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Colostrum Overview
(Reference File)
By- Chintan Chavda
Colostrum Overview
1. What is colostrum?
 Colostrum is the pre-milk liquid that mothers produce at birth. Commonly referred to as "baby's first
milk" and “biologic soup,” colostrum is the leftover mixture of materials present in the mammary
gland and ducts at delivery. It slowly becomes mixed with newly secreted milk, yet it differs from
mature milk in composition and is not as plentiful.
 Breasts produce colostrum beginning during pregnancy and continuing through the early days of
breastfeeding. This special milk is yellow to orange in color and thick and sticky.
 It is low in fat, and high in carbohydrates, protein, and antibodies to help keep your baby healthy.
 Colostrum is extremely easy to digest, and is therefore the perfect first food for your baby. It is low
in volume (measurable in teaspoons rather than ounces), but high in concentrated nutrition for the
newborn. It is full of immune-enhancing antibodies, other important immune factors, and essential
growth factors to ensure health and vitality for adults and children.
Colostrum versus Whole milk
(Ref- Feeding and Nutrition, Publ. by Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Issued May 1990)
(1st milking)
Whole milk
(11th milking)
Total solids (%) 23 13
Total Protein (%) 14 4
Casein (%) 4.8 2.5
Immunoglobulins (%) 6 0.09
Fat (%) 6.7 4
Lactose (%) 2.7 4.9
Minerals (%) 1 0.74
2. What makes Bovine colostrum so beneficial?
 There are over 90 known components in colostrum. The primary components, divided into two
classes, are immune factors and growth factors. Colostrum also contains a precise balance of
vitamins, minerals and amino acids. All of these factors work together in perfect synergy to
restore and maintain health.
 Colostrum's Immune Factors :
 Immune Factors in colostrum have been shown to help the body fight off harmful invaders such
as viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungus. Each factor plays a specific role in our bodys defense
against these attackers. In addition, colostrum contains over 20 antibodies to specific pathogens
including E coli, salmonella, rotavirus, candida, streptococcus, staphylococcus, H pylori, and
 In addition to immunoglobulins, medical studies show that PRP in colostrum also supports an
under active immune system. PRP also helps balance an overactive immune system present in
autoimmune diseases.
Colostrums’ Growth Factors :
 Growth Factors help build and restore bone, muscle, nerve tissue, connective tissue, skin and cartilage.
These factors have also been shown to help increase lean muscle, help the body burn fat for fuel, and
assist in wound healing. Growth factors have also been shown to help slow the signs of aging.
Colostrums’ growth factors may:
 Affect the brain's mood regulating chemicals to brighten our moods. (Serotonin &
 Assist in regeneration and improve normal growth of aged or injured muscle, bone,
cartilage, skin collagen and nerve tissue.
 Help burn fat for fuel instead of muscle tissue in times of fasting (diet), and build & retain
lean muscle (non-diet).
 Assist the internal regulation of blood glucose levels and "brain chemicals", supporting
alertness and better concentration.
 Support healing skin when applied topically
 Repair our body's precious RNA and DNA.
 Other Beneficial Components :
 Vitamins and Minerals are nutrients that are essential for normal metabolism, growth and
development. They act as coenzymes, enabling chemical process to take place
throughout the body. Vitamins and minerals are indispensable for the maintenance of
 Amino Acids are the building blocks of proteins. They are required for growth and
development. Amino acids are divided into essential (not produced by the body) and
nonessential (can be produced by the body).
Known Components of Bovine Colostrum
1. Immune Factors - Immunoglobulins: - Antibodies
 IgG - Neutralizes toxins and other invaders; including viruses and bacteria
 IgM - Destroys bacteria, controls antibody response
 IgD - Antiviral, prevents hemolytic disease in infants
 IgE - Involved in regulating allergic response
 IgA - Highly antiviral and antibacterial, prevents infection
 Secretory IgA (SigA) - Found in mucous membranes, helps protect against infection
 IgA Specific Helper - Stimulates the production of IgA
 Lactoferrin - Powerful antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory
 Lactoferrin-Fe - Iron chelator
 Transferrin - Binds and transports iron
 Glycoproteins: - (Including Protease and Trypsin Inhibitors) Protect components from
destruction by stomach acids
 Lactalbumin - Raises brain serotonin levels, improves mood under stress
 Multimeric a-Lactalbumin - Shown to cause lung cancer cells to create selective suicide
 Cytokines - (Including Interleukins, Interferon Y, Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF), and
Lymphokines) Antiviral, anti-tumor (stimulates death of some tumors), increase T-cell activity,
responsible for regulation and intensity of immune response, stimulate production of
 Proline-Rich Polypeptide (PRP) - Regulates the activity of the immune system
 Lysozymes - Help protect body from bacterial infection, topical antibiotic
 Gamma Globulin - Resists infection
 B Lactoglobulin - Antibody, protein
 Complement 3 & 4 (C3 & C4) - Proteins that activate the complement of the immune system
 Kappa Casein - Glycoprotein that protects against the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers
 Alpha 2-AP glycoprotein
 Alpha 1- antitrypsin - Inhibitor of trypsin
 Alpha 2- macroglobulin - Function as hormonal transporters
 Orosomucoids - Alpha-1 protein in plasma
 Prealbumin - Precursor to albumin
 Albumin - Contains essential amino acids
 Oligosaccharides - Complex carbohydrates, help prevent lung inflammations and ear infection
 Non Specific Inhibitors (NSI's) - Factors that inhibit a wide range of respiratory illness
2. Growth Factors
 Epithelial Growth Factor (EGF) - Helps protect and maintain the skin
 Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) - Enhances wound healing and tissue repair
 Insulin-like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) - Increases lean muscle mass, helps repair DNA and RNA,
anti-aging, may regulate blood-sugar and cholesterol levels
 Insulin-like Growth Factor II (IGF-II) - Affects how the body uses fat and protein
 Growth Hormone (GH) - Regulates growth, decreases signs of aging
 Transforming Growth Factor - a (TGF- a) - Assists in formation and healing of connective tissue,
bone and cartilage
 Transforming Growth Factor - b (TGF - b) - Helps repair tissue, supports growth of the lining of
the gut. Shown to produce cell destruction in certain human cancers.
 Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF) - Stimulates growth of connective tissue, plays a role in
wound healing and helps with cell division and neuron survival and regeneration
 Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) - Stimulates release of follicle-stimulating hormone,
gonadotropic substances and treats endometriosis
 Prolactin - Similar to Growth Hormone
 Insulin - Responsible for proper metabolism of blood sugar
 Sulfur - An important building block of proteins
3. Vitamins and Other Nutrients
 Vitamin B6 - Produces serotonin, utilization of amino acids
 Vitamin B12 - Normal development of red blood cells
 Vitamin E - Antioxidant, supports wound healing and immune function
 Vitamin A (from carotene) - Resistance to infections, maintains cell integrity
 Vitamin C - Antioxidant, immune system support
 Thiamin (Vitamin B1) - Metabolism of carbohydrates, energy
 Folic Acid - Cell replication and tissue growth
 Pantothenic Acid - Metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and protein
 Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) - Energy production, tissue repair, healthy eyes
 Beta-carotene - Antioxidant
 Glycoconjugates - Carbohydrates that link to lipids and proteins
 Glycogen - Converts into glucose when needed by tissues
 Retinoic Acid - Metabolite of Vitamin A, used in treatment of acne
4. Minerals
 Calcium - Maintains strong, healthy bones, activates enzymes
 Chromium - Glucose metabolism disorders, body fat reduction
 Iron - Oxygen transport and storage, energy, immune support
 Magnesium - Muscle relaxation, assists with psychiatric disorders
 Phosphorus - Strengthens bones and teeth
 Potassium - Lowers blood pressure, maintains fluid balance in cells
 Sodium - Cell membrane integrity, plays important role in nerve function
 Zinc - Synthesis of DNA and RNA, activates Vitamin A
5. Essential Amino Acids
 Isoleucine - Assists in muscle development & repair, helps regulate blood sugar
 Leucine - Involved in muscle repair, wound healing and hormone production
 Histidine - Involved in growth and tissue repair
 Methionine - Antioxidant, collagen synthesis, helps prevent arterial fat buildup
 Lysine - Aids in calcium absorption, helps regulate antibody and enzyme production
 Threonine - Stimulates antibody production
 Phenylalanine - Assists neurotransmitter function, increases "feel good" chemicals in brain
 Valine - Regulates energy, aids growth and repair of muscle tissue
 Tryptophan - Stimulates niacin production, precursor for serotonin
6. Nonessential Amino Acids
 Arginine - Stimulates GH, immune function, promotes wound healing and muscle growth
 Cystine - An antioxidant involved in collagen synthesis
 Glutanic Acid - Helps transport potassium to the brain, implicated in neurological conditions
 Alanine - Involved in glucose metabolism
 Tyrosine - Regulate mood, may improve memory, appetite suppressant
 Glycine - Helps decrease muscle wasting, aids in glycogen storage
 Proline - Aids in wound healing and collagen synthesis
 Aspartic Acid - Helps synthesis of DNA, RNA, Ig and antibodies, involved in energy metabolism
 Serine - Involved in fat metabolism and muscle growth, noted moisturizer
7. Additional Factors Found in Colostrum
 Beta 2- microglobulin - Components of many cell membranes including leukocytes
 Enzymes - Induce chemical changes in the body
 Haemopexin - Iron-binding protein
 Haptoglobulin - Glycoproteins that aid the recycling of iron
 Lactoperoxidase - An antioxidant
 Orotic Acid - Precursor to certain nucleotides
 Peroxidase - Transfers oxygen to tissues, helps prevent free radical damage
 Xanthine Oxidase Enzyme - Enzyme involved in conversion of hypoxanthine to xanthine
 Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus Bifidus - Help restore a supportive
bacterial environment in the body.
3. How Does Colostrum Work?
 Colostrum is highly beneficial in the unique manner in which it provides the body with its
numerous immune and growth factors. Most infectious disease-causing organisms enter the
body through the mucous membranes of the intestinal tract. In order to remain healthy, it is
critical that we are able to combat disease-causing organisms, such as bacteria and viruses, as
well as environmental toxins, contaminants and allergens where they attack us.
 Clinical research by Dr. David Tyrell in England, published in 1981, revealed that a high
percentage of the antibodies and immunoglobulins present in colostrum are believed not to be
absorbed but remain in the intestinal tract where they attack disease causing organisms before
they can penetrate the body and cause disease. The remainder are absorbed and distributed to
assist in our internal defense processes. It is this combination of action that makes colostrum as
unique and effective as an oral supplement.
4. Bovine Colostrum for New Born
 When baby is breastfed early and often, breasts will begin producing mature milk around the
third or fourth day after birth. Milk will then increase in volume and will generally begin to appear
thinner and whiter (more opaque) in color. In those first few days it is extremely important to
breastfeed newborn at least 8-12 times each 24 hours and more often is even better. This
allows baby to get all the benefits of the colostrum and also stimulates production of a plentiful
supply of mature milk. Frequent breastfeeding also helps prevent engorgement.
 Colostrum provides not only perfect nutrition tailored to the needs of the newborn, but also large
amounts of living cells which will defend the baby against many harmful agents. The
concentration of immune factors is much higher in colostrum than in mature milk.
 Colostrum actually works as a natural and 100% safe vaccine. It contains large quantities of an
antibody called secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) which is a new substance to the newborn.
Before the baby was born, Baby received the benefits of another antibody, called IgG, through
your placenta. IgG worked through the baby's circulatory system, but IgA protects the baby in
the places most likely to come under attack from germs, namely the mucous membranes in the
throat, lungs, and intestines.
