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Lesson 3: That’s My Homie!
Symbiosis among crabs and corals to
     decrease sedimentation

             By Kira Withy-Allen
    University Laboratory School, Hawaii
       Researcher: Dr. Hannah Stewart
           Marine Science Institute
    University of California, Santa Barbara
Let’s begin by looking at the big picture:
    How the Environment Within A Barrier Reef
      System Can Affect Benthic Organisms
• Yipee! Already a new vocabulary word! Benthic
  organisms are those that live at the bottom of the ocean.
• Unlike pelagic organisms, which swim freely in the open
  ocean, benthic organisms do not travel very far. Many
  benthic organisms are actually attached to the substrate.

  Some include coral, seaweed, anemones, sea
  cucumbers, crabs, sea stars, lobsters, various fish
  (gobies, scorpionfish, eels, flatfish).
Why are Benthic Organisms Important?
• The majority of coral reef ecosystems are
  made up of benthic organisms.

• The coral itself is a benthic organism!

• Do you think coral polyps usually move
  once they’ve settled on a colony?

• NO! Coral polyps don’t move once they’ve
  settled. This means that corals are very
  vulnerable to the surrounding environment.
  So let’s check what’s out there!
Forereef: All
organisms are
exposed to fast, high
energy waves.

                Backreef: Slow flow;
                Sedimentation can be a
                challenge for benthic
A Closer Look: The Forereef
High energy environment
with lots of waves and water
flow that goes in various
directions. This is a difficult
environment for organisms
to stay attached.
A Closer Look:
   The Backreef

The environment is much
calmer, so water flow is
slower and moves in one
Why is Water Flow Important?

                                   For benthic organisms, like
                                   coral, water motion is
                                   important for almost all
                                   aspects of its ecology.

                                   This picture represents a
                                   single coral polyp. A reef is
                                   usually made up of
                                   thousands of coral polyps
                                   mixed with coralline
                                   algae, rock, or some other
                                   form of substrate.
Water Flow                          Water flow is important
                                        for transport of gases
                                        (like oxygen) and
                                        dissolved nutrients to
                                        the center of the
                                        organism where they
                                        can be used, and for
                                        removing waste when
                                        the cycle is complete.

                                        It is more difficult for a
                                        benthic organism to
                                        exchange gases and
                                        nutrients if there is a
         Dissolved nutrients   Wastes   slow flow.
Particle movement

                               Food   Sediment
                                                    Water flow also brings
                                                    particles to the
                                                    organism. This may
                                                    include desired food
                                                    particles (for
                                                    example, zooplankton),
                                                    or undesired sediment
                                                    (sand or silt).
         Dissolved nutrients               Wastes
Particle movement

                               Food   Sediment

                                                    Benthic organisms
                                                    further rely on water
                                                    flow to remove
                                                    unwanted sediment and
                                                    to release their gametes
                                                    (reproductive cells).

         Dissolved nutrients               Wastes
Particle movement

                               Food   Sediment
                                                          However, moving
                                                          water also exerts
                                                          hydrodynamic forces
                                                          that push against an
                                                          organism, which can
                                                          become challenging
                                                          for the organism.

             Gases                           Hydrodynamic force

         Dissolved nutrients               Wastes
Benthic organisms have special mechanisms to
      cope with different hydrodynamic challenges.

Assignment: Work in a group to answer the following questions.
             Be realistic, but also use creativity in your ideas.

1)     How would you stay attached if you were a coral polyp or colony?

2)     If you could change something about your structure as a coral polyp or
       colony, what would you do?

3)     What is the scientific word that is used to explain organisms that change
       something about their structure to fit in better with their environment?
The scientific word for change: Adaptation
   Coral colonies of the same species generally follow similar growth
   patterns, but differences such as location (forereef vs. backreef) may alter
   the structure of the colony.

   Organisms are sometimes able to adapt to their environment so they are
   better suited for survival. For example, the coral colonies growing near
   high energy flow might adapt by becoming more compact so that the
   branches of the colony don’t break off easily, as shown below.

