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Cardiovascular Physiology
Lecture Outline
• Cardiovascular System Function
• Functional Anatomy of the Heart
• Properties of Myocardium
• Cardiac Cycle
• Cardiac Output
• Blood Pressure
Cardiovascular system
is the system of heart and blood
vessels that circulate blood throughout
the body.
Functions of cardiovascular
• Circulates OXYGEN and removes Carbon
• Provides cells with NUTRIENTS.
• Removes the waste products of
metabolism to the excretory organs for
• Transports HORMONES to target cells
and organs.
• Helps regulate body temperature.
Cardiovascular System
• Functional components of the
cardiovascular system:
1. Heart
2. Blood Vessels
3. Blood
What Are the Parts of the Circulatory
• Two pathways come from the heart:
• The pulmonary circulation is a short loop
from the heart to the lungs, where blood is
• The systemic circulation carries blood
from the heart to all the other parts of the
Pulmonary circulation
• In pulmonary circulation:
• The pulmonary artery is
a big artery that comes
from the heart. It brings
blood from the heart to
the lungs. At the lungs,
the blood picks up
oxygen and drops off
carbon dioxide. The
blood then returns to the
heart through the
pulmonary veins.
Systemic circulation
The left side of the heart
pumps blood to the rest of the
tissues of the body through the
systemic circulation: Blood
pumped from left ventricle
passes through a series of
blood vessels, arterial system
and reaches the tissues.
Exchange of various
substances between blood and
the tissues occurs at the
capillaries. After exchange of
materials, blood enters the
venous system and returns to
right atrium of the heart. From
right atrium, blood enters the
right ventricle.
The Circulatory System
• The heart is a muscular organ about
the size of a closed fist that functions
as a body’s circulatory pump.
Functional anatomy of the heart
The heart is located in
the center of the thoracic
cavity. It sits directly
above the muscles of the
diaphragm, which
separates the thorax from
the abdomen, and lies
beneath the sternum
between the two lungs.
The heart is enclosed
and anchored in place
by a double-walled
fibrous sac referred to
as the pericardium.
The membranes of
the pericardium produce
a small amount
of pericardial fluid
that minimizes friction
produced by the movement
of the heart when it beats.
Functional Anatomy of the Heart
• Characteristics:
– Striated
– Short branched cells
– Uninucleate
– Intercalated discs
Functional Anatomy of the Heart
Human heart
has 4 chambers
– 2 Atria
– 2 Ventricles
are separated
by septum…
Due to separate
heart functions as double pump
Functional Anatomy of the Heart
Two sets of valves in the heart maintain the
one-way flow of blood as it passes through
the heart chambers:
• Atrioventricular (AV) valves
• Semilunar valves
Functional Anatomy of the Heart
Each of these valves consists of
thin flaps of flexible but tough
fibrous tissue whose movements
are passive.
The atrioventricular (AV)
valves are found between the
atria and the ventricles.
The right AV valve is a tricuspid
valve and has three cusps or
leaflets. The left AV valve (also
referred to as the mitral valve) is
a bicuspid valve because it has
two cusps.
Functional Anatomy of the Heart
The semilunar valves
separate the ventricles from
their associated arteries.
The pulmonary valve is found
between the right ventricle and
the pulmonary artery and the
aortic valve is found between
the left ventricle and the aorta.
These valves prevent
backward flow of blood from
the pulmonary artery or the
aorta into their preceding
ventricles when the ventricles
relax. The semilunar valves
also have three cusps.
Functional Anatomy of the Heart
The wall of the heart
The wall of the heart has three layers:
• Epicardium
• Endocardium
• Myocardium
The outermost layer, the epicardium, is the thin membrane
on the external surface of the heart. The innermost layer,
the endocardium, consists of a thin delicate layer of cells
lining the chambers of the heart and the valve leaflets.
The endocardium is continuous with the endothelium ,
which lines the blood vessels.
The middle layer is the myocardium, which is the
muscular layer of the heart. This is the thickest
layer, although the thickness varies from one
chamber to the next. Thickness of the myocardium
is related to the amount of work that a given
chamber must perform when pumping blood.
Properties of myocardium
• Different cells within the heart are
specialized for different functional roles. In
general, these specializations are for
3. conduction
4. contraction
• The specialized (pacemaker) cells of heart
spontaneously depolarize to threshold and
generate action potential. They are located in
• Sinoatrial (SA) node
This cells have the highest intrinsic rhythm (rate), making
them the pacemaker in the normal heart. Their intrinsic
rate is 60- 100beats/min.
• Atrioventricular (AV) node
Its cells have the second highest intrinsic rhythm (40-
60beats/min). Often, these cells become the pacemaker
if SA node cells are damaged.
