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Describe Your Home Essay
Describing one's own home might seem like a straightforward task, but it's often far more
intricate than anticipated. The challenge lies in capturing the essence of a place that holds
personal significance, navigating the balance between detail and relevance, and ensuring that the
essay resonates with readers beyond mere physical descriptions.
Firstly, there's the emotional attachment intertwined with every corner of one's home. Attempting
to convey the warmth of family gatherings in the living room or the sense of security found in
one's bedroom can be a delicate endeavor. It requires not just descriptive language, but also the
ability to evoke feelings and memories that are deeply personal.
Then, there's the task of avoiding clichГ©s and superficiality. It's all too easy to fall into the trap
of listing generic features of a home without truly delving into what makes it unique. A
successful essay on this topic requires keen observation skills and the ability to extract meaning
from seemingly mundane details.
Additionally, there's the challenge of maintaining the reader's interest throughout the essay.
Without a compelling narrative or overarching theme, descriptions of rooms and furniture can
quickly become tedious. Crafting a cohesive structure that ties together various aspects of one's
home while keeping the prose engaging is no small feat.
In essence, writing about one's home is a multifaceted endeavor that demands introspection,
creativity, and a keen eye for detail. It's an opportunity to not only paint a vivid picture of a
physical space but also to offer insight into one's identity, values, and sense of belonging.
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Describe Your Home EssayDescribe Your Home Essay
Cirrhosis of the Liver
Cirrhosis is the 11th leading cause of death by disease in the United States. Almost
one half of these are alcohol related. About 25,000 people die from cirrhosis each
Cirrhosis is a consequence of chronic liver disease characterized by replacement of
normal, healthy liver tissue by fibrotic scar tissue, blocking the flow of blood
through the organ and preventing it from working as it should, as well as
regenerative nodules leading to progressive loss of liver function. The liver, the
largest organ in the body, is vital in keeping the body functioning properly. It removes
or neutralizes poisons from the blood, produces immune agents to control infection,
and removes germs and bacteria from the blood. It ... Show more content on ...
But cirrhosis slows the normal flow of blood through the portal vein, which increases
the pressure inside.
В•Varices В– when blood flow through the portal vein slows, blood from the
intestines and spleen backs up into blood vessels in the stomach and esophagus.
These blood vessels may become enlarged because they are not meant to carry this
much blood. The enlarged blood vessels, called varices, have thins walls and carry
high pressure, and thus are more likely to burst. If they do burst, the result is a
serious bleeding problem in the upper stomach or esophagus.
В•Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes В– cirrhosis causes resistance to insulin.
This hormone, produced by the pancreas, enables blood glucose to be used as
energy by the cells of the body. If you have insulin resistance, your muscle, fat, and
liver cells do not use insulin properly. The pancreas tries to keep up with the
demand for insulin by producing more. Eventually, the pancreas cannot keep up with
the body s need for insulin, and Type 2 diabetes develops as excess glucose builds up
in the bloodstream.
В•Hepatic Encephalopathy when the liver does not efficiently function to cleanse the
body of toxins and drugs, the mental state of patients may change dramatically and
lead to coma, called Hepatic Encephalopathy. Treatment is directed at reducing the
protein in the diet, avoiding sedatives and pain medications, and using laxatives and
The Major Differences Between Democratic,
The major differences between democratic, authoritarian, and anarchic political
systems are who holds the power, who has freedom/how much, and how much
involvement the government has in the workings of its country. For authoritarian
states, the power is held mainly by a single person or an elite group of people, few
people have freedom, with what freedom they have being limited, and the
government, or rather the leader/leaders, is involved in almost every aspect of the
country from controlling the economy to making decisions for the lifestyles of its
citizens like deciding how many kids they may have or what hair styles are
approved. Everything is at the whim of those in charge and can change at any
second. Anarchic is the exact opposite of this. In an anarchic government, everyone
has power all the power they can take for themselves, nothing is unpermitted as there
are no laws and since a government doesn t exist, it can t have any involvement in
anything. Finally there is the democratic system which is a happy medium between
these two extremes. In a democracy, everyone has some power through the right to
vote directly or for elected officials who will run the country (who are limited by a
constitution of some kind), everyone has freedom within the country s generally
reasonable laws, and government involvement is limited to making laws and
regulations within reason to protect its citizens, economy, etc. For example, you
would not see a democratic nation forbidding speaking
Case Study Of Demand For Fresh Potatoes
Demand for Fresh Potatoes:
Given the lack of reliable production and consumption data these are illustrative
estimates only. Future demand is derived using projected population statistics of
2002. The population in 2002 was 25 million and the population growth between
1991 2002 was 3.2 %, and by 2015 the projected population growth as per an
estimate would rise to 35 million. We also assume that potato demand equals supply
as there is no external potato trade between Uganda and other
Countries in the region. This would mean that any impact achieved through the
adoption of new
Technologies, improved marketing or accelerated urbanisation would increase
demand levels. Assuming that with current growth of investments opportunities in
Uganda and more FDI to flow in and the production of potato growing at 3% per
annum there will be a spurt in the demand of fresh potatoes. By an ... Show more
content on ...
The fresh potato supply chain is highly unorganised and characterised by
involvement of various players and risks factor. There is no storage facilities for
fresh potatoes and the reason found was not because of the unavailability of cold
storages but due to instant demand of cash from the sale required by various
players in the supply chain. There is avoidance of any storages and potatoes are
entitled to be sold within 3 days from the farm gate. The bulk buyers are hotels,
restaurants and take aways who require for processing. Even there is negiligible
demand of export market of Ugandan fresh potatoes. Thus, after the study on fresh
irish potatoes it can be concluded that it is highly risk taking business and involves
low return based on the type of market player involved. Even hotels restaurants and
take aways buy bulk of potatoes from traders even before it reaches the main market.
So storing and acting as a trader or supplier for fresh potatoes id=s not feasible for the
Character Analysis Of Wonder Woman
In today s society there are many different figures to look up to especially those
who seem to posses special powers like super heroes. Most superheroes are similar
but there s one that is very different from the rest and her name is Wonder Woman.
She fights evil while still being a Woman making her the ultimate hero for any young
girl to look up to.
Although he didn t picture a woman in his role of a less masculine superman, the
idea of Wonder Woman was first originally created in 1941 by William Moulton
Marston. She was used to be seen as a World War II hero and warrior by having the
strength and power of a man but the grace and beauty of a lady. Wonder Woman fears
nothing. She stands for justice, equality, and America. (Arnold Forster). Since She
was built off of honesty and feminism she carries a whip that stands for the truth and
uses it against her enemies leaving her to be the ultimate hero.
Wonder Woman has many hero like qualities that make her such an amazing
leader. The very first quality she possesses is her ambition. Her ambitious actions
influence her ways of looking and acting like a hero. The second major quality
Wonder Woman holds is her nobility, because she is selfless and strives to save the
lives of anyone and everyone. Not only is she good at what she does but she also
has a great passion for it. She always strives to be better and loves the help she
gives. The morals of Wonder Woman are set extremely high making her an
outstanding influence for all people. Her independence and intelligence allows her
to take risks and be confident in her actions. The last quality Wonder Woman
possesses is one of the most important which is her ability to see those for who they
really are, because it is incredibly easy for her to not only spot her allies but to see
her enemies as well. It is these qualities, among others, that prove Wonder Woman is
a worthy opponent as well as a great role model for younger generations. (Callender).
Because Wonder Woman is a female she is bound to face challenges that most
heroes do not. Taking on a role of a hero is usually seen as a man s place because
most heroes are males so naturally it is going to be more challenging for Wonder
Woman to
Increasing The Minimum Wage
The minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour and has not increased since 2009.
This is one of the most controversial questions in America today, should the federal
minimum wage be raised, lowered or eliminated? The minimum wage, which covers
90% of American workers, should be raised. Changes to the minimum wagewould
benefit the economy, society and possibly lift Americans out of poverty. Since 1938
the economy has recovered considerably from the Great Depression which began in
1929 and ended in 1939.
The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 set a minimum wage for employees in the
United States. Before this Act was passed there was a high unemployment rate, and
employers could take advantage of desperate workers by paying extremely low
wages and working them a maximum number of hours. The Fair Labor Standards
Act was started in an effort to improve working conditions and raise standards of
living by limiting the number of hours worked and setting a base wage that
employers must pay.
Increasing the minimum wage will progress the economy in many ways such as,
increased buying power, faster rates of job growth, and decreasing the need for
taxpayer funded assistance. When consumers have more on hand cash to spend,
they are able to spend money on retail goods and services. Greater demand and
sales for these businesses is likely to cause the need for more workers over time.
Studies done by Paul Sonn and Yannet Lathrop show that in a majority of instances
an increase in the federal
Scandinavian Vikings
``After the Norman Conquest, the British Isles were, with the exception of the
Norman kingdom in Sicily, the most significantly multilingual and multicultural
territory in western Europe`` (Crane 1999:35). Explain the background to this
situation, and relate the changing uses of the different languages to the social and
historical context.
The invading of Europe by the Scandinavian Vikings took place between ca750 and
1050, denoting the last phase of the raids of the Germanic people. In the late 8th
century Charlemagne, or Charles the Great, king of Franks, destroyed the power of the
Frisians, Germanic tribe from the Netherlands who had been the greatest maritime
power of the North West Europe, and enabled the south rout on the sea
Johnny Appleseed Summary
A folklore tale I remember and enjoyed when I was younger was Johnny
Appleseed. Johnny Appleseed was a self sacrificing man as he spent most of the
entirety of his life assisting other people. He began his journey when he was just a
young man at the age of 18. Johnny sought out to plant Appleseed s throughout the
western colonialization in hopes of producing free food for anyone who needed it.
During his travels he had become very wealthy from the production and sales of
the many apple trees and land he would come in to possession of. He also
befriended many people, and these people would always welcome Jonny as their
family. Also, he made friends with many Indian tribes and the story tells that he was
so close to these tribes he became fluent
Social Attitudes On Sexuality In Ancient And Medieval...
The examination of Ancient and Medieval literature allows for the comparison
between social attitudes that have changed over time, and the attitudes that instead
have stayed the same. This highlights the constancy of gender discrimination over
sexuality, but also the improvement in communication between the sexes, and the
change in women s roles in society.
Throughout history, men and women have always received different treatments
regarding their sexuality. In the Ancient and Medieval world, women were expected
to be faithful and respect their husband s sexual wishes. If they failed to do so, they
were degraded and judged to be the ruin of society. Men, instead, had more freedom to
misbehave, and did not get the same treatment as women. Evidence for unequal
treatment over sexuality is consistently found in texts coming from diverse areas and
times, depicting how this was a widespread phenomenon.
The Oresteia, for example, depicts the difference in expectations over sexual desires.
Clytemnestra was negatively judged and accused for her relationship with her lover
Aegisthus, being portrayed as an unfaithful wife and adding to the list of her
characteristics that defy society s expectations for women. In contrast, when
Agamemnon brought his concubine Cassandra all the way from Troy, he was not
judged. Rather, he was a rightful character, and his wife was expected to welcome
Cassandra into their home. It was Agamemnon to leave his wife and to sacrifice their
daughter, but
The Immigration Law Enforcement And Safe
Neighborhoods Act...
A decade of governmental planning and privatization of prisons has born what is
known as the harshest immigration law in history. Astonishingly, this law wasn t
formed by our Federal Government, but by the Arizona State Senate in hopes of
curtailing the ever growing population of illegal immigrants who are smuggled into
the United States, come legally and overstay their visa, or come in hope of a better
life. This writing will investigate the social construction and the circumstances that
lead to atrocity surrounding the initiation of a long list of Arizona immigrationlaws.
Secondly, the paper will provide a background on past policies that may have relation
to the current policies enacted today and how their implementation has affected
immigration by aliens into Arizona. Lastly, the paper will analyze the rendition of
Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act (Arizona Senate Bill
1070) and offer solutions to problems associated with the law in its most current
form. Keywords: Arizona Immigration Law, SB 1070, Illegal Immigration, Racial
Senate Bill 1070 s Integration and Interrogation
Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The
wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me...
is inscribed permanently on the symbol of freedom that represents this country, the
Statue of Liberty. Unsanctioned immigration from Hispanics is an old phenomenon
and dates back to the
How to Prepare Moistened Chicken
How to Make the Moistest Chicken Chicken is my most favorite item to cook. Any
piece dark or white meat puts a smile on my face and belly. The difference in the
way one cooks chicken, makes it taste amazing or just alright. My family usually
bakes chicken, but on special occasions we have fried chicken. This paper will give
clear and concise instructions on how to make the perfect baked whole chicken.
The first step in making whole chicken is the necessary ingredients. Go to the
grocery store and purchase the biggest whole chicken in the store because it will
definitely shrink. A small whole chicken may look very cute, but it will not be
enough to feed 4 people. A technique that my family uses to make whole chicken is
brining. To make the brine spicy, the following items need to be bought if not at
home; cinnamon, cardamom, black peppercorns, dried red peppers, vegetable,
chicken stock, and a bag of ice to give the chicken a great flavor. After the
ingredients are picked up from the grocery store, there needs to be a place in the
kitchen where you can lay all the items bought from the store so they are easily
visible. Pull out all the items from the grocery bags and lay them on an open spot.
Place the chicken on a cookie sheet so it can be in room temperature if the chicken
is frozen. Before the chicken is actually baked, the brine needs to be made. Grab a
large pot which is available in the kitchen. Pour in half of the vegetable and chicken
stock into the pan. Also, add
The Bel Canto Opera Performance
When students study to sing Italian bel canto opera, it s better to use the work
which performed by people who is original singer to imitate and practice. However,
there are still a series of problems will happen for non Italian students when they are
study singing the opera, for example Semiramide. Bel raggio lusinghier. Even
according to the video soundtrack to imitate, the overall effect artistic and
performances is not satisfactory. The problems are pronunciation hesitation, slurred
speech, unknown the meaning of the text. All of these problems will reduce the bel
canto opera artistry.
в—ЏThe Italian VowelCharacteristics and Pronunciation of Requirements
Generally, Italian is easier to pronounce than Chinese, German, Spanish and
Portuguese. From the view of opera Semiramide. Bel raggio lusinghier, each note
corresponding to the following voice usually is a consonant plus a vowel, and most of
the letters is only one fixed pronunciation, can be represented by the corresponding
IPA. While the other letters are dependent on neighboring pronounce letter
combinations, only a few letters pronounce have some changes. In general, this piece
s pronunciation follows a certain pattern.
1.Italian Vowel Features
Italian has five vowel letters which are a, e, i, o and u. According to the position of
the tongue, we can separate them into three types: Low vowel, Front vowel and Back
(a)[a] is the low vowel, because the tongue is in the lowest position. It s very open,
The Last Lecture By Randy Pausch
Randy Pausch was a teacher, who taught his students valuable lessons dealing with
Virtual Reality and also with life. He spoke countless lectures in multiple colleges,
like the University of Virginia , and Carnegie Mellon University, where he went to
obtain his Ph.D. Pausch was most known for his book, The Last Lecture. This book
is based on a lecture he spoke on called, Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
which happened to also be his very last lecture. In September of 2006, Randy was
diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and in August of 2007 he was given a terminal
diagnosis of 3 to 6 months of good health (Pausch 62). In The Last Lecture, Pausch
makes a distinction between people and things through lessons like pouring soda in
The Importance Of Human Population Growth
Why Human Population Growth needs to be Addressed The human population
growth rate for 2017 according to worldmeters is 1.12%. Today, the world is facing
negative effects because each day we inch closer to the carrying capacity. The goal
for this problem is to inform society about the effects Human Population Growth
carries along with it and why the world should come together and prevent it before
it causes serious issues. Living in a world of social media at the fingertips, women
are constantly sexualized and the act of sex is encouraged. With the help of social
media, the ad with a hot girl can be transformed into an ad about condoms and birth
control. I believe that human populationgrowth can be controlled by educating
society about contraceptives. If this issue is not taken serious, the world will face a
lack of resources, shortage of space, and a weakened environment. First, if human
population growth is not controlled we will soon run out of resources. The larger the
population, the more demand for resources which leads to the issue of the earthnot
replenishing quick enough to keep up with the demand. In addition, humans
require fossil fuels for energy; the requirement for fossil fuels is high often leaving
society to question if there will be enough for future generations. For an example,
in 1971 the electricity consumption was at the lowest with 1,199.79 verses the
latest update in 2014 with 3,128.4. Although there is proof that human population
is taking a toll on resources, people believe it is a positive thing because it allows
mankind to invent new ways to produce more resources. According to Acton, it
opens opportunities for human knowledge to allow us to produce more finished
products out of less raw materials leaving natural resources to become more
available. Even though humans are finding new ways to save natural resources, to
some extent they will always be used and will eventually run out. Second, if human
population growth continues to spiral out of control, we will be left with no space
on earth. The demand for new housing or new shopping centers, leads to more
deforestation. Deforestation is the removing of trees and clearing animals off of their
natural habitats in order to place
Romeo And Juliet By Baz Luhrmann Essay
Baz Luhrmann adaptation of William Shakespeare s Romeo Juliet is modernised
to convey the meaning of the original play more appealing to today s audience. He
keeps the Shakespearian language but changes the props, clothing, setting and
music. By using these different techniques he makes the movie effective to the
audience. The prologue directed by Baz Luhrmann is a futuristic interpretation of
Shakespeare s 16th century play. The prologue shows the tv newsreader describing
the rivalry in Verona Beach and the deadly feud between Romeo s Montague
family and the Capulet family of Juliet. Baz Luhrmann uses the newsreader as the
narrator compared to Shakespeare s play. He uses the prologue to locate the action
in the modern fictional Verona Beach USA, and to introduce the feuding families.
The news reporter is reading Shakespeare s original text and tells the events that
will lead to the tragic deaths of the star crossed lovers . Although Baz Luhrmann s
prologue is delivered different from the original play the language is still the same.
The dramatic scenes show images of violence and grief in a way that appeals to the...
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He uses a variety of effects in the movie and draws the audience to the story by
outlining the setting, the characters and the plot. The visual signs, images and text
used in the clip shows the ancient grudge between the Montagues and Capulets.
Images of office towers of the family s names represent their wealth and their
rivalry. The recurring images of the statue of Christ signal love, violence and death.
These scenes are similar to Shakespeare s play and are associated with the hot
climate, passionate nature of the people and strong family bond. The film puts the
audience in the city of crime and uses graphic images of violence to communicate the
Objectification And Sexism In Jack Kerouac s On The Road
Objectification and Sexism on the Road Jack Kerouac s On the Road, explores the
complex worlds of masculinity, friendship, freedom and the delusions of the
American dream. It was extremely influential to American culture and it spoke to
young Americans of that generation as well as the generations that followed. On the
Roadis an exploration of the world of the traveler, and from it Kerouac was able to
create a world in his book that illustrates the lives as well as the motivations of a
counterculture he named the Beats . Kerouac saw the counterculture he created as a
people who wanted to escape the restrictions, repressions and conformities of
American culture, particularly white middle class culture. Kerouac was able to
describe this... Show more content on ...
