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• "It is not birth,
marriage, or death,
but gastrulation
which is truly the
most important time
in your life."
– Prof Lewis Wolpert
• Gastrulation begins between days
14 and 16 of human
• Gastrulation results in formation
of the 3 germ layers:
• Mesoderm(e.g. muscle, bone,
• Endoderm (e.g. gut) and
• Ectoderm (e.g. nervous
Three germ layers:
1) Mesoderm
2) Endoderm
3) Ectoderm
• The embryonic structures that play an important role in
development of GUS are:
1. Intermediate Mesoderm
2. Cloaca
Intra-embryonic mesoderm is
subdivided into
• Paraxial mesoderm
• Intermediate mesoderm
• Lateral mesoderm
Kidney Development
 After the folding of the embryonic disc, the intermediate mesoderm
forms a bulging on the posterior abdominal wall, called the
 It extends from the cervical region to the sacral region of the
• Primitive urogenital sinus
1) Vesico-urethral canal
2) Definative urogenital sinus
- Pelvic part
- Phallic part
• The kidneys develop originally as a pair
of structures located in the cervical and
thoracic region of the developing
• They develop from intermediate
• The Human Kidney
develops in 3 successive
stages (rostral to caudal)
 They are aligned adjacent to
the Wolffian / Nephric Duct
Development of Kidney
– First to form, appears in the cervical region .
– Second to form, consist of a series of excretory
tubules that develop in the thoracolumbar
– Final formation, in the sacral region
Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny
Ernst Haeckel 1860
• Ontogeny is the development of the
• Phylogeny is the evolution of the species
• So this is the idea that during
development an organism (or an organ)
goes through the same stages as during
their evolution.
• Consider the Frog
– It development retraces the
evolution of vertebrates from fish to
– From the tadpole stage
• Water breathing with tail and no
limbs (like a fish)
• Rudimentary limbs
• Reduction of tail
• Development of lungs –
breathes air
• Fully developed limbs, loss of tail
moves onto land
– To the fully developed frog
develops from the cranial
most part of urogenital
 It is transitory, non
functional and regresses
completely by 5 weeks of
 Analogous to primitive
• The human pronephros are
never functional and
degenerates on 24th or 25th
• A nephric duct is formed in
relation to the pronephros
and ends into cloaca
however persists.
• 7-10 solid or tubular
arranged cell groups in
the cervical region (head
Time:3rd week
Destiny: degeneration in
the 5th week
 MESONEPHROS develops
caudal to the Pronephros in
thoracolumbar region.
 It consists of a series of
tubules that drain into the
nephric duct, which can be
called the Mesonephric duct.
 Transistionary Excretory
organ for embryo until
metanephros takes over.
• The blind end of the duct grows towards
the primitive cloaca and soon fuses to it
about 28th day.
 By the 4th month of gestation-completely
 Before its degeneration some of its cells
migrate and ultimately form the
• Adrenal glands
• Gonads
end of 4th week
transient urinary
Most degeneration,
Small part form male
excurrent duct
Mesonephric duct
Mesonephric tubule
and final stage of Kidney
 It results from Reciprocal
inductive signals between
the Metanephric
Mesenchyme (MM) and the
Ureteric Bud (UB) at the
caudal end of the
Urogenital bridge.
 Ureteric bud is an
outgrowth at the distal end
of the Wolfian duct, first
visible at approx. 5 weeks
of gestation.
Time:begin at 5th week,
exist forever
Function:begin at 3th month,
urinary function
Position:rise gradually
of the
of the
SYSTEM Development
of the
Development of Nephron
Upon invasion of UB in the
loose MM, signals from MM
cause UB to branch into a T -
Signals from UB induce the
MM to condense along the
surface of UB
becomes distinct from the
surrounding loose
mesenchymal cells and come
to lie adjacent to the
 After condensation a subset of the MM
aggregates inferior and adjacent to the
tips of the branching ureterIc bud,
forming the PERITUBULAR
 These undergo mesenchyme – to –
epithelial transformation and form the
 The Renal vesicle ultimately forms the
• Glomerulus
• Proximal Convoluted tubule
• Loop of Henle
• Distal Convoluted tubule
Renal Vesicle in contact with the
epithelium of the ureteric bud forms
Glomerulus develops from the most
proximal end of the Renal Vesicle,
farthest from UB tip.
These cells develop into Podocytes.
Vascular cleft develops between
podocyte layes and the more
proximal cells – ‘S SHAPE’
Endothelial cells migrate into the
vascular cleft
Mesangial cell ingrowth follows the
endothelial cells into the vascular
• In principle, all nephrons are formed in the same way and can
be classified into fairly well-defined developmental stages
(Larsson et al, 1983).
- Stage I
- Stage II
- Stage III
- Stage IV
Development of the Collecting
 The collecting ducts are all derived from the Ureteric Bud.
 The ureteric bud initially penetrates the metanephric mesoderm to form an ampulla,
and then undergoes repeated branching to form the ureters, renal pelvis, major calyces,
minor calyces, and collecting ducts.
 This branching is highly patterned
• By the 6th week, the ureteric bud
has bifurcated at least four times,
yielding approximately 16
• These branches then coalesce to
form two to four major calyces
extending from the renal pelvis.
• By the 7th week, the next four
generations of branches also
fuse, forming the minor calyces.
• By the 32nd week, approximately
11 additional generations of
bifurcation have resulted in
approximately 1 million to 3
million branches, which become
the collecting duct tubules
After the first few rounds of branching of the UB derivatives and
the concomitant induction of nephrons, the kidney begins to
become divided into an outer CORTICAL region (where
nephrons are being induced) and an inner MEDULLARY region
where the collecting system forms.
As growth continues successive groups of nephrons are induced
at the peripheral regions of the kidney, known as the
Schematic representation of progressive
• Older, more
differentiated nephrons
are located in the inner
part of the kidney near
the juxtamedullary
• Newer, less
differentiated nephrons
are found at the
Development of Vasculature
• Angiogenic Hypothesis- derived
from branches off aorta and
other pre-existing extrarenal
• Vasculogenic Hypothesis-
originate in situ from vascular
progenitor cells (VEGF).
Ascent of Kidneys
• During the fifth and sixth weeks of development, the mature
kidneys lie in the pelvis with their hila pointed anteriorly.
• As the pelvis and abdomen grow, the kidneys slowly move
• By the seventh week, the hilum points medially and the
kidneys are located in the abdomen.
• As the embryo continues to grow in a caudal direction, the
kidneys are left behind and eventually come to lie in a
retroperitoneal position at the level of L1 by the ninth week
of development.
• In the meantime, the kidneys have completed rotation and
the hila now face anteromedially.
