story/interview
Mostly all magazines have a story or interview about their
Main artist, me and vibe have also followed this convention.
We both have used the typical small font in black and red.
Double page spread -Differences
Vibe always
Writes down a
Story about
Their main artist
In every
separate issue,
But I didn’t use
A story, I used
A questionnaire
Because I’m
using a new
artist and I want
to find out
about him.
I have chosen to
Use an interview
Instead of a typical
Story because I am
Using a new rap
Artist and I did a
questionnaire so
I could find out a
Lot about his life
Story and about
Him; vibe have
Used a story instead
Because they are
Using a well known
3 columns
mid - close up
Vibe has used a mid -
close up on their main
image, and they have
Used this type of shot
because they’re
focusing on the artist’s
face full of tattoos,
Whereas I used a mid –
long shot for my main
image to show my
artist’s outfit. Also, the
artist is looking directly
at the text which shows
he connects to the text.
mid - long shot
I have used a mid –
Long shot for my
Main image and
The reason is that
I am mostly
Interested on the
Artist’s typical rap
Luxury outfit to
Show the audience
His wealth; this
Inspires the
Audience because
They want to be
Wealthy and
Successful like him.
Wrap text
I have used the
Wrap text around
My main artist
Image to show
Boldly that my
Artist relates to
The text and this
Looks unique
And creative
Too – this effect
makes it seem
the text is
connected to
Different font
On the vibe magazine,
The double page spread
Has a separate
for each page (grey and
White) which is unusual
Because I have made
both pages the same
colour to look like one
whole page so this can
show clearly the text
connects to the
Main image; vibe
probably chose this
because it’s their
specific theme.
How I followed and developed codes and
Whilst constructing my double page spread, I have used many codes and conventions such as drop cap, article title,
masthead, intro, article, and page numbers; the drop cap feature is used in almost every single magazine article as it
draws the readers attention due to the font size and colour used. Conventionally, I have also kept my colour scheme,
font, and main artist consistent throughout the magazine on the front cover, contents and now this double page spread.
I have used a main image of the same artist which follows the codes and conventions, but, I have developed further on
codes and conventions by adding a wrap text around the main image which shows the article is connected to the main
image and I also used the unique text wrap feature on my contents page which shows I have an original style throughout
my magazine. I have followed codes and conventions buy adding a tittle and intro for my article and the article is well
structured which looks neat and professional. In conclusion, I have kept my masthead again on all pages which is
consistent once again.
Double page spread and Drawn Draft –
similarities and differencesMain image
The main image was
Originally meant to be
A long shot of my main
Artist with him looking
At the text to show that
He is connected to the
Text and this also makes
The reader directly look
At the text. I chose to
Change the image up a
Bit and make the main
Artist look at his watch
Instead to show off his
Wealth and success.
Firstly, I thought of having a
different background for both
pages, a wall full of graffiti on the
first page and the same grey
background on the other and I
wanted to do this because the
graffiti will show his area where
he was brought up which relates
to the text. I chose to leave it
All one background because it
looks clean and professional and
this will connect the text and the
Additional image
I was going to add an additional
Image underneath the text which
Relates to the context and that
would show what the text is about
Because I was going to add an
Image of a music stereo and guns
Which would clearly show he was
Brought up rough and still had a
Passion for music, but, I thought
To scrap that idea because I could
Not find a stereo to
Take a picture of.
Main title
The main title
Was meant to
Be ‘story from
A shooting
Star’, but after
And researching
I think that idea
Isn’t very unique
And sounds
Boring so I
Changed it to a
More creative title.
Text – interview
My first idea was
To create 4
columns but I
Changed my mind
Because most
Magazines only
Have 2-3 columns
For their double
Page spread. Also,
I added a wrap text
To show the strong
Connection with the
text and image.

