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Dr.Anil Batta,J Biosci Tech, Vol 2 (3),2011, 305-311

                                         DETECTION OF ADDICTION IN MEDICAL
                                             PROFESSIONALS—AN EYE OPENER
                                                                                            Dr.Anil Batta
                      Associate Professor, Dep’t of Medical Biochemistry, Baba Farid Univ. of Health Sciences
                                                                                     Faridkot Punjab India
The medical professionals are vulnerable to substances of abuse/addiction due to
their ready accessibility to the substances of abuse. Of particular concern is the
finding of a lack of gender differences in problematic drinking with the pattern of
female addicts drinking rates for women approximating that of men by the end of
medical school. There is higher percentage use of alcohol, tranquillizers and                   Key words:
narcotics among medical students. Majority of the substance-abusing doctors are                   Narcotics,
graduates, belong to medicine specialty (21%) and majority of them prescribe                    tranquilizer,
drugs to themselves (37%). Medical student abuse is the major risk factors.            medical professionals,
Despite paucity of studies in Indian population, substance use is reported between          PGIMER, CHD
32.5% to as high as 81.2% among medical students, interns and house physicians.
In spite of the treatment dilemmas, the physicians do respond favorably to
treatment. These findings have implications in planning preventive and
interventional strategies for this professional group. This study explores the
attitudes and perceptions of medical students concerning patients with addictions
and policy issues related to drugs. Over 100 students from PGIMER students
responded to an anonymous survey concerning their experience and training
regarding addictions, and their level of support or opposition for various drug
policy approaches. Quantitative and qualitative epidemiological investigation of
substance use within a student population was seen during their mandatory
preventive health visit at the OPD medical facility. The purpose of this study was
to assess the prevalence of psychotropic (Narcotics) & tranquilizers drug
consumption by students undergoing medical courses of Post Graduate Institute of
Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh India to verify aspects related to those
addictions. Among psychotropic drugs, Narcotics & other psychotropic drugs like
dextropropoxyphenes, morphine, pethidine & tranquilizers were more frequently
used by the students. It was found to be 45.2% and 55.3% respectively.

1. INTRODUCTION                                           environmental stress all can be factors. Peer
                                                          pressure can lead to drug use or abuse, but at
Physical addiction that gets (progressively)              least half of those who become addicted
worse, but it’s a sort of emotional crisis that           have depression, attention deficit disorder
is being pushed away. My belief is it's a                 post traumatic stress disorder, or another
spiritual crisis that is being batted away by             mental health problem. Children that grow
taking drugs. And the trouble is, the more                up in an environment of illicit drug
drugs you give an addict, the more drugs an               abuse may first see their parents using drugs.
addict needs. Drug abuse can lead to drug                 This may put them at a higher risk for
dependence or addiction. Medico’s who use                 developing an addiction later in life for both
drugs for pain relief may become dependent,               environmental and genetic reasons.
although this is rare in those who don't have
a history of addiction. The exact cause of                People who are more likely to abuse or
drug abuse and dependence is not known.                   become dependent on drugs include those
However, a person's genes, the action of the              who:-
drug,       peer       pressure,     emotional            1. Have depression, bipolar disorder,
distress, anxiety          neurosis        and               anxiety disorders, and schizophrenia

Dr.Anil Batta,J Biosci Tech, Vol 2 (3),2011, 305-311

2. Have easy access to drugs                           drug source; uses drugs to "fix" negative
3. Have low self-esteem, or problems with              feelings; begins to stay away from friends
   relationships                                       and family; may change friends to those
4. Live a stressful lifestyle, economic or             who are regular users; shows increased
   emotional                                           tolerance and ability to "handle" the drug.
5. Live in a culture where there is a high
   social acceptance of drug use                       Daily preoccupation - the user loses any
                                                       motivation; does not care about school and
Commonly abused substances include:                    work; has obvious behavior changes;
Opiates and narcotics are powerful                     thinking about drug use is more important
painkillers that cause drowsiness (sedation)           than all other interests, including
and sometimes feelings of euphoria. These              relationships; the user becomes secretive;
include heroin, opium, codeine, meperidine             may begin dealing drugs to help support
(Demerol), hydroxymorphone (Dilaudid),                 habit; use of other, harder drugs may
and oxycodone (Oxycontin).                             increase; legal problems may increase.

