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Caleb Wilcox
Client Project
• In this evaluation I am going to be looking at evaluating my recent production work which
is based around a client project, inparticular which is based around ‘Yorkshire wildlife
trust’. With this latest production task have spent around 4 weeks on it, but this is not only
been spent on production, I have also spent it on completing/filling out various
PowerPoint/word documents which led to the build of my production, in this evaluation
however I will be sure to take some time to talk about/mention how I feel I worked with
them e.g. time management ext. along with the evaluation of my production.
Color scheme
• When it came to deciding on the color scheme for my production I feel that on a whole I
worked well with deciding on a color scheme I feel that this is mainly because of the main
theme that the brief was based around which was in fact ‘Wildlife’ so as you can guess it
wasn’t hard for me to decide on a base color base for me to look at, in the end the main
color scheme I looked at was based around various different shades of green colors along
with shades of brown. These were the main color schemes that I looked as with it mainly
being based around ‘wildlife’ I thought that these would more be the better colors to use
as they more relate to the main theme of my brief which I thought to be good as it will help
my production to reach out to my target audience more, which is exactly what I wanted to
do as it would help me to reach out to a wider audience which is good as it results in more
people acting/helping. In the end I decided with going with a dark green color to represent
the background for my business card, I chose this color as I felt that it would give the
perfect representation/link to wildlife, which in my opinion is good as as not only it gives
that link to wildlife but also with it being a primary color it gives that sense of
happiness/outdoor life as the color scheme green is often always seen to be relatable to
outdoor/wildlife/animals. The rest of the colors in my production have been based around
the same style color scheme, hence with some of these colors being based around
light/dark(ish-green) and the rest being based around different color patterns but I
managed to keep them to light colors so that it still kept to that theme of
happiness/outdoor life. To conclude I believe that on a whole I worked well with my choice
of colors/color schemes , trying as best as I could to to keep to the color schemes that I was
aiming to.
Techniques/tools used
• In my opinion with this production I don’t feel that I used any many different
tools/techniques of which I would have liked to used but that is more down to the fact that
with it being a business card making It a small sized piece of production, but although this I
feel that I still managed to use a good amount of techniques/tools during the creation of my
production although I feel that I would have liked to use a wider variety of tools and this
could have been the case I my production was on a wider/bigger scale but I feel that with
this it was not a piece of production it was not big enough to find the space to add in
features to my business card. Despite this I did manage to include some good
techniques/tools and made frequent use with some of them. The first technique/tool of
which I used in my production was the crop/size tool with the first main stage of adding in
the birds to the top of my production (behind/next to logo), this was a necessary tool of
which I needed to use as I had to make the images of the birds smaller so that they would fit
into my business card not just this but also so that the images of the birds wouldn't’t appear
to be fuzzy/out of focus, this I found to be useful as I believe it helped to improve the quality
of my work. Another of the main tools of which I made use of was the idea of the pencil
tool, this is something of which I made good use of, as there were some areas in my
production of which I needed to tidy/clean up as they where either out of place/something
that wasn’t meant to be there and I simply had to fill in over it. Over all I believe that I used
some good techniques/tools in my production but I feel slightly disappointed in myself as I
know that if I had more space in my production then I’d have added in more techniques.
Despite this however I am still happy with my production on a whole.
• On a whole I am of the opinion that I managed to reach out and aim towards my target
audience when it came to the creation of my production and worked well with finding a
target audience in general. When it came to choosing a target audience for my production,
I took into consideration a good amount of time on deciding the target audience of which I
wanted to base my production around. The first stage of me deciding on a audience to base
my production around was looking at the kind of people of whom take/have an interest in
wildlife/in particular ‘Yorkshire wildlife trust’. Once I had decided on a audience basis, I
looked at how I was going to fit my production around the target audience of which I had
chosen, for this I took a small amount of time to see what kind of things my audience are
more likely to look at and in the end I made the decision to create a business card for my
production. To help make my production appeal towards my audience I based the main
colors schemes of my production around greenery/country side colors as I thought that
with the audience taking an interest in wildlife/’Yorkshire Wildlife trust’, I thought this to
be best to do as I needed it to appeal to the audience as much as I could to spark/keep
them interested. To conclude again I would like to emphasize how I feel that I did well
when it came to deciding on a target audience to, especially more in the research aspect of
it which I found to be beneficial for when it came to starting my production.