• The metanephric ducts elongate and become the
• As the kidney ascends it receives new segmental
arteries from the aorta and loses those vessels
below (“climbing a ladder”). Thus sometimes
there is more than one renal artery.
• Sometimes one kidney fails to ascend => pelvic
• Sometimes the left and right kidneys become
attached in the pelvis then the horseshoe kidney
can’t ascend above the inferior mesenteric artery
Molecular mechanism of ureteral bud outgrowth
GDNF-(glial cell line- derived neurotrophic factor) ret Signaling in Kidney Development
Ret is a tyrosine kinase receptor
Ret is expressed in the Wolfian duct and the ureteric bud.
For stimulation of ureteric bud branching
By the time the bud has branched several times, expression is restricted to the tips of the
• In particular, several lines of
experimental evidence have revealed
a crucial role of the RET-GDNF-GFRα1
pathway in ureteric bud outgrowth.
Timeline of Kidney Embryology
• Week 4 : appearance of Wolffian or
Mesonephric Duct
• Day 28 : formation of Ureteric Bud (UB)
• Week 4-8 : Initial MM induction and UB
• Week 8 : First nephrons are formed
• Week 6-8 : kidneys ascend from pelvis to
lumbar location
• Week 8-15 : Period of UB branching with
stochastic formation of UB ampulla and nephron units
• Week 10 : filtration begins
• Week 32-36: End of Nephrogenesis
1. Anomalies of number
2. Anomalies of ascent
3. Anomalies of form and fusion
4. Anomalies of rotation
5. Anomalies of the collecting system
6. Anomalies of renal vasculature
1. Bilateral renal agenesis (BRA) -
• First recognized 1671 by Wolfstrigel.
• Quite rare.
• 500 cases have been cited in the literature.
• Significant Males predominance.
• Increase maternal age.
 Cause : The absence of a nephrogenic ridge on the
dorsolateral aspect of the coelomic cavity or the failure of a
ureteral bud to develop from the mesonephric duct will lead
to agenesis of the kidney.
• Besides the absence of functioning kidneys, each ureter may
be either wholly or partially absent.
• Complete ureteral atresia is observed in 50%.
• 40% of the affected infants are stillborn.
• Most of the children who are born alive do not survive
beyond 48 hours because of respiratory distress associated
with pulmonary hypoplasia.
 Associated anomalies seen are
1. Low birth weight – 1000-2000 g.
2. IUGR.
3. Potters facial appearance.
4. Legs often bowed and clubbed.
5. Skin excessively dry.
6. Hands are relatively large and clawlike.
7. Pulmonary hypoplasia - anephric fetus fails to produce proline,
which is needed for collagen formation in the bronchiolar
8. In males, rarely hypospadias and undescended testis.
9. In females, ovaries are hypoplastic or absent. Uterus is usually
rudementary or bicornuate with vagina short, blind or
completely absent.
• Diagnosis – characteristic potter facies, presence of
oligohydraminos and presence of amnion nodusum - small
white, keratinized nodules found on the surface of the
amniotic sac—may also suggest this anomaly.
• Anuria after the first 24 hours without distention of the
bladder should suggest renal agenesis.
• Renal ultrasonography is probably the easiest way to identify
the kidneys and bladder to confirm the presence or absence
of urine within these structures.
• Doppler ultrasonography to diagnose renal agenesis when
renal arteries are not detectable has been highly accurate,
even in fetuses with oligohydramnios.
2. Unilateral renal agenesis (URA) –
• More commonly than BRA.
• Occurs once in 1100 births.
• Males predominant 8:1.
• More frequently on left side.
 Cause :
• Fault lies most probably with the ureteral bud.
• Complete absence of a bud or aborted ureteral development
prevents maturation of the metanephric blastema into adult
kidney tissue.
• It is unlikely that the metanephros is responsible, because the
ipsilateral gonad is rarely absent, malpositioned, or
• Occurs no later than 4th or 5th week of gestation.
• Magee and coworkers (1979) proposed an embryologic
classification based on the timing of the faulty differentiation-
• Type I – before 4th week.
unilateral agenesis of GUS.
• Type II – early 4th week.
- affects both mesonephric duct
and ureteral buds.
- didelphys uterus with obstructive
ipsilateral horn and vagina.
• Type III – after 4th week.
- mesonephric duct devlops
normally only ureteral bud or
metanephric blastema affected.
 Associated anomalies –
1. The ipsilateral ureter is completely absent in slightly more
than half of the patients.
2. Ipsilateral adrenal agenesis -rare
3. Genital anomalies are much more frequently observed.
Despite the predominance in males(10% to 15%),
reproductive organ abnormalities seem to occur more in
females (25% to 50%).
• The diagnosis should be suspected during a physical
examination when the vas deferens or body and tail of the
epididymis is missing or when an absent, septate, or
hypoplastic vagina is associated with a unicornuate or
bicornuate uterus.
• Cystoscopy - reveals an asymmetrical trigone
either partial or complete ureteral atresia
3. Supernumerary kidney –
• Is truly an accessory organ
with its own collecting
system, blood supply, and
encapsulated parenchymal
• Only 100 cases reported.
• Left side.
• Affects equally men and
 Cause :
• The sequence of interdependent events involved in ureteral
bud formation and metanephric blastema development,
which is required for the maturation of the normal kidney,
probably also allows for the occurrence of a supernumerary
• It is postulated that a deviation involving both of these
processes must take place to create the anomaly.
• A second ureteral outpouching off the wolffian duct or a
branching from the initial ureteral bud appears as a necessary
first step.
• Next, the nephrogenic anlage may divide into two
metanephric tails, which separate entirely when induced to
differentiate by the separate or bifid ureteral buds.
• The twin metanephros develop only when the bifid or
separate ureteral buds enter them.
• The supernumerary kidney is a distinct parenchymatous mass
that may be either completely separate or only loosely
attached to the major kidney on the ipsilateral side.
• In general, it is located somewhat caudal to the dominant
kidney, which is in its correct position in the renal fossa.
• Occasionally, the supernumerary kidney lies either posterior
or craniad to the main kidney, or it may even be a midline
structure anterior to the great vessels and loosely attached to
each of the other two kidneys
• A to H, Various patterns
of urinary drainage when
ureters form a common
• All kidney positions are
relative only and are
depicted on the left side
for ease of interpretation.
• Dashed lines indicate that
detail was not defined
• The ureteral interrelationships on the side of the
supernumerary kidney are quite variable.
• Convergence of the ipsilateral ureters distally to form a
common stem and a single ureteral orifice occurs in 50% of
the cases.
• Two completely independent ureters, each with its own
entrance into the bladder, are seen in the other 50% of cases.
• It may not produce symptoms until early adulthood.
