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Mind Maps/Brainstorms
Mood bored
Mind Maps/Brainstorms
Idea 1
I want to create an infographics for the display to show the statistics of the survey done in York
College about emotional abuse. For this poster I am going to be using yellow and black as my
colour scheme to fit in with the rest of the campaign but also add in some blue and peach to
brighten up the poster as the colours suit well with black and yellow. I want to create big pie
charts to present the information with the percentages in bold text next to it to help it stand
out. In my infographics I will include cartoon graphics of student and children to show the
people who took the survey to make it more clear kids took this survey and this is about them. I
want to create cartoon text books to be displayed above facts I will gather my self about
emotional abuse in general in the UK in students. The books are there to highlight the facts are
about students hence the school books. I will also include signs of emotional abuse on the
poster to tell the audience what too look out for and to warn them. I will do this by adding
numbered boxes with different examples of emotional abuse to look for in a relationship.
Evaluation of idea
• What do you like about the idea?
I like this idea because it’s a easy simple way of providing factual information about the
issues cause by emotional abuse. This poster provides information and facts for people to
read on the go and learn about quickly without researching anything or spending too
much time. Its also a pleasing way to present the information as they look very smart and
professional but they are also fun to read as they are shown in a fun way using images
and graphics, Its not just a poster full of writing.
• Does it match what the client wants?
This does match my client needs as in the brief they wrote “We would like the work to be
displayed in a professional but engaging way.” They have given me statistics on a recent
survey and by showing them in a infographics I am doing as they say as it’s a good way to
professionally get the information across but it pleasing and eye grabbing way as its filled
with colour and images.
• Are you capable of delivering this?
I am capable of delivering this as I have done this before for my social action work.
• Can you do this on time?
I can do this on time because in my social action project I was able to produce all my
posters for the deadline.
• Do you have the resources available to do this?
Yes as I have Photoshop on the college computer.
Developed Idea 1
Developed Idea 1
Idea 2
For my second idea I wanted to create a poster showing the different signs of emotional
abuse in a relationship. This is a good way to show the audience signs that they might not
know as this can help them identify what's going on in their relationship. I will also includes
links to websites that can help, the same links of the actual campaign posters. On the
posters I will have a dotted line going through the middle with 3 steps on each sides with
graphics beside them of the step I am describing to make it more clear and to make it
ascetically pleasing also. For the colour I will use black and yellow again to keep the
campaigns scheme so they all watch when I display the work. The poster will include their
logo at the top.
Evaluation of idea
• What do you like about the idea?
I like this idea because it’s a great way to spread awareness about the cause and you teach
people the different signs of being emotional abuse as some people don’t realise it
happening so by showing the different signs it can help them think about their own
situation, also by adding websites and helpline its give people ways to get help as well.
• Does it match what the client wants?
My client has specifically asked for this but I believe this is a good poster to have as its
great way to teach the audience about their campaign and raise awareness, I believe my
client will be happy with this idea.
• Are you capable of delivering this?
I cam capable of delivering this because I have done this before so I know the technique I
need to do as I have practiced a lot during my time at York College.
• Can you do this on time?
I will be able to do this one time as I have deadline before when creating posters and I
have plenty of time for this project to get everything done.
• Do you have the resources available to do this?
Yes I do because I have Photoshop.
Developed Idea 2
Idea 3
For the display its self I am going to include the images from the York college and York St
johns event as this is a display to show what the campaign have been doing. I will also
include on it posters, leaflets and business cards that other design student made and the
main ones that they use to promote the campaign and spread awareness. On there will also
be two students work in my class who earlier on in the year created some posters for
domestic abuse these would suit the message wear getting across and would benefit it.
This collage is also about the student so I want to includes lots of creative work from
students, therefore I will be including two pieces of my own work that I created for the
project, the infographic and the poster.
Evaluation of idea
• What do you like about the idea?
I like this idea because it will display everything that has happened in the campaign to
show the audience what type of work they do also it’s a good way to spread awareness
about the cause they are promoting. I have my work on the bored and one poster includes
4 signs that your in a emotional abusive relationship therefore this will help other people
understand if they are in one.
• Does it match what the client wants?
Yes this does match my client needs as this is what they have asked me to do in there
• Are you capable of delivering this?
I am capable of this as I have everything I need to create this and there is nothing to big
they have asked me to do, everything on the list I have done before and had experience
• Can you do this on time?
I can do this on time as I have plenty of it, 4 weeks.
• Do you have the resources available to do this?
Yes I do as I have met my client and they have given lots of resources such as a display
bored and lots of posters and picture to put up. I also have access to Photoshop and
Developed Idea 3
Idea Evaluation
Which of your ideas do you want to develop further? Explain why you think that is the right
idea to take forward.
I want to take all my ideas forward because I am not able to create a lot as the main aim
of this project to display a bored therefore any way I can create my own material I want to
develop the ideas further. I believe this is the right idea because one of my ideas I had
already spoken to my client about, the infographic and they were pleased with that idea,
therefore I know that’s going to go down well on the display and its great idea and way of
displaying information without taking too much of the display bored. For my 4 signs your
in an emotional abusive relationship poster I believe this is a great idea as it allows the
audience to see different signs and help them know if they are in a bad relationship. I
have not spoken to my client yet about this possible idea so I am not certain if it is a good
idea to take forward as I need to have a discussion first but I think its good idea to have it
on the bored. For my final idea of how I want to display my bored I have gone with
infographic and sign poster in the middle with the York college and IDAS another charity
logo, pictures on the left and their own posters and cards on the right. I have done it that
way because its good way to split in the different parts and make it easier for the
audience to go through, look at and read. This is a thought out idea of how I can set this
up and I will be taking this forward as I believe this is the best possible way of displaying
the work.
