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 After the discussion the students
  should be able to:
1. Distinguished the different
   complications of the circulatory
2. Explain the occurrence of the
   diseases and how it is treated.
3. Be aware on the different
   disorders in order to prevent it.
1. Varicose Veins
 Varicose Vein, dilated (enlarged) and
 often twisted vein just below the skin
 that develops when the valves in the
 vein no longer function properly or when
 blood volume in the vein increases.

 Varicose veins develop most commonly
 in the legs, but also occur in the anus
 (hemorrhoids), esophagus, and testes in
 males (varicocele).
    • Aching, heavy legs (often worse at night and
    after exercise)
    • Ankle swelling
    • A brownish-blue shiny skin discoloration
    around the veins
    • Skin over the vein may become dry, itchy
    and thin, leading to eczema (venous eczema)
    • The skin may darken (stasis dermatitis),
    because of the waste products building up in
    the legs
    • Minor injuries to the area may bleed more
    than normal and/or take a long time to heal
 Rarely, there is a large amount of
 bleeding from a ruptured vein
 • In some people the skin above the
 ankle may shrink (lipodermatosclerosis)
 because the fat underneath the skin
 becomes hard.
 • Restless Leg Syndrome. Restless Leg
 Syndrome appears to be a common
 overlapping clinical syndrome in patients
 with varicose veins and other chronic
 venous insufficiency
 To remain standing for the whole day or
  longer time (may be part of profession)
 Going on walking, who have not to sit at all,
  the veins of such people get little dilated than
  necessary because of the higher pressure of
  blood in these veins.
 In the case of ladies, irregular menses,
  pregnancy or repeated delivery as well as
  very quick deliveries, and miscarriages,
  including the menopause time, it is very much
  possible that the varicose veins may result.
 Varicose vein surgery
This involves removing the affected superficial
The most common is called ligation and stripping.

  Non-surgical treatment for varicose veins
Elevating the legs provides relief in varicose veins.
 Yoga treatment for Varicose Veins
 In all these situations the best exercise to prevent
 varicose veins is walking ( but not too much
 walking). Walking results in creating muscle
 pressure and relax-ation of the muscles, thereby
 the blood circulation and control is well
 maintained. Yogasanas help to seize the further
 Hypertension or High Blood Pressure, medical
 condition in which constricted arterial blood
 vessels increase the resistance to blood flow,
 causing an increase in blood pressure against
 vessel walls.

 The heart must work harder to pump blood
 through the narrowed arteries. If the condition
 persists, damage to the heart and blood vessels
 is likely, increasing the risk for stroke, heart
 attack, and kidney or heart failure. Often called
 the ―silent killer,‖ hypertension usually causes
 no symptoms until it reaches a life-threatening
 Pressure is a measure of how hard the blood
 pushes against the walls of your arteries as it
 moves through your body.

 Arteries are vessels that carry blood from the
 pumping heart to all the tissues and organs of
 the body. High blood pressure does not mean
 excessive emotional tension, although
 emotional tension and stress can temporarily
 increase blood pressure.

 Normal blood pressure is below 120/80.
1.    Primary Hypertension
  This type is also called essential hypertension,
  and it is by far the most common type of
  hypertension, and is diagnosed in about 95% of
   Essential hypertension has no obvious or yet
  identifiable cause.
2. Secondary hypertension;
  These is kind of hypertension that cause by renal
  disease, hormone problem or other systemic
          3 STAGES
 Stage 1, a measure of blood pressure between
 130/80 and 140/90 mmHg.

 This condition called as prehypertension, some
 of people with these level they don't feel anything.
 But it's possible for the other groups of people
 this level is too high for them. If your blood
 pressure falls into the prehypertension category
 and you do not have any other risk factors,
 lifestyle changes are the recommended treatment
 at this stage.
 Stage 2, blood pressure recorded around
 160/100 mmHg to 179/109 mmHg.

 Usually if you don't have any accompanying
 conditions such as heart disease, diabetes,
 kidney disease, or a history of stroke, at this level
 the doctors will start to offered lifestyle
 modifications and a single medication to lower it.
 Stage 3, Systolic pressure greater than 180
 mmHg or diastolic pressure greater than 110

 This level is definitely high, The patient should be
 treat with medication to lower it as soon as
 possible. Otherwise, Persistent hypertension can
 make serious medical problem such as strokes,
 heart attacks, heart failure and arterial aneurysm,
 and also became one of leading cause of chronic
 renal failures.
Pulmonary Hypertension

 Pulmonary hypertension is high
  blood pressure in the arteries
  leading from the heart to the lungs.
 Pulmonary hypertension is a
  different condition than ordinary
  high blood pressure (hypertension).
 shortness of breath with exertion.
 chest pain
 fatigue
 lethargy
 passing out suddenly
 swelling of the legs (edema)
 Congestive heart failure
 Venous thromboembolic disease
  (blood clots in the lungs)
 Human immunodeficiency virus
 Illegal drug use (cocaine,
 Cirrhosis of the liver
 Appetite suppressant medications
  (fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine,
  diethylpropion), which are no longer
 Autoimmune diseases (lupus,
  scleroderma, and rheumatoid
 Heart shunts (abnormal blood flow
  between heart chambers)
 Chronic lung disease (emphysema,
  chronic bronchitis, or pulmonary
 Obstructive sleep apnea
 Low blood pressure (hypotension)
  is pressure so low it causes
  symptoms or signs due to the low
  flow of blood through the arteries
  and veins. When the flow of blood
  is too low to deliver enough oxygen
  and nutrients to vital organs such
  as the brain, heart, and kidney, the
  organs do not function normally and
  may be temporarily or permanently
 lightheaded
 dizziness
 faintness
 Development of orthostatic