• Average age at diagnosis 30 to 36 years.
• A supernumerary kidney may become symptomatic from
hydronephrosis or even stone formation.
• Cystoscopy reveals one or two ureteral orifices on the
ipsilateral side.
1. Simple renal ectopic –
• Fails to reach its normal location in renal fossa.
• Found in – pelvis, iliac, abdomen, thorax and crossed.
• 1 in 900.
• Left side is more common.
• The classification of ectopia is
based on the position of the
kidney within the
• the pelvic kidney is opposite the
sacrum and below the aortic
• the lumbar kidney rests near the
sacral promontory in the iliac
fossa and anterior to the iliac
• the abdominal kidney is so
named when it is above the iliac
crest and adjacent to the second
lumbar vertebra.
• Factors that may prevent the orderly movement of kidneys
- ureteral bud maldevelopment,
- defective metanephric tissue that by itself fails to induce
- genetic abnormalities, and
- maternal illnesses or teratogenic causes.
• Genital anomalies are more commonly associated with it.
• The renal pelvis is usually anterior because the kidney has
incompletely rotated.
• As a result, 56% of ectopic kidneys have a hydronephrotic
collecting system.
• Half of these cases result from obstruction at either the
ureteropelvic or the ureterovesical junction (70% and 30%,
respectively); 25% from reflux grade 3.
 Associated anomalies :
• In females - bicornuate or unicornuate uterus with atresia of
one horn, rudimentary or absent uterus and proximal and/or
distal vagina.
• In males - undescended testes, duplication of the urethra, and
• Rarely adrenal glands are absent or abnormally positioned.
• Clinically asymptomatic.
• Vague abdominal complaints or frank ureteral colic secondary
to obstructing stone is the most frequent symptoms leading
to discovery of the misplaced kidney.
• The abnormal position of the kidney results in a pattern of
direct and referred pain that is atypical for colic and may be
misdiagnosed as acute appendicitis or as pelvic organ
inflammatory disease in female patients.
2. Thoracic kidney –
• partial or a complete protrusion of the kidney above the level
of the diaphragm into the posterior mediastinum.
• 200 cases have been reported.
• The renal counter and collecting system are usually normal.
 Cause :
• Kidney reaches to its normal location by end of 8th week.
• Delayed closure of diaphramatic anlage which allows renal
ascent above the level of future diaphragm or
• The kidney overshoot because of accelerated renal ascent
before diaphragmatic closure.
• Associated anomalies : elongated ureter.
• Majority are asymptomatic.
• Diagnosis is most commonly made after a routine chest
radiograph in which the affected hemidiaphragm is found to
be elevated slightly.
3. Cephalad renal ectopia –
• Kidney is positioned more cranially than normal.
• H/o – Omphalocele.
• When liver herniates into omphalocele sac with the intesitine
the kidney continues to ascend till they are stopped by
diaphragm at 10th thoracic vertebra.
• Ureter are excessively long.
Anomalies of form and fusion
1. Crossed renal ectopia with or without fusion –
• When a kidney is located on the side opposite from which its
ureter inserts into the bladder, the condition is known as
crossed ectopia.
• Ninety percent of crossed ectopic kidneys are fused.
• McDonald and McClellen classified :
Six forms of crossed renal
ectopia with fusion.
• First reported in 1654.
• 62 patients with crossed ectopia without fusion been
• Solitary crossed ectopia has been reported in 34 patients.
• Crossed ectopic with fusion seen in 1 in 1000 live birth.
• Unilaterally fused kidney with inferior ectopia is the most
common variety, whereas fusion with superior ectopia is the
least common.
 Cause :
• The reason of crossed ectopia are uncertain.
• Wilmer (1938) suggested that crossover occurs as a result of
pressure from abnormally placed umbilical arteries that
prevent cephalad migration of the renal unit, which then
follows the path of least resistance to the opposite side.
• Potter (1952) and Alexander and coworkers (1950) theorized
that crossed ectopia is strictly a ureteral phenomenon, with
the developing ureteral bud wandering to the opposite side
and inducing differentiation of the contralateral nephrogenic
• Fusion of the metanephric masses may occur when the renal
anlagen are still in the true pelvis before or at the start of
cephalad migration, or it may occur during the latter stages of
• It is the superior pole of the ectopic kidney that usually joins
with the inferior aspect of the normal kidney.
• Ascent continues until either the uncrossed kidney reaches its
normal location or one of the retroperitoneal structures
prevents further migration of the fused mass.
• The final shape of the fused kidneys depends on the time and
extent of fusion and the degree of renal rotation that has
• When the kidney not fused, the uncrossed kidney usually
resides in its normal dorsolumbar location while the ectopic
kidney is inferior and in either a diagonal or a horizontal
position with an anteriorly placed renal pelvis.
• Solitary crossed ectopia, the kidney is usually located
somewhat low but in the opposite renal fossa at the level of
L1-L3 and is oriented anteriorly, having incompletely rotated
on its vertical axis
 Associated anomalies :
• In all the types of fusion anomalies, the ureter from each
kidney usually is not ectopic. Except for solitary crossed
ectopia, in which there may be a hemitrigone or a poorly
developed trigone with a rudimentary or absent ureter on the
side of the ectopic kidney.
• Vesicoureteral reflux is noted in 20% of crossed ectopia.
• The highest incidence of associated anomalies occurs in
children with solitary renal ectopia and involves both the
skeletal system and genital organs.
• Males - cryptorchidism or absence of the vas deferens;
• Female - vaginal atresia or a unilateral uterine abnormality.
• Imperforate anus has also been observed in 20% of the
• As crossed ectopic anomalies have no symptoms. The defects
are often discovered incidentally at autopsy, during routine
perinatal ultrasound screening, or after bone scanning.
• Cystoscopy and retrograde pyelography were useful in
mapping out the collecting system and pattern of drainage.
2. Horseshoe Kidney –
• Most common of all renal fusion anomalies.
• The anomaly consists of two distinct renal masses lying
vertically on either side of the midline and connected at their
respective lower poles by a parenchymatous or fibrous
isthmus that crosses the midplane of the body.
• 1 in 500 births.
• 7% seen in Turners syndrome baby.
• 2 to 8 times more likely to have wilms tumor.
• The abnormality occurs between the 4th and 6th week of
• The intermediate mesoderm that gives rise to
the metanephric blastema fails to separate.
• As the ureteric bud grows cranially, they come into contact
with the fused nephrogenic cords and nephrogenesis
• With growth of the embryo, the ascent of the kidney is
arrested as the isthmus of the kidney makes contact with the
inferior mesenteric artery.
• Normal posterior rotation of the kidney is prevented by the
fusion resulting in the renal pelves becoming
orientated anteriorly.