Time management
• On a whole with my production I feel that I worked well with my time management and
managed to get my production finished of in the right time for my production and being able to
move onto my evaluation at the right point of which I am on now. Obviously the time
management isn’t just based around my production and evaluation, it is also based around all of
the PowerPoint/word documents, which on a whole I feel that I worked well with my time
management for these documents, especially with the evaluation document as I seemed to have
found myself starting this on the deadline that we had to start it which made me confident in
getting my evaluation done as I knew that I would have the time to go back and read over it ,
making any changes if necessary. There is however one PowerPoint of which I feel that I slightly
struggled with my time management on and that is more the second PowerPoint of which I had
to complete for this brief and that was ‘ideas and planning’. I Felt like I struggled with my time
management with this document at first because I was finding it hard to come up with many
ideas, so as you could say I found myself more stuck in a slump, which resulted in me falling
behind slightly with my work as I spent a while working on trying to come up with ideas for my
production, despite this once I did eventually decide/come up with an idea for my production I
was quick to get that idea down and get the rest of the PowerPoint done as quickly as I could
but still trying to keep it to best quality that I could in a short amount of time and then moving
onto the next document so that I didn't’t fall behind with my time management mainly because
I didn't’t want to be starting production at a later date then planned. To conclude on this I would
again like to say how on a whole I believe that I worked well with the time management for my
production and documents, despite being delayed on one of my PowerPoint documents I still
think that on a whole I worked well with my time management as I managed to start and finish
my production by the deadlines.
Production schedule
• Throughout my production I was making sure that I was sticking to a production schedule to
help to try and keep me on-track with my production not only this but I also believe that it
helps you to have a set focus that you need to be working on each day/getting
completed/edited to a certain time/day. Based on this, in my opinion I feel that I managed to
stick to my production schedule throughout most of the days while I was working on getting
my production completed. On a whole I think that there was only a few times that I felt I
wasn’t keeping to my schedule, but with these few times that this was the case I simply
finished of what I was doing the next day and then started that days schedule later then
what I normally would, but as I stated before I feel that this was only the case a few times
throughout the whole of my production for this client project brief. When I first started my
production, I felt that it was at the start when I was most sticking to my production schedule
as I had a fresh picture/idea in my head of what I needed to do to get my production created
for my client and I was generally working at a quicker pace to get myself as far along as I
could which meant sticking tightly to my schedule. I thought this was best to do as I knew
that by the end I would be left with more time to go back and look over/change/improve
anything that was necessary. When it comes to my schedule for the rest of the work that
was included in this brief, there wasn’t really a schedule that I was aiming my completion
time around, it more fits into my time management on a whole of which I have spoken about
in the above slide.
client evaluation
• Client opinion of production-
On a review on the brief of which we gave you and the production of which you have
provided us with, we feel that on a whole there are some areas of which you could
have done better, improved to make the production appeal to be more impressive for
us, but that is not the point of which we are trying to get to here, we like the idea of
the production you have given us we just feel that you could have presented us with
more of it, don’t get us wrong again we feel that you’ve done well with what you
presented us with we just feel that you had more potential and more to offer.
However despite all this the favourite part of your production for us was more the
idea of the background that you created for the business card of which you presented
us with I was particularly more fond of the green/grass hill scenery of which you
created as we thought it gave a good hint towards the message of which we were
hoping to get across to the viewer.
Peer evaluation
• What is your favourite aspect of my production? And why?
• The favourite aspect of your production for me is more the idea of the scenery of which
you chose to create for your business card, I especially more like the idea of the country
side scenery of which you chose to include, I feel that it helps to make your production
seem more appealing especially if looking at the audiences perspective.
• What do you think I need to improve with my production/work on? And why?
• When it comes to improving your work I feel that you need to take some time to go back
and look at the text of which you have included in your production as in my opinion I feel
that you need to work on altering them to make it suit your production better.
