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Drama 9 (p167) Documentary1
Drama 4 (P194) Documentary 4
story to life-
Channel 1
Framing the
action DOP’S –
Channel 2 (16:30)
Making More with
Presented by
University of
LCC – Real lives
creating an
Tales of isolation
Presented by
SQUIRRELS’I chose to look at this film because I thought it would be relevant to my FMP,
due to the film being made with a small cast on a small budget. It starts of
with a man talking to someone who is off the camera but as a woman comes
into the film he looks puzzled but then introduces the topic of conversation to
her to which she engages in the conversation, and it relates to their topic of
conversation as the are both strangers and they discuss 19th Century literature
where they talk about strangers and analyse it. What I liked in particular about
this short is the music off screen because it mirrors the characters feelings for
example when one of them was getting frustrated the music appeared to
speed up. I also enjoyed the editing used when the two were talking together
there was use of cross fades and this made their conversation flow without
getting interrupted with loads of cuts, I was slightly confused at the concept
as both characters ended up appearing as statues and getting taken away in a
van however when watching the clip about the director she mentioned that
that was the idea and the audience were to question ‘well what happened to
these characters’ I would recommend this film to someone else because I
think it is clever how it was set out and the overall look of the film is
enjoyable, it is also a film that would bee interesting to discuss with someone
FAMINE’I wanted to watch this short film because I liked the idea of the story
and thought it would be interesting to see how something serious
could be turned into a comedy. What I liked in particular of this film
is the character development because I found the two Irish
characters quite funny as they were trying to be tough drug dealers
but one of them who was referred to as ‘Niallser’ was the character
who was described as ‘thick’ and they pair of them didn’t really know
what they were doing when kidnapping this man because they
argued about a chair then one of them was hit over the head with a
light. Another thing I liked in particular was the dialogue because
they swore a lot but it wasn’t done in a way that was offensive and it
wasn’t over used it was there to help show what sort of character’s
they were and I think it worked really well, the overall look of the film
was interesting with the lighting set up because it was quite dark but
the characters were lit up with different cold and warm lights which
made certain characters look harsh but this reflected their
So this short film follows the life of two black men Ty and Malcolm
who start their day talking about what to eat, they go to a Jamaican
takeaway place but on their way out they see two people who they
recognise and then they chase after them and start fighting and
threatening them with a knife, this is a clear change from when we
see them laughing and joking around with each other at the start. In
particular I like the bit where they are at a party and the editing stops
and starts making it feel jolty, and the bright blue and red lights
make it harsh to watch however it reflects their situation because it
appears that they were on some type of drug. I also liked the bit
where they were selling drugs to white men in suits because this
sends a good message to the audience about racial stereotypes and
how it isn’t true
I really enjoyed this short film in particular I
enjoyed the concept of the narrative, where it
focused on the story of Joey who was a clown
and one thing that I found interesting is that
when he was on his date with Annie he looked
like a normal human however it slowly became
known that that was makeup and beneath it he
was naturally a clown. I think this short film was
well done because it made me sympathise with
the character and I felt sorry for him and this
was done by the clever use of lighting for
example when we looked at Joey’s flat there was
cold, blue harsh lighting which is the opposite
to when he goes on his date its warm lighting
which mirrors the mood of the character.
Furthermore the mise-en-scene in general
helped tell a story about Joey for example the
toaster it looked old and had rust on it, which
was similar to the walls of his flat as they were
dirty and looked unkept, and this all
contributed to the story telling of that character.
Another thing to note is even though the
This film focused on a father and a
daughter who must go shopping, but on the
way there the father gets caught up by the
soldiers who keep him waiting, and one
thing about the scene where he is in a ‘cell’
which I liked is how they portrayed the
concept of time, because we don’t know
exactly how long he was in there for but
they way he paced back and forth and the
way they made the surroundings blur when
doing so suggested he was there for a
while. This film made me empathize with
the characters because something we can
do in a couple of hours like shopping took
them all day and it highlighted the
problems, they have over in Pakistan that
something so simple and we take for
granted can be a daunting and frustrating
experience over there. Much like Joey this
film is very similar to how I want to make
my FMP because I plan on focusing it on a
This documentary focused on a family but it was from their dog’s
point of view, I liked how it was constantly filmed at the height of the
dog to make it more realistic from her point of view. I was able to
relate to this documentary because it was small things like when the
dog started fighting with the cat and then the dogs reaction after that
I could relate with because I’ve been in that position and it made me
laugh because I love how the dog reacts to getting told off. At certain
points I felt sad towards the dog because when she sees Tom leave
and packing up we know what is going on but she doesn’t think that
way and it made me feel sorry for her which is a good reaction on the
director’s behalf because people are more likely to feel emotion
towards other people and I think its clever how they have made me as
an audience feel that way towards the dog
HALF’ This short film tells us the story of an old couple and
we follow them along their routine, what I liked most
about this film is that it managed to tell their story
without any dialogue or any other information we just
see them leave their house, walk up a hill and sit on
the same bench. When they get to the bench George
cuts a cream egg in half and shares it then it cuts to a
different day but with the same routine. Ginny soon
becomes ill as she is seen in a wheelchair and the
music adds to the emotion of the scene because it
becomes slower which could mirror how the two
characters are aging . We can see that time pasts as
the person who runs past them on the morning ends
up running with a baby when we see George walking
up the hill alone after altering his hat on his own, we
then see him go to cut the cream egg but he doesn’t.
I liked the simplicity of this short film but how it still
managed to tell a story about the characters, another
SYNDROME’ I was interested in watching this film because it is
only 3 minutes long and the filmmaker mentioned
making it with limited equipment and it was made
in a couple weeks through lockdown, I thought it
would be interesting to see what I could make for
my FMP. I liked the concept of this film however I
watched it once and didn’t really understand it so
I watched it again and I got the impression that
the mother on the phone was saying to kill her
partner but make it look like an accident, then she
started listing other people who had died by
‘falling in the lake’ or when they were out
camping in wolf territory and in my opinion I think
the daughter and the mother had killed them and
staged it as an accident.
I liked this short film as it highlights an important issue that is going
on at the moment but it’s from a child’s perspective, he goes to play
hide and seek in the woods but he comes across an immigrant family
but the right wing group tie them up and take them somewhere.