• Fusion usually occurs at the lower poles. Upper
and midpole fusion is rare.
• Two theories of embryogenesis have been proposed –
- The classic theory involves mechanical fusion of two kidneys
during organogenesis. The inferior poles of kidneys touch and
fuse in the lower midline during the migration through the
narrow fork of umbilical arteries.
- An alternative theory proposes that there is abnormal
migration of posterior nephrogenic cells, which then coalesce
to form the parenchymal isthmus.
• In 95% of patients, the kidneys join at the lower pole; in a
small number, an isthmus connects both upper poles instead.
• Generally, the isthmus is bulky and consists of
parenchymatous tissue with its own blood supply.
• The horseshoe kidney even though it produces no symptoms,
is frequently found in association with other congenital
anomalies like :
1. vesicoureteral reflux (50%),
2. duplication of ureters (10%),
3. hypospadias
4. undescended testis (4%),
5. bicornuate or septate uterus (7%).
6. Horseshoe kidney is also frequently found in association with
other congenital anomalies. Most commonly affected organs
are cardiovascular, skeletal, and central nervous systems.
• 50% of patients are asymptomatic.
• In most the anomaly is incidental finding at autopsy.
• When symptoms are present they are related to
hydronephrosis, infection or calculus formation with vague
abdominal pain.
• Sometimes abdominal lump.
• Ultrasonography is detected.
• The kidney, as it assumes its final position in the “renal” fossa,
orients itself so that the calyces point laterally and the pelvis
faces medially. When this alignment is not exact, the
condition is known as malrotation.
• Most often, is found with another renal anomaly, such as
ectopia with or without fusion or horseshoe kidney.
• It is frequently observed in patients with Turner's syndrome.
• Medial rotation of the collecting system occurs
simultaneously with renal migration.
• The kidney starts to turn during the 6th week, just when it is
leaving the true pelvis, and it completes this process, having
rotated 90 degrees toward the midline, by the time ascent is
complete, at the end of the 9th week of gestation
• That rotation is actually the result of unequal branching of
successive orders of the budding ureteral tree, with two
branches extending ventrally and one dorsally during each
generation or division.
• More parenchyma develops ventrally than dorsally, and the
pelvis seems to rotate medially.
• Rotation of the kidney during its
ascent from the pelvis. The left
kidney with its renal artery and the
aorta are viewed in transverse
section to show normal and
abnormal rotation during its ascent
to the adult site.
• A, Primitive embryonic position; hilus
faces ventrad (anterior).
• B, Normal adult position; hilus faces
• C, Incomplete rotation.
• D, Hyperrotation; hilus faces dorsad
• E, Hyper-rotation; hilus faces laterad.
• F, Reverse rotation; hilus faces
• Rotational anomalies do not produce any symptoms, but if
excessive rotation takes place can cause obstruction to
outflow leading to hydronephrosis.
• The diagnosis may be done when a renal calculus is detected
in an abnormal location, but confirmation should be obtained
only from a renal ultrasound, excretory urogram, or
retrograde pyelogram.
1. Megacalycosis –
• Defined as nonobstructive enlargement of calyces resulting
from malformation of the renal papillae.
• It was first described by Puigvert in 1963.
• Most likely congenital and diagnosed prenatally.
• Males in a ratio of 6:1 and has been found only in white
• Bilateral disease has been seen almost exclusively in males,
whereas segmental unilateral involvement occurs only in
• The calyces are generally dilated and malformed and may be
increased in number.
• The renal pelvis is not dilated, nor is its wall thickened, and
the UPJ is normally funneled without evidence of
• The cortical tissue around the abnormal calyx is normal in
 Cause :
• There is transient delay in the recanalization of the upper
ureter after the branches of the ureteral bud hook up with the
metanephric blastema.
• This produces a short-lived episode of obstruction when the
embryonic glomeruli start producing urine.
• The fetal calyces may dilate and then retain their obstructed
2. Extrarenal calyces –
• Congenital anomaly in which the major calyces as well as the
renal pelvis are outside the parenchyma of the kidney.
• Extrarenal calyces usually do not produce symptoms, although
failure of normal drainage may lead to stasis, infection, and
 Aberrant, Accessory, or Multiple Vessels
• Multiple renal arteries is the correct term to describe any
kidney supplied by more than one vessel.
• The term aberrant vessels should be reserved for those
arteries that originate from vessels other than the aorta or
main renal artery.
• The term accessory vessels denotes two or more arterial
branches supplying the same renal segment.
Accessory renal artey Multiple renal arteries
• The renal arterial tree is derived from three groups of
primitive vascular channels-
• The cranial group consists of two pairs of arteries dorsal to the
suprarenal gland that shift dorsally to form the phrenic artery.
• The middle group is made up of three pairs of vessels that
pass through the suprarenal area. They retain the same lateral
position and become the adrenal artery.
• The caudal group has four pairs of arteries that cross ventral
to the suprarenal area and become the main renal artery.
• The kidney may receive its blood supply partially or entirely
from arteries arising at an abnormal level.
• In the case of non ascent or of incomplete ascent the aberrant
arteries may constitute the only supply.
• It may press upon the ureter and cause obstruction leading to
 Renal artery aneurysm
• The overall incidence has been calculated to be between 0.1%
and 0.3%.
• Most renal artery aneurysms are silent, especially in children.
• The diagnosis may be suspected with a pulsatile mass in the
region of the renal hilum or when an abdominal bruit is
• A wreathlike calcification in the area of the renal artery or its
branches (30%) is highly suggestive.
• Many asymptomatic renal artery aneurysms come to light
after the discovery and workup of hypertension.