His wife embodies the characteristics in a woman Dean values characteristics which
apply even outside Kerouac s novel and are a large part of the social values the beat
generation was trying to move away from. She is describes as the sweetest woman
in the world and she smiles and never asks Walter where he had come from or
anything else. Kerouac writes, Walter s wife smiled and smiled as we repeated the
insane thing all over again. She never said a word. Dean said, Now you see, man,
there s real woman for you. Never a harsh word, never a complaint, or modified;
her old man can come in any hour of the night with anybody and have talks in the
kitchen and drink the beer and leave any old time. This is a man, and that s his
castle (Kerouac). Look at the terminology used her to describe her: quiet, smiling,
no complaint and real woman. Dean s construction of ideal womanhood is a woman
who is submissive, passive and defers to her man the ruler of the household and
owner of her mind, body and intellect. This one short description of Walter s wife
illustrates the patriarchy that is woven into Kerouac s On the
Racial Profiling Vs. Proactive Policing
Stop and frisk is a tactic where police are stopping an individual whom they think
are a suspect of committing or about to commit a crime. The officer will frisk the
individual by lightly patting and feeling around his/her outer garments to either find
a concealed weapon or contraband. This is something that is not new but this been
dated to been used back when Britain had a king. In the last past ten to fifteen year
the numbers of stop and frisk had increased substantially. Currently New York uses
stop and frisk as their main tactic to arrest young African Americanand Latino men.
Since the police implemented the stop and frisk tactic there been rumors that the
crime went down, but there are no true statics to back this up. Stop and frisk is
supposed to be a tactic that equally targets all races and tries to stop/ reduce crimes
that s going on in the cities. There is a lot that s going on with this stop and frisk,
many people will say there s a war going on. The two sides are Racial Profiling vs.
Proactive Policing . Some people might say that stop and frisk is working because
the deaths in New York Citywent down 7,300 in the last past eleven years since
Mayor Michael Bloombergtook office (backlash). In such ways, this is true that stop
and frisk helped in New York but in other cities like Los Angeles (59%), New... Show
more content on ...
Stop and frisk main objective is to stop and cease control of illegal weapons and
contraband. It s not there to harass and make the community scared. So, the
questions are why stop and keep harassing the people of color? Why aren t the
stops done equally? Is there a certain quota that is supposed to be met by these
officers? There s a lot of questions that are asked and that need answer s. People of
color should not have to live their life in fear because the justice system wants to
bother these people for no reason, or just to make a certain quota so they can be
Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), a state owned commercial bank,
is a strong pillar of the development of basic industries in China, and its role in the
financial system is and will always be irreplaceable. The most obvious function is to
support the real economy. During 2015, the balance of loans extended by the bankto
strategic emerging industries reached RMB369.729 billion, increasing by 11.99%
over the prior year; the balance of loans to cultural industries reached RMB175.457
billion, increased by 14.36%. And it offers diversified financial products and services
to over 5 million corporate customers and nearly 500 million personal customers.
(source annual report)
Business activities
Net loans and advances to customers accounted for 52.5% of total assets; investment
accounted for 22.5% and cash and balances with central banks accounted for
13.8%.The business activities can be divided into 3 main categories: corporate
banking, personal banking, financial asset services.
ICBC accelerated the transformation of corporate banking business including
corporate deposits and loans, small and medium sized enterprise business and other
businesses, aimed at satisfying the real economy s financing requirements through a
variety of channels.
To meet the diversified financial needs of customers, the bank made some innovation
of all products including payment, deposit, financing, bank card, trading, insurance,
investment and wealth management to enhance the customer
Mole Concept Lab Report
Introduction to the Mole Concept
The word mole is from the Latin moles, which means mass or pile. Chemists often
need to count atoms to know exactly how many there are in a sample of a given
element. In chemistry, mass, weight and volume are some of the most commonly
used methods to measure the amount of a substance. However, since atoms are so
small, it is difficult to calculate the number of atoms in a given amount using these
measurements. The mole is the chemist s expression of amount. To him it means a
definite number of individual unit particles of whatever species is being considered.
This number is a standard (Reinhold 4). A mole is defined as Avogadro s number of
atoms, ions and molecules. Avogadro s number is 6.022X10 23.... Show more content
on ...
The ideal gas law is expressed by the equation, PV=nRT. P refers to the pressure
while V,n,R and T represent the volume, number of moles, the gas constant and the
temperature, respectively. The ideal gas law describes the relationships between
the properties mentioned above. Although this equation is widely used, it is
limited in the sense that gases only behave ideally under very few circumstances.
The moles of a substance are used here in addition to the volume. An example
problem reads, if a gas has a pressure of 6.5 atm, a volume of 8 Liters, and there are 2
moles, what is the
Determing the Enthalpy of Neutralization
Determining the enthalpy of neutralization by calorimetry
Anam Iqbal
Partner s name: Danielle Hodgson
TA s name: Karinna
Section # 003
Due date: November 24, 2009
The purpose of the experiment is to determine the enthalpy of neutralization reactions
by calorimetry. Calorimetry, is the science of measuring the amount of heat. All
calorimetric techniques are therefore based on the measurement of heat that may be
generated (exothermic process) or consumed (endothermic process). The device used
for measuring the heat changes in this experiment is called calorimeter. A calorimeter
is a Styrofoam cup is used as a calorimeter, because it is a container with good
insulated walls to prevent heat exchange with the environment.
A ... Show more content on ...
Of NaOH| Initial temp. Of HCL| Trial 1| 24.5| 24.0| Trial 2| 24.0| 24.1|
Table # 2: initial temperatures for neutralization of NaOH with HNO3 | NaOH|
HNO3| Trial 1| 24.0| 24.3| Trial 2| 24.1| 24.0|
Table #3: initial temperatures for neutralization of NaOH with Phenol | NaOH|
Phenol| Trial 1| 23.5| 23.5| Trial 2| 23.9| 23.9|
Table #4: initial temperatures for neutralization of NaOH with unknown HCL |
NaOH| Unknown HCL| Trial 1| 23.9| 23.8| Trial 2| 23.7| 22.8|
Table #5: concentrations | HCL| NaOH| HNO#| Phenol| concentration| 1.9027 M|
2.3955M| 1.749M| 0.5000M|
Results and calculations
Part A: neutralization of NaOH with HCL
Table #1: temperature changes every 2 sec till max. | 2 sec| 4 sec| 6 sec| 8 sec| 10
sec| 12 sec| 14 sec| 16 sec| Trial 1| 34.0| 35.0| 35.3| 30.0| 33.0| | | | Trial 2| 30.0| 31.0|
32.0| 33.0| 34.0| | | |
Table #2: temperature changes for every 10 seconds for 1 min. | 0 sec| 10 sec| 20 sec|
30 sec| 40 sec| 50 sec| 60 sec| Trial 1|
Summary Of The Truth About Stories
Divya Gupta
Dr. Paul Watkins
ENG 115
October 10, 2017 A Short Essay on The Truth About Stories Title Creation of a
Wonderful World
The Truth About Stories is that that s all we are .(King 2003,p. 2).Stories have a
great importance as they make people more joyous and creative. Stories let the
narrator to speak but he is not really the one who is speaking. The narrator retells the
stories in merely same language but totally in different tone. These stories improve
ones belief towards life. The narrator interacts with the listener through ... Show more
content on ...
Suddenly, a women fell from the sky who was crazy and prying. She was so
curious about everything that each time she looked into something, she could
imagine why does it happened, where did it came from and how. One day, she went
into the river where she found many companions. And she was the one whom we
call Charm . She was pregnant and reproduced two twins. One a girl and the another
a boy. The twins created deep valleys, mountains, forests, rivers , roses, etc.
And this way the summer and winter was created by both of them. When Charm
looked around, she saw a beautiful world. In the beginning God created the earth and
heaven. Then he created day and night, sun and moon and at last, he created humans.
First man and then woman known as Adam and Eve. And he places everything and
everyone in a garden, a perfect world. No sickness, no death, no hate, no hunger
(King 2003,p. 21). But there was one rule, of every tree of a garden there was some
nuts and fruits, but none of them was supposed to eat anything. But next what
happens is that Adam and Eve breaks the rule. Eve takes a bite of an apple and
brings it back for Adam to eat. Adam instead of saying no, ate it. As soon as the
rule has been broken, God seals it off and places an angel with a fiery sword at the
entrance and tosses Adam and Eve into a howling wilderness to fend for themselves,
a wilderness in which sickness and death, hate and hunger are their constant
companions (King 2003,p. 22). It
The Domestic Work Of African American Women
United States southeast region can be described as unique when it comes to its
economic system and its social structure due to the multiple political and
constitutional problems these structures have created. The most important factor of
these problems raised could be said that was the social structure, regarding the
interaction between the different social groups of this southeastern community. From
the conflicts that aroused between the different White European settlers, to the
adjustment of the African Americans to labor, the southerner society, or community,
was created. The commodification of the domestic work of African Americanwomen
affected in great ways their performance in white households, as well as their
portrayal in advertisements, where they were shown to be a need to white
southerners during the 1920 s. Although these advertisements approached the public
with the idea that domestic work was a necessity, the advances in society made of
their work one that day by day became less needed.
The problems of race the United States confronted are deeply imbedded in the
historical past of the nation. Due to the fact that a great majority of the nation s
African Americans lived in former slave states, white southerners constantly came up
new ways to impose white supremacy on their black neighbors. Consequently, black
southerners fought back against unequal treatment, discrimination, and the violent
white people who executed racial massacres. After the
Purpose Of Epic Theatre
Epic theatre is always intended for the actors quite as much as for the spectators.
The essential reason why the didactic play falls into a category of its own is that,
through the exceptional austerity of its apparatus, it facilitates and encourages the
interchangeability of actors and audience, audience and actors. Every spectator can
become one of the actors . (Walter Benjamin). What do you discern as the didactic
element of Mother Courage and Her Children and how does it relate to dramatic form
/ theatrical techniques?
Is Theatre for Pleasure or Theatre for Instruction?
Epic theatre refers to a form of drama that attracts spectator s mind more than his
feelings. The term was developed and adopted by Bertolt Brecht in Germany in 1920
s. Epic theatre presents a narrative which turns the observer into spectator. The
main aim of epic theatre is to arouse the spectator s capacity to take action by
provoking rational self reflection. Brecht has followed the epic theatre because he
realised that the traditional theatre of his time is inadequate for his purposes. Epic
theatre serves the purpose of social function. Through its narrative, Brecht presents
social, political and economic problems. His main aim is to invoke the audience
into analysing the play rather than getting attached with the characters or the plot.
This form was empolyed by Brecht in his play Mother Courage and Her Children
which was performed in 1941. The play consists of twelve scenes that tackles the
thirty year war (1618 1648) between Sweden and Poland. The ... Show more content
on ...
There are variations in this theme in each scene as the structure of the play is
presented in an episodic form. Moral degradation in the play is shown through
various techniques such as Alienation effect also known as Verfremdungseffekt,
didacticism, breaking the fourth wall, acting techniques, gestus and narration and
Violence And Sexual Assault And Violence Against Women
Throughout history especially within recent years there has been a major rise of
sexual assault and violence against women. This is prevalent within college
campuses, within work, the military, within family households and nearly all parts
of society there is no getting away from it. It is truly a shame and a wretched part
of society. However, this needs to be brought to light. This can no longer be avoided
and society needs to come together as a whole, in order to stop this. Throughout this
essay we are going to go over the statistical background of violence and sexual
assault towards women, sexual assault on college campuses, the emotional abuse of
those affected, and why Victims don t come forward. Then a step by step
breakdown of how we can rid society from these unacceptable acts of violence and
sexual assault towards woman. Before exploring the deeper aspects of violence and
sexual assault towards woman, it s important to have a historical foundation and
Background statistics
Within the United states the National Sexual violation and resource center has
conducted in depth statistics pertaining to sexual violence. These Statistics indicate
that one in five woman will be raped within their life time(NSVRC). If this isn t
evident enough that that our society is having a major problem, then compare it to
one in 71 men are raped at some point in their life(NSVRC). Although many of us
believe that within our own sanctuaries at home and at work that they
Comparison Of Anthem And The Island Rand
Dystopia The New Utopia In the novel Anthem and the movie The island Rand and
Bay use the idea of dystopia to connect similar properties of characters, symbols,
and societies. In both works the characters of Equality and Liberty relate to the
characters of Lincoln and Jordan in many ways. Through their curiosity of the ways
how society works and their rebellion. Equality and Lincoln show how they are like
in their thinking and actions. Lincoln Wants to know more. and He wishes there was
more. ( The Island) Lincoln questions the food they eat, the cloth they wear and the
overall ways of the society. Lincoln demonstrates his natural curiosity and that he is
different from his brothers and sisters. Similarly, Equality has a knack... Show more
content on ...
In Anthem the authorities use the Uncharted Forest fear to control the population
and to insure they are narrow minded. They do this with the help of old Myths that
say whoever goes inside the forest does not come back due to the lack of food and
the vigorous animals. Also, they engrave fear in their minds to control them
indirectly. Similarly, The Island authorities use the same concept by telling the
people to not escape to the outside world because they will be contaminated by
pathogens and die. Also, they use fear and/or the outside world to control the
population to make sure their only goal in life is to work and to go to the
The Physics of Piano
One of the most common musical instruments in many homes is the piano; and most
people have the opportunity for even a few lessons in their youth. However, despite
the simplicity of its lines and keys (88 keys), 2 3 pedals on the modern piano, and
either upright (vertical) or grand style (horizontal), the physics of the pianoare both
interesting and complex. The modern piano is a descendent of the harpsichord,
which used a plucking technique much like that of plucking the strings of a harp or
lute. Bartolomeo Crisotofori, an Italian craftsman, substituted felt hammers in place
of the plucking mechanism, making the instrument capable of graduations of tone
and timber. He called his new instrument the Gravicembalo col piano e forte (a
harpsichord with louds and softs). This was later shortened to the piano and with
critiques from Baroque composers like Bach, a number of improvements were
made to sound quality and tonality eventually emerging as the preferred keyboard
instrument for Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven. Over the course of centuries to
different piano types have emerged. The grand piano, from 5 6 to 8 or 9 in length
horizontal to the upright piano, more suitable for the home, which also exists in
differing sizes, 3 5; in height (Parakilas). The mechanism of a piano consists of
pressing on a key (either black or white) on the keyboard causing a felt covered
hammer to strike steel strings that are various lengths and tensions. The hammers
rebound; allowing the
Summer Of Riley Book Report
This was a tough observation for me. I really bonded with these students and learned
about their lives so leaving them was exponentially difficult. When I walked in they
were checking their math homework like normal. Ms. J picked 5 different questions
to grade with the students as she worked them out on the board. She then had the
students put their gradeat the top and pass it in. I asked Ms. J how she inserts grades
because she is always grading when I come in her room. She said she looks for
progress more than the grade. Sometimes she averages them at the end of the week so
if the students were having an off week their grades would not suffer to terribly. The
students then moved to their centers of Tenmarks, mountain math problems 19 24 we
checked, mountain math, and guided math with Ms. J.... Show more content on ...
She added a new group to the book club. This group was just reading science
passages before because Ms. J needed to find an interesting book on level for this
group. The students made a paper booklet for their books and wrote the questions
that were posted on the board and their answers for that book on a different page.
So the first real page in the book would be the questions for chapter one the next
page would be where the students recorded the questions and answers for chapter
two, and so on. The new book added was named Summer of Riley. This novel
follows the story of an eleven year old who has a dog named Riley that they are
trying to save from being put to sleep by the law enforcement for chasing livestock.
This raises a lot of interesting questions for the students including how to lawfully
go about protesting a law, which is quite interesting to hear their conversations
about it because they would never be in the position of William but they apply the
story to their lives, which was fascinating. Ms. J really fosters the love of reading in
her class, which I have really loved to
Bronfenbrenner s Ecological Systems Theory Analysis
Children learn in a dynamic context from the people and places they come in contact
with which profoundly influence their overall development. Bronfenbrenner s
Ecological Systems Theory (ECT) details the ecological context in which children
develop in an aim to assist educators in understanding children s identity. This essay
will discuss Bronfenbrenner s ecological theory and the importance surrounding
children s context and implications for teachers.
EST views the child as developing within a system of relationships, influenced by
their surrounding environment (SITE 5 p.37). EST is composed of four socially
organised subsystems with an emphasis on the bi directional relationship between
people and context (introducing Bronfenbrenner). The bi directional relationship can
refer to the influences a teacher has on a child s beliefs behaviour, as well as the
influences a child has on their teachers. The subsystems are identified as the
microsystem, the mesosystem, the exosystem and the macrosystem (Site 5
Ecological Models 94 p 39 40). The Microsystem is the innermost level of this
system, consisting of interactions in the child s immediate surroundings (Berk ...
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Ferre Laevers suggested a child s capacity and drive for learning is dependent on their
emotional security and esteem (p.59 the social child). Laevers is assisting us to
understand the impact a strong relationship has on contributing to the development of
children emotional security. Extending on Bronfenbrenner s theory, Margaret
Spencer has observed risk factors in children s environments that boost their chances
of problematic outcomes. (Site McDevitt p.64) These risk factors include economic
poverty, unstable family conditions and discrimination, (McDevitt p 64).
Unfortunately, such risk factors would be directly experienced by students in their
microsystems unbeknown to
Diverse Learning Environment
Please describe how you would benefit from and add to a diverse learning
environment in and outside of the classroom. Write answer in 250 words or less.
Firstly, when I think of a diverse learning environment, I think of variety in the way
I learn as well as variety in the people whom I learn with me. I would benefit from a
diverse learning environment by being able to experience different learning styles
and techniques from the ones I practice. This allows me to learn in ways that
interest me more or suit me better than the ways I was learning in the past. Also,
learning in an environment where there is a variety of people gives me the
opportunity to think more deeply in all aspects of my life because I get to work with
people ... Show more content on ...
As a general member I volunteered in an interested student exposure program
called Vision. By leading a group of Vision participants to events, tours, and
information sessions, I was able to aid the College of Technology in its
recruitment efforts. I am also a general member of the Audio Engineering Society.
