SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Design for 
Producing and evaluating
Task 6: Advert Development 
I start creating my advert in a simple format. Beginning with a simple design 
that links to the design so it can be easily linked without the need to place the 
product on the advertisement. 
I wanted to link in the underground music associated with this energy drink so 
I use Disclosure to advertise the product and show the enjoyment you get 
when you take Rapture in this environment. Existing energy drinks such as 
Relentless uses celebrity endorsement to appeal to a young market 
who is interested in these celebrities. I used Disclosure because they 
are young, inspiring people who create the sort of music my target 
audience would like to make or listen to. 
In the first development ad it is very plain and just consists of the 
logo/name and Disclosure. Originally the Disclosure image was two 
separate images. I made it look like one by using the lightening fade. I like this 
because it really does look like one image. For example the microphone looks 
like it is crossing through both pictures by originally it is only from the right 
hand side picture. 
I liked the use of the images so much that I used another image to cover the 
unused space. This added a lot more depth into the advertisement and 
brought it to life. Not only does it show the immense atmosphere at the gig, it 
connects that if you have a Rapture energy drink at a gig like Disclosure you 
will have as much fun and energy the people in the crowds are having. I really 
like this picture because the lights look like they are coming out of the page 
and crossing with the Rapture logo lights. The contrast of the bright, colorful, 
thin lights from the Rapture logo and the white large lights from the Disclosure 
gig is that the Rapture lights look like an explosion of energy, the rush that you 
will experience and feel which makes it stand out. 
Task 6: Advert Development 
My product is targeted towards young adults therefore I added social 
networks and the link to the website for the Rapture energy drink. This is to 
interact with the product and so they can get in touch with Raptures Record 
deal and send them demos. It is quite difficult to read the web address and 
slogan even with a stroke around it, so I may need to change the position of 
this. More and more adverts are having social media logos on them but I’m 
not sure if it brings away the whole print idea of a poster advertisement. 
I wanted to try out a different idea. Instead of having the name in the middle 
of the page I placed the actual product in the middle of the light explosion. At 
first I didn’t know if this was going to work because the same light explosion 
features on the can as well as on the poster and I didn’t know if this would 
clash. But it doesn’t. I don’t know if the size of the can is too big but this can 
be changed in the final development. 
Having the product placed on the advertisement does make you focus more 
on the product and you instantly know what they poster is advertising so you 
can go to the shops and pick up the can because you know what it actually 
looks like when sold. 
It does hide some of the background features such as the explosion of light 
doesn’t have the same effect and the bottom image of Disclosure doesn’t 
show the energy and fun because it has been broken up with the slogan, 
which has been made bigger, and the product placement. 
Overall I do like the idea of having the product on the advertisement but I do 
like the feel and layout of the advert when it just have the name/logo on it.
Task 6: Final Advert
Task 6: Advert Evaluation 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
The technical qualities in my work is the way I made three images blend to make them 
look like one. By choosing three images that all were similar in colour and shade it was 
easier to blend. Therefore going for three black and white images was a good way to 
achieve this technique. Using the smudge and blur tools I was able to create a blurred 
effect to make it look like they were meant to be together. 
with the top images I used the lighten technique to blur 
and merge them into one. This is really effective as it 
makes the advertisement flow into an explosion in the 
middle which connotes to the energy released from 
having this energy drink. 
The energy has been shown greatly by the explosion of light in the middle. I 
found this source image on Google, but I could create this effect myself, 
depending on how much time I have. Possibilities could turn out to be that it 
could not look as effective or explosive not giving the same effect. If I do have 
time I would like to try and achieve this effect myself but I am not sure on the outcome yet. 
I used the burn tool on the explosive light to create more of a contrast of the black to the bright colours. 
Doing this made the bright colours stand out more and look like they are coming out of the page more 
because of the contrast and the shadows. I used this tool slightly on the lights on the bottom image, this 
made them stand out more from the original image and intertwined with the explosive lights. All these 
lights represent the typical club night out and the explosive energy you will receive if you have Rapture.
Task 6: Advert Evaluation 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
The aesthetic qualities in my work are the explosive emotion it brings with it because of the large 
explosion in the centre of the page. This takes up a lot of space on my advert and making it explode over 
other aspects of the advert increases the feeling. This feeling is what you get when you drink Rapture, a 
large rush of power and energy. I like the way explosive lights have been used to represent 
the amount of energy and power an energy drink can give you. It also keeps the images 
and text all linked together and leads the advertisement to feel and look as if everything 
is purposely flowed into each other. The light begins to explode which connects to the 
name of the drink and the slogan but also connects all three images to hold everything 
into place. The colours are bright which contrast with both black and white, they are eye 
catching and would appeal to a young audience. 
A lot of the space has been filled up mainly by images, there is not a lot of text on my 
advertisement. This is because it is aimed towards a young target audience, an audience who wouldn’t 
want to read a lot of text and who would be more interested in the use of colours and images. This is why 
I placed most of the text together, and the part I didn’t I knew the audience would be interested in 
because it was interactive and included the social media. 
Choosing an interesting character to act as a logo for the record label 
connected to the Rapture drink is a way to interest the young adult audience. 
Because it is an interesting piece of art, they will want to know what it is 
advertising and placing it next to the website that has the words “Rapture 
Records” in it it will introduce a new and exciting thing for people to look at and 
because it is an individual character it will be known and related to Rapture.
Task 6: Advert Evaluation 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
I could develop my work further by placing small logos of social medias because it is 
targeted towards a young audience that would use the social media to look at this 
product. I would use the typical mainstream social medias such as Facebook and Twitter 
but I would also use the music based social medias such as Soundcloud and Spotify. 