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Evaluation q1

  • 1. Evaluation Question 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Klaivert Lami
  • 2. Front cover – Similarities Masthead Cover lines List of known Rap artists Both mastheads are in red and look big and Bold; they both are placed behind the main image. Both magazines share a similar colour scheme of black, grey, red. My magazine also contains a hint of white too Main cover line quote from the main artist and main artist’s name Additional cover lines Similar cover lines top 40/50 Date line Both are small font sized Main image Both of these magazines are in the same genre category : Rap; they both contain rap artists as the main image and they both present a Intimidating look directly at the camera (direct address) with a serious straight face. In addition, they both are folding their arms which shows they are in a bad mood which makes them look very aggressive and powerful. Moreover, they both have a watch on their wrist which shows that they both are showing off their wealth and this shows they both have a similar character when they like to show off and this can be very inspirational to the audience. Furthermore, both rap artists are wearing typical gangster fashion which most rap artists wear and this clearly shows they are rappers and they were both brought up in a rough area and started at the bottom which is inspiring. Background Both are grey but my front cover is slightly different with a gradient
  • 3. Front cover – Differences Strap line & puff This vibe magazine front cover has a strap line and a puff, whereas, my magazine doesn’t have either. Puffs are very attractive and eye- catching which can easily make the reader see what you’re advertising, which shows this is a good use of convention, but I never used this because I thought it looks to appealing which doesn’t really suit rap and suits another genre such as pop. Also the strap line isn’t very effective because the main focus is the bold masthead and is optional so I didn’t chose to add that on my cover too. Price & Barcode My front cover contains two important conventions that The vibe magazine hasn’t got featured on their front cover Which is the price of the magazine as a whole and the barcode Of the magazine. The price is mostly shown on front covers On magazines, but it looks like vibe has their price on their Back page instead because they haven’t got it on their front Cover. I can understand why vibe hasn’t used these conventions Because they are a huge company and they don’t need barcodes And they are well known so people must know now how much their magazine is. Featured Website Vibe have added on the bottom Left corner their website “” And this is placed in dead space and Is very small which shows this isn’t As important as all the other things Featured on this magazine. I haven’t added my website on my front cover Is because that dead space is where I paced my barcode and my website Will be on my contents page instead. Featured Page number On the bottom right corner I have Added “exclusive interview” which Shows the audience there is an Exclusive interview with my main Artist and I added the page number Where this exclusive interview is Held in my magazine so that the Audience can directly find this page. Vibe hasn’t used this and the reason Must be that they don’t need to Persuade new readers because they Are big and also contain good content. In addition, some things on both magazines are Positioned in different places which is expected Because all magazines are different in their own Way. For example, the masthead on the vibe Front cover is slightly lower than my front cover And that’s because the vibe magazine left space At the top for the strap line and puff. Also, the Font size, style and positioning is different too.
  • 4. How I followed and developed codes and conventions Whilst creating my front cover for my magazine, I have followed codes and conventions. I have placed the big, bright and bold masthead at the top of the magazine which definitely conventional. I have added cover lines, date line, price and barcode which all clearly follow codes and conventions and I will add these in every issue for this magazine because these things are found in almost every magazine published out there. In addition, I have added my main image in the middle of the page and my artist is wearing gangster-like clothing such as jewelry, snapback, and hoodie; my main artist is also giving direct address. Furthermore, I have added a main cover line and a quote which anchors the main image and this shows that I have followed codes and conventions, also, one main thing I used was mise en scene of a followed colour scheme, which helps me represent the genre of the magazine I have produced. However, the word ‘exclusive’ is in a red banner in white font which stands out a lot and this is unique which shows I have developed on codes and conventions; I’ve done this because this aimed at teenagers and most teenagers find it difficult to concentrate when reading and these colours of red and white will stand out which will catch the audience’s eye. In conclusion, whilst creating my front cover, I have followed the code and conventions by using the rule of thirds; this allowed me to fit things in carefully and neatly so that it looks appealing and makes the audience want to purchase it and the front cover also looks more structured due to this.
  • 5. Front Cover and Drawn draft - similarities and differences Masthead They both are placed on the top and I originally wanted the colour to be red and the tittle to be big and bold; however, my original idea was to have a strap line above the masthead but I changed my mind because I didn’t like the look of it. Main cover line & other Cover lines My main cover line on my drawn draft is placed at The bottom left but I changed that position because I thought it would link more to the main image if it Was right beside the main image, but I did keep the Text the same. In addition, one similar thing I did was The top left cover line, I positioned it the same as my Draft but I changed the text a bit. Also, another difference Was that on my draft I added more cover lines but I chose Not to add them on my final piece because I thought that would be too many cover lines which would make the front cover look to crowded. Main image My draft draft and final cover both have something That’s almost identical, and that’s the main image. I drew the exact outfit but I didn’t add the headphones on the final cover which isn’t a big deal; the clothing is almost perfect and I drew the artist with direct address too and I drew out the arms folded which is the same as my final cover too, and the placement of the main image is in the dead center and I kept the main image as a mid shot. List of artist names & interview On my drawn draft, I planned that I Would have a list of other rap artist’s Names on the top right and I stuck With my plan and did the list of Other artist's names which are Featured in my magazine. Also, I planned to add ‘EXCLUSSIVE INTERVIEW” on my cover and I stuck with that idea because it’s persuasive and the colour scheme I used were white a red for the word exclusive which makes the word stand out to the audience. Barcode, date line & price On my drawn draft, I put the barcode on the bottom right but on final Cover I put the barcode on the bottom Left because I had more space there. I didn’t add the date on top of the Barcode, instead I placed it under the Masthead, however, I kept my price On top of the barcode. In addition, I planned to put the blazed website next To the barcode, but I chose to put the Website on my contents page instead.