 Colostrum has an especially important role to play in the baby's gastrointestinal tract. A
newborn's intestines are very permeable. Colostrum seals the holes by "painting" the
gastrointestinal tract with a barrier which mostly prevents foreign substances from penetrating
and possibly sensitizing a baby to foods the mother has eaten.
 Colostrum also contains high concentrations of leukocytes, protective white cells which can
destroy disease-causing bacteria and viruses.
 The colostrum gradually changes to mature milk during the first two weeks after birth. During
this transition, the concentrations of the antibodies in milk decrease, but milk volume greatly
increases. The disease-fighting properties of human milk do not disappear with the colostrum. In
fact, as long as your baby receives milk, Baby will receive immunological protection against
many different viruses and bacteria.
5. Is Bovine Colostrum Safe and Effective in Human?
 Research has shown that bovine colostrum is easily assimilate by humans and is up to 40 times
richer in immune factors than human colostrum. Also, the research shows that only cows’
colostrum contains special glycoproteins and protease inhibitors which are extremely effective
at protecting the destruction of colostrum’s active components by adult human digestive
enzymes and stomach acids.
 And bovine colostrum is safe for consumption by humans. According to Dr. Robert Preston with
the International Institute of Nutritional Research, “Colostrum is so safe; it has been prepared by
nature as the first food for infants. It would be hard to imagine any nutritional substance more
natural or beneficial.”
 There have been no contra-indications, side effects or allergies reported through thousands of
years of human use of bovine colostrum. And this superfood creates no problems for those with
lactose intolerance.
 Yes, only colostrum from dairy cows has been shown to be safe, natural, effective and
biologically transferable for human use.
 Bovine colostrum is not a drug: It is a safe, natural, non-allergenic food, taken by humans to
treat and heal dozens of conditions- plus help create new levels of vitality and well being.
 To insure a pure, unadulterated product (colostrum) cows should be pasture-fed on grass that
has not been treated with pesticide, herbicide, or fungicide. They should not be subjected to
courses of antibiotics, steroids, and growth hormones as are most other dairy cows. These
substances contaminate the colostrum and milk of cows, in addition to posing potential health
risks to those who ingest the milk or colostrum, render the colostrum less effective.
 When cows feed on naturally raised pasture, they are exposed to a great variety of naturally
occurring disease causing organisms, which allows them to develop natural immunity, which is
then passed on in their colostrum.
 Bovine colostrum contains substances that are effective against many of the different
microorganisms that are now resistant to the antibiotics on the market
 Bovine colostrum is not species specific. That means it can be consumed safely by every
mammal, including humans. In particular, the molecular structure of the immune and growth
factors in bovine colostrum is very similar to those found in humans. In a sense, cows are
universal donors of colostrum.
6. Does bovine colostrum have any side effects?
 Colostrum is a high-protein, low fat and reduced lactose dairy product, as a result lactose-
intolerant individuals generally experience no problems and some even report that colostrum
helps with their condition. If you can drink milk without any problem then you can probably take
colostrum. Some individuals may experience a mild gastrointestinal distress or a bloated feeling,
which can be avoided by lowering the dose. If this reaction continues however then it is best to
discontinue the colostrum treatment. However, as with all health supplements, it is always
advisable to consult with your doctor in the first instance. Colostrum used naturally contains low
levels of lactose and during processing these are reduced further
7. Health benefits/Application of Bovine colostrum
a. Bovine Colostrum Studies on Athletic Performance
 The Journal of Sports Medicine, September, 2006, reports that bovine colostrums helped male
distance cyclists retain more energy following a bout of intensive training. These cyclists who
used bovine colostrums performed at a higher level with fewer signs of fatigue during tests
taken after their five days of intensive training.
 The European Journal of Nutrition, August, 2003, reports an investigation of whether
concentrated bovine colostrum affected the incidence or duration of self-reported symptoms of
upper respiratory tract infections in adult males. Based on self-reports in a double blind, placebo
controlled study, preliminary evidence was found that concentrated bovine colostrum protein
may enhance resistance to the development of symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection.
 The Journal of Sports Science, July, 2003 reports a study examining the effects of bovine
colostrum on peak vertical jump power, peak cycle power, alactic anaerobic work capacity,
resistance exercise one-repetition maxima, and plasma insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1)
 This randomized, double-blind, placebo, controlled, parallel design study concluded that bovine
colostrum supplementation during training significantly increased peak anaerobic power, but
had no effect on alactic anaerobic work capacity.
b. Bovine Colostrums and Distal Colitis
 The Ailmentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, November, 2002, reports a study designed to
examine the efficacy of colostrum enemas in the treatment of distal colitis during a randomized,
double-blind, controlled protocol. Fourteen patients with a mean age of 45 and mild to
moderately severe distal colitis were given colostrum enema or placebo for 4 weeks. Both
groups also received mesalazine initially or as an increased dosage. After the 4 weeks, the
colostrum group showed a mean reduction in symptoms of -2.9, while the placebo group
showed a mean response of +0.5. Researchers concluded that bovine colostrums enema
shows potential as a novel therapy for left-side d colitis with an additional benefits over using me
sala zine alone.
c. Bovine Colostrums and Drug-Induced Intestinal Permeability
 The June, 2001 edition of Clinical Science reports that the use of non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) cause gastrointestinal injury. Bovine colostrum is a cheap, readily
available source of growth factors, which reduces gastrointestinal injury in rats and mice.
Researchers hypothesized that colostrum could reduce the rise in gut permeability caused by
NSAIDs in volunteers and patients taking NSAIDs for clinical reasons. Two studies were
performed, the first on the healthy volunteers, and the second on the NSAIDs patients. In the
first group, no increased gut permeability was seen when colostrum was co-administered with
NSAID indomethacin. Indomethacin alone caused a 3-fold increase in gut permeability. In the
second group, permeability was not influenced by co-administration of test solutions.
Researchers concluded that bovine colostrum may provide a novel approach to the prevention
of NSAID induced gastrointestinal damage in humans.
 Bovine colostrum is rich sources of various growth factors. While the concentration of the
growth factors present has been incompletely defined, IGF I and II, TGF-β, and epidermal
growth factor (EGF) have been identified in Bovine colostrum. Since these growth factors are
capable of stimulating growth and repair processes within the gastrointestinal tract (GI), two
studies have been conducted to determine what effect, if any, dietary supplementation might
have on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-induced GI inflammation and
permeability. Bovine colostrum utilized in the two trials contained approximately 43 g/L protein
content (primarily consisting of Ig) and the following growth factor profile (values are
approximations): IGF-I and II 2 mg/L, TGF-β 25 µg/L, and EGF 6 µg/L. The preliminary results
obtained suggest benefits for persons acutely exposed to NSAIDs; however, BC did not appear
to provide any GI benefits among persons chronically utilizing NSAIDs.
 In an initial study conducted in rats, supplementation with Bovine colostrum resulted in a dose-
dependent reduction in the amount of GI damage caused by indomethacin. A milk solution used
as a placebo was not effective. As a result of the positive outcome, a study on the effects of
Bovine colostrum on NSAID-induced intestinal permeability in humans was conducted. A milk
whey solution with similar protein content but lacking growth factors was used as a placebo.
Prior to commencing the studies, the Bovine colostrum preparation was tested against the
placebo to determine whether either an effect on intestinal permeability had. The five days of
supplementation did not have an effect on baseline intestinal permeability values in persons not
taking NSAIDs.
 In the first study, seven males, following an initial baseline permeability assessment,
supplemented their diets with 125 mL Bovine colostrum or whey placebo three times daily for
seven days. Indomethacin was introduced on days 3-7. After completing this arm of the trial, a
two-week washout period was followed by a second arm of the trial in which participants
receiving the active intervention were switched to the placebo, while those receiving the placebo
received active treatment. Permeability increased approximately threefold in response to
indomethacin in the participants taking the whey placebo while no significant increase in
intestinal permeability was observed when the Bovine colostrum preparation was co-
administered with indomethacin.
 In the second study, 15 persons taking NSAIDs (ibuprofen, piroxicam, voltarol, or naproxen) for
at least one year were randomized to receive either 125 mL Bovine colostrum or placebo three
times daily for seven days with a two-week washout period between study arms. Baseline
permeability assessments were lower in these persons than in volunteers in the previous trial
(who were not taking NSAIDs chronically). No significant effect of either the active or placebo
treatment was observed.
 Consistent with results of the first study, short-term treatment with NSAIDs has previously been
shown to increase intestinal permeability. However, conflicting reports on the impact of chronic
long-term use of NSAIDs on intestinal permeability exist. Struthers et al, consistent with
previous observations, have reported low intestinal permeability with long-term NSAID use,
while Sigthorsson et al reported an approximate two-fold increase. Currently no explanation
exists for these disparate observations. While short-term doses of NSAIDs appear to
consistently increase intestinal permeability, it is possible that long-term use of NSAIDs results
in an adaptation response by the small intestine, at least in certain individuals. Irrespective of
the explanation, BC appear to hold promise as a dietary addition in persons beginning NSAIDs,
but not for persons chronically taking NSAIDs while being free of adverse GI effects.
d. Bovine Colostrum and Gastrointestinal health
 Review of irritable bowel syndrome, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, and its
etiology, including infective agents such as Shigella and Campylobacter. Infections of the gut are
difficult to treat because no antimicrobial therapy is available that is effective against Clostridia
spores. Only bovine colostrum has proven clinical efficacy in eradicating intestinal pathogens, such
as rotavirus, and may help control the infections seen in chronic disorders such as irritable bowel
syndrome due to the number of biologically active components in colostrum. The growth factors in
colostrum help heal intestinal erosions and ulcerations. It also contains anti-inflammatory factors
and is nutrient rich. Colostrum may be used alone or in combination with other anti-inflammatory
and/or immune substances.
Ref- Borody TJ, Surace R, Warren E. Tunnel vision in the bowel. Center for Digestive Diseases (2001)
 Factors in colostrum which promote the development of the GI tract in newborn infants also help
protect against such diseases as Crohn’s disease, colitis, necrotizing enterocolitis and diarrhea.
Ref- Carver JD, Barness LA. Trophic factors for the gastrointestinal tract. Clinical Perinatology 23(2):265-285 (1996).
 In an in vitro experimental study, colostrum stimulated intestinal cell growth and reestablished a
healthy epithelial layer following injury. In an in vivo experimental study, colostrum powder was
also shown to reduce gastric injury.
Ref- Gastrointestinal Inflammation and Repair Group, Imperial College, London (2003).
 NSAIDs given to animals have much the same effect as they do in humans, namely, increased
intestinal permeability, increased enteric bacteria levels, villous loss, and loss of enteric protein and
albumin. Supplementation with bovine colostrum reduced the increase in intestinal permeability,
the enteric bacteria overgrowth, the loss of proteins, and villous damage.
Ref- Kim JW, Jeon WK, Yun JW, Park DI, Cho YK, Sung IK, Sohn CI, Kim BI, Yeom JS, Park HS, Kim EJ, Shin MS. Protective effects of bovine
colostrum on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug induced intestinal damage in rats. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 14(1):103-107 (2005).
 Mammalian colostrum offers passive protection against a variety of microbial pathogens.
Preparations from immune milk and colostrum have proven effective in the prevention of various
gastroenteric infections without the risk of transferring disease from mother to infant.
Ref- Lilius EM, Marnila P. The role of colostral antibodies in prevention of microbial infections. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases14(3):295-300
 The proteins found in colostrum can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacilli
and Bifidobacteria in the gut.
