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Why the blue is good
for you?
  {   Heli J. Roy, PhD, MBA, RD
      LSU AgCenter
   The consumption of blueberries rose about 1.6
        times in the last ten years.
       Blueberries have gained increased attention
        because of beneficial components in
        blueberries. The components are strong
        antioxidants that can delay the development of
        chronic diseases and aging.
       The antioxidants compounds give blueberries
        their blue color.

Usage and Popularity
   Blueberries have many phytochemicals that
         have healthful properties. These compounds
         act as an:
            Antioxidant
            Anticancer
            Anti-neurodegerative
            Anti-inflammatory
        Because of these properties, recent research
         shows that blueberries have beneficial effects
         against chronic diseases. Blueberry
         antioxidants benefit many organ systems in the

Health Benefits of Blueberries
   The term "phytochemicals" refers to a wide
        variety of compounds produced by plants.
       Phytochemicals are naturally-occurring non-
        nutritive (not required in the diet, like nutrients)
        constituents of fruits and vegetables.
       Scientists have identified thousands of
        phytochemicals, although only a small fraction
        have been studied closely.

What are Phytochemicals?
   They are found in fruits, vegetables, beans,
        grains, and other plants.
       They are the colored compounds in many fruits,
        vegetables and flowers.
       They are said to be bioactive and are
        considered to have a beneficial effect on
        human health.

What are Phytochemicals?
There are several major groups of
    Alkaloids                 Monophenols
    Anthocyanins              Monoterpenes
    Carotenoids               Organo sulfides
    Coumestan                 Phenolic acids
    Flavan-3-Ols              Phytosterols
    Flavonoids                Saponins
    Hydroxycinnamic acid      Stylbenes
    Isoflavones               Triterpenoids etc
    Lignans                   Zanthophylls

Major Groups of
   Phytochemicals are promoted for the
           prevention and treatment of many health
           conditions, including cancer, heart disease,
           diabetes, and high blood pressure.
          Lycopene – prostate cancer
          Lutein – eye sight
          Genistein – hormone replacement in
          Resveratrol – heart health
          Capsaicin – pain treatment

 (American Cancer Society)
   The polyphenols include a large subgroup of
             chemicals called flavonoids. Flavonoids are
             plant chemicals found in a broad range of fruits,
             grains, and vegetables. Current studies will
             examine whether they can prevent chronic
             diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

American Cancer Society
   Some flavonoids act as antioxidants. These get
        rid of the harmful molecules known as free
        radicals, which can damage a cell's DNA and
        may trigger some forms of cancer and other
        diseases. Flavonoids that act as antioxidants
        and may protect against some cancers and
        heart disease.
       Quercetin, another flavonoid with antioxidant
        properties, is found in apples, onions, teas, and
        red wine.

Flavonoids cont.
   The isoflavones found in foods and
        supplements such as soy products, red clover,
        garbanzo beans and licorice, and the lignans
        found in flaxseed and whole grains may mimic
        the actions of the female hormone estrogen (
        Licorice and Soybean). These estrogen-like
        substances from these plant sources are called
        phytoestrogens. They may play a role in the
        development of and protection against some
        hormone-dependent cancers such as some
        types of breast and prostate cancer.

   Ellagic acid, found in raspberries, blackberries,
        cranberries, strawberries, and walnuts, also is
        said to have anti-cancer effects.
       Another called allyl sulfides, are found in garlic
        and onions. These compounds may stimulate
        enzymes that help the body get rid of harmful
        chemicals. They may also help strengthen the
        immune system.

Phenolic Acids
   Carotenoids, beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene
        and zeaxanthin, which give carrots, yams,
        cantaloupe, squash, and apricots their orange
        color, are also promoted as anticancer agents.
       Tomatoes, red peppers, and pink grapefruit
        contain lycopene, which proponents claim is a
        powerful antioxidant.
       The phytochemicals lutein and zeaxanthin,
        found in spinach, kale, and turnip greens, may
        reduce the risk of some cancers.

   Blueberries have anthocyanins, which give
        blueberries their blue hue and help neutralize
        free radicals. An example is myricetin.
       They also have many other phytochemicals
        that have been shown to be helpful in
        preventing various conditions such as diabetes,
        cancer and heart disease. These are ursolic
        acid and chlorogenic acid.