  • 6. Contents page – SimilaritiesMain image The xxl magazine contents page and my contents page Both have a main image which are positioned on the Right side of the magazine. My magazine is focused on One main artist and the xxl magazine is focused on two Main artists but they have used the same positioning And they have used both their main artists as their main Image which is what I did too. Website Both magazines have a website on the bottom Of the contents page Photo details Both magazines have a brief description of who shot the photos On this magazine and when and where it was taken. Masthead copied Xxl have repeated their masthead and placed it on the top right corner And I did the same thing but instead of the whole masthead I put the Logo because the masthead is too long to fit in, however I did repeat my masthead by placing it at the bottom right. Features title Both magazines have one other main convention Which is the features title and they are positioned on Top of all the page numbers and titles. page numbers & titles The xxl magazine has all the page numbers and page title organized in a list on the left side of the contents page and my contents page is identical to that too; the page numbers are in bold in both magazines and the page title too, also, they both have a brief description underneath each title in smaller text and the text is floating around the main image in both magazines which looks very effective and creative. Background I kept my background consistent With my front cover and I kept the Grey background and the Xxl magazine Also has a grey background but a Lighter tone and no gradient. Colour scheme The colour scheme on both Magazines are similar and They both are consistent Throughout the magazine. Page number Both magazines have A small font sized page On the bottom. Date Both small Sized font and Xxl have it at the top.
  • 7. Contents page – Differences Main title Xxl have added a main title on the top of their contents page in big, black, bold font, but, I didn’t choose to use a title because I put the word ‘contents’ at the top instead which is what you typically see at the top of a contents page. Contents title I have used a contents title in my own, creative Structure. This is one of the main conventions In a magazine and that’s why I chose to use this Convention, but, Xxl hasn’t used this important Convention which informs the reader where the Contents is; Xxl is a big company so the readers Must straight away know the common structure Of the contents page. 3 images used On my contents page I have Used a range of images (1 main Image and 2 other images), but Xxl have only used one main Image which is common with all Mainstream magazines. Social media I have added the social media icons and the magazine’s username For each separate social media app. mid shot The Xxl magazine Main image is a mid shot whereas My magazine has Long-mid shot Main image Banners Xxl has a black banner on the bottom of their Page and at the top and they use banners Throughout their magazine which is a consistent Theme this specific magazine use and I didn’t Think of the idea of using banners but I personally Don’t like them.2 focused artists In this Xxl magazine they are mainly focusing On two rap artists (50 cent and Soulja Boy), so These two appear as the main image of the Contents page and appear a lot throughout The magazine. But, I only chose one artist as My main image and use that one artist Throughout the magazine instead because Nearly every other magazine I researched Where mainly focused on one main artist.
  • 8. How I followed and developed codes and conventions For my contents page, I have used many codes and conventions and developed codes and conventions too. Firstly I added the obvious which is the contents title, features, main image, masthead, page number and page list. I have also followed the codes and convention by consistently using mise en scene by keeping the same colour scheme throughout the magazine and this colour scheme of red, black, grey and white clearly represents my genre rap. Furthermore, I added social media icons and links underneath the main image because my target audience are young adults and teenagers, this generation is all about technology and all the young adults and teenagers are on their phone and tablets which means this feature is very useful for my target audience and this would allow the audience to visit the social media page and sites for my magazine. In addition, I have also developed on codes and conventions by making the text wrap around the main image which also looks professional, creative and well structured and I did this to be unique, this also shows that the main image is connected with the text; I developed again on codes and conventions because I made my own structure on the contents title by splitting it into 3 sections which is also unique and it’s written in a bold font and in a funky style which is significant as it identifies the characteristics of my young audience. In conclusion, I have challenged codes and conventions again because I also added 2 additional images which isn’t usual on other magazines, but I wanted to be different with my magazine and stand out to the other magazines and adding more images of other rap artists will clearly identify the genre of my magazine.
  • 9. Contents page and Drawn Draft - similarities and differences Contents title & masthead on my drawn draft, I placed the contents title on the Top left and the blazed masthead on the top right, But when it came to my final piece I decided to be More creative and different by making the contents Title very big and structured this special way, also, I Couldn’t fit the whole blazed masthead so I replaced It with the big logo ‘B’ which looks effective too. Features – page numbers and titles The similarities were that the features sub title was Positioned the same as my drawn draft and all the Featured pages were on the left in order too, with 6 Different pages. However, the differences are that I changed are the page numbers and page titles Because on my drawn draft the pages only went up To 28, when normally magazines have around 50 – 100 pages. Puff I drew this puff on my draft, but on my Final contents page I decided to not add It because it doesn’t suit the genre and It looked too eye-catching which looks Very strange. I drew this in the first place Because I only had a rough idea on Rap magazines, but later on the process Of making my magazine, I did research on Rap magazines and how professional and Neat they look so that’s why I left it. Website & date On my drawn draft, I drew out the page Number and I drew the date and website And added these on my final contents Page but changed the positioning up a bit. Main image & other images The main similarities are that I drew out the main image perfectly (him looking to the left) and I drew two other boxes out below the main image for two extra images for two other rap artists; I did position The main image well, but the difference with my final piece and the drawn draft is that the images On the bottom are in a different position and closer Together and looks more organized and my drawing Of my main image is a long shot but I decided to use A long-mid shot instead.