Thank you
• “Now an embryo may seem
like some scientific or
laboratory term, but in fact
the embryo contains the
unique information that
defines a person. All you
add is food and climate
control, and some time, and
the embryo becomes you or
Todd Akin

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Development of kidney & its anomalies

  • 2. • "It is not birth, marriage, or death, but gastrulation which is truly the most important time in your life." – Prof Lewis Wolpert 2
  • 3. • Gastrulation begins between days 14 and 16 of human development. • Gastrulation results in formation of the 3 germ layers: • Mesoderm(e.g. muscle, bone, kidneys) • Endoderm (e.g. gut) and • Ectoderm (e.g. nervous system/epidermis) 3 Zygote Blastocyst Three germ layers: 1) Mesoderm 2) Endoderm 3) Ectoderm
  • 4. INTRODUCTION • The embryonic structures that play an important role in development of GUS are: 1. Intermediate Mesoderm 2. Cloaca 4
  • 5. INTERMEDIATE MESODERM Intra-embryonic mesoderm is subdivided into • Paraxial mesoderm • Intermediate mesoderm • Lateral mesoderm 5
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  • 7. Kidney Development  After the folding of the embryonic disc, the intermediate mesoderm forms a bulging on the posterior abdominal wall, called the NEPHROGENIC CORD/ UROGENITAL RIDGE  It extends from the cervical region to the sacral region of the embryo. UROGENITAL RIDGE
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  • 9. CLOACA • Primitive urogenital sinus 1) Vesico-urethral canal 2) Definative urogenital sinus - Pelvic part - Phallic part 9
  • 10. DEVELOPMENT OF KIDNEYS • The kidneys develop originally as a pair of structures located in the cervical and thoracic region of the developing embryo. • They develop from intermediate mesoderm. 10
  • 11. • The Human Kidney develops in 3 successive stages (rostral to caudal)  PRONEPHROS  MESONEPHROS  METANEPHROS  They are aligned adjacent to the Wolffian / Nephric Duct 11
  • 12. Development of Kidney • PRONEPHROS – First to form, appears in the cervical region . • MESONEPHROS – Second to form, consist of a series of excretory tubules that develop in the thoracolumbar region. • METANEPHROS – Final formation, in the sacral region
  • 14. Ernst Haeckel 1860 • Ontogeny is the development of the individual • Phylogeny is the evolution of the species • So this is the idea that during development an organism (or an organ) goes through the same stages as during their evolution. • Consider the Frog – It development retraces the evolution of vertebrates from fish to reptiles – From the tadpole stage • Water breathing with tail and no limbs (like a fish) • Rudimentary limbs • Reduction of tail • Development of lungs – breathes air • Fully developed limbs, loss of tail moves onto land – To the fully developed frog 14
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  • 16. Pronephros  The PRONEPHROS develops from the cranial most part of urogenital ridge.  It is transitory, non functional and regresses completely by 5 weeks of gestation.  Analogous to primitive fish.
  • 17. • The human pronephros are never functional and degenerates on 24th or 25th day. • A nephric duct is formed in relation to the pronephros and ends into cloaca however persists. • 7-10 solid or tubular arranged cell groups in the cervical region (head kidney) 17
  • 19. Mesonephros  MESONEPHROS develops caudal to the Pronephros in thoracolumbar region.  It consists of a series of tubules that drain into the nephric duct, which can be called the Mesonephric duct.  Transistionary Excretory organ for embryo until metanephros takes over.
  • 20. • The blind end of the duct grows towards the primitive cloaca and soon fuses to it about 28th day.  By the 4th month of gestation-completely disappears.  Before its degeneration some of its cells migrate and ultimately form the • Adrenal glands • Gonads 20
  • 21. Time: end of 4th week Function: transient urinary Destiny: Most degeneration, Small part form male excurrent duct Mesonephric duct Mesonephric tubule
  • 22.  METANEPHROS, third and final stage of Kidney development  It results from Reciprocal inductive signals between the Metanephric Mesenchyme (MM) and the Ureteric Bud (UB) at the caudal end of the Urogenital bridge.  Ureteric bud is an outgrowth at the distal end of the Wolfian duct, first visible at approx. 5 weeks of gestation. Metanephros
  • 23. Time:begin at 5th week, exist forever Function:begin at 3th month, urinary function Position:rise gradually Metanephros Metanephros
  • 25. Development of Nephron Upon invasion of UB in the loose MM, signals from MM cause UB to branch into a T - tubule Signals from UB induce the MM to condense along the surface of UB The METANEPHRIC MESENCHYME (MM) becomes distinct from the surrounding loose mesenchymal cells and come to lie adjacent to the URETERIC BUD (UB).
  • 26.  After condensation a subset of the MM aggregates inferior and adjacent to the tips of the branching ureterIc bud, forming the PERITUBULAR AGREGATES.  These undergo mesenchyme – to – epithelial transformation and form the RENAL VESICLE  The Renal vesicle ultimately forms the • Glomerulus • Proximal Convoluted tubule • Loop of Henle • Distal Convoluted tubule Renal Vesicle
  • 27. Renal Vesicle in contact with the epithelium of the ureteric bud forms the ‘COMMA SHAPE’ Glomerulus develops from the most proximal end of the Renal Vesicle, farthest from UB tip. These cells develop into Podocytes. Vascular cleft develops between podocyte layes and the more proximal cells – ‘S SHAPE’ Endothelial cells migrate into the vascular cleft Mesangial cell ingrowth follows the endothelial cells into the vascular cleft.
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  • 30. • In principle, all nephrons are formed in the same way and can be classified into fairly well-defined developmental stages (Larsson et al, 1983). - Stage I - Stage II - Stage III - Stage IV 30
  • 31. Development of the Collecting System  The collecting ducts are all derived from the Ureteric Bud.  The ureteric bud initially penetrates the metanephric mesoderm to form an ampulla, and then undergoes repeated branching to form the ureters, renal pelvis, major calyces, minor calyces, and collecting ducts.  This branching is highly patterned
  • 32. • By the 6th week, the ureteric bud has bifurcated at least four times, yielding approximately 16 branches. • These branches then coalesce to form two to four major calyces extending from the renal pelvis. • By the 7th week, the next four generations of branches also fuse, forming the minor calyces. • By the 32nd week, approximately 11 additional generations of bifurcation have resulted in approximately 1 million to 3 million branches, which become the collecting duct tubules 32
  • 33. After the first few rounds of branching of the UB derivatives and the concomitant induction of nephrons, the kidney begins to become divided into an outer CORTICAL region (where nephrons are being induced) and an inner MEDULLARY region where the collecting system forms. As growth continues successive groups of nephrons are induced at the peripheral regions of the kidney, known as the NEPHROGENIC ZONE.
  • 34. Schematic representation of progressive nephron differentiation. • Older, more differentiated nephrons are located in the inner part of the kidney near the juxtamedullary region. • Newer, less differentiated nephrons are found at the periphery. 34
  • 35. Development of Vasculature • Angiogenic Hypothesis- derived from branches off aorta and other pre-existing extrarenal vessels. • Vasculogenic Hypothesis- originate in situ from vascular progenitor cells (VEGF).
  • 36. Ascent of Kidneys • During the fifth and sixth weeks of development, the mature kidneys lie in the pelvis with their hila pointed anteriorly. • As the pelvis and abdomen grow, the kidneys slowly move upward. • By the seventh week, the hilum points medially and the kidneys are located in the abdomen. • As the embryo continues to grow in a caudal direction, the kidneys are left behind and eventually come to lie in a retroperitoneal position at the level of L1 by the ninth week of development. • In the meantime, the kidneys have completed rotation and the hila now face anteromedially.