Ref- Lonnerdal B. Nutritional and physiologic significance of human milk proteins. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 77(6):1537S-1543S (2003).
 Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs are effective against arthritis but cause gastrointestinal
injury. Taking colostrum prior to NSAIDs reduced gastric injury by up to 60%.
Ref- Playford RJ, Floyd DN, Macdonald CE, Calnan DP, Adenekan RO, Johnson W, Goodlad RA, Marchbank T. Bovine colostrum is a health food
supplement which prevents NSAID induced gut damage. Gut 44(5):653-658 (1999).
 Colostrum or peptides derived from it are useful for the treatment of a wide variety of
gastrointestinal conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease, NSAID-induced gut injury, and
chemotherapy-induced mucositis.
Ref- Playford RJ, MacDonald CE, Johnson WS. Colostrum and milk-derived peptide growth factors for the treatment of gastrointestinal
disorders. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 72(1):5-14 (2000).
 A bovine colostrum IgG concentrate specific against C. difficile resists digestion in the GI tract and
retains its toxin-A binding abiliity and neutralizing activity is retained.
Ref- Warny M, Fatimi A, Bostwick EF, Laine DC, Lebel F, LaMont JT, Pothoulakis C, Kelly CP. Bovine immunoglobulin concentrate-clostridium difficile
retains C difficile toxin neutralising activity after passage through the human stomach and small intestine. Gut 44(2):212-217 (1999).
 Bovine colostrum has higher amounts of immunoglobulins, growth factors, cytokines and
nucleosides than mature milk. It is also rich in oligosaccharides, antimicrobials, and immune-
regulating factors. Research indicates that colostrum can have a beneficial effect on improving
body composition, athletic performance, diarrhea (particularly in people with immune deficiency),
gastrointestinal disturbances, and infectious diseases.
Ref- Kelly GS. Bovine colostrums: a review of clinical uses. Alternative Medical Review 8(4):378-394 (2003).
 Polyamines, including spermidine, spermine and putrescine, are highly regulated polycations
involved in cell growth and differentiation. They play an important role in the maturation of the
newborn’s intestine. They are present in all mammalian milk and colostrum.
Ref- Löser C. Polyamines in human and animal milk. British Journal of Nutrition 84(Suppl 1):S55-8 (2000).
 Nucleosides, nucleotides and nucleobases are all present in colostrum and milk. They act as
regulators in the body. Nucleotides affect immune responses in infants. Nucleotides and
nucleosides contribute to iron absorption in the gut and influence saturation and elongation rates in
fatty acid synthesis. Ribonucleosides modulate cell proliferation and apoptosis (cell death).
Ref- Schlimme E, Martin D, Meisel H. Nucleosides and nucleotides: natural bioactive substances in milk and colostrum. British Journal of
Nutrition 84(Suppl 1):S59-S68 (2000).
e. Bovine Colostrum and Respiratory Health
 In dealing with something as elusive as the common cold or as invasive as influenza, the best
offense is a good defense. Coupling a nutritious diet with a program of exercise and routine
supplementation with high quality bovine colostrum is the best possible defense. As we age, our
immune system loses its ability to regulate itself and to respond to a challenge efficiently. This
occurs primarily because the thymus, a glandular structure in the upper chest that is considered the
seat of the immune system, begins to shrink after puberty and almost disappears by the time we
are 50-60 years old. T-lymphocytes (T-cells) are generated from stem cells in the bone marrow and
mature in the thymus. Some of these cells, called Killer T-lymphocytes, generate cell-mediated
responses and directly destroy abnormal cells that have specific sites on their surface that are
recognized by the Killer T- lymphocytes. Helper/Suppressor T-lymphocytes, a second type of cell,
regulate the immune system by controlling the strength and quality of every immune response. It
has been shown that the thymus can be restored to normal function by the growth factors in
colostrum. In addition, colostrum contains specific hormones that regulate the functions of the
thymus and other substances that help to keep the immune system under control and poised to
respond to possible infections before they become established
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7. Brock J; Lactoferrin: a multifunctional immune regulatory protein. Immunol Today 1995; 16(9):417-19.
8. Kussendrager KD, van Hooijdonk AC; Lactoperoxidase: physico-chemical properties, occurrence, mechanism of action and applications,
Brit J Nutr 2000; 84(Suppl 1):S19-25.
9. Gopal PK, Gill HS; Oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates in bovine milk and colostrum , Brit J Nutr 2000; 84(Suppl 1):S69-74.
f. Bovine Colostrum and Metabolic Diseases
 Both Types I and II diabetes have an associated genetic component through which individuals
appear to be predisposed. Diabetics also have low levels of IGF-1 in their circulation. Daily
supplementation of the diet of the diabetic patient with high quality first milking bovine colostrum will
provide a functional source for the restoration of diminished levels of IGF-1, resulting in increased
utilization of available glucose. This becomes extremely important for the Type I diabetic to assure
effective and controlled utilization of available glucose once is/her insulin levels are restored. In the
Type II diabetic, where sufficient insulin is available, it has been shown experimentally that
restoration of reduced IGF-1 levels results in an enhancement of glucose utilization with a
corresponding diminution of glucose levels in the blood and urine.
10. Spagnoli A, Chiarelli F, Vorwerk P, Boscherini B, Rosenfeld RG; Evaluation of the com ponents of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and
IGF binding protein (IGFBP) system in adolescents with t ype 1 diabetes and persistent m icroalbum inuria: relationship with increased
excretion of IGFBP - 3 18 kD N-term inal fragm ent, Clin Endocrinol 1999; 51(5): 587-96.
11. Thom as F; Increased weight gain, nitrogen retention and muscle protein synthesis following treatm ent of diabetic rats with IGF-1,
Biochem J 1991; 276(3): 547-54.
12. Skotiner V; Anabolic and tissue repair functions of recom binant insulinlike growth factors, Acta Pediat Scand 1990; 376: S63-6.
13. Steijns JM, van Hooijdonk AC; Occurrence, structure, biochem ical properties and technological characteristics of lactoferrin, Brit J Nutr
2000; 84(Suppl 1):S11-7.
g. Bovine Colostrum and Autoimmune Diseases
 Diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheumatoid arthritis, among others, are
complex clinical conditions with variable outcomes. All of the these diseases represent an immune
system that is out of control and could be restored and regulated through routine dietary
supplementation with a high quality first milking colostrum. As indicated above (see Respiratory
Diseases), as we age, our immune system loses its ability to regulate itself efficiently, primarily
because the thymus begins to shrink after puberty and essentially disappears by the time we are
50-60 years old.59,60,61 Scientific studies have shown that the thymus can be restored to normal
function by IGF-1 the levels of which diminish in the circulation with age. In addition, colostrum
contains a) specific hormones, the alpha and beta chains of thymosin, that are known to regulate
the functions of the thymus; and b) proline-rich peptide (PRP), a/k/a thymulin, that has been shown
to keep the immune system under control. It is also well documented that IGF-1 and the associated
Superfamily of proteins found in colostrum operate in concert with growth hormone in the
regeneration and repair of damaged cells.75 Routine dietary supplementation with high quality
bovine colostrum is, therefore, desirable for individuals afflicted with autoimmune diseases in order
to assure that sufficient levels of IGF-1 and growth hormone are continuously available in the
circulation. In addition, since IGF-1 is responsible for directing the conversion of glucose to
glycogen and glycogen is a primary metabolic energy resource, such dietary supplementation could
also help such individuals overcome the associated lethargy normally experienced with such
14. Nord J, et al; Treatment with bovine hyperimmune colostrum of cryptosporidial diarrhea in AIDS patients, AIDS 1990; 4(6):581-4.
15. Rum p JA, et al; Treatment of diarrhea in hum an immunodeficiency virus infected patients with immunoglobulins from bovine colostrum,
Clin Investig 1992; 70(7):588-94.
16. Kirkpatrick, CH; Activities and characteristics of transfer factors; Biotherapy 1996; 9(1-3): 13-16.
17. Kirkpatrick, CH; Transfer factors: identification of conserved sequences in transfer factor m olecules; Mol. Med. 2000 Apr.; 6(4): 332-41.
18. Lawrence, HS, Borkowsk y, W ; Transfer factor - current status and future prospects; Biotherap y 1996; 9(1-3):1-5.
h. Bovine Colostrum References
1. In a study by Antonio et al, he and his team examined the effect of 8 weeks of bovine
colostrum supplementation on body composition and exercise performance in active men
and women. There were two groups: a placebo/whey protein group and a bovine colostrum
group. The bovine colostrum group experienced a greater significant increase in lean body
mass than the whey protein group. From this study the scientists recommend that 8 weeks
or more of 20 grams of bovine colostrum will enhance lean muscle hypertrophy which will
further lead to increases in strength and power. This should be especially important and
significant for athletes or anyone interested in advanced human performance and
2. In a study by Mero et al their purpose was to examine the effects of bovine colostrum
supplementation on serum insulin-like growth factors (IGF-I), amino acids, and saliva
immunoglobulin concentrations during a strength and speed training period. In this study 9
male subjects were all either advanced sprinters or jumpers. All of them underwent 3
different conditions each lasting a period of 8 days but with a 13 day period between
conditions to eliminate factors from the previous condition. The three conditions were
identical in regards to the sprint and strength training with the only notable difference
amongst them being the type of drink/supplement consumed during the training period.
These conditions included a whey protein supplement, a low level bovine colostrum
supplement, and a high level bovine supplement containing 5 times the amount of colostrum
as the low level group. The results from this study showed a positive correlation between
IGF-I and levels of bovine colostrum. In other words high levels of bovine colostrum
produced the greatest increases in IGF-I. Also the low level bovine colostrum supplement
increased levels of IGF-F to a greater degree than the whey protein group. Finally, if bovine
colostrum can have such positive influence on IFG-I the authors reasonably speculated that
this supplement may have a tremendous effect on athletes due to the anabolic and muscle
building effects of IGF-I.
3. One of the more recent studies regarding bovine colostrum supplementation was again
conducted by Mero and his team of nutritional scientists. In this study the main goal was to
determine the effect of bovine colostrum on serum amino acid concentrations as well as
strength measurements. There were two conditions in which 12 active male subjects
underwent both treatments but with 1 month between each protocol. The two conditions
involved subjects ingesting either a 20 gram bovine colostrum supplement or a 20 gram
placebo/maltodextrin supplement. Measurements were taken before and after each
treatment to determine changes in amino acid concentrations and levels of strength. The
results from this study clearly showed that bovine colostrum produced significant increases
in essential amino acid concentrations within the muscles compared to no increases in the
placebo group. However there were no differences in strength in either group. The authors
theorized that the lack of increases in strength, specifically in the bovine colostrum condition
may be due to the 2 week duration of the study which is relatively short to induce significant
gains in strength.
4. In a study by Buckley et al (62) they examined the effects of bovine colostrum on peak
vertical jump power, peak cycle power, alactic anaerobic work capacity, resistance exercise
one-repetition maximum (1-RM), and plasma insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I)
concentrations. This was an 8 week study composed of 51 males subjects divided into two
groups: a placebo/whey protein group and a bovine colostrum group. Peak vertical jump and
peak anaerobic cycle power both significantly improved in the bovine colostrum group when
compared to the whey group. However, alactic anaerobic work capacity and resistance
exercise one-repetition max changed equally in both groups. Thus the authors noted that
bovine colostrum supplementation worked equally as well as traditional whey protein
powder for certain factors and was superior in eliciting changes in other factors such as
anaerobic power. Simply put, bovine colostrum supplementation during training significantly
increased peak anaerobic power and vertical jump, but had no effect on alactic anaerobic
work capacity, 1RM, or plasma IGF-I when compared to the control/whey protein group.