Central nervous system (CNS) stimulants                Dependence - cannot face daily life without
 Include              amphetamines, cocaine,           drugs; denies problem; physical condition
dextroamphetamine, methamphetamine, and                gets worse; loss of "control" over use; may
methylphenidate (Ritalin). These drugs have            become suicidal; financial and legal
a stimulating effect, and people can start             problems get worse; may have broken ties
needing higher amounts of these drugs to               with family members or friends.
feel the same effect (tolerance).
Central nervous system depressants include              1. Some of the symptoms and behaviors of
alcohol,       barbiturates  (amobarbital,                  drug dependence include:
pentobarbital,               secobarbital),             2. Confusion
benzodiazepines (Valium, Ativan, Xanax),                3. Continuing to use drugs even when
chloral hydrate, and paraldehyde. These                     health, work, or family are being
substances produce a sedative and anxiety-                  harmed
reducing effect, which can lead to                      4. Episodes of violence
dependence.                                             5. Hostility when confronted about drug
Hallucinogens include LSD, mescaline,                   6. Lack of control over drug abuse - being
psilocybin       ("mushrooms"),       and                   unable to stop or reduce alcohol intake
phencyclidine (PCP or "angel dust"). They               7. Making excuses to use drugs
can cause people to see things that aren't              8. Missing work or school, or a decrease
there (hallucinations) and can lead to                      in performance
psychological dependence.                               9. Need for daily or regular drug use to
Experimental use - typically involves                   10. Neglecting to eat
peers, done for recreational use; the user              11. Not caring for physical appearance
may enjoy defying parents or other authority            12. No longer taking part in activities
figures.                                                    because of drug abuse
Regular use - the user misses more and                  13. Secretive behavior to hide drug use
more school or work; worries about losing               14. Using drugs even when alone

Dr.Anil Batta,J Biosci Tech, Vol 2 (3),2011, 305-311

Opiates and narcotics are usually in the               2.1. Processing of sample
urine 12 to 36 hours after the last use,               To 20 cc. of urine add conc. Hcl was used so
depending on the amount used and how                   as to get pH between 3 & 4. Reflux the
often the drug was used.                               contents in a flask, burner & condenser for 1
                                                       ½ an hour. Allow this to cool down for
CNS stimulants such as cocaine can be                  about an hour.
found in urine for 1 to 12 days, again
depending on how often the drug was used.              2.2. Extraction Procedure
                                                       Refluxed urine is thoroughly washed with
CNS depressants such as Valium and Xanax               20 cc. Hexane. Then add sodium carbonate
are found up to 7 days after the last day of           to get alkaline pH (8--9). Drug is extracted
use, mostly depending on the substance used            from urine with chloroform & propyl
and how quickly the body removes it (its               alcohol ratio of 4/1. Total volume of the
half-life).                                            extraction mixture is 100 ml. Transfer the
Most hallucinogens also can be found in the            contents in a separating funnel & collect the
urine up to 7 days after the last use.                 lowermost layer in a neat & dry beaker.
However, evidence of marijuana can be                  Evaporate the contents so that only residue
found for up to 28 days after its last use in          is left.
regular users.
                                                       2.3. Spotting of Extracted Drug
2. METHOD                                              Dried residue obtained in a beaker is
                                                       dissolved in a drop of methanol. This is
This study was carried out with students of            spotted on mica plate so that difference
all years of the medical course invited to             between the two is not >1/2 cm. & distance
participate anonymously by answering a                 from bottom is 2 cm. Along with the sample
self-applied questioaire. It was based upon            the known sample is also spotted acting as
the World Health Organization's Guidelines             standard of the drug.
for Student Substance Use Survey and
included 25 questions about drug addiction.            2.4. Development of spotted plate:
To carry out a quantitative and qualitative             Put the spotted plates in the jar & left
epidemiological investigation of substance             mobile phase to run up to 15 cm. mark. Take
use within a student population was seen               out the plates & put them in oven for 5
during their preventive health visit at the            minutes at about 100’C.
PGIMER medical facility.
                                                       2.5. Separating the plates
                                                       Cool the plate & spray this with spraying
Thin Layer chromatography is a method in
                                                       reagent Iodoplatinic acid. (made with the
which mobile phase moves by capillary
                                                       help of 1N Hcl, Potassium iodide & platonic
action across a uniform thin layer of finely
                                                       chloride). Alternately a UV lamp is much
divided stationary phase bonded on to plate.
                                                       better device. But for this we need labeled
Drugs when applied to the plate &
                                                       Silica to quote the glass plate.
developed with the mobile phase, they move
across the plate at different rates & hence
                                                       2.6. Detection of Drug
separated. Keeping in view cost effective
                                                       Locate the drug positive samples & compare
and reasonably accurate method of TLC was
                                                       them with morphine standard which was
Dr.Anil Batta,J Biosci Tech, Vol 2 (3),2011, 305-311

