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Task Details
• Between 3rd-6th November you need to watch and discuss (in
this document)
• A minimum of 3 film collections a day between Wednesday and
Friday (p163-231).
• 3 days (WED-FRI) X 3 films = 9 film collections total (minimum).
• There are 14 genres total- you need to have watched films from at least 5
different genres (genre details p157-161).
• A minimum of 2 Masterclasses during the week (p66-93).
• A minimum of 1 University showcase (p52-55) (Full details- p99-
• A minimum of 1 Guest Programme (p117-142)
Task Details
• You will need to plan your time throughout the week accordingly to watch your chosen films and
• In the schedule- reference the genre of each film you have planned to watch and the page reference.
• Focus on films that are linked to your career interests, FMP ideas or planned University studies.
• Audio- Animation, Experimental etc
• Video Games- Animation, Experimental etc
• Print- Advertising, Documentary etc
• Try to choose films that are relevant to your individual essay topic and feed it into the essay as
additional research.
• Your pass will last the full duration of the festival until Sunday 8th Nov so watch as much as you
want. This document just details the minimum of what we need you to do.
• Add extra slides as necessary (for watching additional films, showcases etc).
• When you are done delete all the BLUE slides and upload to website in the
PROGRESSION section. This will be marked and contributes to your
submissions so must be completed properly.
Task Details
• Create something…
• An infographic about the different films they've watched - include key info about the
• An infographic about one film they watched that tells the narrative and talks about
techniques used.
1. Advertising
2. Animation
3. Artist’s Films
4. Comedy
5. Dance
6. Drama
7. Documentary
8. Experimental
9. Family Friendly
10. Fashion
11. Narrative Feature
12. Documentary Feature
13. Music Video
14. Thriller
EXAMPLE Schedule
FILM COLLECTION 1 Animation 1 (p175) Advertising 1 (p187) Comedy 4 (p200)
FILM COLLECTION 2 Documentary 1 (p76) Animation 4 (p191) Dance 2 (p201)
FILM COLLECTION 3 Drama 1 (p178) Artists Film 1 (p192) Documentary 4
Reflections (p67 –
Inspirational Cinema
(p71 – 12am)
University of Lincoln
(p104 – 10am)
GUEST PROGRAMME Indigenous Cinema
Advertising 1
Fashion 2
Pg 206
Thriller 3
Comedy 4
FILM COLLECTION 3 Music video 2
Comedy 2
Thriller 1
MASTERCLASS Bbc writers room Reframing the
University of Lincoln
GUEST PROGRAMME Tales from isolation
Films 1
I really liked the mise en scene of this music video, it was actually more of a short movie than a music video in
my opinion, it tells the story of a motorbike racer who always comes second place, it switches between him
training to him in an interview where the interviewer is making it very apparent that no one really cares about
him because he is always second while he sits next to him with a frown. It breaks off into a field with a dark
background where he is alone and then all of a sudden his rival shows up who always gets first place, he is
dancing in a way that is almost aggressive like he's laughing at him. There is a lot of emotion shown in this field
area and it is all done with no speech. The music video ends where he is riding his bike towards the finish
presumably and his rival is unconscious on the floor next to his burning bike, instead of driving off and getting
his first 1st place, he stops and puts his rival on the bike. The song ends and it cuts back to the interview where
there is real audio, his rival is welcomed onto the stage with crutches and a broken arm and the main character
goes back to looking sad as everyone cheers for his rival more. I loved how much story was fit into this small
music video, it feels like id watched a movie with a good amount of plot but there was only a few minutes of
film in reality, I wish to have this same affect with my work when I make things in the future. The video also
broke down a lot of stereotypes very subtly, these being that they are portrayed as macho biker males that love
competition and want to win more than anything and they hate each other cause there rivals, but then it turns
out that they actually care about each other and it is more important to the main character that his rival is safe
than him getting the win he so dearly wants. Most people will look through this and just think wow that’s not
what I thought would happen but I think the fact they are bikers and both very masculine looking was chosen
on purpose to give the viewer an idea of what they would be like before they even know anything about them
and that is good writing in my eyes and I would want to make my content be similar in the way it portrays
Adventure - Monster Rally Music video
Films 2
This fashion video was hard to watch but I couldn’t look away, it was
laid out like a an instruction manual explaining now to look after plants
but there was a lot of made up stuff thrown in and the imagery was
amazingly weird, it was almost like watching an aliens guide to farming.