• Purkinje fibers
They exhibit spontaneous depolarization with a rate of – 35
Myocardial Physiology
Autorhythmic Cells (Pacemaker Cells)
• Characteristics of
Pacemaker Cells
– Smaller than
contractile cells
– Don’t contain many
– No organized
sarcomere structure
• do not contribute to
the contractile force
of the heart
normal contractile
myocardial cell
conduction myofibers
SA node cell
AV node cells
Autorhythmic Cells (Pacemaker Cells)
•Characteristics of Pacemaker Cells: They
have unstable membrane potential
•“bottoms out” at -60mV
•“drifts upward” to -40mV, forming
a pacemaker potential
•The upward “drift” allows the membrane
to reach threshold potential (-40mV) by
•This is due to:
1.Leakage Na+ causes slow depolarization
2.Ca2+ voltage-gated channels opening as
membrane approaches threshold (Ca2+
goes in)
At threshold additional Ca2+ voltage-gated
channels open causing more rapid
3. Slow K+ voltage-gated channels open
causing an efflux of K+ (K+ goes out) and
Ca2+ in K+out
Ca2+ in
The RMP in different cell types
Contractile Cells
• Special aspects
– Intercalated discs
•Highly convoluted and
interdigitated junctions
–Joint adjacent cells with
»Desmosomes & fascia adherens
–Allow for synticial activity
»With gap junctions
–More mitochondria than skeletal
–Less sarcoplasmic reticulum
•Ca2+ also influxes from ECF reducing
storage need
–Larger t-tubules
•Internally branching
–Myocardial contractions are
Phases of action potential of contractile
Action potential of contractile cells
• Phase 0
(depolarization)begins when
the membrane potential
reaches threshold (–40 mV).
Similar to nerve and skeletal
muscle, mediated by the
opening of voltage-gated, fast
Na+ channels
• Phase 1 (initial
repolarization) Slight
repolarization mediated by a
transient potassium current.
Sodium channels are in the
inactivated state.
Action potential of contractile cells
• Phase 2 (plateau)
Depolarization opens voltage-gated Ca2+ channels
and voltage-gated K+ channels
• Phase 3 (repolarization)
At this point, the Ca++ channels close and K+
channels open. The resulting efflux of K+ ions
causes the repolarization phase of the action
• Phase 4 Resting membrane potential
Action potential of contractile cells
• As in neurons, cardiac muscle
cells undergo an absolute or
effective refractory period in
which, at the peak of the action
potential, the voltage-gated fast
Na+ channels become inactivated
and incapable of opening
regardless of further stimulation.
As a result, the absolute refractory
period lasts almost as long as the
duration of the associated
contraction — about 250 msec.
The physiological significance of
this phenomenon is that it
prevents the development of
tetanus or spasm of the
ventricular myocardium.
The effective refractory period is followed by
a relative refractory period that lasts for the
remaining 50 msec of the ventricular action
potential. During this period, action
potentials may be generated; however, the
myocardium is more difficult than normal to
Myocardial Physiology
Contractile Cells
• Skeletal Action Potential vs Contractile
Myocardial Action Potential
Intrinsic Conduction System
• Consists of
cells and
– Coordinate the
contraction of the
atria and
• Initiation
– Action potential via pacemaker
cells to conduction fibers
• Excitation-Contraction Coupling
1. AP spreads along sarcolemma
• T-tubules contain voltage gated L-
type Ca2+ channels which open upon
• Ca2+ entrance into myocardial cell
and opens RyR (ryanodine receptors)
Ca2+ release channels
2. Ca2+ (Ca2+ from SR and ECF) binds
to troponin to initiate myosin head
attachment to actin
• Contraction
• Relaxation
– Ca2+ is transported back
into the SR and
– Ca2+ is transported out of
the cell by a facilitated
Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX)
– As ICF Ca2+ levels drop,
interactions between
myosin/actin are stopped
– Sarcomere lengthens
• is the recording of the electrical activity
of the heart.
• It is based on recording of
electric potentials generated by heart on
different body parts (mostly on body
Electrocardiogram is graphic record
of the electrocardiography
Elements of ECG
Elements of ECG
• Waves are parts of ECG, which are
located above or below the isoline.
• Segments are parts of ECG, which are
located on the isoline.
• Intervals include waves and segments.
Waves of ECG
Waves of ECG
• P wave represents atrial depolarization
• QRS complex represents ventricular
• T wave represents ventricular
• U wave represents repolarization of the
papillary muscles or Purkinje fibers.
Blood Vessels
Over 80,000 miles of blood vessels transport your blood throughout your body.
There are 3 types of blood vessels.
• Arteries: Blood vessels
that carry blood away
from the heart to other
parts of the body.
• Veins: Blood vessels
that carry blood from
the body back to the
• Capillaries: Tiny tubes
that carry blood from
the arteries to the
body’s cells, and then
back to the veins.
carries blood Away from heart
– Large
– Thick-walled, Muscular
– Elastic
– Oxygenated blood
 Exception Pulmonary Artery
– Carried under great pressure
– Steady pulsating
Arterioles: smaller vessels, enter tissue
– Smallest vessel
– Microscopic
– Wall one cell thin
– Nutrients and
gases diffuse here
Carries blood to heart
– Carries blood that contains
waste and CO2
• Exception pulmonary vein
– Blood not under much
– Valves to prevent much
gravity pull
Venules: larger than capillaries
Blood Components
Blood is made up of plasma and
formed elements
 Plasma: It transports blood solids,
nutrients, hormones, and other
 Formed elements:
–Erythrocytes (Red blood cells)
–Leukocytes (White blood cells)
–Platelets (thrombocytes)
Red blood cells
1. Made up about 99%
of the blood’s cellular
2. Small, disk-like shape
3. No nucleus
4. Cannot reproduce
5. Last 4 months then
6. Produced by red bone
7. Contain hemoglobin
8. Carry oxygen
• Hemoglobin is a
complex protein
made up of four
protein strands, plus
iron-rich heme
• Each hemoglobin
molecule can carry
four oxygen atoms.
