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Pennington Biomedical Research Center
Awesome.2Cents! A Healthy Lifestyle Curriculum
Grades 8-12

Lesson # 6- Eating for Sports

Content outline
   Types of Exercise
   The Benefits of Exercise
   Energy sources
   Carbohydrate loading
   Fluid Needs During Exercise
   Physical Inactivity in the U.S.
   Physical Activity Recommendations

Louisiana content standards:
1-H-1, 1-H-3, 1-H-4, 3-H-1, 3-H-2, 3-H-4, 6-H-1, 6-H-4
1-M-2, 1-M-3, 3-M-1, 3-M-2, 3-M-3, 4-M-5, 5-M-4, 6-M-1

Objectives/Expected Learner Outcomes
Students will learn about exercise types, energy sources used during exercise and about
carbohydrate loading.

Lesson and Strategies
Student group targeted 8-12th grade

Time required
Teacher Preparation: 15-20 minutes
Assessment: 10 minutes

Materials and Resources

Power point presentation

Teacher Preparation
Before class, make copies of the handouts and homework assignment.


Lesson Plan
Slide    Lesson
1        Title slide: Eating for Sports, Lesson 6
2        Say:

          In this lesson, we will cover:
               Types of Exercise
               The Benefits of Exercise
               Energy sources
               Carbohydrate loading
               Fluid Needs During Exercise
               Physical Inactivity in the U.S.
               Physical Activity Recommendations

3         Clarifying Some Terms...

          Physical activity is defined as “any bodily movement produced by skeletal
          muscles that results in an expenditure or usage of energy.”
          Physical activity may include planned activity such as walking, running,
          basketball, or other sports. Physical activity may also include other daily
          activities such as household chores, yard work, walking the dog, etc

          Exercise is defined as a subset of physical activity that is planned, structured,
          repetitive, and purposeful. The activity of exerting your muscles in various
          ways to keep fit. Usually it includes aerobic and strength training aspects.
          Examples of exercise could include: jogging around the LSU lakes 5
          afternoons a week, doing a set routine of weight-lifting at the gym three days a
          week, or using your elliptical machine at home for 30 minutes a day on 4 days
          out of the week. It’s easy now to see the difference, right?

          So, what now is physical fitness? Physical fitness is defined as a
          measure of one’s ability to perform physical activities that require endurance,
          strength or flexibility. Physical fitness is a set of attributes a person has in
          regards to a person's ability to perform physical activities that require
          aerobic fitness, endurance, strength, or flexibility and is determined by a
          combination of regular activity and genetically inherited ability. With time
          and patience, active individuals increasingly get more and more fit.

             Of course views on what “physically fit” looks like differ from one person
             to the next. But, one thing is certain, and that is that everyone can benefit
             from physical activity in some way and that being physically activity is a

4         Types of Exercise: Aerobic or Anaerobic?

    Any activity which strengthens the heart generally will provide the most health
    benefit. Because the heart is a muscle, it, too, can be made stronger with
    regular physical activity or exercise. There are two types of exercise: aerobic
    and anaerobic. Aerobic activities use the arm and leg muscles and give the
    heart (and lungs) a continuous workout. Aerobic activities require oxygen.
    Aerobic simply means 'with air'. When an exercise or activity is described
    as aerobic, it means the conditions allow your body to replenish the
    needed oxygen (air) to the muscles being exercised.
    Anaerobic activities build and tone muscles but are not as beneficial to the
    heart and lungs as aerobic activities. Anaerobic means 'without air'. When
    we say an exercise is anaerobic, it means the exercise is so strenuous it
    uses oxygen faster than your body can replenish it.

    Here are some examples of activities which fall under each category.
    Aerobic activities include: brisk walking, dancing, jogging, bicycling,
    skating, swimming, snow shoveling, lawn mowing, leaf raking, and
    vacuuming, for example. Anaerobic activities include: baseball, sprinting,
    tennis, weightlifting, leg lifts, arm circles, curl-ups, dusting, doing laundry, and
    washing windows. By a show of hands, I’d like to see who believes that they
    do more aerobic activities in the week.

    Encourage students to participate. Note about how many students raise their

    Now, by a show of hands, I’d like to see who believes that they do more
    anaerobic activities in a given week.

    Encourage students to participate. Not how many students raise their hands.

5   Types of Exercise, Aerobic or Anaerobic?
    Forms of Aerobic Exercises
    The key to successful weight control and improved overall health is making
    physical activity a part of your daily routine. Any type of physical activity you
    choose to do--strenuous activities such as running or aerobic dancing or
    moderate-intensity activities such as walking or household work--will increase
    the number of calories your body uses. It's easier than one thinks to perform
    numerous aerobic activities throughout the day.
    Examples of mild to moderate aerobic activities:
    Take a short walk around the block
    Rake leaves
    Play actively with the kids

Walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator
    Mow the lawn
    Take an activity break--get up and stretch or walk around
    Park your car a little farther away from your destination
    Examples of higher intensity aerobic activities:
    Brisk walking
    Aerobic dancing
    Racket sports
    Ice or roller-skating
    Cross-country or downhill skiing
    Using aerobic equipment (i.e., treadmill,
    Anaerobic Exercise:
    Anaerobic exercise is any exercise that is very strenuous, lifting heavy weights,
    being the most popular. Other anaerobic exercises include sprinting, climbing,
    long jump, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, leg lifts, squat thrusts, etc.
    Anaerobic Exercise Equipment:
    There are many types of anaerobic exercise equipment on the market at all
    price ranges. Some examples of exercise equipment are dumb bells, free
    weights, home gyms, Bow Flex, thigh and abdominal workout equipment. If
    you're on a really tight budget, you can buy bungee cords or medical tubing
    and make your own anaerobic exercise equipment.
    Anaerobic Activity:
    Almost all labor activity is anaerobic, including landscaping, carpentry,
    concrete work, plumbing, electrical, roofing, floor covering, loading trucks,
    etc. Some recreational activities are also anaerobic, including gardening, steep
    hiking/climbing, some downhill skiing and snowboarding, bowling, archery,

6   The Benefits if Aerobic Exercise
    We’ll now turn back to the type of activity which provides the most health
    benefits – aerobic activities. It is important to know that regardless of your age,
    weight, or athletic ability, aerobic exercise is good for you. Your body only
    gets stronger and more efficient as it adapts to regular aerobic exercise.
    Consider some of the benefits of engaging in regular aerobic activities.

    1. Aerobic exercise can help to reduce health risks, such as obesity, heart
    disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and certain types of
    cancer. From engaging in weight-bearing aerobic activities such as walking,
    you can also reduce your risk for developing osteoporosis.

    2. Aerobic exercise can also help individuals to manage chronic conditions

that they may already have. Examples include: lowering high blood pressure,
controlling blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes, and relieving
chronic muscle pain through exercise. Regular aerobic exercise can also
prevent subsequent attacks in individuals who have previously had a heart

3. Aerobic exercise can keep excess pounds at bay, particularly when it is
combined with a healthy diet. Remember the energy balance equation? Eating
fewer calories or burning more calories through exercise creates an energy
deficit, which over time, results in weight loss. When you combine calories
burned from exercise with fewer calories consumed from eating a healthy diet
(versus the typical American diet that many of us eat), you will likely achieve
your ideal weight or maintain your current weight much easier.

4. Regular aerobic exercise also helps to ward off viral illnesses. This is
because it activates your immune system, leaving you less susceptible to minor
viral illnesses, like colds and the flu.

5. Aerobic exercise is also important in that it helps to keep your arteries
clear. How does it do that? The answer involves two types of cholesterol, both
of which we have previously discussed. By increasing the concentration of
high-density lipoprotein (HDL, or “good”) cholesterol and decreasing the
amount of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or “bad”) cholesterol in our blood
through aerobic activities, the result is less buildup of plaques in the arteries.
And, even though heart attack and stroke are rare in young people, there is
evidence linking the onset of heart disease to childhood. So, why not start
protecting yourself now, through aerobic exercise?

6. As we’ve already said, aerobic exercise strengthens the heart. And, a
stronger heart is much more efficient. This, in turn, improves blood flow to all
parts of the body. So, we would expect a person who is more physically fit to
have a lower heart rate when doing the same exercise as a person who is less
physically fit, correct?

And, we would expect a higher heart rate in a person who is jogging as
opposed to a person who is walking, correct?

7. Aerobic exercise can also help to boost your mood. Ever heard of the
phrase “walk it off?” This is a phrase that is often told to someone who is upset
or angry about something. Aerobic exercise has been shown to ease depression
and reduce the tension associated with anxiety.

8. Aerobic exercise will also increase your stamina. True, in the short-term
when you are just starting out, you may feel tired. But over the long-term,
you’ll enjoy increased stamina and reduced fatigue. It definitely gets easier
with time. It’ll pay off!

