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Cloud Security Emerging Facets and Frontiers
Let us look at the
Cloud Security Insights Report
Top Cloud security Findings
of 2019
• The top cloud security concern of
cybersecurity professionals is data loss
and leakage (64%)
• The top cloud security vulnerability is
unauthorised access through misuse of
employee credentials and improper
access controls
• Insecure interfaces and APIs is also top
cloud security vulnerability
• Misconfiguration of cloud platforms
comes as the second most severe cloud
Cloud Security Incidents
• Data exposure incidents (27%)
• Malware infections (20%)
• Compromised accounts (19%)
• Vulnerability (17%)
Cloud Security Concerns
• Data Loss (64%)

• Data Privacy (62%)

• Compliance Concerns (39%)

• Exposure of Credentials (39%)

• Data Sovereignty (35%)

• Incident Response (29%)
Important concepts of this
chapter are the following
• Data loss and leakage (64%)
• Unauthorised access
• Insecure interfaces and APIs
• Misconfiguration of cloud platforms
Case Studies
Top data breaches
• Cambridge Analytica

• Accenture

• Verizon

• Booz Allen Hamilton

• Republican National Committee

• Election System & Software
• Data of up to 87 million users was
compromised in this data leak which
included information such as found in the
Facebook public profile, page likes,
birthday and current city.
• Some Facebook users were found to have
granted app permissions to their news
feeds, timelines, and messages.
• All of the information gleaned from the
leaked data allowed Cambridge Analytica
to build political profiles of each Facebook
user and target specific political
advertisements to influence them in a
particular way.
• World’s first Cyber Resilience startup
UpGuard discovered in its Cyber Risk
survey that Accenture left at least 4 AWS
S3 storage buckets unsecured.
• As a result of this flaw, the data on these
storage media was available for
• The data exposed in this security goof-up
were authentication credentials, secret
API data, digital certificates, decryption
keys, customer data, and other meta info
which could be easily used by cyber
crooks to mint money.
• Nice Systems, which is a 3rd party
vendor working for Verizon, committed a
configuration blunder on an AWS S3
bucket which exposed names,
addresses, account details, and pin
numbers of millions of US-based Verizon
• ‘Nice’ agreed that the mistake was
committed by one of its engineers who
reportedly created a cloud-based file
repository for storing customers call data
which is used by Verizon for backend
office and call center operations.
Booz Allen Hamilton
60,000 files were on a public access
on AWS S3 bucket owned by an
intelligence and defence contract of
Booz Allen.
The cache is said to have exposed
28GB of data and this includes
credentials of senior engineers,
passwords of US Government
systems, and over half a dozen of files
containing unencrypted passwords of
government contractors holding top
Secret Facility Clearance.
Republican National
• A 3rd party investigation commissioned
by Deep Root Analytics confirmed that
personal details of more than 198 million
American voters were exposed by a
security flaw on AWS S3 bucket owned
by Republican National Committee
• The exposed data includes birth dates,
phone numbers; self-reported racial
background, home & mailing address,
and party affiliation. This blunder was
committed by an engineer working for
Deep Root Analytics which was providing
data storage services for RNC.
Election Systems and
Software (ESS)
Virtually every registered voter information from
Chicago was available for public access when
the engineer working for ES&S left the AWS S3
bucket for public access.
The data was in downloadable format and is
said to have compromised personal info of more
than 1.8 million Chicago voters so far.
The data includes names, addresses, phone
numbers, driver’s license, and social security
Moreover, the exposed database is reported to
have created at the time of US 2016 general
elections by the Chicago Board of Election
Emerging threats
Leaked Keys

Malicious Insider

Brute Force Attacks

Remote Code Execution

Container Escapes

Supplychain Attacks



Publicly Accessible Resources
• The exposure of sensitive data or resources
through misconfigurations or similar modes

• Exposed DBs

• MongoDB

• ElasticSearch

• Redis

• Exposed Storage

• S3

• Google Cloud Storage
Risk Mitigations for
Publicly Accessible Resources
• Visibility to Internet facing configurations

• Continuous auditing for open storage and

• Integrate network configuration tests pre-
deployment through CI/CD

• Enforce authentication for DBs

• Encrypt sensitive data at rest
Leaked Access Keys
• Programmable IaaS + APIs = need for keys
in many places

• Keys leaked in many ways

• Hardcoded keys

• Code repo misconfigurations

• Code repo hacked

• Phishing

• Exploits
Case Study : Uber Breach
• In October 2016, two hackers
compromised Uber’s Github

• Github contained access keys to AWS

• Hackers stole PII on 57 million individuals

• Held data for ransom

• Publicly disclosed late 2017
Leaked Access Keys
Risk Mitigations
• Don’t hard code keys

• Build tests in CI/CD to search for keys

• Use key management solutions and SDKs
from cloud providers

• Audit code repositories for

• Practice least privileges in code
Case Study : Malicious Insider
• IT employee terminated after four weeks

• Use former colleagues credentials to
access company AWS account

• Terminated 23 servers

• Estimated $700,000 is lose to the business

• Deleted data was unable to be recovered
Insider Threat Mitigations
• Internal training & awareness

• Practice least privileges 

• Use of multi factor authentication 

• Exit plan when employees leave

• Physical access removal

• Account access removal

• Disaster recovery plan

• Incident management plan
Brute Force Attacks
• Repeated attempts to guess username and
password combinations in an attempt to
gain unauthorised access

• SSH most common service to brute force
on public cloud workloads

• Popular infection vector and propagation
method for linux malware
Example -
Bread and Butter Attacks
• Recent malware campaigns

• Begins with Brute Force SSH

• Add user ‘butter’

• Downloads RAT

• RAT communicates with CNC

• RAT downloads XMR miner

• Reported by Gaurdicore
Example -
Bread and Butter Attacks
• Strong Passwords

• Monitor for repeated access attempts

• Key based auth when possible

• Restrict service port access

• WAF for internet facing apps
Remote Code Execution
• A vulnerability that allows code to be
executed from a remote attacker

• A frequent occurrence with so many
technology stacks, new CVEs every week

• Year old vulnerabilities still a major issue

• Very common infection vector in the cloud
Remote Code Execution
• A vulnerability that allows code to be
executed from a remote attacker

• A frequent occurrence with so many
technology stacks, new CVEs every week

• Year old vulnerabilities still a major issue

• Very common infection vector in the cloud
Redis Exploit Example
• Honeypot running Redis 2.8.4 on Ubuntu

• Redis exposed to open internet (TCP port

• Redis quickly exploited by LUA vulnerability

• Exploit contains payload to download
install script

• Install script downloads backdoor, miner,
kills competitive miners, and setup
RCE Mitigations
• Patch early and often

• Control network access to services

• Have incident response plans in place for
0-days ( there will always be new exploits )

• Reduce size of attack surface

• Minimal code base and OS foot print
Container Escapes
• A vulnerability that allows escape from a
sandbox or a container can mean access to
the host operating system or hypervisor. 

• Biggest concern since popularisation of

• Occurs from both misconfigurations and

• Containerised applications share host
resources, escape can lead to attacks on
other containers

• Container is not a full sandbox
Example : RUNC
Container Escape Vulnerability
• CVE - 2019 - 5736 : Execution of malicious
containers allow for container escape and
access to the host file system

• First major container escape of its kind

• Root user in the container or specially
crafted container could overwrite runc
binary with new binary of their choosing

• Runc used in most container platforms,
most notably Docker
Container Escape Mitigations
• Follow container best practices to minimise
the chance of successful escape

• Privileged container policy

• Read only root filesystem

• Prepare for rapid response to updating
container platforms and operating systems
Supplychain Compromise
• Trusted software is compromised 

• Common vectors

• Container image repos

• Third party applications

• Open Source Projects
Docker Hub Image Backdoors
• May’ 17 - Feb’ 18 : 17 malicious images
uploaded to Docker Hub

• Images containing crypto jacking

• Images downloaded over 5 million times

• First reported in September 2017, removed
in May 2018

• Attackers earned $90k
Compromise Mitigations
• Container Images

• Build Your Own

• Use official images if needed

• Control access to the repos

• Image Scanning

• Use least privileges 

• Git Signing 

• Image Verification

• Understand security of third party vendors
• Any software designed to damage a
computer, server, client, or network

• RATs, Trojans, Backdoors, Downloaders,
Ransomware etc.

• Recent Linux malware is modular in nature,
typically containing a backdoor,
propagation and mining modules

• Typically its a chain of events

• Shell scripts and binaries for Linux
Xbash combines BotNet, Ransomeware
in Worm that targets Linux and Windows
• Prolific malware family reported in 2018

• Ransomware, coin mining, propagation and
botnet capabilities

• Self propagation by attacking weak
password and application vulnerabilities

• Ransomware is actually data destroying
and it attacks databases in Linux

• Developed in Python
Cloud Security Resistant
• Malware samples associated with threat actor
Rocke Group are now capable of uninstalling
cloud security products
• Rocke Group's modus operandi is exploiting
vulnerabilities in web services including Apache
Struts 2, Oracle WebLogic, and Adobe
ColdFusion, providing a backdoor for the
attacker to gain shell access
• The newly-discovered samples include
additional instructions to block popular security
products used on Alibaba and Tencent cloud
platforms, including Alibaba Threat Detection
Service, Alibaba CloudMonitor, Alibaba Cloud
Assistant, Tencent Host Security, and Tencent
Cloud Monitor.
Let us talk about
Cloud Security Standards
Following are the important standards

ISO / IEC 27017 : 2015



NIST 800-53
Cloud Control Matrix (CCM)
• The Cloud Security Alliance Cloud
Controls Matrix (CCM) is specifically
designed to provide fundamental
security principles to guide cloud
vendors and to assist prospective
cloud customers in assessing the
overall security risk of a cloud
• Cloud Control Matrix Info Sheet
• Cloud Control Matrix Audit
• Cloud Control Matrix Gap Analysis
NIST SP 800-53
NIST Special Publication 800-53
covers the steps in the Risk
Management Framework that
address security control selection
for federal information systems in
accordance with the security
requirements in Federal
Information Processing
Standard (FIPS) 200. 
ISO / IEC 27017: 2015
• ISO/IEC 27017:2015 gives guidelines for
information security controls applicable to the
provision and use of cloud services by
• Additional implementation guidance for
relevant controls specified in ISO/IEC
• Additional controls with implementation
guidance that specifically relate to cloud
• This Recommendation | International Standard
provides controls and implementation
guidance for both cloud service providers and
cloud service customers.
Important concepts of this
chapter are the following
• The ISO 27017 : 2015
• NIST 800 SP 53
• Cloud Control Matrix
Best Practices
To prevent data breaches

To prevent mis configurations

To build a cloud security ecosystem
Best practices for a
Cloud Security Ecosystem
• Shared Responsibility Model

• Policy Definition

• CMDB Audit

• SIEM / Logging / Auditing

• IdP

• Configuration Management

• Orchestration Workflows

• Web Application Firewalls

• File Integrity Monitoring

• Continuous Integration

• Source Code Repositories
Best practices for avoiding
data breaches in cloud
• Audit for misconfiguration in cloud

