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Blood groups
Dr. Sai Sailesh Kumar G
Associate Professor
Department of Physiology
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 1
Learning objectives
 Classify blood groups
 Define Landsteiner's law
 Describe Rh incompatibility
 Erythroblastosis fetalis,
 List indications of blood transfusion
 Describe the different transfusion reactions
 Describe the method of collection of blood,
storage, changes occurs in blood during storage
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 2
 Antigens are present on the surface of red blood
 30 commonly occurring antigens
 Hundreds of rare antigens were identified
 Two particular type of antigens are important
1. O-A-B system
2. Rh system
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 3
O-A-B Blood Types
 Two important antigens- type A and type B
 They are also called agglutinogens
 They cause blood cell agglutination –
transfusion reactions
 Major blood groups
1. O – 47%
2. A – 41%
3. B – 9%
4. AB – 3% DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 4
O-A-B Blood Types
 Classification based on the presence or absence
of the antigens A & B
 Neither A nor B present – O group
 Only type A present – A group
 Only type B present – B group
 Both A & B present – type AB
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 5
First human blood transfusion
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 6
Human blood transfusion
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 7
Karl landsteiner- 1930 Nobel Prize for Physiology or
Medicine for his discovery of the major blood groups
and the development of the ABO system
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 8
Landsteiner’s laws
 The relationship between the agglutionogens on
RBC cells and agglutinins in the plasma is
1. First law: if an agglutinogen is present on the
RBC, corresponding agglutinin must be absent
in the plasma
2. Second law: if an agglutinogen is absent on the
RBC, corresponding agglutinin must be present
in the plasma DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 9
Genetic determination of agglutinogens
 An allele is a variant form of a gene
 ABO blood group genetic locus has three alleles
 It means three different forms of same gene
 We typically call these alleles as A, B, O
 Type O allele is function less – does not cause
significant agglutination
 Type A & B – cause strong agglutination
 Type O is recessive to both type A & B
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 10
Genetic determination of agglutinogens
 Each person has two sets of chromosomes
 Only one of these alleles is present on each of
the chromosomes
 It means three different forms of same gene
 Six possible combinations
 OO, OA, OB, AA, BB, AB
 These combination of alleles is called genotypes
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 11
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 12
Genetic determination of agglutinogens
 Genotype OO produce no agglutinogens – blood
type is O
 Genotype OA or AA produce “A” agglutinogens
– Blood group is A
 Genotype OB or BB produce “B” agglutinogens
– Blood group is B
 Genotype AB produce both “A” and “B”
agglutinogens – Blood group is AB
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 13
 When type A agglutinogen is not present in
person’s RBC, antibodies known as anti A
agglutinogens develop in the plasma
 When type B agglutinogen is not present in
person’s RBC, antibodies known as anti B
agglutinogens develop in the plasma
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 14
 Immediately after birth – quantity of agglutinins
in plasma is almost zero
 2-8 months after birth, an infant begins to
produce antibodies
 At 8-10 years of age, maximum antibody titer
 Gradually decline through out the remaining
years of life
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 15
Origin of Agglutinins
 Agglutinins are gamma globulins
 Produced in bone marrow and lymphoid tissues
 Most of them are IgG and IgM molecules
 Why these antibodies produces in the person
who do not have respected agglutinogens?