5. Although many studies have examined human subjects in a laboratory setting, few have
dealt solely with athletic subjects on the playing field especially at the higher level. Hofman
et al did just this. He examined the effect of 8 weeks of supplementation with bovine
colostrum on body composition and exercise performance (5 x 10-m sprint, vertical jump,
shuttle-run test, and suicide test) in elite field hockey players. Seventeen female and 18
male elite field hockey players, including players from the Dutch national team, received
either 60g of colostrum or whey protein daily. The sprint test improved significantly in the
colostrum group versus the placebo/whey group while there was also a slight increase in the
vertical jump performance test for the bovine colostrum group. However, there was no
significant change in body composition or endurance between the two groups. Therefore it
was concluded by the authors of this study that bovine colostrum supplementation may
cause significant improvements in anaerobic power output and explosive capabilities in elite
6. Although most studies have found bovine colostrum to be of great aid to power and strength
athletes little has been found or studied in regards to long term endurance performance.
Coombes et al decided to clarify this issue by conducting his own study in which bovine
colostrum was tested on endurance cyclists. In this study there were 42 competitive cyclists
who were randomly divided into three groups and required to consume either 20g a day of
bovine colostrum + 40g whey protein concentrate, 60g of bovine colostrum, or 60g of whey
protein/placebo group. It appears that either of the bovine colostrum protocols elicited
significant gains over the placebo/whey protein group. In other words, the cyclists improved
their two hour time trials by reducing their time by 2-3 minutes over the placebo group. Of
interesting note is that the group which combined 20 grams of bovine colostrum with whey
protein experienced superior outcomes over the group that consumed 60 gram of only
bovine colostrum. Their times were on the average of 30 seconds faster than the 60 grams
bovine colostrum group. Thus it can be surmised that bovine colostrum combined with high
quality whey protein elicits the greatest gains in human performance.
7. Of similar interest to endurance athletes is a study by Shing et al in which he investigated
the influence of low dose bovine colostrum supplementation on exercise performance in
cyclists over a 10 week period that also included 5 days of high intensity training. There
were two groups: a bovine colostrum group which consumed 10 grams a day or a
placebo/whey protein group. High intensity training was not performed until seven weeks
into the endurance program as a means to further improve the cyclist's time trials. The
results before high intensity training during the first seven weeks showed no change.
However, as soon as the five day period of high intensity training was added there was a
significant change between the two groups. The benefits of the bovine colostrum group
although complex and highly scientific were: a 1.9±2.2% improvement from baseline in time
trail performances, a 2.3±6.0% overall increase in time trial intensity (%VO2max), and
maintenance of time trial heart rate (2.5±3.7%). In addition, bovine colostrum
supplementation prevented a decrease in ventilatory threshold following the high intensity
period of training (4.6±4.6%). Simply put, these numbers illustrate how the athletes were
able to improve endurance time trials by slightly altering their physiological makeup with
proper supplementation of bovine colostrum and training. It also appears that bovine
colostrum enhanced the ventilatory system and cardiopulmonary processes by helping them
work more efficiently.
i. Summary and Recommendation
 Although there are a relatively few number of research studies performed on bovine colostrum all of
them show empirical evidence of aiding athletic performance. It appears that strength and muscle mass
increases are the most evident results of bovine colostrum supplementation. Some of the other noted
benefits associated with bovine colostrum supplementation include: increased IGF-1 levels, increased
hormone levels, increased peak anaerobic power and vertical jump, reduced endurance times, and
enhanced ventilatory system and cardiopulmonary processes by helping individuals work more
efficiently. It should be noted that bovine colostrum's powerful effect on increasing IGF-1 levels is so
prominent that the NCAA has banned its supplementation for its athletes. Therefore collegiate athletes
should avoid using this product. However, professional athletes may find it highly advantageous to their
1. Gopal PK, Gill HS. Oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates in bovine milk and colostrum. Br J Nutr. 2000; 84: S69-S74.
2. Kelly, G. Bovine Colostrum: A Review of Clinical Uses. Alternative Medicine Review. 2003: Volume 8, Number 4. 378-394.
3. Antonio J, Sanders MS, Van Gammeren D. The effects of bovine colostrum supplementation on body composition and exercise performance in active men and
women. Nutrition. 2001 Mar; 17(3): 243-7.
4. Mero A, Miikkulainen H, Riski J, Pakkanen R, Aalto J, and Takala T. Effects of bovine colostrum supplementation on serum IGF-I, IgG, hormone, and saliva IgA
during training. Journal of Applied Physiology: EXERCISE AND MUSCLE. October 1997. Vol.83, No. 4, 1144-1151.
5. Mero A, Nykanen T, Keinanen O, Knuutinen J, Lahti K, Alen M, Rasi S, Leppaluoto J. Protein metabolism and strength performance after bovine colostrum
supplementation. Amino Acids. 2005 May; 28(3): 327-35.
6. Baechle, T., Earle, R., Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. National Strength and Conditioning Association. 2000.
7. Buckley JD, Brinkworth GD, Abbott MJ. Effect of bovine colostrum on anaerobic exercise performance and plasma insulin-like growth factor I. J Sports Sci. 2003
Jul; 21(7): 577-88.
8. What Doctors say about Colostrum?
1. “Probiotics and Colostrum” by Dr. Albert Snow
“Many people take Probiotics without realizing that it is essential to also take colostrum along with
it. Probiotics and colostrum truly go hand in hand. This article will explain why it is so essential to take the
two together. If you are looking to relieve issues like colitis or chronic diarrhea, don’t skimp on taking the
two together. The key to taking these is in knowing which ones to take for the individual & their unique
needs. Taking the wrong ones can at best do nothing & at worst- make you sick. Just one example is if the
person taking either one of these is lactose intolerant. Also there is often times the need to take different
ones at different stages of the treatment. It can get complicated.
The fact is that probiotics are useless without colostrum. They will just go “in one door and out the
other.” Why spend your money on probiotics if they will just be immediately leaving your system? The
reason why colostrum is so essential is that it allows the probiotics to stick to the inner surface of the GI
tissue. This process enables the probiotics to remain permanently in your gut, instead of quickly just
leaving your body.
Of course, if you take antibiotics at any point during your life, this will kill off the friendly bacteria regardless
of whether you have taken it with colostrum or not. In this case, you will need to repeat the cycle over
again from the start and begin a new course of probiotics with colostrum. Different antibiotics require
different probiotics to replace the specific strains that were killed off.
When you were first breastfed, this developed the mucosal lining in your body. This lining is so powerful
that it can last a person’s whole life if he or she doesn’t take antibiotics. Of course, if you were never
breastfed, you will need to take colostrum and probiotics to get this necessary ingredient into your
system. When people are fed soy formulas, they are put at a major disadvantage as far as their health is
The fact is that colostrum helps to repair a wide variety of gastrointestinal issues. Oftentimes people take
probiotics for issues like chronic diarrhea treatment or colitis cures and then is disappointed that this
supplementation doesn’t work. When that is the case, the sufferer needs to remember how essential it is
to take the correct colostrum-with the correct probiotic.”
2. “We are so excited about the results we are having from the colostrum. Here are four wonderful
healing results we have to share with you. There are a lot more that will be using this colostrum. This
truly is a wonderful product for those who are fighting to regain health and wholeness. Please share
these healing testimonies with others who need healing.
One young 12 year old boy in California was suffering from a severe case of mucosa colitis and losing
weight. He was literally dying. His doctor was planning surgery to remove his colon. His father called
me and asked what could be done naturally. I recommended that he start taking double doses of
colostrum. After 5 days, the bleeding from the rectum ceased, and within 7 days he began to have
normal bowel movements. From that point on he has gained 32 pounds of weight. His parents were
most delighted to see the change.”
By- Michael McCann, ND. McCann Wellness Center Cottage Grove, Minnesota.
3. “Scientists have long known about the increased resistance of breast-fed babies to certain infections,
particularly to intestinal disorders. However, because of changing cultural values, many post-war
mothers didn’t breast-feed their babies, and now many of these grown-up babies are dealing with
prevalent and difficult-to-treat immune-compromised conditions. Part of this problem is due to the
breakdown of the environment and the nutrient-deficient food we eat. Furthermore, many older people
have fragile immune systems due to a multiplicity of factors, including stress, illness, viruses, diseases,
toxin-laden food and polluted air. Colostrum may well be one of the most important immune system
nutrients to come along in the last 50 years, since more and more illnesses and disease conditions are
linked to a suppressed or compromised immune system.”
By- James Wilson, DC, ND, PhD
4. “[Colostrum's] oral administration, low cost when compared to other current experimental biologic
response modulators, and the absence of side effects are remarkable... To us, as clinicians, the most
valuable aspect of this new therapeutic alternative is its almost miraculous effect on pain
relief...something humanity has always longed for.”
By- Alejandro Nitsch, MD, Guatemala
5. “Bovine colostrum rebuilds the immune system, destroys viruses, bacteria... and fungi, accelerates
healing of all body tissue, helps lose weight, burn fat, increase bone and lean muscle mass, and slows
down and even reverses aging. Colostrum plays a therapeutic role in AIDS, cancer, heart disease,
diabetes, autoimmune diseases, allergies, herpes, bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections, gingivitis,
colds, the flu, and much more. Colostrum has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and
provides many vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids”
By- Daniel G. Clark, MD
6. “I have a number of patients who are arthritic, and bovine colostrum dispensed for the treatment of
rheumatoid and osteoarthritis has provided them with amazingly good results. One small-boned elderly
gentleman who was terribly overweight did suffer in total agony from rheumatoid arthritis. He could
hardly walk. I put him on colostrum, about a bottle of 120 capsules per week, and he soon reached the
point where he could walk without pain even though he did not lose the weight.
I used bovine colostrum for the arthritic treatment of my 56 year-old mother. Her left knee exhibited a
lot of inflammation as the result of having been damaged in a prior automobile accident. I had tried a
number of different therapies such as shark cartilage and MSM without success, but when I added the
bovine colostrum she was pain free in three days. She now takes it religiously.
In Mexico, my staff and I do a lot of work with cancer, and two-thirds of my cancer patients are taking
colostrum. About half of my patients are poverty-stricken, and I stretch my resources to help them by
dispensing colostrum to them at little or no cost. For those who can afford it, I typically have them take
five or more 480 milligram capsules a day – that’s over 2000 mg. Colostrum really does seem to make
a beneficial difference for my cancer patients. They have more energy, and it keeps down some of
their infections as a complication of the illness.
I am giving colostrum to hepatitis C patients. One of these people living in Northern California who
found it impossible to come to Mexico consulted me by telephone. His situation was really serious
because he had a hepatitis C viral load of 8 million. I put together a protocol for him of bovine
colostrum, calcium orotate, reduced glutathione and protease enzymes. Within two months, this patient
returned for laboratory testing and discovered that his hepatitis viral load had plummeted to 100. Since
the patient did not take treatment with anything else, this is convincing proof to me that bovine
colostrum works synergistically in a combined nutritional protocol. I’ve gone on to successfully treat
many more cases of hepatitis C.”