As a general member I did live mixing for a music show. This was a university wide
event, so I was able to help provide entertainment for the whole university. I am an
Ambassador for the College of Technology. As an Ambassador I assist with tours
of my College for the Electrical Engineering Technology department, speak at
information sessions, and participate in various events in order to help my College
(my department specifically) in recruitment efforts. I have finished training in the
spring of the 2014 2015 school year for a position as a leader to a group of new
students for Boiler Gold Rush which occurs in the fall of the 2015 2016 school
year. This aids the university in its goal to thoroughly acclimate its new students to
the workings and culture of the university. I am part of a group of students who are
trying to start an independent game development club on campus. This club is for
every student in the university, so I am aiding the university cater to the interests of
its students. Academically, I have 3.69 GPA and have been on the Dean s list every
semester I have attended Purdue University. I also received an academic achievement
award from the Black Caucus of Faculty and
Case Study Of Dot Block
Filling an entire block in Boston s popular Dorchester neighborhood, Dot Block is
centrally located at 1207 Dorchester Avenue. Stretching throughout 4.75 acres of
prime residential and retail property, it consists of multiple, mixed use buildings that
range in size from four to six stories. Spread throughout these various structures are
over 400 modern units. To meet the varying needs of Dorchester residents, Dot Block
provides a comprehensive mix of reasonable rentals, luxury condominiums and
economical housing. Units for purchase offer floor plans of 1,140 square feet while
apartmentrentals feature approximately 950 square feet. In addition to its expansive
residential space, the ground floors of each building provide a total of 73,000 square
Benefits And Benefits Of Cio Outsourcing
There are various benefits for CIO outsourcing. While you are operating a
business, it is a necessity for you to make wise decisions that will save you stress
and money. If you lack the knowledge to manage your technology you can take the
easy route by relying on the proficiency of a professional to provide you with the
right solution. Using a seasoned professional increases the efficiency of decision
making and will help you to save timeand cost. With CIO outsourcing, you will have
a better time focusing on running your businessrather than being involved with the
stress of trying to solve technological issues. This is a solution that gives a business
access to a dependable team of professionals with a depth of experience.
When you ... Show more content on ...
We are able to provide you with expert advice, our virtual CIO will develop a long
term IT plan for your business, and other benefits. Visit our website at http:/
Article 7
As long as you run a business, you will eventually have to deal with some kind of
problem that you are unable to fix on your own. Dealing with these issues on a
regular basis can slow down productivity for your business, your time will be
consumed and you may even end up losing money. When you are facing an IT
problem that may consist of a threat of a security of networks or an issue with your
hardware and software, your best alternative is to consult with the right IT
services. These professionals already have the training and expertise to deal with
the problem easily. By doing a little research, you will find that there are a number
of IT services that can provide large or small businesses with computer repair, IT
consulting, and a host of other services that will increase a business and help it to
flourish in the long term. An IT managed service provider has the capability to assist
you with software and hardware issues, computer re installation services and will
help to reduce your stress, while you focus on your business goals.
If you have a business and need advice pertaining to IT issues, you can get the
assistance you need with the
Coney Dogs Research Paper
Ah, a day at the ball park. Nothing more American than going to a baseball game,
drinking a beer and eating a hot dog. Guess where that tradition started? Detroit,
baby. Well, Livonia to be more specific, but it was popularized at Detroit Tiger
Stadium in the 50 s. A meat packing company called Hygrade FoodProducts won a
competition in 1959 to be the hot dog supplier for the team. They started a contest
at the company for the name for the hot dogs. Mary Ann Kurk, one of Hygrade
Food Products sales people at the time, won the contest with the name Ball Park
Franks . So then next time you eat a ball park frank at a game, know that Detroit ha
influenced on one of the most iconic sports foods in America.
CONEY DOG coneys1 Sure, coney dogs are ... Show more content on ...
The moment I mention the name to places beyond Detroit, I get the typical Insane
Clown Posse reference. Sorry to burst your bubble. but Faygo is delicious. They
have more flavors than anyone. Flavors that you couldn t possibly imagine. The
great thing about it being a local drink is that they can team up with 7/11 to make
personalized Slurpee s that are only available around these parts.
If you happen by some Faygo in California, give it a try. If you see Red Pop or Rock
N Rye, it is your missions to buy it, pour it in a glass, ad some ice, and experience a
soda pop that will change your mind.
Jason Khal Drogo Momoa enjoying a delicious New Holland Brewing beer
Detroit/Michigan is one of the biggest craft beer hubs in the country. I could walk
into any part store in he area and there will be a sign stating Brewed in Michigan and
below it will be racks of so much different kinds of beer that it feels like Willy Wonka
for adults. If you love craft beer, check out to see if any of these are on your buying
Walking And The Suburbanized Psyche, By Rebecca Solnit
In the anecdote, Walking and the Suburbanized Psyche , by Rebecca Solnit, she
implies, if walking continues to devalue, our society s relationship between body,
world, and imagination will be lost. I personally do not find walking to be a cultural
activity or pleasure of getting around. Instead, walkingis a hassle when the American
suburbs are built with a diffuseness that the unenhanced human body is inadequate
to cope with . Furthermore, instead of making us feel guilty or attempting to
persuade us to travel on foot; we should acknowledge that we now perceive: value,
time, space and our own bodies in a drastically different way than older times. I
utterly disagree with Solnit s ideology, Otherwise the individual s imagination will
be bulldozed over to the chain store outlets of consumers appetite, true crime,
titillation, and celebrity crisis . The one way I d relish taking a walk would be
with pleasant company. If you re hand in hand with your partner appreciating the
scenery together that changes the ambiance of the walk. Yet what changes actual
the mood of it is the person you re with and not the actual walk because you can be
doing anything else but instead you re with pleasant company therefore it doesn t
matter what you re doing. Likewise, when people voice they will only be pleased
when they reach a certain point in their life; what if you never get to that point? Does
that mean you ll never be satisfied? Solnit classifies walking the same
The Coming Of Christianity And The Kingdom Of The
The coming of Christianity to the kingdom of the Franks was likely the greatest shift
of Frankish ideology, going from the traditional pagan culture to the most powerful
political and military system in Western Europe famously rooted in biblical truths
during the medieval period. With Christianity being the foundation of the kingdom,
both royals or peasants, clergy or laymen, and Christians and pagans were to become
subject the teachings of the Holy Scriptures and the establishment of the Church.
Whether a king or bishop, those within the influence of the Frankish kingdom were to
uphold and protect the religious orthodox and defer all who rejected it. The Frankish
ideology, rather than consistently changing, was more so a series of developments
that both maintained the traditional values of the early church and strengthened the
expectations of the church based on the conflicts of what was considered truth or
The rise of the Carolingians marked a major turning point for Frankish kingship that
altered the justification of authority from ancestral ties to divine acceptance. Before
the Carolingian dynasty began, the Merovingian dynasty ruled the Franks starting in
the mid fifth century. As a dynasty, the Merovingian rule foundationally stood upon
the leadership of the royal family, in that no one outside of the family could be at the
head of the kingdom. However, the position of the mayor of the palace had many
responsibilities and other official daily tasks that
Research Journals on One Way Anova Test
E Commerce Electronic commerce, commonly known as e commerce consists of the
buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet
and other computer networks.
Electronic commerce is generally considered to be the sales aspect of e business. It
also consists of the exchange of data to facilitate the financing and payments aspects
of the business transactions. Economists have theorized that e commerce ought to
lead to intensified price competition, as it increases consumers ability to gather
information about products and prices.
Originally, ... Show more content on ...
Electronic commerce that is conducted between businesses is referred to as business
to business or B2B. B2B can be open to all interested parties (e.g. commodity
exchange) or limited to specific, pre qualified participants (private electronic market).
Electronic commerce that is conducted between businesses and consumers, on the
other hand, is referred to as business to consumer or B2C. This is the type of
electronic commerce conducted by companies such as
Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce where the buyer is directly online
to the seller s computer usually via the internet. There is no intermediary service. The
sale and purchase transaction is completed electronically and interactively in real time
such as for new books. If an intermediary is present, then the sale and
purchase transaction is called electronic commerce such as
APPLICATIONS OF E COMMERCE: * Document automation in supply chain and
logistics * Domestic and international payment systems * Email * Enterprise content
management * Group buying * Automated online assistants * Instant messaging *
Newsgroups * Online shopping and order tracking * Online banking * Online office
suites * Shopping cart software * Teleconferencing * Electronic tickets
TYPES OF E COMMERCE: * Business to Business (B2B) * Business to Consumer
(B2C) * Business to Employee (B2E) * Business to Government (B2G)
Harley Mac Research Paper
Fleetwood Mac s Life Story Fleetwood Mac was one of the most successful bands
ever but with many of tragedies. Those tragedies resulted in many big stops in their
music career that could have led them to even more success. Fleetwood Mac had
many different rock and roll artists to inspire them and different kind of music. They
had many of people that came in out of the band at the beginning, but these people
came up with the band name. Even though they have had many changes and
tragedies, Fleetwood Macearned many awards and achievements to be one of the
best success stories in the music industry. Through different inspirations
Fleetwood Mac formed the band and came up with the band name. Fleetwood Mac
was formed by a blues artist that was really famous in the 1960s named Peter Green.
Fleetwood Mac was inspired also by rock and roll and old blues. Now Fleetwood Mac
is a emotional and creative kind of rock. They used to be a british blues band that
was all male ( Fleetwood... Show more content on ...
Fleetwood Mac was one of the seismic bands in the world. They had a album called
Rumors it was on the charts for more than two years and one of the best selling
albums ever ( Fleetwood Mac, 2006). Fleetwood Mac had a lot of awards they had
a total of eleven awards. They got to be in the tour of Hall of Fame. They also got
awards for showco, mountain productions, trait towers, nocturne, ect (Mchugh,
1998). Fleetwood Macs album Rumors won the Grammy award in 1977. They were
the best live preformed band in the 1970s. They are one of the major success stories
in the 1970s ( Fleetwood Mac, 1974). Bill Clinton s favorite band was Fleetwood
Mac they performed for him in Washington (Lowe, 2015). Fleetwood Mac wrote
these songs called Over My Head and Say You Love Me they hit the top of the charts
in 1976 ( Fleetwood Mac, 2006). Rumors sold more than 16 million copies
Q Turner Construction Company
Turner Construction Company Questions 1. What are are the various types of
contingency funds? How do they work? Do you think this approach to contingency
funds is adequate? Overkill? 2. What is Turner s business strategy towards their
clients? How is it different from their competitors? What is your opinion of this
strategy? What are its strengths and weaknesses? What could invalidate Turner s
business strategy? 3. Evaluate the IOR system and related reports and meetings.
Does the IOR system force managers and the project team to address contingencies
and problems you identified previously? It appears to take a lot of time in meetings;
is this necessary, wise? The system seems to be based purely on financials.... Show
more content on ...
At times in these relationships gifts and entertainment may be offered as
expressions of friendship. Offering or accepting such gifts or entertainment may be
appropriate so long as the value does not exceed proper bounds of a normal
business relationship. A gift of nominal value, an occasional meal preceding or
following a business discussion, an invitation to sports event or theater is not
necessarily improper. ... Employees must not accept gifts or entertainment where to
do so might result in an obligation or the appearance of an obligation to conduct
business with the donor in such a way as to reflect less than an independent, arm
length relationship. Policy on Accounting Controls It has always been the policy of
the Company to maintain the integrity of its financial records and operating controls.
All policies and procedures are subject to audit. No artificial, false, or misleading
entries shall be made in the books and records of the Company, employee expense
accounts, or in any requisition submitted to an owner for any reason. Nor shall any
payment or receipt be made with the understanding or intent that such transaction is
to be used for a purpose other than that described by the documents supporting the
transaction. Policy on Conflicts of
Kurt Lewin ( 1947 ) Divides The Change Process
Answer 1.
Kurt Lewin (1947) divides the change process into 3 steps. Unfreezing, Changing
and Freezing. It is a very simple and practical model for understanding the change
process. It is widely used and is a basis for many change models. He widely stages
them as follows:
a)Creating the perception that change is needed.
b)Moving towards the new desired level of behaviour.
c)Solidifying the new behaviour as the norm.
Unfreezing raises an initial awareness of the need for change. It is the first step in
the change process. As many people will resist change the goal during unfreezing is
to create awareness as to how the current level is hindering the organization in some
way. Old behaviour, ways of thinking, procedures and process followed, Human
resource, Organisation structure must be carefully examined to clarify the people in
the organization the need for change to maintain competitive advantage. The
Proprietor needs to convince his people the logic behind change and how it will be
beneficial at Individual and Organisational level. Besides Lewin states that people
should be motivated to accept change
As an owner of Pink Donkey catering Ltd who wants to open his own restaurant and
bring major change in the way business is done, I would emphasise on Unfreezing as
a first step in change management process. I would convince them the urgency and
necessity for change, as catering business we were able to reach limited customers
but now the demand has
Bullfighting Essay
The origins of bullfighting can be traced back to prehistoric times. The Greeks
sacrificed bulls for religious reasons, but in its earliest forms, bullfighting did not
even involve humans. The bull was often put into a small enclosure with another
predatory animal, such as a tiger or lion, and the beasts fought to the death. The
spectacle eventually evolved into a struggle between man and bull gaining
similarities with what we know today as bullfighting. Along with these changes came
the spectacle and formalities that are now an integral part of the corrida de toros.
Arguably, the first of the modern bullfight took place in Vera, LogroГ±o, Spain in
1133. The modern bullfight evolved from rejoneo, which ... Show more content on ...
The matadors finish off the bull in the third stage. If a matador is gored, one of the
other matadors must finish fighting the bull. Therefore, six bulls and three matadors
participate in every corrida.
In the preliminary stage (well, I lied there are actually four stages but the
preliminary is not really considered one of the tercios), large capes, usually
magenta and gold, are flashed before the bull. This is done in order to see how the
bull will react. The bullfighters watch the bull closely to form a strategy for engaging
it in the ring. If the bull is too timid, the fight could be boring because the bull will
not charge when provoked, not allowing the matador to make skillful passes.
However, if the bull is too aggressive, the fight may be too dangerous for the
matador and he may have to kill the bull quickly. This is also an undesirable result.
An ideal bull is one that is brave but the matador is able to manipulate. This allows
the matador to show his artistry and skill in controlling the bull.
During the first stage, or tercio de varas, the picadores ride into the ring on
horseback. The carry a long lance with a small metal pick at the end. The bull is
provoked into charging the horse and the picador guides his lance into the large
neck muscle of the bull as it crashes into the side of the horse. This causes the neck
muscle to weaken, therefore, forcing the bull to droop its
Controvery of Creation vs. Evolution in Inherit the Wind,...
In Inherit The Wind, by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, is about a big trial in a
small town, and a controversial Creation versus Evolution debate. There are many
characters with flamboyant and powerful personalities. Among them are: Matthew
Harrison Brady, and Henry Drummond. Although all of these influential people are
powerful, not all of them have the same amount of power, not only over other people,
but over themselves as well.
Matthew Harrison Brady is a very powerful, and revered man at the beginning of the
playwright, however his power declines as the play continues. At the beginning of
the novel, Brady is the most powerful person in the state. From the period he got off
the train, to the trial, he was lionized. He heads up the ... Show more content on ...
Although many don t realize it until the end, he is the middle man, and has chosen
to take the middle way out of his conflict. He was able to find the right balance of
religion and science, which many people lack. He was the growing fish in a small
pond, just waiting for his opportunity to eat up Brady, and be the biggest fish in the
pond. In the movie, he seems more hated at the beginning, than in the play. In the
courtroom, his power shifts for the better. Brady said I ve seen what you can do to
a jury, twist and tangle them page 47. This shows how Drummond has power over
everyone, even without them knowing it. He just has that sort air about him that
tells you he knows what he s doing, even though he may not win. When he calls
Brady up to the stand, the power completely changes. Drummond now has full
power over the courtroom, and is making Brady look like a fool. He started
bombarding not only Brady, but the townsfolk as well with a barrage of questions.
All of them examining their beliefs and lifestyle choices, and others targeting their
views directly on Charles Darwin, and his theory of evolution. Among these
questions are: How Long Really Is A Day?, and What about his wife? He relates
Brady to Golden Dancer, his rocking horse when he was a kid. He tells Cates that
Brady is shiny and pretty on the outside, but is really just spit and wax on the inside.
A quote that represents how he has power over himself is
A Case Of Leader s Bank Internal Operations
A case study of Leader s Bank Internal Operations
Nicollette Burbank
CSU Global
Managing a Small Business
Matthew Gonzales
May 24, 2015
Introduction The Leaders bank is a commercial institution located in Oak Brook,
Illinois, dedicated to provision of excellent banking services. It was started in 2000
by five former banking industrialists namely: Patrick Kelly, James Lynch, Steve
Schuster, Laura McGrath, and Gordon Fitzsimmons. Some of the banking services
offered are: commercial, industrial. Real estate lending and also treasury management
and retail banking on behalf of various enterprises.
Core Business cultures
Leaders bank has its successful business entrenched in good customer relations as
well as a dedicated and motivated employee workforce. By ensuring that the bank s
management upheld the two core aspects of its business: communication and trust,
the bank created a suitable environment where customers would obtain excellent
professional services from the staff. Such workplace centered on respect, resulted into
turning the employee turnover rate to zero which in turn resulted into better customer
service as they (the latter) worked with the same professionals who apprehended their
business goals and objectives for a longer time. This eventually led to an automatic
improvement in the bank s customer satisfaction ratings.
Leaders Bank considers the customer needs as a priority. Its objectives, based on trust
Tattoos While the oldest known tattoo was on an iceman found on the Italian
Austrian border with carbon dating showing the iceman to be 5,200 years old
(Lineberry, 2007) for many years, here in America, tattoos were only popular with
sailors, soldiers, Marines, bikers and occasionally the rebellious teenager. Why
were tattoos only popular with these few? Social taboos looked down on those
with tattoos. However, through tattoos a person can show self expression, be self
creative, and be identified with a certain belief or interest through the art, design or
message. It is for these simple reasons their popularity over the last twenty years has
grown at an incredible rate, and people of all ages, sexes, ethnic groups, and social...
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Many find themselves talking to each other after noticing a certain familiar marker
on each other s arm. Bikers tend to get tattoos that deal with Harley Davidson, a
particular biker organization, such as the Hell s Angels or the Christian Motorcycle
Association, or one of the many other biker tattoos. Athletes will often get their
school logo or their number tattooed on their body. Professional working people often
get a tattoo of something to do with their profession. Religious tattoos are also
becoming more popular as people feel more the need to identify themselves with a
certain belief, and want others to know their beliefs. With the popularity of religious
tattoos it isn t unusual to see someone with a cross, crucifix, star of David, praying
hands, rosary, or a picture of Jesus or the Virgin Mother tattooed on their body
(Maloney Hawkins, 2004). According to one article, more than a millennium after
church authorities condemned tattooing as a form of deviltry that disfigures the
body, evangelical youth are permanently altering their bodies with images of crosses,
sacred hearts, and angels. For a small but growing subculture within Evangelical
Christianity, religious tattooing is becoming an increasingly legitimate expression of
individuality, identity, and faith (Tattoos as Evangelical Chic, 1998). Tattooing is not
limited to only the young or middle aged. One tattoo artist stated that he had a
Designing A Business Strategy For Business
Customizing Complex Buying Processes
Buyers with house accounts are easier to shepherd through complex buying processes
such as purchase order systems, gaining multiple approvals for business buys,
authorizing multiple account users and developing long term relationships and
business partnerships. Many B2B companies are moving toward using their
platforms as marketplaces for multiple vendors, manufacturers and B2B sales
companies. Offering house credit is a good first step for positioning a B2B company
at the top of the chain for this forward thinking business strategy. When companies
share financial interests,. it s easier to work together from shared marketing platforms.