 Small amounts of agglutinogens A and B enters
the body via food, some bacteria and initiate
development of agglutinins
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 16
 When there is mismatched transfusion
 Anti A plasma mixed with red cells that contain A
 Agglutinins attach to the RBC
 Agglutinins has 2 binding sites (IgG) and 10 biding
sites (IgM) respectively
 Single agglutinin can attach more than one RBC at a
 Clumping of the cells
 Agglutination DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 17
 Agglutinated cells undergoes hemolysis
 Agglutinins activates the complement system
 Release of lytic enzymes
 Rupture RBC cell membrane
 Hemolysis of RBC
 Release of hemoglobin
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 18
Blood typing
 Before blood transfusion it is must to determine
1. Blood type of recipient blood
2. Blood type of the donor
3. Matching of the blood
 This is called blood typing/ matching
 Red cells are separated from plasma
 Diluted with saline solution
 Mixed with agglutinins anti A and anti B
 Observe agglutination occurs or not
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 19
Blood typing
 Type O has no agllutinogens so they do not form
agglutination with both A and B
 Type A has “A” agglutinogen so it form
agglutination with anti-A agglutinin
 Type B has “B” agglutinogen so it form
agglutination with anti-B agglutinin
 Type AB has “A & B” agglutinogens so it form
agglutination with anti-A and anti-B agglutinins
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 20
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 21
Blood typing
Rh blood types
 Rh blood type system also important when
transfusing the blood
 In O-A-B system, the plasma agglutinins
responsible for causing transfusion reactions
develop spontaneously
 In Rh system, spontaneous agglutinins almost
never occur
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 22
Rh positive & negative people
 Six common types of Rh antigens
 These types are C,D,E, c,d,e
 A person who has “C” antigen, does not have the
“c” antigen
 A person missing “C” antigen have “c” antigen
 The same is true for D-d and E-e antigens
 Each person has one of three pairs of antigens
 Type D antigen is most prevalent
 Person with D antigen- Rh positive
 Person with out type D antigen – Rh negative
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 23
Rh immune response
 When Rh positive blood infused to Rh negative
 Anti Rh- agglutinins develops slowly
 Maximum concentration reached 2-4 months
 Multiple exposure to Rh antigens, an negative
person eventually become strongly sensitized to
Rh antigen
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 24
Rh transfusion reactions
 When Rh positive blood infused to Rh negative person
for the first time
 No immediate reaction occurs
 Anti Rh-antibodies develops in 2-4 weeks
 Agglutination of transfused cells
 Hemolysis of cells by tissue macrophages
 Delayed transfusion reactions – mild
 Second time if Rh negative person is transfused with Rh
positive blood
 Immediate and severe transfusion reaction occurs as he
is already immunized against Rh positive antigen
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 25
Erythroblastosis fetalis
 Hemolytic disease of new born
 Rh negative pregnant women
 Rh positive father
 Rh positive baby in her womb
 Rh incompatibility occurs
 Disease of fetus and new born child
 Characterized by agglutination and hemolysis of fetus RBC
 Mother develops anti-Rh antibodies after exposure to fetus Rh
 These agglutinins cross the placenta and enters fetus –
agglutination of RBC
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 26
Erythroblastosis fetalis
 First child usually not affected
 Sensitization to Rh antigen occurs during
parturition of first child
 If mother underwent Rh positive blood
transfusion earlier
 First child also affected
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 27
Incidence of the disease
 First child usually not affected
 3% of second Rh positive babies exhibit some
 10% of third Rh positive babies exhibit the
 Incidence raises progressively with subsequent
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 28
Effect of mothers antibodies on fetus
 Anti Rh-antibodies formed in mother
 Diffuse slowly through placental membrane and
enters the fetus blood
 Agglutination of RBC
 Hemolysis
 Release of hemoglobin into blood
 Formation of bilirubin
 Baby skin become yellow (jaundiced)
 Antibodies can also attack and damage other cells
of the body
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 29
Clinical picture
 Jaundiced, erythroblastic new born is anemic at birth
 Rh antibodies from mother keep circulation in the baby
blood for 1-2 months after birth
 Destroying more and more RBC
 Hemopoietic tissues tries to replace the hemolyzed cells
 Rapid production of red blood cells
 Many nucleated cells appear in the circulation – blast
 That is why this disease called erythroblastosis fetalis
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 30
