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University of Duhok
College of Health Sciences
Dep. of Medical Laboratories & Anesthesia
Biology/1st Stage
Lecture 10
Dr.: Shameeran S. Ismael
BVM & S, M.Sc Medical Microbiology(Parasitology),
PhD Molecular Parasitology
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Introduction and Classification
of Parasitology
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
• Parasite:- Any living
organisms (Multicellular or
unicellular organisms) that
lives on or inside another
organism and causing a
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
Parasitology:- Is the study of parasites, their hosts, and
the relationship between them
Types of Parasites
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
1. Ectoparasites Parasites: Parasites
that live on the surface of host (e.g.
lice, mite)
2. Endoparasites Parasites: Parasites
that live inside the body of the host,
in the blood, tissues, body cavities,
digestive tract and other organs. (e.g.
Giardia lamblia, Ascaris lumbricoides
etc.) Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
I.Parasite is divided according to
location into:
This can be further subdivided, based on their
life cycles:
Temporary parasite: Visits its host for a short
Permanent parasite: leads a parasitic life
throughout the whole period of its life.
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
II. Types of parasites
Facultative parasites: parasites able to live both
free living and parasite living e.g.
Strongyloides species
Obligatory parasite: If an organism is
completely dependent on the host during a part
or all of its life (Toxoplasma gondii)
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Occasional or Accidental Parasite: Attacks an
unusual host.
Wandering or Aberrant parasite: Happens to
reach a place where it cannot live.
Free living: The term free living describes the
non parasitic stages of existence
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Host and its types
Host: it is an organism that harbors a parasite it supplies
the parasite with nourishment and shelter, it is the injured
Definitive (final) host: harbors adult or sexually
reproductive stage of a parasite.
Intermediate host: harbors larval or asexually
reproductive stage of a parasite.
. Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Reservoir host(carrier): It is a host which harbor
the parasite and serves as an important source
of infection to other susceptible hosts.
Epidemiologically, reservoir hosts are important
in the control of parasitic disease.
Paratenic Host: ( A carrier and transport host)-A
host where the parasite remains viable without
further development
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
General parasitological Terms
• Vector: A carrier, especially the animal that
transfers an infectious agent from one host to
another, usually an arthropods, also the vectors
can be divided into two different types:
1. Biological vectors: vectors may carry
pathogens that can multiply within their
bodies and be delivered to new hosts usually
by biting, such as ticks and mosquitoes.
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
2. Mechanical vectors: vectors can pick up
infectious agents on the outside of their bodies
and transmit them through physical contact,
e.g house fly for transport of amoebal cysts
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
• Disease: a condition characterized by presence
of clinical signs and symptoms.
• Carrier: a host carrying a parasite but not
showing any clinical signs or symptoms.
• Etiology: the cause of a disease.
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Pathogenic: can cause disease in host.
Non pathogenic: does not cause disease in host
(commensal organism).A non-pathogen can infect
man but it causes no harm. It inhabits your body and
Pathogenesis: the processes involved in the
development of the disease (immunological,
biochemical, genetic, and morphological events).
Epidemiology: a field of science dealing with the
relationships of various factors which determine the
frequency, distribution and transmission of infection
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Infection: multiplication of organisms inhabiting the body.
Infective Stage: Is a stage when a parasite can invade human
body and live in it .
Diagnostic Stage:- A developmental stage of a pathogenic
organism that can be detected in stool, blood, urine,
sputum, CSF or other human body secretions.
Zoonosis: Refers to animal’s diseases which can be
transmitted to man.
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Infective Route: is the specific entrance through which
the parasite invades the human body.
Route of infection: It is means how the parasite invades
host body. Mechanisms of infection a parasitic
infection may occur by various routes, depending on
the nature of both parasite and host:
1. Feco-oral transmission(Entamoeba histolytica,
Giardia lamblia)
2. Actively penetrate the skin by infective larvae
(Schistosoma Spp.)
