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 are used to select from among choices
  or to evaluate opportunities.
 Addresses various forms of reasoning
   reflect the strengths of an economic
    perspective. One such strength is the
    ease of developing and using
    mathematical models for human
   Alternative Model
    › makes greater allowance for the
      psychological make-up of each individual
      decision maker.
   Subjective expected utility theory
    › the goal of human action is to seek pleasure
      and avoid pain.
   Subjective Probability
    › which is a calculation based on the
      individuals estimates of likelihood rather than
      an objective computations
   considered options one by one and then
    we select an option as we find one that
    is satisfactory or just good enough to
    meet our minimum level of

   Bounded rationality
    › we are rational, but within the limits
   eliminate alternatives focusing on
    aspects of the various options.

Condition probability
•   is the likelihood of one event , given
 can be applied to a broad range of
  behaviors and environments.
 development of a field of study that is
  based on decision making in natural
 Working as a group can enhance the
  effectiveness of decision making, just as
  it can enhance the effectiveness of
  problem solving.
Benefits of Group Decision Making:
     the group benefits from the expertise of
     each of the members
     increase in resources and ideas
     improved group memory over individual
 In a small group, they have open
  communication and members share a
  common mind set, identify with the
  group, and agree on acceptable group
 In a group made up of diverse
  members, they are in the position to make
  better decisions.
 One of them is groupthink.
 Groupthink - a phenomena
  characterized by premature decision
  making that is generally the result of
  group members attempting to avoid
  conflict; frequently results in suboptimum
  decision making that avoids
  nontraditional ideas.
1) An isolated, cohesive, and
  homogeneous group is empowered to
  make decisions
2) Objective and impartial leadership is
  absent, within the group or outside it
3) High levels of stress impinge on the
  group decision-making process
1) In closed-mindedness, the group is not open to
   alternative ideas
2) In rationalization, the group goes to great lengths to
   justify both the process and the product of its decision
3) In the squelching of dissent, thos who disagree are
   ignored, criticized, or even ostracized
4) In the formation of a "mindguard" for the group, one
   person appoints himself or herself the keeper of the
   group norm and ensures that people stay in line
5) In feeling invulnerable, the group believes that it must
   be right, given the intelligence of the members and
   the information available to them
6) In feeling unanimous, members believe that everyone
   unanimously shares the opinions expressed by the
 The leader of a group should encourage
  constructive criticism, be impartial, and
  ensure that members seek input from
  people outside the group.
 The group should form subgroups that
  meet separately to consider alternative
  solutions to a single problem.
It is important that the leader should take
    responsibility for preventing spurious
    conformity to a group norm.
   People make decisions based on biases
    and heuristics in their thinking. These
    mental shortcuts lighten the cognitive
    load of making decisions, but they also
    allow for a much greater chance of
In representativeness, we judge the
  probability of an uncertain event
  according to:
1) how obviously it is similar to or
  representative of the population from
  which it is derived
2) the degree to which it reflects the salient
  features of the process by which it is
Gambler's fallacy - a mistaken belief that
  the probability of a given random
  event, such as winning or losing at a
  game of chance, is influenced by
  previous random events.

Hot hand or Streak Shooter
 One reason that people misguidedly use
  the representativeness heuristic is
  because they fail to understand the
  concept of base rates.
 Base rate - refers to the prevalence of an
  event or characteristic within its
  population of events or characteristics.
 Availability heuristic - we make judgments
  on the basis of how easily we can call to
  mind what we perceive as relevant
  instances of a phenomenon.
 Conjunction fallacy - an individual gives a
  higher estimate for a subset of events than
  for the larger set of events containing the
  given subset.
 Inclusion fallacy - a variant of the
  conjunction fallacy in which the individual
  judges a greater likelihood that every
  member of an inclusive category has a
  particular characteristic than that every
  member of a subset of the inclusive
  category has that characteristic.
   Anchoring-and-adjustment heuristic - a
    heuristic related to availability by which people
    adjust their evaltuations of things by means of
    certain reference points called end-anchors
   Framing effects - the way that the options are
    presented influences the selection of an option
   Illusory correlation - another judgment
    phenomenon in which we tend to see
    particular events or particular attributes and
    categories as going together because we are
    predisposed to do so.
 Overconfidence - an individual's
  overevaluation of her or his own
  skills, knowledge or judgment.
 Sunk-cost fallacy -- the decision to
  continue to invest in something simply
  because one has invested in it before and
  one hopes to recover one's investment.
 Opportunity costs - the prices paid for
  availing oneself of certain opportunities
 Hindsight bias - when we look at a situation
  retrospectively, we believe we easily can
  see all the signs and events leading up to a
  particular outcome.
 Heuristics do not always lead us astray.
  Sometimes, they are amazingly simple
  ways of drawing sound conclusions.
 Take the best - a simple heuristic which
  can be amazingly effective in decision
 The prefrontal cortex, and particularly the
  anterior cingulate cortex, is active during
  decision-making process. The amount of
  gain associated with a decision also affects
  the amount of activation observed in the
  parietal region.
 During decision making, the anterior
  cingulate cortex is involved in consideration
  of potential rewards. This area of the brain is
  onvolved in the comparison and weighing
  of possible solutions.
    a related kind of thinking. It is the
    process of drawing conclusions from
    principles and from evidence. In
    reasoning, we move from what is
    already known to infer a new conclusion
    or to evaluate a proposed conclusion.
1) Deductive reasoning - process of reasoning from one
   or more general statements regarding what is known
   to reach a logically certain conclusion. It often
   involves reasoning from one or more general
   statements regarding what is known to a specific
   application of the general statement.