Assessment of final ideas
Suitable for audience?
My ideas are suitable for their audience as they are PG therefore any age can read them as they
have no inappropriate language or pictures. There is lots of graphics and simple paragraphs so
young people 13-16 can also understand these poster and seek help if they need. The audience
that my ideas are aimed at are people in the abusive relationships, my posters help these people
seek help as there are lots of websites on there where they can go to talk and there is no offensive
material about the situation there are in , the posters and display is very calming and understanding
of the situation to allow these people to come forward instead of being scared off.
Suitability for client?
My ideas are suitable for my client as I have planned what they have asked me to which is display
a bored. My other ideas I have discussed one of them with them and they have confirmed it’s a
good idea and they would like it therefore making it suitable for my client, I have also used there
colour scheme in my work making it suitable for their campaign as it all fits together. One of my
idea I have discussed with my client but I believe it’s a good idea and if its not suitable for them it is
for the campaign and the people reading it.
Appeal of the work:
My ideas and work will appeal to the audience or people just walking past as it look aseptically
pleasing to look at but also professional allowing people to know this is a serious issue. My work
with appeal to others as it will help them or encourage them to come forward about their issues and
seek help, as on my idea such as the posters there are lots of facts showing people there are
plenty of other people going through this and there Is also lots of help on the poster of other charity
and website they can go too to talk about their problems or someone they think needs help.
Assessment of final ideas
Timescales for production:
The timescale for my production will be two weeks. Starting from the 7th May. I have
chosen two weeks as this is enough time for me to create two posters In one week and
the second week I can use this time to print out all the images and poster and starting
displaying them on the bored. This will mean I will have everything ready for the 21st of
May the deadline.
The costs of this project will be £13, £3.00 for the bus to get to the event and £10 for
glossy paper to print out everything on it to make it look for professional. Nothing else
cost anything as I have free access to Photoshop though college and I will have free
printing ability though my tutor Dave.
For this project it is just mainly me doing most things such as creating the work,
displaying it, getting to the event but there other pieces of work from other students
that are helping me that I am displaying on the bored. My tutor Dave is also involved
in the project slightly as he is allowing me to use his work card to print out everything I
need for the project. My client Is coming in on the 21st at 11am to collect my work
therefore I don’t have to take it their myself.
Assessment of final ideas
Legal and ethical issues:
There are potential issues with creating some posters that my client as asked. A legal issue that I
could face would be using copy righted material such as photos and graphics on my poster as they
have only be licensed to use it so I am not aloud, a result of this could be my client getting sued lots
of money. I can make sure I do not do this as I will be taking my own images and creating my own
graphics of Photoshop. I another legal issue can be using fonts of Dafont. On Dafont there are lots
of fonts that you can use for your personal use but not for business so I can make sure I research
the font and that it okay for me use. An ethical issue would be promoting prejudice businesses, for
example a café that sell unfair coffee and are exploiting their trader would be a really bad café as its
unfair. By promoting this business you are offending lots of people and advertising a bad business. I
will not being doing this as I have research my client and they are charity that help people with
abusive relationship problems and therefore I would not be promoting anything bad only good.
Lastly there are regulatory issues this means falsely adverting fake or incorrect information on my
posters. For example, the information for emotional abuse if I put wrong facts on to the poster this
can mislead the audience into thinking they are being abused or the opposite and not seek help.
This could get my client into serious trouble with the law. There is not any regulatory issues that I
will be facing because all the information has come from my client and is correct and any
information I find myself I will be discussing it with my client first.
Competition/Market research:
My client is a charitable organisation and campaign they do not have any main competition as all charity's are there
for the same reason to help people and it wouldn’t work if they were fighting against each other. Charity's focus on
spreading awareness for their cause rather than other charity's profits and sales.
Who is in competition with your client?
You can say there is competition within the charity's rather then competition for who is the best but for the
produce, volunteers and donations. In charity's shops they sales clothing, shoes and other items to gain sales that
can either go back into the shop or for the cause they are prompting. To get these sales they need to make sure
their stock is good enough to sale and grabs the buyers attention. If a store doesn’t have very nice clothing or items
the customer are likely to shop some wear else so there is competition between the charity's to get the best stock
to they can keep their store open or help there cause more. An example of a charity shop that focuses more on the
quality of clothes is the British Red Cross shop in London that sells lots of designer clothes for reasonable prices not
too cheap therefore they can make enough money for the store and to donate while pleasing the customers.
Rather than Octavia Foundation Hampstead that got a low star review, this store is outside the city centre in a
cheaper area and sell normal clothes for a cheap price, this shop wont get as many sales than the Red Cross as its
not in a busy area and the items aren't as desirable. Another competition in this sector would be volunteers and
donations as there can only be so much money and people to go around. 15.2 million is the estimated number of
people volunteering at least once a month in the UK and with 185,000 registered charities in England and Wales.
The number is rising by 5,000 a year. As you read this, another charity will be created somewhere in the country.