The outfits shown throughout the video where very green with a lot of
actual plants being incorporated into them, this shows that the fashion
is more runway than anything and is just supposed to be a showcase of
weird and wonderful outfits, but presenting these normally is hard so
what they have done here made it very entertaining to watch and also
allowed them to show off the outfits well and basically just allow the
models to pose in different positions for a few minutes while still giving
it some story.
My Love is Epiphyllum Fashion
Films 3
Reason was a very weird foreign animation that was about paper people in a paper town, every
close up is filmed in real life too. This made the animation great to watch as it wasn’t just the same
old same old, it was incredibly smooth and well animated too considering the characters where
paper cut-outs. Reason tackled a lot of issues as well as providing a comedic ending which really
showed how our society is. The main story is that in a small town everyone thinks there is an old
witch, she isn’t a witch but people just make things up and spread fake news, the main characters a
woman and her daughter speak up and say they are all crazy and that witches aren’t real. The
ending of the animation shows the mother and daughter at a park, the mother takes a phone call
and the daughter walks over to the witches house and scares herself trips over her shoelace and
knocks herself unconscious, we don’t find that out until the last scene, the mother sees her
unconscious daughter and assumes the witch has done it, the town then burns the old woman over
a pile of sticks while everyone watches, the mother starts typing in the police phone number then
stops as she remembers what the witch did to her daughter, then we see the clip of the girl tripping
over her shoelace. The animations is talking about the issues we have at the moment, where people
will spread fake information and rumours about people or groups of people and it will get to the
point where they will receive death threats or even be killed all because of fake information. This
animation described this really well and would also be good for children to see to help them
understand the power that comes with spreading fake information and hating people just on what
you’ve heard, it is very powerful and very unique.
Reason animation
Films 4
A fished up life is a very short advert about a man who buys a hair
product that grows a fish in his head, its very funny for what it is and
made me laugh more than the comedy animations, the morel of the
story is to not buy something that is too good to be true because the
hair product he is buying is like a miracle hair shampoo. There isn’t
much to say about this, the fish was well animated and it was funny
and eye catching.
A Fished Up Life Advert
Films 5
Talk radio is a good comedy that really shows what you can make while on a
budget, the main plot is an old woman is listening to a radio show where
people discuss relationship issues, she thinks her husband is on the line
saying how much he basically hates her, he then comes back in the house,
she murders him and then the radio comes back on with the same guest and
turns out it wasn’t her husband. the budget for this short movie must have
been basically free but it was very professional and felt like something that
would play before a movie in a cinema like advertising a full movie, it didn’t
feel like a short movie someone had produced at home, this was primarily
because the acting was great and the script was written perfectly. I want to
improve my writing to be able to make something this good as now I have
seen it is possible to make very professional movies with 0 budget.