Backreef: Pocillopora damicornis (Lace Coral)   Forereef: Pocillopora eydouxi (Antler
is more delicate with thinner branches, which   Coral) is more compact with thicker
is found in calm water.                         branches in higher energy wave zones.
However, the process of adaptation
takes time. How do corals survive other
day to day challenges such as
This coral colony is in an environment
that has slow flow and high sediment
(the backreef). The slow flow brings
sediment to the colony and once it
settles, the flow can be too weak to
move the sediment again.

               Brainstorm at least 3
               reasons why the coral
               might be negatively
               affected by sediment.
Does the sediment harm the coral?
YES! The corals could DIE!

Sediment could harm corals by:
•   Preventing the zooxanthellae in the corals from accessing sunlight
    to perform photosynthesis.
•   Obstructing the coral’s ability to feed if its tentacles can no longer
    catch zooplankton.
•   Corals may have a hard time taking in oxygen from the
    surrounding water.
•   The corals cannot reproduce; If it tried to spawn, the gametes
    might get stuck.
•   The sediment does not allow for expansion of the reef if other
    polyps cannot settle next to the older ones.

     So how do you think corals survive in an environment
     with high sedimentation? Please SHARE your ideas!
Did Anyone Mention SYMBIOSIS?

              Coral with No Crab                         Coral with Crab

                                                Pocillopora verrucosa    Trapezia serenei

During her initial observations, Dr. Stewart found that coral colonies in places where
   sedimentation was high were either:
1) Dead and covered in sediment (picture on left).
2) Very healthy with limited sediment (picture on right).
Dr. Stewart questioned why coral colonies that were exposed to the same amount of
    sediment in the water would be so drastically different in health.
Upon surveying these coral colonies, she found that 94% of the living coral colonies had a
   small crab living inside its branches. None of the dead colonies had a crab!
Does this mean the live corals and crabs participate in a
                    symbiotic relationship?
YES! Coral colonies are home to crabs, which means they have a symbiotic relationship.

Assignment: To understand more about the symbiotic relationship between corals and
           crabs, we should investigate which kind of symbiosis they exhibit.

             Brainstorm answers to the following questions for corals and crabs living in a
             lagoon environment. This means the reef is close to land and there is slow
             water flow going in one direction, which often leads to high rates of sedimentation.

1) Can you think of any reasons corals might need the help of crabs?
2) Are there any reasons crabs would need the help of corals?
3) Based on your ideas, which kind of symbiosis do you feel crabs and corals exhibit?

Hint: Review your vocabulary. What are the 3 kinds of
symbiotic relationships we have mentioned in this unit?

                                                                               Trapezia serenei
Forming a Research Question and Hypothesis

 Dr. Stewart observed that the crabs were almost always found in the
 center of the coral colony, where they were potentially receiving
 protection from predators.

 Dr. Stewart also observed that if she placed a pinch of sand on the
 corals, the crabs would actively remove it.

 Main Research Question:
 What biological mechanisms does coral use to
 persist in the physically challenging nearshore
 environment with slow water flow and high
 Assignment: From what you have learned about Dr. Stewart’s
 observations thus far, form a hypothesis that you can either prove
 or disprove through experimentation.
Dr. Stewart’s Research
Dr. Stewart’s Hypothesis: Corals can persist in
low flow, high sediment nearshore areas
because they share a mutualistic relationship
with crabs that clear sediment from the polyps in
return for protection.

Assignment: How would you test this
hypothesis? Would you do a study in the field or
the laboratory? Write a detailed description of
the steps you would take as a scientist
investigating this question.
Dr. Stewart’s Methods

  Experiments were performed in both the field and the lab. In this case, the
laboratory portion was in a “Wet Lab,” where the experiments are run in tanks.

  What is the difference between a field and a lab experiment? Take a few
                   minutes to discuss with a group member.

