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L3 Creative Media
Production & Technology
Year Two Evaluation Template
Evaluation Overview
This evaluation form is designed to assist you in the evaluation of your projects.
When using this form, it is good practice to:
• Use appropriate terminology.
• Stay concise and focus on key points.
• Evaluate and analyse your statements.
• Focus on judgements about work rather than telling a story of how it was made.
Please find the grading matrix here to help you assess you are working at the right level.
Level 3 Extended Diploma Grading Matrix -
Project Overview
In this section you will outline the aim of the project/task and give an
overview of the activates you undertook to complete it.
What was the theme of your project and
what attracted you to it?
The theme of the project was the future.. What attracted me to this was the endless possibilities
that this would give me during the planning and production stage. The future is a giant unknown
and that leaves so many roads to explore and really drive at to find the best possible one.
The future also creates a better chance to deep dive into your audience and targets because you
can ask questions to them, so you are really getting them involved and finding something that is a
repeated future hope or dream.
Picking the future just opens so many opportunities so for boys it’s maybe wanting to become a
footballer, landing their dream job or maybe the old-fashioned marriage and kids' life.
The girls becoming a mother, landing the job they trained and worked so hard for
No matter what subject you pick the opportunities are endless with the future because it’s an
unknown and you can really involve the audience.
What research did you undertake and how
did it help develop your project?
The main research I undertook was looking into what 16–24-year-olds really enjoy (both genders)
and this was to ensure I was finding out how I could really involve the audience and make sure I had
the keys to create a successful project which they could easily relate too and understand.
I began with something that is probably the most popular thing with our age group.. Social Media.
The research began at looking into the biggest and most popular social media sites and found the
top 3 worldwide were: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. This allowed me to research and find some
statistics into how those sites have grown In users, money generated and growing income.
After finding the more popular sites it meant I could begin a bit further research into what the
target audience like the most, watch the most and accounts they follow the most. This was all key
research because it began laying the path for me and begin to bring my ideas to a clearer vision.
Understanding the audience and making sure I fully knew the main websites and apps they enjoy
along with the popular accounts they all love.
How did you develop and improve your ideas
throughout the project?
I feel like I developed my ideas a lot after the research into the target audience because those initial
ideas are just your building blocks. Initial ideas are always helpful, but they always lack the cutting
edge and that audience consideration (which is the most important thing).
I feel the main improvements came after the social media research and finding what this age group
look at the most. For boys it’s mainly their football or rugby and the teams they support. for the
girls it’s more beauty and elegance. This helped me develop my basic initial ideas of just creating a
basic website and social media account promoting something boring that we all see or hear about
on day-to-day life.
As you learn more and begin to produce more your ideas continue to develop in your mind because
as you create and then start looking at it you try to find the pros and cons about it and how you can
make it better so all the time your mind is developing these ideas.
What was the outcome of the project/task?
The outcome of this project was to create a brand up space for 16–24-year-olds to hang out and feel
like they have a space to be free.
We know that young clubs, school clubs and so on are all rather popular and kids nowadays so the
outcome was to create a brand-new space which would run off a certain theme that we as the
creators would select and then base our projects off.
We could select from: Nature, Future, Time, Industry, Fantasy or Illusion
Then once you had the theme the project began.
Personal Response
This section will explore your thoughts and feelings about the
experience. This will help gain a understand of how your personal
feelings may have impacted the outcome.
How did you feel about the project before
you started?
Before the project I felt very confident because been 17 I fit in the target audience so that instantly
made things seem super positive because having friends the same age and slightly older it meant
when it came to research, I had firsthand answers as well, so everything was positive.
My main worries were coming from it’s meant to be something for everyone, and I don’t really have
that many female friends and I don’t want to create something that becomes seen as a place just
for the male gender and I knew that research could get me so far but in the bigger picture it was
most likely going to have a male dominated image (as in what ever theme picked, I’d produce
something that maybe boys prefer but more women are getting into)
Overall, I felt extremely confident and ready. I also felt this was the most understanding I had been
for any project and ready to work hard to create the best project I could.
What do you think about your project development and
how did it help you to refine your idea?
I think the project development really helped refine my idea because as development took place
things became clearer, but they also become more detailed and the more detail there is the best
outcome you should end up with.
Development makes the good ideas stand out from the bad because if you can’t keep finding little
pieces to improve then I get the feeling your idea is one level and will only just hit the pass level or
even below a pass. But if you can continue to find little things that could be better or something
that doesn’t really make sense it just pushes you further.
