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FILM COLLECTION 1 Animation 1 future and
Animation 4 Separation
and memories
Artists Films 3
FILM COLLECTION 2 Experimental 3 Of You
and you over there
Thriller 3 Love and
Drama 12 disconnect
FILM COLLECTION 3 Music video 2 Rhymic
Drama 6 Breaking Limits Thriller 1 needs and
MASTERCLASS Channel 1 Reflections
and Memory 10:30
16:00 (Industry channel
2) Frame by Frame
School of film and
television (Live channel
2) 13:30 to 15:30,
Making films on micro
GUEST PROGRAMME Indigenous Cinema
Films 1
• Film 1
• The first animation follows a black british man through several years of his life and faces discrimination from the police. I like the water colour style
backgrounds. At times the character moved pretty robotically and their faces seem stiff. The transition from the protagonist turning into a man from a
child was pretty smooth.
• Film 2
• This is very short animation about an extreme Covid lockdown set in the future or an alternate reality. I think at the style of the animation works well
with the story because the dust in the gives the animation a depressing tone and but also connotes dirt and disease. However this animation is very
short and in this short time background are reused so it could be argued that this is lazy.
• Film 3
• The story of this animation is about an old lady who is accused of being a witch and the her processions are burnt by an angry mob. This would probably
the best animated in this collection of films. This film uses multiple mediums in it such as cardboard cut outs, 3D animation, line animation, and real life
video. The set is also very well made and the lighting is good.
• Film 4
• This Animation is set in what looks to be a near future were most species of animal have died out because of population whilst at the same
time humanity also faces extinction from micro-organisms. The camera angles look professional and the soundtrack was quite dramatic an fits so fits the
apocalyptic story.
• Film 5
• I think the style of this animation suits the tone very well because the character are mainly covered in darkness and they are not design with detail but
with bold outlines. The darkness conveys the protagonists feel of isolation and the lack of detail could show that human life has lost value. This film was
set in post-apocalyptic Lithuania and the suggestion is that the earth's temperature levels have dropped significantly and there is little to no sunlight.
• Film 6
• In this film it seems that everyone has been locked inside the homes due to covid and the earth has essentially been abandoned. The graphics of this
animation look photo-realistic and the simulation of the wind and lighting is also very realistic.
Animation 1 future and decline Animation
Films 2
• Film one. The image of the solitary man sat waiting against the beautiful scene of the sea reminded me of death gradually creeping up on us. I
liked the fact that we wait for cues from the voice to give us an idea of what is happening. It could be interpreted as a film about suicide and
that the two voices are internal voices the first encouraging him to stay where he is and face death saying, ‘don’t move’ and then the second
voice saying ‘don’t leave’ maybe meaning don’t leave this life. Or is the second voice taking to the first voice and asking it not to leave? I like
this ambiguity and also the uncertainty of whether the voice is internal or external.
• Film Two. I watched Stalker last year and I didn’t read the synopsis for this at first but immediately thought that it reminded me of Stalker. In
some ways this is less hard work than Stalker but still manages to capture that empty of all humanity feel in a shorter space of time. The
images of the rusting machinery and tanks being reclaimed by nature is brilliant. The sounds are brilliant especially the one of the crow’s
wings. The film still captures some of the same themes as the oringinal film.
• The third film was too long and I got bored. There were certain sequences that went on for too long such as the photo sequence even though
the idea of moving pictures and photographs being combined in a film is interesting. The narration is okay but not really gripping, though I do
like the idea of a mother and son talking through memories with each other by referring to an old photo and old footage. I like the way the
film switches from black and white to colour and I like the graininess and poor quality of old footage. It gave me a sense of memories ageing
and cinema ageing.
• The fourth film is highly experimental in the way it is switches back and fore at high speed between two different frames that usually directly
follow each other. The footage is played in forwards and reverse and speeded to give a shaking between two frames effect. It gives the visual
effect of a needle being stuck on record. It’s meant to be funny and at times it is but it is repetitive and borders on irritating due to the film
being 8 minutes long. There is very little dialogue and what there is a bit uninventive.
• I really enjoyed the fifth film which was my favourite. The graphics were beautiful using just mainly blue and pink animated dots. It is both a
funny and moving central concept where a guy starts to feel depressed that a computer algorithm has turned him down for life insurance. His
reminiscences about his alcoholism. The fact that he has been not taking medical advice seriously for years by humans but takes AI seriously is
a interesting idea. It’s not overdone and his life is all the more move for the graphics which makes us think of particle theory and how we are
all just a collection of particles. I was less convinced by the comfort he takes in being immortalised on some database somewhere but enjoy
how he moves from feeling depressed to feeling comforted.
• The last film was my least favourite because it felt too bitty and as if some of the footage didn’t pull its weight. It was hard to see how the
sequence of images related to each other. I do like the way it is shot as if the perspective is of obviously looking through a camera.
• For my fmp I may consider researching the animation techniques in film 5. I have also learned in film 5 about the importance of moving story
forward in just a few words. For sound I would like to take some from the way Tarkovsky uses echo and the way sound reverberates in certain
spaces like the crows wing in the room. I may also use the reverse and forward frames used in the 4th film
Experimental 3 Of You and you over
Films 3
• The first video made me laugh as it seemed to be about a group of women with seducing a women with long hair who resist at first and then enjoys it. It was fairly well choreographed.
• Music video 2 was very soft, young, and poppy. The multiple tv screens has been done many times before.
• Film 3 has some arresting images such as the elephant mask guy but seems to be a bit of an unoriginal montage of black culture and feels too clean cut and polished. It celebrates black beauty
which is great but the it is full of models and people look too air-brushed.
• Film 4 Has the odd really well shot image such as the stairwell with an open sky. I found the song and theme very corny. It was all a bit "ooo we’re in a slightly troublesome relationship but we
can’t resist each other and keep kissing when we should split up."
• Film 5 The colours are really vibrant and it has some images that suggest masturbation like giant finger inside laundrett machine’s. The bigger in scale it gets the funnier it becomes.
• Film 6 –. It was pretentious and corny and the violin playing was accomplished but didn’t do anything for me. The lighting was decent at times.
• Film 7 – I enjoyed the guy with flowers around his eyes and the camera panning out slowly over the plains like movie credits. The line ‘I’m going to fuck you up’ in a munchkin voice in a field of
flowers is hilarious.