 Dehydration
 Moderate or severe bleeding
 Severe inflammation of organs inside the
 Weakened heart muscle can cause the heart to
  fail and reduce the amount of blood it pumps.
 Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium
  (the sac surrounding the heart)
 Pulmonary embolism is a condition in which a
  blood clot in a vein (deep vein thrombosis) breaks
  off and travels to the heart and eventually the
 A slow heart rate (bradycardia) can decrease
  the amount of blood pumped by the heart. The
  resting heart rate for a healthy adult is between
  60 and 100 beats/minute.
 An abnormally fast heart rate (tachycardia)
 also can cause low blood pressure.

 Medications that cause low blood pressure
calcium channel blockers
 beta blockers
Water pills (diuretics)
Alcohol and narcotics also can cause low blood
 Atherosclerosis, a form of
  arteriosclerosis, is the reduction in blood
  flow through the arteries caused by
  greasy deposits called plaque that form
  on the insides of arteries and partially
  restrict the flow of blood.
 Plaque deposits are associated with
  high concentrations of cholesterol in the
  blood. Recent studies have also shown
  an association between inflammation
  and plaque deposits.
 The specific signs and symptoms
 depend on which arteries are affected.

 Heart arteries. Obstruction of the
 arteries to your heart (coronary arteries)
 may cause symptoms of heart attack,
 such as chest pain.
 Arteries supplying the brain. Obstruction of
  the carotid arteries in your neck may cause
  symptoms of stroke, such as sudden
  numbness, weakness or dizziness.
 Arteries in the arms and legs. Obstruction of
  the arteries supplying blood to your arms and
  legs may cause symptoms of peripheral
  arterial disease, such as leg pain when
  walking (intermittent claudication).
 Sometimes hardening of the arteries causes
  erectile dysfunction in men.
 Damage in endothelium.

 low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol

 Plaque formation.
 Your white blood cells stream in to digest the LDL
 cholesterol. Over years, the accumulating mess
 of cholesterol and cells becomes a plaque in the
 wall of the artery.
 Lifestyle changes
 Medication
 Angiography and stenting
 Bypass surgery
 Shock refers to the life-threatening state
 that disturbs when the body is unable to
 get enough blood flow. This situation
 can harm the multiple organs.

 Shock is one of the most severe health
 problems that need immediate medical
 A fast, weak pulse
 Low blood pressure
 Feeling faint, fatigue or nauseous
 Dizziness
 Cold, clammy skin
 Blue lips
 Rapid, shallow breathing
 There are FIVE types of shock psychological
 shock (or mental) and physiological (or
 circulatory) shock.
 Psychological shock can be disturbed
 after the emotionally and physically
 shocking experience but it affects your
 state of mind. The symptoms of this kind
 of shock are palpitations and feeling
 faint, it does not normally lead to severe
 physical collapse.
 The main causes of disturbing this type
 of shock are hearing of shocking news
 like death of your close relative or loved
 one. Involved in a traumatic event like
 accident and also can be caused due to
 the victim of any crime.
 Physiological shock:
 This can cause by serious bleeding, poisoning,
 spinal injury, severe vomiting, diarrhea and
 pulmonary embolus. There are also different
 types of physiological shock with certain symptom
 Cardiogenic shock:
 Cardiogenic shock disturbs when the
  heart is rigorously damaged – by heart
  attack, for example the body unable to
  pump blood properly and also causes
  low blood pressure.
 This can cause heart attack. It is also
  very difficult to cure but medicines may
  be available to make the heartbeat
  strong. But cardiogenic shock is serious
  in as many as eight out of ten cases
  there are new treatments to
  revascularise or to regain the flow of
 Septic shock
 Septic shock is caused due to the
 overflow of bacterial infection that
 causes blood pressure. This type of
 shock can be treated in hospital only
 where the accurate drugs can be given.
 There is another type of septic shock is
 toxic shock syndrome – an uncommon
 but rigorous illness caused by certain
 injures of the bacteria Staphylococcus
Anaphylactic shock:

 Anaphylactic shock is a serious allergic
    reaction. Common cause includes bee and
    wasp stings, nuts, shellfish, eggs, latex and
    definite medications, including penicillin.
    The main signs of causing anaphylactic
    shock are anxiety, watery eyes, nausea,
    red and itchy skin, sneezing, difficulty
    breathing and burning and swelling of the
    lips and tongue. It is very important to carry
    anaphylaxis treatment kit.
 Airway assessment of whether the patient is
  awake enough to try to take their own breaths
  and/or if there is there anything blocking the
  mouth or nose.
 Breathing: assessment of the adequacy of
  breathing and whether it may need to be
  assisted with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or
  more aggressive interventions like a bag and
  mask or intubation with an endotracheal tube.
 Circulation: assessment of the adequacy of
  the blood pressure adequate and
  determination of whether intravenous lines are
  needed for delivery of fluid or medications to
 A heart attack, also known as a
 myocardial infarction, usually
 occurs when a blood clot forms
 inside a coronary artery at the site
 of an atherosclerotic plaque. The
 blood clot severely limits or
 completely cuts off blood flow to
 part of the heart.
 Pain, fullness, and/or squeezing sensation of the
   Jaw pain, toothache, headache
   Shortness of breath
   Nausea, vomiting, and/or general epigastric
    (upper middle abdomen) discomfort
   Sweating
   Heartburn and/or indigestion
   Arm pain (more commonly the left arm, but may
    be either arm)
 Upper back pain
 General malaise (vague feeling of
 No symptoms (Approximately one
  quarter of all heart attacks are silent,
  without chest pain or new symptoms.
  Silent heart attacks are especially
  common among patients with diabetes
 Atherosclerosis
 Stroke, brain damage caused by a lack of blood
 flow to part of the brain.

 Brain cell function requires a constant delivery of
 oxygen and glucose from the bloodstream. A
 stroke, or cerebrovascular accident (CVA), occurs
 when blood supply to part of the brain is
 disrupted, causing brain cells to die. Blood flow
 can be compromised by a variety of mechanisms.
 Sudden numbness or weakness of the
 face, arm or leg, especially on one side
 of the body. The loss of voluntary
 movement and/or sensation may be
 complete or partial. There may an
 associated tingling sensation in the
 affected area.

 Sudden confusion or trouble speaking or
 understanding. Sometimes weakness in
 the muscles of the face can cause
 Sudden trouble seeing in one or both
 Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss
  of balance or coordination
 Sudden, severe headache with no
  known cause
 Blockage of an artery
 The part of the brain that is supplied by
 the clotted blood vessel is then deprived
 of blood and oxygen. As a result of the
 deprived blood and oxygen, the cells of
 that part of the brain die and the part of
 the body that it controls stops working.
 Typically, a cholesterol plaque in a small
 blood vessel within the brain that has
 gradually caused blood vessel
 narrowing ruptures and starts the
 Rupture of an artery (hemorrhage)

 Cerebral hemorrhage (bleeding within the brain
 substance). The most common reason to have
 bleeding within the brain is uncontrolled high
 blood pressure. Other situations include
 aneurysms that leak or rupture or arteriovenous
 malformations (AVM) in which there is an
 abnormal collection of blood vessels that are
 fragile and can bleed.
An ischemic stroke can also be caused
by a traveling clot, or embolus . In this
case, the clot develops at some other
location in the circulation, usually in one
of the heart’s chambers. The clot then
travels through the bloodstream until it
encounters a vessel too small to let it
pass through—often a vessel narrowed
by atherosclerosis.
 A transient ischemic attack (TIA)
 sometimes precedes an ischemic
 stroke. In a TIA, also known as a
 ministroke, strokelike symptoms develop
 but disappear within five minutes to 24
 Hemorrhagic strokes account for the
 remaining 20 percent of all strokes.

 They occur when weakened blood
 vessels within the brain rupture and
 bleed into the surrounding tissue. The
 escaped blood can compress or pinch
 nearby blood vessels, cutting off blood
 flow and depriving the surrounding
 tissue of oxygen.
 Aneurysm, bulge or sac formed by the ballooning
 of the wall of an artery or a vein.

 It may become the site of a blood clot that breaks
  away and lodges in the tissues of such vital
  organs as the heart and the brain, causing
  serious, even mortal, heart failure or brain
 A ruptured aneurysm may lead to a fatal loss of
  blood from the circulatory system into body
 An abnormal bulge or ballooning
 (dilation) in the wall of an artery
 caused by the pressure of blood
 flowing through a weakened area.
 The weakening may be the result of
 disease, injury, or a congenital
 defect of the arterial wall.
 An aneurysm that occurs in the aorta in
 the chest is called a thoracic aortic

 An aneurysm that occurs in the aorta in
 the abdomen is called an abdominal
 aortic aneurysm.

 Aneurysms also can occur in arteries in
 the brain, heart, intestine, neck, spleen,
 back of the knees and thighs, and in
 other parts of the body. If an aneurysm
 Cerebral aneurysm
 Aneurysms that occur in an artery in the
 brain are called cerebral aneurysms.
 They are sometimes called berry
 aneurysms because they are often the
 size of a small berry. Most cerebral
 aneurysms produce no symptoms until
 they become large, begin to leak blood,
 or rupture.