spotted along with the samples. Depending              6. Adequate protection staff so as to keep
on Rf value we can isolate & identify drugs            checks on any suicidal or homicidal
like Morphine, codein, papavarine & other              tendency.
narcotics. Similarly by changing the mobile            7. Patients were given analgesics,
phase or solvent system & spraying reagent             tranquilizer, Vitamins & mineral as drug.
with dye or /UV apparatus we can isolate &
identify other drugs of abuse.                         3. RESULTS

2.7. MATERIAL                                          A total of 100 students took part in the
                                                       survey with a response rate of approximately
The present study was undertaken in one                50%. Preliminary results relating to a
hundred students studying in various courses           subsample of this study are presented here
of all years in PGIMER, Chandigarh                     (n = 100, mean age 20 years, 56% women).
attending the OPD for a different                      44% of the students consumed narcotic &
psychological problem of drug de-addiction             tranquilizer at least once in their life. Other
& treatment Centre (DDTC) department of                evaluated substances had a prevalence of
Psychiatry, Post graduate Institute of                 consumption lower than 1%. For the first
Medical Education Research, Chandigarh                 consumptions, a majority of students state to
(PGIMER, Chandigarh) & those who were                  felt "pleasant" effects: relaxation (71%) and
ailing & admitted to the ward of DDTC.All              euphoria (53%). 13% state to have felt
of them were scanned thoroughly to rule out            effects of anxiety or sadness. 25% admit
taking the drugs inadvertently. Age group              having had difficulties of expression, 24%
was not particular & all the students doing            memory deficits, 35% trouble with
all medical courses were selected. They                coordination or balance and 39% difficulties
were provided a test tube for collecting a             of concentration. Approximately 16% had
urine sample for detecting the drugs in urine.         impressions of depersonalization and
They were guarded by watch staff so that               derealization. Lastly, some experienced
they may not dodge by filling the tube with            "psychotic-like" effects such as visual (10%)
a water sample. Different routine                      and auditory (6%) hallucinations, as well as
investigations with Liver Function Tests in            referential ideas (16%), mistrust or feelings
particular were carried out. This was taken            of persecution (11%). 26% of the student
into consideration as they may have been               sample had felt at least one of these last four
taken raw morphine which contains Arsenic.             "psychotic-like" effects. : In 2000-2006,
Following tests were carried out in routine            66.0% of male respondents and 52.0% of
in all the suspected cases:--                          female respondents have reported any drug
                                                       use during their life. The analysis of
1. Serum ALT/AST/ALP/GGT.                              standardized data (by the place of residence)
2. Routine tests like Sugar, urea, TSP/DSP             showed an increase in the prevalence of
were carried out by auto analyzer.                     drug use during 2006-2010.Up to 69.67 % in
3. Tests according to History of Patients.             boys (P<0.05) and up to 60.60 % in girls
4. The food was provided by PGIMER,                    (P>0.05). Percentage of club drug users
CHD mess to rule out any foul play of                  increased significantly in girls (from 21.5%
sending the medicine in food.                          to 29.8%; P=0.040)
5. Watch & ward staff was always on alert
to rule out any back door entry of drugs

Dr.Anil Batta,J Biosci Tech, Vol 2 (3),2011, 305-311

                                                    Table 1
                             Graduates perusing post Graduate Study-Specialty wise