3. Fulfillment Convenience Applications
Customers enjoy faster processing of their orders when they ve been qualified for an
account because no immediate payment arrangements are necessary. B2B companies
have all the information they need to ship immediately, and customers with accounts
generally provide more complete information about their companies, buying habits
and financial strengths so that eCommerce platforms can segregate them with the
high degrees of accuracy. When salespeople know a company s limits, they can better
target their sales efforts.
Gartner predicts that personalization on B2B ecommerce sites will enable companies
to outsell their competitors by 30 percent by 2018, and offering customers purchasing
accounts delivers the kind of personal service and easier ordering that ensure
Kintoscope Research Paper
What did you do this morning? Turn on the lights in your living room? Watched the
morning news? Listen to your music on the way to school? These trivial activities
were once non existent and were brought into being by one man Thomas Alva
Edison. His inventions the kinetoscope (used to watch a series of photographs),
phonograph (sound recorder), and electric light bulb paved the way for today s
lifestyle. The kinetoscope was the beginning of modern television, although it did
not contain sound, it showed what was to come. The kinetoscope was a simple
camera the was designed to take a series of photographs that, when watched quickly,
made the people in the photos seem to move. His first filmusing the kinetograph, Fred
Ott s Sneeze, was a short film portraying a man sneezing (Everyday Life: Inventions
66). The kinetoscope led people pursuing ways to entertain themselves, which made
the motion picture industry possible. This invention helped to develop and improve
today s lifestyle through the development of the motion picture industry. The
phonograph gave sound to Edison s earlier invention, the kinetoscope. The
phonograph was a hand cranked machine that played back sounds by reading the
music with the aid of a needle. These sounds were then heard through the large horn
shaped megaphone. Edison combined his new... Show more content on ...
The electric light bulb has since changed the way people from around the world view
the need for comfort. This invention gave rise to new opportunities for comfort within
the home and office. For example, the wiring used to illuminate the bulb aided future
appliances that would need electricity (such as the refrigerator and climate control).
The inventions that followed the electric light bulb have made living conditions more
comfortable and
Catholic Church In The Quiet Revolution
It is now for the Catholic Church to bend herself to her work with calmness and
generosity. It is for you to observe her with renewed and friendly attention once said
by Pope John XXIII (BrainyQuote). Undoubtedly, the social institution of the Roman
Catholic Church played an important role in developing the identity of Quebec. Even
from the beginning of colonization the Church influenced the politics and policies of
New France through to the Quiet Revolution. Having reached the peak of its
influence and power the Church sought to sacralized or Christianize all aspects of the
French Canadian society. Many movements were established during the period 1896
1960. The French Catholic universities were vastly expanded to accommodate the...
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The State s expanded role led to the setting up of many government departments and
government owned corporations during the 1960s 1970s. Language replaced faith as
an act of survival and distinctiveness in Quebec (Church and Quebec Readings
Quebec History). Meanwhile a change was occurring by the provincial government
to take more control over the fields regarding the healthcare and education of the
people. This led to the creation of health and education ministries, the expansion of
the public service, and investments in public education.The government of Quebec
took action in order to increase their control over Quebec s economy and thus
creating the Canada/Quebec Pension Plan. The decline of church authority is also
reflected in the province s record low birth rate, increased abortion rate, single parent
homes, divorce rates, and reluctance to marry ( The Fall of the Catholic Church in
Quebec). Since the days of the Great Darkness and Quiet Revolution, the Roman
Catholic Church has changed its focus, and has been mainly focused on their efforts
in conspiring with other
Christopher Columbus And De CпїЅrdenas Analysis
In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of
exploration, Ansel Adams purpose is to show the importance of experiencing new
things in our lives. In Journal of the First Voyage to America by Christopher
Columbus and Boulders taller than the Great Tower of Seville by GarcГa LГіpez de
CГЎrdenas and retold by Pedro de CastaГ±eda, the authors also emphasize
understanding new places in their lives. While they were both on a Journey,
Columbus found new land and exchanged their culture with the Native Americans
and de CГЎrdenas had no end results. However, de CГЎrdenas is more accurate. The
two stories and my family story relate to the Psychological Function of myth. Both of
the explorer stories have their similarities and differences, however de CГЎrdenas s
story is more accurate because he does not exaggerate as much and has many
different point of views. Columbus and de CГЎrdenas are similar because they are on
a journey to find new land. For example, Columbus and his crew discovered new
land, At 10 o clock, we arrived at a cape of the island, and we anchored, the other
vessels in company.(Columbus 15) In the same way, de CГЎrdenas was also on a
journey with a group of men, ... de CГЎrdenas there with about twelve men to
explore this river.(CastaГ±eda 38) Columbus and de CГЎrdenas s experiences are
similar because they are on a journey to find new land to settle in. While Columbus
anchored at an island and de CГЎrdenas explored a river they both
Military Physical Therapy
The article that I have found on the Ball States database was about Physical
Therapist sending videos to military veterans that are in need of help. The article
The Role of US Military Physical Therapist during Recent Combat Campaigns
(Moore 1). The military talks about how many have been injured in combat but in
the military you cannot just go home and get better you still have to be on duty but
won t be active duty. So therefore one will not be able to visit a physical therapist
everyday like he or she needs to, so they send videos to the military for them to use
instead of showing up to an office. When you think about physical therapist you
think that they are only in the medical field at the typical hospital or in some offices.
Many do... Show more content on ...
This study by Charles Levy is where they sent Physical Therapy activity DVD s to
those that are less fortunate then most of us. So Charles decided to help out not only
the veterans but the people that cannot afford this to send me a video that will help
them get back to normal. They sent this video to 26 veterans to help them and to see
how successful this study would be and they found out that the ones that followed
this program step by step. However, Veterans receiving on going management to
ensure compliance with a home exercise program for low back pain could be
candidates for the RVTRI (Levy 3). The Veterans Tele Rehabilitation Initiative
(RVTRI) would accept any veteranthat did not get any benefit from the at home
DVD but they did everything right and didn t take a day off. They started out with
the basic 2 minute walk test just to see their overall health and ability to move than it
moved on from there based on your time. This has affected many poor veterans that
cannot afford much that need help, it is something that over time is going to make it
big but it also might hurt the physical therapy
South Park Tropes
Tropes South Park is an animated television comedy for adults. The criticism and
the controversy of the film, as well as its success, have brought about the tropes in
the television comedy film. To begin with, Brent and Peggy argue that the film is
not dedicated to children as the producer of the film says (Arp, 17). This is
because there is a general humor that is not suitable for young viewers as there is a
negative description of the liberal causes as well as a comic effect on religion that
has generated controversy causing debate. They argue that it is dangerous for
democracy. There are tropes such as activists who have protested how Jesus Christ
has been portrayed in the Christianity venture (Arp, 77). Stone who is one of the
activists... Show more content on ...
According to Irving Thalberg is that it is full of funny gags that have nothing to
root for. Groucho himself looks for the significance of the movie and the personal
insult it had that would hurt the nation and ruin the city reputation (Bothwell, 32).
According to Danel, the movie is at par as a comedy with the likes of Dr.
Strangelove. A Silly reason for the way is a movie that has it trope paired with an
Aesop on the consideration of life and death and the conflicting differences that
have been founded on cultural practices and the outsider s perspective (Parker, 46).
On the other hand, the protagonists seem to persuade the pastry, aliens and elves
chefs that the differences can be reconciled and be accepted. The film shares
similar tropes though with differences as there those that brings out the best part of
the movie and the television film as there are those that criticize the whole plot.
Duck soup and a Silly reason for way are similar as they establish a conflict between
the people from a comedy view (Bothwell, 55). Barbara view on a Silly reason for
way forms a trivial dispute as the articulated plot is laughable at the war grows out
of proportion for a reason that can be tolerable. So far the tropes in other films and
movie are similar as they have common characteristics but they are individually
Obstacles In Arjay And Gecko s The Juvie Three
As what Moliere said The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.
Many people have obstacles everyday, but it s not the obstacles these people face it
s the ones they have overcome that make their stories. Many things are obstacles
but not all are the same. These two people named Arjay and Gecko from the book
The Juvie Three By Gordon Korman encountered multiple obstacle throughout the
book. Arjay and Gecko both were criminals but, Gecko did not want to be one, and
Arjay never meant to kill anyone. They both had to overcome multiple obstacles.
The Juvie Three By Gordon Korman has four main characters Terence, Arjay,
Gecko, and their group leader Mr.Healey. But the one that overcame the largest
obstacle, was Arjay. Arjay is a 15 year old kid that was charged with manslaughter
and put into a halfway house. But the obstacle he had to overcome were the people
he was in the halfway house with, specifically Terence. Arjay is a strict rule
follower and did not want to be kicked out of the halfway house, and Terence was
still getting in trouble in the halfway house, so he said I m not going back inside
because you can t keep your hands off everything you see. The... Show more content
on ...
Gecko was first seen as a good driver while racing go karts and his brother saw him
and made him be his getaway driver. That s one obstacle but his large obstacle, is
that while in juvie he thought he was going to get beat up in the laundry room.
That s why he accepted to go to the halfway house, he was afraid of getting beat up.
He made the decision at right now today. To avoid a return visit to that laundry
room, he ll happily follow this unperson to the end of the earth. (p.13) Gecko was
also a strict rule follower because he did not want to be put back in juvie and not
only juvie... the laundry
Margaret Thatcher Research Paper
Margaret Thatcher
I am in politics because of the conflict between good and evil, and I believe that in
the end good will triumph. ~ Margaret Thatcher
Prime minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 1990 known as the Iron Lady a
nickname given to her by the Soviet Journalist; Margaret Thatcher while you may
or may not agree with her politics was a powerful women in leadership. Born
Margaret Hilda Roberts in 1925 she was raised with her sister in a flat above her
father s grocery store. Thatcher studied chemistry at Oxford University from 1943
1947. Showing an interest in politics during college she became the president of the
Oxford University Conservative Association in 1946. In 1951 she married Denis
Thatcher and in 1954 she studied ... Show more content on ...
Margaret Thatcher not only broke through the glass ceiling she shattered it. Speaking
in her honor Prime Minister David Cameron observed that, at a time when it was
difficult for a woman to become a Member of Parliament, almost inconceivable that
one could lead the Conservative Party and, by her own reckoning, virtually
impossible that a woman could become Prime Minister, she did all three
.( After a failed bid in 1950 Thatcher was elected Member of
Parliament (MP) in 1959 one of just 25 women in a house of 605 men. Thatcher was
appointed Secretary of State for
Education and Science in 1970 and in 1975, she defeated Heath in the Conservative
Party leadership election to become Leader of the Opposition and subsequently the
first woman to lead a major political party in The UK. In 1979 Thatcher was elected
Prime Minister after winning the general election. Thatcher was known for having a
confrontational approach. One of the leading figures in her first ministry Jim Prior
found it particularly difficult to raise his voice to a woman and engage in the
argumentative style which Thatcher encouraged. For Mr. Prior such behavior was
not gentlemanly. (
The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli
When talking about leadership as a whole, a true leader sees his work as a self less
service towards a higher purpose. And to be more specific with a political leader,
being knowledgeable about how to build and use a strong military, how to support
the people, and how to take action immediately when needed. And I remember the
lecture in class where our instructor told us about how leadershipis not power and
power can make someone treat people like items instead of human beings. This
reading was an extraordinary guide to how leaders make decisions maneuver at just
about any capacity in their principality. The Princeby: Niccolo Machiavelli really
tries and is successful at dividing politics and ethics to decipher the characteristics
of a good and bad political/government ruling leader in this novel. In this reading, I
seen 5 points that Machiavelli talked about, and those were: Free Will, Being
Hated vs Goodwill, Virtue, A Good Military, and finally Human Nature. These are
a necessity to the recipe that Machiavelli is making in this book. In the first few
chapters of the book, Machiavelli begins to talk about principalities and the diverse
forms to set the base for the novel. The general definition of a principality is a local
territory that is initially ruled by a prince. And also composite principalities, which
are principalities that are newly created or annexed from another power. And in the
book Machiavelli discusses how some principalities are inherited from previous
Boeing Airlines And The Defense Market Essay
Company s Market
Boeing may only be one company, but they compete in two different markets:
commercial airlines and the defense industry. The main competition in the
commercial airline market is Airbus. Airbus and Boeing seem to have the commercial
airline industry in a chokehold basically having no other competitors. Since the
industry has high barriers to entry they will not see much competition anytime soon.
Boeing is the American leader in commercial airplanes and Airbus is the European
leader, which means they are constantly battling. Their competing aircrafts are the
Airbus A380 and the Boeing 747. Both companies have many variations of their
respected aircraft and according to Business Insider, Airbus A380 outranks the
Boeing 747 based on cost, range, size and luxury.
The defense market, Boeing aligns itself in is more complex than their commercial
airline market. Boeing s main competitor in this market is Lockheed Martin and
Raytheon Company. Even though all these companies may compete, each with
each other they often create joint ventures because the defense industry requires a
diverse product mix that one company may not be able to fulfill. One example of
these ventures is when Boeing and Lockheed Martin come to together to own
/operate Hellfire Systems, LLC which allows for both companies to sell AGM 114
Hellfire Missiles. This missile is used in the United States Army, Navy and Air Force
so this is a very profitable venture for both Lockheed Martin and Boeing.
Coal as a Resource Is It Ethical
In our modern society there is a constant give and take environment over energy.
The use of fossil fuels and coal has become politically incorrect in our green centric
society. The use of media and spin is one of the most important tools being used by
companies that make use of fossil fuels. There is an economic incentive for these
companies to downplay the potentially harmful nature of these energy sources. While
the usage of coaland other fuels is easy, it is also seen by many as environmentally
and morally reprehensible. With advancing technologies there are more alternatives
than ever before, which makes the ethical nature of these energy sources increasingly
The United States and Japanese governments are working ... Show more content on ...
It is easy to burn and can be used as fuel for trains and other machinery. According to
Environmental Ethics @ Rhodes:
In 32 states, coal provides up to 99% of electric power. Coal mining itself is a huge
part of economy in the more Southeastern region of the United States. According to
the West Virginia Office of Miners Health, safety and Training, coal mining makes up
more than $3.5 billion dollars annually in the gross state product list. (Rhodes 1)
This is perfect example how important coal is to our country and how much we use
it. Also it is stated that by Rhodes that there are over thirty thousand jobs in West
Virginia alone that are set up around coal mining. It is incredibly difficult to work
against an industry that employs so many people, especially with the economic
crisis we have been in. The main problem is extracting the coal from its sources, or
mines can pose as a huge risk to lives of those employed in such tasks. A perfect
example of this is when in April 2010 in Montcoal, West Virginia at the Upper Big
Branch Mine where high methane levels were detected. The methane caused an
explosion that killed twenty nine out of thirty one of the miners. There is also carbon
dioxide gases emitted into the atmosphere once coal is burned for fuel, and that has a
negative impact on our environment. This can eventually lead to global climate
change, among other things. According to Coal and Global Warming which was
Cost Accounting and the Lean Production Philosophy
Cost accounting and the lean production philosophy
Tyrone Williams
AIU Online
September1, 2012
Abstract As Dr. Stephanie White prepares to cope with the a steep reduction in the
budgetary allocation to the Uptown Clinic she must carefully determine which areas
to cut while striving to maintain current levels of service. This essay will offer
advice Dr. White on preparing for budget cuts. It will also discuss the lean production
philosophy and how this compares with typical production. This essay will also
describe the differences between managerial accounting and cost accounting.
There are many strategies that Dr. White could employed to adequately mitigate the
negative impact of reduced budgetary allocations to ... Show more content on ...
This philosophy is now generally accepted as the ideal business model of the 21st
century and replaces the mass production philosophy of the previous century. On the
website Mr. Vadim Kotelnikov, Inventor of inspirational
Business e Coaching states that the lean production philosophy is about doing more
with less: less time, inventory, space, labor, and money. Lean manufacturing, a
shorthand for a commitment to eliminating waste, simplifying procedures and
speeding up production (
At its very core, this philosophy employs a systematic approach to the elimination of
waste in seven key areas. These areas could be summarized as eliminating
overproduction and producing only what customers need; eliminating unnecessary
delay, down or idle time; streamlining inventory processes to eliminate unnecessary
purchasing and storing of raw materials; prevent over processing by removing any
unnecessary steps in processes or procedures; streamlining the motion/movement of
people and equipment; eliminating transportation delays and unnecessary material
handling and reducing defective products and the cost to repair/replace them
As is obvious by now, there are clear differences between typical production process
and the lean production model. Suited for the mass production strategy of the last
century, the manufacturing cycle of the typical production process primarily engages
in cost accounting whether periodic or
Summary Of The Changing Face Of War By Van Creveld
Van Creveld has authored a number of major works, including Supplying War:
Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton, which established his reputation for meticulous
scholarship and perceptive insights. In Command in War, the author detailed the
evolving nature of command and remains a classic, along with Technology and War.
Like its predecessor, The Transformation of War is about that technological advances
that rarely conveys a significant advantage in war, and that dependence on technology
introduces more friction and vulnerability than it solves. This book is critical to
political students, whom are looking to advance in strategic studies.
In The Changing Face of War book, the author s purpose is clear and explicitly stated.
If one understands
Propaganda And Its Effect On The World War II
Propaganda, though not the most effective war time strategy, allows people to
come together as one to contribute to the success of the country as a whole.
However with this idea, there is also the idea that they are not whole truths being
told by governments within countries. Propaganda is a form of a lie seen in both
North Korea in the book Escape from Camp 14, and in one of the world s darkest
times, World War II; the world allows these lies to surface due to the fact that they
do no outwardly hurt another race. Adolf Hitler used propaganda to turn people
against Jews, blacks and about everyone else that was not German and he also use
it to make people want to join Nazi army. Franklin Roosevelt or F.D.R also use the
science of propaganda to turn people against Germany, Italy and Japan. Hitler had
first become aware of propaganda and its uses before the First World War. During
the war he saw the effect of British propaganda on the soldiers of the Central
Powers. Later on after the war Hitler wrote a book called Mein Kampf (My
Struggle), he devoted two whole chapters to the study and practice of propaganda.
He once said the psyche of the masses, he wrote, is not receptive to anything that is
weak. They are like a woman, whose psychic state determined less by abstract
reason than by an emotional longing for a strong force will complement her nature.
Likewise, the masses love a commander, and despise a petitioner (Hitler). After many
speeches and papers he wrote on
Economic Restructuring And Revitalization Of Detroit...