The presence of
oxygen turns
hemoglobin bright
White blood cells
• Nucleus present
• Types of leukocytes:
• most are neutrophils
that engulf
• Basophils
• Eosinophils
• Lymphocytes
Active in immune system.
Help fight disease and infection by
attacking germs that enter the body.
• Platelets are cell
fragments used in
blood clotting.
• Platelets are derived
from egakaryocites.
Help blood form a clot at the
site of a wound. A clot seals a
cut and prevents excessive
blood loss.
The Cardiac Cycle:
Events of the cardiac
• He developed the
modern criteria of
phase analysis of
the cardiac cycle
21st APS President (1949-1950)
Carl J. Wiggers
• Cardiac cycle refers to all events associated
with blood flow through the heart. A single
cycle of cardiac activity can be divided into
two basic phases:
–Systole – contraction of heart muscle
–Diastole – relaxation of heart muscle
The Cardiac Cycle
The Cardiac Cycle
The Cardiac Cycle (0,8 sec)
Ventricular Systole (0,33 sec)
• Period of Isovolumic Contraction (0,08 sec)
Phase 1. Asynchronous contraction (0,05 sec)
Phase 2. Isovolumic contraction (0,03 sec)
• Period of Ejection (0,25 sec)
Phase 3. Rapid ejection (0,12 sec)
Phase 4. Reduced ejection (0,13 sec)
Ventricular Diastole (0,47 sec)
• Period of Isovolumic Relaxation (0,12 sec)
Phase 5. Protodiastole (0,04 sec)
Phase 6. Isovolumic relaxation (0,08 sec)
• Period of filling (0,35 sec)
Phase 7. Rapid filling (0,08 sec)
Phase 8. Reduced filling (0,17 sec)
Phase 9. Presystole (0,1 sec)
Phase 1. Asynchronous contraction
• The beginning of this phase
= the end of Presystole (phase 9) = the end of diastole
• The end of this phase
= the beginning of Isovolumic contraction (phase 2)
The beginning of phase
AV valves are open
SL valves are closed
The end of phase
AV valves are closed
SL valves are closed
During this phase:
•Ventricular contraction
•The ventricular cavity volume
doesn't change
•The ventricular cavity pressure
doesn't change
Phase 2. Isovolumic contraction
• The beginning of this phase
= the end of Asynchronous contraction (phase 1)
• The end of this phase
= the beginning of Rapid ejection phase (phase 3)
During this phase,
Ventricular contraction
The ventricular cavity volume doesn't change
The ventricular cavity pressure increases
The beginning of phase
AV valves are closed
SL valves are closed
The end of phase
AV valves are
SL valves are open
Phase 3. Rapid ejection
• The beginning of this phase
= the end of Isovolumic contraction (phase 2)
• The end of this phase
= the beginning of Reduced ejection (phase 4)
The beginning of phase
AV valves are closed
• SL valves are open
The end of phase
AV valves are
SL valves are
openDuring this phase:
Ventricular contraction
2/3rd of stroke volume rapid ejected
The ventricular cavity volume decreases
The pressure inside the ventricles rises
to 120 mmHg
Phase 4. Reduced ejection
• The beginning of this phase
= the end of Rapid ejection (phase 3)
• The end of this phase
= the beginning of Protodiastole (phase 5)
= the end of Systole = the beginning of Diastole
The beginning of phase
• AV valves are closed
• SL valves are open
• The end of phase
• AV valves are closed
• SL valves are open
During this phase:
• Ventricular contraction
• 1/3rd of stroke volume slow ejected
• The ventricular cavity volume decreases
Phase 5. Protodiastole
• The beginning of this phase
= the end of Reduced ejection (phase 4)
• The end of this phase
= the beginning of . Isovolumic relaxation (phase 6)
The beginning of phase
• AV valves are closed
• SL valves are open
The end of phase
• AV valves are closed
• SL valves are closed
During this phase:
• The ventricles are relaxing
• The ventricles aren’t filling
• The ventricular cavity volume doesn't change
Phase 6. Isovolumic relaxation
The beginning of this phase
= the end of Protodiastole (phase 5)
• The end of this phase = the beginning
of Rapid filling (phase 7)
The beginning of phase
• AV valves are closed
• SL valves are closed
The end of phase
• AV valves are open
• SL valves are closed
During this phase,
The ventricles are relaxing
The ventricles aren’t filling
The ventricular cavity volume
doesn't chan
The pressure inside the
ventricles increases
Phase 7. Rapid filling
• The beginning of this phase
= the end of Isovolumic relaxati (phase 6)
• The end of this phase
= the beginning of Reduced ventricular filling (phase 8)
The beginning of
AV valves are open
SL valves are
The end of phase
AV valves are open
SL valves are
During this phase:
The ventricles are relaxing
The ventricles are rapid filling
The ventricular cavity volume increases
The pressure inside the ventricles increases
Phase 8. Reduced filling
The beginning of this phase
= the end of Rapid filling (phase 7)
The end of this phase
= the beginning of Presystole (phase 9)
The beginning of phase
• AV valves are open
• SL valves are closed
• The end of phase
• AV valves are open
• SL valves are closed
During this phase,
The ventricles are relaxing
The ventricles are slow
The ventricular cavity
volume increases
The pressure inside the
ventricles increases slightly
Phase 9. Presystole
• The beginning of this phase
= the end of Reduced filling (phase 8)
• The end of this phase
= the beginning of ventricular systole (phase 1)
= the beginning of ventricular systole
= the end of ventricular diastole
The beginning of phase
• AV valves are open
• SL valves are closed
The end of phase
• AV valves are open
• SL valves are closed
Phase 9. Presystole
During this phase,
•During ventricular relaxation blood flows from
atria to ventricles. When both atria contracts
almost simultaneously and pupms remaining 25%
of blood flows in respective ventricles (therefore
even when if atrial fails to function it is unlikely to
be noticed unless a person exercises).