    Field experiment:                        Lab experiment:
    Organisms are in their natural           The scientist can make
    surroundings, so they should             adjustments to control what the
    maintain their same behavioral           organism is exposed to, but the
    patterns                                 organism’s behavior may be
    (movement, feeding, what they            different.
    interact with, etc.)
Dr. Stewart’s Methods:
                     Field Experiment
•   In order to test her hypothesis, Dr. Stewart had to decide how to quantify
    her observations by collecting data that would test her hypothesis.
•   Data was collected on how much sediment was being cleared on corals with
    and without crabs.
•   Then, she assessed the health of all experimental corals over time by
    looking for coral polyps that were bleaching or dead.
•   The study was conducted daily over 24 days.
•   Two different species of coral and their crabs were tested to make sure that
    the pattern found was not just specific to a certain species. They included:
     –   Acropora hyacinthus (coral) and Tetralia nigrilineata (crab)
     –   Pocillopora verrucosa (coral) and Trapezia serenei (crab)
•   20 pieces each of small Acropora coral Pocillopora coral were placed on
    tiles using Z-SPAR.
•   Half of the corals had crabs, the other half had crabs removed.
•   These tiles were nailed down into the substrate at a backreef site.
•   Corals were exposed to ambient sediment for 24 days.
Results: Field experiment

Crab                 No Crab
Results: Field Experiment
                                    Assignment: Graph Interpretation
                                    What do these graphs tell us?
                                    Dr. Stewart graphed her data after
                                    experimenting with two different
  No Crab   Crab   No Crab   Crab   species of coral (Acropora results are
                                    on the left, and Pocillopora results are
                                    on the right). Take some time as a
                                    group to determine what Dr. Stewart
                                    can conclude from her experiments.

 No Crab    Crab   No Crab   Crab   Hint: Pay attention to the labeled
                                    axes, because they will tell you which
                                    experiment that graph represents.

 No Crab    Crab   No Crab   Crab

                                          Stewart et al. 2006 Coral Reefs
Results: Crabs positively affect the survival, growth and
      health of both Acropora and Pocillopora species of coral
None of the corals
with crabs died, while
many of the corals
with no crab died.

                         No Crab   Crab   No Crab   Crab

                                                               Corals with crabs
                                                               grew faster than
                                                               corals with no crabs.

 Corals with crabs
 had less bleaching
 than corals with no

                                                Stewart et al. 2006 Coral Reefs
Methods: Lab Experiment
•   This experiment tested the size and amount of sediment that crabs are able
    to remove from corals.
•   The experiment was run for 24 hours.
•   20 pieces of small Acropora coral and 40 pieces of Pocillopora coral were
    placed in a large tank.
•   Half of the corals had crabs, the other half had crabs removed.
•   Either “low sediment” or “high sediment” (twice that of the low sediment)
    was placed on top of the corals.
•   Different sizes of sediment (shown below) were tested on different corals.
    Note how small the crab is compared to the largest size of sediment!
Lab Experiment


                 1 cm
Results: Lab Experiment
                Crabs increase sediment removal from corals
Corals can
clear some                                                        SIZE: The
sediment on                                                       medium-small
their own                                                         size of
(white), but                                                      sediment
crabs help                                                        (0.25-0.5 mm)
clear more                                                        seemed to be
(gray), espec                                                     the easiest for
ially the                                                         corals and
larger                                                            crabs to clear.
A higher
AMOUNT of                                                          Experimental
sediment                                                         error? Bleaching
added did                                                        occurred, which
not seem to                                                          may have
change                                                              affected the
cleaning                                                           experiment.
                                                              Stewart et al. in review
Further Investigation:
Would crabs still have a job in a “high flow” environment?

                                Sediment added to corals in field    Low flow
Sediment remaining (g)


                                                           No crab
                                                          no crab
                                                                     High flow

                                   Low          High     (N=8)

                     Preliminary experiment with 8 corals.
Further Investigation: Do corals and crabs begin this
mutualistic relationship when they are only juveniles?

If so, do the crabs have an effect on
the size and shape of the coral colony
as it grows?