9. And, lastly- aerobic exercise helps you to stay active and independent as
     you get older. It not only keeps your muscles strong, allowing for you to
     maintain mobility as you get older, but it also keeps your mind sharp.
     Researchers say that as little as 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times per
     week can reduce cognitive (brain functional capacity) decline in older adults.
     So, go for a short walk with your grandma if she is healthy and able to. It’s a
     great way to catch up and beneficial for the both of you.

7    The Benefits of Anaerobic Exercise
     Anaerobic exercise can:
           Increase muscle tone. Anaerobic activities tend to strain muscles and
           therefore increase muscle strength.
           Keep excess pounds at bay. Since anaerobic activities increase muscle
           mass, muscle tissue is an active tissue that uses more energy than fat
           Boost your mood. Physical activity releases endorphins which can
           improve mood.
           Increase your stamina. With increased muscle mass there is an
           improvement in stamina due to larger glycogen stores.
           Help you stay active and independent as you get older. With
           increased muscle mass, there is an improvement in strength and balance
           which can improve independence and activity level.
           Improve balance. Increased muscle mass helps improve balance.
           Increase strength and endurance. Increased muscle mass improves

8    Energy sources for physical activity
     Let’s talk about the different energy sources in our body.

9    Energy Sources
         Phosphagens – immediate energy pool in the body. These are energy
           molecules that are used immediately when activity begins, in the first
           10-15 seconds
         Anaerobic/Aerobic Glycolysis – This is carbohydrate breakdown, quick
           source of energy. Energy is available within 20 seconds of the
           beginning of activity.
         Oxidative phosphorylation – fat breakdown is the slowest source of
           energy. This is used for endurance sports in particular.

10   Energy Sources: Phosphagens
     The first burst of energy supplied to muscles comes from high-energy
     compounds, called phosphagens. These are Adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP)
     and phosphocreatine (PC). The phosphagens, or high energy phosphate
     compounds, are energy storage compounds in the muscle tissue. Phosphagens

provide the first 15 to 30 seconds of energy needed for jumping or starting a
     As muscle tissues can have sudden demands for lots of energy, these
     compounds can maintain a reserve of high energy phosphates that can kick in
     as needed, providing the energy that could not be immediately supplied by
     glycolysis or oxidative phosphorylation.

11   Energy Sources: Carbohydrates
     When the sustained demand for energy increases above about 3KC/minute
     another fuel called glycogen kicks in. Glycogen is a stored carbohydrate. It is
     stored in the muscle (about 1500KC), and the liver (about 400KC) and in the
     blood as glucose (about 80KC).
     Glycogen can be burned in the muscle in two ways: with or without oxygen
     (aerobically or anaerobically). Burning glycogen anaerobically produces lactic
     acid. This results in muscle soreness after the activity. The result of incomplete
     breakdown of glucose is a buildup of a product known as lactic acid in the
     muscles. This is the very substance responsible for the burning sensation and
     fatigue in the muscles that you begin to feel when you run for long distances.
     Once the muscles are given a moment to rest, they are able to burn some of the
     lactic acid for energy. Once they have enough oxygen again, and the cramps
     subside, energy can be produced more efficiently again.
     Burning glycogen aerobically releases more total energy than anaerobic
     glycogen burning but aerobic burning releases energy slowly.

12   Energy Sources: Carbohydrates

     Glucose is the chief source of energy for the body. We get from the diet and in
     addition, the liver can make glucose from other sugars and starches in the diet.
     The storage form of glucose in our bodies is referred to as glycogen, and it can
     be found in both the liver and the muscle.

     As the body breaks down glucose, the following components are released:
     carbon dioxide, water, and energy. This energy produced from the
     breakdown of glucose is the energy which enables us to perform a sport. This
     process where energy is made from glucose can continue to work so long as
     the breakdown of glucose continues to occur efficiently. One thing that is
     important to remember is that in order for the body to continue utilizing energy
     from glucose, oxygen is needed.

     After about 20 minutes of aerobic activity, fats from the body also begin to be
     metabolized (or broken down) for energy. Because the body can stockpile
     much more fat than carbohydrate, fats serve as an almost unlimited energy
     source. However, fat can not be converted to energy without the presence of

oxygen, which means that fat is not burned for energy in anaerobic
     Stored glycogen has to be mobilized from the muscle and liver depots. This
     takes about 10 - 20 seconds. The maximum rate depends on the athlete.
     Highly trained sprinters can produce up to about 45KC/minute from glycogen
     compared to 25KC for an untrained person. Energy production is dependent on
     the athlete's ability to deliver oxygen to the muscle.
     Normally, the muscle and liver stores are primarily to maintain the blood
     glucose level for the brain, which can only burn glucose.

     When an athlete ‘hits the wall’ that means that all body carbohydrate/glycogen
     has been used up. The stores need to be repleted before further activity can
     take place.

13   Energy Sources: Fat

     Fat burning is always aerobic. We have fat in the bloodstream at all times and
     it is used first. During sustained exercise, fat is mobilized from the adipose
     tissues into the blood stream, a process that takes about 20 minutes to reach the
     maximum level.
     A well trained marathoner can burn fat at a rate of 18KC/minute; while in an
     untrained individual it is about half of that.

14   Energy Sources: Fuel Use

     This graph shows the different energy sources and when they are used. As you
     can see, the phosphagens (ATP and phsophocreatine) are used immediately,
     then anaerobic glycolysis, aerobic glycolysis kick in to burn glucose for fuel.
     Fat burning is a much slower process.

22   Energy Sources: Fuel Use

     Here is a table summarizing each of the fuel uses. As you can see, in anaerobic
     activities, carbohydrates are the most important. With aerobic activities, you
     can see the most important fuel changes depending on the intensity and
     duration. For example, from 2 minutes, to 4-5 hours, carbohydrates are an
     important fuel in aerobic activities. This is especially true with greater intensity
     exercises. Fat is also important in aerobic activities. However, as opposed to
     carbohydrates which have a greater use at high intensities, fats have a greater
     use at lower exercise intensities as this is when the body is more efficiently
     using oxygen—which is always required for fat breakdown. Protein, as you
     can see, is not used in large amount, except for when carbohydrate fuel is

     Source/System When in Use                                 Examples of an

     Carbohydrate       High-intensity exercise, especially 200-yard (20
     (anaerobic)        lasting 30 seconds to 2 minutes     meter) sprint

     Carbohydrate       Exercise lasting 2 minutes to 4-5    Basketball,
     (aerobic)          hours. The higher the intensity, the swimming, jogging
                        greater the use.

Fat               Exercise lasting more than a few      Long-distance
     (aerobic)         minutes. Greater amounts are used     running, long-
                       at lower exercise intensities when    distance cycling.
                       the body is more efficiently using    Much of the fuel
                       oxygen.                               used in a brisk
                                                             walk is fat.
     Protein        Low quantity during all exercise.        Long-distance
     (aerobic)      Moderate quantity in endurance           running
                    exercises when carbohydrate fuel is
21   Endurance Athletes: How can performance be improved?

     As you know, some sports require athletes to be active for long periods of
     time- sometimes even several hours. Examples of some of these sports include:
     marathon bicycling, foot races or distance swimming.

     So how is it that these athletes are able to keep performing without having to
     stop because of incomplete glucose breakdown? The answer is: training.

     Training helps to improve the muscles’ use of glucose. Trained muscles also
     become more tolerant of lactic acid. And, as training continues, the lungs are
     better able to carry oxygen.

     So, this is why it is important to stick with an exercise program. Because
     although it may be difficult at first, with time, it gets easier. And, your
     endurance can greatly increase with time.

17   What About Carbohydrate Loading?

     Muscles normally store only small amounts of glycogen — enough to support
     activities such as recreational biking or swimming, weightlifting, and five- or
     10-kilometer runs. But depending on the individuals level of fitness, muscles
     may run out of glycogen if exercising intensely for more than 90 to 120
     In turn, stamina and performance may suffer. This can be an issue during
     activities such as long-distance running, swimming and cycling, soccer and
     Carbohydrate loading can improve the length of time an athlete is able to be
     active. Carbohydrate storage can be improved with certain techniques.

18   Carbohydrate Loading
     Storing extra energy for greater endurance

Traditionally, carbohydrate loading is done in two steps the week before a
     high-endurance activity:
         Step 1. About a week before the event, reduce carbohydrate intake to
             about 40 percent to 50 percent of total calories. Increase protein and fat
             intake to compensate for the decrease in carbohydrates. Continue
             training at normal level. This will help deplete carbohydrate stores and
             make room for the loading that comes next.
         Step 2. Three to four days before the event, increase carbohydrate
             intake to 60 percent to 70 percent of daily calories — or about 4 to 4.5
             grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight. Cut back on foods
             higher in fat to compensate for the extra carbohydrate-rich foods. Also
             scale back training to avoid depleting glycogen stores. Rest completely
             for a day or two before the event.