This paper explores the economic restructuring and revitalization of Detroit Michigan
post World War II until today. The purpose of this research paper is to show the
history of Detroit s auto and manufacturing industry, in what ways it has changed in
recent years, and how it has helped define the economy of Detroit and damaged it.
This paper suggests that the deindustrialization of plants and industries and the
depopulation of whites to the Suburbs have triggered the economic downfall of the
Motor City. Some social issues such as race discrimination and segregation that
might have led to the riots of 1943, and 1967, and the migration of African
Americans to Northern States in search of employments will be discussed as well. In
... Show more content on ...
General Motors, the country s leader in defense contracts, is firmly fixed in the public
mind with the manufacture of automobiles... 35 percent of its total business is non
automotive. This diversification... gives General Motors an enormous advantage...
But little of this helps Michigan now, since G.M. no longer concentrates its military
work in this area (Widick, 1959, Pg. 1).
Widick (1959) suggests that a large percentage of the manufacturing was military
based, however after World War II, General Motors expanded its military production
to other cities and countries losing the main focus on Detroit. The manufacturing of
war weapons, vehicles, and airplanes generated the economic spur in Detroit and the
United States during World War II because the United States produced weapons and
military technology to allied countries without fully involving manpower in the war.
The massive production of military products ended after the war and the production
of weapons had decreased.
Capital Mobility. In 2005, Thomas Sugrue identified the roots of Detroit s crisis
through his article, The Origins of the Urban Crisis. Sugrue (2005) argues that
restructuring came in the form of capital mobility. The growth of a national and
international market for automobile companies led General Motors and Ford to
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  • 1. Describe Your Home Essay Describing one's own home might seem like a straightforward task, but it's often far more intricate than anticipated. The challenge lies in capturing the essence of a place that holds personal significance, navigating the balance between detail and relevance, and ensuring that the essay resonates with readers beyond mere physical descriptions. Firstly, there's the emotional attachment intertwined with every corner of one's home. Attempting to convey the warmth of family gatherings in the living room or the sense of security found in one's bedroom can be a delicate endeavor. It requires not just descriptive language, but also the ability to evoke feelings and memories that are deeply personal. Then, there's the task of avoiding clichГ©s and superficiality. It's all too easy to fall into the trap of listing generic features of a home without truly delving into what makes it unique. A successful essay on this topic requires keen observation skills and the ability to extract meaning from seemingly mundane details. Additionally, there's the challenge of maintaining the reader's interest throughout the essay. Without a compelling narrative or overarching theme, descriptions of rooms and furniture can quickly become tedious. Crafting a cohesive structure that ties together various aspects of one's home while keeping the prose engaging is no small feat. In essence, writing about one's home is a multifaceted endeavor that demands introspection, creativity, and a keen eye for detail. It's an opportunity to not only paint a vivid picture of a physical space but also to offer insight into one's identity, values, and sense of belonging. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Describe Your Home EssayDescribe Your Home Essay
  • 2. Cirrhosis of the Liver Cirrhosis is the 11th leading cause of death by disease in the United States. Almost one half of these are alcohol related. About 25,000 people die from cirrhosis each year. Description/Definition Cirrhosis is a consequence of chronic liver disease characterized by replacement of normal, healthy liver tissue by fibrotic scar tissue, blocking the flow of blood through the organ and preventing it from working as it should, as well as regenerative nodules leading to progressive loss of liver function. The liver, the largest organ in the body, is vital in keeping the body functioning properly. It removes or neutralizes poisons from the blood, produces immune agents to control infection, and removes germs and bacteria from the blood. It ... Show more content on ... But cirrhosis slows the normal flow of blood through the portal vein, which increases the pressure inside. В•Varices В– when blood flow through the portal vein slows, blood from the intestines and spleen backs up into blood vessels in the stomach and esophagus. These blood vessels may become enlarged because they are not meant to carry this much blood. The enlarged blood vessels, called varices, have thins walls and carry high pressure, and thus are more likely to burst. If they do burst, the result is a serious bleeding problem in the upper stomach or esophagus. В•Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes В– cirrhosis causes resistance to insulin. This hormone, produced by the pancreas, enables blood glucose to be used as energy by the cells of the body. If you have insulin resistance, your muscle, fat, and liver cells do not use insulin properly. The pancreas tries to keep up with the demand for insulin by producing more. Eventually, the pancreas cannot keep up with the body s need for insulin, and Type 2 diabetes develops as excess glucose builds up in the bloodstream. В•Hepatic Encephalopathy when the liver does not efficiently function to cleanse the body of toxins and drugs, the mental state of patients may change dramatically and lead to coma, called Hepatic Encephalopathy. Treatment is directed at reducing the protein in the diet, avoiding sedatives and pain medications, and using laxatives and /or
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  • 4. Case Study Of Demand For Fresh Potatoes Demand for Fresh Potatoes: Given the lack of reliable production and consumption data these are illustrative estimates only. Future demand is derived using projected population statistics of 2002. The population in 2002 was 25 million and the population growth between 1991 2002 was 3.2 %, and by 2015 the projected population growth as per an estimate would rise to 35 million. We also assume that potato demand equals supply as there is no external potato trade between Uganda and other Countries in the region. This would mean that any impact achieved through the adoption of new Technologies, improved marketing or accelerated urbanisation would increase demand levels. Assuming that with current growth of investments opportunities in Uganda and more FDI to flow in and the production of potato growing at 3% per annum there will be a spurt in the demand of fresh potatoes. By an ... Show more content on ... The fresh potato supply chain is highly unorganised and characterised by involvement of various players and risks factor. There is no storage facilities for fresh potatoes and the reason found was not because of the unavailability of cold storages but due to instant demand of cash from the sale required by various players in the supply chain. There is avoidance of any storages and potatoes are entitled to be sold within 3 days from the farm gate. The bulk buyers are hotels, restaurants and take aways who require for processing. Even there is negiligible demand of export market of Ugandan fresh potatoes. Thus, after the study on fresh irish potatoes it can be concluded that it is highly risk taking business and involves low return based on the type of market player involved. Even hotels restaurants and take aways buy bulk of potatoes from traders even before it reaches the main market. So storing and acting as a trader or supplier for fresh potatoes id=s not feasible for the
  • 5. Character Analysis Of Wonder Woman In today s society there are many different figures to look up to especially those who seem to posses special powers like super heroes. Most superheroes are similar but there s one that is very different from the rest and her name is Wonder Woman. She fights evil while still being a Woman making her the ultimate hero for any young girl to look up to. Although he didn t picture a woman in his role of a less masculine superman, the idea of Wonder Woman was first originally created in 1941 by William Moulton Marston. She was used to be seen as a World War II hero and warrior by having the strength and power of a man but the grace and beauty of a lady. Wonder Woman fears nothing. She stands for justice, equality, and America. (Arnold Forster). Since She was built off of honesty and feminism she carries a whip that stands for the truth and uses it against her enemies leaving her to be the ultimate hero. Wonder Woman has many hero like qualities that make her such an amazing leader. The very first quality she possesses is her ambition. Her ambitious actions influence her ways of looking and acting like a hero. The second major quality Wonder Woman holds is her nobility, because she is selfless and strives to save the lives of anyone and everyone. Not only is she good at what she does but she also has a great passion for it. She always strives to be better and loves the help she gives. The morals of Wonder Woman are set extremely high making her an outstanding influence for all people. Her independence and intelligence allows her to take risks and be confident in her actions. The last quality Wonder Woman possesses is one of the most important which is her ability to see those for who they really are, because it is incredibly easy for her to not only spot her allies but to see her enemies as well. It is these qualities, among others, that prove Wonder Woman is a worthy opponent as well as a great role model for younger generations. (Callender). Because Wonder Woman is a female she is bound to face challenges that most heroes do not. Taking on a role of a hero is usually seen as a man s place because most heroes are males so naturally it is going to be more challenging for Wonder Woman to
  • 6. Increasing The Minimum Wage The minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour and has not increased since 2009. This is one of the most controversial questions in America today, should the federal minimum wage be raised, lowered or eliminated? The minimum wage, which covers 90% of American workers, should be raised. Changes to the minimum wagewould benefit the economy, society and possibly lift Americans out of poverty. Since 1938 the economy has recovered considerably from the Great Depression which began in 1929 and ended in 1939. The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 set a minimum wage for employees in the United States. Before this Act was passed there was a high unemployment rate, and employers could take advantage of desperate workers by paying extremely low wages and working them a maximum number of hours. The Fair Labor Standards Act was started in an effort to improve working conditions and raise standards of living by limiting the number of hours worked and setting a base wage that employers must pay. Increasing the minimum wage will progress the economy in many ways such as, increased buying power, faster rates of job growth, and decreasing the need for taxpayer funded assistance. When consumers have more on hand cash to spend, they are able to spend money on retail goods and services. Greater demand and sales for these businesses is likely to cause the need for more workers over time. Studies done by Paul Sonn and Yannet Lathrop show that in a majority of instances an increase in the federal
  • 7. Scandinavian Vikings ``After the Norman Conquest, the British Isles were, with the exception of the Norman kingdom in Sicily, the most significantly multilingual and multicultural territory in western Europe`` (Crane 1999:35). Explain the background to this situation, and relate the changing uses of the different languages to the social and historical context. The invading of Europe by the Scandinavian Vikings took place between ca750 and 1050, denoting the last phase of the raids of the Germanic people. In the late 8th century Charlemagne, or Charles the Great, king of Franks, destroyed the power of the Frisians, Germanic tribe from the Netherlands who had been the greatest maritime power of the North West Europe, and enabled the south rout on the sea
  • 8. Johnny Appleseed Summary A folklore tale I remember and enjoyed when I was younger was Johnny Appleseed. Johnny Appleseed was a self sacrificing man as he spent most of the entirety of his life assisting other people. He began his journey when he was just a young man at the age of 18. Johnny sought out to plant Appleseed s throughout the western colonialization in hopes of producing free food for anyone who needed it. During his travels he had become very wealthy from the production and sales of the many apple trees and land he would come in to possession of. He also befriended many people, and these people would always welcome Jonny as their family. Also, he made friends with many Indian tribes and the story tells that he was so close to these tribes he became fluent
  • 9. Social Attitudes On Sexuality In Ancient And Medieval... The examination of Ancient and Medieval literature allows for the comparison between social attitudes that have changed over time, and the attitudes that instead have stayed the same. This highlights the constancy of gender discrimination over sexuality, but also the improvement in communication between the sexes, and the change in women s roles in society. Throughout history, men and women have always received different treatments regarding their sexuality. In the Ancient and Medieval world, women were expected to be faithful and respect their husband s sexual wishes. If they failed to do so, they were degraded and judged to be the ruin of society. Men, instead, had more freedom to misbehave, and did not get the same treatment as women. Evidence for unequal treatment over sexuality is consistently found in texts coming from diverse areas and times, depicting how this was a widespread phenomenon. The Oresteia, for example, depicts the difference in expectations over sexual desires. Clytemnestra was negatively judged and accused for her relationship with her lover Aegisthus, being portrayed as an unfaithful wife and adding to the list of her characteristics that defy society s expectations for women. In contrast, when Agamemnon brought his concubine Cassandra all the way from Troy, he was not judged. Rather, he was a rightful character, and his wife was expected to welcome Cassandra into their home. It was Agamemnon to leave his wife and to sacrifice their daughter, but
  • 10. The Immigration Law Enforcement And Safe Neighborhoods Act... A decade of governmental planning and privatization of prisons has born what is known as the harshest immigration law in history. Astonishingly, this law wasn t formed by our Federal Government, but by the Arizona State Senate in hopes of curtailing the ever growing population of illegal immigrants who are smuggled into the United States, come legally and overstay their visa, or come in hope of a better life. This writing will investigate the social construction and the circumstances that lead to atrocity surrounding the initiation of a long list of Arizona immigrationlaws. Secondly, the paper will provide a background on past policies that may have relation to the current policies enacted today and how their implementation has affected immigration by aliens into Arizona. Lastly, the paper will analyze the rendition of Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act (Arizona Senate Bill 1070) and offer solutions to problems associated with the law in its most current form. Keywords: Arizona Immigration Law, SB 1070, Illegal Immigration, Racial Profiling Senate Bill 1070 s Integration and Interrogation Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me... is inscribed permanently on the symbol of freedom that represents this country, the Statue of Liberty. Unsanctioned immigration from Hispanics is an old phenomenon and dates back to the
  • 11. How to Prepare Moistened Chicken How to Make the Moistest Chicken Chicken is my most favorite item to cook. Any piece dark or white meat puts a smile on my face and belly. The difference in the way one cooks chicken, makes it taste amazing or just alright. My family usually bakes chicken, but on special occasions we have fried chicken. This paper will give clear and concise instructions on how to make the perfect baked whole chicken. The first step in making whole chicken is the necessary ingredients. Go to the grocery store and purchase the biggest whole chicken in the store because it will definitely shrink. A small whole chicken may look very cute, but it will not be enough to feed 4 people. A technique that my family uses to make whole chicken is brining. To make the brine spicy, the following items need to be bought if not at home; cinnamon, cardamom, black peppercorns, dried red peppers, vegetable, chicken stock, and a bag of ice to give the chicken a great flavor. After the ingredients are picked up from the grocery store, there needs to be a place in the kitchen where you can lay all the items bought from the store so they are easily visible. Pull out all the items from the grocery bags and lay them on an open spot. Place the chicken on a cookie sheet so it can be in room temperature if the chicken is frozen. Before the chicken is actually baked, the brine needs to be made. Grab a large pot which is available in the kitchen. Pour in half of the vegetable and chicken stock into the pan. Also, add
  • 12. The Bel Canto Opera Performance When students study to sing Italian bel canto opera, it s better to use the work which performed by people who is original singer to imitate and practice. However, there are still a series of problems will happen for non Italian students when they are study singing the opera, for example Semiramide. Bel raggio lusinghier. Even according to the video soundtrack to imitate, the overall effect artistic and performances is not satisfactory. The problems are pronunciation hesitation, slurred speech, unknown the meaning of the text. All of these problems will reduce the bel canto opera artistry. в—ЏThe Italian VowelCharacteristics and Pronunciation of Requirements Generally, Italian is easier to pronounce than Chinese, German, Spanish and Portuguese. From the view of opera Semiramide. Bel raggio lusinghier, each note corresponding to the following voice usually is a consonant plus a vowel, and most of the letters is only one fixed pronunciation, can be represented by the corresponding IPA. While the other letters are dependent on neighboring pronounce letter combinations, only a few letters pronounce have some changes. In general, this piece s pronunciation follows a certain pattern. 1.Italian Vowel Features Italian has five vowel letters which are a, e, i, o and u. According to the position of the tongue, we can separate them into three types: Low vowel, Front vowel and Back vowel. (a)[a] is the low vowel, because the tongue is in the lowest position. It s very open, and
  • 13. The Last Lecture By Randy Pausch Randy Pausch was a teacher, who taught his students valuable lessons dealing with Virtual Reality and also with life. He spoke countless lectures in multiple colleges, like the University of Virginia , and Carnegie Mellon University, where he went to obtain his Ph.D. Pausch was most known for his book, The Last Lecture. This book is based on a lecture he spoke on called, Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams , which happened to also be his very last lecture. In September of 2006, Randy was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and in August of 2007 he was given a terminal diagnosis of 3 to 6 months of good health (Pausch 62). In The Last Lecture, Pausch makes a distinction between people and things through lessons like pouring soda in
  • 14. The Importance Of Human Population Growth Why Human Population Growth needs to be Addressed The human population growth rate for 2017 according to worldmeters is 1.12%. Today, the world is facing negative effects because each day we inch closer to the carrying capacity. The goal for this problem is to inform society about the effects Human Population Growth carries along with it and why the world should come together and prevent it before it causes serious issues. Living in a world of social media at the fingertips, women are constantly sexualized and the act of sex is encouraged. With the help of social media, the ad with a hot girl can be transformed into an ad about condoms and birth control. I believe that human populationgrowth can be controlled by educating society about contraceptives. If this issue is not taken serious, the world will face a lack of resources, shortage of space, and a weakened environment. First, if human population growth is not controlled we will soon run out of resources. The larger the population, the more demand for resources which leads to the issue of the earthnot replenishing quick enough to keep up with the demand. In addition, humans require fossil fuels for energy; the requirement for fossil fuels is high often leaving society to question if there will be enough for future generations. For an example, in 1971 the electricity consumption was at the lowest with 1,199.79 verses the latest update in 2014 with 3,128.4. Although there is proof that human population is taking a toll on resources, people believe it is a positive thing because it allows mankind to invent new ways to produce more resources. According to Acton, it opens opportunities for human knowledge to allow us to produce more finished products out of less raw materials leaving natural resources to become more available. Even though humans are finding new ways to save natural resources, to some extent they will always be used and will eventually run out. Second, if human population growth continues to spiral out of control, we will be left with no space on earth. The demand for new housing or new shopping centers, leads to more deforestation. Deforestation is the removing of trees and clearing animals off of their natural habitats in order to place
  • 15. Romeo And Juliet By Baz Luhrmann Essay Baz Luhrmann adaptation of William Shakespeare s Romeo Juliet is modernised to convey the meaning of the original play more appealing to today s audience. He keeps the Shakespearian language but changes the props, clothing, setting and music. By using these different techniques he makes the movie effective to the audience. The prologue directed by Baz Luhrmann is a futuristic interpretation of Shakespeare s 16th century play. The prologue shows the tv newsreader describing the rivalry in Verona Beach and the deadly feud between Romeo s Montague family and the Capulet family of Juliet. Baz Luhrmann uses the newsreader as the narrator compared to Shakespeare s play. He uses the prologue to locate the action in the modern fictional Verona Beach USA, and to introduce the feuding families. The news reporter is reading Shakespeare s original text and tells the events that will lead to the tragic deaths of the star crossed lovers . Although Baz Luhrmann s prologue is delivered different from the original play the language is still the same. The dramatic scenes show images of violence and grief in a way that appeals to the... Show more content on ... He uses a variety of effects in the movie and draws the audience to the story by outlining the setting, the characters and the plot. The visual signs, images and text used in the clip shows the ancient grudge between the Montagues and Capulets. Images of office towers of the family s names represent their wealth and their rivalry. The recurring images of the statue of Christ signal love, violence and death. These scenes are similar to Shakespeare s play and are associated with the hot climate, passionate nature of the people and strong family bond. The film puts the audience in the city of crime and uses graphic images of violence to communicate the
