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Unit 1

10 A


By Giulia Manca
During this unit we have been asked to create a poster suitable to advertise the
X-Factor event of the school.
To catch people attention and to meet my end-user’s requirements, I’ll have first
to investigate well and deeply on the topic (information on the event, how to
create well a poster) and then create an interesting and eye-catching poster that
will have all the information needed (title, place, date, image and people
To have more information about the event, for example, when and were it will
be held; I’ll have to talk to the person in charge of it, Miss Daykin.
Afterwards I will start researching (by talking to experts and investigating on
internet) on how to create an effective poster, which attracts the attention of the
audience and reflects what is required.
Then I’ll create various possibilities of the final work (by hand first and then on
the computer) and chose the one that will be more appropriate to the
To accomplish the final poster, I will first of all find out the required size and
type of paper and then print it. After every step I will do an evaluation of the
work, deciding whether things are to change or not and how to improve it. I
could even ask other people for a personal opinion to enrich my way of planning
and designing and to create the final poster.
It will be really interesting developing this project, because I like to create
posters and advertisements and it’s also a pleasure if the work that will be done
may be used in public for an important event at school.
The school community will receive help from this poster, because it will be
informed of the date and place of the event.
The poster will be a publicity media for a big audience (students, parents and
teachers), which will be solicited to participate at the event.
During this unit, I will improve my skills is this area and learn the techniques to
create an effective poster that attracts the people’ attention.
This project is linked very well with the area of interaction, Community and
Service, because, thanks to this project, I will communicate to the whole school
community important information about the event.
To guide my investigation, I will formulate some questions that will help me to
develop the poster.
• What makes a good poster?
• What are the essential information I need to include?
• How can I attract people’s attention and persuade them to come to the event?
• Which is the best software to create a poster?
• What style is suitable for the event and to advertise it to the all community?
• What are my end-user’s requirements?
Colours have to be eye-catching
Font of the title - needs to attract people's attention
Themes in the background
Shapes behind text
Logos – sponsors (X-Factor logo, ISM)
Information: website – further information, date, place, event title
Elaborate poster: small text-invisible, big images
Not direct message, not quickly understandable
Aim to younger people that like manga and comics
Communicating through images and words
2 stars- not completely understandable date, place
Good images and colour schemes that publicize well the event
• What makes a good poster?
To create a good and effective poster, is essential to make it legible and
understandable to the client. In this case, my clients are Miss Daykin and the
whole school community. The poster has to be colourful and with a direct
message, easy to be understand by a big audience.
The final work has to be original and eye-catching that makes the public want to
stop and read it (colour, pictures, drawings, unusual shapes, logos, title).
There should be themes in the background and shapes behind text, which
closely relate to the central theme (X-Factor). It does not have to be too much
elaborate, because to communicate a message is better simple and the points
should be easy to read and follow. Do not use too many types of fonts and sizes
for the text. It has to be readable, so the spelling, the language and the
information of the poster should be correct. It has to be legible, so use an
appropriate size that can be read from 5 feet away. The poster has to be well
organized, by inserting the items with a logical order to have a good impact on
the audience. It has also to be succinct and not with too many words, because,
statistically, you have 10 seconds to grab people’s attention.
Poster analysis (class work -
• What are the essential information I need to include?
It the final poster I will have to include the essential information: the date and
place of the event, the ISM logo, my version of the X-Factor logo, the web site of
the school and, in addition, some images or pictures that attract people’s
attention and might be also useful to explain the theme. The event will take
place in the school theatre. The date has been moved from the 13th of November
at 7.30pm to another day in January, which will be decided afterwards. After the
show, there will be an aperitif for everybody. The information of the poster have
to be direct and easy to be understood by a large age rage of people.
Miss Daykin
• How can I attract people’s attention and persuade them to come to the
To attract people’s attention, the poster should be colourful, with interesting
images; for example the image of the three judges of the event. The poster must
be understandable by all the school community, so the size of the font must be
appropriate and there must be a balance between text and images. There should
be themes on the background that are appropriate to the poster and shapes
behind the text to highlight them. The poster must have bright colours that make
it stand out and encourage people to read it. The font of the title must attract the
attention and there should be inserted the logos of the sponsors of the event.
The main function of a poster is to capture a moving audience with a message.
During the designing a poster, the plan has to be carefully thought to attract
people. There is a short amount of time to attract and hold the readers’
attention, so a solution is to think about the one aspect of the information that
must convey the message and plan the design around that.
After having selected the most important information, determine the imagery
that will best convey the message visually. Deciding whether to use just one
large image or have several small interesting shapes and drawings. Also
choosing the colours is very important, because they evoke the mode or the
emotion that the poster communicates. The final poster has to be very direct, so
there shouldn’t be any superfluous detail.
Poster analysis (class work -
Emanuela Farma
• Which is the best software to create a poster?
The softwares that are more appropriate to create a poster are: Paint, Microsoft
Publisher and Photoshop. I decided to use Microsoft Publisher, because it has
many options for themes, fonts and shapes and I learned, thanks to videos on
You Tube, explanations of the teacher and deeper research, how to use it
appropriately to create a good poster.
Emanuela Farma
Microsoft Publisher (video, website
• What style is suitable for the event and to advertise it to the all
The style should represent the idea that has to be developed. It should remind
immediately a person of what the poster is talking about. The style of the poster
has to be connected to the theme of X-Factor, so it will have to use fonts, colour,
images and backgrounds that transmit a sensation vivacity and dynamism and
reminds the “show” topic, with its lights and effects. The font has to be bastoni,
because it transmits the idea of power and modern. The colours should be
bright, because they have to remind immediately the concept of the X-Factor
Emanuela Farma
• What are my end-user’s requirements?
My end-user’s requirements are to advertise the X-Factor event and to
encourage people to come. To satisfy my client, I will have to talk to him and
make sure that my idea is approved and shared too.
Miss Daykin
• Interview to Emanuela Farma
-How can I attract people’s attention?
-To attract people's attention, the poster has to have images, shapes,
backgrounds and fonts that are eye-catching.
-Which is the software that you suggest to use?
-I think that the most appropriate software is Microsoft Publisher, because it has
many options and it is easy to work with.
-Which type of paper is the best to use?
-To create an effective poster the paper has to be resistant and bright to be
-Which style is the best to advertise an event?
-The style has to represent and transmit the event topic.
Poster analysis (class work -
Emanuela Farma – expert graduated in publicity
Miss Daykin (main client)
Microsoft Publisher (video, website
The sources that I used are valid, because thanks to them I learned how to
improve the poster skills and how to use a specific software to create the final
project. These sources are reliable because they are not biased and give
information that can be found and backed up in other websites, books or videos
of expert interviews. I think that the information and details gained from these
sources are very helpful for the creation of the final poster.
To create the poster that will advertise the X-Factor school event and fully meet
my end-user’s requirements, I’ll have to follow strictly the limits and demands
that I set previously.
Firstly I’ll have to gather from the responsible of the event, Miss Daykin, more
information on the event: when it will be, where it will take place, who will be
the judges and more details on what will happen during the show. To create the
poster on the computer, I’ll have to learn how to use programmes that are
suitable for the task, by listening during the teacher’s explanations, watching
tutorial videos on Internet and researching to have more suggestions.
After having more information about the project I’m working on, I’ll start
creating different prototypes of the poster. I will choose the one that is more
appropriate and meets exactly the requirements. To understand how to improve
it (design, colours, font and appearance)
and make it more eye-catching, I will ask
the point of view of different people, for
example teachers, kids and adults. During
the creation of the project, I’ll take
inspiration from different posters, for
example the logo of X-Factor.
My goal to reach for this unit is to satisfy my end-user requirements and to
advertise well the X-factor school event, by creating a good, attractive and direct
poster, which will have all the needed information easy to understand.
My costumer will be Miss Daykin, because she is in charge of organizing the
event and so she will need to advertise it and encourage the people to come. My
target audience will be the students, parents and teachers: the entire school
community. They will need to be able to understand from the information on the
poster the date, time and place of the event and what will happen during it.
The final poster will have to be attractive, to catch people’s attention,
informative, to make them understand what will happen, and entertaining (with
interesting images, themes and capturing texts).
It must not
It must not be
advertise other too bright