Talk Radio Comedy
Films 6
Hungry joe was genuinely disturbing and I wish I never watched it. The movie was quite long and from
what I can tell was low budget but definitely had some money put into it, I cant explain how
uncomfortable the audio and close ups in this movie made me feel. The movie is about a mother and
farther who have a child called joe, the dad leaves pretty soon after he is born and the mother is left with
him, he has an appetite that cant be satisfied and he eats everything in site all the time, it isn’t bad at the
start its just a little unsavoury to look at as he is always covered in food and the audio is incredibly
detailed while he Is eating, it is when he is an adult ant eating live animals and his own mothers vomit
that the movie becomes hard to watch. The movie ends with him mother committing suicide because she
cant live with it anymore and joe eating his mothers body… for a 20 minute fairly low budget movie, I did
not expect this, ive never seen a thriller that has been this disturbing ever and I have seen a lot of thriller
movies, since it is set in England in a low income area it gives it more of a real feel to it and the acting by
both joe and his mother is impeccable, there is a scene where he is covered in food eating more food
than 20 people should eat and he says “love you mum” while sat between his boxes of food in a dark
food filled room that looks disgusting just after having to listen to him eating incredibly loudly in detail,
this is followed by his mum projectile vomiting on to the table because of how disgusting he is. She goes
away to get a towel to clean it and when she comes back he is on all fours on the table eating the vomit,
this whole 2 minute sequence was hard to watch and both joe and the mother acted to well that it felt
real I hope I never create anything this disturbing but what I learned from this is how much more
affective things are when they are realistic and believable and have good actors
Hungry Joe Thriller
Films 7
After watching all of the movies from the comedy 4 section this is the best
one and its still bad, there was nothing funny in any of these and its not just
that it wasn’t my type pf humour there was just genuinely no comedy, no
twist ending no jokes no funny characters, nothing. That being said greasy
spoon is about 2 British lads that meet up to get a good English fry up from a
dirty restaurant and when they get there it starts slowly becoming a hipster
café, the menu changes the atmosphere slowly changes even his friend
changes, the main character thinks he is going insane because he remembers
it being a cheap British breakfast place and by the end it is an expensive
vegan hipster cafe. Now if this was written well it could have been funny but
the way it was written made it out like it was a movie about a man with
dementia who thinks hes slowly going insane, it was more sad and confusing
than funny. There is nothing in this movie that I enjoyed or would want to
copy and this was the best movie out of the 5 available in comedy 4.
Greasy Spoon comedy
Films 8
Similar to my last slide I watched all of the thrillers in this category and none
of them where very good, cru chef did have an aspect of unease to it
however so I will talk about this one. It is basically a documentary about a
rich girl who wants to work in a kitchen that is very pristine and hard working
and she ends up messing up and getting her own blood into a sauce, she
runs out to tell them not to eat it but says nothing and goes back, the head
chefs tells her to go home as she just caused a scene, she then tastes the
sauce with the blood and says to get back to work and make more of it, the
girl walks away with lots of blood dripping from her hand. The only thriller
element was that I thought she was going to bleed out but there wasn’t
much else going on here, it is kind of just how kitchens work, I mean I work
in a kitchen myself and its basically the same but a little bit less chaotic. I
think thriller is the worn genre for this and it would have been better as a
documentary of some sort.
Cru chef one Thriller
Films 9
A club called Rhonda was a short video of interviews with people who
attend a club called Rhonda, it is a club where anyone is welcome and
can express themselves however they want. The video was good, it
fealt like watching an LSD trip because of the lights and the costumes
but it weas very entrancing and almost fealt like an advertisement to
the club, after watching that I actualy want to go and ive never wanted
to go to a club in my life. I think that’s quite impressive that a video can
do that. The main theme is the fashion however, it is about a lot of men
that can basically just where what they want without being judged, the
fashion was good and the lighting and backdrops where amazing, it
managed to showcase good fashion, advertise the club and also
promotes individuality.
A Club Called Rhonda fashion
Masterclass 1
• It is about writing a good script
• A script need to be creative and imaginative but it needs to be new and of your own creation, not just copying something
that worked.
