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A More Expressive, Pattern-Based 
Temporal Extension of OCL 
Wei Dou, Domenico Bianculli, and Lionel Briand 
SnT Centre — University of Luxembourg 
SsoftwareV verificVation & va.lidlaution
A More Expressive, Pattern-Based 
Temporal Extension of OCL 
Wei Dou, Domenico Bianculli, and Lionel Briand 
SnT Centre — University of Luxembourg 
SsoftwareV verificVation & va.lidlaution
Centre des Technologies de l'Information de l'Etat
Model-driven Run-time 
Verification of eGovernment 
Business Processes
Temporal Properties 
“If the registration at 
the conference is 
then a confirmation 
email will be sent out.” 
Temporal Properties 
“The registration 
reminder will be sent 
at least twice before 
the conference 
registration is closed.” 
Number of 
Temporal Logics 
Logics Practitioners 
Limited Tool Support 
Background in Formal Methods 
How to support temporal 
properties with OCL ? 
State Of The Art 
Timestamped event 
always, sometime 
Real-time deadline, timeout 
FME 2003
Past- and future-time 
Time bounds 
SEFM 2004 
State Of The Art
State Of The Art 
Linear Temporal Logic 
Dwyer’s Pattern System 
Linear Temporal Logic 
Dwyer’s Pattern System 
Bounded existence 
SLE 2012 
State Of The Art
What is missing?
Specific occurrence of 
an event 
“A password reset email will 
be sent to the user after the 
third incorrect login attempt” 
Time distance from 
a boundary 
“A speaker should be 
ready at most 10 minutes 
after the second keynote.” 
(No) Tool support
An Expressive, Pattern-Based 
Temporal Extension of OCL 
Dwyer’s Pattern System 
Patterns in Property Specifications 
for Finite-State Verification* 
Matthew B. Dwyer George S. Avrunin James C. Corbett 
Kansas State University University of Massachusetts University of Hawai'i 
Department of Computing Department of Mathematics Department of Information 
and Information Sciences and Statistics and Computer Science 
Manhattan, KS 66506-2302 Amherst, MA 01003-4515 Honolulu, HI 96822 
+1 785 532 6350 +1 808 956 6107 
+1 413 545 4251 avrunin@mat h. umass. edu corbett 
Model checkers and other finite-state verification tools 
allow developers to detect certain kinds of errors au-tomatically. 
Nevertheless, the transition of this tech-nology 
from research to practice has been slow. While 
there are a number of potential causes for reluctance to 
adopt such formal methods, we believe that a primary 
cause is that practitioners are unfamiliar with specifi-cation 
processes, notations, and strategies. In a recent 
paper, we proposed a pattern-based approach to the 
presentation, codification and reuse of property specifi-cations 
for finite-state verification. Since then, we have 
carried out a survey of available specifications, collect-ing 
over 500 examples of property specifications. We 
found that most are instances of our proposed patterns. 
Furthermore, we have updated our pattern system to 
accommodate new patterns and variations of existing 
patterns encountered in this survey. This paper reports 
the results of the survey and the current status of our 
pattern system. 
Patterns, finitestate verification, formal specification, 
concurrent systems 
Although formal specification and verification methods 
offer practitioners some significant advantages over the 
current state-of-the-practice, they have not been widely 
adopted. Partly this is due to a lack of definitive ev-idence 
in support of the cost-saving benefits of formal 
methods, but a number of more pragmatic barriers to 
adoption of formal methods have been identified [22], 
including the lack of such things as good tool support, 
appropriate expertise, good training materials, and pro- 
'This work was partially supported by NSF grants CCR- 
9407182, CCR-9633388, CCR-9703094, and CCR-9708184 and by 
NASA grant NAG-02-1209. 
Permission to make digilal or hard copies of all or part ol'this work tbr 
personal or classroom usc is granted without fee provided that copies 
are ,lot lnade or distributed fflr profit or coinmercial advantage and that 
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy 
otherwise, 10 republish, to post on servers or to redistribule to lists. 
requires prior specific permission andior a fee. 
LCSE '99 Los Angeles CA 
Copyn'ght ACM 1999 1-581 13-074-0/99/05 ... $5.00 
cess support for formal methods. 
We believe that the recent availability of tool support 
for finite-state verification provides an opportunity to 
overcome some of these barriers. Finite-state verifica-tion 
refers to a set of techniques for proving properties 
of finite-state models of computer systems. Properties 
are typically specified with temporal logics or regular 
expressions, while systems are specified as finite-state 
transition systems of some kind. Tool support is avail-able 
for a variety of verification techniques including, 
for example, techniques based on model checking [19], 
bisimulation [4], language containment [14], flow anal-ysis 
[lo], and inequality necessary conditions [l]. In 
contrast to mechanical theorem proving, which often 
requires guidance by an expert, most finite-state verifi-cation 
techniques can be fully automated, relieving the 
user of the need to understand the inner workings of the 
verification process. Finite-state verification techniques 
are especially critical in the development of concurrent 
systems, where non-deterministic behavior makes test-ing 
especially problematic. 