By- Stephen Hynes, ND, Dr. Hynes runs a clinic in Ciudad Acuna, Mexico
For More Information on Colostrum, Refer-
For the First Time in India
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 Most Beneficial Probiotic Bacteria
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Benefits of colostrum powder – Bovine ColostrumBenefits of colostrum powder – Bovine Colostrum
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Colostrum full

  • 1. Colostrum Overview (Reference File) By- Chintan Chavda
  • 2. Colostrum Overview 1. What is colostrum?  Colostrum is the pre-milk liquid that mothers produce at birth. Commonly referred to as "baby's first milk" and “biologic soup,” colostrum is the leftover mixture of materials present in the mammary gland and ducts at delivery. It slowly becomes mixed with newly secreted milk, yet it differs from mature milk in composition and is not as plentiful.  Breasts produce colostrum beginning during pregnancy and continuing through the early days of breastfeeding. This special milk is yellow to orange in color and thick and sticky.  It is low in fat, and high in carbohydrates, protein, and antibodies to help keep your baby healthy.  Colostrum is extremely easy to digest, and is therefore the perfect first food for your baby. It is low in volume (measurable in teaspoons rather than ounces), but high in concentrated nutrition for the newborn. It is full of immune-enhancing antibodies, other important immune factors, and essential growth factors to ensure health and vitality for adults and children. Colostrum versus Whole milk (Ref- Feeding and Nutrition, Publ. by Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Issued May 1990) Specification Colostrum (1st milking) Whole milk (11th milking) Total solids (%) 23 13 Total Protein (%) 14 4 Casein (%) 4.8 2.5 Immunoglobulins (%) 6 0.09 Fat (%) 6.7 4 Lactose (%) 2.7 4.9 Minerals (%) 1 0.74 2. What makes Bovine colostrum so beneficial?  There are over 90 known components in colostrum. The primary components, divided into two classes, are immune factors and growth factors. Colostrum also contains a precise balance of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. All of these factors work together in perfect synergy to restore and maintain health.  Colostrum's Immune Factors :  Immune Factors in colostrum have been shown to help the body fight off harmful invaders such as viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungus. Each factor plays a specific role in our bodys defense
  • 3. against these attackers. In addition, colostrum contains over 20 antibodies to specific pathogens including E coli, salmonella, rotavirus, candida, streptococcus, staphylococcus, H pylori, and cryptosporidia.  In addition to immunoglobulins, medical studies show that PRP in colostrum also supports an under active immune system. PRP also helps balance an overactive immune system present in autoimmune diseases. Colostrums’ Growth Factors :  Growth Factors help build and restore bone, muscle, nerve tissue, connective tissue, skin and cartilage. These factors have also been shown to help increase lean muscle, help the body burn fat for fuel, and assist in wound healing. Growth factors have also been shown to help slow the signs of aging. Colostrums’ growth factors may:  Affect the brain's mood regulating chemicals to brighten our moods. (Serotonin & dopamine)  Assist in regeneration and improve normal growth of aged or injured muscle, bone, cartilage, skin collagen and nerve tissue.  Help burn fat for fuel instead of muscle tissue in times of fasting (diet), and build & retain lean muscle (non-diet).  Assist the internal regulation of blood glucose levels and "brain chemicals", supporting alertness and better concentration.  Support healing skin when applied topically  Repair our body's precious RNA and DNA.  Other Beneficial Components :  Vitamins and Minerals are nutrients that are essential for normal metabolism, growth and development. They act as coenzymes, enabling chemical process to take place throughout the body. Vitamins and minerals are indispensable for the maintenance of health.  Amino Acids are the building blocks of proteins. They are required for growth and development. Amino acids are divided into essential (not produced by the body) and nonessential (can be produced by the body). Known Components of Bovine Colostrum 1. Immune Factors - Immunoglobulins: - Antibodies  IgG - Neutralizes toxins and other invaders; including viruses and bacteria  IgM - Destroys bacteria, controls antibody response  IgD - Antiviral, prevents hemolytic disease in infants  IgE - Involved in regulating allergic response  IgA - Highly antiviral and antibacterial, prevents infection  Secretory IgA (SigA) - Found in mucous membranes, helps protect against infection
  • 4.  IgA Specific Helper - Stimulates the production of IgA  Lactoferrin - Powerful antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory  Lactoferrin-Fe - Iron chelator  Transferrin - Binds and transports iron  Glycoproteins: - (Including Protease and Trypsin Inhibitors) Protect components from destruction by stomach acids  Lactalbumin - Raises brain serotonin levels, improves mood under stress  Multimeric a-Lactalbumin - Shown to cause lung cancer cells to create selective suicide (apoptopsis)  Cytokines - (Including Interleukins, Interferon Y, Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF), and Lymphokines) Antiviral, anti-tumor (stimulates death of some tumors), increase T-cell activity, responsible for regulation and intensity of immune response, stimulate production of immunoglobulins  Proline-Rich Polypeptide (PRP) - Regulates the activity of the immune system  Lysozymes - Help protect body from bacterial infection, topical antibiotic  Gamma Globulin - Resists infection  B Lactoglobulin - Antibody, protein  Complement 3 & 4 (C3 & C4) - Proteins that activate the complement of the immune system  Kappa Casein - Glycoprotein that protects against the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers  Alpha 2-AP glycoprotein  Alpha 1- antitrypsin - Inhibitor of trypsin  Alpha 2- macroglobulin - Function as hormonal transporters  Orosomucoids - Alpha-1 protein in plasma  Prealbumin - Precursor to albumin  Albumin - Contains essential amino acids  Oligosaccharides - Complex carbohydrates, help prevent lung inflammations and ear infection  Non Specific Inhibitors (NSI's) - Factors that inhibit a wide range of respiratory illness 2. Growth Factors  Epithelial Growth Factor (EGF) - Helps protect and maintain the skin  Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) - Enhances wound healing and tissue repair  Insulin-like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) - Increases lean muscle mass, helps repair DNA and RNA, anti-aging, may regulate blood-sugar and cholesterol levels  Insulin-like Growth Factor II (IGF-II) - Affects how the body uses fat and protein  Growth Hormone (GH) - Regulates growth, decreases signs of aging  Transforming Growth Factor - a (TGF- a) - Assists in formation and healing of connective tissue, bone and cartilage  Transforming Growth Factor - b (TGF - b) - Helps repair tissue, supports growth of the lining of the gut. Shown to produce cell destruction in certain human cancers.  Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF) - Stimulates growth of connective tissue, plays a role in wound healing and helps with cell division and neuron survival and regeneration  Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) - Stimulates release of follicle-stimulating hormone, gonadotropic substances and treats endometriosis  Prolactin - Similar to Growth Hormone  Insulin - Responsible for proper metabolism of blood sugar
  • 5.  Sulfur - An important building block of proteins 3. Vitamins and Other Nutrients  Vitamin B6 - Produces serotonin, utilization of amino acids  Vitamin B12 - Normal development of red blood cells  Vitamin E - Antioxidant, supports wound healing and immune function  Vitamin A (from carotene) - Resistance to infections, maintains cell integrity  Vitamin C - Antioxidant, immune system support  Thiamin (Vitamin B1) - Metabolism of carbohydrates, energy  Folic Acid - Cell replication and tissue growth  Pantothenic Acid - Metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and protein  Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) - Energy production, tissue repair, healthy eyes  Beta-carotene - Antioxidant  Glycoconjugates - Carbohydrates that link to lipids and proteins  Glycogen - Converts into glucose when needed by tissues  Retinoic Acid - Metabolite of Vitamin A, used in treatment of acne 4. Minerals  Calcium - Maintains strong, healthy bones, activates enzymes  Chromium - Glucose metabolism disorders, body fat reduction  Iron - Oxygen transport and storage, energy, immune support  Magnesium - Muscle relaxation, assists with psychiatric disorders  Phosphorus - Strengthens bones and teeth  Potassium - Lowers blood pressure, maintains fluid balance in cells  Sodium - Cell membrane integrity, plays important role in nerve function  Zinc - Synthesis of DNA and RNA, activates Vitamin A 5. Essential Amino Acids  Isoleucine - Assists in muscle development & repair, helps regulate blood sugar  Leucine - Involved in muscle repair, wound healing and hormone production  Histidine - Involved in growth and tissue repair  Methionine - Antioxidant, collagen synthesis, helps prevent arterial fat buildup  Lysine - Aids in calcium absorption, helps regulate antibody and enzyme production  Threonine - Stimulates antibody production  Phenylalanine - Assists neurotransmitter function, increases "feel good" chemicals in brain  Valine - Regulates energy, aids growth and repair of muscle tissue  Tryptophan - Stimulates niacin production, precursor for serotonin 6. Nonessential Amino Acids  Arginine - Stimulates GH, immune function, promotes wound healing and muscle growth  Cystine - An antioxidant involved in collagen synthesis  Glutanic Acid - Helps transport potassium to the brain, implicated in neurological conditions
  • 6.  Alanine - Involved in glucose metabolism  Tyrosine - Regulate mood, may improve memory, appetite suppressant  Glycine - Helps decrease muscle wasting, aids in glycogen storage  Proline - Aids in wound healing and collagen synthesis  Aspartic Acid - Helps synthesis of DNA, RNA, Ig and antibodies, involved in energy metabolism  Serine - Involved in fat metabolism and muscle growth, noted moisturizer 7. Additional Factors Found in Colostrum  Beta 2- microglobulin - Components of many cell membranes including leukocytes  Enzymes - Induce chemical changes in the body  Haemopexin - Iron-binding protein  Haptoglobulin - Glycoproteins that aid the recycling of iron  Lactoperoxidase - An antioxidant  Orotic Acid - Precursor to certain nucleotides  Peroxidase - Transfers oxygen to tissues, helps prevent free radical damage  Xanthine Oxidase Enzyme - Enzyme involved in conversion of hypoxanthine to xanthine  Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus Bifidus - Help restore a supportive bacterial environment in the body. 3. How Does Colostrum Work?  Colostrum is highly beneficial in the unique manner in which it provides the body with its numerous immune and growth factors. Most infectious disease-causing organisms enter the body through the mucous membranes of the intestinal tract. In order to remain healthy, it is critical that we are able to combat disease-causing organisms, such as bacteria and viruses, as well as environmental toxins, contaminants and allergens where they attack us.  Clinical research by Dr. David Tyrell in England, published in 1981, revealed that a high percentage of the antibodies and immunoglobulins present in colostrum are believed not to be absorbed but remain in the intestinal tract where they attack disease causing organisms before they can penetrate the body and cause disease. The remainder are absorbed and distributed to assist in our internal defense processes. It is this combination of action that makes colostrum as unique and effective as an oral supplement. 4. Bovine Colostrum for New Born  When baby is breastfed early and often, breasts will begin producing mature milk around the third or fourth day after birth. Milk will then increase in volume and will generally begin to appear thinner and whiter (more opaque) in color. In those first few days it is extremely important to breastfeed newborn at least 8-12 times each 24 hours and more often is even better. This allows baby to get all the benefits of the colostrum and also stimulates production of a plentiful supply of mature milk. Frequent breastfeeding also helps prevent engorgement.  Colostrum provides not only perfect nutrition tailored to the needs of the newborn, but also large amounts of living cells which will defend the baby against many harmful agents. The concentration of immune factors is much higher in colostrum than in mature milk.