• Film 8 – I think the tune is very poppy but fairly catchy. I couldn’t see much original. It’s mainly just a pretty girl dancing about. The bit where she’s flirting with an astronaut seems just thrown in
• Film 9 – Is quite unusual in that you don’t see many music videos of cult even though it’s quite a pretty looking cult.
• Film 10 The ecological film with crabs look really good, the close ups of their faces making them look larger than life and like they are talking. The images of them in the human garbage work
really well as if the garbage is some sort of futuristic alien landscape they are walking about in. The images of human pollution from the perspective of crabs to personalise it well. The fluid like
animation combined with real footage works really well. The images of a crab belly up among human waste is powerful as is the two crabs hugging each other.
• Film 11 – Pulpit t– Is edited well and looks slick. I like the way the movement slows down and the speeds up and bursts into action again. The lighting of him as an angel in the makes good use
of light and dark. There are some snappy lyrics
• Film 12 – Is a clever dream sequence with some images from outside the dream occurring inside the sequence such as the TV in the field of flowers. One of the things that works well is the
silence of the main protagonist as tv host comments on his feelings. That works really well. It’s a little bit Truman show where he seems like a character taking place in his own life.
• In terms of my FMP I’d take most from the surreal use of scale in film 5 but also the editing in film eleven and the way it slows down and then speed up again and combines ordinary interaction
and then goes back into lyrics and dancing. I would also like to work with the concept of making something ugly look beautiful such as in film 10 where the chemical in the water are shot in a
Music video 2 Rhymic narratives Music video
Films 4
• Film 1
• This first film is about a mixed race girl who doesn't fit in to either of her cultures and has trouble finding her identity. The black and white style makes sense for
the somber tone of the film but I had a hard time not to lose interest as the colours are not stimulating and the story can get repetitive at times. Although the film
was well drawn and professional.
• Film 2
• The story of this about a women whose husband has left her and she doesn't like her kids. This film had my favourite animation style out of all of the films in this
collection, the stop motion made from wool is very appealing. The animation materials change during the shots the road during the car crash scene, strings,
flowers, rug and leaves are used. This sequence like a tapestry and it feels as though the animation has switched from 2D to 3D. I think that
a switch between animation materials in stop motion could be you used very effectively in stop motion to convey a sudden change in mood or consciousness and I
will consider employing this technique into my FMP. I thought the lighting was good.
• Film 3
• This film was about an old woman with dementia remembering her relationships with her husband in their youth. I think the technique of the scene disappearing
when she forgot things worked well as it convey that she has lost her memory without using any dialogue. This also allowed scenes to transition between each
other by making the location disappear and reappear as a new location.
• Film 4
• The fourth film is a Mossad agent who was given the mission of rescuing Ethiopian Jews from Ethiopia. The story is pretty interesting and progresses quickly so it
doesn't get boring. The graphics work because it looks like a mission brief file given to a spy. This film changes scenes smoothly by zooming in and out of boxes.
• Film 5
• This film is about a couple sitting at the beach whilst discussing their future and their emotions are shown through the content and pace of the animation.
Overall the conversation and character arches were uninteresting but I liked the animation style and colour scheme. Some of the backgrounds are made up of
repeating patterns and tessellations which make it look similar to an expressionist painting.
• Film 6
• Unlike the other animations on this list, this one is computer generated although I didn't like this style very much it. It looked too much like real life in that
there wasn't any unusual or exciting colours and the interiors felt a bit empty. Also compared to most of the other animations this
one had pretty lacklustre transitions as it just standard cuts instead of match cuts or covering the shot to hide a cut. I think that since there was lot's of flash backs
then this would be a good opportunity for an elaborate transition.
Animation 4 Separation and memories Animation
Films 5
• Film 1, The Hole, captures nicely a superficial desire to be like somebody else and to be the perfect looking person and how feeling plain makes
some people feel powerless. I enjoyed the part on the tube station where the protagonist follows the object of obsession and is for some reason
angry. The ending with the two women in the mirror doesn’t quite work for me. I think it needs something more punchier as a conclusion
• Film 2 was a great idea origin story of Christianity about Jesus being an alien and that christianity is run by some alien elite. The aliens themselves
look genuinely spooky. The idea that believers are somehow duped into thinking their honoured to give birth to the progeny of the aliens is good
and that this is how they get along in life. It obviously a role reversal of men instead of women being sexually manipulated by powerful men who
can offer them career favours. This works well even if it is obvious.
• Film 3
• I enjoyed the concept of the kids gaining money by having to knock their teeth out and give it to some grotesque tooth fair monster but how this
works against them cos they now have no teeth. The bullying could be done better and the child actors weren't good. The lining up in an
orphanage to be picked by parents who come along was well done and moving
• Film 4
• The light and shadow is good in this film especially in the shot where she takes a shower. I jumped a little when a car engine turns over in a fairly
tranquil scene with birdsong. The actress plays an animal really well even though we don’t realise this what she is at first. It’s genuinely gruesome.
• Film 5
• Is disturbing and the medical professionals are sinister and I like the way we are not sure if it is madness or a conspiracy against her. The mother
acts really and even though I like the idea of this irresistible desire the boy who can’t stop eating started to bore my by the end.
• As far as the FMP goes there is some good earth dialogue in the last film. I also like the idea of a monster who collects teeth. It’s a macabre idea
and I may use something similar. Also the body movements used for making a person look like an animal could be used in my FMP especially if I use
aliens again. I could also do something that uses allegory like the first film.
Thriller 3 Love and chuder Thriller
Films 6
• Film 1
• Nice switch from close ups of kids talks to medium shot taken from under the bridge. Helps s’witch our perspective of them to knowing them well to what our assumptions
would be of them if we saw them from afar and could not hear their dialogue. Punchy soundtrack soundtrack that build drama like drum on perspex. Really scary idea of a kid
getting in a car with an old manandit being covered in snow so nobody can see what is happening.
• Film 2 -
• Is very Black Mirror. I enjoyed the partly dystopian vision of our lives being guided, watched, advised and controlled by state controlled technology that monitors our body’s
health and tells us if we are pregnant. I liked the how it shows us that we live world of stats and scientific advice such as recommended weekly alcohol intake and how life isn’t
like this. It is very funny at times when the AI defines her as obese, pregnant, geriatric.