Soundcloud is especially good for new and upcoming artists because they can promote 
their songs by giving away free downloads and people can like and repost songs they like. Rapture would 
have accounts on social medias like this so peoples songs could be heard and so people and send their 
songs into the record deal to hopefully be signed. 
Looking back at existing energy drink adverts I have noticed they do include the 
product of the drink even if it is small in the corner. I designed my product mainly 
from this relentless advertisement. I liked the fun and energy being portrayed by 
the energy drink. But I could, and would like to, add an image of my product near 
the bottom.
Task 6: Advert Evaluation 
Are your final pieces fit for purpose? 
I believe my final piece does fit to its purpose as it is targeted towards a certain audience which has been 
portrayed in a certain way in the advertisement. My product is targeted towards the young adults mainly, 
19-26. These people are typically known in the clubbers scene and sometimes energy is what they need 
because they have danced it all away. But in the media they can be portrayed as bad people because they 
do not live the typical lifestyle and usually sleep during the day and go out at night. But this 
advertisement I have portrayed them to be a fun stereotype and this is shown by them dancing, and 
enjoying the music. I did this on purpose to show the other side of this stereotype that could need the 
help in the media now a days. 
I have used celebrity endorsement, which personally I think works well for my idea. It fits with the 
purpose and idea of my genre and design of my energy drink. Like Relentless, it has been designed to be 
linked to the music industry therefore using celebrities such as Disclosure will bring in a certain type of 
group to my product. Relentless used artist like Zane Lowe and Professor Green, this campaign was 
successful for them, it is a good way to quickly advertise your product. Therefore it fits well for my product 
and audience making it successful.
Task 6: Advert Evaluation 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
The development stages really helped me choose what to include on my page and what I didn’t need so 
much. Although I did keep most of the layout the same, but this was because I really liked the main layout 
and it could be changed by the things I put on top of it and include within it. It also made me realise I 
needed to made the images flow into one another to make the advert to work. 
The part of the planning and development that helped me a lot was deciding if I should include a image of 
my product on the advert. Have both a design with and without the product I could see if either of them 
worked and if so which one worked best. Although it is a good idea to have the product on the advert, 
sometimes it is more effect without it and I feel my advert was without it. It has more energy and this is 
want I wanted to advertise within the print ad. 
What areas of planning and development 
could have done with more work? 
I did slightly look at using social media networks in my 
advertisement but I wish I had developed this more, 
maybe using Soundcloud and Spotify, social networks 
targeted towards musicians and the same sort of target audience that Rapture would have. 
An area of development I could have looked at would have been to see what my advert would look like if 
it was placed horizontally. I think the reason I didn’t do this was because I automatically knew it wouldn’t 
look good. If I was to do it again I would design a different idea for my can, a more simple idea and do it so 
it was horizontal.
Task 6: Advert Evaluation 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? 
The effect the development stages had on my final product were all successful and they helped me look at 
different designed together and choose, what I think would be the most successful. It also made me 
largely realise I needed to make all my images flow into one another to make the advert to work. 
I did try the advertisement including logos of social medias such as Facebook and Twitter and 
although typically this is associated with a young audience, I feel it just bring away the whole 
print magazine/ billboard as there cannot be any real interaction here. And most young people assume 
they will have social media account, therefore I felt I did not need to input this. 
The part of development that really helped me develop the final advert was 
included an actual image of the product of the drink. After producing this development 
plan I did not know weather to keep the name/logo design or to include the 
product. Although I do think including an image of what you’re selling is important 
as it shows the audience what to look for in the shops and mostly shows them what 
product you are advertising for. But in the end I felt that the can took away the energy 
and power of the advertisement and it didn’t flow as nicely as the advert with just the 
name and logo on the front. Some advertisements don’t need the product on it as they 
are well known the name and images can speak for itself. I want my product to be like 
this. Therefore the adverts will need to be placed in a specific place where the right 
audience would find them.
Task 7: Product Development 
This is the first design of my packaging. It is quite a plain with 
the black can and the black and white colour tone throughout. 
Seeing the whole can like this does make it look good but 
there is still a long way for me to go until I retrieve the final 
Firstly I need to look at the side of the packaging and see how 
other cans use this space. By looking at Relentless they repeat 
the front of the can twice, excluding the flavour of the drink. I 
will design another can to experiment an develop this idea. This will help me decide which layout looks the 
best for the final packaging. 
The back of the can doesn’t look very professional as I did create this first design by just getting a 
stock nutrition label from the internet. This will not feature on the final design of the can. The 
font that I used for the information does not look how it would look on a actual can, this is the 
same for the side of the can too. Therefore in my next development I will change the font and use 
caps lock to make some things stand out. 
I do like how the front of the can is full from just an explosion and the way the light goes around 
the can. The front of the can does need the name of the flavor, this will probably be in the same 
font as the name to keep the theme ongoing throughout. The slogan being placed at the top of 
the can gives an sense of an ongoing feeling, I think this feature will be kept to the end design. A lot of 
existing products do this such as RockStar and Monster. It also fills up a lot of space and to see what the 
slogan says you have to turn the can all the way around letting people become interactive with the rest of 
the can, so they can visualize everything and not miss any information such as websites, competitions and 
Task 7: Product Development 
I feel this design is a lot more successful than the one before. 
This time I looked closely to an existing can, having a product 
in front of me made me look at all the small features such as 
the calorie label on the front and recycling signs. I spent a lot 
more time designing this product and I am please with the 
success. I took out the completion on the can after looking at 
excising products and most cans just repeat the front side of 
the can without the flavour on it. To separate the designs up a 
bit I used the side of the can to advertise Rapture Records, 
their own record label with a QR code linking to the website, and the logo of the label. This is so people can 
go straight to the website and find out more information about the record company and also a small bit 
about the drink. 