I feel like my idea to begin with was rather basic and as I began to research and move through the
stages I began to find little errors, improvements and slowly the idea became better and clearer.
Did you collaborate on your project or engage
contributors, etc?
The project was to be started in groups and then tail off to begin creating your product then coming
together for the final piece. The main collaboration came in picking the chosen theme we were
going to use and base everything off.
The footage I was going to be using I didn’t need anyone to collaborate with or need any
contributors to help assist with that because it was all self shot and pre recorded from the past.
The contributions from my team with regards to the selection of the theme was really the main
driving point and teamwork needed on this project.
Evaluating the project
In the previous sections, you have been commenting upon the project development. The
evaluation may include some similar information, but it will also include critical comment.
An evaluation must include information about the good and bad points of the project, and
it is important to be honest. Finally, you should make a judgment about the effectiveness of
the success of the project
What were the good points about the project/task and what did you
learn from them? [try and think of at least 3, more if possible]
For me I found many good points about the project because I really felt connected and involved because
the target audience was the age group that I fit into, so I felt really involved.
The first good point was the researching into social media brands (like Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube).
I feel this was a good point because been a teenager and technology becoming such a major thing for this
age group, I felt the research was already assisted because the knowledge and understanding I already
had meaning I only need the statistics and most popular searches on Instagram, most popular channels
and videos on YouTube.
Another good point was creating the branding for the project because I really felt like you could explore
any type of logo design and just allow yourself to be free with it and use every single creative idea you
had while maybe asking around what type of colors the target audience enjoy the most.. Whether that
been bright vibrant or a bit darker. Then you could start trailing the colors you had been told about and
really start mixing and matching everything. Having this type of freedom for me just created a fun
The actual production stage was extremely good. I had worries that my idea wouldn’t come together how
I had hoped because I wouldn’t find the right clips to use or even find the correct type of music to go
behind the video, but I was so surprised at how good the whole production went.
What were the negative points about the
experience, and what could you have done to
improve them?
The negative points I feel there were only two and they both came rather early on.
The first negative for me came during the audience profile and trying to figure a plan out for both
genders because I didn’t want to just go with that basic of.. Boys want to go play sports, maybe have
a family.. Then for girls them meeting a boy settling down to start a potential family or go into the
makeup, fashion or nail industry. So, I found this difficult to then find a good profile for the two
genders that wouldn’t cause any issues.
How would you rate the final piece? [think along the lines of
poor, satisfactory, good or excellent...justify your rating]
I’d rate my final piece between good and excellent because I feel like some parts of the final piece
were excellent, but others weren’t as good, so I’d place it between.
I feel the footage itself came together well but I feel it lacked a bit of fluency in terms of going from
clip to clip. I also feel some footage could have been better if it was more recently (like the footage
of me throwing) I also think it could have been better if I could have had some actual game footage
of kids in this age group outside of myself playing in a proper game.. This would have then linked
the target audience and what I was going for much better.
I feel the excellent parts came in the music I found and used over the background of the video and
how well the beat drops on the last clip as the crowd go nuts for the Jaguars game winning field
goal. I also wanted to pick a beat that had changes and then one final beat drop and I really feel like
I found this and that is why I feel like this is the excellent part of the final piece.
What is your opinion of your final piece? What
elements do you think are successful and why?
My overall opinion of my final piece is a mixed set of emotions. I feel the overall video works well
and has really been what I saw during the research and planning stages and for that I'm extremely
proud of myself and happy with. The clips all worked, they linked together, I used my own footage
and even had some self footage of myself throwing, the music was a massive bonus because it really
took everything up a level. So, when I only think of those am extremely happy and I think the final
piece is brilliant.
Then there’s a piece of me that thinks the footage could have been better or some things could
have been pieced together better or just certain things in general could have been done better to
make it more fluent.
Overall though I’m proud of the final piece and extremely happy but do have those small feelings of
could it be better.
How did you design appeal to your target
I feel my design appealed to the target audience because I went a video which you could see on
Instagram reels or YouTube which I feel the target audience would be using and would see a lot
because those were two of the most popular social media sites when I researched into it and found
the certain statistics, I was needing to help me in the starting of the project.
The music I was looking through to find the correct match was mainly trying to find music that
would interest my target audience so something that wasn’t super slow and boring but upbeat and
something that used a beat drop toward the end of the video that would connect well the end clip
of the celebrations.