• Film3
• When there is tension it is always just under the surface. The characters complex. T The acting is good and the dialogue is good. It’s a film about what’s not said as much as
what is said. It has some very bonding moments and some moments where we can see there is disappointment. The scene with the goat is excellent because we think at that
point the father might drowned. It doesn’t happen but it makes think about be taken away before he says to the son that he loves him.
• Film 4
• This is another good film and well acted especially by the laddish character. It’s been done many times the leaving a small town story but this one feels better than most. The
bar scenene feels authentic as do all the characters. It’s a nice contrast of one friend following his dreams and another one losing his and staying in Ireland. The dialogue gives
us a lot of information about the characters. For instance when a guys says ‘just because you used to be a good footballer,’ we know that one character is not living up to his
early promise in life.
• Film 5
• The Manchador is very funny at times. It is a great central concept about when wearing blindfolds in Tehran instead of women covering their heads. It is the most political but
also philosophical of these shorts. I loved the line, ‘It is only when we close our eyes we dream.’ It is a good way of thinking about cultural change and imagining a different
society. It doesn’t really do anything much in terms of fancy shots, or mis en scene.
• Film 6
• Is nicely shot and one of may favourite things about it is the pig in the living room. The dialogue us simple but powerful such as when the father says ‘thanks for being here.’
There are great uses of sound such as the crickets chirping in the forest and it works well when they suddenly stop when the pig screams and dies. Great upwards shot of the
canopy of the trees as if some scarifice has been made to the Gods.
• For my FMP I think one of the main things I will take from these shorts is the idea of the unfamilair object in a setting like a pig in a living room. It made think a little about
camera angles from ground up and doing something interesting like the way the trees looked. I learned a lot about simple dialogue being very emotional if used in right
Drama 6 Breaking Limits Drama
Films 7
• Film 1
• I found this film to be a bit pretentious and ineffective although I could see that it was trying to create tension through the cycle the guy was drawing
getting smaller but only created tension up to a point and then it got dull. The three channel video didn't work at all, I haven't many films use this
although when I have seen it used it was much better than this. The channels didn't complement each other well and would have worked better if they
were shown at different times instead of at once next each other. Obviously this designed for a space with three different screens so would look better at
a cinema. The soundtrack for this film was good at times.
• Film 2
• This film is more like an interview with a guy who lives in Calabria. There are some nice shot in this film and the Dutch Angles work pretty well. The
setting was also very beautiful but there isn't much here in terms of story. Shots of food and sun sets are used to portray the character in a positive
• Film 3
• This film is about a sculptor who visits her dying grandmother and wishes she knew her better. The acting is pretty good and the film uses silence very
well. The film switches the type of camera it has been filmed with, this happen with a lot of films I watched in this festival it didn't look bad but mostly
there is no particular reason why it is used so it often ruins my immersion in a film.
• Film 4
• This film felt pointless and it was very boring because it was just a close up of a box and its contents. I suppose the film used focus well but there isn't
much to talk about with this film.
• Film 5
• Surprisingly this film was my favourite in this collection because I don't usually like this type of film that is just footage with narration over it with no
dialogue or characters in it. However in this instance the narration was relaxing because a there was a lot of long lasting drone shots from the air which
gave the film a floaty dream like quality. However the story was pretty engaging and the script was immersive without having to use a lot of descriptions.
This film was about making a film (the film itself) about coincidences.
• Film 6
• This film looks visually appealing but at this point I have seen too many short films in this festival set in woods or fields. This film seems to be about
a woman spread a family member's ashes. The film uses contrast well and the yellow plastic jug stands out against the darker colour of the forest.
Artists Films 3 Memory Artists Film
Films 8
• Film1
• is a nice slice of life of a woman shopping. I like the way it portrays being skint by her having her picking up thing in the bargain aisle and then putting them back. It uses
focus well to completely blur the background out which makes us tap in the worries going round the characters head.
• Film 2 Has some great black humour on the challenges of being disabled with some really funny lines especially from the pretentious actor. There is a good contrast
between him and the down tha to earth disabled actor.
• Film 3
• There is a nice shot of a dead rabbit which has some inner meaning for the mother. I think the psychotic stuff could have been better and she could have come out with
more bizarre stuff. The way it cuts between her being sane and well, and totally unwell, gives us a nice contrast how mental illness and can totally change somebody.
• Film 4
• I like the small set in the caravan in this film and I think it is clever how the Nigerian migrant makes connections about his hosts life by looking at the photos and posters
on his wall. The film opens with the shot of the migrant looking through a crack in a door at two men kissing which is a good way of portraying homosexuality secret. Lots
of shots of characters looking at each other through windows that adds to this theme of secrecy
• Film 5
• This is an original plot about a prostitute who is paid to perform euthanasia on a elderly gentleman. The scene where he dances flamenco with her is very moving
especially as later we find out that it is his last dance. The shot of his glamorous shoes made me think of his youth. It is clever how even though they don’t have sex and
that isn’t the deal they have a real intimacy.
• Film 6
• The camera movement in this film is really good. I like the way it circles characters in dialogue. Nice touch where it moves slowly out of a room and through a glass door.
The narrative is clever in that we learn what happened through snippets of old voice messages from the dead friend and not until the picture of the damaged car do we
realise how.
• I think I could use something similar to the dead rabbit in my FMP and use a shot of a powerful image that means something to the character but we don’t know what. I
like way the camera circles slowly in film 6 as characters talk. Be harder to pull in stop motion and will take time but may be possible. I may use a shot through the crack of
a doorway or window as in film 4.
Drama 12 disconnect Drama
Films 9
• Film 1 is a story about a mother being haunted by the memories of her son at different ages who she sees around the house. It gets a bit repetitive and
even the we learn that she accidentally shoots the child and it plays with time nicely here cos it looks like this happens in the present but it is a memory
of the past it doesn’t really develop. I enjoyed the one jumpy bit where in a game of hide and seek her son gradually comes up the corridor growing
older as he does so. He’s in a hoody by the end
• Film 2
• It’s quite a funny idea a thriller based around OCD though I didn’t really find the bits that ar meant to be funny that funny though. I found it a bit childish.
The doctor does act an anxious person trying to keep it together quite well though. The thriller style threatening music acts as a good cue for her anxiety.