Despite the automation, users of finite-state verification 
tools still must be able to specify the system require-ments 
in the specification language of the tool. This 
is more challenging than it might at first appear. For 
example, consider the following requirement for an ele-vator: 
Between the time an elevator is called at a poor 
and the time at opens its doors at that floor, the ele-vator 
can arrive at that floor at most twice. To verify 
this property with a linear temporal logic (LTL) model 
checker, a developer would have to translate this infor-mal 
requirement into the following LTL formula: 
D((cal1 A Oopen) + 
((Tatfloor A lopen) U 
(open V ((atfloor A lopen) U 
(open V ((Tatfloor A Yopen) U 
(open V ((atfloor A Topen) U 
(open v (Tatfloor U OPe.)))))))))) 
Not only is this formula difficult to read and understand, 
it is even more difficult to write correctly without some 
expertise in the idioms of the specification language. 
41 1 
Dwyer’s Pattern System 
30 {Globally 
Dwyer’s Pattern System 
31 {Globally 
Dwyer’s Pattern System 
32 {Before 
Dwyer’s Pattern System 
33 {Globally 
Dwyer’s Pattern System 
Between-and vs. After-until 
Q P P Q Q P Q P 
Q P P Q Q Q P 
Dwyer’s Pattern System 
Dwyer’s Pattern System 
Dwyer’s Pattern System 
Dwyer’s Pattern System 
grammar [11]. An hOCLR blocki comprises a set of conjuncted hTemporalClausesi beginning with the keyword ‘temporal’. Each temporal clause contains a tempo-ral 
expression that consists of a hscopei and a hpatterni; the scope specifies the 
time slot(s) during which the property described by the pattern should hold. 
OCLR Syntax Excerpt 
hOCLRBlocki ::= ‘temporal’ hTemporalClausei+ 
hTemporalClausei ::= [hsimpleNameCSi] ‘:’ [hQuantif i] hTemporalExpi 
hQuantif i ::= ‘let’ hVariableDeclarationCSi ‘in’ 
hTemporalExpi ::= hScopei hPatterni 
hScopei ::= ‘globally’ 
| ‘before’ hBoundary1 i | ‘after’ hBoundary1 i | ‘between’ hBoundary2 i ‘and’ hBoundary2 i | ‘after’ hBoundary2 i ‘until’ hBoundary2 i 
hPatterni ::= ‘always’ hEventi | ‘eventually’ hRepeatableEventExpi | ‘never’ [‘exactly’ hIntegerLiteratureExpCSi] hEventi | hEventChainExpi ‘preceding’ [hTimeDistanceExpi] 
hEventChainExpi | hEventChainExpi ‘responding’ [hTimeDistanceExpi] 
hBoundary1 i ::= [hIntegerLiteratureExpCSi] hSimpleEventi [hTimeDistanceExpi] 
hBoundary2 i ::= [hIntegerLiteratureExpCSi] hSimpleEventi [‘at least’ IntegerLiteratureExpCS ‘tu’] 
hEventChainExpi ::= hEventi (‘,’ [‘#’ hTimeDistanceExpi] hEventi)* 
hTimeDistanceExpi ::= hComparingOpi hIntegerLiteratureExpCSi ‘tu’ 
hRepeatableEventExpi ::= [hComparingOpi hIntegerLiteratureExpCSi] hEventi 
hComparingOpi ::= ‘at least’ | ‘at most’ | ‘exactly’ 
hEventi ::= (hSimpleEventi | hComplexEventi) [‘|’ Event] 
hComplexEventi ::= ‘isCalled’ ‘(’ ‘anyOp’ 
[‘,’ ‘pre:’ hOCLExpressionCSi] 
[‘,’ ‘post:’ hOCLExpressionCSi] 40 
‘)’ [‘’ hEventi] 
hSimpleEventi ::= hSimpleCallEventi | hSimpleChangeEventi
hBoundary1 i ::= [hIntegerLiteratureExpCSi] hSimpleEventi [hTimeDistanceExpi] 
hBoundary2 i OCLR ::= [hIntegerLiteratureExpCSi] [‘at least’ - <IntegerLiteratureExpCS Event> 