The charity commission lists 620 cancer charities alone and more than 200 charities working with homeless people
just in London. With 185,00 charity with over 10 stores each they need lots of volunteers therefore have to fight for
people and encourage them to work from that charity for free rather than another one. This is the same with
donations as people are only going to donate so much as these charity want to make sure its them as they are
trying to help their cause as much as possible.
What is their design/photography/marketing/promotional/advertising work like?
All charities have the same focus and reasons for their causes and most of their
marketing and advertising are very similar as they are all trying to spread awareness.
for their logos they usually use a graphic or colour scheme that relates to their cause
.For example Naomi House & jacksplace charity have a hand drawn house
for their logo that has been done by a child as its quite messy but they have
done this to link with the name that is Naomi house and that picture is
supposed to show her house. lots of charity does this to make it simple to
understand when an audience see’s their logo and it also makes them
recognisable. For their advertising they all use very similar methods to get
a person interested. For example Peta, Shelter and Care massive charity's
in the UK all did an advert including a child. They have done this to make
the audience feel sorry for the child as they look sad and venerable in the
images this is a strategy to make the audience donate money or get involved. In
care and shelter advert they have also used stars and blobs to highlight important
facts so the audience see that first, these includes how and where donate as this is
there main aim.
What wider market is your client part of? Undertake research in to that market. This could be in the form of sales
figures, audience figures, turnover, job roles, customer base, market share, rules, regulations and codes of
My client is part of the third sector market. ‘Third sector organisations’ is a term used to describe
organisations that are not part of the public sector and private sector. It includes voluntary and community
organisations, social enterprises, mutuals and co-operatives.
Third sector organisations generally are independent of government and are ‘value-driven’. This means they
are motivated by the desire to achieve social goals for example, improving public welfare rather than the
desire to make profit.
Jobs you can get in this sector are similar to other sectors are every company needs
marketing, IT, Business and accounting teams. For smaller charity's you might need to
have experience in lots of things as they don’t have a very big team but for large
charity's they generally look for specific job roles. The voluntary sector currently
employs 853,000 people in paid positions and contributes approximately £12.2billion to
the UK economy. There are 185,000 registered charities in England and Wales but the
majority of UK charities are based in England. The South East has the highest proportion
of charities, while the North East has the lowest.
There are rules and regulation when it comes to the third sector, for example when a
charity decides to fund social care services through grants or contracts they need to
consider the different factors such as rules and regulations. These include, legal power,
state aid and the right kind of money the public body must be satisfies with the money
and that it intends to be used for the grant.
In a recent study in March 2017 it said that young people are volunteering more and
more with 16-24 year olds and over 65s are more likely to give up their time but 16-24
are the least likely to have donated money with a third of under 18s had donated in the
last month compared with 55% of adults.
This is understandable as young adults are going to have less money to give away with
44% of 16-24 year olds in full time education in 2016.
From July to September 2017 saw strong sales indicators, which included a 5.7 per cent
like for like income growth, plus 80 per cent of report respondents saw positive growth
in donated goods sales. Between 2016 and 2017 income from electrical goods and
menswear saw high growth, up by 17.7 per cent and 15.9 per cent respectively. The
growth in menswear sales underline that despite perception in some quarters, visits to
charity shops are not confined largely to women and this trend is welcomed.
Income from recyclers to charity shops also grew strongly, with a 22 per cent year on
year increase. However, sales of furniture in general charity shops decreased by 1.4 per
Audience/Customer research:
Who is the audience or customer that your client is trying to reach? Perhaps they have already told you. Perhaps you should ask.
You could also do further research in to the type of audience or customer you are hoping to appeal to.
All about respect is a HEFEC funded project run by York St Johns University. For
this project their target audience is split into two. They have a specific target
audience they want for the project itself and a difference audience of who they
are aiming it towards. For the project their target audience is 16-21 year olds as
this is the age of student in higher education. These are the people they want
to create their work as they want more young adults and teen to get involved
and give their opinion on the project and help. Its also a good way for them to
get free work and lots of college and university students need a client or work
For the project and campaign itself their target audience varies from 8-35 as
there is different types of emotional abuse. The can be emotional abuse in
family's between parents and children therefore the campaign is aimed at a
much younger audience but they are also appealing to a much older audience
as in relationships emotional abuse happens a lot between partners.
With 37% of women and 25% of men who had been in a emotional
Abusive relationship had experienced physical abusive, twice a high of
People that had been physically abused but not emotionally. This shows its
important to stop emotional abuse or get people help before its gets worse.
This study also shows us more women have experienced both so their target
audience will probably be aimed towards women.
For my posters I am hoping to appeal to young and old audience with PG friendly content on my posters its
suitable for all ages. I am not aiming to a certain gender and that could put men off reading and they just as
much help. I want to ensure my work can cater for everyone needs to make it as helpful as it can be
Content research:
This should take the form of secondary research (exiting products from your client and the competition and wider market) and
also some primary research (asking potential audience, your client and your market,) to help you formalise the content of your
The all about respect campaign have a few existing product with a business card, post card
and big poster. These product were made by second year graphic design students at the
York St Johns University. On the big poster is talks about what is emotional abuse and
what it includes with helplines and website to go if you need help. On the font cover I
have a graphic of a light bulb shining light on their slogan that says” Shine a light on
emotional abuse”. York college and their own logo are at the top of the page. Their
message is to raise more awareness son emotional abuse therefore have shown this in the
illustration by creating a light to make that message more clear and obvious. These is no
real life images on these posters either it is all just writing and graphic design as they have
been created by student so they didn’t have the most time or resources. This campaign
also have social media platform and a blog where they talk about the project and what
they are doing with events, their social media keeps up to date with everything they are
doing and includes image of recent events.