19   Carbohydrate Loading
     Storing extra energy for greater endurance
     Carbohydrate loading works best when the athlete has consumed a
     carbohydrate-rich diet throughout the training — and it may be more effective
     for men, perhaps because endocrine differences between the genders cause
     men to utilize carbohydrates to a greater extent during endurance exercise.
     With carbohydrate loading, there is still a need to replenish carbohydrates
     during the event to maintain blood sugar levels — especially if the event lasts
     more than 60 minutes. Try a piece of fruit or a sports drink.

     Meet your goals
        Carbohydrate loading may be an effective way to get that extra edge
           you need to compete. If you're uncertain about your specific
           carbohydrate needs, consult your doctor or a registered dietitian.

20   Carbohydrate Loading
     Consider possible drawbacks
     Carbohydrate loading isn't right for every endurance athlete. Side effects may
     Weight gain. Expect to gain 2 to 4 pounds during the week you're carbohydrate
     loading. Much of this weight is extra water — but if it hampers your
     performance, you're probably better off skipping the extra carbs.
     Digestive discomfort. You may need to avoid or limit some high-fiber foods
     one or two days before your event. Beans, bran and broccoli can cause gassy
     cramps, bloating and loose stools when you're loading up on carbohydrates.
     Blood sugar changes. Carbohydrate loading can affect your blood sugar levels.
     It's a good idea to consult your doctor or a registered dietitian before you start
     carbohydrate loading, especially if you have diabetes.

21   How much protein does an athlete need?
     Why is protein important?

Protein is needed for muscle growth and repair. Regular physical training tends
     to reduce muscle protein breakdown and protein loss from the body. While
     some protein breakdown may occur during exercise, protein build-up is
     enhanced during the recovery and the effectiveness of protein synthesis is
     increased. When muscle glycogen stores are high, protein contributes no more
     than 5% of the energy needed. However, when muscle glycogen stores are low,
     due to inadequate calorie and carbohydrate intake, protein is used for energy
     rather than for muscle growth and repair and may contribute as much as 10%
     of the energy needed for exercise. Such use of protein for fuel is expensive and
     How much protein do athletes need to eat?
     Engaging in endurance exercise can result in breakdown of body proteins and
     damage due to continuous pounding action. Due to this increased muscle
     breakdown and repair, endurance athletes need up to 50% more protein than
     sedentary adults.
     Protein should contribute 12-15% of total calories per day. To figure out the
     amount for you, multiply your weight in pounds by 0.6 to calculate the number
     of grams of protein you should consume per day.

22   Vitamins and minerals
     Can athletes meet their needs for vitamins and minerals?
     There may be a need for extra iron, magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin E by
     endurance athletes. However, these can easily be obtained from a standard over
     the counter vitamin and mineral supplement.

     Do they need any special supplements?
     Normal nutrient needs are met by eating a healthy diet and special supplements
     have not proven to enhance endurance athletes’ performance. Supplements
     such as creatine monohydrate, branched chain amino acids, and L carnitine
     have not been found to improve performance. Caffeine is the only substance
     that has proven to improve performance in athletes.

23   The Critical Need for Fluids

     Drinking enough fluids may be the most critical aspect of sports nutrition. This
     is because if fluid levels drop too low, dehydration results. Dehydration, if left
     untreated, can become a very serious condition. This is why it is very
     important to recognize the symptoms.
24   The Symptoms of Dehydration

     Symptoms of dehydration include: headache, dizziness, nausea, dry skin,
     shivering and confusion. Dehydration can also cause increases in body
     temperature and heart rate. Dehydration can set in before the sense of thirst
     tells us to drink. Performance athletes may not feel thirsty until they have lsot a

significant amount of fluids. Even in comfortable environments where the air
     temperature is cool, athletes are losing water during exercise. This is why it is
     important for athletes to drink regardless of if they feel thirsty.

     Athletes need to be particularly careful when exercising in hot and humid
     weather as water losses are greatest in this type of environment. Anyone
     exercising in the summer months in Louisiana needs to know this as this type
     of environment increases the risk for heat cramps and heat exhaustion making
     water fluid replacement even more critical.

25   Tips to Stay Hydrated

     So what can I do to prevent dehydration? In order to avoid dehydration,
     athletes need to drink water before, during and after an event. In fact, the
     American Dietetic Association recommends a specific plan for fluid intake.
     They suggest the following:

                                          You should consume:
                       2 hours before the 3 cups of water
                       event...           (750 ml)

                       10-15 minutes       1-2 cups of water
                       before the event... (250-500 ml)

                       At 10-15 minute ½ -1 cup of water
                       intervals during the (125- 250 ml)

                       After the event...   2 cups of water
                                            (500 ml) for every
                                            pound of body weight

     So how will you know how much body weight was lost during the event so
     that you can consume enough water to replenish losses after the event?

     Easy, just remember to weigh yourself (and record that weight) both before
     and after the event.
26   What Types of Beverages and When?

     As you may have gathered from the previous slide, water is the preferred liquid
     for fluid replacement during a sports event, preferably cold water. This is

because cold water (40˚F) helps to lower body temperature and empties from
     the stomach more quickly than any other fluid.

     On the next two slides, we have a table broken into two parts that overviews
     different types of beverages that are often consumed during exercise. Some
     important things that you will want to remember is that:

        1) Water is always the ideal liquid for fluid replacement and is
           recommended before, during, and after an event.
        2) Special sports drinks can be used in place of water. Most sports drinks
           are probably ok for consumption before, during, and after an exercise
           as their carbohydrates are generally designed to be easily absorbed
           preventing the cramping that we just discussed. A good idea is to dilute
           them further just to be on the safe side with either water or some ice.
           Carbonated soft drinks are not recommended. Carbonation can cause
           problems and the drinks may have too high sugar content. Diet drinks
           are not recommended.

27   Continued.....

     Sweetened drinks, such as fruit juices, are not ideal because they cause water
     to be pulled from the body into the digestive track to digest the carbohydrates
     found in them. This leads to cramping. Use diluted fruit juice.
     Caffeine and alcohol cause increases in body water loss. So, you will always
     want to avoid drinks with high caffeine content, like tea or coffee, and
     alcoholic drinks during physical activity.
     Milk is difficult to digest during a sporting event and is not recommended.

28   Time Your Eating Correctly

     Eating too much before working out can be a bad thing, what about not eating
     before working out? Can that be bad? The answer is yes. Not eating before you
     exercise (or eating too little) can be just as bad as eating too much because it
     can lead to low blood sugar levels and can make you feel weak, faint or tired,
     slowing your mental abilities which help you react to situations.

     To get the most from your workout, it is recommended that you:

        o Eat a full breakfast- to replenish the energy that you have used during
          the night. However, if you plan to exercise within an hour after
          breakfast, you may want to eat a smaller breakfast, or drink something
          to help raise your blood sugar, such as a sports drink.

        o Time your meals – As we previously mentioned, you don’t want to eat

large meals right before exercising. It’s important to wait at least three
            to four hours after consuming a large meal to exercise. And, if you are
            having a small meal, eat about two to three hours before exercising.

        o Don’t skip meals – Skipping meals can make you feel weak or light
          headed due to decreases in blood sugar. If you are pressed for time,
          grab something quick to eat, like a banana or some yogurt. If healthful
          choices like these aren’t available to you, it’s better to eat something
          rather than nothing. But, remember that options like candy aren’t as
          nutritious as fruit or low-fat dairy choices.

         o Eat after you workout – Eating after you work out is important to
             help your muscles recover and to replace their glycogen stores that
             were used during exercise. [Glycogen is the storage form of glucose
             found in the body.] Try to eat a meal that contains both protein and
             carbohydrates within two hours of your exercise session.
29   Energy needs of an athlete
     The typical athlete burns many calories through exercise. And, the number of
     calories burned are, of course, dependent on the type of activity that the
     athlete is doing, the duration of the activity, and also the athlete’s body weight.
     As some of us probably already know,

        o The more vigorous the activity, the more calories are burned
        o The longer the activity, the more calories are burned
        o And the heavier the person exercising, the more calories are burned as
          more energy is required to move a heavier body mass.

     So, how many calories will athletes need? It depends on the type and length of
     training, body type, gender and body size.
     It depends on how active the athlete is. Remember that if a person burns more
     calories through exercise than what they consume through food, that person
     will lose weight. So, an athlete needs to be careful to consume enough calories,
     from a wide range of foods, if they do not want to lose any weight.

     Use the Harris Benedict Formula from lesson 1 to determine calorie needs.