hSimpleEventi ‘tu’] 
hEventChainExpi ::= hEventi (‘,’ [‘#’ hTimeDistanceExpi] hEventi)* 
hTimeDistanceExpi ::= hComparingOpi hIntegerLiteratureExpCSi ‘tu’ 
hRepeatableEventExpi ::= [hComparingOpi hIntegerLiteratureExpCSi] hEventi 
hComparingOpi ::= ‘at least’ | ‘at most’ | ‘exactly’ 
hEventi ::= (hSimpleEventi | hComplexEventi) [‘|’ Event] 
hComplexEventi ::= ‘isCalled’ ‘(’ ‘anyOp’ 
[‘,’ ‘pre:’ hOCLExpressionCSi] 
[‘,’ ‘post:’ hOCLExpressionCSi] ‘)’ [‘’ hEventi] 
hSimpleEventi ::= hSimpleCallEventi | hSimpleChangeEventi 
hSimpleChangeEventi ::= ‘becomesTrue’ ‘(’ hOCLExpressionCSi ‘)’ 
hSimpleCallEventi ::= ‘isCalled’ ‘(’ hOperationCallExpCSi [‘,’ ‘pre:’ hOCLExpressionCSi] 
[‘,’ ‘post:’ hOCLExpressionCSi] ‘)’ 
Fig. 1. Grammar of OCLR 
OCLR - <SimpleEvent> 
<SimpleEvent> ::= <SimpleCallEvent> | <SimpleChangeEvent> 
OCLR - <SimpleCallEvent> 
isCalled(P, pre: N=0, post: N=1) 
OCLR - <SimpleChangeEvent> 
equivalent to 
isCalled(anyOp, N != 1, N = 1) 
OCLR - <Event> 
Additional support for: 
• Disjunction 
• Exclusion 
• Negation
OCLR - <TemporalExp> 
<TemporalExp> ::= <Scope> <Pattern> 
OCLR - <Scope> 
<Scope> ::= ‘globally’ 
| ‘before’ <Boundary1> 
| ‘after’ <Boundary1> 
| ‘between’ <Boundary2> 
‘and’ <Boundary2> 
| ‘after’ <Boundary2> 
‘until’ <Boundary2> 
<Boundary1> ::= [<Int>] <SimpleEvent> 
<Boundary2> ::= [<Int>] <simpleEvent> 
[‘at least’ <Int> tu] 
OCLR - Globally 
Q P P Q Q P Q P 
OCLR - Before 
before isCalled(P) 
Q P P Q Q P Q P 
OCLR - Before 
before 3 isCalled(P) 
Q P P Q Q P Q P 
Distance from scope boundaries 
<TimeDistanceExp> ::= 
(‘at least’|‘at most’|’exactly’) <Int> tu 
OCLR - Before 
before 3 isCalled(P) at least 2 tu 
Q P P Q Q P Q P 
2 time units
OCLR - Before 
before 3 isCalled(P) at most 2 tu 
Q P P Q Q P Q P 
2 time units
OCLR - Before 
before 3 isCalled(P) exactly 2 tu 
Q P P Q Q P Q P 
2 time units
OCLR - After 
OCLR - Between-and 
OCLR - Between-and 
between isCalled(P) and isCalled(Q) 
Q P P Q Q P Q P 
OCLR - Between-and 
between isCalled(P) at least 1 tu 
and isCalled(Q) at least 1 tu 
Q P P Q Q P Q P 
1 time unit 
1 time unit 
OCLR - Between-and 
between 2 isCalled(P) at least 1 tu 
and 2 isCalled(Q) at least 1 tu 
Q P P Q Q P Q P 
1 time unit 
1 time unit 
OCLR - After-until 
[‘at least’ <Int> tu] 
[‘at least’ <Int> tu] 
OCLR - <Pattern> 
<Pattern> ::= ‘always’ <Event> 
| ‘eventually’ <RepeatableEventExp> 
| ‘never’ [‘exactly’ <Int>] <Event> 
| <EventChainExp> 
‘preceding’ [<TimeDistanceExp>] 
| <EventChainExp> 
‘responding’ [<TimeDistanceExp>] 
<RepeatableEventExp> ::= 
[(‘at least’ | ‘at most’ | ‘exactly’) <Int>] <Event> 
<EventChainExp> ::= 
<Event> (‘,’ [‘#’ <TimeDistanceExp>] <Event>)*
OCLR - Universality 
always isCalled(R) 
R R R R { } 
OCLR - Existence 
eventually exactly 2 R 
eventually at most 2 R 
eventually at least 2 R 
eventually R 
P R R S { } R 
OCLR - Absence 
‘never’ [‘exactly’ <Int>] <Event> 
OCLR - Response 
“If P happens, then Q will happen.” 
isCalled(Q) responding isCalled(P) 
P Q S R { } S S 
OCLR - Response 
“If P happens, within 2 time units, then Q will happen.” 