  • 16. Objectification And Sexism In Jack Kerouac s On The Road Objectification and Sexism on the Road Jack Kerouac s On the Road, explores the complex worlds of masculinity, friendship, freedom and the delusions of the American dream. It was extremely influential to American culture and it spoke to young Americans of that generation as well as the generations that followed. On the Roadis an exploration of the world of the traveler, and from it Kerouac was able to create a world in his book that illustrates the lives as well as the motivations of a counterculture he named the Beats . Kerouac saw the counterculture he created as a people who wanted to escape the restrictions, repressions and conformities of American culture, particularly white middle class culture. Kerouac was able to describe this... Show more content on ... His wife embodies the characteristics in a woman Dean values characteristics which apply even outside Kerouac s novel and are a large part of the social values the beat generation was trying to move away from. She is describes as the sweetest woman in the world and she smiles and never asks Walter where he had come from or anything else. Kerouac writes, Walter s wife smiled and smiled as we repeated the insane thing all over again. She never said a word. Dean said, Now you see, man, there s real woman for you. Never a harsh word, never a complaint, or modified; her old man can come in any hour of the night with anybody and have talks in the kitchen and drink the beer and leave any old time. This is a man, and that s his castle (Kerouac). Look at the terminology used her to describe her: quiet, smiling, no complaint and real woman. Dean s construction of ideal womanhood is a woman who is submissive, passive and defers to her man the ruler of the household and owner of her mind, body and intellect. This one short description of Walter s wife illustrates the patriarchy that is woven into Kerouac s On the
  • 17. Racial Profiling Vs. Proactive Policing Stop and frisk is a tactic where police are stopping an individual whom they think are a suspect of committing or about to commit a crime. The officer will frisk the individual by lightly patting and feeling around his/her outer garments to either find a concealed weapon or contraband. This is something that is not new but this been dated to been used back when Britain had a king. In the last past ten to fifteen year the numbers of stop and frisk had increased substantially. Currently New York uses stop and frisk as their main tactic to arrest young African Americanand Latino men. Since the police implemented the stop and frisk tactic there been rumors that the crime went down, but there are no true statics to back this up. Stop and frisk is supposed to be a tactic that equally targets all races and tries to stop/ reduce crimes that s going on in the cities. There is a lot that s going on with this stop and frisk, many people will say there s a war going on. The two sides are Racial Profiling vs. Proactive Policing . Some people might say that stop and frisk is working because the deaths in New York Citywent down 7,300 in the last past eleven years since Mayor Michael Bloombergtook office (backlash). In such ways, this is true that stop and frisk helped in New York but in other cities like Los Angeles (59%), New... Show more content on ... Stop and frisk main objective is to stop and cease control of illegal weapons and contraband. It s not there to harass and make the community scared. So, the questions are why stop and keep harassing the people of color? Why aren t the stops done equally? Is there a certain quota that is supposed to be met by these officers? There s a lot of questions that are asked and that need answer s. People of color should not have to live their life in fear because the justice system wants to bother these people for no reason, or just to make a certain quota so they can be
  • 18. Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), a state owned commercial bank, is a strong pillar of the development of basic industries in China, and its role in the financial system is and will always be irreplaceable. The most obvious function is to support the real economy. During 2015, the balance of loans extended by the bankto strategic emerging industries reached RMB369.729 billion, increasing by 11.99% over the prior year; the balance of loans to cultural industries reached RMB175.457 billion, increased by 14.36%. And it offers diversified financial products and services to over 5 million corporate customers and nearly 500 million personal customers. (source annual report) Business activities Net loans and advances to customers accounted for 52.5% of total assets; investment accounted for 22.5% and cash and balances with central banks accounted for 13.8%.The business activities can be divided into 3 main categories: corporate banking, personal banking, financial asset services. ICBC accelerated the transformation of corporate banking business including corporate deposits and loans, small and medium sized enterprise business and other businesses, aimed at satisfying the real economy s financing requirements through a variety of channels. To meet the diversified financial needs of customers, the bank made some innovation of all products including payment, deposit, financing, bank card, trading, insurance, investment and wealth management to enhance the customer
  • 19. Mole Concept Lab Report Introduction to the Mole Concept The word mole is from the Latin moles, which means mass or pile. Chemists often need to count atoms to know exactly how many there are in a sample of a given element. In chemistry, mass, weight and volume are some of the most commonly used methods to measure the amount of a substance. However, since atoms are so small, it is difficult to calculate the number of atoms in a given amount using these measurements. The mole is the chemist s expression of amount. To him it means a definite number of individual unit particles of whatever species is being considered. This number is a standard (Reinhold 4). A mole is defined as Avogadro s number of atoms, ions and molecules. Avogadro s number is 6.022X10 23.... Show more content on ... The ideal gas law is expressed by the equation, PV=nRT. P refers to the pressure while V,n,R and T represent the volume, number of moles, the gas constant and the temperature, respectively. The ideal gas law describes the relationships between the properties mentioned above. Although this equation is widely used, it is limited in the sense that gases only behave ideally under very few circumstances. The moles of a substance are used here in addition to the volume. An example problem reads, if a gas has a pressure of 6.5 atm, a volume of 8 Liters, and there are 2 moles, what is the
  • 20. Determing the Enthalpy of Neutralization Determining the enthalpy of neutralization by calorimetry Anam Iqbal Partner s name: Danielle Hodgson TA s name: Karinna Section # 003 Due date: November 24, 2009 Introduction The purpose of the experiment is to determine the enthalpy of neutralization reactions by calorimetry. Calorimetry, is the science of measuring the amount of heat. All calorimetric techniques are therefore based on the measurement of heat that may be generated (exothermic process) or consumed (endothermic process). The device used for measuring the heat changes in this experiment is called calorimeter. A calorimeter is a Styrofoam cup is used as a calorimeter, because it is a container with good insulated walls to prevent heat exchange with the environment. A ... Show more content on ... Of NaOH| Initial temp. Of HCL| Trial 1| 24.5| 24.0| Trial 2| 24.0| 24.1| Table # 2: initial temperatures for neutralization of NaOH with HNO3 | NaOH| HNO3| Trial 1| 24.0| 24.3| Trial 2| 24.1| 24.0| Table #3: initial temperatures for neutralization of NaOH with Phenol | NaOH| Phenol| Trial 1| 23.5| 23.5| Trial 2| 23.9| 23.9| Table #4: initial temperatures for neutralization of NaOH with unknown HCL | NaOH| Unknown HCL| Trial 1| 23.9| 23.8| Trial 2| 23.7| 22.8| Table #5: concentrations | HCL| NaOH| HNO#| Phenol| concentration| 1.9027 M| 2.3955M| 1.749M| 0.5000M| Results and calculations Part A: neutralization of NaOH with HCL Table #1: temperature changes every 2 sec till max. | 2 sec| 4 sec| 6 sec| 8 sec| 10 sec| 12 sec| 14 sec| 16 sec| Trial 1| 34.0| 35.0| 35.3| 30.0| 33.0| | | | Trial 2| 30.0| 31.0| 32.0| 33.0| 34.0| | | | Table #2: temperature changes for every 10 seconds for 1 min. | 0 sec| 10 sec| 20 sec| 30 sec| 40 sec| 50 sec| 60 sec| Trial 1|
  • 21. Summary Of The Truth About Stories Divya Gupta 655284511 Dr. Paul Watkins ENG 115 October 10, 2017 A Short Essay on The Truth About Stories Title Creation of a Wonderful World The Truth About Stories is that that s all we are .(King 2003,p. 2).Stories have a great importance as they make people more joyous and creative. Stories let the narrator to speak but he is not really the one who is speaking. The narrator retells the stories in merely same language but totally in different tone. These stories improve ones belief towards life. The narrator interacts with the listener through ... Show more content on ... Suddenly, a women fell from the sky who was crazy and prying. She was so curious about everything that each time she looked into something, she could imagine why does it happened, where did it came from and how. One day, she went into the river where she found many companions. And she was the one whom we call Charm . She was pregnant and reproduced two twins. One a girl and the another a boy. The twins created deep valleys, mountains, forests, rivers , roses, etc. And this way the summer and winter was created by both of them. When Charm looked around, she saw a beautiful world. In the beginning God created the earth and heaven. Then he created day and night, sun and moon and at last, he created humans. First man and then woman known as Adam and Eve. And he places everything and everyone in a garden, a perfect world. No sickness, no death, no hate, no hunger (King 2003,p. 21). But there was one rule, of every tree of a garden there was some nuts and fruits, but none of them was supposed to eat anything. But next what happens is that Adam and Eve breaks the rule. Eve takes a bite of an apple and brings it back for Adam to eat. Adam instead of saying no, ate it. As soon as the rule has been broken, God seals it off and places an angel with a fiery sword at the entrance and tosses Adam and Eve into a howling wilderness to fend for themselves, a wilderness in which sickness and death, hate and hunger are their constant companions (King 2003,p. 22). It
  • 22. The Domestic Work Of African American Women United States southeast region can be described as unique when it comes to its economic system and its social structure due to the multiple political and constitutional problems these structures have created. The most important factor of these problems raised could be said that was the social structure, regarding the interaction between the different social groups of this southeastern community. From the conflicts that aroused between the different White European settlers, to the adjustment of the African Americans to labor, the southerner society, or community, was created. The commodification of the domestic work of African Americanwomen affected in great ways their performance in white households, as well as their portrayal in advertisements, where they were shown to be a need to white southerners during the 1920 s. Although these advertisements approached the public with the idea that domestic work was a necessity, the advances in society made of their work one that day by day became less needed. The problems of race the United States confronted are deeply imbedded in the historical past of the nation. Due to the fact that a great majority of the nation s African Americans lived in former slave states, white southerners constantly came up new ways to impose white supremacy on their black neighbors. Consequently, black southerners fought back against unequal treatment, discrimination, and the violent white people who executed racial massacres. After the
  • 23. Purpose Of Epic Theatre Epic theatre is always intended for the actors quite as much as for the spectators. The essential reason why the didactic play falls into a category of its own is that, through the exceptional austerity of its apparatus, it facilitates and encourages the interchangeability of actors and audience, audience and actors. Every spectator can become one of the actors . (Walter Benjamin). What do you discern as the didactic element of Mother Courage and Her Children and how does it relate to dramatic form / theatrical techniques? Is Theatre for Pleasure or Theatre for Instruction? Epic theatre refers to a form of drama that attracts spectator s mind more than his feelings. The term was developed and adopted by Bertolt Brecht in Germany in 1920 s. Epic theatre presents a narrative which turns the observer into spectator. The main aim of epic theatre is to arouse the spectator s capacity to take action by provoking rational self reflection. Brecht has followed the epic theatre because he realised that the traditional theatre of his time is inadequate for his purposes. Epic theatre serves the purpose of social function. Through its narrative, Brecht presents social, political and economic problems. His main aim is to invoke the audience into analysing the play rather than getting attached with the characters or the plot. This form was empolyed by Brecht in his play Mother Courage and Her Children which was performed in 1941. The play consists of twelve scenes that tackles the thirty year war (1618 1648) between Sweden and Poland. The ... Show more content on ... There are variations in this theme in each scene as the structure of the play is presented in an episodic form. Moral degradation in the play is shown through various techniques such as Alienation effect also known as Verfremdungseffekt, didacticism, breaking the fourth wall, acting techniques, gestus and narration and
  • 24. Violence And Sexual Assault And Violence Against Women Intro Throughout history especially within recent years there has been a major rise of sexual assault and violence against women. This is prevalent within college campuses, within work, the military, within family households and nearly all parts of society there is no getting away from it. It is truly a shame and a wretched part of society. However, this needs to be brought to light. This can no longer be avoided and society needs to come together as a whole, in order to stop this. Throughout this essay we are going to go over the statistical background of violence and sexual assault towards women, sexual assault on college campuses, the emotional abuse of those affected, and why Victims don t come forward. Then a step by step breakdown of how we can rid society from these unacceptable acts of violence and sexual assault towards woman. Before exploring the deeper aspects of violence and sexual assault towards woman, it s important to have a historical foundation and statistics. Background statistics Within the United states the National Sexual violation and resource center has conducted in depth statistics pertaining to sexual violence. These Statistics indicate that one in five woman will be raped within their life time(NSVRC). If this isn t evident enough that that our society is having a major problem, then compare it to one in 71 men are raped at some point in their life(NSVRC). Although many of us believe that within our own sanctuaries at home and at work that they
  • 25. Comparison Of Anthem And The Island Rand Dystopia The New Utopia In the novel Anthem and the movie The island Rand and Bay use the idea of dystopia to connect similar properties of characters, symbols, and societies. In both works the characters of Equality and Liberty relate to the characters of Lincoln and Jordan in many ways. Through their curiosity of the ways how society works and their rebellion. Equality and Lincoln show how they are like in their thinking and actions. Lincoln Wants to know more. and He wishes there was more. ( The Island) Lincoln questions the food they eat, the cloth they wear and the overall ways of the society. Lincoln demonstrates his natural curiosity and that he is different from his brothers and sisters. Similarly, Equality has a knack... Show more content on ... In Anthem the authorities use the Uncharted Forest fear to control the population and to insure they are narrow minded. They do this with the help of old Myths that say whoever goes inside the forest does not come back due to the lack of food and the vigorous animals. Also, they engrave fear in their minds to control them indirectly. Similarly, The Island authorities use the same concept by telling the people to not escape to the outside world because they will be contaminated by pathogens and die. Also, they use fear and/or the outside world to control the population to make sure their only goal in life is to work and to go to the
  • 26. The Physics of Piano One of the most common musical instruments in many homes is the piano; and most people have the opportunity for even a few lessons in their youth. However, despite the simplicity of its lines and keys (88 keys), 2 3 pedals on the modern piano, and either upright (vertical) or grand style (horizontal), the physics of the pianoare both interesting and complex. The modern piano is a descendent of the harpsichord, which used a plucking technique much like that of plucking the strings of a harp or lute. Bartolomeo Crisotofori, an Italian craftsman, substituted felt hammers in place of the plucking mechanism, making the instrument capable of graduations of tone and timber. He called his new instrument the Gravicembalo col piano e forte (a harpsichord with louds and softs). This was later shortened to the piano and with critiques from Baroque composers like Bach, a number of improvements were made to sound quality and tonality eventually emerging as the preferred keyboard instrument for Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven. Over the course of centuries to different piano types have emerged. The grand piano, from 5 6 to 8 or 9 in length horizontal to the upright piano, more suitable for the home, which also exists in differing sizes, 3 5; in height (Parakilas). The mechanism of a piano consists of pressing on a key (either black or white) on the keyboard causing a felt covered hammer to strike steel strings that are various lengths and tensions. The hammers rebound; allowing the
  • 27. Summer Of Riley Book Report This was a tough observation for me. I really bonded with these students and learned about their lives so leaving them was exponentially difficult. When I walked in they were checking their math homework like normal. Ms. J picked 5 different questions to grade with the students as she worked them out on the board. She then had the students put their gradeat the top and pass it in. I asked Ms. J how she inserts grades because she is always grading when I come in her room. She said she looks for progress more than the grade. Sometimes she averages them at the end of the week so if the students were having an off week their grades would not suffer to terribly. The students then moved to their centers of Tenmarks, mountain math problems 19 24 we checked, mountain math, and guided math with Ms. J.... Show more content on ... She added a new group to the book club. This group was just reading science passages before because Ms. J needed to find an interesting book on level for this group. The students made a paper booklet for their books and wrote the questions that were posted on the board and their answers for that book on a different page. So the first real page in the book would be the questions for chapter one the next page would be where the students recorded the questions and answers for chapter two, and so on. The new book added was named Summer of Riley. This novel follows the story of an eleven year old who has a dog named Riley that they are trying to save from being put to sleep by the law enforcement for chasing livestock. This raises a lot of interesting questions for the students including how to lawfully go about protesting a law, which is quite interesting to hear their conversations about it because they would never be in the position of William but they apply the story to their lives, which was fascinating. Ms. J really fosters the love of reading in her class, which I have really loved to
  • 28. Bronfenbrenner s Ecological Systems Theory Analysis Children learn in a dynamic context from the people and places they come in contact with which profoundly influence their overall development. Bronfenbrenner s Ecological Systems Theory (ECT) details the ecological context in which children develop in an aim to assist educators in understanding children s identity. This essay will discuss Bronfenbrenner s ecological theory and the importance surrounding children s context and implications for teachers. EST views the child as developing within a system of relationships, influenced by their surrounding environment (SITE 5 p.37). EST is composed of four socially organised subsystems with an emphasis on the bi directional relationship between people and context (introducing Bronfenbrenner). The bi directional relationship can refer to the influences a teacher has on a child s beliefs behaviour, as well as the influences a child has on their teachers. The subsystems are identified as the microsystem, the mesosystem, the exosystem and the macrosystem (Site 5 Ecological Models 94 p 39 40). The Microsystem is the innermost level of this system, consisting of interactions in the child s immediate surroundings (Berk ... Show more content on ... Ferre Laevers suggested a child s capacity and drive for learning is dependent on their emotional security and esteem (p.59 the social child). Laevers is assisting us to understand the impact a strong relationship has on contributing to the development of children emotional security. Extending on Bronfenbrenner s theory, Margaret Spencer has observed risk factors in children s environments that boost their chances of problematic outcomes. (Site McDevitt p.64) These risk factors include economic poverty, unstable family conditions and discrimination, (McDevitt p 64). Unfortunately, such risk factors would be directly experienced by students in their microsystems unbeknown to
  • 29. Diverse Learning Environment Please describe how you would benefit from and add to a diverse learning environment in and outside of the classroom. Write answer in 250 words or less. (*Required) Firstly, when I think of a diverse learning environment, I think of variety in the way I learn as well as variety in the people whom I learn with me. I would benefit from a diverse learning environment by being able to experience different learning styles and techniques from the ones I practice. This allows me to learn in ways that interest me more or suit me better than the ways I was learning in the past. Also, learning in an environment where there is a variety of people gives me the opportunity to think more deeply in all aspects of my life because I get to work with people ... Show more content on ... As a general member I volunteered in an interested student exposure program called Vision. By leading a group of Vision participants to events, tours, and information sessions, I was able to aid the College of Technology in its recruitment efforts. I am also a general member of the Audio Engineering Society. As a general member I did live mixing for a music show. This was a university wide event, so I was able to help provide entertainment for the whole university. I am an Ambassador for the College of Technology. As an Ambassador I assist with tours of my College for the Electrical Engineering Technology department, speak at information sessions, and participate in various events in order to help my College (my department specifically) in recruitment efforts. I have finished training in the spring of the 2014 2015 school year for a position as a leader to a group of new students for Boiler Gold Rush which occurs in the fall of the 2015 2016 school year. This aids the university in its goal to thoroughly acclimate its new students to the workings and culture of the university. I am part of a group of students who are trying to start an independent game development club on campus. This club is for every student in the university, so I am aiding the university cater to the interests of its students. Academically, I have 3.69 GPA and have been on the Dean s list every semester I have attended Purdue University. I also received an academic achievement award from the Black Caucus of Faculty and
  • 30. Case Study Of Dot Block Filling an entire block in Boston s popular Dorchester neighborhood, Dot Block is centrally located at 1207 Dorchester Avenue. Stretching throughout 4.75 acres of prime residential and retail property, it consists of multiple, mixed use buildings that range in size from four to six stories. Spread throughout these various structures are over 400 modern units. To meet the varying needs of Dorchester residents, Dot Block provides a comprehensive mix of reasonable rentals, luxury condominiums and economical housing. Units for purchase offer floor plans of 1,140 square feet while apartmentrentals feature approximately 950 square feet. In addition to its expansive residential space, the ground floors of each building provide a total of 73,000 square