•The ventricles are rapid filling
•The ventricular cavity volume increases
•The pressure inside the ventricles increases
Intracardiac Pressure
Cardiac Cycle
Blood Volumes & Pressure
Cardiac Output
• Cardiac Output (CO) is the volume pumped by
the left ventricle each minute
– influenced by
• Stroke Volume (SV)
135ml – 65ml = 70ml
• Heart Rate (HR) bpm
– CO = SV x HR
(70ml/b x 72bpm = 5040 ml/min
Blood Vessel Structure
• enables specific functions
– Aorta
• absorb pulse pressure
(systolic pressure – diastolic
pressure) and release
energy creating diastolic
– Large arteries
• conduct and distribute blood
to regional areas
– Arterioles
• Regulate flow to tissues and
regulate MAP (mean arterial
– Capillaries
• Allow for exchange
– Venules
• Collect and direct
blood to the veins
– Veins
• Return blood to heart
and act as a blood
Blood Vessel Structure
Physical Characteristics of the
• Hemodynamics is the description of the
laws which govern blood flow within the
• Ultimately, all blood flow between two
points within the vasculature is actuated
by differences in the pressure of blood
between those two points.
Interrelationships Among
Pressure, Flow, and
Blood flow through a vessel is
determined by 2 factors:
• pressure gradient along the vessel
(pressure difference of the blood between
the two ends of the vessel)
• vascular resistance (impediment to blood
flow through the vessel)
The flow through the vessel can be
calculated by the following formula, which is
called Ohm’s law :
Q = (P1 - P2) / R
•in which Q is blood flow,
•(P1 - P2) is the pressure difference
between the two ends of the vessel,
•R is the resistance.
Blood Pressure
– Systolic Pressure
• The pressure that is created when the ventricles
• Usually around 120 mm Hg
Blood Pressure
– Diastolic Pressure
• The pressure that is created by the recoil of the
aorta AND the closure of the aortic semilunar valve
• Usually around 80 mm Hg
Blood Pressure
Pulse Pressure
• Pulse Pressure=Systolic Pressure - Diastolic
• The difference between the systolic and diastolic
– Usually 40 mm Hg (120 mm Hg – 80 mm Hg)
• Only applies to arteries
Mean Arterial Pressure
• We can determine the average pressure within the
arterial system = Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
MAP = Diastolic Pressure + 1/3 Pulse
MAP = 80 mm Hg + 1/3( 120 mm Hg – 80 mm
MAP = 93 mm Hg
1. The cardiovascular system. Functions. The pulmonary and systemic circuits.
2. The heart muscle cells. Structure.
3. Properties of the cardiac muscle.
4. Automaticity of the heart. Pasemaker cells.
5. Conductivity of the heart. Conductive system of the heart.
6. Excitability of the heart. Cardiac Action potential . The refractory periods of the cardiac muscle.
7. Contractility of the heart. Mechanism of cardiac muscle cell contraction.
8. The normal electrocardiogram.
9. Elements of ECG.
10. Mechanical events in the heart: cardiac cycle . Steps of the cardiac cycle .
11. Electrical events of cardiac cycle.
12. The origin of the heart sounds.
13. Ventricular volume-pressure loop.
14. Stroke volume. Control of stroke volume. Ejection fraction.
15. Cardiac output (CO). Regulation of CO .
16. Types and characteristics of blood vessels.
17. Relationship between blood flow, pressure and resistance.
18. Pressures in the cardiovascular system. Arterial pressure in the systemic circulation: diastolic,
systolic, pulse and mean arterial pressures.