The back of the can looks a lot more professional now I have written it myself and used the correct fonts. I 
made sure I included features such as the can date, where to find the use by date, recycling symbols, 
barcode and contact information. I looked at excising products and they all have a small paragraph 
describing the product. In this I explained what energy Rapture give you and the flavours. I then completed 
my own nutrition label in a simple table. I used similar ingredients to what Relentless uses because of the 
similar taste and product. I am happy with the way the back of the can now looks. This extra work was 
worth the effort to make it look like this. 
Other things I included was a name for the flavour of the can, this one is simply original, leading to many 
other different flavours. The placing of the title “original” was difficult as it could be placed, top, middle or 
bottom. I choose the bottom of the can eventually as everywhere else already had other features near it. I 
also included my own calorie chart. A quick was to display calories, fat and sugars in the can without 
looking to the small print on the back of the can. This is common to see of energy drinks, as well as other 
drinks and foods.
Task 7: Product Development 
This is a diet version of my energy drink. I inversed all the 
colours to make it look a lot lighter. The blacks turned to 
whites and vice versa. This makes the can look less heavy. Just 
like a diet can of Coca-Cola, silvers and whites are used to 
make it seem healthy and light. Again like Coca-Cola it would 
probably be aimed towards more women because of the 
colours and the healthier lifestyle being portrayed with a diet 
When making the label I had trouble at first. I wanted to use the same font that 
the logo/name uses but I found an issue that the word was hard to read in this font 
because the “e” looked like a backwards G confusing the word. I then looked at 
other diet cans and saw they used replacement words such as “lite” and “light”. 
I tired first using “lite” but again the G distorted the word. Therefore I tried “light” 
and it was easily readable and worked well with the product. 
The can does look a little bit more empty, and the slogan looks a little too heavy for the can now because the 
colours have been inverted. Instead of it being a heavy black it would look better if it was grey or white, to 
still fit in with the light colours. The empty space could be fixed if the explosion of light is made bigger on the 
front of the can. I will most likely do this in the final design if it is diet or not. It is important to basically keep 
the same design on both diet and non-diet cans. This helps a consistent theme throughout letting people feel 
safe with your product as they know what to expect.
Task 7: Final Packaging
Task 7: Final Packaging
Task 7: Packaging Evaluation 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
I have used plenty of technical qualities to create my final product. I included specific techniques to make 
it look like a realistic can that you would find in the shops like Tesco's. I used a flat plan Photoshop to 
create the final product. The flat plan helped me keep features in line and with the large graphic of 
exploding light I could see how far over to the next side it exploded to. I wanted to make the graphic 
expand slightly over to the other sides to carry on the feeling of energy. This idea looks good on the flat 
plan but it is not shown as well when I use Photoshop to create the rounded can look. I created this look 
by getting a plain black can and pasting part of my design onto the can. 
I would cut off the excess parts and the I would using the blending 
effects choosing “lighten”. This gives the design some shape and using 
the highlights from the can below it makes it look rounded and looks 
like an actual energy drink product. This is a great technique to use as it 
shows how the can will actually look without making the product, so if 
anything needs changing to fit on better it can be done at this stage. 
In my development I used the “inverse” to make a diet version of my can. I like this as I have 
never used this technique before but it worked really well. Making the can silver gave the 
whole theme a much lighter feel. I defiantly like the idea of a diet can for my product. This 
would appeal to typically a softer, and possibly a more female genre, possibly selling double 
and achieving a greater profit. 
Making this packaging has let me experiment and discover even more things on Photoshop 
that I could used later on in my product or even later in life. Techniques such as blending 
options, inverse, colour change and how flat plans are important will all be carried on.
Task 7: Packaging Evaluation 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
I used the same explosion of light I used on my print advert on the packaging of my can. This is so it can be 
identified with the product all the way though advertising to the audience to buying the product. This is 
so the audience can establish and conjoin the product to the advertisement making them both effective 
and this is how you make more money with your product. 
When producing my packaging I had an existing product of Relentless on hand. 
I was able to see what important features they used on their can that I could use 
with mine. This was a great help especially for the back of the can. I was able to 
see what important ingredients and symbols I needed to create a 
professional looking can. For example I used the recycling symbol, 
barcode, typical contact information and the nutrition's label to make 
the back of the can look as professional as possible. By looking at an 
existing product I could identify ingredients and the amount used in 
their can and what I could have in my own, because obviously I had 
very little knowledge about energy drink ingredients. I made my own nutrition information 
label and calorie information that features on both the back and front of the can. This is 
expected to see on most drink and food packaging. 
I kept the fonts and colours pretty much the same from my advertisement. This is so the audience can 
associate these colours and fonts with this brand. This is done particularly well with existing products 
such as Red Bull and Relentless. If I saw a red bull or Relentless’ font I would associate this quickly to the 
product. This is because they use the same features on all their packaging, advertisements and even on 
the web too.
Task 7: Packaging Evaluation 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Yes, I would like to look at the side of more existing products to see how I can develop the 
side of my can better. When I first started developing my energy drink I had not really look 
at the side of many energy drink cans. My first idea was to link the fact that Rapture had a 
record label that is connected to the drink. Usually a quick way to involve and inform people 
about things like this a competition is put out. This is from my first development stage and 
it doesn’t look professional or like what you would see on a existing energy drinks can. 
This when I picked up a can of Relentless to work from. 