  • 37. • The metanephric ducts elongate and become the ureters. • As the kidney ascends it receives new segmental arteries from the aorta and loses those vessels below (“climbing a ladder”). Thus sometimes there is more than one renal artery. • Sometimes one kidney fails to ascend => pelvic kidney • Sometimes the left and right kidneys become attached in the pelvis then the horseshoe kidney can’t ascend above the inferior mesenteric artery 37
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  • 40. Molecular mechanism of ureteral bud outgrowth GDNF-(glial cell line- derived neurotrophic factor) ret Signaling in Kidney Development Ret is a tyrosine kinase receptor Ret is expressed in the Wolfian duct and the ureteric bud. For stimulation of ureteric bud branching By the time the bud has branched several times, expression is restricted to the tips of the branches.
  • 41. • In particular, several lines of experimental evidence have revealed a crucial role of the RET-GDNF-GFRα1 pathway in ureteric bud outgrowth. 41
  • 42. Timeline of Kidney Embryology • Week 4 : appearance of Wolffian or Mesonephric Duct • Day 28 : formation of Ureteric Bud (UB) • Week 4-8 : Initial MM induction and UB branching • Week 8 : First nephrons are formed • Week 6-8 : kidneys ascend from pelvis to lumbar location • Week 8-15 : Period of UB branching with stochastic formation of UB ampulla and nephron units • Week 10 : filtration begins • Week 32-36: End of Nephrogenesis
  • 43. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES 1. Anomalies of number 2. Anomalies of ascent 3. Anomalies of form and fusion 4. Anomalies of rotation 5. Anomalies of the collecting system 6. Anomalies of renal vasculature 43
  • 44. ANOMALIES OF NUMBER 1. Bilateral renal agenesis (BRA) - • First recognized 1671 by Wolfstrigel. • Quite rare. • 500 cases have been cited in the literature. • Significant Males predominance. • Increase maternal age. 44
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  • 46.  Cause : The absence of a nephrogenic ridge on the dorsolateral aspect of the coelomic cavity or the failure of a ureteral bud to develop from the mesonephric duct will lead to agenesis of the kidney. • Besides the absence of functioning kidneys, each ureter may be either wholly or partially absent. • Complete ureteral atresia is observed in 50%. 46
  • 47. • 40% of the affected infants are stillborn. • Most of the children who are born alive do not survive beyond 48 hours because of respiratory distress associated with pulmonary hypoplasia. 47
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  • 49.  Associated anomalies seen are 1. Low birth weight – 1000-2000 g. 2. IUGR. 3. Potters facial appearance. 4. Legs often bowed and clubbed. 5. Skin excessively dry. 6. Hands are relatively large and clawlike. 49
  • 50. 7. Pulmonary hypoplasia - anephric fetus fails to produce proline, which is needed for collagen formation in the bronchiolar tree. 8. In males, rarely hypospadias and undescended testis. 9. In females, ovaries are hypoplastic or absent. Uterus is usually rudementary or bicornuate with vagina short, blind or completely absent. 50
  • 51. • Diagnosis – characteristic potter facies, presence of oligohydraminos and presence of amnion nodusum - small white, keratinized nodules found on the surface of the amniotic sac—may also suggest this anomaly. • Anuria after the first 24 hours without distention of the bladder should suggest renal agenesis. 51
  • 52. • Renal ultrasonography is probably the easiest way to identify the kidneys and bladder to confirm the presence or absence of urine within these structures. • Doppler ultrasonography to diagnose renal agenesis when renal arteries are not detectable has been highly accurate, even in fetuses with oligohydramnios. 52
  • 53. 2. Unilateral renal agenesis (URA) – • More commonly than BRA. • Occurs once in 1100 births. • Males predominant 8:1. • More frequently on left side. 53
  • 54.  Cause : • Fault lies most probably with the ureteral bud. • Complete absence of a bud or aborted ureteral development prevents maturation of the metanephric blastema into adult kidney tissue. • It is unlikely that the metanephros is responsible, because the ipsilateral gonad is rarely absent, malpositioned, or nonfunctioning. • Occurs no later than 4th or 5th week of gestation. 54
  • 55. • Magee and coworkers (1979) proposed an embryologic classification based on the timing of the faulty differentiation- • Type I – before 4th week. unilateral agenesis of GUS. 55
  • 56. • Type II – early 4th week. - affects both mesonephric duct and ureteral buds. - didelphys uterus with obstructive ipsilateral horn and vagina. • Type III – after 4th week. - mesonephric duct devlops normally only ureteral bud or metanephric blastema affected. 56
  • 57.  Associated anomalies – 1. The ipsilateral ureter is completely absent in slightly more than half of the patients. 2. Ipsilateral adrenal agenesis -rare 3. Genital anomalies are much more frequently observed. Despite the predominance in males(10% to 15%), reproductive organ abnormalities seem to occur more in females (25% to 50%). 57
  • 58. • The diagnosis should be suspected during a physical examination when the vas deferens or body and tail of the epididymis is missing or when an absent, septate, or hypoplastic vagina is associated with a unicornuate or bicornuate uterus. • Cystoscopy - reveals an asymmetrical trigone either partial or complete ureteral atresia 58
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  • 60. 3. Supernumerary kidney – • Is truly an accessory organ with its own collecting system, blood supply, and encapsulated parenchymal mass. • Only 100 cases reported. • Left side. • Affects equally men and women. 60
  • 61.  Cause : • The sequence of interdependent events involved in ureteral bud formation and metanephric blastema development, which is required for the maturation of the normal kidney, probably also allows for the occurrence of a supernumerary kidney. • It is postulated that a deviation involving both of these processes must take place to create the anomaly. 61
  • 62. • A second ureteral outpouching off the wolffian duct or a branching from the initial ureteral bud appears as a necessary first step. • Next, the nephrogenic anlage may divide into two metanephric tails, which separate entirely when induced to differentiate by the separate or bifid ureteral buds. • The twin metanephros develop only when the bifid or separate ureteral buds enter them. 62
  • 63. • The supernumerary kidney is a distinct parenchymatous mass that may be either completely separate or only loosely attached to the major kidney on the ipsilateral side. • In general, it is located somewhat caudal to the dominant kidney, which is in its correct position in the renal fossa. • Occasionally, the supernumerary kidney lies either posterior or craniad to the main kidney, or it may even be a midline structure anterior to the great vessels and loosely attached to each of the other two kidneys 63
  • 64. • A to H, Various patterns of urinary drainage when ureters form a common stem. • All kidney positions are relative only and are depicted on the left side for ease of interpretation. • Dashed lines indicate that detail was not defined 64
  • 65. • The ureteral interrelationships on the side of the supernumerary kidney are quite variable. • Convergence of the ipsilateral ureters distally to form a common stem and a single ureteral orifice occurs in 50% of the cases. • Two completely independent ureters, each with its own entrance into the bladder, are seen in the other 50% of cases. 65