It must not
contain only

It must not be It must not be
incomprehensi too dark
ble or difficult
to read

It must not
contain only

It must not
contain the XFactor original
It must not be
created in a not

It must not be
too small (A4)

It must contain
my own
version of the
X-Factor logo

It must be at
least A3

It must not be
too big (A2)

I must not b in Text shouldn’t
black and white be too small
It must contain
the correct
about the
event (time,
date, place)
It must give all

It must be eyecatching

It must be
between text
and images

It must attract
the people’s

There has to be
the school’s
website for

It must have
bright colours
that make the
poster stand

There should
be themes on
the background
that are
appropriate to
the poster
There should
be shapes
behind the text
to highlight it

It must be
It must
contain the
n about
the event
(time, date,
It must
give all the
n directly

It must be eyecatching

It must be
between text
and images

It must attract
the people’s

There has
to be the
website for
Convey the
theme of

It must have
bright colours
that make the
poster stand out

There should
be themes on
the background
that are
appropriate to
the poster
There should
be shapes
behind the text
to highlight it

Meet the

It must be colour Create nice and
drawings and
images that
refer to the XFactor theme
It must be eyeCreate a well
poster, that
stands out
thanks to
images and text
It must be easily Use at least 3
understandable different
to all the people colours: red,
(kids, parents,
white, silver

It must contain It must be at
my own version least A3
of the X-Factor

It must be

Use appropriate
and resistant

Use a good
program to
create the

Correct measure
to be well seen
Test name
Does the poster
contain the
(date, place,
name of the
Is it
e to all the
Is there a
between text
and images?
Is there a
between bright
and dark?
Is the poster in
Does it have at
least 3 different
Does it contain
my own
version of XFactor logo?
Does the poster
have the
correct size?
Is the poster
and attractive?
Is the poster


Actual outcome

Does the poster
themes on the
Does the poster
have shapes
behind the
Does the poster
convey the
theme of XFactor?
Does the poster
meet the enduser
Does the poster
contain images
and drawings
that refer to the
Is the poster
been created
with an
Is the size of
the font
appropriate to
be seen and
read from the
I think that this test plan is well organized and structured, because it includes all
the requirements to have a good poster. It will be useful because by following
every question it will be easier to evaluate the final project and understand how
to improve it.
A way of testing the poster would be asking some questions that refer to it, to
parents, children and teachers. Another way would be creating a small
questioner for Miss Daykin, the responsible of the event.
Questions for parents, children and teachers:


Is the poster eye-catching?
Is it easy to read?
Is the message clear?

Questioner for Miss Daykin:


Does the poster satisfy your requirements?
Does it advertise well the event?
Are you pleased of the final product?