I had only really looked at Relentless and they just repeat the logo again, making it a double 
of the front. Knowing that this is done on a popular energy drink I developed my final idea 
from this. But I still wanted to advertise the record company too. Therefore I made the logo 
smaller and added “records” below, the name of the record company. Connecting it to the 
record label but being subtle I put the website, logo and a QR code that will also link you to 
the website. This looks a lot better but I feel I could develop this more. I would like to look at 
more energy drink product and see what they do too. 
Task 7: Packaging Evaluation 
Are your final pieces fit for purpose? 
Yes I feel my final packaging fits for a purpose. I feel it would target the right audience as it is 
connected to a music genre that is enjoyed specifically by 19-26 year olds. This has been linked 
into the can by mentioning, subtly, about the record label and using a QR code to link them to 
the website. A QR code is another way to show that it is for a younger audience as they will 
know what to do with this code, compared to people in their 40’s. 
The explosive lighting on a dark background connects to the dark underground music nightlife club that 
this target audience would drink this drink at, possible as a mixer with alcohol. The explosion explains the 
energy you will get if you have this drink and making the slogan go around the top as an on going feeling, 
this is a feeling a young person out to the early hours in the morning would want to feel. I feel like it looks 
like an energy drink and it would appeal to the correct audience. 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
The areas that could have had more planning and developing were looking at more existing products. I 
would have liked to have looked at products like Red Bull, Monster and Rockstar to see what they put on 
their packaging and how that effects the way it looks. I will do this next time as I feel this would really 
improve my work. 
A lot of products have the name of the drink going down the side of the can, so it can stand out bigger, 
but I did mine going horizontally across the page. I would have like to see what my can would look like if 
the name was going vertically down the page and see if this would make any difference to the look of my 
Task 7: Packaging Evaluation 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
The areas of planning and development that worked well for me was actually looking at a can 
of Relentless. This helped me realised what actually goes onto a energy drink can, especially 
the back on the can. Comparing the first development of my energy drinks can to my final one 
you can see the difference of how much more professional it looks. Small details do matter and 
do give a great amount of detail. 
Part of my development was to see what my product would be like if it had a diet version. I 
inverted the colours to make whites become blacks and blacks become whites. I was really 
pleased with the outcome and this would come out with my final product. It is always good to 
have a diet version, it brings in a bigger audience and especially for energy 
drinks, which are full of sugars, it can lead to a healthier outlook on the product. 
I felt this development worked well as it helped me know this was they layout I 
wanted for my can as it would fit with multiple editions such as a diet can, 
special editions and different flavours giving it more opportunity as an energy 
Task 7: Packaging Evaluation 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? 
The effects the development stages on my final design were all good as they made my final product 
successful. From finishing one idea, that you may think is suitable, to then thinking of a simple idea that 
could change the perspective can make the whole packaging of the can look better. Development can 
improve any piece of work as you can always go back to the original design but showing that you can 
introduce new ideas is always a good thing. 
During the development stages I changed the side of the explosion to see what it would look 
like, big or small. Although the big explosion fills up more space and looks more intense, the 
smaller one looks more professional, and less intimidating. For my final product I went 
in between for the front of the can and for the side I used a smaller graphic to make it slightly 
different and so the can could be approached by an outgoing audience, but not be too 
intimidating to put on a shelf. 
It had a large effect on the side and back of the can. I tried out a few different ideas for both 
sides of the the can to see which designs work best and which would appeal most to the 
target audience. By developing these ideas, I was able to create a much more professional 
looking can than what would have first been designed if no development had taken place. 
Smaller Graphic Larger Graphic
Task 8: Web Banner Development 
Using a 720x300 template I was able to fit in a larger 
amount of information that a usual leader board banner 
that are the most common. Not a lot of information is 
usually put on a web banner, this is so you will click on it 
to find out more, This is usually the most a web banner 
would have on it. I put enough information on that would 
attract an audience, but enough to keep them wondering. Unlike my magazine advert, this web banner has a 
image of my actual product. This is because the audience may be much further away from seeing the actual 
product, where as print adverts are placed in places where that specific audience would see it, so it is 
important to show them exactly what they are getting. Also the placing of the product doesn’t clash with the 
explosive lights in the background because the can has the same graphics on it. Placing them apart slightly 
avoids this clash and connects them instead. I didn’t center this banner, I placed everything to the side slightly, 
to make the audience look longer at it because it feels like two parts of the banner. I like the graphics and look 
in the web banner. It has just enough detail on it to make it interesting and it shows the product clearly. 
With this banner I used celebrity endorsement from Disclosure. This it to attract a similar audience who like 
this music genre and who look up to Disclosure. They are popular DJ’s and have a large fan base who would buy 
this drink because they know Disclosure have supported it. It feels like Rapture give Disclosure their power to 
produce the music they product and gives them energy. This is just what the audience wants from this sort of 
Task 8: Web Banner Development
Task 8: Web Banner Development 
Use this to record the variation and 
progress of your web banner. 
Take lots of screen shots. 
Use this space to comment on your work or 
fill it with images with short annotations.
Task 8: Web Banner Development 
Use this to record the variation and 
progress of your web banner. 
Take lots of screen shots. 
Use this space to comment on your work or 
fill it with images with short annotations.
Task 8: Final Web Banner
Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
What are the technical qualities of your work? 
What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 9: Storyboard Development 
Use this to record the variation and 
progress of your web banner. 
Take lots of screen shots. 
Use this space to comment on your work or 
fill it with images with short annotations.
Task 9: Storyboard Development 
Use this to record the variation and 
progress of your web banner. 
Take lots of screen shots. 
Use this space to comment on your work or 
fill it with images with short annotations.