Blueberry Phytochemicals
   Oxygen radical absorbance capacity or ORAC
       is a method of measuring antioxidant capacities
       in biological samples. A wide variety of foods
       has been tested using this methodology, with
       certain spices, berries and legumes rating

ORAC Score
For 100 grams of food:
      Spices, cloves, ground
      Spices, turmeric, ground
      Cocoa, dry powder, unsweetened
      Ginger root, raw                        14,840
      Blueberries, wild, raw
      Blueberries, raw                          4,669
      Peaches, raw                              1,922
      Oranges, raw, navel                       1,819
      Grapes, Black
      Oats, uncooked, old fashioned             1,708

ORAC Score
   Blueberries are low in calories, only 80 calories per cup
         and they are fat free.
        Blueberries have many vitamins and minerals and they
         contain many non-nutritive factors as well.
        They are an excellent source of vitamin C. In fact, a
         serving contains about 14 mg or almost 25 percent of
         the recommended daily value (DV). Blueberries are
         also a good source of dietary fiber, about 3.5 g per cup,
         and they are an excellent source of manganese, about
         0.5g per cup. Manganese is important for carbohydrate
         and fat metabolism and is present in most cells in the
        Some of the other nutrients in blueberries are: calcium,
         copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium,
         selenium, sodium, zinc, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin,
         pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, folate, vitamin A, and
         vitamin E.
Blueberries are a
   There is some evidence that certain
        phytochemicals may help prevent
           the formation of potential carcinogens
            (substances that cause cancer),
           block the action of carcinogens on their target
            organs or tissue, or
           act on cells to suppress cancer development.
       Many experts suggest that people can reduce
        their risk of cancer by eating significantly more
        fruits, vegetables, and other foods from plants
        that contain phytochemicals.

Cancer Risk
   Blueberry extracts can inhibit the growth of many
        types of cancers. Eating blueberries on a regular
        basis can reduce the incidence and risk for cancer.
       The extracts of several berries have been
        investigated, particularly blueberries, in regards to
        their role in cancer prevention of oral, breast, colon
        and prostate cancers.
       The anthocyanins are specifically effective in
        inhibiting cancerous cell growth the best, blueberry
        anthocyanins in particular are effective in killing
        certain cancer cells and preventing cancer

Cancer Risk
   Chrologenic acid removes particularly toxic reactive
        species by scavenging alkylperoxyl radicals and
        may prevent carcinogenesis by reducing the DNA
        damage they cause.
       Laboratory tests show that kaempferol suppresses
        the growth of a number of human malignancies. It
        does it by enhancing the cell chemistry which
        destroys the malignant cells. Its effectiveness is
        increased when combined with other flavonoids or
        molecules that are known to be toxic to cancer
       Quercetin enhances cancer cell death.

Cancer Prevention
   Research has shown that regular consumption
        of fruits and vegetables lowers the risk for
        developing heart disease.
       A study examined the effects of blueberry
        consumption in relation to heart disease risk.
        Those who consumed blueberries on a regular
        basis had the greatest benefit and lowest risk
        factors for heart disease.

Heart Disease Risk
   In the cardiovascular system, blueberry
        antioxidants enhance the relaxation of the blood
        vessels, reduce platelet aggregation, protect
        against capillaries weakened by exposure to
        irradiation, reduce capillary permeability, and
        increase capillary resistance.
       Kaempferol prevents oxidative damage of our cells,
        lipids and DNA. It decreases the oxidation of low
        density lipoprotein (LDL) and reduces the formation
        of platelets in the blood. Another way that it inhibits
        heart disease development is that it decreases a
        protein that begins the plaques formation in the
       Chlorogenic acid in blueberries can limit low-density
        lipid (LDL) oxidation, the major determinant of the
        initial events in atherosclerosis.
Heart Disease Risk
   In diabetes, blueberries improve capillaries and
        microaneurysms and lower glycemic index.
       Chlorogenic acid in blueberries is an
        antioxidant which may slow the release of
        glucose into the bloodstream after a meal.
       Blueberry extract also decreases glucose
        uptake by cells.
       Anthocyanin malvidin lowered elevated blood
        glucose levels by 33 to 51% in laboratory
       Blueberry anthocyanins improve pancreatic
        beta cell function.