• Patch for known security vulnerabilities

• Enabling least privilege user permissions
and access

• Proactively monitor security events in the

• Using CASB and Machine Learning
Techniques for cloud monitoring
Best practices for mitigate cloud
attacks with configuration hardening
• Misconfiguration cloud result in typical attack
scenarios including several kill chain steps such
as reconnaissance, lateral movement, privilege
escalation, data acquisition, persistence and
data exfiltration
• For example, the private data of six million
Verizon users was exposed when maintenance
work changed a configuration and made an S3
bucket public.
• In practice, cloud providers provide tools that
enterprises can use to secure hosted assets.
While cloud providers must be vigilant in how
they protect their data centers, responsibility for
securing access to apps, services, data
repositories and databases falls on the
Best practices for securing
and hardening OS in Cloud
Hardening provides layers of security at the host level,
application level, operating system level, physical level,
user level, and all the sub levels. Following are some of
the important OS hardening steps.
Change SSH Default Port
• By default, SSH daemon listen on port 22 which
means if anyone figures out your IP address, an
attempt to connect to your server.
• You may avoid this using strong password, but still,
they can launch brute force attacks and disturb the
• The possible solution to this is changing the SSH
port so that even if someone knows the IP address,
they cant attempt to connect using the default SS
Best practices for securing
and hardening OS in Cloud
Protection from brute force attacks
• Initiating the brute force is the common method used
by a hacker to take control of your web applications
such as WordPress, Joomla etc.
• You can use one of the two programs to harden your
Linux system from brute force that is SSHGuard and
• SSHGuard continuously monitors the service from the
system and blocks recurring unsuccessful attempts.
• Fail2Ban is another alternative program to protect
your SSH port.
• They automatically update the iptables rule if it detects
any unsuccessful login attempts after reaching a
certain threshold.
Best practices for securing
and hardening OS in Cloud
Disabling Password Based Authentication
• If you’ve many users who often log in from public
computers, it might be cumbersome to exchange the
key every time. We recommend disabling password-
based authentication to avoid this condition
Protection from DDoS attacks
• Use the load balancers by configuring it to internet-
facing, such that server IP is not exposed to the internet.
• Use CDN to improve the performance and the security of
the server. By using the CDN, you are exposing the IP
address of the CDN provider and your Origin IP remains
• Leverage the IPTables to block suspicious requests,
bogus TCP flag, private subnet etc.Use either hardware-
based firewall or software-based firewall.
Best practices for securing
and hardening OS in Cloud
• Take Regular Backup
• Taking regular back saves you when the breach occurs. All
the cloud providers offer the daily backup feature. If you are
using AWS, Azure or Google Cloud then make sure to
enable daily snapshot. Using backup, you can restore the
entire VM and you will be back in business with a small
• Update the OS Regularly
• OS should be regally updated whenever the new update is
released to make sure the servers are not exposed to the
latest security vulnerabilities.
• Keep the Ports Closed
• To run a website in Virtual Machine, you need to only keep
the ports 80 (HTTP) or 442 (HTTPS) open. AWS cloud
offers security group which allows you to open the required
ports. And for the more refined control you can use the
network ACL. Similarly, Google Cloud offers Firewall rules
to make the necessary changes to ports.
Best practices for Cloud
Infrastructure Security
• Operating System Security
• Increase the security measures of
the underlying operating systems
using specific security hardening
tools. For example, Microsoft
Baseline Security Analyzer
(MBSA), Bastille Linux, etc.
• Install an Intrusion Detection
System (IDS), such as Open
Source Security (OSSEC) and
CISCO Security Agent (CSA), at
the operating system level.
Best practices for Cloud
Infrastructure Security
• Network Management
• Use customer RSA security
tokens or client SSL certificates
instead of access passwords in
the console mode.
• Limit the number of network ports
to the minimum. Except for public
services like HTTP/HTTPS, limit
the number of source IP
addresses authorised to connect,
especially to administrative remote
accesses services.
Emerging Security Tools








Scout Suite
• Multi-Cloud Security auditing tool for AWS,
Google Cloud and Azure environments
• Scout Suite is an open source multi-cloud
security-auditing tool, which enables security
posture assessment of cloud environments.
• Using the APIs exposed by cloud providers,
Scout Suite gathers configuration data for
manual inspection and highlights risk areas.
• Rather than going through dozens of pages
on the web consoles, Scout Suite presents a
clear view of the attack surface automatically.
• Prowler is a command line tool for AWS
Security Best Practices Assessment,
Auditing, Hardening and Forensics
Readiness Tool.
• It follows guidelines of the CIS Amazon
Web Services Foundations Benchmark
(49 checks) and has 40 additional
checks including related to GDPR and
• It covers best practices related to AWS
such as IAM, logging, monitoring,
networking, CIS level 1&2, Forensics,
• CloudSploit scans is an open-source
project designed to allow detection of
security risks in an AWS account.
• These scripts are designed to run
against an AWS account and return a
series of potential misconfigurations and
security risks.
• CloudSploit provides free and paid
hosted versions of the cloud security
scanner with numerous additional
Cloud Mapper
• CloudMapper helps you analyze your Amazon Web
Services (AWS) environments.
• The original purpose was to generate network
diagrams and display them in your browser.
• It now contains much more functionality, including
auditing for security issues.
• Network Mapping Demo
• Report Demo
• Intro Post
• Post to show spotting misconfiguration in networks
• Post to perform continuous auditing
• SkyArk is a cloud security project with two main scanning
modules: AWS Stealth and Azure Stealth
• SkyArk currently focuses on mitigating the new threat of Cloud
Shadow Admins, and helps organisations to discover, assess
and protect cloud privileged entities.
• Stealthy and undercover cloud admins may reside in every
public cloud platform and SkyArk helps mitigating the risk in
AWS and Azure.
• In defensive/pentest/risk assessment procedures - make sure
to address the threat and validate that those privileged entities
are indeed well secured.
• SkyArk deals with the new uprising threat of Cloud Shadow
Admins - how attackers can find and abuse non-trivial and so-
called “limited” permissions to still make it through and escalate
their privileges and become full cloud admins.
• Furthermore, attackers can easily use those tricky specific
permissions to hide stealthy admin entities that will wait for
them as an undercover persistence technique.
• Cloud Environment Inspector
• Analyze and manage cloud cost, usage,
security, and governance in one place.
• Control your usage and create visibility across
all used services to achieve maximum cost-
• Detect potential vulnerabilities that could put
your cloud environment at risk.
• Get a deep understanding of how you spend
on the AWS, GCP, OVH, DigitalOcean and
• Perimeterator is a small project intended to allow for
continuous auditing of internet facing AWS services.
• It can be quickly deployed into AWS and will
periodically enumerate internet-facing IP addresses
for a number of commonly misconfigured AWS
• The results from this enumeration process are pushed
into a work queue for scanning by external scanner
'workers' in order to locate open network services.
• Scanner 'workers' can be deployed anywhere, and
are intended to be deployed into non-trusted
networks in order to provide a representation of
access to services from the "general internet”.
• All communication between Perimeterator
components occurs asynchronously through the use
of AWS SQS queues.
• The AWS exploitation framework, designed for testing the
security of Amazon Web Services environments.
• Pacu is an open source AWS exploitation framework,
designed for offensive security testing against cloud
• Pacu allows penetration testers to exploit configuration flaws
within an AWS account, using modules to easily expand its
functionality. Current modules enable a range of attacks,
including user privilege escalation, backdooring of IAM users,
attacking vulnerable Lambda functions, and much more.
• Pacu is a fairly lightweight program, as it requires only
Python3.5+ and pip3 to install a handful of Python libraries.
• Pacu uses a range of plug-in modules to assist an attacker in
enumeration, privilege escalation, data exfiltration, service
exploitation, and log manipulation within AWS environments.
• CloudTracker helps you find over-privileged IAM
users and roles by comparing CloudTrail logs
with current IAM policies.
• new open-source tool from Duo Security for
easily analyzing CloudTrail logs from Amazon
Web Services (AWS)!
• CloudTracker reviews CloudTrail logs to identify
the API calls made by an actor and compares
this with the IAM privileges that the actor has
been granted to identify privileges that can be
• CloudTracker requires you to have loaded your
CloudTrail logs into ElasticSearch.
• This scripts generates a scored audit
report of a Unix host's security. It is
based on the CIS and other frameworks.
• Where possible there are references to
the CIS and other benchmarks in the
code documentation.
• It can also can perform a lockdown.
Unlike some other scripts it has
capability to backout changes. Files are
backed up using cpio to a directory
based on the date.
• Policy as Code Bot (PacBot) is a platform for continuous
compliance monitoring, compliance reporting and security
automation for the cloud.
• In PacBot, security and compliance policies are implemented
as code.
• All resources discovered by PacBot are evaluated against
these policies to gauge policy conformance. The PacBot
auto-fix framework provides the ability to automatically
respond to policy violations by taking predefined actions.
• PacBot packs in powerful visualization features, giving a
simplified view of compliance and making it easy to analyze
and remediate policy violations.
• PacBot is more than a tool to manage cloud
misconfiguration, it is a generic platform that can be used to
do continuous compliance monitoring and reporting for any
Enterprise Security Tools
• Azure Sentinel