19. Neural Regulation of Blood Pressure.

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cardiovascular physiology

  • 2. Lecture Outline • Cardiovascular System Function • Functional Anatomy of the Heart • Properties of Myocardium • Cardiac Cycle • Cardiac Output • Blood Pressure
  • 3. Cardiovascular system is the system of heart and blood vessels that circulate blood throughout the body.
  • 4. Functions of cardiovascular system • Circulates OXYGEN and removes Carbon Dioxide. • Provides cells with NUTRIENTS. • Removes the waste products of metabolism to the excretory organs for disposal. • Transports HORMONES to target cells and organs. • Helps regulate body temperature.
  • 5. Cardiovascular System • Functional components of the cardiovascular system: 1. Heart 2. Blood Vessels 3. Blood
  • 6. What Are the Parts of the Circulatory System? • Two pathways come from the heart: • The pulmonary circulation is a short loop from the heart to the lungs, where blood is oxygenatedand. • The systemic circulation carries blood from the heart to all the other parts of the body.
  • 7. Pulmonary circulation • In pulmonary circulation: • The pulmonary artery is a big artery that comes from the heart. It brings blood from the heart to the lungs. At the lungs, the blood picks up oxygen and drops off carbon dioxide. The blood then returns to the heart through the pulmonary veins.
  • 8. Systemic circulation The left side of the heart pumps blood to the rest of the tissues of the body through the systemic circulation: Blood pumped from left ventricle passes through a series of blood vessels, arterial system and reaches the tissues. Exchange of various substances between blood and the tissues occurs at the capillaries. After exchange of materials, blood enters the venous system and returns to right atrium of the heart. From right atrium, blood enters the right ventricle.
  • 10. HEART • The heart is a muscular organ about the size of a closed fist that functions as a body’s circulatory pump.
  • 11. Functional anatomy of the heart The heart is located in the center of the thoracic cavity. It sits directly above the muscles of the diaphragm, which separates the thorax from the abdomen, and lies beneath the sternum between the two lungs.
  • 12. The heart is enclosed and anchored in place by a double-walled fibrous sac referred to as the pericardium. The membranes of the pericardium produce a small amount of pericardial fluid that minimizes friction produced by the movement of the heart when it beats. FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY OF THE HEART
  • 13. Functional Anatomy of the Heart CARDIAC MUSCLE • Characteristics: – Striated – Short branched cells – Uninucleate – Intercalated discs
  • 14. Functional Anatomy of the Heart CHAMBERS Human heart has 4 chambers – 2 Atria – 2 Ventricles Chambers are separated by septum… Due to separate chambers, heart functions as double pump
  • 15. Functional Anatomy of the Heart VALVES Two sets of valves in the heart maintain the one-way flow of blood as it passes through the heart chambers: • Atrioventricular (AV) valves • Semilunar valves
  • 16. Functional Anatomy of the Heart VALVES Each of these valves consists of thin flaps of flexible but tough fibrous tissue whose movements are passive. The atrioventricular (AV) valves are found between the atria and the ventricles. The right AV valve is a tricuspid valve and has three cusps or leaflets. The left AV valve (also referred to as the mitral valve) is a bicuspid valve because it has two cusps.
  • 17. Functional Anatomy of the Heart VALVES The semilunar valves separate the ventricles from their associated arteries. The pulmonary valve is found between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery and the aortic valve is found between the left ventricle and the aorta. These valves prevent backward flow of blood from the pulmonary artery or the aorta into their preceding ventricles when the ventricles relax. The semilunar valves also have three cusps.
  • 18.
  • 19. Functional Anatomy of the Heart The wall of the heart The wall of the heart has three layers: • Epicardium • Endocardium • Myocardium The outermost layer, the epicardium, is the thin membrane on the external surface of the heart. The innermost layer, the endocardium, consists of a thin delicate layer of cells lining the chambers of the heart and the valve leaflets. The endocardium is continuous with the endothelium , which lines the blood vessels. The middle layer is the myocardium, which is the muscular layer of the heart. This is the thickest layer, although the thickness varies from one chamber to the next. Thickness of the myocardium is related to the amount of work that a given chamber must perform when pumping blood.
  • 20. Properties of myocardium • Different cells within the heart are specialized for different functional roles. In general, these specializations are for 1.automaticity 2.excitability 3. conduction 4. contraction
  • 21. Automaticity • The specialized (pacemaker) cells of heart spontaneously depolarize to threshold and generate action potential. They are located in • Sinoatrial (SA) node This cells have the highest intrinsic rhythm (rate), making them the pacemaker in the normal heart. Their intrinsic rate is 60- 100beats/min. • Atrioventricular (AV) node Its cells have the second highest intrinsic rhythm (40- 60beats/min). Often, these cells become the pacemaker if SA node cells are damaged. • Purkinje fibers They exhibit spontaneous depolarization with a rate of – 35 beats/min.