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
3.Sexual transmission (Trichomonais vaginalis)
4. Transmission by vector (Malaria)
5. Congenital-Infection with T.gondii and Plasmodium
spp. May be transmitted from mother to fetus
6.Iatrogenic infection-Malaria parasites may be
transmitted by transfusion of blood from the donor
with malaria containing asexual forms of
erythrocytic schizogony
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Life cycle: Is the process of a parasite’s growth,
development and reproduction. There are two
types of life cycle:
1. Direct life cycle (not required intermediate host).
2. Indirect life cycle (required intermediate host).
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Life cycle and its types:
Classification of parasites:
• There are three Phylum of parasites that are
of Major Medical Importance:-
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Classification of parasites:
• General classification: animal parasites are
classified according to international code taxonomy –
Each parasite belong to a:
• Kingdom
• Some have further divisions to:
Sub – order, super family, sub – species
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
• Each parasite have two names i.e. Genus and
• The former begins with an initial capital and the
latter with an initial small letter
• The Genus and species names are in italic, If
italics are not used, each name must be underlined
Entamoeba histolytica
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Genus Specie
How to write the scientific name of
the parasite?
• Symbiosis - “living together,” a close association
between two organisms, there are four kinds of
1.Mutualism - both organisms are benefited
(bacteria in bowel).
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Parasites, their hosts, and the relationship
between them”
2.Commensalism - “eating at the same table;” One
organism is benefited, and the other is unaffected.
3.Parasitism - A form of symbiosis in which one
organism (called parasite) benefits at the expense of
another organism usually of different species(called
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
4.Phoresis (Phoresy):The term phoresis means “to
carry” . It is a type of symbiotic relationship in
which one organism (the smaller phoront) is
mechanically carried on or in another species (host)
In this relationship, there is no physiological or
biochemical dependence on the part of the host or
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
I. Protozoa
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Introduction & classification of
• Protozoa are unicellular organisms, under
the kingdom Protista and sub kingdom:
• The basic structure of the protozoan body is
the protoplasm.
• Protoplasm is differentiated into the
cytoplasm & nucleus.
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
I.Cytoplasm: is divided into two parts:
1. Ectoplasm: Transparent external portion of the
cytoplasm. It function locomotion & sensation.
2. Endoplasm :The inner granular portion of the cell. It
contains food vacuoles (which help in digestion of food).
Contain various granules such as glycogen, fat, proteins,
bacteria & pigments etc. Its function are nutrition,
excretion & reproduction.
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
• Consists of a network of fine reticulum enclosed
by a nuclear membrane. Inside the network are
• A mass of concentrated chromatin is called
• No. of nucleus may be one or more
• Type of nucleus, may be vesicular with central
karyosome or granular with chromatin grains
• Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
• Nutrition: occurs by osmosis (holophytic) or by
ingestion (holozoic).
• Respiration : By osmosis
• Excretion: Excretion of waste products occurs by
contractile vacuoles or by osmosis
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Locomotion organelles
• Protozoa move by basic types of organelles:
1- Flagella
2- Cilia
4- Undulating ridgs
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Organs of Locomotion
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
1.Class: Nematoda
Common Name: Round worm
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
II. Helminth
General Features OF Nematodes
• Elongated, cylindrical, smooth, unsegmented, flesh-
colored bodies.
• Sex: is separated; the female is usually larger than the
• Body is usually tapered to a pointed posterior end, and
to a rounded anterior end.
• The body is covered by cuticle
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
•Cuticle is secreted by underlying hypodermis, which project
into the body cavity forming two lateral cord carry the
excretory canals, and a dorsal and ventral cord carrying the
Cuticle may be modified to form various structures:
1- Leaf crowns consisting of rows of papillae occurring
as fingers round the rim of the buccal capsule
(internal and external leaf crwon)
2- Cephalic vesicle
3- Cervical vesicle
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
4-Cervical ala
5- Cervical papillae
6. Cervical notch
7- Copulatory bursa in some species of male of nematodes,
which embrase the female during copulation. Which is
supported by bursal rays
• The muscle cells, arranged longitudinally lie between
hypoderms and the body cavity.
• Locomotion is effected by undulating wave of muscle
contraction and relaxation.
• They absorb oxygen through their skin in a process
known as diffusion.
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Cross section of adult nematodes
• They have complete digestive system with mouth,
oesophagus, midgut and end with anus in female,
while in cloaca in male, because the cloaca is the
common opening for both digestive sys. and genital
• Intestine is a tube (enclosed by a single layer of cells)
The type of mouth:
1.The mouth of many nematodes is a simple opening
which may surrounded by two or three lips and leads
directly into the oesophagus.