In this section, you will focus on the details of the project and make
sense of what happened in the project. You should demonstrate how
your decisions informed the project development and the success of the
In what ways was the overall project a
I think the biggest way the project was a success was that the target audience happened to be the
age group that everyone on the Project fits into meaning we all had a solid understanding and
advantage before we had even got going.
The other ways the project was a success was been able to deep dive into the statistics of social
media numbers and understand the reasons as to why the numbers had risen so much during the
years. Also knowing as a 17-year-old just how big of part of life social media and technology are and
how the success has really taken off.
I also feel when n it came to the production stage of the project, I kept the audience in mind during
the process so any clips I felt didn’t fit the beat of the song I cut down or replaced so I was making
the audience would stay involved throughout the entire process.
What elements did not go well and why?
I feel that only a few small things didn’t go well, and they came early. Those first initial ideas of
trying to fully get an understanding of the task ahead and trying to produce that initial idea and
trying to build and branch off it.
I felt another poor element was picking the theme because each option had so many routes you
could have used and followed and picking the future which is an extremely good pick when you look
back but that initial idea of that’s the theme go try and plan was something I felt in the beginning
didn’t really go the ways I maybe thought or expected. Just because every theme had so ways you
could go with project and before you get going and see your pick was correct you will always have
the worry of what if I've messed up.
What meaning and messages did you want to
convey and were you successful?
For me, the main message I wanted to get across was sometimes experiencing something new and
different to what your used to can be a change in your life that helps during the bad times.
Now this was a personal message because nowadays mental health is such a big thing and getting
help is absolutely huge when you need it and for me back in late 2017 and early 2018, I was losing
interest in my sports, and I came in one night to sit down, and my dad had the 2017 AFC
championship on, and I remember seeing Blake Bortles and the Jaguars create this major underdog
moment and a moment where the entire NFL was celebrating that the Patriots were finally going to
stumble and not make the super bowl but then the greatest of all time stepped up again and
dominated the final minute and after a 4th and 14 stop the underdog story was ended.
The message here was even if in the beginning you don’t find something enjoyable give it time and
it might grow on you and become something you love.
Statistics showing the numbers comparing people 16-24
and adults during lockdowns and some of the negative
effects they suffered from.
Unsurprising certain effects were more damaging to 16-24
year olds than adults in particular: Feeling alone, Not seeing
friends, feeling isolated and anxiety about the future.
Anxiety about the future became the major talking point
during the first lockdown because those in year 11 suddenly
thought what is going to happen in terms of my exams..
Questions like Will sit them? Will I pass if I don’t?
So my message was finding something new could prevent
these type of things happening
What feedback did you get from your peers
and viewings?
The main feedback I aimed to get was from my friends because they all fit into the age group I was
tasked with targeting during the process. So once I finished the video and everything was sorted, I
sent the video to 8 friends ( 4 of each gender) to make sure I was getting feedback from both
genders and covering every angle.
The feedback was a lot stronger and much better than I was expecting it to receive. The main point
of positive feedback was the choice of music and the end celebrations coming as the beat dropped,
all 8 said this was a major positive. They all also liked how I tried to get some real footage of myself
or someone who wasn’t a professional playing so you could see how much of an influence the game
has had.
The negative points mainly came about if people don’t find the game enjoyable it was rather one
levelled and despite the NFL changing with gender and more women getting involved in the game
the girls felt it was missing something for them.
2021 NFL playoffs with Super Bowl 56
What would you do differently in the future
and why?
I wouldn’t do a lot differently if I am completely honest because I feel this is the first project where I
feel liked every step was a success in its own way and I didn’t leave anything on the table and I really
knuckled down and pushed.
The main thing would be listening to the feedback given and maybe try get more gender natural
footage and try make sure both genders can see the amazing side of the game.
Action Plan
This section will identify what you would do differently in the future and
identify ways you could develop.
If you were making a similar project in the
future, what would you do differently?
If I was to work on similar project again there are a few things I would do differently
To start with during the research maybe do research into secondary options in case your ideas
struggle to take shape so if you get worried you can fall back into idea 2 or 3.
The big difference would be trying to move away from the NFL and maybe trying to work with
something both genders would enjoy viewing instead of just sticking to the plan of I know what I’m
doing there's no need to change. If project was to create something for people aged 16-24 and that
is both genders and I feel like the girls, I asked for feedback picked this up so that would be my main
change to make sure I was applying to everyone.