• AWS Web Application Firewall

• AWS Network Firewall

• AWS Cloud Watch

• AWS Security Hub

• AWS Guard Duty

• AWS Cloud Trail

• AWS Cognito

• Netflix Aardvark

• Netflix Diffy
Azure Sentinel
• Cloud-native SIEM for intelligent security analytics and
Security Orchestration Automated Response Tool
• Azure Sentinel makes it easy to collect security data
across your entire hybrid organization from devices, to
users, to apps, to servers on any cloud. 
• It uses the power of artificial intelligence to ensure you
are identifying real threats quickly and unleashes you
from the burden of traditional SIEMs by eliminating the
need to spend time on setting up, maintaining, and
scaling infrastructure.
• Sentinel is built on Azure Log Analytics. It collects
information from various security logs and turns the
information into a manageable form. The strongest
initial emphasis is on Microsoft 365.
Azure Sentinel
• Sentinel makes information more manageable
with machine learning, including built-in ML and
an optional module called Fusion. Third parties
can add “build-your-own” ML.
• They recognize patterns which are especially
suspicious, such as logging in from an unusual
IP address followed by a massive file download.
• Using these features, Sentinel takes its large
volume of incoming information and correlates it
into cases. A “case” is a group of related alerts
that all point to the same problem.
• Thus, presenting information as cases reduces
“alert fatigue”, where administrators receive
many redundant alerts.
Azure Sentinel
• An exciting feature of Sentinel is the ability to do
“hunting” and deep investigations of issues. The
process starts from the Cases page on the dashboard.
• Cases can be filtered by criteria such as status and
severity. The page for a single case gives information
about the alerts it’s built out of. It shows triggered
alerts reasonings.
• Thus, the administrator looking at it can assign the
case to someone or click the “Investigate” button to
get more information. It’s also possible to run a
playbook to initiate a standardised procedure for
processing the case.
• The investigation page shows the information as a
graph. The nodes on the graph identify entities, such
as incidents, computers, and users. The admin can
click on any entity to get more information about it and
see connections to related entities.
AWS Web Application
Firewall (WAF)
• AWS WAF is a web application firewall that lets you monitor the
HTTP and HTTPS requests that are forwarded to CloudFront, and
lets you control access to your content.
• Based on conditions that you specify, such as the IP addresses
that requests originate from or the values of query strings,
CloudFront responds to requests either with the requested content
or with an HTTP 403 status code (Forbidden).
• WAF can be setup with the Application Load Balancer. WAF can
be connected to CloudFront (AWS’s CDN), which in turn can direct
traffic to the Application Load Balancer.
• If your application servers more of content that can be cached,
then having AWS CloudFront along with WAF. If your application
cluster needs to scale but most of it is dynamic content then going
for ALB is more reasonable.
• There is an added fixed cost for ALB (In addition to the variable
cost which is not significant though) for each month while
CloudFront cost is variable and consumption driven.
• It is also possible to have both CloudFront and ALB together
where you can add the WAF to CloudFront only.
AWS Web Application
Firewall (WAF)
• Protecting web applications is any Web
Application Firewall primary purpose.
• A powerful WAF should be able to protect
applications, data, APIs, and mobile app
backends from common cyber attacks such as
OWASP Top 10, zero-day threats, data leakage,
and DDoS attacks.
• Traffic filtering is one of the most practical and
important operations performed by a Web
Application Firewall.
• By filtering traffic based on a factors such as
HTTP headers, keywords, IP addresses, and
even URI strings, the Web Application Firewall
can prevent harmful interactions before they
reach an application.
AWS Network Firewall
• Network Firewalls (most predominantly
NextGen Firewalls) on AWS offer
network protection that compliment
the application protection provided by
Web Application Firewalls.
• While there is some overlap between
what a Network Firewall and Web
Application FIrewall protect (most
notably data), Network Firewalls
provide security over the entire
network perimeter which includes the
highly vulnerable port and protocol
AWS Network Firewall
• Packet Filtering: By monitoring all incoming and outgoing packets
the firewall can regulate which applications and hosts are allowed to
interact with the network.
• Virtual Private Network (VPN): Many modern firewalls offer VPN
technology to allow virtual point-to-point links between two nodes
through a safe and regulated source.
• Deep Packet Inspection (DPI): DPI is a method that inspects not
only the packet’s multiple headers, but also the actual data content
of the packet. In this way the firewall can filter protocol non-
compliances, viruses, spam, intrusions, or other defined criteria.
• Antivirus Inspection: Antivirus inspection checks packets for virus
that travel through the network to infect endpoint devices.
• Website Filtering: Website filtering is a technique used to check
incoming web pages to see if the page needs to be censored or
declined to show at all. Reasons for blockage could be advertising,
pornographic content, spyware, viruses and other unsafe content.
• DNS Reputation Filtering: By filtering content against a database
which records the reputation and validity of an IP address, firewalls
can block harmful content more easily.
AWS Cloud Watch
• Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and observability
service built for DevOps engineers, developers, site
reliability engineers (SREs), and IT managers.
• CloudWatch provides you with data and actionable
insights to monitor your applications, respond to
system-wide performance changes, optimise resource
utilisation, and get a unified view of operational health.
• CloudWatch collects monitoring and operational data
in the form of logs, metrics, and events, providing you
with a unified view of AWS resources, applications, and
services that run on AWS and on-premises servers.
• You can use CloudWatch to detect anomalous
behaviour in your environments, set alarms, visualise
logs and metrics side by side, take automated actions,
troubleshoot issues, and discover insights to keep your
applications running smoothly.
AWS Cloud Watch
Amazon CloudWatch is basically a
metrics repository. An AWS service
—such as Amazon EC2—puts
metrics into the repository, and you
retrieve statistics based on those
If you put your own custom metrics
into the repository, you can retrieve
statistics on these metrics as well.
AWS CloudWatch Architecture
AWS Cloud Watch
Amazon CloudWatch is basically a
metrics repository. An AWS service
—such as Amazon EC2—puts
metrics into the repository, and you
retrieve statistics based on those
If you put your own custom metrics
into the repository, you can retrieve
statistics on these metrics as well.
AWS Cloud Watch
Amazon CloudWatch is basically a
metrics repository. An AWS service
—such as Amazon EC2—puts
metrics into the repository, and you
retrieve statistics based on those
If you put your own custom metrics
into the repository, you can retrieve
statistics on these metrics as well.
AWS Security Hub
• AWS Security Hub gives you a comprehensive view of your
high-priority security alerts and compliance status across AWS
• There are a range of powerful security tools at your disposal,
from firewalls and endpoint protection to vulnerability and
compliance scanners.
• But oftentimes this leaves your team switching back-and-forth
between these tools to deal with hundreds, and sometimes
thousands, of security alerts every day.
• With Security Hub, you now have a single place that
aggregates, organizes, and prioritizes your security alerts, or
findings, from multiple AWS services, such as Amazon
GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, and Amazon Macie, as well as
from AWS Partner solutions.
• Your findings are visually summarized on integrated dashboards
with actionable graphs and tables. You can also continuously
monitor your environment using automated compliance checks
based on the AWS best practices and industry standards your
organization follows.
AWS Cloud Trail
• AWS CloudTrail is a service that enables
governance, compliance, operational auditing,
and risk auditing of your AWS account.
• With CloudTrail, you can log, continuously
monitor, and retain account activity related to
actions across your AWS infrastructure.
• CloudTrail provides event history of your AWS
account activity, including actions taken
through the AWS Management Console, AWS
SDKs, command line tools, and other AWS
• This event history simplifies security analysis,
resource change tracking, and
AWS Guard Duty
• Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously
monitors for malicious activity and unauthorised behaviour to
protect your AWS accounts and workloads.
• With the cloud, the collection and aggregation of account and
network activities is simplified, but it can be time consuming for
security teams to continuously analyze event log data for potential
• With GuardDuty, you now have an intelligent and cost-effective
option for continuous threat detection in the AWS Cloud. The
service uses machine learning, anomaly detection, and integrated
threat intelligence to identify and prioritise potential threats.
• GuardDuty analyses tens of billions of events across multiple AWS
data sources, such as AWS CloudTrail, Amazon VPC Flow Logs,
and DNS logs. With a few clicks in the AWS Management
Console, GuardDuty can be enabled with no software or hardware
to deploy or maintain.
• By integrating with AWS CloudWatch Events, GuardDuty alerts are
actionable, easy to aggregate across multiple accounts, and
straightforward to push into existing event management and
workflow systems.
AWS Cognito
• Amazon Cognito is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) product that
controls user authentication and access for mobile applications on
internet-connected devices.
• The service saves and synchronises end-user data, which enables an
application developer to focus on writing code instead of building and
managing the back-end infrastructure. This can accelerate the mobile
application development process.
• Amazon Cognito collects a user's profile attributes into directories
called user pools that a mobile app or web app uses to configure
limited access to AWS resources.
• An identity pool consolidates end-user information, which client
access platforms, devices and operating systems receive to organize
federated identity groups.
• Data synchronises with AWS when a device is online, allowing an end
user to access the same information on another device. Data can
also be saved locally to a SQLite database while offline before
• Amazon Cognito associates data sets with identities and saves
encrypted information as key or value pairs in the Amazon Cognito
sync store.
Netflix Diffy
• Diffy is a triage tool used during cloud-centric security
incidents, to help digital forensics and incident
response (DFIR) teams quickly identify suspicious
hosts on which to focus their response.
• Diffy is a digital forensics and incident response (DFIR)
tool developed by Netflix's Security Intelligence and
Response Team (SIRT).
• Diffy allows a forensic investigator to quickly scope a
compromise across cloud instances during an
incident, and triage those instances for followup
• Diffy is currently focused on Linux instances running
within Amazon Web Services (AWS), but owing to our
plugin structure, could support multiple platforms and
cloud providers.
Netflix Aardvark
• Aardvark is a multi-account AWS IAM Access Advisor API
(and caching layer).
• AWS provides a service named Access Advisor that shows
all of the various AWS services that the policies of an IAM
Role permit access to and when (if at all) they were last
• Today Access Advisor data is only available in the console,
so we created Aardvark to make it easy to retrieve at scale.
• Aardvark uses PhantomJS to log into the AWS console
and retrieve Access Advisor data for all of the IAM Roles in
an account. Aardvark stores the latest Access Advisor data
in a database and exposes a RESTful API.
• Aardvark supports threading to retrieve data for multiple
accounts simultaneously, and in practice refreshes data for
our environment daily in less than 20 minutes.
Netflix Aardvark
Netflix Repokid
• Repokid uses Access Advisor provided by Aardvark to remove permissions
granting access to unused services from the inline policies of IAM roles in an
AWS account.
• Repokid uses the data about services used (or not) by a role to remove
permissions that a role doesn’t need.
• It does so by keeping a DynamoDB table with data about each role that it
has seen including: policies, count of permissions (total and unused),
whether a role is eligible for repo or if it is filtered, and when it was last
• (“repo” is shortened from repossess — our verb for the act of taking back
unused permissions).
• Filters can be used to exclude a role from repoing if, for example, if it is too
young to have been accurately profiled or it is on a user-defined blacklist.
• Once a role has been sufficiently profiled, Repokid’s repo feature revises
inline policies attached to a role to exclude unused permissions.
• Repokid also maintains a cache of previous policy versions in case a role
needs to be restored to a previous state. The repo feature can be applied to
a single role, but is more commonly used to target every eligible role in an
Cloud Virtual Machine Security
Virtual Machine Security
On-premise data centers typically rely on
physical, perimeter, and endpoint controls to
secure data stores.
In contrast, virtual data centers eliminate those
traditional entrance and egress points, forcing
organizations to take a new approach to security.
More problems arise because some of the virtual
machines are likely to be dormant (not running) at
some point in time.
These virtual machines cannot be easily kept up-
to-date, because typically this would require the
virtual machines to be started, updated and shut
down again, which is not only time-consuming,
but may also be a tedious process.
VM Security Concerns
• Multi Tenancy related Issues related to
different users within a cloud sharing the
same applications and the physical hardware
to run their VMs.
• This sharing can enable information leakage
exploitation and increases the attack surface
and the risk of VM-to-VM or VM-to
hypervisor compromise
• Virtualised servers have a limited number of
access points (NICs) available to all VMs.
This represents a critical security vulnerability
where compromising these access points
opens the door to compromise the VCI
including VMs, hypervisor or the vSwitch.
Virtual Machine Security
• Having differing scopes and requirements in their workloads,
organizations use virtualization technologies according to their
respective needs.
• For example, virtual machines (VMs) are a better fit for developers
and enterprises looking for flexibility in running multiple
applications, while containers are better for those requiring
scalable applications.
• Containers and VMs both offer means by which applications can
be run multiple times or isolated within a single platform, but they
differ in how they do it.
• Containers virtualize an operating system (OS) to run various
workloads in a single OS instance, while VMs virtualize hardware
to run instances of the OS.
• Thus, every instance of applications running on containers and
VMs poses a potential attack vector if it is vulnerable or
• An instance running with unnecessary ports still set up on the
container or VM, for example, can be exploited to let hackers
sneak into the application’s server.
Hypervisor Security
The hypervisor manages how guest OSs access resources such as the central
processing unit (CPU), memory, network, and storage. It partitions the resources
to prevent the instances from intruding into one another’s resources.
The hypervisor is the underlying infrastructure behind applications running on
VMs, which makes their security of paramount importance. The U.S. National
Institute of Standards and Technology has detailed recommendations for
securing the hypervisor:
• Disable unused and unnecessary virtual hardware or services (e.g., clipboard
and file sharing) to lessen the attack surface.
• Keep an eye on the hypervisor for anomalous activities.
• Actively monitor the traffic between VMs; visibility to them should be explicitly
• Track the instances and restrict the creation of VMs and virtual servers to
prevent virtualization sprawl, in which too many instances running lead to
inefficient management of physical and software resources.
• Use secure and encrypted communication protocols (e.g., Secure Sockets
Layer) to mitigate man-in-the-middle attacks or to protect data when
performing migration or storing VM images.
• Authenticate and ensure the integrity of the VM images stored in the server or
Virtual Machine Security &
Isolation Models
• Fault Isolation: If one virtual machine contains a
buggy operating system, that OS can start
scribbling all over physical memory. These wild
rights must be contained within the VM
• Performance Isolation: Ideally VMs performance
would be independent of the activity going-on on
the hardware. This must be accomplished by
smart scheduling and resource allocation policies
in the monitor.
• Software Isolation: Most of the issues with
computers today are complex software
configurations. DLL hell on PCs, operating system
and library versions, viruses, and other security
threats. VMs are naturally isolated for each other
by running in separate software environments.
Cloud Container security
Image Level Security