Q responding at most 2 tu P 
P Q S R { } S 
2 time units
OCLR - Response 
“If P happens, within 2 time units, then Q will 
happen followed by R, but the distance between 
Q and R should be more than 5 time units ” 
isCalled(Q), # at least 5 tu isCalled(R) 
responding at most 2 tu isCalled(P) 
P Q S R { } S 
2 time units 
5 time units
OCLR - Precedence 
‘preceding’ [<TimeDistanceExp>] 
Identity Card Management 
Enrollment CTIE 
Agent/MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs Applicant 
Enroll a 
Request [accept] 
Send production 
Resolve incident 
[technique incident] 
Send card 
to MFA 
Receive card 
[expired] [incident] 
Lose card 
Send card to 
Set card 
state to 
Set card state to 
Send card 
return letter 
Send card 
to applicant 
Change card state 
to "In circulation" 
[withdraw] [expired] 
card return 
Set card 
state to 
Send card 
[for diplomats] 
more info. 
Renew a 
Set card 
state to 
47 temporal properties 
analyzed and translated into OCLR 
“Once a card request is approved, the 
applicant is notified within three days; 
this notification has to occur before the 
production of the card is started.” 
(Before + Response) 
temporal R1: 
let r : Request in 
becomesTrue(r.card.state = CardState::InProduction) 
responding at most 3 “days” 
becomesTrue(r.state = RequestState::Approved) 
“Once a card request is approved, the applicant is notified within 
three days; this notification has to occur before the production of the 
card is started.” 
temporal R1: 
let r : Request in 
becomesTrue(r.card.state = CardState::InProduction) 
responding at most 3 “days” 
becomesTrue(r.state = RequestState::Approved) 
“Once a card request is approved, the applicant is notified within 
three days; this notification has to occur before the production of the 
card is started.” 
temporal R1: 
let r : Request in 
becomesTrue(r.card.state = CardState::InProduction) 
responding at most 3 “days” 
becomesTrue(r.state = RequestState::Approved) 
“Once a card request is approved, the applicant is notified within 
three days; this notification has to occur before the production of the 
card is started.” 
temporal R1: 
let r : Request in 
becomesTrue(r.card.state = CardState::InProduction) 
responding at most 3 “days” 
becomesTrue(r.state = RequestState::Approved) 
“Once a card request is approved, the applicant is notified within 
three days; this notification has to occur before the production of the 
card is started.” 
“Once a card expires, until the card is 
returned, the holder is notified to return 
the card at most twice.” 
(After-until + Existence) 
temporal E1: 
let c:Card in 
after becomesTrue(c.state = CardState::Expired) 
until becomesTrue(c.state = CardState::Returned) 
eventually at most 2 
pre:c.state <> CardState::Returned) 
“Once a card expires, until the card is returned, the holder 
is notified to return the card at most twice.” 
temporal E1: 
let c:Card in 
after becomesTrue(c.state = CardState::Expired) 
until becomesTrue(c.state = CardState::Returned) 
eventually at most 2 
pre:c.state <> CardState::Returned) 
“Once a card expires, until the card is returned, the holder 
is notified to return the card at most twice.” 
temporal E1: 
let c:Card in 
after becomesTrue(c.state = CardState::Expired) 
until becomesTrue(c.state = CardState::Returned) 
eventually at most 2 
pre:c.state <> CardState::Returned) 
“Once a card expires, until the card is returned, the holder 
is notified to return the card at most twice.” 
Design time 
Use Case 
Process Model 
Data Model 
Run time 
OCL templates 
:Process model 
Translate into 
:OCL constraints 
OCL Checker 
:Conceptual model 
Conceptual model 
Process Model 
Data Model 
Type of properties 
Generated by 
Map to 
Data Collector 
Revisiting model-driven engineering for run-time verification of business processes. 