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Evaluation the grid final

  • 1. L3 Creative Media Production & Technology Year Two Evaluation Template
  • 2. Evaluation Overview This evaluation form is designed to assist you in the evaluation of your projects. When using this form, it is good practice to: • Use appropriate terminology. • Stay concise and focus on key points. • Evaluate and analyse your statements. • Focus on judgements about work rather than telling a story of how it was made. Please find the grading matrix here to help you assess you are working at the right level. Level 3 Extended Diploma Grading Matrix -
  • 3. Project Overview In this section you will outline the aim of the project/task and give an overview of the activates you undertook to complete it.
  • 4. What was the theme of your project and what attracted you to it? The theme of the project was the future.. What attracted me to this was the endless possibilities that this would give me during the planning and production stage. The future is a giant unknown and that leaves so many roads to explore and really drive at to find the best possible one. The future also creates a better chance to deep dive into your audience and targets because you can ask questions to them, so you are really getting them involved and finding something that is a repeated future hope or dream. Picking the future just opens so many opportunities so for boys it’s maybe wanting to become a footballer, landing their dream job or maybe the old-fashioned marriage and kids' life. The girls becoming a mother, landing the job they trained and worked so hard for No matter what subject you pick the opportunities are endless with the future because it’s an unknown and you can really involve the audience.
  • 5. What research did you undertake and how did it help develop your project? The main research I undertook was looking into what 16–24-year-olds really enjoy (both genders) and this was to ensure I was finding out how I could really involve the audience and make sure I had the keys to create a successful project which they could easily relate too and understand. I began with something that is probably the most popular thing with our age group.. Social Media. The research began at looking into the biggest and most popular social media sites and found the top 3 worldwide were: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. This allowed me to research and find some statistics into how those sites have grown In users, money generated and growing income. After finding the more popular sites it meant I could begin a bit further research into what the target audience like the most, watch the most and accounts they follow the most. This was all key research because it began laying the path for me and begin to bring my ideas to a clearer vision. Understanding the audience and making sure I fully knew the main websites and apps they enjoy along with the popular accounts they all love.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. How did you develop and improve your ideas throughout the project? I feel like I developed my ideas a lot after the research into the target audience because those initial ideas are just your building blocks. Initial ideas are always helpful, but they always lack the cutting edge and that audience consideration (which is the most important thing). I feel the main improvements came after the social media research and finding what this age group look at the most. For boys it’s mainly their football or rugby and the teams they support. for the girls it’s more beauty and elegance. This helped me develop my basic initial ideas of just creating a basic website and social media account promoting something boring that we all see or hear about on day-to-day life. As you learn more and begin to produce more your ideas continue to develop in your mind because as you create and then start looking at it you try to find the pros and cons about it and how you can make it better so all the time your mind is developing these ideas.
  • 9. What was the outcome of the project/task? The outcome of this project was to create a brand up space for 16–24-year-olds to hang out and feel like they have a space to be free. We know that young clubs, school clubs and so on are all rather popular and kids nowadays so the outcome was to create a brand-new space which would run off a certain theme that we as the creators would select and then base our projects off. We could select from: Nature, Future, Time, Industry, Fantasy or Illusion Then once you had the theme the project began.
  • 11. Personal Response This section will explore your thoughts and feelings about the experience. This will help gain a understand of how your personal feelings may have impacted the outcome.
  • 12. How did you feel about the project before you started? Before the project I felt very confident because been 17 I fit in the target audience so that instantly made things seem super positive because having friends the same age and slightly older it meant when it came to research, I had firsthand answers as well, so everything was positive. My main worries were coming from it’s meant to be something for everyone, and I don’t really have that many female friends and I don’t want to create something that becomes seen as a place just for the male gender and I knew that research could get me so far but in the bigger picture it was most likely going to have a male dominated image (as in what ever theme picked, I’d produce something that maybe boys prefer but more women are getting into) Overall, I felt extremely confident and ready. I also felt this was the most understanding I had been for any project and ready to work hard to create the best project I could.
  • 13. What do you think about your project development and how did it help you to refine your idea? I think the project development really helped refine my idea because as development took place things became clearer, but they also become more detailed and the more detail there is the best outcome you should end up with. Development makes the good ideas stand out from the bad because if you can’t keep finding little pieces to improve then I get the feeling your idea is one level and will only just hit the pass level or even below a pass. But if you can continue to find little things that could be better or something that doesn’t really make sense it just pushes you further. I feel like my idea to begin with was rather basic and as I began to research and move through the stages I began to find little errors, improvements and slowly the idea became better and clearer.