• Show don’t tell, don’t explain anything just show through your characters
• Story needs to have a good hook, hit the ground running
• If your struggling to write part of the script then your characters aren’t developed enough yet
• Great stories start in the middle, no backstory
• Characters must be emotionally compelling, your audience must want to spend time with them and watch them
• Characters need to have active journeys and desires, must have something they want and must have, even if they
encounter obstacles
• Cliches are the death of a characters, need to write a character that is real to you and you must know the rules of your
world and how your character acts in it
• Cliché narrative kills a story, a story shouldn’t be predictable, even if your story isn’t original it must have an original take
• Must have an inevitable end but the journey should not be predictable
Bbc writers room
Masterclass 2
• Events and cinema ticks should be available for people with no money and stats show that letting the
audience pay what they can will actually make you more money as the host
• Cinemas are classist and racist for not showing movies for all types of people
• There are small websites where you can watch iPlayer with other people and this is good
• You will only succeed in this industry if you come from a middle class or high background
• Making someone disclose that they are on benefits in order to give them a cheaper ticket is a bad thing and
you should just trust people
Disclaimer this is what she actually said in the hour and I think most of it was useless, I wanted to learn how we
can actually make the industry more accessible to people from lower class backgrounds, how we reshape the
industry to actually allow people of colour in and how we stop the industry from being ruled by old white men.
The masterclass seemed to be more of a rant than information. There was a whole tangent where she said that
cinemas don’t show Bollywood films and now she cant take her grandma to the cinema. She also said that
anyone with the internet is basically privileged and people without wifi cant watch things, this is completely
untrue because there are lots of places where you can get free wifi, if you cared enough about film you could
go to a McDonald and use their Wi-Fi to download movies off iPlayer and watch them at home. Maybe my
opinion doesn’t matter because I have access to internet but I think anybody is able to watch movies, and we
all know there are illegal websites where you can watch movies for free, most people with money do that so I
think if you cant afford Netflix there is always alternatives.
Reframing the industry
University Showcase
I chose this as I want to see what can be made on a budget, it think especially for a college student, being able to see what
you can produce with little to no money can be very helpful and it was. I am not going to talk about the animations or the
movies that where medium budget in this showcase as they don’t help me in any way, but for the record they where very
enjoyable to watch. Shelter was the first movie in the line-up and was filmed in a house, that is it 3 rooms 3 actors no
expenses. The movie is about 2 homeless men who break into a fancy house while the owners are away, the younger man is
sceptical and wants to ste3al some food and run while the older man takes charge and decides he will sleep the night and
enjoy a bed for the first time in years. Upon waking they find a man at the door who is there to fix the boiler, the younger
man tries to explain to him what to do as if he was the home owner while the older man is nowhere to be seen, eventually
he comes downstairs and attacks the boiler man, the movie ends with the 2 of them in a predicament where if they run there
will be a man hunt but they cant stay ether. The acting was very good by the older man in this and it really made it feel real or
at least not like it was made by students, the younger mans acting wasn’t as good but it was still believable. This made me
see that you can create a good story and plot with absolutely nothing but good writing and it has opened my eyes to what is
really possible. The next movie that really stood out to me was “Rich” the movie was about an old man who is dying of
cancer and refusing treatment, his wife is already dead and he has accepted that he is ready to go meet her again, the movie
has 3 main places, a hospital, his house and a church, all of these places are free to access and im sure the people in there
would allow you to film for free if the day was quiet. Rich is worried about dying for 1 reason and it is leaving behind his carer
Elizabeth, the main story is him trying to explain to her why he isn’t taking the treatment and that he is ready to pass away.
The story is quite sad and talks about a lot of issues, for a 15 minute movie it talked about out a lot and was very moving and
by the end you felt like everything had come to an end. I really enjoyed this and it made me think that there are other places
where you can film for free and there are a lot of issues that you can talk about. This movie broadened my horizons of what I
thought was possible when making a movie and it has stemmed a lot of new film ideas in me for things I could make in the
future or just for fun to add to my file things I have produced.