Task 9: Storyboard Development 
Use this to record the variation and 
progress of your web banner. 
Take lots of screen shots. 
Use this space to comment on your work or 
fill it with images with short annotations.
Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.
Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation 
You should evaluate your final piece. 
Are there opportunities for further development of your work? 
Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? 
What areas of planning and development worked well? 
What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? 
What effect did you think your development stages had on the final 
You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. 
You should use images of existing products for comparison.

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Task 6 products and evaluations

  • 1. Design for Advertising Producing and evaluating
  • 2. Task 6: Advert Development I start creating my advert in a simple format. Beginning with a simple design that links to the design so it can be easily linked without the need to place the product on the advertisement. I wanted to link in the underground music associated with this energy drink so I use Disclosure to advertise the product and show the enjoyment you get when you take Rapture in this environment. Existing energy drinks such as Relentless uses celebrity endorsement to appeal to a young market who is interested in these celebrities. I used Disclosure because they are young, inspiring people who create the sort of music my target audience would like to make or listen to. In the first development ad it is very plain and just consists of the logo/name and Disclosure. Originally the Disclosure image was two separate images. I made it look like one by using the lightening fade. I like this because it really does look like one image. For example the microphone looks like it is crossing through both pictures by originally it is only from the right hand side picture. I liked the use of the images so much that I used another image to cover the unused space. This added a lot more depth into the advertisement and brought it to life. Not only does it show the immense atmosphere at the gig, it connects that if you have a Rapture energy drink at a gig like Disclosure you will have as much fun and energy the people in the crowds are having. I really like this picture because the lights look like they are coming out of the page and crossing with the Rapture logo lights. The contrast of the bright, colorful, thin lights from the Rapture logo and the white large lights from the Disclosure gig is that the Rapture lights look like an explosion of energy, the rush that you will experience and feel which makes it stand out. Before
  • 3. Task 6: Advert Development My product is targeted towards young adults therefore I added social networks and the link to the website for the Rapture energy drink. This is to interact with the product and so they can get in touch with Raptures Record deal and send them demos. It is quite difficult to read the web address and slogan even with a stroke around it, so I may need to change the position of this. More and more adverts are having social media logos on them but I’m not sure if it brings away the whole print idea of a poster advertisement. I wanted to try out a different idea. Instead of having the name in the middle of the page I placed the actual product in the middle of the light explosion. At first I didn’t know if this was going to work because the same light explosion features on the can as well as on the poster and I didn’t know if this would clash. But it doesn’t. I don’t know if the size of the can is too big but this can be changed in the final development. Having the product placed on the advertisement does make you focus more on the product and you instantly know what they poster is advertising so you can go to the shops and pick up the can because you know what it actually looks like when sold. It does hide some of the background features such as the explosion of light doesn’t have the same effect and the bottom image of Disclosure doesn’t show the energy and fun because it has been broken up with the slogan, which has been made bigger, and the product placement. Overall I do like the idea of having the product on the advertisement but I do like the feel and layout of the advert when it just have the name/logo on it.
  • 4. Task 6: Final Advert
  • 5. Task 6: Advert Evaluation What are the technical qualities of your work? The technical qualities in my work is the way I made three images blend to make them look like one. By choosing three images that all were similar in colour and shade it was easier to blend. Therefore going for three black and white images was a good way to achieve this technique. Using the smudge and blur tools I was able to create a blurred effect to make it look like they were meant to be together. with the top images I used the lighten technique to blur and merge them into one. This is really effective as it makes the advertisement flow into an explosion in the middle which connotes to the energy released from having this energy drink. The energy has been shown greatly by the explosion of light in the middle. I found this source image on Google, but I could create this effect myself, depending on how much time I have. Possibilities could turn out to be that it could not look as effective or explosive not giving the same effect. If I do have time I would like to try and achieve this effect myself but I am not sure on the outcome yet. I used the burn tool on the explosive light to create more of a contrast of the black to the bright colours. Doing this made the bright colours stand out more and look like they are coming out of the page more because of the contrast and the shadows. I used this tool slightly on the lights on the bottom image, this made them stand out more from the original image and intertwined with the explosive lights. All these lights represent the typical club night out and the explosive energy you will receive if you have Rapture.
  • 6. Task 6: Advert Evaluation What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? The aesthetic qualities in my work are the explosive emotion it brings with it because of the large explosion in the centre of the page. This takes up a lot of space on my advert and making it explode over other aspects of the advert increases the feeling. This feeling is what you get when you drink Rapture, a large rush of power and energy. I like the way explosive lights have been used to represent the amount of energy and power an energy drink can give you. It also keeps the images and text all linked together and leads the advertisement to feel and look as if everything is purposely flowed into each other. The light begins to explode which connects to the name of the drink and the slogan but also connects all three images to hold everything into place. The colours are bright which contrast with both black and white, they are eye catching and would appeal to a young audience. A lot of the space has been filled up mainly by images, there is not a lot of text on my advertisement. This is because it is aimed towards a young target audience, an audience who wouldn’t want to read a lot of text and who would be more interested in the use of colours and images. This is why I placed most of the text together, and the part I didn’t I knew the audience would be interested in because it was interactive and included the social media. Choosing an interesting character to act as a logo for the record label connected to the Rapture drink is a way to interest the young adult audience. Because it is an interesting piece of art, they will want to know what it is advertising and placing it next to the website that has the words “Rapture Records” in it it will introduce a new and exciting thing for people to look at and because it is an individual character it will be known and related to Rapture.