Clinical picture
 Jaundiced, erythroblastic new born is anemic at
 Usually child die due to severe anemia
 Who barely survive anemia exhibit permanent
mental impairment or damage of motor areas of
 Because of precipitation of bilirubin in the neuronal
 Destruction of neuronal cells
 kernicterus DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 31
Treatment of neonates
 Exchange blood transfusion
 Replace neonates blood with Rh negative blood
 About 400 ml of Rh negative blood is infused over a period of
1.5 or more hours while neonates own Rh positive blood is
 Process repeated several times during first few weeks of life
 Mainly to keep bilirubin levels low
 To prevent kernicterus
 By the time transfused Rh negative blood replaced by neonate
own Rh positive blood (6 or more weeks) , the antibodies from
mother are destroyed
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 32
Prevention of erythroblastosis fetalis
 Anti-D antibody is administered to the expectant
mother starting at 28-30 weeks of gestation
 Anti-D antibody is also administered to the Rh
negative mother soon after delivery to prevent
 Anti-d antibodies inhibits antigen induced B
lymphocyte antibody production in the mother
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 33
Mismatched blood transfusion
 Mismatched blood transfusion
 RBC in the donar blood are agglutinated
 Immediate hemolysis by hemolysins
 Late hemolysis from phagocytosis of agglutinated
 Transfusion reaction may be hemolytic or non
 In hemolytic reaction – hemoglobin released –
formation of bilirubin- excreted in bile
 May cause jaundice DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 34
Mismatched blood transfusion
 Jaundice
 Yellowish discoloration of skin and sclera of
 However, if liver functioning normally
 Jaundice usually does not appears in an adult
unless more than 400 ml of blood is hemolyzed
in less than a day
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 35
Type Cause Clinical features
Immediate ABO incompatibility Fever, chills, shock,
renal failure
Delayed Rh incompatibility Recurrent anemia, may
be fever
Febrile reaction Contamination of
stored blood with
endotoxin or due to
cytokines that are
released on storage
Fever and chills
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 36
Renal failure after mismatched transfusion
 Most lethal effects of transfusion reactions
 Begins within few minutes to few hours and continue till
the person dies of acute renal failure
1. Powerful renal vasoconstriction by the toxic
substances released by the hemolyzing RBCS due to
2. Decreased RBC – decreased blood – shock – decreased
renal blood flow – decreased urinary output
3. If increase in free hemoglobin in circulation, it leaks and
enters the renal tubules and precipitates – blocks renal
tubules DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 37
Free hemoglobin in blood
 Normally very small amounts present
 Haptoglobin – plasma protein binds with this hemoglobin
 If small amounts leaks into renal tubules, it can be
reabsorbed and causes no harm
 But if it is in excess amounts, it precipitates in renal
 Blocks renal tubules
 Renal failure
 If the failure is complete, patient dies in a week to 12
days, unless treated with artificial kidney
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 38
Collection of blood for transfusion, storage
and its changes during storage
 Typically 450 ml of blood is collected from vein
(antecubital vein)
 From a healthy donar who has been screened for
diseases that could be transmitted during
 Autologous transfusion- donar blood is
transfused back to donar (after surgery)
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 39
Collection of blood for transfusion, storage
 Blood is collected in a flexible plastic bag
 Which already has chemicals in it
 Sodium citrate – binds to calcium and prevents
 Phosphate buffer – to buffer the pH of blood and
provides source of phosphate
 Dextrose – energy source
 Adenine- to provide substrate to ATP synthesis
 By using these chemicals, the storage of blood can
be prolonged upto 35 days at 4 degrees centigrade
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 40
Changes during storage
 RBC become spherical due to metabolic changes
 Change in cell rigidity of RBCS – los of membrane
flexibility and stability
 Leads to large destruction of RBCs in recipient blood
 Within the RBC, there is decrease in glycolysis, ATP and
2,3- DPG levels
 Granulocytes loose their phagocytic and anti bacterial
properties with in -6 hours
 Platelets become non functional with in 36-48 hours
 Potassium levels increases due to loss of potassium
from RBC into plasma DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 41
Bombay blood group
 Bombay blood group, is a rare blood type.
 This blood phenotype was first discovered in
Bombay, now known as Mumbai, in India, by Dr.
Y. M. Bhende in 1952.
 It is mostly found in the Indian sub-continent
(India, Bangladesh, Pakistan) and parts of the
Middle East such as Iran.