What this film did well was make me feel angry towards that situation
because it is something that is relevant today and still goes on with
the right wing groups and it frustrates me, I would recommend this
film to someone because I think it would highlight even more the
problems surrounding this topic. I liked the camera work in particular
because its all filmed from the height of Alex which I think made me
watch it from a different perspective.
This is a short Drama that was based off of the Grenfell Tower fires, it shows us
a little girl called Lila dancing with a group of people then when she goes home
she starts cooking, and this already makes the audience question where are her
parents? and I think that’s a good way to start a film off because it keeps the
audiences interested, she then falls asleep and wakes up being carried down the
stairs by her neighbour and we learn there has been a fire in the apartment
blocks and she tells her neighbour that she started it but she is told to keep
quiet. I specifically liked the part where she’s on the ground and the use of
camerawork makes it disorientating to watch which would reflect the character’s
feelings, for example the use of a tracking shot follows Lila even when she’s
turning around it doesn’t cut it’s the use of one camera. I also liked the lighting
in this scene because the orange tone makes it more realistic there’s a fire and
then the use of background blur focuses all the attention on the character. Lila is
taken to her neighbours friends where they learn their friend might be trapped in
the building and start swearing etc and threatening to kill whoever started the
fire so Lila gets scared and hides in the bathroom, the film ends with the group
of guys going to see if their friend is okay and Lila crying in the room. I liked the
way it ended because it was a devastating event where many people lost their
I chose to look at a thriller because this is one of the genres I plan
considering to do my FMP on. I liked this short thriller film because it cuts
between old memories where there is a warm tone on the footage, this
could suggest that when she remembers spending time with her young
son it’s a happy memory as the connotations of yellow are happy, and joy
etc so this could reflect the character’s thoughts. When it shows us the
woman on her own the tone of the scene is a dark blue and it feels cold
and lonely which would mirror the character’s feelings of isolation being in
a big house on her own. She goes around the house and it cuts between
her being on her own and her young son running around and I liked that
concept because it gives us an insight into more of the character and what
she use to be like whereas now she is quiet an on edge being on her own
in a large house. She heads out into the garden with a shotgun and this
was the bit that was most suspenseful because the use of a tracking shot
kept the situation hidden as we only saw the woman, she shoots the
‘intruder’ but it turns out to be her son and he falls into the swimming
pool and she goes in after him, it cuts between that scene when her son
was learning to swim when he was younger and I thought was quite
powerful because we see them when they were younger and now older etc.
I chose to watch a documentary because I want to know more about
making one as it is something I am considering doing for my FMP,
this documentary is about deaf people and their experiences going to
clubs etc, one person was saying they were discriminated against and
they weren’t allowed in. I like how it cuts from interviews to scenes in
a club and the audio cuts from music to silence and I think that was
impactful in terms of communicating to the audience what deaf
people experience as much as possible. This documentary looks at
deaf music producers and DJ’s and how they make music and it was
really insightful and that’s what a documentary should be, and it was
also entertaining to watch because it did have gaps between the
interviews so it wasn’t just people talking to the camera so this is
something to note if I plan on doing a documentary.
STORY TO LIFE’This masterclass was focused on Kristina Hetherington who is a
BAFTA winning editor and she talks about the job role of the editor,
and she also discussed some techniques etc. They showed a clip from
the BBC two part drama ‘Birdsong’ and Kristina mentions what it’s
like working on a set like that, they also discuss the qualities that
would best suit an editor which is something to note, they mention
how to get into editing and how you work closely with the director.
She also mentions what specific jobs she has to do and the way she
finds the best way to work etc. Towards the end of the chat they talk
about what skills editor’s look for when finding an assistant editor,
she also discusses the key skills needed to work on a film set for
example teamwork, being able to articulate, etc. This masterclass was
helpful because the role of the editor is something I wanted to know
more about and what exactly their job role includes because I want to
explore roles within the film industry and this masterclass answered
some of the questions I wanted to know about editing and
ACTION DOP’S’This masterclass was really useful because they covered a lot about the film
industry, they talk about their career in cinematography and they show clips that
they have worked on and what they did to light up the scene for example a
scene from the Dublin murders was shot in a forest and Tim Palmer discusses
how he used Chinese lanterns and hung them in the trees and it was interesting
to hear what they had to do and their process. Both cinematographer's discuss
their previous education and Palmer did a 3 year course at the National film and
Television school whereas Friend did a few short courses there as well as
London film school and it was insightful to hear what experience they had at
those places. They then went onto discuss the hiring process where they had to
interview get an agent etc and this was something that I didn’t know a lot about
before however this masterclass helped me realise what I have to do to get into
the industry. It was interesting to hear about their experiences on sett for
example they talk about the process of reading the script and how they can read
a script up to 20 times before they get a shooting script and how when they
start shooting it can be easier to start with the project. One of the questions
they answered was ‘How do you get depth in the footage?’ and they mention it
is mostly to do with composition and where you place the camera, but it’s also
the use of different shades of lighting and one of them gives a tip about going
round the house with a 50mm lens on a DSLR camera and trying out different
UNIQUE STYLEI watched a filmmakers insight and I chose this one because I wanted to
know more about developing my own style of film, It was insightful in
terms of information because there were a few different filmmakers and
they each had their own experiences to talk about and how they navigate
things, they discussed about what inspires them and how they integrate
that into their own films and this was interesting to listen to because
sometimes I find it difficult to find inspiration so it was useful listening
to others that face the same situation. They also gave advice for when
making a film which included advice on locations which is something
that I wanted to know more about because the location is key in telling a
story. There was one filmmaker who also studied film theory and he
mentions how it helps him make a film because he analyses it in depth
so this is something to consider when applying to university I could look
at a course that does theory and practical.
I chose this showcase because it is most
relevant to what I will face in my FMP, which is
dealing with a low budget and I think it would
be interesting to look at other films that have
no/low budget.