World Class Filmmaking: Making More
with Less
Presented by University of Lincoln
Guest Programme

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Asff 2020

  • 2. Task Details • Between 3rd-6th November you need to watch and discuss (in this document) • A minimum of 3 film collections a day between Wednesday and Friday (p163-231). • 3 days (WED-FRI) X 3 films = 9 film collections total (minimum). • There are 14 genres total- you need to have watched films from at least 5 different genres (genre details p157-161). • A minimum of 2 Masterclasses during the week (p66-93). • A minimum of 1 University showcase (p52-55) (Full details- p99- 115) • A minimum of 1 Guest Programme (p117-142)
  • 3. Task Details • You will need to plan your time throughout the week accordingly to watch your chosen films and seminars. • In the schedule- reference the genre of each film you have planned to watch and the page reference. • Focus on films that are linked to your career interests, FMP ideas or planned University studies. • Audio- Animation, Experimental etc • Video Games- Animation, Experimental etc • Print- Advertising, Documentary etc • Try to choose films that are relevant to your individual essay topic and feed it into the essay as additional research. • Your pass will last the full duration of the festival until Sunday 8th Nov so watch as much as you want. This document just details the minimum of what we need you to do. • Add extra slides as necessary (for watching additional films, showcases etc). • When you are done delete all the BLUE slides and upload to website in the PROGRESSION section. This will be marked and contributes to your submissions so must be completed properly.
  • 4. Task Details • EXTENSION (VOLUNTARY) • Create something… • An infographic about the different films they've watched - include key info about the film/story/makers. • An infographic about one film they watched that tells the narrative and talks about techniques used.
  • 5. Genres 1. Advertising 2. Animation 3. Artist’s Films 4. Comedy 5. Dance 6. Drama 7. Documentary 8. Experimental 9. Family Friendly 10. Fashion 11. Narrative Feature 12. Documentary Feature 13. Music Video 14. Thriller
  • 6. EXAMPLE Schedule TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY FILM COLLECTION 1 Animation 1 (p175) Advertising 1 (p187) Comedy 4 (p200) FILM COLLECTION 2 Documentary 1 (p76) Animation 4 (p191) Dance 2 (p201) FILM COLLECTION 3 Drama 1 (p178) Artists Film 1 (p192) Documentary 4 (p203) MASTERCLASS Memory and Reflections (p67 – 10:30am) Inspirational Cinema (p71 – 12am) UNIVERSITY SHOWCASE University of Lincoln (p104 – 10am) GUEST PROGRAMME Indigenous Cinema (p118)
  • 7.
  • 8. Schedule TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY FILM COLLECTION 1 Fashion 1 pg181 Advertising 1 pg187 Fashion 2 Pg 206 FILM COLLECTION 2 Animation 1 pg175 Thriller 3 pg196 Comedy 4 pg200 FILM COLLECTION 3 Music video 2 pg183 Comedy 2 pg193 Thriller 1 pg208 MASTERCLASS Bbc writers room Reframing the industry UNIVERSITY SHOWCASE University of Lincoln GUEST PROGRAMME Tales from isolation pg122
  • 9. Films 1 I really liked the mise en scene of this music video, it was actually more of a short movie than a music video in my opinion, it tells the story of a motorbike racer who always comes second place, it switches between him training to him in an interview where the interviewer is making it very apparent that no one really cares about him because he is always second while he sits next to him with a frown. It breaks off into a field with a dark background where he is alone and then all of a sudden his rival shows up who always gets first place, he is dancing in a way that is almost aggressive like he's laughing at him. There is a lot of emotion shown in this field area and it is all done with no speech. The music video ends where he is riding his bike towards the finish presumably and his rival is unconscious on the floor next to his burning bike, instead of driving off and getting his first 1st place, he stops and puts his rival on the bike. The song ends and it cuts back to the interview where there is real audio, his rival is welcomed onto the stage with crutches and a broken arm and the main character goes back to looking sad as everyone cheers for his rival more. I loved how much story was fit into this small music video, it feels like id watched a movie with a good amount of plot but there was only a few minutes of film in reality, I wish to have this same affect with my work when I make things in the future. The video also broke down a lot of stereotypes very subtly, these being that they are portrayed as macho biker males that love competition and want to win more than anything and they hate each other cause there rivals, but then it turns out that they actually care about each other and it is more important to the main character that his rival is safe than him getting the win he so dearly wants. Most people will look through this and just think wow that’s not what I thought would happen but I think the fact they are bikers and both very masculine looking was chosen on purpose to give the viewer an idea of what they would be like before they even know anything about them and that is good writing in my eyes and I would want to make my content be similar in the way it portrays people FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Adventure - Monster Rally Music video