2- Large and open into a buccal capsule, which may be
contain teeth or cutting plate.
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
• The nematodes have direct life cycle, Nematodes have
a relatively simple basic life cycle consisting of an egg
stage, four larval or juvenile stages, and an adult stage
• Stages: egg, L1, L2,L3,L4,L5 (adult)
• Female may be oviparous, viviparous or
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Infections is transmitted by:
1) Ingestion of eggs (Ascaris lumbricoides )
2) Penetration of larvae (L3) through surfaces
3) Insect bite (Filaria)
4) Ingestion of encysted larvae (Trichnella spiralis)
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
2. Class Trematoda
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Introduction to Trematoda
• Flattened dorsoventrally, leaf like un-segmented
• Body cavity is absent
• Hermophrodites, except Shistosoma species
(sexes are separated)
• Most flukes have two suckers for attaching to the
host, one close to the mouth (dorsal sucker) and on
the ventral side (ventral sucker).
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
• Digestive system is simple, the
oral opening leading to a
pharynx, oesophagus & pair of
branched intestinal caeca
which end blindly.
• Excretory system includes:
flame cells, capillaries,
collecting tubules and an
excretory bladder
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
• The body is covered with tegument, which may
partially or completely covered with spines, tubercles
or smooth
• All member are oviparous.
• Infective stage is usually a encysted metacercria,
except for Schistosoma species is cercaria
• Have indirect life cycle
• Intermediate host is snail
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Trematode stages:
• Egg
• Miracidium
• Sporocyst (mother and daughter)
• Redia (redia1 and redia2)
• Cercaria
• Metacercaria and
• Adult
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Stages of Trematodes
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
3. Class: Cestoda
General Features of Cestodes
 Segmented tape-like worms & hermaphrodite
 Each segment containing one & some time two set of male
& female reproductive
•Flattened dorso-ventrally with out body cavity
• Covered with a protective cuticle
• Each cestode consist of three basic structure: scolex, neck &
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
 No mouth or gut. (food absorption is through the cuticle)
 Scolex, is the organ of attachment, has either suckers or
bothria (groove)
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
• The neck region is responsible for the formation of new
 Strobila (chain of segment). it represents the trunk or body
of adult worm. It composed of various No. of segments:
Echinococcus granulosus (have only 3-4 segments)
D. latum (posses 4000 segments)
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
There are three types of proglottids:
1. Immature segment (male & female organs
are undifferentiated)
2. Mature segment (male & female organs are
3. Gravid segment, gravid uteri filled with
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Body wall is composed of 3 layers:
1. An outer layer (elastic layer)
2. A middle layer which consist of a circular
muscle layer & longitudinal muscle layer
3. Inner layer, which consist of radially
arranged tegumental cells
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Reproductive sys.:
• Have double set or single set of reproductive
organs. Thus the genital pore may be located
bilaterally or unilaterally
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
There are 2 subclasses:
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
I. In members of cyclophyllidae:
•Organ of fixation are sucker
•Eggs, have two layers & contain a mature embryo,
with contains of 6 hooklets & a hexacanth embryo
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
II.In members of Pseudophyllidae:
•Organs of fixation are grooves (bothria)
•Eggs are operculated & unembryonated
Diphyllobothrium latum
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
 The life cycle is indirect
 All tapeworms require one or more intermediate
hosts (except H.nana)
• The larval stage( metacestodes or larval stage of
cestode) of Cyclophyllidea: (Cysticercus, Coenurus,
strobilocercus, Hydatid cyst, Cysticercoid)
• The larval stage of Pseudophyllidea (procercoid,
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
• Trauma - damage to tissues, intestine, liver, eye.
• Lytic action - activity of enzymes scereted by organism.
• Tissue response - localized inflammation, eosinophilia.
• Blood loss - heavy infection with hookworm may cause
• Secondary infections: weakened host susceptible to
bacterial infection, etc.
Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021
Parasitic Damage to Host:
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Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory.
health Sciences, 2021

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Parasitology practice 2/Health SciencesParasitology practice 2/Health Sciences
Parasitology practice 2/Health Sciences
Dr. Shameeran Bamarni

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Biology: Parasitology

  • 1. University of Duhok College of Health Sciences Dep. of Medical Laboratories & Anesthesia Biology/1st Stage Lecture 10 Dr.: Shameeran S. Ismael BVM & S, M.Sc Medical Microbiology(Parasitology), PhD Molecular Parasitology Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 2. Introduction and Classification of Parasitology Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 3. • Parasite:- Any living organisms (Multicellular or unicellular organisms) that lives on or inside another organism and causing a diseases. Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021 Introduction Parasitology:- Is the study of parasites, their hosts, and the relationship between them
  • 4. Types of Parasites Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 5. : 1. Ectoparasites Parasites: Parasites that live on the surface of host (e.g. lice, mite) 2. Endoparasites Parasites: Parasites that live inside the body of the host, in the blood, tissues, body cavities, digestive tract and other organs. (e.g. Giardia lamblia, Ascaris lumbricoides etc.) Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021 I.Parasite is divided according to location into:
  • 6. This can be further subdivided, based on their life cycles: Temporary parasite: Visits its host for a short period. Permanent parasite: leads a parasitic life throughout the whole period of its life. Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021 II. Types of parasites
  • 7. Facultative parasites: parasites able to live both free living and parasite living e.g. Strongyloides species Obligatory parasite: If an organism is completely dependent on the host during a part or all of its life (Toxoplasma gondii) Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 8. Occasional or Accidental Parasite: Attacks an unusual host. Wandering or Aberrant parasite: Happens to reach a place where it cannot live. Free living: The term free living describes the non parasitic stages of existence Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 9. Host and its types Host: it is an organism that harbors a parasite it supplies the parasite with nourishment and shelter, it is the injured partner. Definitive (final) host: harbors adult or sexually reproductive stage of a parasite. Intermediate host: harbors larval or asexually reproductive stage of a parasite. . Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 10. Reservoir host(carrier): It is a host which harbor the parasite and serves as an important source of infection to other susceptible hosts. Epidemiologically, reservoir hosts are important in the control of parasitic disease. Paratenic Host: ( A carrier and transport host)-A host where the parasite remains viable without further development Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 11. General parasitological Terms • Vector: A carrier, especially the animal that transfers an infectious agent from one host to another, usually an arthropods, also the vectors can be divided into two different types: 1. Biological vectors: vectors may carry pathogens that can multiply within their bodies and be delivered to new hosts usually by biting, such as ticks and mosquitoes. Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 12. 2. Mechanical vectors: vectors can pick up infectious agents on the outside of their bodies and transmit them through physical contact, e.g house fly for transport of amoebal cysts Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 13. • Disease: a condition characterized by presence of clinical signs and symptoms. • Carrier: a host carrying a parasite but not showing any clinical signs or symptoms. • Etiology: the cause of a disease. Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 14. Pathogenic: can cause disease in host. Non pathogenic: does not cause disease in host (commensal organism).A non-pathogen can infect man but it causes no harm. It inhabits your body and multiplies. Pathogenesis: the processes involved in the development of the disease (immunological, biochemical, genetic, and morphological events). Epidemiology: a field of science dealing with the relationships of various factors which determine the frequency, distribution and transmission of infection Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 15. Infection: multiplication of organisms inhabiting the body. Infective Stage: Is a stage when a parasite can invade human body and live in it . Diagnostic Stage:- A developmental stage of a pathogenic organism that can be detected in stool, blood, urine, sputum, CSF or other human body secretions. Zoonosis: Refers to animal’s diseases which can be transmitted to man. Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 16. Infective Route: is the specific entrance through which the parasite invades the human body. Route of infection: It is means how the parasite invades host body. Mechanisms of infection a parasitic infection may occur by various routes, depending on the nature of both parasite and host: 1. Feco-oral transmission(Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia) 2. Actively penetrate the skin by infective larvae (Schistosoma Spp.) Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 17. 3.Sexual transmission (Trichomonais vaginalis) 4. Transmission by vector (Malaria) 5. Congenital-Infection with T.gondii and Plasmodium spp. May be transmitted from mother to fetus transplacentally. 6.Iatrogenic infection-Malaria parasites may be transmitted by transfusion of blood from the donor with malaria containing asexual forms of erythrocytic schizogony Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 18. Life cycle: Is the process of a parasite’s growth, development and reproduction. There are two types of life cycle: 1. Direct life cycle (not required intermediate host). 2. Indirect life cycle (required intermediate host). Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021 Life cycle and its types:
  • 19. Classification of parasites: • There are three Phylum of parasites that are of Major Medical Importance:- I.Protozoa II.Helminths III.Arthropdes Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 20. Classification of parasites: • General classification: animal parasites are classified according to international code taxonomy – Each parasite belong to a: • Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species • Some have further divisions to: Sub – order, super family, sub – species Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 21. • Each parasite have two names i.e. Genus and species. • The former begins with an initial capital and the latter with an initial small letter • The Genus and species names are in italic, If italics are not used, each name must be underlined separately Entamoeba histolytica Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021 Genus Specie s How to write the scientific name of the parasite?