Shelter is the first film that I watched in this
showcase and it is about two homeless men who
break into someone's house. What I liked about
this film is the message that the things we take
for granted like a roof over our heads some
people aren’t always that lucky, I liked how it
portrayed two types of people someone who has
been homeless for a while he doesn’t care about
braking in whereas the younger person is
reluctant to break in and he hasn’t been
homeless for as long and this could suggest that
the older man has given up where the younger
man still has some hope. I liked the overall look
of the film as it all seemed to flow nicely and the
colour scheme was kept continuous however
after about 10 minutes it didn’t interest me
anymore and I think this was because there
wasn’t much happening until the end so it was
anti climatic.
The second film I watched was a short
animation with no dialogue, and I really
enjoyed because it was simple to watch
but gave the story across clearly. The
music played a big part in conveying the
feelings because it would jump up and
down which reflected the character’s
moods, I like the way it was done
because it was slightly grainy with lines
running through it to resemble an old
cartoon rather than really crisp
animation and I think it added to the
characters and the story
This was the third short film watched in this
showcase, it was similar to the last one I looked at
but this time it relied on foley sounds and voices to
convey the story instead of music. I preferred the
last animation however I liked the way they did the
facial expressions and they were exaggerated
which allowed the character’s emotions to come
across a lot more clearly. The story was shown
clearly however I think adding a little bit of
background music at suspenseful moments would
make it more intriguing for example when the
snake was behind the frog some low tone
suspenseful music would have been a good way to
get a reaction out of the audience
This film looked at the story of a human and
an alien, I liked the story and I think it had
potential however I didn’t like how it was
executed. For example when the ship was
about to self destruct there wasn’t a sense of
urgency from the characters and I think there
should have been, this scene was quite slow
and it could have been sped up by having
some sort of music but also it could have been
acted differently so the actors portrayed their
characters to be more affected by their
situation. I think the animation wasn’t too bad
and the makeup for the alien was done well
but overall the characters didn’t appeal to me
as I felt the character development was under
5. RICH The fifth film I watched was about a
terminally ill man by the name of ‘Rich’ an
his younger neighbour would go round
and care for him. I liked the story of this
where his wife had died and he decided to
refuse treatment and we see Elizabeth
come to terms with the idea of him being
gone. I liked the ‘overlay’ that the film had
with the blue tone which gives a sense of
loneliness however when Rich goes into
the church where his wife spent most of
her time there was a warm tone to the
scenes which I think could symbolise that
he doesn’t feel lonely there because that’s
where his wife is. Overall I liked this film
even though it was quite simple but I liked
the way the story was told
I think this film was made to a good
standard considering it had a low
budget of £5500 and this was only an
extract from it, I think it was better
than the previous sci-fi film but it
didn’t interest me because for me I
want to see the story of how they got
there and by only seeing them in
trouble it doesn’t show the character
development and therefore it doesn’t
intrigue me
This was a short clip from a longer film, I
managed to get an idea of the characters
and it would be interesting to see where it
goes in the longer film. I liked the simplicity
of it for example the woman packing her
lunch it is an everyday task and I got the
impression she is bored with her life and
seems to be stuck in a constant cycle and
she is tired with her partner and finds an
interest in her new colleague and it would
be interesting to see the development there
This short film looks at the story of John
and David and I can infer that they had a
relationship at sea but when John turns up
ad David’s door Yvonne answers. This
short film is quite simple because the two
men then just walk and argue but I’m
interested in the characters and want to
know what happens to them and that’s a
good example of character development
because I am interested in the character’s
So this short film is about someone with
OCD and he starts obsessing about a
beeping sound so much so he trashes this
house and makes it a mess, I think for a
low/no budget film it isn’t bad but I have
seen better but I liked the concept for this
story and I think it could have gone further
in terms of post production and having
different transition effects like a cross fade
to show the character’s state of mind or
some colour correction for the white
balance so it doesn’t look to dull, and also
the lighting would help fix the grainy
image seen in some scenes
10. SILENT OBSERVERThis is a short documentary about a guy
called George who does parkour around
Wakefield, I liked this documentary because
it was insightful and informed me of a
subject I didn’t know much about. I liked the
way it was done with a mix of footage
following George but also interviewing him
and that allowed there to be a break I
between the videos, I liked the way they kept
a consistent colour scheme for example they
always filmed when it started getting dark
and it allowed there to be a sense of
continuity throughout the documentary and
it worked well. I think there could have been
some more post production effects being
used like different transitions that I think
would have worked nicely with him running
across the roofs.
BLUBBER The first documentary that I watched is called
‘Bringing home the blubber’ and it tells the
story of a man who hunts seals and he took
the business over from his family. I like the
way this documentary was done it looked
nice and neat and a key component to this
was having the same ‘overlay’ on the footage
so the lighting was continuous. Much like
other documentaries I have looked at this one
uses inter-cutting form interviews to other
footage which is what I like in a documentary
because it allows there to be a break from
someone talking and it adds variety. The was
a really impactful moment was when a
woman was reading the man’s story and the
camera focused on him for the entirety of it
and we see him start crying when he hears
I enjoyed watching this documentary because it
highlighted the issues of climate change which is a
topic I enjoy talking about. It focused on a 15 year
old boy called Elijah and it focused on him and his
views on climate change. One part I enjoyed
specifically was when it showed him going to a
meeting and talking about climate change with
older people and I liked the concept of this
because he’s willing to go and educate the older
generation because for some of the older
generation they are less educated regarding
modern opinion on climate change. I also liked
how there was breaks and on a black screen there
was white writing stating facts about climate
change and then resumed to other footage, this
seems to be something that a lot of documentaries
do where they break up constant footage with
either interviews or facts, so this is something I
This documentary was interesting to
watch and hear about this man’s story,
he talks about getting older and
finding ‘the one’ but he came out as
gay to his wife who he is still in touch
with and he talks about what it was like
being younger and hiding it. I liked
where there was him talking over the
top of footage of different pieces of art
ranging from paintings to statues and I
liked this section because it allowed
me to focus on what he was saying and
listening to his story was eye opening
ISOLATION’I have chosen to look at this guest programme because the individual films