• Film 3
• It opens with a good shot of a fancy starter and ends with a good shot of sauce being poured over the starter. The blood red of the sauce really stands
out. It’s a good story about the crazy things people will do to be perfect. Some scenes aren’t as dramatic as what the are obviously intended to be and
fall a bit flat. The top chef though is intense. It ends well but you see the ending coming too easily.
• Film 4
• I enjoyed the searching camera at the beginning where it creeps around but also moves direction sharply like it is hunting down where the noise in the
dark is coming from. I like the way we cut from the image of sex and then realise it murder to a beautiful purple field of flowers. The sex robot making
her feel even more lonely works quite well.
• I like the roving camera in film 3 and would like to use that for my FMP. I quite like the technique in film 1 of something changing size and shape as it gets
closer and the way that is cut in sudden jumps and I could use that for my FMP also. The opening to film 3 made me realise that a strong image to start a
production is quite important as it pulls your interest in. Film 2 brought home how important music is as the story would not work at all without it and
that music for a thriller can be used for something else – like a mental health problem
Thriller 1 needs and desires Thriller
Masterclass 1
• This masterclass was an interview with Maryam Mohajer who is an animator. Most of her animations are about
family life and conflict in Iran.
• I chose to watch this masterclass because it was about Reflection and Memory so I thought I would be able to
include information about this in my research for the essay as this is about how memory is used in films. To
prepare for this I recorded the masterclass in OBS Studio so that I could use it as a source. This masterclasses
was useful in conveying how to replace personal experiences in your fiction. The other reason that I decided to
look at this masterclasses was because was hoping that the animator would talk about the her animation
techniques as this would prepare me for the my FMP which will be animated and a animation university
course. The only thing that was revealed about her techniques was the software she used which was the TV
Paint software.
Reflections and Memory
Masterclass 2
• This masterclass was a lecture by the animator Anthony Faquhar-Smith who has worked on the films Fantastic Mr
fox, Corpse Bride, Flat World, and he has also worked on a lot of adverts. This lecture was very useful because he
talks how the technology used to make stop motion animation has changed over time. A big change is that the
size of cameras used has deceased massively which means that the camera can now be moved around much
easier so now a larger variety of camera angles can be used. The lecture also talks about ways that certain
problems can solved such creating a trapdoor underneath the set of the cinder storage in Fantastic Mr Fox to get
a low enough angle. Anthony mentions some of the materials he used for his animation some interesting ones
where different cutouts of paper each frame and also using pieces of cereal to make structures. Throughout there
are pictures of the whole workspace of the animators and the equipement used which will help me then I making
future animations.
Frame by Frame
Guest Programme
• I chose to watch this Guest program because I don't know a lot of about Indigenous societies. Some of the effects used in
these films I may use in my FMP such as decreasing the frame rate of posturizing time to create a nauseating effect like in the
third film.
• The first film is a mixture on dance and a conversation between two character eating a meal. The two people eating are
caricatures of white American couple. Personally I didn't understanding all of the things these characters said and found a lot
of it unrealistic, of course these characters where exaggerated to be satirical. Also I don't know a lot about current relationship
between white Americans and native Americans as I don't live in the USA. I thought the film was well paced but the dance
sections could shortened. I live the lighting of the set and the camera angles worked well. The second film features a grandma
who warns her granddaughter the dangerous of not fulfilling her desires because of societal pressures. The setting of this film
is impressive and I like the drone shots. I thought that the acting wasn't great in this film though. The third film is about a
woman walking through the forest and thinking the strength her ancestors to give her strength. The fourth film is about a deer
hunter who is the raped by another hunter and is almost killed but then is able to beat the rapist to death with a bone. There
are some interesting techniques in this film particularly one at 5 minutes 20 seconds where the frame rate is altered and the
shutter speed is decreased. The fifth film was about a women who is banished from her home after getting into a car crash. I
thought this film was well shot, especially the shot of the grass burning. The sixth film explains the importance of names to
Seneca native Americans as it is needed to go to the afterlife. The story is pretty interesting although it is short. However the
editing looks a bit unprofessional as the images transition don't smoothly into each other and the screen being split into
images and a video breaks my immersion. The seventh film is about a woman suffering from alcoholism after the death of her
father. I thought that this film had good editing although the story didn't really go anywhere. The final film didn't really have a
narrative because the only dialogue in the film is a poem which is directly related to the visuals of the film. The best thing
about this film is the soundtrack which is played at the beginning and the end. The visuals are also very good especially the
effect the bokeh creates around the spirits.
Indigenous Cinema
University Showcase
• I will give a basic synopsis of the film I watched in this showcase. The first film was about a businessman who seemed
unhappy which his life situation. I found that this film had good and interesting visuals although I think that too much of
abstract visuals in film which leaves little focus on the character's emotions and so the meaning on these images
didn't make sense to me. The second film was about an immigrant that is adopted by a family but then has to leave them. I
thought this film was pretty boring because I have seen a lot of films with similar plot lines to this in other films convey in a
more interesting way. I think the actors gave fairly convincing performances of their roles although ultimately the film
doesn't do enough with its time. The third film is about a car accident and family that hates each other. I thought this was
the strongest film of the collection due it have the best visual that also fit into the story more smoothly than the other
films. I was also very impressed with the sound design and soundtrack of the film. I thought the ending with the ash falling
from the sky and the characters looking upwards off screen. Shots of characters looking off screen in awe I have often seen
this used at the end of films to create an divine or mystical element to the film and often used abruptly. A good example of
this would be shot of the bells at the end of Breaking The Waves. The magical element is particulary noticable in the film I
watch today due to the slow motion ash falling and unmoving characters. The fourth film is about french class on a
ferry and smuggling a refugee to the country they travelling to. I am pretty should this film was played at last year's ASFF so
I have seen it before. This film does a good job at creating tension. The fifth film is about an introverted man who's brother
was wrongly put on trial and his mission to set up a club/movement for introverts. This is pretty original story and it is
written in a way that makes it interesting. In terms of storyline I think this film was the most effective. The sixth film is
detailed depiction of the journey of a group of refugees from Finland. It was interesting to see the different stages
their journey from Finland and the film also does a good job at conveying the emotion for the characters.