Security Orchestration

Container Level Security

Operating System Control

Automation Measures
Container Vulnerabilities
Images are the blueprint of containers,
which use them to spin or run applications.
A vulnerable image begets a malware- or
hacking-prone container, and consequently,
the application itself becomes prone to
malware or hacking as well.
Identifying security gaps pre-runtime and
fixing them accordingly before the image is
scheduled in an orchestration environment
will significantly save time and effort
reworking on builds, as well as reduce
overhead and disruptions in the
application’s life cycle:
Container Security Measures
• Ensure that the container images are signed, authenticated,
and drawn from a trusted registry; when scanning images,
consider scanning the registries as well since registries can
be compromised and their images tampered with.
• Secure the daemon; restrict access to it or employ encrypted
communication protocols when exposing it in the network.
• Enforce the principle of least privilege; unlike with a
hypervisor, which acts as a central point of management, any
user, service, or application with access to the container’s
root account can get into other containers sharing the kernel.
• Isolate resources; properly configure control groups and
namespaces, that is, what and how much resources a
container is allowed to use.
• Bake security in to further reduce the need for extra builds;
Docker, for instance, has its own documentation on the built-
in security features of its engine that can serve as a reference
NIST Special Publication 800-190:
Application Container Security Guide
• Perhaps the most obvious source of security issues in a
containerized environment is problems lurking within
application images themselves.
• These can include outdated, insecure versions of software or
libraries; buggy applications; or even hidden malware.
• Tools that can scan for these vulnerabilities are essential, but
the NIST guidelines caution that these should be container-
aware, including the ability to scan all layers of a multilayer
containerized application.
• Flawed or malicious software isn’t the only threat. Poorly
configured images can also be a source of vulnerabilities.
• For example, an image might launch an extraneous daemon
or service that allows unwanted access from the network, or
it might be configured to run with more user privileges than
are necessary.
• Secrets stored within images, such as authentication keys or
certificates, are another danger to watch out for.
NIST Special Publication 800-190:
Application Container Security Guide
NIST recommends pulling images only from
trusted sources, such as private container
registries, but a poorly configured registry can
also be a security issue.
Access to the registry should require encrypted
and authenticated connections, preferably using
credentials that are federated with existing
network security controls.
Any efforts to secure container images can be
rendered meaningless if the registry can be
easily compromised.
Also, the registry should undergo frequent
maintenance to ensure that it doesn’t contain
stale images with lingering vulnerabilities.
NIST Special Publication 800-190:
Application Container Security Guide
• Container orchestration tools—of which
Kubernetes has become the leading example
—are another potential target of attack.
• Pay strict attention to securing the
administrative interface, especially in
scenarios where a single orchestrator
manages multiple applications.
• This may include such measures as strong,
two-factor authentication and at-rest
encryption of data.
• If you don't strictly scope access, a careless
or malicious user could potentially do all sorts
of mischief, from taking down apps to
launching rogue ones.
NIST Special Publication 800-190:
Application Container Security Guide
NIST also recommends configuring orchestrators
to separate network traffic into discrete virtual
networks, based on the sensitivity of the traffic
being transmitted.
The idea is that low-sensitivity workloads, such as
public-facing web apps, should be isolated from
high-sensitivity workloads, such as tax-reporting
In addition, workloads should be distributed such
that each host runs containers only of a given
security level.
These measures make it much more difficult for a
malicious actor to gain access to sensitive data
when a low-sensitivity application such as a blog is
NIST Special Publication 800-190:
Application Container Security Guide
• In general, NIST recommends deploying
and orchestrating clusters in ways that are secure
by default. 
• Examples include end-to-end encryption of all
network traffic between cluster nodes and mutually
authenticated network connections between cluster
• The orchestrator should be able to introduce nodes
to the cluster securely, maintain a persistent identity
for each node throughout its lifecycle, and isolate
and remove compromised nodes without affecting
the overall security of the cluster.
• These measures are especially important in large-
scale environments that span multiple network
organizations and scale to hundreds of hosts and
thousands of containers.
NIST Special Publication 800-190:
Application Container Security Guide
In addition to container images and the
applications within them, containers themselves
can potentially become security issues.
One of the more serious concerns arises when
the container runtimes that launch and manage
containers—software such as containerd, CRI-
O, and rkt—themselves contain vulnerabilities.
NIST cautions that, left unpatched, such flaws
can lead to “container escape” scenarios where
an attacker could potentially gain access to
other containers or the host operating system
itself, so admins should make installing runtime
security patches a high priority.
NIST Special Publication 800-190:
Application Container Security Guide
• Beyond this, administrators must pay
special attention to the many
configurable options available with
container runtimes.
• A misconfigured container might be able
to access too many devices, for
example, which could potentially affect all
containers running on the host.
• Other runtime options could allow a
container to make unsafe system calls,
mount sensitive directories in read-write
mode, and even compromise the host
NIST Special Publication 800-190:
Application Container Security Guide
• Containerized infrastructure also makes
scanning network traffic for security
threats more challenging.
• Containers deployed on multiple hosts
typically communicate over a virtual,
encrypted network, and they are
assigned dynamic IP addresses that
change continuously as applications are
scaled and load balanced by the
• Detecting network traffic anomalies in
such an environment requires specialized,
application-aware network filtering tools.
NIST Special Publication 800-190:
Application Container Security Guide
• At the lowest level of the containerized
stack, the host OS represents the most
critical target for attacks. If compromised,
it can expose all of the containers running
on it.
• For this reason, NIST recommends
running a pared-down, container-specific
OS that limits the number of installed
components to the bare minimum of
software required to create and manage
• Fewer components means fewer potential
vulnerabilities that can be exploited.
NIST Special Publication 800-190:
Application Container Security Guide
• Even a minimised OS, however, will
not be immune to security
• As they would with any software, it is
critical that administrators keep up
with OS security patches and apply
them promptly to all host instances in
the cluster.
• This includes not just the OS kernel,
but also the container runtime and any
other system services or components
recommended by the OS vendor.
NIST Special Publication 800-190:
Application Container Security Guide
• Proper OS configuration is also essential.
In addition to mounting sensitive file
systems as read-only, NIST recommends
running the host OS as immutable
infrastructure, with no data stored
uniquely and persistently on the host.
• In addition, the host should not provide
any application-level dependencies
except those that have been packaged
and deployed as containers.
• These measures make the OS a more
trustworthy environment, with far fewer
avenues for attack.
NIST Special Publication 800-190:
Application Container Security Guide
• A persistent theme throughout the
NIST guidelines is the need for
automation of security processes,
particularly as the environment
scales to hundreds of hosts and
thousands of containers.
• Container orchestrators provide
some of this automation, but
container admins should also
seek to automate such functions
as vulnerability scanning and
software updates.
NIST Special Publication 800-190:
Application Container Security Guide
• Another lesson learned is that software
alone cannot guarantee security.
Containerization also requires that
organizations examine their processes and
teams and potentially adjust to the new
operational model.
• The ephemeral nature of containers may
call for different procedures than those
used with traditional servers.
• For example, incident response teams will
need awareness of the roles, owners, and
sensitivity levels of deployed containers
before they can know the proper steps to
take in the event of an ongoing attack.
Cloud Data Privacy Policies
Global Context

Main Challenges

Madrid Resolution
Global Context
• Policies on the creation of privacy legislation in
the European Union and the United States
differ. The United States favor a more laissez-
faire approach.
• Industry self regulation is favoured over federal
law.It is believed that businesses shape their
policies according to consumer preferences,
following economic theory.
• This theory implies that consumer preferences
determine market share, and that a higher
market share leads to higher profits.
• The Payment Card Industry Data Security
Standards (PCI-DSS), discussed below, is an
example of a self regulation policy.
Main Challenges
• Complexity of risk assessment
in a cloud environment
• Emergence of new business
models and their implications
for consumer privacy
• Achieving regulatory
Complexity of
Risk Assessment
• The complexity of cloud services
introduces a number of unknown
• Service providers and consumers are
cautious, respectively, about offering
guarantees for compliance-ready
services and adopting the services.
• With service providers promoting a
simple way to flow personal data
irrespective of national boundaries, a real
challenge arises in terms of checking the
data processing life cycle and its
compliance with legal frameworks.
Complexity of
Risk Assessment
• In a cloud service, there are many questions
needing to be addressed in order to determine
the risks to information privacy and security:
• Who are the stakeholders involved in the
• What are their roles and responsibilities?
• Where is the data kept?
• How is the data replicated?
• What are the relevant legal rules for data
• How will the service provider meet the
expected level of security and privacy?
Madrid Resolution
• To address these issues, the Madrid
Resolution states that every responsible
person shall have transparent policies with
regard to the processing of personal data.
• Stakeholders need to specify requirements for
cloud computing that meet the expected level
of security and privacy.
• In Europe, the European Network and
Information Security Agency (ENISA) provides
recommendations to facilitate understanding
of the shift in the balance of responsibility and
accountability for key functions such as
governance and control over data and IT
operations and compliance with laws and
Cloud Identity Systems
Paradigm Shift

IAM Economics

IAM Workflow
Cloud IAM features
• Single Access Control Interface. Cloud
IAM solutions provide a clean and
consistent access control interface for all
cloud platform services. The same
interface can be used for all cloud
• Enhanced Security. You can define
increased security for critical
• Resource-level Access Control. You can
define roles and grant permissions to
users to access resources at different
granularity levels.
A Paradigm Shift in Identity
Access Management Models
• Cloud application delivery of Identity
and Access Management Systems is
a paradigm shift from legacy models
• As a result of this shift, developers
will be primarily responsible for
Identity and Access Management
• In cloud environments, IAM is
a commonly accepted best practice,
since there's no practical way to
secure resources without identity
Cloud and Economics of IAM
The well-known benefits of cloud
computing such as adaptive
pricing structure and faster, easier
deployment are also the drivers of
the cloud IAM market. 
As the primary pattern for
security and governance in the
cloud, IAM SaaS is growing in
tandem with the increasing
migrations to cloud applications.
Cloud enabled Identities
• Modern cloud applications
are identity-enabled to provide
the security and governance
services that enterprises need. 
• This is a major shift for many
organizations. It means that
instead of sysadmins and
operations, developers will need
to build the bulk of these
organizations' security and
governance features.
Cloud IAM Activities
• Have cloud applications check the IAM
system to determine access rights before
proceeding with operations
• Filter through data that applications are
allowed to use based on the identities of the
data, the application, and the application user
• Encrypt data communications as needed,
regardless of whether an authorised identity is
accessing it or not
• Encrypt data storage as needed
• Dynamically determine access rights and
limits while the application is running
Cloud IAM Workflow
• Process start
• Identity retrieval
• Identity validation
• Resource access using identity
• Identity validation and understanding of
• Resource access with authentication and
• Release of resources
• Process end
Multi Cloud Security Models
Gartner Insights

Shared Models

Data Strategy
A Multi Cloud Strategy
According to Gartner, a multi-cloud strategy
will be the common approach taken by 70
percent of enterprises by the end of this year.
With this being said, the adoption and
execution of a multi-cloud initiative can be a
daunting prospect, and the process itself can
be fairly complex.
It involves numerous focus areas -
automation and orchestration, cloud
connectivity, DevOps enablement and, of
course, cloud security – all requiring intensive
and specified technology, processes and
cultural innovation.
Understanding How
Shared Models Work
• Make sure that your organization’s business
partners and other stakeholders
understand how the shared security model
applies to you and your cloud vendors.
• Usually, cloud providers are responsible for
the security of their own infrastructure, and
they should be able to provide your
organization with some of the capabilities
you need in order to protect your data while
it’s in their infrastructure.
• Those capabilities include multi-factor
authentication vectors, encryption
technologies, and identity and access
Understanding Accounts and
Deployment Zones
• Upholding the responsibilities of
your organization’s part of the
shared security model requires that
you understand the accounts and
deployment zones where you need
visibility to monitor for vulnerabilities.
• With that understanding, you can
properly deploy IDS and IPS devices
and analyze their logs or have a
trusted third party take care of that
for you while being informed as to
what’s going on in your network.
Attack Surface in a
Multi Cloud
• When integrating multicloud, companies
significantly expand their attack surface,
so security posture must be placed firmly
at the forefront of their minds.
• Applying a holistic approach will ensure
the agility afforded by adopting
multicloud architecture can be safely
• As new technologies emerge, the
multicloud needs to provide the flexibility
to quickly and securely switch from one
service to another, regardless of the
service’s geography and topology
Data Strategy for Multi-Cloud
• In a multicloud architecture, it can be easy to
lose sight of data and where it resides. Often it’s
the case that IT staff may have visibility into
individual clouds through cloud-specific tools but
are unable to identify or correlate threats to data
across multiple cloud platforms.
• The best way to increase data visibility and
secure the multicloud environment is to ensure
security capabilities can be managed and
orchestrated from within the enterprise through a
single point of control.
• Any security tools that are put in place to secure
a business’ IT infrastructure need to seamlessly
share security control information, as well as
work harmoniously addressing cyber dangers
wherever they occur.