  • 31. Benefits And Benefits Of Cio Outsourcing There are various benefits for CIO outsourcing. While you are operating a business, it is a necessity for you to make wise decisions that will save you stress and money. If you lack the knowledge to manage your technology you can take the easy route by relying on the proficiency of a professional to provide you with the right solution. Using a seasoned professional increases the efficiency of decision making and will help you to save timeand cost. With CIO outsourcing, you will have a better time focusing on running your businessrather than being involved with the stress of trying to solve technological issues. This is a solution that gives a business access to a dependable team of professionals with a depth of experience. When you ... Show more content on ... We are able to provide you with expert advice, our virtual CIO will develop a long term IT plan for your business, and other benefits. Visit our website at http:/ / Article 7 As long as you run a business, you will eventually have to deal with some kind of problem that you are unable to fix on your own. Dealing with these issues on a regular basis can slow down productivity for your business, your time will be consumed and you may even end up losing money. When you are facing an IT problem that may consist of a threat of a security of networks or an issue with your hardware and software, your best alternative is to consult with the right IT services. These professionals already have the training and expertise to deal with the problem easily. By doing a little research, you will find that there are a number of IT services that can provide large or small businesses with computer repair, IT consulting, and a host of other services that will increase a business and help it to flourish in the long term. An IT managed service provider has the capability to assist you with software and hardware issues, computer re installation services and will help to reduce your stress, while you focus on your business goals. If you have a business and need advice pertaining to IT issues, you can get the assistance you need with the
  • 32. Coney Dogs Research Paper Ah, a day at the ball park. Nothing more American than going to a baseball game, drinking a beer and eating a hot dog. Guess where that tradition started? Detroit, baby. Well, Livonia to be more specific, but it was popularized at Detroit Tiger Stadium in the 50 s. A meat packing company called Hygrade FoodProducts won a competition in 1959 to be the hot dog supplier for the team. They started a contest at the company for the name for the hot dogs. Mary Ann Kurk, one of Hygrade Food Products sales people at the time, won the contest with the name Ball Park Franks . So then next time you eat a ball park frank at a game, know that Detroit ha influenced on one of the most iconic sports foods in America. CONEY DOG coneys1 Sure, coney dogs are ... Show more content on ... The moment I mention the name to places beyond Detroit, I get the typical Insane Clown Posse reference. Sorry to burst your bubble. but Faygo is delicious. They have more flavors than anyone. Flavors that you couldn t possibly imagine. The great thing about it being a local drink is that they can team up with 7/11 to make personalized Slurpee s that are only available around these parts. If you happen by some Faygo in California, give it a try. If you see Red Pop or Rock N Rye, it is your missions to buy it, pour it in a glass, ad some ice, and experience a soda pop that will change your mind. BEER 960 Jason Khal Drogo Momoa enjoying a delicious New Holland Brewing beer Detroit/Michigan is one of the biggest craft beer hubs in the country. I could walk into any part store in he area and there will be a sign stating Brewed in Michigan and below it will be racks of so much different kinds of beer that it feels like Willy Wonka for adults. If you love craft beer, check out to see if any of these are on your buying
  • 33. Walking And The Suburbanized Psyche, By Rebecca Solnit In the anecdote, Walking and the Suburbanized Psyche , by Rebecca Solnit, she implies, if walking continues to devalue, our society s relationship between body, world, and imagination will be lost. I personally do not find walking to be a cultural activity or pleasure of getting around. Instead, walkingis a hassle when the American suburbs are built with a diffuseness that the unenhanced human body is inadequate to cope with . Furthermore, instead of making us feel guilty or attempting to persuade us to travel on foot; we should acknowledge that we now perceive: value, time, space and our own bodies in a drastically different way than older times. I utterly disagree with Solnit s ideology, Otherwise the individual s imagination will be bulldozed over to the chain store outlets of consumers appetite, true crime, titillation, and celebrity crisis . The one way I d relish taking a walk would be with pleasant company. If you re hand in hand with your partner appreciating the scenery together that changes the ambiance of the walk. Yet what changes actual the mood of it is the person you re with and not the actual walk because you can be doing anything else but instead you re with pleasant company therefore it doesn t matter what you re doing. Likewise, when people voice they will only be pleased when they reach a certain point in their life; what if you never get to that point? Does that mean you ll never be satisfied? Solnit classifies walking the same
  • 34. The Coming Of Christianity And The Kingdom Of The Franks The coming of Christianity to the kingdom of the Franks was likely the greatest shift of Frankish ideology, going from the traditional pagan culture to the most powerful political and military system in Western Europe famously rooted in biblical truths during the medieval period. With Christianity being the foundation of the kingdom, both royals or peasants, clergy or laymen, and Christians and pagans were to become subject the teachings of the Holy Scriptures and the establishment of the Church. Whether a king or bishop, those within the influence of the Frankish kingdom were to uphold and protect the religious orthodox and defer all who rejected it. The Frankish ideology, rather than consistently changing, was more so a series of developments that both maintained the traditional values of the early church and strengthened the expectations of the church based on the conflicts of what was considered truth or heresy. The rise of the Carolingians marked a major turning point for Frankish kingship that altered the justification of authority from ancestral ties to divine acceptance. Before the Carolingian dynasty began, the Merovingian dynasty ruled the Franks starting in the mid fifth century. As a dynasty, the Merovingian rule foundationally stood upon the leadership of the royal family, in that no one outside of the family could be at the head of the kingdom. However, the position of the mayor of the palace had many responsibilities and other official daily tasks that
  • 35. Research Journals on One Way Anova Test E Commerce Electronic commerce, commonly known as e commerce consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. Electronic commerce is generally considered to be the sales aspect of e business. It also consists of the exchange of data to facilitate the financing and payments aspects of the business transactions. Economists have theorized that e commerce ought to lead to intensified price competition, as it increases consumers ability to gather information about products and prices. Originally, ... Show more content on ... Electronic commerce that is conducted between businesses is referred to as business to business or B2B. B2B can be open to all interested parties (e.g. commodity exchange) or limited to specific, pre qualified participants (private electronic market). Electronic commerce that is conducted between businesses and consumers, on the other hand, is referred to as business to consumer or B2C. This is the type of electronic commerce conducted by companies such as Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce where the buyer is directly online to the seller s computer usually via the internet. There is no intermediary service. The sale and purchase transaction is completed electronically and interactively in real time such as for new books. If an intermediary is present, then the sale and purchase transaction is called electronic commerce such as APPLICATIONS OF E COMMERCE: * Document automation in supply chain and logistics * Domestic and international payment systems * Email * Enterprise content management * Group buying * Automated online assistants * Instant messaging * Newsgroups * Online shopping and order tracking * Online banking * Online office suites * Shopping cart software * Teleconferencing * Electronic tickets TYPES OF E COMMERCE: * Business to Business (B2B) * Business to Consumer (B2C) * Business to Employee (B2E) * Business to Government (B2G)
  • 36. Harley Mac Research Paper Fleetwood Mac s Life Story Fleetwood Mac was one of the most successful bands ever but with many of tragedies. Those tragedies resulted in many big stops in their music career that could have led them to even more success. Fleetwood Mac had many different rock and roll artists to inspire them and different kind of music. They had many of people that came in out of the band at the beginning, but these people came up with the band name. Even though they have had many changes and tragedies, Fleetwood Macearned many awards and achievements to be one of the best success stories in the music industry. Through different inspirations Fleetwood Mac formed the band and came up with the band name. Fleetwood Mac was formed by a blues artist that was really famous in the 1960s named Peter Green. Fleetwood Mac was inspired also by rock and roll and old blues. Now Fleetwood Mac is a emotional and creative kind of rock. They used to be a british blues band that was all male ( Fleetwood... Show more content on ... Fleetwood Mac was one of the seismic bands in the world. They had a album called Rumors it was on the charts for more than two years and one of the best selling albums ever ( Fleetwood Mac, 2006). Fleetwood Mac had a lot of awards they had a total of eleven awards. They got to be in the tour of Hall of Fame. They also got awards for showco, mountain productions, trait towers, nocturne, ect (Mchugh, 1998). Fleetwood Macs album Rumors won the Grammy award in 1977. They were the best live preformed band in the 1970s. They are one of the major success stories in the 1970s ( Fleetwood Mac, 1974). Bill Clinton s favorite band was Fleetwood Mac they performed for him in Washington (Lowe, 2015). Fleetwood Mac wrote these songs called Over My Head and Say You Love Me they hit the top of the charts in 1976 ( Fleetwood Mac, 2006). Rumors sold more than 16 million copies
  • 37. Q Turner Construction Company Turner Construction Company Questions 1. What are are the various types of contingency funds? How do they work? Do you think this approach to contingency funds is adequate? Overkill? 2. What is Turner s business strategy towards their clients? How is it different from their competitors? What is your opinion of this strategy? What are its strengths and weaknesses? What could invalidate Turner s business strategy? 3. Evaluate the IOR system and related reports and meetings. Does the IOR system force managers and the project team to address contingencies and problems you identified previously? It appears to take a lot of time in meetings; is this necessary, wise? The system seems to be based purely on financials.... Show more content on ... At times in these relationships gifts and entertainment may be offered as expressions of friendship. Offering or accepting such gifts or entertainment may be appropriate so long as the value does not exceed proper bounds of a normal business relationship. A gift of nominal value, an occasional meal preceding or following a business discussion, an invitation to sports event or theater is not necessarily improper. ... Employees must not accept gifts or entertainment where to do so might result in an obligation or the appearance of an obligation to conduct business with the donor in such a way as to reflect less than an independent, arm length relationship. Policy on Accounting Controls It has always been the policy of the Company to maintain the integrity of its financial records and operating controls. All policies and procedures are subject to audit. No artificial, false, or misleading entries shall be made in the books and records of the Company, employee expense accounts, or in any requisition submitted to an owner for any reason. Nor shall any payment or receipt be made with the understanding or intent that such transaction is to be used for a purpose other than that described by the documents supporting the transaction. Policy on Conflicts of
  • 38. Kurt Lewin ( 1947 ) Divides The Change Process SECTION ONE Answer 1. Kurt Lewin (1947) divides the change process into 3 steps. Unfreezing, Changing and Freezing. It is a very simple and practical model for understanding the change process. It is widely used and is a basis for many change models. He widely stages them as follows: a)Creating the perception that change is needed. b)Moving towards the new desired level of behaviour. c)Solidifying the new behaviour as the norm. UNFREEZING Unfreezing raises an initial awareness of the need for change. It is the first step in the change process. As many people will resist change the goal during unfreezing is to create awareness as to how the current level is hindering the organization in some way. Old behaviour, ways of thinking, procedures and process followed, Human resource, Organisation structure must be carefully examined to clarify the people in the organization the need for change to maintain competitive advantage. The Proprietor needs to convince his people the logic behind change and how it will be beneficial at Individual and Organisational level. Besides Lewin states that people should be motivated to accept change As an owner of Pink Donkey catering Ltd who wants to open his own restaurant and bring major change in the way business is done, I would emphasise on Unfreezing as a first step in change management process. I would convince them the urgency and necessity for change, as catering business we were able to reach limited customers but now the demand has
  • 39. Bullfighting Essay Bullfighting The origins of bullfighting can be traced back to prehistoric times. The Greeks sacrificed bulls for religious reasons, but in its earliest forms, bullfighting did not even involve humans. The bull was often put into a small enclosure with another predatory animal, such as a tiger or lion, and the beasts fought to the death. The spectacle eventually evolved into a struggle between man and bull gaining similarities with what we know today as bullfighting. Along with these changes came the spectacle and formalities that are now an integral part of the corrida de toros. Arguably, the first of the modern bullfight took place in Vera, LogroГ±o, Spain in 1133. The modern bullfight evolved from rejoneo, which ... Show more content on ... The matadors finish off the bull in the third stage. If a matador is gored, one of the other matadors must finish fighting the bull. Therefore, six bulls and three matadors participate in every corrida. In the preliminary stage (well, I lied there are actually four stages but the preliminary is not really considered one of the tercios), large capes, usually magenta and gold, are flashed before the bull. This is done in order to see how the bull will react. The bullfighters watch the bull closely to form a strategy for engaging it in the ring. If the bull is too timid, the fight could be boring because the bull will not charge when provoked, not allowing the matador to make skillful passes. However, if the bull is too aggressive, the fight may be too dangerous for the matador and he may have to kill the bull quickly. This is also an undesirable result. An ideal bull is one that is brave but the matador is able to manipulate. This allows the matador to show his artistry and skill in controlling the bull. During the first stage, or tercio de varas, the picadores ride into the ring on horseback. The carry a long lance with a small metal pick at the end. The bull is provoked into charging the horse and the picador guides his lance into the large neck muscle of the bull as it crashes into the side of the horse. This causes the neck muscle to weaken, therefore, forcing the bull to droop its
  • 40. Controvery of Creation vs. Evolution in Inherit the Wind,... In Inherit The Wind, by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, is about a big trial in a small town, and a controversial Creation versus Evolution debate. There are many characters with flamboyant and powerful personalities. Among them are: Matthew Harrison Brady, and Henry Drummond. Although all of these influential people are powerful, not all of them have the same amount of power, not only over other people, but over themselves as well. Matthew Harrison Brady is a very powerful, and revered man at the beginning of the playwright, however his power declines as the play continues. At the beginning of the novel, Brady is the most powerful person in the state. From the period he got off the train, to the trial, he was lionized. He heads up the ... Show more content on ... Although many don t realize it until the end, he is the middle man, and has chosen to take the middle way out of his conflict. He was able to find the right balance of religion and science, which many people lack. He was the growing fish in a small pond, just waiting for his opportunity to eat up Brady, and be the biggest fish in the pond. In the movie, he seems more hated at the beginning, than in the play. In the courtroom, his power shifts for the better. Brady said I ve seen what you can do to a jury, twist and tangle them page 47. This shows how Drummond has power over everyone, even without them knowing it. He just has that sort air about him that tells you he knows what he s doing, even though he may not win. When he calls Brady up to the stand, the power completely changes. Drummond now has full power over the courtroom, and is making Brady look like a fool. He started bombarding not only Brady, but the townsfolk as well with a barrage of questions. All of them examining their beliefs and lifestyle choices, and others targeting their views directly on Charles Darwin, and his theory of evolution. Among these questions are: How Long Really Is A Day?, and What about his wife? He relates Brady to Golden Dancer, his rocking horse when he was a kid. He tells Cates that Brady is shiny and pretty on the outside, but is really just spit and wax on the inside. A quote that represents how he has power over himself is
  • 41. A Case Of Leader s Bank Internal Operations A case study of Leader s Bank Internal Operations Nicollette Burbank CSU Global Managing a Small Business Matthew Gonzales May 24, 2015 THE LEADERS BANK S OPERATIONS Introduction The Leaders bank is a commercial institution located in Oak Brook, Illinois, dedicated to provision of excellent banking services. It was started in 2000 by five former banking industrialists namely: Patrick Kelly, James Lynch, Steve Schuster, Laura McGrath, and Gordon Fitzsimmons. Some of the banking services offered are: commercial, industrial. Real estate lending and also treasury management and retail banking on behalf of various enterprises. Core Business cultures Leaders bank has its successful business entrenched in good customer relations as well as a dedicated and motivated employee workforce. By ensuring that the bank s management upheld the two core aspects of its business: communication and trust, the bank created a suitable environment where customers would obtain excellent professional services from the staff. Such workplace centered on respect, resulted into turning the employee turnover rate to zero which in turn resulted into better customer service as they (the latter) worked with the same professionals who apprehended their business goals and objectives for a longer time. This eventually led to an automatic improvement in the bank s customer satisfaction ratings. Leaders Bank considers the customer needs as a priority. Its objectives, based on trust and
  • 42. Tattoos Tattoos While the oldest known tattoo was on an iceman found on the Italian Austrian border with carbon dating showing the iceman to be 5,200 years old (Lineberry, 2007) for many years, here in America, tattoos were only popular with sailors, soldiers, Marines, bikers and occasionally the rebellious teenager. Why were tattoos only popular with these few? Social taboos looked down on those with tattoos. However, through tattoos a person can show self expression, be self creative, and be identified with a certain belief or interest through the art, design or message. It is for these simple reasons their popularity over the last twenty years has grown at an incredible rate, and people of all ages, sexes, ethnic groups, and social... Show more content on ... Many find themselves talking to each other after noticing a certain familiar marker on each other s arm. Bikers tend to get tattoos that deal with Harley Davidson, a particular biker organization, such as the Hell s Angels or the Christian Motorcycle Association, or one of the many other biker tattoos. Athletes will often get their school logo or their number tattooed on their body. Professional working people often get a tattoo of something to do with their profession. Religious tattoos are also becoming more popular as people feel more the need to identify themselves with a certain belief, and want others to know their beliefs. With the popularity of religious tattoos it isn t unusual to see someone with a cross, crucifix, star of David, praying hands, rosary, or a picture of Jesus or the Virgin Mother tattooed on their body (Maloney Hawkins, 2004). According to one article, more than a millennium after church authorities condemned tattooing as a form of deviltry that disfigures the body, evangelical youth are permanently altering their bodies with images of crosses, sacred hearts, and angels. For a small but growing subculture within Evangelical Christianity, religious tattooing is becoming an increasingly legitimate expression of individuality, identity, and faith (Tattoos as Evangelical Chic, 1998). Tattooing is not limited to only the young or middle aged. One tattoo artist stated that he had a grandmother
  • 43. Designing A Business Strategy For Business Customizing Complex Buying Processes Buyers with house accounts are easier to shepherd through complex buying processes such as purchase order systems, gaining multiple approvals for business buys, authorizing multiple account users and developing long term relationships and business partnerships. Many B2B companies are moving toward using their platforms as marketplaces for multiple vendors, manufacturers and B2B sales companies. Offering house credit is a good first step for positioning a B2B company at the top of the chain for this forward thinking business strategy. When companies share financial interests,. it s easier to work together from shared marketing platforms. 3. Fulfillment Convenience Applications Customers enjoy faster processing of their orders when they ve been qualified for an account because no immediate payment arrangements are necessary. B2B companies have all the information they need to ship immediately, and customers with accounts generally provide more complete information about their companies, buying habits and financial strengths so that eCommerce platforms can segregate them with the high degrees of accuracy. When salespeople know a company s limits, they can better target their sales efforts. Gartner predicts that personalization on B2B ecommerce sites will enable companies to outsell their competitors by 30 percent by 2018, and offering customers purchasing accounts delivers the kind of personal service and easier ordering that ensure