School of film and television (Live
channel 2) 13:30 to 15:30, Making films
on micro budgets

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Asff 2020

  • 2. Schedule TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY FILM COLLECTION 1 Animation 1 future and decline Animation 4 Separation and memories Artists Films 3 Memory FILM COLLECTION 2 Experimental 3 Of You and you over there Thriller 3 Love and chuder Drama 12 disconnect FILM COLLECTION 3 Music video 2 Rhymic narratives Drama 6 Breaking Limits Thriller 1 needs and desires MASTERCLASS Channel 1 Reflections and Memory 10:30 16:00 (Industry channel 2) Frame by Frame animation UNIVERSITY SHOWCASE School of film and television (Live channel 2) 13:30 to 15:30, Making films on micro budgets GUEST PROGRAMME Indigenous Cinema
  • 3. Films 1 • Film 1 • The first animation follows a black british man through several years of his life and faces discrimination from the police. I like the water colour style backgrounds. At times the character moved pretty robotically and their faces seem stiff. The transition from the protagonist turning into a man from a child was pretty smooth. • Film 2 • This is very short animation about an extreme Covid lockdown set in the future or an alternate reality. I think at the style of the animation works well with the story because the dust in the gives the animation a depressing tone and but also connotes dirt and disease. However this animation is very short and in this short time background are reused so it could be argued that this is lazy. • Film 3 • The story of this animation is about an old lady who is accused of being a witch and the her processions are burnt by an angry mob. This would probably the best animated in this collection of films. This film uses multiple mediums in it such as cardboard cut outs, 3D animation, line animation, and real life video. The set is also very well made and the lighting is good. • Film 4 • This Animation is set in what looks to be a near future were most species of animal have died out because of population whilst at the same time humanity also faces extinction from micro-organisms. The camera angles look professional and the soundtrack was quite dramatic an fits so fits the apocalyptic story. • Film 5 • I think the style of this animation suits the tone very well because the character are mainly covered in darkness and they are not design with detail but with bold outlines. The darkness conveys the protagonists feel of isolation and the lack of detail could show that human life has lost value. This film was set in post-apocalyptic Lithuania and the suggestion is that the earth's temperature levels have dropped significantly and there is little to no sunlight. • Film 6 • In this film it seems that everyone has been locked inside the homes due to covid and the earth has essentially been abandoned. The graphics of this animation look photo-realistic and the simulation of the wind and lighting is also very realistic. • FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Animation 1 future and decline Animation
  • 4. Films 2 • Film one. The image of the solitary man sat waiting against the beautiful scene of the sea reminded me of death gradually creeping up on us. I liked the fact that we wait for cues from the voice to give us an idea of what is happening. It could be interpreted as a film about suicide and that the two voices are internal voices the first encouraging him to stay where he is and face death saying, ‘don’t move’ and then the second voice saying ‘don’t leave’ maybe meaning don’t leave this life. Or is the second voice taking to the first voice and asking it not to leave? I like this ambiguity and also the uncertainty of whether the voice is internal or external. • Film Two. I watched Stalker last year and I didn’t read the synopsis for this at first but immediately thought that it reminded me of Stalker. In some ways this is less hard work than Stalker but still manages to capture that empty of all humanity feel in a shorter space of time. The images of the rusting machinery and tanks being reclaimed by nature is brilliant. The sounds are brilliant especially the one of the crow’s wings. The film still captures some of the same themes as the oringinal film. • The third film was too long and I got bored. There were certain sequences that went on for too long such as the photo sequence even though the idea of moving pictures and photographs being combined in a film is interesting. The narration is okay but not really gripping, though I do like the idea of a mother and son talking through memories with each other by referring to an old photo and old footage. I like the way the film switches from black and white to colour and I like the graininess and poor quality of old footage. It gave me a sense of memories ageing and cinema ageing. • The fourth film is highly experimental in the way it is switches back and fore at high speed between two different frames that usually directly follow each other. The footage is played in forwards and reverse and speeded to give a shaking between two frames effect. It gives the visual effect of a needle being stuck on record. It’s meant to be funny and at times it is but it is repetitive and borders on irritating due to the film being 8 minutes long. There is very little dialogue and what there is a bit uninventive. • I really enjoyed the fifth film which was my favourite. The graphics were beautiful using just mainly blue and pink animated dots. It is both a funny and moving central concept where a guy starts to feel depressed that a computer algorithm has turned him down for life insurance. His reminiscences about his alcoholism. The fact that he has been not taking medical advice seriously for years by humans but takes AI seriously is a interesting idea. It’s not overdone and his life is all the more move for the graphics which makes us think of particle theory and how we are all just a collection of particles. I was less convinced by the comfort he takes in being immortalised on some database somewhere but enjoy how he moves from feeling depressed to feeling comforted. • The last film was my least favourite because it felt too bitty and as if some of the footage didn’t pull its weight. It was hard to see how the sequence of images related to each other. I do like the way it is shot as if the perspective is of obviously looking through a camera. • For my fmp I may consider researching the animation techniques in film 5. I have also learned in film 5 about the importance of moving story forward in just a few words. For sound I would like to take some from the way Tarkovsky uses echo and the way sound reverberates in certain spaces like the crows wing in the room. I may also use the reverse and forward frames used in the 4th film FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Experimental 3 Of You and you over there Experimental
  • 5. Films 3 • The first video made me laugh as it seemed to be about a group of women with seducing a women with long hair who resist at first and then enjoys it. It was fairly well choreographed. • Music video 2 was very soft, young, and poppy. The multiple tv screens has been done many times before. • Film 3 has some arresting images such as the elephant mask guy but seems to be a bit of an unoriginal montage of black culture and feels too clean cut and polished. It celebrates black beauty which is great but the it is full of models and people look too air-brushed. • Film 4 Has the odd really well shot image such as the stairwell with an open sky. I found the song and theme very corny. It was all a bit "ooo we’re in a slightly troublesome relationship but we can’t resist each other and keep kissing when we should split up." • Film 5 The colours are really vibrant and it has some images that suggest masturbation like giant finger inside laundrett machine’s. The bigger in scale it gets the funnier it becomes. • Film 6 –. It was pretentious and corny and the violin playing was accomplished but didn’t do anything for me. The lighting was decent at times. • Film 7 – I enjoyed the guy with flowers around his eyes and the camera panning out slowly over the plains like movie credits. The line ‘I’m going to fuck you up’ in a munchkin voice in a field of flowers is hilarious. • Film 8 – I think the tune is very poppy but fairly catchy. I couldn’t see much original. It’s mainly just a pretty girl dancing about. The bit where she’s flirting with an astronaut seems just thrown in there. • Film 9 – Is quite unusual in that you don’t see many music videos of cult even