2) Inductive reasoning - process of reasoning from
   specific facts or observations to reach a likely
   conclusion that may explain the facts. In inductive
   reasoning, we never can reach a logically certain
   conclusion. We only can reach a particularly well-
   founded or probable conclusion.
   is based on logical propositions.

• Proposition - basically an
  assertion, which may either be true or
• Premises - propositions about which
  arguments are made.
 one of the primary types of deductive
  reasoning. It is in which the reasoner
  must draw a conclusion based on an if-
  then proposition.
 The conditional if-then proposition states
  that if antecedent condition p is met,
  then consequent event q follows.
 modus ponens - "If p, then q. p.
  Therefore, q."
    - the reasoner affirms the antecedent
 modus tollens - "If p, then q. Not q.
  Therefore, not p.
    - the reasoner denies the consequent
Type of argument      Conditional      Existing        Inference
                      proposition      condition

                      p→q              P                q
     modus ponens     If you are a     You are a       Therefore, you
                      mother, then     mother          have a child
Deductively valid     you have a child
                      p→q              ¬ q you do       ¬ p therefore,
     modus tollens    If you are a     not have a      you are not a
                      mother, then     child.          mother
                      you have a child

                      p→q              ¬p               ¬q
    denying the       If you are a     You are not a   Therefore, you
antecedent            mother, then     mother          do not have
                      you have a child                 child
Deductive fallacies
                      p→q              q                p
     affirming the    If you are a     You have a      Therefore, you
consequent            mother, then     child           are a mother
                      you have a child
Proposition based on what       Test                            Type of reasoning
shows on the face of the Card
p                               q                               Based on
A given card has a              Does the card have an even      modus ponens
consonant on one side           number on the other side?
¬q                              ¬p                              Based on
A given card does not           Does the card not have a        modus tollens
have an even number on          consonant on the other side?
one side. That is, a given      That is, does the card have a
card has an odd number          vowel on the other side?
on one side
¬p                              ¬q                              Based on
A given card does not           Does the card not have an       denying the
have a consonant on one         even number on the other        antecedents
side. That is, a given card     side? That is, does the card
has a vowel on one side.        have an odd number on the
                                other side
q                               p                               Based on
A given card has an even        Does the card have a            affirming the
number on side                  consonant on the other side?    consequent
Pragmatic reasoning schemas - general
  organizing principles or rules related to
  particular kinds of goals, such as
  permissions, obligations, or causations.
  These schemas are sometimes referred
  to as pragmatic rules.
   Syllogisms
    › Are deductive arguments that involve
      drawing conclusions from two premises.
    › All syllogisms comprise a major premise, a
      minor premise, and a conclusion.
    › Sometimes conclusions mat be that no
      logical conclusion may be reached based
      on two given premises.
 In a syllogism, each of the two premises
  describes a particular relationship
  between two items and at least one of
  the items is common to both premises.
 First term of the major premise is the
  subject. The common term is the middle
  term. Second term is the predicate.
 Relationship among terms is linear.
  Quantitative or qualitative comparison.
You are smarter than your best friend.
Your best friend is smarter than your roommate.
Which of you is the smartest?

What logical deduction can you reach based on the premises of
  this linear syllogism? Is deductive validity the same as truth?