  • 7. Task 6: Advert Evaluation Are there opportunities for further development of your work? I could develop my work further by placing small logos of social medias because it is targeted towards a young audience that would use the social media to look at this product. I would use the typical mainstream social medias such as Facebook and Twitter but I would also use the music based social medias such as Soundcloud and Spotify. Soundcloud is especially good for new and upcoming artists because they can promote their songs by giving away free downloads and people can like and repost songs they like. Rapture would have accounts on social medias like this so peoples songs could be heard and so people and send their songs into the record deal to hopefully be signed. Looking back at existing energy drink adverts I have noticed they do include the product of the drink even if it is small in the corner. I designed my product mainly from this relentless advertisement. I liked the fun and energy being portrayed by the energy drink. But I could, and would like to, add an image of my product near the bottom.
  • 8. Task 6: Advert Evaluation Are your final pieces fit for purpose? I believe my final piece does fit to its purpose as it is targeted towards a certain audience which has been portrayed in a certain way in the advertisement. My product is targeted towards the young adults mainly, 19-26. These people are typically known in the clubbers scene and sometimes energy is what they need because they have danced it all away. But in the media they can be portrayed as bad people because they do not live the typical lifestyle and usually sleep during the day and go out at night. But this advertisement I have portrayed them to be a fun stereotype and this is shown by them dancing, and enjoying the music. I did this on purpose to show the other side of this stereotype that could need the help in the media now a days. I have used celebrity endorsement, which personally I think works well for my idea. It fits with the purpose and idea of my genre and design of my energy drink. Like Relentless, it has been designed to be linked to the music industry therefore using celebrities such as Disclosure will bring in a certain type of group to my product. Relentless used artist like Zane Lowe and Professor Green, this campaign was successful for them, it is a good way to quickly advertise your product. Therefore it fits well for my product and audience making it successful.
  • 9. Task 6: Advert Evaluation What areas of planning and development worked well? The development stages really helped me choose what to include on my page and what I didn’t need so much. Although I did keep most of the layout the same, but this was because I really liked the main layout and it could be changed by the things I put on top of it and include within it. It also made me realise I needed to made the images flow into one another to make the advert to work. The part of the planning and development that helped me a lot was deciding if I should include a image of my product on the advert. Have both a design with and without the product I could see if either of them worked and if so which one worked best. Although it is a good idea to have the product on the advert, sometimes it is more effect without it and I feel my advert was without it. It has more energy and this is want I wanted to advertise within the print ad. What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? I did slightly look at using social media networks in my advertisement but I wish I had developed this more, maybe using Soundcloud and Spotify, social networks targeted towards musicians and the same sort of target audience that Rapture would have. An area of development I could have looked at would have been to see what my advert would look like if it was placed horizontally. I think the reason I didn’t do this was because I automatically knew it wouldn’t look good. If I was to do it again I would design a different idea for my can, a more simple idea and do it so it was horizontal.
  • 10. Task 6: Advert Evaluation What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? The effect the development stages had on my final product were all successful and they helped me look at different designed together and choose, what I think would be the most successful. It also made me largely realise I needed to make all my images flow into one another to make the advert to work. I did try the advertisement including logos of social medias such as Facebook and Twitter and although typically this is associated with a young audience, I feel it just bring away the whole print magazine/ billboard as there cannot be any real interaction here. And most young people assume they will have social media account, therefore I felt I did not need to input this. The part of development that really helped me develop the final advert was included an actual image of the product of the drink. After producing this development plan I did not know weather to keep the name/logo design or to include the product. Although I do think including an image of what you’re selling is important as it shows the audience what to look for in the shops and mostly shows them what product you are advertising for. But in the end I felt that the can took away the energy and power of the advertisement and it didn’t flow as nicely as the advert with just the name and logo on the front. Some advertisements don’t need the product on it as they are well known the name and images can speak for itself. I want my product to be like this. Therefore the adverts will need to be placed in a specific place where the right audience would find them.
  • 11. Task 7: Product Development This is the first design of my packaging. It is quite a plain with the black can and the black and white colour tone throughout. Seeing the whole can like this does make it look good but there is still a long way for me to go until I retrieve the final product. Firstly I need to look at the side of the packaging and see how other cans use this space. By looking at Relentless they repeat the front of the can twice, excluding the flavour of the drink. I will design another can to experiment an develop this idea. This will help me decide which layout looks the best for the final packaging. The back of the can doesn’t look very professional as I did create this first design by just getting a stock nutrition label from the internet. This will not feature on the final design of the can. The font that I used for the information does not look how it would look on a actual can, this is the same for the side of the can too. Therefore in my next development I will change the font and use caps lock to make some things stand out. I do like how the front of the can is full from just an explosion and the way the light goes around the can. The front of the can does need the name of the flavor, this will probably be in the same font as the name to keep the theme ongoing throughout. The slogan being placed at the top of the can gives an sense of an ongoing feeling, I think this feature will be kept to the end design. A lot of existing products do this such as RockStar and Monster. It also fills up a lot of space and to see what the slogan says you have to turn the can all the way around letting people become interactive with the rest of the can, so they can visualize everything and not miss any information such as websites, competitions and ingredients.