  • 10. Films 2 This fashion video was hard to watch but I couldn’t look away, it was laid out like a an instruction manual explaining now to look after plants but there was a lot of made up stuff thrown in and the imagery was amazingly weird, it was almost like watching an aliens guide to farming. The outfits shown throughout the video where very green with a lot of actual plants being incorporated into them, this shows that the fashion is more runway than anything and is just supposed to be a showcase of weird and wonderful outfits, but presenting these normally is hard so what they have done here made it very entertaining to watch and also allowed them to show off the outfits well and basically just allow the models to pose in different positions for a few minutes while still giving it some story. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE My Love is Epiphyllum Fashion
  • 11. Films 3 Reason was a very weird foreign animation that was about paper people in a paper town, every close up is filmed in real life too. This made the animation great to watch as it wasn’t just the same old same old, it was incredibly smooth and well animated too considering the characters where paper cut-outs. Reason tackled a lot of issues as well as providing a comedic ending which really showed how our society is. The main story is that in a small town everyone thinks there is an old witch, she isn’t a witch but people just make things up and spread fake news, the main characters a woman and her daughter speak up and say they are all crazy and that witches aren’t real. The ending of the animation shows the mother and daughter at a park, the mother takes a phone call and the daughter walks over to the witches house and scares herself trips over her shoelace and knocks herself unconscious, we don’t find that out until the last scene, the mother sees her unconscious daughter and assumes the witch has done it, the town then burns the old woman over a pile of sticks while everyone watches, the mother starts typing in the police phone number then stops as she remembers what the witch did to her daughter, then we see the clip of the girl tripping over her shoelace. The animations is talking about the issues we have at the moment, where people will spread fake information and rumours about people or groups of people and it will get to the point where they will receive death threats or even be killed all because of fake information. This animation described this really well and would also be good for children to see to help them understand the power that comes with spreading fake information and hating people just on what you’ve heard, it is very powerful and very unique. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Reason animation
  • 12. Films 4 A fished up life is a very short advert about a man who buys a hair product that grows a fish in his head, its very funny for what it is and made me laugh more than the comedy animations, the morel of the story is to not buy something that is too good to be true because the hair product he is buying is like a miracle hair shampoo. There isn’t much to say about this, the fish was well animated and it was funny and eye catching. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE A Fished Up Life Advert
  • 13. Films 5 Talk radio is a good comedy that really shows what you can make while on a budget, the main plot is an old woman is listening to a radio show where people discuss relationship issues, she thinks her husband is on the line saying how much he basically hates her, he then comes back in the house, she murders him and then the radio comes back on with the same guest and turns out it wasn’t her husband. the budget for this short movie must have been basically free but it was very professional and felt like something that would play before a movie in a cinema like advertising a full movie, it didn’t feel like a short movie someone had produced at home, this was primarily because the acting was great and the script was written perfectly. I want to improve my writing to be able to make something this good as now I have seen it is possible to make very professional movies with 0 budget. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Talk Radio Comedy
  • 14. Films 6 Hungry joe was genuinely disturbing and I wish I never watched it. The movie was quite long and from what I can tell was low budget but definitely had some money put into it, I cant explain how uncomfortable the audio and close ups in this movie made me feel. The movie is about a mother and farther who have a child called joe, the dad leaves pretty soon after he is born and the mother is left with him, he has an appetite that cant be satisfied and he eats everything in site all the time, it isn’t bad at the start its just a little unsavoury to look at as he is always covered in food and the audio is incredibly detailed while he Is eating, it is when he is an adult ant eating live animals and his own mothers vomit that the movie becomes hard to watch. The movie ends with him mother committing suicide because she cant live with it anymore and joe eating his mothers body… for a 20 minute fairly low budget movie, I did not expect this, ive never seen a thriller that has been this disturbing ever and I have seen a lot of thriller movies, since it is set in England