  • 22. • Symbiosis - “living together,” a close association between two organisms, there are four kinds of symbiosis: 1.Mutualism - both organisms are benefited (bacteria in bowel). Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021 Parasites, their hosts, and the relationship between them”
  • 23. 2.Commensalism - “eating at the same table;” One organism is benefited, and the other is unaffected. 3.Parasitism - A form of symbiosis in which one organism (called parasite) benefits at the expense of another organism usually of different species(called host). Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 24. 4.Phoresis (Phoresy):The term phoresis means “to carry” . It is a type of symbiotic relationship in which one organism (the smaller phoront) is mechanically carried on or in another species (host) In this relationship, there is no physiological or biochemical dependence on the part of the host or symbiont. Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 25. I. Protozoa Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 26. Introduction & classification of Protozoa • Protozoa are unicellular organisms, under the kingdom Protista and sub kingdom: protozoa • The basic structure of the protozoan body is the protoplasm. • Protoplasm is differentiated into the cytoplasm & nucleus. Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 27. Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 28. I.Cytoplasm: is divided into two parts: 1. Ectoplasm: Transparent external portion of the cytoplasm. It function locomotion & sensation. 2. Endoplasm :The inner granular portion of the cell. It contains food vacuoles (which help in digestion of food). Contain various granules such as glycogen, fat, proteins, bacteria & pigments etc. Its function are nutrition, excretion & reproduction. Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 29. II.Nucleus • Consists of a network of fine reticulum enclosed by a nuclear membrane. Inside the network are chromatin. • A mass of concentrated chromatin is called karyosome • No. of nucleus may be one or more • Type of nucleus, may be vesicular with central karyosome or granular with chromatin grains • Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 30. • Nutrition: occurs by osmosis (holophytic) or by ingestion (holozoic). • Respiration : By osmosis • Excretion: Excretion of waste products occurs by contractile vacuoles or by osmosis Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 31. Locomotion organelles • Protozoa move by basic types of organelles: 1- Flagella 2- Cilia 3-Pseudopodia 4- Undulating ridgs Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 32. Organs of Locomotion Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 33. 1.Class: Nematoda Common Name: Round worm Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021 II. Helminth
  • 34. General Features OF Nematodes • Elongated, cylindrical, smooth, unsegmented, flesh- colored bodies. • Sex: is separated; the female is usually larger than the male • Body is usually tapered to a pointed posterior end, and to a rounded anterior end. • The body is covered by cuticle Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 35. Female Male Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 36. •Cuticle is secreted by underlying hypodermis, which project into the body cavity forming two lateral cord carry the excretory canals, and a dorsal and ventral cord carrying the nerves. Cuticle may be modified to form various structures: 1- Leaf crowns consisting of rows of papillae occurring as fingers round the rim of the buccal capsule (internal and external leaf crwon) 2- Cephalic vesicle 3- Cervical vesicle Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 37. Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021 4-Cervical ala 5- Cervical papillae 6. Cervical notch 7- Copulatory bursa in some species of male of nematodes, which embrase the female during copulation. Which is supported by bursal rays
  • 38. • The muscle cells, arranged longitudinally lie between hypoderms and the body cavity. • Locomotion is effected by undulating wave of muscle contraction and relaxation. • They absorb oxygen through their skin in a process known as diffusion. Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021 Cross section of adult nematodes