                                                 1 cm

             Crab settlement

  Coral settlement
What did we find?
    Crabs increase sediment removal from corals. This is just the
    beginning to exploring the mechanisms that benthic organisms use
    to survive nearshore flow challenges.

Why is coral research important?
    When corals bleach or die, the reefs do not continue to grow. This
    leaves less shelter for reef organisms, less substrate for benthic
    organisms to attach to, and less food for corallivores.

Why is it important to study sedimentation?
    The human population is increasing on the island of
    Moorea, which includes higher rates of erosion from the clearing of
    trees for buildings, golf courses, and agriculture. This results in
    higher amounts of sediment entering the ocean, which can harm
    the coral reefs.
Like I said, that’s my homie!
 Not only is coral the home for a crab, they also share
the deepest friendship found on the reef… mutualism!

                                   So, like, I know
                                   I’m totally new
                                   here, but if you
                                   let me move in
                                   we could SO
                                   be BFF’s 4 life!

              Baby Coral                   Baby Crab
                                                       End of Lesson
Vocabulary Check
•   Benthic organisms: Living things associated with the bottom substrate.
•   Pelagic organisms: Living things associated with the open ocean.
•   Substrate: The base upon which an organism lives.
•   Ecosystem: A biological community or series of communities, including the non-living
    component of an environment.
•   Ecology: The study of interactions between an organism and its environment.
•   Coralline algae: Green and red algae that deposit calcium carbonate that assists in
    reef building.
•   Zooplankton: Animals that cannot swim against a current. Often microscopic and the
    primary source of food for many other animals.
•   Sediment: Loose particles of sand, clay, silt, and other substances that settle at the
    bottom of a water body.
•   Adaptation: The process of change over time for an organism to increase its chance
    for survival (and reproduction) in response to environmental conditions.
•   Sedimentation: The accumulation of sediment deposits.
•   Photosynthesis: The process in which green plants combine carbon dioxide and
    water in the presence of light energy and chlorophyll to produce carbohydrates and
    oxygen (see lesson 1).
•   Mutualism: A relationship between two organisms in which they both benefit from the
•   Quantify: To express observations as a number or measure.
Work Cited
•    Stewart et al. 2006 Coral Reefs 25: 609-615
•    Stewart, H. Researcher. Personal contact. University of
     California, Santa Barbara. Current contact: Friday Harbor
     Labs, University of Washington

1.   Hoover, John P., (Slide 13).
2.   National Academy of Sciences,
     (Slides 7-11).
3.   Stewart, Hannah. Post-Doctorate Fellow. University of
     California, Santa Barbara.
     (Slides 1, 4, 5, 6, 14, 16, 17, 22, 25, 26, 29, 31).
4.   Withy-Allen, Kira. University of California, Santa Barbara (Slide 3).

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Crabs and corals and water movement presentation