In Proceedings of the 8th System Analysis and Modeling Conference (SAM 2014) 
Off-line trace checking 
• Trace Model and OCLR meta-model 
• Translation from OCLR to OCL 
• OCLR expressions check with Eclipse OCL 
• Preliminary evaluation
A More Expressive, Pattern-Based 
Temporal Extension of OCL 
Wei Dou, Domenico Bianculli, and Lionel Briand 
SnT Centre — University of Luxembourg 
SsoftwareV verificVation & va.lidlaution

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OCLR: A More Expressive, Pattern-Based Temporal Extension of OCL

  • 1. OCLR: A More Expressive, Pattern-Based Temporal Extension of OCL Wei Dou, Domenico Bianculli, and Lionel Briand SnT Centre — University of Luxembourg SsoftwareV verificVation & va.lidlaution
  • 2. OCLR: A More Expressive, Pattern-Based Temporal Extension of OCL Wei Dou, Domenico Bianculli, and Lionel Briand SnT Centre — University of Luxembourg SsoftwareV verificVation & va.lidlaution
  • 4. CTIE Centre des Technologies de l'Information de l'Etat
  • 5. Model-driven Run-time Verification of eGovernment Business Processes
  • 8. Temporal Properties “If the registration at the conference is successful, Order then a confirmation email will be sent out.” 8
  • 9. Temporal Properties “The registration reminder will be sent at least twice before the conference registration is closed.” Number of Occurrences 9
  • 11. Temporal Logics LTL CTL MTL ITL MITL … 11
  • 12. Temporal Logics Practitioners Limited Tool Support Background in Formal Methods 12
  • 15. OCL
  • 16. How to support temporal properties with OCL ? 16
  • 18. State Of The Art Features: Timestamped event always, sometime Real-time deadline, timeout 18 FME 2003
  • 19. Features: Past- and future-time Time bounds 19 SEFM 2004 State Of The Art
  • 20. State Of The Art Features: Linear Temporal Logic Dwyer’s Pattern System Timeout 20 ECEASST 2008
  • 21. 21 Features: Linear Temporal Logic Dwyer’s Pattern System Bounded existence SLE 2012 State Of The Art
  • 23. Specific occurrence of an event “A password reset email will be sent to the user after the third incorrect login attempt” 23
  • 24. Time distance from a boundary “A speaker should be ready at most 10 minutes after the second keynote.” 24
  • 27. OCLR An Expressive, Pattern-Based Temporal Extension of OCL 27
  • 28. Dwyer’s Pattern System Patterns in Property Specifications for Finite-State Verification* Matthew B. Dwyer George S. Avrunin James C. Corbett Kansas State University University of Massachusetts University of Hawai'i Department of Computing Department of Mathematics Department of Information and Information Sciences and Statistics and Computer Science Manhattan, KS 66506-2302 Amherst, MA 01003-4515 Honolulu, HI 96822 +1 785 532 6350 +1 808 956 6107 +1 413 545 4251 avrunin@mat h. umass. edu corbett ABSTRACT Model checkers and other finite-state verification tools allow developers to detect certain kinds of errors au-tomatically. Nevertheless, the transition of this tech-nology from research to practice has been slow. While there are a number of potential causes for reluctance to adopt such formal methods, we believe that a primary cause is that practitioners are unfamiliar with specifi-cation processes, notations, and strategies. In a recent paper, we proposed a pattern-based approach to the presentation, codification and reuse of property specifi-cations for finite-state verification. Since then, we have carried out a survey of available specifications, collect-ing over 500 examples of property specifications. We found that most are instances of our proposed patterns. Furthermore, we have updated our pattern system to accommodate new patterns and variations of existing patterns encountered in this survey. This paper reports the results of the survey and the current status of our pattern system. Keywords Patterns, finitestate verification, formal specification, concurrent systems 1 INTRODUCTION Although formal specification and verification methods offer practitioners some significant advantages over the current state-of-the-practice, they have not been widely adopted. Partly this is due to a lack of definitive ev-idence in support of the cost-saving benefits of formal methods, but a number of more pragmatic barriers to adoption of formal methods have been identified [22], including the lack of such things as good tool support, appropriate expertise, good training materials, and pro- 'This work was partially supported by NSF grants CCR- 9407182, CCR-9633388, CCR-9703094, and CCR-9708184 and by NASA grant NAG-02-1209. Permission to make digilal or hard copies of all