  • 66. • It may not produce symptoms until early adulthood. • Average age at diagnosis 30 to 36 years. • A supernumerary kidney may become symptomatic from hydronephrosis or even stone formation. • Cystoscopy reveals one or two ureteral orifices on the ipsilateral side. 66
  • 67. ANOMALIES OF ASCENT 1. Simple renal ectopic – • Fails to reach its normal location in renal fossa. • Found in – pelvis, iliac, abdomen, thorax and crossed. • 1 in 900. • Left side is more common. 67
  • 68. • The classification of ectopia is based on the position of the kidney within the retroperitoneum: • the pelvic kidney is opposite the sacrum and below the aortic bifurcation; • the lumbar kidney rests near the sacral promontory in the iliac fossa and anterior to the iliac vessels; • the abdominal kidney is so named when it is above the iliac crest and adjacent to the second lumbar vertebra. 68
  • 69. • Factors that may prevent the orderly movement of kidneys include - ureteral bud maldevelopment, - defective metanephric tissue that by itself fails to induce ascent, - genetic abnormalities, and - maternal illnesses or teratogenic causes. • Genital anomalies are more commonly associated with it. 69
  • 70. • The renal pelvis is usually anterior because the kidney has incompletely rotated. • As a result, 56% of ectopic kidneys have a hydronephrotic collecting system. • Half of these cases result from obstruction at either the ureteropelvic or the ureterovesical junction (70% and 30%, respectively); 25% from reflux grade 3. 70
  • 71.  Associated anomalies : • In females - bicornuate or unicornuate uterus with atresia of one horn, rudimentary or absent uterus and proximal and/or distal vagina. • In males - undescended testes, duplication of the urethra, and hypospadias. • Rarely adrenal glands are absent or abnormally positioned. 71
  • 72. • Clinically asymptomatic. • Vague abdominal complaints or frank ureteral colic secondary to obstructing stone is the most frequent symptoms leading to discovery of the misplaced kidney. • The abnormal position of the kidney results in a pattern of direct and referred pain that is atypical for colic and may be misdiagnosed as acute appendicitis or as pelvic organ inflammatory disease in female patients. 72
  • 73. 2. Thoracic kidney – • partial or a complete protrusion of the kidney above the level of the diaphragm into the posterior mediastinum. • 200 cases have been reported. • The renal counter and collecting system are usually normal. 73
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  • 75.  Cause : • Kidney reaches to its normal location by end of 8th week. • Delayed closure of diaphramatic anlage which allows renal ascent above the level of future diaphragm or • The kidney overshoot because of accelerated renal ascent before diaphragmatic closure. 75
  • 76. • Associated anomalies : elongated ureter. • Majority are asymptomatic. • Diagnosis is most commonly made after a routine chest radiograph in which the affected hemidiaphragm is found to be elevated slightly. 76
  • 77. 3. Cephalad renal ectopia – • Kidney is positioned more cranially than normal. • H/o – Omphalocele. • When liver herniates into omphalocele sac with the intesitine the kidney continues to ascend till they are stopped by diaphragm at 10th thoracic vertebra. • Ureter are excessively long. 77
  • 78. Anomalies of form and fusion 1. Crossed renal ectopia with or without fusion – • When a kidney is located on the side opposite from which its ureter inserts into the bladder, the condition is known as crossed ectopia. • Ninety percent of crossed ectopic kidneys are fused. 78
  • 79. • McDonald and McClellen classified : 79
  • 80. Six forms of crossed renal ectopia with fusion. 80
  • 81. • First reported in 1654. • 62 patients with crossed ectopia without fusion been reported. • Solitary crossed ectopia has been reported in 34 patients. • Crossed ectopic with fusion seen in 1 in 1000 live birth. • Unilaterally fused kidney with inferior ectopia is the most common variety, whereas fusion with superior ectopia is the least common. 81
  • 82.  Cause : • The reason of crossed ectopia are uncertain. • Wilmer (1938) suggested that crossover occurs as a result of pressure from abnormally placed umbilical arteries that prevent cephalad migration of the renal unit, which then follows the path of least resistance to the opposite side. 82
  • 83. • Potter (1952) and Alexander and coworkers (1950) theorized that crossed ectopia is strictly a ureteral phenomenon, with the developing ureteral bud wandering to the opposite side and inducing differentiation of the contralateral nephrogenic anlage. • Fusion of the metanephric masses may occur when the renal anlagen are still in the true pelvis before or at the start of cephalad migration, or it may occur during the latter stages of ascent. 83
  • 84. • It is the superior pole of the ectopic kidney that usually joins with the inferior aspect of the normal kidney. • Ascent continues until either the uncrossed kidney reaches its normal location or one of the retroperitoneal structures prevents further migration of the fused mass. • The final shape of the fused kidneys depends on the time and extent of fusion and the degree of renal rotation that has occurred. 84
  • 85. • When the kidney not fused, the uncrossed kidney usually resides in its normal dorsolumbar location while the ectopic kidney is inferior and in either a diagonal or a horizontal position with an anteriorly placed renal pelvis. • Solitary crossed ectopia, the kidney is usually located somewhat low but in the opposite renal fossa at the level of L1-L3 and is oriented anteriorly, having incompletely rotated on its vertical axis 85
  • 86.  Associated anomalies : • In all the types of fusion anomalies, the ureter from each kidney usually is not ectopic. Except for solitary crossed ectopia, in which there may be a hemitrigone or a poorly developed trigone with a rudimentary or absent ureter on the side of the ectopic kidney. • Vesicoureteral reflux is noted in 20% of crossed ectopia. 86
  • 87. • The highest incidence of associated anomalies occurs in children with solitary renal ectopia and involves both the skeletal system and genital organs. • Males - cryptorchidism or absence of the vas deferens; • Female - vaginal atresia or a unilateral uterine abnormality. • Imperforate anus has also been observed in 20% of the patients. 87
  • 88. • As crossed ectopic anomalies have no symptoms. The defects are often discovered incidentally at autopsy, during routine perinatal ultrasound screening, or after bone scanning. • Cystoscopy and retrograde pyelography were useful in mapping out the collecting system and pattern of drainage. 88
  • 89. 2. Horseshoe Kidney – • Most common of all renal fusion anomalies. • The anomaly consists of two distinct renal masses lying vertically on either side of the midline and connected at their respective lower poles by a parenchymatous or fibrous isthmus that crosses the midplane of the body. • 1 in 500 births. • 7% seen in Turners syndrome baby. • 2 to 8 times more likely to have wilms tumor. 89