  • 7.  Colostrum actually works as a natural and 100% safe vaccine. It contains large quantities of an antibody called secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) which is a new substance to the newborn. Before the baby was born, Baby received the benefits of another antibody, called IgG, through your placenta. IgG worked through the baby's circulatory system, but IgA protects the baby in the places most likely to come under attack from germs, namely the mucous membranes in the throat, lungs, and intestines.  Colostrum has an especially important role to play in the baby's gastrointestinal tract. A newborn's intestines are very permeable. Colostrum seals the holes by "painting" the gastrointestinal tract with a barrier which mostly prevents foreign substances from penetrating and possibly sensitizing a baby to foods the mother has eaten.  Colostrum also contains high concentrations of leukocytes, protective white cells which can destroy disease-causing bacteria and viruses.  The colostrum gradually changes to mature milk during the first two weeks after birth. During this transition, the concentrations of the antibodies in milk decrease, but milk volume greatly increases. The disease-fighting properties of human milk do not disappear with the colostrum. In fact, as long as your baby receives milk, Baby will receive immunological protection against many different viruses and bacteria. 5. Is Bovine Colostrum Safe and Effective in Human?  Research has shown that bovine colostrum is easily assimilate by humans and is up to 40 times richer in immune factors than human colostrum. Also, the research shows that only cows’ colostrum contains special glycoproteins and protease inhibitors which are extremely effective at protecting the destruction of colostrum’s active components by adult human digestive enzymes and stomach acids.  And bovine colostrum is safe for consumption by humans. According to Dr. Robert Preston with the International Institute of Nutritional Research, “Colostrum is so safe; it has been prepared by nature as the first food for infants. It would be hard to imagine any nutritional substance more natural or beneficial.”  There have been no contra-indications, side effects or allergies reported through thousands of years of human use of bovine colostrum. And this superfood creates no problems for those with lactose intolerance.  Yes, only colostrum from dairy cows has been shown to be safe, natural, effective and biologically transferable for human use.  Bovine colostrum is not a drug: It is a safe, natural, non-allergenic food, taken by humans to treat and heal dozens of conditions- plus help create new levels of vitality and well being.
  • 8.  To insure a pure, unadulterated product (colostrum) cows should be pasture-fed on grass that has not been treated with pesticide, herbicide, or fungicide. They should not be subjected to courses of antibiotics, steroids, and growth hormones as are most other dairy cows. These substances contaminate the colostrum and milk of cows, in addition to posing potential health risks to those who ingest the milk or colostrum, render the colostrum less effective.  When cows feed on naturally raised pasture, they are exposed to a great variety of naturally occurring disease causing organisms, which allows them to develop natural immunity, which is then passed on in their colostrum.  Bovine colostrum contains substances that are effective against many of the different microorganisms that are now resistant to the antibiotics on the market  Bovine colostrum is not species specific. That means it can be consumed safely by every mammal, including humans. In particular, the molecular structure of the immune and growth factors in bovine colostrum is very similar to those found in humans. In a sense, cows are universal donors of colostrum. 6. Does bovine colostrum have any side effects?  Colostrum is a high-protein, low fat and reduced lactose dairy product, as a result lactose- intolerant individuals generally experience no problems and some even report that colostrum helps with their condition. If you can drink milk without any problem then you can probably take colostrum. Some individuals may experience a mild gastrointestinal distress or a bloated feeling, which can be avoided by lowering the dose. If this reaction continues however then it is best to discontinue the colostrum treatment. However, as with all health supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your doctor in the first instance. Colostrum used naturally contains low levels of lactose and during processing these are reduced further 7. Health benefits/Application of Bovine colostrum a. Bovine Colostrum Studies on Athletic Performance  The Journal of Sports Medicine, September, 2006, reports that bovine colostrums helped male distance cyclists retain more energy following a bout of intensive training. These cyclists who used bovine colostrums performed at a higher level with fewer signs of fatigue during tests taken after their five days of intensive training.  The European Journal of Nutrition, August, 2003, reports an investigation of whether concentrated bovine colostrum affected the incidence or duration of self-reported symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections in adult males. Based on self-reports in a double blind, placebo controlled study, preliminary evidence was found that concentrated bovine colostrum protein may enhance resistance to the development of symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection.
  • 9.  The Journal of Sports Science, July, 2003 reports a study examining the effects of bovine colostrum on peak vertical jump power, peak cycle power, alactic anaerobic work capacity, resistance exercise one-repetition maxima, and plasma insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) concentrations.  This randomized, double-blind, placebo, controlled, parallel design study concluded that bovine colostrum supplementation during training significantly increased peak anaerobic power, but had no effect on alactic anaerobic work capacity. b. Bovine Colostrums and Distal Colitis  The Ailmentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, November, 2002, reports a study designed to examine the efficacy of colostrum enemas in the treatment of distal colitis during a randomized, double-blind, controlled protocol. Fourteen patients with a mean age of 45 and mild to moderately severe distal colitis were given colostrum enema or placebo for 4 weeks. Both groups also received mesalazine initially or as an increased dosage. After the 4 weeks, the colostrum group showed a mean reduction in symptoms of -2.9, while the placebo group showed a mean response of +0.5. Researchers concluded that bovine colostrums enema shows potential as a novel therapy for left-side d colitis with an additional benefits over using me sala zine alone. c. Bovine Colostrums and Drug-Induced Intestinal Permeability  The June, 2001 edition of Clinical Science reports that the use of non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) cause gastrointestinal injury. Bovine colostrum is a cheap, readily available source of growth factors, which reduces gastrointestinal injury in rats and mice. Researchers hypothesized that colostrum could reduce the rise in gut permeability caused by NSAIDs in volunteers and patients taking NSAIDs for clinical reasons. Two studies were performed, the first on the healthy volunteers, and the second on the NSAIDs patients. In the first group, no increased gut permeability was seen when colostrum was co-administered with NSAID indomethacin. Indomethacin alone caused a 3-fold increase in gut permeability. In the second group, permeability was not influenced by co-administration of test solutions. Researchers concluded that bovine colostrum may provide a novel approach to the prevention of NSAID induced gastrointestinal damage in humans.  Bovine colostrum is rich sources of various growth factors. While the concentration of the growth factors present has been incompletely defined, IGF I and II, TGF-β, and epidermal growth factor (EGF) have been identified in Bovine colostrum. Since these growth factors are capable of stimulating growth and repair processes within the gastrointestinal tract (GI), two studies have been conducted to determine what effect, if any, dietary supplementation might have on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-induced GI inflammation and permeability. Bovine colostrum utilized in the two trials contained approximately 43 g/L protein content (primarily consisting of Ig) and the following growth factor profile (values are approximations): IGF-I and II 2 mg/L, TGF-β 25 µg/L, and EGF 6 µg/L. The preliminary results obtained suggest benefits for persons acutely exposed to NSAIDs; however, BC did not appear to provide any GI benefits among persons chronically utilizing NSAIDs.
  • 10.  In an initial study conducted in rats, supplementation with Bovine colostrum resulted in a dose- dependent reduction in the amount of GI damage caused by indomethacin. A milk solution used as a placebo was not effective. As a result of the positive outcome, a study on the effects of Bovine colostrum on NSAID-induced intestinal permeability in humans was conducted. A milk whey solution with similar protein content but lacking growth factors was used as a placebo. Prior to commencing the studies, the Bovine colostrum preparation was tested against the placebo to determine whether either an effect on intestinal permeability had. The five days of supplementation did not have an effect on baseline intestinal permeability values in persons not taking NSAIDs.  In the first study, seven males, following an initial baseline permeability assessment, supplemented their diets with 125 mL Bovine colostrum or whey placebo three times daily for seven days. Indomethacin was introduced on days 3-7. After completing this arm of the trial, a two-week washout period was followed by a second arm of the trial in which participants receiving the active intervention were switched to the placebo, while those receiving the placebo received active treatment. Permeability increased approximately threefold in response to indomethacin in the participants taking the whey placebo while no significant increase in intestinal permeability was observed when the Bovine colostrum preparation was co- administered with indomethacin.  In the second study, 15 persons taking NSAIDs (ibuprofen, piroxicam, voltarol, or naproxen) for at least one year were randomized to receive either 125 mL Bovine colostrum or placebo three times daily for seven days with a two-week washout period between study arms. Baseline permeability assessments were lower in these persons than in volunteers in the previous trial (who were not taking NSAIDs chronically). No significant effect of either the active or placebo treatment was observed.  Consistent with results of the first study, short-term treatment with NSAIDs has previously been shown to increase intestinal permeability. However, conflicting reports on the impact of chronic long-term use of NSAIDs on intestinal permeability exist. Struthers et al, consistent with previous observations, have reported low intestinal permeability with long-term NSAID use, while Sigthorsson et al reported an approximate two-fold increase. Currently no explanation exists for these disparate observations. While short-term doses of NSAIDs appear to consistently increase intestinal permeability, it is possible that long-term use of NSAIDs results in an adaptation response by the small intestine, at least in certain individuals. Irrespective of the explanation, BC appear to hold promise as a dietary addition in persons beginning NSAIDs, but not for persons chronically taking NSAIDs while being free of adverse GI effects. d. Bovine Colostrum and Gastrointestinal health  Review of irritable bowel syndrome, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, and its etiology, including infective agents such as Shigella and Campylobacter. Infections of the gut are difficult to treat because no antimicrobial therapy is available that is effective against Clostridia spores. Only bovine colostrum has proven clinical efficacy in eradicating intestinal pathogens, such as rotavirus, and may help control the infections seen in chronic disorders such as irritable bowel
  • 11. syndrome due to the number of biologically active components in colostrum. The growth factors in colostrum help heal intestinal erosions and ulcerations. It also contains anti-inflammatory factors and is nutrient rich. Colostrum may be used alone or in combination with other anti-inflammatory and/or immune substances. Ref- Borody TJ, Surace R, Warren E. Tunnel vision in the bowel. Center for Digestive Diseases (2001)  Factors in colostrum which promote the development of the GI tract in newborn infants also help protect against such diseases as Crohn’s disease, colitis, necrotizing enterocolitis and diarrhea. Ref- Carver JD, Barness LA. Trophic factors for the gastrointestinal tract. Clinical Perinatology 23(2):265-285 (1996).  In an in vitro experimental study, colostrum stimulated intestinal cell growth and reestablished a healthy epithelial layer following injury. In an in vivo experimental study, colostrum powder was also shown to reduce gastric injury. Ref- Gastrointestinal Inflammation and Repair Group, Imperial College, London (2003).  NSAIDs given to animals have much the same effect as they do in humans, namely, increased intestinal permeability, increased enteric bacteria levels, villous loss, and loss of enteric protein and albumin. Supplementation with bovine colostrum reduced the increase in intestinal permeability, the enteric bacteria overgrowth, the loss of proteins, and villous damage. Ref- Kim JW, Jeon WK, Yun JW, Park DI, Cho YK, Sung IK, Sohn CI, Kim BI, Yeom JS, Park HS, Kim EJ, Shin MS. Protective effects of bovine colostrum on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug induced intestinal damage in rats. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 14(1):103-107 (2005).  Mammalian colostrum offers passive protection against a variety of microbial pathogens. Preparations from immune milk and colostrum have proven effective in the prevention of various gastroenteric infections without the risk of transferring disease from mother to infant. Ref- Lilius EM, Marnila P. The role of colostral antibodies in prevention of microbial infections. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases14(3):295-300 (2001).  The proteins found in colostrum can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria in the gut. Ref- Lonnerdal B. Nutritional and physiologic significance of human milk proteins. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 77(6):1537S-1543S (2003).  Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs are effective against arthritis but cause gastrointestinal injury. Taking colostrum prior to NSAIDs reduced gastric injury by up to 60%. Ref- Playford RJ, Floyd DN, Macdonald CE, Calnan DP, Adenekan RO, Johnson W, Goodlad RA, Marchbank T. Bovine colostrum is a health food supplement which prevents NSAID induced gut damage. Gut 44(5):653-658 (1999).  Colostrum or peptides derived from it are useful for the treatment of a wide variety of gastrointestinal conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease, NSAID-induced gut injury, and chemotherapy-induced mucositis. Ref- Playford RJ, MacDonald CE, Johnson WS. Colostrum and milk-derived peptide growth factors for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 72(1):5-14 (2000).  A bovine colostrum IgG concentrate specific against C. difficile resists digestion in the GI tract and retains its toxin-A binding abiliity and neutralizing activity is retained. Ref- Warny M, Fatimi A, Bostwick EF, Laine DC, Lebel F, LaMont JT, Pothoulakis C, Kelly CP. Bovine immunoglobulin concentrate-clostridium difficile retains C difficile toxin neutralising activity after passage through the human stomach and small intestine. Gut 44(2):212-217 (1999).