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Cloud Security Engineering - Tools and Techniques

  • 1. Cloud Security Emerging Facets and Frontiers
  • 2. Let us look at the Cloud Security Insights Report Pages/2019-Cloud-Security-Report-ISC2.ashx
  • 3. Top Cloud security Findings of 2019 • The top cloud security concern of cybersecurity professionals is data loss and leakage (64%) • The top cloud security vulnerability is unauthorised access through misuse of employee credentials and improper access controls • Insecure interfaces and APIs is also top cloud security vulnerability • Misconfiguration of cloud platforms comes as the second most severe cloud vulnerability
  • 4. Cloud Security Incidents • Data exposure incidents (27%) • Malware infections (20%) • Compromised accounts (19%) • Vulnerability (17%)
  • 5. Cloud Security Concerns • Data Loss (64%) • Data Privacy (62%) • Compliance Concerns (39%) • Exposure of Credentials (39%) • Data Sovereignty (35%) • Incident Response (29%)
  • 6. Important concepts of this chapter are the following • Data loss and leakage (64%) • Unauthorised access • Insecure interfaces and APIs • Misconfiguration of cloud platforms
  • 8. Top data breaches • Cambridge Analytica • Accenture • Verizon • Booz Allen Hamilton • Republican National Committee • Election System & Software
  • 9. CAMBRDIGE ANALYTICA • Data of up to 87 million users was compromised in this data leak which included information such as found in the Facebook public profile, page likes, birthday and current city. • Some Facebook users were found to have granted app permissions to their news feeds, timelines, and messages. • All of the information gleaned from the leaked data allowed Cambridge Analytica to build political profiles of each Facebook user and target specific political advertisements to influence them in a particular way.
  • 10. Accenture • World’s first Cyber Resilience startup UpGuard discovered in its Cyber Risk survey that Accenture left at least 4 AWS S3 storage buckets unsecured. • As a result of this flaw, the data on these storage media was available for download. • The data exposed in this security goof-up were authentication credentials, secret API data, digital certificates, decryption keys, customer data, and other meta info which could be easily used by cyber crooks to mint money.
  • 11. Verizon • Nice Systems, which is a 3rd party vendor working for Verizon, committed a configuration blunder on an AWS S3 bucket which exposed names, addresses, account details, and pin numbers of millions of US-based Verizon customers. • ‘Nice’ agreed that the mistake was committed by one of its engineers who reportedly created a cloud-based file repository for storing customers call data which is used by Verizon for backend office and call center operations.
  • 12. Booz Allen Hamilton 60,000 files were on a public access on AWS S3 bucket owned by an intelligence and defence contract of Booz Allen. The cache is said to have exposed 28GB of data and this includes credentials of senior engineers, passwords of US Government systems, and over half a dozen of files containing unencrypted passwords of government contractors holding top Secret Facility Clearance.
  • 13. Republican National Committee • A 3rd party investigation commissioned by Deep Root Analytics confirmed that personal details of more than 198 million American voters were exposed by a security flaw on AWS S3 bucket owned by Republican National Committee (RNC). • The exposed data includes birth dates, phone numbers; self-reported racial background, home & mailing address, and party affiliation. This blunder was committed by an engineer working for Deep Root Analytics which was providing data storage services for RNC.
  • 14. Election Systems and Software (ESS) Virtually every registered voter information from Chicago was available for public access when the engineer working for ES&S left the AWS S3 bucket for public access. The data was in downloadable format and is said to have compromised personal info of more than 1.8 million Chicago voters so far. The data includes names, addresses, phone numbers, driver’s license, and social security numbers. Moreover, the exposed database is reported to have created at the time of US 2016 general elections by the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners.
  • 15. Emerging threats Leaked Keys Malicious Insider Brute Force Attacks Remote Code Execution Container Escapes Supplychain Attacks Malware Cryptojacking Ransomware
  • 16. Publicly Accessible Resources • The exposure of sensitive data or resources through misconfigurations or similar modes • Exposed DBs • MongoDB • ElasticSearch • Redis • Exposed Storage • S3 • Google Cloud Storage
  • 17. Risk Mitigations for Publicly Accessible Resources • Visibility to Internet facing configurations • Continuous auditing for open storage and ports • Integrate network configuration tests pre- deployment through CI/CD • Enforce authentication for DBs • Encrypt sensitive data at rest
  • 18. Leaked Access Keys • Programmable IaaS + APIs = need for keys in many places • Keys leaked in many ways • Hardcoded keys • Code repo misconfigurations • Code repo hacked • Phishing • Exploits
  • 19. Case Study : Uber Breach • In October 2016, two hackers compromised Uber’s Github • Github contained access keys to AWS • Hackers stole PII on 57 million individuals • Held data for ransom • Publicly disclosed late 2017
  • 20. Leaked Access Keys Risk Mitigations • Don’t hard code keys • Build tests in CI/CD to search for keys • Use key management solutions and SDKs from cloud providers • Audit code repositories for misconfigurations • Practice least privileges in code repositories
  • 21. Case Study : Malicious Insider • IT employee terminated after four weeks • Use former colleagues credentials to access company AWS account • Terminated 23 servers • Estimated $700,000 is lose to the business • Deleted data was unable to be recovered
  • 22. Insider Threat Mitigations • Internal training & awareness • Practice least privileges • Use of multi factor authentication • Exit plan when employees leave • Physical access removal • Account access removal • Disaster recovery plan • Incident management plan
  • 23. Brute Force Attacks • Repeated attempts to guess username and password combinations in an attempt to gain unauthorised access • SSH most common service to brute force on public cloud workloads • Popular infection vector and propagation method for linux malware
  • 24. Example - Bread and Butter Attacks • Recent malware campaigns • Begins with Brute Force SSH • Add user ‘butter’ • Downloads RAT • RAT communicates with CNC • RAT downloads XMR miner • Reported by Gaurdicore
  • 25. Example - Bread and Butter Attacks • Strong Passwords • Monitor for repeated access attempts • Key based auth when possible • Restrict service port access • WAF for internet facing apps
  • 26. Remote Code Execution • A vulnerability that allows code to be executed from a remote attacker • A frequent occurrence with so many technology stacks, new CVEs every week • Year old vulnerabilities still a major issue • Very common infection vector in the cloud
  • 27. Remote Code Execution • A vulnerability that allows code to be executed from a remote attacker • A frequent occurrence with so many technology stacks, new CVEs every week • Year old vulnerabilities still a major issue • Very common infection vector in the cloud
  • 28. Redis Exploit Example • Honeypot running Redis 2.8.4 on Ubuntu 14.0.4 • Redis exposed to open internet (TCP port 6379) • Redis quickly exploited by LUA vulnerability CVE-2015-4335 • Exploit contains payload to download install script • Install script downloads backdoor, miner, kills competitive miners, and setup persistence.
  • 29. RCE Mitigations • Patch early and often • Control network access to services • Have incident response plans in place for 0-days ( there will always be new exploits ) • Reduce size of attack surface • Minimal code base and OS foot print
  • 30. Container Escapes • A vulnerability that allows escape from a sandbox or a container can mean access to the host operating system or hypervisor. • Biggest concern since popularisation of containers • Occurs from both misconfigurations and exploits • Containerised applications share host resources, escape can lead to attacks on other containers • Container is not a full sandbox
  • 31. Example : RUNC Container Escape Vulnerability • CVE - 2019 - 5736 : Execution of malicious containers allow for container escape and access to the host file system • First major container escape of its kind • Root user in the container or specially crafted container could overwrite runc binary with new binary of their choosing • Runc used in most container platforms, most notably Docker
  • 32. Container Escape Mitigations • Follow container best practices to minimise the chance of successful escape • Privileged container policy • Read only root filesystem • Prepare for rapid response to updating container platforms and operating systems
  • 33. Supplychain Compromise • Trusted software is compromised • Common vectors • Container image repos • Third party applications • Open Source Projects
  • 34. Docker Hub Image Backdoors • May’ 17 - Feb’ 18 : 17 malicious images uploaded to Docker Hub • Images containing crypto jacking capabilities • Images downloaded over 5 million times • First reported in September 2017, removed in May 2018 • Attackers earned $90k
  • 35. Supplychain Compromise Mitigations • Container Images • Build Your Own • Use official images if needed • Control access to the repos • Image Scanning • Use least privileges • Git Signing • Image Verification • Understand security of third party vendors
  • 36. Malware • Any software designed to damage a computer, server, client, or network • RATs, Trojans, Backdoors, Downloaders, Ransomware etc. • Recent Linux malware is modular in nature, typically containing a backdoor, propagation and mining modules • Typically its a chain of events • Shell scripts and binaries for Linux
  • 37. Xbash combines BotNet, Ransomeware in Worm that targets Linux and Windows • Prolific malware family reported in 2018 • Ransomware, coin mining, propagation and botnet capabilities • Self propagation by attacking weak password and application vulnerabilities • Ransomware is actually data destroying and it attacks databases in Linux • Developed in Python
  • 38. Cloud Security Resistant Malware • Malware samples associated with threat actor Rocke Group are now capable of uninstalling cloud security products • Rocke Group's modus operandi is exploiting vulnerabilities in web services including Apache Struts 2, Oracle WebLogic, and Adobe ColdFusion, providing a backdoor for the attacker to gain shell access • The newly-discovered samples include additional instructions to block popular security products used on Alibaba and Tencent cloud platforms, including Alibaba Threat Detection Service, Alibaba CloudMonitor, Alibaba Cloud Assistant, Tencent Host Security, and Tencent Cloud Monitor.
  • 39. Let us talk about Cloud Security Standards Following are the important standards ISO / IEC 27017 : 2015 MTCS SS 584 CCM NIST 800-53
  • 40. Cloud Control Matrix (CCM) • The Cloud Security Alliance Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) is specifically designed to provide fundamental security principles to guide cloud vendors and to assist prospective cloud customers in assessing the overall security risk of a cloud provider. • Cloud Control Matrix Info Sheet • Cloud Control Matrix Audit • Cloud Control Matrix Gap Analysis
  • 41. NIST SP 800-53 NIST Special Publication 800-53 covers the steps in the Risk Management Framework that address security control selection for federal information systems in accordance with the security requirements in Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 200. 
  • 42. ISO / IEC 27017: 2015 • ISO/IEC 27017:2015 gives guidelines for information security controls applicable to the provision and use of cloud services by providing: • Additional implementation guidance for relevant controls specified in ISO/IEC 27002; • Additional controls with implementation guidance that specifically relate to cloud services. • This Recommendation | International Standard provides controls and implementation guidance for both cloud service providers and cloud service customers.
  • 43. Important concepts of this chapter are the following • The ISO 27017 : 2015 • NIST 800 SP 53 • Cloud Control Matrix
  • 44. Best Practices To prevent data breaches To prevent mis configurations To build a cloud security ecosystem
  • 45. Best practices for a Cloud Security Ecosystem • Shared Responsibility Model • Policy Definition • CMDB Audit • SIEM / Logging / Auditing • IdP • Configuration Management • Orchestration Workflows • Web Application Firewalls • File Integrity Monitoring • Continuous Integration • Source Code Repositories
  • 46. Best practices for avoiding data breaches in cloud • Audit for misconfiguration in cloud • Patch for known security vulnerabilities • Enabling least privilege user permissions and access • Proactively monitor security events in the cloud • Using CASB and Machine Learning Techniques for cloud monitoring
  • 47. Best practices for mitigate cloud attacks with configuration hardening • Misconfiguration cloud result in typical attack scenarios including several kill chain steps such as reconnaissance, lateral movement, privilege escalation, data acquisition, persistence and data exfiltration • For example, the private data of six million Verizon users was exposed when maintenance work changed a configuration and made an S3 bucket public. • In practice, cloud providers provide tools that enterprises can use to secure hosted assets. While cloud providers must be vigilant in how they protect their data centers, responsibility for securing access to apps, services, data repositories and databases falls on the enterprises.
  • 48. Best practices for securing and hardening OS in Cloud Hardening provides layers of security at the host level, application level, operating system level, physical level, user level, and all the sub levels. Following are some of the important OS hardening steps. Change SSH Default Port • By default, SSH daemon listen on port 22 which means if anyone figures out your IP address, an attempt to connect to your server. • You may avoid this using strong password, but still, they can launch brute force attacks and disturb the servers. • The possible solution to this is changing the SSH port so that even if someone knows the IP address, they cant attempt to connect using the default SS port.