featured in it are related to mental health issues which is something I plan on
basing my FMP on. The first short film I watched was called ‘Isle of Chair’ and this
was a short animated film with no dialogue which was interesting because it
managed to keep me engaged throughout the film and I didn’t think that would
be the case with no dialogue, this film has me slightly confused about the whole
dynamic of this character and the green dot but I got the impression that one of
them comes and makes everything balance again after the other made it all off
balance. The second film I watched was called ‘Stucco’ and this was about an
agoraphobic woman who finds a mysterious wall in her house, and it is clear she
is unwell because she is coughing etc so in my opinion it’s a case of being an
hallucination, however when she breaks down the wall there is a throne made up
of dismembered arms and hands that try and trap her but she manages to break
free and then when we see her next she has broken through her house and into
the street outside, from this I can infer that she was feeling trapped being
someone afraid to go outside even though she tried and wanted to but then she
finally got past that fear even if it was unintentional. The third film in this guest
programme was called ‘The Distraction’ and I liked the way it was edited with the
rhythm of the words she was saying and the whole speed of it some of it was
quite fast which worked with the narrative behind it however I didn’t like the way
it made me feel because it was quite uncomfortable to watch because I was
constantly on edge and I think this is because the close up of the ladybirds made
me uncomfortable then the voice in the background made it even worse, I also
didn’t like the bit where it went to a really fast pace because I think it was too
The third film I watched in the guest programme was a film called ‘Nigel’ which
had no dialogue but it managed to keep me intrigued until the end. It tells the
true story of a bird called ‘Nigel No Mates’ and its about a real bird who ‘fell in
love with’ a replica bird and despite having other real birds appear he didn’t
want to leave the fake one. The way it was executed through animation was
really good because at some parts I understood what that character was feeling
even though nothing was said. The fourth film in this guest programme I
watched was called ‘In Full Bloom’ and it is about an elderly hoarder who
doesn’t go outside has a black hole opened due to worms, I liked this film
because I understood the story even though there was no dialogue and with no
dialogue it emphasises the feeling of loneliness and isolation. The worms were
done using stop motion and I think it worked well with the rest of the short
film, I also liked that there was intense music and suspenseful parts to mirror
the character’s feelings. The next film I watched was called ‘Born in a void’ and
it was a short animation and I enjoyed the use of sounds and music because it
added to the story, for example when the ship was falling apart the music
became intense, there was also use of rhythmic editing which I thought worked
well with some parts because it added variety rather than just having one type
of music throughout the whole film. ‘Stay Here’ was the short documentary
that I watched in this programme and it was insightful, it looked at a couple of
residences that have refused to move out of their homes even though all their
neighbours had moved away. I like the way this documentary was done as it cut
between interviews and other footage of the empty town. I think the music
played a big part in this documentary because it helped convey the emotion of
I chose to watch this guest programme because I wanted to know more about the
documentary style. The first documentary I watched is called ‘Imogen’ and it tells the
story of a woman who took her own life, this documentary was hard to watch because it
focused on the family reading the diaries she left behind and they were quite graphic
details of the thoughts she was thinking and it showed drawings with labels attached to
them and food diaries of the food she could and couldn’t eat. It was a hard hitting
documentary because the way they told the story was really powerful and something I
thought was impactful was when one of the family members were reading an extract from
the diary it would show footage of when Imogen was a young child and this was hard to
watch because these graphic details were being read out but the footage on the screen
was showing a child playing on the swings. Overall I liked the way they filmed and made
this documentary because it conveys the feelings that Imogen would have been feeling
and it highlights an important issue in todays society which is mental health. The second
documentary I watched was one called ‘No Ball Games’ and it looks at groups of children
who come from working class backgrounds, I liked this documentary because it showed
us the games they make up and they aren’t glued to phones or game consoles like many
other children are. I liked the way they filmed different groups of children from across
England and Wales but it flowed well and didn’t seem too jumpy which I liked, I also
admire the simplicity of the documentary because it is just showing children playing
games but it was interesting and entertaining to watch. The third documentary I watched
was called ‘Hattie’ which tells us the story of a teenager having spina bifida, it was an
informative documentary because I didn’t know much about the condition before hand
and I liked how it changed between interviews and other footage and this seems to be a
Challenging Perspectives: Documenting
Modern Britain
Presented by Doc Society
The fourth documentary I watched is called ‘Zero, Zero’ and it looks at a
family who are from Zimbabwe and they talk about how they were named
‘coloureds’ which was different to the term black and they were sent to
catholic schools because they had lighter skin and were sent there so they
could do factory jobs etc. It was interesting to watch because they talk about
how the don’t identify as African but Zimbabwean and it opens my eyes to
the discrimination they had had to face. Much like the previous
documentaries there was inter-cutting between interviews and other
footage, another thing that I liked was that the woman behind the camera
asked the questions which we heard which isn’t something they usually do in
documentaries when interviewing people but it worked in this case because
it was more inclusive as if I was apart of the conversation listening to their
story. The fifth documentary I watched is called ‘Northern Ballers’ and it
looks at a basketball team in Leeds, I liked it because it was entertaining and
hearing their stories was inspiring for example someone wants to go to
school in America and do basketball but he talks about having to work hard
at school to get there and it isn’t going to be easy. The last documentary I
watched is called ‘Blackthorn’ and it is about a man called Sam Robinson
who tells us his story and what I liked about this is that it cut between him
working or his dog and then him in his shed telling us a poem that linked
with the rest of the story. I also liked the continuity of the colours the dark

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Asff 2020

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  • 2. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY FILM COLLECTION 1 Artists Film 2 (p164) Drama 10 (p178) Advertising 1 (p186) Drama 1(p204) FILM COLLECTION 2 Comedy 5 (p165) Drama 10 (p178) Comedy 2 (p193) Thriller 1 (p208) FILM COLLECTION 3 Drama 9 (p167) Documentary1 (p176) Drama 4 (P194) Documentary 4 (p203) MASTERCLASS Bringing a story to life- Channel 1 (11:30) Framing the action DOP’S – Channel 2 (16:30) UNIVERSITY SHOWCASE Class Filmmaking: Making More with Less’ Presented by University of Lincoln LCC – Real lives creating an Authentic Documentary GUEST PROGRAMME Tales of isolation (p122-123) Challenging Perspectives: Documenting Modern Britain Presented by