  • 14. Did you collaborate on your project or engage contributors, etc? The project was to be started in groups and then tail off to begin creating your product then coming together for the final piece. The main collaboration came in picking the chosen theme we were going to use and base everything off. The footage I was going to be using I didn’t need anyone to collaborate with or need any contributors to help assist with that because it was all self shot and pre recorded from the past. The contributions from my team with regards to the selection of the theme was really the main driving point and teamwork needed on this project.
  • 15. Evaluating the project In the previous sections, you have been commenting upon the project development. The evaluation may include some similar information, but it will also include critical comment. An evaluation must include information about the good and bad points of the project, and it is important to be honest. Finally, you should make a judgment about the effectiveness of the success of the project
  • 16. What were the good points about the project/task and what did you learn from them? [try and think of at least 3, more if possible] For me I found many good points about the project because I really felt connected and involved because the target audience was the age group that I fit into, so I felt really involved. The first good point was the researching into social media brands (like Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube). I feel this was a good point because been a teenager and technology becoming such a major thing for this age group, I felt the research was already assisted because the knowledge and understanding I already had meaning I only need the statistics and most popular searches on Instagram, most popular channels and videos on YouTube. Another good point was creating the branding for the project because I really felt like you could explore any type of logo design and just allow yourself to be free with it and use every single creative idea you had while maybe asking around what type of colors the target audience enjoy the most.. Whether that been bright vibrant or a bit darker. Then you could start trailing the colors you had been told about and really start mixing and matching everything. Having this type of freedom for me just created a fun experience. The actual production stage was extremely good. I had worries that my idea wouldn’t come together how I had hoped because I wouldn’t find the right clips to use or even find the correct type of music to go behind the video, but I was so surprised at how good the whole production went.
  • 17.
  • 18. What were the negative points about the experience, and what could you have done to improve them? The negative points I feel there were only two and they both came rather early on. The first negative for me came during the audience profile and trying to figure a plan out for both genders because I didn’t want to just go with that basic of.. Boys want to go play sports, maybe have a family.. Then for girls them meeting a boy settling down to start a potential family or go into the makeup, fashion or nail industry. So, I found this difficult to then find a good profile for the two genders that wouldn’t cause any issues.
  • 19. How would you rate the final piece? [think along the lines of poor, satisfactory, good or excellent...justify your rating] I’d rate my final piece between good and excellent because I feel like some parts of the final piece were excellent, but others weren’t as good, so I’d place it between. I feel the footage itself came together well but I feel it lacked a bit of fluency in terms of going from clip to clip. I also feel some footage could have been better if it was more recently (like the footage of me throwing) I also think it could have been better if I could have had some actual game footage of kids in this age group outside of myself playing in a proper game.. This would have then linked the target audience and what I was going for much better. I feel the excellent parts came in the music I found and used over the background of the video and how well the beat drops on the last clip as the crowd go nuts for the Jaguars game winning field goal. I also wanted to pick a beat that had changes and then one final beat drop and I really feel like I found this and that is why I feel like this is the excellent part of the final piece.
  • 20. What is your opinion of your final piece? What elements do you think are successful and why? My overall opinion of my final piece is a mixed set of emotions. I feel the overall video works well and has really been what I saw during the research and planning stages and for that I'm extremely proud of myself and happy with. The clips all worked, they linked together, I used my own footage and even had some self footage of myself throwing, the music was a massive bonus because it really took everything up a level. So, when I only think of those am extremely happy and I think the final piece is brilliant. Then there’s a piece of me that thinks the footage could have been better or some things could have been pieced together better or just certain things in general could have been done better to make it more fluent. Overall though I’m proud of the final piece and extremely happy but do have those small feelings of could it be better.
  • 21. How did you design appeal to your target audience? I feel my design appealed to the target audience because I went a video which you could see on Instagram reels or YouTube which I feel the target audience would be using and would see a lot because those were two of the most popular social media sites when I researched into it and found the certain statistics, I was needing to help me in the starting of the project. The music I was looking through to find the correct match was mainly trying to find music that would interest my target audience so something that wasn’t super slow and boring but upbeat and something that used a beat drop toward the end of the video that would connect well the end clip of the celebrations.