or part ol'this work tbr personal or classroom usc is granted without fee provided that copies are ,lot lnade or distributed fflr profit or coinmercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, 10 republish, to post on servers or to redistribule to lists. requires prior specific permission andior a fee. LCSE '99 Los Angeles CA Copyn'ght ACM 1999 1-581 13-074-0/99/05 ... $5.00 cess support for formal methods. We believe that the recent availability of tool support for finite-state verification provides an opportunity to overcome some of these barriers. Finite-state verifica-tion refers to a set of techniques for proving properties of finite-state models of computer systems. Properties are typically specified with temporal logics or regular expressions, while systems are specified as finite-state transition systems of some kind. Tool support is avail-able for a variety of verification techniques including, for example, techniques based on model checking [19], bisimulation [4], language containment [14], flow anal-ysis [lo], and inequality necessary conditions [l]. In contrast to mechanical theorem proving, which often requires guidance by an expert, most finite-state verifi-cation techniques can be fully automated, relieving the user of the need to understand the inner workings of the verification process. Finite-state verification techniques are especially critical in the development of concurrent systems, where non-deterministic behavior makes test-ing especially problematic. Despite the automation, users of finite-state verification tools still must be able to specify the system require-ments in the specification language of the tool. This is more challenging than it might at first appear. For example, consider the following requirement for an ele-vator: Between the time an elevator is called at a poor and the time at opens its doors at that floor, the ele-vator can arrive at that floor at most twice. To verify this property with a linear temporal logic (LTL) model checker, a developer would have to translate this infor-mal requirement into the following LTL formula: D((cal1 A Oopen) + ((Tatfloor A lopen) U (open V ((atfloor A lopen) U (open V ((Tatfloor A Yopen) U (open V ((atfloor A Topen) U (open v (Tatfloor U OPe.)))))))))) Not only is this formula difficult to read and understand, it is even more difficult to write correctly without some expertise in the idioms of the specification language. 41 1 28
  • 29. Dwyer’s Pattern System Pattern 29 Scope
  • 30. 30 {Globally Dwyer’s Pattern System Before After Between-and After-until Scope
  • 31. 31 {Globally Dwyer’s Pattern System Before After Between-and After-until Scope
  • 32. 32 {Before Dwyer’s Pattern System Globally After Between-and After-until Scope
  • 33. 33 {Globally Dwyer’s Pattern System Before After Between-and After-until Scope
  • 34. Between-and vs. After-until Q P P Q Q P Q P Q P P Q Q Q P 34 P
  • 35. Dwyer’s Pattern System Pattern {Universality Existence Absence Response Precedence 35
  • 36. Dwyer’s Pattern System Pattern {Universality Existence Absence Response Precedence 36
  • 37. Dwyer’s Pattern System Pattern {Universality Existence Absence Response Precedence 37
  • 38. Dwyer’s Pattern System Pattern {Universality Existence Absence Response Precedence 38
  • 39. OCLR
  • 40. grammar [11]. An hOCLR blocki comprises a set of conjuncted hTemporalClausesi beginning with the keyword ‘temporal’. Each temporal clause contains a tempo-ral expression that consists of a hscopei and a hpatterni; the scope specifies the time slot(s) during which the property described by the pattern should hold. OCLR Syntax Excerpt hOCLRBlocki ::= ‘temporal’ hTemporalClausei+ hTemporalClausei ::= [hsimpleNameCSi] ‘:’ [hQuantif i] hTemporalExpi hQuantif i ::= ‘let’ hVariableDeclarationCSi ‘in’ hTemporalExpi ::= hScopei hPatterni hScopei ::= ‘globally’ | ‘before’ hBoundary1 i | ‘after’ hBoundary1 i | ‘between’ hBoundary2 i ‘and’ hBoundary2 i | ‘after’ hBoundary2 i ‘until’ hBoundary2 i hPatterni ::= ‘always’ hEventi | ‘eventually’ hRepeatableEventExpi | ‘never’ [‘exactly’ hIntegerLiteratureExpCSi] hEventi | hEventChainExpi ‘preceding’ [hTimeDistanceExpi] hEventChainExpi | hEventChainExpi ‘responding’ [hTimeDistanceExpi] hEventChainExpi hBoundary1 i ::= [hIntegerLiteratureExpCSi] hSimpleEventi [hTimeDistanceExpi] hBoundary2 i ::= [hIntegerLiteratureExpCSi] hSimpleEventi [‘at least’ IntegerLiteratureExpCS ‘tu’] hEventChainExpi ::= hEventi (‘,’ [‘#’ hTimeDistanceExpi] hEventi)* hTimeDistanceExpi ::= hComparingOpi hIntegerLiteratureExpCSi ‘tu’ hRepeatableEventExpi ::= [hComparingOpi hIntegerLiteratureExpCSi] hEventi hComparingOpi ::= ‘at least’ | ‘at most’ | ‘exactly’ hEventi ::= (hSimpleEventi | hComplexEventi) [‘|’ Event] hComplexEventi ::= ‘isCalled’ ‘(’ ‘anyOp’ [‘,’ ‘pre:’ hOCLExpressionCSi] [‘,’ ‘post:’ hOCLExpressionCSi] 40 ‘)’ [‘’ hEventi] hSimpleEventi ::= hSimpleCallEventi | hSimpleChangeEventi