                      Chronic             Self                                 Response rate
     Specialty                                            Mean age±SD                              Gross response rate
                       illness        prescription                             Specialty wise
    Medicine            23%              35%                 25±1.9                39%
   Psychiatry           39%              48%                 24±2.9                48%
    Surgery             25%              29%                 24±3.9                29%                        41%
   Orthopedics          21%              15%                 26±5.9                15%

                                                  Table -2
                       Chart showing narcotic and tranquilizer addiction (Priority wise)
  Total          Revealed      Type of Drug & its               sex wise prevalence
  Professio      intake of     prevalence in both sexes
  nal            Drug          Tranquilizer    Narcotics                    Male                          Female
                                                                Tranquilizer       Narcotics    Tranquilizer
                                    67%             52%             64%              58%            73%               32%
     100            58

                                       Comparative Data of the last ten years

                                           Type of drug & its                       Sex wise prevalence
                    Major          %
                                           prevalence in both
                    cause        Addicts                                    Male                          Female
                                                                  Tranquilizer Narcotics       Tranquilizer    Narcotics
      2000-       Sadness/
      2006        Anxiety                     67%      52%            64%            58%          73%               32%
                  Depression       32.5%
      2007-       Relaxation       59.8%
      2010                                           60.60%         67.8%          66.43%        74.32%            32.76%
                  Euphoria        65.32%   69.67%
                  Loneliness       29.7%
                  love              39 %

Dr.Anil Batta,J Biosci Tech, Vol 2 (3),2011, 305-311

4. DISCUSSION:                                         problematic drinking with the pattern of
                                                       female rates. Drugs were most frequently
 Students were asked to take part in an                used by, students living single in hostel
investigation of their substance consumption           room, who live alone and do not support
and their individual experiences with                  themselves communication with friends who
narcotics & tranquilizers in particular.               use drugs, participation in the parties where
Personality auto questionnaires were                   drugs are used, alcohol use, and smoking. In
performed and the psychotomimetic effects              2006 survey, more significant relationship
of narcotics & tranquilizers were                      between drug use and social and behavioral
investigated with substance use within a               factors was observed. Several indicators of
student population seen during their                   drug use showed a significant increase in
mandatory preventive health visit at the               drug abuse among students of medical
OPD medical facility. The use of illicit               schools in North India during the period of
drugs by students and the possible                     20004-2010. Multisectorial efforts and
psychological      repercussions    in   this          integrated preventive measures should be
population of young adults is an important             applied for the prevention of epidemics of
public health issue. Some data in the                  drug use in North India & for that matter the
literature suggest a relationship between              whole India. Alcohol was most used and
drugs and the occurrence of mental health              was related to other drug addictions. Drugs
disorders, in particular psychotic illnesses,          were most frequently used by single, male
epidemiologic surveys have shown that                  students, who live alone and do not support
narcotics & tranquilizers is the most                  themselves, communication with friends
consumed illicit drug                                  who use drugs, participation in the parties
                                                       where drugs & alcohol are used. In 2006
 Narcotic & tranquilizers consumption is
                                                       survey, more significant relationship
highly variable among different consumers.
                                                       between drug use, social and behavioral
Implications for prevention strategies are
                                                       factors was observed. Several indicators of
discussed such as educational interventions
                                                       drug use showed a significant increase in
based on recognition and motivation for
                                                       drug abuse among students of medical
change. The results are consistent with the
                                                       schools in North India during the period of
idea that the impact of tranquilizers &
                                                       2004-2010. Multisectorial efforts and
narcotics is easy we can isolate & identify
                                                       integrated preventive measures should be
other drugs of abuse.
                                                       applied for the prevention of epidemics of
 As the present study was meant for                    drug use in North India & for that matter the
knowing the level of addiction in students of          whole India.
different medical courses like Laboratory
                                                       6. REFERENCES
technicians, nursing, Physiotherapy, B.Sc.
(Medical), Radiography & in general all
                                                        [1] Mohan.D and Dawan. A. Epidemiology of drug
students doing post graduate courses.                       abuse behavior in substance use disorder a
                                                            manual for psyching (ed) RAY.R, Drug
5. CONCLUSION                                               Dependence Treatment Centre Department of
                                                            Psychiatry. All India Institute of Medical
Narcotics & tranquilizers are the drug most                 Sciences 2000 pp-21.
used and were related to other drug                    [2] Margoob MA, Dutta KS drug abuse in Kashmir -
addictions. . Of particular concern is the                 experience from a psychiatric disease hospital
finding of a lack of gender differences in                 Indian journal of Psychiatry 1993 35 (3) 163-165