  • 22. Myocardial Physiology Autorhythmic Cells (Pacemaker Cells) • Characteristics of Pacemaker Cells – Smaller than contractile cells – Don’t contain many myofibrils – No organized sarcomere structure • do not contribute to the contractile force of the heart normal contractile myocardial cell conduction myofibers SA node cell AV node cells
  • 23. Automaticity Autorhythmic Cells (Pacemaker Cells) •Characteristics of Pacemaker Cells: They have unstable membrane potential •“bottoms out” at -60mV •“drifts upward” to -40mV, forming a pacemaker potential •The upward “drift” allows the membrane to reach threshold potential (-40mV) by itself •This is due to: 1.Leakage Na+ causes slow depolarization 2.Ca2+ voltage-gated channels opening as membrane approaches threshold (Ca2+ goes in) At threshold additional Ca2+ voltage-gated channels open causing more rapid depolarization 3. Slow K+ voltage-gated channels open causing an efflux of K+ (K+ goes out) and Ca2+ in K+out Ca2+ in Na+in
  • 24. The RMP in different cell types
  • 25. Excitability Contractile Cells • Special aspects – Intercalated discs •Highly convoluted and interdigitated junctions –Joint adjacent cells with »Desmosomes & fascia adherens –Allow for synticial activity »With gap junctions –More mitochondria than skeletal muscle –Less sarcoplasmic reticulum •Ca2+ also influxes from ECF reducing storage need –Larger t-tubules •Internally branching –Myocardial contractions are graded!
  • 26. EXCITABILITY Phases of action potential of contractile cells
  • 27. Excitability Action potential of contractile cells • Phase 0 (depolarization)begins when the membrane potential reaches threshold (–40 mV). Similar to nerve and skeletal muscle, mediated by the opening of voltage-gated, fast Na+ channels • Phase 1 (initial repolarization) Slight repolarization mediated by a transient potassium current. Sodium channels are in the inactivated state.
  • 28. Excitability Action potential of contractile cells • Phase 2 (plateau) Depolarization opens voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and voltage-gated K+ channels • Phase 3 (repolarization) At this point, the Ca++ channels close and K+ channels open. The resulting efflux of K+ ions causes the repolarization phase of the action potential. • Phase 4 Resting membrane potential
  • 29. Excitability Action potential of contractile cells • As in neurons, cardiac muscle cells undergo an absolute or effective refractory period in which, at the peak of the action potential, the voltage-gated fast Na+ channels become inactivated and incapable of opening regardless of further stimulation. As a result, the absolute refractory period lasts almost as long as the duration of the associated contraction — about 250 msec. The physiological significance of this phenomenon is that it prevents the development of tetanus or spasm of the ventricular myocardium. The effective refractory period is followed by a relative refractory period that lasts for the remaining 50 msec of the ventricular action potential. During this period, action potentials may be generated; however, the myocardium is more difficult than normal to excite.
  • 30. Myocardial Physiology Contractile Cells • Skeletal Action Potential vs Contractile Myocardial Action Potential
  • 31. Conduction Intrinsic Conduction System • Consists of “pacemaker” cells and conduction pathways – Coordinate the contraction of the atria and ventricles
  • 32. Contractility • Initiation – Action potential via pacemaker cells to conduction fibers • Excitation-Contraction Coupling 1. AP spreads along sarcolemma • T-tubules contain voltage gated L- type Ca2+ channels which open upon depolarization • Ca2+ entrance into myocardial cell and opens RyR (ryanodine receptors) Ca2+ release channels 2. Ca2+ (Ca2+ from SR and ECF) binds to troponin to initiate myosin head attachment to actin • Contraction
  • 33. Contractility • Relaxation – Ca2+ is transported back into the SR and – Ca2+ is transported out of the cell by a facilitated Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) – As ICF Ca2+ levels drop, interactions between myosin/actin are stopped – Sarcomere lengthens
  • 34. Electrocardiography • is the recording of the electrical activity of the heart. • It is based on recording of electric potentials generated by heart on different body parts (mostly on body surface) Electrocardiogram is graphic record of the electrocardiography
  • 36. Elements of ECG • Waves are parts of ECG, which are located above or below the isoline. • Segments are parts of ECG, which are located on the isoline. • Intervals include waves and segments.
  • 38. Waves of ECG • P wave represents atrial depolarization • QRS complex represents ventricular depolarization • T wave represents ventricular repolarization • U wave represents repolarization of the papillary muscles or Purkinje fibers.
  • 39. Blood Vessels Over 80,000 miles of blood vessels transport your blood throughout your body. There are 3 types of blood vessels. • Arteries: Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart to other parts of the body. • Veins: Blood vessels that carry blood from the body back to the heart. • Capillaries: Tiny tubes that carry blood from the arteries to the body’s cells, and then back to the veins.