                  First term         Linear            Second term
                  (Item)             Relationship      (Item)
   Premise A            You            Are smarter     Your best friend
   Premise B      Your best friend   Is smarter than   Your roommate

Conclusion: Who          -             Is/are the
  is smartest?                       smartest of the
 When deductively valid, its conclusion
  follows logically from the premises.
 How do people solve linear syllogisms?
    › Are solved spatially, through mental
      representations of linear continua.
    › Using a semantic model involving
      propositional representations.
       ―you are smarter than your roommate‖
       [smarter (you, your roommate)]
    › A combination of spatial and propositional
 The premises state something about the
  category memberships of the terms.
 Common term as the middle term. First
  and second terms in each premise are
  linked through the categorical
  membership of the terms.
All cognitive psychologists are pianists.
All pianists are athletes.
Therefore, all cognitive psychologists are athletes.
Type of        Form of              Description               Examples       Reversibility
 premise        premise
                                 The premise positively                      All males are
                                 (affirmatively) states                      men.
Universal     All A are B        that all members of the
                                                               All men are
affirmative                                                    males         Nonreversible
                                 first class (universal) are
                                 member of the second
                                                                             All A are B.
                                 class                                       All B are A.

              No A are B.        The premise states that       No men        No men are
                                 none of the members of                      females =
Universal     (alternative:
                                 the first class are
                                                               are           No females are
negative      All A are not B)   members of the second         females       men.
                                 class                                       Reversible
                                                                             Na A are B =
                                                                             No B are A.
                                 The premise states that       Some          Some F are women
                                 only some of the                            Some women are F
Particular    Some A are         members of the first
                                                               females       Nonreversible
affirmative   B                  class are members of          are women     Some A are B
                                 the second class                            Some B are A
                                 The premise states that       Some          Some F are not
                                 some members of the                         women
Particular    Some A are         first class are not
                                                               women are     Nonreversible
negative      not B              members of the second         not           Some A are not B
                                 class                         females       Some B are not A
   Atmosphere bias
    › If there is at least one negative in the
      premises, people will prefer a negative solution.
    › If there is at least one particular in the
      premises, people will prefer a particular solution.
   Conversion of premises
    › Terms of a given premise are reversed.
    › ―If A, then B into ―If B, then A‖
    › People often believed that the reversed form is
      as valid as the original but don’t realize that the
      statements are not equivalent.
 Using a semantic (meaning-based) process
  based on mental models
 Rule-based (―syntactic‖) processes
    › Mental Model- is an internal representation of
     information that corresponds analogously with
     whatever is being represented.

Types of representations of Syllogisms
 Circle diagrams
 Truth table
   Heuristics in syllogistic reasoning include
    overextension – in these errors, we overextend
    the use of strategies that work in some syllogisms to
    syllogisms in which the strategies fail us.
   Foreclosure effects – when we fail to consider
    all the possibilities before reaching a conclusion.
   Premise phrasing effects – may lead us to leap
    to a conclusion without adequately reflecting on
    the deductive validity of the syllogism.
   Confirmation Bias
    › We seek confirmation rather than
      disconfirmation of what we already believe.
    › Can be detrimental and dangerous in some
    › Explicit attention to the premises seems more
      likely to lead to valid inferences. Explicit
      attention to irrelevant information more often
      leads to inferences based on prior beliefs
      regarding the believability of the conclusion.
   Based on our observations
    › Reaching any logically certain conclusion is
     not possible.

    As the future has not happened, how can we
     predict what it will bring?
    Given possible alternative futures, how do we
     know which one to predict?
     For example, in the number series 2,4,6,?,
   Inductive reasoning
    › Involves reasoning where there is no
      logically certain conclusion. Often it involves
      reasoning from specific facts or observations
      to a general conclusion that may explain the
    › Basis of empirical method.

    Why people use inductive reasoning?
     Helps them to become increasingly able to
      make sense out of the great variability in their
     It helps them to predict events in their
      environment, thereby reducing their uncertainty.
Casual Inferences – how people make
  judgments about whether something causes
  something else.