though it’s quite a pretty looking cult. • Film 10 The ecological film with crabs look really good, the close ups of their faces making them look larger than life and like they are talking. The images of them in the human garbage work really well as if the garbage is some sort of futuristic alien landscape they are walking about in. The images of human pollution from the perspective of crabs to personalise it well. The fluid like animation combined with real footage works really well. The images of a crab belly up among human waste is powerful as is the two crabs hugging each other. • Film 11 – Pulpit t– Is edited well and looks slick. I like the way the movement slows down and the speeds up and bursts into action again. The lighting of him as an angel in the makes good use of light and dark. There are some snappy lyrics • Film 12 – Is a clever dream sequence with some images from outside the dream occurring inside the sequence such as the TV in the field of flowers. One of the things that works well is the silence of the main protagonist as tv host comments on his feelings. That works really well. It’s a little bit Truman show where he seems like a character taking place in his own life. • FMP • In terms of my FMP I’d take most from the surreal use of scale in film 5 but also the editing in film eleven and the way it slows down and then speed up again and combines ordinary interaction and then goes back into lyrics and dancing. I would also like to work with the concept of making something ugly look beautiful such as in film 10 where the chemical in the water are shot in a FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Music video 2 Rhymic narratives Music video
  • 6. Films 4 • Film 1 • This first film is about a mixed race girl who doesn't fit in to either of her cultures and has trouble finding her identity. The black and white style makes sense for the somber tone of the film but I had a hard time not to lose interest as the colours are not stimulating and the story can get repetitive at times. Although the film was well drawn and professional. • Film 2 • The story of this about a women whose husband has left her and she doesn't like her kids. This film had my favourite animation style out of all of the films in this collection, the stop motion made from wool is very appealing. The animation materials change during the shots the road during the car crash scene, strings, flowers, rug and leaves are used. This sequence like a tapestry and it feels as though the animation has switched from 2D to 3D. I think that a switch between animation materials in stop motion could be you used very effectively in stop motion to convey a sudden change in mood or consciousness and I will consider employing this technique into my FMP. I thought the lighting was good. • Film 3 • This film was about an old woman with dementia remembering her relationships with her husband in their youth. I think the technique of the scene disappearing when she forgot things worked well as it convey that she has lost her memory without using any dialogue. This also allowed scenes to transition between each other by making the location disappear and reappear as a new location. • Film 4 • The fourth film is a Mossad agent who was given the mission of rescuing Ethiopian Jews from Ethiopia. The story is pretty interesting and progresses quickly so it doesn't get boring. The graphics work because it looks like a mission brief file given to a spy. This film changes scenes smoothly by zooming in and out of boxes. • Film 5 • This film is about a couple sitting at the beach whilst discussing their future and their emotions are shown through the content and pace of the animation. Overall the conversation and character arches were uninteresting but I liked the animation style and colour scheme. Some of the backgrounds are made up of repeating patterns and tessellations which make it look similar to an expressionist painting. • Film 6 • Unlike the other animations on this list, this one is computer generated although I didn't like this style very much it. It looked too much like real life in that there wasn't any unusual or exciting colours and the interiors felt a bit empty. Also compared to most of the other animations this one had pretty lacklustre transitions as it just standard cuts instead of match cuts or covering the shot to hide a cut. I think that since there was lot's of flash backs then this would be a good opportunity for an elaborate transition. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Animation 4 Separation and memories Animation
  • 7. Films 5 • Film 1, The Hole, captures nicely a superficial desire to be like somebody else and to be the perfect looking person and how feeling plain makes some people feel powerless. I enjoyed the part on the tube station where the protagonist follows the object of obsession and is for some reason angry. The ending with the two women in the mirror doesn’t quite work for me. I think it needs something more punchier as a conclusion • Film 2 was a great idea origin story of Christianity about Jesus being an alien and that christianity is run by some alien elite. The aliens themselves look genuinely spooky. The idea that believers are somehow duped into thinking their honoured to give birth to the progeny of the aliens is good and that this is how they get along in life. It obviously a role reversal of men instead of women being sexually manipulated by powerful men who can offer them career favours. This works well even if it is obvious. • Film 3 • I enjoyed the concept of the kids gaining money by having to knock their teeth out and give it to some grotesque tooth fair monster but how this works against them cos they now have no teeth. The bullying could be done better and the child actors weren't good. The lining up in an orphanage to be picked by parents who come along was well done and moving • Film 4 • The light and shadow is good in this film especially in the shot where she takes a shower. I jumped a little when a car engine turns over in a fairly tranquil scene with birdsong. The actress plays an animal really well even though we don’t realise this what she is at first. It’s genuinely gruesome. • Film 5 • Is disturbing and the medical professionals are sinister and I like the way we are not sure if it is madness or a conspiracy against her. The mother acts really and even though I like the idea of this irresistible desire the boy who can’t stop eating started to bore my by the end. • As far as the FMP goes there is some good earth dialogue in the last film. I also like the idea of a monster who collects teeth. It’s a macabre idea and I may use something similar. Also the body movements used for making a person look like an animal could be used in my FMP especially if I use aliens again. I could also do something that uses allegory like the first film. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Thriller 3 Love and chuder Thriller
  • 8. Films 6 • Film 1 • Nice switch from close ups of kids talks to medium shot taken from under the bridge. Helps s’witch our perspective of them to knowing them well to what our assumptions would be of them if we saw them from afar and could not hear their dialogue. Punchy soundtrack soundtrack that build drama like drum on perspex. Really scary idea of a kid getting in a car with an old manandit being covered in snow so nobody can see what is happening. • Film 2 - • Is very Black Mirror. I enjoyed the partly dystopian vision of our lives being guided, watched, advised and controlled by state controlled technology that monitors our body’s health and tells us if we are pregnant. I liked the how it shows us that we live world of stats and scientific advice such as recommended weekly alcohol intake and how life isn’t like this. It is very funny at times when the AI defines her as obese, pregnant, geriatric. • Film3 • When there is tension it is always just under the surface. The characters complex. T The acting is good and the dialogue is good. It’s a film about what’s not said as much as what is said. It has some very bonding moments and some moments where we can see there is disappointment. The scene with the goat is excellent because we think at that point the father might drowned. It doesn’t happen but it makes think about be taken away before he says to the son that he loves him. • Film 4 • This is another good film and well acted especially by the laddish character. It’s been done many times the leaving a small town story but this one feels better than most. The bar scenene feels authentic as do all the characters. It’s a nice contrast of one friend following his dreams and another one losing his and staying in Ireland. The dialogue gives us a lot of information about the characters. For instance when a guys says ‘just because you used to be a good footballer,’ we know that one character is not living up to his early promise in life. • Film 5 • The Manchador is very funny at times. It is a great central concept about when wearing blindfolds in Tehran instead of women covering their heads. It is the most political but also philosophical of these shorts. I loved the line, ‘It is only when we close our eyes we dream.’ It is a good way of thinking about cultural change and imagining a different society. It doesn’t really do anything much in terms of fancy shots, or mis en scene. • Film 6 • Is nicely shot and one of may favourite things about it is the pig in the living room. The dialogue us simple but powerful such as when the father says ‘thanks for being here.’ There are great uses of sound such as the crickets chirping in the forest and it works well when they suddenly stop when the pig screams and dies. Great upwards shot of the canopy of the trees as if some scarifice has been made to the Gods. • FMP • For my FMP I think one of the main things I will take from these shorts is the idea of the unfamilair object in a setting like a pig in a living room. It made think a little about camera angles from ground up and doing something interesting like the way the trees looked. I learned a lot about simple dialogue being very emotional if used in right context. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Drama 6 Breaking Limits Drama
  • 9. Films 7 • Film 1 • I found this film to be a bit pretentious and ineffective although I could see that it was trying to create tension through the cycle the guy was drawing getting smaller but only created tension up to a point and then it got dull. The three channel video didn't work at all, I haven't many films use this although when I have seen it used it was much better than this. The channels didn't complement each other well and would have worked better if they were shown at different times instead of at once next each other. Obviously this designed for a space with three different screens so would look better at a cinema. The soundtrack for this film was good at times. • Film 2 • This film is more like an interview with a guy who lives in Calabria. There are some nice shot in this film and the Dutch Angles work pretty well. The setting was also very beautiful but there isn't much here in terms of story. Shots of food and sun sets are used to portray the character in a positive way. • Film 3 • This film is about a sculptor who visits her dying grandmother and wishes she knew her better. The acting is pretty good and the film uses silence very well. The film switches the type of camera it has been filmed with, this happen with a lot of films I watched in this festival it didn't look bad but mostly there is no particular reason why it is used so it often ruins my immersion in a film. • Film 4 • This film felt pointless and it was very boring because it was just a close up of a box and its contents. I suppose the film used focus well but there isn't much to talk about with this film. • Film 5 • Surprisingly this film was my favourite in this collection because I don't usually like this type of film that is just footage with narration over it with no dialogue or characters in it. However in this instance the narration was relaxing because a there was a lot of long lasting drone shots from the air which gave the film a floaty dream like quality. However the story was pretty engaging and the script was immersive without having to use a lot of descriptions. This film was about making a film (the film itself) about coincidences. • Film 6 • This film looks visually appealing but at this point I have seen too many short films in this festival set in woods or fields. This film seems to be about a woman spread a family member's ashes. The film uses contrast well and the yellow plastic jug stands out against the darker colour of the forest. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Artists Films 3 Memory Artists Film
  • 10. Films 8 • Film1 • is a nice slice of life of a woman shopping. I like the way it portrays being skint by her having her picking up thing in the bargain aisle and then putting them back. It uses focus well to completely blur the background out which makes us tap in the worries going round the characters head. • Film 2 Has some great black humour on the challenges of being disabled with some really funny lines especially from the pretentious actor. There is a good contrast between him and the down tha to earth disabled actor. • Film 3 • There is a nice shot of a dead rabbit which has some inner meaning for the mother. I think the psychotic stuff could have been better and she could have come out with more bizarre stuff. The way it cuts between her being sane and well, and totally unwell, gives us a nice contrast how mental illness and can totally change somebody. • Film 4 • I like the small set in the caravan in this film and I think it is clever how the Nigerian migrant makes connections about his hosts life by looking at the photos and posters on his wall. The film opens with the shot of the migrant looking through a crack in a door at two men kissing which is a good way of portraying homosexuality secret. Lots of shots of characters looking at each other through windows that adds to this theme of secrecy • Film 5 • This is an original plot about a prostitute who is paid to perform euthanasia on a elderly gentleman. The scene where he dances flamenco with her is very moving especially as later we find out that it is his last dance. The shot of his glamorous shoes made me think of his youth. It is clever how even though they don’t have sex and that isn’t the deal they have a real intimacy. • Film 6 • The camera movement in this film is really good. I like the way it circles characters in dialogue. Nice touch where it moves slowly out of a room and through a glass door. The narrative is clever in that we learn what happened through snippets of old voice messages from the dead friend and not until the picture of the damaged car do we realise how. • FMP • I think I could use something similar to the dead rabbit in my FMP and use a shot of a powerful image that means something to the character but we don’t know what. I like way the camera circles slowly in film 6 as characters talk. Be harder to pull in stop motion and will take time but may be possible. I may use a shot through the crack of a doorway or window as in film 4. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Drama 12 disconnect Drama
  • 11. Films 9 • Film 1 is a story about a mother being haunted by the memories of her son at different ages who she sees around the house. It gets a bit repetitive and even the we learn that she accidentally shoots the child and it plays with time nicely here cos it looks like this happens in the present but it is a memory of the past it doesn’t really develop. I enjoyed the one jumpy bit where in a game of hide and seek her son gradually comes up the corridor growing older as he does so. He’s in a hoody by the end • Film 2 • It’s quite a funny idea a thriller based around OCD though I didn’t really find the bits that ar meant to be funny that funny though. I found it a bit childish. The doctor does act an anxious person trying to keep it together quite well though. The thriller style threatening music acts as a good cue for her anxiety. • Film 3 • It opens with a good shot of a fancy starter and ends with a good shot of sauce being poured over the starter. The blood red of the sauce really stands out. It’s a good story about the crazy things people will do to be perfect. Some scenes aren’t as dramatic as what the are obviously intended to be and fall a bit flat. The top chef though is intense. It ends well but you see the ending coming too easily. • Film 4 • I enjoyed the searching camera at the beginning where it creeps around but also moves direction sharply like it is hunting down where the noise in the dark is coming from. I like the way we cut from the image of sex and then realise it murder to a beautiful purple field of flowers. The sex robot making her feel even more lonely works quite well. • FMP • I like the roving camera in film 3 and would like to use that for my FMP. I quite like the technique in film 1 of something changing size and shape as it gets closer and the way that is cut in sudden jumps and I could use that for my FMP also. The opening to film 3 made me realise that a strong image to start a production is quite important as it pulls your interest in. Film 2 brought home how important music is as the story would not work at all without it and that music for a thriller can be used for something else – like a mental health problem FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Thriller 1 needs and desires Thriller