 Individuals with the rare Bombay phenotype (hh)
do not express H antigen
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 42
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 43
DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 44

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Blood groups

  • 1. Blood groups Dr. Sai Sailesh Kumar G Associate Professor Department of Physiology RDGMC DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 1
  • 2. Learning objectives  Classify blood groups  Define Landsteiner's law  Describe Rh incompatibility  Erythroblastosis fetalis,  List indications of blood transfusion  Describe the different transfusion reactions  Describe the method of collection of blood, storage, changes occurs in blood during storage DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 2
  • 3. Introduction  Antigens are present on the surface of red blood cells  30 commonly occurring antigens  Hundreds of rare antigens were identified  Two particular type of antigens are important 1. O-A-B system 2. Rh system DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 3
  • 4. O-A-B Blood Types  Two important antigens- type A and type B  They are also called agglutinogens  They cause blood cell agglutination – transfusion reactions  Major blood groups 1. O – 47% 2. A – 41% 3. B – 9% 4. AB – 3% DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 4
  • 5. O-A-B Blood Types  Classification based on the presence or absence of the antigens A & B  Neither A nor B present – O group  Only type A present – A group  Only type B present – B group  Both A & B present – type AB DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 5
  • 6. First human blood transfusion 1667 DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 6
  • 7. Human blood transfusion DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 7
  • 8. Karl landsteiner- 1930 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the major blood groups and the development of the ABO system DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 8
  • 9. Landsteiner’s laws  The relationship between the agglutionogens on RBC cells and agglutinins in the plasma is reciprocal 1. First law: if an agglutinogen is present on the RBC, corresponding agglutinin must be absent in the plasma 2. Second law: if an agglutinogen is absent on the RBC, corresponding agglutinin must be present in the plasma DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 9
  • 10. Genetic determination of agglutinogens  An allele is a variant form of a gene  ABO blood group genetic locus has three alleles  It means three different forms of same gene  We typically call these alleles as A, B, O  Type O allele is function less – does not cause significant agglutination  Type A & B – cause strong agglutination  Type O is recessive to both type A & B DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 10
  • 11. Genetic determination of agglutinogens  Each person has two sets of chromosomes  Only one of these alleles is present on each of the chromosomes  It means three different forms of same gene  Six possible combinations  OO, OA, OB, AA, BB, AB  These combination of alleles is called genotypes DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 11
  • 12. DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 12
  • 13. Genetic determination of agglutinogens  Genotype OO produce no agglutinogens – blood type is O  Genotype OA or AA produce “A” agglutinogens – Blood group is A  Genotype OB or BB produce “B” agglutinogens – Blood group is B  Genotype AB produce both “A” and “B” agglutinogens – Blood group is AB DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 13
  • 14. Agglutinins  When type A agglutinogen is not present in person’s RBC, antibodies known as anti A agglutinogens develop in the plasma  When type B agglutinogen is not present in person’s RBC, antibodies known as anti B agglutinogens develop in the plasma DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 14
  • 15. Agglutinins  Immediately after birth – quantity of agglutinins in plasma is almost zero  2-8 months after birth, an infant begins to produce antibodies  At 8-10 years of age, maximum antibody titer develops  Gradually decline through out the remaining years of life DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 15
  • 16. Origin of Agglutinins  Agglutinins are gamma globulins  Produced in bone marrow and lymphoid tissues  Most of them are IgG and IgM molecules  Why these antibodies produces in the person who do not have respected agglutinogens?  Small amounts of agglutinogens A and B enters the body via food, some bacteria and initiate development of agglutinins DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 16
  • 17. Agglutination  When there is mismatched transfusion  Anti A plasma mixed with red cells that contain A agglutinogen  Agglutinins attach to the RBC  Agglutinins has 2 binding sites (IgG) and 10 biding sites (IgM) respectively  Single agglutinin can attach more than one RBC at a time  Clumping of the cells  Agglutination DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 17