John Stuart Mill – proposed a set of canons- widely
  accepted heuristic principles on which people
  may base their judgments.
  o Method of agreement
  o Method of difference
The office staff of the company There was a drastic
Company 1   organized and joined a union. drop in the value of
            The company’s major product the company’s stock
            was under suspicion as a

            The office staff did not         There was a drastic
Company 2   organize and join a union. The   drop in the value of
            company’s major product          the company’s stock
            was under suspicion as a
            Illegal campaign contributions   There was no drastic
Company 3   were traced to the company’s     drop in the value of
            manager’s. the company’s         the company’s stock.
            major product was not under
            suspicion as a carcinogen.
Common Errors of Inductive Reasoning
   Law of large numbers
   Ignore base-rate information

 Demonstrate confirmation bias, which leads
  to errors such as illusory correlations
 Frequently make mistakes when attempting
  to determine casualty based on
  correlational evidence alone.
 Failing to recognize that many phenomena
  have multiple causes.
     Discounting error – we stop searching fro
      additional alternative or contributing causes
Confirmation bias can have a major effect
 on our everyday lives.
• Self-fulfilling prophecy
Relationship between covariation
  (correlation) information and casual
 uses bottom-up strategies and top-down
 uses information from their sensory
  experiences and based on what they
  already know
   Analogy
    › is a cognitive process of
      transferring information or meaning from a
      particular subject (the analogue or source)
      to another particular subject (the
      target), and a linguistic expression
      corresponding to such a process.
    › also refer to the relation between the source
      and the target themselves, which is
      often, though not necessarily, a similarity
 Analogical reasoning seeks to identify
  specific sets of similar and dissimilar
  characteristics, in search of some unique
  combination of characteristics that can
  then be used to define distinctive
  properties of each set.
 a means of transfer—applying
  knowledge acquired in one context in
  new situations.
 Inductive reasoning is considered a basic
  component of thinking, and it is one of
  the most broadly studied procedures of
 The inductive method, or teaching by
  examples, is one of the oldest methods of
 In addition, induction, or rather its role in
  generating scientific knowledge, is one of
  the most enduring problems of philosophy.
2 complementary systems of reasoning
  1. Associative System
     - involves mental operations based on
  observed similarities and temporal contiguities

    - can lead to speedy responses that are
 highly sensitive to patterns and to general

   - can detect similarities between observed
 patterns and patterns stored in memory
2. Rule-Based System
      - involves manipulation based on the
   relations among symbols.

    - requires more deliberate, painstaking
  procedures for reaching conclusions

     - carefully analyze relevant features of
  the available date, based on rules stored
  in memory
 Reasoning involves brain areas associated
  with working memory, such as the basal
Basal Ganglia – involved in a variety of
  functions, including cognitive and learning
 Moral reasoning in persons who show
  antisocial behaviors indicative of poor
  moral reasoning, malfunctions were noted
  in several areas within the prefrontal cortex,
  including the dorsal and ventral regions
 Impairments in the
  amygdala, hippocampus, angular
  gyrus, anterior cingulated, temporal
  cortex were also observed.
 Anterior Cingulated is involved in
  decision making and the hippocampus is
  involved in the working memory.
 Therefore, it is to be expected that
  malfunctions in theses areas would result
  in deficiencies in reasoning.
Cognitive psych ppt.

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Cognitive psych ppt.