  • 49. Best practices for securing and hardening OS in Cloud Protection from brute force attacks • Initiating the brute force is the common method used by a hacker to take control of your web applications such as WordPress, Joomla etc. • You can use one of the two programs to harden your Linux system from brute force that is SSHGuard and Fail2Ban. • SSHGuard continuously monitors the service from the system and blocks recurring unsuccessful attempts. • Fail2Ban is another alternative program to protect your SSH port. • They automatically update the iptables rule if it detects any unsuccessful login attempts after reaching a certain threshold.
  • 50. Best practices for securing and hardening OS in Cloud Disabling Password Based Authentication • If you’ve many users who often log in from public computers, it might be cumbersome to exchange the key every time. We recommend disabling password- based authentication to avoid this condition Protection from DDoS attacks • Use the load balancers by configuring it to internet- facing, such that server IP is not exposed to the internet. • Use CDN to improve the performance and the security of the server. By using the CDN, you are exposing the IP address of the CDN provider and your Origin IP remains unexposed. • Leverage the IPTables to block suspicious requests, bogus TCP flag, private subnet etc.Use either hardware- based firewall or software-based firewall.
  • 51. Best practices for securing and hardening OS in Cloud • Take Regular Backup • Taking regular back saves you when the breach occurs. All the cloud providers offer the daily backup feature. If you are using AWS, Azure or Google Cloud then make sure to enable daily snapshot. Using backup, you can restore the entire VM and you will be back in business with a small downtime. • Update the OS Regularly • OS should be regally updated whenever the new update is released to make sure the servers are not exposed to the latest security vulnerabilities. • Keep the Ports Closed • To run a website in Virtual Machine, you need to only keep the ports 80 (HTTP) or 442 (HTTPS) open. AWS cloud offers security group which allows you to open the required ports. And for the more refined control you can use the network ACL. Similarly, Google Cloud offers Firewall rules to make the necessary changes to ports.
  • 52. Best practices for Cloud Infrastructure Security • Operating System Security • Increase the security measures of the underlying operating systems using specific security hardening tools. For example, Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA), Bastille Linux, etc. • Install an Intrusion Detection System (IDS), such as Open Source Security (OSSEC) and CISCO Security Agent (CSA), at the operating system level.
  • 53. Best practices for Cloud Infrastructure Security • Network Management • Use customer RSA security tokens or client SSL certificates instead of access passwords in the console mode. • Limit the number of network ports to the minimum. Except for public services like HTTP/HTTPS, limit the number of source IP addresses authorised to connect, especially to administrative remote accesses services.
  • 55. Scout Suite • • Multi-Cloud Security auditing tool for AWS, Google Cloud and Azure environments • Scout Suite is an open source multi-cloud security-auditing tool, which enables security posture assessment of cloud environments. • Using the APIs exposed by cloud providers, Scout Suite gathers configuration data for manual inspection and highlights risk areas. • Rather than going through dozens of pages on the web consoles, Scout Suite presents a clear view of the attack surface automatically.
  • 56. Prowler • Prowler is a command line tool for AWS Security Best Practices Assessment, Auditing, Hardening and Forensics Readiness Tool. • It follows guidelines of the CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations Benchmark (49 checks) and has 40 additional checks including related to GDPR and HIPAA. • It covers best practices related to AWS such as IAM, logging, monitoring, networking, CIS level 1&2, Forensics, GDPR, HIPAA etc.
  • 57. CloudSploit • CloudSploit scans is an open-source project designed to allow detection of security risks in an AWS account. • These scripts are designed to run against an AWS account and return a series of potential misconfigurations and security risks. • CloudSploit provides free and paid hosted versions of the cloud security scanner with numerous additional features: •
  • 58. Cloud Mapper • CloudMapper helps you analyze your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments. • The original purpose was to generate network diagrams and display them in your browser. • It now contains much more functionality, including auditing for security issues. • Network Mapping Demo • Report Demo • Intro Post • Post to show spotting misconfiguration in networks • Post to perform continuous auditing •
  • 59. SkyArk • SkyArk is a cloud security project with two main scanning modules: AWS Stealth and Azure Stealth • SkyArk currently focuses on mitigating the new threat of Cloud Shadow Admins, and helps organisations to discover, assess and protect cloud privileged entities. • Stealthy and undercover cloud admins may reside in every public cloud platform and SkyArk helps mitigating the risk in AWS and Azure. • In defensive/pentest/risk assessment procedures - make sure to address the threat and validate that those privileged entities are indeed well secured. • SkyArk deals with the new uprising threat of Cloud Shadow Admins - how attackers can find and abuse non-trivial and so- called “limited” permissions to still make it through and escalate their privileges and become full cloud admins. • Furthermore, attackers can easily use those tricky specific permissions to hide stealthy admin entities that will wait for them as an undercover persistence technique.
  • 60. Komiser • Cloud Environment Inspector • Analyze and manage cloud cost, usage, security, and governance in one place. • Control your usage and create visibility across all used services to achieve maximum cost- effectiveness. • Detect potential vulnerabilities that could put your cloud environment at risk. • Get a deep understanding of how you spend on the AWS, GCP, OVH, DigitalOcean and Azure. •
  • 61. Perimeterator • Perimeterator is a small project intended to allow for continuous auditing of internet facing AWS services. • It can be quickly deployed into AWS and will periodically enumerate internet-facing IP addresses for a number of commonly misconfigured AWS resources. • The results from this enumeration process are pushed into a work queue for scanning by external scanner 'workers' in order to locate open network services. • Scanner 'workers' can be deployed anywhere, and are intended to be deployed into non-trusted networks in order to provide a representation of access to services from the "general internet”. • All communication between Perimeterator components occurs asynchronously through the use of AWS SQS queues.
  • 62. Pacu • The AWS exploitation framework, designed for testing the security of Amazon Web Services environments. • Pacu is an open source AWS exploitation framework, designed for offensive security testing against cloud environments. • Pacu allows penetration testers to exploit configuration flaws within an AWS account, using modules to easily expand its functionality. Current modules enable a range of attacks, including user privilege escalation, backdooring of IAM users, attacking vulnerable Lambda functions, and much more. • Pacu is a fairly lightweight program, as it requires only Python3.5+ and pip3 to install a handful of Python libraries. • Pacu uses a range of plug-in modules to assist an attacker in enumeration, privilege escalation, data exfiltration, service exploitation, and log manipulation within AWS environments. •
  • 63. CloudTracker • CloudTracker helps you find over-privileged IAM users and roles by comparing CloudTrail logs with current IAM policies. • new open-source tool from Duo Security for easily analyzing CloudTrail logs from Amazon Web Services (AWS)! • CloudTracker reviews CloudTrail logs to identify the API calls made by an actor and compares this with the IAM privileges that the actor has been granted to identify privileges that can be removed. • CloudTracker requires you to have loaded your CloudTrail logs into ElasticSearch. •
  • 64. Lunar • This scripts generates a scored audit report of a Unix host's security. It is based on the CIS and other frameworks. • Where possible there are references to the CIS and other benchmarks in the code documentation. • It can also can perform a lockdown. Unlike some other scripts it has capability to backout changes. Files are backed up using cpio to a directory based on the date. •
  • 65. Pacbot • Policy as Code Bot (PacBot) is a platform for continuous compliance monitoring, compliance reporting and security automation for the cloud. • In PacBot, security and compliance policies are implemented as code. • All resources discovered by PacBot are evaluated against these policies to gauge policy conformance. The PacBot auto-fix framework provides the ability to automatically respond to policy violations by taking predefined actions. • PacBot packs in powerful visualization features, giving a simplified view of compliance and making it easy to analyze and remediate policy violations. • PacBot is more than a tool to manage cloud misconfiguration, it is a generic platform that can be used to do continuous compliance monitoring and reporting for any domain. •
  • 66. Enterprise Security Tools • Azure Sentinel • AWS Web Application Firewall • AWS Network Firewall • AWS Cloud Watch • AWS Security Hub • AWS Guard Duty • AWS Cloud Trail • AWS Cognito • Netflix Aardvark • Netflix Diffy
  • 67. Azure Sentinel • Cloud-native SIEM for intelligent security analytics and Security Orchestration Automated Response Tool (SOAR). • • Azure Sentinel makes it easy to collect security data across your entire hybrid organization from devices, to users, to apps, to servers on any cloud.  • It uses the power of artificial intelligence to ensure you are identifying real threats quickly and unleashes you from the burden of traditional SIEMs by eliminating the need to spend time on setting up, maintaining, and scaling infrastructure. • Sentinel is built on Azure Log Analytics. It collects information from various security logs and turns the information into a manageable form. The strongest initial emphasis is on Microsoft 365.
  • 68. Azure Sentinel • Sentinel makes information more manageable with machine learning, including built-in ML and an optional module called Fusion. Third parties can add “build-your-own” ML. • They recognize patterns which are especially suspicious, such as logging in from an unusual IP address followed by a massive file download. • Using these features, Sentinel takes its large volume of incoming information and correlates it into cases. A “case” is a group of related alerts that all point to the same problem. • Thus, presenting information as cases reduces “alert fatigue”, where administrators receive many redundant alerts.
  • 69. Azure Sentinel • An exciting feature of Sentinel is the ability to do “hunting” and deep investigations of issues. The process starts from the Cases page on the dashboard. • Cases can be filtered by criteria such as status and severity. The page for a single case gives information about the alerts it’s built out of. It shows triggered alerts reasonings. • Thus, the administrator looking at it can assign the case to someone or click the “Investigate” button to get more information. It’s also possible to run a playbook to initiate a standardised procedure for processing the case. • The investigation page shows the information as a graph. The nodes on the graph identify entities, such as incidents, computers, and users. The admin can click on any entity to get more information about it and see connections to related entities.
  • 70. AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) • AWS WAF is a web application firewall that lets you monitor the HTTP and HTTPS requests that are forwarded to CloudFront, and lets you control access to your content. • Based on conditions that you specify, such as the IP addresses that requests originate from or the values of query strings, CloudFront responds to requests either with the requested content or with an HTTP 403 status code (Forbidden). • WAF can be setup with the Application Load Balancer. WAF can be connected to CloudFront (AWS’s CDN), which in turn can direct traffic to the Application Load Balancer. • If your application servers more of content that can be cached, then having AWS CloudFront along with WAF. If your application cluster needs to scale but most of it is dynamic content then going for ALB is more reasonable. • There is an added fixed cost for ALB (In addition to the variable cost which is not significant though) for each month while CloudFront cost is variable and consumption driven. • It is also possible to have both CloudFront and ALB together where you can add the WAF to CloudFront only.
  • 71. AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) • Protecting web applications is any Web Application Firewall primary purpose. • A powerful WAF should be able to protect applications, data, APIs, and mobile app backends from common cyber attacks such as OWASP Top 10, zero-day threats, data leakage, and DDoS attacks. • Traffic filtering is one of the most practical and important operations performed by a Web Application Firewall. • By filtering traffic based on a factors such as HTTP headers, keywords, IP addresses, and even URI strings, the Web Application Firewall can prevent harmful interactions before they reach an application.
  • 72. AWS Network Firewall • Network Firewalls (most predominantly NextGen Firewalls) on AWS offer network protection that compliment the application protection provided by Web Application Firewalls. • While there is some overlap between what a Network Firewall and Web Application FIrewall protect (most notably data), Network Firewalls provide security over the entire network perimeter which includes the highly vulnerable port and protocol levels.
  • 73. AWS Network Firewall • Packet Filtering: By monitoring all incoming and outgoing packets the firewall can regulate which applications and hosts are allowed to interact with the network. • Virtual Private Network (VPN): Many modern firewalls offer VPN technology to allow virtual point-to-point links between two nodes through a safe and regulated source. • Deep Packet Inspection (DPI): DPI is a method that inspects not only the packet’s multiple headers, but also the actual data content of the packet. In this way the firewall can filter protocol non- compliances, viruses, spam, intrusions, or other defined criteria. • Antivirus Inspection: Antivirus inspection checks packets for virus that travel through the network to infect endpoint devices. • Website Filtering: Website filtering is a technique used to check incoming web pages to see if the page needs to be censored or declined to show at all. Reasons for blockage could be advertising, pornographic content, spyware, viruses and other unsafe content. • DNS Reputation Filtering: By filtering content against a database which records the reputation and validity of an IP address, firewalls can block harmful content more easily.