They were granted funding in may last year and it ends this year and with this money they
were able to create focus groups and survey to get a insight into how university student
dealing with relationships. They also hosted an event on the 6th-8th of march to spread
awareness of the cause run my York St Johns University and in partnership with York
College and IDAS. This campaign week was run all over York at a different places to allow
everyone to be able to get there.
Content research:
This should take the form of secondary research (exiting products from your client and the competition and wider market) and
also some primary research (asking potential audience, your client and your market,) to help you formalise the content of your
Some other charity's that deal with emotional abuse have created poster also to spread awareness. These are much different to
my client work as they are very visually effective as they focus on getting the message across the best way they can by creating a
scary but effective poster. On one of the poster they have used a little kid with his mouth cut away with the word “nutter”
written in the inside. This is show he gets told he speak to much and told to shut up. On the kids face you can tell he is sad, they
have done this to try show to people calling people names can hurt and also your own kids. By using a young kid this makes the
audience feel synthetic towards them encouraging them to either help or donate but it also shows kids that see this that it can
happen to them as well not just adults. Camden made quite a few posters aimed at different genders. This is a good to show
that it can happen to both gender and not just females as that is a common stereotype. They have used elderly people in the first
poster, this is a good way to show to the audience that it can happen what ever age you are and that it shouldn’t be like that
even if you have been together for a long time. In their poster they have used examples of way that he or her could be emotional
abusive towards you, this then allows the audience to get an idea of what it is and also see if they are going through it. In one
poster made by sonas they have used a women as the main image and put words around her to show that all these little insults
build up and can really damage someone on the inside. But one thing I believe that’s wrong in this poster that I am not going to
to when creating mine is it perfectly aimed at women as they have used a women not a man and used the “his” to show it’s a
man who is effecting her. This isn't a good way of spreading awareness because it allows men to think it cant happen to them
and with this stereotype of man be very mainly they are likely less to seek help.
Content research:
This should take the form of secondary research (exiting products from your client and the competition and wider market) and
also some primary research (asking potential audience, your client and your market,) to help you formalise the content of your
I have undergone some primary research with my client. They came in on the 26th on April to talked to me
about the brief. In this conversation we discuss other products I can develop that wasn’t in the brief. After
talking we have decided I can create a infographic, an article for their blog and do some photography for
their social media. From this I was able to make it clear the ideas I wanted to create for them and hear their
thoughts and opinions on them before actually creating them. Now I can start planning on these news bits
of work I can create. From this meeting also I have bought a ticket for the event that’s taking place at York St
Johns University so I can take some images and see my work be displayed. Without meeting up with my
client I would not of been able to discuss any of this. This was followed up in an email so I have a written
copy of this for future.
I am going to create 2 posters and a display board. For my first poster you are going to see a bright
vibrant page full of colour and text that’s going to help raise awareness about emotional abuse. It will
include 4 signs that your in an emotional abusive relationship, this is a great way for you to learn more
information about the issue as now you will be able to see if you are in one of those relationship or
help you figure out if your friends are and because of this you will be able to get them help. The poster
will include graphics that I will create my self, they will be colorful so they stand out but also calming
as they will be nice to look at as they will be child friendly as there will be no harsh content to look at,
it is suitable for everyone.
For the second poster I will be creating an infographic to present the statistics of the survey that took
place in York college. I have decided to create this as this is the best way to show off the information in
a simple but effective way without taking too much room on the display. You will see bright colours
making it easier for you read and phone numbers and websites that you can go to help if you need it.
This poster is going to educate you and make you more awake about the effects of emotional and
sexual abuse.
The display will be a 3 piece display full of work from other student through out the year so you can
see how many people have got involved. There will also be helplines and information that you can use
to get help. The event that happened at York college for All About Respect will be displayed in the
middle to let everyone know what the campaign is doing to help. It will be black and yellow to fit the
Treatment (visual elements)-Mock up
Treatment (visual elements)-Mock up
• Photoshop- Provided by college
• Printer- Provided by college, I am also getting the printing team to print off some
picture from the York college event on some glossy paper to make them look
more professional.
• Display board- Provided my Client
• Paper/gloss paper- Provided by printing team
• String- Provided by teacher
• Scissors- Provided by teacher
• Blue tack- Provided by teacher
• Mac- Provided by college
• Images- Provided my Client
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Week 1 9:00am-
x 10:50am-
Week 2 9:00am-
x 10:50am-
Week 3 9:00am-
x 10:50am-
Week 4 9:00am-
x 10:50am-
21st- Deadline
Week 1 Poster 1-
Start researching
different signs of
emotional abuse
x Start designing
the cartoon
Send to client
for feedback
Room for
Week 2 Poster 2-
Gather in the
statistics and
start creating the
pie charts
Come in to
college and
finish off
poster 2
Send to client
for feedback
and improve
Start printing out
all the images for
the display board
and plan where I
want to display
Complete the
display board
and finish off any
last minute
touches. Send a
picture to my
client and get
Week 3 Meet client at
10am to give
display board-
x Keep working
Book out kit
Visit the
event at York
St Johns
Production Schedule

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Development pro forma

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  • 6. Idea 1 I want to create an infographics for the display to show the statistics of the survey done in York College about emotional abuse. For this poster I am going to be using yellow and black as my colour scheme to fit in with the rest of the campaign but also add in some blue and peach to brighten up the poster as the colours suit well with black and yellow. I want to create big pie charts to present the information with the percentages in bold text next to it to help it stand out. In my infographics I will include cartoon graphics of student and children to show the people who took the survey to make it more clear kids took this survey and this is about them. I want to create cartoon text books to be displayed above facts I will gather my self about emotional abuse in general in the UK in students. The books are there to highlight the facts are about students hence the school books. I will also include signs of emotional abuse on the poster to tell the audience what too look out for and to warn them. I will do this by adding numbered boxes with different examples of emotional abuse to look for in a relationship.