 This causes stroke.
 Peripheral aneurysm
 Aneurysms that occur in arteries other than the
 aorta (and not in the brain) are called peripheral
 aneurysms. Common locations for peripheral
 aneurysms include the artery that runs down the
 back of the thigh behind the knee ,the main artery
 in the groin and the main artery in the neck.
 Peripheral aneurysms are not as likely
 to rupture as aortic aneurysms, but
 blood clots can form in peripheral
 aneurysms. If a blood clot breaks away
 from the aneurysm, it can block blood
 flow through the artery. If a peripheral
 aneurysm is large, it can press on a
 nearby nerve or vein and cause pain,
 numbness, or swelling.
    Symptoms depend on the location of the
    aneurysm, whether it breaks open, and what part
    of the brain it is pushing on, but may include:
   Double vision
   Loss of vision
   Headaches
   Eye pain
   Neck pain
   Stiff neck
A sudden, severe headache is one symptom
    of an aneurysm that has ruptured. Other
    symptoms of an aneurysm rupture may
   Confusion, lethargy, sleepiness, or stupor
   Eyelid drooping
   Headaches with nausea or vomiting
   Muscle weakness or difficulty moving any part
    of the body
   Numbness or decreased sensation in any part
    of the body
   Seizures
   Speech impairment
   Stiff neck (occasionally)
   Vision changes (double vision, loss of vision)
 Congenital
 Atherosclerosis
 trauma and infection, which can injure the blood
 vessel wall
 Clipping is the most common way
  to repair an aneurysm. this is done
  during open brain surgery.
 Endovascular repair, most often
  using a "coil" or coiling, is a less
  invasive way to treat some
 Cardiomyopathy encompasses any condition that
 damages and weakens the heart muscle.
 Scientists believe that viral infections cause many
 cases of cardiomyopathy.
 There are three main types of
 cardiomyopathy — dilated,
 hypertrophic and restrictive — all of
 which affect your heart muscle.
 Cardiomyopathy makes it harder for
 your heart to pump blood and deliver it
 to the rest of your body. There are many
 causes of cardiomyopathy, including
 coronary artery disease and valvular
 heart disease. Cardiomyopathy can lead
 to heart failure.

 Breathlessness with exertion or even at rest
 Swelling of the legs, ankles and feet
 Bloating of the abdomen due to fluid buildup
 Fatigue
 Irregular heartbeats that feel rapid, pounding or
 Dizziness, lightheadedness and fainting
 Long-term high blood pressure
 Heart valve problems
 Heart tissue damage from a previous heart attack
 Chronic rapid heart rate
 Metabolic disorders, such as thyroid disease or
 Nutritional deficiencies of essential vitamins or
  minerals, such as thiamin (vitamin B-1), selenium,
  calcium and magnesium
 Pregnancy
 Excessive use of alcohol over many years
 Abuse of cocaine or antidepressant medications,
  such as tricyclic antidepressants
 Use of some chemotherapy drugs to treat cancer
 Certain viral infections, which may injure the heart
  and trigger cardiomyopathy
 Iron buildup in your heart muscle
 vitamin B deficiency
 rheumatic fever,
 underactivity of the thyroid gland
 genetic disease called
 hemochromatosis in which iron
 builds up in the heart muscle cells.
    Dilated cardiomyopathy.

    This is the most common type of
    cardiomyopathy. In this disorder, your heart's
    main pumping chamber — the left ventricle —
    becomes enlarged (dilated), its pumping
    ability becomes less forceful, and blood
    doesn't flow as easily through the heart.
    Although this type can affect people of all
    ages, it occurs most often in middle-aged
    people and is more likely to affect men. Some
    people with dilated cardiomyopathy have a
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
    This type involves abnormal growth or
    thickening of your heart muscle,
    particularly affecting the muscle of your
    heart's main pumping chamber. As
    thickening occurs, the heart tends to
    stiffen and the size of the pumping
    chamber may shrink, interfering with
    your heart's ability to deliver blood to
    your body.
 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can
 develop at any age, but the
 condition tends to be more severe if
 it becomes apparent during
 childhood. Most affected people
 have a family history of the disease,
 and some genetic mutations have
 been linked to hypertrophic
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
• The heart muscle in people with restrictive
 cardiomyopathy becomes rigid and less
 elastic, meaning the heart can't properly
 expand and fill with blood between

 While restrictive cardiomyopathy can occur at
 any age, it most often tends to affect older
 people. It's the least common type of
 cardiomyopathy and can occur for no known
 reason (idiopathic). The condition may also be
 caused by diseases elsewhere in the body
 that affect the heart.
 Taking medicines
 Making important changes in your
  lifestyle (dieting, exercising, stopping
  smoking, stopping alcohol use or using it
  only in moderation, and stopping the use
  of other substances such as illegal
 Knowing your body and the symptoms
  of heart failure
 Wearing a pacemaker to treat a slow
  heart rate or to help both sides of your
  heart beat at the same time
 Wearing a defibrillator that sends an
  electrical pulse to stop life-threatening,
  abnormal heart rhythms
 Congenital heart disease refers to a
  problem with the heart's structure and
  function due to abnormal heart
  development before birth.
 Congenital means present at birth.
 CYANOTIC (blue discoloration caused by a
 relative lack of oxygen)

 Rapid breathing
 Cyanosis (a bluish tint to the skin, lips,
  and fingernails)
 Fatigue (tiredness)
 Poor blood circulation
 Heart murmur
 Fatigue with exercise
 Shortness of breath
 A buildup of blood and fluid in the lungs
 A buildup of fluid in the feet, ankles, and
 Heredity