I think that thanks to these questionnaires, I will be able to improve my poster
and understand what is effective or not. The questions are focusing particularly
on the aspect of the poster and if its information satisfy the client.
Font: -bold for the title (red, silver, white,
-uppercase for the text (black)
Background: space (stars and planets)
Images: judges’ photo
Shapes: boxes
Logos: International School of Milan, XFactor

Font: -bold for the title (red, silver, white,
-uppercase for the text (black)
Background: lights
Images: microphone, note
Shapes: brightened white cloud and
Logos: International School of Milan, XFactor

Font: -bold for the title (dark brightened

-Times for the text (black)
Background: red
Images: judges’ photos
Shapes: arrows (silver brightened)
Logos: International School of Milan, XFactor

Font: -bold for the title (white, with dark
-uppercase for the text (white)
Background: dark sky with stars
Images: judges’ photos
Shapes: white brightened stars
Logos: International School of Milan, XFactor
Test name
Does the poster
contain the
(date, place,
name of the
Is it
to all the school
Is there a
balance between
text and images?
Is there a
balance between
bright and dark?
Is the poster in
Does it have at
least 3 different
Does it contain
my own version
of X-Factor logo?
Does the poster
have the correct
Is the poster
eye-catching and
Is the poster
Does the poster
themes on the

Actual outcome


Not really
Does the poster
have shapes
behind the text?
Does the poster
convey the
theme of XFactor?

Not really

Does the poster
meet the enduser

Not really

Does the poster
contain images
and drawings
that refer to the
Is the size of the
font appropriate
to be seen and
read from the



The poster contains the right information of the event and it is comprehensible
to the audience.
There is a balance between images and text and is in colour. It contains my
personal logo of X-Factor and also the ISM logo.
The poster is not very eye-catching and it does not fully convey the X-Factor
Test name
Does the poster
contain the
(date, place,
name of the
Is it
to all the school
Is there a
balance between
text and images?
Is there a
balance between
bright and dark?
Is the poster in
Does it have at
least 3 different
Does it contain
my own version
of X-Factor logo?
Does the poster
have the correct
Is the poster
eye-catching and
Is the poster
Does the poster
themes on the
Does the poster

Actual outcome



have shapes
behind the text?
Does the poster
convey the
theme of XFactor?


Does the poster
meet the enduser


Does the poster
contain images
and drawings
that refer to the
Is the size of the
font appropriate
to be seen and
read from the



The poster is original and appropriate to the issue.
The background and the images are appropriate to the X-Factor theme.
The size of the text is appropriate to be read from people of different ages.
The poster does not fully meet the end-user requirements, because it is not fully
comprehensible that the show is a school event.
Test name
Does the poster
contain the
(date, place,
name of the
Is it
to all the school
Is there a
balance between
text and images?
Is there a
balance between
bright and dark?
Is the poster in
Does it have at
least 3 different
Does it contain
my own version
of X-Factor logo?
Does the poster
have the correct
Is the poster
eye-catching and
Is the poster
Does the poster
themes on the
Does the poster

Actual outcome


Not really
Not really
Not really

have shapes
behind the text?
Does the poster
convey the
theme of XFactor?

Not really

Does the poster
meet the enduser

Not really

Does the poster
contain images
and drawings
that refer to the
Is the size of the
font appropriate
to be seen and
read from the

Not really


The poster has my original and creative version of the X-Factor logo.
It has all the correct information and the colours are bright.
I think that is a little too simple because is not very particular and doesn’t have a
lot of interesting details.
The poster is pale and doesn’t have eye-catching elements connected to the
Test name
Does the poster
contain the
(date, place,
name of the
Is it
to all the school
Is there a
balance between
text and images?
Is there a
balance between
bright and dark?
Is the poster in
Does it have at
least 3 different
Does it contain
my own version
of X-Factor logo?
Does the poster
have the correct
Is the poster
eye-catching and
Is the poster
Does the poster
themes on the
Does the poster

Actual outcome



have shapes
behind the text?
Does the poster
convey the
theme of XFactor?


Does the poster
meet the enduser


Does the poster
contain images
and drawings
that refer to the
Is the size of the
font appropriate
to be seen and
read from the



The poster has a very original and attractive layout of the X-Factor logo.
It suites very well in the requirements and is eye-catching, thanks to the texts in
star-shapes and to the background, which highlights the title.
I think it is a good prototype for the X-Factor poster, which has all the
information required to the end-user.
Today (16th of October) I've created the
background using a dark sky and I've
inserted the website for info and the ISM
logo. Next lesson I will continue inserting the
information in the poster, in particular
creating the title.

Today (17thof October) I‘ve created my own X-Factor logo using word art and
Next lesson I will continue inserting information and the photo of the judges.

Today (23rd of October) I have created the
star shapes to highlight the text, which
gives all the information needed to the
public. The next lesson, I will have to
continue working on the layout of the
poster and them insert the image of the
three judges.
During this lesson (20thof November) I
added to the poster the final details: the
photos of the judges and corrected the
font and size of the text. To cut properly
the photos, I used a particular program:

Today (21th of November) I
changed the colours of the
title and of the stars, to
make the poster more eyecatching. I inserted a
phrase near the photo of
the judges and created
some lines in the title to
highlight it.
Test name


Does the poster
contain the
(date, place,
name of the
Is it
to all the school



Is there a
balance between
text and images?
Is there a
balance between
bright and dark?

Is the poster in


Does it have at


Actual outcome

Yes, it does
The name of the
contain the date,
event is very eyethe place and the catching and the
name of the event. information
about it are
inserted in the
Yes, it is
This poster is
by a wide age
because it is
direct and the
text is not too
Yes, there is a
The poster is
balance between balanced because
the amount of
there aren’t too
images and the
many images or
amount of text.
Yes, there is a
The colours are
balance between balanced,
bright and dark
because the
background is
dark, instead the
text is white. So
there is a good
contrast that
highlights the
title and words.
Yes, the poster is In the poster
there is a
combination of
colours in the
instead, for the
text, there is a
dominant colour.
Yes, it does
least 3 different
Does it contain
my own version
of X-Factor logo?
Does the poster Yes.
have the correct
Is the poster
eye-catching and
Is the poster

Does the poster
themes on the


Does the poster
have shapes
behind the text?