Dr.Anil Batta,J Biosci Tech, Vol 2 (3),2011, 305-311

[3] Margoob MA A study of present magnitude of         [6] Dutta KS Margoob MA report on the follow up
    psychiatric disorders and existing treatment           study on recovering drug addicts counseled and
    services in Kashmir (1990-1994) JK Practitioner        treated at various centers being run by
    1995; 4:165-168                                        nongovernmental      organizations     NGO"S/
[4] Police recover 400 grams of brown sugar from 3         hospitals etc in Jammu and Kashmir 1993 report
    persons at Handwara Greater Kashmir Srinagar           submitted to ministry of welfare Govt. of India
    page 3 Oct 2 2004                                      New Delhi
[5] Vaswani M in Ray R (Editor) Substance use          [7] Margoob MA Beg AA and Zafar A An
    disorder: a manual for physicians. (Ed) Ray R.         evaluation of recovery following treatment in
    Drug Dependence Treatment Centre Department            drug abuse in the only psychiatric disease
    of Psychiatry. All India Institute of Medical          hospital of Kashmir Valley. Richmond
    Sciences Medical Sciences.2000, 175-181                Fellowship Asia Pacific Forum International
                                                           Symposium Bang lore Nov 23-25 1995


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Detection of addiction in medical professionals -an eye opener