in a low income area it gives it more of a real feel to it and the acting by both joe and his mother is impeccable, there is a scene where he is covered in food eating more food than 20 people should eat and he says “love you mum” while sat between his boxes of food in a dark food filled room that looks disgusting just after having to listen to him eating incredibly loudly in detail, this is followed by his mum projectile vomiting on to the table because of how disgusting he is. She goes away to get a towel to clean it and when she comes back he is on all fours on the table eating the vomit, this whole 2 minute sequence was hard to watch and both joe and the mother acted to well that it felt real I hope I never create anything this disturbing but what I learned from this is how much more affective things are when they are realistic and believable and have good actors FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Hungry Joe Thriller
  • 15. Films 7 After watching all of the movies from the comedy 4 section this is the best one and its still bad, there was nothing funny in any of these and its not just that it wasn’t my type pf humour there was just genuinely no comedy, no twist ending no jokes no funny characters, nothing. That being said greasy spoon is about 2 British lads that meet up to get a good English fry up from a dirty restaurant and when they get there it starts slowly becoming a hipster café, the menu changes the atmosphere slowly changes even his friend changes, the main character thinks he is going insane because he remembers it being a cheap British breakfast place and by the end it is an expensive vegan hipster cafe. Now if this was written well it could have been funny but the way it was written made it out like it was a movie about a man with dementia who thinks hes slowly going insane, it was more sad and confusing than funny. There is nothing in this movie that I enjoyed or would want to copy and this was the best movie out of the 5 available in comedy 4. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Greasy Spoon comedy
  • 16. Films 8 Similar to my last slide I watched all of the thrillers in this category and none of them where very good, cru chef did have an aspect of unease to it however so I will talk about this one. It is basically a documentary about a rich girl who wants to work in a kitchen that is very pristine and hard working and she ends up messing up and getting her own blood into a sauce, she runs out to tell them not to eat it but says nothing and goes back, the head chefs tells her to go home as she just caused a scene, she then tastes the sauce with the blood and says to get back to work and make more of it, the girl walks away with lots of blood dripping from her hand. The only thriller element was that I thought she was going to bleed out but there wasn’t much else going on here, it is kind of just how kitchens work, I mean I work in a kitchen myself and its basically the same but a little bit less chaotic. I think thriller is the worn genre for this and it would have been better as a documentary of some sort. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Cru chef one Thriller
  • 17. Films 9 A club called Rhonda was a short video of interviews with people who attend a club called Rhonda, it is a club where anyone is welcome and can express themselves however they want. The video was good, it fealt like watching an LSD trip because of the lights and the costumes but it weas very entrancing and almost fealt like an advertisement to the club, after watching that I actualy want to go and ive never wanted to go to a club in my life. I think that’s quite impressive that a video can do that. The main theme is the fashion however, it is about a lot of men that can basically just where what they want without being judged, the fashion was good and the lighting and backdrops where amazing, it managed to showcase good fashion, advertise the club and also promotes individuality. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE A Club Called Rhonda fashion
  • 18. Masterclass 1 • It is about writing a good script • A script need to be creative and imaginative but it needs to be new and of your own creation, not just copying something that worked. • Show don’t tell, don’t explain anything just show through your characters • Story needs to have a good hook, hit the ground running • If your struggling to write part of the script then your characters aren’t developed enough yet • Great stories start in the middle, no backstory • Characters must be emotionally compelling, your audience must want to spend time with them and watch them • Characters need to have active journeys and desires, must have something they want and must have, even if they encounter obstacles • Cliches are the death of a characters, need to write a character that is real to you and you must know the rules of your world and how your character acts in it • Cliché narrative kills a story, a story shouldn’t be predictable, even if your story isn’t original it must have an original take • Must have an inevitable end but the journey should not be predictable MASTERCLASS TITLE Bbc writers room