  • 40. Arteries: carries blood Away from heart – Large – Thick-walled, Muscular – Elastic – Oxygenated blood  Exception Pulmonary Artery – Carried under great pressure – Steady pulsating Arterioles: smaller vessels, enter tissue
  • 41. Capillaries – Smallest vessel – Microscopic – Wall one cell thin – Nutrients and gases diffuse here
  • 42. Veins: Carries blood to heart – Carries blood that contains waste and CO2 • Exception pulmonary vein – Blood not under much pressure – Valves to prevent much gravity pull Venules: larger than capillaries
  • 43. Blood
  • 44. Blood Components Blood is made up of plasma and formed elements  Plasma: It transports blood solids, nutrients, hormones, and other materials.  Formed elements: –Erythrocytes (Red blood cells) –Leukocytes (White blood cells) –Platelets (thrombocytes)
  • 45. Red blood cells 1. Made up about 99% of the blood’s cellular component 2. Small, disk-like shape 3. No nucleus 4. Cannot reproduce 5. Last 4 months then rupture 6. Produced by red bone marrow 7. Contain hemoglobin 8. Carry oxygen
  • 46. Hemoglobin • Hemoglobin is a complex protein made up of four protein strands, plus iron-rich heme groups. • Each hemoglobin molecule can carry four oxygen atoms. The presence of oxygen turns hemoglobin bright red.
  • 47. White blood cells • Nucleus present • Types of leukocytes: • most are neutrophils that engulf microorganisms • Basophils • Eosinophils • Lymphocytes Active in immune system. Help fight disease and infection by attacking germs that enter the body.
  • 48. Platelets • Platelets are cell fragments used in blood clotting. • Platelets are derived from egakaryocites. Help blood form a clot at the site of a wound. A clot seals a cut and prevents excessive blood loss.
  • 49. The Cardiac Cycle: Events of the cardiac cycle
  • 50. • He developed the modern criteria of phase analysis of the cardiac cycle (1921). 21st APS President (1949-1950) Carl J. Wiggers (1883-1963)
  • 51. • Cardiac cycle refers to all events associated with blood flow through the heart. A single cycle of cardiac activity can be divided into two basic phases: –Systole – contraction of heart muscle –Diastole – relaxation of heart muscle The Cardiac Cycle
  • 53. The Cardiac Cycle (0,8 sec) Ventricular Systole (0,33 sec) • Period of Isovolumic Contraction (0,08 sec) Phase 1. Asynchronous contraction (0,05 sec) Phase 2. Isovolumic contraction (0,03 sec) • Period of Ejection (0,25 sec) Phase 3. Rapid ejection (0,12 sec) Phase 4. Reduced ejection (0,13 sec) Ventricular Diastole (0,47 sec) • Period of Isovolumic Relaxation (0,12 sec) Phase 5. Protodiastole (0,04 sec) Phase 6. Isovolumic relaxation (0,08 sec) • Period of filling (0,35 sec) Phase 7. Rapid filling (0,08 sec) Phase 8. Reduced filling (0,17 sec) Phase 9. Presystole (0,1 sec)
  • 54.
  • 55. Phase 1. Asynchronous contraction • The beginning of this phase = the end of Presystole (phase 9) = the end of diastole • The end of this phase = the beginning of Isovolumic contraction (phase 2) The beginning of phase AV valves are open SL valves are closed The end of phase AV valves are closed SL valves are closed During this phase: •Ventricular contraction •The ventricular cavity volume doesn't change •The ventricular cavity pressure doesn't change
  • 56. Phase 2. Isovolumic contraction • The beginning of this phase = the end of Asynchronous contraction (phase 1) • The end of this phase = the beginning of Rapid ejection phase (phase 3) During this phase, Ventricular contraction The ventricular cavity volume doesn't change The ventricular cavity pressure increases The beginning of phase AV valves are closed SL valves are closed The end of phase AV valves are closed SL valves are open
  • 57. Phase 3. Rapid ejection • The beginning of this phase = the end of Isovolumic contraction (phase 2) • The end of this phase = the beginning of Reduced ejection (phase 4) The beginning of phase AV valves are closed • SL valves are open The end of phase AV valves are closed SL valves are openDuring this phase: Ventricular contraction 2/3rd of stroke volume rapid ejected The ventricular cavity volume decreases The pressure inside the ventricles rises to 120 mmHg
  • 58. Phase 4. Reduced ejection • The beginning of this phase = the end of Rapid ejection (phase 3) • The end of this phase = the beginning of Protodiastole (phase 5) = the end of Systole = the beginning of Diastole The beginning of phase • AV valves are closed • SL valves are open • The end of phase • AV valves are closed • SL valves are open During this phase: • Ventricular contraction • 1/3rd of stroke volume slow ejected • The ventricular cavity volume decreases
  • 59. Phase 5. Protodiastole • The beginning of this phase = the end of Reduced ejection (phase 4) • The end of this phase = the beginning of . Isovolumic relaxation (phase 6) The beginning of phase • AV valves are closed • SL valves are open The end of phase • AV valves are closed • SL valves are closed During this phase: • The ventricles are relaxing • The ventricles aren’t filling • The ventricular cavity volume doesn't change
  • 60. Phase 6. Isovolumic relaxation The beginning of this phase = the end of Protodiastole (phase 5) • The end of this phase = the beginning of Rapid filling (phase 7) The beginning of phase • AV valves are closed • SL valves are closed The end of phase • AV valves are open • SL valves are closed During this phase, The ventricles are relaxing The ventricles aren’t filling The ventricular cavity volume doesn't chan The pressure inside the ventricles increases significantly