  • 1. Dr.Anil Batta,J Biosci Tech, Vol 2 (3),2011, 305-311 DETECTION OF ADDICTION IN MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS—AN EYE OPENER Dr.Anil Batta Associate Professor, Dep’t of Medical Biochemistry, Baba Farid Univ. of Health Sciences Faridkot Punjab India Abstract: The medical professionals are vulnerable to substances of abuse/addiction due to their ready accessibility to the substances of abuse. Of particular concern is the finding of a lack of gender differences in problematic drinking with the pattern of female addicts drinking rates for women approximating that of men by the end of medical school. There is higher percentage use of alcohol, tranquillizers and Key words: narcotics among medical students. Majority of the substance-abusing doctors are Narcotics, graduates, belong to medicine specialty (21%) and majority of them prescribe tranquilizer, drugs to themselves (37%). Medical student abuse is the major risk factors. medical professionals, Despite paucity of studies in Indian population, substance use is reported between PGIMER, CHD 32.5% to as high as 81.2% among medical students, interns and house physicians. In spite of the treatment dilemmas, the physicians do respond favorably to treatment. These findings have implications in planning preventive and interventional strategies for this professional group. This study explores the attitudes and perceptions of medical students concerning patients with addictions and policy issues related to drugs. Over 100 students from PGIMER students responded to an anonymous survey concerning their experience and training regarding addictions, and their level of support or opposition for various drug policy approaches. Quantitative and qualitative epidemiological investigation of substance use within a student population was seen during their mandatory preventive health visit at the OPD medical facility. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of psychotropic (Narcotics) & tranquilizers drug consumption by students undergoing medical courses of Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh India to verify aspects related to those addictions. Among psychotropic drugs, Narcotics & other psychotropic drugs like dextropropoxyphenes, morphine, pethidine & tranquilizers were more frequently used by the students. It was found to be 45.2% and 55.3% respectively. 1. INTRODUCTION environmental stress all can be factors. Peer pressure can lead to drug use or abuse, but at Physical addiction that gets (progressively) least half of those who become addicted worse, but it’s a sort of emotional crisis that have depression, attention deficit disorder is being pushed away. My belief is it's a post traumatic stress disorder, or another spiritual crisis that is being batted away by mental health problem. Children that grow taking drugs. And the trouble is, the more up in an environment of illicit drug drugs you give an addict, the more drugs an abuse may first see their parents using drugs. addict needs. Drug abuse can lead to drug This may put them at a higher risk for dependence or addiction. Medico’s who use developing an addiction later in life for both drugs for pain relief may become dependent, environmental and genetic reasons. although this is rare in those who don't have a history of addiction. The exact cause of People who are more likely to abuse or drug abuse and dependence is not known. become dependent on drugs include those However, a person's genes, the action of the who:- drug, peer pressure, emotional 1. Have depression, bipolar disorder, distress, anxiety neurosis and anxiety disorders, and schizophrenia 305
  • 2. Dr.Anil Batta,J Biosci Tech, Vol 2 (3),2011, 305-311 2. Have easy access to drugs drug source; uses drugs to "fix" negative 3. Have low self-esteem, or problems with feelings; begins to stay away from friends relationships and family; may change friends to those 4. Live a stressful lifestyle, economic or who are regular users; shows increased emotional tolerance and ability to "handle" the drug. 5. Live in a culture where there is a high social acceptance of drug use Daily preoccupation - the user loses any motivation; does not care about school and Commonly abused substances include: work; has obvious behavior changes; Opiates and narcotics are powerful thinking about drug use is more important painkillers that cause drowsiness (sedation) than all other interests, including and sometimes feelings of euphoria. These relationships; the user becomes secretive; include heroin, opium, codeine, meperidine may begin dealing drugs to help support (Demerol), hydroxymorphone (Dilaudid), habit; use of other, harder drugs may and oxycodone (Oxycontin). increase; legal problems may increase. Central nervous system (CNS) stimulants Dependence - cannot face daily life without Include amphetamines, cocaine, drugs; denies problem; physical condition dextroamphetamine, methamphetamine, and gets worse; loss of "control" over use; may methylphenidate (Ritalin). These drugs have become suicidal; financial and legal a stimulating effect, and people can start problems get worse; may have broken ties needing higher amounts of these drugs to with family members or friends. feel the same effect (tolerance). Symptoms Central nervous system depressants include 1. Some of the symptoms and behaviors of alcohol, barbiturates (amobarbital, drug dependence include: pentobarbital, secobarbital), 2. Confusion benzodiazepines (Valium, Ativan, Xanax), 3. Continuing to use drugs even when chloral hydrate, and paraldehyde. These health, work, or family are being substances produce a sedative and anxiety- harmed reducing effect, which can lead to 4. Episodes of violence dependence. 5. Hostility when confronted about drug dependence Hallucinogens include LSD, mescaline, 6. Lack of control over drug abuse - being psilocybin ("mushrooms"), and unable to stop or reduce alcohol intake phencyclidine (PCP or "angel dust"). They 7. Making excuses to use drugs can cause people to see things that aren't 8. Missing work or school, or a decrease there (hallucinations) and can lead to in performance psychological dependence. 9. Need for daily or regular drug use to function Experimental use - typically involves 10. Neglecting to eat peers, done for recreational use; the user 11. Not caring for physical appearance may enjoy defying parents or other authority 12. No longer taking part in activities figures. because of drug abuse Regular use - the user misses more and 13. Secretive behavior to hide drug use more school or work; worries about losing 14. Using drugs even when alone 306