30   An Athlete’s Diet

     So what does the typical athlete’s diet look like? One thing that is important to
     note is that in an athlete’s diet, the majority of fuel or energy is coming from
         o In fact, approximately 50 to 60% of calories (or energy) in an athlete’s
             diet come from carbohydrate food sources. Great nutritious sources of
             carbohydrates, as you may recall, come from the grains group, the fruit

and vegetable groups, and the milk group.

         o In an athlete’s diet, a significant portion of energy comes from fat. But,
           this should be primarily from healthy fat sources, like mono- and
           polyunsaturated fats as opposed to saturated and trans fats, often found
           in high fat meats and high fat dairy products; baked goods, like pies,
           cookies and cakes; and fried foods, like doughnuts and other
           commercially prepared fried items, such as French fries.

         o Protein is also important in an athlete’s diet. Approximately 10 to 15%
           of the calories in an athlete’s diet should come from protein. And,
           remember that there are some choices of protein-rich foods that are
           better than others: such as low- or non-fat milk and milk products over
           whole-milk and milk products and lean cuts of meat over high-fat and
           non-trimmed cuts of meat. Although athletes’ protein needs may be
           slightly higher than a non-athlete, it is important to remember that
           Americans generally exceed their protein needs. For example, teen
           females following the MyPyramid system consume about 91 grams of
           protein, while teen males consume about 116 grams of protein, which is
           more than enough for even the most active teens. So, typically athletes
           do not require any additional protein supplemental bars or powders that
           we often hear about.

31   What if you are not an athlete?

     Do you need to be active?

32   Physical Activity Recommendations

     The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend children and adolescents
     should engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity on most,
     preferably all, days of the week. The good news is that this 60 minutes worth
     of activity doesn’t have to be from one activity. Instead, it can be accumulated
     throughout the day from a variety of different activities. For example, if riding
     your bike to school takes 15 minutes, then there is 30 minutes of physical
     activity accumulated just from going to and from school each day. Taking your
     dog for a 15-minute walk followed by 15 minutes of shooting hoops in the
     driveway with friends will help you to accumulate the rest of your
     recommended amount of physical activity in no time.

     So, you may have thought that taking the stairs over the elevator wasn’t really
     helpful in any way, but on the contrary, that little bit of extra physical activity,
     combined with other small increases in physical activity throughout the day,
     does add up.

33   Physical Inactivity

     Physical inactivity can lead to a loss of muscle. And, since muscle is a lot more
     physiologically active than is fat, having less muscle translates to lower energy
     (or calorie) requirements, which makes it easier to gain weight. As you may
     have guessed, physical inactivity has the potential of leading to obesity among
     all ages and to reduced functional capacity (or a measure of what an
     individuals heart will allow them to do), which is particularly a problem among
     older adults.

     Low physical fitness, caused by physical inactivity, can actually increase one’s
     risk for diseases like, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even some forms of
     cancer. And, although we don’t generally think of these conditions as things
     that occur in youth, evidence does show that the process leading to conditions
     like stroke and heart attack begins early on in childhood.

     We also know that physically fit individuals can do more things, have better
     endurance for activities and tasks, and are healthier than individuals who are
     not physically fit. The plus is that even small increases in physical activity can
     make a big difference to an individual’s health. These small changes, over
     time, will gradually improve your fitness, leading to a better you!

     Did you know that 37.2 percent of high school students spend three or more
     hours a day watching TV? Think about how much time you may spend on
     weekday afternoons or weekends watching TV. Now think about other
     activities that you could be engaging in to fill some of that time.

34   Physical Inactivity

     The first topic that we will discuss today is physical inactivity since it is a
     national health concern for both youth and adults in the United States.
     According to a 2005 study, approximately 9.6% of youth do not engage in
     either moderate or vigorous physical activity. Physical inactivity is a major
     reason of why many people lack physical fitness. In fact, recent estimates
     [from the national health and nutrition examination survey (NHANES)]
     illustrate that 17.9% of American males and 16.0% of American females
     between the ages of 12 -19 are overweight. This is actually an increase of
     about 179% from 1971 to 2004.

35   Everyone benefits from physical activity

     Everyone can benefit from regular physical activity. Regular physical activity
     not only provides immediate benefit by helping you now, but also in the future
     by improving quality of life and helping you to have lower risks for the
     development of several chronic diseases.

     But, know that no one should ever start out at a high exercise intensity,
     especially if they have been sedentary for some time. In fact, you should
     probably check with your doctor before starting an exercise program if:

        o You have been sedentary for a long time
        o You are overweight
        o Or if you have a high risk of coronary heart disease or some other
             chronic health problem
     Physical activity can improve self image, it can reduce depression and improve
     overall well being.

36   How do I stick with my exercise program?

     Exercise has benefits and incorporating more physical activity into a daily
     routine is important. It can be small changes as long as they are consistent.
     Even little changes can have big results.

     Here are some tips to help you stick with the exercise program you choose:
        o Choose something that you actually like to do, whether it is walking,
            jogging, tennis, or swimming – whatever the case. This way, instead of
            dreading the activity, it can be something that you look forward to.
        o Get a partner – exercising with someone not only makes it more fun
            but gives you someone to help keep you motivated.
        o Vary your routine – If you change up your routine, you will be less
            likely to get bored or injured. For example, walk one day. Bicycle the
            next. And, even consider activities like racquet sports or kickboxing.
        o Choose a comfortable time of day. For example, don’t works out
            right after you eat, during the time of day when it’s too cold or too hot
            or when you are too tired or groggy.
        o Don’t get discouraged – it can take time to notice significant changes
            from exercise, weeks and even sometimes months. Keep with it.
        o Forget “no pain, no gain”. While a little soreness is normal after you
            first start exercising, pain is not. Stop if you hurt!
        o Make exercise fun. For example, if exercising alone, listen to music.
            Or, if exercising at a gym on a stationary bike or elliptical machine,
            watch TV or read a book. Look for ways to exercise that are fun to you,
            like taking a walk through the zoo, signing up for a dance class, or
            learning to play something you previously didn’t know how—tennis,
            basketball, football, etc.

37   Intensity of exercise

     The intensity at which you exercise reflects the amount of oxygen that your
     body uses to do an exercise and the number of calories you burn while doing it.

     For aerobic exercises, like walking, swimming or cycling, the intensity
     translates into how hard the exercise feels to you. As a general rule, moderate-
     intensity exercise is best because with light-intensity exercises, you may not be
     meeting your fitness or weight loss goals. And, with vigorous-intensity
     exercises, you may be pushing yourself too hard, increasing the risk for
     injuries, soreness, or getting burned out. Here are some telltale signs that you
     are engaging in a moderate-intensity exercise:
         o You’re breathing faster;
         o You’re developing a light sweat;
         o You’re feeling some strain on your muscles.

     There is also the talk test. If you can carry on a conversation of brief sentences
     but you can’t sing a song, then you are probably exercising at the
     recommended moderate-intensity range.

38   Making Exercise a Habit: Tips for Success

     One of the hardest things about being physically active is remaining physically
     active. Putting things off until tomorrow is something that we all do from time
     to time. Or, even convincing ourselves that something isn’t that important or
     all that beneficial. But, know that being physically active most definitely is
     beneficial, and although you may not see immediate changes in whatever it is
     that you are looking to do, whether it be toning up or having more energy,
     sticking with a physically active lifestyle is key.

     Here are some additional tips for exercise success:

     1. Choose activities that are fun, not exhausting. Make sure to vary things, so
     that you don’t get bored with your exercises.
     2. You need to be sure to wear comfortable, properly fitted footwear and
     comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that is appropriate for the weather and the
     activity. For example, don’t wear shoes that you know easily give you blisters
     if you are going for a walk, and don’t wear too many layers of clothing if you
     are exercising in a hot, humid environment.
     3. Find a convenient time and place to do activities, this way you’ll be more
     likely to stick with it. But, don’t sweat it if you can’t get to exercise one day,
     just make it up another time.

4. Surround yourself with supportive people – people that know how important
     your activities are to you. Ask a family member or friend to exercise with you.
     Go for walks with your mom or play basketball with friends. It’s a great time
     to catch up and spend time together.
     5. Don’t overdo it. Always start out with low- to moderate-level activities and
     then gradually increase your duration and intensity as you become more fit.
     Over time, and only when you feel comfortable enough to, work up to
     exercising on most days of the week for 30-60 minutes.
     6. And, finally keep a record of your activities. This way you can note your
     progress and reward yourself when you reach special milestones that you have
     set for yourself.

39   A diet to follow
     Approximately 50 to 60% of calories from carbohydrates
     No more than 30% of calories from fat
     Approximately 10 to15% of calories from protein

40   References
         The Mayo Clinic.
         Brown, Judith. Nutrition Now, 4th Edition, Thompson and Wadsworth, 2005.