   In terms of vision, blueberry antioxidants
        reduce eye strain.
       Feeding laboratory animals with blueberries for
        4 weeks prior to light exposure effectively
        reduced photodamage to the retinas.
       Blueberry protected retinal cells against
        chemical toxins. It increased cell viability,
        decreased oxidative stress and mitochondrial
        apoptosis. After a 24-hour preincubation time,
        blueberry totally inhibited the effect of chemical
        toxins targeted to harm the retina.

    The consumption of blueberries is believed to
        play a role in delaying the development of
        neurodegenerative diseases, such as
        Alzheimer's disease.
       Several studies in laboratory animals show
        promising results. Blueberry extract given to
        laboratory animals reversed some age related
        neuronal degeneration and resulted in better
        spatial recall.

Alzheimer's Risk
   In the brain, blueberry antioxidants help protect
                the brain from oxidative stress and may reduce
                the effects of age-related conditions such as
                Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.
               Blueberry supplementation may protect against
                neurodegeneration and cognitive impairment
                caused by oxidative stress.

Duffy KB et al Ingram DK. Neurobiology of Aging 29 (2008) 1680–1689
    The consumption of berries has also been
        suggested to play a role in gastrointestinal (GI)
       Some of the components in blueberries can
        inhibit the growth of several intestinal
        pathogens, such as Salmonella and
        Staphylococcus. All berries are effective in
        inhibiting the growth of Heliobacter pylori. H
        pylori is a bacterial infection that can lead to
        peptic ulcer disease.

GI Health
   In the urinary track, blueberry antioxidants fight
        infection, prevent the adhesion of harmful
        bacteria in the urinary track and act as an
        antimicrobial agent.
       The large anthocyanin molecules in blueberries
        prevent adhesion and proliferation activity of E
        Coli bacteria in UTI.

Urinary Track
Effect of blueberry phytochemicals on the organ systems and the organs in the
System                   Effect
Whole system             Antioxidant (whole body)
                         Cancer prevention (whole body)
                         Anti-infectious (whole body)
                         Prevents hyperglycemic peak, improves insulin and glucose levels
                         Reduces inflammatory reaction, improves the immune system (whole
                         Reduces blood pressure (blood vessels)
                         Preventive against toxins
Liver                    Prevents glycogenolysis
Intestines               Improves glucose absorption
Cardiovascular , blood   Prevents LDL oxidation
Brain                    Reduces oxidative stress and Alzheimer’s. Reduces amyloid formation in
                         Alzheimer’s and improves dopamine levels in Parkinson’s

Heart                    Dilates blood vessels in the heart, reduces plaque formation, improves
                         endothelial cell function
Bones                    Protects against osteoporosis, promotes bone growth
Skin                     Protects against UV radiation, cancer preventive.
Joints                   Collagen formation
Eyes                     Maintain healthy vision, reduce cataracts
Nerve cells              Synthesis of neurotransmitters
Muscles                  Improves performance

Health Benefits of
   Blueberries are available fresh, frozen, dried or
        canned as fruit or juices or ready made
        products such as jams and jellies. They are
        traditionally used in jellies, jams, and pies but
        also incorporated into many new foods today.
        They are baked into muffins and are an
        ingredient in many other snacks and delicacies.
        A more recent use of blueberries includes
        blueberry juice.

Forms Available
   Fresh and frozen samples had similar levels of
       Extracts did not differ from that of the fresh fruit.
       In a study, there was no significant difference in
        antioxidant activity between the anthocyanin
        extracts of the frozen or dried samples and the
        fresh fruit.

Anthocyanin Stability
   Blueberries can be considered as superfood
        with all the various health benefits they provide.
       Regular consumption can improve memory,
        visual acuity, reduce infections, reduce cancer,
        reduce diabetes and heart disease risk.