  • 22. Analysis In this section, you will focus on the details of the project and make sense of what happened in the project. You should demonstrate how your decisions informed the project development and the success of the outcome.
  • 23. In what ways was the overall project a success? I think the biggest way the project was a success was that the target audience happened to be the age group that everyone on the Project fits into meaning we all had a solid understanding and advantage before we had even got going. The other ways the project was a success was been able to deep dive into the statistics of social media numbers and understand the reasons as to why the numbers had risen so much during the years. Also knowing as a 17-year-old just how big of part of life social media and technology are and how the success has really taken off. I also feel when n it came to the production stage of the project, I kept the audience in mind during the process so any clips I felt didn’t fit the beat of the song I cut down or replaced so I was making the audience would stay involved throughout the entire process.
  • 24.
  • 25. What elements did not go well and why? I feel that only a few small things didn’t go well, and they came early. Those first initial ideas of trying to fully get an understanding of the task ahead and trying to produce that initial idea and trying to build and branch off it. I felt another poor element was picking the theme because each option had so many routes you could have used and followed and picking the future which is an extremely good pick when you look back but that initial idea of that’s the theme go try and plan was something I felt in the beginning didn’t really go the ways I maybe thought or expected. Just because every theme had so ways you could go with project and before you get going and see your pick was correct you will always have the worry of what if I've messed up.
  • 26. What meaning and messages did you want to convey and were you successful? For me, the main message I wanted to get across was sometimes experiencing something new and different to what your used to can be a change in your life that helps during the bad times. Now this was a personal message because nowadays mental health is such a big thing and getting help is absolutely huge when you need it and for me back in late 2017 and early 2018, I was losing interest in my sports, and I came in one night to sit down, and my dad had the 2017 AFC championship on, and I remember seeing Blake Bortles and the Jaguars create this major underdog moment and a moment where the entire NFL was celebrating that the Patriots were finally going to stumble and not make the super bowl but then the greatest of all time stepped up again and dominated the final minute and after a 4th and 14 stop the underdog story was ended. The message here was even if in the beginning you don’t find something enjoyable give it time and it might grow on you and become something you love.
  • 27. Statistics showing the numbers comparing people 16-24 and adults during lockdowns and some of the negative effects they suffered from. Unsurprising certain effects were more damaging to 16-24 year olds than adults in particular: Feeling alone, Not seeing friends, feeling isolated and anxiety about the future. Anxiety about the future became the major talking point during the first lockdown because those in year 11 suddenly thought what is going to happen in terms of my exams.. Questions like Will sit them? Will I pass if I don’t? So my message was finding something new could prevent these type of things happening
  • 28. What feedback did you get from your peers and viewings? The main feedback I aimed to get was from my friends because they all fit into the age group I was tasked with targeting during the process. So once I finished the video and everything was sorted, I sent the video to 8 friends ( 4 of each gender) to make sure I was getting feedback from both genders and covering every angle. The feedback was a lot stronger and much better than I was expecting it to receive. The main point of positive feedback was the choice of music and the end celebrations coming as the beat dropped, all 8 said this was a major positive. They all also liked how I tried to get some real footage of myself or someone who wasn’t a professional playing so you could see how much of an influence the game has had. The negative points mainly came about if people don’t find the game enjoyable it was rather one levelled and despite the NFL changing with gender and more women getting involved in the game the girls felt it was missing something for them.
  • 29. 2021 NFL playoffs with Super Bowl 56 matchup WHO DEYYYYY WHO’S HOUSE
  • 30. What would you do differently in the future and why? I wouldn’t do a lot differently if I am completely honest because I feel this is the first project where I feel liked every step was a success in its own way and I didn’t leave anything on the table and I really knuckled down and pushed. The main thing would be listening to the feedback given and maybe try get more gender natural footage and try make sure both genders can see the amazing side of the game.
  • 31. Action Plan This section will identify what you would do differently in the future and identify ways you could develop.
  • 32. If you were making a similar project in the future, what would you do differently? If I was to work on similar project again there are a few things I would do differently To start with during the research maybe do research into secondary options in case your ideas struggle to take shape so if you get worried you can fall back into idea 2 or 3. The big difference would be trying to move away from the NFL and maybe trying to work with something both genders would enjoy viewing instead of just sticking to the plan of I know what I’m doing there's no need to change. If project was to create something for people aged 16-24 and that is both genders and I feel like the girls, I asked for feedback picked this up so that would be my main change to make sure I was applying to everyone.