41   Authors:
     Heli J. Roy, PhD, RD
     Shanna Lundy, MS

     Division of Education
     Phillip Brantley, PhD, Director
     Steven Heymsfield, MD, Executive Director
     Pennington Biomedical Research Center

     The Pennington Biomedical Research Center is a world-renowned nutrition
     research center.

     To promote healthier lives through research and education in nutrition and
     preventive medicine.

     The Pennington Center has several research areas, including:

        Clinical Obesity Research
        Experimental Obesity
        Functional Foods
        Health and Performance Enhancement
        Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
        Nutrition and the Brain
        Dementia, Alzheimer’s and healthy aging
        Diet, exercise, weight loss and weight loss maintenance

The research fostered in these areas can have a profound impact on healthy
living and on the prevention of common chronic diseases, such as heart
disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension and osteoporosis.

The Division of Education provides education and information to the scientific
community and the public about research findings, training programs and
research areas, and coordinates educational events for the public on various
health issues.

We invite people of all ages and backgrounds to participate in the exciting
research studies being conducted at the Pennington Center in Baton Rouge,
Louisiana. If you would like to take part, visit the clinical trials web page at or call (225) 763-3000.

Edited : October 2012


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Eating for sports lesson unit 6

  • 1. Pennington Biomedical Research Center Awesome.2Cents! A Healthy Lifestyle Curriculum Grades 8-12 Lesson # 6- Eating for Sports Content outline  Types of Exercise  The Benefits of Exercise  Energy sources  Carbohydrate loading  Fluid Needs During Exercise  Physical Inactivity in the U.S.  Physical Activity Recommendations Louisiana content standards: 1-H-1, 1-H-3, 1-H-4, 3-H-1, 3-H-2, 3-H-4, 6-H-1, 6-H-4 1-M-2, 1-M-3, 3-M-1, 3-M-2, 3-M-3, 4-M-5, 5-M-4, 6-M-1 Objectives/Expected Learner Outcomes Students will learn about exercise types, energy sources used during exercise and about carbohydrate loading. Lesson and Strategies Student group targeted 8-12th grade Time required Teacher Preparation: 15-20 minutes Assessment: 10 minutes Materials and Resources Handouts Power point presentation Projector Screen Laptop/Computer Teacher Preparation Before class, make copies of the handouts and homework assignment. Homework 6-1
  • 2. Lesson Plan Slide Lesson 1 Title slide: Eating for Sports, Lesson 6 2 Say: In this lesson, we will cover:  Types of Exercise  The Benefits of Exercise  Energy sources  Carbohydrate loading  Fluid Needs During Exercise  Physical Inactivity in the U.S.  Physical Activity Recommendations 3 Clarifying Some Terms... Physical activity is defined as “any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in an expenditure or usage of energy.” Physical activity may include planned activity such as walking, running, basketball, or other sports. Physical activity may also include other daily activities such as household chores, yard work, walking the dog, etc Exercise is defined as a subset of physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive, and purposeful. The activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit. Usually it includes aerobic and strength training aspects. Examples of exercise could include: jogging around the LSU lakes 5 afternoons a week, doing a set routine of weight-lifting at the gym three days a week, or using your elliptical machine at home for 30 minutes a day on 4 days out of the week. It’s easy now to see the difference, right? So, what now is physical fitness? Physical fitness is defined as a measure of one’s ability to perform physical activities that require endurance, strength or flexibility. Physical fitness is a set of attributes a person has in regards to a person's ability to perform physical activities that require aerobic fitness, endurance, strength, or flexibility and is determined by a combination of regular activity and genetically inherited ability. With time and patience, active individuals increasingly get more and more fit. Of course views on what “physically fit” looks like differ from one person to the next. But, one thing is certain, and that is that everyone can benefit from physical activity in some way and that being physically activity is a must! 4 Types of Exercise: Aerobic or Anaerobic? 6-2
  • 3. Say: Any activity which strengthens the heart generally will provide the most health benefit. Because the heart is a muscle, it, too, can be made stronger with regular physical activity or exercise. There are two types of exercise: aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic activities use the arm and leg muscles and give the heart (and lungs) a continuous workout. Aerobic activities require oxygen. Aerobic simply means 'with air'. When an exercise or activity is described as aerobic, it means the conditions allow your body to replenish the needed oxygen (air) to the muscles being exercised. Anaerobic activities build and tone muscles but are not as beneficial to the heart and lungs as aerobic activities. Anaerobic means 'without air'. When we say an exercise is anaerobic, it means the exercise is so strenuous it uses oxygen faster than your body can replenish it. Here are some examples of activities which fall under each category. Aerobic activities include: brisk walking, dancing, jogging, bicycling, skating, swimming, snow shoveling, lawn mowing, leaf raking, and vacuuming, for example. Anaerobic activities include: baseball, sprinting, tennis, weightlifting, leg lifts, arm circles, curl-ups, dusting, doing laundry, and washing windows. By a show of hands, I’d like to see who believes that they do more aerobic activities in the week. Do: Encourage students to participate. Note about how many students raise their hands. Say: Now, by a show of hands, I’d like to see who believes that they do more anaerobic activities in a given week. Do: Encourage students to participate. Not how many students raise their hands. 5 Types of Exercise, Aerobic or Anaerobic? Forms of Aerobic Exercises The key to successful weight control and improved overall health is making physical activity a part of your daily routine. Any type of physical activity you choose to do--strenuous activities such as running or aerobic dancing or moderate-intensity activities such as walking or household work--will increase the number of calories your body uses. It's easier than one thinks to perform numerous aerobic activities throughout the day. Examples of mild to moderate aerobic activities: Take a short walk around the block Rake leaves Play actively with the kids 6-3
  • 4. Walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator Mow the lawn Take an activity break--get up and stretch or walk around Park your car a little farther away from your destination Examples of higher intensity aerobic activities: Brisk walking Jogging Bicycling Swimming Aerobic dancing Racket sports Rowing Ice or roller-skating Cross-country or downhill skiing Using aerobic equipment (i.e., treadmill, Anaerobic Exercise: Anaerobic exercise is any exercise that is very strenuous, lifting heavy weights, being the most popular. Other anaerobic exercises include sprinting, climbing, long jump, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, leg lifts, squat thrusts, etc. Anaerobic Exercise Equipment: There are many types of anaerobic exercise equipment on the market at all price ranges. Some examples of exercise equipment are dumb bells, free weights, home gyms, Bow Flex, thigh and abdominal workout equipment. If you're on a really tight budget, you can buy bungee cords or medical tubing and make your own anaerobic exercise equipment. Anaerobic Activity: Almost all labor activity is anaerobic, including landscaping, carpentry, concrete work, plumbing, electrical, roofing, floor covering, loading trucks, etc. Some recreational activities are also anaerobic, including gardening, steep hiking/climbing, some downhill skiing and snowboarding, bowling, archery, etc. 6 The Benefits if Aerobic Exercise Say: We’ll now turn back to the type of activity which provides the most health benefits – aerobic activities. It is important to know that regardless of your age, weight, or athletic ability, aerobic exercise is good for you. Your body only gets stronger and more efficient as it adapts to regular aerobic exercise. Consider some of the benefits of engaging in regular aerobic activities. 1. Aerobic exercise can help to reduce health risks, such as obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and certain types of cancer. From engaging in weight-bearing aerobic activities such as walking, you can also reduce your risk for developing osteoporosis. 2. Aerobic exercise can also help individuals to manage chronic conditions 6-4
  • 5. that they may already have. Examples include: lowering high blood pressure, controlling blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes, and relieving chronic muscle pain through exercise. Regular aerobic exercise can also prevent subsequent attacks in individuals who have previously had a heart attack. 3. Aerobic exercise can keep excess pounds at bay, particularly when it is combined with a healthy diet. Remember the energy balance equation? Eating fewer calories or burning more calories through exercise creates an energy deficit, which over time, results in weight loss. When you combine calories burned from exercise with fewer calories consumed from eating a healthy diet (versus the typical American diet that many of us eat), you will likely achieve your ideal weight or maintain your current weight much easier. 4. Regular aerobic exercise also helps to ward off viral illnesses. This is because it activates your immune system, leaving you less susceptible to minor viral illnesses, like colds and the flu. 5. Aerobic exercise is also important in that it helps to keep your arteries clear. How does it do that? The answer involves two types of cholesterol, both of which we have previously discussed. By increasing the concentration of high-density lipoprotein (HDL, or “good”) cholesterol and decreasing the amount of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or “bad”) cholesterol in our blood through aerobic activities, the result is less buildup of plaques in the arteries. And, even though heart attack and stroke are rare in young people, there is evidence linking the onset of heart disease to childhood. So, why not start protecting yourself now, through aerobic exercise? 6. As we’ve already said, aerobic exercise strengthens the heart. And, a stronger heart is much more efficient. This, in turn, improves blood flow to all parts of the body. So, we would expect a person who is more physically fit to have a lower heart rate when doing the same exercise as a person who is less physically fit, correct? And, we would expect a higher heart rate in a person who is jogging as opposed to a person who is walking, correct? 7. Aerobic exercise can also help to boost your mood. Ever heard of the phrase “walk it off?” This is a phrase that is often told to someone who is upset or angry about something. Aerobic exercise has been shown to ease depression and reduce the tension associated with anxiety. 8. Aerobic exercise will also increase your stamina. True, in the short-term when you are just starting out, you may feel tired. But over the long-term, you’ll enjoy increased stamina and reduced fatigue. It definitely gets easier with time. It’ll pay off! 6-5