  • 61. Phase 7. Rapid filling • The beginning of this phase = the end of Isovolumic relaxati (phase 6) • The end of this phase = the beginning of Reduced ventricular filling (phase 8) The beginning of phase AV valves are open SL valves are closed The end of phase AV valves are open SL valves are closed During this phase: The ventricles are relaxing The ventricles are rapid filling The ventricular cavity volume increases The pressure inside the ventricles increases slightly
  • 62. Phase 8. Reduced filling The beginning of this phase = the end of Rapid filling (phase 7) The end of this phase = the beginning of Presystole (phase 9) The beginning of phase • AV valves are open • SL valves are closed • The end of phase • AV valves are open • SL valves are closed During this phase, The ventricles are relaxing The ventricles are slow filling The ventricular cavity volume increases The pressure inside the ventricles increases slightly
  • 63. Phase 9. Presystole • The beginning of this phase = the end of Reduced filling (phase 8) • The end of this phase = the beginning of ventricular systole (phase 1) = the beginning of ventricular systole = the end of ventricular diastole The beginning of phase • AV valves are open • SL valves are closed The end of phase • AV valves are open • SL valves are closed
  • 64. Phase 9. Presystole During this phase, •During ventricular relaxation blood flows from atria to ventricles. When both atria contracts almost simultaneously and pupms remaining 25% of blood flows in respective ventricles (therefore even when if atrial fails to function it is unlikely to be noticed unless a person exercises). •The ventricles are rapid filling •The ventricular cavity volume increases •The pressure inside the ventricles increases slightly
  • 67. Cardiac Output • Cardiac Output (CO) is the volume pumped by the left ventricle each minute – influenced by • Stroke Volume (SV) EDV – ESV = SV 135ml – 65ml = 70ml • Heart Rate (HR) bpm – CO = SV x HR (70ml/b x 72bpm = 5040 ml/min =5.04L/min)
  • 68. Blood Vessel Structure • enables specific functions – Aorta • absorb pulse pressure (systolic pressure – diastolic pressure) and release energy creating diastolic pulse – Large arteries • conduct and distribute blood to regional areas – Arterioles • Regulate flow to tissues and regulate MAP (mean arterial pressure)
  • 69. – Capillaries • Allow for exchange – Venules • Collect and direct blood to the veins – Veins • Return blood to heart and act as a blood reservoir Blood Vessel Structure
  • 70. Physical Characteristics of the Circulation
  • 71. • Hemodynamics is the description of the laws which govern blood flow within the vasculature. • Ultimately, all blood flow between two points within the vasculature is actuated by differences in the pressure of blood between those two points.
  • 73. Blood flow through a vessel is determined by 2 factors: • pressure gradient along the vessel (pressure difference of the blood between the two ends of the vessel) • vascular resistance (impediment to blood flow through the vessel)
  • 74. The flow through the vessel can be calculated by the following formula, which is called Ohm’s law : Q = (P1 - P2) / R •in which Q is blood flow, •(P1 - P2) is the pressure difference between the two ends of the vessel, •R is the resistance.
  • 75. Blood Pressure – Systolic Pressure • The pressure that is created when the ventricles contract • Usually around 120 mm Hg
  • 76. Blood Pressure – Diastolic Pressure • The pressure that is created by the recoil of the aorta AND the closure of the aortic semilunar valve • Usually around 80 mm Hg
  • 77. Blood Pressure Pulse Pressure • Pulse Pressure=Systolic Pressure - Diastolic Pressure • The difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures – Usually 40 mm Hg (120 mm Hg – 80 mm Hg) • Only applies to arteries Mean Arterial Pressure • We can determine the average pressure within the arterial system = Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) MAP = Diastolic Pressure + 1/3 Pulse Pressure MAP = 80 mm Hg + 1/3( 120 mm Hg – 80 mm Hg) MAP = 93 mm Hg
  • 78. QUESTIONS 1. The cardiovascular system. Functions. The pulmonary and systemic circuits. 2. The heart muscle cells. Structure. 3. Properties of the cardiac muscle. 4. Automaticity of the heart. Pasemaker cells. 5. Conductivity of the heart. Conductive system of the heart. 6. Excitability of the heart. Cardiac Action potential . The refractory periods of the cardiac muscle. 7. Contractility of the heart. Mechanism of cardiac muscle cell contraction. 8. The normal electrocardiogram. 9. Elements of ECG. 10. Mechanical events in the heart: cardiac cycle . Steps of the cardiac cycle . 11. Electrical events of cardiac cycle. 12. The origin of the heart sounds. 13. Ventricular volume-pressure loop. 14. Stroke volume. Control of stroke volume. Ejection fraction. 15. Cardiac output (CO). Regulation of CO . 16. Types and characteristics of blood vessels. 17. Relationship between blood flow, pressure and resistance. 18. Pressures in the cardiovascular system. Arterial pressure in the systemic circulation: diastolic, systolic, pulse and mean arterial pressures. 19. Neural Regulation of Blood Pressure.