 Genetic defects
 Procedures using catheters to
  repair the defect
 Surgery to repair the defect
 Open-heart surgery
 Heart transplant

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Circulatory diseases and disorders

  • 1.
  • 2. OBJECTIVES:  After the discussion the students should be able to: 1. Distinguished the different complications of the circulatory system. 2. Explain the occurrence of the diseases and how it is treated. 3. Be aware on the different disorders in order to prevent it.
  • 3. 1. Varicose Veins  Varicose Vein, dilated (enlarged) and often twisted vein just below the skin that develops when the valves in the vein no longer function properly or when blood volume in the vein increases.  Varicose veins develop most commonly in the legs, but also occur in the anus (hemorrhoids), esophagus, and testes in males (varicocele).
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. SYMPTOMS  • Aching, heavy legs (often worse at night and after exercise) • Ankle swelling • A brownish-blue shiny skin discoloration around the veins • Skin over the vein may become dry, itchy and thin, leading to eczema (venous eczema) • The skin may darken (stasis dermatitis), because of the waste products building up in the legs • Minor injuries to the area may bleed more than normal and/or take a long time to heal
  • 7.  Rarely, there is a large amount of bleeding from a ruptured vein • In some people the skin above the ankle may shrink (lipodermatosclerosis) because the fat underneath the skin becomes hard. • Restless Leg Syndrome. Restless Leg Syndrome appears to be a common overlapping clinical syndrome in patients with varicose veins and other chronic venous insufficiency
  • 8. CAUSES  To remain standing for the whole day or longer time (may be part of profession)  Going on walking, who have not to sit at all, the veins of such people get little dilated than necessary because of the higher pressure of blood in these veins.  In the case of ladies, irregular menses, pregnancy or repeated delivery as well as very quick deliveries, and miscarriages, including the menopause time, it is very much possible that the varicose veins may result.
  • 9. TREATMENT  Varicose vein surgery This involves removing the affected superficial veins. The most common is called ligation and stripping. Non-surgical treatment for varicose veins Elevating the legs provides relief in varicose veins.
  • 10.  Yoga treatment for Varicose Veins In all these situations the best exercise to prevent varicose veins is walking ( but not too much walking). Walking results in creating muscle pressure and relax-ation of the muscles, thereby the blood circulation and control is well maintained. Yogasanas help to seize the further deterioration.
  • 11.
  • 12. 2. HYPERTENSION/HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE  Hypertension or High Blood Pressure, medical condition in which constricted arterial blood vessels increase the resistance to blood flow, causing an increase in blood pressure against vessel walls.  The heart must work harder to pump blood through the narrowed arteries. If the condition persists, damage to the heart and blood vessels is likely, increasing the risk for stroke, heart attack, and kidney or heart failure. Often called the ―silent killer,‖ hypertension usually causes no symptoms until it reaches a life-threatening stage.
  • 13.  Pressure is a measure of how hard the blood pushes against the walls of your arteries as it moves through your body.  Arteries are vessels that carry blood from the pumping heart to all the tissues and organs of the body. High blood pressure does not mean excessive emotional tension, although emotional tension and stress can temporarily increase blood pressure.  Normal blood pressure is below 120/80.
  • 14.
  • 15. TYPES OF HYPERTENSION 1. Primary Hypertension This type is also called essential hypertension, and it is by far the most common type of hypertension, and is diagnosed in about 95% of cases. Essential hypertension has no obvious or yet identifiable cause. 2. Secondary hypertension; These is kind of hypertension that cause by renal disease, hormone problem or other systemic disease.
  • 16. CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO 3 STAGES  Stage 1, a measure of blood pressure between 130/80 and 140/90 mmHg. This condition called as prehypertension, some of people with these level they don't feel anything. But it's possible for the other groups of people this level is too high for them. If your blood pressure falls into the prehypertension category and you do not have any other risk factors, lifestyle changes are the recommended treatment at this stage.
  • 17.  Stage 2, blood pressure recorded around 160/100 mmHg to 179/109 mmHg. Usually if you don't have any accompanying conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, or a history of stroke, at this level the doctors will start to offered lifestyle modifications and a single medication to lower it.
  • 18.  Stage 3, Systolic pressure greater than 180 mmHg or diastolic pressure greater than 110 mmHg. This level is definitely high, The patient should be treat with medication to lower it as soon as possible. Otherwise, Persistent hypertension can make serious medical problem such as strokes, heart attacks, heart failure and arterial aneurysm, and also became one of leading cause of chronic renal failures.
  • 19. Pulmonary Hypertension  Pulmonary hypertension is high blood pressure in the arteries leading from the heart to the lungs.  Pulmonary hypertension is a different condition than ordinary high blood pressure (hypertension).
  • 20. SYMPTOMS  shortness of breath with exertion.  chest pain  fatigue  lethargy  passing out suddenly  swelling of the legs (edema)