  • 1. Lesson 3: That’s My Homie! Symbiosis among crabs and corals to decrease sedimentation By Kira Withy-Allen University Laboratory School, Hawaii Researcher: Dr. Hannah Stewart Marine Science Institute University of California, Santa Barbara
  • 2. Let’s begin by looking at the big picture: How the Environment Within A Barrier Reef System Can Affect Benthic Organisms • Yipee! Already a new vocabulary word! Benthic organisms are those that live at the bottom of the ocean. • Unlike pelagic organisms, which swim freely in the open ocean, benthic organisms do not travel very far. Many benthic organisms are actually attached to the substrate. WHICH ORGANISMS DO YOU THINK WOULD BE CONSIDERED “BENTHIC”? Some include coral, seaweed, anemones, sea cucumbers, crabs, sea stars, lobsters, various fish (gobies, scorpionfish, eels, flatfish).
  • 3. Why are Benthic Organisms Important? • The majority of coral reef ecosystems are made up of benthic organisms. • The coral itself is a benthic organism! • Do you think coral polyps usually move once they’ve settled on a colony? • NO! Coral polyps don’t move once they’ve settled. This means that corals are very vulnerable to the surrounding environment. So let’s check what’s out there!
  • 4. Terrestrial run-off (Sediment) Forereef: All organisms are exposed to fast, high energy waves. Backreef: Slow flow; Sedimentation can be a challenge for benthic organisms.
  • 5. A Closer Look: The Forereef High energy environment with lots of waves and water flow that goes in various directions. This is a difficult environment for organisms to stay attached.
  • 6. A Closer Look: The Backreef The environment is much calmer, so water flow is slower and moves in one direction.
  • 7. Why is Water Flow Important? For benthic organisms, like coral, water motion is important for almost all aspects of its ecology. This picture represents a single coral polyp. A reef is usually made up of thousands of coral polyps mixed with coralline algae, rock, or some other form of substrate.
  • 8. Water Flow Water flow is important for transport of gases (like oxygen) and dissolved nutrients to the center of the organism where they can be used, and for removing waste when the cycle is complete. It is more difficult for a benthic organism to exchange gases and Gases nutrients if there is a Dissolved nutrients Wastes slow flow.
  • 9. Particle movement Food Sediment Water flow also brings particles to the organism. This may include desired food particles (for example, zooplankton), or undesired sediment (sand or silt). Gases Dissolved nutrients Wastes
  • 10. Particle movement Gametes Food Sediment Benthic organisms further rely on water flow to remove unwanted sediment and to release their gametes (reproductive cells). Gases Dissolved nutrients Wastes
  • 11. Particle movement Gametes Food Sediment However, moving water also exerts hydrodynamic forces that push against an organism, which can become challenging for the organism. Gases Hydrodynamic force Dissolved nutrients Wastes
  • 12. Benthic organisms have special mechanisms to cope with different hydrodynamic challenges. Assignment: Work in a group to answer the following questions. Be realistic, but also use creativity in your ideas. 1) How would you stay attached if you were a coral polyp or colony? 2) If you could change something about your structure as a coral polyp or colony, what would you do? 3) What is the scientific word that is used to explain organisms that change something about their structure to fit in better with their environment?
  • 13. The scientific word for change: Adaptation Coral colonies of the same species generally follow similar growth patterns, but differences such as location (forereef vs. backreef) may alter the structure of the colony. Organisms are sometimes able to adapt to their environment so they are better suited for survival. For example, the coral colonies growing near high energy flow might adapt by becoming more compact so that the branches of the colony don’t break off easily, as shown below. Backreef: Pocillopora damicornis (Lace Coral) Forereef: Pocillopora eydouxi (Antler is more delicate with thinner branches, which Coral) is more compact with thicker is found in calm water. branches in higher energy wave zones.
  • 14. However, the process of adaptation takes time. How do corals survive other day to day challenges such as sedimentation? This coral colony is in an environment that has slow flow and high sediment (the backreef). The slow flow brings sediment to the colony and once it settles, the flow can be too weak to move the sediment again. Assignment: Brainstorm at least 3 reasons why the coral might be negatively affected by sediment.