  • 41. hEventChainExpi hBoundary1 i ::= [hIntegerLiteratureExpCSi] hSimpleEventi [hTimeDistanceExpi] hBoundary2 i OCLR ::= [hIntegerLiteratureExpCSi] [‘at least’ - <IntegerLiteratureExpCS Event> hSimpleEventi ‘tu’] hEventChainExpi ::= hEventi (‘,’ [‘#’ hTimeDistanceExpi] hEventi)* hTimeDistanceExpi ::= hComparingOpi hIntegerLiteratureExpCSi ‘tu’ hRepeatableEventExpi ::= [hComparingOpi hIntegerLiteratureExpCSi] hEventi hComparingOpi ::= ‘at least’ | ‘at most’ | ‘exactly’ hEventi ::= (hSimpleEventi | hComplexEventi) [‘|’ Event] hComplexEventi ::= ‘isCalled’ ‘(’ ‘anyOp’ [‘,’ ‘pre:’ hOCLExpressionCSi] [‘,’ ‘post:’ hOCLExpressionCSi] ‘)’ [‘’ hEventi] hSimpleEventi ::= hSimpleCallEventi | hSimpleChangeEventi hSimpleChangeEventi ::= ‘becomesTrue’ ‘(’ hOCLExpressionCSi ‘)’ hSimpleCallEventi ::= ‘isCalled’ ‘(’ hOperationCallExpCSi [‘,’ ‘pre:’ hOCLExpressionCSi] [‘,’ ‘post:’ hOCLExpressionCSi] ‘)’ Fig. 1. Grammar of OCLR 41
  • 42. OCLR - <SimpleEvent> <SimpleEvent> ::= <SimpleCallEvent> | <SimpleChangeEvent> 42
  • 43. OCLR - <SimpleCallEvent> isCalled(P) isCalled(P, pre: N=0, post: N=1) 43
  • 44. OCLR - <SimpleChangeEvent> becomesTrue(N=1) equivalent to isCalled(anyOp, N != 1, N = 1) 44
  • 45. OCLR - <Event> Additional support for: • Disjunction • Exclusion • Negation
  • 46. OCLR - <TemporalExp> <TemporalExp> ::= <Scope> <Pattern> 46
  • 47. OCLR - <Scope> <Scope> ::= ‘globally’ | ‘before’ <Boundary1> | ‘after’ <Boundary1> | ‘between’ <Boundary2> ‘and’ <Boundary2> | ‘after’ <Boundary2> ‘until’ <Boundary2> <Boundary1> ::= [<Int>] <SimpleEvent> [<TimeDistanceExp>] <Boundary2> ::= [<Int>] <simpleEvent> [‘at least’ <Int> tu] 47
  • 48. OCLR - Globally globally Q P P Q Q P Q P 48
  • 49. OCLR - Before before isCalled(P) Q P P Q Q P Q P 49
  • 50. OCLR - Before before 3 isCalled(P) Q P P Q Q P Q P 50
  • 51. Distance from scope boundaries ‘before’ [<Int>] <SimpleEvent> [<TimeDistanceExp>] <TimeDistanceExp> ::= (‘at least’|‘at most’|’exactly’) <Int> tu 51
  • 52. OCLR - Before before 3 isCalled(P) at least 2 tu Q P P Q Q P Q P 52 2 time units
  • 53. OCLR - Before before 3 isCalled(P) at most 2 tu Q P P Q Q P Q P 53 2 time units
  • 54. OCLR - Before before 3 isCalled(P) exactly 2 tu Q P P Q Q P Q P 54 2 time units
  • 55. OCLR - After ‘after’ [<Int>] <SimpleEvent> [<TimeDistanceExp>] 55
  • 57. OCLR - Between-and between isCalled(P) and isCalled(Q) Q P P Q Q P Q P 57
  • 58. OCLR - Between-and between isCalled(P) at least 1 tu and isCalled(Q) at least 1 tu Q P P Q Q P Q P 1 time unit 1 time unit 58
  • 59. OCLR - Between-and between 2 isCalled(P) at least 1 tu and 2 isCalled(Q) at least 1 tu Q P P Q Q P Q P 1 time unit 1 time unit 59
  • 60. OCLR - After-until ‘after’ [<Int>] <SimpleEvent> [‘at least’ <Int> tu] ‘until’ [<Int>] <SimpleEvent> [‘at least’ <Int> tu] 60
  • 61. OCLR - <Pattern> <Pattern> ::= ‘always’ <Event> | ‘eventually’ <RepeatableEventExp> | ‘never’ [‘exactly’ <Int>] <Event> | <EventChainExp> ‘preceding’ [<TimeDistanceExp>] <EventChainExp> | <EventChainExp> ‘responding’ [<TimeDistanceExp>] <EventChainExp> 61 <RepeatableEventExp> ::= [(‘at least’ | ‘at most’ | ‘exactly’) <Int>] <Event> <EventChainExp> ::= <Event> (‘,’ [‘#’ <TimeDistanceExp>] <Event>)*
  • 62. OCLR - Universality always isCalled(R) R R R R { } 62
  • 63. OCLR - Existence eventually exactly 2 R eventually at most 2 R eventually at least 2 R eventually R P R R S { } R 63
  • 64. OCLR - Absence ‘never’ [‘exactly’ <Int>] <Event> 64
  • 65. OCLR - Response “If P happens, then Q will happen.” isCalled(Q) responding isCalled(P) P Q S R { } S S 65
  • 66. OCLR - Response “If P happens, within 2 time units, then Q will happen.” Q responding at most 2 tu P P Q S R { } S 66 S 2 time units
  • 67. OCLR - Response “If P happens, within 2 time units, then Q will happen followed by R, but the distance between Q and R should be more than 5 time units ” isCalled(Q), # at least 5 tu isCalled(R) responding at most 2 tu isCalled(P) P Q S R { } S 67 S 2 time units 5 time units
  • 68. OCLR - Precedence <EventChainExp> ‘preceding’ [<TimeDistanceExp>] <EventChainExp> 68