Does the poster
convey the
theme of XFactor?


contain more than
3 colours.
Yes, I created the The logo of the
logo for the event. event is: The ISM
Yes, the poster is The poster in big
enough to
publicize well the
Yes, the poster
attracts people’s
Yes, the poster is
original, because I
created it with my
own imagination
and fantasy.
Yes, the
The theme of the
background has
background is the
an appropriate
space with stars,
planets and
galaxies this is
related to the
event, because
the judges are
between many
cultures the XFactor.
Yes, behind the
text have been
inserted white
stars to highlight
Yes, the poster
The poster
relates to the
convey with the
theme of X-Factor. X-Factor theme,
because of the
logo, the stars
and the images of
the three judges.
Does the poster
meet the enduser


Yes, the poster
satisfies the

Does the poster
contain images
and drawings
that refer to the
Is the poster
been created
with an
Is the size of the
font appropriate
to be seen and
read from the


Yes, the images
and drawings
refer to the

Images – photo of
the three judges
Drawings- three


Yes, the poster
have been created
using Microsoft

In addition, to
modify some
images and logos,
I used Photoshop
and Paint.


Yes, the text is
possible to read
from the

The final product fully contains the information needed to advertise the event:
the date, the title, the place, the ISM website and logo. The title is very eyecatching, because of the colours used to highlight it. This poster is
comprehensible to a wide age range, because it is direct and the text is not too
small. There is a good balance between images and words and also between
dark and bright colours.The theme of the background is the space with stars,
planets and galaxies. This is related to the event, because the judges are
searching between many cultures at ISM the X-Factor in a person, who will
become the star of the show.
In my opinion, the poster satisfies well my end-user requirements, because it
publicise the event and it attracts people to come to it.
To improve it further, I think that the drawings could have been a bit more
precise and I could have used a specific and more advanced program to do this.
I could have also used better effects, for example lights, to show the relation
between the poster and the X-Factor show.
Questionnaire to a parent:
Is the poster eye-catching?
Is it easy to read?
Is the message clear?



It could have a better realization of the light effect, related to the light of the show.

Questionnaire to an eight year old child:
Is the poster eye-catching?
Is it easy to read?
Is the message clear?



You could have made clearer who can participate to the event and take part in the show.

Questionnaire for Miss Daykin:
Does the poster satisfy your requirements?
Does it advertise well the event?
Are you pleased of the final product?



I think that you could have created the lines in the title with more precision.
The questionnaires carried out to Miss Daykin, to a child and to a parent were
very successful. They liked how the poster has been created, the colours, the
images and the style used.
The parent suggested that I could have created a better light effect and added
some more details that connected the poster to the idea of “show”.
The child said that I could have inserted in the poster the information about who
can take part in the event.
Instead Miss Daykin was happy and satisfied with the final product, although she
thought that I could have been more precise in the realization of the lines that
composed the title.
The poster met all the requirements set previously in the test plan and also had
achieved good results in the three interviews.
I think that the poster met my expectations and I’m proud of the work created,
taking in consideration of the suggestions made by other people, which I
completely agree with.

Investigation stage:
During the first stage, I met all the deadlines set by the teacher. I organized my
work, by taking notes in class and doing the homework. I think I have worked
effectively and concentrated to meet the goals I set previously. I think I could
improve in the way I wrote the research, by adding more details, inserting the
interview of Miss Daykin and consulting more sources.
Design stage:
In this stage, I selected the details that should be in the poster (colours, images,
size, font, picture, shapes and background). In the design brief, I defined my goal
and how I was going to reach it, satisfying the end-user requirements, instead, in
the design specification I choose which were my aims. I met all the deadlines and
I organized myself to complete effectively all the homework set by the teacher.
Plan stage:
In this stage I created four prototypes of the final poster that will publicize the XFactor event. I organized myself, worked creatively and met the deadlines set. I
put effort in my work, to meet all the requirements of my end-user
requirements. To improve my plan stage, I could have created more prototypes
to have a wider range of selection.
Creation stage:
During this stage, I created the final X-Factor poster using Microsoft Publisher.
I met the deadlines set and I think I put a lot of effort in this stage, because I was
willing to create a good and effective posted that would meet the client

During this unit, I have been able to learn how to create an eye-catching poster
to publicize an event. I understood the techniques to attract people’s attention.
For example the colours, text and images in the poster are very important and
relevant to convince a person to participate an event. I’ve also learned how to
use in a more productive way different software, for example Microsoft
Publisher, Paint and Adobe Photoshop.
I think that this poster will be very useful to my client, Miss Daykin, because
thanks to it, she will be able to publicize the X-factor event and persuade people
to come to it. This work will benefit the entire school community, because it will
communicate to students, parents and teachers, important information related
to the event that will take place.
The product created is relevant and useful in the Community and Service area,
because thanks to it, I have been able to help the community around me,
providing a poster with important information about the X-Factor event.