• In your opinion what is the most appealing thing for the audience of my
production? In my opinion the most appealing thing for your audience is the outdoor
color schemes of which you used for your production, I feel this because they are outdoor
colors and with what your brief is based around.
Peer evaluation
• What is your favourite aspect of my production? And why?
• The favourite aspect of your production for me is more the idea of the colors of which you
chose for your production, especially more the idea of the colors of which you included in
the background of your production, as to me it helps your production aim towards your
target audience more.
• What do you think I need to improve with my production/work on? And why?
• Without a doubt in my mind, with your production I feel that you need to go back and take
sometime to look at the text as personally i believe that it needs altering/changing slightly
to make it look more complete.
. In your opinion what is the most appealing thing for the audience of my
production? The most appealing thing for your audience has got to be the fact how your
production has that outdoor scenery which makes it link much more to the brief that you have
Peer feedback
• Based on the peer feedback of which you have received;
• What improvements/changes would you make to your production?
• Based on the feedback of which I have received I feel that there is a few changes that I
need to make to my production work and that is more the idea of maybe adding in a few
more good details to help push my production towards a higher mark/grade as I feel that
this would be much more beneficial for this project on a whole, but other than that I
believe that I have worked well with my production although I felt that I slightly struggled
with it.
• What are you happy with keeping the same/not changing?
• Despite the comments of which I have made in the above question I still feel that there is a
few things of which I would keep the same with my production and that is more the idea of
the background of which I created for my production especially more when it comes to the
business card aspect of it I am particually fond of the grass/hill scenery.
Personal evaluation
• In my own personal opinion I believe that I worked well with m production for this ‘client
project’ brief and not just with the production side of it but also with the
PowerPoint/document side to this brief. However I think that it is more important with my
actual production from this brief, although I said that I worked well with my production I
feel that at some stages this wasn’t the case, especially at the start, as when I first started
this brief, I was struggling to come up with a half-decent idea for my production which
resulted in me spending quite a bit of time deciding on what I wanted to create, but once I
had decided on what I wanted to create it was pretty much smooth sailing from there. On a
whole with my production I use a good amount of techniques/tools or at least a good
amount of which I was happy with. The most favorable tool of which I used throughout my
production was seen more to be the idea of the pencil/brush tool as It was a tool that I
found to be useful, especially when it came to filling in for the background/scenery,
obviously I used other tools but I feel that these were the tools of which I used the most.
Strength and weaknesses
• In my opinion I feel that my production has lots of strengths and weaknesses to it and in
this slide I am going to talk about the best strengths and the worst weaknesses that I
believe my production holds. In my opinion I feel that one of the best strengths of my
production is more the idea of the color schemes of which I chose to use for my
production, which was more based around grass/scenery, I believe this to be one of the
main strengths as my brief is based around ‘Wildlife/animals/countryside/nature’ so It is
more likely to be able to reach out to a wider audience, which would be seen to be
progressively good as it will help to widen my audience with more people engaging with
my client and maybe wanting to help. However despite this I also feel that my production
has a few small weaknesses in it, but obviously they are not big enough weaknesses to go
back and alter at this time but some are a few things that I would go back and alter if given
the time to. One of these main weaknesses is more the idea of the text areas on my
production, as too me it seems like it is slightly out of place/something wrong with it but I
can’t work out what it is that I aren't happy with it, but I feel it is a weakness that isn’t a big
issue at the matter and I see it to be something that I can go back and change once I find
out what it is that’s wrong with the text.
• What would you go back and improve if given the time to go back and make
• If given the time to go back and make changes/improvents to my work then I feel that I
would take the time to go back and make some changes to the text in my production
because I feel that it just doesn’t look to be right and although anyone says ‘why didn’t you
try something else’, I spent a fair amount of time on looking at the text in my production
and tried various different styles/colors/techniques. In the end, I ended up running out of
time and had to leave the text as it is but if at some time scale I have the time to go back
and make some changes to this production task then it is definitely something of which I
would go back and alter as I feel that would help improve my production and most
importantly my grade as well. To Conclude I would again like to say in general I believe that
I have worked well with my production apart from the text aspect of which I have already
mentioned in this slide.