1.    Olsson M et al. J Agric Food Chem. 2004; 52: 7264-71.
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 3.    Seeram N et al. J Agric Food Chem. 2006; 54: 9329-39.
 4.    McAnulty SR et al. Free Radic Res. 2005; 39(11): 1241-8.
 5.    Lau FC et al. Neurobiology of Aging 26S (2005) S128–S132.
 6.    Ramierz MR et al. Pharmacol Res. 2005; 52 (6): 457-62.
 7.    Andres-Lacueva C et al. Nutritional Neuroscience, Volume 8, Issue 2 April 2005 , pages
       111 - 120
 8.    Blueberries
 9.    B. Dave Oomah and G. Mazza. Trends in Food Science & Technology 10 (1999) 193-198.
 10.   Vivek Sharma, Christy Joseph, Soumya Ghosh, et al. Mol Cancer Ther 2007;6(9):2544–53
 11.   Mary H. Gracea, 1, David M. Ribnickyb, 1, Peter Kuhnb, Alexander Poulevb, Sithes
       Logendrab, Gad G. Yousefa, Ilya Raskinb and Mary Ann Lila. Phytomedicine
 12.   Hypoglycemic activity of a novel anthocyanin-rich formulation from lowbush blueberry,
       Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton. Phytomedicine Vol 16 (5) 2009, P. 406-415.
 13.   Phytomedicine Vol. 13 (9-10)2006, Pages 612-623
 14.   J. Agric. Food Chem. 2011, 59, 356–363
 15.   J. Agric. Food Chem. 2004, 52, 6433-6442
 16.   Duffy KB et al Ingram DK. Neurobiology of Aging 29 (2008) 1680–1689


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Why the blue is good for you