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  • 2. INTRODUCTION TO UNIT 1 During this unit we have been asked to create a poster suitable to advertise the X-Factor event of the school. To catch people attention and to meet my end-user’s requirements, I’ll have first to investigate well and deeply on the topic (information on the event, how to create well a poster) and then create an interesting and eye-catching poster that will have all the information needed (title, place, date, image and people involved). To have more information about the event, for example, when and were it will be held; I’ll have to talk to the person in charge of it, Miss Daykin. Afterwards I will start researching (by talking to experts and investigating on internet) on how to create an effective poster, which attracts the attention of the audience and reflects what is required. Then I’ll create various possibilities of the final work (by hand first and then on the computer) and chose the one that will be more appropriate to the requirements. To accomplish the final poster, I will first of all find out the required size and type of paper and then print it. After every step I will do an evaluation of the work, deciding whether things are to change or not and how to improve it. I could even ask other people for a personal opinion to enrich my way of planning and designing and to create the final poster. It will be really interesting developing this project, because I like to create posters and advertisements and it’s also a pleasure if the work that will be done may be used in public for an important event at school. The school community will receive help from this poster, because it will be informed of the date and place of the event. The poster will be a publicity media for a big audience (students, parents and teachers), which will be solicited to participate at the event. During this unit, I will improve my skills is this area and learn the techniques to create an effective poster that attracts the people’ attention. This project is linked very well with the area of interaction, Community and Service, because, thanks to this project, I will communicate to the whole school community important information about the event.
  • 3. GUIDING QUESTIONS To guide my investigation, I will formulate some questions that will help me to develop the poster. • What makes a good poster? • What are the essential information I need to include? • How can I attract people’s attention and persuade them to come to the event? • Which is the best software to create a poster? • What style is suitable for the event and to advertise it to the all community? • What are my end-user’s requirements?
  • 4. POSTER ANALYSIS Colours have to be eye-catching Font of the title - needs to attract people's attention Images Themes in the background Shapes behind text Logos – sponsors (X-Factor logo, ISM) Information: website – further information, date, place, event title Elaborate poster: small text-invisible, big images Not direct message, not quickly understandable Aim to younger people that like manga and comics Communicating through images and words 2 stars- not completely understandable date, place Good images and colour schemes that publicize well the event
  • 5. RESEARCH • What makes a good poster? To create a good and effective poster, is essential to make it legible and understandable to the client. In this case, my clients are Miss Daykin and the whole school community. The poster has to be colourful and with a direct message, easy to be understand by a big audience. The final work has to be original and eye-catching that makes the public want to stop and read it (colour, pictures, drawings, unusual shapes, logos, title). There should be themes in the background and shapes behind text, which closely relate to the central theme (X-Factor). It does not have to be too much elaborate, because to communicate a message is better simple and the points should be easy to read and follow. Do not use too many types of fonts and sizes for the text. It has to be readable, so the spelling, the language and the information of the poster should be correct. It has to be legible, so use an appropriate size that can be read from 5 feet away. The poster has to be well organized, by inserting the items with a logical order to have a good impact on the audience. It has also to be succinct and not with too many words, because, statistically, you have 10 seconds to grab people’s attention. Poster analysis (class work - • What are the essential information I need to include? It the final poster I will have to include the essential information: the date and place of the event, the ISM logo, my version of the X-Factor logo, the web site of the school and, in addition, some images or pictures that attract people’s attention and might be also useful to explain the theme. The event will take place in the school theatre. The date has been moved from the 13th of November at 7.30pm to another day in January, which will be decided afterwards. After the show, there will be an aperitif for everybody. The information of the poster have to be direct and easy to be understood by a large age rage of people. Miss Daykin • How can I attract people’s attention and persuade them to come to the event? To attract people’s attention, the poster should be colourful, with interesting images; for example the image of the three judges of the event. The poster must be understandable by all the school community, so the size of the font must be appropriate and there must be a balance between text and images. There should be themes on the background that are appropriate to the poster and shapes behind the text to highlight them. The poster must have bright colours that make it stand out and encourage people to read it. The font of the title must attract the
  • 6. attention and there should be inserted the logos of the sponsors of the event. The main function of a poster is to capture a moving audience with a message. During the designing a poster, the plan has to be carefully thought to attract people. There is a short amount of time to attract and hold the readers’ attention, so a solution is to think about the one aspect of the information that must convey the message and plan the design around that. After having selected the most important information, determine the imagery that will best convey the message visually. Deciding whether to use just one large image or have several small interesting shapes and drawings. Also choosing the colours is very important, because they evoke the mode or the emotion that the poster communicates. The final poster has to be very direct, so there shouldn’t be any superfluous detail. Poster analysis (class work - Emanuela Farma • Which is the best software to create a poster? The softwares that are more appropriate to create a poster are: Paint, Microsoft Publisher and Photoshop. I decided to use Microsoft Publisher, because it has many options for themes, fonts and shapes and I learned, thanks to videos on You Tube, explanations of the teacher and deeper research, how to use it appropriately to create a good poster. Emanuela Farma Microsoft Publisher (video, website • What style is suitable for the event and to advertise it to the all community? The style should represent the idea that has to be developed. It should remind immediately a person of what the poster is talking about. The style of the poster has to be connected to the theme of X-Factor, so it will have to use fonts, colour, images and backgrounds that transmit a sensation vivacity and dynamism and reminds the “show” topic, with its lights and effects. The font has to be bastoni, because it transmits the idea of power and modern. The colours should be bright, because they have to remind immediately the concept of the X-Factor show. Emanuela Farma • What are my end-user’s requirements? My end-user’s requirements are to advertise the X-Factor event and to encourage people to come. To satisfy my client, I will have to talk to him and