  • 7. Evaluation of idea • What do you like about the idea? I like this idea because it’s a easy simple way of providing factual information about the issues cause by emotional abuse. This poster provides information and facts for people to read on the go and learn about quickly without researching anything or spending too much time. Its also a pleasing way to present the information as they look very smart and professional but they are also fun to read as they are shown in a fun way using images and graphics, Its not just a poster full of writing. • Does it match what the client wants? This does match my client needs as in the brief they wrote “We would like the work to be displayed in a professional but engaging way.” They have given me statistics on a recent survey and by showing them in a infographics I am doing as they say as it’s a good way to professionally get the information across but it pleasing and eye grabbing way as its filled with colour and images. • Are you capable of delivering this? I am capable of delivering this as I have done this before for my social action work. • Can you do this on time? I can do this on time because in my social action project I was able to produce all my posters for the deadline. • Do you have the resources available to do this? Yes as I have Photoshop on the college computer.
  • 10. Idea 2 For my second idea I wanted to create a poster showing the different signs of emotional abuse in a relationship. This is a good way to show the audience signs that they might not know as this can help them identify what's going on in their relationship. I will also includes links to websites that can help, the same links of the actual campaign posters. On the posters I will have a dotted line going through the middle with 3 steps on each sides with graphics beside them of the step I am describing to make it more clear and to make it ascetically pleasing also. For the colour I will use black and yellow again to keep the campaigns scheme so they all watch when I display the work. The poster will include their logo at the top.
  • 11. Evaluation of idea • What do you like about the idea? I like this idea because it’s a great way to spread awareness about the cause and you teach people the different signs of being emotional abuse as some people don’t realise it happening so by showing the different signs it can help them think about their own situation, also by adding websites and helpline its give people ways to get help as well. • Does it match what the client wants? My client has specifically asked for this but I believe this is a good poster to have as its great way to teach the audience about their campaign and raise awareness, I believe my client will be happy with this idea. • Are you capable of delivering this? I cam capable of delivering this because I have done this before so I know the technique I need to do as I have practiced a lot during my time at York College. • Can you do this on time? I will be able to do this one time as I have deadline before when creating posters and I have plenty of time for this project to get everything done. • Do you have the resources available to do this? Yes I do because I have Photoshop.
  • 13. Idea 3 For the display its self I am going to include the images from the York college and York St johns event as this is a display to show what the campaign have been doing. I will also include on it posters, leaflets and business cards that other design student made and the main ones that they use to promote the campaign and spread awareness. On there will also be two students work in my class who earlier on in the year created some posters for domestic abuse these would suit the message wear getting across and would benefit it. This collage is also about the student so I want to includes lots of creative work from students, therefore I will be including two pieces of my own work that I created for the project, the infographic and the poster.
  • 14. Evaluation of idea • What do you like about the idea? I like this idea because it will display everything that has happened in the campaign to show the audience what type of work they do also it’s a good way to spread awareness about the cause they are promoting. I have my work on the bored and one poster includes 4 signs that your in a emotional abusive relationship therefore this will help other people understand if they are in one. • Does it match what the client wants? Yes this does match my client needs as this is what they have asked me to do in there brief. • Are you capable of delivering this? I am capable of this as I have everything I need to create this and there is nothing to big they have asked me to do, everything on the list I have done before and had experience in. • Can you do this on time? I can do this on time as I have plenty of it, 4 weeks. • Do you have the resources available to do this? Yes I do as I have met my client and they have given lots of resources such as a display bored and lots of posters and picture to put up. I also have access to Photoshop and printers.
  • 16. Idea Evaluation Which of your ideas do you want to develop further? Explain why you think that is the right idea to take forward. I want to take all my ideas forward because I am not able to create a lot as the main aim of this project to display a bored therefore any way I can create my own material I want to develop the ideas further. I believe this is the right idea because one of my ideas I had already spoken to my client about, the infographic and they were pleased with that idea, therefore I know that’s going to go down well on the display and its great idea and way of displaying information without taking too much of the display bored. For my 4 signs your in an emotional abusive relationship poster I believe this is a great idea as it allows the audience to see different signs and help them know if they are in a bad relationship. I have not spoken to my client yet about this possible idea so I am not certain if it is a good idea to take forward as I need to have a discussion first but I think its good idea to have it on the bored. For my final idea of how I want to display my bored I have gone with infographic and sign poster in the middle with the York college and IDAS another charity logo, pictures on the left and their own posters and cards on the right. I have done it that way because its good way to split in the different parts and make it easier for the audience to go through, look at and read. This is a thought out idea of how I can set this up and I will be taking this forward as I believe this is the best possible way of displaying the work.