  • 1. Why the blue is good for you? { Heli J. Roy, PhD, MBA, RD LSU AgCenter
  • 2. The consumption of blueberries rose about 1.6 times in the last ten years.  Blueberries have gained increased attention because of beneficial components in blueberries. The components are strong antioxidants that can delay the development of chronic diseases and aging.  The antioxidants compounds give blueberries their blue color. Usage and Popularity
  • 3. Blueberries have many phytochemicals that have healthful properties. These compounds act as an:  Antioxidant  Anticancer  Anti-neurodegerative  Anti-inflammatory  Because of these properties, recent research shows that blueberries have beneficial effects against chronic diseases. Blueberry antioxidants benefit many organ systems in the body. Health Benefits of Blueberries
  • 4. The term "phytochemicals" refers to a wide variety of compounds produced by plants.  Phytochemicals are naturally-occurring non- nutritive (not required in the diet, like nutrients) constituents of fruits and vegetables.  Scientists have identified thousands of phytochemicals, although only a small fraction have been studied closely. What are Phytochemicals?
  • 5. They are found in fruits, vegetables, beans, grains, and other plants.  They are the colored compounds in many fruits, vegetables and flowers.  They are said to be bioactive and are considered to have a beneficial effect on human health. What are Phytochemicals?
  • 6. There are several major groups of phytochemicals  Alkaloids  Monophenols  Anthocyanins  Monoterpenes  Carotenoids  Organo sulfides  Coumestan  Phenolic acids  Flavan-3-Ols  Phytosterols  Flavonoids  Saponins  Hydroxycinnamic acid  Stylbenes  Isoflavones  Triterpenoids etc  Lignans  Zanthophylls Major Groups of Phytochemicals
  • 7. Phytochemicals are promoted for the prevention and treatment of many health conditions, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.  Lycopene – prostate cancer  Lutein – eye sight  Genistein – hormone replacement in menopause  Resveratrol – heart health  Capsaicin – pain treatment Phytochemicals (American Cancer Society)
  • 8. The polyphenols include a large subgroup of chemicals called flavonoids. Flavonoids are plant chemicals found in a broad range of fruits, grains, and vegetables. Current studies will examine whether they can prevent chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Flavonoids American Cancer Society
  • 9. Some flavonoids act as antioxidants. These get rid of the harmful molecules known as free radicals, which can damage a cell's DNA and may trigger some forms of cancer and other diseases. Flavonoids that act as antioxidants and may protect against some cancers and heart disease.  Quercetin, another flavonoid with antioxidant properties, is found in apples, onions, teas, and red wine. Flavonoids cont.
  • 10. The isoflavones found in foods and supplements such as soy products, red clover, garbanzo beans and licorice, and the lignans found in flaxseed and whole grains may mimic the actions of the female hormone estrogen ( Licorice and Soybean). These estrogen-like substances from these plant sources are called phytoestrogens. They may play a role in the development of and protection against some hormone-dependent cancers such as some types of breast and prostate cancer. Isoflavones
  • 11. Ellagic acid, found in raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, strawberries, and walnuts, also is said to have anti-cancer effects.  Another called allyl sulfides, are found in garlic and onions. These compounds may stimulate enzymes that help the body get rid of harmful chemicals. They may also help strengthen the immune system. Phenolic Acids
  • 12. Carotenoids, beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene and zeaxanthin, which give carrots, yams, cantaloupe, squash, and apricots their orange color, are also promoted as anticancer agents.  Tomatoes, red peppers, and pink grapefruit contain lycopene, which proponents claim is a powerful antioxidant.  The phytochemicals lutein and zeaxanthin, found in spinach, kale, and turnip greens, may reduce the risk of some cancers. Carotenoids
  • 13. Blueberries have anthocyanins, which give blueberries their blue hue and help neutralize free radicals. An example is myricetin.  They also have many other phytochemicals that have been shown to be helpful in preventing various conditions such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease. These are ursolic acid and chlorogenic acid. Blueberry Phytochemicals
  • 14. Oxygen radical absorbance capacity or ORAC is a method of measuring antioxidant capacities in biological samples. A wide variety of foods has been tested using this methodology, with certain spices, berries and legumes rating highly. ORAC Score
  • 15. For 100 grams of food:  Spices, cloves, ground 290,283  Spices, turmeric, ground 127,068  Cocoa, dry powder, unsweetened 55,653  Ginger root, raw 14,840  Blueberries, wild, raw 9,621  Blueberries, raw 4,669  Peaches, raw 1,922  Oranges, raw, navel 1,819  Grapes, Black 1,746  Oats, uncooked, old fashioned 1,708 ORAC Score
  • 16. Blueberries are low in calories, only 80 calories per cup and they are fat free.  Blueberries have many vitamins and minerals and they contain many non-nutritive factors as well.  They are an excellent source of vitamin C. In fact, a serving contains about 14 mg or almost 25 percent of the recommended daily value (DV). Blueberries are also a good source of dietary fiber, about 3.5 g per cup, and they are an excellent source of manganese, about 0.5g per cup. Manganese is important for carbohydrate and fat metabolism and is present in most cells in the body.  Some of the other nutrients in blueberries are: calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium, zinc, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, folate, vitamin A, and vitamin E. Blueberries are a Superfood
  • 17. There is some evidence that certain phytochemicals may help prevent  the formation of potential carcinogens (substances that cause cancer),  block the action of carcinogens on their target organs or tissue, or  act on cells to suppress cancer development.  Many experts suggest that people can reduce their risk of cancer by eating significantly more fruits, vegetables, and other foods from plants that contain phytochemicals. Cancer Risk
  • 18. Blueberry extracts can inhibit the growth of many types of cancers. Eating blueberries on a regular basis can reduce the incidence and risk for cancer.  The extracts of several berries have been investigated, particularly blueberries, in regards to their role in cancer prevention of oral, breast, colon and prostate cancers.  The anthocyanins are specifically effective in inhibiting cancerous cell growth the best, blueberry anthocyanins in particular are effective in killing certain cancer cells and preventing cancer development. Cancer Risk Lila