  • 19. Masterclass 2 • Events and cinema ticks should be available for people with no money and stats show that letting the audience pay what they can will actually make you more money as the host • Cinemas are classist and racist for not showing movies for all types of people • There are small websites where you can watch iPlayer with other people and this is good • You will only succeed in this industry if you come from a middle class or high background • Making someone disclose that they are on benefits in order to give them a cheaper ticket is a bad thing and you should just trust people Disclaimer this is what she actually said in the hour and I think most of it was useless, I wanted to learn how we can actually make the industry more accessible to people from lower class backgrounds, how we reshape the industry to actually allow people of colour in and how we stop the industry from being ruled by old white men. The masterclass seemed to be more of a rant than information. There was a whole tangent where she said that cinemas don’t show Bollywood films and now she cant take her grandma to the cinema. She also said that anyone with the internet is basically privileged and people without wifi cant watch things, this is completely untrue because there are lots of places where you can get free wifi, if you cared enough about film you could go to a McDonald and use their Wi-Fi to download movies off iPlayer and watch them at home. Maybe my opinion doesn’t matter because I have access to internet but I think anybody is able to watch movies, and we all know there are illegal websites where you can watch movies for free, most people with money do that so I think if you cant afford Netflix there is always alternatives. MASTERCLASS TITLE Reframing the industry
  • 20. University Showcase I chose this as I want to see what can be made on a budget, it think especially for a college student, being able to see what you can produce with little to no money can be very helpful and it was. I am not going to talk about the animations or the movies that where medium budget in this showcase as they don’t help me in any way, but for the record they where very enjoyable to watch. Shelter was the first movie in the line-up and was filmed in a house, that is it 3 rooms 3 actors no expenses. The movie is about 2 homeless men who break into a fancy house while the owners are away, the younger man is sceptical and wants to ste3al some food and run while the older man takes charge and decides he will sleep the night and enjoy a bed for the first time in years. Upon waking they find a man at the door who is there to fix the boiler, the younger man tries to explain to him what to do as if he was the home owner while the older man is nowhere to be seen, eventually he comes downstairs and attacks the boiler man, the movie ends with the 2 of them in a predicament where if they run there will be a man hunt but they cant stay ether. The acting was very good by the older man in this and it really made it feel real or at least not like it was made by students, the younger mans acting wasn’t as good but it was still believable. This made me see that you can create a good story and plot with absolutely nothing but good writing and it has opened my eyes to what is really possible. The next movie that really stood out to me was “Rich” the movie was about an old man who is dying of cancer and refusing treatment, his wife is already dead and he has accepted that he is ready to go meet her again, the movie has 3 main places, a hospital, his house and a church, all of these places are free to access and im sure the people in there would allow you to film for free if the day was quiet. Rich is worried about dying for 1 reason and it is leaving behind his carer Elizabeth, the main story is him trying to explain to her why he isn’t taking the treatment and that he is ready to pass away. The story is quite sad and talks about a lot of issues, for a 15 minute movie it talked about out a lot and was very moving and by the end you felt like everything had come to an end. I really enjoyed this and it made me think that there are other places where you can film for free and there are a lot of issues that you can talk about. This movie broadened my horizons of what I thought was possible when making a movie and it has stemmed a lot of new film ideas in me for things I could make in the future or just for fun to add to my file things I have produced. SHOWCASE TITLE World Class Filmmaking: Making More with Less Presented by University of Lincoln

Editor's Notes

  1. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  2. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  3. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  4. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  5. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  6. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  7. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  8. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  9. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  10. What was it about? What did you learn? How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  11. What was it about? What did you learn? How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  12. Why did you choose this showcase? Briefly describe each of the films included in it. How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  13. Why did you choose this programme? Briefly describe each of the films included in it. How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?