  • 1.
  • 2.  are used to select from among choices or to evaluate opportunities.  Addresses various forms of reasoning
  • 3. reflect the strengths of an economic perspective. One such strength is the ease of developing and using mathematical models for human behavior.
  • 4. Alternative Model › makes greater allowance for the psychological make-up of each individual decision maker.  Subjective expected utility theory › the goal of human action is to seek pleasure and avoid pain.  Subjective Probability › which is a calculation based on the individuals estimates of likelihood rather than an objective computations
  • 5. considered options one by one and then we select an option as we find one that is satisfactory or just good enough to meet our minimum level of acceptability.  Bounded rationality › we are rational, but within the limits
  • 6. eliminate alternatives focusing on aspects of the various options. Condition probability • is the likelihood of one event , given another.
  • 7.  can be applied to a broad range of behaviors and environments.  development of a field of study that is based on decision making in natural environments.
  • 8.  Working as a group can enhance the effectiveness of decision making, just as it can enhance the effectiveness of problem solving. Benefits of Group Decision Making:  the group benefits from the expertise of each of the members  increase in resources and ideas  improved group memory over individual memory
  • 9.  In a small group, they have open communication and members share a common mind set, identify with the group, and agree on acceptable group behavior.  In a group made up of diverse members, they are in the position to make better decisions.
  • 10.  One of them is groupthink.  Groupthink - a phenomena characterized by premature decision making that is generally the result of group members attempting to avoid conflict; frequently results in suboptimum decision making that avoids nontraditional ideas.
  • 12. 1) An isolated, cohesive, and homogeneous group is empowered to make decisions 2) Objective and impartial leadership is absent, within the group or outside it 3) High levels of stress impinge on the group decision-making process
  • 13. 1) In closed-mindedness, the group is not open to alternative ideas 2) In rationalization, the group goes to great lengths to justify both the process and the product of its decision making 3) In the squelching of dissent, thos who disagree are ignored, criticized, or even ostracized 4) In the formation of a "mindguard" for the group, one person appoints himself or herself the keeper of the group norm and ensures that people stay in line 5) In feeling invulnerable, the group believes that it must be right, given the intelligence of the members and the information available to them 6) In feeling unanimous, members believe that everyone unanimously shares the opinions expressed by the group
  • 14.  The leader of a group should encourage constructive criticism, be impartial, and ensure that members seek input from people outside the group.  The group should form subgroups that meet separately to consider alternative solutions to a single problem.
  • 15. It is important that the leader should take responsibility for preventing spurious conformity to a group norm.
  • 16. People make decisions based on biases and heuristics in their thinking. These mental shortcuts lighten the cognitive load of making decisions, but they also allow for a much greater chance of error.
  • 17. In representativeness, we judge the probability of an uncertain event according to: 1) how obviously it is similar to or representative of the population from which it is derived 2) the degree to which it reflects the salient features of the process by which it is generated
  • 18. Example: Gambler's fallacy - a mistaken belief that the probability of a given random event, such as winning or losing at a game of chance, is influenced by previous random events. Hot hand or Streak Shooter
  • 19.  One reason that people misguidedly use the representativeness heuristic is because they fail to understand the concept of base rates.  Base rate - refers to the prevalence of an event or characteristic within its population of events or characteristics.
  • 20.  Availability heuristic - we make judgments on the basis of how easily we can call to mind what we perceive as relevant instances of a phenomenon.  Conjunction fallacy - an individual gives a higher estimate for a subset of events than for the larger set of events containing the given subset.  Inclusion fallacy - a variant of the conjunction fallacy in which the individual judges a greater likelihood that every member of an inclusive category has a particular characteristic than that every member of a subset of the inclusive category has that characteristic.
  • 21. Anchoring-and-adjustment heuristic - a heuristic related to availability by which people adjust their evaltuations of things by means of certain reference points called end-anchors  Framing effects - the way that the options are presented influences the selection of an option  Illusory correlation - another judgment phenomenon in which we tend to see particular events or particular attributes and categories as going together because we are predisposed to do so.
  • 22.  Overconfidence - an individual's overevaluation of her or his own skills, knowledge or judgment.  Sunk-cost fallacy -- the decision to continue to invest in something simply because one has invested in it before and one hopes to recover one's investment.  Opportunity costs - the prices paid for availing oneself of certain opportunities  Hindsight bias - when we look at a situation retrospectively, we believe we easily can see all the signs and events leading up to a particular outcome.
  • 23.  Heuristics do not always lead us astray. Sometimes, they are amazingly simple ways of drawing sound conclusions.  Take the best - a simple heuristic which can be amazingly effective in decision situations.
  • 24.  The prefrontal cortex, and particularly the anterior cingulate cortex, is active during decision-making process. The amount of gain associated with a decision also affects the amount of activation observed in the parietal region.  During decision making, the anterior cingulate cortex is involved in consideration of potential rewards. This area of the brain is onvolved in the comparison and weighing of possible solutions.