  • 3. FILM 1 ARTIST’S FILMS – ‘HEART OF SQUIRRELS’I chose to look at this film because I thought it would be relevant to my FMP, due to the film being made with a small cast on a small budget. It starts of with a man talking to someone who is off the camera but as a woman comes into the film he looks puzzled but then introduces the topic of conversation to her to which she engages in the conversation, and it relates to their topic of conversation as the are both strangers and they discuss 19th Century literature where they talk about strangers and analyse it. What I liked in particular about this short is the music off screen because it mirrors the characters feelings for example when one of them was getting frustrated the music appeared to speed up. I also enjoyed the editing used when the two were talking together there was use of cross fades and this made their conversation flow without getting interrupted with loads of cuts, I was slightly confused at the concept as both characters ended up appearing as statues and getting taken away in a van however when watching the clip about the director she mentioned that that was the idea and the audience were to question ‘well what happened to these characters’ I would recommend this film to someone else because I think it is clever how it was set out and the overall look of the film is enjoyable, it is also a film that would bee interesting to discuss with someone
  • 4. FILM 2 COMEDY – ‘THE COCAINE FAMINE’I wanted to watch this short film because I liked the idea of the story and thought it would be interesting to see how something serious could be turned into a comedy. What I liked in particular of this film is the character development because I found the two Irish characters quite funny as they were trying to be tough drug dealers but one of them who was referred to as ‘Niallser’ was the character who was described as ‘thick’ and they pair of them didn’t really know what they were doing when kidnapping this man because they argued about a chair then one of them was hit over the head with a light. Another thing I liked in particular was the dialogue because they swore a lot but it wasn’t done in a way that was offensive and it wasn’t over used it was there to help show what sort of character’s they were and I think it worked really well, the overall look of the film was interesting with the lighting set up because it was quite dark but the characters were lit up with different cold and warm lights which made certain characters look harsh but this reflected their personality
  • 5. FILM 3 DRAMA – ‘MANDEM’ So this short film follows the life of two black men Ty and Malcolm who start their day talking about what to eat, they go to a Jamaican takeaway place but on their way out they see two people who they recognise and then they chase after them and start fighting and threatening them with a knife, this is a clear change from when we see them laughing and joking around with each other at the start. In particular I like the bit where they are at a party and the editing stops and starts making it feel jolty, and the bright blue and red lights make it harsh to watch however it reflects their situation because it appears that they were on some type of drug. I also liked the bit where they were selling drugs to white men in suits because this sends a good message to the audience about racial stereotypes and how it isn’t true
  • 6. FILM 4 DRAMA – ‘JOEY’ I really enjoyed this short film in particular I enjoyed the concept of the narrative, where it focused on the story of Joey who was a clown and one thing that I found interesting is that when he was on his date with Annie he looked like a normal human however it slowly became known that that was makeup and beneath it he was naturally a clown. I think this short film was well done because it made me sympathise with the character and I felt sorry for him and this was done by the clever use of lighting for example when we looked at Joey’s flat there was cold, blue harsh lighting which is the opposite to when he goes on his date its warm lighting which mirrors the mood of the character. Furthermore the mise-en-scene in general helped tell a story about Joey for example the toaster it looked old and had rust on it, which was similar to the walls of his flat as they were dirty and looked unkept, and this all contributed to the story telling of that character. Another thing to note is even though the
  • 7. FILM 5 DRAMA – ‘THE PRESENT’ This film focused on a father and a daughter who must go shopping, but on the way there the father gets caught up by the soldiers who keep him waiting, and one thing about the scene where he is in a ‘cell’ which I liked is how they portrayed the concept of time, because we don’t know exactly how long he was in there for but they way he paced back and forth and the way they made the surroundings blur when doing so suggested he was there for a while. This film made me empathize with the characters because something we can do in a couple of hours like shopping took them all day and it highlighted the problems, they have over in Pakistan that something so simple and we take for granted can be a daunting and frustrating experience over there. Much like Joey this film is very similar to how I want to make my FMP because I plan on focusing it on a
  • 8. FILM 6 DOCUMENTARY– ‘LOLA’ This documentary focused on a family but it was from their dog’s point of view, I liked how it was constantly filmed at the height of the dog to make it more realistic from her point of view. I was able to relate to this documentary because it was small things like when the dog started fighting with the cat and then the dogs reaction after that I could relate with because I’ve been in that position and it made me laugh because I love how the dog reacts to getting told off. At certain points I felt sad towards the dog because when she sees Tom leave and packing up we know what is going on but she doesn’t think that way and it made me feel sorry for her which is a good reaction on the director’s behalf because people are more likely to feel emotion towards other people and I think its clever how they have made me as an audience feel that way towards the dog
  • 9. FILM 7 ADVERTISING – ‘THE OTHER HALF’ This short film tells us the story of an old couple and we follow them along their routine, what I liked most about this film is that it managed to tell their story without any dialogue or any other information we just see them leave their house, walk up a hill and sit on the same bench. When they get to the bench George cuts a cream egg in half and shares it then it cuts to a different day but with the same routine. Ginny soon becomes ill as she is seen in a wheelchair and the music adds to the emotion of the scene because it becomes slower which could mirror how the two characters are aging . We can see that time pasts as the person who runs past them on the morning ends up running with a baby when we see George walking up the hill alone after altering his hat on his own, we then see him go to cut the cream egg but he doesn’t. I liked the simplicity of this short film but how it still managed to tell a story about the characters, another
  • 10. FILM 8 COMEDY – ‘STOCKHOLM SYNDROME’ I was interested in watching this film because it is only 3 minutes long and the filmmaker mentioned making it with limited equipment and it was made in a couple weeks through lockdown, I thought it would be interesting to see what I could make for my FMP. I liked the concept of this film however I watched it once and didn’t really understand it so I watched it again and I got the impression that the mother on the phone was saying to kill her partner but make it look like an accident, then she started listing other people who had died by ‘falling in the lake’ or when they were out camping in wolf territory and in my opinion I think the daughter and the mother had killed them and staged it as an accident.