  • 18. Agglutination  Agglutinated cells undergoes hemolysis  Agglutinins activates the complement system  Release of lytic enzymes  Rupture RBC cell membrane  Hemolysis of RBC  Release of hemoglobin DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 18
  • 19. Blood typing  Before blood transfusion it is must to determine 1. Blood type of recipient blood 2. Blood type of the donor 3. Matching of the blood  This is called blood typing/ matching  Red cells are separated from plasma  Diluted with saline solution  Mixed with agglutinins anti A and anti B  Observe agglutination occurs or not DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 19
  • 20. Blood typing  Type O has no agllutinogens so they do not form agglutination with both A and B  Type A has “A” agglutinogen so it form agglutination with anti-A agglutinin  Type B has “B” agglutinogen so it form agglutination with anti-B agglutinin  Type AB has “A & B” agglutinogens so it form agglutination with anti-A and anti-B agglutinins DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 20
  • 21. DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 21 Blood typing
  • 22. Rh blood types  Rh blood type system also important when transfusing the blood  In O-A-B system, the plasma agglutinins responsible for causing transfusion reactions develop spontaneously  In Rh system, spontaneous agglutinins almost never occur DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 22
  • 23. Rh positive & negative people  Six common types of Rh antigens  These types are C,D,E, c,d,e  A person who has “C” antigen, does not have the “c” antigen  A person missing “C” antigen have “c” antigen  The same is true for D-d and E-e antigens  Each person has one of three pairs of antigens  Type D antigen is most prevalent  Person with D antigen- Rh positive  Person with out type D antigen – Rh negative DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 23
  • 24. Rh immune response  When Rh positive blood infused to Rh negative person  Anti Rh- agglutinins develops slowly  Maximum concentration reached 2-4 months later  Multiple exposure to Rh antigens, an negative person eventually become strongly sensitized to Rh antigen DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 24
  • 25. Rh transfusion reactions  When Rh positive blood infused to Rh negative person for the first time  No immediate reaction occurs  Anti Rh-antibodies develops in 2-4 weeks  Agglutination of transfused cells  Hemolysis of cells by tissue macrophages  Delayed transfusion reactions – mild  Second time if Rh negative person is transfused with Rh positive blood  Immediate and severe transfusion reaction occurs as he is already immunized against Rh positive antigen DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 25
  • 26. Erythroblastosis fetalis  Hemolytic disease of new born  Rh negative pregnant women  Rh positive father  Rh positive baby in her womb  Rh incompatibility occurs  Disease of fetus and new born child  Characterized by agglutination and hemolysis of fetus RBC  Mother develops anti-Rh antibodies after exposure to fetus Rh antigens  These agglutinins cross the placenta and enters fetus – agglutination of RBC DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 26
  • 27. Erythroblastosis fetalis  First child usually not affected  Sensitization to Rh antigen occurs during parturition of first child  If mother underwent Rh positive blood transfusion earlier  First child also affected DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 27
  • 28. Incidence of the disease  First child usually not affected  3% of second Rh positive babies exhibit some signs  10% of third Rh positive babies exhibit the disease  Incidence raises progressively with subsequent pregnancies DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 28
  • 29. Effect of mothers antibodies on fetus  Anti Rh-antibodies formed in mother  Diffuse slowly through placental membrane and enters the fetus blood  Agglutination of RBC  Hemolysis  Release of hemoglobin into blood  Formation of bilirubin  Baby skin become yellow (jaundiced)  Antibodies can also attack and damage other cells of the body DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 29
  • 30. Clinical picture  Jaundiced, erythroblastic new born is anemic at birth  Rh antibodies from mother keep circulation in the baby blood for 1-2 months after birth  Destroying more and more RBC  Hemopoietic tissues tries to replace the hemolyzed cells  Rapid production of red blood cells  Many nucleated cells appear in the circulation – blast cells  That is why this disease called erythroblastosis fetalis DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 30
  • 31. Clinical picture  Jaundiced, erythroblastic new born is anemic at birth  Usually child die due to severe anemia  Who barely survive anemia exhibit permanent mental impairment or damage of motor areas of brain  Because of precipitation of bilirubin in the neuronal cells  Destruction of neuronal cells  kernicterus DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 31