  • 17. Assessment of final ideas Suitable for audience? My ideas are suitable for their audience as they are PG therefore any age can read them as they have no inappropriate language or pictures. There is lots of graphics and simple paragraphs so young people 13-16 can also understand these poster and seek help if they need. The audience that my ideas are aimed at are people in the abusive relationships, my posters help these people seek help as there are lots of websites on there where they can go to talk and there is no offensive material about the situation there are in , the posters and display is very calming and understanding of the situation to allow these people to come forward instead of being scared off. Suitability for client? My ideas are suitable for my client as I have planned what they have asked me to which is display a bored. My other ideas I have discussed one of them with them and they have confirmed it’s a good idea and they would like it therefore making it suitable for my client, I have also used there colour scheme in my work making it suitable for their campaign as it all fits together. One of my idea I have discussed with my client but I believe it’s a good idea and if its not suitable for them it is for the campaign and the people reading it. Appeal of the work: My ideas and work will appeal to the audience or people just walking past as it look aseptically pleasing to look at but also professional allowing people to know this is a serious issue. My work with appeal to others as it will help them or encourage them to come forward about their issues and seek help, as on my idea such as the posters there are lots of facts showing people there are plenty of other people going through this and there Is also lots of help on the poster of other charity and website they can go too to talk about their problems or someone they think needs help.
  • 18. Assessment of final ideas Timescales for production: The timescale for my production will be two weeks. Starting from the 7th May. I have chosen two weeks as this is enough time for me to create two posters In one week and the second week I can use this time to print out all the images and poster and starting displaying them on the bored. This will mean I will have everything ready for the 21st of May the deadline. Costs: The costs of this project will be £13, £3.00 for the bus to get to the event and £10 for glossy paper to print out everything on it to make it look for professional. Nothing else cost anything as I have free access to Photoshop though college and I will have free printing ability though my tutor Dave. Personnel: For this project it is just mainly me doing most things such as creating the work, displaying it, getting to the event but there other pieces of work from other students that are helping me that I am displaying on the bored. My tutor Dave is also involved in the project slightly as he is allowing me to use his work card to print out everything I need for the project. My client Is coming in on the 21st at 11am to collect my work therefore I don’t have to take it their myself.
  • 19. Assessment of final ideas Legal and ethical issues: There are potential issues with creating some posters that my client as asked. A legal issue that I could face would be using copy righted material such as photos and graphics on my poster as they have only be licensed to use it so I am not aloud, a result of this could be my client getting sued lots of money. I can make sure I do not do this as I will be taking my own images and creating my own graphics of Photoshop. I another legal issue can be using fonts of Dafont. On Dafont there are lots of fonts that you can use for your personal use but not for business so I can make sure I research the font and that it okay for me use. An ethical issue would be promoting prejudice businesses, for example a café that sell unfair coffee and are exploiting their trader would be a really bad café as its unfair. By promoting this business you are offending lots of people and advertising a bad business. I will not being doing this as I have research my client and they are charity that help people with abusive relationship problems and therefore I would not be promoting anything bad only good. Lastly there are regulatory issues this means falsely adverting fake or incorrect information on my posters. For example, the information for emotional abuse if I put wrong facts on to the poster this can mislead the audience into thinking they are being abused or the opposite and not seek help. This could get my client into serious trouble with the law. There is not any regulatory issues that I will be facing because all the information has come from my client and is correct and any information I find myself I will be discussing it with my client first.
  • 21. Competition/Market research: Competition- My client is a charitable organisation and campaign they do not have any main competition as all charity's are there for the same reason to help people and it wouldn’t work if they were fighting against each other. Charity's focus on spreading awareness for their cause rather than other charity's profits and sales. Who is in competition with your client? You can say there is competition within the charity's rather then competition for who is the best but for the produce, volunteers and donations. In charity's shops they sales clothing, shoes and other items to gain sales that can either go back into the shop or for the cause they are prompting. To get these sales they need to make sure their stock is good enough to sale and grabs the buyers attention. If a store doesn’t have very nice clothing or items the customer are likely to shop some wear else so there is competition between the charity's to get the best stock to they can keep their store open or help there cause more. An example of a charity shop that focuses more on the quality of clothes is the British Red Cross shop in London that sells lots of designer clothes for reasonable prices not too cheap therefore they can make enough money for the store and to donate while pleasing the customers. Rather than Octavia Foundation Hampstead that got a low star review, this store is outside the city centre in a cheaper area and sell normal clothes for a cheap price, this shop wont get as many sales than the Red Cross as its not in a busy area and the items aren't as desirable. Another competition in this sector would be volunteers and donations as there can only be so much money and people to go around. 15.2 million is the estimated number of people volunteering at least once a month in the UK and with 185,000 registered charities in England and Wales. The number is rising by 5,000 a year. As you read this, another charity will be created somewhere in the country. The charity commission lists 620 cancer charities alone and more than 200 charities working with homeless people just in London. With 185,00 charity with over 10 stores each they need lots of volunteers therefore have to fight for people and encourage them to work from that charity for free rather than another one. This is the same with donations as people are only going to donate so much as these charity want to make sure its them as they are trying to help their cause as much as possible.