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Evaluation client work

  • 2. Client Project • In this evaluation I am going to be looking at evaluating my recent production work which is based around a client project, inparticular which is based around ‘Yorkshire wildlife trust’. With this latest production task have spent around 4 weeks on it, but this is not only been spent on production, I have also spent it on completing/filling out various PowerPoint/word documents which led to the build of my production, in this evaluation however I will be sure to take some time to talk about/mention how I feel I worked with them e.g. time management ext. along with the evaluation of my production.
  • 3. Color scheme • When it came to deciding on the color scheme for my production I feel that on a whole I worked well with deciding on a color scheme I feel that this is mainly because of the main theme that the brief was based around which was in fact ‘Wildlife’ so as you can guess it wasn’t hard for me to decide on a base color base for me to look at, in the end the main color scheme I looked at was based around various different shades of green colors along with shades of brown. These were the main color schemes that I looked as with it mainly being based around ‘wildlife’ I thought that these would more be the better colors to use as they more relate to the main theme of my brief which I thought to be good as it will help my production to reach out to my target audience more, which is exactly what I wanted to do as it would help me to reach out to a wider audience which is good as it results in more people acting/helping. In the end I decided with going with a dark green color to represent the background for my business card, I chose this color as I felt that it would give the perfect representation/link to wildlife, which in my opinion is good as as not only it gives that link to wildlife but also with it being a primary color it gives that sense of happiness/outdoor life as the color scheme green is often always seen to be relatable to outdoor/wildlife/animals. The rest of the colors in my production have been based around the same style color scheme, hence with some of these colors being based around light/dark(ish-green) and the rest being based around different color patterns but I managed to keep them to light colors so that it still kept to that theme of happiness/outdoor life. To conclude I believe that on a whole I worked well with my choice of colors/color schemes , trying as best as I could to to keep to the color schemes that I was aiming to.
  • 4. Techniques/tools used • In my opinion with this production I don’t feel that I used any many different tools/techniques of which I would have liked to used but that is more down to the fact that with it being a business card making It a small sized piece of production, but although this I feel that I still managed to use a good amount of techniques/tools during the creation of my production although I feel that I would have liked to use a wider variety of tools and this could have been the case I my production was on a wider/bigger scale but I feel that with this it was not a piece of production it was not big enough to find the space to add in features to my business card. Despite this I did manage to include some good techniques/tools and made frequent use with some of them. The first technique/tool of which I used in my production was the crop/size tool with the first main stage of adding in the birds to the top of my production (behind/next to logo), this was a necessary tool of which I needed to use as I had to make the images of the birds smaller so that they would fit into my business card not just this but also so that the images of the birds wouldn't’t appear to be fuzzy/out of focus, this I found to be useful as I believe it helped to improve the quality of my work. Another of the main tools of which I made use of was the idea of the pencil tool, this is something of which I made good use of, as there were some areas in my production of which I needed to tidy/clean up as they where either out of place/something that wasn’t meant to be there and I simply had to fill in over it. Over all I believe that I used some good techniques/tools in my production but I feel slightly disappointed in myself as I know that if I had more space in my production then I’d have added in more techniques. Despite this however I am still happy with my production on a whole.
  • 5. Audience • On a whole I am of the opinion that I managed to reach out and aim towards my target audience when it came to the creation of my production and worked well with finding a target audience in general. When it came to choosing a target audience for my production, I took into consideration a good amount of time on deciding the target audience of which I wanted to base my production around. The first stage of me deciding on a audience to base my production around was looking at the kind of people of whom take/have an interest in wildlife/in particular ‘Yorkshire wildlife trust’. Once I had decided on a audience basis, I looked at how I was going to fit my production around the target audience of which I had chosen, for this I took a small amount of time to see what kind of things my audience are more likely to look at and in the end I made the decision to create a business card for my production. To help make my production appeal towards my audience I based the main colors schemes of my production around greenery/country side colors as I thought that with the audience taking an interest in wildlife/’Yorkshire Wildlife trust’, I thought this to be best to do as I needed it to appeal to the audience as much as I could to spark/keep them interested. To conclude again I would like to emphasize how I feel that I did well when it came to deciding on a target audience to, especially more in the research aspect of it which I found to be beneficial for when it came to starting my production.