  • 7. make sure that my idea is approved and shared too. Miss Daykin • Interview to Emanuela Farma -How can I attract people’s attention? -To attract people's attention, the poster has to have images, shapes, backgrounds and fonts that are eye-catching. -Which is the software that you suggest to use? -I think that the most appropriate software is Microsoft Publisher, because it has many options and it is easy to work with. -Which type of paper is the best to use? -To create an effective poster the paper has to be resistant and bright to be noticed. -Which style is the best to advertise an event? -The style has to represent and transmit the event topic. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Poster analysis (class work - Emanuela Farma – expert graduated in publicity Miss Daykin (main client) Microsoft Publisher (video, website The sources that I used are valid, because thanks to them I learned how to improve the poster skills and how to use a specific software to create the final project. These sources are reliable because they are not biased and give information that can be found and backed up in other websites, books or videos of expert interviews. I think that the information and details gained from these sources are very helpful for the creation of the final poster.
  • 8. DESIGN BRIEF To create the poster that will advertise the X-Factor school event and fully meet my end-user’s requirements, I’ll have to follow strictly the limits and demands that I set previously. Firstly I’ll have to gather from the responsible of the event, Miss Daykin, more information on the event: when it will be, where it will take place, who will be the judges and more details on what will happen during the show. To create the poster on the computer, I’ll have to learn how to use programmes that are suitable for the task, by listening during the teacher’s explanations, watching tutorial videos on Internet and researching to have more suggestions. After having more information about the project I’m working on, I’ll start creating different prototypes of the poster. I will choose the one that is more appropriate and meets exactly the requirements. To understand how to improve it (design, colours, font and appearance) and make it more eye-catching, I will ask the point of view of different people, for example teachers, kids and adults. During the creation of the project, I’ll take inspiration from different posters, for example the logo of X-Factor. My goal to reach for this unit is to satisfy my end-user requirements and to advertise well the X-factor school event, by creating a good, attractive and direct poster, which will have all the needed information easy to understand. My costumer will be Miss Daykin, because she is in charge of organizing the event and so she will need to advertise it and encourage the people to come. My target audience will be the students, parents and teachers: the entire school community. They will need to be able to understand from the information on the poster the date, time and place of the event and what will happen during it. The final poster will have to be attractive, to catch people’s attention, informative, to make them understand what will happen, and entertaining (with interesting images, themes and capturing texts).
  • 9. DESIGN SPECIFICATION Limits Function Appearance It must not It must not be advertise other too bright events Content It must not contain only text It must not be It must not be incomprehensi too dark ble or difficult to read It must not contain only images Materials It must not contain the XFactor original logo It must not be created in a not appropriate program Size It must not be too small (A4) Materials It must contain my own version of the X-Factor logo Size It must be at least A3 It must not be too big (A2) I must not b in Text shouldn’t black and white be too small Demands Function It must contain the correct information about the event (time, date, place) It must give all the information directly Appearance It must be eyecatching Content It must be balanced between text and images It must attract the people’s attraction There has to be the school’s website for further information. It must have bright colours that make the poster stand out There should be themes on the background that are appropriate to the poster There should be shapes behind the text to highlight it It must be portrait
  • 10. Wishes Function It must contain the correct informatio n about the event (time, date, place) It must give all the informatio n directly Appearance It must be eyecatching Content It must be balanced between text and images It must attract the people’s attraction There has to be the school’s website for further informatio n. Function Convey the theme of X-Factor It must have bright colours that make the poster stand out There should be themes on the background that are appropriate to the poster There should be shapes behind the text to highlight it Meet the end-user requireme nts Appearance Content It must be colour Create nice and full attractive drawings and images that refer to the XFactor theme It must be eyeCreate a well catching balanced poster, that stands out thanks to images and text It must be easily Use at least 3 understandable different to all the people colours: red, (kids, parents, white, silver teachers) Materials Size It must contain It must be at my own version least A3 of the X-Factor logo It must be portrait Materials Use appropriate and resistant paper Use a good program to create the poster Size Correct measure to be well seen and understandable
  • 11. TEST PLAN Test name Does the poster contain the correct information (date, place, name of the event)? Is it comprehensibl e to all the school community? Is there a balance between text and images? Is there a balance between bright and dark? Is the poster in colour? Does it have at least 3 different colours? Does it contain my own version of XFactor logo? Does the poster have the correct size? Is the poster eye-catching and attractive? Is the poster original? Expected outcome Actual outcome Comments/ Improvements needed?
  • 12. Does the poster have appropriate themes on the background? Does the poster have shapes behind the text? Does the poster convey the theme of XFactor? Does the poster meet the enduser requirements? Does the poster contain images and drawings that refer to the theme? Is the poster been created with an appropriate program? Is the size of the font appropriate to be seen and read from the audience? I think that this test plan is well organized and structured, because it includes all the requirements to have a good poster. It will be useful because by following every question it will be easier to evaluate the final project and understand how to improve it. A way of testing the poster would be asking some questions that refer to it, to parents, children and teachers. Another way would be creating a small questioner for Miss Daykin, the responsible of the event.
  • 13. Questions for parents, children and teachers: Yes No Is the poster eye-catching? Is it easy to read? Is the message clear? SUGGESTIONS: Questioner for Miss Daykin: Yes No Does the poster satisfy your requirements? Does it advertise well the event? Are you pleased of the final product? SUGGESTIONS: I think that thanks to these questionnaires, I will be able to improve my poster and understand what is effective or not. The questions are focusing particularly on the aspect of the poster and if its information satisfy the client.