  • 11. FILM 9 DRAMA – ‘REBEL’ I liked this short film as it highlights an important issue that is going on at the moment but it’s from a child’s perspective, he goes to play hide and seek in the woods but he comes across an immigrant family but the right wing group tie them up and take them somewhere. What this film did well was make me feel angry towards that situation because it is something that is relevant today and still goes on with the right wing groups and it frustrates me, I would recommend this film to someone because I think it would highlight even more the problems surrounding this topic. I liked the camera work in particular because its all filmed from the height of Alex which I think made me watch it from a different perspective.
  • 12. FILM 10 DRAMA – ‘I WAS STILL THERE WHEN YOU LEFT ME’ This is a short Drama that was based off of the Grenfell Tower fires, it shows us a little girl called Lila dancing with a group of people then when she goes home she starts cooking, and this already makes the audience question where are her parents? and I think that’s a good way to start a film off because it keeps the audiences interested, she then falls asleep and wakes up being carried down the stairs by her neighbour and we learn there has been a fire in the apartment blocks and she tells her neighbour that she started it but she is told to keep quiet. I specifically liked the part where she’s on the ground and the use of camerawork makes it disorientating to watch which would reflect the character’s feelings, for example the use of a tracking shot follows Lila even when she’s turning around it doesn’t cut it’s the use of one camera. I also liked the lighting in this scene because the orange tone makes it more realistic there’s a fire and then the use of background blur focuses all the attention on the character. Lila is taken to her neighbours friends where they learn their friend might be trapped in the building and start swearing etc and threatening to kill whoever started the fire so Lila gets scared and hides in the bathroom, the film ends with the group of guys going to see if their friend is okay and Lila crying in the room. I liked the way it ended because it was a devastating event where many people lost their
  • 13. FILM 11 THRILLER – ‘ ITS ME’ I chose to look at a thriller because this is one of the genres I plan considering to do my FMP on. I liked this short thriller film because it cuts between old memories where there is a warm tone on the footage, this could suggest that when she remembers spending time with her young son it’s a happy memory as the connotations of yellow are happy, and joy etc so this could reflect the character’s thoughts. When it shows us the woman on her own the tone of the scene is a dark blue and it feels cold and lonely which would mirror the character’s feelings of isolation being in a big house on her own. She goes around the house and it cuts between her being on her own and her young son running around and I liked that concept because it gives us an insight into more of the character and what she use to be like whereas now she is quiet an on edge being on her own in a large house. She heads out into the garden with a shotgun and this was the bit that was most suspenseful because the use of a tracking shot kept the situation hidden as we only saw the woman, she shoots the ‘intruder’ but it turns out to be her son and he falls into the swimming pool and she goes in after him, it cuts between that scene when her son was learning to swim when he was younger and I thought was quite powerful because we see them when they were younger and now older etc.
  • 14. FILM 12 THRILLER – ‘A SONIC PULSE’ I chose to watch a documentary because I want to know more about making one as it is something I am considering doing for my FMP, this documentary is about deaf people and their experiences going to clubs etc, one person was saying they were discriminated against and they weren’t allowed in. I like how it cuts from interviews to scenes in a club and the audio cuts from music to silence and I think that was impactful in terms of communicating to the audience what deaf people experience as much as possible. This documentary looks at deaf music producers and DJ’s and how they make music and it was really insightful and that’s what a documentary should be, and it was also entertaining to watch because it did have gaps between the interviews so it wasn’t just people talking to the camera so this is something to note if I plan on doing a documentary.
  • 15. MASTERCLASS 1 – ‘BRINGING A STORY TO LIFE’This masterclass was focused on Kristina Hetherington who is a BAFTA winning editor and she talks about the job role of the editor, and she also discussed some techniques etc. They showed a clip from the BBC two part drama ‘Birdsong’ and Kristina mentions what it’s like working on a set like that, they also discuss the qualities that would best suit an editor which is something to note, they mention how to get into editing and how you work closely with the director. She also mentions what specific jobs she has to do and the way she finds the best way to work etc. Towards the end of the chat they talk about what skills editor’s look for when finding an assistant editor, she also discusses the key skills needed to work on a film set for example teamwork, being able to articulate, etc. This masterclass was helpful because the role of the editor is something I wanted to know more about and what exactly their job role includes because I want to explore roles within the film industry and this masterclass answered some of the questions I wanted to know about editing and filmmaking
  • 16. MASTERCLASS 2 – ‘FRAMING THE ACTION DOP’S’This masterclass was really useful because they covered a lot about the film industry, they talk about their career in cinematography and they show clips that they have worked on and what they did to light up the scene for example a scene from the Dublin murders was shot in a forest and Tim Palmer discusses how he used Chinese lanterns and hung them in the trees and it was interesting to hear what they had to do and their process. Both cinematographer's discuss their previous education and Palmer did a 3 year course at the National film and Television school whereas Friend did a few short courses there as well as London film school and it was insightful to hear what experience they had at those places. They then went onto discuss the hiring process where they had to interview get an agent etc and this was something that I didn’t know a lot about before however this masterclass helped me realise what I have to do to get into the industry. It was interesting to hear about their experiences on sett for example they talk about the process of reading the script and how they can read a script up to 20 times before they get a shooting script and how when they start shooting it can be easier to start with the project. One of the questions they answered was ‘How do you get depth in the footage?’ and they mention it is mostly to do with composition and where you place the camera, but it’s also the use of different shades of lighting and one of them gives a tip about going round the house with a 50mm lens on a DSLR camera and trying out different
  • 17. FILMMAKER INSIGHTS - ORIGINAL VIEWPOINTS: ESTABLISHING YOUR UNIQUE STYLEI watched a filmmakers insight and I chose this one because I wanted to know more about developing my own style of film, It was insightful in terms of information because there were a few different filmmakers and they each had their own experiences to talk about and how they navigate things, they discussed about what inspires them and how they integrate that into their own films and this was interesting to listen to because sometimes I find it difficult to find inspiration so it was useful listening to others that face the same situation. They also gave advice for when making a film which included advice on locations which is something that I wanted to know more about because the location is key in telling a story. There was one filmmaker who also studied film theory and he mentions how it helps him make a film because he analyses it in depth so this is something to consider when applying to university I could look at a course that does theory and practical.