  • 3. Dr.Anil Batta,J Biosci Tech, Vol 2 (3),2011, 305-311 Opiates and narcotics are usually in the 2.1. Processing of sample urine 12 to 36 hours after the last use, To 20 cc. of urine add conc. Hcl was used so depending on the amount used and how as to get pH between 3 & 4. Reflux the often the drug was used. contents in a flask, burner & condenser for 1 ½ an hour. Allow this to cool down for CNS stimulants such as cocaine can be about an hour. found in urine for 1 to 12 days, again depending on how often the drug was used. 2.2. Extraction Procedure Refluxed urine is thoroughly washed with CNS depressants such as Valium and Xanax 20 cc. Hexane. Then add sodium carbonate are found up to 7 days after the last day of to get alkaline pH (8--9). Drug is extracted use, mostly depending on the substance used from urine with chloroform & propyl and how quickly the body removes it (its alcohol ratio of 4/1. Total volume of the half-life). extraction mixture is 100 ml. Transfer the Most hallucinogens also can be found in the contents in a separating funnel & collect the urine up to 7 days after the last use. lowermost layer in a neat & dry beaker. However, evidence of marijuana can be Evaporate the contents so that only residue found for up to 28 days after its last use in is left. regular users. 2.3. Spotting of Extracted Drug 2. METHOD Dried residue obtained in a beaker is dissolved in a drop of methanol. This is This study was carried out with students of spotted on mica plate so that difference all years of the medical course invited to between the two is not >1/2 cm. & distance participate anonymously by answering a from bottom is 2 cm. Along with the sample self-applied questioaire. It was based upon the known sample is also spotted acting as the World Health Organization's Guidelines standard of the drug. for Student Substance Use Survey and included 25 questions about drug addiction. 2.4. Development of spotted plate: To carry out a quantitative and qualitative Put the spotted plates in the jar & left epidemiological investigation of substance mobile phase to run up to 15 cm. mark. Take use within a student population was seen out the plates & put them in oven for 5 during their preventive health visit at the minutes at about 100’C. PGIMER medical facility. 2.5. Separating the plates Cool the plate & spray this with spraying Thin Layer chromatography is a method in reagent Iodoplatinic acid. (made with the which mobile phase moves by capillary help of 1N Hcl, Potassium iodide & platonic action across a uniform thin layer of finely chloride). Alternately a UV lamp is much divided stationary phase bonded on to plate. better device. But for this we need labeled Drugs when applied to the plate & Silica to quote the glass plate. developed with the mobile phase, they move across the plate at different rates & hence 2.6. Detection of Drug separated. Keeping in view cost effective Locate the drug positive samples & compare and reasonably accurate method of TLC was them with morphine standard which was used. 307
  • 4. Dr.Anil Batta,J Biosci Tech, Vol 2 (3),2011, 305-311 spotted along with the samples. Depending 6. Adequate protection staff so as to keep on Rf value we can isolate & identify drugs checks on any suicidal or homicidal like Morphine, codein, papavarine & other tendency. narcotics. Similarly by changing the mobile 7. Patients were given analgesics, phase or solvent system & spraying reagent tranquilizer, Vitamins & mineral as drug. with dye or /UV apparatus we can isolate & identify other drugs of abuse. 3. RESULTS 2.7. MATERIAL A total of 100 students took part in the survey with a response rate of approximately The present study was undertaken in one 50%. Preliminary results relating to a hundred students studying in various courses subsample of this study are presented here of all years in PGIMER, Chandigarh (n = 100, mean age 20 years, 56% women). attending the OPD for a different 44% of the students consumed narcotic & psychological problem of drug de-addiction tranquilizer at least once in their life. Other & treatment Centre (DDTC) department of evaluated substances had a prevalence of Psychiatry, Post graduate Institute of consumption lower than 1%. For the first Medical Education Research, Chandigarh consumptions, a majority of students state to (PGIMER, Chandigarh) & those who were felt "pleasant" effects: relaxation (71%) and ailing & admitted to the ward of DDTC.All euphoria (53%). 13% state to have felt of them were scanned thoroughly to rule out effects of anxiety or sadness. 25% admit taking the drugs inadvertently. Age group having had difficulties of expression, 24% was not particular & all the students doing memory deficits, 35% trouble with all medical courses were selected. They coordination or balance and 39% difficulties were provided a test tube for collecting a of concentration. Approximately 16% had urine sample for detecting the drugs in urine. impressions of depersonalization and They were guarded by watch staff so that derealization. Lastly, some experienced they may not dodge by filling the tube with "psychotic-like" effects such as visual (10%) a water sample. Different routine and auditory (6%) hallucinations, as well as investigations with Liver Function Tests in referential ideas (16%), mistrust or feelings particular were carried out. This was taken of persecution (11%). 