  • 25. a related kind of thinking. It is the process of drawing conclusions from principles and from evidence. In reasoning, we move from what is already known to infer a new conclusion or to evaluate a proposed conclusion.
  • 26. 1) Deductive reasoning - process of reasoning from one or more general statements regarding what is known to reach a logically certain conclusion. It often involves reasoning from one or more general statements regarding what is known to a specific application of the general statement. 2) Inductive reasoning - process of reasoning from specific facts or observations to reach a likely conclusion that may explain the facts. In inductive reasoning, we never can reach a logically certain conclusion. We only can reach a particularly well- founded or probable conclusion.
  • 27. is based on logical propositions. • Proposition - basically an assertion, which may either be true or false. • Premises - propositions about which arguments are made.
  • 28.  one of the primary types of deductive reasoning. It is in which the reasoner must draw a conclusion based on an if- then proposition.  The conditional if-then proposition states that if antecedent condition p is met, then consequent event q follows.
  • 29.  modus ponens - "If p, then q. p. Therefore, q." - the reasoner affirms the antecedent  modus tollens - "If p, then q. Not q. Therefore, not p. - the reasoner denies the consequent
  • 30. Type of argument Conditional Existing Inference proposition condition p→q P q modus ponens If you are a You are a Therefore, you mother, then mother have a child Deductively valid you have a child Inferences p→q ¬ q you do ¬ p therefore, modus tollens If you are a not have a you are not a mother, then child. mother you have a child p→q ¬p ¬q denying the If you are a You are not a Therefore, you antecedent mother, then mother do not have you have a child child Deductive fallacies p→q q p affirming the If you are a You have a Therefore, you consequent mother, then child are a mother you have a child
  • 31. Proposition based on what Test Type of reasoning shows on the face of the Card p q Based on A given card has a Does the card have an even modus ponens consonant on one side number on the other side? ¬q ¬p Based on A given card does not Does the card not have a modus tollens have an even number on consonant on the other side? one side. That is, a given That is, does the card have a card has an odd number vowel on the other side? on one side ¬p ¬q Based on A given card does not Does the card not have an denying the have a consonant on one even number on the other antecedents side. That is, a given card side? That is, does the card has a vowel on one side. have an odd number on the other side q p Based on A given card has an even Does the card have a affirming the number on side consonant on the other side? consequent
  • 32. Pragmatic reasoning schemas - general organizing principles or rules related to particular kinds of goals, such as permissions, obligations, or causations. These schemas are sometimes referred to as pragmatic rules.
  • 33. Syllogisms › Are deductive arguments that involve drawing conclusions from two premises. › All syllogisms comprise a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion. › Sometimes conclusions mat be that no logical conclusion may be reached based on two given premises.
  • 34.  In a syllogism, each of the two premises describes a particular relationship between two items and at least one of the items is common to both premises.  First term of the major premise is the subject. The common term is the middle term. Second term is the predicate.  Relationship among terms is linear. Quantitative or qualitative comparison.
  • 35. You are smarter than your best friend. Your best friend is smarter than your roommate. Which of you is the smartest? What logical deduction can you reach based on the premises of this linear syllogism? Is deductive validity the same as truth? First term Linear Second term (Item) Relationship (Item) Premise A You Are smarter Your best friend than Premise B Your best friend Is smarter than Your roommate Conclusion: Who - Is/are the is smartest? smartest of the three
  • 36.  When deductively valid, its conclusion follows logically from the premises.  How do people solve linear syllogisms? › Are solved spatially, through mental representations of linear continua. › Using a semantic model involving propositional representations.  ―you are smarter than your roommate‖  [smarter (you, your roommate)] › A combination of spatial and propositional representations
  • 37.  The premises state something about the category memberships of the terms.  Common term as the middle term. First and second terms in each premise are linked through the categorical membership of the terms.
  • 38. All cognitive psychologists are pianists. All pianists are athletes. Therefore, all cognitive psychologists are athletes.
  • 39. Type of Form of Description Examples Reversibility premise premise The premise positively All males are (affirmatively) states men. Universal All A are B that all members of the All men are affirmative males Nonreversible first class (universal) are member of the second All A are B. class All B are A. No A are B. The premise states that No men No men are none of the members of females = Universal (alternative: the first class are are No females are negative All A are not B) members of the second females men. class Reversible Na A are B = No B are A. The premise states that Some Some F are women only some of the Some women are F Particular Some A are members of the first females Nonreversible affirmative B class are members of are women Some A are B the second class Some B are A The premise states that Some Some F are not some members of the women Particular Some A are first class are not women are Nonreversible negative not B members of the second not Some A are not B class females Some B are not A