  • 19. Chrologenic acid removes particularly toxic reactive species by scavenging alkylperoxyl radicals and may prevent carcinogenesis by reducing the DNA damage they cause.  Laboratory tests show that kaempferol suppresses the growth of a number of human malignancies. It does it by enhancing the cell chemistry which destroys the malignant cells. Its effectiveness is increased when combined with other flavonoids or molecules that are known to be toxic to cancer cells.  Quercetin enhances cancer cell death. Cancer Prevention
  • 20. Research has shown that regular consumption of fruits and vegetables lowers the risk for developing heart disease.  A study examined the effects of blueberry consumption in relation to heart disease risk. Those who consumed blueberries on a regular basis had the greatest benefit and lowest risk factors for heart disease. Heart Disease Risk
  • 21. In the cardiovascular system, blueberry antioxidants enhance the relaxation of the blood vessels, reduce platelet aggregation, protect against capillaries weakened by exposure to irradiation, reduce capillary permeability, and increase capillary resistance.  Kaempferol prevents oxidative damage of our cells, lipids and DNA. It decreases the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and reduces the formation of platelets in the blood. Another way that it inhibits heart disease development is that it decreases a protein that begins the plaques formation in the arteries.  Chlorogenic acid in blueberries can limit low-density lipid (LDL) oxidation, the major determinant of the initial events in atherosclerosis. Heart Disease Risk
  • 22. In diabetes, blueberries improve capillaries and microaneurysms and lower glycemic index.  Chlorogenic acid in blueberries is an antioxidant which may slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream after a meal.  Blueberry extract also decreases glucose uptake by cells.  Anthocyanin malvidin lowered elevated blood glucose levels by 33 to 51% in laboratory animals.  Blueberry anthocyanins improve pancreatic beta cell function. Diabetes
  • 23. In terms of vision, blueberry antioxidants reduce eye strain.  Feeding laboratory animals with blueberries for 4 weeks prior to light exposure effectively reduced photodamage to the retinas.  Blueberry protected retinal cells against chemical toxins. It increased cell viability, decreased oxidative stress and mitochondrial apoptosis. After a 24-hour preincubation time, blueberry totally inhibited the effect of chemical toxins targeted to harm the retina. Vision
  • 24. The consumption of blueberries is believed to play a role in delaying the development of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease.  Several studies in laboratory animals show promising results. Blueberry extract given to laboratory animals reversed some age related neuronal degeneration and resulted in better spatial recall. Alzheimer's Risk
  • 25. In the brain, blueberry antioxidants help protect the brain from oxidative stress and may reduce the effects of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.  Blueberry supplementation may protect against neurodegeneration and cognitive impairment caused by oxidative stress. Alzheimer’s Duffy KB et al Ingram DK. Neurobiology of Aging 29 (2008) 1680–1689
  • 26. The consumption of berries has also been suggested to play a role in gastrointestinal (GI) health.  Some of the components in blueberries can inhibit the growth of several intestinal pathogens, such as Salmonella and Staphylococcus. All berries are effective in inhibiting the growth of Heliobacter pylori. H pylori is a bacterial infection that can lead to peptic ulcer disease. GI Health
  • 27. In the urinary track, blueberry antioxidants fight infection, prevent the adhesion of harmful bacteria in the urinary track and act as an antimicrobial agent.  The large anthocyanin molecules in blueberries prevent adhesion and proliferation activity of E Coli bacteria in UTI. Urinary Track
  • 28. Effect of blueberry phytochemicals on the organ systems and the organs in the body: System Effect Whole system Antioxidant (whole body) Cancer prevention (whole body) Anti-infectious (whole body) Prevents hyperglycemic peak, improves insulin and glucose levels (blood) Reduces inflammatory reaction, improves the immune system (whole body) Reduces blood pressure (blood vessels) Preventive against toxins Liver Prevents glycogenolysis Intestines Improves glucose absorption Cardiovascular , blood Prevents LDL oxidation vessels Brain Reduces oxidative stress and Alzheimer’s. Reduces amyloid formation in Alzheimer’s and improves dopamine levels in Parkinson’s Heart Dilates blood vessels in the heart, reduces plaque formation, improves endothelial cell function Bones Protects against osteoporosis, promotes bone growth Skin Protects against UV radiation, cancer preventive. Joints Collagen formation Eyes Maintain healthy vision, reduce cataracts Nerve cells Synthesis of neurotransmitters Muscles Improves performance
  • 29. ion/nutrients/Health-Benefits-of-Blueberries.htm Health Benefits of Blueberries
  • 30. Blueberries are available fresh, frozen, dried or canned as fruit or juices or ready made products such as jams and jellies. They are traditionally used in jellies, jams, and pies but also incorporated into many new foods today. They are baked into muffins and are an ingredient in many other snacks and delicacies. A more recent use of blueberries includes blueberry juice. Forms Available
  • 31. Fresh and frozen samples had similar levels of anthocyanins.  Extracts did not differ from that of the fresh fruit.  In a study, there was no significant difference in antioxidant activity between the anthocyanin extracts of the frozen or dried samples and the fresh fruit. Anthocyanin Stability
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. Blueberries can be considered as superfood with all the various health benefits they provide.  Regular consumption can improve memory, visual acuity, reduce infections, reduce cancer, reduce diabetes and heart disease risk. Conclusions
  • 35. 1. Olsson M et al. J Agric Food Chem. 2004; 52: 7264-71. 2. Yi W, Fischer J, Krewer G, Akoh C. J Agric Food Chem. 2005; 53: 7320-29 3. Seeram N et al. J Agric Food Chem. 2006; 54: 9329-39. 4. McAnulty SR et al. Free Radic Res. 2005; 39(11): 1241-8. 5. Lau FC et al. Neurobiology of Aging 26S (2005) S128–S132. 6. Ramierz MR et al. Pharmacol Res. 2005; 52 (6): 457-62. 7. Andres-Lacueva C et al. Nutritional Neuroscience, Volume 8, Issue 2 April 2005 , pages 111 - 120 8. Blueberries 9. B. Dave Oomah and G. Mazza. Trends in Food Science & Technology 10 (1999) 193-198. 10. Vivek Sharma, Christy Joseph, Soumya Ghosh, et al. Mol Cancer Ther 2007;6(9):2544–53 11. Mary H. Gracea, 1, David M. Ribnickyb, 1, Peter Kuhnb, Alexander Poulevb, Sithes Logendrab, Gad G. Yousefa, Ilya Raskinb and Mary Ann Lila. Phytomedicine 12. Hypoglycemic activity of a novel anthocyanin-rich formulation from lowbush blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton. Phytomedicine Vol 16 (5) 2009, P. 406-415. 13. Phytomedicine Vol. 13 (9-10)2006, Pages 612-623 14. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2011, 59, 356–363 15. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2004, 52, 6433-6442 16. Duffy KB et al Ingram DK. Neurobiology of Aging 29 (2008) 1680–1689 References