  • 32. Treatment of neonates  Exchange blood transfusion  Replace neonates blood with Rh negative blood  About 400 ml of Rh negative blood is infused over a period of 1.5 or more hours while neonates own Rh positive blood is removed  Process repeated several times during first few weeks of life  Mainly to keep bilirubin levels low  To prevent kernicterus  By the time transfused Rh negative blood replaced by neonate own Rh positive blood (6 or more weeks) , the antibodies from mother are destroyed DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 32
  • 33. Prevention of erythroblastosis fetalis  Anti-D antibody is administered to the expectant mother starting at 28-30 weeks of gestation  Anti-D antibody is also administered to the Rh negative mother soon after delivery to prevent sensitization  Anti-d antibodies inhibits antigen induced B lymphocyte antibody production in the mother DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 33
  • 34. Mismatched blood transfusion  Mismatched blood transfusion  RBC in the donar blood are agglutinated  Immediate hemolysis by hemolysins  Late hemolysis from phagocytosis of agglutinated cells  Transfusion reaction may be hemolytic or non hemolytic  In hemolytic reaction – hemoglobin released – formation of bilirubin- excreted in bile  May cause jaundice DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 34
  • 35. Mismatched blood transfusion  Jaundice  Yellowish discoloration of skin and sclera of eyes  However, if liver functioning normally  Jaundice usually does not appears in an adult unless more than 400 ml of blood is hemolyzed in less than a day DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 35
  • 36. Type Cause Clinical features HEMOLYTIC Immediate ABO incompatibility Fever, chills, shock, renal failure Delayed Rh incompatibility Recurrent anemia, may be fever NONHEMOLYTIC Febrile reaction Contamination of stored blood with endotoxin or due to cytokines that are released on storage Fever and chills DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 36
  • 37. Renal failure after mismatched transfusion  Most lethal effects of transfusion reactions  Begins within few minutes to few hours and continue till the person dies of acute renal failure Causes 1. Powerful renal vasoconstriction by the toxic substances released by the hemolyzing RBCS due to agglutination 2. Decreased RBC – decreased blood – shock – decreased renal blood flow – decreased urinary output 3. If increase in free hemoglobin in circulation, it leaks and enters the renal tubules and precipitates – blocks renal tubules DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 37
  • 38. Free hemoglobin in blood  Normally very small amounts present  Haptoglobin – plasma protein binds with this hemoglobin  If small amounts leaks into renal tubules, it can be reabsorbed and causes no harm  But if it is in excess amounts, it precipitates in renal tubules  Blocks renal tubules  Renal failure  If the failure is complete, patient dies in a week to 12 days, unless treated with artificial kidney DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 38
  • 39. Collection of blood for transfusion, storage and its changes during storage  Typically 450 ml of blood is collected from vein (antecubital vein)  From a healthy donar who has been screened for diseases that could be transmitted during transfusion  Autologous transfusion- donar blood is transfused back to donar (after surgery) DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 39
  • 40. Collection of blood for transfusion, storage  Blood is collected in a flexible plastic bag  Which already has chemicals in it  Sodium citrate – binds to calcium and prevents clotting  Phosphate buffer – to buffer the pH of blood and provides source of phosphate  Dextrose – energy source  Adenine- to provide substrate to ATP synthesis  By using these chemicals, the storage of blood can be prolonged upto 35 days at 4 degrees centigrade DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 40
  • 41. Changes during storage  RBC become spherical due to metabolic changes  Change in cell rigidity of RBCS – los of membrane flexibility and stability  Leads to large destruction of RBCs in recipient blood  Within the RBC, there is decrease in glycolysis, ATP and 2,3- DPG levels  Granulocytes loose their phagocytic and anti bacterial properties with in -6 hours  Platelets become non functional with in 36-48 hours  Potassium levels increases due to loss of potassium from RBC into plasma DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 41
  • 42. Bombay blood group  Bombay blood group, is a rare blood type.  This blood phenotype was first discovered in Bombay, now known as Mumbai, in India, by Dr. Y. M. Bhende in 1952.  It is mostly found in the Indian sub-continent (India, Bangladesh, Pakistan) and parts of the Middle East such as Iran.  Individuals with the rare Bombay phenotype (hh) do not express H antigen DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 42
  • 43. DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 43
  • 44. THANK YOU DR Sai Sailesh Kumar G 44