  • 44. Kintoscope Research Paper What did you do this morning? Turn on the lights in your living room? Watched the morning news? Listen to your music on the way to school? These trivial activities were once non existent and were brought into being by one man Thomas Alva Edison. His inventions the kinetoscope (used to watch a series of photographs), phonograph (sound recorder), and electric light bulb paved the way for today s lifestyle. The kinetoscope was the beginning of modern television, although it did not contain sound, it showed what was to come. The kinetoscope was a simple camera the was designed to take a series of photographs that, when watched quickly, made the people in the photos seem to move. His first filmusing the kinetograph, Fred Ott s Sneeze, was a short film portraying a man sneezing (Everyday Life: Inventions 66). The kinetoscope led people pursuing ways to entertain themselves, which made the motion picture industry possible. This invention helped to develop and improve today s lifestyle through the development of the motion picture industry. The phonograph gave sound to Edison s earlier invention, the kinetoscope. The phonograph was a hand cranked machine that played back sounds by reading the music with the aid of a needle. These sounds were then heard through the large horn shaped megaphone. Edison combined his new... Show more content on ... The electric light bulb has since changed the way people from around the world view the need for comfort. This invention gave rise to new opportunities for comfort within the home and office. For example, the wiring used to illuminate the bulb aided future appliances that would need electricity (such as the refrigerator and climate control). The inventions that followed the electric light bulb have made living conditions more comfortable and
  • 45. Catholic Church In The Quiet Revolution It is now for the Catholic Church to bend herself to her work with calmness and generosity. It is for you to observe her with renewed and friendly attention once said by Pope John XXIII (BrainyQuote). Undoubtedly, the social institution of the Roman Catholic Church played an important role in developing the identity of Quebec. Even from the beginning of colonization the Church influenced the politics and policies of New France through to the Quiet Revolution. Having reached the peak of its influence and power the Church sought to sacralized or Christianize all aspects of the French Canadian society. Many movements were established during the period 1896 1960. The French Catholic universities were vastly expanded to accommodate the... Show more content on ... The State s expanded role led to the setting up of many government departments and government owned corporations during the 1960s 1970s. Language replaced faith as an act of survival and distinctiveness in Quebec (Church and Quebec Readings Quebec History). Meanwhile a change was occurring by the provincial government to take more control over the fields regarding the healthcare and education of the people. This led to the creation of health and education ministries, the expansion of the public service, and investments in public education.The government of Quebec took action in order to increase their control over Quebec s economy and thus creating the Canada/Quebec Pension Plan. The decline of church authority is also reflected in the province s record low birth rate, increased abortion rate, single parent homes, divorce rates, and reluctance to marry ( The Fall of the Catholic Church in Quebec). Since the days of the Great Darkness and Quiet Revolution, the Roman Catholic Church has changed its focus, and has been mainly focused on their efforts in conspiring with other
  • 46. Christopher Columbus And De CпїЅrdenas Analysis In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration, Ansel Adams purpose is to show the importance of experiencing new things in our lives. In Journal of the First Voyage to America by Christopher Columbus and Boulders taller than the Great Tower of Seville by GarcГa LГіpez de CГЎrdenas and retold by Pedro de CastaГ±eda, the authors also emphasize understanding new places in their lives. While they were both on a Journey, Columbus found new land and exchanged their culture with the Native Americans and de CГЎrdenas had no end results. However, de CГЎrdenas is more accurate. The two stories and my family story relate to the Psychological Function of myth. Both of the explorer stories have their similarities and differences, however de CГЎrdenas s story is more accurate because he does not exaggerate as much and has many different point of views. Columbus and de CГЎrdenas are similar because they are on a journey to find new land. For example, Columbus and his crew discovered new land, At 10 o clock, we arrived at a cape of the island, and we anchored, the other vessels in company.(Columbus 15) In the same way, de CГЎrdenas was also on a journey with a group of men, ... de CГЎrdenas there with about twelve men to explore this river.(CastaГ±eda 38) Columbus and de CГЎrdenas s experiences are similar because they are on a journey to find new land to settle in. While Columbus anchored at an island and de CГЎrdenas explored a river they both
  • 47. Military Physical Therapy The article that I have found on the Ball States database was about Physical Therapist sending videos to military veterans that are in need of help. The article The Role of US Military Physical Therapist during Recent Combat Campaigns (Moore 1). The military talks about how many have been injured in combat but in the military you cannot just go home and get better you still have to be on duty but won t be active duty. So therefore one will not be able to visit a physical therapist everyday like he or she needs to, so they send videos to the military for them to use instead of showing up to an office. When you think about physical therapist you think that they are only in the medical field at the typical hospital or in some offices. Many do... Show more content on ... This study by Charles Levy is where they sent Physical Therapy activity DVD s to those that are less fortunate then most of us. So Charles decided to help out not only the veterans but the people that cannot afford this to send me a video that will help them get back to normal. They sent this video to 26 veterans to help them and to see how successful this study would be and they found out that the ones that followed this program step by step. However, Veterans receiving on going management to ensure compliance with a home exercise program for low back pain could be candidates for the RVTRI (Levy 3). The Veterans Tele Rehabilitation Initiative (RVTRI) would accept any veteranthat did not get any benefit from the at home DVD but they did everything right and didn t take a day off. They started out with the basic 2 minute walk test just to see their overall health and ability to move than it moved on from there based on your time. This has affected many poor veterans that cannot afford much that need help, it is something that over time is going to make it big but it also might hurt the physical therapy
  • 48. South Park Tropes Tropes South Park is an animated television comedy for adults. The criticism and the controversy of the film, as well as its success, have brought about the tropes in the television comedy film. To begin with, Brent and Peggy argue that the film is not dedicated to children as the producer of the film says (Arp, 17). This is because there is a general humor that is not suitable for young viewers as there is a negative description of the liberal causes as well as a comic effect on religion that has generated controversy causing debate. They argue that it is dangerous for democracy. There are tropes such as activists who have protested how Jesus Christ has been portrayed in the Christianity venture (Arp, 77). Stone who is one of the activists... Show more content on ... According to Irving Thalberg is that it is full of funny gags that have nothing to root for. Groucho himself looks for the significance of the movie and the personal insult it had that would hurt the nation and ruin the city reputation (Bothwell, 32). According to Danel, the movie is at par as a comedy with the likes of Dr. Strangelove. A Silly reason for the way is a movie that has it trope paired with an Aesop on the consideration of life and death and the conflicting differences that have been founded on cultural practices and the outsider s perspective (Parker, 46). On the other hand, the protagonists seem to persuade the pastry, aliens and elves chefs that the differences can be reconciled and be accepted. The film shares similar tropes though with differences as there those that brings out the best part of the movie and the television film as there are those that criticize the whole plot. Duck soup and a Silly reason for way are similar as they establish a conflict between the people from a comedy view (Bothwell, 55). Barbara view on a Silly reason for way forms a trivial dispute as the articulated plot is laughable at the war grows out of proportion for a reason that can be tolerable. So far the tropes in other films and movie are similar as they have common characteristics but they are individually
  • 49. Obstacles In Arjay And Gecko s The Juvie Three As what Moliere said The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it. Many people have obstacles everyday, but it s not the obstacles these people face it s the ones they have overcome that make their stories. Many things are obstacles but not all are the same. These two people named Arjay and Gecko from the book The Juvie Three By Gordon Korman encountered multiple obstacle throughout the book. Arjay and Gecko both were criminals but, Gecko did not want to be one, and Arjay never meant to kill anyone. They both had to overcome multiple obstacles. The Juvie Three By Gordon Korman has four main characters Terence, Arjay, Gecko, and their group leader Mr.Healey. But the one that overcame the largest obstacle, was Arjay. Arjay is a 15 year old kid that was charged with manslaughter and put into a halfway house. But the obstacle he had to overcome were the people he was in the halfway house with, specifically Terence. Arjay is a strict rule follower and did not want to be kicked out of the halfway house, and Terence was still getting in trouble in the halfway house, so he said I m not going back inside because you can t keep your hands off everything you see. The... Show more content on ... Gecko was first seen as a good driver while racing go karts and his brother saw him and made him be his getaway driver. That s one obstacle but his large obstacle, is that while in juvie he thought he was going to get beat up in the laundry room. That s why he accepted to go to the halfway house, he was afraid of getting beat up. He made the decision at right now today. To avoid a return visit to that laundry room, he ll happily follow this unperson to the end of the earth. (p.13) Gecko was also a strict rule follower because he did not want to be put back in juvie and not only juvie... the laundry
  • 50. Margaret Thatcher Research Paper Margaret Thatcher I am in politics because of the conflict between good and evil, and I believe that in the end good will triumph. ~ Margaret Thatcher Life Prime minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 1990 known as the Iron Lady a nickname given to her by the Soviet Journalist; Margaret Thatcher while you may or may not agree with her politics was a powerful women in leadership. Born Margaret Hilda Roberts in 1925 she was raised with her sister in a flat above her father s grocery store. Thatcher studied chemistry at Oxford University from 1943 1947. Showing an interest in politics during college she became the president of the Oxford University Conservative Association in 1946. In 1951 she married Denis Thatcher and in 1954 she studied ... Show more content on ... Margaret Thatcher not only broke through the glass ceiling she shattered it. Speaking in her honor Prime Minister David Cameron observed that, at a time when it was difficult for a woman to become a Member of Parliament, almost inconceivable that one could lead the Conservative Party and, by her own reckoning, virtually impossible that a woman could become Prime Minister, she did all three .( After a failed bid in 1950 Thatcher was elected Member of Parliament (MP) in 1959 one of just 25 women in a house of 605 men. Thatcher was appointed Secretary of State for Education and Science in 1970 and in 1975, she defeated Heath in the Conservative Party leadership election to become Leader of the Opposition and subsequently the first woman to lead a major political party in The UK. In 1979 Thatcher was elected Prime Minister after winning the general election. Thatcher was known for having a confrontational approach. One of the leading figures in her first ministry Jim Prior found it particularly difficult to raise his voice to a woman and engage in the argumentative style which Thatcher encouraged. For Mr. Prior such behavior was not gentlemanly. (
  • 51. The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli When talking about leadership as a whole, a true leader sees his work as a self less service towards a higher purpose. And to be more specific with a political leader, being knowledgeable about how to build and use a strong military, how to support the people, and how to take action immediately when needed. And I remember the lecture in class where our instructor told us about how leadershipis not power and power can make someone treat people like items instead of human beings. This reading was an extraordinary guide to how leaders make decisions maneuver at just about any capacity in their principality. The Princeby: Niccolo Machiavelli really tries and is successful at dividing politics and ethics to decipher the characteristics of a good and bad political/government ruling leader in this novel. In this reading, I seen 5 points that Machiavelli talked about, and those were: Free Will, Being Hated vs Goodwill, Virtue, A Good Military, and finally Human Nature. These are a necessity to the recipe that Machiavelli is making in this book. In the first few chapters of the book, Machiavelli begins to talk about principalities and the diverse forms to set the base for the novel. The general definition of a principality is a local territory that is initially ruled by a prince. And also composite principalities, which are principalities that are newly created or annexed from another power. And in the book Machiavelli discusses how some principalities are inherited from previous
  • 52. Boeing Airlines And The Defense Market Essay Company s Market Boeing may only be one company, but they compete in two different markets: commercial airlines and the defense industry. The main competition in the commercial airline market is Airbus. Airbus and Boeing seem to have the commercial airline industry in a chokehold basically having no other competitors. Since the industry has high barriers to entry they will not see much competition anytime soon. Boeing is the American leader in commercial airplanes and Airbus is the European leader, which means they are constantly battling. Their competing aircrafts are the Airbus A380 and the Boeing 747. Both companies have many variations of their respected aircraft and according to Business Insider, Airbus A380 outranks the Boeing 747 based on cost, range, size and luxury. The defense market, Boeing aligns itself in is more complex than their commercial airline market. Boeing s main competitor in this market is Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Company. Even though all these companies may compete, each with each other they often create joint ventures because the defense industry requires a diverse product mix that one company may not be able to fulfill. One example of these ventures is when Boeing and Lockheed Martin come to together to own /operate Hellfire Systems, LLC which allows for both companies to sell AGM 114 Hellfire Missiles. This missile is used in the United States Army, Navy and Air Force so this is a very profitable venture for both Lockheed Martin and Boeing.
  • 53. Coal as a Resource Is It Ethical In our modern society there is a constant give and take environment over energy. The use of fossil fuels and coal has become politically incorrect in our green centric society. The use of media and spin is one of the most important tools being used by companies that make use of fossil fuels. There is an economic incentive for these companies to downplay the potentially harmful nature of these energy sources. While the usage of coaland other fuels is easy, it is also seen by many as environmentally and morally reprehensible. With advancing technologies there are more alternatives than ever before, which makes the ethical nature of these energy sources increasingly unscrupulous. The United States and Japanese governments are working ... Show more content on ... It is easy to burn and can be used as fuel for trains and other machinery. According to Environmental Ethics @ Rhodes: In 32 states, coal provides up to 99% of electric power. Coal mining itself is a huge part of economy in the more Southeastern region of the United States. According to the West Virginia Office of Miners Health, safety and Training, coal mining makes up more than $3.5 billion dollars annually in the gross state product list. (Rhodes 1) This is perfect example how important coal is to our country and how much we use it. Also it is stated that by Rhodes that there are over thirty thousand jobs in West Virginia alone that are set up around coal mining. It is incredibly difficult to work against an industry that employs so many people, especially with the economic crisis we have been in. The main problem is extracting the coal from its sources, or mines can pose as a huge risk to lives of those employed in such tasks. A perfect example of this is when in April 2010 in Montcoal, West Virginia at the Upper Big Branch Mine where high methane levels were detected. The methane caused an explosion that killed twenty nine out of thirty one of the miners. There is also carbon dioxide gases emitted into the atmosphere once coal is burned for fuel, and that has a negative impact on our environment. This can eventually lead to global climate change, among other things. According to Coal and Global Warming which was
  • 54. Cost Accounting and the Lean Production Philosophy Cost accounting and the lean production philosophy By Tyrone Williams AIU Online September1, 2012 Abstract As Dr. Stephanie White prepares to cope with the a steep reduction in the budgetary allocation to the Uptown Clinic she must carefully determine which areas to cut while striving to maintain current levels of service. This essay will offer advice Dr. White on preparing for budget cuts. It will also discuss the lean production philosophy and how this compares with typical production. This essay will also describe the differences between managerial accounting and cost accounting. There are many strategies that Dr. White could employed to adequately mitigate the negative impact of reduced budgetary allocations to ... Show more content on ... This philosophy is now generally accepted as the ideal business model of the 21st century and replaces the mass production philosophy of the previous century. On the website Mr. Vadim Kotelnikov, Inventor of inspirational Business e Coaching states that the lean production philosophy is about doing more with less: less time, inventory, space, labor, and money. Lean manufacturing, a shorthand for a commitment to eliminating waste, simplifying procedures and speeding up production ( At its very core, this philosophy employs a systematic approach to the elimination of waste in seven key areas. These areas could be summarized as eliminating overproduction and producing only what customers need; eliminating unnecessary delay, down or idle time; streamlining inventory processes to eliminate unnecessary purchasing and storing of raw materials; prevent over processing by removing any unnecessary steps in processes or procedures; streamlining the motion/movement of people and equipment; eliminating transportation delays and unnecessary material handling and reducing defective products and the cost to repair/replace them ( As is obvious by now, there are clear differences between typical production process and the lean production model. Suited for the mass production strategy of the last century, the manufacturing cycle of the typical production process primarily engages in cost accounting whether periodic or
  • 55. Summary Of The Changing Face Of War By Van Creveld Van Creveld has authored a number of major works, including Supplying War: Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton, which established his reputation for meticulous scholarship and perceptive insights. In Command in War, the author detailed the evolving nature of command and remains a classic, along with Technology and War. Like its predecessor, The Transformation of War is about that technological advances that rarely conveys a significant advantage in war, and that dependence on technology introduces more friction and vulnerability than it solves. This book is critical to political students, whom are looking to advance in strategic studies. In The Changing Face of War book, the author s purpose is clear and explicitly stated. If one understands
  • 56. Propaganda And Its Effect On The World War II Propaganda, though not the most effective war time strategy, allows people to come together as one to contribute to the success of the country as a whole. However with this idea, there is also the idea that they are not whole truths being told by governments within countries. Propaganda is a form of a lie seen in both North Korea in the book Escape from Camp 14, and in one of the world s darkest times, World War II; the world allows these lies to surface due to the fact that they do no outwardly hurt another race. Adolf Hitler used propaganda to turn people against Jews, blacks and about everyone else that was not German and he also use it to make people want to join Nazi army. Franklin Roosevelt or F.D.R also use the science of propaganda to turn people against Germany, Italy and Japan. Hitler had first become aware of propaganda and its uses before the First World War. During the war he saw the effect of British propaganda on the soldiers of the Central Powers. Later on after the war Hitler wrote a book called Mein Kampf (My Struggle), he devoted two whole chapters to the study and practice of propaganda. He once said the psyche of the masses, he wrote, is not receptive to anything that is weak. They are like a woman, whose psychic state determined less by abstract reason than by an emotional longing for a strong force will complement her nature. Likewise, the masses love a commander, and despise a petitioner (Hitler). After many speeches and papers he wrote on
  • 57. Economic Restructuring And Revitalization Of Detroit... Abstract This paper explores the economic restructuring and revitalization of Detroit Michigan post World War II until today. The purpose of this research paper is to show the history of Detroit s auto and manufacturing industry, in what ways it has changed in recent years, and how it has helped define the economy of Detroit and damaged it. This paper suggests that the deindustrialization of plants and industries and the depopulation of whites to the Suburbs have triggered the economic downfall of the Motor City. Some social issues such as race discrimination and segregation that might have led to the riots of 1943, and 1967, and the migration of African Americans to Northern States in search of employments will be discussed as well. In ... Show more content on ... General Motors, the country s leader in defense contracts, is firmly fixed in the public mind with the manufacture of automobiles... 35 percent of its total business is non automotive. This diversification... gives General Motors an enormous advantage... But little of this helps Michigan now, since G.M. no longer concentrates its military work in this area (Widick, 1959, Pg. 1). Widick (1959) suggests that a large percentage of the manufacturing was military based, however after World War II, General Motors expanded its military production to other cities and countries losing the main focus on Detroit. The manufacturing of war weapons, vehicles, and airplanes generated the economic spur in Detroit and the United States during World War II because the United States produced weapons and military technology to allied countries without fully involving manpower in the war. The massive production of military products ended after the war and the production of weapons had decreased. Restructuring Capital Mobility. In 2005, Thomas Sugrue identified the roots of Detroit s crisis through his article, The Origins of the Urban Crisis. Sugrue (2005) argues that restructuring came in the form of capital mobility. The growth of a national and international market for automobile companies led General Motors and Ford to