  • 70. Identity Card Management Enrollment CTIE Agent/MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs Applicant Enroll a new application Refuse application [reject] Request [accept] Apporve Production application Send production request Resolve incident [technique incident] Finish production Send card to MFA Receive card [expired] [incident] Lose card (lost/stolen) Send card to applicant Set card state to "Cancelled" Set card state to "claimed" Send card return letter Send card to applicant Change card state to "In circulation" [withdraw] [expired] [renew] Return card Request residence certificate [renounce] Acknowledge card return Set card state to "Expired" Send card to production Generate residence certificate Destroy card [for diplomats] Request more info. [pend] Renew a card Set card state to "Lost/Stolen" Delivery Expiration Loss 70
  • 71. 47 temporal properties analyzed and translated into OCLR 71
  • 72. Request “Once a card request is approved, the applicant is notified within three days; this notification has to occur before the production of the card is started.” (Before + Response) 72
  • 73. Request temporal R1: let r : Request in before becomesTrue(r.card.state = CardState::InProduction) isCalled(notifyApproved(r.applicant)) responding at most 3 “days” becomesTrue(r.state = RequestState::Approved) “Once a card request is approved, the applicant is notified within three days; this notification has to occur before the production of the card is started.” 73
  • 74. Request temporal R1: let r : Request in before becomesTrue(r.card.state = CardState::InProduction) isCalled(notifyApproved(r.applicant)) responding at most 3 “days” becomesTrue(r.state = RequestState::Approved) “Once a card request is approved, the applicant is notified within three days; this notification has to occur before the production of the card is started.” 74
  • 75. Request temporal R1: let r : Request in before becomesTrue(r.card.state = CardState::InProduction) isCalled(notifyApproved(r.applicant)) responding at most 3 “days” becomesTrue(r.state = RequestState::Approved) “Once a card request is approved, the applicant is notified within three days; this notification has to occur before the production of the card is started.” 75
  • 76. Request temporal R1: let r : Request in before becomesTrue(r.card.state = CardState::InProduction) isCalled(notifyApproved(r.applicant)) responding at most 3 “days” becomesTrue(r.state = RequestState::Approved) “Once a card request is approved, the applicant is notified within three days; this notification has to occur before the production of the card is started.” 76
  • 77. Expiration “Once a card expires, until the card is returned, the holder is notified to return the card at most twice.” (After-until + Existence) 77
  • 78. Expiration temporal E1: let c:Card in after becomesTrue(c.state = CardState::Expired) until becomesTrue(c.state = CardState::Returned) eventually at most 2 isCalled(notifyReturnCard(c.cardHolder), pre:c.state <> CardState::Returned) “Once a card expires, until the card is returned, the holder is notified to return the card at most twice.” 78
  • 79. Expiration temporal E1: let c:Card in after becomesTrue(c.state = CardState::Expired) until becomesTrue(c.state = CardState::Returned) eventually at most 2 isCalled(notifyReturnCard(c.cardHolder), pre:c.state <> CardState::Returned) “Once a card expires, until the card is returned, the holder is notified to return the card at most twice.” 79
  • 80. Expiration temporal E1: let c:Card in after becomesTrue(c.state = CardState::Expired) until becomesTrue(c.state = CardState::Returned) eventually at most 2 isCalled(notifyReturnCard(c.cardHolder), pre:c.state <> CardState::Returned) “Once a card expires, until the card is returned, the holder is notified to return the card at most twice.” 80
  • 81. OCLR
  • 83. Design time Meta Requirement Specifications Analyst Vision Use Case Process Model Data Model Properties Run time OCLR OCL templates :Process model Instantiator RNL Translate into :OCL constraints Comply Observer OCL Checker + :Conceptual model Conceptual model --------------------------- Process Model Data Model Type of properties Generated by Map to Annotated-with Platforms Data Collector Revisiting model-driven engineering for run-time verification of business processes. In Proceedings of the 8th System Analysis and Modeling Conference (SAM 2014) 83
  • 84. Off-line trace checking • Trace Model and OCLR meta-model • Translation from OCLR to OCL • OCLR expressions check with Eclipse OCL • Preliminary evaluation
  • 86.
  • 87. OCLR: A More Expressive, Pattern-Based Temporal Extension of OCL Wei Dou, Domenico Bianculli, and Lionel Briand SnT Centre — University of Luxembourg SsoftwareV verificVation & va.lidlaution