  • 12.  Bovine colostrum has higher amounts of immunoglobulins, growth factors, cytokines and nucleosides than mature milk. It is also rich in oligosaccharides, antimicrobials, and immune- regulating factors. Research indicates that colostrum can have a beneficial effect on improving body composition, athletic performance, diarrhea (particularly in people with immune deficiency), gastrointestinal disturbances, and infectious diseases. Ref- Kelly GS. Bovine colostrums: a review of clinical uses. Alternative Medical Review 8(4):378-394 (2003).  Polyamines, including spermidine, spermine and putrescine, are highly regulated polycations involved in cell growth and differentiation. They play an important role in the maturation of the newborn’s intestine. They are present in all mammalian milk and colostrum. Ref- Löser C. Polyamines in human and animal milk. British Journal of Nutrition 84(Suppl 1):S55-8 (2000).  Nucleosides, nucleotides and nucleobases are all present in colostrum and milk. They act as regulators in the body. Nucleotides affect immune responses in infants. Nucleotides and nucleosides contribute to iron absorption in the gut and influence saturation and elongation rates in fatty acid synthesis. Ribonucleosides modulate cell proliferation and apoptosis (cell death). Ref- Schlimme E, Martin D, Meisel H. Nucleosides and nucleotides: natural bioactive substances in milk and colostrum. British Journal of Nutrition 84(Suppl 1):S59-S68 (2000). e. Bovine Colostrum and Respiratory Health  In dealing with something as elusive as the common cold or as invasive as influenza, the best offense is a good defense. Coupling a nutritious diet with a program of exercise and routine supplementation with high quality bovine colostrum is the best possible defense. As we age, our immune system loses its ability to regulate itself and to respond to a challenge efficiently. This occurs primarily because the thymus, a glandular structure in the upper chest that is considered the seat of the immune system, begins to shrink after puberty and almost disappears by the time we are 50-60 years old. T-lymphocytes (T-cells) are generated from stem cells in the bone marrow and mature in the thymus. Some of these cells, called Killer T-lymphocytes, generate cell-mediated responses and directly destroy abnormal cells that have specific sites on their surface that are recognized by the Killer T- lymphocytes. Helper/Suppressor T-lymphocytes, a second type of cell, regulate the immune system by controlling the strength and quality of every immune response. It has been shown that the thymus can be restored to normal function by the growth factors in colostrum. In addition, colostrum contains specific hormones that regulate the functions of the thymus and other substances that help to keep the immune system under control and poised to respond to possible infections before they become established Ref- 1. Nord J, et al; Treatment with bovine hyperimmune colostrum of cryptosporidial diarrhea in AIDS patients, AIDS 1990; 4(6):581-4. 2. Rum p JA, et al; Treatment of diarrhea in hum an immunodeficiency virus infected patients with immunoglobulins from bovine colostrum , Clin Investig 1992; 70(7):588-94. 3. Kirkpatrick, CH; Activities and characteristics of transfer factors; Biotherapy 1996; 9(1-3): 13-16. 4. Kirkpatrick, CH; Transfer factors: identification of conserved sequences in transfer factor molecules; Mol. Med. 2000 Apr.; 6(4): 332-41. 5. Lawrence, HS, Borkowsk y, W, Transfer factor - current status and future prospects; Biotherap y 1996; 9(1-3):1-5. 6. Lonnerdal B, I yer S; Lactoferrin: molecular structure and biological function, Ann Rev Nutrition 1995; 13:93-110. 7. Brock J; Lactoferrin: a multifunctional immune regulatory protein. Immunol Today 1995; 16(9):417-19. 8. Kussendrager KD, van Hooijdonk AC; Lactoperoxidase: physico-chemical properties, occurrence, mechanism of action and applications, Brit J Nutr 2000; 84(Suppl 1):S19-25.
  • 13. 9. Gopal PK, Gill HS; Oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates in bovine milk and colostrum , Brit J Nutr 2000; 84(Suppl 1):S69-74. f. Bovine Colostrum and Metabolic Diseases  Both Types I and II diabetes have an associated genetic component through which individuals appear to be predisposed. Diabetics also have low levels of IGF-1 in their circulation. Daily supplementation of the diet of the diabetic patient with high quality first milking bovine colostrum will provide a functional source for the restoration of diminished levels of IGF-1, resulting in increased utilization of available glucose. This becomes extremely important for the Type I diabetic to assure effective and controlled utilization of available glucose once is/her insulin levels are restored. In the Type II diabetic, where sufficient insulin is available, it has been shown experimentally that restoration of reduced IGF-1 levels results in an enhancement of glucose utilization with a corresponding diminution of glucose levels in the blood and urine. Ref- 10. Spagnoli A, Chiarelli F, Vorwerk P, Boscherini B, Rosenfeld RG; Evaluation of the com ponents of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and IGF binding protein (IGFBP) system in adolescents with t ype 1 diabetes and persistent m icroalbum inuria: relationship with increased excretion of IGFBP - 3 18 kD N-term inal fragm ent, Clin Endocrinol 1999; 51(5): 587-96. 11. Thom as F; Increased weight gain, nitrogen retention and muscle protein synthesis following treatm ent of diabetic rats with IGF-1, Biochem J 1991; 276(3): 547-54. 12. Skotiner V; Anabolic and tissue repair functions of recom binant insulinlike growth factors, Acta Pediat Scand 1990; 376: S63-6. 13. Steijns JM, van Hooijdonk AC; Occurrence, structure, biochem ical properties and technological characteristics of lactoferrin, Brit J Nutr 2000; 84(Suppl 1):S11-7. g. Bovine Colostrum and Autoimmune Diseases  Diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheumatoid arthritis, among others, are complex clinical conditions with variable outcomes. All of the these diseases represent an immune system that is out of control and could be restored and regulated through routine dietary supplementation with a high quality first milking colostrum. As indicated above (see Respiratory Diseases), as we age, our immune system loses its ability to regulate itself efficiently, primarily because the thymus begins to shrink after puberty and essentially disappears by the time we are 50-60 years old.59,60,61 Scientific studies have shown that the thymus can be restored to normal function by IGF-1 the levels of which diminish in the circulation with age. In addition, colostrum contains a) specific hormones, the alpha and beta chains of thymosin, that are known to regulate the functions of the thymus; and b) proline-rich peptide (PRP), a/k/a thymulin, that has been shown to keep the immune system under control. It is also well documented that IGF-1 and the associated Superfamily of proteins found in colostrum operate in concert with growth hormone in the regeneration and repair of damaged cells.75 Routine dietary supplementation with high quality bovine colostrum is, therefore, desirable for individuals afflicted with autoimmune diseases in order to assure that sufficient levels of IGF-1 and growth hormone are continuously available in the circulation. In addition, since IGF-1 is responsible for directing the conversion of glucose to glycogen and glycogen is a primary metabolic energy resource, such dietary supplementation could also help such individuals overcome the associated lethargy normally experienced with such diseases. Ref-
  • 14. 14. Nord J, et al; Treatment with bovine hyperimmune colostrum of cryptosporidial diarrhea in AIDS patients, AIDS 1990; 4(6):581-4. 15. Rum p JA, et al; Treatment of diarrhea in hum an immunodeficiency virus infected patients with immunoglobulins from bovine colostrum, Clin Investig 1992; 70(7):588-94. 16. Kirkpatrick, CH; Activities and characteristics of transfer factors; Biotherapy 1996; 9(1-3): 13-16. 17. Kirkpatrick, CH; Transfer factors: identification of conserved sequences in transfer factor m olecules; Mol. Med. 2000 Apr.; 6(4): 332-41. 18. Lawrence, HS, Borkowsk y, W ; Transfer factor - current status and future prospects; Biotherap y 1996; 9(1-3):1-5. h. Bovine Colostrum References 1. In a study by Antonio et al, he and his team examined the effect of 8 weeks of bovine colostrum supplementation on body composition and exercise performance in active men and women. There were two groups: a placebo/whey protein group and a bovine colostrum group. The bovine colostrum group experienced a greater significant increase in lean body mass than the whey protein group. From this study the scientists recommend that 8 weeks or more of 20 grams of bovine colostrum will enhance lean muscle hypertrophy which will further lead to increases in strength and power. This should be especially important and significant for athletes or anyone interested in advanced human performance and hypertrophy. 2. In a study by Mero et al their purpose was to examine the effects of bovine colostrum supplementation on serum insulin-like growth factors (IGF-I), amino acids, and saliva immunoglobulin concentrations during a strength and speed training period. In this study 9 male subjects were all either advanced sprinters or jumpers. All of them underwent 3 different conditions each lasting a period of 8 days but with a 13 day period between conditions to eliminate factors from the previous condition. The three conditions were identical in regards to the sprint and strength training with the only notable difference amongst them being the type of drink/supplement consumed during the training period. These conditions included a whey protein supplement, a low level bovine colostrum supplement, and a high level bovine supplement containing 5 times the amount of colostrum as the low level group. The results from this study showed a positive correlation between IGF-I and levels of bovine colostrum. In other words high levels of bovine colostrum produced the greatest increases in IGF-I. Also the low level bovine colostrum supplement increased levels of IGF-F to a greater degree than the whey protein group. Finally, if bovine colostrum can have such positive influence on IFG-I the authors reasonably speculated that this supplement may have a tremendous effect on athletes due to the anabolic and muscle building effects of IGF-I. 3. One of the more recent studies regarding bovine colostrum supplementation was again conducted by Mero and his team of nutritional scientists. In this study the main goal was to determine the effect of bovine colostrum on serum amino acid concentrations as well as strength measurements. There were two conditions in which 12 active male subjects underwent both treatments but with 1 month between each protocol. The two conditions involved subjects ingesting either a 20 gram bovine colostrum supplement or a 20 gram placebo/maltodextrin supplement. Measurements were taken before and after each treatment to determine changes in amino acid concentrations and levels of strength. The results from this study clearly showed that bovine colostrum produced significant increases in essential amino acid concentrations within the muscles compared to no increases in the placebo group. However there were no differences in strength in either group. The authors
  • 15. theorized that the lack of increases in strength, specifically in the bovine colostrum condition may be due to the 2 week duration of the study which is relatively short to induce significant gains in strength. 4. In a study by Buckley et al (62) they examined the effects of bovine colostrum on peak vertical jump power, peak cycle power, alactic anaerobic work capacity, resistance exercise one-repetition maximum (1-RM), and plasma insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) concentrations. This was an 8 week study composed of 51 males subjects divided into two groups: a placebo/whey protein group and a bovine colostrum group. Peak vertical jump and peak anaerobic cycle power both significantly improved in the bovine colostrum group when compared to the whey group. However, alactic anaerobic work capacity and resistance exercise one-repetition max changed equally in both groups. Thus the authors noted that bovine colostrum supplementation worked equally as well as traditional whey protein powder for certain factors and was superior in eliciting changes in other factors such as anaerobic power. Simply put, bovine colostrum supplementation during training significantly increased peak anaerobic power and vertical jump, but had no effect on alactic anaerobic work capacity, 1RM, or plasma IGF-I when compared to the control/whey protein group. 5. Although many studies have examined human subjects in a laboratory setting, few have dealt solely with athletic subjects on the playing field especially at the higher level. Hofman et al did just this. He examined the effect of 8 weeks of supplementation with bovine colostrum on body composition and exercise performance (5 x 10-m sprint, vertical jump, shuttle-run test, and suicide test) in elite field hockey players. Seventeen female and 18 male elite field hockey players, including players from the Dutch national team, received either 60g of colostrum or whey protein daily. The sprint test improved significantly in the colostrum group versus the placebo/whey group while there was also a slight increase in the vertical jump performance test for the bovine colostrum group. However, there was no significant change in body composition or endurance between the two groups. Therefore it was concluded by the authors of this study that bovine colostrum supplementation may cause significant improvements in anaerobic power output and explosive capabilities in elite athletes. 6. Although most studies have found bovine colostrum to be of great aid to power and strength athletes little has been found or studied in regards to long term endurance performance. Coombes et al decided to clarify this issue by conducting his own study in which bovine colostrum was tested on endurance cyclists. In this study there were 42 competitive cyclists who were randomly divided into three groups and required to consume either 20g a day of bovine colostrum + 40g whey protein concentrate, 60g of bovine colostrum, or 60g of whey protein/placebo group. It appears that either of the bovine colostrum protocols elicited significant gains over the placebo/whey protein group. In other words, the cyclists improved their two hour time trials by reducing their time by 2-3 minutes over the placebo group. Of interesting note is that the group which combined 20 grams of bovine colostrum with whey protein experienced superior outcomes over the group that consumed 60 gram of only bovine colostrum. Their times were on the average of 30 seconds faster than the 60 grams bovine colostrum group. Thus it can be surmised that bovine colostrum combined with high quality whey protein elicits the greatest gains in human performance.