  • 18. UNIVERSITY SHOWCASE – ‘CLASS FILMMAKING: MAKING MORE WITH LESS’ PRESENTED BY UNIVERSITY OF LINCOLN I chose this showcase because it is most relevant to what I will face in my FMP, which is dealing with a low budget and I think it would be interesting to look at other films that have no/low budget.
  • 19. 1. SHELTER Shelter is the first film that I watched in this showcase and it is about two homeless men who break into someone's house. What I liked about this film is the message that the things we take for granted like a roof over our heads some people aren’t always that lucky, I liked how it portrayed two types of people someone who has been homeless for a while he doesn’t care about braking in whereas the younger person is reluctant to break in and he hasn’t been homeless for as long and this could suggest that the older man has given up where the younger man still has some hope. I liked the overall look of the film as it all seemed to flow nicely and the colour scheme was kept continuous however after about 10 minutes it didn’t interest me anymore and I think this was because there wasn’t much happening until the end so it was anti climatic.
  • 20. 2. RISK IT FOR A BISCUIT The second film I watched was a short animation with no dialogue, and I really enjoyed because it was simple to watch but gave the story across clearly. The music played a big part in conveying the feelings because it would jump up and down which reflected the character’s moods, I like the way it was done because it was slightly grainy with lines running through it to resemble an old cartoon rather than really crisp animation and I think it added to the characters and the story
  • 21. 3. HOP TO IT This was the third short film watched in this showcase, it was similar to the last one I looked at but this time it relied on foley sounds and voices to convey the story instead of music. I preferred the last animation however I liked the way they did the facial expressions and they were exaggerated which allowed the character’s emotions to come across a lot more clearly. The story was shown clearly however I think adding a little bit of background music at suspenseful moments would make it more intriguing for example when the snake was behind the frog some low tone suspenseful music would have been a good way to get a reaction out of the audience
  • 22. 4. FINAL CONTACT This film looked at the story of a human and an alien, I liked the story and I think it had potential however I didn’t like how it was executed. For example when the ship was about to self destruct there wasn’t a sense of urgency from the characters and I think there should have been, this scene was quite slow and it could have been sped up by having some sort of music but also it could have been acted differently so the actors portrayed their characters to be more affected by their situation. I think the animation wasn’t too bad and the makeup for the alien was done well but overall the characters didn’t appeal to me as I felt the character development was under developed
  • 23. 5. RICH The fifth film I watched was about a terminally ill man by the name of ‘Rich’ an his younger neighbour would go round and care for him. I liked the story of this where his wife had died and he decided to refuse treatment and we see Elizabeth come to terms with the idea of him being gone. I liked the ‘overlay’ that the film had with the blue tone which gives a sense of loneliness however when Rich goes into the church where his wife spent most of her time there was a warm tone to the scenes which I think could symbolise that he doesn’t feel lonely there because that’s where his wife is. Overall I liked this film even though it was quite simple but I liked the way the story was told
  • 24. 6. EXTRACT FROM ‘THE DRIFT’ I think this film was made to a good standard considering it had a low budget of £5500 and this was only an extract from it, I think it was better than the previous sci-fi film but it didn’t interest me because for me I want to see the story of how they got there and by only seeing them in trouble it doesn’t show the character development and therefore it doesn’t intrigue me
  • 25. 7. EXTRACT FROM ‘MIND-SET’ This was a short clip from a longer film, I managed to get an idea of the characters and it would be interesting to see where it goes in the longer film. I liked the simplicity of it for example the woman packing her lunch it is an everyday task and I got the impression she is bored with her life and seems to be stuck in a constant cycle and she is tired with her partner and finds an interest in her new colleague and it would be interesting to see the development there
  • 26. 8. WHAT HAPPENS AT SEA This short film looks at the story of John and David and I can infer that they had a relationship at sea but when John turns up ad David’s door Yvonne answers. This short film is quite simple because the two men then just walk and argue but I’m interested in the characters and want to know what happens to them and that’s a good example of character development because I am interested in the character’s stories
  • 27. 9. BEEP So this short film is about someone with OCD and he starts obsessing about a beeping sound so much so he trashes this house and makes it a mess, I think for a low/no budget film it isn’t bad but I have seen better but I liked the concept for this story and I think it could have gone further in terms of post production and having different transition effects like a cross fade to show the character’s state of mind or some colour correction for the white balance so it doesn’t look to dull, and also the lighting would help fix the grainy image seen in some scenes
  • 28. 10. SILENT OBSERVERThis is a short documentary about a guy called George who does parkour around Wakefield, I liked this documentary because it was insightful and informed me of a subject I didn’t know much about. I liked the way it was done with a mix of footage following George but also interviewing him and that allowed there to be a break I between the videos, I liked the way they kept a consistent colour scheme for example they always filmed when it started getting dark and it allowed there to be a sense of continuity throughout the documentary and it worked well. I think there could have been some more post production effects being used like different transitions that I think would have worked nicely with him running across the roofs.