  • 12. Task 7: Product Development I feel this design is a lot more successful than the one before. This time I looked closely to an existing can, having a product in front of me made me look at all the small features such as the calorie label on the front and recycling signs. I spent a lot more time designing this product and I am please with the success. I took out the completion on the can after looking at excising products and most cans just repeat the front side of the can without the flavour on it. To separate the designs up a bit I used the side of the can to advertise Rapture Records, their own record label with a QR code linking to the website, and the logo of the label. This is so people can go straight to the website and find out more information about the record company and also a small bit about the drink. The back of the can looks a lot more professional now I have written it myself and used the correct fonts. I made sure I included features such as the can date, where to find the use by date, recycling symbols, barcode and contact information. I looked at excising products and they all have a small paragraph describing the product. In this I explained what energy Rapture give you and the flavours. I then completed my own nutrition label in a simple table. I used similar ingredients to what Relentless uses because of the similar taste and product. I am happy with the way the back of the can now looks. This extra work was worth the effort to make it look like this. Other things I included was a name for the flavour of the can, this one is simply original, leading to many other different flavours. The placing of the title “original” was difficult as it could be placed, top, middle or bottom. I choose the bottom of the can eventually as everywhere else already had other features near it. I also included my own calorie chart. A quick was to display calories, fat and sugars in the can without looking to the small print on the back of the can. This is common to see of energy drinks, as well as other drinks and foods.
  • 13. Task 7: Product Development This is a diet version of my energy drink. I inversed all the colours to make it look a lot lighter. The blacks turned to whites and vice versa. This makes the can look less heavy. Just like a diet can of Coca-Cola, silvers and whites are used to make it seem healthy and light. Again like Coca-Cola it would probably be aimed towards more women because of the colours and the healthier lifestyle being portrayed with a diet version. When making the label I had trouble at first. I wanted to use the same font that the logo/name uses but I found an issue that the word was hard to read in this font because the “e” looked like a backwards G confusing the word. I then looked at other diet cans and saw they used replacement words such as “lite” and “light”. I tired first using “lite” but again the G distorted the word. Therefore I tried “light” and it was easily readable and worked well with the product. The can does look a little bit more empty, and the slogan looks a little too heavy for the can now because the colours have been inverted. Instead of it being a heavy black it would look better if it was grey or white, to still fit in with the light colours. The empty space could be fixed if the explosion of light is made bigger on the front of the can. I will most likely do this in the final design if it is diet or not. It is important to basically keep the same design on both diet and non-diet cans. This helps a consistent theme throughout letting people feel safe with your product as they know what to expect.
  • 14. Task 7: Final Packaging
  • 15. Task 7: Final Packaging
  • 16. Task 7: Packaging Evaluation What are the technical qualities of your work? I have used plenty of technical qualities to create my final product. I included specific techniques to make it look like a realistic can that you would find in the shops like Tesco's. I used a flat plan Photoshop to create the final product. The flat plan helped me keep features in line and with the large graphic of exploding light I could see how far over to the next side it exploded to. I wanted to make the graphic expand slightly over to the other sides to carry on the feeling of energy. This idea looks good on the flat plan but it is not shown as well when I use Photoshop to create the rounded can look. I created this look by getting a plain black can and pasting part of my design onto the can. I would cut off the excess parts and the I would using the blending effects choosing “lighten”. This gives the design some shape and using the highlights from the can below it makes it look rounded and looks like an actual energy drink product. This is a great technique to use as it shows how the can will actually look without making the product, so if anything needs changing to fit on better it can be done at this stage. In my development I used the “inverse” to make a diet version of my can. I like this as I have never used this technique before but it worked really well. Making the can silver gave the whole theme a much lighter feel. I defiantly like the idea of a diet can for my product. This would appeal to typically a softer, and possibly a more female genre, possibly selling double and achieving a greater profit. Making this packaging has let me experiment and discover even more things on Photoshop that I could used later on in my product or even later in life. Techniques such as blending options, inverse, colour change and how flat plans are important will all be carried on.
  • 17. Task 7: Packaging Evaluation What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? I used the same explosion of light I used on my print advert on the packaging of my can. This is so it can be identified with the product all the way though advertising to the audience to buying the product. This is so the audience can establish and conjoin the product to the advertisement making them both effective and this is how you make more money with your product. When producing my packaging I had an existing product of Relentless on hand. I was able to see what important features they used on their can that I could use with mine. This was a great help especially for the back of the can. I was able to see what important ingredients and symbols I needed to create a professional looking can. For example I used the recycling symbol, barcode, typical contact information and the nutrition's label to make the back of the can look as professional as possible. By looking at an existing product I could identify ingredients and the amount used in their can and what I could have in my own, because obviously I had very little knowledge about energy drink ingredients. I made my own nutrition information label and calorie information that features on both the back and front of the can. This is expected to see on most drink and food packaging. I kept the fonts and colours pretty much the same from my advertisement. This is so the audience can associate these colours and fonts with this brand. This is done particularly well with existing products such as Red Bull and Relentless. If I saw a red bull or Relentless’ font I would associate this quickly to the product. This is because they use the same features on all their packaging, advertisements and even on the web too.