  • 6. Time management • On a whole with my production I feel that I worked well with my time management and managed to get my production finished of in the right time for my production and being able to move onto my evaluation at the right point of which I am on now. Obviously the time management isn’t just based around my production and evaluation, it is also based around all of the PowerPoint/word documents, which on a whole I feel that I worked well with my time management for these documents, especially with the evaluation document as I seemed to have found myself starting this on the deadline that we had to start it which made me confident in getting my evaluation done as I knew that I would have the time to go back and read over it , making any changes if necessary. There is however one PowerPoint of which I feel that I slightly struggled with my time management on and that is more the second PowerPoint of which I had to complete for this brief and that was ‘ideas and planning’. I Felt like I struggled with my time management with this document at first because I was finding it hard to come up with many ideas, so as you could say I found myself more stuck in a slump, which resulted in me falling behind slightly with my work as I spent a while working on trying to come up with ideas for my production, despite this once I did eventually decide/come up with an idea for my production I was quick to get that idea down and get the rest of the PowerPoint done as quickly as I could but still trying to keep it to best quality that I could in a short amount of time and then moving onto the next document so that I didn't’t fall behind with my time management mainly because I didn't’t want to be starting production at a later date then planned. To conclude on this I would again like to say how on a whole I believe that I worked well with the time management for my production and documents, despite being delayed on one of my PowerPoint documents I still think that on a whole I worked well with my time management as I managed to start and finish my production by the deadlines.
  • 7. Production schedule • Throughout my production I was making sure that I was sticking to a production schedule to help to try and keep me on-track with my production not only this but I also believe that it helps you to have a set focus that you need to be working on each day/getting completed/edited to a certain time/day. Based on this, in my opinion I feel that I managed to stick to my production schedule throughout most of the days while I was working on getting my production completed. On a whole I think that there was only a few times that I felt I wasn’t keeping to my schedule, but with these few times that this was the case I simply finished of what I was doing the next day and then started that days schedule later then what I normally would, but as I stated before I feel that this was only the case a few times throughout the whole of my production for this client project brief. When I first started my production, I felt that it was at the start when I was most sticking to my production schedule as I had a fresh picture/idea in my head of what I needed to do to get my production created for my client and I was generally working at a quicker pace to get myself as far along as I could which meant sticking tightly to my schedule. I thought this was best to do as I knew that by the end I would be left with more time to go back and look over/change/improve anything that was necessary. When it comes to my schedule for the rest of the work that was included in this brief, there wasn’t really a schedule that I was aiming my completion time around, it more fits into my time management on a whole of which I have spoken about in the above slide.
  • 8. client evaluation • Client opinion of production- On a review on the brief of which we gave you and the production of which you have provided us with, we feel that on a whole there are some areas of which you could have done better, improved to make the production appeal to be more impressive for us, but that is not the point of which we are trying to get to here, we like the idea of the production you have given us we just feel that you could have presented us with more of it, don’t get us wrong again we feel that you’ve done well with what you presented us with we just feel that you had more potential and more to offer. However despite all this the favourite part of your production for us was more the idea of the background that you created for the business card of which you presented us with I was particularly more fond of the green/grass hill scenery of which you created as we thought it gave a good hint towards the message of which we were hoping to get across to the viewer.
  • 9. Peer evaluation • What is your favourite aspect of my production? And why? • The favourite aspect of your production for me is more the idea of the scenery of which you chose to create for your business card, I especially more like the idea of the country side scenery of which you chose to include, I feel that it helps to make your production seem more appealing especially if looking at the audiences perspective. • What do you think I need to improve with my production/work on? And why? • When it comes to improving your work I feel that you need to take some time to go back and look at the text of which you have included in your production as in my opinion I feel that you need to work on altering them to make it suit your production better. • In your opinion what is the most appealing thing for the audience of my production? In my opinion the most appealing thing for your audience is the outdoor color schemes of which you used for your production, I feel this because they are outdoor colors and with what your brief is based around.