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  • 91. • The abnormality occurs between the 4th and 6th week of gestation. • The intermediate mesoderm that gives rise to the metanephric blastema fails to separate. • As the ureteric bud grows cranially, they come into contact with the fused nephrogenic cords and nephrogenesis proceeds. • With growth of the embryo, the ascent of the kidney is arrested as the isthmus of the kidney makes contact with the inferior mesenteric artery. 91
  • 92. • Normal posterior rotation of the kidney is prevented by the fusion resulting in the renal pelves becoming orientated anteriorly. • Fusion usually occurs at the lower poles. Upper and midpole fusion is rare. 92
  • 93. • Two theories of embryogenesis have been proposed – - The classic theory involves mechanical fusion of two kidneys during organogenesis. The inferior poles of kidneys touch and fuse in the lower midline during the migration through the narrow fork of umbilical arteries. - An alternative theory proposes that there is abnormal migration of posterior nephrogenic cells, which then coalesce to form the parenchymal isthmus. 93
  • 94. • In 95% of patients, the kidneys join at the lower pole; in a small number, an isthmus connects both upper poles instead. • Generally, the isthmus is bulky and consists of parenchymatous tissue with its own blood supply. • The horseshoe kidney even though it produces no symptoms, is frequently found in association with other congenital anomalies like : 94
  • 95. 1. vesicoureteral reflux (50%), 2. duplication of ureters (10%), 3. hypospadias 4. undescended testis (4%), 5. bicornuate or septate uterus (7%). 6. Horseshoe kidney is also frequently found in association with other congenital anomalies. Most commonly affected organs are cardiovascular, skeletal, and central nervous systems. 95
  • 96. • 50% of patients are asymptomatic. • In most the anomaly is incidental finding at autopsy. • When symptoms are present they are related to hydronephrosis, infection or calculus formation with vague abdominal pain. • Sometimes abdominal lump. • Ultrasonography is detected. 96
  • 97. ANOMALIES OF ROTATION • The kidney, as it assumes its final position in the “renal” fossa, orients itself so that the calyces point laterally and the pelvis faces medially. When this alignment is not exact, the condition is known as malrotation. • Most often, is found with another renal anomaly, such as ectopia with or without fusion or horseshoe kidney. • It is frequently observed in patients with Turner's syndrome. 97
  • 98. • Medial rotation of the collecting system occurs simultaneously with renal migration. • The kidney starts to turn during the 6th week, just when it is leaving the true pelvis, and it completes this process, having rotated 90 degrees toward the midline, by the time ascent is complete, at the end of the 9th week of gestation 98
  • 99. • That rotation is actually the result of unequal branching of successive orders of the budding ureteral tree, with two branches extending ventrally and one dorsally during each generation or division. • More parenchyma develops ventrally than dorsally, and the pelvis seems to rotate medially. 99
  • 100. • Rotation of the kidney during its ascent from the pelvis. The left kidney with its renal artery and the aorta are viewed in transverse section to show normal and abnormal rotation during its ascent to the adult site. • A, Primitive embryonic position; hilus faces ventrad (anterior). • B, Normal adult position; hilus faces mediad. • C, Incomplete rotation. • D, Hyperrotation; hilus faces dorsad (posterior). • E, Hyper-rotation; hilus faces laterad. • F, Reverse rotation; hilus faces laterad. 100
  • 101. • Rotational anomalies do not produce any symptoms, but if excessive rotation takes place can cause obstruction to outflow leading to hydronephrosis. • The diagnosis may be done when a renal calculus is detected in an abnormal location, but confirmation should be obtained only from a renal ultrasound, excretory urogram, or retrograde pyelogram. 101
  • 102. ANOMALIES OF THE COLLECTING SYSTEM 1. Megacalycosis – • Defined as nonobstructive enlargement of calyces resulting from malformation of the renal papillae. • It was first described by Puigvert in 1963. • Most likely congenital and diagnosed prenatally. • Males in a ratio of 6:1 and has been found only in white patients. • Bilateral disease has been seen almost exclusively in males, whereas segmental unilateral involvement occurs only in females. 102
  • 103. • The calyces are generally dilated and malformed and may be increased in number. • The renal pelvis is not dilated, nor is its wall thickened, and the UPJ is normally funneled without evidence of obstruction. • The cortical tissue around the abnormal calyx is normal in thickness. 103
  • 104.  Cause : • There is transient delay in the recanalization of the upper ureter after the branches of the ureteral bud hook up with the metanephric blastema. • This produces a short-lived episode of obstruction when the embryonic glomeruli start producing urine. • The fetal calyces may dilate and then retain their obstructed appearance. 104
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  • 106. 2. Extrarenal calyces – • Congenital anomaly in which the major calyces as well as the renal pelvis are outside the parenchyma of the kidney. • Extrarenal calyces usually do not produce symptoms, although failure of normal drainage may lead to stasis, infection, and calculi. 106
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  • 108. ANOMALIES OF RENAL VASCULATURE  Aberrant, Accessory, or Multiple Vessels • Multiple renal arteries is the correct term to describe any kidney supplied by more than one vessel. • The term aberrant vessels should be reserved for those arteries that originate from vessels other than the aorta or main renal artery. • The term accessory vessels denotes two or more arterial branches supplying the same renal segment. 108
  • 109. Accessory renal artey Multiple renal arteries 109
  • 110. • The renal arterial tree is derived from three groups of primitive vascular channels- • The cranial group consists of two pairs of arteries dorsal to the suprarenal gland that shift dorsally to form the phrenic artery. • The middle group is made up of three pairs of vessels that pass through the suprarenal area. They retain the same lateral position and become the adrenal artery. • The caudal group has four pairs of arteries that cross ventral to the suprarenal area and become the main renal artery. 110
  • 111. • The kidney may receive its blood supply partially or entirely from arteries arising at an abnormal level. • In the case of non ascent or of incomplete ascent the aberrant arteries may constitute the only supply. • It may press upon the ureter and cause obstruction leading to hydronephrosis. 111
  • 112.  Renal artery aneurysm • The overall incidence has been calculated to be between 0.1% and 0.3%. • Most renal artery aneurysms are silent, especially in children. • The diagnosis may be suspected with a pulsatile mass in the region of the renal hilum or when an abdominal bruit is heard. 112
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  • 114. • A wreathlike calcification in the area of the renal artery or its branches (30%) is highly suggestive. • Many asymptomatic renal artery aneurysms come to light after the discovery and workup of hypertension. 114
  • 115. Thank you • “Now an embryo may seem like some scientific or laboratory term, but in fact the embryo contains the unique information that defines a person. All you add is food and climate control, and some time, and the embryo becomes you or me.” - Todd Akin 115