  • 21. CAUSES  Congestive heart failure  Venous thromboembolic disease (blood clots in the lungs)  Human immunodeficiency virus infection  Illegal drug use (cocaine, methamphetamine)  Cirrhosis of the liver  Appetite suppressant medications (fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine, diethylpropion), which are no longer
  • 22.  Autoimmune diseases (lupus, scleroderma, and rheumatoid arthritis)  Heart shunts (abnormal blood flow between heart chambers)  Chronic lung disease (emphysema, chronic bronchitis, or pulmonary fibrosis)  Obstructive sleep apnea
  • 23.
  • 24. 3. HYPOTENSION/LOW BLOOD PRESSURE  Low blood pressure (hypotension) is pressure so low it causes symptoms or signs due to the low flow of blood through the arteries and veins. When the flow of blood is too low to deliver enough oxygen and nutrients to vital organs such as the brain, heart, and kidney, the organs do not function normally and may be temporarily or permanently damaged.
  • 25. SYMPTOMS  lightheaded  dizziness  faintness  Development of orthostatic hypotension
  • 26. CAUSES CONDITIONS THAT REDUCES THE VOLUME OF BLOOD  Dehydration  Moderate or severe bleeding  Severe inflammation of organs inside the body
  • 27. CAUSES DUE TO HEART DISEASE  Weakened heart muscle can cause the heart to fail and reduce the amount of blood it pumps.  Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium (the sac surrounding the heart)  Pulmonary embolism is a condition in which a blood clot in a vein (deep vein thrombosis) breaks off and travels to the heart and eventually the lung.  A slow heart rate (bradycardia) can decrease the amount of blood pumped by the heart. The resting heart rate for a healthy adult is between 60 and 100 beats/minute.
  • 28.  An abnormally fast heart rate (tachycardia) also can cause low blood pressure.  Medications that cause low blood pressure calcium channel blockers beta blockers Water pills (diuretics) Alcohol and narcotics also can cause low blood pressure.
  • 29. 4. ATHEROSCLEROSIS  Atherosclerosis, a form of arteriosclerosis, is the reduction in blood flow through the arteries caused by greasy deposits called plaque that form on the insides of arteries and partially restrict the flow of blood.  Plaque deposits are associated with high concentrations of cholesterol in the blood. Recent studies have also shown an association between inflammation and plaque deposits.
  • 30.
  • 31. SYMPTOMS  The specific signs and symptoms depend on which arteries are affected.  Heart arteries. Obstruction of the arteries to your heart (coronary arteries) may cause symptoms of heart attack, such as chest pain.
  • 32.  Arteries supplying the brain. Obstruction of the carotid arteries in your neck may cause symptoms of stroke, such as sudden numbness, weakness or dizziness.  Arteries in the arms and legs. Obstruction of the arteries supplying blood to your arms and legs may cause symptoms of peripheral arterial disease, such as leg pain when walking (intermittent claudication).  Sometimes hardening of the arteries causes erectile dysfunction in men.
  • 33. CAUSES  Damage in endothelium.  low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol  Plaque formation. Your white blood cells stream in to digest the LDL cholesterol. Over years, the accumulating mess of cholesterol and cells becomes a plaque in the wall of the artery.
  • 34.
  • 35. TREATMENT  Lifestyle changes  Medication  Angiography and stenting  Bypass surgery
  • 36. 5. SHOCK  Shock refers to the life-threatening state that disturbs when the body is unable to get enough blood flow. This situation can harm the multiple organs.  Shock is one of the most severe health problems that need immediate medical treatment.
  • 37. SYMPTOMS  A fast, weak pulse  Low blood pressure  Feeling faint, fatigue or nauseous  Dizziness  Cold, clammy skin  Blue lips  Rapid, shallow breathing
  • 38. TYPES  There are FIVE types of shock psychological shock (or mental) and physiological (or circulatory) shock.  Psychological shock can be disturbed after the emotionally and physically shocking experience but it affects your state of mind. The symptoms of this kind of shock are palpitations and feeling faint, it does not normally lead to severe physical collapse.
  • 39.  The main causes of disturbing this type of shock are hearing of shocking news like death of your close relative or loved one. Involved in a traumatic event like accident and also can be caused due to the victim of any crime.
  • 40.  Physiological shock: This can cause by serious bleeding, poisoning, spinal injury, severe vomiting, diarrhea and pulmonary embolus. There are also different types of physiological shock with certain symptom
  • 41.  Cardiogenic shock:  Cardiogenic shock disturbs when the heart is rigorously damaged – by heart attack, for example the body unable to pump blood properly and also causes low blood pressure.  This can cause heart attack. It is also very difficult to cure but medicines may be available to make the heartbeat strong. But cardiogenic shock is serious in as many as eight out of ten cases there are new treatments to revascularise or to regain the flow of
  • 42.  Septic shock  Septic shock is caused due to the overflow of bacterial infection that causes blood pressure. This type of shock can be treated in hospital only where the accurate drugs can be given. There is another type of septic shock is toxic shock syndrome – an uncommon but rigorous illness caused by certain injures of the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus.
  • 43. Anaphylactic shock:  Anaphylactic shock is a serious allergic reaction. Common cause includes bee and wasp stings, nuts, shellfish, eggs, latex and definite medications, including penicillin. The main signs of causing anaphylactic shock are anxiety, watery eyes, nausea, red and itchy skin, sneezing, difficulty breathing and burning and swelling of the lips and tongue. It is very important to carry anaphylaxis treatment kit. 