26% of the student into consideration as they may have been sample had felt at least one of these last four taken raw morphine which contains Arsenic. "psychotic-like" effects. : In 2000-2006, Following tests were carried out in routine 66.0% of male respondents and 52.0% of in all the suspected cases:-- female respondents have reported any drug use during their life. The analysis of 1. Serum ALT/AST/ALP/GGT. standardized data (by the place of residence) 2. Routine tests like Sugar, urea, TSP/DSP showed an increase in the prevalence of were carried out by auto analyzer. drug use during 2006-2010.Up to 69.67 % in 3. Tests according to History of Patients. boys (P<0.05) and up to 60.60 % in girls 4. The food was provided by PGIMER, (P>0.05). Percentage of club drug users CHD mess to rule out any foul play of increased significantly in girls (from 21.5% sending the medicine in food. to 29.8%; P=0.040) 5. Watch & ward staff was always on alert to rule out any back door entry of drugs 308
  • 5. Dr.Anil Batta,J Biosci Tech, Vol 2 (3),2011, 305-311 Table 1 Graduates perusing post Graduate Study-Specialty wise Chronic Self Response rate Specialty Mean age±SD Gross response rate illness prescription Specialty wise Medicine 23% 35% 25±1.9 39% Psychiatry 39% 48% 24±2.9 48% Surgery 25% 29% 24±3.9 29% 41% Orthopedics 21% 15% 26±5.9 15% Table -2 Chart showing narcotic and tranquilizer addiction (Priority wise) Total Revealed Type of Drug & its sex wise prevalence Professio intake of prevalence in both sexes nal Drug Tranquilizer Narcotics Male Female Narcot Tranquilizer Narcotics Tranquilizer ics 67% 52% 64% 58% 73% 32% 100 58 Table-3 Comparative Data of the last ten years Type of drug & its Sex wise prevalence Major % prevalence in both cause Addicts Male Female sexes Tranquilizer Narcotics Tranquilizer Narcotics 2000- Sadness/ 45.4% 2006 Anxiety 67% 52% 64% 58% 73% 32% Depression 32.5% 2007- Relaxation 59.8% 2010 60.60% 67.8% 66.43% 74.32% 32.76% Euphoria 65.32% 69.67% Loneliness 29.7% Failed love 39 % affair 309
  • 6. Dr.Anil Batta,J Biosci Tech, Vol 2 (3),2011, 305-311 4. DISCUSSION: problematic drinking with the pattern of female rates. Drugs were most frequently Students were asked to take part in an used by, students living single in hostel investigation of their substance consumption room, who live alone and do not support and their individual experiences with themselves communication with friends who narcotics & tranquilizers in particular. use drugs, participation in the parties where Personality auto questionnaires were drugs are used, alcohol use, and smoking. In performed and the psychotomimetic effects 2006 survey, more significant relationship of narcotics & tranquilizers were between drug use and social and behavioral investigated with substance use within a factors was observed. Several indicators of student population seen during their drug use showed a significant increase in mandatory preventive health visit at the drug abuse among students of medical OPD medical facility. The use of illicit schools in North India during the period of drugs by students and the possible 20004-2010. Multisectorial efforts and psychological repercussions in this integrated preventive measures should be population of young adults is an important applied for the prevention of epidemics of public health issue. Some data in the drug use in North India & for that matter the literature suggest a relationship between whole India. Alcohol was most used and drugs and the occurrence of mental health was related to other drug addictions. Drugs disorders, in particular psychotic illnesses, were most frequently used by single, male epidemiologic surveys have shown that students, who live alone and do not support narcotics & tranquilizers is the most themselves, communication with friends consumed illicit drug who use drugs, participation in the parties where drugs & alcohol are used. In 2006 Narcotic & tranquilizers consumption is survey, more significant relationship highly variable among different consumers. between drug use, social and behavioral Implications for prevention strategies are factors was observed. Several indicators of discussed such as educational interventions drug use showed a significant increase in based on recognition and motivation for drug abuse among students of medical change. The results are consistent with the schools in North India during the period of idea that the impact of tranquilizers & 2004-2010. Multisectorial efforts and narcotics is easy we can isolate & identify integrated preventive measures should be other drugs of abuse. applied for the prevention of epidemics of As the present study was meant for drug use in North India & for that matter the knowing the level of addiction in students of whole India. different medical courses like Laboratory 6. REFERENCES technicians, nursing, Physiotherapy, B.Sc. (Medical), Radiography & in general all [1] Mohan.D and Dawan. A. Epidemiology of drug students doing post graduate courses. abuse behavior in substance use disorder a manual for psyching (ed) RAY.R, Drug 5. CONCLUSION Dependence Treatment Centre Department of Psychiatry. All India Institute of Medical Narcotics & tranquilizers are the drug most Sciences 2000 pp-21. used and were related to other drug [2] Margoob MA, Dutta KS drug abuse in Kashmir - addictions. . Of particular concern is the experience from a psychiatric disease hospital finding of a lack of gender differences in Indian journal of Psychiatry 1993 35 (3) 163-165 310
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