  • 6. 9. And, lastly- aerobic exercise helps you to stay active and independent as you get older. It not only keeps your muscles strong, allowing for you to maintain mobility as you get older, but it also keeps your mind sharp. Researchers say that as little as 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times per week can reduce cognitive (brain functional capacity) decline in older adults. So, go for a short walk with your grandma if she is healthy and able to. It’s a great way to catch up and beneficial for the both of you. 7 The Benefits of Anaerobic Exercise Anaerobic exercise can: Increase muscle tone. Anaerobic activities tend to strain muscles and therefore increase muscle strength. Keep excess pounds at bay. Since anaerobic activities increase muscle mass, muscle tissue is an active tissue that uses more energy than fat tissue. Boost your mood. Physical activity releases endorphins which can improve mood. Increase your stamina. With increased muscle mass there is an improvement in stamina due to larger glycogen stores. Help you stay active and independent as you get older. With increased muscle mass, there is an improvement in strength and balance which can improve independence and activity level. Improve balance. Increased muscle mass helps improve balance. Increase strength and endurance. Increased muscle mass improves strength. 8 Energy sources for physical activity Let’s talk about the different energy sources in our body. 9 Energy Sources  Phosphagens – immediate energy pool in the body. These are energy molecules that are used immediately when activity begins, in the first 10-15 seconds  Anaerobic/Aerobic Glycolysis – This is carbohydrate breakdown, quick source of energy. Energy is available within 20 seconds of the beginning of activity.  Oxidative phosphorylation – fat breakdown is the slowest source of energy. This is used for endurance sports in particular. 10 Energy Sources: Phosphagens The first burst of energy supplied to muscles comes from high-energy compounds, called phosphagens. These are Adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) and phosphocreatine (PC). The phosphagens, or high energy phosphate compounds, are energy storage compounds in the muscle tissue. Phosphagens 6-6
  • 7. provide the first 15 to 30 seconds of energy needed for jumping or starting a race. As muscle tissues can have sudden demands for lots of energy, these compounds can maintain a reserve of high energy phosphates that can kick in as needed, providing the energy that could not be immediately supplied by glycolysis or oxidative phosphorylation. 11 Energy Sources: Carbohydrates When the sustained demand for energy increases above about 3KC/minute another fuel called glycogen kicks in. Glycogen is a stored carbohydrate. It is stored in the muscle (about 1500KC), and the liver (about 400KC) and in the blood as glucose (about 80KC). Glycogen can be burned in the muscle in two ways: with or without oxygen (aerobically or anaerobically). Burning glycogen anaerobically produces lactic acid. This results in muscle soreness after the activity. The result of incomplete breakdown of glucose is a buildup of a product known as lactic acid in the muscles. This is the very substance responsible for the burning sensation and fatigue in the muscles that you begin to feel when you run for long distances. Once the muscles are given a moment to rest, they are able to burn some of the lactic acid for energy. Once they have enough oxygen again, and the cramps subside, energy can be produced more efficiently again. Burning glycogen aerobically releases more total energy than anaerobic glycogen burning but aerobic burning releases energy slowly. 12 Energy Sources: Carbohydrates Say: Glucose is the chief source of energy for the body. We get from the diet and in addition, the liver can make glucose from other sugars and starches in the diet. The storage form of glucose in our bodies is referred to as glycogen, and it can be found in both the liver and the muscle. As the body breaks down glucose, the following components are released: carbon dioxide, water, and energy. This energy produced from the breakdown of glucose is the energy which enables us to perform a sport. This process where energy is made from glucose can continue to work so long as the breakdown of glucose continues to occur efficiently. One thing that is important to remember is that in order for the body to continue utilizing energy from glucose, oxygen is needed. After about 20 minutes of aerobic activity, fats from the body also begin to be metabolized (or broken down) for energy. Because the body can stockpile much more fat than carbohydrate, fats serve as an almost unlimited energy source. However, fat can not be converted to energy without the presence of 6-7
  • 8. oxygen, which means that fat is not burned for energy in anaerobic activities. Stored glycogen has to be mobilized from the muscle and liver depots. This takes about 10 - 20 seconds. The maximum rate depends on the athlete. Highly trained sprinters can produce up to about 45KC/minute from glycogen compared to 25KC for an untrained person. Energy production is dependent on the athlete's ability to deliver oxygen to the muscle. Normally, the muscle and liver stores are primarily to maintain the blood glucose level for the brain, which can only burn glucose. When an athlete ‘hits the wall’ that means that all body carbohydrate/glycogen has been used up. The stores need to be repleted before further activity can take place. 13 Energy Sources: Fat Fat burning is always aerobic. We have fat in the bloodstream at all times and it is used first. During sustained exercise, fat is mobilized from the adipose tissues into the blood stream, a process that takes about 20 minutes to reach the maximum level. A well trained marathoner can burn fat at a rate of 18KC/minute; while in an untrained individual it is about half of that. 14 Energy Sources: Fuel Use This graph shows the different energy sources and when they are used. As you can see, the phosphagens (ATP and phsophocreatine) are used immediately, then anaerobic glycolysis, aerobic glycolysis kick in to burn glucose for fuel. Fat burning is a much slower process. 6-8
  • 9. 22 Energy Sources: Fuel Use Say: Here is a table summarizing each of the fuel uses. As you can see, in anaerobic activities, carbohydrates are the most important. With aerobic activities, you can see the most important fuel changes depending on the intensity and duration. For example, from 2 minutes, to 4-5 hours, carbohydrates are an important fuel in aerobic activities. This is especially true with greater intensity exercises. Fat is also important in aerobic activities. However, as opposed to carbohydrates which have a greater use at high intensities, fats have a greater use at lower exercise intensities as this is when the body is more efficiently using oxygen—which is always required for fat breakdown. Protein, as you can see, is not used in large amount, except for when carbohydrate fuel is lacking. Source/System When in Use Examples of an Exercise Carbohydrate High-intensity exercise, especially 200-yard (20 (anaerobic) lasting 30 seconds to 2 minutes meter) sprint Carbohydrate Exercise lasting 2 minutes to 4-5 Basketball, (aerobic) hours. The higher the intensity, the swimming, jogging greater the use. 6-9
  • 10. Fat Exercise lasting more than a few Long-distance (aerobic) minutes. Greater amounts are used running, long- at lower exercise intensities when distance cycling. the body is more efficiently using Much of the fuel oxygen. used in a brisk walk is fat. Protein Low quantity during all exercise. Long-distance (aerobic) Moderate quantity in endurance running exercises when carbohydrate fuel is lacking. 21 Endurance Athletes: How can performance be improved? Say: As you know, some sports require athletes to be active for long periods of time- sometimes even several hours. Examples of some of these sports include: marathon bicycling, foot races or distance swimming. So how is it that these athletes are able to keep performing without having to stop because of incomplete glucose breakdown? The answer is: training. Training helps to improve the muscles’ use of glucose. Trained muscles also become more tolerant of lactic acid. And, as training continues, the lungs are better able to carry oxygen. So, this is why it is important to stick with an exercise program. Because although it may be difficult at first, with time, it gets easier. And, your endurance can greatly increase with time. 17 What About Carbohydrate Loading? Say: Muscles normally store only small amounts of glycogen — enough to support activities such as recreational biking or swimming, weightlifting, and five- or 10-kilometer runs. But depending on the individuals level of fitness, muscles may run out of glycogen if exercising intensely for more than 90 to 120 minutes. In turn, stamina and performance may suffer. This can be an issue during activities such as long-distance running, swimming and cycling, soccer and triathlons. Carbohydrate loading can improve the length of time an athlete is able to be active. Carbohydrate storage can be improved with certain techniques. 18 Carbohydrate Loading Storing extra energy for greater endurance 6-10