  • 10. Peer evaluation • What is your favourite aspect of my production? And why? • The favourite aspect of your production for me is more the idea of the colors of which you chose for your production, especially more the idea of the colors of which you included in the background of your production, as to me it helps your production aim towards your target audience more. • What do you think I need to improve with my production/work on? And why? • Without a doubt in my mind, with your production I feel that you need to go back and take sometime to look at the text as personally i believe that it needs altering/changing slightly to make it look more complete. . In your opinion what is the most appealing thing for the audience of my production? The most appealing thing for your audience has got to be the fact how your production has that outdoor scenery which makes it link much more to the brief that you have followed.
  • 11. Peer feedback • Based on the peer feedback of which you have received; • What improvements/changes would you make to your production? • Based on the feedback of which I have received I feel that there is a few changes that I need to make to my production work and that is more the idea of maybe adding in a few more good details to help push my production towards a higher mark/grade as I feel that this would be much more beneficial for this project on a whole, but other than that I believe that I have worked well with my production although I felt that I slightly struggled with it. • What are you happy with keeping the same/not changing? • Despite the comments of which I have made in the above question I still feel that there is a few things of which I would keep the same with my production and that is more the idea of the background of which I created for my production especially more when it comes to the business card aspect of it I am particually fond of the grass/hill scenery.
  • 12. Personal evaluation • In my own personal opinion I believe that I worked well with m production for this ‘client project’ brief and not just with the production side of it but also with the PowerPoint/document side to this brief. However I think that it is more important with my actual production from this brief, although I said that I worked well with my production I feel that at some stages this wasn’t the case, especially at the start, as when I first started this brief, I was struggling to come up with a half-decent idea for my production which resulted in me spending quite a bit of time deciding on what I wanted to create, but once I had decided on what I wanted to create it was pretty much smooth sailing from there. On a whole with my production I use a good amount of techniques/tools or at least a good amount of which I was happy with. The most favorable tool of which I used throughout my production was seen more to be the idea of the pencil/brush tool as It was a tool that I found to be useful, especially when it came to filling in for the background/scenery, obviously I used other tools but I feel that these were the tools of which I used the most.
  • 13. Strength and weaknesses • In my opinion I feel that my production has lots of strengths and weaknesses to it and in this slide I am going to talk about the best strengths and the worst weaknesses that I believe my production holds. In my opinion I feel that one of the best strengths of my production is more the idea of the color schemes of which I chose to use for my production, which was more based around grass/scenery, I believe this to be one of the main strengths as my brief is based around ‘Wildlife/animals/countryside/nature’ so It is more likely to be able to reach out to a wider audience, which would be seen to be progressively good as it will help to widen my audience with more people engaging with my client and maybe wanting to help. However despite this I also feel that my production has a few small weaknesses in it, but obviously they are not big enough weaknesses to go back and alter at this time but some are a few things that I would go back and alter if given the time to. One of these main weaknesses is more the idea of the text areas on my production, as too me it seems like it is slightly out of place/something wrong with it but I can’t work out what it is that I aren't happy with it, but I feel it is a weakness that isn’t a big issue at the matter and I see it to be something that I can go back and change once I find out what it is that’s wrong with the text.
  • 14. Evaluation • What would you go back and improve if given the time to go back and make changes? • If given the time to go back and make changes/improvents to my work then I feel that I would take the time to go back and make some changes to the text in my production because I feel that it just doesn’t look to be right and although anyone says ‘why didn’t you try something else’, I spent a fair amount of time on looking at the text in my production and tried various different styles/colors/techniques. In the end, I ended up running out of time and had to leave the text as it is but if at some time scale I have the time to go back and make some changes to this production task then it is definitely something of which I would go back and alter as I feel that would help improve my production and most importantly my grade as well. To Conclude I would again like to say in general I believe that I have worked well with my production apart from the text aspect of which I have already mentioned in this slide.