  • 10. Double page spread - similarities Main image Both magazine have a Huge main image on the First page (left page). The Main images on both Magazines show clearly that that specific artist relates to the text beside it. Both magazines follow the most important convention which is having a main image on the double page spread. Both images take up the whole page. Title Both magazines Follow another Key convention Which is a title For the story/ Interview. Both Titles are huge And take up a lot Of the page, also, They both clearly Show what the Description below Is about. Intro Another convention Followed by Vibe and My magazine is that They both have an Intro before the story/ Interview. Both intros Are very punctual and They both persuade The reader to keep Reading which is what Most magazines do. Colour scheme These two magazines Keep a consistent colour Scheme black, red, white And grey which are the Exact same Masthead/Logo Both of the magazines have Kept their masthead and Placed the masthead on the double page spread, vibe Have used their popular logo, But I used my actual masthead Because my magazine isn’t As well known as vibe. Descriptive story/interview Mostly all magazines have a story or interview about their Main artist, me and vibe have also followed this convention. We both have used the typical small font in black and red.
  • 11. Double page spread -Differences story Vibe always Writes down a Descriptive Story about Their main artist In every separate issue, But I didn’t use A story, I used A questionnaire Because I’m using a new artist and I want to find out everything about him. Interview I have chosen to Use an interview Instead of a typical Story because I am Using a new rap Artist and I did a questionnaire so I could find out a Lot about his life Story and about Him; vibe have Used a story instead Because they are Using a well known Artist. 3 columns mid - close up Vibe has used a mid - close up on their main image, and they have Used this type of shot because they’re focusing on the artist’s face full of tattoos, Whereas I used a mid – long shot for my main image to show my artist’s outfit. Also, the artist is looking directly at the text which shows he connects to the text. mid - long shot I have used a mid – Long shot for my Main image and The reason is that I am mostly Interested on the Artist’s typical rap Luxury outfit to Show the audience His wealth; this Inspires the Audience because They want to be Wealthy and Successful like him. Wrap text I have used the Wrap text around My main artist Image to show Boldly that my Artist relates to The text and this Looks unique And creative Too – this effect makes it seem the text is connected to him Barcode Different font masthead Background On the vibe magazine, The double page spread Has a separate background for each page (grey and White) which is unusual Because I have made both pages the same colour to look like one whole page so this can show clearly the text connects to the Main image; vibe probably chose this because it’s their specific theme.
  • 12. How I followed and developed codes and conventions Whilst constructing my double page spread, I have used many codes and conventions such as drop cap, article title, masthead, intro, article, and page numbers; the drop cap feature is used in almost every single magazine article as it draws the readers attention due to the font size and colour used. Conventionally, I have also kept my colour scheme, font, and main artist consistent throughout the magazine on the front cover, contents and now this double page spread. I have used a main image of the same artist which follows the codes and conventions, but, I have developed further on codes and conventions by adding a wrap text around the main image which shows the article is connected to the main image and I also used the unique text wrap feature on my contents page which shows I have an original style throughout my magazine. I have followed codes and conventions buy adding a tittle and intro for my article and the article is well structured which looks neat and professional. In conclusion, I have kept my masthead again on all pages which is consistent once again.
  • 13. Double page spread and Drawn Draft – similarities and differencesMain image The main image was Originally meant to be A long shot of my main Artist with him looking At the text to show that He is connected to the Text and this also makes The reader directly look At the text. I chose to Change the image up a Bit and make the main Artist look at his watch Instead to show off his Wealth and success. Background Firstly, I thought of having a different background for both pages, a wall full of graffiti on the first page and the same grey background on the other and I wanted to do this because the graffiti will show his area where he was brought up which relates to the text. I chose to leave it All one background because it looks clean and professional and this will connect the text and the image. Additional image I was going to add an additional Image underneath the text which Relates to the context and that would show what the text is about Because I was going to add an Image of a music stereo and guns Which would clearly show he was Brought up rough and still had a Passion for music, but, I thought To scrap that idea because I could Not find a stereo to Take a picture of. Main title The main title Was meant to Be ‘story from A shooting Star’, but after Overthinking And researching I think that idea Isn’t very unique And sounds Boring so I Changed it to a More creative title. Text – interview My first idea was To create 4 columns but I Changed my mind Because most Magazines only Have 2-3 columns For their double Page spread. Also, I added a wrap text To show the strong Connection with the text and image.