  • 11. Traditionally, carbohydrate loading is done in two steps the week before a high-endurance activity:  Step 1. About a week before the event, reduce carbohydrate intake to about 40 percent to 50 percent of total calories. Increase protein and fat intake to compensate for the decrease in carbohydrates. Continue training at normal level. This will help deplete carbohydrate stores and make room for the loading that comes next.  Step 2. Three to four days before the event, increase carbohydrate intake to 60 percent to 70 percent of daily calories — or about 4 to 4.5 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight. Cut back on foods higher in fat to compensate for the extra carbohydrate-rich foods. Also scale back training to avoid depleting glycogen stores. Rest completely for a day or two before the event. 19 Carbohydrate Loading Storing extra energy for greater endurance Carbohydrate loading works best when the athlete has consumed a carbohydrate-rich diet throughout the training — and it may be more effective for men, perhaps because endocrine differences between the genders cause men to utilize carbohydrates to a greater extent during endurance exercise. With carbohydrate loading, there is still a need to replenish carbohydrates during the event to maintain blood sugar levels — especially if the event lasts more than 60 minutes. Try a piece of fruit or a sports drink. Meet your goals  Carbohydrate loading may be an effective way to get that extra edge you need to compete. If you're uncertain about your specific carbohydrate needs, consult your doctor or a registered dietitian. 20 Carbohydrate Loading Consider possible drawbacks Carbohydrate loading isn't right for every endurance athlete. Side effects may include: Weight gain. Expect to gain 2 to 4 pounds during the week you're carbohydrate loading. Much of this weight is extra water — but if it hampers your performance, you're probably better off skipping the extra carbs. Digestive discomfort. You may need to avoid or limit some high-fiber foods one or two days before your event. Beans, bran and broccoli can cause gassy cramps, bloating and loose stools when you're loading up on carbohydrates. Blood sugar changes. Carbohydrate loading can affect your blood sugar levels. It's a good idea to consult your doctor or a registered dietitian before you start carbohydrate loading, especially if you have diabetes. 21 How much protein does an athlete need? Protein Why is protein important? 6-11
  • 12. Protein is needed for muscle growth and repair. Regular physical training tends to reduce muscle protein breakdown and protein loss from the body. While some protein breakdown may occur during exercise, protein build-up is enhanced during the recovery and the effectiveness of protein synthesis is increased. When muscle glycogen stores are high, protein contributes no more than 5% of the energy needed. However, when muscle glycogen stores are low, due to inadequate calorie and carbohydrate intake, protein is used for energy rather than for muscle growth and repair and may contribute as much as 10% of the energy needed for exercise. Such use of protein for fuel is expensive and inefficient. How much protein do athletes need to eat? Engaging in endurance exercise can result in breakdown of body proteins and damage due to continuous pounding action. Due to this increased muscle breakdown and repair, endurance athletes need up to 50% more protein than sedentary adults. Protein should contribute 12-15% of total calories per day. To figure out the amount for you, multiply your weight in pounds by 0.6 to calculate the number of grams of protein you should consume per day. 22 Vitamins and minerals Can athletes meet their needs for vitamins and minerals? There may be a need for extra iron, magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin E by endurance athletes. However, these can easily be obtained from a standard over the counter vitamin and mineral supplement. Do they need any special supplements? Normal nutrient needs are met by eating a healthy diet and special supplements have not proven to enhance endurance athletes’ performance. Supplements such as creatine monohydrate, branched chain amino acids, and L carnitine have not been found to improve performance. Caffeine is the only substance that has proven to improve performance in athletes. 23 The Critical Need for Fluids Say: Drinking enough fluids may be the most critical aspect of sports nutrition. This is because if fluid levels drop too low, dehydration results. Dehydration, if left untreated, can become a very serious condition. This is why it is very important to recognize the symptoms. 24 The Symptoms of Dehydration Say: Symptoms of dehydration include: headache, dizziness, nausea, dry skin, shivering and confusion. Dehydration can also cause increases in body temperature and heart rate. Dehydration can set in before the sense of thirst tells us to drink. Performance athletes may not feel thirsty until they have lsot a 6-12
  • 13. significant amount of fluids. Even in comfortable environments where the air temperature is cool, athletes are losing water during exercise. This is why it is important for athletes to drink regardless of if they feel thirsty. Athletes need to be particularly careful when exercising in hot and humid weather as water losses are greatest in this type of environment. Anyone exercising in the summer months in Louisiana needs to know this as this type of environment increases the risk for heat cramps and heat exhaustion making water fluid replacement even more critical. 25 Tips to Stay Hydrated Say: So what can I do to prevent dehydration? In order to avoid dehydration, athletes need to drink water before, during and after an event. In fact, the American Dietetic Association recommends a specific plan for fluid intake. They suggest the following: You should consume: 2 hours before the 3 cups of water event... (750 ml) 10-15 minutes 1-2 cups of water before the event... (250-500 ml) At 10-15 minute ½ -1 cup of water intervals during the (125- 250 ml) event... After the event... 2 cups of water (500 ml) for every pound of body weight lost So how will you know how much body weight was lost during the event so that you can consume enough water to replenish losses after the event? Easy, just remember to weigh yourself (and record that weight) both before and after the event. 26 What Types of Beverages and When? Say: As you may have gathered from the previous slide, water is the preferred liquid for fluid replacement during a sports event, preferably cold water. This is 6-13
  • 14. because cold water (40˚F) helps to lower body temperature and empties from the stomach more quickly than any other fluid. On the next two slides, we have a table broken into two parts that overviews different types of beverages that are often consumed during exercise. Some important things that you will want to remember is that: 1) Water is always the ideal liquid for fluid replacement and is recommended before, during, and after an event. 2) Special sports drinks can be used in place of water. Most sports drinks are probably ok for consumption before, during, and after an exercise as their carbohydrates are generally designed to be easily absorbed preventing the cramping that we just discussed. A good idea is to dilute them further just to be on the safe side with either water or some ice. Carbonated soft drinks are not recommended. Carbonation can cause problems and the drinks may have too high sugar content. Diet drinks are not recommended. 27 Continued..... Say: Sweetened drinks, such as fruit juices, are not ideal because they cause water to be pulled from the body into the digestive track to digest the carbohydrates found in them. This leads to cramping. Use diluted fruit juice. Caffeine and alcohol cause increases in body water loss. So, you will always want to avoid drinks with high caffeine content, like tea or coffee, and alcoholic drinks during physical activity. Milk is difficult to digest during a sporting event and is not recommended. 28 Time Your Eating Correctly Say: Eating too much before working out can be a bad thing, what about not eating before working out? Can that be bad? The answer is yes. Not eating before you exercise (or eating too little) can be just as bad as eating too much because it can lead to low blood sugar levels and can make you feel weak, faint or tired, slowing your mental abilities which help you react to situations. To get the most from your workout, it is recommended that you: o Eat a full breakfast- to replenish the energy that you have used during the night. However, if you plan to exercise within an hour after breakfast, you may want to eat a smaller breakfast, or drink something to help raise your blood sugar, such as a sports drink. o Time your meals – As we previously mentioned, you don’t want to eat 6-14
  • 15. large meals right before exercising. It’s important to wait at least three to four hours after consuming a large meal to exercise. And, if you are having a small meal, eat about two to three hours before exercising. o Don’t skip meals – Skipping meals can make you feel weak or light headed due to decreases in blood sugar. If you are pressed for time, grab something quick to eat, like a banana or some yogurt. If healthful choices like these aren’t available to you, it’s better to eat something rather than nothing. But, remember that options like candy aren’t as nutritious as fruit or low-fat dairy choices. o Eat after you workout – Eating after you work out is important to help your muscles recover and to replace their glycogen stores that were used during exercise. [Glycogen is the storage form of glucose found in the body.] Try to eat a meal that contains both protein and carbohydrates within two hours of your exercise session. 29 Energy needs of an athlete Say: The typical athlete burns many calories through exercise. And, the number of calories burned are, of course, dependent on the type of activity that the athlete is doing, the duration of the activity, and also the athlete’s body weight. As some of us probably already know, o The more vigorous the activity, the more calories are burned o The longer the activity, the more calories are burned o And the heavier the person exercising, the more calories are burned as more energy is required to move a heavier body mass. So, how many calories will athletes need? It depends on the type and length of training, body type, gender and body size. It depends on how active the athlete is. Remember that if a person burns more calories through exercise than what they consume through food, that person will lose weight. So, an athlete needs to be careful to consume enough calories, from a wide range of foods, if they do not want to lose any weight. Use the Harris Benedict Formula from lesson 1 to determine calorie needs. 30 An Athlete’s Diet Say: So what does the typical athlete’s diet look like? One thing that is important to note is that in an athlete’s diet, the majority of fuel or energy is coming from carbohydrates. o In fact, approximately 50 to 60% of calories (or energy) in an athlete’s diet come from carbohydrate food sources. Great nutritious sources of carbohydrates, as you may recall, come from the grains group, the fruit 6-15