  • 44. TREATMENT  Airway assessment of whether the patient is awake enough to try to take their own breaths and/or if there is there anything blocking the mouth or nose.  Breathing: assessment of the adequacy of breathing and whether it may need to be assisted with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or more aggressive interventions like a bag and mask or intubation with an endotracheal tube.  Circulation: assessment of the adequacy of the blood pressure adequate and determination of whether intravenous lines are needed for delivery of fluid or medications to
  • 45. 6. HEART ATTACK  A heart attack, also known as a myocardial infarction, usually occurs when a blood clot forms inside a coronary artery at the site of an atherosclerotic plaque. The blood clot severely limits or completely cuts off blood flow to part of the heart.
  • 46.
  • 47. SYMPTOMS  Pain, fullness, and/or squeezing sensation of the chest  Jaw pain, toothache, headache  Shortness of breath  Nausea, vomiting, and/or general epigastric (upper middle abdomen) discomfort  Sweating  Heartburn and/or indigestion  Arm pain (more commonly the left arm, but may be either arm)
  • 48.  Upper back pain  General malaise (vague feeling of illness)  No symptoms (Approximately one quarter of all heart attacks are silent, without chest pain or new symptoms. Silent heart attacks are especially common among patients with diabetes mellitus.)
  • 50. 7. STROKE  Stroke, brain damage caused by a lack of blood flow to part of the brain.  Brain cell function requires a constant delivery of oxygen and glucose from the bloodstream. A stroke, or cerebrovascular accident (CVA), occurs when blood supply to part of the brain is disrupted, causing brain cells to die. Blood flow can be compromised by a variety of mechanisms.
  • 51. SYMPTOMS  Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body. The loss of voluntary movement and/or sensation may be complete or partial. There may an associated tingling sensation in the affected area.  Sudden confusion or trouble speaking or understanding. Sometimes weakness in the muscles of the face can cause
  • 52.  Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes  Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination  Sudden, severe headache with no known cause
  • 53.
  • 54. CAUSES  Blockage of an artery The part of the brain that is supplied by the clotted blood vessel is then deprived of blood and oxygen. As a result of the deprived blood and oxygen, the cells of that part of the brain die and the part of the body that it controls stops working. Typically, a cholesterol plaque in a small blood vessel within the brain that has gradually caused blood vessel narrowing ruptures and starts the
  • 55.  Rupture of an artery (hemorrhage) Cerebral hemorrhage (bleeding within the brain substance). The most common reason to have bleeding within the brain is uncontrolled high blood pressure. Other situations include aneurysms that leak or rupture or arteriovenous malformations (AVM) in which there is an abnormal collection of blood vessels that are fragile and can bleed.
  • 57. An ischemic stroke can also be caused by a traveling clot, or embolus . In this case, the clot develops at some other location in the circulation, usually in one of the heart’s chambers. The clot then travels through the bloodstream until it encounters a vessel too small to let it pass through—often a vessel narrowed by atherosclerosis.
  • 58.  A transient ischemic attack (TIA) sometimes precedes an ischemic stroke. In a TIA, also known as a ministroke, strokelike symptoms develop but disappear within five minutes to 24 hours.
  • 59.  Hemorrhagic strokes account for the remaining 20 percent of all strokes.  They occur when weakened blood vessels within the brain rupture and bleed into the surrounding tissue. The escaped blood can compress or pinch nearby blood vessels, cutting off blood flow and depriving the surrounding tissue of oxygen.
  • 60.
  • 61. 8. ANEURYSYM  Aneurysm, bulge or sac formed by the ballooning of the wall of an artery or a vein.  It may become the site of a blood clot that breaks away and lodges in the tissues of such vital organs as the heart and the brain, causing serious, even mortal, heart failure or brain damage.  A ruptured aneurysm may lead to a fatal loss of blood from the circulatory system into body cavities.
  • 62.  An abnormal bulge or ballooning (dilation) in the wall of an artery caused by the pressure of blood flowing through a weakened area. The weakening may be the result of disease, injury, or a congenital defect of the arterial wall.
  • 63.  An aneurysm that occurs in the aorta in the chest is called a thoracic aortic aneurysm.  An aneurysm that occurs in the aorta in the abdomen is called an abdominal aortic aneurysm. Aneurysms also can occur in arteries in the brain, heart, intestine, neck, spleen, back of the knees and thighs, and in other parts of the body. If an aneurysm
  • 64.  Cerebral aneurysm Aneurysms that occur in an artery in the brain are called cerebral aneurysms. They are sometimes called berry aneurysms because they are often the size of a small berry. Most cerebral aneurysms produce no symptoms until they become large, begin to leak blood, or rupture. This causes stroke.
  • 65.  Peripheral aneurysm Aneurysms that occur in arteries other than the aorta (and not in the brain) are called peripheral aneurysms. Common locations for peripheral aneurysms include the artery that runs down the back of the thigh behind the knee ,the main artery in the groin and the main artery in the neck.