  • 22. What is their design/photography/marketing/promotional/advertising work like? All charities have the same focus and reasons for their causes and most of their marketing and advertising are very similar as they are all trying to spread awareness. for their logos they usually use a graphic or colour scheme that relates to their cause .For example Naomi House & jacksplace charity have a hand drawn house for their logo that has been done by a child as its quite messy but they have done this to link with the name that is Naomi house and that picture is supposed to show her house. lots of charity does this to make it simple to understand when an audience see’s their logo and it also makes them recognisable. For their advertising they all use very similar methods to get a person interested. For example Peta, Shelter and Care massive charity's in the UK all did an advert including a child. They have done this to make the audience feel sorry for the child as they look sad and venerable in the images this is a strategy to make the audience donate money or get involved. In care and shelter advert they have also used stars and blobs to highlight important facts so the audience see that first, these includes how and where donate as this is there main aim. What wider market is your client part of? Undertake research in to that market. This could be in the form of sales figures, audience figures, turnover, job roles, customer base, market share, rules, regulations and codes of practice. My client is part of the third sector market. ‘Third sector organisations’ is a term used to describe organisations that are not part of the public sector and private sector. It includes voluntary and community organisations, social enterprises, mutuals and co-operatives. Third sector organisations generally are independent of government and are ‘value-driven’. This means they are motivated by the desire to achieve social goals for example, improving public welfare rather than the desire to make profit.
  • 23. Jobs you can get in this sector are similar to other sectors are every company needs marketing, IT, Business and accounting teams. For smaller charity's you might need to have experience in lots of things as they don’t have a very big team but for large charity's they generally look for specific job roles. The voluntary sector currently employs 853,000 people in paid positions and contributes approximately £12.2billion to the UK economy. There are 185,000 registered charities in England and Wales but the majority of UK charities are based in England. The South East has the highest proportion of charities, while the North East has the lowest. There are rules and regulation when it comes to the third sector, for example when a charity decides to fund social care services through grants or contracts they need to consider the different factors such as rules and regulations. These include, legal power, state aid and the right kind of money the public body must be satisfies with the money and that it intends to be used for the grant. In a recent study in March 2017 it said that young people are volunteering more and more with 16-24 year olds and over 65s are more likely to give up their time but 16-24 are the least likely to have donated money with a third of under 18s had donated in the last month compared with 55% of adults. This is understandable as young adults are going to have less money to give away with 44% of 16-24 year olds in full time education in 2016. From July to September 2017 saw strong sales indicators, which included a 5.7 per cent like for like income growth, plus 80 per cent of report respondents saw positive growth in donated goods sales. Between 2016 and 2017 income from electrical goods and menswear saw high growth, up by 17.7 per cent and 15.9 per cent respectively. The growth in menswear sales underline that despite perception in some quarters, visits to charity shops are not confined largely to women and this trend is welcomed. Income from recyclers to charity shops also grew strongly, with a 22 per cent year on year increase. However, sales of furniture in general charity shops decreased by 1.4 per cent.
  • 24. Audience/Customer research: Who is the audience or customer that your client is trying to reach? Perhaps they have already told you. Perhaps you should ask. You could also do further research in to the type of audience or customer you are hoping to appeal to. All about respect is a HEFEC funded project run by York St Johns University. For this project their target audience is split into two. They have a specific target audience they want for the project itself and a difference audience of who they are aiming it towards. For the project their target audience is 16-21 year olds as this is the age of student in higher education. These are the people they want to create their work as they want more young adults and teen to get involved and give their opinion on the project and help. Its also a good way for them to get free work and lots of college and university students need a client or work placements. For the project and campaign itself their target audience varies from 8-35 as there is different types of emotional abuse. The can be emotional abuse in family's between parents and children therefore the campaign is aimed at a much younger audience but they are also appealing to a much older audience as in relationships emotional abuse happens a lot between partners. With 37% of women and 25% of men who had been in a emotional Abusive relationship had experienced physical abusive, twice a high of People that had been physically abused but not emotionally. This shows its important to stop emotional abuse or get people help before its gets worse. This study also shows us more women have experienced both so their target audience will probably be aimed towards women. For my posters I am hoping to appeal to young and old audience with PG friendly content on my posters its suitable for all ages. I am not aiming to a certain gender and that could put men off reading and they just as much help. I want to ensure my work can cater for everyone needs to make it as helpful as it can be
  • 25. Content research: This should take the form of secondary research (exiting products from your client and the competition and wider market) and also some primary research (asking potential audience, your client and your market,) to help you formalise the content of your project. The all about respect campaign have a few existing product with a business card, post card and big poster. These product were made by second year graphic design students at the York St Johns University. On the big poster is talks about what is emotional abuse and what it includes with helplines and website to go if you need help. On the font cover I have a graphic of a light bulb shining light on their slogan that says” Shine a light on emotional abuse”. York college and their own logo are at the top of the page. Their message is to raise more awareness son emotional abuse therefore have shown this in the illustration by creating a light to make that message more clear and obvious. These is no real life images on these posters either it is all just writing and graphic design as they have been created by student so they didn’t have the most time or resources. This campaign also have social media platform and a blog where they talk about the project and what they are doing with events, their social media keeps up to date with everything they are doing and includes image of recent events. They were granted funding in may last year and it ends this year and with this money they were able to create focus groups and survey to get a insight into how university student dealing with relationships. They also hosted an event on the 6th-8th of march to spread awareness of the cause run my York St Johns University and in partnership with York College and IDAS. This campaign week was run all over York at a different places to allow everyone to be able to get there.