  • 74. AWS Cloud Watch • Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and observability service built for DevOps engineers, developers, site reliability engineers (SREs), and IT managers. • CloudWatch provides you with data and actionable insights to monitor your applications, respond to system-wide performance changes, optimise resource utilisation, and get a unified view of operational health. • CloudWatch collects monitoring and operational data in the form of logs, metrics, and events, providing you with a unified view of AWS resources, applications, and services that run on AWS and on-premises servers. • You can use CloudWatch to detect anomalous behaviour in your environments, set alarms, visualise logs and metrics side by side, take automated actions, troubleshoot issues, and discover insights to keep your applications running smoothly.
  • 75. AWS Cloud Watch Amazon CloudWatch is basically a metrics repository. An AWS service —such as Amazon EC2—puts metrics into the repository, and you retrieve statistics based on those metrics. If you put your own custom metrics into the repository, you can retrieve statistics on these metrics as well.
  • 77. AWS Cloud Watch Amazon CloudWatch is basically a metrics repository. An AWS service —such as Amazon EC2—puts metrics into the repository, and you retrieve statistics based on those metrics. If you put your own custom metrics into the repository, you can retrieve statistics on these metrics as well.
  • 78. AWS Cloud Watch Amazon CloudWatch is basically a metrics repository. An AWS service —such as Amazon EC2—puts metrics into the repository, and you retrieve statistics based on those metrics. If you put your own custom metrics into the repository, you can retrieve statistics on these metrics as well.
  • 79. AWS Security Hub • AWS Security Hub gives you a comprehensive view of your high-priority security alerts and compliance status across AWS accounts. • There are a range of powerful security tools at your disposal, from firewalls and endpoint protection to vulnerability and compliance scanners. • But oftentimes this leaves your team switching back-and-forth between these tools to deal with hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of security alerts every day. • With Security Hub, you now have a single place that aggregates, organizes, and prioritizes your security alerts, or findings, from multiple AWS services, such as Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, and Amazon Macie, as well as from AWS Partner solutions. • Your findings are visually summarized on integrated dashboards with actionable graphs and tables. You can also continuously monitor your environment using automated compliance checks based on the AWS best practices and industry standards your organization follows.
  • 80. AWS Cloud Trail • AWS CloudTrail is a service that enables governance, compliance, operational auditing, and risk auditing of your AWS account. • With CloudTrail, you can log, continuously monitor, and retain account activity related to actions across your AWS infrastructure. • CloudTrail provides event history of your AWS account activity, including actions taken through the AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, command line tools, and other AWS services. • This event history simplifies security analysis, resource change tracking, and troubleshooting.
  • 81. AWS Guard Duty • Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors for malicious activity and unauthorised behaviour to protect your AWS accounts and workloads. • With the cloud, the collection and aggregation of account and network activities is simplified, but it can be time consuming for security teams to continuously analyze event log data for potential threats. • With GuardDuty, you now have an intelligent and cost-effective option for continuous threat detection in the AWS Cloud. The service uses machine learning, anomaly detection, and integrated threat intelligence to identify and prioritise potential threats. • GuardDuty analyses tens of billions of events across multiple AWS data sources, such as AWS CloudTrail, Amazon VPC Flow Logs, and DNS logs. With a few clicks in the AWS Management Console, GuardDuty can be enabled with no software or hardware to deploy or maintain. • By integrating with AWS CloudWatch Events, GuardDuty alerts are actionable, easy to aggregate across multiple accounts, and straightforward to push into existing event management and workflow systems.
  • 82. AWS Cognito • Amazon Cognito is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) product that controls user authentication and access for mobile applications on internet-connected devices. • The service saves and synchronises end-user data, which enables an application developer to focus on writing code instead of building and managing the back-end infrastructure. This can accelerate the mobile application development process. • Amazon Cognito collects a user's profile attributes into directories called user pools that a mobile app or web app uses to configure limited access to AWS resources. • An identity pool consolidates end-user information, which client access platforms, devices and operating systems receive to organize federated identity groups. • Data synchronises with AWS when a device is online, allowing an end user to access the same information on another device. Data can also be saved locally to a SQLite database while offline before reconnecting. • Amazon Cognito associates data sets with identities and saves encrypted information as key or value pairs in the Amazon Cognito sync store.
  • 83. Netflix Diffy • Diffy is a triage tool used during cloud-centric security incidents, to help digital forensics and incident response (DFIR) teams quickly identify suspicious hosts on which to focus their response. • Diffy is a digital forensics and incident response (DFIR) tool developed by Netflix's Security Intelligence and Response Team (SIRT). • Diffy allows a forensic investigator to quickly scope a compromise across cloud instances during an incident, and triage those instances for followup actions. • Diffy is currently focused on Linux instances running within Amazon Web Services (AWS), but owing to our plugin structure, could support multiple platforms and cloud providers. •
  • 84. Netflix Aardvark • Aardvark is a multi-account AWS IAM Access Advisor API (and caching layer). • AWS provides a service named Access Advisor that shows all of the various AWS services that the policies of an IAM Role permit access to and when (if at all) they were last accessed. • Today Access Advisor data is only available in the console, so we created Aardvark to make it easy to retrieve at scale. • Aardvark uses PhantomJS to log into the AWS console and retrieve Access Advisor data for all of the IAM Roles in an account. Aardvark stores the latest Access Advisor data in a database and exposes a RESTful API. • Aardvark supports threading to retrieve data for multiple accounts simultaneously, and in practice refreshes data for our environment daily in less than 20 minutes. •
  • 86. Netflix Repokid • Repokid uses Access Advisor provided by Aardvark to remove permissions granting access to unused services from the inline policies of IAM roles in an AWS account. • Repokid uses the data about services used (or not) by a role to remove permissions that a role doesn’t need. • It does so by keeping a DynamoDB table with data about each role that it has seen including: policies, count of permissions (total and unused), whether a role is eligible for repo or if it is filtered, and when it was last repoed • (“repo” is shortened from repossess — our verb for the act of taking back unused permissions). • Filters can be used to exclude a role from repoing if, for example, if it is too young to have been accurately profiled or it is on a user-defined blacklist. • Once a role has been sufficiently profiled, Repokid’s repo feature revises inline policies attached to a role to exclude unused permissions. • Repokid also maintains a cache of previous policy versions in case a role needs to be restored to a previous state. The repo feature can be applied to a single role, but is more commonly used to target every eligible role in an account. •
  • 88. Virtual Machine Security On-premise data centers typically rely on physical, perimeter, and endpoint controls to secure data stores. In contrast, virtual data centers eliminate those traditional entrance and egress points, forcing organizations to take a new approach to security. More problems arise because some of the virtual machines are likely to be dormant (not running) at some point in time. These virtual machines cannot be easily kept up- to-date, because typically this would require the virtual machines to be started, updated and shut down again, which is not only time-consuming, but may also be a tedious process.
  • 89. VM Security Concerns • Multi Tenancy related Issues related to different users within a cloud sharing the same applications and the physical hardware to run their VMs. • This sharing can enable information leakage exploitation and increases the attack surface and the risk of VM-to-VM or VM-to hypervisor compromise • Virtualised servers have a limited number of access points (NICs) available to all VMs. This represents a critical security vulnerability where compromising these access points opens the door to compromise the VCI including VMs, hypervisor or the vSwitch.
  • 90. Virtual Machine Security • Having differing scopes and requirements in their workloads, organizations use virtualization technologies according to their respective needs. • For example, virtual machines (VMs) are a better fit for developers and enterprises looking for flexibility in running multiple applications, while containers are better for those requiring scalable applications. • Containers and VMs both offer means by which applications can be run multiple times or isolated within a single platform, but they differ in how they do it. • Containers virtualize an operating system (OS) to run various workloads in a single OS instance, while VMs virtualize hardware to run instances of the OS. • Thus, every instance of applications running on containers and VMs poses a potential attack vector if it is vulnerable or misconfigured. • An instance running with unnecessary ports still set up on the container or VM, for example, can be exploited to let hackers sneak into the application’s server.
  • 91. Hypervisor Security Recommendations The hypervisor manages how guest OSs access resources such as the central processing unit (CPU), memory, network, and storage. It partitions the resources to prevent the instances from intruding into one another’s resources. The hypervisor is the underlying infrastructure behind applications running on VMs, which makes their security of paramount importance. The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology has detailed recommendations for securing the hypervisor: • Disable unused and unnecessary virtual hardware or services (e.g., clipboard and file sharing) to lessen the attack surface. • Keep an eye on the hypervisor for anomalous activities. • Actively monitor the traffic between VMs; visibility to them should be explicitly enabled. • Track the instances and restrict the creation of VMs and virtual servers to prevent virtualization sprawl, in which too many instances running lead to inefficient management of physical and software resources. • Use secure and encrypted communication protocols (e.g., Secure Sockets Layer) to mitigate man-in-the-middle attacks or to protect data when performing migration or storing VM images. • Authenticate and ensure the integrity of the VM images stored in the server or library.
  • 92. Virtual Machine Security & Isolation Models • Fault Isolation: If one virtual machine contains a buggy operating system, that OS can start scribbling all over physical memory. These wild rights must be contained within the VM boundaries. • Performance Isolation: Ideally VMs performance would be independent of the activity going-on on the hardware. This must be accomplished by smart scheduling and resource allocation policies in the monitor. • Software Isolation: Most of the issues with computers today are complex software configurations. DLL hell on PCs, operating system and library versions, viruses, and other security threats. VMs are naturally isolated for each other by running in separate software environments.
  • 93. Cloud Container security Image Level Security Security Orchestration Container Level Security Operating System Control Automation Measures
  • 94. Container Vulnerabilities Images are the blueprint of containers, which use them to spin or run applications. A vulnerable image begets a malware- or hacking-prone container, and consequently, the application itself becomes prone to malware or hacking as well. Identifying security gaps pre-runtime and fixing them accordingly before the image is scheduled in an orchestration environment will significantly save time and effort reworking on builds, as well as reduce overhead and disruptions in the application’s life cycle:
  • 95. Container Security Measures • Ensure that the container images are signed, authenticated, and drawn from a trusted registry; when scanning images, consider scanning the registries as well since registries can be compromised and their images tampered with. • Secure the daemon; restrict access to it or employ encrypted communication protocols when exposing it in the network. • Enforce the principle of least privilege; unlike with a hypervisor, which acts as a central point of management, any user, service, or application with access to the container’s root account can get into other containers sharing the kernel. • Isolate resources; properly configure control groups and namespaces, that is, what and how much resources a container is allowed to use. • Bake security in to further reduce the need for extra builds; Docker, for instance, has its own documentation on the built- in security features of its engine that can serve as a reference
  • 96. NIST Special Publication 800-190: Application Container Security Guide • Perhaps the most obvious source of security issues in a containerized environment is problems lurking within application images themselves. • These can include outdated, insecure versions of software or libraries; buggy applications; or even hidden malware. • Tools that can scan for these vulnerabilities are essential, but the NIST guidelines caution that these should be container- aware, including the ability to scan all layers of a multilayer containerized application. • Flawed or malicious software isn’t the only threat. Poorly configured images can also be a source of vulnerabilities. • For example, an image might launch an extraneous daemon or service that allows unwanted access from the network, or it might be configured to run with more user privileges than are necessary. • Secrets stored within images, such as authentication keys or certificates, are another danger to watch out for.