  • 66.  Peripheral aneurysms are not as likely to rupture as aortic aneurysms, but blood clots can form in peripheral aneurysms. If a blood clot breaks away from the aneurysm, it can block blood flow through the artery. If a peripheral aneurysm is large, it can press on a nearby nerve or vein and cause pain, numbness, or swelling.
  • 67. SYMPTOMS Symptoms depend on the location of the aneurysm, whether it breaks open, and what part of the brain it is pushing on, but may include:  Double vision  Loss of vision  Headaches  Eye pain  Neck pain  Stiff neck
  • 68. A sudden, severe headache is one symptom of an aneurysm that has ruptured. Other symptoms of an aneurysm rupture may include:  Confusion, lethargy, sleepiness, or stupor  Eyelid drooping  Headaches with nausea or vomiting  Muscle weakness or difficulty moving any part of the body  Numbness or decreased sensation in any part of the body  Seizures  Speech impairment  Stiff neck (occasionally)  Vision changes (double vision, loss of vision)
  • 69. CAUSES  Congenital  Atherosclerosis  trauma and infection, which can injure the blood vessel wall
  • 70. TREATMENT  Clipping is the most common way to repair an aneurysm. this is done during open brain surgery.  Endovascular repair, most often using a "coil" or coiling, is a less invasive way to treat some aneurysms.
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  • 73.
  • 74. 9. CARDIOMYOPATHY  Cardiomyopathy encompasses any condition that damages and weakens the heart muscle. Scientists believe that viral infections cause many cases of cardiomyopathy.
  • 75.  There are three main types of cardiomyopathy — dilated, hypertrophic and restrictive — all of which affect your heart muscle. Cardiomyopathy makes it harder for your heart to pump blood and deliver it to the rest of your body. There are many causes of cardiomyopathy, including coronary artery disease and valvular heart disease. Cardiomyopathy can lead to heart failure.
  • 76. SYMPTOMS  Breathlessness with exertion or even at rest  Swelling of the legs, ankles and feet  Bloating of the abdomen due to fluid buildup  Fatigue  Irregular heartbeats that feel rapid, pounding or fluttering  Dizziness, lightheadedness and fainting
  • 77. CAUSES  Long-term high blood pressure  Heart valve problems  Heart tissue damage from a previous heart attack  Chronic rapid heart rate  Metabolic disorders, such as thyroid disease or diabetes  Nutritional deficiencies of essential vitamins or minerals, such as thiamin (vitamin B-1), selenium, calcium and magnesium  Pregnancy
  • 78.  Excessive use of alcohol over many years  Abuse of cocaine or antidepressant medications, such as tricyclic antidepressants  Use of some chemotherapy drugs to treat cancer  Certain viral infections, which may injure the heart and trigger cardiomyopathy  Iron buildup in your heart muscle (hemochromatosis)
  • 79. CAUSES  vitamin B deficiency  rheumatic fever,  underactivity of the thyroid gland  genetic disease called hemochromatosis in which iron builds up in the heart muscle cells.
  • 80. TYPES Dilated cardiomyopathy.  This is the most common type of cardiomyopathy. In this disorder, your heart's main pumping chamber — the left ventricle — becomes enlarged (dilated), its pumping ability becomes less forceful, and blood doesn't flow as easily through the heart. Although this type can affect people of all ages, it occurs most often in middle-aged people and is more likely to affect men. Some people with dilated cardiomyopathy have a
  • 81. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy  This type involves abnormal growth or thickening of your heart muscle, particularly affecting the muscle of your heart's main pumping chamber. As thickening occurs, the heart tends to stiffen and the size of the pumping chamber may shrink, interfering with your heart's ability to deliver blood to your body.
  • 82.  Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can develop at any age, but the condition tends to be more severe if it becomes apparent during childhood. Most affected people have a family history of the disease, and some genetic mutations have been linked to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
  • 83. Restrictive cardiomyopathy • The heart muscle in people with restrictive cardiomyopathy becomes rigid and less elastic, meaning the heart can't properly expand and fill with blood between heartbeats.  While restrictive cardiomyopathy can occur at any age, it most often tends to affect older people. It's the least common type of cardiomyopathy and can occur for no known reason (idiopathic). The condition may also be caused by diseases elsewhere in the body that affect the heart.
  • 84. TREATMENT  Taking medicines  Making important changes in your lifestyle (dieting, exercising, stopping smoking, stopping alcohol use or using it only in moderation, and stopping the use of other substances such as illegal drugs)  Knowing your body and the symptoms of heart failure
  • 85.  Wearing a pacemaker to treat a slow heart rate or to help both sides of your heart beat at the same time  Wearing a defibrillator that sends an electrical pulse to stop life-threatening, abnormal heart rhythms
  • 86. 10. CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE  Congenital heart disease refers to a problem with the heart's structure and function due to abnormal heart development before birth.  Congenital means present at birth.
  • 87. TYPES  CYANOTIC (blue discoloration caused by a relative lack of oxygen)  NON-CYANOTIC
  • 88. SYMPTOMS  Rapid breathing  Cyanosis (a bluish tint to the skin, lips, and fingernails)  Fatigue (tiredness)  Poor blood circulation  Heart murmur  Fatigue with exercise  Shortness of breath  A buildup of blood and fluid in the lungs  A buildup of fluid in the feet, ankles, and leg
  • 90. TREATMENT  Procedures using catheters to repair the defect  Surgery to repair the defect  Open-heart surgery  Heart transplant