  • 16. 7. Of similar interest to endurance athletes is a study by Shing et al in which he investigated the influence of low dose bovine colostrum supplementation on exercise performance in cyclists over a 10 week period that also included 5 days of high intensity training. There were two groups: a bovine colostrum group which consumed 10 grams a day or a placebo/whey protein group. High intensity training was not performed until seven weeks into the endurance program as a means to further improve the cyclist's time trials. The results before high intensity training during the first seven weeks showed no change. However, as soon as the five day period of high intensity training was added there was a significant change between the two groups. The benefits of the bovine colostrum group although complex and highly scientific were: a 1.9±2.2% improvement from baseline in time trail performances, a 2.3±6.0% overall increase in time trial intensity (%VO2max), and maintenance of time trial heart rate (2.5±3.7%). In addition, bovine colostrum supplementation prevented a decrease in ventilatory threshold following the high intensity period of training (4.6±4.6%). Simply put, these numbers illustrate how the athletes were able to improve endurance time trials by slightly altering their physiological makeup with proper supplementation of bovine colostrum and training. It also appears that bovine colostrum enhanced the ventilatory system and cardiopulmonary processes by helping them work more efficiently. i. Summary and Recommendation  Although there are a relatively few number of research studies performed on bovine colostrum all of them show empirical evidence of aiding athletic performance. It appears that strength and muscle mass increases are the most evident results of bovine colostrum supplementation. Some of the other noted benefits associated with bovine colostrum supplementation include: increased IGF-1 levels, increased hormone levels, increased peak anaerobic power and vertical jump, reduced endurance times, and enhanced ventilatory system and cardiopulmonary processes by helping individuals work more efficiently. It should be noted that bovine colostrum's powerful effect on increasing IGF-1 levels is so prominent that the NCAA has banned its supplementation for its athletes. Therefore collegiate athletes should avoid using this product. However, professional athletes may find it highly advantageous to their performance. Ref- 1. Gopal PK, Gill HS. Oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates in bovine milk and colostrum. Br J Nutr. 2000; 84: S69-S74. 2. Kelly, G. Bovine Colostrum: A Review of Clinical Uses. Alternative Medicine Review. 2003: Volume 8, Number 4. 378-394. 3. Antonio J, Sanders MS, Van Gammeren D. The effects of bovine colostrum supplementation on body composition and exercise performance in active men and women. Nutrition. 2001 Mar; 17(3): 243-7. 4. Mero A, Miikkulainen H, Riski J, Pakkanen R, Aalto J, and Takala T. Effects of bovine colostrum supplementation on serum IGF-I, IgG, hormone, and saliva IgA during training. Journal of Applied Physiology: EXERCISE AND MUSCLE. October 1997. Vol.83, No. 4, 1144-1151. 5. Mero A, Nykanen T, Keinanen O, Knuutinen J, Lahti K, Alen M, Rasi S, Leppaluoto J. Protein metabolism and strength performance after bovine colostrum supplementation. Amino Acids. 2005 May; 28(3): 327-35. 6. Baechle, T., Earle, R., Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. National Strength and Conditioning Association. 2000. 7. Buckley JD, Brinkworth GD, Abbott MJ. Effect of bovine colostrum on anaerobic exercise performance and plasma insulin-like growth factor I. J Sports Sci. 2003 Jul; 21(7): 577-88.
  • 17. 8. What Doctors say about Colostrum? 1. “Probiotics and Colostrum” by Dr. Albert Snow “Many people take Probiotics without realizing that it is essential to also take colostrum along with it. Probiotics and colostrum truly go hand in hand. This article will explain why it is so essential to take the two together. If you are looking to relieve issues like colitis or chronic diarrhea, don’t skimp on taking the two together. The key to taking these is in knowing which ones to take for the individual & their unique needs. Taking the wrong ones can at best do nothing & at worst- make you sick. Just one example is if the person taking either one of these is lactose intolerant. Also there is often times the need to take different ones at different stages of the treatment. It can get complicated. The fact is that probiotics are useless without colostrum. They will just go “in one door and out the other.” Why spend your money on probiotics if they will just be immediately leaving your system? The reason why colostrum is so essential is that it allows the probiotics to stick to the inner surface of the GI tissue. This process enables the probiotics to remain permanently in your gut, instead of quickly just leaving your body. Of course, if you take antibiotics at any point during your life, this will kill off the friendly bacteria regardless of whether you have taken it with colostrum or not. In this case, you will need to repeat the cycle over again from the start and begin a new course of probiotics with colostrum. Different antibiotics require different probiotics to replace the specific strains that were killed off. When you were first breastfed, this developed the mucosal lining in your body. This lining is so powerful that it can last a person’s whole life if he or she doesn’t take antibiotics. Of course, if you were never breastfed, you will need to take colostrum and probiotics to get this necessary ingredient into your system. When people are fed soy formulas, they are put at a major disadvantage as far as their health is concerned. The fact is that colostrum helps to repair a wide variety of gastrointestinal issues. Oftentimes people take probiotics for issues like chronic diarrhea treatment or colitis cures and then is disappointed that this supplementation doesn’t work. When that is the case, the sufferer needs to remember how essential it is to take the correct colostrum-with the correct probiotic.” Ref- 2. “We are so excited about the results we are having from the colostrum. Here are four wonderful healing results we have to share with you. There are a lot more that will be using this colostrum. This truly is a wonderful product for those who are fighting to regain health and wholeness. Please share these healing testimonies with others who need healing. One young 12 year old boy in California was suffering from a severe case of mucosa colitis and losing weight. He was literally dying. His doctor was planning surgery to remove his colon. His father called me and asked what could be done naturally. I recommended that he start taking double doses of colostrum. After 5 days, the bleeding from the rectum ceased, and within 7 days he began to have normal bowel movements. From that point on he has gained 32 pounds of weight. His parents were most delighted to see the change.”
  • 18. By- Michael McCann, ND. McCann Wellness Center Cottage Grove, Minnesota. 3. “Scientists have long known about the increased resistance of breast-fed babies to certain infections, particularly to intestinal disorders. However, because of changing cultural values, many post-war mothers didn’t breast-feed their babies, and now many of these grown-up babies are dealing with prevalent and difficult-to-treat immune-compromised conditions. Part of this problem is due to the breakdown of the environment and the nutrient-deficient food we eat. Furthermore, many older people have fragile immune systems due to a multiplicity of factors, including stress, illness, viruses, diseases, toxin-laden food and polluted air. Colostrum may well be one of the most important immune system nutrients to come along in the last 50 years, since more and more illnesses and disease conditions are linked to a suppressed or compromised immune system.” By- James Wilson, DC, ND, PhD 4. “[Colostrum's] oral administration, low cost when compared to other current experimental biologic response modulators, and the absence of side effects are remarkable... To us, as clinicians, the most valuable aspect of this new therapeutic alternative is its almost miraculous effect on pain relief...something humanity has always longed for.” By- Alejandro Nitsch, MD, Guatemala 5. “Bovine colostrum rebuilds the immune system, destroys viruses, bacteria... and fungi, accelerates healing of all body tissue, helps lose weight, burn fat, increase bone and lean muscle mass, and slows down and even reverses aging. Colostrum plays a therapeutic role in AIDS, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, allergies, herpes, bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections, gingivitis, colds, the flu, and much more. Colostrum has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and provides many vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids” By- Daniel G. Clark, MD 6. “I have a number of patients who are arthritic, and bovine colostrum dispensed for the treatment of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis has provided them with amazingly good results. One small-boned elderly gentleman who was terribly overweight did suffer in total agony from rheumatoid arthritis. He could hardly walk. I put him on colostrum, about a bottle of 120 capsules per week, and he soon reached the point where he could walk without pain even though he did not lose the weight. I used bovine colostrum for the arthritic treatment of my 56 year-old mother. Her left knee exhibited a lot of inflammation as the result of having been damaged in a prior automobile accident. I had tried a number of different therapies such as shark cartilage and MSM without success, but when I added the bovine colostrum she was pain free in three days. She now takes it religiously. In Mexico, my staff and I do a lot of work with cancer, and two-thirds of my cancer patients are taking colostrum. About half of my patients are poverty-stricken, and I stretch my resources to help them by dispensing colostrum to them at little or no cost. For those who can afford it, I typically have them take five or more 480 milligram capsules a day – that’s over 2000 mg. Colostrum really does seem to make a beneficial difference for my cancer patients. They have more energy, and it keeps down some of their infections as a complication of the illness.
  • 19. I am giving colostrum to hepatitis C patients. One of these people living in Northern California who found it impossible to come to Mexico consulted me by telephone. His situation was really serious because he had a hepatitis C viral load of 8 million. I put together a protocol for him of bovine colostrum, calcium orotate, reduced glutathione and protease enzymes. Within two months, this patient returned for laboratory testing and discovered that his hepatitis viral load had plummeted to 100. Since the patient did not take treatment with anything else, this is convincing proof to me that bovine colostrum works synergistically in a combined nutritional protocol. I’ve gone on to successfully treat many more cases of hepatitis C.” By- Stephen Hynes, ND, Dr. Hynes runs a clinic in Ciudad Acuna, Mexico Ref- For More Information on Colostrum, Refer- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
  • 20. Presenting For the First Time in India  India’s First Probiotic Brand with High Quality Bovine Colostrum  Most Beneficial Probiotic Bacteria  Available with Vitamin E  Most Delicious American Ice Cream Flavor “Gastrointestinal Immunity Booster”