  • 30. 1. BRINGING HOME THE BLUBBER The first documentary that I watched is called ‘Bringing home the blubber’ and it tells the story of a man who hunts seals and he took the business over from his family. I like the way this documentary was done it looked nice and neat and a key component to this was having the same ‘overlay’ on the footage so the lighting was continuous. Much like other documentaries I have looked at this one uses inter-cutting form interviews to other footage which is what I like in a documentary because it allows there to be a break from someone talking and it adds variety. The was a really impactful moment was when a woman was reading the man’s story and the camera focused on him for the entirety of it and we see him start crying when he hears
  • 31. 2. WHO’S FUTURE? OUR FUTURE! I enjoyed watching this documentary because it highlighted the issues of climate change which is a topic I enjoy talking about. It focused on a 15 year old boy called Elijah and it focused on him and his views on climate change. One part I enjoyed specifically was when it showed him going to a meeting and talking about climate change with older people and I liked the concept of this because he’s willing to go and educate the older generation because for some of the older generation they are less educated regarding modern opinion on climate change. I also liked how there was breaks and on a black screen there was white writing stating facts about climate change and then resumed to other footage, this seems to be something that a lot of documentaries do where they break up constant footage with either interviews or facts, so this is something I
  • 32. 3. ZAGON – ON THE EDGE OF BRIGHTNESS This documentary was interesting to watch and hear about this man’s story, he talks about getting older and finding ‘the one’ but he came out as gay to his wife who he is still in touch with and he talks about what it was like being younger and hiding it. I liked where there was him talking over the top of footage of different pieces of art ranging from paintings to statues and I liked this section because it allowed me to focus on what he was saying and listening to his story was eye opening
  • 33. GUEST PROGRAMME – ‘TALES OF ISOLATION’I have chosen to look at this guest programme because the individual films featured in it are related to mental health issues which is something I plan on basing my FMP on. The first short film I watched was called ‘Isle of Chair’ and this was a short animated film with no dialogue which was interesting because it managed to keep me engaged throughout the film and I didn’t think that would be the case with no dialogue, this film has me slightly confused about the whole dynamic of this character and the green dot but I got the impression that one of them comes and makes everything balance again after the other made it all off balance. The second film I watched was called ‘Stucco’ and this was about an agoraphobic woman who finds a mysterious wall in her house, and it is clear she is unwell because she is coughing etc so in my opinion it’s a case of being an hallucination, however when she breaks down the wall there is a throne made up of dismembered arms and hands that try and trap her but she manages to break free and then when we see her next she has broken through her house and into the street outside, from this I can infer that she was feeling trapped being someone afraid to go outside even though she tried and wanted to but then she finally got past that fear even if it was unintentional. The third film in this guest programme was called ‘The Distraction’ and I liked the way it was edited with the rhythm of the words she was saying and the whole speed of it some of it was quite fast which worked with the narrative behind it however I didn’t like the way it made me feel because it was quite uncomfortable to watch because I was constantly on edge and I think this is because the close up of the ladybirds made me uncomfortable then the voice in the background made it even worse, I also didn’t like the bit where it went to a really fast pace because I think it was too
  • 34. The third film I watched in the guest programme was a film called ‘Nigel’ which had no dialogue but it managed to keep me intrigued until the end. It tells the true story of a bird called ‘Nigel No Mates’ and its about a real bird who ‘fell in love with’ a replica bird and despite having other real birds appear he didn’t want to leave the fake one. The way it was executed through animation was really good because at some parts I understood what that character was feeling even though nothing was said. The fourth film in this guest programme I watched was called ‘In Full Bloom’ and it is about an elderly hoarder who doesn’t go outside has a black hole opened due to worms, I liked this film because I understood the story even though there was no dialogue and with no dialogue it emphasises the feeling of loneliness and isolation. The worms were done using stop motion and I think it worked well with the rest of the short film, I also liked that there was intense music and suspenseful parts to mirror the character’s feelings. The next film I watched was called ‘Born in a void’ and it was a short animation and I enjoyed the use of sounds and music because it added to the story, for example when the ship was falling apart the music became intense, there was also use of rhythmic editing which I thought worked well with some parts because it added variety rather than just having one type of music throughout the whole film. ‘Stay Here’ was the short documentary that I watched in this programme and it was insightful, it looked at a couple of residences that have refused to move out of their homes even though all their neighbours had moved away. I like the way this documentary was done as it cut between interviews and other footage of the empty town. I think the music played a big part in this documentary because it helped convey the emotion of
  • 35. I chose to watch this guest programme because I wanted to know more about the documentary style. The first documentary I watched is called ‘Imogen’ and it tells the story of a woman who took her own life, this documentary was hard to watch because it focused on the family reading the diaries she left behind and they were quite graphic details of the thoughts she was thinking and it showed drawings with labels attached to them and food diaries of the food she could and couldn’t eat. It was a hard hitting documentary because the way they told the story was really powerful and something I thought was impactful was when one of the family members were reading an extract from the diary it would show footage of when Imogen was a young child and this was hard to watch because these graphic details were being read out but the footage on the screen was showing a child playing on the swings. Overall I liked the way they filmed and made this documentary because it conveys the feelings that Imogen would have been feeling and it highlights an important issue in todays society which is mental health. The second documentary I watched was one called ‘No Ball Games’ and it looks at groups of children who come from working class backgrounds, I liked this documentary because it showed us the games they make up and they aren’t glued to phones or game consoles like many other children are. I liked the way they filmed different groups of children from across England and Wales but it flowed well and didn’t seem too jumpy which I liked, I also admire the simplicity of the documentary because it is just showing children playing games but it was interesting and entertaining to watch. The third documentary I watched was called ‘Hattie’ which tells us the story of a teenager having spina bifida, it was an informative documentary because I didn’t know much about the condition before hand and I liked how it changed between interviews and other footage and this seems to be a Challenging Perspectives: Documenting Modern Britain Presented by Doc Society
  • 36. The fourth documentary I watched is called ‘Zero, Zero’ and it looks at a family who are from Zimbabwe and they talk about how they were named ‘coloureds’ which was different to the term black and they were sent to catholic schools because they had lighter skin and were sent there so they could do factory jobs etc. It was interesting to watch because they talk about how the don’t identify as African but Zimbabwean and it opens my eyes to the discrimination they had had to face. Much like the previous documentaries there was inter-cutting between interviews and other footage, another thing that I liked was that the woman behind the camera asked the questions which we heard which isn’t something they usually do in documentaries when interviewing people but it worked in this case because it was more inclusive as if I was apart of the conversation listening to their story. The fifth documentary I watched is called ‘Northern Ballers’ and it looks at a basketball team in Leeds, I liked it because it was entertaining and hearing their stories was inspiring for example someone wants to go to school in America and do basketball but he talks about having to work hard at school to get there and it isn’t going to be easy. The last documentary I watched is called ‘Blackthorn’ and it is about a man called Sam Robinson who tells us his story and what I liked about this is that it cut between him working or his dog and then him in his shed telling us a poem that linked with the rest of the story. I also liked the continuity of the colours the dark

Editor's Notes

  1. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  2. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  3. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  4. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  5. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  6. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  7. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  8. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  9. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  10. What was it about? What did you learn? How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  11. What was it about? What did you learn? How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  12. Why did you choose this showcase? Briefly describe each of the films included in it. How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  13. Why did you choose this programme? Briefly describe each of the films included in it. How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?