  • 26. Content research: This should take the form of secondary research (exiting products from your client and the competition and wider market) and also some primary research (asking potential audience, your client and your market,) to help you formalise the content of your project. Some other charity's that deal with emotional abuse have created poster also to spread awareness. These are much different to my client work as they are very visually effective as they focus on getting the message across the best way they can by creating a scary but effective poster. On one of the poster they have used a little kid with his mouth cut away with the word “nutter” written in the inside. This is show he gets told he speak to much and told to shut up. On the kids face you can tell he is sad, they have done this to try show to people calling people names can hurt and also your own kids. By using a young kid this makes the audience feel synthetic towards them encouraging them to either help or donate but it also shows kids that see this that it can happen to them as well not just adults. Camden made quite a few posters aimed at different genders. This is a good to show that it can happen to both gender and not just females as that is a common stereotype. They have used elderly people in the first poster, this is a good way to show to the audience that it can happen what ever age you are and that it shouldn’t be like that even if you have been together for a long time. In their poster they have used examples of way that he or her could be emotional abusive towards you, this then allows the audience to get an idea of what it is and also see if they are going through it. In one poster made by sonas they have used a women as the main image and put words around her to show that all these little insults build up and can really damage someone on the inside. But one thing I believe that’s wrong in this poster that I am not going to to when creating mine is it perfectly aimed at women as they have used a women not a man and used the “his” to show it’s a man who is effecting her. This isn't a good way of spreading awareness because it allows men to think it cant happen to them and with this stereotype of man be very mainly they are likely less to seek help.
  • 27. Content research: This should take the form of secondary research (exiting products from your client and the competition and wider market) and also some primary research (asking potential audience, your client and your market,) to help you formalise the content of your project. I have undergone some primary research with my client. They came in on the 26th on April to talked to me about the brief. In this conversation we discuss other products I can develop that wasn’t in the brief. After talking we have decided I can create a infographic, an article for their blog and do some photography for their social media. From this I was able to make it clear the ideas I wanted to create for them and hear their thoughts and opinions on them before actually creating them. Now I can start planning on these news bits of work I can create. From this meeting also I have bought a ticket for the event that’s taking place at York St Johns University so I can take some images and see my work be displayed. Without meeting up with my client I would not of been able to discuss any of this. This was followed up in an email so I have a written copy of this for future.
  • 28. Treatment I am going to create 2 posters and a display board. For my first poster you are going to see a bright vibrant page full of colour and text that’s going to help raise awareness about emotional abuse. It will include 4 signs that your in an emotional abusive relationship, this is a great way for you to learn more information about the issue as now you will be able to see if you are in one of those relationship or help you figure out if your friends are and because of this you will be able to get them help. The poster will include graphics that I will create my self, they will be colorful so they stand out but also calming as they will be nice to look at as they will be child friendly as there will be no harsh content to look at, it is suitable for everyone. For the second poster I will be creating an infographic to present the statistics of the survey that took place in York college. I have decided to create this as this is the best way to show off the information in a simple but effective way without taking too much room on the display. You will see bright colours making it easier for you read and phone numbers and websites that you can go to help if you need it. This poster is going to educate you and make you more awake about the effects of emotional and sexual abuse. The display will be a 3 piece display full of work from other student through out the year so you can see how many people have got involved. There will also be helplines and information that you can use to get help. The event that happened at York college for All About Respect will be displayed in the middle to let everyone know what the campaign is doing to help. It will be black and yellow to fit the scheme.
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  • 33. Resources • Photoshop- Provided by college • Printer- Provided by college, I am also getting the printing team to print off some picture from the York college event on some glossy paper to make them look more professional. • Display board- Provided my Client • Paper/gloss paper- Provided by printing team • String- Provided by teacher • Scissors- Provided by teacher • Blue tack- Provided by teacher • Mac- Provided by college • Images- Provided my Client
  • 34. Project Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Week 1 9:00am- 4:30pm Pre- production x 10:50am- 12:40pm Pre- Production 1:10pm- 4:30pm Pre- Production 1:10pm- 4:30pm Pre- Production Week 2 9:00am- 4:30pm Pre- production x 10:50am- 12:40pm Pre- Production 1:10pm- 4:30pm Pre- Production 1:10pm- 4:30pm Pre- Production Week 3 9:00am- 4:30pm Production x 10:50am- 12:40pm Production 1:10pm- 4:30pm Production 1:10pm- 4:30pm Production Week 4 9:00am- 4:30pm Production x 10:50am- 12:40pm Production 1:10pm- 4:30pm Production 1:10pm- 4:30pm Production
  • 35. Monday 7th, 14th 21st- Deadline Tuesday 8th 15th 22nd= Wednesday 9th, 16th 23rd Thursday 10th, 17th 24th Friday 11th, 18th 25th Week 1 Poster 1- Start researching different signs of emotional abuse x Start designing the cartoon graphics Send to client for feedback and improvements Room for improvement Week 2 Poster 2- Gather in the statistics and start creating the pie charts Come in to college and finish off poster 2 Send to client for feedback and improve Start printing out all the images for the display board and plan where I want to display them Complete the display board and finish off any last minute touches. Send a picture to my client and get feedback. Week 3 Meet client at 10am to give display board- Deadline Start evaluation x Keep working on evaluation, Book out kit Visit the event at York St Johns Finish Evaluation Production Schedule