  • 40. Atmosphere bias › If there is at least one negative in the premises, people will prefer a negative solution. › If there is at least one particular in the premises, people will prefer a particular solution.  Conversion of premises › Terms of a given premise are reversed. › ―If A, then B into ―If B, then A‖ › People often believed that the reversed form is as valid as the original but don’t realize that the statements are not equivalent.
  • 41.  Using a semantic (meaning-based) process based on mental models  Rule-based (―syntactic‖) processes › Mental Model- is an internal representation of information that corresponds analogously with whatever is being represented. Types of representations of Syllogisms  Circle diagrams  Truth table
  • 42. Heuristics in syllogistic reasoning include overextension – in these errors, we overextend the use of strategies that work in some syllogisms to syllogisms in which the strategies fail us.  Foreclosure effects – when we fail to consider all the possibilities before reaching a conclusion.  Premise phrasing effects – may lead us to leap to a conclusion without adequately reflecting on the deductive validity of the syllogism.
  • 43. Confirmation Bias › We seek confirmation rather than disconfirmation of what we already believe. › Can be detrimental and dangerous in some circumstances. › Explicit attention to the premises seems more likely to lead to valid inferences. Explicit attention to irrelevant information more often leads to inferences based on prior beliefs regarding the believability of the conclusion.
  • 44. Based on our observations › Reaching any logically certain conclusion is not possible. As the future has not happened, how can we predict what it will bring? Given possible alternative futures, how do we know which one to predict? For example, in the number series 2,4,6,?,
  • 45. Inductive reasoning › Involves reasoning where there is no logically certain conclusion. Often it involves reasoning from specific facts or observations to a general conclusion that may explain the facts. › Basis of empirical method. Why people use inductive reasoning?  Helps them to become increasingly able to make sense out of the great variability in their environment.  It helps them to predict events in their environment, thereby reducing their uncertainty.
  • 46. Casual Inferences – how people make judgments about whether something causes something else. John Stuart Mill – proposed a set of canons- widely accepted heuristic principles on which people may base their judgments. o Method of agreement o Method of difference
  • 47. The office staff of the company There was a drastic Company 1 organized and joined a union. drop in the value of The company’s major product the company’s stock was under suspicion as a carcinogen. The office staff did not There was a drastic Company 2 organize and join a union. The drop in the value of company’s major product the company’s stock was under suspicion as a carcinogen. Illegal campaign contributions There was no drastic Company 3 were traced to the company’s drop in the value of manager’s. the company’s the company’s stock. major product was not under suspicion as a carcinogen.
  • 48. Common Errors of Inductive Reasoning  Law of large numbers  Ignore base-rate information  Demonstrate confirmation bias, which leads to errors such as illusory correlations  Frequently make mistakes when attempting to determine casualty based on correlational evidence alone.  Failing to recognize that many phenomena have multiple causes.  Discounting error – we stop searching fro additional alternative or contributing causes
  • 49. Confirmation bias can have a major effect on our everyday lives. • Self-fulfilling prophecy Relationship between covariation (correlation) information and casual inferences
  • 50.  uses bottom-up strategies and top-down strategies  uses information from their sensory experiences and based on what they already know
  • 51. Analogy › is a cognitive process of transferring information or meaning from a particular subject (the analogue or source) to another particular subject (the target), and a linguistic expression corresponding to such a process. › also refer to the relation between the source and the target themselves, which is often, though not necessarily, a similarity
  • 52.  Analogical reasoning seeks to identify specific sets of similar and dissimilar characteristics, in search of some unique combination of characteristics that can then be used to define distinctive properties of each set.  a means of transfer—applying knowledge acquired in one context in new situations.
  • 53.  Inductive reasoning is considered a basic component of thinking, and it is one of the most broadly studied procedures of cognition.  The inductive method, or teaching by examples, is one of the oldest methods of instruction.  In addition, induction, or rather its role in generating scientific knowledge, is one of the most enduring problems of philosophy.
  • 54. 2 complementary systems of reasoning 1. Associative System - involves mental operations based on observed similarities and temporal contiguities - can lead to speedy responses that are highly sensitive to patterns and to general tendencies - can detect similarities between observed patterns and patterns stored in memory
  • 55. 2. Rule-Based System - involves manipulation based on the relations among symbols. - requires more deliberate, painstaking procedures for reaching conclusions - carefully analyze relevant features of the available date, based on rules stored in memory
  • 56.  Reasoning involves brain areas associated with working memory, such as the basal ganglia. Basal Ganglia – involved in a variety of functions, including cognitive and learning  Moral reasoning in persons who show antisocial behaviors indicative of poor moral reasoning, malfunctions were noted in several areas within the prefrontal cortex, including the dorsal and ventral regions
  • 57.  Impairments in the amygdala, hippocampus, angular gyrus, anterior cingulated, temporal cortex were also observed.  Anterior Cingulated is involved in decision making and the hippocampus is involved in the working memory.  Therefore, it is to be expected that malfunctions in theses areas would result in deficiencies in reasoning.