  • 16. and vegetable groups, and the milk group. o In an athlete’s diet, a significant portion of energy comes from fat. But, this should be primarily from healthy fat sources, like mono- and polyunsaturated fats as opposed to saturated and trans fats, often found in high fat meats and high fat dairy products; baked goods, like pies, cookies and cakes; and fried foods, like doughnuts and other commercially prepared fried items, such as French fries. o Protein is also important in an athlete’s diet. Approximately 10 to 15% of the calories in an athlete’s diet should come from protein. And, remember that there are some choices of protein-rich foods that are better than others: such as low- or non-fat milk and milk products over whole-milk and milk products and lean cuts of meat over high-fat and non-trimmed cuts of meat. Although athletes’ protein needs may be slightly higher than a non-athlete, it is important to remember that Americans generally exceed their protein needs. For example, teen females following the MyPyramid system consume about 91 grams of protein, while teen males consume about 116 grams of protein, which is more than enough for even the most active teens. So, typically athletes do not require any additional protein supplemental bars or powders that we often hear about. o 31 What if you are not an athlete? Do you need to be active? 32 Physical Activity Recommendations Say: The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend children and adolescents should engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity on most, preferably all, days of the week. The good news is that this 60 minutes worth of activity doesn’t have to be from one activity. Instead, it can be accumulated throughout the day from a variety of different activities. For example, if riding your bike to school takes 15 minutes, then there is 30 minutes of physical activity accumulated just from going to and from school each day. Taking your dog for a 15-minute walk followed by 15 minutes of shooting hoops in the driveway with friends will help you to accumulate the rest of your recommended amount of physical activity in no time. So, you may have thought that taking the stairs over the elevator wasn’t really helpful in any way, but on the contrary, that little bit of extra physical activity, combined with other small increases in physical activity throughout the day, does add up. 6-16
  • 17. 33 Physical Inactivity Say: Physical inactivity can lead to a loss of muscle. And, since muscle is a lot more physiologically active than is fat, having less muscle translates to lower energy (or calorie) requirements, which makes it easier to gain weight. As you may have guessed, physical inactivity has the potential of leading to obesity among all ages and to reduced functional capacity (or a measure of what an individuals heart will allow them to do), which is particularly a problem among older adults. Low physical fitness, caused by physical inactivity, can actually increase one’s risk for diseases like, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even some forms of cancer. And, although we don’t generally think of these conditions as things that occur in youth, evidence does show that the process leading to conditions like stroke and heart attack begins early on in childhood. We also know that physically fit individuals can do more things, have better endurance for activities and tasks, and are healthier than individuals who are not physically fit. The plus is that even small increases in physical activity can make a big difference to an individual’s health. These small changes, over time, will gradually improve your fitness, leading to a better you! Did you know that 37.2 percent of high school students spend three or more hours a day watching TV? Think about how much time you may spend on weekday afternoons or weekends watching TV. Now think about other activities that you could be engaging in to fill some of that time. 34 Physical Inactivity Say: The first topic that we will discuss today is physical inactivity since it is a national health concern for both youth and adults in the United States. According to a 2005 study, approximately 9.6% of youth do not engage in either moderate or vigorous physical activity. Physical inactivity is a major reason of why many people lack physical fitness. In fact, recent estimates [from the national health and nutrition examination survey (NHANES)] illustrate that 17.9% of American males and 16.0% of American females between the ages of 12 -19 are overweight. This is actually an increase of about 179% from 1971 to 2004. 35 Everyone benefits from physical activity 6-17
  • 18. Say: Everyone can benefit from regular physical activity. Regular physical activity not only provides immediate benefit by helping you now, but also in the future by improving quality of life and helping you to have lower risks for the development of several chronic diseases. But, know that no one should ever start out at a high exercise intensity, especially if they have been sedentary for some time. In fact, you should probably check with your doctor before starting an exercise program if: o You have been sedentary for a long time o You are overweight o Or if you have a high risk of coronary heart disease or some other chronic health problem Physical activity can improve self image, it can reduce depression and improve overall well being. 36 How do I stick with my exercise program? Say: Exercise has benefits and incorporating more physical activity into a daily routine is important. It can be small changes as long as they are consistent. Even little changes can have big results. Here are some tips to help you stick with the exercise program you choose: o Choose something that you actually like to do, whether it is walking, jogging, tennis, or swimming – whatever the case. This way, instead of dreading the activity, it can be something that you look forward to. o Get a partner – exercising with someone not only makes it more fun but gives you someone to help keep you motivated. o Vary your routine – If you change up your routine, you will be less likely to get bored or injured. For example, walk one day. Bicycle the next. And, even consider activities like racquet sports or kickboxing. o Choose a comfortable time of day. For example, don’t works out right after you eat, during the time of day when it’s too cold or too hot or when you are too tired or groggy. o Don’t get discouraged – it can take time to notice significant changes from exercise, weeks and even sometimes months. Keep with it. o Forget “no pain, no gain”. While a little soreness is normal after you first start exercising, pain is not. Stop if you hurt! o Make exercise fun. For example, if exercising alone, listen to music. Or, if exercising at a gym on a stationary bike or elliptical machine, watch TV or read a book. Look for ways to exercise that are fun to you, like taking a walk through the zoo, signing up for a dance class, or learning to play something you previously didn’t know how—tennis, basketball, football, etc. 6-18
  • 19. 37 Intensity of exercise Say: The intensity at which you exercise reflects the amount of oxygen that your body uses to do an exercise and the number of calories you burn while doing it. For aerobic exercises, like walking, swimming or cycling, the intensity translates into how hard the exercise feels to you. As a general rule, moderate- intensity exercise is best because with light-intensity exercises, you may not be meeting your fitness or weight loss goals. And, with vigorous-intensity exercises, you may be pushing yourself too hard, increasing the risk for injuries, soreness, or getting burned out. Here are some telltale signs that you are engaging in a moderate-intensity exercise: o You’re breathing faster; o You’re developing a light sweat; o You’re feeling some strain on your muscles. There is also the talk test. If you can carry on a conversation of brief sentences but you can’t sing a song, then you are probably exercising at the recommended moderate-intensity range. 38 Making Exercise a Habit: Tips for Success Say: One of the hardest things about being physically active is remaining physically active. Putting things off until tomorrow is something that we all do from time to time. Or, even convincing ourselves that something isn’t that important or all that beneficial. But, know that being physically active most definitely is beneficial, and although you may not see immediate changes in whatever it is that you are looking to do, whether it be toning up or having more energy, sticking with a physically active lifestyle is key. Here are some additional tips for exercise success: 1. Choose activities that are fun, not exhausting. Make sure to vary things, so that you don’t get bored with your exercises. 2. You need to be sure to wear comfortable, properly fitted footwear and comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that is appropriate for the weather and the activity. For example, don’t wear shoes that you know easily give you blisters if you are going for a walk, and don’t wear too many layers of clothing if you are exercising in a hot, humid environment. 3. Find a convenient time and place to do activities, this way you’ll be more likely to stick with it. But, don’t sweat it if you can’t get to exercise one day, just make it up another time. 6-19
  • 20. 4. Surround yourself with supportive people – people that know how important your activities are to you. Ask a family member or friend to exercise with you. Go for walks with your mom or play basketball with friends. It’s a great time to catch up and spend time together. 5. Don’t overdo it. Always start out with low- to moderate-level activities and then gradually increase your duration and intensity as you become more fit. Over time, and only when you feel comfortable enough to, work up to exercising on most days of the week for 30-60 minutes. 6. And, finally keep a record of your activities. This way you can note your progress and reward yourself when you reach special milestones that you have set for yourself. 39 A diet to follow Approximately 50 to 60% of calories from carbohydrates No more than 30% of calories from fat Approximately 10 to15% of calories from protein 40 References  The Mayo Clinic.  Brown, Judith. Nutrition Now, 4th Edition, Thompson and Wadsworth, 2005. 41 Authors: Heli J. Roy, PhD, RD Shanna Lundy, MS Division of Education Phillip Brantley, PhD, Director Steven Heymsfield, MD, Executive Director Pennington Biomedical Research Center The Pennington Biomedical Research Center is a world-renowned nutrition research center. Mission: To promote healthier lives through research and education in nutrition and preventive medicine. The Pennington Center has several research areas, including: Clinical Obesity Research Experimental Obesity Functional Foods Health and Performance Enhancement Nutrition and Chronic Diseases Nutrition and the Brain Dementia, Alzheimer’s and healthy aging Diet, exercise, weight loss and weight loss maintenance 6-20
  • 21. The research fostered in these areas can have a profound impact on healthy living and on the prevention of common chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension and osteoporosis. The Division of Education provides education and information to the scientific community and the public about research findings, training programs and research areas, and coordinates educational events for the public on various health issues. We invite people of all ages and backgrounds to participate in the exciting research studies being conducted at the Pennington Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. If you would like to take part, visit the clinical trials web page at or call (225) 763-3000. Edited : October 2012 6-21