  • 12. Masterclass 1 • This masterclass was an interview with Maryam Mohajer who is an animator. Most of her animations are about family life and conflict in Iran. • I chose to watch this masterclass because it was about Reflection and Memory so I thought I would be able to include information about this in my research for the essay as this is about how memory is used in films. To prepare for this I recorded the masterclass in OBS Studio so that I could use it as a source. This masterclasses was useful in conveying how to replace personal experiences in your fiction. The other reason that I decided to look at this masterclasses was because was hoping that the animator would talk about the her animation techniques as this would prepare me for the my FMP which will be animated and a animation university course. The only thing that was revealed about her techniques was the software she used which was the TV Paint software. MASTERCLASS TITLE Reflections and Memory
  • 13. Masterclass 2 • This masterclass was a lecture by the animator Anthony Faquhar-Smith who has worked on the films Fantastic Mr fox, Corpse Bride, Flat World, and he has also worked on a lot of adverts. This lecture was very useful because he talks how the technology used to make stop motion animation has changed over time. A big change is that the size of cameras used has deceased massively which means that the camera can now be moved around much easier so now a larger variety of camera angles can be used. The lecture also talks about ways that certain problems can solved such creating a trapdoor underneath the set of the cinder storage in Fantastic Mr Fox to get a low enough angle. Anthony mentions some of the materials he used for his animation some interesting ones where different cutouts of paper each frame and also using pieces of cereal to make structures. Throughout there are pictures of the whole workspace of the animators and the equipement used which will help me then I making future animations. MASTERCLASS TITLE Frame by Frame
  • 14. Guest Programme • I chose to watch this Guest program because I don't know a lot of about Indigenous societies. Some of the effects used in these films I may use in my FMP such as decreasing the frame rate of posturizing time to create a nauseating effect like in the third film. • The first film is a mixture on dance and a conversation between two character eating a meal. The two people eating are caricatures of white American couple. Personally I didn't understanding all of the things these characters said and found a lot of it unrealistic, of course these characters where exaggerated to be satirical. Also I don't know a lot about current relationship between white Americans and native Americans as I don't live in the USA. I thought the film was well paced but the dance sections could shortened. I live the lighting of the set and the camera angles worked well. The second film features a grandma who warns her granddaughter the dangerous of not fulfilling her desires because of societal pressures. The setting of this film is impressive and I like the drone shots. I thought that the acting wasn't great in this film though. The third film is about a woman walking through the forest and thinking the strength her ancestors to give her strength. The fourth film is about a deer hunter who is the raped by another hunter and is almost killed but then is able to beat the rapist to death with a bone. There are some interesting techniques in this film particularly one at 5 minutes 20 seconds where the frame rate is altered and the shutter speed is decreased. The fifth film was about a women who is banished from her home after getting into a car crash. I thought this film was well shot, especially the shot of the grass burning. The sixth film explains the importance of names to Seneca native Americans as it is needed to go to the afterlife. The story is pretty interesting although it is short. However the editing looks a bit unprofessional as the images transition don't smoothly into each other and the screen being split into images and a video breaks my immersion. The seventh film is about a woman suffering from alcoholism after the death of her father. I thought that this film had good editing although the story didn't really go anywhere. The final film didn't really have a narrative because the only dialogue in the film is a poem which is directly related to the visuals of the film. The best thing about this film is the soundtrack which is played at the beginning and the end. The visuals are also very good especially the effect the bokeh creates around the spirits. GUEST PROGRAMME TITLE Indigenous Cinema
  • 15. University Showcase • I will give a basic synopsis of the film I watched in this showcase. The first film was about a businessman who seemed unhappy which his life situation. I found that this film had good and interesting visuals although I think that too much of abstract visuals in film which leaves little focus on the character's emotions and so the meaning on these images didn't make sense to me. The second film was about an immigrant that is adopted by a family but then has to leave them. I thought this film was pretty boring because I have seen a lot of films with similar plot lines to this in other films convey in a more interesting way. I think the actors gave fairly convincing performances of their roles although ultimately the film doesn't do enough with its time. The third film is about a car accident and family that hates each other. I thought this was the strongest film of the collection due it have the best visual that also fit into the story more smoothly than the other films. I was also very impressed with the sound design and soundtrack of the film. I thought the ending with the ash falling from the sky and the characters looking upwards off screen. Shots of characters looking off screen in awe I have often seen this used at the end of films to create an divine or mystical element to the film and often used abruptly. A good example of this would be shot of the bells at the end of Breaking The Waves. The magical element is particulary noticable in the film I watch today due to the slow motion ash falling and unmoving characters. The fourth film is about french class on a ferry and smuggling a refugee to the country they travelling to. I am pretty should this film was played at last year's ASFF so I have seen it before. This film does a good job at creating tension. The fifth film is about an introverted man who's brother was wrongly put on trial and his mission to set up a club/movement for introverts. This is pretty original story and it is written in a way that makes it interesting. In terms of storyline I think this film was the most effective. The sixth film is detailed depiction of the journey of a group of refugees from Finland. It was interesting to see the different stages their journey from Finland and the film also does a good job at conveying the emotion for the characters. SHOWCASE TITLE School of film and television (Live channel 2) 13:30 to 15:30, Making films on micro budgets

Editor's Notes

  1. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  2. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  3. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  4. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  5. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  6. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  7. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  8. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  9. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  10. What was it about? What did you learn? How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  11. What was it about? What did you learn? How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  12. Why did you choose this programme? Briefly describe each of the films included in it. How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  13. Why did you choose this showcase? Briefly describe each of the films included in it. How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?