  • 18. Task 7: Packaging Evaluation Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Yes, I would like to look at the side of more existing products to see how I can develop the side of my can better. When I first started developing my energy drink I had not really look at the side of many energy drink cans. My first idea was to link the fact that Rapture had a record label that is connected to the drink. Usually a quick way to involve and inform people about things like this a competition is put out. This is from my first development stage and it doesn’t look professional or like what you would see on a existing energy drinks can. This when I picked up a can of Relentless to work from. I had only really looked at Relentless and they just repeat the logo again, making it a double of the front. Knowing that this is done on a popular energy drink I developed my final idea from this. But I still wanted to advertise the record company too. Therefore I made the logo smaller and added “records” below, the name of the record company. Connecting it to the record label but being subtle I put the website, logo and a QR code that will also link you to the website. This looks a lot better but I feel I could develop this more. I would like to look at more energy drink product and see what they do too. Before After
  • 19. Task 7: Packaging Evaluation Are your final pieces fit for purpose? Yes I feel my final packaging fits for a purpose. I feel it would target the right audience as it is connected to a music genre that is enjoyed specifically by 19-26 year olds. This has been linked into the can by mentioning, subtly, about the record label and using a QR code to link them to the website. A QR code is another way to show that it is for a younger audience as they will know what to do with this code, compared to people in their 40’s. The explosive lighting on a dark background connects to the dark underground music nightlife club that this target audience would drink this drink at, possible as a mixer with alcohol. The explosion explains the energy you will get if you have this drink and making the slogan go around the top as an on going feeling, this is a feeling a young person out to the early hours in the morning would want to feel. I feel like it looks like an energy drink and it would appeal to the correct audience. What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? The areas that could have had more planning and developing were looking at more existing products. I would have liked to have looked at products like Red Bull, Monster and Rockstar to see what they put on their packaging and how that effects the way it looks. I will do this next time as I feel this would really improve my work. A lot of products have the name of the drink going down the side of the can, so it can stand out bigger, but I did mine going horizontally across the page. I would have like to see what my can would look like if the name was going vertically down the page and see if this would make any difference to the look of my can.
  • 20. Task 7: Packaging Evaluation What areas of planning and development worked well? The areas of planning and development that worked well for me was actually looking at a can of Relentless. This helped me realised what actually goes onto a energy drink can, especially the back on the can. Comparing the first development of my energy drinks can to my final one you can see the difference of how much more professional it looks. Small details do matter and do give a great amount of detail. Part of my development was to see what my product would be like if it had a diet version. I inverted the colours to make whites become blacks and blacks become whites. I was really pleased with the outcome and this would come out with my final product. It is always good to have a diet version, it brings in a bigger audience and especially for energy drinks, which are full of sugars, it can lead to a healthier outlook on the product. I felt this development worked well as it helped me know this was they layout I wanted for my can as it would fit with multiple editions such as a diet can, special editions and different flavours giving it more opportunity as an energy drink.
  • 21. Task 7: Packaging Evaluation What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? The effects the development stages on my final design were all good as they made my final product successful. From finishing one idea, that you may think is suitable, to then thinking of a simple idea that could change the perspective can make the whole packaging of the can look better. Development can improve any piece of work as you can always go back to the original design but showing that you can introduce new ideas is always a good thing. During the development stages I changed the side of the explosion to see what it would look like, big or small. Although the big explosion fills up more space and looks more intense, the smaller one looks more professional, and less intimidating. For my final product I went in between for the front of the can and for the side I used a smaller graphic to make it slightly different and so the can could be approached by an outgoing audience, but not be too intimidating to put on a shelf. It had a large effect on the side and back of the can. I tried out a few different ideas for both sides of the the can to see which designs work best and which would appeal most to the target audience. By developing these ideas, I was able to create a much more professional looking can than what would have first been designed if no development had taken place. Smaller Graphic Larger Graphic
  • 22. Task 8: Web Banner Development Using a 720x300 template I was able to fit in a larger amount of information that a usual leader board banner that are the most common. Not a lot of information is usually put on a web banner, this is so you will click on it to find out more, This is usually the most a web banner would have on it. I put enough information on that would attract an audience, but enough to keep them wondering. Unlike my magazine advert, this web banner has a image of my actual product. This is because the audience may be much further away from seeing the actual product, where as print adverts are placed in places where that specific audience would see it, so it is important to show them exactly what they are getting. Also the placing of the product doesn’t clash with the explosive lights in the background because the can has the same graphics on it. Placing them apart slightly avoids this clash and connects them instead. I didn’t center this banner, I placed everything to the side slightly, to make the audience look longer at it because it feels like two parts of the banner. I like the graphics and look in the web banner. It has just enough detail on it to make it interesting and it shows the product clearly. With this banner I used celebrity endorsement from Disclosure. This it to attract a similar audience who like this music genre and who look up to Disclosure. They are popular DJ’s and have a large fan base who would buy this drink because they know Disclosure have supported it. It feels like Rapture give Disclosure their power to produce the music they product and gives them energy. This is just what the audience wants from this sort of product.
  • 23. Task 8: Web Banner Development
  • 24. Task 8: Web Banner Development Use this to record the variation and progress of your web banner. Take lots of screen shots. Use this space to comment on your work or fill it with images with short annotations.
  • 25. Task 8: Web Banner Development Use this to record the variation and progress of your web banner. Take lots of screen shots. Use this space to comment on your work or fill it with images with short annotations.
  • 26. Task 8: Final Web Banner
  • 27. Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. What are the technical qualities of your work? What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 28. Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. What are the technical qualities of your work? What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 29. Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. What are the technical qualities of your work? What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 30. Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. What are the technical qualities of your work? What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 31. Task 8: Web Banner Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. What are the technical qualities of your work? What are the aesthetic qualities of your work? Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 32. Task 9: Storyboard Development Use this to record the variation and progress of your web banner. Take lots of screen shots. Use this space to comment on your work or fill it with images with short annotations.
  • 33. Task 9: Storyboard Development Use this to record the variation and progress of your web banner. Take lots of screen shots. Use this space to comment on your work or fill it with images with short annotations.
  • 34. Task 9: Storyboard Development Use this to record the variation and progress of your web banner. Take lots of screen shots. Use this space to comment on your work or fill it with images with short annotations.
  • 35. Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 36. Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 37. Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 38. Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.
  • 39. Task 9: Storyboard Evaluation You should evaluate your final piece. Are there opportunities for further development of your work? Are your final pieces are fit for purpose? What areas of planning and development worked well? What areas of planning and development could have done with more work? What effect did you think your development stages had on the final product? You should present your evaluation using a mixture of text and images. You should use images of existing products for comparison.