  • 39. • They have complete digestive system with mouth, oesophagus, midgut and end with anus in female, while in cloaca in male, because the cloaca is the common opening for both digestive sys. and genital system. • Intestine is a tube (enclosed by a single layer of cells) The type of mouth: 1.The mouth of many nematodes is a simple opening which may surrounded by two or three lips and leads directly into the oesophagus. 2- Large and open into a buccal capsule, which may be contain teeth or cutting plate. Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 40. Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 41. • The nematodes have direct life cycle, Nematodes have a relatively simple basic life cycle consisting of an egg stage, four larval or juvenile stages, and an adult stage • Stages: egg, L1, L2,L3,L4,L5 (adult) • Female may be oviparous, viviparous or ovoviviparous Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 42. Infections is transmitted by: 1) Ingestion of eggs (Ascaris lumbricoides ) 2) Penetration of larvae (L3) through surfaces (Hookworm) 3) Insect bite (Filaria) 4) Ingestion of encysted larvae (Trichnella spiralis) Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 43. 2. Class Trematoda Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 44. Introduction to Trematoda • Flattened dorsoventrally, leaf like un-segmented worms • Body cavity is absent • Hermophrodites, except Shistosoma species (sexes are separated) • Most flukes have two suckers for attaching to the host, one close to the mouth (dorsal sucker) and on the ventral side (ventral sucker). Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 45. • Digestive system is simple, the oral opening leading to a pharynx, oesophagus & pair of branched intestinal caeca which end blindly. • Excretory system includes: flame cells, capillaries, collecting tubules and an excretory bladder Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 46. • The body is covered with tegument, which may partially or completely covered with spines, tubercles or smooth • All member are oviparous. • Infective stage is usually a encysted metacercria, except for Schistosoma species is cercaria • Have indirect life cycle • Intermediate host is snail Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 47. Trematode stages: • Egg • Miracidium • Sporocyst (mother and daughter) • Redia (redia1 and redia2) • Cercaria • Metacercaria and • Adult Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 48. Stages of Trematodes Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 49. Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021 3. Class: Cestoda
  • 50. General Features of Cestodes  Segmented tape-like worms & hermaphrodite  Each segment containing one & some time two set of male & female reproductive •Flattened dorso-ventrally with out body cavity • Covered with a protective cuticle • Each cestode consist of three basic structure: scolex, neck & strobila Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 51.  No mouth or gut. (food absorption is through the cuticle)  Scolex, is the organ of attachment, has either suckers or bothria (groove) Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 52. • The neck region is responsible for the formation of new segments  Strobila (chain of segment). it represents the trunk or body of adult worm. It composed of various No. of segments: Echinococcus granulosus (have only 3-4 segments) D. latum (posses 4000 segments) Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 53. There are three types of proglottids: 1. Immature segment (male & female organs are undifferentiated) 2. Mature segment (male & female organs are identifiable) 3. Gravid segment, gravid uteri filled with eggs Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 54. Body wall is composed of 3 layers: 1. An outer layer (elastic layer) 2. A middle layer which consist of a circular muscle layer & longitudinal muscle layer 3. Inner layer, which consist of radially arranged tegumental cells Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 55. Reproductive sys.: • Have double set or single set of reproductive organs. Thus the genital pore may be located bilaterally or unilaterally Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 56. There are 2 subclasses: Cyclophyllidae Pseudophyllidae Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 57. I. In members of cyclophyllidae: •Organ of fixation are sucker •Eggs, have two layers & contain a mature embryo, with contains of 6 hooklets & a hexacanth embryo Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 58. II.In members of Pseudophyllidae: •Organs of fixation are grooves (bothria) •Eggs are operculated & unembryonated Diphyllobothrium latum Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 59.  The life cycle is indirect  All tapeworms require one or more intermediate hosts (except H.nana) • The larval stage( metacestodes or larval stage of cestode) of Cyclophyllidea: (Cysticercus, Coenurus, strobilocercus, Hydatid cyst, Cysticercoid) • The larval stage of Pseudophyllidea (procercoid, plerocercoid) Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 60. Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021
  • 61. • Trauma - damage to tissues, intestine, liver, eye. • Lytic action - activity of enzymes scereted by organism. • Tissue response - localized inflammation, eosinophilia. • Blood loss - heavy infection with hookworm may cause anemia. • Secondary infections: weakened host susceptible to bacterial infection, etc. Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021 Parasitic Damage to Host:
  • 62. Thanks for attention, please check UOD Moodle and Google classroom Shameeran S. Ismael/ Biology theory. health Sciences, 2021