  • 14. POSTER PROTOTIPES POSTER 1 Font: -bold for the title (red, silver, white, black) -uppercase for the text (black) Background: space (stars and planets) Images: judges’ photo Shapes: boxes Logos: International School of Milan, XFactor POSTER 2 Font: -bold for the title (red, silver, white, black) -uppercase for the text (black) Background: lights Images: microphone, note Shapes: brightened white cloud and squares Logos: International School of Milan, XFactor
  • 15. POSTER 3 blue) Font: -bold for the title (dark brightened -Times for the text (black) Background: red Images: judges’ photos Shapes: arrows (silver brightened) Logos: International School of Milan, XFactor POSTER 4 Font: -bold for the title (white, with dark profile) -uppercase for the text (white) Background: dark sky with stars Images: judges’ photos Shapes: white brightened stars Logos: International School of Milan, XFactor
  • 16. EVALUATING THE DESIGN POSTER 1 Test name Does the poster contain the correct information (date, place, name of the event)? Is it comprehensible to all the school community? Is there a balance between text and images? Is there a balance between bright and dark? Is the poster in colour? Does it have at least 3 different colours? Does it contain my own version of X-Factor logo? Does the poster have the correct size? Is the poster eye-catching and attractive? Is the poster original? Does the poster have appropriate themes on the Actual outcome Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Not really Yes Yes
  • 17. background? Does the poster have shapes behind the text? Does the poster convey the theme of XFactor? Yes Not really Does the poster meet the enduser requirements? Not really Does the poster contain images and drawings that refer to the theme? Is the size of the font appropriate to be seen and read from the audience? Some Yes The poster contains the right information of the event and it is comprehensible to the audience. There is a balance between images and text and is in colour. It contains my personal logo of X-Factor and also the ISM logo. The poster is not very eye-catching and it does not fully convey the X-Factor theme.
  • 18. POSTER 2 Test name Does the poster contain the correct information (date, place, name of the event)? Is it comprehensible to all the school community? Is there a balance between text and images? Is there a balance between bright and dark? Is the poster in colour? Does it have at least 3 different colours? Does it contain my own version of X-Factor logo? Does the poster have the correct size? Is the poster eye-catching and attractive? Is the poster original? Does the poster have appropriate themes on the background? Does the poster Actual outcome Ye Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
  • 19. have shapes behind the text? Does the poster convey the theme of XFactor? Yes Does the poster meet the enduser requirements? No Does the poster contain images and drawings that refer to the theme? Is the size of the font appropriate to be seen and read from the audience? Yes Yes The poster is original and appropriate to the issue. The background and the images are appropriate to the X-Factor theme. The size of the text is appropriate to be read from people of different ages. The poster does not fully meet the end-user requirements, because it is not fully comprehensible that the show is a school event.
  • 20. POSTER 3 Test name Does the poster contain the correct information (date, place, name of the event)? Is it comprehensible to all the school community? Is there a balance between text and images? Is there a balance between bright and dark? Is the poster in colour? Does it have at least 3 different colours? Does it contain my own version of X-Factor logo? Does the poster have the correct size? Is the poster eye-catching and attractive? Is the poster original? Does the poster have appropriate themes on the background? Does the poster Actual outcome Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Not really Not really Not really No
  • 21. have shapes behind the text? Does the poster convey the theme of XFactor? Not really Does the poster meet the enduser requirements? Not really Does the poster contain images and drawings that refer to the theme? Is the size of the font appropriate to be seen and read from the audience? Not really Yes The poster has my original and creative version of the X-Factor logo. It has all the correct information and the colours are bright. I think that is a little too simple because is not very particular and doesn’t have a lot of interesting details. The poster is pale and doesn’t have eye-catching elements connected to the show.
  • 22. POSTER 4 Test name Does the poster contain the correct information (date, place, name of the event)? Is it comprehensible to all the school community? Is there a balance between text and images? Is there a balance between bright and dark? Is the poster in colour? Does it have at least 3 different colours? Does it contain my own version of X-Factor logo? Does the poster have the correct size? Is the poster eye-catching and attractive? Is the poster original? Does the poster have appropriate themes on the background? Does the poster Actual outcome Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
  • 23. have shapes behind the text? Does the poster convey the theme of XFactor? Yes Does the poster meet the enduser requirements? Yes Does the poster contain images and drawings that refer to the theme? Is the size of the font appropriate to be seen and read from the audience? Yes Yes The poster has a very original and attractive layout of the X-Factor logo. It suites very well in the requirements and is eye-catching, thanks to the texts in star-shapes and to the background, which highlights the title. I think it is a good prototype for the X-Factor poster, which has all the information required to the end-user.
  • 24. PROCESS JOURNAL Today (16th of October) I've created the background using a dark sky and I've inserted the website for info and the ISM logo. Next lesson I will continue inserting the information in the poster, in particular creating the title. Today (17thof October) I‘ve created my own X-Factor logo using word art and paint. Next lesson I will continue inserting information and the photo of the judges. Today (23rd of October) I have created the star shapes to highlight the text, which gives all the information needed to the public. The next lesson, I will have to continue working on the layout of the poster and them insert the image of the three judges.
  • 25. During this lesson (20thof November) I added to the poster the final details: the photos of the judges and corrected the font and size of the text. To cut properly the photos, I used a particular program: Photoshop. Today (21th of November) I changed the colours of the title and of the stars, to make the poster more eyecatching. I inserted a phrase near the photo of the judges and created some lines in the title to highlight it.