  • 15. Does the sediment harm the coral? YES! The corals could DIE! Sediment could harm corals by: • Preventing the zooxanthellae in the corals from accessing sunlight to perform photosynthesis. • Obstructing the coral’s ability to feed if its tentacles can no longer catch zooplankton. • Corals may have a hard time taking in oxygen from the surrounding water. • The corals cannot reproduce; If it tried to spawn, the gametes might get stuck. • The sediment does not allow for expansion of the reef if other polyps cannot settle next to the older ones. So how do you think corals survive in an environment with high sedimentation? Please SHARE your ideas!
  • 16. Did Anyone Mention SYMBIOSIS? Coral with No Crab Coral with Crab Pocillopora verrucosa Trapezia serenei During her initial observations, Dr. Stewart found that coral colonies in places where sedimentation was high were either: 1) Dead and covered in sediment (picture on left). 2) Very healthy with limited sediment (picture on right). Dr. Stewart questioned why coral colonies that were exposed to the same amount of sediment in the water would be so drastically different in health. Upon surveying these coral colonies, she found that 94% of the living coral colonies had a small crab living inside its branches. None of the dead colonies had a crab!
  • 17. Does this mean the live corals and crabs participate in a symbiotic relationship? YES! Coral colonies are home to crabs, which means they have a symbiotic relationship. Assignment: To understand more about the symbiotic relationship between corals and crabs, we should investigate which kind of symbiosis they exhibit. Brainstorm answers to the following questions for corals and crabs living in a lagoon environment. This means the reef is close to land and there is slow water flow going in one direction, which often leads to high rates of sedimentation. 1) Can you think of any reasons corals might need the help of crabs? 2) Are there any reasons crabs would need the help of corals? 3) Based on your ideas, which kind of symbiosis do you feel crabs and corals exhibit? Hint: Review your vocabulary. What are the 3 kinds of symbiotic relationships we have mentioned in this unit? Trapezia serenei
  • 18. Forming a Research Question and Hypothesis Dr. Stewart observed that the crabs were almost always found in the center of the coral colony, where they were potentially receiving protection from predators. Dr. Stewart also observed that if she placed a pinch of sand on the corals, the crabs would actively remove it. Main Research Question: What biological mechanisms does coral use to persist in the physically challenging nearshore environment with slow water flow and high sedimentation? Assignment: From what you have learned about Dr. Stewart’s observations thus far, form a hypothesis that you can either prove or disprove through experimentation.
  • 19. Dr. Stewart’s Research Dr. Stewart’s Hypothesis: Corals can persist in low flow, high sediment nearshore areas because they share a mutualistic relationship with crabs that clear sediment from the polyps in return for protection. Assignment: How would you test this hypothesis? Would you do a study in the field or the laboratory? Write a detailed description of the steps you would take as a scientist investigating this question.
  • 20. Dr. Stewart’s Methods Experiments were performed in both the field and the lab. In this case, the laboratory portion was in a “Wet Lab,” where the experiments are run in tanks. What is the difference between a field and a lab experiment? Take a few minutes to discuss with a group member. Field experiment: Lab experiment: Organisms are in their natural The scientist can make surroundings, so they should adjustments to control what the maintain their same behavioral organism is exposed to, but the patterns organism’s behavior may be (movement, feeding, what they different. interact with, etc.)
  • 21. Dr. Stewart’s Methods: Field Experiment • In order to test her hypothesis, Dr. Stewart had to decide how to quantify her observations by collecting data that would test her hypothesis. • Data was collected on how much sediment was being cleared on corals with and without crabs. • Then, she assessed the health of all experimental corals over time by looking for coral polyps that were bleaching or dead. • The study was conducted daily over 24 days. • Two different species of coral and their crabs were tested to make sure that the pattern found was not just specific to a certain species. They included: – Acropora hyacinthus (coral) and Tetralia nigrilineata (crab) – Pocillopora verrucosa (coral) and Trapezia serenei (crab) • 20 pieces each of small Acropora coral Pocillopora coral were placed on tiles using Z-SPAR. • Half of the corals had crabs, the other half had crabs removed. • These tiles were nailed down into the substrate at a backreef site. • Corals were exposed to ambient sediment for 24 days.
  • 23. Results: Field Experiment Assignment: Graph Interpretation What do these graphs tell us? Dr. Stewart graphed her data after experimenting with two different No Crab Crab No Crab Crab species of coral (Acropora results are on the left, and Pocillopora results are on the right). Take some time as a group to determine what Dr. Stewart can conclude from her experiments. No Crab Crab No Crab Crab Hint: Pay attention to the labeled axes, because they will tell you which experiment that graph represents. No Crab Crab No Crab Crab Stewart et al. 2006 Coral Reefs