Editor's Notes

  1. In the past few years, research has uncovered that there are healthful phytochemcials in fruits and vegetables, and that is one of the reasons the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that half of our plate should be fruits and vegetables. We will talk about the health benefits of blueberries in this presentation.
  2. Blueberries have become more popular with the consumers, and they have also become more popular as a crop in Louisiana. As the science of health and nutrition has advanced, more information has become available about the various nutrients and non-nutritive chemicals in blueberries. Some of the non-nutritive chemicals make the blueberries blue, and they are also very strong antioxidants that can help eliminate harmful chemicals from our bodies.
  3. The healthful phytochemcials are known to do many things, including acting as strong antioxidants. As antioxidants they can kill cancer cells, help keep our nerve cells healthy and prevent and reduce inflammation. Many of the chronic diseases are thought to begin due to inflammation in our bodies. We might have inflammation due to many things, such as exposure infective agents, to the sun, smoking, drugs, or exposure to radiation.
  4. Phytochemicals are large molecules in plants. There are thousands of different kind and only a small number has been identified and researched. Phytochemiclas are molecules that the plant itself is using to fight insects, and to keep safe from harmful solar radiation. There are many different types of phytochemicals.
  5. Phytochemicals are found in plant foods. They add color to flowers, fruits, and vegetables. When humans eat fruits and vegetables that have these phytochemicals, they get protection as well.
  6. This is a breakdown of the different types of phytochemicals in plants. Under each major heading, there may be thousands of different compounds. Many of these can help reduce cholesterol, reduce the incidence of hormone related cancers, and prevent chronic diseases.
  7. Many of the phytochmicals have been identified as fighting a particular type of cancer or disease. Lycopene has been shown to be preventive against prostate cancer. Resveratrol has been identified as helping the cardiovascular system to stay healthy. Capsaicin numbs nerve cells and is used for pain treatment.
  8. We are going to talk about some of the common groups of phytochemicals starting with flavonoids. Flavonoids are found in many fruits and vegetables. They are large molecules and add color to fruits and vegetables, particularly reds, blues and purple.
  9. Flavonoids are known as antioxidants. They get rid of harmful oxygen radicals that can do damage to DNA, cell lipids and proteins. Some of the common flavonoids are quercetin in apples, red wine and teas,
  10. Isoflavones are large molecules commonly found in large quantities in soy and licorice. They have estrogenic proteprties. Lignans are a type of isoflavone found in flaxseed. Plant phytoestrogens can mimic estrogenic properties in the body and can help estrogen withdrawal symptoms seen during menopause.
  11. Phenolic acids are less well know, but important chemicals in berries. They have chemicals that stimulate enzymes involved in helping the body get rid of harmful compounds.
  12. Another large groups of molecules a ethecarotenoids.