  • 27. TEST THE PRODUCT Test name Expected outcome Does the poster contain the correct information (date, place, name of the event)? Is it comprehensible to all the school community? Yes. Yes. Is there a Yes. balance between text and images? Is there a Yes. balance between bright and dark? Is the poster in colour? Yes. Does it have at Yes. Actual outcome Comments/ Improvements needed? Yes, it does The name of the contain the date, event is very eyethe place and the catching and the name of the event. information about it are inserted in the poster. Yes, it is This poster is comprehensible comprehensible, by a wide age because it is range. direct and the text is not too small. Yes, there is a The poster is balance between balanced because the amount of there aren’t too images and the many images or amount of text. words. Yes, there is a The colours are balance between balanced, bright and dark because the colours. background is dark, instead the text is white. So there is a good contrast that highlights the title and words. Yes, the poster is In the poster colourful. there is a combination of colours in the background, instead, for the text, there is a dominant colour. Yes, it does
  • 28. least 3 different colours? Does it contain Yes. my own version of X-Factor logo? Does the poster Yes. have the correct size? Is the poster Yes. eye-catching and attractive? Is the poster Yes. original? Does the poster have appropriate themes on the background? Yes. Does the poster have shapes behind the text? Yes. Does the poster convey the theme of XFactor? Yes. contain more than 3 colours. Yes, I created the The logo of the logo for the event. event is: The ISM Factor. Yes, the poster is The poster in big A3. enough to publicize well the event. Yes, the poster attracts people’s attention. Yes, the poster is original, because I personally created it with my own imagination and fantasy. Yes, the The theme of the background has background is the an appropriate space with stars, theme. planets and galaxies this is related to the event, because the judges are searching between many cultures the XFactor. Yes, behind the text have been inserted white stars to highlight it. Yes, the poster The poster relates to the convey with the theme of X-Factor. X-Factor theme, because of the logo, the stars and the images of the three judges.
  • 29. Does the poster meet the enduser requirements? Yes. Yes, the poster satisfies the client’s requirements. Does the poster contain images and drawings that refer to the theme? Is the poster been created with an appropriate program? Is the size of the font appropriate to be seen and read from the audience? Yes. Yes, the images and drawings refer to the theme. Images – photo of the three judges Drawings- three stars Yes. Yes, the poster have been created using Microsoft Publisher. In addition, to modify some images and logos, I used Photoshop and Paint. Yes. Yes, the text is possible to read from the audience. The final product fully contains the information needed to advertise the event: the date, the title, the place, the ISM website and logo. The title is very eyecatching, because of the colours used to highlight it. This poster is comprehensible to a wide age range, because it is direct and the text is not too small. There is a good balance between images and words and also between dark and bright colours.The theme of the background is the space with stars, planets and galaxies. This is related to the event, because the judges are searching between many cultures at ISM the X-Factor in a person, who will become the star of the show. In my opinion, the poster satisfies well my end-user requirements, because it publicise the event and it attracts people to come to it. To improve it further, I think that the drawings could have been a bit more precise and I could have used a specific and more advanced program to do this. I could have also used better effects, for example lights, to show the relation between the poster and the X-Factor show.
  • 30. Questionnaire to a parent: Is the poster eye-catching? Is it easy to read? Is the message clear? Yes Yes Yes Yes No SUGGESTIONS: It could have a better realization of the light effect, related to the light of the show. Questionnaire to an eight year old child: Is the poster eye-catching? Is it easy to read? Is the message clear? Yes Yes Yes Yes No SUGGESTIONS: You could have made clearer who can participate to the event and take part in the show. Questionnaire for Miss Daykin: Does the poster satisfy your requirements? Does it advertise well the event? Are you pleased of the final product? Yes Yes Yes Yes No SUGGESTIONS: I think that you could have created the lines in the title with more precision.
  • 31. The questionnaires carried out to Miss Daykin, to a child and to a parent were very successful. They liked how the poster has been created, the colours, the images and the style used. The parent suggested that I could have created a better light effect and added some more details that connected the poster to the idea of “show”. The child said that I could have inserted in the poster the information about who can take part in the event. Instead Miss Daykin was happy and satisfied with the final product, although she thought that I could have been more precise in the realization of the lines that composed the title. The poster met all the requirements set previously in the test plan and also had achieved good results in the three interviews. I think that the poster met my expectations and I’m proud of the work created, taking in consideration of the suggestions made by other people, which I completely agree with. EVELUATING THE PERFORMANCE
  • 32. Investigation stage: During the first stage, I met all the deadlines set by the teacher. I organized my work, by taking notes in class and doing the homework. I think I have worked effectively and concentrated to meet the goals I set previously. I think I could improve in the way I wrote the research, by adding more details, inserting the interview of Miss Daykin and consulting more sources. Design stage: In this stage, I selected the details that should be in the poster (colours, images, size, font, picture, shapes and background). In the design brief, I defined my goal and how I was going to reach it, satisfying the end-user requirements, instead, in the design specification I choose which were my aims. I met all the deadlines and I organized myself to complete effectively all the homework set by the teacher. Plan stage: In this stage I created four prototypes of the final poster that will publicize the XFactor event. I organized myself, worked creatively and met the deadlines set. I put effort in my work, to meet all the requirements of my end-user requirements. To improve my plan stage, I could have created more prototypes to have a wider range of selection. Creation stage: During this stage, I created the final X-Factor poster using Microsoft Publisher. I met the deadlines set and I think I put a lot of effort in this stage, because I was willing to create a good and effective posted that would meet the client requirements. EVALUATE THE IMPACT OF THE PRODUCT
  • 33. During this unit, I have been able to learn how to create an eye-catching poster to publicize an event. I understood the techniques to attract people’s attention. For example the colours, text and images in the poster are very important and relevant to convince a person to participate an event. I’ve also learned how to use in a more productive way different software, for example Microsoft Publisher, Paint and Adobe Photoshop. I think that this poster will be very useful to my client, Miss Daykin, because thanks to it, she will be able to publicize the X-factor event and persuade people to come to it. This work will benefit the entire school community, because it will communicate to students, parents and teachers, important information related to the event that will take place. The product created is relevant and useful in the Community and Service area, because thanks to it, I have been able to help the community around me, providing a poster with important information about the X-Factor event.