  • 24. Results: Crabs positively affect the survival, growth and health of both Acropora and Pocillopora species of coral None of the corals with crabs died, while many of the corals with no crab died. No Crab Crab No Crab Crab Corals with crabs grew faster than corals with no crabs. Corals with crabs had less bleaching than corals with no crabs. Stewart et al. 2006 Coral Reefs
  • 25. Methods: Lab Experiment • This experiment tested the size and amount of sediment that crabs are able to remove from corals. • The experiment was run for 24 hours. • 20 pieces of small Acropora coral and 40 pieces of Pocillopora coral were placed in a large tank. • Half of the corals had crabs, the other half had crabs removed. • Either “low sediment” or “high sediment” (twice that of the low sediment) was placed on top of the corals. • Different sizes of sediment (shown below) were tested on different corals. Note how small the crab is compared to the largest size of sediment!
  • 26. Lab Experiment crab 1 cm
  • 27. Results: Lab Experiment Crabs increase sediment removal from corals Corals can clear some SIZE: The sediment on medium-small their own size of (white), but sediment crabs help (0.25-0.5 mm) clear more seemed to be (gray), espec the easiest for ially the corals and larger crabs to clear. sediment. A higher AMOUNT of Experimental sediment error? Bleaching added did occurred, which not seem to may have change affected the cleaning experiment. efficiency. Stewart et al. in review
  • 28. Further Investigation: Would crabs still have a job in a “high flow” environment? Sediment added to corals in field Low flow 2.00 Sediment remaining (g) 1.60 1.20 No crab no crab Flow Crab crab 0.80 High flow 0.40 0.00 Low High (N=8) Flow Preliminary experiment with 8 corals.
  • 29. Further Investigation: Do corals and crabs begin this mutualistic relationship when they are only juveniles? If so, do the crabs have an effect on the size and shape of the coral colony as it grows? 1 cm Crab settlement Coral settlement
  • 30. Conclusions What did we find? Crabs increase sediment removal from corals. This is just the beginning to exploring the mechanisms that benthic organisms use to survive nearshore flow challenges. Why is coral research important? When corals bleach or die, the reefs do not continue to grow. This leaves less shelter for reef organisms, less substrate for benthic organisms to attach to, and less food for corallivores. Why is it important to study sedimentation? The human population is increasing on the island of Moorea, which includes higher rates of erosion from the clearing of trees for buildings, golf courses, and agriculture. This results in higher amounts of sediment entering the ocean, which can harm the coral reefs.
  • 31. Like I said, that’s my homie! Not only is coral the home for a crab, they also share the deepest friendship found on the reef… mutualism! So, like, I know I’m totally new around here, but if you let me move in we could SO be BFF’s 4 life! Baby Coral Baby Crab End of Lesson
  • 32. Vocabulary Check • Benthic organisms: Living things associated with the bottom substrate. • Pelagic organisms: Living things associated with the open ocean. • Substrate: The base upon which an organism lives. • Ecosystem: A biological community or series of communities, including the non-living component of an environment. • Ecology: The study of interactions between an organism and its environment. • Coralline algae: Green and red algae that deposit calcium carbonate that assists in reef building. • Zooplankton: Animals that cannot swim against a current. Often microscopic and the primary source of food for many other animals. • Sediment: Loose particles of sand, clay, silt, and other substances that settle at the bottom of a water body. • Adaptation: The process of change over time for an organism to increase its chance for survival (and reproduction) in response to environmental conditions. • Sedimentation: The accumulation of sediment deposits. • Photosynthesis: The process in which green plants combine carbon dioxide and water in the presence of light energy and chlorophyll to produce carbohydrates and oxygen (see lesson 1). • Mutualism: A relationship between two organisms in which they both benefit from the interaction. • Quantify: To express observations as a number or measure.
  • 33. Work Cited Text • Stewart et al. 2006 Coral Reefs 25: 609-615 • Stewart, H. Researcher. Personal contact. University of California, Santa Barbara. Current contact: Friday Harbor Labs, University of Washington Photos 1. Hoover, John P., (Slide 13). 2. National Academy of Sciences, (Slides 7-11). 3. Stewart, Hannah. Post-Doctorate Fellow. University of California, Santa Barbara. (Slides 1, 4, 5, 6, 14, 16, 17, 22, 25, 26, 29, 31). 4. Withy-Allen, Kira. University of California, Santa Barbara (Slide 3).