  • 97. NIST Special Publication 800-190: Application Container Security Guide NIST recommends pulling images only from trusted sources, such as private container registries, but a poorly configured registry can also be a security issue. Access to the registry should require encrypted and authenticated connections, preferably using credentials that are federated with existing network security controls. Any efforts to secure container images can be rendered meaningless if the registry can be easily compromised. Also, the registry should undergo frequent maintenance to ensure that it doesn’t contain stale images with lingering vulnerabilities.
  • 98. NIST Special Publication 800-190: Application Container Security Guide • Container orchestration tools—of which Kubernetes has become the leading example —are another potential target of attack. • Pay strict attention to securing the administrative interface, especially in scenarios where a single orchestrator manages multiple applications. • This may include such measures as strong, two-factor authentication and at-rest encryption of data. • If you don't strictly scope access, a careless or malicious user could potentially do all sorts of mischief, from taking down apps to launching rogue ones.
  • 99. NIST Special Publication 800-190: Application Container Security Guide NIST also recommends configuring orchestrators to separate network traffic into discrete virtual networks, based on the sensitivity of the traffic being transmitted. The idea is that low-sensitivity workloads, such as public-facing web apps, should be isolated from high-sensitivity workloads, such as tax-reporting software. In addition, workloads should be distributed such that each host runs containers only of a given security level. These measures make it much more difficult for a malicious actor to gain access to sensitive data when a low-sensitivity application such as a blog is compromised.
  • 100. NIST Special Publication 800-190: Application Container Security Guide • In general, NIST recommends deploying and orchestrating clusters in ways that are secure by default.  • Examples include end-to-end encryption of all network traffic between cluster nodes and mutually authenticated network connections between cluster members. • The orchestrator should be able to introduce nodes to the cluster securely, maintain a persistent identity for each node throughout its lifecycle, and isolate and remove compromised nodes without affecting the overall security of the cluster. • These measures are especially important in large- scale environments that span multiple network organizations and scale to hundreds of hosts and thousands of containers.
  • 101. NIST Special Publication 800-190: Application Container Security Guide In addition to container images and the applications within them, containers themselves can potentially become security issues. One of the more serious concerns arises when the container runtimes that launch and manage containers—software such as containerd, CRI- O, and rkt—themselves contain vulnerabilities. NIST cautions that, left unpatched, such flaws can lead to “container escape” scenarios where an attacker could potentially gain access to other containers or the host operating system itself, so admins should make installing runtime security patches a high priority.
  • 102. NIST Special Publication 800-190: Application Container Security Guide • Beyond this, administrators must pay special attention to the many configurable options available with container runtimes. • A misconfigured container might be able to access too many devices, for example, which could potentially affect all containers running on the host. • Other runtime options could allow a container to make unsafe system calls, mount sensitive directories in read-write mode, and even compromise the host OS.
  • 103. NIST Special Publication 800-190: Application Container Security Guide • Containerized infrastructure also makes scanning network traffic for security threats more challenging. • Containers deployed on multiple hosts typically communicate over a virtual, encrypted network, and they are assigned dynamic IP addresses that change continuously as applications are scaled and load balanced by the orchestrator. • Detecting network traffic anomalies in such an environment requires specialized, application-aware network filtering tools.
  • 104. NIST Special Publication 800-190: Application Container Security Guide • At the lowest level of the containerized stack, the host OS represents the most critical target for attacks. If compromised, it can expose all of the containers running on it. • For this reason, NIST recommends running a pared-down, container-specific OS that limits the number of installed components to the bare minimum of software required to create and manage containers. • Fewer components means fewer potential vulnerabilities that can be exploited.
  • 105. NIST Special Publication 800-190: Application Container Security Guide • Even a minimised OS, however, will not be immune to security vulnerabilities. • As they would with any software, it is critical that administrators keep up with OS security patches and apply them promptly to all host instances in the cluster. • This includes not just the OS kernel, but also the container runtime and any other system services or components recommended by the OS vendor.
  • 106. NIST Special Publication 800-190: Application Container Security Guide • Proper OS configuration is also essential. In addition to mounting sensitive file systems as read-only, NIST recommends running the host OS as immutable infrastructure, with no data stored uniquely and persistently on the host. • In addition, the host should not provide any application-level dependencies except those that have been packaged and deployed as containers. • These measures make the OS a more trustworthy environment, with far fewer avenues for attack.
  • 107. NIST Special Publication 800-190: Application Container Security Guide • A persistent theme throughout the NIST guidelines is the need for automation of security processes, particularly as the environment scales to hundreds of hosts and thousands of containers. • Container orchestrators provide some of this automation, but container admins should also seek to automate such functions as vulnerability scanning and software updates.
  • 108. NIST Special Publication 800-190: Application Container Security Guide • Another lesson learned is that software alone cannot guarantee security. Containerization also requires that organizations examine their processes and teams and potentially adjust to the new operational model. • The ephemeral nature of containers may call for different procedures than those used with traditional servers. • For example, incident response teams will need awareness of the roles, owners, and sensitivity levels of deployed containers before they can know the proper steps to take in the event of an ongoing attack.
  • 109. Cloud Data Privacy Policies Global Context Main Challenges Madrid Resolution
  • 110. Global Context • Policies on the creation of privacy legislation in the European Union and the United States differ. The United States favor a more laissez- faire approach. • Industry self regulation is favoured over federal law.It is believed that businesses shape their policies according to consumer preferences, following economic theory. • This theory implies that consumer preferences determine market share, and that a higher market share leads to higher profits. • The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS), discussed below, is an example of a self regulation policy.
  • 111. Main Challenges • Complexity of risk assessment in a cloud environment • Emergence of new business models and their implications for consumer privacy • Achieving regulatory compliance.
  • 112. Complexity of Risk Assessment • The complexity of cloud services introduces a number of unknown parameters. • Service providers and consumers are cautious, respectively, about offering guarantees for compliance-ready services and adopting the services. • With service providers promoting a simple way to flow personal data irrespective of national boundaries, a real challenge arises in terms of checking the data processing life cycle and its compliance with legal frameworks.
  • 113. Complexity of Risk Assessment • In a cloud service, there are many questions needing to be addressed in order to determine the risks to information privacy and security: • Who are the stakeholders involved in the operation? • What are their roles and responsibilities? • Where is the data kept? • How is the data replicated? • What are the relevant legal rules for data processing? • How will the service provider meet the expected level of security and privacy?
  • 114. Madrid Resolution • To address these issues, the Madrid Resolution states that every responsible person shall have transparent policies with regard to the processing of personal data. • Stakeholders need to specify requirements for cloud computing that meet the expected level of security and privacy. • In Europe, the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) provides recommendations to facilitate understanding of the shift in the balance of responsibility and accountability for key functions such as governance and control over data and IT operations and compliance with laws and regulations.
  • 115. Cloud Identity Systems Paradigm Shift IAM Economics IAM Workflow
  • 116. Cloud IAM features • Single Access Control Interface. Cloud IAM solutions provide a clean and consistent access control interface for all cloud platform services. The same interface can be used for all cloud services. • Enhanced Security. You can define increased security for critical applications. • Resource-level Access Control. You can define roles and grant permissions to users to access resources at different granularity levels.
  • 117. A Paradigm Shift in Identity Access Management Models • Cloud application delivery of Identity and Access Management Systems is a paradigm shift from legacy models • As a result of this shift, developers will be primarily responsible for Identity and Access Management activities • In cloud environments, IAM is a commonly accepted best practice, since there's no practical way to secure resources without identity management.
  • 118. Cloud and Economics of IAM The well-known benefits of cloud computing such as adaptive pricing structure and faster, easier deployment are also the drivers of the cloud IAM market.  As the primary pattern for security and governance in the cloud, IAM SaaS is growing in tandem with the increasing migrations to cloud applications.
  • 119. Cloud enabled Identities • Modern cloud applications are identity-enabled to provide the security and governance services that enterprises need.  • This is a major shift for many organizations. It means that instead of sysadmins and operations, developers will need to build the bulk of these organizations' security and governance features.
  • 120. Cloud IAM Activities • Have cloud applications check the IAM system to determine access rights before proceeding with operations • Filter through data that applications are allowed to use based on the identities of the data, the application, and the application user • Encrypt data communications as needed, regardless of whether an authorised identity is accessing it or not • Encrypt data storage as needed • Dynamically determine access rights and limits while the application is running
  • 121. Cloud IAM Workflow • Process start • Identity retrieval • Identity validation • Resource access using identity • Identity validation and understanding of limitations • Resource access with authentication and limitations • Release of resources • Process end
  • 122. Multi Cloud Security Models Gartner Insights Shared Models Data Strategy
  • 123. A Multi Cloud Strategy According to Gartner, a multi-cloud strategy will be the common approach taken by 70 percent of enterprises by the end of this year. With this being said, the adoption and execution of a multi-cloud initiative can be a daunting prospect, and the process itself can be fairly complex. It involves numerous focus areas - automation and orchestration, cloud connectivity, DevOps enablement and, of course, cloud security – all requiring intensive and specified technology, processes and cultural innovation.
  • 124. Understanding How Shared Models Work • Make sure that your organization’s business partners and other stakeholders understand how the shared security model applies to you and your cloud vendors. • Usually, cloud providers are responsible for the security of their own infrastructure, and they should be able to provide your organization with some of the capabilities you need in order to protect your data while it’s in their infrastructure. • Those capabilities include multi-factor authentication vectors, encryption technologies, and identity and access management.
  • 125. Understanding Accounts and Deployment Zones • Upholding the responsibilities of your organization’s part of the shared security model requires that you understand the accounts and deployment zones where you need visibility to monitor for vulnerabilities. • With that understanding, you can properly deploy IDS and IPS devices and analyze their logs or have a trusted third party take care of that for you while being informed as to what’s going on in your network.
  • 126. Attack Surface in a Multi Cloud • When integrating multicloud, companies significantly expand their attack surface, so security posture must be placed firmly at the forefront of their minds. • Applying a holistic approach will ensure the agility afforded by adopting multicloud architecture can be safely utilized. • As new technologies emerge, the multicloud needs to provide the flexibility to quickly and securely switch from one service to another, regardless of the service’s geography and topology
  • 127. Data Strategy for Multi-Cloud • In a multicloud architecture, it can be easy to lose sight of data and where it resides. Often it’s the case that IT staff may have visibility into individual clouds through cloud-specific tools but are unable to identify or correlate threats to data across multiple cloud platforms. • The best way to increase data visibility and secure the multicloud environment is to ensure security capabilities can be managed and orchestrated from within the enterprise through a single point of control. • Any security tools that are put in place to secure a business’ IT infrastructure need to seamlessly share security control information, as well as work harmoniously addressing cyber dangers wherever they occur.